#dr ghassan abu sitta
adropofhumanity · 4 months
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good-old-gossip · 5 months
A prominent British-Palestinian surgeon who worked in Gaza during the first few weeks of Israel's war on the besieged enclave says he was barred from entering France for a speaking engagement at the French Senate on Saturday morning. Writing on X, Ghassan Abu Sitta said French authorities had told him that Germany had banned him from entering Europe for one year after German police barred him from entering the country earlier this month.
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breathedreamscream · 9 months
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keluang-hijau · 7 months
Via Untold Stories and Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah on Instagram: For the last four months, this work of dehumanization has extended beyond the battlefield and Israeli politics to include European and North American policies of silencing and policing Palestinian voices and symbols, including protestors and activists, artists, academics, union workers, social media users, and other professionals, particularly in Germany. In their article, Abu Sitta and Marya call for a reshaping of the ethical role of physicians in times of dehumanization and genocide. They argue that it is the duty of physicians to rehumanize Palestinians, and they connect the process of rehumanization with decolonization, an overused term that has come to mean nothing more than an intellectual muscle flexing in ‘politics’ in academia, yet remains an urgent praxis in the lives of people in settler colonies and post-colonies today.
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Link to the article written by Dr Lamia Moghnieh.
Link to the article referenced, written by Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah and Dr Rupa Marya.
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beardeddetectivepaper · 4 months
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soon-palestine · 5 months
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newgreyhair · 4 days
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"Part of our resistance to the finality of genocide is for us to talk about tomorrow, plan for tomorrow, work on healing the wounds of our people. The aim of this war is that there would [be] no Palestinian tomorrow. We own tomorrow. Tomorrow is a Palestinian day." --Palestinian doctor Ghassan Abu Sitta
The medical workers of Gaza have been an inspiration. As those outside of Gaza watch families rush to hospitals after bombings with their loved ones in shreds in their arms, medical workers must greet those people and their horrifying injuries. Armed with little more than Tylenol and a cellphone flashlight, doctors tend to the worst imaginable injuries.
This genocide has popularized the term Wounded Child, No Surviving Family (WCNSF), as more than 100,000 Gazan children have had one or both parents killed by Israel. More than thousands of children make up the largest ever new cohort of pediatric amputees. But it's not just the children grievously injured and bereft, though I have seen the brains of multiple children. It is every person, loved or unknown bombed or shot to bits. It is the medics, but it is also the men digging through rubble with their bare fingers, the people shaking in tents, those walking miles for water-- these sumud, steadfast people deserve our attention and action.
$19 from this sale will go to buying eSIMs to connect Palestinians in Gaza to the phone and Internet. I will donate via Crips for eSIMsForGaza: https://chuffed.org/project/crips-for-esims-for-gaza
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adropofhumanity · 4 months
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marcogiovenale · 4 months
oggi, 17 maggio 2024, roma, cineforum palestina: gaza - nakba - catastrofe
Per ricordare la Nakba a 76 anni dalla “catastrofe”, il genocidio del popolo palestinese espulso dalle sue terre con la violenza – 750.000 persone nel 1948, altre migliaia nel 1967 – e per riflettere sulla ulteriore catastrofe in corso a Gaza e in Cisgiordania, si tiene nella sala Zavattini dell’Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico ETS (via Ostiense 106, Roma), in…
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stuckinapril · 11 months
please take everything you read with a grain of salt. misinformation spreads everywhere like wildfire, and i've been having major trouble wading through false journalism to get actual updates on everything. some resources i've compiled for myself and anyone who's interested:
the global conflict tracker (israeli-palestinian conflict)
dr. ghassan abu sitta is a doctor on-site who's also been reporting about the atrocities transpiring in gaza.
also some palestinian aid orgs to donate to. if you have some money to spare/know anyone who does, please consider donating/spreading the word:
palestine children's relief fund
palestine red crescent society
medical aid for palestine
gaza emergency appeal
donate to arab.org with one click
the middle east children's alliance gaza emergency fund
help UNRWA USA reach their palestinian aid fundraiser goal
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zvaigzdelasas · 4 months
A court in Germany has overturned a Europe-wide travel ban imposed by German authorities on Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, the British Palestinian surgeon who spent weeks saving lives in Gaza at the beginning of Israel’s ongoing genocide.
In recent weeks, Abu Sitta has been barred from entering France and the Netherlands in order to speak about the Israeli war crimes he witnessed during his 43 days working as a doctor under Israel’s savage and indiscriminate bombardment.[...]
The draconian German ban constituted “a serious breach of freedom of movement and expression in Europe and now a judge has ruled that the travel ban should be overturned,” said the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) and European Legal Support Centre (ELSC), which assisted in the case.
“This is a significant victory for freedom of speech and a significant turning point in challenging the chilling environment that many Palestinian human rights advocates have to operate in,” the two civil rights groups added.
The ban on Abu Sitta had also drawn criticism from Human Rights Watch, which asserted that the “attempts to prevent him from sharing his experience treating patients in Gaza risks undermining Germany’s commitment to protect and facilitate freedom of expression and assembly and to nondiscrimination.”
15 May 24
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silicacid · 10 months
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An Israeli sniper shot my friend Dr Mohammad Obaid. Amazing man worked at Al Awda; then Shifa and stayed throughout it seige; then Indonesian Hospital until it fell and back to Al Awda hospital where he was injured this morning. This was when we were at Shifa few weeks back. — Ghassan Abu Sitta (@GhassanAbuSitt1) December 11, 2023
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workersolidarity · 5 months
🇩🇪🇵🇸 🚨
📹 Scenes from Pro-Palestine protesters in Berlin, Germany, following the cancelation of the Palestine Congress in the German capital, which saw the German federal police repeatedly shoving and assaulting demonstrators.
The assault comes just one day after Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, who was scheduled to speak about the Israeli genocide at the Palestinian Congress, was denied entry into Germany.
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shehzadi · 11 months
seeing the videos and photos of palestinians fleeing from the north to the south of gaza, mostly on foot with a few donkey carts here and there, is so haunting in the way that it looks exactly like photos from the 1948 nakba. the ethnic cleansing and the genocide never ended. it’s just on an accelerated timescale now.
and, if you actually think palestinians moving to the south will give them any modicum of safety, you’re wrong because that so-called ‘safe zone’ in the south is still being bombed AND the palestinians who are being forcibly displaced are continually being attacked. today (10.11.23) israeli soldiers opened fire on palestinians who were trying to leave Al-Nasser hospital in northern gaza while waving white flags (universally recognised as a symbol of surrender/peace) and also bombed palestinians leaving through Salah Eddin Street which they had been told by israel was a ‘safe route’.
besides attacking those trying to leave, israel has, in the last ~24 hours:
9.11.23 - carried out airstrikes in the vicinity of the Indonesian hospital (which is now totally out of electricity as of 10.11.23)
9.11.23 - bombed the courtyard of Al-Shifa hospital (@/ahmedhijazee on IG)
9.11.23 - bombed ambulances and paramedics outside Al-Awda hospital (@/palestine.pixel on IG)
9.11.23 - attacked Al-Rantisi hospital (a paediatric hospital btw) which resulted in areas of the hospital being set on fire (@/ahmedeldin on IG)
10.11.23 - bombed the outpatient clinic of Al-Shifa hospital (using a Hellfire R9X missile, also called the ‘flying ginsu’ because of the fact that it doesn’t explode but instead deploys several blades which fly at high speed, and essentially shred their targets). there are (very graphic) videos showing the martyrs and those injured in this attack @/palestine.pixel and a censored version @/middleeasteye on IG
10.11.23 - shot at palestinian staff and patients inside the ICU of Al-Quds hospital (@/PalestinePRCS on X)
today has been described as a ‘day of war on hospitals’ by the Director of Al-Shifa Medical Complex:
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and here are some updates from Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, who has been providing medical care and performing surgeries in different hospitals across the gaza strip:
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and this still isn’t even all of the attacks of the last 2 days in gaza - there have been others on schools which are acting as shelters for the displaced, and, of course, refugee camps. the number of martyrs from bombings alone is almost at 11000.
also remember: there is ongoing settler violence and ethnic cleansing happening in the west bank where palestinians are also being martyred, there are now reports of people dying from starvation and dehydration, and from wounds/infection. ya Allah reham kar 🤲🏽
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opencommunion · 8 months
from a 2018 interview with Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta on his experiences treating protesters wounded by the IOF during the Great March of Return:
"By 7:00 P.M., the system was on the verge of collapse. There were more injuries than there were beds, or operating rooms, in all of Gaza. Patients at al-Shifa were waiting four to five hours to get into the operating theater. At al-Awda alone, we had seen 120 gunshot wounds, and we were only a 3-operating room, 70-bed hospital. Every single case needed some kind of surgical intervention. And then suddenly there was a decision by the organizing committee of the march, I believe, to start pulling people back because they realized the system was basically about to collapse. By 7:00 P.M. it had become apparent that over a four-hour period, the number of injured had reached 3,500, with around 1,500–2,000 of those being gunshot wounds. Other than the 120 gunshot wounds at al-Awda, we had a lot of gas inhalation cases. And this wasn’t tear gas but nerve gas. These cases have continuous convulsions for an hour and need close monitoring and intervention in the form of anticonvulsants. ... The following day, the number of injured actually dropped because the whole of Gaza was in a state of shock: there had been 63 killed, 44 amputations, and 3,500 wounded in the space of four hours the day before, meaning that we were looking at something closer to a World War I–type carnage than a demonstration. The drop in casualty numbers allowed us to take on more cases: by day three, we were beginning to look at reconstruction for the previously injured and to really start to figure out what we would need for them. And the initial waiting list of 500 I mentioned earlier had more than tripled: there were now 1,600 cases that needed reconstructive surgery, that is, repeated surgical interventions were required to reconstruct these injuries.
Can you give us examples of specific cases? There were lots of cases of what we call 'fragmentation bullets,' historically known as 'dumdum' bullets. Fragmentation bullets were the first weapons to be banned in international law because the very point of that particular weapon is to maximize injury: a fragmentation bullet fragments into 20–25 different pieces when it hits the body. We saw lots of those. A guy came in one day with two bullet wounds, one in each of his ankles. From the trajectory of the bullet, we could tell that this was not a 'through-and-through,' that is, when a bullet penetrates one limb, exits, and then goes into another limb. These were two separate bullets, and the fact that they were both lodged in his ankles meant that they were fired at the same time or else he would have fallen. This man was shot at the same time by two different snipers. So, it is very likely that the two snipers were coordinating with each other to target this man, that it was not an accident. They must have been talking and saying let’s shoot this guy, I’ll take the right ankle and you take the left. That is what this injury implies. Yes absolutely, it was not an accident. It’s like a game, a sport.
... Tissue damage is all about the transfer of energy from the bullet to the tissue. So by definition, by their very nature, 'regular' sniper bullets have the highest form of energy and therefore the amount of damage that they are capable of causing is immense. But what we saw is that even these bullets were being tampered with by the snipers to allow them to behave like fragmentation bullets so that they would release more energy as they hit the body. They were drilling the bullets in such a way as to weaken the tips, so that once a bullet hit the body it would fragment into multiple pieces. ... The Israelis understand that the world counts the dead and considers the injured or the wounded a lesser crime, so to speak, and so it is an attempt at creating an 'iceberg effect': that is, a situation where what is apparent is the killed but the real crime is in the wounded [who are not as visible] and the type of wounds that have been inflicted. To have 13,000 wounded in a place that counts 1.8 million people ... that figure bespeaks a battlefield, not a demonstration." By the end of 2019, occupation forces killed 322 demonstrators (x) and injured 35,600 more (x), including many thousands with severe injuries leading to long-term disability (x). IOF snipers were documented shooting unarmed protesters with the intent to kill (x), as well as targeting kneecaps to permanently disable protesters (x). Their targets included children, paramedics, and journalists. Many protesters were left with long-term disabilities and trauma (x). This is how the occupation responds to unarmed resistance (or what liberals call "peaceful protest"): with "World War I-type carnage" that "bespeaks a battlefield."
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acepumpkinpatrick · 8 months
A very important interview I want to talk about is Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta's with Sifr mag.
Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta is a Palestinian surgeon that came back to Gaza on 9/10/2023 to help and was a first hand witness of the bombing of Al-Ahli Baptist hospitale on the 17th of October.
In the interview Dr. Ghassan says "In choosing the Baptist hospitale, the Israelis chose the hospital with the most international connections. The Baptist hospitale is run by The World council of Churches and it is connected to the Evangelical church in Britain. They chose that hospitale to see how much international dissension & outrage their campaign to destroy the health system in Gaza Strip, will face. In the span of half an hour after the massacre and with the blind acceptance of western media to the Israeli story that is was a misfired Hamas missile, even though the international organizations and media that ran that story did not talk to any survivors, doctors, injured people or their families, that was the international community's message to Israel to go forth with their plan."
"We need to negotiate with the system and not just one tool of the system. If we negotiate the Israelis for just a ceasefire, they will retrieve the tanks and keep the siege. They will retrieve the tanks but the World Bank will withhold the money. The banks will block the donation money that is collected in Bierut or Oman or in other Arab countries from reaching its destination. A regional war will force the system. The system that is America and its tools, WHO, World Bank, IMF or The Red Cross and its agents, be it Israelis or Arab. All these tools you can not negotiate with them unless America felt there's gonna be a regional war. Unfortunately this massacre will not stop unless this war turned into a regional war."
As much as we want fast peace and ceasefire now, these words ring true of the real of a situation that has been going on for 75 years. Right now alot of countries and organizations want to put a bandaid on it in the shape of a ceasefire and move on back to before the 7th of October where Palestinians were being killed in silence. But ironically Israel & the US are actually the ones that are keeping the world from that bandaid. The US government has historically only understood the language of war. If the US doesn't want war it will do everything in its power to not go to war. The thing is, non of the regional countries want to go to war. The region has suffered enough because of the US, Iran & Russia. And the 3 major players (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, & UAE) are in Israel's pocket. That's why what Yemen is doing is so so important. It's affecting their precious economy without going to outright war.
The whole interview is on YT but unfortunately it's untranslated, here's a link:
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