#dr robert chase fanfiction
bi-bard · 2 years
But I'm in the Business of Losing Your Interest - Robert Chase Imagine (House MD)
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Title: But I'm in the Business of Losing Your Interest
Pairing: Robert Chase X Reader
Based On: Come Over
Word Count: 1,013 words
Warning(s): insecurities
Summary: [Season 1] Robert and (Y/n) visit (Y/n)'s parents. Something about being home- about seeing him in their home- brought forward feelings and fears that (Y/n) was certain they had buried.
Author's Note: Hey, look! Kyli wrote a piece about Robert Chase that doesn't involve roasting the shit out of him! It's a damn miracle!
One word that could hold a thousand meanings based purely on the tone it was said in. I wish I had been better at discerning tone, maybe I would've avoided rambling at awkward times if I was.
Robert was visiting my family for the first time. He had met them before when I invited them out to dinner, but this was the first time he was seeing the house that I had grown up in.
The idea made my chest tight, and I truly couldn't explain why.
"I know it's not a huge place," I said quickly, eyes catching on every part of the house that looked even a bit worn. "And it's kind of in the middle of nowhere. And a bit old. My parents adore it though. They put a lot of care-"
I stopped talking when Robert reached over and grabbed my hand. I looked over at him. He was already grinning at me.
"It's nice," he promised. "Come on. Your parents are waiting for us."
My parents were standing on the porch when we got out of the car. They both walked over to greet us as we got our bags out. My mom and dad hugged me. My mom hugged Robert before my dad reached out to shake his hand. I almost rolled my eyes watching the very firm handshake.
"How was the drive," my mom asked.
"It was gorgeous," Robert commented. "Looked like a postcard."
I grinned. It did comfort me a little that he thought something like that.
"Isn't it," my mom gushed. The beauty of the nature around the house was a major part of why they had bought the property. "Well, we set up (Y/n)'s room. We don't really have the space for a guest room, but if you guys are uncomfortable then we can figure something out."
"I'm sure we'll be fine, Mom," I touched her arm. She nodded.
The two of them decided to stay downstairs to get dinner put together while Robert and I went to put our bags away.
I had to fight the urge to cringe as we walked into my childhood bedroom.
It wasn't embarrassing. Just plain. Boring.
"Look at that," Robert muttered, walking ahead of me as I shut the door. He placed his bag at the foot of my bed as he stared out the window. "You got to grow up with this view?"
I chuckled and nodded, going to place my bag next to his before sitting on the mattress.
I looked around the room.
There was that feeling again. That tightness in my chest.
I had never considered myself boring before. Not before Robert started working with Gregory House and his team.
Robert would come home almost every day with some story about some rare illness popping up, some weird thing his boss had done, or just something that seemed so... interesting.
It made my stories feel like they could never compete.
I tried to keep it from going to my head, but it was getting harder to know that I was the less interesting part of his life.
And now... being here... seeing him here was just amplifying that feeling.
I felt so plain.
The little plain room with the basic decorations. The basic grades and basic clubs. Nothing special through school, nothing special after it. I was meant to be the background character in the story. How long did I have before I had bored Robert so much that he finally left?
I hummed, blinking at him a few times.
"You alright," he asked. "You look a bit... lost."
I was about to nod. Nod and ignore the problem. All I had to do was say that I was fine and move on.
But I couldn't bring myself to do that.
"Do I bore you?"
I almost immediately wanted to forget that the thought of asking had even crossed my mind.
"Why would you ask that," he stepped over. I looked down at my lap. He knelt in front of me. "(Y/n), look at me."
I looked at him albeit reluctantly.
"Why are you asking if you bore me," he asked.
"It's nothing," I mumbled, shaking my head.
"If it's enough to bother you, then it's clearly something."
"It's just..." God, I felt stupid admitting this, "You come home from work, and you talk about your interesting cases and your weird boss and it all just seems so... exciting. I just... I know that I'm not especially interesting. I... I don't know. I just think about it sometimes."
There was a pause. I could see the look in his eyes shifting as what I was saying was starting to sink in.
"I don't want to lose you because you find something or someone more exciting or thrilling."
"Hey," he said. His hand cupped the side of my face. He grinned at me. "First of all, I never could get bored of you. I don't need some exciting twist to know that you will never stop capturing all of my attention. Second of all, I would be in hell if my relationship was anything like my work, so thank you for not being like my boss."
I chuckled.
"I love you," he added. "More than I'd be able to describe."
"I mean... you could try," I muttered. Robert scoffed at me. "I love you too."
He leaned in and kissed me gently. I kissed him back happily, letting my shoulders relax and my mind clear.
I leaned back first, smiling a bit as Robert pressed a few more soft pecks to my lips before relenting and leaning back.
"I could kiss you forever," he mumbled.
I laughed and turned my head away from him.
"I don't think I meant to say that out loud."
That only made me laugh harder.
Maybe I should give myself a little more credit. Maybe I was just a bit more interesting than I let myself believe.
That's what Robert seemed to believe anyway. And who was I to question him on such a thing?
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What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 4 months
Chase: There's no way they like me back.
Foreman: Y/N would throw themself in front of a moving car for you.
Chase: Y/N would throw themself in front of a moving car for fun.
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julpernulper · 2 months
reading gay smut on the clock reblog if you agree
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deadxregulus · 7 months
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cloudrunnerscinnamon · 2 months
An "early-ish" House MD one shot. House and reader :)
The reader experiences a particular bad night and finds herself stuck in the ER with the one and only Greg House. This could really go either way...
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gif is not mine (found it on google)
"Getting mugged wasn’t the worst part about my night"
„I’ll do it“ House took the IV-bag from the nurse before she could argue with him. You on the other hand really didn’t want him near you. However, you knew House well so you decided against putting up a fight and let him take care of you. He made clear that he wanted to watch over you, discussion over. Doctor’s orders. 
Wilson, Cuddy and all of  House’s attendees (old and new) were standing a few meters away from the two of you. The initial shock of you getting mugged and being delivered into the ER with a grade 3 concussion and a laceration to the forehead had worn off but they all felt like staying close. Now, in fact, they were shamelessly watching the scene in front of them unfold. They all knew this would probably be the pivoting point of House’s and your relationship. For a month the two of you had been buzzing around each other. Chase had bets running as per usual. Wilson was sure you would crack first and confess to House how you felt about him. Cuddy on the other hand had put in for „House, taking one more risk for the sake of finally finding happiness“, what can you do, she was sappy like that. There were a few more variants going around in the bookie but those were the two most popular. 
It wasn’t like House or you were denying that you liked each other. It was obvious, the amount of time you spent together and the pile of insiders you shared annoyed everyone around you. But whenever somebody tried to inquire, all they ever got was a 
„Oh, House and me?“
„(Y/N) and me?“ 
„We just hang out, we watch the same crappy shows and like to piss of the pizza place with weirdly specific orders.“ 
„Seriously, we are just friends!“ Even Wilson couldn’t coax a confession out of his stubborn friend. 
Funny thing, neither of you wanted to screw things up by showing your cards. 
„This will sting a bit,“ House was sitting on a chair in front of you taking your hand in his and carefully inserting an intravenous catheter. His hands were steady and his movements well practiced. You still hissed a little when the needle pierced through your skin and you could feel House’s blue eyes immediately on your face. He wanted to say something but reconsidered busying himself again with attaching the tube of the IV- bag to the IV-line. 
„Sure didn’t sting as much as the rest of the night,“ you snatched your hand away as soon as House seemed satisfied with his work. 
„And no, I am not talking about getting mugged.“ The harsh tone of your voice surprised you. Yes you were hurting because of him and yes you were out of your mind from the pain in your chest, your heart, but still. Wounding House didn’t give you any pleasure or redemption. It still sucked. All of it. Stacy sucked, their kiss sucked and what you heard him say, well, that just was the cherry on top. 
House didn’t get up from his chair but remained right in front of you. The chaotic atmosphere of the ER didn’t seem to phase him at all. Slowly he went to take your hand again but you brushed him off. 
„Fuck off House. I don’t want you near me.“ For a second you could see the pain in his eyes flash, then it was gone again. Replaced by his usual wall of safety guards. Safety guards he had let slowly and steadily dissolve with you. He wasn’t going to give up that easily now.
„Yeah, sorry I’m not going anywhere.“ House sounded firm even though you were sure he was confused and so out of his comfort zone. Him prolonging eye contact and taking a „stance“ was all just an act to hide his feelings and ever growing insecurity. For once the doctor was actually scared to lose someone. Displaying confidence and nonchalance was all he knew how to do right now. 
„What? I am not being funny here.“ You leaned further back, unconsciously creating more distance between you and House. Why didn’t he just leave already. Did he take some weird pleasure in knowing that you had overheard his and Stacy’s conversation? That earlier this week you had seen them kiss in his office? You were so angry and hurt that getting mugged almost felt like a nice distraction. 
„Just go!“ You made a flinging motion with your hand and your voice broke from all the emotions. House scrunched up his face and squinted his eyes at you like he simply didn’t understand what was going on. He was confused by your actions. He was here, he was taking care of you and still you wanted him to leave. 
„Why do you want me to go away?“ His voice was small, he seemed sincere which made you want to jump out of your skin. Sad, hurt, humiliated all of which you were feeling right now but deep down there was also frustration and anger. All those month of casually hanging out and spending time together. Was that all a lie? It had felt so genuine. Could you have been so wrong about another person? You sure weren’t stupid. You had never thought of yourself as the one that would change House. You knew many had and tried to be friends as well as love interests and they had all failed more or less miserably. You simply enjoyed being around him as he was. You liked being his friend. Oh how very stupid you felt now. Friends? Your thoughts were interrupted by House’s voice. It sounded modulated like he was really trying to stay in control of his demeanor.
Irritatingly for you the shock of getting mugged, the thudding pain in your skull and Stacy’s performance had taken a big chunk out of your self-control. There just wasn’t anything left to hold back the emotions from spilling over. Tears blurred your vision and your mouth twisted into a thin line. At least you were able to hold back that sob building in your throat. You knew you couldn’t take it much longer, something had got to give. 
„Because it hurts to look at you.“ And there it was. Painfully aware of all the people around you and House blankly staring at you. Was he in shock? Your voice had been so much more penetrating than you had anticipated. Shit, where did all that pain come from all of the sudden? Why weren’t you able to look away from those blue eyes? Was he even breathing? Were you breathing? Why was it so quiet? Was anyone breathing? 
„I love you and you crushed my heart!“ Those eight words had slipped out of your mouth before you even noticed they had formed on your tongue. Your own thoughts betraying you and that at the worst time. Why was your face so wet? Then the blue eyes were gone. House remained unnervingly silent. He had however gotten up from the chair. The doctor’s back was turned towards you. His right hand held onto an unused IV-stand. Was he steadying himself? Might be his leg but the pain had gotten a little less excruciating of late. You knew that because he had confided in you. Hot tears were still running down your reddened face while you stared at House’s unmoving figure.
Behind the two of you, at the reception counter of the ER, Wilson shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He huffed out a breath and ran his hand through his hair. Cuddy throw a cautious look at him. They both felt bad. Usually Chase’s bets didn’t turn into such a flurry of dramatic events. Wilson could sense the rising uneasiness of his colleagues around him. He cleared his throat and leaned back a little, turning his head towards Chase. 
„Now that it happened I don’t know why you let me place that bet.“ Chase’s arms were crossed in front of his chest. He silently stared at (Y/N) and House. 
„This is totally upsetting and those are our friends.“ Wilson knew the Aussie doctor wouldn’t let him off the hook that easy and he especially wouldn’t lend any emotional comfort. 
„So you forfeit?“ Chase raised an eyebrow at Wilson. 
„I,“ Wilson hesitated, his moral compass was spinning like a merry-go-round. 
„No, I don’t. I just think we are terrible friends.“ 
Chase snorted and rolled his eyes. 
„Just because we took on bets doesn’t mean we aren’t their friends. Or well (Y/N)’s friends, I don’t know about House. Does House actually have friends?“ 
Wilson looked dumbfounded and left Chase hanging for a good comeback. The other doctor took that as enough of an answer. Just then Chase‘s pager went off. He glanced at it quickly and with another nod towards Wilson, he pushed himself off the reception counter, he had been leaning against and left.
The machines, next to the bed you were sitting on, started to beep loudly. Immediately House turned around and checked for the reason of the onslaught of alarms. A nurse standing nearby also rushed over. You followed House’s line of vision and quickly realized that your condition hadn’t suddenly taken a turn for the worse. The pulse oximeter that had been clamped onto your left index finger had slipped off. You hadn’t even noticed. 
„It’s okay I got it.“ House waved at the nurse stoping her in her track. She just nodded and went back to scribbling on the chart of another patient. House’s hands took a hold of our left one, he slipped the pulse oximeter back on. The noise stopped and the numbers on the screen went back to somewhat normal at least as far as your non existing medical understanding told you. He kept holding your hand and you let him. Your outburst and confession had drained you even more and you were left longing for contact. 
„There, looks good, normal heart rate. So it can’t be crushed.“ House smiled openly at you although it seemed a little too assertive. You couldn’t believe your ears. 
„You are kidding me right?“ Once again you wanted to pull your hand away from his but he held on. It took you a few seconds to untangle your fingers from his, he watched you struggle a bit bevor slowly letting go. You sniffled and tears started to come anew. The way he kept looking at you made you nervous and confused. House’s weird behavior was something you clearly couldn’t deal with. The moodiness, rude arrogance and sheer lack of interest in other people’s necessities you could handle – but this? This was worrisome. 
„House, please just – just leave.“ It sounded like a plea, your tremulous voice not helping. However House didn’t respond. He looked back up to the monitors again, busying himself, biding his time. You knew he wasn’t gonna leave. A frustrated huff through your nose. Shaking your head in disbelieve you let its weight sink down into your hand, rubbing over your forehead. 
„Why do you call me House?“ Your head snapped back up. The blue eyes were on yours again. 
"You never call me House.“ He said his own name like something foreign, something he had to get his tongue acquainted with.
„It’s always been Greg,“ his eyes fell and you had to bend forward a little to still hear him. „Right from the beginning. You only ever use House when you talk to other people.“ To say you were shocked was an understatement. 
„Seriously? This is what you are going with?“ The harshness of your tone was matched my House’s soft response. You had never seen him so abashed.
„Just tell me,“ a quiver at the right corner of his lips, „Please?“ This, you weren’t able to deny. House was either being sincere in all his coyness or he was playing you to get what he wanted but whichever it was, you couldn’t stop yourself from indulging him.
„I call you House because everybody does and I am not special.“ Fast and prompt, no time to think about your choice of words. This day wasn’t gonna get any worse, was it? Might as well lean into it then. House was right though. You had always preferred calling him Greg. You understood that at work people referred to him as House. It was both formal and still not too friendly for coworkers. In the beginning you hadn’t actually really noticed that hardly anybody besides you called him Greg but when you realized it you couldn’t help but ask yourself why. The nature of your relationship (or friendship to be correct) was purely pleasure. You didn’t share anything work related and so the version of House you hung out with struck you more as a Greg kind of House other than a House House. 
„To call you House is safe,“ you said and in your head you added: and it is less intimate. With a heavy sigh House took a few steps and let himself sink down next to you on the hospital bed. Both your feet were dangling down and you followed the swinging motion with your eyes. For some reason a comfortable silence fell over you. The ER was, now as before, busy but the different sounds and monotonous buzzing worked like a coat slipping around the two of you. There was enough room to stay still in all the hectic. For the next couple of minutes House and you quietly agreed on taking a breather. 
The dull thud of Houses cane on the floor made you jerk up a little. He was going to say something. Repeatedly hitting the and of his cane on the floor was a tell-tale-sign of the Doctor building up to saying something. You had noticed that relatively early, but you weren’t sure if he realized you knew. House would mold the words in his mind until they satisfied him enough to actually say them. You also knew that he only ever did that if he was nervous or stressed out about what he wanted to say. 
„(Y/N), I am not with Stacy. Even though you might think that after what you heard tonight.“ Ah of course, yes, this would definitely make House uncomfortable. You just stayed silent, letting him continue.
„And trust me I know it sounds cliché but it is not what you think it is.“ He half laughed at that, it sounded studded with frustration and a hint of desperation. 
„What is it then? Because it really did sound like the two of you were making up.“ As soon as the words left your mouth you wanted to take them back. You really didn’t want to know. It was enough for you to know that it hurt. 
„You know what? Don’t answer me,“ you lifted your hand, pressing the palm of it against your eyes in an attempt to dampen the headache. It didn’t work and you let your hand sink down again, resting it on your upper thigh. 
„Do you love her?“ Since you had arrived in the ER you had tried to avoid looking at House but the question you had just put to him demanded you to make eye contact. House didn’t immediately answer. His long fingers scratched absentmindedly at his stubbled chin.
„No I don’t and I haven’t for quite some time.“ There was so much conviction in House’s voice that you didn’t doubt he was telling the truth. 
„What I said, what you heard,“ the doctor kept looking around while continuing to explain himself. Scanning over the room but hardly registering what was going on. 
„I wasn’t talking about Stacy and me. But without the proper context I can see how you might think that.“  He snuck a peek at you trying to gauge how this conversation was going. Only the white knuckles of his hand holding his cane in an iron grip gave aways how tense he was. Throwing your hands in the air you could only shake your head. This whole situation was ridiculous. 
„You kissed, I saw you, in your office.“ you said bluntly. You were ready to start a fight. Leaving everything pent up wasn’t gonna work. If House thought he could fool you with this talkative demeanor you were sure as hell gonna make him work for it.  
„I know and I felt awful“ Small voice, barely more than a murmur and two absurdly blue irises. Aaaaand there you crumbled again. You involuntarily mimicked House’s wispy smile.
„Didn’t look like that,“ you muttered. He grabbed your hand carefully avoiding the IV catheter. His fingers drew small patterns on the back of your hand. 
„Well do you believe me if I say you got that the wrong way around as well?“ 
Yes, your thoughts screamed and you wanted to threw yourself into House’s arms. Instead you pressed out a, „No.“ 
But he let you have that one, making sure you could keep your dignity. 
„Fair enough“. House intertwined his fingers with yours, squeezing them a little. He sucked in a breath of air.
„But,“ drawing out the vowel, House made his point anyways,“I’m sorry, you do have it the wrong way around.“ Was that his teasing tone? Was he actually mocking you? To be fair you could feel the tension draining from your body. If anyone would ever try to convince you that House wasn’t able to understand emotions and steer them empathetically you would just laugh in their face. Which is also what you did now. You laughed because frankly you were overwhelmed.
„Whatever. This is humiliating.“ You weren’t sure if you wanted to cry or to laugh.
„She kissed me.“ House added, looking all dopy and school boyish. You gaped at him. House was carefully maneuvering this sinking wreck off a ship into saver waters and you knew it but it was still annoying you. Why was it working? 
„Oh well that changes everythi–„ You jumped right on board and countered sarcastically but House cut in.
„Yeah no, I know it doesn’t.“ He agreed with you however he wanted you to fully understand the circumstances. 
„The only reason I let her was because I am shit at feelings.“ House shrugged his shoulders.
„What? Sorry you lost me. You are shit at feelings so you kiss your married Ex-wife?“ Was he kidding you? Your hand slipped away from his and you tugged your arms tightly around your middle. You didn’t want to fell like that but anger and frustration where front runners again. House got the message. When he talked next the lightness in his voice was gone.
„If you are shit at feelings you might not be able to trust them. Sometimes I need actions to fully understand them. Actions I get and I am good at them.“
Your mouth opened but potential words were stopped by an index finger pressed against your lips.
„Ah ah ah wait!“ The Doctor removed his finger and continued.
„So when she kissed me I was able to say goodbye,“ he paused for a second, “ because there was nothing. No love, no anger or other sentiment. It was only a kiss which I did not particular care for. It cleared my head.“ 
„Hmm.“ Not as articulate as you would have liked to be but you couldn’t manage more, so you just kept listening. 
„I wanted to come after you. I…“, House hesitated then he turned a little more towards you. He wanted to see your eyes but you kept your gaze low. 
„Your face. The way you just turned around and left.“ His voice was husky.
„I told Stacy then, what I just told you… and to be fair she was pissed. I should have know that she wouldn’t leave it at that.“ A bitter chuckle slipped from House’s mouth and he shook his head. The doctor was lost in his thoughts for a second. Your voice pulled him back into the ER.
„So when you asked me to come by to talk, you in fact wanted to talk?“ Maybe all was not lost. Maybe just, maybe this day had still something good to offer.
„Oh yes, yes I did and other stuff“ A cheeky grin appeared on House’s face and he softly bumped his shoulder agains yours. When you looked at him he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
„Shut up,“ you snorted. This man is unbelievable. 
„Not funny yet?“ He lightly poked your thigh, testing the waters. 
„Nooooo,“ you said, returning the shoulder bump. 
You looked at each other, wary smiles meeting. House drew in a heavy breath then. He still had a few things he wanted to say, get out of his system. 
„Stacy rang the doorbell 10 minutes before you. She must have left the door ajar. And the rest, you witnessed first hand.“ He scratched the back of his neck and proceeded.
„Annoyingly not all of it. Seeing that we wouldn’t be having this conversation now.“
You nodded slowly, processing. Neither of you knew what to say now so you just kept sitting next to each other. It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward it just seemed necessary to pause for a bit. 
After a few minutes you suddenly had this weird feeling of being watched. You became more aware of your surroundings and let your eyes drift. Behind you, at the reception counter you saw House’s attendees as well as Cuddy and Wilson jump apart like they had been caught red handed. All of them were making it a point to be terribly busy looking. 
„I can’t believe they are all still watching us.“ You nodded towards the group of doctors. House followed your line of sight and you could feel him growing a little bit uneasy. There was no smile on his face and his features seemed more in control. You didn’t want to see him so gloomy after there had just been some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. You wrapped your hand around House’s elbow and tucked a bit. His head turned back to you. You were surprised to find sadness and, what was that? Remorse? Etched into his face.
 „They are making sure I don’t crush your heart twice in one night.“ With the bitterness in House’s words came also a promise. He wanted to do this right. He wanted to make this work and find out what this between the two of you could be. He acknowledged how his actions from earlier had hurt you. Everything about this conversation was so out of character for House that you had a hard time believing you weren’t imagining things. Maybe your concussion was worse than you thought and you were having crazy hallucinations. Could you have hallucinations from concussions?
„Yes, but that is highly unlikely in your case, since the CCT-scan did not pick up any intracerebral bleeding.“ 
„What?“ Surprised you looked at House. 
„Did I just say that out loud?“ The doctor smiled at you amused and your stomach fluttered. You always had liked it when he bestowed you with one of those uncensored grins. 
„Yup.“ House confirmed. Chalking it up to the most ludicrous day you have had in a while you decided to ignore reason and precaution and just trust your gut. You let your head sink against House’s shoulder and immediately the side of your body melted agains him as well. Before a sigh of relieve could escape from you House had already wrapped his arm around your waist. This was nice. It felt good and easy. 
After a while you could feel the weight from House’s head on yours. You watched your feet dangling again. The calm breathing and the warmth between the two of you had you feeling drowsy in no time. A stifled yawn from you and House nuzzled his face into your neck.
„Yeah, me too,“ he whispered.
„How much longer ’til this thing is through,“ you asked quietly while pulling at the tube of the IV-bag. House lifted his head and frowned at the IV-bag. He considered his answer for a couple more seconds and before hopping off the bed.  
„Maybe 10 more minutes. We can speed it up a little.“ The doctor reached for the drip and adjusted the roller clamp. Immediately the solution in the IV-bag started dripping faster and he turned back towards you, sitting back down. 
„I don’t want to stay in the hospital,“ You sighed. Next to you House was blowing raspberries, obviously thinking something over. 
„You should with a third degree concussion. But I can take you home and make sure you’re okay.“ House offered looking at you expectantly. You considered your options and figured that the perspective of having House fussing over you wasn’t too bad. Your stomach rumbled loudly. An idea came to you then.
„Do you still have that pizza I brought, at your place?“ House had to chuckle at that and his laugh lines appeared. He nodded.
„Yes I do, at least I didn’t eat it. I went straight after you this time.“ House looked at you carefully, in all the joking there was also truth. Apparently he was satisfied with what he found in your eyes because he continued lightheartedly.
„If nobody broke in and ate it, it should still be sitting on the kitchen counter. “ 
„Great!“ You exclaimed happily.
„I could eat, really had a long night. How about you?“ You really wanted to get out of the hospital and leave the last few hours behind you.
„Nooo, completely normal night. So relaxing.“ House earned a slap from you on his shoulder. 
„Ouch! Don’t hit the cripple.“ His fake whiny voice made you actually laugh out loud and you were so relieved to feel somewhat normal again. 
„How about instead of taking me to my place, we go to yours and warm up that pizza then? I can be on concussion-watch anywhere right?“ With that you slowly slid off the bed, carefully steadying yourself. House watched you, assessing if you really were able to leave the hospital.
„I was kinda planning on that anyways.“ He stood up as well and undid the tube from your IV-catheter. The IV-bag was empty. With his hand he indicated for you to sit down once more. While he removed the IV-catheter from your hand you were happy to run along with the banter. 
„Sure you were. What if I’d refused.“ You cocked an eyebrow at House, challenging him. Even before he spoke you knew there would be some kind of quick-witted comeback.
„Oh I would have just kidnapped you.“ He shrugged his shoulders casually, a big fat grin on his face while he peeled off the adhesive tape that had kept the IV in place. 
„Of course.“ You laughed. The needle in your arm was gone and House pushed down some gauze on the exit wound. After a few seconds he put a plaster over it to keep it in place.You used his focus to study his features. There was still that smile on House’s face, though it had faded a little. You wondered what was on his mind. The heaviness that started to appear on his forehead couldn’t be from doing some routine doctor stuff. Just when you wanted to go for it an ask House what was going on, he mumbled your name.
„(Y/N)?“ Was his voice shacking? Your heart sank. Please don’t mess this up. Your imagination started to run wild and you feared for the worst.
„Hm?“ you took a deep breath, bracing yourself for the inevitable let down.
„Can you not… can you maybe?“ House leaned closer to you. He seemed oblivious to your emotional turmoil. The whispering made his voice sound rough. With another sharp intake of air he took the plunge. 
„You are special, you know. To me you really are special.“The words tumbled out of his mouth practically rolling over each other. You scooped them up, holding them, they felt soft and warm to the touch. 
„So could you maybe not do the House-thing like everyone else?“
You smiled at him. This was big. House just committed to talking about his feelings leaving himself unguarded in the process. 
„Okay, Greg.“ 
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dearestro · 5 months
Saturday Mornings
Summary: Even lazy mornings can be exciting...for some people. Part of the Chase Miniseries.
Warnings: Innuendos and crude language.
You squinted your eyes at the sudden stream of light as you awoke from your slumber. Your husband buried his face in the crook of your neck with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. It was early Saturday morning, so everyone got to sleep in. Of course, you felt that Robert had other plans than sleeping this morning as he not only kissed your neck but you could also feel something prodding your thigh. You rolled over to face him as he started nipping at your skin.
"Really?" You raised a brow as his hands crept up your body.
"Come on." He almost whined. "Layla's not up. We have time..." He murmured against your skin. "And how else am I supposed to deal with this?" He said, his body flush against yours so that you could feel exactly what he was talking about.
"Well, you have a hand, don't you?" You teased as he continued to trail his lips all over your skin. You looked at the clock before sighing. "I suppose we have time-" You were cut off as a squeal escaped your lips when he rolled on top of you but were quickly quieted when he pressed his lips to yours. As hands trailed bodies and mouths fought for dominance, you were suddenly interrupted. 
"Mommy? Daddy? What are you doing?" You froze at the little girl's voice, thankful you both were still clothed...although boxers and modest lingerie wasn't the greatest to be caught in...
"We're-we're-" You struggled to find an excuse not wanting to have 'the talk' with a five year old.
"We're wrestling, sweetheart. Daddy's winning." You rolled your eyes at your husband's excuse before turning back to your daughter.
"Why don't you go downstairs? I'll be down in a minute to get breakfast, baby." She nodded before pattering to the kitchen. You went to get up as soon as she was out of sight, but someone had other plans. "Babe, we can't do this now. I have to get up and get her breakfast before she comes up here again."
"I can be quick!" Your husband whined.
"Oh, I know just how quick you can be, but even that's not quick enough for a hungry toddler." You chuckled as he frowned at the jab before getting off of you.
"Well, what am I supposed to do with..." He motioned to his nether regions as you leaned down to kiss his cheek.
"Take a cold shower and pray she doesn't remember this moment when she's old enough to realize what 'wrestling' actually means." You went into the closet to put on a robe and some slippers before coming back out. "Or do it yourself." You shrugged as you turned to leave. "But not on the bed!" You shouted over your shoulder, not wanting to have to do laundry because your husband couldn't be bothered to do it into the toilet. 
You made your way to the kitchen and found Layla sitting patiently at the table.
"Fruit?" She nodded her head as you got her a little bowl (no strawberries as they had been restricted to special occasions only after the last incident) and some juice as she waited. By the time you were finished and had given the food to the little girl, Robert had joined your side.
"Who won?" Layla asked, finally breaking the silence. Robert looked down at the little girl confusion spread across his features.
"What?" The girl giggled at her dad's confusion. 
"When wrestling!" 
"I did!" You said as you smirked at your husband before bending down to your daughter and mock whispering, "Daddy's not a very good wrestler." She laughed at the 'secret' you had just told her. From behind, you could hear him scoff.
"Please. I'm an excellent wrestler. I demand a rematch!" You smiled before wrapping your arms around his neck and pecking his lips. 
"Sure you are, baby." You mocked his pouting.
"Well, if the two of you are only gonna make fun of me, I guess I won't make pancakes." You frowned, letting go of him.
"Noo!" Your daughter whined.
"Not until I get an apology." Robert said as he crossed his arms and turned his back to the girls.
"Sorry, Daddy!" He didn't budge, so you sighed and came up behind him. Your arms wrapped around his waist.
"Sorry, Daddy." His face went red at the innocent sentence, and you felt a slight lift in his pants. 
"Say that again." He whispered so your daughter wouldn't hear. You smirked as you walked in front of him and put your lips near his ear. You could hear his breath catch and see the tent in his shorts rise.
"No." You whispered into the shell of his ear. You kissed his cheek and started to back away as you looked down at the sight before you and smirked. "Take care of yourself...again. I'll make the pancakes. And don't forget to wash your hands!" You said, making sure to keep things out of the toddler's sight and earshot. He groaned before awkwardly shuffling away.
"Alright then, babygirl! Do you want blueberries in your pancakes?" You turned to see your daughter just about finished with her fruit and juice. She nodded eagerly. "Well, coming right up!"
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heyitstam · 5 months
dr. robert chase x reader - the chase itself (smut)
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hi guys :D i know i haven't posted in a while, but i recently asked a VERY good friend of mine to cook me a fanfic of this very beautiful man, and HE DELIVERED. like all out jaws on the floor type delivered. i love this man fr, so i'm posting it here with his permission. it's his first fanfic ever, and in my humble professional opinion he overdelivered - so have fun reading this beautiful smut fic of reader and dr. chase <3
I. Humble Beginnings
Taking place in Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, New Jersey, you are a fairly new nurse who pursued a medical career in quite a common way. The way being that it was more so your parents’ wish for you to go to medical school than your own, but you don’t necessarily hate that fact; at least it gave you a direction, so to speak.
It’s early in the morning, so there’s not a whole lot going on. You went around doing your usual checkups already and what not, therefore you decide to go on your well deserved coffee break. However, right as you are are on that, and you step out of the cubicle you are in, you glance over to an unfamiliar face through an operating room.
Some would call it love at first sight, but it really is more than that. It’s the kind of tingly sensation no one could forget. It’s almost shameful, but you can’t be bothered by that feeling right now. As if you physically couldn’t take your eyes off of them, you lose all sense of purpose, standing there, unable to think. Suddenly, someone bumps into you, which wakes you up from your total amusement. You feel the need to know more, so as you squint your eyes, you can read their name off of the shirt they are wearing.
“Dr. Robert Chase..?  I need to.. have a talk with him. I just need to.” – you think to yourself, ponderingly.
You go back to working with a saturated mind, unable to concentrate.
II. The Chase Itself
As days go by, you’re quite hesitant to reach out to him, but you seriously feel the need to. Why is that, really, you ask yourself. You ache to even have a talk with him at this point, but you long for more. Way more. You can’t think of anything else.
After contemplating for a good while, you decide to ask around to know what time he gets off from work, since you want to surprise him at the last minute. That’s the only way you see that you could have a one-on-one with him anytime soon.
With that out the way, you now know everything you needed to know. The only thing that divides you from your desire is to actually act up on it, so you gather all your courage. You look at the time, and you’re actually pretty shocked how caught up you were thinking about him. If you don’t hurry then you’re going to miss him that day entirely, so you start sprinting.
You notice him as he is turning around the corner, all dressed up, ready to leave, and you stumble right into him.
“I need to tell you something inside, it’s.. it’s important, alright. And it might just take a while” – you tell him, struggling with your words. “Great. I was just about to leave, you know. Whatever, show me, I don’t have much time for this. Is it really that important?” – he answers abruptly, being quite impatient.
You suddenly catch a rush of excitement. This is all that you were planning for the past few days or so, to get close to him, and it looks like you’re on track.
III. An Uneasy Start
Chase swings open the door of the office he’s just been in, ushering you in and closing the door behind him, since there’s quite the commotion even late into the night, it’s a hospital after all. It’s dark inside, the only light sources being a dim lamp he accidentally left on and the Moon seeping through the closed blinds faintly. The room has a surgical bed, a cabinet behind it with all kinds of training supplies, a desk with an office chair and a hanger stand. He puts his white coat on the stand, then undoes his tie, putting it into his pants pocket in a really apathetic way, with most of it hanging out.
Seemingly being quite contempt with the situation, he sits down onto the office chair, facing you, and he seriously doesn’t look like he wants to be there.
As a last effort at trying to ease up the situation, you grab the glass of water that is sitting on the desk and you splash it at him, in a playful way.  Not surprisingly, this backfires, since he doesn’t seem too happy about, not in the slightest. He stands up from his desk and goes on to wipe off his shirt to make it slightly less messy, all without even muttering a word. You do feel pretty stupid for that.
With another attempt at getting his attention, you arousingly start to cut the strings off of a few upper buttons on your blouse with a surgical knife, as he turns back to you, giving him a snarky look.
“Was that really necessary? What was so important about any of this? Can we get to the damn point?” – he asks you with a loss of temper. “I might have lied about that important thing.” – you answer him not so bravely.
He's visibly frustrated at you, and with a change of demeanor, he stands up and is now closing distance between you in a rush, as you are backing up. He halts as he catches up to you, towering over you.
With both hands on your shoulders, clenching them hard, he asks you, in an almost belittling tone: “Is this what you wanted? “ “I don’t know, is it?” – you answer him in a pretty similar way.
Like the kind of tease you tend to be, you start gliding around your fingertip on his chest, which he.. seems to enjoy, and lets you do for a short while, for then to push you to the nearest wall.
IV. Lust
Fueled by lust, you immediately grab his chin and assertively start kissing him, which absolutely catches him off-guard. In reaction to the advancement on him, he forces your body onto his as he caresses your back. After this goes on for a bit, he grabs you by the thighs, lifts you up and tosses you onto the surgical table.
With your arms behind you, you’re sitting halfway up as your legs are pulled up. You lock eyes while he is still holding you by your thighs. He leans over, drags you closer and is now standing between your legs.
You clumsily unbutton Robert’s shirt, one by one. In contrast, he carelessly tears off a few more of your buttons, making the blouse slide off your shoulders, which then falls onto your lap, flustering you in the process.
He then puts a hand on your lower abdomen, which feels surprisingly soft, even though his hands are quite firm. Most notably, it’s warm. So warm in fact, you feel like you could melt into him, and you are all about that feeling. Starting from your thighs, continuing to your hips, he brushes his both his hands across all the way up to your chest in a painstakingly soft and throughout way, but at the same it’s quite the calm moment.
An intrigued nervousness starts to pile in you as he suddenly starts to unbuckle his belt, which was undoubtedly the loudest noise in the room so far. In the meantime, like the obedient girl you feel like you are, with each rattle, you can't wait to obey. As if you were a household maid, you’re more than ready to satisfy the head of the house, as if he shook a bell around.
He tosses aside his pants and boxers and you feel like you can’t catch up with your heavy heartbeats as he rests his rigid cock on your stomach. It all just feels so sudden, and it’s starting to grow on you in a pleasurable way. He goes onto removing your bra, while you’re simultaneously stroking him slowly and briefly, before he goes down on you again.
You can feel it throb against you, and it’s just as, if not hotter than his hand is, which he has below your stomach again. He needily grinds against you over and over, lifting your skirt up with it every time, and rubbing against your inner thighs.
He doesn’t wait around before removing your panties, which are drenched by this point, and neither does he wait to penetrate you, as he is inside you now.
“Maybe I did need this.. “ - you hear him talk out loud quietly.
At once, as he is slowly, but forcefully thrusting into you, you see him pulling out the tie out his pocket, which he puts around your neck now, instead of his own.
It’s tightened real well, and he’s gripping it by the base, close to your neck. In the meantime he��s constantly pulling on it upwards, as it’s digging into the back of your neck, scraping your chin against it’s band, making your head tilt backwards considerably. With every moan you make, he tightens more on it, leaving your neck all bruised up. As he is fucking you, you’re nails deep in the sheets. You can’t help yourself but feel pleasured.
As he’s starting to get rougher on you, you begin to develop second thoughts and try to resist him, but as you’re doing that, he immediately tugs you closer, rendering your attempt futile. As you look at him, he seems to be way too into this, as his eyes lose all focus and glare, and you can only watch as his control over himself fades, railing you without a care in the world. This creates even more neediness in you, as you cross your legs behind his back, clinging onto him.
You can barely even keep your eyes on him, and you’re not even resisting his pull on your neck anymore, so you fully commit into tilting you head back in joy. All this sexual fulfillment demands you to do so, as you are slipping out of control more by the second. You feel like you could finish at any time, and as he’s also getting close, he’s painfully grazing your stiff walls more and more, with your moans sounding pitifully more helpless.
Ejaculating with a quiet grunt, he blasts the majority into you, leaving two strings across all the way up your body, all for you to feel ecstatic about. You really do feel like you owned up to it with your services, as if it was his way of rewarding you. Not to forget about you, he pushes you over the edge too, as you’re desperately gripping his shoulders. No matter you could barely take a break after your climax, he leans closer over your stimulation filled shivering body, and goes for a deep passionate kiss. Not even bothered by the fact you are still desperately panting and gasping for air along with him.
V. Not So Aftercare
After standing up from the bed, he comfortably hugs you by your hips, to which you endearingly put your hands onto his. After romantically rocking you slightly around with his hug, he leaves his hands off of you to start dressing up. It’s getting quite late.
As he is about to button back his shirt, he looks at you still standing there, still looking a bit shocked from everything that happened so far. Deciding to help out, he steps besides you, getting your bra back from your bed, and putting it on you. He’s slowly buckling the back together, and you are simply just unable to look him in the eyes, since you're becoming increasingly shy in a sudden way, blushing like you never have before.
"You.. didn't have to, you know.." - you tell him in a higher pitch voice.
You really enjoy his care, it does fill you with joy. Then you reach out for your panties, but as you are pulling them up, he slides his hands under yours, taking the lead again, which surprises you even more. You are so overwhelmed with emotions at this point, you shake right into his hand as he pulls it all the way up, giving you a slight friendly chuckle, and blowing you a kiss right above the lining of your briefs, gaining him an immediate gasp from you. You're truly mesmerized by him.
He continues dressing himself, and as you calm down, you rush into his arms, facing his chest. He caresses and pets your face and head with one arm, for him to go onto groping your ass, and going down to your thighs. His hand lifts your skirt away from time to time, letting colder air in. After he finishes clothing up, he swings you to his other side and pushes you right to the desk.
“I need more of you. I need to feel you in more ways.” – he tells you with a shaky voice.
You almost even stumble, and with an utterly scared look on your face, you glance at him. Without precaution, he pushes you down onto the floor. You look down onto your legs. Your knees are together and your feet are far apart, completely side-tracking you. You even put your hands on your knees in a cute way, but as you lift your head, his cock gets into view, poking through his pants fly, which takes you aback.
Your first and immediate reaction is to press your lips all around him, kissing and licking his shaft as it pumps against your mouth. After growing tired and wanting more, he puts his thumb in your mouth, and with a few fingers latching onto your chin, he pushes downwards on your jaw. With closed eyes, you stick out your tongue, waiting for him to enter. He lets go off of his fingers from your face, following up with exactly what you expected. It feels way bigger than what you anticipated, leaving your mouth sore in the first minute, already. He’s being frantic with you, mouth fucking you without relent. You’re huffing for air as you whimper, but you aren’t getting any. You start to sob as he goes deeper down your throat. As you move your tongue in a swing like motion, from side to side, you circle the bottom of his shaft as he shoves himself in an out. You soak his cock with your saliva, blending with his precum. No matter how much of it you gulp down, It’s flowing out your mouth.
Resting his elbows and head above you on the desk, he looks down at the top of your head, as you suck him off. From the table, as he rocks you around, all kinds of documents fly off. Not that he cares, really.
Without even telling, he comes into your mouth, throbbing against your lips. You stomach it all as you look up to him, initiating eye contact, and smiling. After spewing out his cock, you grab it by the base and gently rub it off with a napkin. He pulls his zipper up, and kneels down. He parts your hair slightly and greets your forehead with a last smooch.
Looking back at you for the final time, he waves at you, winks in a mocking, yet sweet way and leaves though the door. You can only wish to meet soon in a similar fashion.
VI. Reflection
You’re at a loss of thoughts. He’s been so careful, yet so careless with you at the same time, and that’s just messing with your brain right now, so you lean your head against the desk, you close your eyes and give into the bliss once again.
Even after he left, you’re sitting in the dark, in the same position he left you in, with his tie still around your neck. You feel embarrassed, but you can’t help yourself as you take in the scent of his tie, pleasuring yourself through your clothes, while thinking about him. He has a hold on you, and you know that well.
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girls-alias · 9 months
Tease - Robert Chase
Title: Tease - Robert Chase
Words: 1,567
Relations: Robert chase X Reader
TW: Sexual hinting. Sexualising hands. Sub reader.
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I pushed the office door open with my butt, careful not to spill the coffees I had just collected. I spun around as I stepped into the office, My eyes instantly landing on Chase as he approached the door. I looked up at him startled by his presence. From his body language, it was clear he was going to open the door for me, I blushed slightly, knowing he had a clear view of my ass pushing the glass door open. I gulped, admiring his freshly trimmed hair, subtle green eyes and furrowed brows. I could read from his expression he was confused and had a hint of another emotion. In others, I would say it was an attraction but the sexy, blonde, handsome, angelic, Australian, smart, did I mention sexy, doctor... wouldn't think that of me. I'm me. Just average me.
I smiled innocently at Chase as he continued to stare at me. His expression showed less of his confusion and more of the other emotion I couldn't place but (somewhere deep inside, I knew it was attraction) (Or maybe wishful thinking) he displayed this emotion more until the confusion had fizzled from his expression.
"Are you going to stand there all day or give me my coffee," House barked grumpily. I shook myself out of it and walked around Chase to reach the table. I placed the drinks down, serving them out to each of the team to make sure everyone had the right drink. I walked around the table, placing Chase's drink in front of him before occupying the seat beside him. He smiled at me, I swooned a little but smiled back. An attempt to play it cool when he makes my spine jelly without trying.
House began the differential by writing on the board the patient's symptoms. I placed my drink on the table as I picked up the file, sitting back to read it. I added comments briefly to dismiss someone's idea if the current test results didn't align with their diagnosis. Finally, I looked up to gather who House's snarky comment was aimed at. Not me, good. As Chase was leaning forward, his elbows on the table, his hands in front of his face, playing with them slightly. I, of course, was now only able to focus on them.
I gulped, my mouth seeming wrong. My breath quickening. The butterflies in my stomach twirling. I crossed my legs, my wetness growing as I watched my crush's hands, the way they moved, the things I had dreams about them doing. I couldn't peel my eyes away even when he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and then smirked when he looked away. His hands didn't stop moving and if anything, they seemed to do more, slow and precise movements. There could be an earthquake in the room and I still wouldn't be able to look away. He has hypnotised me. I watched almost breathlessly as he sat back in the seat and his hand slowly travelled to his thigh. Oh, God his thighs! I took a deep breath, gulping as I watched his hands.
His hands gripped his thigh tightly, and a soft whimper left my lips subconsciously. I tighten my lips into a thin line, the rest of the world coming into focus as I looked around, recognising that everyone had heard me and was confused. I almost lost all of my ability to function as Chase turned to smirk at me. He did it on purpose, he was messing with me. I was annoyed for half a second it took till I realised that he caught me checking him out, sexualising him and he not only knew but teased me. My eyes widened, avoiding Chase's gaze. My brain instantly went into hyperdrive to dismiss this realisation with the most likely factor being that he didn't know and was simply smirking to not laugh at your whimper.
"You must really want to run the labs," Foreman commented sarcastically. I almost applauded Foreman and shook his hand for giving me an easy excuse.
"Yeah, I just don't want to deal with parents right now," I chuckled, realising quickly I was unsure of the files I had read only minutes ago. They all looked a little more confused.
"Our patient is a 32-year-old, male," Cameron clarified but confusion clear in her tone.
"His parents brought him in, it's in his file," I lied. I don't know who brought him in, they could tell me he flew in on a UFO I would agree, I don't know what happened during the differential when Chase's hands were more appealing than the conversation. Foreman looked confused but understood as Cameron flicked through the file. I smiled, my poker face clearing me of questions.
"Foreman and Cameron, you're with the patient," House instructed and everyone stood. Oh, okay we're done. I stood from my seat, and collected my things, realising quickly I would be alone in the lab with Chase. My eyes widened as I grabbed my drink and headed out of the office, Chase held the door open for me, his smirk still gracing his lips. I nodded softly to be polite and began approaching the lab. I gulped as Chase walked beside me.
"I didn't know you whimpered," He teased, his smirk still present. I blushed but rolled my eyes forcing a convincing chuckle.
"I just really want lab work today," I shrugged trying to play it off. A part of me believes the delusion of him possibly not noticing me sexualising his hands. He smirked rushing to stop in front of me looking a little confused but smug.
"I can think of five reasons that's a lie," He smirked, raising his left hand for effect and flaunting the knowledge that he knew what he was doing. My expression faltered at the shocking revelation and realisation he truly was teasing me with his hands, and did for a fact know I was affected. He grinned, turning back to continue his way to the lab. I took a second to compose myself before following. I stopped just before the lab entrance to prepare myself before I was in a room alone with Chase for presumably hours.
I walked in to see Chase already using the computer to get started. He smiled as I walked in, not looking up from the screen. I cleared my throat before taking a seat at the opposite station. I got to work on running labs, reading the file closely to figure out what labs we needed, and Chase offering tests I should take while he did others, basically letting me know what to do. I'm glad one of us was paying attention.
We were working somewhat quietly as we focused on the tests. I was just looking through the microscope when he spoke abruptly.
"Have you always been attracted to hands or just mine?" He asked, I was so startled by his question. I felt called out, seen. I staggered over my thoughts slightly.
"What?" I asked finally, the only thing I could manage to say. Though my tone should have been confused it was more panicked. I looked up at him, watching as he smirked. I gulped, watching as he slowly walked around the station, edging closer to me, my crossed legs subconsciously squeezing tighter.
"What is it about my hands that flusters you?" He asked rhetorically. His tone was mischievous and menacing. His smirk returned. I watched with shallow breaths as his hand trailed along the marble tops. I gulp again to try and maintain some control of my body. My breath quickened the closer he got to me. My breath fluttered as he stood right in front of me. "Is it that they're attached to me or that you can imagine what I'd like to do with them?" He asked, his hand coming under my chin to raise it so I was looking up at him. I breathed in as he raised my chin but suddenly my breathing stopped as I made eye contact with him. My mind cleared. My only thought was that he was going to kiss me. Please, kiss me.
I watched as his eyes trailed to my lips before he smiled. His eyes were deep and dark, full of want. I gulped. "I'm taking you to dinner," He instructed, not a question but an explanation. I watched intently as he searched my expression, it was clear, he could read nothing. He seemed to wait for my response. I nodded softly, his fingers still present under my chin. He smiled with half his mouth. "Good," He added, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. I waited, his eyes once again travelling to his lips as he held my gaze on him. "Your results are in," He commented. My eyebrows furrowed before the timer went off. I jumped at the sudden beeping. Chase chuckled as he walked away to his station. I sighed slightly, hitting the timer off and composing myself. "We'll go straight from work, that shirt needs to be shown off," He added, watching me between the stations. I smiled nervously as I slowly processed the fact I wasn't imagining it like usual.
I looked at the results to distract myself. I groaned as I showed Chase the results. Positive. We quickly headed to the others to inform them.
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housetzuyu · 2 months
*in the verge of tears* guys does anyone have a fic rec where house and wilson are parenting the ducklings? i fear i might die today if i don't read one of these fr this is really serious and really important to me i need hilson as the og team parents drop the links rn
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gigireece16 · 1 month
i think as i get older, i feel myself becoming more like gregory house.
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dragonagitator · 7 months
House MD fans: You wake up in the PPTH ER in summer 2004. What you doing?
Scenario parameters:
All your memories of the show and the past 20 years are intact.
You are stuck there/then and cannot return to our universe/year.
You have nothing but the hospital gown on your back.
So, what do you do?
How much would you tell House?
How would you get him to believe you?
Who else would you tell?
How much would you tell them?
The author self-insert isekai fanfic "Intervention" by VivatRex (aka @acrownforaking). They've been writing it for the past 11+ years and are still updating. It's already nearly 300k words long despite only being up to the events of S02E15. I AM IN AWE.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about this scenario ever since I read that fanfic a month ago. I'd love to discuss it with other House MD fans and hear what you would do.
(Apologies to the mutuals for the abrupt blog topic change. A new brainrot has taken hold.)
My short answer:
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My long answers are below the cut.
So, what do you do?
My primary objective would be to enlist House in averting the pandemic.
My reasoning: If anyone can nip it in the bud before it gets out of Wuhan, I figure that a world-renowned genius doctor who is an infectious diseases specialist, speaks Mandarin, and now has a 15-year head start would have the best chance.
Difficulty level: Babysitting a narcissistic manchild with the self-preservation instincts of a toddler until the year 2020 so that he makes it there then alive, out of prison, and with his sanity, medical license, and professional reputation intact. To quote Quantum Leap, "Ohhhhhh boooooooy."
Strategy: I'm in the "I could fix him, but whatever's wrong with him is way funnier" camp, so I wouldn't try to change him (that always backfires anyway). Instead, I'd try to change his circumstances:
A stable romantic relationship would help, so I'd seduce him if I can (I'm not his type but a gal's gotta shoot her shot), try to get him together with Dominika earlier if I can't, and tell him how horribly his relationship with Cuddy ended so he knows better than to even start it.
Avert the shooting. Moriaty was a patient so his info is in the PPTH files. I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS. Or for a less murdery approach, try to get him arrested in April 2006 for violating New Jersey's strict gun laws.
Warn House about Tritter so he can switch patients with another clinic doctor.
Warn House to never get on a bus with Amber.
Tell Kutner I'm from the future and he's the only one who can prevent something horrible from happening (he's a Trekkie so he'll want to believe), then unfurl my big timeline poster and point at the "Kutner suicide early 2009" stickynote and ask him "so what's up with that, dude?"
Tell Wilson everything I can remember about his cancer -- he's an oncologist and thus can work backwards from there to figure out when to start checking for it so he can cut the tumor out while it's still just a tiny baby.
I would take a harm reduction approach to House's drug use, e.g., suggest that he try microdosing psilocybin and extend his liver's lifespan by substituting cannabis for some of his Vicodin and alcohol consumption.
Methods: Even though he doesn't have one for most of the show, House mentions a few times that he's entitled to hire an assistant, and I happen to be excellent at administrative work.
I think he'd be willing to hire me because working as his executive assistant / department secretary would position me to recognize patients as they come in so that I can discreetly pass along anything I remember, e.g., the kindergarten teacher has pork worms in her brain, ask the scientist in Antarctica to show you her feet, etc.
Meanwhile, I could lurk around the hospital preventing miscellaneous shit, e.g., get the gift shop volunteer from S01E04 to go home sick, ensure that the gunman from S05E09 is promptly admitted, diagnosed, and treated before he snaps and takes hostages, etc.
Possible sidequests:
Use my foreknowlege to get rich by milking online poker bonuses until the passage of the UIGEA in 2006, use my poker money to start flipping houses until 2007, get in on the "Big Short" in 2008, and set a Google Alert for "Bitcoin" so I can start mining/buying it from day one. Unfortunately, I haven't paid enough attention to individual stocks to play the market other than knowing that Amazon would be a good long-term buy & hold.
Use my riches to change the outcome of the 2016 election and try to steer the development of the internet and society in general in a slightly less stupid direction.
Send Pete Carroll a letter postdated just before the 2013 Superbowl telling him the outcome, then suggest for the final play of the 2014 Superbowl that the Seahawks try handing the ball off to Marshawn Lynch instead of throwing it because that throw will be intercepted. PRIORITIES.
How much would you tell House? How would you get him to believe you?
Your story about being from the future of an alternate universe in which House and everyone he knows are characters on a fictional TV show is already too batshit crazy to believe even without his kneejerk "everybody lies" skepticism. How would you differentiate yourself from all the patients who pull crazy stunts to try to get him to take their case?
My answer: For the "from the future" part, I'm hoping there's some sort of test that House could run to confirm that I was indeed vaccinated with a mRNA vaccine against the COVID-19/SARS-COV-2 virus. Given that neither of those things existed in 2004, that would be physical evidence that I'm not from around here now.
If producing physical evidence isn't possible, then I know that Vegetative State Guy from S03E15 is already a patient at PPTH because he'd been there for 10 years, so I'd find him and tell House about his son. I could also tell House enough about the cases from the first few episodes that I'm pretty sure he'd believe me by Christmas. I want in on Chinese food with Wilson.
I would wait until House accepted the "from the future" part before broaching the "fictional TV show" issue. Until then, "I watched a TV show about your life and cases" is a 100% true statement and it's not my fault if he assumes that show was a documentary. :)
Once he believed me, I'd tell him everything.
Who else would you tell? How much would you tell them?
There are people out there who would literally kill for your knowledge of the future, so going public or being too open about it seems highly risky.
My answer: I'd tell House, Wilson, and Chase right away. Kutner but not before Jan 2009. Maybe eventually Cuddy and the rest of the Diagnostics team if keeping my foreknowledge of the future from them proves too difficult.
House is the only one who gets to know everything. Everyone else is on a "need to know" basis.
I might also bring Bill Arnello (the brother/lawyer of the mob informant in S01E15 "Mob Rules") into the circle of trust because he could be a very useful resource for some of my sidequests, e.g., changing the outcome of the 2016 election far far far in advance and in the most direct way possible. (Hi, Secret Service! This is a purely hypothetical discussion about time travel and not at all indicative of any real criminal intent, pls do not pay me a visit, kthxbai.)
I think the only people I would tell the "fictional TV show" part to would be House, Wilson, and Chase, because there are things I need to warn them about that definitely wouldn't have been in a documentary. Like Chase needs to know that killing Diballa is 100% the right thing to do but he seriously needs to work on his OpSec. Everyone else gets the implied documentary lie of omission.
If I get caught knowing too much by random patients, I'll just claim to be psychic. Way more people believe in that than would believe in time travel.
What would you do?
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housethemd · 11 months
Behind Closed Doors
When Chase happened to mention he had to be out of his apartment for 24 hours due to windows being replaced, Wilson invites him to stay with himself and House. Chase gets to see a side of his boss few do.
Established married House/Wilson.
(This is the fic that got the most votes when I did a poll on which of my WIP people were most interested in.)
Chase stood awkwardly outside the door of 221B, trying to convince himself to knock. It wasn’t too late to turn around, get a hotel room. Wilson had offered, nay, insisted that he stay with him and House for the night however.
Wilson was a nice guy. Far to nice to be married to House in Chase’s opinion, but the two seemed to make each other happy so he supposed he couldn’t judge. He doesn’t know what he’s so nervous of, he’s been at 221B before. He knows there’s no sex dungeon or large aggressive dog waiting on the other side. Maybe it’s that it’s his boss, that it’s House.
He closes his eyes, bites the bullet, and knocks. It takes long enough for someone to answer that Chase begins to wonder if this wasn’t some elaborate prank. While House is usually the one staging such things, it wouldn’t be unusual for Wilson to get involved. He’s about to turn around and leave when he hears the door unlock and it opens to reveal House himself standing on the other side.
“Um. Hi.” Chase says. He’d been hoping Wilson would answer the door.
“Wombat.” House replies.
House is dressed in one of his band t-shirts and a pair of loose fitting basketball shorts. His feet are bare and he’s leaning on the wall, his cane nowhere to be seen. They stand eye to eye for a few moments, neither speaking or moving, when a voice calls out from inside the apartment.
“Don’t just stand there, invite him in!” It’s Wilson’s voice, and it holds a tone of fond exasperation.
House doesn’t say anything, but turns around and limps into the apartment. Chase glances around, but ultimately follows him in. Given House’s lack shoes he opts to remove his own. He’s more comfortable that way anyway. He’s never understood why Americans wear their shoes at home.
House is sitting on the couch, and there is an American football game playing on the TV. The windows are open, letting in the slightly cool September breeze. He can smell something delicious coming from the kitchen where Wilson stands at the stove.
“You made it!” Wilson says when he sees Chase.
“Yeah, found the place alright.” Chase jokes.
He stands awkwardly for a moment, not sure where he’s supposed to be going or what he’s supposed to be doing. Should he be offering to help in the kitchen? He’s a little nervous to just sit down next to House. At work they’re comfortable around each other, hell the could go for a drink and it probably wouldn’t be awkward, but something about being in House’s domain makes him nervous.
“Sit down, make yourself comfortable. I’ll bring you a beer in a second.” Wilson tells him.
He does as he told, and sit on the opposite end of the couch to House, who doesn’t acknowledge him.
“You want another beer, Greg?” Wilson sticks his head out of the kitchen.
“Yeah.” House replies.
It’s strange hearing House called “Greg.” He shouldn’t be shocked, they are a married couple for God’s sake. Still, House is one of those people who seems like he only has one name - House.
Wilson comes out with two beers in hand. He’s dressed in grey sweatpants and what looks like one of House’s t-shirts. It strikes him as odd but he reminds himself again that they are married. Wilson hands the beers over the back of the couch. Chase makes a point to say thank you but House just sort of grunts, eyes never straying from the TV.
After a while Wilson appears again with two plates full of what looks like homemade Pad Thai. After placing them in front of the two of them he leaves and returns with his own plate, sitting down between them.
The food is delicious. They all dig in with reckless abandon and take turns making comments on the game. House makes scathing deductions about the players personal lives and Chase has no idea if he is serious or is just saying ridiculous and offensive things to make Wilson laugh.
“Stop stealing my chicken.” Wilson says without taking his eyes off the game.
House had been using his chopsticks to steal bits of chicken off the edge of Wilson’s plate.
“You barely gave me any.” House whined.
“I gave you plenty.” Wilson replied as if reasoning with a small child.
“Fine. But it tastes better when it’s yours.” House’s voice held a tone of flirtation which Chase took as his cue to go grab a beer from the fridge.
He felt lucky that Wilson didn’t seem to escalate the situation in an amorous direction, though when he was returning from the kitchen he did catch Wilson feeding House a piece of chicken from his own plate.
House and Wilson finished their food before he did, and they both took their plates out to the kitchen. Chase paid them no mind, until he heard House’s voice speaking in a low register.
“Dinner was extremely acceptable.” He said as he leaned on the kitchen island.
“Oh my, that’s almost a compliment.” Wilson replied, placing both hands on either side of House’s hips on the island, leaning into his space.
It was like watching a car crash, Chase thought as Wilson pressed a deep kiss to House’s mouth. He didn’t want to be watching his boss and his husband make out, yet he couldn’t quite look away. It was so odd, seeing them in this domestic light. While everyone at work knew they were married, they didn’t really engage in a lot of PDA.
“If you want to thank me for that extremely acceptable dinner, I can think of a way.” Wilson rasped when he pulled away from the kiss.
One of Wilson’s hands moved from it’s place by House’s hip, to grab a handful of his ass.
Chase immediately turned back to the game. That was more than he needed to know about the intimate dynamics of their marriage. He quickly finished his food, and excused himself to the bathroom. When he returned House was on the floor in front of the TV, pulling at something on the stand.
“Wilson!” He exclaimed, far louder than necessary given that Wilson was just in the kitchen.
“Yes, Darling?” Wilson came into the living room, hands on his hips and smirk on his face.
“Where are the cables for the PlayStation?”
Wilson’s eyes lit up, seeming quite pleased with himself. Chase wasn’t sure he wanted to know what was going on.
“It’s your night to do the dishes.” Wilson stated, still in his hands on hips position.
“Are you hard of hearing? I said where are the cords for the PlayStation.” House over emphasized, staring at Wilson with a Jack Nicholson level stare.
“And I’ll tell you where the cords for the PlayStation are, as soon as you’ve done the dishes.” Wilson mocked.
“You really think that will make me do the dishes? I’m a genius, you think I can’t just find the cords?” House argued.
“That’s exactly what I think. You can either spend hours searching for the cords, which you won’t find by the way, and then do the dishes or you can spend ten minutes doing the dishes now, then I’ll give you the cords, and you can be playing GTA before the sun goes down. But it’s up you, genius.”
Wilson looked exactly like the cat that got the canary as House used the coffee table to help push himself up off the floor, grumbling about how rude it was to make cripples do chores.
“I put the stool in front of the sink for you so you don’t have to stand!” Wilson called after him, before starting a ridiculous and frankly awkward looking dance of victory.
Twenty minutes later House limps back into the living room, declaring the dishes complete. Wilson goes as far as to inspect the kitchen, including opening the oven for some reason, before opening the cupboard under the sink and pulling out a blue bucket filled with cleaning supplies. Reaching his hand inside he produces the cords, handing them to House.
“There you go, have fun.” He says with a fond smile.
Chase is truthfully confused. Wilson cooked dinner, had his food stolen by House, at some point he took apart their PlayStation and hid the cords just to bribe House into doing a completely normal household task, and yet he seems completely unbothered. In fact he seems to be enjoying himself.
House, on the other hand, seems slightly less abrasive though he wouldn’t go as far as to call him caring. He doesn’t really know why the incredibly kind Wilson tolerates him as his spouse.
Once House has the PlayStation up and running Wilson brings them each another beer and together the three of them play a few rounds of Mario Kart. They are all competitive and while Chase never manages to beat House, he takes solace in the fact Wilson does.
“Would you guys mind if I went out for a run? I like going to this trail just outside town so I’ll be gone a couple hours.” Chase asks.
“Sure but don’t think you can you use our shower.” House says, getting up from the couch to hobble over to the piano bench.
“He’s joking. Of course you can go for your run and of course you can shower after.” Wilson shoots a look at House, who is staring innocently down at the keys of the instrument.
Chase changes in the bathroom, and when he returns to the living room Wilson curled up on the couch reading a book while House plays a quiet, gentle melody. It’s shockingly domestic and Chase puts on his shoes and slips out the door quietly, not wanting to disturb them.
When Chase returns from his run, Wilson is still sitting on the couch but now he’s watching a black and white film on TV. House is stretched out across the couch, right foot propped up on the arm, left foot tucked under his right knee, and his head in Wilson’s lap. He’s also snoring softly.
“Is he…” Chase trails off as he toes off his running shoes.
“Asleep? Yeah.” Wilson says, not turning from the TV.
Wilson’s fingers are in House’s hair. Just absentmindedly stroking as he watches his movie. They look very sweet, the two of them.
He walks as softly as possible to the kitchen for some water, opening the fridge gently.
“You don’t have to worry about being quiet. He’ll sleep until I wake him up.” Wilson says.
He’s not watching the movie now, he’s staring down at House’s sleeping form with that fond smile on his face again, like House is the most wonderful thing he’s ever seen. Chase can’t imagine what about the misanthropic doctor makes Wilson so happy.
As Chase passes behind the couch, heading for a shower, Wilson stops him.
“Hey, can you pass me the blanket that’s on the floor behind the couch? It’s usually over the back where I can reach it but I didn’t notice it had fallen.” He explains.
Chase grabs the blanket. It’s brown and fuzzy, very soft. He wonders how Wilson plans on getting himself under the blanket without suffocating House when Wilson tosses the blanket down the couch to cover House’s body. He isn’t totally successful though, the blanket falls at House’s knees, bunched up.
“Would you mind pulling it over him the rest of the way? When it’s on the back of the couch I can pull it down to cover him but my throwing skills need work.” Wilson says.
Chase does as he’s asked. The blanket is quite large and covers house from shoulders to feet quite easily. It occurs to him that what Wilson said implies this happens a lot - House snoozing on the couch using Wilson as a pillow.
“Thanks, he gets cold when he’s sleeping.”
“Does he usually fall asleep at 9pm?” Chase finds himself asking. Wilson chuckles.
“Sometimes. People tend to write it off, because of his other eccentricities, but he does have chronic pain. It can be pretty tiring.”
Chase momentarily feels bad. While House’s frequent Vicodin popping reminds them that House does experience pain, they tend to forget that the pills don’t make him pain free, they just keep him standing. Chase heads for the shower with this in mind.
When he’s towelling off he can hear Wilson in the other room talking to House.
“Greg, wake up.”
There is some unintelligible grumbling from House.
“I know Baby, come on. Chase is going to be out of the bathroom soon so you’ve got to get up.” Wilson’s voice is terribly gentle.
Chase runs the towel through his hair, and hears more caterwauling from House.
“You can bring the blanket with you, and I’ll still cuddle with you in the bedroom.”
Chase lets out a small laugh at that. He never would have pegged House as the cuddly type.
“My cane - it’s in the kitchen.”
The first actual words he’s heard from House. Chase is fully dressed and could walk out at any time, but he finds he doesn’t want too. He’s learned a little about them as a couple from watching them at home, but he’s curious about their interactions when he isn’t in the room.
“Just lean on me Baby.”
And Chase can’t imagine House willingly leaning on anyone to help him walk, yet the next sound he hears is the uneven gait of the two of them.
“Leg’s sore.” House says, their voices growing closer.
“You’ve just been laying down on the couch for nearly two hours, I’m not surprised. You’ve got some pills in the bedroom, we’ll get you your bedtime dose and it’ll feel a little better. I can massage it too.”
“Hmm, love you Jimmy.”
“I love you too, Greg.”
Chase is well and truly shocked. House leaning on Wilson to walk, admitting his leg is bothering him, saying ‘I love you’, it’s all so un-House like.
When he hears the door to the bedroom close, he finally leaves the bathroom to get the couch ready. The light above the stove has been left on, and he isn’t sure if it’s for his benefit or if they always leave it on.
As he arranges the bedding to his liking, and when he’s settled down he mulls over his experience with House and Wilson over the course of the evening.
He is reminded of a cat that used to live around the dumpsters near his school when he was young. It had been white at one time but it appeared more brown from the dirt the caked in it’s fur. It was a vicious thing, anytime you got anywhere neat it, it would hiss and arch it’s back. His friends liked to laugh at it, but one day after school he went back with some food for it. He felt sort of bad for the thing.
It became somewhat of a ritual and slowly the cat stopped hissing at him when he would bring the food, until one day he was able to touch it. Eventually it would roll over on it’s back and purr when he came to see it, but only if it was just him.
He tried to bring his friend to see the cat once, but despite him having food and it being only the two of them, the cat hissed and arched its back before disappearing behind the dumpster. His friend had laughed and claimed he knew that cat couldn’t like anyone. He went back after supper that night and sure enough the cat greeted him happily.
He remembers how special it made him feel, to know that cat was friendly only to him. Even if no one else would ever know, he did.
And he supposes that’s how Wilson feels about House.
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0nyancat0 · 21 days
About to get jumped by the house md fandom but……
I do not find Lisa Cuddy attractive, at all😣
Plus the actor who plays her is an IDF sympathizer so idc
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alilixx · 22 days
Henyoo!! :3 Can I please request a House M.D. married polyamorous Hudson (House x Cuddy x Wilson) AU and them having two daughters together? Maybe half domestic fluff at home and half ridiculous shenanigans at the hospital with House's DDX team finding out about all of this by slowly piecing together clues? Much appreciation if you do this one, thanks in advance! XD <3
Ahah i love the idea! First time i didn't write about a character x Reader but why not (i love them sm too dw).
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The throuple was pure chaos, at least on the inside, but from the outside, no one would have guessed, except for House and those close to him, like his team. Of course, it took some time for it to become obvious. Cameron was the first to notice the small detail that seemed insignificant: how often Wilson and Cuddy were eating together.
For Wilson, this didn't seem unusual. He was used to eating with his patients, with House, with everyone, really. But Cuddy? Cuddy was the type to eat alone, stuck in her office between meetings or while catching up on paperwork. Seeing her in the cafeteria, and not just to scold House, but actually having lunch with Wilson, was the first clue that Cameron picked up on.
At first, she didn’t pay much attention, thinking it was perhaps just a coincidence. But as days went by, the lunches became more frequent. Cameron then began to observe, mentally noting these moments that were multiplying: a shared coffee break here, a knowing smile there, conversations that seemed longer and more animated than usual. She talked to Chase and Foreman about it, who initially shrugged, skeptical. "You're imagining things," Chase would say. "Wilson is sociable; Cuddy and he are probably just talking about the hospital and the stress House causes them."
But for Cameron, there was more to it. She knew Cuddy and Wilson well enough to know that it wasn’t just about work. And then there was House, who, while always hiding his true feelings behind a cynical facade, seemed a bit more irritable every time Cuddy and Wilson were together. The looks he gave when he caught them laughing, whispering secrets, all of this only strengthened Cameron's suspicions.
Of course, the young woman tried to bring it up with the team again. After observing Wilson, Cuddy, and House for several weeks, Cameron could no longer ignore the signs. The muffled laughter, the knowing glances, and those meetings in the cafeteria that seemed to last a bit longer than they should. Something was off, and she couldn’t keep it to herself any longer. One morning, while the team was gathered in the diagnostic room, she decided to bring up the subject.
"Have you noticed anything strange with House, Wilson, and Cuddy lately?" she asked, breaking the silence as Foreman and Chase were reviewing the latest results of a patient.
Chase looked up, intrigued. "You mean apart from the fact that they all act weird most of the time?"
Foreman, always pragmatic, frowned. "I see where you're going with this, Cameron. They do seem closer. But that doesn’t mean anything. They've always been close friends."
Cameron shook her head. "No, it’s different this time. I’ve seen them together several times, and it wasn’t just work conversations. There’s something more. And House... he seems strangely calm when the three of them are together. As if he knows something we don’t."
This revelation caught Chase's attention. "What are you suggesting? That we start our own little investigation on our colleagues?" Cameron shrugged. "I just want to understand what’s going on. And I’m sure you’ve noticed things too."
At first, Foreman and Chase remained skeptical, but little by little, they started paying more attention to the interactions between House, Wilson, and Cuddy. What seemed like simple coincidences became harder to ignore: exchanged smiles, moments of silence that seemed to say a lot, and the way they synchronized without even speaking. As the weeks went by, the mystery deepened.
Eventually, the team couldn’t resist the temptation to conduct their own investigations. They began asking subtle questions, closely monitoring their habits, and exchanging theories. All this was done without the trio realizing they were the subject of an unofficial investigation.
But of course, nothing really escaped House. He quickly started to notice that his team was particularly curious about him, and he mentioned it to Wilson and Cuddy. One evening, the three of them met in Cuddy’s office, laughing about the situation.
"You really let them think they could figure us out?" Wilson asked, laughing. House smiled, amused. "Why not? It keeps them busy. And besides, it’s quite entertaining to watch them try to play detectives."
Cuddy shook her head, a smile on her lips. "They won’t give up until they know the truth. You know that, House." House shrugged. "Maybe. But it’s not like they could ever understand what we have, anyway."
Months passed, and as the team continued searching for clues, the throuple increasingly enjoyed their attempts. The tension of keeping their relationship secret became less and less burdensome because they knew that as long as they were together, they could overcome anything.
One day, news changed everything. Cuddy announced to Wilson and House that she had decided to adopt a little girl, Rachel. It was a decision she had thought about for a long time, and she knew it would change their dynamic, but she felt ready.
Wilson smiled when he heard the news. "Rachel, huh? That's a beautiful name." House, surprisingly, seemed moved. "You know this is going to make everything even more complicated, right?"
Cuddy nodded. "I know. But I think it’s the right thing to do. And I want both of you to be there, for her and for me." Wilson took Cuddy's hand in his, and House joined them, placing his hand on theirs.
In the days following Rachel's arrival in Cuddy's life, the throuple, of course, was different now. At first, they had to adapt to this new presence, this little girl who demanded all the attention and time Cuddy could give her. House and Wilson, although not really knowing how to handle a baby, did their best to support Cuddy in her new life as a mother.
One sunny Saturday afternoon, Cuddy suggested taking Rachel to the park. She thought it would be a good opportunity for all of them to relax a bit. House, who wasn’t particularly thrilled about the idea of spending time in a crowded park, grumbled a bit but eventually gave in to Cuddy’s persistent request.
When they arrived at the park, Wilson quickly spread out a blanket on the grass while Cuddy placed Rachel on the ground, surrounded by a few colorful toys. House sat down next to them, his sunglasses hiding part of his face, observing the scene with a feigned look of indifference.
Rachel, curious about her new surroundings, started crawling on the blanket, grabbing one of her toys and chewing on it happily. Wilson smiled, amused by the little girl’s boundless energy.
"She seems to be having a good time," Wilson said, turning to Cuddy, who was watching Rachel with obvious tenderness.
"Yes," she replied, her eyes shining with pride. "I think she likes being outside. She’s so curious about everything."
House, who had been silently observing the scene, suddenly leaned forward and grabbed one of Rachel's toys. He held it up in front of her, shaking it slightly to catch her attention. Rachel, intrigued, reached out for the toy, bursting into laughter when House lifted it out of her reach.
Wilson laughed. "You know, you could at least try to be nice." House shrugged, a sly smile on his face. "I’m just teaching her a life lesson: you can’t always get what you want."Cuddy rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. "Yes, but maybe we could be a bit gentler with her, don’t you think?"
House looked at Rachel, who was staring at him with innocent curiosity, and he felt something inside him relax a little. He lowered the toy and handed it to Rachel, who grabbed it joyfully, letting out a little cry of victory. "I guess I can make an exception," he murmured, more to himself than to anyone else.
Of course, there were plenty of little cute moments like that. Especially with Rachel, people who didn’t know them might think House wasn’t affectionate, given the love Wilson and Cuddy showed Rachel, but it was the opposite.
She and Wilson crossed paths in the hallway, clearly exhausted. "What are we going to do about Rachel?" Cuddy asked, worried. "I can’t leave the hospital right now, and she can’t be left alone any longer."
Wilson quickly thought through possible solutions. "I could call someone, maybe a friend, but it will take time..."
House, who happened to be passing by, caught their conversation. "Looking for someone to babysit the little terror?" he asked with his usual sarcastic tone, but there was a hint of something else in his voice, something softer.
Cuddy and Wilson exchanged a glance. They knew House wasn’t exactly the first choice for looking after a baby, but they were out of options.
"House, would you be willing to take care of Rachel tonight?" Cuddy asked, her voice tinged with both hope and doubt. House rolled his eyes but sighed. "Yeah, why not. I don’t have anything better to do anyway."
So House found himself driving to Cuddy’s house. He couldn’t help but smile, imagining what his team would think if they saw him in this situation. Upon arriving, he entered cautiously, not wanting to wake Rachel if she was already asleep.
Rachel was awake, sitting in her playpen with her toys, and as soon as she saw House, she let out a little cry of joy. House couldn’t help but smile despite himself. "Well, looks like you’re stuck with me tonight, kiddo."
He sat down next to her and watched her play for a while. Rachel, with her usual energy, began reaching out toys towards him, babbling happily. House, unfamiliar with this kind of play, clumsily tried to participate, shaking the toys as he had seen Cuddy and Wilson do.
Minutes turned into hours, and soon, Rachel began showing signs of tiredness. House gently picked her up, rocking her as he had seen Cuddy do. Against all odds, Rachel quickly calmed down, resting her head on his shoulder, her eyes slowly closing.
House found himself on the couch, lying down with Rachel cuddled against him. He was surprised to find himself enjoying this unexpected moment of calm, the comforting warmth of the little girl against him. Before long, the fatigue from his day overcame him, and he fell asleep, Rachel peacefully asleep in his arms.
Wilson and Cuddy arrived a few hours later, exhausted from their long day at the hospital. Entering quietly into the house, Cuddy signaled Wilson to be quieter so as not to wake Rachel. They walked down the hallway to the living room, expecting to find House probably slumped on the couch, feet on the coffee table.
What they saw stopped them in their tracks. There, on the couch, House was lying down, Rachel nestled against his chest, her little arms around him. Both were sleeping deeply, their breaths synchronized in a soothing rhythm.
Cuddy put a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide with surprise. "I never would have thought I’d see this," she murmured, a tender smile forming on her lips.
Wilson also smiled, warmth filling his heart as he saw the scene in front of them. "Who would have thought House could be so... gentle?" he whispered, approaching the couch carefully.
Cuddy came closer too, trying not to make any noise. She crouched down softly next to the couch, watching Rachel, peaceful in House's arms. It was an unexpected but beautiful image, and she felt her heart swell with tenderness.
"Should we wake them?" Wilson asked in a low voice, hesitating to break this peaceful moment. Cuddy shook her head, the smile still on her face. "No, let's leave them. They both look comfortable. And besides, it's nice to see House like this."
They stayed there for a moment, just watching, soaking in the unexpected tenderness of the scene. Finally, Cuddy gently draped a blanket over them, covering Rachel and House, before standing up. "I'll prepare something to eat. We can wake them up gently afterward."
Wilson nodded, following Cuddy into the kitchen, casting one last fond glance at House and Rachel. That evening, they had seen another side of House, a softer side.
It was rare for House to be so adorable, to be honest, but don't think it was everywhere; it was only in private. When Rachel came to the hospital, House tried to act normal, but Cameron could see a bit more gentleness, Foreman was sure it was because of some paternal instinct, and Chase didn’t care; he wanted to have that too, so he avoided being there.
Over the months, the relationship between House, Wilson, and Cuddy deepened and became more refined, each day bringing new moments of closeness and affection. Wilson and Cuddy loved this side of House, but who would have thought it? Certainly not them!
One morning, Cuddy woke up before the two men, a rare moment of calm and peace. House and Wilson were still asleep, each on their side of the bed, the soft morning light reflecting on their relaxed faces. Cuddy smiled, appreciating the sight.
She leaned over to Wilson first, placing a light kiss on his lips. He murmured something in his sleep, a smile spreading across his face. Then, she turned to House, kissing him on the cheek, near his stubble.
House opened one eye, grumbling slightly but smiling nonetheless. "Handing out morning kisses again?" Cuddy laughed softly. "There's never a bad time for a kiss."
Wilson woke up as well, opening his eyes to see Cuddy and House talking quietly. "Did I miss something?" he asked, stretching his arms over his head.
"Just Cuddy waking us up gently," House replied with a smile.
Wilson smiled, moving closer to give a kiss to Cuddy and House, a gesture of tenderness and affection that never failed to warm their hearts. "It's the best way to start the day."
As they enjoyed this quiet morning, a thought crossed Wilson's mind, and he felt it was the right moment to share what was on his heart.
Wilson sat up slightly in the bed, his expression becoming a bit more serious. "Cuddy, House, I need to talk to you about something important."
Cuddy also sat up, placing a gentle hand on his arm. "What's going on, Wilson? You seem worried." House, still lying down but now fully awake, raised an eyebrow, ready to listen to what Wilson had to say.
Wilson took a deep breath before continuing. "I got a call from the psychiatric hospital last night. My brother, Danny, is still there, and his situation isn’t really improving. He won't be able to take care of his son, Max, and he has no one else. I think... I think I should adopt him."
A silence filled the room, each of them absorbing the news. Cuddy nodded gently, understanding the weight of the decision Wilson was considering. "Wilson, that's a big decision. Are you sure you want to do this?"
Wilson sighed and nodded. "Yes, I'm sure. Max needs someone, and I can't let my nephew end up in the foster system. I want to be there for him, to give him a family."
House looked at Wilson with a mixture of admiration and challenge. "That's a big step, Wilson. Adopting a child, especially under these circumstances... It's going to change your life. Our life."
Wilson knew that this decision would affect not only him but also their dynamic as a throuple. He was ready to take on this responsibility, but he wanted to make sure that Cuddy and House were also comfortable with the idea. "I understand this will have an impact on all of us. I just want you to know that I'm not expecting anything from you. I just want to be there for Max."
Cuddy squeezed Wilson's hand a little tighter, a reassuring smile on her face. "Wilson, you are one of the most compassionate and generous people I know. If you want to adopt Max, we will be here to support you. To support him."
House rolled his eyes, but there was a barely perceptible smile at the corner of his lips. "Yeah, yeah. We'll just have to learn to get used to having more people in this house. Let's hope the kid isn't as insufferable as you."
Wilson chuckled softly, touched by his partners' support. "Thank you, both of you. It means a lot to me. I know it will be an adjustment, but I truly believe it's the right thing to do."
House leaned over to Wilson, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Then let's do it. And if this kid has even a tenth of your kindness, it will be worth it."
Cuddy kissed Wilson in turn, then rested her head on his shoulder. "We’ll be a family for Max, just like we’ve made our own. He’ll have a lot of love here, that’s for sure."
In that moment, wrapped in a warm embrace, Wilson felt that despite the challenges ahead, they were ready to welcome Max into their lives.
The first Christmas the new family spent together was a particularly magical moment, filled with warmth, laughter, and both new and old traditions. Cuddy's house was decorated with string lights, scented candles, and a large holly wreath hanging on the front door. A big Christmas tree stood proudly in the living room, sparkling with golden garlands and ornaments carefully hung by Rachel and Max.
That morning, the house was full of excitement. Rachel woke up first, as usual, and jumped into House and Wilson's bed to wake them up. She was already in her Christmas pajamas, red and green, with a little Santa hat on her head. She bounced on the bed with energy.
"Wake up! It's Christmas!" she shouted joyfully.
Wilson was the first to open his eyes, laughing softly at Rachel's excitement. "Well, it looks like someone is ready to open presents," he said as he sat up.
House, who was not a morning person, grumbled as he turned over, but he smiled when he saw Rachel so happy. "Yeah, yeah, Merry Christmas, little elf," he muttered as he sat up. He couldn’t help but smile at her contagious enthusiasm.
Cuddy, already awake and downstairs, was preparing breakfast. The smell of freshly brewed coffee, pancakes, and bacon filled the air, giving the house an even more festive atmosphere. Max came down the stairs slowly, his eyes still half-closed, but a big smile on his face. He was wearing a Christmas sweater he had insisted on putting on, decorated with a reindeer with a bright red nose.
Cuddy smiled when she saw Max enter the kitchen. "Merry Christmas, Max," she said, kissing him on the cheek. "Did you sleep well?"
Max nodded. "Yes, I had a dream about Santa Claus and his reindeer," he said excitedly. "I wonder if he really came!"
Once everyone was gathered around the Christmas tree, they began to open presents. Rachel, impatient, rushed over to the tree and grabbed the first package with her name on it. She tore it open with enthusiasm, revealing a huge teddy bear. "Thank you, thank you!" she shouted, running to hug Cuddy, Wilson, and House in turn.
Max, more reserved, opened his gifts carefully. He received a high-quality drawing set and a collection of books he had mentioned wanting to read. "Thank you so much," he said with a sincere smile, his eyes shining with gratitude.
House, pretending to be bored, theatrically opened his gift to discover a black cashmere scarf. "Well, at least you have good taste," he joked, but you could see in his eyes that he genuinely appreciated the gift.
Wilson opened his own gift, a classic watch with an inscription engraved on the back: "Forever, together." He looked at Cuddy and House with emotion, thanking them with a simple, "It's perfect."
Cuddy opened the last gift. It was a delicate silver necklace with a star-shaped pendant. "It's beautiful," she said, tears in her eyes. "Thank you, really." She leaned in to kiss House and Wilson, her heart overflowing with love and gratitude.
After opening the presents, they all sat around the dining room table for a sumptuous Christmas meal. The table was beautifully set with festive dishes and red and white candles. A large platter of roasted turkey sat in the center, surrounded by mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables, stuffing, and gravy.
Rachel sat next to House, who helped her cut her turkey into small pieces. "You know, Rachel," House said as he handed her a plate, "turkey isn't so bad when you're surrounded by good people."
Cuddy smiled as she served Max some juice. "I agree, House. This year has been full of surprises, and I am so grateful to have this family."
Max raised his glass of fruit juice. "To family," he said with a smile.
"To family," everyone echoed as they raised their glasses.
While Cuddy, House, Wilson, Rachel, and Max were celebrating Christmas in a warm and festive atmosphere, others at the hospital were starting to piece together the puzzle regarding their colleagues' unusual relationship.
Cameron, Chase, and Foreman had spent the past few months observing subtle but significant changes in the behavior of House, Cuddy, and Wilson. The exchanged glances, the knowing smiles, and the hints at events they'd shared together had become too numerous to ignore.
On Christmas Day, the trio found themselves at the hospital for an unexpected shift. They finished their tasks earlier than anticipated and decided to settle in the break room to chat. The conversation quickly drifted toward their colleagues.
"Have you noticed how much they're always together lately?" Cameron asked, glancing at the others. She was, of course, referring to House, Cuddy, and Wilson. "They spend a lot of time with each other, even outside of work."
Chase nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I've seen House and Wilson coming out of Cuddy's office several times after hours. And it doesn't seem like they’re having regular work meetings."
Foreman, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "At first, I thought it was just House being... House. Always trying to get closer to Cuddy. But Wilson too? And both of them? That can't be a coincidence."
Cameron smiled, leaning forward in her chair. "I think you're right. They're more than just friends, that's for sure. Maybe even... together."
Chase raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "You mean, all three of them? It's possible, but it seems... complicated."
Foreman crossed his arms, thinking. "House likes complicated things. And Cuddy and Wilson have always been closer to him than we thought. It could actually work. They all have strong, but complementary personalities."
They stayed silent for a moment, absorbing this new perspective. Cameron, with a sly smile, shook her head. "That would explain a lot of things, actually. Why they're all so happy lately, despite the usual tensions at the hospital."
Chase chuckled softly. "If they're happy, then good for them. They deserve some happiness, especially with everything that's going on here."
Foreman smiled as well, relaxing in his chair. "Yeah, I guess it's none of our business. As long as they keep doing their jobs, that's all that matters."
Cameron nodded, her eyes sparkling with amused curiosity. "I have to say, it's an interesting dynamic. But you're right, Foreman. To each their own private life."
At that moment, the trio burst out laughing, imagining the reactions of the other hospital staff if they found out the truth.
A little later, as they were getting ready to finish their day, they walked past House's office. Through the window, they caught a glimpse of a scene that confirmed their suspicions.
House, Cuddy, and Wilson were sitting around House's desk, sharing laughter, knowing glances, and even tender gestures that left no doubt. House had his hand resting on Cuddy's, while Wilson was smiling softly, his eyes sparkling with happiness.
Chase, Cameron, and Foreman looked at each other, smiles on all their faces. They didn't need any more proof. They walked away quietly, leaving the trio to their moment of happiness.
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calicos-headcanons · 2 months
Chase in a Gangbang headcanons?
chase gangbang headcanons for anon
definitely not his first experience with group sex, but it is his first experience with “sharing” his partner
almost into cucking, but he’d never admit it (he just gets turned on by seeing you fucked by other guys)
he loves getting to fuck you while you’re sucking somebody off (objectification kink mayhaps?)
after the events at hand, you have a very long conversation (he’s worried that you didn’t enjoy it)
you’re neutral on the matter, but you agree to do it again because you want to please him
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dearestro · 5 months
Wedding Night Excitement
Summary: Who knew a slip of the hand could lead to this? Part of the Chase Miniseries.
Warnings: Innuendos and crude language
Giggles of glee and squeals of excitement filled the hotel hallways. The wedding affairs were finally finished, and now it was just the bride and groom. 
Robert had insisted on carrying you bridal style all the way to the hotel room. Tonight would be one of love and passion...and maybe a little lust. And tomorrow, you were off to Australia for your honeymoon. 
As soon as you passed the threshold, Robert quickly closed the door behind him before tossing you onto the bed. He then proceeded to climb on top of you and fiddle with his tie and belt before you sat up and stopped his hands.
"Hey...hey! This isn't some...fling! There's no rush." You laughed as he looked at you confused.
"Right...sorry." He settled onto your lap before reaching to kiss you. "Just got a little excited, s'all." He murmured against your lips. "Been waiting to do this since our third date."
"Our third?" You quirked a brow.
"Fine our first. Just didn't want you to think I was desperate." He whispered as he continued to kiss your lips. You chuckled against his lips.
"I knew you were desperate when you grabbed my ass in the elevator." He pulled back and scoffed.
"I was trying to reach the buttons! It's not my fault it was crowded." You laughed and shook your head at his excuse.
"Either way...if you hadn’t we might not be here right now..." You smiled at the memory. As soon as you felt his hand, you had turned around and slapped him. He was shocked and turned red, trying to sputter out an apology. Eventually, you forgave him as he was clearly embarrassed and sorry. Of course, as soon as you did, his cocky disposition returned, and he quickly asked you out. Against your better judgment, you accepted, and now you were here.
"You never did thank me for my wandering hand." He teased.
"So you admit you were trying to touch my ass?" You smirked. 
"I admit nothing." You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness as he began to kiss your neck. "I could just rip this dress off of you."
"Nuh-uh. You rip it, and I'm filing for a divorce! This thing cost way too much to be ripped and tossed onto the floor. If you want to do that you can buy me some cheap lingerie." You said as you pushed his chest back.
"Already did. Wasn't planning on showing you till we got to Australia, though." He smirked as you rolled your eyes. Carefully, he started to slide the straps of your dress down as his lips trailed after.
Let's just say it was certainly memorable. 
"My hand was right! You do have a nice ass..."
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