gentleoverdrive · 1 year
(243/?) Dumb thought stuck in my mind.
Are dick pics the predecessor to NFT's? It's something that's been occupying my mind for most of today... yes, I know it's not the most deep or thoughtful train of thought to have, but dammit, it's the kind of dumb brouhaha that doesn't leave your mind until you popped the question into the void, y'know? ---- I remember receiving my first dick pic at random, and... like, it awoke that feeling in my of like "... ok? why?" Like it felt akin to the sort of thing that a physician might be interested in seeing, not a prospect romantic interest. Like wow, that sure is a male genitalia. ---- Like I dunno: I'm not all that interested in seeing people's genitalia at random, so it felt like the sort of thing that people try to sell you on that you know it has no actual fucking value, but people inscribe some over-inflated quantity to it. Y'know, like crypto coin or NFT's. ---- Anyway, whoever reads these things: I hope you're doing well! I'll try to write them more often! Cheers!
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milkyerinys · 2 years
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aira finds out his groupmate is sexting their groupmates brother
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awesomestarpower · 1 year
Secret confession: I miss kik
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theresattrpgforthat · 8 months
hey do you have anything that recreates the feel of the movie Men In Black? there is a literal, actual officially licensed MIB TTRPG, but that was last updated in the 90's, unfortunately :c
THEME: Men In Black
I love Men In Black! One of the biggest obstacles I found in this hunt was that most games about paranormal agencies trying to keep the alien or supernatural out of the eyes of the public is that usually the agents consider the aliens to be hostile - while MIB combines mystery with mundanity. There’s combat, sure, but in many of the movies the characters find themselves interacting with aliens who pose no threat whatsoever to the world around them. With that in mind, let’s see what we’ve got.
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Strange Squad, by S. Murphy.
Strange Squad is a game about weird, powerful individuals known as 'Agents' investigating and solving issues involving 'Aberrants': Paranormal creatures, beings, and phenomena that defy logical explanation. Agent's seek to uphold The Veil, a layer of secrecy that keeps the public from learning about these fragments of unreality, for their sake and ours.
I like the focus on keeping things secret here, which is a strong through-line in Men in Black. This game uses Aberrations instead of aliens, so you’ll have the same task of converting some of the lore to make sense for the MIB universe. The resolution mechanic involves a d100 and rolling under a target stat, as well as a Cool track that indicates how good your character is at keeping it together in stressful situations. I think the biggest downside to this game in regards to what you’re looking for is the fact that even though you can theoretically alter the tone, the Cool mechanic points towards your characters working in a dangerous job that wears on their psyche, while I remember MIB being more about being a talented agent whose fun interactions with various aliens is the highlight of their job.
External Containment Bureau, by Mythic Gazetteer.
I’ve recommended External Containment Bureau plenty of times in the past, so I don’t want to keep recommending the same thing, but I do think it’s worth checking out, mostly because it’s very good at letting the players determine the tone. The agency’s goal of identification, containment and obfuscate allows for broad interpretation. Identification might just mean tracking down phenomena and figuring out which alien race is connected to it. Containment might involve talking the aliens down from their current course of action. Obfuscation might be using the neutralizer, but it might also be coming up with explanations for a giant crater where a gas station used to be, or filling out paperwork that accounts for a family’s sudden change in number of children.
The other thing that ECB really has going for it is the theorize roll. This is a chance for the players to come up with the solution to their presented problem collaboratively, but it also clearly lays out the primary focus of the game: solving a mystery. Your character’s primary goal isn’t to win by force, it’s to figure out what the heck is going on. And that feels pretty true to a lot of the story beats in MIB.
DPIC: Department of Paranormal Investigation & Containment, by The Rolled Standard.
The Department of Paranormal Investigation & Containment, or DPIC, is a covert agency tasked with the hunting and capturing (or elimination) of the paranormal creatures and objects that inhabit and invade our world to protect the people of this world and keep them separate and safe.
This is a more traditional concept of paranormal agency, but if what you really like in MIB is the big chrome guns and the fights that end with the monsters exploding into goo, this has got you covered. DPIC does give you rules with the idea that the supernatural is something you’ll be dealing with, so you might need to re-tool Soul to fit in a story where the weirdness comes from alien tech rather than spooky eldritch magic. This game is meant to be a standalone system, but you can definitely see the inspiration taken from various other games, especially the presence of Fate Points.
If you want to learn more about this game, the creators of DPIC have their own podcast, The Rolled Standard. They play through a number of different games and systems, and the lore of DPIC originated and blossomed over various games that can be heard there!
Cosmic Department of Immigration, by rucun3.
During the game the agents of CDI will have to protect reality from terrible things like eldritch horrors, tax evaders and tourists, and they will do that through boring bureaucracy! It doesn't help that the agents themselves can be as weird as the candidates they are screening. They will have to follow the maze-like rules and guidelines while at the same time making sure no one will destroy the very fabric of reality!
This is 2 pages of instructions on how to fulfill randomly determined requirements in a bureaucratic capacity. Your characters will hail from a specific department and receive 3 skills. There is always one skill that your character is not proficient at, and I think that encourages party balance. This game is only 2 pages, so it spends most of its space teaching you about the possible NPCs that you’ll come in contact with and what the play loop will look like. When it comes to resolution however, it doesn’t look like there’s any randomized resolution mechanic - it looks like your characters may be tasked with finding creative ways to use their abilities to solve specific quandaries without having to roll dice or pull cards.
I’m mostly pulling out this recommendation because most of the games that deal with paranormal society assume that the phenomena you deal with are threats - but in Men in Black, plenty of the aliens you are talking to are just regular people who have moved to a different planet, and sometimes have hiccups along the way. The Cosmic Department of Immigration brings a level of mundanity to the genre that I don’t see in a lot of paranormal games.
Other Recommendations
If you want more games with cheesy action and fun one-liners, you might also want to check out my Pulp Fiction recommendation post. If you want more games about keeping a secret world secret, you might want to take a look at my Paranormal Agents recommendations.
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cassi3-20 · 3 months
Any dick ratings yet ?
Nope! do not send me Dpics to rate im they will be ignored and deleted :)
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Thine eyes are shinier than winter's glow, be it beneath the stars, or under the clouds reflecting across the snow
From here to there and to from fro, i never forget thee
For my heart is filled only with you
And wish for yours to be mine too
Please O please do hear me
I beg for your attention, time, and care
For in my world there is naught brimming with love nor what feels fair
And only you... can make me feel safe and warm with a simple caress of my hair.
niiiice :3
10/10 :3
if u mean it you can also send dpic through dms and ill give you a qualification of that too :3
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I know the dick pic. Just tell us about the likes and follows. Why don't you just update the timelin?//
Anon as someone who was active in the fandom at that time, nothing related to the current shitshow started back then. In fact we had just gotten a clean end to the LJ saga after he announced on Bill Maher that he was in London for some work. He was posting throwbacks and thirst traps and tree pics at that time.
Some people also forget, this technological noob meatball accidentally leaked his dpic because he was screen-recording a video he wanted to post on his IG stories and accidentally left in the part where he exits the video and we see a quick look at his gallery. I remember some eagle-eyed fans saw the pics on the gallery and said they were 2-3 years old. He was maybe moving items to another phone(I remember this theory because someone pointed out how he showed he had 2 phones in that actors on actors interview he did with Paul Rudd over zoom during lockdown)
In 2020 when the leak happened he hadn't even followed Alba, that would happen 3+ months later sometime in December.
Gosh I can't believe my 2020 jobless ass was so invested in all this shit and remembers all these details dafkjngkanf, sorry for the essay Annie😭
Lol and thanks. But I guess the anon wanted to know about the likes and follows that happened right before. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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freezorii · 1 year
HAPPY NEW YEARS! It hasn’t even been 3 hours since 12am and I’ve already gotten a dpic and 2 people have been racist to me! I’ve also been body shamed already! It’s going to be a great year!!💕
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farenheitchristie · 2 years
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Send a Dpic and ask for the code to get a special discount on Fansly.
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thelonesomequeen · 2 years
A year ago today the Sexiest Man Alive rumor leaked! That was a fun time. Paul Rudd is very handsome so it was deserved on his end. I wouldn’t be shocked if Chris picks up the title this year or next year. I feel like his career is lining up in time for it since he’s done with Cap and is sorting it out his next moves post Marvel.
For sure. He’s been working consistently this year and had new projects drop. Next year he’ll have 3 releases alone so it’s possible. He was at the top of the list before the dpic leaked. It’s not uncommon for them to circle back around to people they’ve considered before 🦎
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cattarattat · 1 month
"In the last 30 years, exoneration cases have exposed the very real shortcomings of the American legal system. 
The Innocence Project has represented innocent people who were wrongly convicted of murder and condemned to death in cases that were compromised by police and prosecutorial misconduct, ineffective assistance of counsel, eyewitness misidentification, unreliable forensic evidence, racial bias, and more. In some instances, our clients have come within days of execution. These cases powerfully establish that — notwithstanding legislative and constitutional guarantees of increased scrutiny for and oversight of such cases — the capital punishment system is deeply flawed and poses an unconscionable threat to innocent people. For these reasons, the death penalty must be abolished.
Since 1973, at least 190 people have been exonerated from death row in the U.S., according to the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC). A 2014 study estimated that at least 4% of those sentenced to death are innocent. These numbers don’t demonstrate the full scope of the impact that the death penalty has on the problem of wrongful conviction as the threat of the death penalty causes innocent people to plead guilty and induces false testimony from witnesses."
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julius-413-97 · 2 months
Mirror dpics 🤝🏽 me
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i-na · 3 months
Ppl wanna send a dpic and call it artistic nude 😭😭😭
i swear 💀
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rickztalk · 1 year
2022 Was a Year of Bad, Botched Death Row Executions
2022 Was a Year of Bad, Botched Death Row Executions
The good news for opponents of the death penalty is that its use in the United States continued to decline in 2022. The bad news is that many of the executions that did take place appear to have been botched by officials who subjected prisoners to cruel torment. Those are the main takeaways from the Death Penalty Information Center’s (DPIC) annual year-end report. It shows that American states…
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hotspottimes · 1 year
‘Surreal spectacle’: US botched 35% of execution attempts this year - The Guardian
‘Surreal spectacle’: US botched 35% of execution attempts this year – The Guardian
Annual review reveals that seven of the 20 execution attempts carried out this year were visibly problematicAs 2022 draws to a close, a new grim distinction can be attached to it: in America it was the year of the botched execution.In its annual review of US capital punishment, the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) reveals the astonishing statistic that 35% of the 20 execution attempts…
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breyeschow · 2 years
No judgement against people sending nudes to one another, but I'm pretty sure that the guy who sent his #dpic to the person next to me did not mean for our entire row to see IT. 😬😂🫣 GIF responses highly anticipated.
— Bruce Reyes-Chow ☮️ 🐝 🐑 (@breyeschow) Oct 22, 2022
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