#dont the people in twilight sparkle in the sun
hearthtrob · 6 months
What if i was a vampire?
bite me and sparkle in the sun and let me stare in awe
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dateamonster · 8 months
hi I know we’ve stopped talking about vampires for a while but may I add that I think the sparkles in twilight are actually pretty cool? You see an undead creature in broad daylight and sun renders them as they truly are, unreal and dead eyed as glass. But they distract you with the. Sparkling
no for sure i agree! i think its like. complicated for me. because i think stephanie meyer kinda kneecapped an otherwise interesting monster concept by trying to cram it into the pre existing framework of the vampire and specifically the seductive vampire love interest archetype when whatever shes cooking here just does not gel with that.
like genuinely i think the idea of a predatory monster with the ability to draw in victims with unnatural beauty, who sticks to the shadows not out of fear of the light but because daylight exposes them as a sparkling lure, an uncanny facsimile of humanity, is really cool. i dont even necessarily mind it as an alternate take on the seductive vampire. but like edward. is not that character. hes this hyper christian teenage fantasy of a guy who is constantly and innately tempted to sin hurt you but fights it because he loves you. and i just dont think you can do That and also do The Most Dangerous Predator at the same time. at least not like effectively without one undermining the other.
and it sucks bc i do think theres an interesting story to be had there but meyer just did not have the guts for it, because it would require her to like acknowledge and engage with edwards actual underlying predatory habits instead of just having him angst about how hes a killer while hes out there feeding from like. deer. so the actual scary stuff like his crazy possessive streak gets painted as normal and romantic while the extremely basic shit paint-by-numbers vampire shit like being able to smell peoples blood gets presented as if its a genuine and dangerous obstacle to their relationship.
tldr stephanie was maybe cooking with the sparkly shit but she forgot to add any seasoning rip
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malevolantkitcheen · 6 months
halloo!! halloo!! hhiiii!! helloooo xDDD !! HOW R U??? R U DOING OK?? Hopefully u are!!! >_< i apologize in advance if my writing is incoherent, i js got home from uni, im tired asl.. :P u can do sfw w a mix of nsfw ffirst of allll things since i heard ur doing matchups for jjk heres some stuf abt me :DDD im andre, ppl usually call me ray ray though im a guy.. (shocker) i like guys too (shocker) as for what i look like im 5'3 (i know), im somewhat chubby? idk how to describe it, its like ur normal but u have some squish and fat on u ykwim. one thing i like about myself is that ive got an hourglass figure :D I like my curves even if im a guy if that makes sense. im like a semi tan. i grew my hair out, neck length. layered, looks like a.. uh.. an overgrown wolf cut. my bangs look like twilight sparkle's lmao. anyways, i always liked wearing feminine things, sometimes i can be masculine, js sometimes. i put on makeup MOST OF THE TIMEEE. my wardrobe is filled with mini skirts and rhinestone belts and all that cool stuff. i like dressing up ok..
as for my personality im an infp. but to go deeper into it.. i like people, i js dk how to make friends, its so bad that i dont even have online friends.... butttt my 2 friends often describe me as a ray of sunshine :33 probably why they call me ray ray. i care a lot for my friends.. i rarely get mad.. i like everyone!!! js not my parents. i have daddy and mommy issues (shocker). i like yapping too, i talk a lotttt about my interests. IM A HUGE NERD WHEN IT COMES TO WHAT I LIKE. i can talk about it for hours and hours without my mouth feelin dry. i like music too. i listen to brutal death metal, and vocaloid >_< thats all really... hav a greatttt dayyyyyy!!!!!!
Good afternoon lovely, I hope you’re doing good! I’m doing okay :3 (also, great music taste 🙏)
For Jujutsu-Kaisen, I match you with….
Kento Nanami
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- Nanami first noticed you at a passing glance, whilst you were sat having coffee with your friends. You were deep in conversation and were very visibly extremely interested in what you were talking about. He didn’t really recognise you so he just assumed that you had just moved into the city; he was pretty good at recognising and observing people. There was just something about you that intrigued him, something that drew him in. Of course he couldn’t just stray away from his routine due to him working but he planned on coming back the next day, in hopes that you would be there again. He was desperate even just to share a glance with you. Anything would suffice.
- The next morning on the way into the city, Nanami ensured that he passed that same coffee shop, and as hoped, there you were, once again conversing with your friends, the sun beaming down onto you. It highlighted every detail, every angle, every crease from your smile on your face. Nanami couldn’t help but stare, blushing as he did so. Only this time, you could feel someones eyes on you, causing you to turn to meet his eyes. You gave him a sweet smile, causing him to quickly turn away and carry on with his walk. You couldn’t help but think about this all day; who was he and why hadn’t you seen him before?
- This exchange continued to happen for the next couple of days until he finally mustered the courage to actually come and speak to you. You were in the queue, about to pay for you drink when you turned to see Nanami stood beside you: “We’ll also take a small black coffee with that”. Before you can even utter another word he had already paid. Of course you thanked him but you were a little set back by the whole situation as you weren’t expecting it. You weren’t complaining that you finally got to be around him, you just didn’t think that you would actually see the day.
- Nanami couldn’t help but glance from your eyes to your lips as the two of you spoke, his mind continuously wandering. You noticed it of course, never failing to fluster each and every time, just hoping that it would become more than just a glance, causing you to stutter every time you opened your mouth. “Something wrong hm?” , he says smiling to himself.
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trshpando · 4 years
Rewriting Twilight (2009) cause I’m bored
- I may or may not be looking into this as a modern thing bc fuck the 2000s lmfaoooo so let’s say... 2017? that works right ?
- Okay, starting off, can we pLEASE give Renee a better reason for ABANDONING HER TEENAGE DAUGHTER? literally just the while leaving to be on the road thing just, pisses me off so badly
- okay okay okay hold on if i have to go into that route to fit with the story🙄 can we at least do it so that renee and phil take bella to forks instead of just being like “yup here’s your plane ticket see ya whenever” like renee at least takes bella and helps her settle in, even if she and charlie aren’t on the best of terms they’ll get along for their daughter
- growing up, charlie was way more involved with bella. she would spent several weeks during summer with him in forks, and the occasional time in several other places given that charlie got the time off
- while in forks, bella and charlie would spend time with the blacks; billy, rebecca, rachel, and jacob. she and the twins were closer than she and jacob ever would be, but the four of them were always disappointed when bella had to return to arizona
- bella and renee were like a perfect lil mother-daughter duo up until bella realized how lonely her mother was and encouraged her to date. although she was the one to encourage her, there was an immediate shift in their relationship
- when bella moved to forks, she hadn’t seen charlie for years—having decided herself to just, stop visiting. the few days renee was spending in forks with her were very much, as the kids say, awkward as fuck
- the boys in the high school weren’t just, so attracted to her? like have you been a new kid in a school? you’re the interest for like a week or two and then everybody is like eh whatever
- she still met mike, jessica, and angela and whoever the other guy is, um his name isn’t on the wiki so pardon me and they are absolute best friends, minus mike who 100% has a crush on her from the moment he sees her
- jessica, angela and bella totally have girl nights and you cannot tell me otherwise i mean theyre 17 ofc theyre gonna have girl nights and hangouts all the time
- jessica and angela help bella settle into the school, angela actually asks for bellas help for tips for the newspaper from time to time
- bella and edward are intrigued with one another but after that one day in science (biology? idk science class let’s go) bella thought he was kind of a massive dick and didn’t want anything to do with him, especially after jessica mentioned that he was totally closed off from everyone except his family
- okay fr cullen time
- i 100% am keeping the stories of emmett rosalie esme and carlisle cause yes
- one thing i do want to change, my girl rosalie is poc<3 fuck that white cullen vampire bullshit
- jasper was nOT a confederate soldier, fUCK THAT he was drafted, upset about it, but he still tried his best to make his country proud—which maria took advantage of.
- alice is poc too<3 we love poc women in this home<3<3
- (im only saying poc the rest is up to you<3>)
- can we pUHLEASE have the cullens act like regular people? instead of “oh those foster siblings and their love lives, oh dr cullen adopt me pls” can it be like, yeah carlisle and esme are foster parents and the only ones they’ve really “adopted” are edward and alice. rosalie and jasper are twins, and they just kind of have permission to live with the cullens and then emmett comes from let’s say an abusive home and the cullens were like wow fuck that shit we give you shelter AND THATS LESS WEIRD THAN FOSTER SIBLING LOVE
- okay back to regular programming
- edward still saves bella from getting crushed, and bella tries to talk to him about it but after edward is rude once again bella just says fuck you and bounces off
- jessica angela and bella say fuck boys and decide to do a girls group to prom bc my girls are besties
- edward knows that bella is his mate but he is pushing her away bc of her being human and he’s hurting bc of it
- despite his protests, alice befriends bella on her own and becomes close to her, with bella even inviting alice to join her and the girls to girls night — alice 100% tries to invite rosalie, but she only goes when she has nothing to do
- victoria james and laurent are still 100% tracking the cullens
- jessica angela bella alice and rosalie all go dress shopping. rosalie goes for the dresses while alice goes to watch over bella for edward. bella still detaches from the group, and gets harassed by that group but ITS ROSALIE THAT SAVES HER bc fuck if she’s gonna let another woman go through what she went through
- it’s through alice and rosalie that bella realizes the truth about the cullens (with the help jacob and his lil group making comments about the cullens)
- alice invites bella over to the house a lot, mostly trying to get edward to get close to her but it mainly just became a thing of bella getting close to literally everyone but edward bc he’s a pussy and doesnt wanna be near her out of fear of hurting her
- it isn’t until the baseball game (which rosalie thoughtfully invited bella to) and james victoria and laurent attack that edward finally admits that he is attracted to bella but at this point she’s like yeah that’s cool but you’ve been nothing but rude to me so
- as much as it pains him, he settles on just being friends with her
- the same tricky james story is the same. he tricks her to the ballet studio and tries to kill her blah blah blah
- edward tries to suck the venom out of bella’s system and nearly kills her in the process; rosalie and carlisle practically have to drag edward off of her, with rosalie taking him out of the building while carlisle takes care of bella
- everything is happily ever after, bella is in the hospital but edward isn’t there. he can’t trust himself around bella anymore, nor does he want to be near her after having almost killed her, though she doesn’t blame him cause he was really just trying to save her life
- bella still goes to prom, but it’s as a group instead; her, jessica, angela, mike, eric, and tyler (the guy that almost killed her with his car lmao) all go as a group.
- the cullens be there too with edward watching over bella but the moment she tries to talk to him, edward bounces.
- victoria still watches over, a plan already set in motion to kill bella as revenge for the cullens killing james
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sunlightwriter · 3 years
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The Umbra Trilogy: Dusk ☽ Chapter One
First Draft Word Count: 2,479 words
and the first draft version of chapter one is done! i gotta do some editing after i type it up bc my grammar is atrocious on the first writing sometimes i dont think i’d be able to edit it later bc i don’t understand what i wanted to say dsflkdsmklf but! fortunately i got some for you guys to read!
for this chapter, it’s mostly just exposition as umbrian enjoys a nice day out on the town! with a hint of sweetness as him and valentine chatter :) then we end of with some suspense and action!! woohoo! i jumped the gun and had a really bad first chapter when i went for this during camp nano but i’m hoping my writing this time will be better as i do it for myself dslkmfmslkdf
below the cut contains some snippets, commentary & the taglist!
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People say every month the Knight’s Station, which usually sits empty, would get a visitor from the knight who was supposed to be watching over this merchant town. On that day, the knight would go in, fill out some logbooks, then promptly leave, much richer than before.
this is the opening few lines! gives an idea of the corruption thats been spreading through the kingdoms in a very specific way that affects the lives of our protagonists since they yknow, live there.
The items that came through this town were always wildly different; anything from replicas of foreign art to intricate handmade jewelery, to an ancient tome of a book that holds pages full of coded glyphs. In a way, it was the view of the outside that he often missed out on. Initially stuck to his home in the castle years ago, now instead stuck to the inside of his and Valentine’s dingy apartment, hiding from any prying eyes that would jump at the riches that bringing in Umbrian to the bloodthirsty knights would bring. Even that thought couldn’t stop him from enjoying himself, however.
this section here introduces us more to the life that our protag, umbrian the prince, lives now after his kingdom fell years ago. i include something similar later that is just that twilight sparkle ‘god i love books’ image but with umbrian. god he loves books.
As they continued on, Valentine looked up at the sky, watching the sun dance along the rooftops. The late afternoon sunbeams came down in warm pillars, occasionally make it hard to see ahead of himself. “It’s starting to get late. We should be getting home before it gets too dark,” Valentine said before Umbrian could zip off to the next store.
The Prince turned to look at him, lips pulling forward in a pout. “Aw, can we just go to one more place? I really like that cafe we went to. The one that sells those nice teas?” he pleaded, forest green eyes nearly unnoticeable under the dark of his hood.
Valentine stared after the Prince for a while, orchid coloured eyes softening after a moment with a sigh. “Okay, just for a few minutes,” he relented, before adding with a smile, “I think they’re having a sale on teas, actually.”
Umbrian broke into a grin, nearly hopping in place, items clattering together in the box he held in his arms. “Oh! And maybe I can treat us to some of their pastries,” he added in excitement. “I want another one of those little sponge cakes they make!”
i love writing umbrian & valentine interacting so much!! i gotta hold myself back from just straight up making them seem like a married couple bc their thing is yknow..... not being together yet. theyre always so sweet though! i love that valentine is constantly so kind with him ughhhh its sickening anyways
As they left the building, they hurried along at a brisk pace, Valentine looking over his shoulder at they hurried down the street. Valentine muttered a curse under his breath as they turned the corner. “They’re following. Just one person, looks like,” he cautioned, gaze darting from behind them, back to the path in front of them before urging Umbrian down an alleyway. “Here, this way.”
Umbrian pressed himself against the wall as he watched Valentine carefully set aside the load he was carrying and motion for him to hide. As Valentine readied himself at the corner, ready for the person to catch up to them, pulling a hidden dagger from a holster under his cloak, Umbrian’s heart pounded in his ears. His feet stayed planted firmly in the ground as he pressed himself further against the brick wall, wishing he could disappear into it, but for now, all he could manage is a quiet spell, lengthening the shadows around him to conceal his hiding spot.
this takes place not long after theyre recognized by someone in that same cafe.... ruh roh! this scene kinda gets more into the dedication valentine has even so many years since he initially became a knight then got even more than he bargained for. i also hope this gets the tension across well, the whiplash from chillin’ to fearin’ within minutes...
that’s what i got for a preview! i wonder who the mysterious stranger following them is...? well, i think i’ve said who it is before but if ur new here / don’t have me on discord it’ll be a fun surprise for next chapter!
☽ Taglist:
@marimos​​ @dallonswords​​ @childhoodlovers​​ @svpphicwrites​​ @aphaimaniis​​ @ziyin​​ @piyawrites​​ @florraisons​​ @the-marshmallow-vamp​​
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jimsmovieworld · 3 years
TWILIGHT- 2008 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Bella Swan moves from Arizona to Forks to stay with her dad Charlie. Charlies a real mans man. At high school a few guys are clearly interested in Bella. First is cringe-machine Eric who says hes going to write an article on her and wants to know her secrets. Then theres Mike who shakes his wet hat at her and says: "how you liking the rain girl?". She isnt turned on by either of these advances. She walks into biology class and sees Edward. He pulls a mental face like hes going to throw up and looks generally digusted by her throughout the class. He then disappears for a few days and comes back and starts talking to her. They win a golden onion for doing good biology. Do some flirting and Edwards keeps being very rude to her. Edward saves Bella from being hit by a car. She uses google and finds out hes a vampire. They go into the forest and he confirms hes a vampire. He says that he is a killer, bella should be scared of him: "as if you could outrun me!" Edward screams! He then rips a tree out the ground and hurls it! Bella then says she isnt scared of him and doesnt care basically. He gives her a piggy back ride to the top of the mountain where the sun is out. He stands in the sun and his skin totally sparkles. Youre beautiful! She says to the guy. At this point they have falled for each other so he he tells her everything. The cullen family are vampires who dont eat people, they feed on animals only. They move around the world and keep enrolling them in different schools. They have literally hundreds of graduation caps at theyre house. Above all else, this is the most ridiculous part of the story, they could be doing anything. Why would a 400 year old vampire keep repeating high school forever. Insane. Anyway Edward introduces Bella to the family. The baseball scene is hilarious and iconic. They bump into another group of vampires.
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One of them, James, takes a liking to Bella and the groups face off. James and his group retreat. He makes it known, that its his mission to have a little bite of Bella. Bella goes into hiding but is tricked by James into going to her old ballerina studio. Thankfully Edward goes too and they have a big fight. He does have a little bite of Bella though and the venom starts to upset her. Edward sucks it out. She wakes up in the hospital a little banged up. They go to the james bond themed prom. They dance and she asks Edwards to have a little bite, and make her a vampire. He says no and they dance to flightless bird. I watch all the twilight movies every christmas with my sister. So much nostalgia, excellent soundtrack! Amazing location and cinematography. So much of the first twilight is unintentionally funny, Edward is completely bizarre, Bella totally stupid! But somehow it does get me completely invested. But like every movie theyre are good guys and bad buys.
First, the good guys of Twilight, guys that have truly earned my respect and the respect of there communities:
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And then the bad guys, the bozos, these guys live to humiliate themselves and to humiliate me. They are the four horsemen of embarrassment:
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One of my favourite movies.
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juniperscorner · 3 years
My names are  Fawn, Mars, Oliver, Aster, Kory, Flynn, Jester, Ace, Juniper, Leo, Axel, Sulfur, Aspen or Kiyo! but you can all me any white irl names!
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my pronouns are:
He/him It/itself Xe/xem zer/zey Shroom/shroomself Frog/frogself De/Dex Mush/mushself Ne/nyim/nir Pe/per Ze/Zim/zir Ve/ver/vis Void/voidself Kit/kitself Pix/pixself Flow/flowself Mush/mushself Ko/koself End/endself Fog/fogself Mist/Mistself Heart/heartself Tree/treeself Spark/sparkself Bone/boneself Bun/bunself Bow/bowself Shell/shellself Mal/malself Bee/beeself Moon/moonself Star/starself Cloud/cloudself Snow/snowself Rock/rockself Der/de Dream/dreamself Puff/puffself Pop/popself Blue/blue self Bun/bunself Rot/rotself Mew/mewself Pup/pupself Bubble/bubbleself Rain/rainself Cloud/cloudself Clown/clown self Clock/clockself Seven/sevenself Vamp/vamp self Beep/Boop/boopself Berry/berryself Fizz/fizz self Pebble/pebbleself Gem/gemself Honk/honk self Milk/milk self Moo/mooself Purr/purr self Blub/blubself Squid/squidself Sol/solself Thee/thy Doll/dollself Fluff/fluffself Sun/sunself Paw/pawself Rot/rotself Plushie/plushieself Button/buttonself Magic/magicself Card/cardself glitch/glitchself moon/moonself echo/echoself pixie/pixieself hope/hopeself chain/chainself luck/luckself clover/cloverself chaos/chaosself Knife/knifeself Map/mapself Nova/novaself Celes/celeself Nebula/nebulaself Solar/solarself Dark/darkself Night/nightself Blood/bloodself Bat/batself Pearl/pearlself Blaze/blazeself Moth/mothself Pika/pikaself Jam/jamself Pastry/pastryself Sweet/sweetself Sugar/sugarself Sprinkle/sprinkleself Twig/twig self Leaf/leafself Witch/witchself Sparkle/sparkleself Wand/wandself Color/colorself Bright/bright self Light/lightself Portal/portal self Joy/joyself Web/webself Dust/dustself Sword/swordself Ecli/ecliself Gravi/graviself Dull/dullself Tomb/tombself Ghoul/ghoulself Sin/sinself Abyss/abysself Rem/remself Haze/hazeself and Gloom/gloomself!
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I’m nonbinary, bisexual and polyam! https://en.pronouns.page/@solarruxstudio
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Me in the real!
David(camp camp)
Teruhashi(saiki k)
Nezuko(demon slayer)
Luz(the owl house)
penny(bojack horseman)
princess carolyn(bojack horseman)
spinel(steven universe)
flynn rider(repunzel)
stanley (gravity falls)
eclipsa (svtfoe)
ash ketchum (pokemon)
sally(play with me)
tammy(the mysterious house)
pastlle(syrup and the ultimate sweet) (starry flowers)
korra (tlok)
mars patel(the strange disappearances of mars patel)
twilight sparkle(mlp)
koito (wonder egg priority)
zee(not saying what its from i dont wanna get made fun of!)
eleanor (the good place)
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dni if you
reality check people
sexualize me
make korekiyo s1st3r jokes
make danganronpa death jokes
sexualize minors (real or fictional)
general dni criteria
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I am fine with doubles, so doubles can interact as long as they’re comfortable with doubles!
I will gush about my partners alot with the tag “lovemail”, i will also use this tag for platonic and irl lovemail
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windowedcrown · 4 years
tell me more abt ur black swan au!!! i love ur art ❤️ (my twilight blog is alicesgirlfriend lol)
AAA sorry this took me so long to reply its been a . few days. anyways
long post below but yeah!!!!!!!! big project!!
black swan:
there are a bunch of segments of this so let me break it up:
ok so in this universe its the twilight universe but also like. every other magic thing exists also. the woods around the reservation (that i am making unnamed because i dont like how smeyer handled that and dont want to add to made up shit about a real life tribe) is actually a magical preserve, a safe haven for magical creatures that the council look after. not everyone who lives there knows about it, and the creatures are as harmless as real life creatures if you dont know about them. sometimes if youre magically touched though (a vampire, a werewolf, a fairy, etc) you get to see them. non-magical people have to ingest something (milk, eyedrops, butter, if uve read fablehaven its those mechanics) in order to see/interact with magical things. (bella is granted the Sight after james bites her, so not only does edward dip and leave her in the woods, but he does that in the Now Super Much More Dangerous Woods because now she can interact with Them and They can interact with Her).
because of the amount of magic/magical beings that exist near/around forks, there are quite a few magical encounters. the residents brush them off usually because of enchantments around those creatures that make nonbelievers less likely to push and prod at things. until the cullens arrive, which is when things get too in your face for certain people to disregard. my main character who ill get to in a second, along with jacob and eventually the rest of the human squad make a sort if youtube channel/blog to record these things and investigate such strange happenings around town, mostly revolving around the cullen household.
other changes ive made to like lore and mechanics are:
vampires: Their bodies aren't made of stone, they still have skin and appear humanlike, but the venom that has replaced their blood reinforces their muscle and bone and brains, so they are highly intelligent and extremely strong/resilient. Their muscles feel like cement, but are still malleable, just intensely supported. Their skin glows in the sun, not sparkles, because venom is white and their skin can look translucent in direct sunlight. They drink blood to appear less dead and to sate their thirst (if they do not drink for too long they not only become feral, but look more sickly and deranged, attracting more attention which can be dangerous). They don’t physically age from when they were changed, but mentally they can mature and shit cuz fuck that. They also keep their human memories, though as newborns you’re kind of like lobotomized for a while. For those first like 6 months you could be anyone, and you have to trust whoever you think you are/you’re told you are, before memories come back. Venom basically replaces blood and just enhances them physically and mentally, but if they drink enough blood regularly they appear mostly human (hair growth and stuff is still a thing cuz fuck smeyer. also crying.)
werewolves: Don’t phase as babies, they have to be legal adults and decently mature before they phase. Aren’t inherently violent. Aren’t mostly men. Their clothes don’t rip when they phase, magic has evolved with humans, and knows clothes are the new Fur, so it’s fine. They don’t have to cut their hair. They’re not affiliated with a real life tribe. Not uncontrollable (they have to learn cuz wild magic is. wild. but its just like vampires do). Have a kind of truce with the vampires. Are the caretakers of the magical beings who live in Forks. the previous generation were also werewolves. their truce w the vampires gives them their space (the cullens own their land but off that, its the werewolves' territory) but the werewolves control/protect the rest of the area around, are the like leaders of this magical area (but not as a hierarchy, theyre just . the easiest to liason w humans. theyre all respectful of each race/species).
Imprinting specifically: The magic in werewolves’ blood telling them who their soulmate is. Only works if the other person also has magic in their blood (magic calls to magic). Some have them, some don’t, its bot a big deal if u dont. Sam (a werewolf) and Emily (has the gene, never phased), Quil (WW) and Embry (WW), Jacob (WW) and Oliver (Distantly descended from a Vampire). You don’t have to act on it, it just shares strength and power, makes you a power duo. Doesn’t have to be romantic, though often is, but it doesn’t Mean anything romantic (though often has that connotation). In a world without magic, these people would still be close, etc. It does NOT connect adults with children thank you :).
everyones in college btw. ollie is 18 (may 16) when the story picks up and bella is 21 (september 13 iirc)
so. the main character is Oliver "Ollie" Swan. he's the son of renee and charlie, just a baby when renee took bella and left (she didnt want to deal with a Baby again). at first they hung out whenever bella visited, but then she started getting really upset when she had to leave so renee threatened taking custody of ollie away from charlie unless the kids didnt see eachother anymore. rip.
ollie grew up with jacob and theyre best friends. also oliver is trans and gay and jake is bi because i said so. theyre endgame babEY
oliver is like bella in that theyre prolly descended from vampires, edward cant hear his thoughts, but thoughts that have prominent feelings to them, he can feel those feelings connected to them.
bella is her normal sexy self but shes a lot more headstrong and also goth/punk in this au. she unfortunately does get w edward in the beginning cuz shes only wver had a relationship w her emotionally manipulative mom and eddie boy is just the same kinda creepy but anyways he dips in new moon and she has time with just ppl who love her for a few months and then the rest/most if the cullens come back and she meets rosalie again and they actually bond and make fun of edward for being a loser and they bond and bella ends up falling and rosalie also ends up falling and theyre endgame
other than that some race/ethnicity and bg and sexuality headcanons i have for the cullens: esme is jewish and bi, carlisle is bi but catholic, alice is korean and pan, emmett is black and bisexual and trans, rosalie is a lesbian but she didnt Know ™ until after she was changed, jasper is gay and white cuz jackson rathbone is perfect for him and hispanic BUT he worked for the union cuz fuck!! fuck smeyer!!!! he rips down confederate flags regularly. the cullens dont see eachother as family theyre just like. found family but its not like Adopted. in the lore they tell everyone that carlisle just takes in strays but they arent legally or like act like family they just all live together. anyways emmett and jasper are in love and SO annoying abt it but jock/cowboy rights. edward is str*ight and catholic. no rights. hate that ginger bitch. hes so annoying. rosalie calls him her little brother just to bully him and dunk on him and to explain why she still hangs around him when she thinks hes so fucking stubid.
for the human squad: jessica stanley is bi and half white half black. shes great and smart and goes to fucking med school in california and UGH i love her so much queen. angela is black and a lesbian and i love her nerd ass. a researcher for the blog babEY. she and jess dated in highschool but broke up when jess moved for college. mike is white and bisexual and completely in love w jess but doesnt want to make their friendship weird so he keeps it mostly to himself. eric yorkie wasnt present enough in the books as far as i read and yeah those are just the main. like. ppl.
also embry is bi and quil is gay and theyre endgame also and they imprint on eachother and are a Power Duo, they work on the blog too but theyre not technically human so i didnt know where to put them there ajfkwkfmwkgmwkf. angela is endgame w leah (whose bi)
also sam is a woman and bisexual and emily is a lesbian and sam never assaulted her :). jared is now a girl also cuz i wanted her to be and shes bi and named jewel (everyone makes juul jokes cuz they can). paul is NOT cis but doesnt label anything he uses all pronouns hes just here vibing queer as hell babey.
in v v short version: bella moves in w charlie who asks ollie to move in w jake and billy for the time being, who thinks its cuz of the murder that just happened but its not lol he jsut needs to figure out how the hell to tell his kids abt eachother. the BFU crew finds out bella and ed are dating and try to learn more abt her to make sure shes safe, ollie ends up finding out her dad is his. then the baseball scene happens and everything for the end of twilight happens owo.
instead of prom tho, alice is just throwing an end of the year party. mike disappears around the same time as bella cuts her finger and edward goes fuckin bonkers, which triggers the breakup etc etc. bella spends time w and bonds w jake and ollie a lot quicker, they work on trying to find mike and a bunch more ppl go missing etc etc. rosalie and bella meet and get close and shenanigans are all happening and its great. jake phases around the same time the cullens come back (september ish for school yk), ollie is there and jake imprints but doesnt know what that means or anything just assumes its a wolf thing hiJINKS ensue ugh its so fun its so iconic and basically that plot just bleeds into eclipse
edward comes sulking back cuz hes tired of sulking and now bella and rosalie are together and they make fun of his loser ass together and hes just emo and a loser lol. they figure out its victoria and the whole eclipse plot happens owo but better cuz i said so. riley is mike actually and hes a vampire now >:3. when jake gets hurt tho oliver also feels it and has the same reaction cuz thats a side effect of being yk imprints and shit so yeah wild.
but the volturi show up after that and they see that bellas a human and around vampires so they take bella and rose to italy and meet the volturi who demand she be changed. rosalie is ok w that only if bella is and bellas had time to consider her mortality and stuff and she says ya why not bb but whats our cover story as to why im gonna be moving around w ur fam tho?? and they decide to get publicly married which triggers breaking Dawn but Better becaus eits Gay and theres no Demon baby
after that its like wedding stuff and oliver have figured out what the fuck is up between them but ollie's scared that that means their feelings are just magically influenced andnits all angsty and they dont really have time to Talk before the wedding cuz sam and emily are having a kid (how? magic) and so sam wants jake to take his place as pack leader so hes off training a lot and oliver is the best man so hes helping plan and its a lot chiller than before the human gang and the wolves are invited for bella and rose invites some of her vamp friends and stuff and its alot nicer and deffo more bella and rose than Alice yk and its just cooler and bettwr and its great and rose wears a wedding dress and it may or may not be the one she murdered royce in which bella finds Oh So Hot and bella wears a suit and its great
but family stuff happens when oliver and renee run into eachother for literally the first time since he was 10 months old lole :) and shes transphobic and gross and oliver has a panic attack and jake takes him home and charlie bans her from interacting w their kids anymore and its all intense and rose and bella are already going off onto their honeymoon and have no idea dna jess and mike are getting together and leah and angela are too and everyones like having a romantic time except jake and ollie and then they Talk the next day and its so much and ollie is overwhelmed and then he almost dies due to Evil Magic Creature but he gets saved by some merfolk and then jake finds him and then they get together and its all nice and then
the volturi call the cullens to ask if bellas been changed and so the girls come back from their honey moon as proof and mikes been rehabilitated right but hes been busy since jake and oliver got together and ollie doesnt know abt the volturi visit so he goes tot eh cullens house to tell mike abt them but the volturi see h first and know that theres anoTHER human who knows abt vamps and they try to kill him then and there but the cullens stop them but they order ollie's turning anyways and he doesnt want to and theres like a while spent mulling over His mortality and allt his stuff and i havent decided if he becomes a vamp or not i think hes going to tho but he doesnt lie Want to like bella does
but anyways if i make that the case then the volturi come to watch as ollie is turned and its all angsty and emmett (cuz theyre bros) sticks the syringe of his venom into ollie's chest for a less painful change and then mike runs in to see if he missed it but he sees the volturi and recognizes him from those months that victoria tortured him and shit and he just snaps and ends up killing them all but its too late and ollie is already turning and then the volturi's followers start a riot abt the murder of their leaders and its this whole thing and it lowkey sucks but yk what cool immortal bfs cuz werewolves dont age if they keep shifting and so yeah so ollie works thru his Turnedness and its all crazy and stuff and the Battle actually happens but there are only injuries on the Good Guys side because i said so and also ollie's power is to make his feelings felt (kinda like jaspers but jasper feels everyones and can make ppl feel whatever he wants, ollie's emotions just bleed out and he can focus them on ppl but theyre His) and anyways he and jake are a really cool power duo and its epic and cool and then happy ending
and then the epilogue is another crew of unsolved supernatural ppl investigating the mysterious disappearances of paranormal investigators Jacob Black and Oliver Swan and they interview olivers "grandson" Oliver III and its fucking hilarious and i love my brain but yeah!!!!!!!! shit boi!!! thats it thats my au. very sorry that this is long i will try to put a read more but im on mobile but yeah!!!! tysm for reading!!!
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chinquix · 4 years
thanks for tagging me @dromaeocore :^D !
favorite colours: yes i like all of them (baby leaf green & fairy wren blue are high on my list right now though!!)
last song i listened to: i was cranking out a 90s playlist for felix’s birthday, which means it was Probably, fantastically, wonderwall
fave musicians: this ones gotta be bullet-pointed, sorry
yeasayer (CHEFS KISS...i truly go wild for the amazing transition from Daughters Of Cain into I Am Chemistry - please try and engineer that yourself by using some kind of streaming service because it is Worth It - and who can forget my all-time favourite songs Silly Me and Ambling Alp. slight disclaimer for their music videos though; theres a Lot of body horror and general unpleasantness for some reason?? which is why i’ve just linked audio here)
django django (Born Under Saturn owns my life, and you can frequently catch me wiggling along to Shake & Tremble or Swimming At Night)
glass animals (Pools, Youth & everything else on How To Be A Human Being)
everything everything (I lost my mind to spring/sun/winter/dread the first time i heard it, plus Desire and Can’t Do are Bops)
tom rosenthal & cosmo sheldrake (a similar vibe to each other; try Us, Wriggle, Go Solo, Come Along, and the delightful collaboration that is Swarm Swamp Swim)
susanne sundfør (Fade Away and oh my god Delirious...ooughhH shes SO GOOD)
agnes obel (spooky & atmospheric, Riverside is a must)
dorian electra (MY GENDER ICON TBH.....Flamboyant is how i want to be like please give me every one of those outfits)
kishi bashi (I Am The Antichrist To You is an old favourite of mine, and his cover of This Must Be The Place is a more recent one...i cry)
lemon demon oh my god i almost forgot (PLEASE listen to Touch-Tone Telephone, and if like me you’re a fan of british cryptids Eighth Wonder isn’t to be missed)
la roux (you thought Bulletproof was a jam, wait ‘til you hear her new stuff - hello International Woman Of Leisure)
marika hackman (Cinnamon’s a classic, I’m Not Where You Are is gr8)
then we’ve got ABBA, bastille, miike snow, years & years, janelle monae, vampire weekend, muse, the broadway cast of Cats, studio killers, the derevolutions, WHAM!, the orion experience, and much more! literally...so much more...
fave song: most of them are mentioned already oops!! but i do love me some 80s and/or cheesy Sing Along At The Top Of Your Longs hits (oh i love them So Much), for example blue monday, mad world (far superior to the gary jules version in my humble opinion what i stole from my dad), tainted love, i think we’re alone now, our house, stand and deliver, saturday night’s alright (the rocketman version), smalltown boy, word up, good old-fashioned lover boy, 9 to 5, and anything you might hear at a 90s school disco on a summer evening
last film watched: hmm felix and i rewatched the original dark crystal the other night! OH NO WAIT we just watched main hoon na!!! it’s a bollywood film about a 30yo man going undercover as a student to find his secret brother and i Sincerely recommend it
last tv show watched: Next In Fashion......i love angelo and minju (we’re behind though please dont spoil it!!!!)
sweet, spicy, or savory: sweet or spicy!! except i bought ‘‘‘mania’‘ flavoured noodles the other day which was perhaps a step too far in the spiciness direction
sparkling water, tea, or coffee: feed me sparkling water and im your enemy for life. ive got into herbal teas recently thanks to felix (chamomile is a suprisingly great stand-in for my anxiety meds), and i’ll drink coffee if its a chai latte or is 50% flavoured syrup!
pets: we have fish!! guppies, platys and a bristle-nosed catfish! their names are kitty (catfish); sprite, slimeboy, little goth man, pheasant, throckmorton (guppies); mr mustachio, sunrise, polka, jacob twilight (platys); medium baby, little baby, & tiny baby/baby baby (baby platys)
phew!! so i’m gonna tag @timelordsandkittens @fatalcookies @autumnimagining @wynought @the-omega-jojo @poolghoul @bloodwritesflight and u h h h the 8th person is...anyone else who wants to have a go :’^) (no pressure if i’ve tagged you and you’d rather not though !)
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lahelable · 5 years
Tunnel of Love
Inspiration: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce x MC
Summary: Fluff. Bryce and MC go to a fun fair. Expect candy floss and hot dogs. Shit gets cute.
Author notes: After the angst (and somewhat absence of Bryce) of Chapter 12, let's have some cute fun with our favourite surgeon at the fair! My first completely fluffy fic: be kind. PG but some suggestive comments and innuendo. Because I just can't help it.
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Tunnel of Love
Lottie felt a pair of strong hands grab her hips as she leaned over the counter at the nurses' station. Bryce's floppy hair tickled her cheek as he nuzzled in to kiss her.
"Hey," he breathed against her neck, making her gasp.
"Hey, yourself," the diagnostics doctor smiled, turning around to face him. She marvelled at how her day was always brightened up when she saw the surgeon.
"God damn, we both look hot in these scrubs," he winked as he looked his girlfriend up and down appreciatively.
"You're just meant to compliment me, you know. Then I compliment you back."
He stepped back and shrugged at her.
"Youre busy, you might forget. I pull off this particular shade of green quite well, I think."
Lottie yanked him back towards her by his waistband and gave him a peck on the lips.
"I might just pull it off for you, if you know what I mean..."
"Oh," he pressed his hips against hers, hard, "I know what you mean, Dr Bedford."
Abruptly, they pulled apart as they heard a cough to get their attention.
"Dr Bedford, you've patients that need updating if Dr Lahela can put you down for a moment," said Dr Ramsey as he narrowed his eyes at the couple. "After all, you are at work, are you not?"
Without waiting for any reply, he briskly walked off down the corridor. Bryce pulled a face at Lottie.
"I guess I can book him in," he mused.
"Book him in for what?"
"To have that stick surgically removed from his ass, and a heart put in his chest" he winked and she swatted his arm.
"I have to get going."
"No, wait," he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him, "I wanted to see if you'd go to the fair with me tomorrow? No roommates, no surgical interns, just you and me."
Lottie loved it when she and Bryce had a day off together. He always had something fun planned, or at least vaguely planned. Whatever they did always led to an adventure, something she'd never have done without him leading the way. Last week they'd gone to a jelly festival of all things. A festival of jellies. The afternoon had ended with Bryce forcing a handful of jelly down Lottie's top and her squishing some blancmange in his face.
His wide smile was infectious and she grinned back.
"Hot dogs, cotton candy and the ferris wheel? How could I say no!"
They arrived at the fair late afternoon, having spent a delicious morning in bed. Following the cramped subway and two buses, they were both ready to stretch their legs and walk around the fairground underneath the warm sun. Lottie shrugged off her denim jacket and tied it around her waist.
Jaunty music bounced across the fairground and the smell of food wafted towards them. Lottie's stomach growled.
"That's because of all the energy you burned off earlier," Bryce laughed, making her blush at the memory of how they worked up a sweat a few hours ago. "Hey, look, let's grab one of those fully loaded dogs!"
She followed his gaze and spotted the hot dog stand. Clumsily, she stumbled as Bryce pulled her by the hand over the uneven grassy ground.
"Whoa, I thought it was me who was starving!"
They weaved through the crowd and smiled and said excuse me at happy and laughing people. Couples with their arms around each other, girlfriends holding teddy bears proudly, and parents with children who were clearly high on sugar and excitement.
"I'll have a Monster Dog," yelled Bryce to the vendor, pointing to the picture of the hot dog piled high with onions, bacon and cheese, and dripping with hot sauce. You could almost see the saliva pooling at the corners of his mouth.
"How come you never look at me like that?" His girlfriend teased, poking him in the bicep.
"Babe," he said solemnly, "this is a Monster Dog, stuff of legend. What are you having?"
"I'll have the same, I guess."
"Yes! That's my girl!" He bumped her small fist with his large one. Bryce handed over the money and they grabbed their food.
As the loud noises of the fair tumbled over them, they slowly walked past the rides and stalls, hungrily shoving their food into their faces. It tasted heavenly, thought Lottie as she chewed: the boy made a good choice. It quietened her belly, anyway. They walked in a comfortable silence, occasionally bumping shoulders.
"You've got a..." Bryce pointed at her face.
"Uh.. sauce? Where?"
Bryce ran a finger up to her mouth from her chin and then licked the sauce off.
"That's so gross!"
He shrugged.
"Can't let hot sauce go to waste."
With their mouths full of the last bites, Bryce nudged Lottie's shoulder and pointed at a stall. Unable to talk, she raised her eyebrows. Unable to talk, he jerked his chin towards it as if to say, come on.
Hesitantly, she approached the gun range with the eager surgeon. A line of 2D plastic ducks moved from left to right and then right to left at the back of the hut.
"Two, please," said Bryce, picking up a rifle.
"Ah," Lottie nervously touched the gun, "what if I shoot someone?"
"They're not real, just watch."
He held the rifle up to his face and took a few seconds to aim. Then BLAM BLAM BLAM he shot three little duckies in a row, setting off three spinners underneath which blurred as they span.
Smugly, he raised his hands in the air.
"Top surgeon, top lover, now top shooter!"
"Well done," said the stallholder, rolling his eyes. "Is the lady gonna shoot?"
Lottie aimed the gun cautiously. Bryce held her elbow up slightly and his other hand steadied her hip.
She shot. And missed.
"Try again, like this." He stood behind her, pressing his hips against her ass, and moved the gun so it was pointing up a little more. "Go."
She shot. She missed. His body pressed against hers was distracting.
"That was closer, though," Bryce smiled, encouragingly.
Lottie aimed one last time and hit the blue duck, sending him backwards.
"Bad luck, miss. It's 2 out of three for a win. But you," he gestured to Bryce, "you've won a prize." He pointed his thumb behind him to the teddies and plastic pieces of rubbish. Bryce looked at his beautiful girlfriend.
"You can choose..." he said, almost shyly.
She raked her eyes over the bears and saw the perfect one. She pointed it out and took it from the man, giving it a big squeeze.
"Why that one?" Bryce asked.
She grinned.
"Your stand in when you're not around. It's just like you, dont you think?"
Lottie held out the plush Tigger and Bryce nodded, thoughtfully.
"I guess so, full of energy, confident, doesn't give a crap what anyone thinks.. yeh that's me alright."
"Aw, I was thinking more that he's annoying as hell and talks too much, but ok," she conceded as he grabbed her by the waist and tickled her, "ok fine, I'm kidding!"
He pulled her closer and kissed her, her eyes sparkling.
"And you just know that with all that energy, Tigger's gonna be good at..." he wiggled his eyebrows and glanced downwards.
"Oh, well he's definitely you, then," she blushed, her mind going back to this morning and just how energetic Bryce could be. All three times.
"Yeh?" He grinned. Grabbing her hand, he span her out and back in, making her skater dress flare up. She span into his arms and he sprinkled kisses all over her nose and cheeks.
They walked hand in hand through the happy crowds, past the twinkling fairy lights looped up over the stalls, stopping now and then to play a game of hoopla or darts. Lottie won a pair of comedy glasses for Bryce and he won her a pair of bunny ears. They bought a stick of candy floss to share and walked side by side, pulling off pink clouds of sugar and feeding each other, laughing at how sticky their lips had become, and licking each others fingers.
"Let's go on the ferris wheel," said Bryce, his eyes lighting up at the sheer height of the thing.
They paid for their ticket and clambered aboard one of the swinging cars, yanking the safety rail down against their thighs.
With a groan, the wheel slowly moved upwards and Lottie leaned back against Bryce's side, wriggling until she was comfy. He wrapped his strong arms around her and kissed the top of her head. His fingers stroked her forearms and Lottie felt a shiver of excitement at being here with the man she felt that she was beginning to love. She'd never had these feelings for anyone before but she was sure that this was it, the real thing. She knew it when she looked into his face; hell she even knew it just glancing down at his forearms. She loved his forearms, tanned and strong and veiny. And his beautiful hands, with his long fingers, bony knuckles and short, uneven nails. She loved them.
The young doctor placed her hands lovingly over his, stroking and caressing along each vein and circling each knuckle in turn, letting him know in her own way that she cared. She felt a warmth of comfort being with him: he felt so safe, despite the fact that they were 100ft in the air on a rickety wheel.
"Thanks for coming tonight," he breathed against her ear, causing her to smile and close her eyes.
"Thank you for asking me. And for being you." She heard him chuckle and felt his cheeks go up in a smile, pressed against the side of her face.
The pair of doctors stayed like that as the wheel continued to rise. His arms gripped her tighter as they watched the sun start to go down over the roofs and trees, and twilight began to descend over the town, creating a swarm of shadows and making streetlights blink into life. The bright lights and music from the fair seemed to fade as all Lottie could think about was Bryce, warm against her back, protecting her and keeping her safe with his strong arms around her. He felt like home to Lottie who was still adjusting to a new place, a new job and a new life, even after six months. As they reached the very top, Bryce pulled Lottie's chin up and kissed her gently, chastely on the lips. She turned to face him a little more and their foreheads pressed together.
"I love spending time with you, Lottie. Everyday is an adventure."
She pulled on his collar so his lips were brushing against hers. Her thumbs brushed along his collarbone and then she slid her hands down over his chest.
"I love... spending time with you, too."
She kissed him deeply, with passion but not desperation: a slow kiss, content to take her time. He was hers. There was no rush. His hands flattened themselves out against her back as he pulled her as closely as possible, their tongues tasting each others mouths like the first time.
They pulled apart, unwillingly, as they realised the car was almost at the bottom of the wheel. He ran his thumb over her swollen lips. They locked eyes for a long moment, before the gruff voice called, "come on then, out!"
Grinning, Bryce hopped out and held out his hand for his partner in crime. Lottie grabbed it and scrambled out of the car quickly, stumbling into his arms.
"I've got you," he murmured. "Hey, look, over there."
Pulling her gaze from the handsome man in front of her, she saw that he was pointing at the Tunnel of Love.
"The Tunnel of Love?" She laughed. She'd never been in one. Never had anyone she really wanted to go on one with. Until now.
She giggled with excitement as Bryce pushed her by the hips towards the ride.
"Two, please!"
Eagerly, they clambered on board, Lottie gripping her boyfriend's arms for balance, and the boat swayed from side to side. She clung on to the edges, while storing Tigger safely at her feet.
"I really dont want to fall in that water," she cringed, peering over the edge into what looked like black, bottomless water, as they slowly drifted along.
She suddenly cried out as the boat began to rock violently. Bryce laughed as he swung himself wildly from side to side.
She shoved him in the chest.
"Idiot! Stop!"
"Ah," he said, grabbing her wrists, "but I'm your idiot."
Frowning, she shook her head.
"You wont be my anything if you do that again."
He held his hands up in surrender.
"Ok, I'll stop. I mean, I never want to not be your anything..." he scooted over closer to the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. "I really would prefer to be your everything..."
He nuzzled into her neck, gently nipping at the skin, his hand sliding gently along her thigh.
She leaned into him, enjoying the relaxing sensations of the boat swaying and the sensation of Bryce's fingertips making lazy patterns across the bare skin of her legs.
The pink, intimate lighting bathed the tunnel in a romantic glow, while soft music played.
"This is a little cheesy," she said, glancing at the LED swans which moved their necks gently back and forth, "but I love it!"
Bryce coughed. She turned to face him.
"Um... Lottie," he said, and she sensed a little nervous energy coming off of him. Bryce suddenly talked quicker than she'd ever heard him before. "I love spending time with you, I love seeing you, I love talking to you and when I bump into you at work, I feel so happy, like my heart is gonna burst. I feel so proud to be the one you want to be with. And anyway, well I..." he paused, taking a breath and looking down at his hands. She'd never seen him like like this before. As much as she loved Lahela's confidence, this new shy Bryce was quite cute.
Reassuringly, she cupped his face with her hands and looked into his eyes.
"I really love being with you, too." She said, "My heart skips a beat when I see you at work. You make me so happy!"
"Really?" He smiled, his eyes sparkling under the pink glow. "Because, Lottie, I've fallen in love with you. I love you..."
His eyes widened as he watched for her reaction. Her mouth opened but she didn't speak.
Bryce swallowed, hard. His brow furrowed.
"I mean, you dont have to say it back, you dont have to feel the same way back... yet. But," his grin returned, "you will."
"No," she began. She had been taken by surprise. She knew how she felt about him, but hearing the same thing from his mouth had taken her breath away. "I do, I love you already!" Her smile mirrored his as they both grinned widely, relief washing over his features. "Sorry, I was just... taking in the moment. This was perfect, Bryce."
"You love me, too?" His eager eyes searched her face and she nodded. "I knew it," he grinned.
He moved so his face was close to hers, and Lottie bit her bottom lip. Gently, he pulled it free with his thumb and kissed her, pulling her lip down to open her mouth so he could move his tongue against hers, exploring his lover's mouth with a deep longing. Her fingers threaded through his hair and his hands gripped her waist.
"I love you, Charlotte Bedford," he murmured pulling away.
"I love you, Bryce Lahela," she smiled, "forever."
"Of course forever," he said breathlessly against her lips, "you belong to me forever."
Tag list:
@owleyes374 @nighthunternik @politicallycorrectinnocentteen @sibella-plays-choices @ccolz88-blog @nicquix
Let me know if you want adding to the tag list for Bryce x MC!
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king-lilerz · 5 years
Okay hear me out on this one
Everyone always complains about how in twilight one of the worst and cringiest things is that the vampires can sparkle. Which in my opinion is the least of anyones worries involving twilight, becuase
When a vampire in the twilight universe gets turned their bodies are literally frozen. Which means of course ghey are going to freaking glimmer in thw sunlight
Its fantasy Science, it makes sense, theres reasoning behind it
Its not, oh btw vampires can sparkle
Its, oh btw you are now crystalized and frozen so ur ice skin is gonna reflect the sun a bit hope u dont mind
Seriously my dudes, Ive had to expirence the complete horror and cringe of watching this freaking saga with its crappy dramatic uuuuuuuugh plot and just it entire everything, and this THIS is the main thing i hear people complain about
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weissfai-blog1 · 6 years
Love Bites.
AePete AU
"There are no accidental meetings between souls."
Pete is a vampire. AND NO – he is not some sparkling diamond vampire – though whoever look at Pete will say he is a sparkling Prince – but no – Pete is not a twilight vampire nor is he Bram Stroker’s Dracula vampire. 
He is a half Noble vampire. His mother is a powerful dragon seeker while his father is a full blooded Noble. 
The Nobles are an ancient and powerful race that possess great strength, speed and telepathy as well as various blood related abilities, such as the talent to grant similar powers to others via contracts "of blood and soul". They reside on an island nation, known as Lukedonia, that cannot be detected by human senses. They have guarded humans against predators and the forces of nature as long as they have existed, due to a genetic inability to ignore the slaughter of the weak, helpless humans. Thousands of years ago, they were worshipped as gods by various cultures around the world.
However, the Nobles are nearing extinction due to a scarcity of females to mate with. With their lifemates, male Nobles live emotion-filled colorful lives. Without them, the males fight the madness that causes them to choose between suicide or the thrill of killing humans by draining their blood, becoming soulless vampires in the process.
But he doesn’t apply to these category as he is not a full blood Noble. 
Pete is a gentle and way too sweet and shy half Noble that his father deem him unworthy of the gift and vanished him, and because his mother loves Pete so much – they both abandon the life in Lukedonia and travel and after a hundred years of traveling to different countries, they settle to Thailand. 
Pete’s mother was born in Thailand. She loves the country, the people, the beauty and the serenity of the land.
Pete and his mother change their surname to fit in with the Thai people and they settle on an old mansion. His mother told him to live like a normal boy and because Pete doesn’t crave blood like ordinary Noble, he is free to go out even on sunlight. As he is also a part Dragon Seeker, he doesn’t turn into ash or die if the sun hits his skin. He is what the others may call Day Walker.
Pete’s mother looks at her son. She worries about Pete as the first to being a half Noble and half Dragon Seeker boy to ever live. Most of the half-breeds die at their 50th years of age. But Pete is nearing his 300 years of age and though he is the same as the Nobles who lost their colour of sight, Pete never changes. He doesn’t crave blood (though she gave him blood via blood bag through blood bank), doesn’t go dark, every night she administer a soul and spirit check on his body but its clean… more like pure. Her son has a purest white soul. 
Putch heard about the legendary Noblesse but never given it a thought. For all her life, she knew only of one Noblesse and that person is not half but a full blood Noble.
Putch told Pete to live his life freely. Whoever he chooses, whether it be human or of the same kind, she will support him. 
Pete met Ae. 
Pete was walking out of his campus when again the pain in his head hits him, the pain and disoriented blurry visions keeps on popping out in his head. He wasn’t aware what’s happening in his surrounding when he heard a shout and someone drag his body and both of him and the other stumble in the ground with a loud impact.
‘Are you driving to hell?! And you! What the hell are you doing not looking where you’re walking?! Are you planning to die?! If you are, choose a place where I’m not there!’
Pete doesn’t understand what’s happening but his heart then begun to hammer and his visions doubled… the ground… its grey… he looks at his surrounding and he was blinded by the burst of colours.
He can see colours… 
But the only time a Noble can see colour is when they find their lifemate through voice or connection.
‘Oi! Are you okay?!’
Pete stumbled once again on the ground and clutch his heart tight. 
Its beating crazily and there’s a line. 
A magic being woven.
A connection being form.
Pete found himself being raise by the person and for the first time he looks at him.
Pete gasped.
Black obsidian eyes looks at him.
‘Are you okay? You’re bleeding!’
He what?! Impossible!
He looks and yeah, he is bleeding. But why?
That’s their first meeting.
The man who gave him colour and light ~ Ae. A small boy but with sturdy muscular body and a harsh foul mouth.
Ae cannot help but feel lucky and at the same time with the thinking: “Did I ever save the whole country on my past life to have a friend like Pete?” 
Each and everyone who knew Ae will know that he is a brute. He doesn’t have any sweet bone in his body, he doesn’t even have a STOP DON’T SAY IT brake on his mouth. He will say what he want to say especially to some idiots who lacks braincells. 
Pond calls Ae: “Son of a Beast! He will kick his only best friend and whacks my head if I so much get on his business and be nosy! See this! See this?! That’s his fist! My skull already has a dent in the form of his fist!”
Ping: “The greatest man but has the foulest mouth on the planet. He doesn’t care nor doesn’t give a damn what other people will think. I have never been the receiving end of his fist and kick so I’m happy to say that he is still a friend I can count on.”
Bow: “Tactless beast! He just made someone cry when he flat our rejected her. But that’s what I like about Ae, he never take advantage of people and will always be there to help others.”
Can: “Ae is the bestest of the best man out there! He doesn’t give a damn and will help me even though he doesn’t know me! He is a great bastard buddy!”
Captain of the Football Team: “Ae is our MVP. He may be 174 cm shorty but he can kick those asses good bye! We love Ae in this team. He brings glory to us! Well except when he beat us Sports Science when he is an Engineering Major…”
LadyBoys: “I don’t know how the hell a muscular, sexy abs, yummy muscles belong to that shorty with foul mouth! This is an outrage! He even give me the middle finger when I told him if he wants to spend the night with me! Such barbaric action against me a lady!”
Pete chuckles to the different description of Ae. 
For him, Ae is the opposite of what they say and he cant help wander why. Ae is sweet to him. Ae never finds him annoying and he is always pinching his cheeks or ruffling his hair. Ae told him that he likes his hair, soft and silky (well he is a half-Noble so his hair is entirely different from humans) 
Ae never rush him when they are eating. Its hard for him to swallow cause he is not used to eating the food Ae gave him, he eats either fruits and drinks blood via blood bags from blood bank. So its really really hard for him to swallow any meat and vegetables.
Ae cares about his safety that Ae will bike all the way to his apartment and drop him off (when all he did was walked, he is a Noble so walking for an hour or so is nothing to him, or he can just jump building to building or well, fly – he is not human after all)
The Engineering Department won the game with Ae’s two points versus Sports Science and instead of joining the seniors and juniors at the party, Ae went to Pete. Pete was alarmed when Ae was at his apartment. Pete looks at the full moon and this is the time that he is very weak and the blood bags are not stored in his freezer where he usually storms them.
He has been feeling weak for the couple of days and the blurry visions and headache keeps on attacking him.
Ae was worried because Pete promise to watch the game only he didn’t show up. Pete never miss a game and he was not answering his line messages as well.
‘Pete, what’s wrong? You’re so pale.’ Ae was scared for Pete. Pete’s skin is milky white with a blush but the Pete before him is pale as ghost.
‘Ae… please go. I’m okay. Please please go.’
‘No! I will be here! Tell me what to do!’
‘Ae please! Go!’
Ae was angry now when Pete seems to be pushing him. 
Pete was crying and Ae doesn’t know what to do. Ae tried to hug him but Pete pushed him -  a little bit strong that made Ae stumbled and hurt.
‘OH! AE! Im sorry! But please please. I don’t want to hurt you! Please go!’
Pete was scared – he can feel hunger. 
He had never felt his way before.
He can smell it… the delicious smell of blood. He clench his teeth and told Ae once again to go.
‘No! I will not go!’
‘Ae please… I don’t want you to hate me… please’
Ae is crying now as well, ‘Please tell me Pete what’s wrong with you?’
‘Ae… I… I- please just go.’
Then everything on Pete’s memory become a blur and then darkness.
He doesn’t remember anything.
What he remembers is the sweet taste of blood in his lips.
He woke up and was shock. 
He was scared.
Everything – his surrounding is full of blood. Dried blood.
‘NO! NO! AE!’
‘Huh?’ Pete looks up and saw Ae running to him. Ae in his shorts and wet hair. 
‘Pete are you okay?’
‘Yes! That’s me! I mean yes what?’
‘You-you’re okay… what-what? Blood?’
‘Ah. Well… First of all, Pete this is not my blood. This is the blood from the bag inside your freezer. And well, some of them are your blood.’
‘What happen Ae?’
‘You kinda turn dart vader last night. You push me – well more like – haul me – good thing it was a soft sofa and went to the freezer, you open the blood bag and drink it, but you throw it away saying ‘It taste like rot’ and then you look at me-‘
‘Ae! Oh my! Did I hurt-‘
‘I’m not hurt. I understand what’s happening even though I don’t believe it – but you well, your eyes turned blue and your fangs kinda shows and told me your are so thirsty. I offer you my blood-‘
‘Well yes, but when you are nearing me, you bite your own arm. And told me to get out.’
‘Then why are you still here?’
‘I can never leave you Pete. You look like your dying. And you were speaking about soul contract or blood contract-‘
‘Well – I don’t want you to suffer… and I understand that you need blood. I gave it to you freely.’
Pete then put his trembling hands to Ae’s neck, removing the towel, and yes, there it is his bite.
‘Ae! Oh God! I’m so sorry!’
‘Pete don’t be. I agree with it.’
‘No! no! You don’t know what it means-‘
‘It means that you’re going to drink my blood from now on. That my blood is the only blood you’ll ever drink.’
‘Ae why? Why didn’t you leave. I’m  a monster Ae. You should have left me…’
‘Pete. We have been fighting last night more than hours – me telling you to drink my blood while you insisting I get out. You even threatened to kiss me and enchant me with your other spell from your mother side and I still stayed.’
‘Why? Why Ae?’
Ae smiled and put his two hands on Pete’s cheek, ‘Because you are not a monster. You are a pure cute vampire. My vampire.’
THIS IS NOT THE END. There will be a proper chapter by chapter story fic. Thank you.
Author’s Note : I was looking for another name for Vampire when I remember about the webtoon that I’ve read years ago (its still on going) it’s a Korean manhwa title: NOBLESSE. I borrowed the title or the race and some places. I just don’t want to say just a vampire.
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teenliterati · 7 years
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Hello my lovely book worms! I know what you all are thinking, ANOTHER post in one month? I know, I’m proud of myself too haha!
Since it has been awhile, I thought why not share some bookish facts about me? I’m obsessed with tags right now and when I found “The Ultimate Book Tag” at Books With Bite I knew I had to do it.
So lets get started!
1. Do you get sick while reading in the car?
Oh yeah, I get car sick just glancing at a text message. Reading on a road trip is definitely out of the question for me.
2. Which author’s writing style is completely unique to you and why?
Maggie Stiefvater for sure. I feel like her writing consists of pages and pages of detail, of scenes or of characters, and that’s pretty hard for me to read. I prefer dialogue or action-packed scenes and a lot of Maggie’s writing needs detail and sustenance before you get to that. I usually avoid books like that but for some reason, I dont avoid hers and always end up loving it.
3. Harry Potter Series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer.
I’m probably going to get SO much backlash for this but it’s Twilight. AND I CAN EXPLAIN!
1. I’ve never actually read any of the Harry Potter books (Except for The Deathly Hallows). Since I grew up watching the movies, I feel like the books would be ruined for me. I HATE watching films before reading the books because it usually ruins the entire franchise for me (books and movies) So I’m staying away from the books to stay in my little ignorant bubble.
2. I read Twilight in the 6th grade became a total fangirl. So whether I like it or not, the books have a little place in my heart.
3. Vampires. I love them, even if they do sparkle in the sun.
4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what is in it (besides books…)?
Is “book bag” the same as a backpack for school? Or is this referring to a regular day to day bag?
In school bag I usually have a planner, wallet, pencil pouch and chapstick.
In a day to day bag (aka my purse) I have a wallet, toiletries bag, and a book I’m currently reading.
5. Do you smell your books?
UM YEAH. People who say they dont are liars.
6. Books with or without little illustrations?
I dont read a lot of books with illustrations so I dont really know. I dont think I’d mind it either way. And if it’s anything like Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo then I’m all for the illustrations!
7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn’t quality writing? 
TWILIGHT! As I said earlier, I was a complete and total fangirl. I worshipped those books. But when I tried to read them again this past summer, I couldn’t even get past the first page.
8. Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood? Please share!
I really cant think of any, yikes.
9. What is the thinnest book on your shelf?
The Epic of Gilgamesh by Andrew R. George
10. What is the thickest book on your shelf?
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
11. Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?
I do! I write poetry and actually have a few published. Its been awhile since I’ve written something new but I’ve always loved it. I dont see myself as an author only because I get the worst writers block and will go without writing for months.
12. When did you get into reading?
Fourth grade. Because of Winn Dixie was the book that started it all.
13. What is your favorite classic book?
I haven’t read enough classic books to have a favorite. That is one of my bookish resolutions though!
14. In school was your best subject Language Arts/English?
Yep! My absolute favorite subject and I really wish I was taking some now.
15. If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated…what would you do?
Well first of all, I would be incredibly touched that someone thought to buy me a book because that never happens. Second of all, if I hated it I would probably keep it anyways for the sentiment.
16. What is a lesser known series that you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?
I dont know any lesser known series, but the book Carry On by Rainbow Rowell has some Harry Potter feels to it. Which is why I probably didn’t like it (they seem too similar to me for my liking)
17. What is a bad habit you always do (besides rambling) while filming?
I’m not a booktuber so this doesnt apply to me.
18. What is your favorite word?
Talisman. Probably because of the Immortal series by Gillian Shield, it’s just a cool word!
19. Are you a nerd, dork, or dweeb? Or all of the above?
Uhhhh, I dunno, why dont you guys decide?
20. Vampires or Fairies? Why?
FAIRIES ALL! THE! WAY! Because they’re wicked and cunning with hidden softie tendencies (AHEM RHYSAND) and they’re magical and just my all time favorite mythical creatures. 
21. Shapeshifters or Angels? Why?
Huh, you know I dont have particular favor for either of these.
22. Spirits or Werewolves? Why?
Yeah I have no favor for these two either.
23. Zombies or Vampires?
Vampires. Zombies absolutely terrify me, I cant read about them or watch anything with them in it
24. Love Triangle or Forbidden Love?
BOTH! There is so much flack about love triangles going around right now but I love them. People think they’re frustrating but that’s the point??
I also love forbidden love because the things people will do to be together… *sighs in hopeless romantic
So anything that has to do with love? I’m on board with it.
25. AND FINALLY: Full on romance books or action-packed with a few love scenes mixed in?
I like both! I usually read full on romance books in the summer (for some weird reason) and read action packed with a few love scenes mixed in the rest of the time.
Yay! That’s it for todays post, here are some people I’d like to see do this tag but OF COURSE are not obligated to! 
@uponthepages @catastrophicallyinlovewithbooks @throne-of-omg-the-feels
Happy Reading! x.
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de-couleur · 8 years
hi! thank you for your reply on my post, i dont rly know much about the whole mythology around vampires. so basically like you said it all depends on how i wanna depict it/what mythology I wanna go with? im considering writing a fic with a vampire/vampires in it and i dont want it to seem like i know 0 about vampires if it ever does get written lol
Most vampire mythology is based off of on how the body decomposes: cold skin, hair and skin "growing" after death (skin is just shrinking from lack of water), and the infamous Vlad the Impaler (he's the reason most people think vampires can turn into bats as he had released a colony of bats against an opposing army at sunset making it look like his army had transformed). Honestly you could make up a lot of the stuff you want about vampires as most books about them change details over time. The biggest comparison would be from vampires being unable to go in the sun without dying to them sparkling in the sun in the Twilight series. The general knowledge is that they have fangs, have to drink blood, and were previously human. After that, it's really up to the author what they want to do.
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simple-ponderings · 5 years
January 30 2020 11:00AM
We were finding shelter. Night was falling and it was imperative we find it before it was too late. My family and I were hiding out in a van. There was chaos all around. Before I shut the doors I saw someone and maybe a dog scramble for somewhere. I urged them to come to the van.
Once inside I slammed the door shut. My family rushed to put up blankets to hide ourselves. There wasnt enough. We were short. "We need more thick sheets," I stated. My father looked old and troubled. "I'll go," I said. My friend offered to come with me. We went back to the house I grew up in.
The sun was setting, barely visible, and the night crept in. We needed to hurry. I think we were on bikes. I rode one with harley motorcycle handles. It was so uncomfortable. I wanted to switch. She wouldnt let me. We arrived at the block I grew up on. It looked like twilight. There were alot of sparkling orbs, or illuminated fireflies around.
There was a woman in a car. It looked like she was knitting. She had red hair and blue eyes. We eyed each other for a moment. She sent flying arrowheads at me. A green sparkling light trailed after it. I quickly arranged my hands and formed an energetic barrier. We went on like that for awhile. Arrowhead after arrowhead, shield after shield. There came a point where I just swatted one away and remained resolute in my posture.
Im not here to fight you. Infact, all of you need to get out of here, I sent. I knew there were other creatures hiding. She gave me a worried look of reconsideration. My friend and I continued our walk to my house. We werent far.
When we arrived, I went straight to my room to get the sheets. There was a boy there. He had olive skin and dark hair. I offered to let him travel with us. He agreed. He changed his clothes and we bumped into each other.
I was traveling alone now, somehow. I was on a bus waiting for my friends so we could back to our family. They were taking forver. There was a baby next me, crying. "He doesnt like the night," The bus driver huffed, "doesnt wanna open his eyes".
The bus started moving. I got up frantically searching, hoping my friends would come. There they were but we were moving too fast for them to catch up. I forced open a door but before I left I said "There are still some people out there who need to be picked up".
Now that we were outside and had no means of transportation, we were exposed. It was dangerous. We needed to find a car. So many people were running, clambering, scrambling to get out of the open. I found a car. It was a green sports car. My friend was against driving and caused me to hesitate. Other people managed to get to it. I expressed exasperation "Theres no space now,"
We managed to find a car. We drove seperately. It was so hard to control. I swerved here and there. I eventually abandoned it and was back out in the open. I was running back to my family. Someone had called my name though and I ran in that direction.
Suddenly I was surrounded by 4 beings. They looked like no-face from spirited away mixed with the mako from MFKZ. I dont know if they were good or bad. I guess they simply were. They remained silent.
I was now in the base of a great tree. I was running from Nazi Officers. Such undercurrents of evil...I locked myself in a room. I looked up and saw roots crisscrossing over each other in ascending order with a beautiful light glistening in the sky.
I suddenly remembered a gauntlet that activated a power. It allowed me to manipulate the properties of the Earth. I activated it and the ground became waves of an ocean. I bounced off one and flew into the air. High up, I could see everything. I let my adversaries in. They clumsily fell in searching for me.
I shot down taking one down. And then another and another. I went for the door. The door that would lead me to my family. It was a special door that protected us from trespassers.
I opened it and was greeted by my family. I passed by the bathroom. There was an bowl of running water with a glowing sparkling spinning ball on top. My sister came to me. "Did you lock the door?"
"No," I guess she hadnt known about the magical seal. I went to lock it anyway for safety measures. As I approached the door I saw my aunt on the other side. She was dressed in her nightgown. She was alone. She looked lonely.
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casscutting · 7 years
Tag Tuesday: 50 Random Facts About Me!
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I wanted a fun way for you all to get to know me better so I came across several tags that I plan on doing over the next few weeks. I meant to have this up yesterday but things happen and time got away from me. So let’s kick this off with the 50 Random Facts About Me Tag!
I am 30 years old (about to be 31 on the 8th of December)
I have lived in Florida my whole life.
I HATE the heat with a passion mightier than a thousand suns.
I am a transgender woman.
The name Cass Cutting is a Pen Name.
I choose a Pen Name not to hide my identity but to simplify things with the publishing process because the process to change one’s name for gender identity reasons in the state of Florida is an expensive pain in the ass that can be made so much harder by the wrong judge.
I am a HUGE animal lover.
I am highly allergic to cats which only happened from the age of 23 onwards.
I personally own 2 dogs one RidgeBack Greyhound mix named Phoenix she is 11 and a 3-year-old mutt named Raven who I rescued from the pound. We assume that she is a mix of Pit, Lab, Jackrussle and maybe some more but those are the ones we can assume from looking at her.
I proudly call myself a mutt because I am lol I am Spanish, Cuban, Venezuelan, Native American, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and French that we know of.
I call my family the one bloodline United Nations because in addition to the above mentioned I also have family members who are of African, Japanese, Italian, Puerto Rican, and Mexican descent.
I knew I wanted to be an author from the time I learned that people actually wrote books, which was about the 4th grade.
I hate the term “Aspiring Writer” if you write you are a writer the term is “Aspiring Author” or “Aspiring Journalist” or something along those lines.
In the middle of my final year of 8th grade, we had to go meet with the counselors at the high school as an introduction thing. I was told that my life would amount to nothing and that it would take me 8 years to graduate from high school with a special diploma. That I would then have to go for my GED if I were lucky enough to get into the program then if by some stroke of luck I were able to pass the course I would never get into college and the only job I’d be able to get would be to sweep the sun off the sidewalks. needless to say, that counselor had his license revoked by the state of Florida and had a letter attached to his “file” stating he was unfit to work with children ever again.
I graduated on time with a “Normal Diploma” I wasn’t top of my class but I was 119 out 378 students.
I did go to college, however, I did not finish. Not because I was unable to keep up with the workload but because my father had was hit in his knee with a concrete pipe that broke loose from it chains as it was being lifted onto a truck. So I left school to help my family.
I suffer from depression (partly because of number 14)
I was a nationally ranked among the top high school Trombone players.
I was only playing for one year when I got that ranking.
I am a Graphic Artest (would be Graphic Designer if I had finished my course)
I am obsessed with Pin-up girls and Burlesque dancers.
I suffer from daily chronic migraines.
I was born with severe ear problems.
I had 13 surgeries on my ears alone from the age of 18 months to 16 years old.
I was told that there is a strong possibility that I could be completely deaf by the age of 50 because of the scar tissue build-up from the surgeries and the many infections I’ve had over my life.
I think that’s one of the reasons I love books so much because you don’t need to hear to enjoy them.
I have never been outside of the US though I would love to travel.
I have had the desire to move to Europe my whole life.
I am originally from Key West as is most of my family for many generations.
My grandfather on my fathers’ side arrested Ernest Hemmingway for being drunk and fighting a homeless man in the graveyard in Key West over who was going to get to drink from the hand-pumped well.
There were no available police vehicles at the time so he threw them both in the back of a garbage truck and road on the back to the precinct.
I’ve read 5 Hemmingway books and didn’t like any of them.
My grandmother on my mothers’ side gave up being a Prima Ballerina to have a family.
I don’t know that I could have done that.
My Great Grandfather on my mothers’ side played in a band with Desi Arnaz before he was famous.
I learned to type on Typewriters.
I have 2 working Vintage Typewriters a Royal from 1931 and a Royal from 1940.
I hate the fact that people think I’m a “hipster” because I like my Typewriters and like to dress in 1940’s style from time to time and like burlesque and pinup culture.
I read Harry Potter so many times that am having to replace my original copies because they are falling apart.
I have never read Twilight and only saw two movies because my ex-boyfriend wanted too. Why? BECAUSE VAMPIRES DONT FUCKING SPARKLE lol.
I would love to one day buy a bunch of land and go around to kill shelters and adopted all the dogs until I could re-home them.
I am 6’1″ (all the woman on my dad’s side are between 6’0″ and 6’7″)
I am terrified of heights (even step ladders)
I saw both It and 20 mins of Arachnophobia when I was 8-years old. I am scared shitless of spiders but not clowns.
Halloween is my favorite holiday followed closely by Christmas and Thanksgiving.
I am currently learning Swedish
I have plans to learn French, German, Latin, and Icelandic.
I would love to buy, restore and live in an old castle.
I think zombies could be a possibility one day
I have studied Buddhism, Hinduism, as well as ancient Norse, Greek, Romain, Celtic, Egyptian, and several Native American cultural religions. Though at this time I consider myself to be Agnostic.
So there you go, you know a little about me 😀
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