#dont we all keep talking about how none of the endgame ships have felt the need to say i love you to each other?!?!
allonzy · 2 years
el hopper is luke skywalker, will byers is leia organa and mike wheeler is han solo. i will take no criticisms because i know i am right.
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platonicavengers · 4 years
headcanons for being the youngest maximoff (part two)
pairings: maximoff twins x sibling!gn!reader && avengers x gn!reader
warnings: spoilers for infinity war + endgame, death, non-descriptive violence, idk
author’s note: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT AAAAAAAA it was supposed to be up a while ago but things got in the way and im so sorry :(
tags: @madamevirgo​  @euphoniumpets​
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headcanons under the cut !
after steve broke everyone out of the raft you were all on the run for a while
vision and natasha joined you all at some point, and scott and clint returned home to their families
after a while wanda and vision decided to stay in scotland, leaving you with sam, nat, and steve
you were not a huge fan of the idea of leaving her behind
you had already lost your parents and pietro and even though she wasn’t dead you still wouldn’t be able to see her
but you knew why she did what she did
fast forward a little bit
you find out that tony went missing
and then that wanda and vision are being attacked
so u all fly to scotland to help them
*insert u being a badass and beating the shit out of an alien*
finally reuniting w your sister
there were tears
when you arrived back at the compound it was like a breath of fresh air after so long
it’s a shame you weren’t there under better circumstances
immediately getting upset when you saw the hologram of ross
that motherfucker
going to wakanda was an.... interesting experience
you wanted to enjoy it 
but considering why you were there,,,,,,
it was kinda hard to enjoy it lol
wanda ofc stayed up in the lab with vision and shuri
she wanted you to stay up there as well so she could keep an eye on you
she was very hesitant to let you go into the front lines of the battle
even though you were an adult now you were still her little sibling and she was worried for you
you assured her that you would be fine though
fine might be pushing it but
let’s be realistic here
you kicked some alien ass down there
taking out enemy after enemy with no hesitation
pretty impressive tbh. ur fucking awesome
eventually wanda came down to join the battle
the two of you fought alongside each other
badass sibling duo ugh yes
but then
you had to go against thanos himself
ugly ass mf
you tried to use your magic to remove his gauntlet
you were unsuccessful
he kinda tossed you to the side like a rag doll
which hurt like a bitch
when he snapped you had no idea what tf to do
i mean you had just lost, what were you supposed to do?
you were in the middle of crawling over to wanda, wanting to try to comfort her over the loss of vision
but then she just kinda, disintegrated?
you were in shock for a minute
but then it hit you
“no, no, no, no, no...”
you started sobbing
now you had officially lost your whole family
after a little bit you made your way over to what was left of the team
you all kinda stood in silence for a little while, just processing everything that had happened
eventually you all returned to the quinjet and flew back home
for the first two-ish weeks after the snap you just locked yourself in your room and refused to leave
though eventually you did leave your room again, though very reluctantly
after three weeks had passed by carol, who you were quite fascinated by, returned to the compound carrying a spaceship with her
turns out tony was on said ship
you were glad to see him after so long
and now we jump to going to space to beat thanos’ ass (a g a i n)
you had never been to space before so it was quite a new experience
shame it was under such poor circumstances
when you arrived at thanos’ residence you were out for blood
he took your last remaining family and you were not in the mood to let him get away with it
and then you found out the stones were gone
and everything he had done couldn’t or so you thought be reversed
you were already ready to kill thanos before, but especially now that that was revealed
sadly though, thor took the responsibility of killing the titan himself
*5 years later*
you were 23 now
a whole ass adult
you still lived at the compound with natasha, not exactly having anywhere else to go
not like you would’ve left anyways but
nat had become your sort of support system over the last few years
after all, at this point you really only had each other
all of the rest of the remaining team went their separate ways, none of which deciding to stay with the two of you
one day though steve comes by
you were glad to see him, you had missed him a lot since he left
the three of you had a not-so-positive conversation and then out of nowhere scott appears at the front gate
he tells you his insane idea of using the quantum realm to time travel back to before thanos
you were very wary
you didn’t exactly have a lot of knowledge on the quantum realm but you could still tell that it seemed risky
the four of you went to tony’s house to try to convince him
he almost immediately said no
you all tried to convince him but to no avail
so you went to bruce hulk instead
bruce?? hulk?? who tf is he tbh
but anywho
when you saw him you were kinda like ????????
but chose to ignore it
you got him to agree to the time travel thing
and it was ?somewhat? successful
somewhat is pushing it tbh
scott became a baby which wasn’t great
but then tony showed up and fixed it like the genius he is
you helped recruit all the remaining avengers to help w the whole time travel thing
you were going to go back in time and get the stones before thanos could
you went with clint and natasha to vormir
you thought it made the most sense for you to sacrifice yourself
after all you weren’t even positive this whole thing with the stones would work, and you couldn’t risk continuing to live a life without wanda and the rest of the team
they stopped you before you could jump though
when natasha dropped you swore your heart stopped beating
she had been all you had for the past 5 years and then she was just gone
you ended up getting the soul stone but at what cost
you and clint returned to the compound and there was a small ‘memorial’ (for lack of a better word) for natasha
after that tony put all of the stones together into a makeshift gauntlet
after a little bit of deliberation it was decided that bruce would be the one to snap his fingers
bruce, hulk, whatever tf
sorry back to the headcanons LOL
he snapped
immediately everything felt different
you went out to look out a window, seeing a few butterflies fluttering around that you knew weren’t there before
a smile immediately took over ur face
“hey guys, i think it worked!” - you
you were about to turn around and walk back to everyone else
but then
you saw a large ship in the distance
and something began flying toward the compound
and then everything went dark
when you woke up again you were buried under a bunch of rubble
which bruce picked up off of you
you ran out to where thor, tony, and steve were
you saw thanos and froze
they were engaged in a battle and you tried to keep your distance in order to collect yourself for a moment
which proved to be futile because you were dragged into the fight not long after
you kinda got your ass handed to you
it wasn’t pretty
you were lying on the ground when all of a sudden you saw orange light surrounding you
you looked up to see portals opening, all your allies who you had thought to be dead stepping out
you saw wanda and you stopped breathing for a moment
you got up as quick as you could
which proved to be difficult due to ur injuries and overall extreme fatigue
you launched yourself at her, bringing her into the tightest hug you could muster
the two of you held onto each other for a moment before you had to return to fighting
maximoff sibling teamup part 2???? yeah most definitely 
fast forward to after thanos and his bitch ass army lost (im sorry i just really dont have the energy to write all that rn)
and to after tony’s funeral 
you and wanda had a l o t of catching up to do
5 years worth LOL
u had to comfort her over vision’s death a lot
considering that to her, that was still only a couple days ago
and a lot of the time when you two talked the mood was kinda depressing, all things considered
but you still tried to keep it lighthearted
for example
your absolute favorite thing in the world was the fact that you were now older than her due to the snap, 3 years older to be exact
you held it over her all the time, constantly making fun of her for it
all in good fun of course
something wanda really loved was when you would tell her stories from when she was in the soul world (only happy ones ofc)
though it made her sad that you had to go so long without her, and she missed out on so much
she wanted to know what she had missed
all in all
you two were incredibly close, the snap and its aftermath only further confirming that
sibling goals tbh
a/n #2: aaaaaa im sorry to end it on that note (i didnt know how to end it im sorry asf) but yeah </3 and once again, so sorry this took me so long to post, ive been super busy with school && life in general so i just havent gotten around to it :( butttttttttttt if u guys want i could try to continue this series of headcanons for wandavision?? i’d wait until friday ofc for the final episode and id spoiler tag it and everything but i could try my best? might be kinda difficult but i think it could be fun so if anyone wants that then lmk!! :)
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inawickedlittletown · 6 years
Walking The Wire (117/155)
Summary: Tony Stark always knew about Peter Parker. He didn’t know that Peter was going to get superpowers and become Spider-Man, but he always knew about Peter because Peter was his son.
This will span from pre-Iron Man up through the rest of the MCU (eventually including Infinity War) and will be for the most part canon compliant except where I’ve taken some liberties and interpreted canon a certain way.
Pairings: Pepper/Tony, Tony/Steve (endgame), Tony/Mary (past)
A/N: If you want me to tag you when I post new chapters let me know. This fic is also on AO3
I used Collider’s MCU timeline to stay canon and the title of this fic is an Imagine Dragons song that is just so fitting for Peter and Tony
Chapter One Hundred Sixteen
Strange was on the ground but he was awake and Peter stood a few feet away, the iron legs gone back into the suit and his mask pulled back. The cape flew away from Peter where Peter had been greeting it to Strange as Tony approached and let the nanotech in the suit pull back entirely as he walked towards them.
“We’ve got to turn this ship around,” Strange said.
It was Tony’s first instinct too. Figure out how to turn the ship around and go back home. It was sort of his main instinct because Peter was on the ship. The only thing was that he didn’t know if they could or if it was the right thing to do. Maybe there was something to the idea of catching Thanos unaware because the last thing that he was probably expecting was for them to show up wherever the ship was headed. After all, they were already headed to space so maybe they just needed to stick with that trajectory since Strange had gotten them into this situation in the first place by not leaving when he could have.
“Stark, we have to turn the ship around.”
“Yeah. Now he wants to run. Great plan,” Tony muttered.
“No,” Strange grounded out. “I want to protect the stone.”
Tony really just -- he hated how arrogant Strange was even after Tony had gone to the trouble of saving his life. He headed towards what looked to be the controls of the ship.
“And I want you to thank me. Go ahead. I’m listening,” Tony added as he walked away.
“For what? Nearly blasting me into space?” Strange asked as if he hadn’t been surrounded by needles just a few minutes earlier.
It was as if he wasn’t taking into consideration at all that Tony and Peter had had to leave Earth to save him because he and the Time Stone around his neck had gotten captured and taken onto an alien ship.
“Who just saved your magical ass?” Tony asked and he turned because he knew that Strange had walked after him. “Me.”
“I seriously don’t know how you fit your head into that helmet,” Strange said and Tony thought that he must have said it solely to irritate him. He really couldn’t stand this man.
If Strange had only listened to Tony while they were on Earth when Tony told him to leave it was possible that they wouldn’t be in the situation they were finding themselves in now on some alien ship in space headed to -- well, Tony had no idea where they were headed.
“Admit it,” Tony said. “You should have ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you. You refused.”
Dr. Strange scoffed and it was clear that he was too arrogant and too determined to disagree with Tony and at least bickering with him took his mind off of worrying about Peter and the outcome of the situation they were in. From the looks of it it the ship was on some sort of autopilot. Tony had no way of knowing where it was headed but there was certainly a destination.
“Unlike everyone else in your life,” Strange said, “I don’t work for you.”
“And due to that fact, we’re now in a flying donut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup.” That was the part that really rankled Tony if he was honest. He had no way to contact the team -- to let them know what was going on or that they were okay. No way to figure out a plan together and really decide what their best choice would be. They were on their own. He and Peter were on their own with Strange.
“I’m backup,” Peter spoke up from behind Strange.
Tony didn’t want to be angry with Peter. He didn’t want to be upset at him for staying on the ship when Tony had been sending home and yet it was there under the surface because Tony had to think about the universe as a whole and his mind just kept going back to protecting his kid because to him that was the most important thing and yet -- Peter’s well being couldn’t be the priority. Not this time.
“No,” Tony said, addressing Peter, “you’re a stowaway.” And for good measure he pointed at himself and Strange. “The adults are talking.”
Peter’s shoulders dropped a little and he looked like he was ready to argue back, but he seemed to rethink it.
“I’m sorry,” Strange said. He was looking between him and Peter with some interest. “So, I’m a bit confused as to the relationship here. What is he? Your ward?”  
“No,” Peter said. “I’m Peter, by the way.”
“I’m surprised you don’t already know,” Tony said. “After all, everyone knows I have a son.”
Granted, most people didn’t know that his son was Peter and that his son was Spider-Man, but Strange wouldn’t care one way or another.
Strange grunted. “I don’t actually follow your media coverage, Stark,” he said. “So this is your son, then?” Strange looked Peter over, seemingly taking the moment to really look at him before he let out a breath. “I’m Doctor Strange,” he said directing it at Peter.
Tony busied himself looking at the controls of the ship, trying to figure out how they worked and what they might need to do to get control of the ship and maybe get it off of autopilot too.
“Oh,” Peter said, “we’re using our made-up names. Um, I’m Spider-Man, then.”
Tony tried not to laugh. He wasn’t sure if Peter had said it because he was serious or because he was getting some amusement out of confusing Strange.
“The ship is self-correcting its course,” Tony informed them. “It’s on autopilot.”
Tony still wasn’t sure if they should head back home. The father in him said yes -- that it was the best thing to do. It would mean being back somewhere familiar where they could figure out what to do with the Time Stone. It would also mean having Peter back on Earth and having the option of trying to keep Peter out of trouble. But he couldn’t make that decision based solely on what was best for Peter. He couldn’t be a dad -- he couldn’t be Tony Stark about it. He had to be Iron Man -- he had to be an Avenger.
“Can we control it? Fly us home?” Strange asked.
Tony didn’t answer. What were the better odds? Thanos would come for the stone no matter where they were and with him destruction and death.
“Can you get us home?” Oh, but he wanted to. He wanted to badly.
“I heard you,” Tony said. “I’m -- I’m thinking -- well...I’m not so sure we should go back.”
Tony knew that as soon as he said it that Strange didn’t agree and that he didn’t understand what Tony meant by it.
“Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos,” Strange said. “I don’t think you quite understand what’s at stake here.” He got in Tony’s face, anger and fear so obvious in the way he stared at Tony and it was so demeaning and pushy and of course Tony understood. He understood better than anyone.
“No, it’s you who doesn’t understand,” Tony shot back. “Thanos has been inside my head for six years! Since he sent an army to New York and now he’s back and I don’t know what to do. So, I’m not so sure if it’s a better plan to fight him on our turf or his, but you saw what they did. What he can do. At least on his turf, he’s not expecting it. So, I say we take the fight to him.”
He had decided. He was sure it was the right thing to do. The only thing to do. Tony stared at Strange and at least the man was smart enough to take Tony’s words and think on them and not just shove them aside like everything else Tony had said.
“Doctor, do you concur?”
Strange took a moment and then there was a slight nod even though Tony could tell that Strange wasn’t entirely sure. “Alright, Stark. We go to him.”
Was it a good plan? Tony wasn’t sure -- it just seemed like the thing to do. Because if they could turn the ship around -- assuming they could even manage that -- it wouldn’t exactly lead them away from the fight. Tony started to turn away from Strange, but Strange stopped him and he looked almost apologetic in the way he stared at Tony. He glanced back towards Peter once before speaking.
“You have to understand,” Strange said, “if it comes to saving you or your son or the Time Stone -- I will not hesitate to let either of you die. The fate of the universe depends on it.”
Peter let out a gasp. Small and almost silent. Tony tried not to react with anger.  
“Good,” Tony said. “Nice moral compass you got there.”
Strange looked away and Tony stepped back too and then he looked towards Peter. Too loyal and too wonderful Peter who should have been back on Earth safe and sound. Tony would have felt so much better about this decision if Peter wasn’t there. He hated the idea of bringing Peter along to this fight -- to face a threat worse than any they’d ever faced before. Peter had moved over, closer to the controls which he looked at with curious interest.
Tony dropped a hand to Peter’s shoulder and Peter just moved into a hug almost instantly as if it were instinct to him and Tony didn’t mind it at all. Peter’s arms wrapped around Tony’s middle and he was warm and breathing and alive and Tony could hear his heartbeat and it was enough. Tony pressed a kiss to Peter’s head and he closed his eyes and let himself imagine that they weren’t on an alien ship and instead back home and none of it was true.
“Love you, kid,” Tony said.
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen,” Peter whispered.
“I know.” And he did. He could tell that Peter felt sorry -- he maybe didn’t regret his actions completely, but he hated disappointing Tony. “It’s -- I don’t know if I’d say it’s okay but there’s nothing to be done now.”
“I know,” Peter said.
When Tony looked up he found that Strange was watching them.
Chapter One Hundred Eighteen
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