#dr robert chase imagine
bi-bard · 2 years
But I'm in the Business of Losing Your Interest - Robert Chase Imagine (House MD)
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Title: But I'm in the Business of Losing Your Interest
Pairing: Robert Chase X Reader
Based On: Come Over
Word Count: 1,013 words
Warning(s): insecurities
Summary: [Season 1] Robert and (Y/n) visit (Y/n)'s parents. Something about being home- about seeing him in their home- brought forward feelings and fears that (Y/n) was certain they had buried.
Author's Note: Hey, look! Kyli wrote a piece about Robert Chase that doesn't involve roasting the shit out of him! It's a damn miracle!
One word that could hold a thousand meanings based purely on the tone it was said in. I wish I had been better at discerning tone, maybe I would've avoided rambling at awkward times if I was.
Robert was visiting my family for the first time. He had met them before when I invited them out to dinner, but this was the first time he was seeing the house that I had grown up in.
The idea made my chest tight, and I truly couldn't explain why.
"I know it's not a huge place," I said quickly, eyes catching on every part of the house that looked even a bit worn. "And it's kind of in the middle of nowhere. And a bit old. My parents adore it though. They put a lot of care-"
I stopped talking when Robert reached over and grabbed my hand. I looked over at him. He was already grinning at me.
"It's nice," he promised. "Come on. Your parents are waiting for us."
My parents were standing on the porch when we got out of the car. They both walked over to greet us as we got our bags out. My mom and dad hugged me. My mom hugged Robert before my dad reached out to shake his hand. I almost rolled my eyes watching the very firm handshake.
"How was the drive," my mom asked.
"It was gorgeous," Robert commented. "Looked like a postcard."
I grinned. It did comfort me a little that he thought something like that.
"Isn't it," my mom gushed. The beauty of the nature around the house was a major part of why they had bought the property. "Well, we set up (Y/n)'s room. We don't really have the space for a guest room, but if you guys are uncomfortable then we can figure something out."
"I'm sure we'll be fine, Mom," I touched her arm. She nodded.
The two of them decided to stay downstairs to get dinner put together while Robert and I went to put our bags away.
I had to fight the urge to cringe as we walked into my childhood bedroom.
It wasn't embarrassing. Just plain. Boring.
"Look at that," Robert muttered, walking ahead of me as I shut the door. He placed his bag at the foot of my bed as he stared out the window. "You got to grow up with this view?"
I chuckled and nodded, going to place my bag next to his before sitting on the mattress.
I looked around the room.
There was that feeling again. That tightness in my chest.
I had never considered myself boring before. Not before Robert started working with Gregory House and his team.
Robert would come home almost every day with some story about some rare illness popping up, some weird thing his boss had done, or just something that seemed so... interesting.
It made my stories feel like they could never compete.
I tried to keep it from going to my head, but it was getting harder to know that I was the less interesting part of his life.
And now... being here... seeing him here was just amplifying that feeling.
I felt so plain.
The little plain room with the basic decorations. The basic grades and basic clubs. Nothing special through school, nothing special after it. I was meant to be the background character in the story. How long did I have before I had bored Robert so much that he finally left?
I hummed, blinking at him a few times.
"You alright," he asked. "You look a bit... lost."
I was about to nod. Nod and ignore the problem. All I had to do was say that I was fine and move on.
But I couldn't bring myself to do that.
"Do I bore you?"
I almost immediately wanted to forget that the thought of asking had even crossed my mind.
"Why would you ask that," he stepped over. I looked down at my lap. He knelt in front of me. "(Y/n), look at me."
I looked at him albeit reluctantly.
"Why are you asking if you bore me," he asked.
"It's nothing," I mumbled, shaking my head.
"If it's enough to bother you, then it's clearly something."
"It's just..." God, I felt stupid admitting this, "You come home from work, and you talk about your interesting cases and your weird boss and it all just seems so... exciting. I just... I know that I'm not especially interesting. I... I don't know. I just think about it sometimes."
There was a pause. I could see the look in his eyes shifting as what I was saying was starting to sink in.
"I don't want to lose you because you find something or someone more exciting or thrilling."
"Hey," he said. His hand cupped the side of my face. He grinned at me. "First of all, I never could get bored of you. I don't need some exciting twist to know that you will never stop capturing all of my attention. Second of all, I would be in hell if my relationship was anything like my work, so thank you for not being like my boss."
I chuckled.
"I love you," he added. "More than I'd be able to describe."
"I mean... you could try," I muttered. Robert scoffed at me. "I love you too."
He leaned in and kissed me gently. I kissed him back happily, letting my shoulders relax and my mind clear.
I leaned back first, smiling a bit as Robert pressed a few more soft pecks to my lips before relenting and leaning back.
"I could kiss you forever," he mumbled.
I laughed and turned my head away from him.
"I don't think I meant to say that out loud."
That only made me laugh harder.
Maybe I should give myself a little more credit. Maybe I was just a bit more interesting than I let myself believe.
That's what Robert seemed to believe anyway. And who was I to question him on such a thing?
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house-md-imagines · 5 months
chase & kutner both have adhd, house steals their meds
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i have adhd (autism diagnosis.. hot damn!) (also normal adhd)
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heyitstam · 5 months
dr. robert chase x reader - the chase itself (smut)
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hi guys :D i know i haven't posted in a while, but i recently asked a VERY good friend of mine to cook me a fanfic of this very beautiful man, and HE DELIVERED. like all out jaws on the floor type delivered. i love this man fr, so i'm posting it here with his permission. it's his first fanfic ever, and in my humble professional opinion he overdelivered - so have fun reading this beautiful smut fic of reader and dr. chase <3
I. Humble Beginnings
Taking place in Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, New Jersey, you are a fairly new nurse who pursued a medical career in quite a common way. The way being that it was more so your parents’ wish for you to go to medical school than your own, but you don’t necessarily hate that fact; at least it gave you a direction, so to speak.
It’s early in the morning, so there’s not a whole lot going on. You went around doing your usual checkups already and what not, therefore you decide to go on your well deserved coffee break. However, right as you are are on that, and you step out of the cubicle you are in, you glance over to an unfamiliar face through an operating room.
Some would call it love at first sight, but it really is more than that. It’s the kind of tingly sensation no one could forget. It’s almost shameful, but you can’t be bothered by that feeling right now. As if you physically couldn’t take your eyes off of them, you lose all sense of purpose, standing there, unable to think. Suddenly, someone bumps into you, which wakes you up from your total amusement. You feel the need to know more, so as you squint your eyes, you can read their name off of the shirt they are wearing.
“Dr. Robert Chase..?  I need to.. have a talk with him. I just need to.” – you think to yourself, ponderingly.
You go back to working with a saturated mind, unable to concentrate.
II. The Chase Itself
As days go by, you’re quite hesitant to reach out to him, but you seriously feel the need to. Why is that, really, you ask yourself. You ache to even have a talk with him at this point, but you long for more. Way more. You can’t think of anything else.
After contemplating for a good while, you decide to ask around to know what time he gets off from work, since you want to surprise him at the last minute. That’s the only way you see that you could have a one-on-one with him anytime soon.
With that out the way, you now know everything you needed to know. The only thing that divides you from your desire is to actually act up on it, so you gather all your courage. You look at the time, and you’re actually pretty shocked how caught up you were thinking about him. If you don’t hurry then you’re going to miss him that day entirely, so you start sprinting.
You notice him as he is turning around the corner, all dressed up, ready to leave, and you stumble right into him.
“I need to tell you something inside, it’s.. it’s important, alright. And it might just take a while” – you tell him, struggling with your words. “Great. I was just about to leave, you know. Whatever, show me, I don’t have much time for this. Is it really that important?” – he answers abruptly, being quite impatient.
You suddenly catch a rush of excitement. This is all that you were planning for the past few days or so, to get close to him, and it looks like you’re on track.
III. An Uneasy Start
Chase swings open the door of the office he’s just been in, ushering you in and closing the door behind him, since there’s quite the commotion even late into the night, it’s a hospital after all. It’s dark inside, the only light sources being a dim lamp he accidentally left on and the Moon seeping through the closed blinds faintly. The room has a surgical bed, a cabinet behind it with all kinds of training supplies, a desk with an office chair and a hanger stand. He puts his white coat on the stand, then undoes his tie, putting it into his pants pocket in a really apathetic way, with most of it hanging out.
Seemingly being quite contempt with the situation, he sits down onto the office chair, facing you, and he seriously doesn’t look like he wants to be there.
As a last effort at trying to ease up the situation, you grab the glass of water that is sitting on the desk and you splash it at him, in a playful way.  Not surprisingly, this backfires, since he doesn’t seem too happy about, not in the slightest. He stands up from his desk and goes on to wipe off his shirt to make it slightly less messy, all without even muttering a word. You do feel pretty stupid for that.
With another attempt at getting his attention, you arousingly start to cut the strings off of a few upper buttons on your blouse with a surgical knife, as he turns back to you, giving him a snarky look.
“Was that really necessary? What was so important about any of this? Can we get to the damn point?” – he asks you with a loss of temper. “I might have lied about that important thing.” – you answer him not so bravely.
He's visibly frustrated at you, and with a change of demeanor, he stands up and is now closing distance between you in a rush, as you are backing up. He halts as he catches up to you, towering over you.
With both hands on your shoulders, clenching them hard, he asks you, in an almost belittling tone: “Is this what you wanted? “ “I don’t know, is it?” – you answer him in a pretty similar way.
Like the kind of tease you tend to be, you start gliding around your fingertip on his chest, which he.. seems to enjoy, and lets you do for a short while, for then to push you to the nearest wall.
IV. Lust
Fueled by lust, you immediately grab his chin and assertively start kissing him, which absolutely catches him off-guard. In reaction to the advancement on him, he forces your body onto his as he caresses your back. After this goes on for a bit, he grabs you by the thighs, lifts you up and tosses you onto the surgical table.
With your arms behind you, you’re sitting halfway up as your legs are pulled up. You lock eyes while he is still holding you by your thighs. He leans over, drags you closer and is now standing between your legs.
You clumsily unbutton Robert’s shirt, one by one. In contrast, he carelessly tears off a few more of your buttons, making the blouse slide off your shoulders, which then falls onto your lap, flustering you in the process.
He then puts a hand on your lower abdomen, which feels surprisingly soft, even though his hands are quite firm. Most notably, it’s warm. So warm in fact, you feel like you could melt into him, and you are all about that feeling. Starting from your thighs, continuing to your hips, he brushes his both his hands across all the way up to your chest in a painstakingly soft and throughout way, but at the same it’s quite the calm moment.
An intrigued nervousness starts to pile in you as he suddenly starts to unbuckle his belt, which was undoubtedly the loudest noise in the room so far. In the meantime, like the obedient girl you feel like you are, with each rattle, you can't wait to obey. As if you were a household maid, you’re more than ready to satisfy the head of the house, as if he shook a bell around.
He tosses aside his pants and boxers and you feel like you can’t catch up with your heavy heartbeats as he rests his rigid cock on your stomach. It all just feels so sudden, and it’s starting to grow on you in a pleasurable way. He goes onto removing your bra, while you’re simultaneously stroking him slowly and briefly, before he goes down on you again.
You can feel it throb against you, and it’s just as, if not hotter than his hand is, which he has below your stomach again. He needily grinds against you over and over, lifting your skirt up with it every time, and rubbing against your inner thighs.
He doesn’t wait around before removing your panties, which are drenched by this point, and neither does he wait to penetrate you, as he is inside you now.
“Maybe I did need this.. “ - you hear him talk out loud quietly.
At once, as he is slowly, but forcefully thrusting into you, you see him pulling out the tie out his pocket, which he puts around your neck now, instead of his own.
It’s tightened real well, and he’s gripping it by the base, close to your neck. In the meantime he’s constantly pulling on it upwards, as it’s digging into the back of your neck, scraping your chin against it’s band, making your head tilt backwards considerably. With every moan you make, he tightens more on it, leaving your neck all bruised up. As he is fucking you, you’re nails deep in the sheets. You can’t help yourself but feel pleasured.
As he’s starting to get rougher on you, you begin to develop second thoughts and try to resist him, but as you’re doing that, he immediately tugs you closer, rendering your attempt futile. As you look at him, he seems to be way too into this, as his eyes lose all focus and glare, and you can only watch as his control over himself fades, railing you without a care in the world. This creates even more neediness in you, as you cross your legs behind his back, clinging onto him.
You can barely even keep your eyes on him, and you’re not even resisting his pull on your neck anymore, so you fully commit into tilting you head back in joy. All this sexual fulfillment demands you to do so, as you are slipping out of control more by the second. You feel like you could finish at any time, and as he’s also getting close, he’s painfully grazing your stiff walls more and more, with your moans sounding pitifully more helpless.
Ejaculating with a quiet grunt, he blasts the majority into you, leaving two strings across all the way up your body, all for you to feel ecstatic about. You really do feel like you owned up to it with your services, as if it was his way of rewarding you. Not to forget about you, he pushes you over the edge too, as you’re desperately gripping his shoulders. No matter you could barely take a break after your climax, he leans closer over your stimulation filled shivering body, and goes for a deep passionate kiss. Not even bothered by the fact you are still desperately panting and gasping for air along with him.
V. Not So Aftercare
After standing up from the bed, he comfortably hugs you by your hips, to which you endearingly put your hands onto his. After romantically rocking you slightly around with his hug, he leaves his hands off of you to start dressing up. It’s getting quite late.
As he is about to button back his shirt, he looks at you still standing there, still looking a bit shocked from everything that happened so far. Deciding to help out, he steps besides you, getting your bra back from your bed, and putting it on you. He’s slowly buckling the back together, and you are simply just unable to look him in the eyes, since you're becoming increasingly shy in a sudden way, blushing like you never have before.
"You.. didn't have to, you know.." - you tell him in a higher pitch voice.
You really enjoy his care, it does fill you with joy. Then you reach out for your panties, but as you are pulling them up, he slides his hands under yours, taking the lead again, which surprises you even more. You are so overwhelmed with emotions at this point, you shake right into his hand as he pulls it all the way up, giving you a slight friendly chuckle, and blowing you a kiss right above the lining of your briefs, gaining him an immediate gasp from you. You're truly mesmerized by him.
He continues dressing himself, and as you calm down, you rush into his arms, facing his chest. He caresses and pets your face and head with one arm, for him to go onto groping your ass, and going down to your thighs. His hand lifts your skirt away from time to time, letting colder air in. After he finishes clothing up, he swings you to his other side and pushes you right to the desk.
“I need more of you. I need to feel you in more ways.” – he tells you with a shaky voice.
You almost even stumble, and with an utterly scared look on your face, you glance at him. Without precaution, he pushes you down onto the floor. You look down onto your legs. Your knees are together and your feet are far apart, completely side-tracking you. You even put your hands on your knees in a cute way, but as you lift your head, his cock gets into view, poking through his pants fly, which takes you aback.
Your first and immediate reaction is to press your lips all around him, kissing and licking his shaft as it pumps against your mouth. After growing tired and wanting more, he puts his thumb in your mouth, and with a few fingers latching onto your chin, he pushes downwards on your jaw. With closed eyes, you stick out your tongue, waiting for him to enter. He lets go off of his fingers from your face, following up with exactly what you expected. It feels way bigger than what you anticipated, leaving your mouth sore in the first minute, already. He’s being frantic with you, mouth fucking you without relent. You’re huffing for air as you whimper, but you aren’t getting any. You start to sob as he goes deeper down your throat. As you move your tongue in a swing like motion, from side to side, you circle the bottom of his shaft as he shoves himself in an out. You soak his cock with your saliva, blending with his precum. No matter how much of it you gulp down, It’s flowing out your mouth.
Resting his elbows and head above you on the desk, he looks down at the top of your head, as you suck him off. From the table, as he rocks you around, all kinds of documents fly off. Not that he cares, really.
Without even telling, he comes into your mouth, throbbing against your lips. You stomach it all as you look up to him, initiating eye contact, and smiling. After spewing out his cock, you grab it by the base and gently rub it off with a napkin. He pulls his zipper up, and kneels down. He parts your hair slightly and greets your forehead with a last smooch.
Looking back at you for the final time, he waves at you, winks in a mocking, yet sweet way and leaves though the door. You can only wish to meet soon in a similar fashion.
VI. Reflection
You’re at a loss of thoughts. He’s been so careful, yet so careless with you at the same time, and that’s just messing with your brain right now, so you lean your head against the desk, you close your eyes and give into the bliss once again.
Even after he left, you’re sitting in the dark, in the same position he left you in, with his tie still around your neck. You feel embarrassed, but you can’t help yourself as you take in the scent of his tie, pleasuring yourself through your clothes, while thinking about him. He has a hold on you, and you know that well.
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pairing: robert chase x reader
description: when one of your best friends turns up at the hospital with her daughter unwell, you introduce chase as your colleague. considering you’ve been seeing each other for nearly five months now, he does not like that one bit. [based on a request]
warnings: swearing, a tiny bit of sad!chase so hurt/comfort, fluff galore after that
author’s note: robert chase i <3 u ! this was based on a request for insecure chase so i hope this was ok!
“Y/N!” your best friend cried out for your attention as she saw you and Chase approaching down the hospital corridor, “Hi, hi— Lola is with a doctor now, Mark’s in there with her because I was away for work so I only just got here.”
You frowned immediately, worried about what might be wrong with her daughter — your goddaughter.
“Is she alright?” you pouted, hoping it was nothing serious. You were so used to dealing with life-or-death situations that you tended to catastrophise, “Do you need me to convince House to help?”
She shook her head with a small smile, “No, no, she’s okay. Stomach pain but it’s nothing serious, she’s had a few tests and it’s just a bug. She’s being discharged this afternoon, I just wanted to be here with her.”
You heaved out a sigh of relief, pulling her into a hug, “Thank god. What room is she in? We’ve got some files to drop off really quickly and then we’ll come and see her—, oh, sorry, I’ve not introduced you guys.”
You glanced across at Chase now, who looked shy now that he had finally been brought face-to-face with your lifelong best friend.
You’d been together for almost five months now, and he’d not met any of your friends from outside of the hospital.
He already worried that you were embarrassed by him, but you were both so busy that he’d eventually let himself resign to the fact that that was probably why.
“Y/B/F, this is my colleague Dr. Chase,” you gestured between them, emphasising the word colleague because your best friend knew about the mysterious doctor you were dating and you wanted to gently let her know it was him, “Dr. Chase, this is Y/B/F, my best friend since we were literally crawling.”
Chase looked down at the floor for a moment, shifting on the balls of his feet uncomfortably.
“Hi, it’s lovely to meet you,” he forced a tiny smile that you recognised immediately was false, but Y/B/F was smiling broadly enough for the three of you now.
“Amazing to meet you, Dr. Chase. I’ve heard great things about you,” you sent her a shut the fuck up look at that, not wanting to give away that she knew about you, and not realising that Chase had been relieved when he’d heard that, “One of the best doctors here, hm.”
That sunk his heart again — were you really so embarrassed by dating a work colleague that you couldn’t even tell your best friend?
He gulped awkwardly, chuckling, “Ah, thank you. Not at all, though. Well, I’d better get on.”
“Not without me,” you touched his arm, smiling softly up at him before returning your gaze to your friend, “I’ll see you in fifteen, OK?”
“See you in a bit, Y/N. Lovely to meet you Dr. Chase. Hopefully I’ll see you again very soon!”
As soon as she began to disappear down the corridor, you headed back to your office with a sad looking Chase at your side. You didn’t pry until the door to your office was closed behind you.
“Babe, what’s the matter?” you frowned, hand rubbing up his arm soothingly as he looked at you like a kicked puppy, “Sorry if that was awkward.”
“Nothing, no it was fine,” he mumbled, pretending to busy himself with looking at the papers he’d been carrying, “She’s nice.”
You narrowed your eyes confusedly, “You seem upset, please tell me what’s up. I’m sorry if you felt uncomfortable.”
He shook his head, “I just… I—,” he seemed to be contemplating whether or not to be honest with you, and your brows furrowed further in concern as he sat down on the edge of your desk defeatedly and placed down his files, “Are you embarrassed by me, Y/N?”
Your heart lurched at that, practically breaking at the notion he would even consider that you would be embarrassed by him.
“Embarrassed? Why on earth would I be embarrassed by you?” you flew to stand right in front of him, watching his glossy eyes avoid contact with yours briefly.
He shrugged sadly, “I just— I figured you must be if you won’t even introduce me to your best friend. Well, not as more than your colleague, as you so kindly emphasised.”
You let out a small gasp, “Oh, babe, no! I emphasised colleague because she does know that we are far more than that so I wanted to subtly let her know you were you. I just didn’t feel like in the busy corridors of work was the best place to talk about it properly… I was going to invite her and her husband Mark over for dinner with us next week so you could meet them properly.”
He looked up at you hopefully now, his racing heartbeat thudding in his ears as he saw the sincerity of your expression.
“You’re not just saying that to be nice?”
“Robert, why the hell would I be embarrassed to be dating you? You’re amazing,” you leaned to peck his lips quickly, “I’ve told Y/B/F everything since our first date… She just works away a lot so I’ve not had a chance to have a proper introduction.”
You could see the relief practically wash over him as his hands snaked around your waist, “Well now I feel embarrassed for being so awkward.”
You leaned in closer to him, pushing his hair from his face and cupping his cheeks to kiss him gently again. He held you close to him, deepening the kiss for a moment.
“Don’t be, I can see how it would come across like I was deliberately avoiding telling her, so I’m sorry,” you twirled his hair around your fingers at the back of his neck, “I’ve been desperate for her to meet you as my boyfriend. I just thought you might find it awkward in the middle of the hospital corridor. I didn’t want it to be too much.”
His thumb caressed the base of your back comfortingly as he stared into your eyes, “It’s alright. Now I understand why she said, ‘hopefully I’ll see you again very soon’, because that did confuse me.”
You laughed, “Yeah, I can see how ominous that sounds… She’s been really excited to meet you. I think you and Mark will get on really well, too. I can’t believe you’d think I’m embarrassed by you… I’m punching so hard.”
He pulled a face, “Are you kidding me? You’re perfect, Y/N. I’m the one punching. And lucky for me I have House to remind me of that every single day so i don’t forget it.”
You chuckled at that, knowing how much stick he got from House for your relationship and how often House would tease him about you being out of his league.
“Uh, I see that and I raise you the fact that pretty much weekly when we’re on a case together someone asks me if you’re single,” you scoffed, thinking of all the times patients and their family or friends had cornered you for your boyfriend’s number, “Although I do get a lot of satisfaction out of telling them you’re not. Just wish it wasn’t unprofessional to tell them you’re alllll mine.”
The exuberance in your words warmed his heart, pleased that you were just as proud to be his as he was to be yours.
In the time you’d been together, he’d fallen completely and utterly head over heels for you.
“All yours, huh,” he smirked smugly, pulling you closer by your waist so that your noses touched from the proximity, “I like that.”
You smirked back, kissing him once more and taking a step back, “Mhm.”
He stood up straight now as you moved away, “Sorry for getting so weird, I just got a little worried.”
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for, baby,” you shook your head, biting your lip as his expression had fallen a little, “But you’ve also got nothing to worry about. I love you. And I’ll tell that to anyone who’s willing to listen.”
At that, he was beaming again.
You’d not exchanged I love yous yet, but to have you say it first had made his fucking day — given that he’d been fighting the urge to tell you that for weeks now.
“I love you too, Y/N,” he grinned, watching your every movement with intensity, “More than anything.”
“I really wish the day was almost over, I just want to spend time with you now,” you pouted exaggeratedly, knowing that you wouldn’t be working with him for the rest of the day, “But I’ll see you later, yeah? Gotta go check on Lola.”
He nodded, “See ya later gorgeous. I love you.”
“I love you too, pretty boy.”
thanks for reading !!! i feel like this was total dogshit but i saw the request and kinda ran with it lol please let me know what you thought :-)
here is my masterlist! feel free to request too <3
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Nothing New
James Wilson x peds!reader
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"How long will it be cute All this crying in my room Whеn you can't blame it on my youth And roll your eyes with affеction?"
description - y/n meets someone from her past and she becomes a casualty in his sick game.
warnings - swearing, major angst, discussions of a nude picture, said nude picture being made public, revenge porn, discussions of sexual assault and rape, crying, physical assault, men not understanding, not a particularly happy ending.
word count - 1.3k
authors note - based on the lyrics of Taylor Swifts 'Nothing New'. This is very much a personal expression of how I feel about situations like these, specifically the way women are usually treated in them. If anyone has gone through anything like the things I've mentioned, my messages are always open if you need to talk to someone.
Requests open - here
*your pov*
I slumped down the hallways. Today was not my day. I had just concluded that 2 out of the 3 children recently submitted into my care, were not going to make it.
“Hey, princess.”
I froze. That nickname. That voice. I turned around and, instead of being greeted by my Prince Charming, I looked into the eyes of the devil himself.
“Josh. Hi.” But my voice only held faux politeness.
“Didn’t you hear? I’m the new Head of Cardio.”
“Really? I wouldn’t say you’re very good handling hearts.”
“Oooo burn. Seriously, y/n, it’s good to see you again.” He places his hand on my shoulder and strokes it with his thumb. It felt foreign now.
“Thank you. It is actually nice to see you too. You’re looking well.”
“You too. You look really good.” He gave my body a brief once over and then landed back on my eyes. I hated how he still had this power over me, that a part of me still felt giddy when I saw him. 4 years don’t just get erased from a person completely, and, even though my body had a bit of muscle memory, my heart still knew its true place was with James.
“You know, I’m new in town. I don’t really have any friends yet so how about we get a drink tonight. Catch up.”
“I would, but I don’t trust you.”
“What do you mean, honey?” he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.
“That! That is what I mean. And I don’t want you to try and say I led you on so you should know, I’m seeing someone.”
“Really? Who?” He says giggling in disbelief.
“James Wilson, Head of Oncology.”
“Well, you did always have a thing for head.” I shoved his shoulder, not believing he was talking about me like this in our place of work.
“This conversation’s over.” I briskly left. But as I was leaving, I missed the punch Josh delivered into the wall and the flash of anger that overcame his face.
*James’ pov*
I arrived to work alone this morning. Y/n had stayed overnight to watch over an emergency patient. I desperately wanted her to come home to a proper bed, promising her she’d have her pager right next to her, but I knew she wouldn’t. That wasn’t the type of person she was.
I walked in carrying the sports bag I’d packed for her filled with essentials: toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, change of underwear, some normal clothes, and fluffy socks to keep her comfortable. I even packed one of those under eye face packs she uses just so she doesn’t feel like her face looks like death.
Before I even made it to my office I was nearly tackled to the floor by House.
“I don’t know whether to congratulate you on your girlfriends body or beat you to death with my cane!”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“It wasn’t you?”
“What wasn’t?”
“Out of curiosity, did you walk past the noticeboard on the 3rd floor by any chance?”
“No, I didn’t come in that way. Why?”
“I think you better come with me.”
We make our way down to the 3rd floor and House directs my attention to the noticeboard. Many men and a few women are crowded around it, all eyes seem to be directed to a photo. I shove my way past. There I see it. Before I can think of anything else, I rip it down and shout at everyone to get back to work. I storm off to my office.
*your pov*
The door to James’ office was ripped open. I cowered further into the couch afraid of who it could be. My fragile frame was revealed, and his eyes landed on my face. I had stopped crying a while ago, but the tears still stained.
“You know, they always tell girls to go out and have fun but then they just love to hunt the ones who actually do it.”
James went to approach me, “Baby, I am so sorry.” But I held my hand up. “Don’t. Just don’t.”
He relented and sat on his office chair. Affording me the space I so desperately wanted.
We both just sat there in silence. James afraid to speak when I didn’t want him too, and me without the words.
“Do you want to know the story.”
“Only if you feel comfortable to-“
“Oh, stop with the moralistic bullshit, you want to know don’t you.”
He took a minute and looked down. “Yes.”
“Josh, the new Head of Cardio. We dated for 4 years. Once he was going to be away at a conference for a week, so I decided to send him a little something. We’d been going through a rough spell; I guess I thought it would reignite the magic. Instead, I practically signed my own porn contract.”
“I’m really sorry that happened to you,”
“Thank you.” I whispered whilst wiping away my tears.
He mumbled under his breath. “If you hadn’t sent it, he wouldn’t have had anything on you.” My movement halted.
“What?” He looked down sheepishly.
“It’s just logic. If you don’t take it, it can never be out there.”
“Fuck you.” He looked up in shock, I was a little in shock myself.
“Excuse me?”
I stood up and stalked towards him, fury in my eyes.
“You don’t get to sit there all high and mighty, Mr 2 Divorces! I was in a relationship with a man I loved who I trusted and who I thought I would marry! I trusted him with my heart so yes maybe I was stupid enough to trust him with a photo!”
“I didn’t think of it like-“
“I’ve never heard you complaining about anything I send you. Do you open it and get hard, or do you think about how I’ve basically just handed you some revenge porn.”
He was speechless.
“It’s always ‘girls don’t send pics.’ ‘Girls don’t take nudes.’ ‘girls don’t wear short skirts.’ How about ‘guys don’t rape!’ and ‘guys don’t share your girls’ pics.’”
He can’t even look at me in the eyes.
“It’s always people like you who shoot us down and then sigh and say, ‘God she looks like she’s been through it.’”
“I’m really sorry.” I could see tears welling in his eyes that matched the ones spilling out of mine.
“This isn’t even new to me. There is nothing new here, because somewhere in my childhood I went from growing up to breaking down because of men. And you can’t ever understand. Because you’ve never been catcalled on the street, groped in a club. Your mum never told you what to do if a man grabs your hair or where to kick a man if he’s trying to feel you up.”
He stands up and goes to embrace me, but I stop him. “I can’t, not yet. I just need some time.” I leave the office and leave James stuck in his melancholy state. He had just woken up to something new.
Josh smirked to himself as he picked up his patient files for the day. He turned around once he felt a distinctly wooden object tap his shoulder.
“Hi, Josh, is it? New Head of Cardio. Yeah, you’re fired.”
“What? Who are you? The only person who can fire me is Dr Cuddy.”
“You see I’m Dr Cuddy’s new pet, sexual stuff, and she gave me the honour of firing your sorry ass. You see pinning up a naked picture of someone without their permission is not only a fireable offence but also a crime. But don’t worry I came to an agreement with Cuddy, she’d fire you and not call the police if I got to do something first.”
“What do you m—”
His thought was cut off by the end of House’s cane being jammed into his special place.
“Now, I’m going to call the police.”
I know it doesn't seem like a happy ending, I promise this isn't the end.
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camgoloud · 3 months
he still has his tonsils. by the way if you even care
#sorry this is fucking UNINTELLIGIBLE but unfortunately i’m still on my bullshit about dr. daddyissues. yeah it’s gonna be all month#i am rotating episode 2.8 ‘the mistake’ in my head at breakneck speed. i am gnawing on it i want to swallow it#oh he’s such a lying liar who lies. charming little bastard. would rather die/lose his license than express one wholly unaffected emotion#‘he thinks not giving a crap makes him like house. like it’s something to aspire to’ quick question HOW serious do the daddy issues have to#be before you start latching on to fucking GREGORY HOUSE as a paternal figure and role model. really#even cameron is not down this bad. even WILSON is not down this bad.#the daddy issues of it all are very understandable though because even setting aside whatever went down back in childhood that shit his#father did to him in seasons 1-2 is SO messed up. jesus#imagine traveling all the way across the world to the hospital your son works in for a consult which confirms what you already knew: you’re#going to die of cancer in like 2 months. making a whole point out of stopping by to visit your son. not telling him what’s going on.#letting him spend a whole episode’s worth of time gradually coming to terms with his complicated feelings towards you (complicated on#account of a whole childhood of objectively awful parenting). the kid finally is able to try reaching back out to you. after YOU initiated#the contact in the first place. how do you react? well obviously by telling him ‘oh sorry i actually have to get in a taxi right now’ and#fucking back off to the other side of the world without giving him a chance to actually talk to you at all and resolve any of the emotions#you just dredged up. oh by the way you still haven’t fucking told him you’re about to die and in fact actively mislead him into thinking#he’s going to have the chance to try meeting with you again next time he visits your home country.#especially fucked up given that the whole reason it DID take your son so long to come around THIS time is that he feels like every time#he’s tried reaching out to you in the past you’ve just disappointed him by refusing to put in the effort to meet him there.#And Now Here We Are Again.#rowan what the FUCK is wrong with you. i want to dig you up and kill you again#house md#robert chase#caseyposting
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calicos-headcanons · 2 months
Chase in a Gangbang headcanons?
chase gangbang headcanons for anon
definitely not his first experience with group sex, but it is his first experience with “sharing” his partner
almost into cucking, but he’d never admit it (he just gets turned on by seeing you fucked by other guys)
he loves getting to fuck you while you’re sucking somebody off (objectification kink mayhaps?)
after the events at hand, you have a very long conversation (he’s worried that you didn’t enjoy it)
you’re neutral on the matter, but you agree to do it again because you want to please him
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judasiskariot · 13 days
For House All pain disappears It's the nature of Of my circuitry Drowns out all I hear No escape from this My new consciousness The me that you know He used to have feelings But the blood has stopped pumping and he is left to decay The me that you know is now made up of wires And even when i'm right with you i'm so far away
For Chase
And don't you tell me how I feel Don't you tell me how I feel Don't you tell me how I feel You don't know just how I feel
I stay inside my bed I have lived so many lives all in my head And don't tell me that you care There really isn't anything now, is there?
Oh Nine Inch Nails 🤩 I just love your taste in music!
Their music has really something of art and also speak to me very often in a soundtrack way!
Oh the sad sad vibes of Chase and House are killing me 😭
P.S.: House & Wilson are not only Sherlock & Watson, for me they are also Wesker & Birkin 😁😁
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Can't Be Erased| Chouse
(Just because Hilson is a drug doesn't mean there aren't other ships)
House looked at a confused Chase and swallowed "I'm dying Chase"
Chase couldn't believe it, no he wouldn't believe it, not with the rumors that House was something else, "No," He said so softly. "You can't be dying" It felt as if knives were piercing into Chase's very heart. House took in the sweat, the wet drops that looked like tears but couldn't be tears, House froze could, was his hypothesis right?? Did, Did Chase actually love him? "After everything, I've tried to do to keep you alive" House laughed and gave him a cocky grin "I knew it, you are in love with me"
Chase froze and tears welled up "I knew it how could-" House grabbed Chase and whispered nonimportant things, this didn't seem like House, Chase looked at House and sank into the older man, "House" Chase tensed at Cuddy's voice. "If you're done I need t-" House growled, it didn't sound human, "Wait I'm dealing with someone" Chase realized how comfortable he was with House, was that dangerous? House had told him and the team, time to time again he wasn't human.
"Your thinking is loud" House stated nonchalantly at Cuddy, who gave a shudder and glared at him "So what if my thinking is loud you shouldn't be using your powers." She snaps, Chase doesn't know what to say, he's too comfortable in House's arms. "Fine," Chase looked up to see House's canine teeth weren't canine teeth anymore, they looked sharper, House looked down aware of the eyes on him.
"Told you" He mocked but Chase only yawned, "House, your powers" Cuddy's eyebrows were furrowed "Fine, Fine, lemme put my mate to sleep" Chase yawned some more and cuddled into House, that was the last thing Chase remembered hearing, 'What's a mate' he wondered.
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daisywrites101 · 6 months
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Dr. Robert Chase x GN!Reader
Request: hi!! hope you’re doing well :) i saw you were taking imagines for house requests… was wondering if you could do something with a gn!reader and chase. something fluffy and cute if possible, like chase realizing his feelings for his best friend (being reader) and him trying to figure out how to confess ^^ thank you! have a great day
A/N: I hope that this is what you wanted! I took your idea and just ran with it! I apologize that this took awhile to get out. Life has been crazy lately between school and just some personal things going on. Enjoy the story!
"You are so miserable." Foreman says out of nowhere. Chase looks over at him, clearly offended. "What are you talking about, Foreman?" Chase questions. "You clearly have feelings for L/N. Ever since they started here it's pretty obvious that you like her, and not just like a coworker type deal, and more than you liked Cameron, which says a lot." he says then looks down into the microscope.
Foreman wasn't wrong. Chase had hard feelings for you, when Cameron explained to Chase that their relationship wasn't passing friends with benefits, he moved on. Soon after that is when you started. Having a background in pediatrics and in pathology, House deemed you as necessary to his team. Chase and you had become close, becoming best friends quickly, and Chase falling for you even faster, and it became blatantly obvious to everyone around you that chase liked you, except for you, of course.
"I don't know what you are talking about. Y/N and I are simply friends, best friends even." Chase claims. "Whatever you say, Chase. But you're calling them by their first name, and not to mention that you care for them more than you did for Cameron when the two of you had the fling you had, makes it totally obvious to everyone around the two of you that you like them. I am surprised House has not said anything at this point." Foreman explains, and Chase knows that he is right. Chase has never cared for anyone like he cared for you. when he noticed that you were having on off day, he always would buy your favorite drink to help you feel better. He would spend time with you, both inside and outside of work. Whenever he got the chance he would pair up with you during cases, either sitting in with you while doing MRIs, or even just sitting in the lab running tests, just like Foreman and him were doing now. House allowed you to stay and monitor the patient, but he assigned Foreman and Chase to run the endless stream of labs. It made sense that you stay to monitor him, given your history in peds, but he wished that he was with you. You made him smile, no matter what you did. You made him feel warm inside, more than Cameron did when he was with her. He knew that he wanted to tell you how he was feeling, but he was not sure how.
"How would you suggest I go about telling them how I feel?" Chase asks Foreman. Foreman pulls away from his microscope, looking at Chase baffled. Chase keeps a straight face, letting Foreman know that he is serious. "Oh you're serious." Foreman states. "Um, yeah, I would like to think so." Chase adds. "Look, just plan something nice for them, or you can straight up just tell them." Foreman says to Chase, being blunt but also trying to give him some advice. Chase nods, thinking about what he could do. "Thanks Foreman." He says then goes back to running tests.
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Over the next few days, the case ended and the patient ended up having a case of sarcoidosis, and they received treatment. You stand in front of the mirror in your apartment. Your shirt hanging loose on your shoulders, and the waist band of your sweats fitting loosely on your hips. You stand there wondering if you look okay, as Chase had invited you to his apartment for a movie night. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence, but you still felt a tad self-conscious. What if you were dressed too comfortably? Should you change into something that fits, rather than something that is a few sizes too big? The thoughts are in your head are interrupted by a knock at the door of your apartment. You look over your shoulder at the clock on your night stand and it read 7:30 pm. He was right on time as always. You look at yourself one last time in the mirror, fluff your hair to make it sit how you would like it to, turn the nearby light off and head to the door. you open it to see Chase standing there. When he sees your face, his lights up with a smile, causing your own smile to form on your face.
“You ready?” Chase simply asks, hair falling in his face when he tilts his head slightly. You simply nod and he moves to the side so you can leave your apartment. You step out and lock the door behind you after you close it. Chase walks you to his car, and he opens the door for you, you climb inside and get closes the door behind you. He walks over to the other side, climbs in the car himself, starts it, and then begins the drive to his place.
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You arrived at Chase’s apartment and he walks through the door for you, so he is able to hold the door as you walk in. You slip your shoes off and walk into the living room. Your jaw drops when you see the sight in front of you. There is a large bowl filled with popcorn in the center of the coffee table in front of the large couch. There are also two glasses of wine, two more with water, and there are some of your favorite snacks on a platter. You walk further into the room and look around you in awe. There were fairy lights hung on the walls to make the lighting dimmer, and there were tons of pillows and blankets on the couch. You turn around and face Chase, and see him standing there with a bouquet of flowers. Chase was standing there sheepishly, looking extremely nervous, but happy all at the same time. He steps closer to you and holds out the flowers for you to take, which you do. "Y/N, I have wanted to tell you how I feel about you for a long time but could not find the way to do it.” Chase says then pauses for a moment. You’re so dumbfounded, and honestly can’t believe what you’re hearing. Robert Chase, the one who would tell you how he felt about Cameron, was now admitting that he loves you. “I put all of this together to show you just how I feel.” He comes over to you and takes your free hand in his. “I love you, Y/N. I have for a while now.” Chase finally finishes. You quickly press your lips to his, in a quick but gentle kiss, in which he reciprocates. You pull away with a smile. “I love you too, Robert.” You say and simply smile. “Now, how about we continue our plans for movie night?” You say with a smile.
For the rest of the night, you and Chase sit on his couch, the flowers he gave you lay on the table next to the now empty bowl of popcorn and glasses. The two of you are now asleep on the couch, your body curled into his while he has an arm around you protectively.
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y13evie · 1 year
Hi so I saw that you are open to write for house md and I'd like to ask for a chase fic. Like reader is house's kid and either works at the hospital too or gets admitted there but also knows chase and is in a relationship with him. Plot can be fluffy, smutty and/ or angsty I don't really care but I'd like to know how house would react if he sees them interact etc.
Idk if you see this or like the idea but I wish you the best and I really like your fics
hiiiiii anon!! i love this idea sm and i LOVE ROBERT CHASE WITH MY WHOLE HEARTT. dad house is so sweet and cutesy. i tried my best for u
tags: robert chase x houses kid! reader, one use of y/n, house is stubborn but loves u, just fluff
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this is embarrassing. never in your twenty-five years of life would you imagine yourself in the hospital that both your father and boyfriend work at. yet here you are, with a 4 cm laceration on your right hand. the triage nurse had just sent you off and notified you that a doctor will be with you shortly. from your room window you could see dr foreman patting a familiar face on the back, probably saying something along the lines of “this case is yours bud”.
as soon as chase read the report he hurriedly rushed into your room. you shot him a sheepish grin and lifted up your hand to reveal the gash.
“my god, y/n”, he sat down next to you and took your hand gently into his gloved one and inspected the wound. he looked up at you, as if asking for an explanation.
“maybe i shouldn’t garden alone. i picked up this clay pot. the way it was sitting had been bothering me for a couple days now. i’m guess i’m not as strong as i thought i was because i dropped it and as it shattered, it cut me up pretty good.”
chase sighed at your stubbornness, something that had drawn him into you since early in your relationship. he took one of his gloves off and gently stroked your hair. he rambled on about how you should really be more careful and call him if you needed anything too laboring done. you weren’t listening. you were staring into those blue eyes. you weren’t into all that cheesy romance stuff but god, those eyes are stunning. your moment was quickly put to an end when harsh tapping could be heard from outside your window. you knew that sound from anywhere.
“you decided to be the one to doctor on MY kid”
house, or dad as you call him, hastily shuffles into your room and gives you both a judgemental look. robert rolls his eyes,
“foreman gave me the case first, i'm just doin’ my job”.
house hobbles over to check your vitals even though it’s a minor issue compared to what they deal with on a daily basis. you know your dad loves you and cares but he’s not the best at verbally expressing it. you knew he would probably just sit there and observe, so you turn back around to your extremely, worried boyfriend.
“soooo” you drag out the ‘oh’ sound, to show him you’re not worried. “whatcha doin after work handsome?”. chase runs a hand through his blonde hair and lets out a long, exasperated sigh.
“i was planning to go on a cute and sweet date with you, but instead i’m gonna be dr. chase for another 12 hours”.
he sounded tired but you knew he was more than happy to care for his darling. just as you two were planning out your evening, your father and robert’s pagers began harmonizing. chase gives a quick but passionate kids to your temple. house makes his gag be known, sticking a finger in his mouth for dramatic effect.
your dad lingers in the room for a moment, giving your shoulder a squeeze. it’s still gonna take time for him to adjust to the fact his child is dating his co-worker. but you’re not his little baby anymore and he knows it.
when he heads out his parting words are,
“i’ll have someone stitch you up kid, stay put”.
you lean back in the bed and continue to add pressure to your wounded hand. a few minutes pass and your sweet boyfriend stops by again. and takes a seat at the stool beside your bed. he has the tools to stitch up your hand. to distract you from the pain, chase sparks a conversation.
“your old man..” he chews the inside of his cheek. you know exactly what he’s gonna ask. “does he like me? and not as a co-worker. does he think i’m a good fit for his kid?”. your heart sank at the thought of robert thinking he’s not enough. truth is, your dad did like him. though he would never admit it, the fact robert makes you happy, makes your dad happy. he’s real bad at showing it, but you know it’s true.
“he’s a grump, chase. he likes you. he might never admit it. but the fact he hasn’t beaten you to death with that cane of his really says something.”. you can tell your reassurance helped. you loved robert, and he loved you too. before you knew it the stitches were finished. he pulled out a sling from a cabinet so you won’t irritate the stitches too much.
“hey, i’ll get your discharge papers. we’ll have you out of here soon”.
chase pressed a kiss to your lips this time, and he stayed there for a minute. hand on your jaw to keep you steady. you moved your lips in unison, running your free hand through his hair. a sharp pain stabbed your hand and caused you to pulled away and gasp. he reminded you to take some pain medication once home.
before he headed out the door, robert whips around and sternly demands,
“i don’t ever wanna see you in here again.”
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house-md-imagines · 5 months
chase dies
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🚌 vroom vroom!
(part two)
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comicgeekery · 2 months
Sherlock and Shoscombe
So, after the deep dive I did with Sherlock & Co and the issues with the Case of Identity storyline, I thought it was only fair that I talk about their take on The Adventure at Shoscombe Old Place.
*Ahem*.....This was a lot of fun! I just looked up a summary of the original story because I didn't remember it well, and no wonder! It was the very last Sherlock Holmes story Doyle published, later collected into The Casebook, and thus...one of the boring ones. I'm sorry. I really don't like The Casebook stories. It's also the last batch of stories that the Doyle estate was clutching onto before Sherlock went fully into the public domain, which makes the story feel doubly tedious to me.
But! These episodes were a blast! Practically a survey of all the best parts of Sherlock & Co! There's fun banter! Heaps of character background! A really clever update to the original set-up! BRILLIANT acting and foley work! A cheeky cameo! And a truly exciting, satisfying end! I think this is the most direct information we've gotten about John's past since, well ever, but certainly since we learned about his memories of his dad. Now we know that he grew up in a very class-divided town that once felt so much bigger. And he was deeply in love once, with a woman he lost partially because of classism. (Which is such a great mirror for Beatrice and her husband's situation!) He also lost his friends because they had privileges he didn't. (Did John join the military partly as a way to get away from his roots? Out of a desperate need to be praised as a hero?)
No wonder John has so much resentment for the wealthy when it's so deeply personal. I think it's going to be comically awkward and VERY interesting when he finds out that Sherlock is mega super rich. Holmes is often theorized to be the son of a lord in canon. I figure he's at least from a wealthy family that was able to pay for him to go to tons of fancy schools. And then personal tutors. And a full-time staff that always took care of cleaning and stocking up the groceries. (For all his observation skills, I do think Sherlock grew up never considering who made his household run.) I think part of why Sherlock has been so touchy about John's anger at rich people is because Sherlock is SUPER nervous it would ruin their friendship. I am also so pumped to see what the podcast does with Mycroft! I wonder if his autism might be more limiting than Sherlock's. Like he's got the genius skills, he's got the deceptively powerful government job, but he can't handle going out into the world. Going to Baker Street would be an ordeal. Might have a full meltdown if he's not at home, work, or whatever the Diogenes Club is updated to. But.....It's hard to tell how much Sherlock & Co wants us to suspend our disbelief about some things. John and Sherlock have very clearly committed a LOT of crimes on their publicly available podcast. Maybe that will never be addressed or MAYBE Sherlock, Mycroft, or other Holmes allies have been bribing and intervening to keep them from getting arrested. Imagine the drama! "You hate the rich, but you owe all your success to MY money and power, 'Dr.' John Watson!" *Blinks rapidly*
Where was I? Oh yeah, Shoscombe. That. God. Damn. Chase. Scene! So bold for a podcast to have a climax with a car chase at the center. The foley work was top-notch for the driving and the terrain and then the crash and sinking in the lake. Whoever plays John Watson, you did an incredible job! The reckless car chase where, OF COURSE, he still narrates everything, the diving for Robert (and the clever layer of the recorder fritzing), and that CPR! It was all so engaging and believable! I love when John does doctor stuff generally, but this was my favorite example since the gunshot wound at the wedding with The Solitary Cyclist. Not sure I buy Robert's at-home crematorium as being 100% good, but I can believe John thinks so. Might help that John's a bit more desensitized to cutting into corpses than most folks. Finally, I'm sure folks are quite excited that a certain James made a cameo. (Maybe he's interested in why Sherlock and John keep getting away with all their crimes.) I knew he was going to show up at some point, and making Moriarty a listener shout-out is delightful. I just hope it's a while longer before he's ON the show. It always frustrates me when Moriarty winds up becoming basically Lex Luthor. Then again, we've already had similar cameos for Irene Adler and Baskerville Hall (and probably some I've missed) without them showing up yet. We'll see how it goes!
Good job, Sherlock & Co! I'm excited to see what you do next!
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pairing: robert chase x reader
description: after endless mutual pining, you and chase finally hooked up over the weekend. you agreed to keep it a secret while you figured things out, but it doesn’t last long with the team around.
warnings: swearing, possibly a tiny bit ooc while i’m trying to figure out how i write the house characters, nothing else really. just the team teasing you both and a lil kissing in a closet
author’s note: am a sucker for house atm so pleaaase keep house related requests coming 🫶
“Mm,” you hummed against Chase’s lips as you pushed his chest gently away across the front seats of his car, “Taking things slow, huh?”
He smiled guiltily, pulling the keys from the ignition as he pulled away from you and pocketed them, “A little kiss is hardly rushing things after the weekend we’ve had, don’t you think?”
You shook your head, rolling your eyes.
You’d been (badly) concealing feelings for Chase for almost as long as you had been working in close proximity to him.
Everyone else was more than aware of it, but it had taken a drunken dinner to finally ease confessions from you both.
It was supposed to be a friendly dinner to round off a really stressful week.
But a few bottles of wine had stripped away your inhibitions and you’d made it more than clear that hiding your attraction to him had been an almost impossible task.
He’d confirmed his reciprocation with a quick, dazed kiss, and before you knew it you were staying at his house and wouldn’t be leaving until almost 48 hours later when you made a quick stop at home for a change of clothes before work.
Okay — taking things slow had been your idea, but even you knew it wasn’t going to work. Not when you’d felt the way you felt for so long, and especially not after all that had gone down that weekend.
Truth be told you were dizzy with how he made you feel, and as much as you wanted to keep scolding him for the PDA (well, hidden away in his car), the feeling of his lips on yours was one you wouldn’t get sick of.
“I guess you’re right,” you bit your lip, beginning to gather your things to head into the hospital for another long week, “But we have to keep this from them all, at least for now. I’m in no mood for House’s ‘I told you so’s today.”
And so you entered separately, pretending to have arrived conveniently at the same time but not together.
Unbeknownst to you, Foreman had seen you get out of the car — and though he didn’t see you kiss, his suspicions got the better of him anyway.
So when Chase entered House’s office as was customary of a morning of late, Foreman followed close behind with a smug smirk on his face.
“You and Y/N, huh? Finally,” he teased, arms folded over his chest as he watched the panic flush Chase’s features, “I saw her get out of your car with you.”
“I—We— I didn’t think anyone saw us,” he replied, flustered, and House’s head snapped up from the crossword he was busying himself with to join in with the teasing, “You finally made a move, then?”
Chase’s head fell back in dismay.
Not only had he promised you not to tell them, but he was going to have to endure their teasing all fucking day about it.
What he should’ve done was say your car had broken down and he’d offered you a lift. Shit. Why didn’t he just say that?
Now he watched you approach the door to the office with a bright smile on your face and had to deal with knowing that it would soon be wiped away by your stupid friends because of his stupid mistake.
“Good morning, Y/N,” House smiled, and your eyes narrowed at the unusually cheery tone gracing his words, but you matched it anyway, “Morning Greg!”
“Wow, someone woke up on the right side of Chase’s bed this morning,” Foreman snickered, and immediately your eyes snapped to a panic stricken Chase as his eyes flickered between you and Foreman repeatedly.
You drew in a sharp breath, contemplating how best to express your irritation without completely losing your cool.
You weren’t embarrassed by everyone finding out, but you really didn’t want their teasing comments and constant watchful gazes to ruin the early stages of a relationship you’d been pining for for what felt like forever.
“What did you tell them?”
Posing the question to Chase that way meant you weren’t confirming anything, and he seemed to understand your angle as he gulped and scratched his head.
“Nothing— they assumed because Foreman saw you get out of my car that there must be something going on,” he rambled, and you rolled your eyes.
“And, if I recall correctly, your reply was that you didn’t think anyone saw you,” House quipped, “Which is hardly a denial, lovebirds.”
You scoffed, “Can friends not give each other a ride to work without it meaning they’re fucking?”
You saw Chase’s face flush crimson at your choice language, knowing it was far more than that.
“Hold on, nobody said you were just fucking,” House corrected you matter-of-factly, “You two are always staring at each other all gooey-eyed and it’s frankly revolting. But at least you’ve acted on it, finally.”
“You’re not gonna let this go until we admit it, are you?” you sighed, defeated.
Neither House nor Foreman said a word in response to that, instead choosing to silently smirk at you both.
“Fine,” you gave in, sauntering to Chase’s side, “We are seeing how things go. Not that it’s any of your business.”
“I’d argue that it is,” House’s lips were pressed together in a thin line as he paused for a moment, “But at least I’ve made a lot of money out of this.”
You rolled your eyes at him, glancing over at Foreman who was pulling money from his wallet from their apparent bet about how soon you and Chase would cave and admit your feelings.
“You guys are insufferable, you know that?” you huffed, half-joking, “If anything you make me want us to be more in your face about it.”
“Oh please, don’t pretend you want to shove excess PDA in our faces to annoy us,” Cameron laughed, hand on her hip as she smiled at you. She was genuinely happy for you, if not frustrated you hadn’t told her, “We all see the way you look at each other. You’ve wanted to eat each other’s faces since you transferred here, Y/N.”
You scoffed, “God, was it that obvious?”
You looked over at Chase now, and watched him ogle at you with his puppy-dog eyes.
Maybe they were right, maybe it had always been this obvious.
“I’m going to go get us some coffees, alright?” you glanced around the room with piercing eyes, “And when I get back, you are all going to go back to pretending none of what has happened this morning happened.”
“I’ll come with you!” Chase flew back to your side as you left the room, and you heard the team mumbling about you both as he did so.
You nudged his shoulder as you left, “I can’t believe you, Chase!”
“Hey, they didn’t give me a choice,” he pouted, but he was sure all the stress of pissing you off melted away entirely at the sound of your sweet laughter, “But—,”
He tugged you into a storage cupboard just shy of House’s office, “I’m kind of glad they know. I know I still can’t kiss you at work and stuff but, it’s relieving not hiding it from them now.”
“Now? We didn’t even have five minutes of hiding it anyway,” you giggled, enjoying the close proximity to him again, “C’mon, as much as I’d like to hide away in here with you all day, we do have work to do.”
His lips found yours quickly, and your hands tangled in his hair in a moment of weakness as you leaned into the kiss.
“Sorry, had to indulge myself once,” he sing-songed as he pulled away, opening the door and shuffling out, “Back to work, Dr. Y/L/N. Well, back to the coffee run.”
You giggled as you followed him out, checking that nobody was around to see you slip out of a closet together for god’s sake.
Unluckily for you, Wilson rounded the corner towards House’s office just in time to catch you staring doe-eyed at each other as you began to head down to get the team their coffees.
A smirk spread across his face, soon replaced with a scowl as he leaned into House’s office, “You’ll never guess who I just saw together.”
House shrugged, “Sadly, Sherlock Holmes, I can. And I’ll take the 50 bucks you owe me now.”
i hope this was okay !!! let me know if you enjoyed please because feedback motivates me massively!
if you have any requests please go ahead, and in the meantime here is my masterlist!
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cari-canes · 2 months
I recently reread Frankenstein after watching the Underverse Series and BOY do I have thoughts. I’m going to separate them into a few posts over a few days because it would actually be an essay if I put it all down in one post.
For now - I’ll leave quotes that I found most impactful from Frankenstein (and other gothic horror/horror) stories with a few of the characters from the Underverse Series.
Also - sorry for the bad grammar. I’m typing this on my phone at like midnight.
Ink: Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it. (Frankenstein - Mary Shelley)
Obviously, Ink or Cross would be “the monster”. I think it’s even more fitting that although the “monster” never really has a name in the book, Mary Shelley did reference him as “Adam” in her earlier version. The “first born” creation. I think it’s very fitting, especially as Ink’s role, how his cannon role was formed, and what his new “goal” in the multiverse is.
Cross: I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other. (Frankenstein - Mary Shelley)
I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel. (Frankenstein - Mary Shelley)
For Cross’ quote, I actually had a difficult time choosing which fit him better, so I went with both. Cross being one of XGasters creations who “breaks free” is just amazing. XGaster was so focused on perfection and trying to make his timeline perfect that he completely abandoned his creations in the meantime. This causes Cross to meet Ink, Dream, and eventually Nightmare and start his own reign of terror.
Dust/Killer: The fallen angel becomes a malignant devil. Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone. (Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson)
A different book for the two killers felt fitting, especially considering Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - at its core - is about addiction and loss. (It’s also a murder mystery but that’s besides the point). Both kill everyone in order to prevent another Gen*cide, but in doing so, allow themselves to be completely alone. (I’m also obsessed with the religious imagery but that’s another ramble for another day.)
Nightmare: To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. (Moby Dick - Herman Melville)
Obviously, Nightmare was going to be Captain Ahab from Moby Dick. He’s chasing a goal that’s frankly, nearly impossible. He let the corruption completely take over him “for hates sake”. (I also think this is something Nightmare would actually say in cannon).
Error: Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm. (Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson)
For Error, I had a very difficult time finding just one quote. He has so many complex layers to his character, especially in his own cannon. But I eventually landed on the Jekyll and Hyde quote, as I felt it resonated more with him. No matter what could or could not happen, he always has the antivoid to return to. The story of Jekyll and Hyde being about addiction and loneliness only made that point clearer for me, especially with the duality of man potentially paralleling the duality of Errors own psyche.
Fresh: Human madness is oftentimes a cunning and most feline thing. When you think it fled, it may have but become transfigured into some still subtler form. (Moby Dick - Herman Melville)
I think this is pretty self explanatory for Fresh.
Dream: When falsehood can look so like the truth, who can assure themselves of certain happiness? (Frankenstein - Mary Shelley)
Finally, Dream. He spent so long thinking that he was the one who killed his own brother, that the ‘truth’ was so painful that he couldn’t necessarily come to terms with it. His brother no longer exists and is instead consumed entirely by the corruption.
I think using gothic novels as a starting point, the Underverse - or at least the Undertale Multiverse could become a fascinating story about the connections between creation and creator, dark and light, and the pursuit of an unattainable goal.
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satansapostle6 · 1 month
I Left The Light On And The Back Door Open For You | Robert Chase
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From the moment he first saw Margot Lange from legal, Dr. Robert Chase knew he was in for a wild ride that he never wanted to end.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content. Bondage. Food play. Slight D/S dynamic.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four: Past Lives
After picking Margot up at seven for sushi, Robert Chase quickly found that he was running out of talking points. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what to talk to this woman about, it was just that he didn’t know what was acceptable. His relationship, of whatever nature, with Margot was still very new to him, and he had no idea what level of emotional intimacy was appropriate in accompanying the literal intimacy. So far, things were very casual and physical, although Margot wasn’t necessarily like any other hookup.
She was very unique in that she had a way of being extremely hospitable without being vulnerable at all. Apart from the sex, she and Chase would have deep conversations, and share the same bed, and the same food, but somehow none of it felt very intimate at all. For Chase, his stay at Margot’s felt more like a hotel with sex than just a woman’s house. He felt he had to tread very carefully as they dined together at what he felt was one of the nicest restaurants he had been to in a while.
Margot’s palate, he realized, was both immaculate and specific.
“I didn’t realize they have full-sized portions of things,” Chase remarked casually as he watched her eat her large serving of rice, uni, and lemon.
“They do for me,” she said pleasantly as she sipped on her strong cosmopolitan, “The chef noticed I like uni, so he lets me have as much of it as I like.”
“I’ve never had it before,” Chase confessed as he helped himself to the tiny servings that were mostly for him. “It’s delicious,” he said after a moment.
“Some people think it’s weird, but it’s amazing,” Margot stated.
“Do you come here often?” Chase wondered.
Margot smirked at the question before answering.
“I take a lot of lawyers here,” she explained, “Settling House’s cases isn’t exactly easy.”
“I wouldn’t expect it to be,” Chase remarked.
They were both silent for a moment before he continued the conversation.
“Can I ask you about yourself?” he said finally. “I feel like I don’t know too much about you.”
“You can ask,” Margot offered, “I might not answer.”
“That’s your prerogative,” he supposed. “What did you do before this?”
“When I was in law school, I worked as a paralegal for this one firm. I was also an escort,” she said casually.
Beer almost came out of Chase’s nose.
“Sorry?” he asked, hoping he wasn’t being rude.
“I was an escort,” Margot repeated, as if he hadn’t heard her properly. “I went on dates for money.”
Chase was once again completely thrown, unsure of how to proceed not just because this was a very delicate sort of situation, but also because he’d never even imagined any first date scenario even close to this. He was struggling to even come up with an appropriate reaction.
“Don’t worry, you won’t get the clap,” she assured him with a passive wave of her hand, “I just went on dates. I never slept with any of those men.”
“Oh,” Chase murmured, silently cursing himself for not having anything better to contribute. “How… did you get into it?”
“This girl I went to law school with,” Margot explained, “She was from Florida. She was a yachter. You have to have sex for that, but she also just had a lot of other connections. She knew a lot of girls who just went on dates. And, she knew a lot of potential clients, too.”
“That’s how you got through law school?” Robert Chase asked.
Margot nodded. “Mmhmm. I made a lot of money. I could do it now, if I really wanted to, but I have better things to do.”
“Fair enough,” he shrugged.
“We all have our crazy shit in the past,” she said coolly. “I’m sure you have your own stuff.”
“I certainly do,” Chase agreed. “I slept with the groundskeeper’s wife in seminary training.”
It was Margot’s turn to almost laugh.
“Wow. Maybe you do have a bit of an edge to you,” she grinned, sipping on her cosmo.
“Maybe,” Chase smiled at her from across the table. “Can I just say, you look stunning tonight?”
She raised an eyebrow. “You know I’m sleeping with you either way, right?”
Even now, her crass sense of humor made Chase blush.
“That’s good to know,” he said quietly, a goofy grin on his face as only she could hear.
There was a long silence between the two of them as Chase snuck glances at Margot while she ate and drank. He wondered how such an angelic woman could be so feared.
“You know, I feel like you’ve lived a hundred lives,” he expressed.
“You’re not exactly boring yourself,” she reminded him.
“But you’re different,” Chase insisted. “I feel like you’ve seen everything. Like you’re in witness protection, or something.”
“Well, I wasn’t born Margot Lange,” she shrugged.
Once again, Chase was thrown for a loop.
“Were you… born Max Lange?” he asked cautiously.
Margot genuinely laughed. “No, genius. My real name’s Sydney Bettencourt,” she confessed.
Chase stared at her in disbelief. “You changed your whole name?”
“I had to,” she explained with a bored sigh, “I had a stalker.”
“Wow,” Chase remarked, “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“Yeah, it’s whatever,” Margot shrugged indifferently.
“Can I ask, er… How it happened?” he wondered.
“From my escort days,” she explained, “He was pretty persistent. Came to my apartment without permission, sent stuff to my job… Wilson kinda reminds me of him,” she remarked, clearly using humor as a deflection.
Chase just chuckled as they moved on with their dinner. He decided that if Margot was intent on not letting the past ruin their dinner date, he might as well comply with her wishes. Once Chase had requested the check, Margot offered her card before the waitress set the bill in front of them. Chase had initially protested, wanting to pay for his date, but Margot had told him to save it for the next one, reminding him that he didn’t want to see what the bill for an entire entree of uni looked like.
He had eventually decided she was right, and allowed her to pay for their dinner. Naturally, Margot had informed Chase that she simply expected him to make it up to her later, which he fully intended to do.
“Can we make a stop on the way?” Margot asked once they reached the parking lot.
Chase looked at her in disbelief. There was nothing he wanted less.
“…Do we have to?” he asked her.
“No, I guess not,” she shrugged, looking away coyly, “We don’t need whipped cream…”
Chase could’ve sworn all the hair on his body stood up as he was instantly swayed.
“Well,” he stammered, “I suppose we could make a quick stop at the store…”
He found himself extremely impatient the entire time he drove. He and Margot ran as fast as they could into the local grocery store, startling many late night shoppers. Chase was genuinely amazed by how flawlessly Margot could run in four-inch heels. Due to the unfortunate issue with all of the self checkout machines in the store, he and Margot found themselves standing in line behind a woman who, for some reason, was doing her usual grocery shopping.
As the conveyor belt eventually moved the whipped cream up to the cashier, the poor cashier, a man whose name tag read ‘Emilio’, who was forced to pick up a pack of condoms and a singular can of whipped cream. Emilio picked up the items and stared blankly at Chase, who could only offer an awkward smile. The two shoppers behind them hid grins and stifled chuckles as Margot smiled proudly, as if this were perfectly normal. Emilio said nothing as he rang them up.
Margot and Chase couldn’t get inside the house fast enough. The moment they were in the door, Margot took off her shoes and tossed them across the room.
“Isn’t that just making a mess?” Chase questioned.
“It’s my house,” Margot huffed.
He just nodded at the valid point.
“Last one up gets the furry handcuffs!” Margot called, just as she took off running up the stairs.
Chase’s eyes widened at the threat as he raced upstairs after her. Margot reached the top of the stairs only about a millisecond before him.
“Fuck,” he swore under his breath, as she ran into her bedroom with the whipped cream and condoms in her purse.
He panted softly as she sat down at the foot of her giant Alaskan King bed, setting her purse down and taking out what she needed. She turned to see Chase entering the room, a rather happy smile spread across her face.
“What are you waiting for?” she grinned, getting up and walking towards him. “Take your clothes off.”
He nearly blushed. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Within a couple of exciting minutes, Chase found himself lying back against the pillows, completely naked, his hands comfortably handcuffed above his head. He felt a few different sensations washing over him at the moment, but for right now, he was completely focused on the dark-haired woman whose mercy he was at. It was now confirmed that she’d had nothing on at all under her dress. Chase could’ve sworn he was about to go insane as she sat beside him on the bed, teasingly checking the handcuffs.
“Looks like you’re not going anywhere,” Margot pouted sarcastically.
“You don’t see me complaining,” Chase breathed.
He was trying to keep his cool, but he knew that Margot definitely noticed how desperate he looked, naked and handcuffed. She decided to tantalize him even further, sitting just above where he needed her most, making a show of it as she grabbed the whipped cream.
“Room for dessert, Robbie?” she teased.
He grinned as she playfully pressed on the nozzle, showing him the whipped cream on her finger.
“Always,” he said huskily.
Margot smiled as she slowly licked the whipped cream off her finger, eyes still trained on him as she sucked it off. Chase had to calm himself down as he watched her, letting out an involuntary groan as he got even harder than he already was. Margot was fully aware of her hold on him, and continued with the torturous display. Chase felt his blue eyes watering as he watched her eyes rolling to the back of her head. He felt like a feral cat as he watched her tilt her head back, spraying a mouthful of whipped cream and swallowing it.
Margot giggled mischievously as she sprayed more whipped cream into her mouth, crawling toward him until their faces were inches apart, making sure he saw the whipped cream on her tongue.
“Want a taste?” she offered.
Chase’s head bobbed up and down vigorously as he was rendered useless, barely able to get out any words. He hummed gently into the kiss as Margot allowed him to lap up the whipped cream in her mouth, desperate for any sort of physical contact. She laughed coldly as he began to subconsciously thrust upward, frustrated by the fuzzy handcuffs around his wrists. Margot pushed him down as they kissed, and he sat obediently. She pulled away much to his chagrin and reached for the can again, this time spraying all over the side of his neck.
Chase whined loudly as she kissed his neck, closing her mouth around the sweet dessert. He was losing his mind as she licked harsh stripes, her hand closed around the bottom of his throat. Chase didn’t want to admit it, but he enjoyed submitting to Margot. He loved being at the mercy of her every whim. He let out quiet, but still audible mumbles of pleasure as she harshly sucked on his neck. At this point, he didn’t care if she visibly marked him up. This was more than worth bragging about, even if it had to be anonymously.
“Margot…!” he whined, sulking the moment she stopped.
He watched as the evil woman licked whipped cream off her fingertips, wholeheartedly enjoying how needy he was being. She left a small amount on her middle and ring fingertips as she took pity on him, raising her hand to his lips.
Chase was beyond willing, and opened his mouth as she slipped her fingers in, watching with arousal as he gladly sucked on her fingers, innocent eyes locked on hers.
“Good boy,” she cooed as he nearly finished right then and there.
Margot admired him as he licked her fingers clean, making a show of it as he finished with a soft pop. She seemed more than entertained as she put more on her hand, this time moving it somewhere else. Chase moaned sweetly as she began stroking him up and down, throwing his head back with relief. He had to force himself to concentrate just so he wouldn’t finish. He observed her with the utmost fascination as she bent down and swirled her tongue around his tip, making him gasp.
“Oh, fuck,” he whined, encouraging her even more. “Please, Margot, please!”
He watched in disbelief as she swiped her tongue up and down, leaving nothing behind. He moaned loudly as she finally took him into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down as he felt the warmth of the inside of her mouth. Chase sighed eagerly as she continued, feeling himself twitch. He was so relieved at the simultaneously relaxing and exciting sensation that he let his eyes shut and forgot about everything. He completely lost track of time, practically falling asleep.
He had completely forgotten what he was doing until he felt himself reach a strangely soothing climax. His eyes widened as Margot stared up at him, grinning as he came down her throat. In that moment, he thought he had never felt more vulnerable as he watched her swallow with pleasure, completely unfazed. He was still in shock as he realized he could still go another round. Margot popped back up again, picking up a bit of whipped cream with her fingers, hungrily licking it off.
Robert Chase was in awe as he laid back, wondering in the back of his head what was next. He smiled up at her, eyes full of bewilderment as she slipped her fingers back into his mouth. He sucked for as long as she let him, almost disappointed as she pulled her fingers out, trying to decide what was next in store for him.
“That was amazing,” he panted, still hard as he waited patiently.
“I’m sure it was,” Margot remarked, looking somewhat envious. “You know… You’re not going anywhere. Why not treat myself for a job well done?”
Before he knew what was happening, she allowed him to suck on her fingers one last time before she separated her knees. As Chase lay helplessly watching, she gradually inserted her fingers. His eyes went so wide, he looked as if they were about to pop out of his head altogether. He struggled frustratedly against the handcuffs around his wrists as he watched. Margot, in a cruel exhibition of her control over the situation, hardly spared him the theatrics as she threw her head back groaning loudly.
If there was one thing Chase could say about Margot, it was that she knew how to put on a show.
“Please, Margot!” he begged her, “Please, I can’t take it anymore!”
Margot’s laughter rang throughout the room as she took pleasure in his desperation. The begging quickly turned into groveling.
“Please, please, please, Margot, I’ll do whatever you want!” Robert Chase whined. “Please… Just let me touch you! Just let me feel, please…”
He was painfully hard as he watched her getting herself off, without any consideration for him. Never before had Chase been so attracted to someone’s blatant selfishness. He knew just how pathetic and desperate he must have looked, begging her incessantly, but he didn’t care anymore. He would’ve told the world that he belonged to Margot like some sort of deviant sex slave if it meant he got to touch her for even a second.
Miraculously, Margot seemed convinced by his relentless begging.
“Oh, alright,” she said mockingly, reaching for the keys to the handcuffs. “Since you’ve been such a good boy…”
Chase looked up at her with relief, eyes lit up with a beautiful wholesomeness as she freed his hands. He watched her patiently as she tossed the handcuffs aside, waiting for her to command him. She noticed this, and commended him.
“Look at you! So nice and sweet,” she beamed.
“Do I get to touch now?” he asked hopefully.
His mind was racing as he tried to decide what to do next with his newfound freedom.
“Go nuts,” she permitted him.
Chase wasted absolutely no time. Margot squealed with laughter as he grabbed her greedily, fondling her as he quickly pulled her body over his. He kissed her harshly, panting like a wild animal as he positioned her on top of him. Margot was almost startled as he scooted down on the bed, pulling her hips toward his face. She gasped aloud as he sat her down right on top of his face, hands forcing her thighs down. She nearly screamed at the rush she felt when she sensed his lips wrapped around all her most sensitive areas.
It was an intense and almost sinful sensation. She laughed out of sheer pleasure as Chase swiped his tongue up and down, as if he’d been starved all his life. She pulled at his sandy blond hair for support. He sucked harshly on the bundle of nerves, savoring the sound of her moans.
“Fuck!” Margot exclaimed, laughing as he worked as hard as he could.
She knew it was going to be a long night.
Hours seemed to pass by until Margot and Chase were both lying beneath the covers, waiting until they fell asleep. The two of them were lying facing one another. Chase felt he was staring at her, trying to understand her in all her complexities, while she just seemed to be gazing comfortably.
“Margot,” he began.
“Robert,” she mocked his formality.
“If I’m being honest, I find you kind of terrifying,” Chase confessed, hoping to learn more about this strange woman.
“Why’s that?” she asked in turn.
The revelation didn’t seem to surprise or offend her at all.
“Are you in the mob or something?” he questioned.
“Am I in the what?” Margot referenced cheekily.
“I just meant… I don’t know. You seem to live such an unorthodox lifestyle for a malpractice attorney,” he tried to explain.
“Are you talking about my money?” Margot asked him.
He seemed guilty upon hearing it stated that say.
“No, I’m sorry, that’s rude to say—”
“I made a lot of money in my escort days,” Margot cut him off in an attempt to assuage his guilt, “Like, a lot. I hustled, and I saved. That’s what paid for this house. And as far as the clothes, and all the other nice things in it, I bought almost none of it myself.”
“Right,” Chase said awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.
He still felt horrible for questioning her about her financial situation.
“I did a lot of strange, unconventional things to get to where I am. And some of those things were pretty sketchy,” she admitted with a deep sense of self-awareness. “But you’re not doing anything sketchy by being around me.”
Chase said nothing for a moment, reassured by her logic. He didn’t want to admit it, even to himself, but that was the question he’d been wanting to asking her.
Chapter Five
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