#dougie payne
sportsoracle · 1 year
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For more sports content like this follow oraclesportsnetwork on Instagram!
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mistofstars · 6 months
Travis will release their 10th album this July! I had no idea! I'm super excited ❤️
Jfyi, I'm a huge Travis fan for like 23 years or so. Been listening to them so often so many times. Had a huge crush on Dougie as a young teenager lol, Fran Healy is one of the most wonderful song writers in the world etc etc. I know all of their songs, b-sides, they carried me through so many difficulties and are just wonderful!
LOVE them indefinitely 😍
So I got the mail and instantly threw my money at them with a pre-order.
Now I'm looking forward to July 🤩
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givemegifs · 1 year
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thatsrightice · 7 months
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Elliot Warren and Louis Greatorex on the set of Masters of the Air
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firstlightfanfics · 3 months
Interactive Fan Fiction
hi everyone!
Just putting it out there that I have an interactive fan fiction website with loads of stories on it and I'm looking for new writers to host as well.
You can find the website at: firstlightfanfics.com
And you can send me things at: [email protected]
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dougielombax · 3 months
Alex Casey is Max Payne.
The Stranger is The Eighth Doctor. (If you know, YOU KNOW!)
And so on.
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thatsprettylane · 1 year
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This is literally Dougie from Mcfly
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The stranger the better
A belated fill for Day 6 of @painlandweek. I wanted to write a meet cute for the free day, so I decided to write something set in the same AU as When the bones are good, set about three years before that fic. You can either read the first chapter below or here on AO3.
Prompt: Free Day
Word count: 3K
Rating: M
Warnings: none
Summary: After transferring to the London office of the Ministry of Supernatural Investigations, Charles meets his new partner, the famously brilliant—and infamously difficult—Agent Edwin Payne. Edwin is less excited to find himself with a new partner, especially one who’s so distractingly smiley.
“Difficult. Impetuous. Cheerfully disobedient.” Director Asa Nurse of the Ministry of Supernatural Investigations’ London office gazes at Charles from across her desk, reminding him more than a little of the terrifying babysitter his parents used to leave him with when he was a kid. “Director Buchanan over at the Birmingham office had quite a bit to say about you, Agent Rowland.”
“At least I’m cheerful?” Charles flashes what he knows for a fact is a winning smile.
She’s unaffected, as he expected she would be. You don’t get to be in Director Nurse’s position by being easily won over by smiles. “Six months in the MSI and you’ve already wracked up four official reprimands. That’s quite a feat.”
“At least one of those was bull… nonsense.”
“Oh? The Maggie Ramirez case, I assume?” Director Nurse has a way of speaking so every word lands like a slap. He wonders what it would be like to get an official reprimand from her and decides that he doesn’t want to know.
“Wasn’t going to kill a ten year old girl, was I? Not even if she was possessed by a demon. And now she’s alive and home with her parents, the demon’s back in Hell where it belongs, and everyone except Director Buchanan is happy. I’d say I made the right call.”
“Two of your fellow agents were injured in the fight.”
“They survived. She wouldn’t have if I’d followed orders. To me, a dead little kid is a worse result than a few broken bones. Most of my fellow agents would agree.”
He thinks that the lines around her mouth soften a bit. She’s as inscrutable as she was two years ago when she walked into the Tesco where he was working and asked him if he believed in the supernatural. He’s pretty sure she’s even wearing the same brown pantsuit, her red hair in the same twists that almost look like devil’s horns. He’s hoping that the fact that she recruited him herself will endear him to her. Otherwise, there’s a good chance that she’ll show him the door and it’s not like he can go back to Birmingham.
“However.” Director Nurse glances at her computer screen. “Your former partner, Douglas O’Connor, says that you’re bright, quick on your feet, compassionate, and one of the most promising young agents he’s ever worked with. He thinks you have the potential to be a real asset to the MSI.”
“Dougie was a good partner.” And the reason Charles held out at the Birmingham office as long as he did, to be honest. He only applied for the transfer after O’Connor told him he was retiring to go be closer to his daughter and grandkids in Cornwall. Otherwise, he would have at least stuck it out for a year. He's not a quitter.
Director Nurse sits back in her chair, regarding Charles like he’s an interesting lab rat. “Director Buchanan and I worked together for many years until he transferred to Birmingham. We didn’t always see eye to eye.”
Charles bites back a reply. To say he and Buchanan don’t “see eye to eye” would be a wild understatement. His former director is a burly man with a mustache who likes to yell and slam doors. The first time he lost his temper and slammed his fist into Charles’s desk, only inches from his hand, Charles knew Birmingham wasn’t going to work for him. But it’s not like he can tell Nurse that he hates Buchanan because he reminds him too much of his cunt of a father, not without sounding like a petulant teenager.
“Would you say you’re good with people, Agent Rowland?”
Charles blinks, surprised by the change of topic. “Yeah, I’m aces with people. Just not Buchanan.”
She hums, gaze still focused on him. It’s starting to become eerie; he’s not sure if she’s even blinked since he walked into this office. “Agent O’Connor mentioned in his letter of reference that you have a way of putting witnesses, victims, and even suspects at ease.”
Charles nods in agreement.
“He also said that you saved his life twice, once by taking a potentially fatal curse meant for him.”
“Wouldn’t have killed me,” Charles says with more confidence than he feels. If there hadn’t been a witch on hand to immediately administer the countercurse, he’s been told his heart probably would have stopped within a minute. But there hadn’t been time to calculate his own chance of survival versus Dougie’s; he had just acted.
Nurse hums in a way he can’t quite parse. “According to your instructors, you proved to be adequate at spellwork during training. You don’t have the focus required to have true talent. Disappointing, but not everyone has the gift.”
Charles coughs to hide his wince. He honestly can’t tell how this meeting is going.
“Yet, you proved yourself exceptional at hand-to-hand combat.”
“It’s all the cricket,” Charles says, because he can’t think of a single other bloody thing to say. Director Nurse was intimidating when he was a directionless, scared kid barely making ends meet and desperate to find a purpose in life besides scanning groceries. Now, she’s somehow even more so. “Good at… swinging things.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” Her eyebrow inches higher, as if to ask “really?” “Based on your work history, however brief, and your letter of recommendation from Agent O’Connor, I do think you’ll have a place here in London. So long as you learn how to adjust your attitude and follow orders .”
He knows that the only words out of his mouth should be, “Yes, thank you, ma’am,” but he’s never been good at biting his tongue. “As long as you don’t order me to kill a little kid, I’ll do my best.”
Her lips purse. “You don’t make things easy for yourself, do you, Agent Rowland?”
Charles tries for another smile. “Have I mentioned how happy I am to be here?”
She blows out a breath. “You know, I think I might have the perfect partner in mind for you.”
“In shocking news, the cause of death seems to be the giant fucking crater in his skull,” Dr. Jenny Green says.
Edwin gazes down at the corpse spread out on the autopsy table. Miles Foster, age thirty-two, approximately five foot ten, with chin-length blond hair, a snub nose, and a neatly trimmed beard to hide the faint acne scars on his cheek. He appears to be a specimen of excellent physical health, save for an ingrown toenail on his left foot and the aforementioned crater.
“Do you have any idea what caused it?” he asks.
“Well, it sure wasn’t natural causes,” Dr. Green says. “Too big to be a gunshot. No burns, so not a bomb. No claw marks or broken bones, so probably not a demon tearing its way out of him. Could have been blunt force trauma, but that usually results in the skull caving in, not exploding out.”
Edwin hums, leaning closer to examine the wound that ended Miles Foster’s life, a gaping hole where his forehead used to be. A messy way to die, but at least it was surely quick. Though having had his own skull cracked open on multiple occasions, Edwin cannot recommend it.
“What of his clothes?”
“They weren’t your style.”
Edwin sighs and pointedly stays silent. He finds Dr. Green to be more bearable company than many of his colleagues at the MSI, but he is in no mood for banter today, especially not now that he’s been reminded of what it’s like to look down at his hands and find his own brain matter there. He suppresses the urge to cover his head with his arms, as if that ever did him any good.
She rolls her eyes, but continues. “I’ve sent them to the lab, but mostly they were covered in exactly what you’d expect from clothes worn by someone whose brain exploded out of his face. It was a nice surprise before lunch.”
Before Edwin can point out that she’s been the MSI’s medical examiner for long enough that she should no longer be put off her food by viscera, the doors open and someone calls, “Hello?”
As one, Edwin and Dr. Green turn to stare at the young man standing in the doorway. He’s a few years younger than Edwin, probably in his early twenties, about six feet tall, with curly dark hair, golden brown skin, elfin features, and dark eyes. He must be an MSI agent if he’s strolled into the morgue—unless he’s a walking corpse, Edwin supposes—but nothing about him strikes Edwin as agent-like. Unlike the navy, gray, and black suits most of the ministry favors, his is a vibrant red. He even has an earring dangling from his left ear and a gold chain around his neck, which cannot be regulation. Most bizarrely, he has colorful badges pinned to the lapels of his suit jacket.
“Hi.” He gives a little wave. “Director Nurse sent me down here.”
“Did she,” Dr. Green says flatly. “I hope your skull’s not about to explode too? If it is, stand farther away from my coffee.”
“I don’t think so.” The newcomer smiles, eyes crinkling with mirth. “But I guess that’s not the kind of thing anyone sees coming, yeah?”
“And you are?” Edwin asks.
“Oh, sorry, mate.” The man closes the distance between them, holding out his hand to Dr. Green, only withdrawing it when he sees she’s wearing latex gloves covered in gore. Instead, he waves. “Charles Rowland. I just transferred from Birmingham.”
“Dr. Jenny Green.” She doesn’t return his wave. “You’re new, aren’t you?”
He looks a bit taken aback. “Just got here today.”
“And how long were you in Birmingham?”
“Six months,” he says with a small, barely there grimace.
“New.” She says it like an accusation. “Try not to get your rookie optimism all over my fucking lab.”
Far from being offended, Agent Rowland lets out a delighted peal of laughter. Dr. Green and Edwin exchange sidelong looks. Rookie optimism, indeed.
As Agent Rowland turns away from Dr. Green, Edwin reluctantly takes his hand to shake. He doesn’t care for touching strangers, but it can’t be helped. The man has slim, almost delicate fingers, not when Edwin would expect from a MSI agent. “Agent Edwin Payne. A pleasure.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard of you, mate.” Agent Rowland pumps his hand with far too much enthusiasm.
Ah, of course. Edwin tries not to flinch. He knows that his case has a certain amount of notoriety in the MSI. A sixteen year old boy who went missing in 1916 and reappeared in the basement of his old school nearly a century later, unaged and unchanged, except for his story of being subject to decades of torture, is the kind of case that not even the MSI gets often. The fact that no leads were ever found about where he went or what kind of entity took him makes it one of the MSI’s most interesting unsolved cases. Edwin believes they discuss it during training.
“You’re the one who closed the Ripper case, right?”
Edwin blinks. That wasn’t what he was expecting. The case of a vampire with an unfortunate fascination with London’s most notorious serial killer had gone unsolved for decades, with dozens of dead women to show for it. Edwin tracked down the killer after only a few months at the ministry. In retrospect, he wonders if that’s why so many of his fellow agents have disliked him from the start.
“I remember hearing about it in training,” Charles says. “Bloody brilliant, mate.”
Edwin searches his face for any sign of contempt or mockery, but his smile seems genuine, his brown eyes warm. “I got lucky, truly. He was arrogant and it made him careless.”
“Thirty years and no one else got lucky, did they?”
“I suppose not.”
Someone clears their throat pointedly and Edwin jumps. Under Agent Rowland’s warm brown eyes, he quite forgot about Dr. Green’s presence.
“Would you two like to keep chit-chatting?” Dr. Green asks acidly. “I can put the autopsy on hold, if you’d like. Give you two time to make friendship bracelets.”
Edwin feels his face flush with embarrassment. “No, please continue, Dr. Green.”
“Sorry, mate, didn’t mean to interrupt.” Agent Rowland turns his attention to the autopsy table.  “So, what happened to this poor bloke?”
Edwin would like to know what interest Agent Rowland, fresh from Birmingham, has in his case, but he is trying not to alienate his colleagues quite so much. Plus, he would rather make small talk about a dead man instead of polite chit-chat about the weather and how Agent Rowland is finding London so far.
“Miles Foster,” he says. “He was a yoga instructor and online influencer. This morning, he was filming a… live stream when his head exploded on camera, right in front of the tens of thousands of people watching.”
“And who says yoga is calming?” Agent Rowland flashes that beaming smile again and Edwin quite loses his train of thought for an instant.
Edwin clears his throat and tugs on his bow tie. “He was filming from his home, with only his girlfriend at home with him. When she heard him screaming, she went to see what the matter was and found him already dead. She claims no one else was in the house and there are no signs of a break in, nor a struggle.”
Agent Rowland is quiet for a moment, contemplating the corpse. “Once saw a demon rip a bloke’s head off from the inside and crawl out.”
“There are no obvious signs of demonic possession,” Edwin says. “Plus, he was on camera. I imagine one of his viewers would have noticed a demon crawling out of his skull.” He glances at Dr. Green. “It does make me think of the dandelion sprites we encountered two years ago.”
“Dandelion sprites?” Agent Rowland asks.
“Tiny gods that feed on adoration and attention. When they get their fill, they explode out of their victim and find a new host. One of our analysts had a run in with a pair of them. She now keeps them in a jar on her desk.”
Agent Rowland’s eyes go wide. “Alive?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“Last time I saw a corpse that was killed by dandelion sprites, the inside of his skull was covered in that colorful goo,” Dr. Green says. “All that’s in this poor sucker’s skull is the scrambled remains of his gray matter.”
“Perhaps something related, then?” Edwin will have to rewatch the tape to see if he can see any small figures leaping out of Miles Foster’s skull at the moment of the explosion.
Agent Rowland must be thinking along similar lines. “Should take another look at those tapes, shouldn’t we? See if we see something besides brains come out of his head.”
“Yes, I will certainly do so,” Edwin says, annoyed. He’s been with the MSI in some capacity or another for a decade; he does not need this bright-eyed rookie telling him how to conduct his case. Even if the bright-eyed rookie does have one of the most magnetic smiles Edwin has ever seen, the kind of smile that makes him want to earn another one. “But I’m sure you have your own case to see to, Agent Rowland. I won’t keep you.”
“You’re not keeping me from anything. This is our case, isn’t it?” At Edwin’s uncomprehending look, Agent Rowland’s smile turns sheepish. “Sorry, mate, I thought Director Nurse would have told you already. I’ve been assigned to be your new partner.”
“There has been some sort of mistake.”
“She told me you’d say that.” Charles has to break into a light jog to keep up with Edwin Payne’s long, purposeful strides. They’re about the same height, but his new partner seems to be all legs.
“Director Nurse is a very busy woman. She may have gotten me mixed up with someone else.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.” Even if Director Nurse did seem like the absentminded sort, he can’t imagine anyone ever mistaking Edwin for someone else. There’s something a little strange about him, something that Charles can’t quite put his finger on. It intrigues him.
Edwin stops so abruptly that Charles nearly runs into him, turning to face him. “This isn’t personal, Agent Rowland—”
“Call me Charles, mate.”
“—But I simply do not work well with a partner,” Edwin continues, ignoring him entirely. “This is not the first time that Director Nurse has attempted to pair me up with someone, and it always goes poorly, I’m afraid.”
Charles shrugs. He can work well with just about anyone, so he can’t really relate, but he knew some partners who weren’t a good match for each other in Birmingham. It wasn’t a fun situation for anyone. “Sounds like you just haven’t found the right match, then.”
“There is no right match for me. I’m not good with people. I never was, not even before—” He breaks off with a wince. “Suffice to say, it’s best that we get this sorted out as soon as possible. There are plenty of perfectly capable agents in this office who I’m sure will be delighted to be partnered with you. I am not one of them.”
Before Charles can retort, Edwin is barreling ahead again, rounding the corner. “Director Nurse!”
Charles follows him around the corner and finds Edwin hurrying towards Director Nurse, who is coming towards him, flanked by her two assistants. When she sees Edwin, she rolls her eyes at the ceiling.
“For goodness’s sake,” she says. “Not this again, Agent Payne. I am on my way to a meeting and I do not have the time.”
“This will only take a moment, Director.” Edwin stops in front of her, fists pressed tightly together. He’s replaced the latex gloves he wore in the morgue with brown leather ones, like Charles’s grandfather used to wear whenever he went for a drive. Between the gloves and his slightly askew bow tie, he has the peculiar air of someone who stepped out of time. “I believe there has been a mix up.”
“There are no mix ups here,” Director Nurse says severely. “As you well know. Agent Rowland is your new partner.”
“I do not need a partner.”
“That isn’t for you to decide.”
“I am not the only agent without a partner here.” Something like a whine creeps into Edwin’s voice. “Agents Palace and King—”
“Are both more than capable of defending themselves, plus Agent Palace has her psychic abilities and Agent King has his shapeshifting.”
“He turns into a bloody tabby cat!”
She raises one unimpressed eyebrow. “Are you going to start carrying a weapon? Or finally agree to take remedial combat training?”
To Charles’s surprise, Edwin’s cheeks flush. “I don’t need combat training or a weapon. Any deficiency I may have with combat, I make up for with my spellwork.”
“Ah, so Agents Palace, King, Kahn, and Black didn’t have to retrieve you from a Fae court only last month? Saving you from being executed, I might add?”
“That was an isolated incident.”
“One of dozens of isolated incidents, ” she says. “I have sent enough agents to rescue you from towers and train tracks, Agent Payne. No, we are quite finished with that. If you want to continue working in the field, it needs to either be with the basic knowledge of how to defend yourself or a partner who is skilled enough in combat for the both of you.”
 Edwin turns to look at Charles with a raised eyebrow. “And he is?”
“Oi.” Charles is trying not to take any of this personally, because it seems that Edwin would object to any partner, not just him, but it’s hard not to take that personally. “Top of my class, actually. You don’t need to be built like a brick shithouse to know how to throw a punch.”
Edwin’s eyes flick over Charles, so quickly he thinks he might imagine it, before he turns back to Director Nurse. “I do not work well with people.”
“Then it’s about time you learn, isn’t it?” She smiles sweetly, though her eyes are ice cold. “Or I’ll have to reconsider if you even belong in the field.”
Edwin’s already impeccable posture somehow becomes even straighter and stiffer.  “I would be wasted behind a desk.”
“And you’ll be wasted if you end up dead in a ditch because you’re too stubborn to learn to defend yourself!”
“How about this?” Charles steps forward to stand next to Edwin, hoping to diffuse things before Edwin says something that gets him an official reprimand. “One case. We work the Miles Foster case together and if it’s a bloody mess, we go our separate ways. But if it’s aces, and it’s going to be aces, we stick together, yeah? Then no one’s wasted behind a desk or ends up dead in a ditch.”
“I am not going to end up dead in a ditch,” Edwin grumbles.
Director Nurse ignores him, looking between Edwin and Charles thoughtfully. “One case,” she agrees. “But, Agent Payne, know that if this case is a bloody mess, as Agent Rowland puts it, we will have to discuss your future at the MSI. As things stand now, you are a liability in the field, and I do not tolerate liabilities at my ministry. And now, I have a meeting that I’m now quite late to.”
With that, she stalks by them, her assistants on her heels. One of them shoots Charles a sympathetic grimace, which he returns with a smile.
“Well, then,” Charles says once they’ve disappeared from sight. “Looks like we have a case to solve, doesn’t it?”
Edwin is still staring straight ahead, gloved fists pressed tightly together and posture so stiff it looks like he may snap. “This will most likely be a bloody mess, just so you’re aware.”
“Nah, mate.” Charles claps him on the shoulder, withdrawing his hand quickly when Edwin grows even more tense under his hand. Doesn’t like touch, got it. “This is going to be aces.”
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider leaving comments or kudos on AO3. The next two chapters will be posted over there.
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eganeyes · 6 months
thinking of vampires and werewolves integraded in the military clegan au im sighing in agony
werewolf!bucky vampire!buck ofc lets fall to the expected norms mainly because i am a dog coded bucky enthusiast and also as much as i think of buck as a doberman he's very much vampire coded
werewolf vampire feud being an actual and expected thing, the 100th being gunned from the beginning of the war as a trial unit to see how humans, vampires, and werewolves are able to work together. most units kind of failing at it because everyones too territorial, too much blood history, too blood-proud, and humans too cautious.
enter the 100th, always the outlier, ever the undisciplined.
officer training begins far before their assignment to the 100th, so the buckies meet each other first. born-werewolf currently lone-wolfing john bucky egan's proverbial but also quiet literal fur bristling when he firsts scents the air of his new base and zeroing on buck cleven, the vampire who's going to sleep on the bunk right next to him. millennia-old ice-cold buck cleven smelling the wet dog fur and hearing the low growls first before looking up from folding his handful of monogrammed kerchiefs to a werewolf standing by the bunk next to him, presumably assigned that bed.
buck promptly ignores the guy, which bucky doesn't take at all very kindly. john still gives the guy his name though, a week down the line, because, well, he's very pretty and very smart and very capable of putting bucky on his back.
werewolves being high in the sky is unheard of. bucky suffers through the 'trying to get closer to the moon?' jokes easily enough. no sun smiting vampires here btw, should i say they glitter like the cullens or nah. just the slightest glitter then, lets say that there's a glow when the sun hits their skin, vampires being the suns favorite child or something and when they die they return as ashes to the sun to give those vampire pilots some fear of flying too close to the sun.
complicated-relationship-with-the-moon werewolf bucky vs complicated-relationship-with-the-sun vampire buck oh the ache
but like more on the other guys because fuck clegan theyve caused me enough grief
werewolf dougie vs human blakely. sooo attached to dougley you don't understand. dougie imprinting on ev like a baby chick, scenting his clothes and his jacket and his pillows etc. blakely being sooo flustered the first time dougie actually greets him like pack—as in dougie touches his nose to the side of ev's nose, runs it to the side just before his ear, and down to his neck—face cherry red and spluttering while dougie just has the most satisfied cat-who-got-the-cream look in his face. maybe after their first successful bomb-drop practice mission? idk just obsessed with the image.
vampire duo crubbles, centuries of being together reflected on the way they're never apart on the ground. croz's diet has to be like incredibly precise and certain blood sits weirdly in his stomach so up in the air paired with the anxiety of being so close to the sun he's puking out anything that's left in his stomach. ms. jean crosby known keeper of both harry crosby and bubbles payne, only woman to keep those two in line, but nobody actually knows what she is.
another werewolf and vampire pair: hammy and brady. hammy being a werewolf disaster duo with dougie, squabbling and rucking up the base like pups, bucky having to snap at them to cut it out when he's also wagging his out-of-sight tail wanting to cause mayhem too but maybe not when some very important general is by the base yeah. brady just brings that vibes of being incredibly old and incredibly stuffy and incredibly stick-in-the-mud at first you know?? hammy first meeting his vampire pilot and scoffing because that's literally the stereotypical vampire he's shit upon pre-army. until he sees brady pilot. until his pilot manages to execute a move so beautiful he doesn't end up as a pile of burnt fur within minutes of a trial flight. until he sees john fucking brady crack a smile at him with the slight glitter of the dying sun caressing his skin. dougie, smelling this shit from literally 4 miles away groans because brother, really?
vampire!kenny stuck in the body of a 19 year old never to grow old, waiting for his passing from the sun whenever that is. very human very warm very kind rosie rosenthal easily grasping at kenny's ice-cold-yet-sun-blessed skin and sparks fly from the flat of the palm meeting rosie's and to the tips of his bronze burnt curls.
fiery human chick harding able to go toe-to-toe with wolves and vampires, mouth stretched wide the first time he has bucky egan sitting on his visitor's chair whose metabolism is working overtime trying to burn the devils piss of a hooch out of his system. meeting born-werewolf jack the next hour who's bucky's only equal in their eclectic werewolf pack—whose fur is clearly bristling from bucky grounding him but he clocks instantly that this were will be the one who will actually snap on his new boys' heels if they ever step out of line.
currently kind of obsessed with this aaaa might come back with other ships (demacon i Will love you into existence) when it hits (hopefully) probably when the bi!buck euphoria melts a bit
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bcolfanfic · 24 days
hi! i found this series of essays that i thought you might find interesting:
they were written at the time of/focus on the iraq war, but they also talk a lot about the psychology of war in general, as well as the experiences of soldiers/veterans
ooohh thank you. just skimming them now but this quote partically jumped out at me re: yv au.
"During the heat of the battle the adrenaline is such you don't really think about it," says Capt. Brandon Payne, 28. "Once that adrenaline wears off, though, it gets tough. Some kids, it rolls right off their backs. Some, it's like they break down a little more each day."
this is like. the crux of kinda why *everyone* has the issues they do. curt got fucked because he was go-go-go until suddenly boom, no more leg- away from all your friends and facing a long exhausting rehab road. going from the routine of being hopped up on adrenaline almost 24/7 to that is like. a shock to the mind that he doesn't really process in a way that's healthy until. much later than he should. in the dougie character study thing im workin' on he's kinda an asshole- and that's the more deep seeded reason he Is the way he is towards jamie. functions be being On all the time because being Off makes him itch. and since jamie is also having a very hard time and On at all times they clash.
and bucky was very much in the "break down a little more each day" zone. curt getting hurt and leaving is the first domino but he really spirals hard in bagram pretty much through that-until they go home. it's where his issues with croz and brady start, and gale is constantly having to defuse him picking fights with people- mostly the two of them. then he gets home and like i've said before, he actually does pretty good at first bc he feels like he can relax. but he's so (: yay no more war (: that he thinks he can just dust off and be all good forever now. which is. not how that works lmao.
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google1000 · 6 months
Master Of The Air
Oldest~ Top of Section
Youngest~ Bottom Of Section
⭐️-Smut ❤️-Fluff 💔-Angst 🚫-None
🪢- Polyamorous 🍷-Alcohol🩸-Blood ☠️-Death 🤰-Pregnancy
🚺-Female Character 🚹-Male Character ⚧- Gender Neutral Character
Gale “Buck” Cleven
John “Bucky” Egan
Curtis "Curt" Biddick
Harry Crosby
Kenneth “Ken” Lemmons
Howard " Hambone" Hamilton
Everett Blakley
James “Dougie” Douglass
John Brady
Bernard “Benny” Demarco
Joesph “Bubbles” Payne
Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal
Incorrect Quotes
Bucky & Harding Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
Crosby & Buck & Bucky Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Buck & Curt Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
Curtis & Buck & Bucky Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Crosby & Brady & DeMarco Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Bucky & Buck & Kidd Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Buck & Bucky & Kidd & Curt Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
Bucky & Buck & Brady Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Rosie & Bucky Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bucky Incorrect Quote by Easy-Percy-Squeeze-A-Lemon💙
Buck & Curt Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bucky & Curt & Douglas & Rosie & Kidd Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
Crosby & Bucky Incorrect Quotes by Jenning-Fcb💙
Bucky & Buck Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
John & Everyone & Curt Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bucky & Random Soldier & Buck Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bucky & Curtis Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
John & The 100th & Curt Incorrect Quotes by ImASexyPotato💙
Buck & Bucky Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
Buck & Bucky & Curt Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Buck & Bucky Incorrect Quote by ImASexyPotato💙
Bubbles & Harry Incorrect Quote by BeInfinite💙
Curt & Kidd Incorrect Quote by Sleepy-HyperFixations💙
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little-big-fan · 2 years
Masterlist da Juu
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Oi, amores vocês irão encontrar todos os imagines feitos por mim.
Os imagines estão da ordem do mais antigo até o mais recente (2016-2023)
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Louis Tomlinson
The Slytherin Boy And The Gryffindor Girl / Segunda Parte -Draco Malfoy
Who Are You - Liam Payne
Harry Styles
Love of My Life / Segunda Parte - Neville Longbottom
James Bourne
Adam Levine
Ansel Elgort
Harry Judd
Dougie Poynter
Luke Hemmings
Danny Jones
Memories And Dreams - Draco Malfoy
Harry Styles
Harry Styles
Niall Horan
Harry Styles
Single Dad / Segunda Parte / Última Parte - Tom Holland
Niall Horan
Tom Holand
Tom Holland
Alex Hogh
Bruce Banner
“Dead” - Loki
Ciúmes - Loki
Gravidez -Bruce Banner
Make You Believe Again - Steve Rogers
Louis Tomlinson (Maratona)
Louis Tomlinson (Maratona)
Niall Horan (Maratona)
Miss You In A Heart Beat - Niall Horan (Maratona)
Harry Styles (Maratona)
Love Song - Liam Payne (Maratona)
Louis Tomlinson (Maratona)
I love You - Harry Styles (Maratona)
Chris Evans
Tom Holland
Tony Stark
Tom Hiddleston
Natasha Romanoff
Leonardo Dicaprio
Wanda Maximoff
Ron Weasley (Maratona)
Tony Stark (Maratona)
Sebastian Stan (Maratona)
Liam Payne (Maratona)
Peter Parker (Maratona)
Luke Hemmings (Maratona
Tom Holland (Maratona)
Ed Sheeran (Maratona)
Logan Lerman (Maratona)
Bucky Barnes (Maratona)
Tom Holland (Maratona)
Ron Weasley (Maratona)
Louis Tomlinson (Maratona)
Logan Lerman (Maratona)
Harry Styles (Maratona)
Louis Tomlinson (Maratona)
Tom Holland (Maratona)
Peter Parker (Maratona)
Tony Stark (Maratona)
Bucky Barnes (Maratona)
Marry Me - Ed Sheeran (Maratona)
Michael Clifford (Maratona)
Love Hurts - Tom Holland
Homem-aranha - Tom Holland
Luke Hemmings
Connor Ball
James Potter
Still Loving You - Draco Malfoy
This Ain’t No Remake Of A Romeo Story - Sirius Black
The Best Part Of Me - Draco Malfoy
Still In Love With You - Niall Horan
Where Is My Happy Ending - Draco Malfoy
All The Lies I’ve Heard, I Love You Its My Favorite - Calum Hood
Fear Of The Dark - Dean Winchester
Please Be Mine - Evans Peters
And I Love Her - Sam Winchester
Sorry, But I’m not her - Steve Rogers (especial aniversário)
I Wanna Be Your End Game - Michael Clifford (especial aniversário)
I Wish I Didn’t Love You - Bucky Barnes (especial aniversário)
Sorry I was Stupid I Didn’t Mean To Hurt You - Luke Hemmings (especial aniversário)
You’re My Favorite Place - Robert Pattinson (especial aniversário)
I’m Sucker For You - Chris Evans (especial aniversário)
Love Of Mine - Luke Hemmings
Hello Mr Perfectly fine How's Your Heart After Break Mine - Louis Tomlinson
I Love You To The Moon and Back - Sam Winchester
Even at your worst, you're still the best. - Sem Principal definido
Come Back...Be Here - Zayn Malik (especial de Natal)
All I Can Say Is I Was Enchanted To Meet You - Draco Malfoy (especial de Natal)
I Like Shiny Things, But I'd Marry You With Paper Rings - Ron Weasley (especial de Natal)
Can We Always Be This Close - Spencer Reid (especial de Natal)
Masterlist parte 2 aqui
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trastornadosrevista · 2 months
Travis regresa a Argentina luego de 7 años para actuar en el Teatro Gran Rex de Buenos Aires el 7 de noviembre en el marco de su gira Raze The Bar Tour, show producido por Fenix Entertainment.
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La banda escocesa de rock alternativo Travis, ganadora de múltiples discos de platino y premios BRIT, interpretará sus canciones clásicas y las favoritas de los fans repasando su extensa carrera.  
Los miembros de Travis, Fran Healy (voz, guitarra); Andy Dunlop (guitarra); Dougie Payne (bajo); y Neil Primrose (batería) se unieron en la Escuela de Arte de Glasgow en la década de 1990 y han vendido millones de álbumes en todo el mundo. 
Travis acaba de lanzar su décimo álbum de estudio titulado “L.A Times” que incluye los hits: “Gaslight”, “Raze The Bar” y “Bus”. Para más información, visita www.travisonline.com
La banda está disfrutando de una especie de renacimiento, ya que acaba de encabezar 4 festivales británicos en este verano europeo y además, en los últimos años ha girado con sus álbumes clásicos "The Man Who" y "The Invisible Band", que fueron certificados 9 veces platino y 4 veces platino respectivamente.  Ambos álbumes fueron producidos por Nigel Godrich, también conocido por su trabajo con Radiohead.  Estos álbumes incluían una serie de hits entre los que se encontraban los ya clásicos “Sing”, “Side”, “Why Does It Always Rain On Me”, “Driftwood”, y “Turn”, con la banda siendo aclamada por artistas de la talla de Sir Paul McCartney, Elton John y Graham Nash.
El rico historial de giras de Travis incluye ser headliner en numerosos festivales de todo el mundo, como: Glastonbury (Reino Unido), Roskilde (Dinamarca), Witness (Irlanda), T in the Park (Escocia), Corona Capital (Ciudad de México), Pentaport (Corea del Sur), Fiis (Chile), Haldern (Alemania), St.Malo (Francia), Benicassim (España), Isla de Wight (Reino Unido), Montreux (Suiza), Sundance (Dubai), We the Fest (Indonesia), Strawberry Music Festival (China), así como actuaciones épicas en Coachella (USA), Fuji Rock (Japón) y Rock am Ring/Rock im Park (Alemania), por nombrar sólo algunos.
Preventa exclusiva para clientes Santander Select: martes 23 de julio, 10am por 24 horas o hasta agotar stock.  Finalizada la preventa Santander Select comienza la preventa Santander American Express por 24 horas o hasta agotar stock.  Finalizada la preventa Santander American Express comienza la venta general.  Tickets a la venta únicamente en: www.tuentrada.com
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firstlightfanfics · 2 months
there was a new story posted the other day starring YOU and your fave guy!
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dougielombax · 7 months
What’s this?!
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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