Dorokei: Keishicho Sosa Sanka (ドロ刑 ー警視庁捜査三課ー) Whump List
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Synopsis: Tsutomu Madarame is a rookie detective at the Third Investigation Team of the Tokyo Police Department. His section deals mainly with petty crimes which leads Tsutomu to lose all his enthusiasm for the job. One day, he meets a master thief, Garasu Kemuri (Smoky Crow), who helps him solve cases.
Genre: Cop/Crime, Mystery
Whumpee: Madarame Tsutomu(left) played by Nakajima Kento
!!Spoilers Below!!
Warning!! There's a character who had committed suicide before the series, and it is frequently mentioned starting with ep. 8, and shown in ep. 10
Ep. 01: out of breath, punched(off-screen)
Ep. 02: grabbed by the front of the shirt, pressed into a table, sneezed, coughing, handcuffed, arrested(off-screen), coughing and sniffling for the rest of the episode, sprained ankle, passed out in someone's arms
Ep. 03: went undercover with a group of robbers, found out, punched in the face, knocked out, locked up in an airtight vault, slowly running out of oxygen, passed out from lack of oxygen, saved
Ep. 04: slapped on the back of the head, is told pairing up with him is a punishment in their team, got drunk, feeling self-conscious
Ep. 05: got drunk, got drunk and fell asleep
Ep. 06: got drunk and fell asleep
Ep. 07: none
Ep. 08: betrayed
Ep. 09: grabbed by the front of the shirt, yelled at, thrown on the ground, gun pointed at his head, shot in the arm, wound treated, crying×2
Ep. 10: coughing from breathing in smoke, at gunpoint, pointing gun at someone, shot someone, crying, handcuffs himself to the shot person, crying, riding in an ambulance, worried, being at someone's bedside in hospital, teary-eyed, crying
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kabutoraiger · 2 years
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bonks your shoulder looking for headpats and compliments
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zetanebulaarts · 3 months
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Tsutomu Madarame and Kemuri Garasu, the comedic Police-Robber duo from the manga "Dorokei" (2018), or "Cops & Robbers". I colored this with a pastel color palette I found and I was lucky because the manga covers have pastel background so it still works.
I found this manga from a huge book sale in my city. I didn't even want to buy any mangas, but the premise caught my eye because I love mystery/crime/buddy-cop dynamic. I got all 7 volumes for very cheap.
The story is good, some volumes are a hit or miss but I got what I wanted, with additional comedy. The art is pretty solid too which is always a treat. This also made me watch the dorama that was based on this manga, although only in premise and main character names while the personalities and end goal of each characters are very different from the source material. Both stories are enjoyable in their own way.
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jinjojess · 1 year
I am hoping and praying every day that youll one day update Dorokei
Don't worry, I plan to!
In fact, I was just telling @miss-prince last week that I was getting in the mood to work on Dorokei again.
The whole thing is plotted, it just needs to actually get written!
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 4 months
Summary: Kirigiri is well aware that the deal she's struck with Enoshima and Ikusaba won't lead anywhere pleasant, and yet she can't seem to untangle herself.
Author: @jinjojess
Note from submitter: this fic is *chef's kiss*. If you want a sexy whodunnit plot with the insanity that is Kirigiri X the Despair Twins, then this fic is perfect! The characterisations are impeccable and so is the plot! 
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thetooncrew · 4 months
dorokei (different from keidoro) doesn't have a manga translation but it does have...a live action tv show?
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winterchimez · 8 months
please tell me all abt the sunwoo jichang and jacob fics PLEASSEE i know some of them like the sunkyu series but Pls 🙏🏼
my sweetest moni <3 ask and you shall receive ✨
Dancing With A Stranger (Ji Changmin)
summary: you both hated each other’s guts for as long as you could remember since joining the dance club. but as summer is approaching and your club has decided to host a summer camp getaway, you are left with no choice nor escape as you get paired up with your rival to perform a choreography together by the end of the camp.
pairing: rival Changmin x dancer f!reader
genre: angst, suggestive, slight fluff
a/n: okay so i was supposed to get this out for K-Vanity's Summer Event but due to irl stuff i wasn't able to finish it on time 😭 but i will eventually get this out bcs I LOVE THIS WIP. Sam Smith's Dancing With A Stranger will forever be one of my ult fav songs ever ✋ tho depending on when i'll publish this i'll def change the season to match the timeline by then fs
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After Hours (SunKyu series)
summary: you've been The Lupin's main singer for the past several years, and none of the large number of men who have tried to woo you has ever piqued your interest. that is until one fateful night where you encounter a secret admirer of yours, Kim Sunwoo, and that is where you truly believe and realised that he was one of a kind.
though at the same time, your roommate, or rather friends-with-benefits at this point, Ji Changmin has begun to see his relationship with yours as something much more then ever before.
it is up to you to make the ultimate decision. to choose the admirer? or your one and only roommate.
pairing: admirer Sunwoo x singer f!reader x fwb Changmin
genre: suggestive, angst, otome
a/n: this whole series was actually inspired from The Weeknd's Moth To A Flame, so umm yes, this will be pretty suggestive 🤓 i plan to make this a mini series, so i'll probably have 5 general chapters, and then eventually one chapter per route (aka you will be choosing either Sunwoo's or Changmin's ending depending on your choice) so yeah kinda like those jp otome games lol
a lil snippet from the drafts 👀
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Untitled (SangKyu series)
okay so i have two options for this
Black & White Swans au
pairing: royal Sangyeon x royal f!reader x enemy Changmin
genre: angst, suggestive, crime, fluff, otome
a/n: this whole series was inspired from this tiktok i saw!! i was like omg that would be such a cool series 😮 though the thing is i've never written royal au before, nor do i have much experience in them cs i don't really read much royal au fics to begin with 😭 so i'm still debating on going this route or not
Cops & Robbers au
pairing: detective Sangyeon x detective f!reader x thief Changmin
genre: crime, angst, some fluff & suggestive, otome
a/n: now this is a genre im pretty much more comfortable writing in lmao this was inspired by one of my all-time fav jp drama Dorokei!! i literally watched this for Nakajima Kento back then 😭 but i'd imagine you and Sangyeon are detectives who've been on the hunt for Changmin for as long as possible (and Changmin would kinda play the role of Arsène Lupin in this). so every time your police force has always failed to capture the man himself, because what they didn't know was that you were living with two identities, aka also being Changmin's right-hand woman in his crime spree hohoho 👀
like before, around 5 general chapters before choosing which route/ending you'd prefer!!
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summary: the campus heartthrob whom you've had a crush on for the longest time finally asks you out on a date. since you have never been on a date before, you decided to elicit the help of your best friend, Kim Sunwoo, for some romantic advice.
pairing: f!ckboy Sunwoo x g.n!reader
genre: suggestive, angst, fluff
a/n: never in a million years would i have known that this would be my most well-received fic as of now and with the many requests i've gotten to make a pt2 for this, i will have to now (technically it was my fault for ending it on a cliffhanger so 👀)
but eyyy, with pt2 all i can say is we'll def see y/n's date with Hyunjae, Sunwoo gets jealous and is not happy about it (though he tries to hide it to the best of his abilities but he will eventually fail HAHAH), confronts y/n abt it, and yeehaw more spicy scenes coming your way folks ✨
read pt.1 here!!
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Door (Kim Sunwoo)
pairing: ex Sunwoo x g.n!reader
genre: angst, hurt
a/n: this is inspired from their jp track door! ever since i released lip sync i was determined to also write for my other fav tracks from the album, one of them being this one!! i haven't planned much of the plot yet, but judging from the lyrics i'm definitely going for an angsty breakup fic, may or may not get both Sunwoo & reader to be reunited at the end 👀
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Starry Night (Jacob Bae)
summary: your childhood friend Jacob has promised you that he would give you the best graduation gift you'll ever receive. you did not expect that you would both travel out of the country to the City of Love and eventually become more than just friends.
pairing: best friend Jacob x g.n!reader
genre: fluff, crack & humour
a/n: this is a fuzzy warm fluffy cobie fic!! there's just something about stargazing while lying down on a field with your loved ones. originally, i had planned to write this for his birthday way back in May, but i couldn't so i'm saving this for the future! but i'd imagine you both lying down on the fields near where the Eiffel Tower is, and just stargazing with one another 🫶 and i'll def write about some cute and fluffy moments from their trip (cafe hoping, etc.)
ask me about my wips!
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cassicaendra · 8 months
Official name: Unexpected
Only here on En here. From author personally.
P.s. sometimes dumb! Oops. (Daichi/dai/day - one person)
- Who.. Will beat, who is beaten?
It quickly dawned on Sarada that they were probably going to be placed in pairs against each other.
Day grinned slyly, already suspecting who would split up and how. It remained only to confirm their own guesses..
- So you want to play Dorokey? Well, we kind of came to train, didn't we, dattebasa?
- This is also a training session. Do not be afraid to beat in full force, we are divided with the help of a counting machine! Come on, let's get in a circle.. It is not necessary to take hands.
"Not to be afraid? Who's afraid here! I'm sure I'll be with Sarada, we've been working as a team the longest! Why is he procrastinating?!" - Bo walked forward to be in the circle..
- Ready? It's long!.. - And started..
- One! Sleeping when not getting into a fight is Shukaku
Two! It burns like wasabi is Matatabi
Three! Like sobu noodles, Isobu floats
Four! The Monkey King without a deadline is SonGoku
Five! Always in a hurry somewhere - Kokuo
Six! He is in no hurry and lazy as a horseradish — this is Saiken
Seven! The flying scarab beetle is a Chomey
Eight! "Yo" speaks without boredom — Gyuki
Nine! In my heart, like my mama, it's a Kurama!
- Yeah, well, I don't want to be on the team with him..
-I'm not happy with you either, dattebasa. - Boruto snorted.
Menma made a sad face, but then remembered that they, in fact, should catch two opponents, preferably without getting injured.
- You will definitely not be able to turn around on the limits of the playground.. Then you can play in the clearing. - Daichi folded his hands significantly. Pretty missed to the spot..
- It's huge.. - It seems that someone was counting on an easy victory. In his style.
- Bo, well, it's also more interesting! About.. And they've already disappeared, that's it!
Menma tried to listen.. But it didn't do much.
- You need to capture the victims and immobilize them. Use the fact that the enemy is familiar to you. The victory is counted if completely! I wish you a good time, we fight in full force. - Haruno disappeared from sight as quickly as the "broken ones".
- Yes, it's difficult! Fi-ine, we need to gather our courage..
The black-haired man was quiet for a while, and then..
- Shadow cloning technique. - Puts a couple of fingers on top of each other, creating several clones. - Two of us quietly comb the area. The third distracts. The fourth and fifth watch from the trees.
- Hey, I actually wanted to participate! - One of the clones appears loudly.
- I recommend you to obey until a replacement is found for you. What are we standing for? Go ahead. Who will yell is subject to immediate replacement. - Menma arrogantly turned around, folding his arms. - Are you going to do something, or will you become a bait?
- You are the bait yourself! Anyway, listen..
..Meanwhile, on one of the trees.
Mitsuki took an observation position, straightening up on a branch. Sarada was sitting next to her, ready for the fact that these two would probably attack in a hurry and the sharingan would have to be activated very quickly.
- Well, well, that's where our guys hid. And I've been looking for you.
Daichi appeared on the branch so unexpectedly that he was almost bumped into right there.
- Whoa, whoa, calm down, I'm out of the game. So, the rest of the rules. You must not allow yourself to be touched by hunters in any known way. Self-defense can be in full force, but do not forget that even in the most perfect armor there is a gap.  That's it, I'm flying away. Have a good game!
He disappeared as quickly as he appeared. But they remembered the rules.
"The game will be very cruel if our hands are completely untied.. Daichi-sama is counting on this," Mitsuki quickly flashed.
- He's going to...
..Meanwhile, already at the house of Day and Mikoto-san.
- ..push them against each other. They must be prepared for the fact that no one will give mercy in a real battle.
Haruno busily sipped tea from a colorful porcelain mug.
- Of course, we are glad that you invited us to discuss the issue of Menma's training at the academy.. But. Such a child should already surpass academic techniques. The boy will die of boredom, especially in the middle of the school year, we will not be able to push him into the team, no matter how much we would like..
Hatake sat opposite with Umino, being invited guests.
- But he's still a kid first of all, Kakashi. And we knew such a thing.. - Iruka has already finished his sake, not wanting anything else.
- We can only agree on that. As soon as Menma woke up, he immediately began to chatter about what he would find and deal with.. Which will be stronger.. Nonsense is nonsense, but he is manic in achieving goals. And I can't leave him on Daichi-kun all the time, he needs freedom too.
Mikoto smiled lightly in her usual manner, and was doing her cooking from the bottom of her heart. There was always something on the stove as soon as the girl appeared at home..
- We will help you. - Kakashi suddenly agreed. - But let's be honest with us.. Uzumaki can lead by the nose as much as you want. But I know only one family who knew so many fire techniques that they can be jonin in this area. Your name is definitely not Kumiko. You are not used to it, and everyone calls you differently within the family..
Day paused in the background babbling. He sighed.
- And Menma, unlike Daichi, respects you. It's definitely not like him, right?
The girl stopped washing the plate to shine.
- I'm not his sister. Is that what you wanted to know? We are really related.
- The Uchiha clan was restricted to your family after the tragedy. And that means..
- So what?
- You own fire on the male line. Isn't that right, Madara?
Probably, Day experienced extreme shock from that.. That he was hitting on a man without knowing about it.
Of course I had nothing against it, but..
- Don't you dare yell at me!
Now Madara, still in a woman's body, with a careless movement dropped the plate exhausted with a stiff sponge, finally breaking it, and, perhaps, Day's hopes along with it.
- I keep all these morons so that they are fed, dressed, and even restored documents from scratch for a month! Can you be at least a little grateful and not bother me seven days a week after some fucking unsafe work with hell?!
- Madara, I... I'm sorry, I didn't know it would hurt you so much. You are usually very calm.
Now Kakashi was even ashamed.
"You're a leaky head, he obviously doesn't look like that out of fun now, he also pressed on a few days off.."
- Well. Yes, you're right. I'm a man. I was just cursed shortly before we found ourselves in Daichi's world. I'm thinking of contacting Sakura-chan. But there is one impressive problem, I could just wait for my sister..
- Let's discuss this right after. What's the problem? We could connect the doctors to this and figure it out, you're right about that..
Iruka exhaled, realizing that the situation had become much more tense after what his friend had done.
- My body at the moment has transformed into just a similar female one of my job's partner, leaving only my eyes, which, to be honest, I still haven't got used to, from which I don't use sharingan, you never know how it will react. In addition, the present was pierced in the abdominal region, the removal of the curse is simply unsafe.
- You can die instantly when the curse is lifted. - Umino concluded. - But at the same time, in order to be able to own the sharingan again, you have to take it off. A vicious circle.
The kitchen was filled with suffocating silence.
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bleuskais · 3 years
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out of context screenshots are the best
context: his teammates just found out about his sister's suicide (which he think is murder coz it's always murder)
he also has a serious legs and butt fetish lol
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osomanga · 4 years
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The last two volumes(6&7) of Dorokei released on the same day had a circular continuous front covers....
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2014federalbudget · 5 years
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Whump List Masterpost
The list of whump lists I've done. Ever updating
Always feel free to send me a request to make a gif for a whumpy scene!
🔵 Korean:
Again My Life
Hotel Del Luna
Leverage: Con Artists
Lookout/The Guardians
Special Affairs Team TEN
The Good Detective
🔴 Japanese:
30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii
BG: Personal Bodyguard
Bishoku Tantei Akechi Goro
Coffee Ikaga Deshou
Crime Family
Dorokei: Keishicho Sosa Sanka
In Hand
Kiwadoi Futari: K2: Ikebukurosho Keijika Kanzaki Kuroki
Kurosagi (2022)
MIU 404
On: Special Agent Todo Hinako
S - Saigo no Keikan
SP/Security Police
Tokyo DOGS
Tokyo MER: Mobile Emergency Room
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kabutoraiger · 2 years
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kujiraoka: (holding out madarame by the scruff of his neck like a kitten) here you go. take him
everyone else on the team: oh god please no
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lemonade-squid · 5 years
Smokey:I'm old enough too be your dad
Madarame: that's permission too call you daddy
Smokey: oh my god
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jinjojess · 11 months
I feel the urge to work on Dorokei.
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clover-blossoms · 5 years
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Fall 2018 Dorama Recommendations 👑
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