#non binary adhd
More on being nonbinary
I have joined some communities since coming to this conclusion and they have made me feel more confident in my thoughts and feelings.
After doing some research I can say that I believe that I am a nonbinary trans masc. I know this can be defined differently from person to person so for me I’d say I feel like I can go between feeling masculine and feminine but I feel that I lean more toward masculine majority of the time. Sometimes I feel like I do feel like neither and I’m just here existing.
For me, I’ve noticed discovering this has been more emotional for me than coming to the conclusion I have adhd. I think it’s because this has the potential to drastically change my life. If it does I’m pretty sure it will be for the better but still change is scary.
While discovering adhd is more of an ah I understand and I can work to work with this being nonbinary is more like time to begin the journey of acceptance, learning, and unlearning and I think it’s forcing me out of my comfort zone of putting myself last to appease others.
With this, I no longer wish to put myself last. I want to feel comfortable in my skin and be proud of who I am. This is going to be a long journey but it’s one I want to take being scared and all.
I told my boyfriend of… wow 8 years yesterday and while he’s not entirely surprised he said that he needs time to process. It was hard for me to do it so it was nice to hear that he accepts me for who I am and loves me no matter what. Tho this still may change things in our relationship and I’ve decided I’ll be ok with whatever happens.
As far as pronouns idk yet I say for now I’m ok with any and all this may change later.
As far as my appearance I already dress sort of masculine but I want to fully commit now and I was thinking of also getting a binder but I have a big chest (44 F) so idk what would be a good one for me. If anyone has any suggestions I am open to hearing them.
This self-discovery journey of mine has been very eye-opening, emotional, draining, overwhelming, stressful, and reassuring. I’m learning so much about myself and realizing I’m not lazy, crazy, or dumb and there is a reason for my experiences and they are valid just like my feelings.
From learning about adhd, the trauma that I’ve been in denial about (more on that later), and identifying as nonbinary this has been a wild transformative few months. I am very curious to find out more about myself.
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high-ratx · 1 month
shoutout if you hyperfixate
Shoutout if you say sorry to everything
shoutout if you have trouble speaking for yourself
shoutout if you overthink
shoutout if you snap for no reason
shoutout if you use neopronouns
shoutout if you don’t use pronouns
shoutout if your part of the lgbtqai+
shoutout if your trying your best
shoutout if you can’t handle every day life
shoutout if you don’t fit in your body/species
shoutout if you made it through yesterday <3
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yourdailyqueer · 3 months
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Aimsey (Aimseytv)
Gender: Non binary (any pronouns)
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 11 December 2001
Ethnicity: White - Welsh
Occupation: Youtuber, streamer, gamer, actor
Note: Has ADHD
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missingno-polaris · 1 year
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some were made on request :D
also, turns out there's an ADHD one?
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anyway, enjoy them :D
edited this 3 times because i forgot tags
extra edit: psst, this is part 2, part one is here
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vroomvroomwee · 10 months
So the first special was trans non-binary Doctor. The second was pan adhd Doctor. The third was aspec mentally healthy Doctor
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warmafternoon · 10 months
Trans people that own a chest binder, do you ever like not wear it for like 4-5 days and you're like "man I wonder why im so sad" and you realize its cause you've had ur tiddies out for 4 days and then you put it on and you feel better
cause I do this every damn week
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melyasssy · 6 months
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Non-binary stimboard ᥫ᭡
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dianasaurthemelonlord · 3 months
With the office of the US President now being granted legal immunity by our Far-Right and unnecessarily powerful Supreme Court, and Project 2025 existing even as a concept, I urge my fellow Americans of all stripes that are able to to get some means of self defense more than ever and more importantly find local Mutual Aid groups and other Left-of-Center Leaning organizations as a precautionary measure. Most will welcome you with open arms, and help you prepare and provide some amount of stability.
The US has been slipping more and more towards Blatantly Fascism for a while now. On the Agenda of Project: 2025 is even more brutal Police Repression of Protests, Banning “Transgenderism” and Homosexuality, persecuting religious minorities such as Muslims, Atheists, and Pagans, dismantling existing Trade and Labor Unions, stripping all regulations on corporations for worker and environmental protections and giving the President the power to deploy the US Military on US Soil as they (really He, as in Trump) please to enforce any contents I have not mentioned. We need to be ready, Fascism may be knocking on our door sooner than anyone could have expected, we may have to fight.
It is the responsibility of any person to the left of Hunting the Unhoused for Sport to do what they are able to prevent, opposed, and the support the toppling of the coming Fuckery.
I also encourage you to spread this as far as possible. This affects everyone, end of story. Especially Americans and the people we as a nation are actively oppressing.
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fairyb0ii · 8 months
Things we must remember in 2024:
1) Free Palestine
2) Queer rights
3) What's happening in Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc...
4) Black lives matter
5) Mental health matters
6) Everything about human rights
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bizarreaizen · 1 year
"xenogenders are making a mockery of real trans people !!" no they're not. xenogender falls under the trans and non-binary umbrella, most people who use/have xenogenders are neurodivergent people(but neurotypical people can still use/have xenogenders). they're not making a mockery of trans people, they're just using xenogender to describe their identity. they're not harming anyone in any way possible. most of them are just neurodivergent people who use something to describe their identity. /gen
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xxfaggatronxx · 5 months
A bit of angst warning ‼️
I want Ghoap content but in an angsty, healing way after Johnny got shot, but…
I want the journey of Johnny waking up only to find his speech stuttered and hearing practically gone, Simon desperate to communicate, Johnny taking it in stride, if he can’t use his mouth, he’ll use his hands.
Learning BSL like he was born for it, and if he gets a little too animated, he reverts back to military hand signals. Simple words change until he can mutter or speak a little more, but he can’t fully recover. It hurts Simon the most that he can’t call into their house and have Johnny come tumbling out of their room like an overeager puppy to greet them.
Months of therapy and yet Soap can only mutter stuttered, soft words. It takes three years before Soap grunts one morning “Bonn-ie yoo a-wa—ke?”
Simon shoots up and Johnny looks surprised too, but he just grins and signs sadly ‘*Dunno if I can do that again soon, love,*’ Simon nods, and its only a few days later when he finds out Johnny was practicing his name, a stuttered “Si-mo—n,” as Johnny smiles and Simon tears up. ‘*I told you I would practice,*’ he signs.
I want the doctor to ask him to wriggle the toes in his left leg, and have the description of his face falling and Simon’s eyes widen some more: more problems to deal with, to live with, to overcome. Johnny refusing to have his left leg removed, the right one already in a brace from a previous injury. Simon pleads him to at least get a wheelchair, and he does.
Stuttered, scratchy, raspy cackles as he uses his arms to race through the hallways, pushing the wheels to see how fast and far he can go… until Simon races after him, a smiling yet scolding tone as they wheels Johnny back to his hospital room, even athoughs he pouts and his hands fly up in messy signs.
“Runnin’ from me, Johnny?”
‘*Wouldn’t have to if let leave*’ The Scot’s fingers a blur.
A few weeks later crutches become the more permanent option, and Soap limps around with a big grin on his face, acting like a cat as he bats at Gaz’s ankles with the end of a crutch. Teasingly taps Simon’s ass with the end of the pole until the Lieutenant, smiling and teasing, threatens to take them away.
He knocks Price’s papers off the table, getting a scowl, and then a small chuckle from the older man who mutters: ‘Gettin’ too good at using those, considered a weapon in your hands, MacTavish,”
I want Johnny waking up…. Different. Same Johnny, thank god, remembers them, but he forgot things. Some important things. What was he doing in the train tunnel?
‘On a mission’ Johnny scrawls with shaking hands
What was the goal of the mission? Johnny pauses and thinks, but the doctor shushes him, and leaves Johnny and Simon alone. Two weeks later, Johnny signs ‘Who’ and the sign for a question. Gaz is sitting with him, Price too. Simon was out getting lunch.
“Who what, mate?” Gaz asks, confused.
‘Who’ Johnny gives a questioning look, then makes the sign a moment later. Price frowns with Gaz, and Johnny looks frustrated, signing ‘who’ a couple more times, and pointing to his head.
“Oh… who shot you?” Price is quiet when Gaz speaks. Johnny nods, then does the sign. It was painful, reminding Johnny of Makarov. He had also forgotten who Laswell, Graves, and a few other people in his life were. He had even forgot that Price was his boss, had forgotten he had tattoos, forgotten he had been called ‘Soap’ once. He remembered serving, but not much else on the SAS track. He never really got his memory back, but he remembered the little things.
He even remembered Simon liked baby’s breath flowers. Johnny being wheeled past a window and making a loud ‘AH!’ Noise, waving his hand to get Simon’s attention as he clumsily pointed with a smile to the flowers outside. ‘*Your favorite*’ Johnny smiled, making Simon’s heart flutter.
And who cares if it’s five years down the line? When Johnny shows up to the award ceremony to promote Simon to Captain. He rolls in through the front doors, in a kilt and suit top. He stops his chair by the door, and Simon’s heart clenched: using the chair meant Johnny was having a really bad day with his legs.
And then he stands. No crutches, no wheels. Grinning as he limps up to Simon, their mouth open as their boyfriend limps forwards, and pins the new rank to his chest, smoothing his hand over their suit to wipe off the dust, then, wobbling, Johnny sinks to one knee, and speaks.
“Would-ould you ma-ke me the happ-iest m-man in the world-ld, and be my per-menen-t partner…,” Johnny paused and smiled, wobbling in his knee with happiness in his eyes, meeting Simon’s wide, disbelieving ones. “Simon…. Riley,” no stutter.
He really had been practicing.
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Hey so it’s been a little minute since I’ve posted anything…
A lot has happened since my last post an for some reason I’ve been hesitant to write idky but today I’m feeling ok I guess.
So here’s a list of what’s been going on with me
I finished my internship, graduated and did not get hired at said internship but I graduated so yay! Currently looking (kinda not really) for a job.
I quit my morning job which I’m happy about but that puts a fire under my ass to look for a new job cuz money but at the same time I just want to chill. So far tho “chilling” anxiety that leaves me doing nothing 😩 so not that chill.
I’ve been working on figuring out what nonbinary means to me and who to share it with still and ongoing process.
I’ve had my adhd pre assessment wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be but waiting to find out if my insurance will cover the actual assessment or not.
Been going between feeling excited / feeling anxious and depressed about the future.
I got a ear infection that I’m just now getting over had it for about 2 weeks or so an wow was that horrible.
Made a list or things I want to do or try before this year is up which are: swim, play tennis, start being more active and lose some weight, YouTube/vtube maybe, learn to draw, start back writing an I think that’s it for now. Hopefully in the future I’ll be writing a post about how it is to do these things.
So yea a lot of things, thoughts an emotions, an idk this is kinda a ramble post but I wanted to write this before I got to anxious and decide not to write here again. So I’m glad I wrote this even if It doesn’t get read I know it’s long. If you do read it thanks I appreciate ya ^_^
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yellow-dress-basil · 11 days
Something so frustrating about having low functioning a lot of the time is that I’m an AFAB married to a woman and she has to pick up the slack so she ends up doing all this stuff around the house and cooking like most of the time and I feel like such an asshole cuz I’m acutely aware of how women are generally saddled with all the household labor and I hate feeling like I’m not helping cuz she shouldn’t have to do all of it and also I love her and want to help but I can’t always help.
So yeah it sucks a lot and it makes me feel like a shitty human.
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yourdailyqueer · 4 months
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Dan Rebello
Gender: Non binary - Demiboy (he/they)
Sexuality: Gay / Asexual
Ethnicity: Indian
Occupation: Teacher, activist
Note: Is Autistic, has ADHD and polyamorous
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eclipsenonhuman · 2 months
Sitting in a family meeting while they are discussing things like trans youth and lgbt themes and how they're all horrible and young people these days having these weird identities is wild. I, the aroace non binary being at your left who, by the way, is also a silly little cat in a human body eho also has massive magpie wings, am staring at you. I'm just staring because I'm your worst nightmare
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year
Wanting top surgery while having OCD is one of the most awful experiences.
Like, yes, I KNOW I'm non-binary, "Butwhat if you're actually cis and just confused?"
I KNOW I want the surgery. "But what if you don't, and it's actually the wrong decision?"
I KNOW that ultimately it will make my life significantly better. "But what if it doesn't and you end up regretting it?"
"What if?" OCDs job is to make you as miserable and unhappy as possible. Its purpose is to make you doubt yourself, morally, psychologically, in every way it can.
Fuck you OCD
And it's even worse when combined with autism and my fear of change
Not enough people are talking about this, so if anyone is suffering from this dilemma, you're not alone.
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