#dororo pics
citrus-soda · 6 months
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A while back I'd made these transparent edits to use as page decorations for my HTML theme, but I figured I could post them in case anyone wants some froggie style for their blog.
Featuring a season 3 group shot and two (2)!! different versions of hiking Dororo that were edited from different sources. V1 has the most accurate colors while V2 has cleaner lines. Take your pick.
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uukipi · 14 days
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Having a picnic like he’s not even there 😭
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kagender · 11 months
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ninjakarkki · 2 years
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Because sometimes you go to a haunted house for a date even tho one of you is horrible with anything horror related
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evocaker · 9 months
Really wish Giroro wouldn't be so into Natsumi because he could absolutely make for a far better character if thirsting after a teenage girl wasn't his thing
This is so real. In fact, I thought he would be my favorite when I looked at pics of the platoon on Pinterest )(before starting to watch the show).
Cool design, tough personality, strong character, Giroro had all the good stuff 😭 then he got absolutely ruined by this weird detail. Not trynna offend any Girofans out there but after seeing his weird crush on Natsumi (and sexual attraction, kinda?) I see myself unable to like him properly. I can like Keroro, Kururu, Tamama, Dororo but my brain refuses to be fond of Giroro 💔
What bothered me the most is that he likes Natsumi young and young only, kinda. Idk how to explain this just watch the beach episode
And the show doesnt help at all, it sucks to get anxious (In a bad way) everytime I see Giroro and Natsumi at the same time on a scene
Still won’t drop the show I will be strong and loyal to it because of my boy Tamama
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eddiemort · 1 year
More Tezuka & Forgotten 1960's Anime
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That's Princess Knight, Tezuka's original gender fluid protagonist from the 1967 animated series (based on his manga). Even the title was confusing as the character was known as PRINCE Knight through the episodes!
I thought I'd follow up my Amazing 3/Wonder 3 post with some of my experiences watching some of the classic anime of the day.
I was born in England, but spent a lot of my childhood, and teens in Melbourne Australia. The one advantage of this (and yes, for me it was the only one :) is that there were FOUR TV channels in Australia compared with just two in England. Plus, Australian TV started at 6AM in the morning, whereas British TV didn't actually start broadcasting until late afternoon!
All this early morning airtime meant that there was a need for product, and to my delight Australia happily filled it with any Japanese animated (and some live action) series it could get a hold of. I didn't care at all about the animation back then: It was the designs and storylines that really stood out. My favourites were the Tezuka shows...Astro Boy, Amazing 3, Princess Knight, Kimba The White Lion...but there were others from different studios that had their merits. One was Prince Planet. Look at these designs...
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There is a great blog here about the series and another one from a fan perspective here that tells of the zaniness that ran through the series.
Prince Planet's villains were great, especially the Loki-esque Warlock (He of the crooked smile, first pic above).
Another was Space Ace...
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Again, the designs were unlike anything I had seen at the time.
There were others: Marine Boy, Speed Racer, Gigantor - all dubbed into shouty American voices that always seemed to have the emphasis on the wrong parts of the sentence :D
Sadly the one we didn't get to see was Tezuka's original Dororo (1969) which was based on his amazing manga. Again, it contained a gender fluid titular character amongst other themes. The complete manga is widely available now, and I really recommend it. Personally I avoid any subsequent newer versions of this classic.
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I'll be honest: Even though a lot of it is technically brilliant, I'm not really inspired by too much animation these days, and CGI just leaves me cold. I am though, being energized by looking back at some of my original inspirations and trying to incorporate some of this in my current project.
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PLEASE y'all tell me this art I have in my head wasn't just dreamed up and was in fact real at some point??
So I recently watched Dororo w my bf and at the end of it I mentioned that I thought I saw an artwork someone did of Jukai, Nui and Tahoumaru living as peasants after the end of the show. I swear to god I remember seeing the picture, I think they were doing chores in the pic??
If you guys remember seeing this as well and esp if you have it saved pleeeeeeease let me know! <3
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kokusfluffyhair · 7 months
Looking through my Zaddymitsu pics and bruh this is the face he would give me to humble my ass if I ever told him I think he's fine af
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Sweetheart I'm the only one in the dead Dororo fandom who would take your crusty 🍆 so maybe be grateful?? Take what you can get bbg
Oh yeah he'd definitely be sacrificing me to demons after that one
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
Ok Twitter reminded me of a scenario/hc thing I was entertaining before I slept at my usual unreasonable hour
What if those who are blind or have bad vision(heh) who trained themselves to see the world using their vision? Like how Toph uses earth bending to “see”
So I’m thinking imaging meeting a blind geo user(who may or may not work for the Fatui) scoffs at Wifey because “that one reeks of the Geo Archon”
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I have to retype this because I hopped off the app for five minutes to look for ref pics and the app closed on me >:(
Anyways, I don’t think they’d necessarily smell wifey being close to the geo archon because that would be more an adeptus thing. Unless the agent isn’t human, I don’t think they’d be able to pick that up. Instead I feel like they would sense their vision’s energy and be able to figure out the rest.
So consider this: wifey and Zhongli happen to pass by this blind agent. Wifey is all good for the most part, there’s something off about them but other than that, they’re just a dendro user. Now the guy next to them, what the FUCK is up with him? He’s not simply radiating geo energy, this guy IS geo energy.
If you’ve ever seen the 2019 Dororo adaptation, I imagine them sensing vision energy the same way Hyakkimaru can see the colour of people’s souls. It’d be a lot of white people shaped clouds that with an accessory that varies in colour depending on the types of vision they have. Wifey would be white with a green orb or something on their waist, and Zhongli would be just completely gold.
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thetalkingwave · 1 year
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They were all wrapped I just took Dororo out first before taking a group pic whoops
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kiwimeowo · 2 years
Since Twitter is dying, I may as well be prepared to move to here.
Hello there, I am Kiwi (aka KiwiMeow/KiwiMeowo). I go by (she/her) if you need my pronouns. If you know me in twitter or discord, you know I’m an artist who loves Pomegranate cookie very much. I also like Hollyberry cookie and the TBD cookies very much (ball eeper 🟡)!! I draw sometimes, you may only see my art like every two months though.
Other than Cookie Run, I am (or was) in these fandoms:
Sky: Children of the Light
Houseki no Kuni
Aside from fandom stuff, I also love hampters, so you may see tons of hamster pic reblogs, hope you don’t mind :33
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citrus-soda · 9 months
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This promo pic from twitter is killing me. The plushies are all having a picnic and then there's Dororo. On the ground. Eating bread out of a bowl.
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flojocabron · 4 days
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09/20/24: Day off, and it's road trip time! Hit up the local places, and then it was a 40 min drive to Yuma, where I found a whole lot more things. Everything in the first pic was from three Goodwill stores. Ranging from $1 to $3 each. Books, movies and blurays. Second pic has videogames I picked up from three different walmarts. Dead Island 2 ps5 was $20. Dragon Quest was $30. Freddy's and Burnout were $10 each. Then it was off to two pawnshops. At one, I found Alan Wake 360 for $7.00. I almost missed it too. I thought it was a PC game. But I suspect it's from a bigger limited edition set. It's still a fine price. At a super pawn I grabbed two blurays and five dvds for $10. It's mostly low budget Asian cinema dvds there. And pretty much the bottom row is a purchase from my local Salvation Army Store. One wii game, five dvds and a comic book. That was $7.00 for everything. The last pic has some steelbook blurays from the last Walmart I was at. They were clearance too. I grabbed three first, but went back for the Creature From the Black Lagoon copy. Online it's going for a lot more, and online it seems close to being sold out. The three videogames are from gamestop. Talos Principle 2 was $20 and the ps3 games I checked my lists and I didn't have them. So I scooped them up too. And the last item is a giant manga book of classic Dororo. I got that new from Barnes and Noble. I enjoyed looking at new manga in their store and I'm tempted to go back. Next time, I might just.....
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About me update
Wow I can’t believe it’s been a year since I made this account. As some things have change I thought it would be smart to update my about me so here I go.
Hello everyone, my name is Tai I am nonbinary, neurodivergent, and my pronouns are they/she. I am also a cancer (July 5th) and an introvert. Can’t believe I’ll be 33 this year 🥲.
Last year I was diagnosed with adhd and I also struggle with anxiety and depression. Because of this my motivation to do things is very low a lot of the time which adds to the inconsistency of this blog but I try. (I appreciate everyone who reads btw)
I also came out as nonbinary to select few people and last year I was concerned at how that would affect my relationship but we are still together so I am happy about that. I’ve also made a conscious effort to make other nonbinary/trans friends and I have met some pretty cool people.
I work in the mental health field as a child and family therapist and I love my job. Though through my struggles of motivation I struggle to get my paperwork done on time and I worry if I’ll get fired if I don’t get it together we gon put into the universe that I won’t tho 🙏🏾(I’m suppose be doing paperwork right now but here I am doing this lol 🙃)
My favorite color is blue, I love anime video games, music, and reading. Currently I am fixated on audio books, webtoons, baldurs gate 3, the mobile game called love and deepspace and my hyakkimaru (Mc from the anime dororo) tattoo that I got in New York last week. It is currently my profile pic.
Well this is all I can think to add so if there’s anyone actually curious about me or want to chat shoot me a message.
Maybe I’ll update this again next year lol this probably won’t mean much but I will try to be more active it is helpful for my anxiety to get stuff out of my head.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully I’ll be posting again soon!
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onanimeicons · 5 years
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halloithmeagain · 2 years
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