#dont wanna put him in a situation šŸ˜…
simp4konig Ā· 11 months
Hii! So Iā€™m new in the Call of Duty fandom but I donā€™t play the games like on the ps5, etcā€¦ I only play Call of Duty on my phone and I got addicted and began digging deeper so here I am! Since I donā€™t/canā€™t play the different games of cod do you recommend any channels on youtube that does an amazing walkthrough of the games? I really really want to watch some walkthroughs but I donā€™t know whats the order of watching each game?? Does each game connect to each other? Iā€™m still kind of confused since Iā€™m still newšŸ˜…šŸ˜…. Iā€™m sorry to disturb you though but I hope you can help mešŸ˜­
To summarise before I go on a useless tangent and ramble needlessly, here are short answers for your questions:
Yes, the games are related. Modern Warfare 1+2+3 are chronological, and are the same story with the same characters. Similarly, it is widely believed that the Black Ops series + Cold War take place in the same timeline as Modern Warfare. I know for certain that Cold War is connected to MWI+II+III because Captain Price is a playable character in multiplayer, and the Black Ops series mention the same villains.
There is no particular chronological order in terms of a greater narrative, however, if you want to understand the story of Modern Warfare, watch walkthroughs of MWI, MWII, and finally MWIII. Black Ops has its own series so if you want to watch those too, you can, however you won't be missing major plot points in Modern Warfare if you choose not to. Cold War is in the same timeline as Modern Warfare, but you won't be missing major plot points in Modern Warfare either if you choose not to.
My advice: Watch game walkthroughs (I would recommend at least once, even in 2x speed, just so you know the general gist of the lore).
Watch COD compilations (trust me, there's LOADS) that are 10ā€“20 mins long, and feature the most iconic scenes in the game back-to-back so you aren't missing anything
Dont resd this if you dont want to!!!vvv it's long and its just me sympathising with you becsude im in the same situation šŸ’€šŸ’€... Vvvvvvv
Played MW and MWII, theold versions onlyšŸ’”And i DONT hsve a PS5 EITHER so i csnt play the remasyers/reimagines, neithet can my parents justify buying the games just to hage a 100gb game on our PS4šŸ˜«šŸ˜« were in this together anon,... šŸ˜“
I mostly have been going on youtube and tyoing out "MW 2019 walkthrough" and "MW2 2022 walkthrough" to see wheyher the plot has chsnged so i can keep up to daye and understand whay the fandom is on about !! Since ive plaued the older remasters , i watch these in like 1.75 speed or even just skip parts bc i already kniw what's gonna haooen mostly šŸ˜™āœŒļø but any scenes that im like "WOAH wtf is this i dint rmeebrt this happeningšŸ¤Ø" I watch them 10ā€“20min compilations of certain charwcyer moments šŸ˜Œ Because i honestlu do NOT hsve the time to watch a whole ass 9ā€“12h video in multiple sittings, i have homework and studyijg to be doingā€¼ļøā€¼ļø
And fir my headcannond/fanfictions , "[insert character here] voicelines" so i can understand the characyer thru their voicelines (like Kƶnig and Krueger), as well as seeing their skins and backstories on theit respevtive wikis, googling their respectivr countries, ajd builfing my vision of these by also reading OTHER people's headcannons/fanfictions !! If you were to resd my oldest works, youd see thay my Kƶnig was the fanon Kƶnig, but as ivr gotten more used to writing him and changing my perception of his character+personality, you can tell how how i write for him has slowly developed šŸ™Œ
i feel like a hypocritetelling u to watch MWIII tho because neitjer have i plaued it NOR watched a walkthru bc my fav characters DIE and i dont wanna put myself thru that just yetšŸ˜‡ obviously, with MWIII remaster here, i think ill hage to soon ....
Im honoufed u chode yo ask ME of sll people !!ā˜ŗļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø... So im sorfy i couldnt be more useful ā˜¹ļøšŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”
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robozombii Ā· 2 years
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lets say. metaphorically. i am gripping your shoulders with upmost strength (if thats cool lmao) sorry in advanced because im gonna get really annoying rq BUT ive started talking about duet and i WILL. NOT. STOP. also i dooo plan on sharing the slides to some but its been a wip for like a whole yearšŸ˜…so i doubt ill finish it soon. anyhow [inhale]
WARNING FOR mentions of the backrooms, death, but its not the main focus
about duet being an inciting incident, i could only GUESS as to what the gangs situation was like prior to duets encounter. but arthur in the comic dismisses lewis as soon as he mentions him. and THIS??
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ITS JUST A LINE. BUT IT SHOWS that the gang avoided anything to do with lewis. and thus, without duet slapping arthur in the face with cryptic literature, they wouldve probably been stuck in a depressing state of avoidism. which DOESNT MOVE A PLOT. BUT DUET DID!!! DUET THE FUCKING MADMAN
duet literally couldve had SO MUCH CONTROL over the gang. in the beginning at least- from encountering arthur at his most vulnerable state (which would be easier to influence), to giving the magic book, to telling arthur to get some gas for the van. that seems like a minor detail but imagine if they didnt and went to a gas station instead of the mansion. duet couldve literally had their ENTIRE ROAD TRIP planned out.
and another note- this???
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theres a lot of things to note about the comic panel by itself -how a book connected to duet has vines? connection to shiromori or rose thorns that point to lewis- AND THE COLOR IN ARTHURS EYES which does sort of resemble the possession and control reverb had over him. could this be a way of duet controlling arthurs will? but theyre both purple which caught my attention because COLOR IS IMPORTANT!!! it might be a stretch but it really is in msa. and i dont think duet and lewis would team up necessarily- i doubt theyd have the same motives. but duet isnt just 'the weird boss of tome tomb' theyre so much more CAPABLE. they could possibly forsee the future and shit?? IDK??
and going back to chloe- while i feel she has a bit of a motive to mess with the gang -its immature but a motive. go look at her wiki for an idea- duet could have the actual CAPABILITIES to put a plan into motion. a theory i saw stated that chloe was the 'SOLO' in reverbs intro, and thus a contrast to her friend duet, but could it also be that SOLO is an alternate name for duet themself? its just something to speculate, if one or the other could be malicious, or both.
this isnt so prominent in my fics, theyre mentioned in both of my published ones though- in full bloom, they say an odd phrase to vivi, just as they did to arthur in canon. it doesnt really do anything BUT i plan to utilize it in a possible sequel
in my BACKROOMS FIC THOUGH? theyre.. not mentioned that much either oops. but it goes to show just how odd an interpretation of duet could get. i stated earlier that duet possibly had control over the gangs future, part magic part manipulation, and thats fine in canon. they probably have good motives by pushing the gang together and FORCING them to make up- but in the backrooms fic, the gang literally ends up in a fucked up world and one of them ends up DEAD. like. if duet was aware of such a thing, and led the gang with full intentions to such a thing..
like- do you see what im saying? there could be tons of aus where just a touch of their influence fucks everyone up and turns them into a darker character than what they are right now. AND I LOVE MAKING FUCKED UP BLORBOS. PLEASE WRITE DUET AND CHLOE MORE OR AT LEAST IMPLEMENT THEM INTO PLOTS THEYRE THERE TO DO SHIT LET EM DO SHIT!!!!
if you wanna im not forcing youšŸ˜­i hope i get an opportunity to REALLY really write em but a lot of my fic ideas are centered around arthur and vivi woops. anyways- thats just a FRACTION of what youd see on my msa presentation lmaoooo. i dont even have this rant added on there- so i probably should. feel free to add your own thoughts and stuff i love the fanart and fics this fandom has to offer but can we also offer SEVERAL PARAGRAPHS OF RANTING. please
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kumezyzo Ā· 1 year
hahahah, sorry I scared you šŸ˜…
so yeah, obviously, every person is unique and has its own personal traits, "bad and good" sides. I love sapnap, but some things in his behavior kind of threw me off :/
for example:
1) when sylvee was streaming the pumpkin carving with hannah, punz, and sapnap, he was getting in and off the frame, not being present(?). also, as hannah said, "i picked and carried all three pumpkins myself, and these two didn't even help me." she said it in a playful way and didn't seem really upset, but sapnap not helping her was weird. although i do understand that he doesn't owe anything to anyone, but not helping his friend in need is odd. if you get what i mean.
2) hannah rose's bday stream. george and sapnap were there with sylvee. when the guys were beating/hitting the piƱata with bat, hannah was holding it most of the time. she said multiple times the piƱata was heavy, and asked sapnap to hold it, and he said, "i literally don't wanna hold that." again, he doesn't have to do something he doesn't want, but it's his close friend's bday :/ (it also felt like he wasn't present in the stream mentally(?))
3) I'm pretty sure you heard about this one. i have not seen the stream myself, but i read about it on tumblr: while sylvee's stream, she was playing gartic phone with her friends (including sapnap and george, as i remember) and they kept being annoying and kind of ruining the vibe? i don't really know, but sylvee seemed super upset and was tearing up.
4) when george got a rash and was covered in red spots all over his body, dream went to the doctor with him. dream said they need to use sapnap's car to get george to the doctor, to what he said, "i don't want george to sit in my car", & when dream convinced him it's not contagious, sapnap still required george to cover all his body up with hoodie and leggings on. sapnap also didn't want to stream with him in the same room because he believed it was contagious. i mean, yeah, every person should think about themself & their health in the first place, and sapnap was just being cautious about it. but it got a little ridiculous, in my opinion.
again, I'm not like totally hating on sapnap. that's just my observation šŸ˜ŗ (and sorry if this has any mistakes or sounds off, english is not my first language)
if im gonna be completely honest, i havent seen any of those clips (and i didnt know he said that about the george situation) so i dont think i can comment on it.
but i totally get what you mean that its off putting. and i think with you saying that he seemed mentally checked out on hannahs bday, it kinda makes sense he was being a bit of an ass. not to excuse it, but im just tryna find reasons as to why he would act that way
i wish i had more to say but i havent seen anything so i dont want to say much about it without seeing it for myself. but i definitely get where youre coming from
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chelleztjs18 Ā· 2 years
Hello you mrs. used to work at a restaurant, now a full time mother of one and is getting gray hairs lefty eyebag šŸ˜… you did pretty good, I like my nickname hahaha
Oh no, if you want you can rant about your day to me. Do your anxiety attacks come pretty often?
I still have this really bad headache. I don't like it, I hate headaches because then it makes my eyes hurt too.
You sound so organized. I remember doing fifo when I used to work at a grocery store. Do you like watching videos of ASMR where the people are stocking their pantry and organizing it all nice and pretty?
Nooo I really don't know my type anymore I swear! I mean some traits haven't changed but it's hard to explain. I don't wanna ramble and bore you haha
Emily has good taste in her favorite princess lol second favorite is definitely Elsa and if I had a third, it might be Jasmine.
Don't apologize for rambling I don't mind knowing more about you and stuff. So when you say raspy, like Scarlett's raspy voice?
The word that makes me cringe is "moist", it's so awkward. That and the R word that people would use to describe others who are mentally ill or autistic. I can't even say or type it because it makes me mad to think about it.
Hahahahaha I love that clip! STELLAAAAAAA. He is so funny as Cam. Do you know that one episode where they were going to watch the eclipse? And Cam was all slathered in lotion and dressed in all white??
- CuriousGeorge
Hahaha yaaay im glad you like your nickname from me. lol.
oh its okay. It's just a living situation with my father in law. We have been having some disagreement and argument for a while, regarding parenting. remember when i told you that it takes a lot for me to get real mad or dislike somebody? well this is the example. haha. The anxiety I was talking about was kinda related to the issue. It's a long sorry, i dont wanna force u listen to me. don't wanna scare u away. lol
oh no, that sucks. headache always annoying. Are you gonna take medicine at all? maybe something like tylenol or motrin or something?
haha no, not really. I'm organized in certain stuff. Sometimes i can be unorganized too. :D
well, i'm not as organized as people who does asmr to their pantry but if i see something really organize, i guess it gives me good feelings. sometimes seeing even a little things that really not match or organized can "tickle" me in an annoying way.hahaha. i dont know if i have OCD or not. maybe i do but not that bad. im not sure about it.
For example, my husband mostly let Em to pick what she wants to wear but sometimes it bothers me if it doesnt match or something. So I always pick her clothes or give her choices that I already set up for her lol. Even for her pajamas or clothes she wears at home which nobody really see it. lol. He always said "It's okay, let her pick n wear what she wants." and I always say "No, it doesnt look good, i dont like it." or "no, it doesnt match / it's too much going on and it drives me crazy." hahahahaha. but dont worry, i dont force it, if after I try to give her choices n she still pick her own, I let her.
Or I like my hangers faces the same way, or my money in my wallet, i like them facing the same way from biggest number to the smallest. lol.
I'm like this with how arrange while loading my dishwasher. I prefer loading it than unloading it. I load my dishwasher like I'm playing tetris game. lol.
The same with our beddings (especially pillowcases). I have an assigned pillow cases for each pillow. lol. like, i want a certain pillow case is put on to certain pillows. so everytime we wash all of our bedding and he helps with putting on the sheets and everything, he doesnt do the pillow cases because I want to do it n i ask him not to do it. lol You probably think "damn, she's weird" right now. lol.
haha it's okay, you wont bother me with your ramble about ur type. I'm all ears or all eyes now. lol.
hahaha those princesses u like are Em's top favorites.
yes, something like Scarlet's raspy or Lizzie's raspy. I think Lizzie's voice is kinda raspy sometimes. I think their raspy voice is sexy.
Hmm.. i'm a little confused why moist bothers a lot of people. I mean i gues it sounds a little weird but i dont know if it's THAT weird.
haha yeah, when u type "STELAAAAAA" i read it with Cam's voice. lol. n yeeeeees! I remember that episode. Cam was on antibiotic medication or something n it says avoid sun exposure and he took it to the next level and then the "dress" that he wears got stuck on the boat's propellers. lol and he had to go to the small store. n i remember when it's dark from the eclipse, he says "hello darkness my old friend." lol.
Speaking about that episode, I have been to that hiking spot where Phil and Claire went. The view was sooooo gorgeous. I remember that there was a huge tree collapse there, it's so big that i had to climb it n i could stand on it and took a pict.
That lake where they were at was called Emerald Bay. It's in South Lake Tahoe.
Next questions?
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breanime Ā· 2 years
Accidentally sent a picture of my boom booms to my ex-slam piece... Oops šŸ˜…
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gogolstoelicker Ā· 2 years
Dorm leaders with yuu who is like Vanitas form vanitas no carte?
If it's not too much don't have to do this
Dorm leaders with a Vanitas!MC
You seem to take nothing seriously, carrying a mischievous aura around you. You also act impulsively most of the time but is capable of showing seriousness when the situation calls for it.
However, you also hate being vulnerable around people, especially to those you don't trust.
he can't take it at all
ur flirtings he meant
he sat down next u for 1 sec and so suddenly the lights focused on u two, there's a romantic music playing, rose petals are falling down around u two and there's a glass (of apple juice) in ur hand as u wink at him
he does not know how u did it and he is very much not interested in how that happened
would collar u
literally u can breathe and he'll collar u for it
ace 2.0 igšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
well at least ace got a buddy now to share the pain of being collaredšŸ¤—šŸ¤—ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø
is very sick and tired of your presence but somehow he just can't completely block u off his life
its like having another chenya in his life but more annoying and is completed with the package of being flirty
or its like that one friend that's so annoying but then they dont come to school for one day and so suddenly you miss them
yelled at u once bc he caught u on top of heartslabyul's rooftopšŸ’€
scolded u even more once trey and cater got u down
likes that you're a neat person (even tho he thinks it's shocking for someone like u to have such a traitšŸ’€)
and is absolutely flabbergasted when he learned you're a doctor back in ur world
"I'm just a doctor who cures vampires thošŸ¤—šŸ˜˜" "BUT YOU'RE STILL A DOCTORšŸ˜±ā‰ļøā€¼ļø"
on his way to fistfight u
almost lose thošŸ’€embarrassing
he won't admit it but it lowkey hurt his pride when u almost win against him
what are u doing carrying around a blade in school anywayšŸ¤Øā‰ļø
ya wanna get into detention or smthā‰ļø(if it exists in nrc idk)
^he's very much still not satisfied that u almost win thats why he evn brings it up
actually got a scrath on u during ur fight
which you're not really worried abt since you heal faster than a normal human anywayšŸ¤·ā€ā™€
leona when he learns of itšŸ¤ØšŸ¤¬ā‰ļø
if u can heal then you should heal him too
he got another scar on his cheek bc of ur dumbass bladešŸ¤¬
you're a doctor. u can do it.
if u say u only cure vampires, leona will show u his fangs (sneakily ofc, he dont wanna hurt his pride more)
just put a bandage on it its okšŸ’€
one time he was trying to take a nap
and while laying down, he saw ur ass
i meant that literallyšŸ’€
bc you're right on top of the building
its ok u didnt flash him or anything, u wearing those nrc pants anyway
leona is confused btwšŸ˜­
bcs like why the hell are u up there in the first place and why he gotta catch uā‰ļøā‰ļø
shaking, sobbing, crying, clenching his jaw, clutching his contract
he's sick and tired of ur flirtings toošŸ’”
pls stop for the love of the great seven he just wants some peacešŸ’”
he can tolerate u tho ayeeeā€¼ļøšŸ™
all that complaining for nothingšŸ’€
he likes playing board games with u
but he absolutely hates losingšŸ’€
and u being u, u just create some plans in the middle of playing
basically by impulse
so u won like 90 of the times based on thatšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
azul have his head in his hands
he disappeared from ur sight for a week
only to come and challenge u again
he have studied the way u think, he WILL win this time
so u might wanna lose purposely if u dont want azul on ur tailšŸ˜…šŸ˜°
ok but one time u skipped class
and azul is having flight class
and he finally flew up until the rooftopā€¼ļøā€¼ļøomgā‰ļøā‰ļø
and you're right therešŸ’€
"hey azul^^!!"
azul shrieking and immediately falling down:
good thing u caught him in time
def lose his cool and started scolding u abt being on top of a ROOFTOPšŸ˜°šŸ˜°
which made u got caught by the teacheršŸ’€woops ig
u are VERY much intrigued and entertained being with kalim
like his curiosity + liveliness just makes u gošŸ¤©ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøtoo
2nd jamil but less stressed (this u btw)
^only bc u genuinely had fun being with kalim
except for when he randomly disappeared bc of a random whimšŸ’€u def did not have fun searching for him around school
with the threat of the actual jamil behinf u with his cooking pan
one time u were hanging out with kalim and u were just so tired of trying to chase after him that u brought those leash for kids and used it on him
how'd u get the leash u may ask? ask sam. he said he have everything in his storešŸ¤·ā€ā™€
while the leash does help, it lowkey makes ur arm hurt from having to tug kalim back near u before he got lost/ u lost himšŸ’€
the other students were just standing behind yall likešŸ˜šŸ˜Ÿ
u go back and forth from trusting and trusting kalim if it makes sensešŸ¤”
like you know his intention is 100% pure but there's still that small doubt in u
he is absolutely curious about ur job
like u heal vampiresā‰ļøhe gotta know about this
tried to climb rooftops/trees with u
jamil pulled him AND you off
just so kalim won't copy ušŸ’€
"im a doctor^^!" "you?šŸ¤Ø"
^basically both ur first meeting with each other
u do not look like a doctor at all, half offense
and a doctor who specializes in healing vampires toošŸ¤”ā‰ļø
and then it turns into u flirting with him
im sure vil is immune to flirtings now bc likešŸ¤”mans is famous and looks like a full course meal so like who don't wanna flirt with that manšŸ˜
that and bc rook always compliments him a minimum 5 times a dayšŸ’€
so he just brush u off honestly
but would keep u around if you're going to compliment him toošŸ¤”since its lowkey a confident boost
absolutely scolds u for being on top of high places
esp if you're on top of a roof like GET DOWNšŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬U AINT A BIRD
he likes that you're a neat person tooā€¼ļø
like damn thats surprising from u but he absolutely encourages it
he doesn't even need to clean ur appearance up since u usually take care of it urself
absolutely became those type of moms to epelšŸ’€
"why don't u be more like them epel?" he said as he point at u
"appearance wise ofc, don't copy their personality"
šŸ’€its ok brošŸ’€at least u got one compliment
oh god its an extrovert -idia
feels like crying whenever u approach him
its like when you're trying to finish ur homework in class bc u forgot to do it yesterday and the tc is collecting it
thats how he felt when u approach him
i mean u leave him alone sometimesšŸ¤”sometimesšŸ’€
became great gaming buddies after
almost blast ur ass whenever u win against him
but then again its fun having someone ALMOST as good as ušŸ¤—šŸ¤—
until they win instead of u that isšŸ’€
^basically his thoughts whenever u win
he doesn't really care that you're a doctor
anything is possible in this worldā€¼ļøesp in this weird ass world he lives inā€¼ļø
how he found out tho? he saw the book u always carry around
at first he does care much until he saw how pretty the cover looks
hesitated a bit but he opened the book
when he opened it, it was empty so he was likešŸ¤”ā”
so he FINALLY asked u about it
when u tell him he was like :0
"this book is what u use to cure vampiresšŸ¤”ā”damn did u whack them with knowledge or smthā”ā”"
and he only ask thag bc u purposely leave some parts out to be mysteriousšŸ’€dawg istgšŸ’€
saw u on top of the roof during one of his walks near ur dorm and thought u got stuck there or smth
u saw his horns and went "damn weird shit againšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£"
im sorry idk why i used that emoji
anyways he asked if u need help getting down from there
and u just go āŒāŒ and that u just like high places
from then on, u guys usually hang around roof
he's intrigued about u
a weird human who heals faster than normal humansšŸ¤”and is apparently a doctor who specializes in healing vampires
i think there are vampires and doctors like u in twisted wonderlandšŸ¤”i mean what is not impossible there
so while malleus have absolutely heard about it, he does not know much abt thay field
so do expect some questions here and there
sometimes hes worried abt ušŸ¤”
bc like aren't humans supposed to have their daily sleep everyday to survive or smth?? why aren't u sleeping???
and then he learns that u can't really sleep around the people u don't really trust (the ghostsšŸ’€)(maybe grim maybe not grim)(mickey mouse in ur mirror HELP)
tried to get u to sleep in his dorm instead
like would legit let u sleep in some spare bedroom just for ur health
can't have his first friend outside of his three retainers fall sick amiritešŸ˜ˆšŸ’Ŗ
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gud-soup Ā· 3 years
Hi! Can i pls request some poly nsfw headcanons for gojo x fem reader x geto ? Both of them like the reader so they come to a compromise to save their friendship as well? (If you dont do poly then seperate headcanons are fine as well)Thank you šŸ’•
a/n: @joyfulenthusiastwitch Of course! Kind of got bored of my own ideas, so thank you for requesting šŸ˜
Note: Btw, I think I'm stupid, cause at first I read sfw and THEN that it was HEADCANON, not a story, that, funny thing, I've almost wrote half of it after reading your request! (Don't worry tho, I didn't throw it away and will eventually upload it, so thank you because now I have another idea)
šŸ˜… Sorry if Iā€™m delivering this later than what I thought, but I got lost in my thoughts, so it turned out quite long, particularly in the poly thing so I had to write it again so many times!
Hope this will be ok, let me know if you enjoyed the reading! And donā€™t be afraid to request more!
āž³ Masterlist
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Jjk Headcanons n*sfw
(Gojo x fem reader x Geto)
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SWITCH (that's canon, I don't care what everyone says)
He doesn't mind being the dominant, and if he is, he will definitely make sure to worship you properly, itā€™s not just a way to make you feel good, but also an ego boost for himself. Seeing you loosing your sanity beneath him, all because of how good he isā€¦ itā€™s enough to make him go numb
Definitely has A LOT of experience, so in any case, youā€™ll be in good hands, donā€™t worry
He knows what heā€™s doing and knows what he wants, that doesnā€™t mean heā€™ll neglect you. Heā€™s aim is to make the both of you enjoy the time
Loads of teasing and edging (from both parts): he absolutely adores seeing you go insane without actually being inside, his long fingers are already doing godā€™s work, besides, when he starts kissing your inner area and playing with the most sensitive parts, you just get closer and closer, but donā€™t expect to reach the ecstasy so soon ;)
He just adores seeing you on top of him, he might help you out a little if youā€™re having any difficulties, but most of the times will just let you do all the work
Iā€™ve read thousands of comments and posts claiming that heā€™s a ā€œdaddyā€ Iā€™m sorry, but where? Sure, he doesnā€™t mind girls drooling all over him for his looks and all, who wouldnā€™t mind just even a one night stand with him, and in those situations heā€™ll surely take the lead, so I guess, fair enough if you wanna call him that; but, I meanā€¦ heā€™s more of a baby boyā€¦(?) not purely submissive, but I just donā€™t see him as a daddy you know what I mean? He isnā€™t ā€œdominant enoughā€ to be called that, he doesnā€™t manifest that aura
Let me explain a bit better the previous point. If he ever manages to find THE ONE, sheā€™ll never be fully passive, nor submissive. She would be strong enough to dare him, challenge him, the perfect ā€œrivalā€. Days will never be boring, sheā€™ll reply to his constant teasing by teasing him back, making him flustered and putting him back to his place, thatā€™s the reason why I hardly believe that the daddy thing is just wrong for him
Something is telling me, that when youā€™re in charge there might have been a few times where he ā€œaccidentallyā€ called you mommy.
In both cases (whether youā€™re dominant or submissive) you would still call him baby or by his name
Gojo has a praise kink (fight me on this one, I dare you), he loves flattering himself because he can, but when YOU do it, then that means itā€™s truly meant, heā€™s ego will just go over the roof and heā€™ll make sure to let you know how good that makes him feel. Buuut, if heā€™s submissive, something is telling me that he would actually be quite flustered, hiding his reddened face with his hand and panting, maybe because overwhelmed by the pleasure, maybe because youā€™re so hot on top of him taking all the control, maybe because itā€™s been hours since you kept edging him, in any case, he loves being your pretty boy
A lot into bondage and sensory deprivation (for the both of you) definitely has a lot of toys too
Itā€™s not a secret that heā€™s super loud and whiny, doesnā€™t care about anything, just pure pleasure, and he expects the same from you
Good luck with your legs, cause this man will never let you go, heā€™s horny 24/7 and he can go forever and claim you everywhere, privately or not, be prepared
Favourite positions: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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Dominant/Gentle Dominant
He prefers taking control, but sometimes would let you do it if you beg enough
Actually takes extra care both during and after sex, pays attention to your needs and makes sure to truly fulfill them
A lot of passionate sex more than anything wild like Gojo, that doesnā€™t mean that he wouldnā€™t go feral with you if he wants to. Mess around and you wonā€™t walk straight for a week or two
Preps you good enough before actually getting in, so that it wonā€™t hurt you
Is it just me, but I believe that he secretly loves when you pull his hair, I just feel like he moans and groans moreā€¦?
Also when you leave scratches all over his back? Pure satisfaction, he probably walks around shirtless with a bun so that you can see how harsh youā€™ve been all because of him (which does make you a bit flustered, especially when he looks at you half grinning and winking as he turns around, obviously referring to those red signs)
I think he would prefer either a sub or a switch, but, hear me out, if itā€™s a dom, Iā€™m sure they would both have fun at trying to be in charge, it would be a passively aggressive make out, until theyā€™re both so desperate that they wonā€™t care about their pride anymore, and it will mostly turn out as a messy-wild sex, where they try to remind each other who actually is the one in control, after all they chose each other because they know they match, right?
Honestly it took me a while to get the perfect nickname, but Iā€™m still not 100% convinced. He could be a daddy, a sir or even a very gentle master, anyway calling him by his name is alright
Compared to Satoru, he doesnā€™t whine, but actually grunts, with A LOT of deep heavy breaths, he does moan, but he isnā€™t as loud as Gojo (but he expects you to loose yourself though, otherwise heā€™ll keep going until heā€™ll be satisfied)
His stamina is actually pretty high he can go for hours and rounds (good luck btw)
Compared to Gojo, although his fantasies go way too far, he can hold himself and is indeed quite patient
Favourite positions: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Poly (Gojo x fem reader x Geto):
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You were Getoā€™s girlfriend, after playing around for a while, he did find you and thatā€™s when he decided to settle down
That brought to not always stick around with his bestie, which upset Gojo a lot, to the point where he started stalking you two just because he missed Suguru (but he will never admit it)
The first time he saw you, he did realise the reason of Getoā€™s frequent absences, you were the most beautiful person he ever laid eyes on, and when you smiled, oh god that smile, he didnā€™t like that he wasnā€™t the reason of it. He started showing up way too often and always tried an excuse to stay with you in particular
Satoru slowly became obsessed with you, to the point that he followed you two, not for his best friend anymore, but for you. Thatā€™s when Geto realised Gojo's intentions, and thatā€™s when their friendship started cracking.
You constantly felt a lot of tension and unease while being with your boyfriend. Whenever you tried to have an intimate moment with him, he just rejected it, he was so passive that you really started to worry about him. It was obvious that Gojo meant a lot to him so you decided to rebuild their friendship
Not gonna lie, they were quite reluctant but how could they say no to you? You were so adorable trying to blabber the reason of the meeting, besides you looked like an angel, how couldnā€™t they deny your will. Furthermore, itā€™s not like the both of them didnā€™t miss each other. The cause of their depression was because they were distant
You couldnā€™t deny that you were attracted to Gojo as well, but cheating wasnā€™t your style. Your boyfriend though, couldnā€™t help himself but notice that you were the happiest when Gojo was around, your smile was the brightest and your joy contagious, maybe was because he did feel better with his bestie around, maybe because he craved to see more of your enthusiasm, maybe because he loved you too much, but in the end he blurted out an unexpected idea.
He agreed on ā€œsharingā€ you with Gojo if that was what you wanted.
So here you are now, laying on the bed, tears forming in your eyes, not able to form even a single word, your head numb. Itā€™s been three months and this was the happiest youā€™ve ever been. You didnā€™t manage to get one hot man, but two of them who never stopped showing how much you meant for them
You definitely couldnā€™t say that your sex life was boring, they always made sure to make you feel the best
Geto always makes sure to treat you right, taking care of you and your needs, while Gojo is just straight up feral
Suguru would mostly lay on top of you, always hitting the spot in your pussy, moving in sync with Satoru whoā€™s holding you on his chest, keeping you still while destroying your ass
That's what they mostly prefer, double penentretion always made you loose your mind, voice and ability to walk
A lot into overstimulation, especially on you as they alternate each other into fucking you and sucking your tits/clit and literally any surface of your body available, and no, thereā€™s not an enough amount of concealer to hide all of the reddish-purple spots, youā€™re theirs. And thatā€™s a fact.
Sometimes both you and Geto would love to tease Gojo to the point he grew desperate, with tears forming on his eyes as he keeps whining. Geto would whisper to him how he would love to have you now while handcuffing both his hands and feet to the edges of the bed, as you keep sucking him off, sometimes riding him while leaving reddish hickies everywhere on his white pearly canvas, like a work of art signed by its author
They will claim you everywhere, so be prepared: in the shower, while cooking, while doing the chores, while at the restaurant. They need you all. the. time. Sometimes even just by sucking them off or jerking them in the corner of the streets will be fine. Just make sure to prepare yourself for what will happen at home ;)
I feel like in public spaces they will LOVE to tease you to the very edge. Geto will handle you a vibrator and play with it with non chalance, just as if it was a game for kids, smiling to himself and exchanging glances with Gojo as he fingers you under the table, both leaving subtle marks on you and whispering sweet nothings to your ears and kissing you as it slowly gets hungrier and sluttier while people are obviously getting whatā€™s going on
Despite trying their best to get along, there will be times where theyā€™ll try to take the whole control and claim you entirely, thatā€™s when theyā€™ll do everything they can to make you scream their names as much as you can and actually count the times youā€™ve said it and to which one of the two youā€™ve cum to (good luck finding a new way to go out cause your legs wonā€™t be helping you)
You love being spoiled by those two and you love spoiling them back, sometimes by throwing on a show with the new lingerie chose by them, sometimes a very appealing dress, sometimes just you pleasuring yourself with the special toys they bought for you as they grow hard
Anyways Iā€™m just VERY sure that none of you regrets this decision šŸ˜Œ
WAHHH i donā€™t know whether this was good or not, Iā€™m just REALLY bad at non sfwā€¦ Iā€™ll probably add more when Iā€™ll find something that will fit, you can suggest too! Let me guys know if it was okā€¦ šŸ˜…
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notyetjae Ā· 2 years
Hi I didnā€™t know where to request so Im doing it here (you dont have to do it)šŸ˜…
I was wondering if you could do I really angsty Vi x fem reader. Like, after the explosion in episode 3 Vi assumes the reader is dead cause Vander didnā€™t get her out in time but in reality Silco took her. Silco uses her for experiments with shimmer and she stays so she can see Powder even though sheā€™s rarely not on shimmer. Sheā€™s basically Silcoā€™s dog doing all his work cause even though she really isnā€™t awake for it cause the shimmer takes control of her body. The shimmer makes her really sick and it makes her start dying. One day Silco lets her wander around sober cause he knows she wont leave Powder so the reader goes to Jerichoā€™s to eat and she talks with him for awhile. Thatā€™s the same day Vi is there and she puts her hood on to eavesdrop. She learns of the readerā€™s situation and stuff but doesnā€™t talk to her because she doesnā€™t wanna drag her into the mission in her state. After this Jinx drags sober reader to light the flare thing and they all meet. The Firelights kidnap Caitlyn, Vi and reader. They reunite yadda yadda yadda. Reader tells Vi about how she made sure Powder was okay as much as she could for her yadda yadda. Vi and Caitlyn leave with Echo to continue their mission and leave Y/N so she can rest but Vi promises theyā€™ll talk more after the mission. But when Vi comes back after the explosion in episode 9, Y/N is already dead.
Im sorry if itā€™s really specific and long lol šŸ˜­
Hi I'm so sorry but this is far too long for me to write on my own Ā°~Ā°, I suggest finding another creator that would be willing to write this or submitting another request ^-^
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