#dr simps server
arimanhwa · 9 months
Being Wrio's s/o and has it's own privileges of being his significant other.
A/n : Wriothesley version, if you want to see Neuvillette's. Read here! Neuvi version ( the first one I made before this post) birthday gift for @https-averienara ! And also for wrio lovers/simps.
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• Duke of Fortress Meropide and the type to tease you.
• WOULD totally brag about you to others.
• Actively speaking that he's a mix between flirty and gentle with you but when with others, he gives them a serious face also gives that "serious yet acts like a puppy whenever his lover is there" vibes.
• If he did accidentally hurt you, wrio would be guilty and try making it up to you with things you like.
• A mix between showing PDA in public and shows affection in private, why? Because in wrio's work life as the Duke of Meropide it's very likely that he would separate the affection he has with you in work. BUT when he do have free time he wouldn't mind the pda he's giving you in public.
• Just like Neuvillette, he cares about you more than anything and would do something for you.
• If someone was being mean to you, don't worry about that. The Duke has it handled.
• if you do injure yourself and say it's nothing to worry about, wriothesley would look at you like "what- what do you mean it's nothing? It's not okay your hurt." Face. When Sigewinne, the head nurse of Fortress Meropide is cleaning your wounds and patching them behind her was a worried duke, your beloved.
• If you hug him I think he would definitely cry. Think about his past and him being a former prisoner, it's his first hug from you hasn't received any hugs from anyone even his 'parents'.
• A Cuddly bear, there are times where wriothesley just wants to cuddle with you and do his work later.
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© Arimanhwa , ✩ !! - All rights reserved.
Taglist : @https-averienara
Happy birthday to the aventurine + Dr. Ratio, wriothesley simp !! I hope you like this little gift I made. Enjoy your happy day I honestly feel grateful to have meet u in discord through a server and I may have been in roo's server since August 2022 but never talk hsjdkdhs but anyways enjoy the wrio hcs I made for you and the wrio lovers <33 I wish you the best yet amazing birthday this year.
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cmdrfupa · 10 days
Tend to me
Barkeep!Nanami x Salarywomxn!Reader
“That's what I do. I drink and I know things.”
a/n did this come from talking in a server about how post college Nanami needs a job and simping over how hot he’d be with his sleeves rolled up? You bet your ass it did. Thank you Court and Nana for your beautiful brains 🩵💜
MDNI +19
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Five rejection emails, no callbacks, and his interview today turned into a scene from a novela after the receptionist barged into the boss's office, exclaiming that she was pregnant. All in the span of one week.
Kento pressed his forehead to the linoleum. table as he groaned.  
“Don't give up! It's like, 10,000 other bank jobs! You'll get one.” Haibara squeezed Kento’s shoulder as he watched his form slump into itself. 
"Yu, it seems like I’ve been turned down for 10,000 jobs. At this rate, I’ll have better luck getting a job as a cab driver.”
“But you don't have a car—”
“Shhhhhh.” Kento turned his head to the side, still keeping it on the table and looking at Yu. 
He knew Yu was trying to help, but it’d be more helpful if he didn't speak.
"Look, Ken. If nothing else comes up, I can talk to my boss to get you hired.” Yu stuffed the last of his tuna onigiri in his mouth, smiling as he attempted to cheer his roommate up. “You won't have my role as a trainer, but you could be one of the guys who clean off the sweaty machines! Pays pretty decent.” 
Clearing his throat, Kento sat up, eyes still closed before he spoke up. 
“Yeah?” His big brown eyes were only filled with genuine care; Kento looked over at him and sighed.
“Thank you. I'll let you know if I need you to do that.
 Yu gave a toothy grin as he gave Kento a swift pat on the back. “It's all gonna be okay! Just breathe.”
Kento stood with a wry smile. “Thanks. I'm gonna go for a walk. Clear my mind a bit. See you tonight.”
The stroll served its purpose. It reminded Kento he wasn't a poor interviewer, nor did he lack the gusto. The job market was over-saturated and relied heavily on personal connections; Kento did not know a soul in the finance world. 
He stopped; a ‘Now hiring, Inquire within’ sign on a heavily tinted window caught his eye while Gojo watched him from the other end of the FaceTime call.
“Where does that leave you now?”
 “Well, I’ll get some experience in the meantime, become a math teacher or tutor while I look for something more sustainable.” 
"You? A teacher? Nanamin, don’t make me laugh.” Gojo propped his phone up, “You’ll have the students' brains bleeding out if you do that. Think of the children, Ken-doll.” 
Kento rolled his eyes and watched Gojo clean his desk. Literary motifs littered the wall behind Gojo. A large poster of Yevgeny Zamyatin hung in the center. “Math isn't supposed to be fun anyway. It's not teaching Dr. Seuss. It teaches objective truths and concepts.” 
Gojo feigned a yawn. “Wherever there is objective truth, there is satire.”
“That’s not how Wyndham Lewis meant it.”
“You don't know that! He's dead. It's all about interpretation.”
“I’m hanging up now. Gojo. Goodbye.”
Gojo smiled. “I can pull some strings and see if Yaga has a spot in the math department.” he nabbed his phone, seemingly prepping to leave his classroom. 
“And remember dinner this weekend! See you Nanamin!” he blew a kiss into the phone pushing Kento to immediately hang up. 
Kento looked back at the building. The 3-story building had hints of older Japanese architecture with European accents. 
"The Zenith" was carved into a wooden pillar adjacent to the entry, with a simple design. 
“I can just see what they're hiring for. No harm in that.”
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The bar inside was the epitome of luxury and sophistication, designed to impress the city’s most discerning clientele. In the hotel's heart, Kento felt out of place. The floor-to-ceiling windows showed breathtaking views of the Tokyo skyline. He waited for the hiring manager to end her dumbfounded stare. 
“So no previous barkeeping history, no customer service work, and no idea how to run a till.” The dark-haired woman named Utahime looked up at Kento. “What qualifications do you have?” 
Smoothing his hair back to think of what he could say to seem qualified, he looked around the room. Older individuals who appear established. Business-minded. 
An older woman, in a meeting, smiling at the blonde-haired man. An older man was on a call. His younger companion crossed her legs and batted her lashes as Kento scanned. 
"I could boost revenue and upsell your best bottles to those who don't care about the price."
“Mr. Nanami. How could you do that? Most of our clientele just order one drink and maybe a listening ear.” 
There were a lot of things Kento lacked but looks were never one of them. The gift of having the perfect genetics made academics a breeze. But, it was now time to use his good looks and gift of gab, inherited from his grandfather. 
“I learn quick. Hire me today and I’ll have every stool filled and the register overfilled in 7 days. I guarantee.” 
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Polished, calm, and precise. Nanami excelled behind the bar, his steady hands mixing drinks for the city’s elite. With his sleeves rolled, he perfected the craft of keeping up with mundane conversations mid-shake. His bulging veins, as he held the shaker, made every woman calculate their tip before he served their martinis.  Muscles flexed when he noticed some of the older men who could care less about the young women in cocktail dresses attempting to be mysterious and wanted to know if the blonde keep could do more than be heavy-handed on the gin. 
He was the bar's eye candy, something they should've thought about hiring months ago. 
It's a world where he realized he can control every variable, crafting experiences one cocktail at a time. 
After his first week, they offered him a permanent position. Working midday during the week to keep businessmen and women pleased and one Saturday evening shift a month to keep the younger crowd in.  
The low hum of conversation and soft jazz music filled the dimly lit bar as Kento worked behind the sleek marble counter, expertly mixing another round of drinks for the evening's guests. He wore his usual stoic expression, with the usual white button-down shirt and well-fitting slacks to match. 
He placed a completed cocktail on the bar top, and wiped his hands while checking what needed to be refilled. “Utahime? Could I get some more ice and a few more lowball glasses, please?” he spoke into the earpiece he donned on his left ear. “They seem to be disappearing, and Choso isn't back from his break."
"Yeah. Give me 20. I'm running tables for catering. I'll send it by Takuma.”
He wiped down the bar top; a figure slid onto one of the high-backed leather stools in his peripheral with an aura that turned heads without needing to demand attention. 
“What can I get started for you this afternoon?”
“I’ll have a French 75, please. Thank you.” Smooth and assured, your voice rang like a hymnal in his ears. 
Kento gave you a nod, his ability to indulge in small talk temporarily taken from him by your presence. He set to work, measuring gin and fresh lemon juice with his usual care, topped with a flourish of champagne. The drink landed before you in a delicate, chilled glass.
You took a sip, eyes never leaving his. Your nude-colored lips curved into a small but telling smile. "Not bad... but not quite perfect either."
Kento raised an eyebrow, subtly intrigued but keeping his expression neutral. “I take it you have high standards.” 
You chuckled, low and sultry. “I’m a person who knows what she wants, and I don’t settle for anything less.”
Nanami leaned in slightly, his tone dry yet teasing. “Perfection is subjective. Some people might call that 'almost' drinkable."
"Almost isn't in my vocabulary," you replied, eyes gleaming with challenge. You pursed your lips. “Not in business, not in life... and definitely not in drinks.”
He smirked, just enough for you to notice. “I’ll keep that in mind for your next order.”
You swirled the drink in your glass, the fizz of champagne catching the low light as you appraised him. “A man who can admit he’s not perfect? You must have been raised well. Refreshing.”
Nanami met your gaze, unruffled by your attempt to throw him off his game. “I prefer precision over perfection. Perfection tends to make people complacent.”
Your eyes narrowed but with a hint of amusement. “Interesting perspective, coming from someone who works behind a bar.”
He didn’t miss a beat. “Someone has to remind people that the best things in life have room for improvement. Even when they think they’ve already got it all.”
Tilting your head, glancing at the way the simple silver chain rested against his collar. You were impressed but clearly enjoying the game. “You might be onto something. What’s your name?”
“Nanami Kento,” he said simply, as he wiped down the bar.
“Well, Nanami,” your voice is softer but no less commanding, "next time, why don’t you make me a drink that I can’t critique?”
He gave you a rare, almost imperceptible smile. “Challenge accepted.”
Your eyes lingered on each other, the tension electric. You raised your glass, with a smile so poised and self-assured, before taking another sip.
"Looking forward to it," you murmured, low and teasing. Then, you stood and left a 50-dollar tip with your card. You walked away, your perfume lingering in the air.
Kento read your name on the card. His curiosity ran wild with every possible scenario as he watched your backend disappear into the lobby
A few days later, the bar's golden lights glowed softly. They reflected off the dark marble counter as Nanami wiped down glasses. His thoughts drifted to the usual routine. He’d swapped shifts, which resulted in watching the evening crowd trickle in, primarily corporate types and high-society guests, and Nanami managed the situation with his typical efficiency and calm demeanor.
But as he adjusted a bottle of whiskey on the back shelf, a familiar presence caught his eye.
You were back.
You entered with the same quiet confidence, this time fitted with a far more casual, sleek outfit paired with heels that clacked against the polished floor. 
Moving with ease, you slipped into the same seat as last time, your gaze meeting his immediately. Your lips curled into a slow smile, almost as if you knew he’d be expecting you. 
“Good evening," Kento greeted, his voice calm with a slight edge of anticipation. 
"Nanami," you replied, leaning forward. Your self-assured energy was hard to ignore. “It's a pleasure to see you tonight. I think I’m in the mood for something a bit more... complex.” 
“Is that so?” he asked, his tone dry but with an undertone of curiosity. “What are we talking about? A Negroni? Maybe a Vieux Carré?” 
You smiled a glint of challenge in your eye. “Surprise me.”
Kento studied you for a moment, then nodded and began his work. 
His movements were precise but fluid as he grabbed a bottle of mezcal and began crafting a Smoky Margarita, layering complex flavors—mezcal for smokiness, lime for sharpness, and a touch of agave to round it out, all topped off with a rim of chili salt. The drink was bold and nuanced, like the woman before him.
He placed the glass in front of you with hushed confidence, waiting for your reaction. 
With a slow sip, your lips brushed against the glass as your tongue sampled the salted rim. Eyes closed momentarily to savor the taste.
When you opened them, your gaze locked onto his. 
“Now this,” you leaned forward, "is much better.”
Kento leaned on the counter slightly, his smirk more visible this time. “Glad to hear it. Looks like I’m learning.”
“Seems like you’re a quick study.”
You held each other’s gaze, the air between thick with tension that had only grown since your last encounter. Your voice dropped to an intimate murmur, barely audible over the ambient music. “So, Nanami... what do you do when you’re not making perfect drinks?”
He raised an eyebrow, amused by the shift in your tone. “I don’t get much free time. I like structure with very little change. But I do have a break coming up.” 
Your smile widened, and there was a glint of mischief in your eyes. “Is that so? And what do you usually do on these breaks?” 
Kento straightened, glancing around the bar. The crowd was calm tonight, his usuals with a small group of beer drinkers. He certainly wasn’t going to be missed if he disappeared a little earlier than usual. “Not very much. But there’s a private spot upstairs. Quiet.” 
“Lead the way.”
Kento signaled for one of the other bartenders, wordlessly handing off duties as he made his way around the bar and approached you. You stood and walked alongside him through the bar.
Turning the corner without paying attention, an inattentive passerby bumped into Kento, a glass of what he could guess was whiskey now soaking the front of his shirt. “Holy shit, sorry.”
“It’s fine.” 
You pressed your lips together, smiling as Kento didn’t let the incident interrupt your determined ascent up the stairs. 
You didn’t speak as you made your way to a barrier, secluded alcove on the mezzanine floor—a quiet corner with a view of the city through tall windows, framed by rich drapes. The world outside was glittering and alive, but here, away from prying eyes, it felt like their own little escape.
Kento stopped near the window, turning to face you as the ambient glow of the city lights bathed them both in soft light. You stepped closer, the subtle scent of your perfume mixing with the full scent of whiskey that stuck to him. He unbuttoned his shirt, uncovering his lean torso and square pecs. 
“You have a talent for choosing the right spot.” You said, your voice lower now. 
“I don’t waste time.” He replied, his eyes locked on yours. 
You smirked, stepping even closer until the space between you was nearly nonexistent. “Efficient. I like that.”
Kento’s pulse quickened though his exterior remained composed. The heat of your presence never wavering as he watched your every move. 
You lightly brushed his arm, a deliberate move to see his reaction. 
“I knew you’d be interesting,” you uttered, your voice soft, teasing, but laced with something deeper. “I just didn’t know how interesting.”
Kento’s lips quirked into a small smile, one that carried more weight than any words he could say at that moment. “You’re not so predictable yourself.”
Your eyes locked. The city lights flickered around you, but neither of you noticed, too caught up in the magnetic pull of something new, something charged. 
You reached up, your hand brushing his collarbone. You licked his whiskey-flavored chest. You languidly licked up to his neck as he sucked in a sharp breath. "Hmm." You whispered while your lips hovered close to his. “I like a man who can keep up."
Nanami’s voice was steady, but there was a rough edge to it now. “I don’t plan on slowing down.”
With a final, knowing smile, he closed the gap between you. His lips brushed yours in a kiss more electric than the city lights below. 
“Nanami Kento.”
“Yes ma'am.”
“When you clock out, my room happens to be on the floor above this one.” You slid your room card into his pants pocket as his hand slid down, pressing you into him. 
Kento pushed you to the wall with a quick yet gentle motion, nudging his knee between your thighs. "You've surprised me."
“How so?" The sudden closeness brought a surge of anticipation bursting in your chest.
"I didn't take you for someone who would enjoy a bit of public play."
You rubbed your wetness on his knee, lost in thought. A simpering moan escaped you. "I don't know what you're talking about, Nanami."
Amused by your attempt to keep it together, he moved his knee forward to elicit another moan from you. "The dampness of my slacks says otherwise." He drowned out the sounds of the late-night rush with the pants he pulled from you.
"Tell me how to please you with precision and I'll follow every direction."
Thank you @/saradika-graphics for the dividers ✨
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☆ ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔬 ☆
Hello, fellow dorks !! This is my blog specifically for content relating to Matt Groening’s series (The Simpsons, Futurama and Disenchantment), which I call the Groeningverse !
☆☆☆ 𝔅𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔠 𝔦𝔫𝔣𝔬 ☆☆☆
☆ Call me Tokyo or Angel !! (Tokyo is slightly preferred)
☆ She/her, cisgender female
☆ Birthday is September 27th, I am a Libra. I am also a minor
☆ Bisexual and omnicurious, preference for men
☆ OC x canon shipper !
☆ Has scoliosis and is being tested for autism
☆ Currently dating someone <3
☆☆☆ 𝔅𝔜𝔉, 𝔇𝔑ℑ, 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫 𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 ☆☆☆
☆ I am pretty open about my opinions, especially when it comes to disliking something. I understand if you disagree, but I prefer not to argue over things as silly as me not liking a character you like or something of the like.
☆ Despite being a minor, I do make inappropriate jokes and even draw suggestive things sometimes. I understand that's not everyone's cup of tea.
☆ Some of the media I consume is made by controversial people. Please know that I don't support their actions whatsoever.
☆ I sometimes say things like "kms", but I'm not serious about it unless stated otherwise.
☆ I need tonetags sometimes, and it's hard for me to get jokes every now and then.
☆ I sometimes use Gen Alpha slang as a joke, like “skibidi”, “sigma”, etc.
☆ I am a massive simp for characters, lol
☆ Basic criteria (discrimination, problematic phillias, etc.)
☆ AI “art” and NFT users
☆ If you’re under 13. You shouldn’t even be on Tumblr, man.
☆ If you ship real people together
☆ If you are against OC x canon or self shipping (I’m not a self shipper, but I support it as long as it isn’t problematic)
Thin Ice
☆ Fetish artists (I’ve met some that are actually very respectful, so it’s not an immediate DNI)
☆ People with specific fandoms in their DNI (I don’t think it makes sense imo ?? Blocking out an entire fandom just because you don’t like a piece of media or the creator of it just,,, rubs me the wrong way ? Idk, I’m a huge art vs. artist believer)
☆ People with “boring people” in their DNI (that is very unspecific. How am I supposed to not interact if I don’t know whether or not you’d see me as a boring person ???)
☆ People who like Zapp Brannigan (he’s so hated, so I really enjoy seeing people who also really like him :D)
☆ OC x canon shippers and selfshippers !! (Y’all are so cool !!!)
☆ People who share the same fictional crushes or ship OCs/self inserts with the same characters (some people don’t like when others share the same f/o’s or fictional crushes, but I love it. It’s so cool to have someone who can agree with me 100% when I gush over a character they also like)
☆☆☆ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔣𝔣 𝔯𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔯𝔬𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔢 ☆☆☆
I am most active w/ Futurama rn, and least active with Disenchantment as I have not gotten to watch it yet.
Favorite characters
☆ The Simpsons: Moe Szyslak, Cecil Terwilliger, Sideshow Bob, Lionel Hutz, Reverend Lovejoy and Mr. Burns
☆ Futurama: Phillip J. Fry, Zapp Brannigan, Kif Kroker, Bender Rodriguez, Turanga Leela and Dr. John Zoidberg
☆ Disenchantment: Due to having not watched it yet, I don’t quite have a favorites list. But from the clips I’ve seen, probably Princess Bean and Luci so far ?? I’m not sure
OC x canon ships !!
The first name is the character, the second one is the OC
☆ Moe Szyslak x Rhonda Branston (status: dating or married, depending on the drawing)
☆ Cecil Terwilliger x Lawrence Terwilliger (status: married)
☆ Lionel Hutz x Loretta Kingston (status: dating)
☆ Phillip J. Fry x Stella Brannigan (status: this one’s a bit complicated. I would go with dating, but I’m not sure yet)
Planning on making a StrawPage dedicated entirely to listing my OCs for the Groeningverse, so you guys can get to know them better :)
Btw, here’s my StrawPage ! So you can find my other accounts that aren’t primarily for Groening’s shows and other coolio stuff like my Discord server
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chiakibutblack · 3 years
I fucking hate this server /j
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Made a monokuma-themed paddle he made just for you two to use.
Loves it when you yank him over your knees and just go to town on him.
Craves more of the despair it brings every time you bring the paddle down on his black and white ass.
He kicks and squirms just so you have a reason so spank him harder.
However, when he gets to spank you...
He's too small for you to get over his lap so he made a custom spanking bench for you.
He paddles you hella hard. You'll be kicking and shrieking with every spank.
Loves the despairing(?) tears that roll down your flushed cheeks.
Why the fuck did i write this?
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calqlate · 2 years
what your favourite nxx boy says about you
cw/tw: includes cn server spoilers
view m.list!
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— artem wing
there are two types of artem stans: 1) you're into the soft flustered blushy boy trope (soft dom vibes!!), or 2) you're into the rough manhandling dom. (or there's a chance you like both tropes.) there's two ends to this spectrum.
like this man, 99.9% of you guys are relationship virgins and have never dated someone before. you would rather have a heart attack and get run over by a truck than simp over anyone who isn't a 2d character.
you guys have the worst procrastination issues and enjoy rolling up to your exam with 3 hours of sleep and 5 cans of red bull in tow
everyone thinks you're so pure and all but omg you're kidding no one... babe you can't lie to me but you definitely screamed when you saw artem's 整装待发 mr (yk the one with him and that big booty of his) and his 2nd bday ssr. like what are your eyes looking at, his eyes are on his face babe—
— vyn richter
material girls. there. i said it.
you guys are colourblind and will happily fall into dr richter's psychology traps without hesitation. who's gonna stop you getting a free hug from him amirite?
vyn stans have a lot of things going on and being submissive and kinky af is up there on the list. i've seen the stuff written for and by vyn stans, it's quite... original... but when y'all saw his 2nd anniversary ssr card, it was a fun 180° experience LMAO
you're also a fellow dilf hunter like the artem stans but make it ✨bougie✨. you're definitely into rich rich guys.
— luke pearce
i respect you for simping for a guy who has 3 years left to live
you're into the childhood friends-to-lovers trope and I AGREE. I LOVE THAT TROPE.
back onto his lifespan thing, you guys bully him sm about that. y'all crack jokes about it then cry over it like... did someone give you too many shots or... but you're also begging hyv to let him live. so when y'all saw luke's backstory on his illness in chapter 9, y'all were ready to throw fists.
you guys are also oddly the biggest angst enthusiasts alive. no one else loves that more than you lot. i haven't seen a luke stan who hasn't gotten his 'looming nightmare' ssr and had a cryfest over it.
— marius von hagen
you have a jiejie/onee-chan/noona kink. you've probably never even had this kink before until marius von hagen happened.
the kinkiest freak among all the nxx boy stans. i am not joking. i've read y/n smut for all 4 boys and the marius' smuts are really... an experience lmao
the biggest marius bullies istg. y'all say things about him being annoying and egoistic but y'all do it with love. your love language is apparently bullying the love of your life affectionately.
you're loud. just loud in general. take that as you will, you guys are always talking about something or doing something attention-grabbing.
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saudade-mayari · 3 years
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The New Intern
collaboration with this art by @rokudaddie! resident doctor Katsuki for y’all!! This fic is intended for @konoblog-simps August 2021 Server Collab: College AU, Click here to check our masterlist!
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pairing/s: resident doctor!Katsuki Bakugo x Intern!fem reader
wc: 2k || inspired by this art
warnings: college au, quirkless au, 18+ content, tw: 5 year agegap, unprotected sex, choking, minor use of whore & slut, slight degradation, minors please dni, characters are aged up.
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Postgraduate internship. You are that close to your dream of finally becoming a physician. Just survive this one year unpaid internship, pass the boards, and finally take your residency.
It was all set.
Your grip on your backpack tightens, facing the vast hospital building of your former dream university. Your face is starting to lose its color while you walk on the hospital grounds. Excitement and nervousness are completely eluding your mind.
You can do this. You’ve done clerkship before; there’s no reason to be afraid, right?
Around 30 minutes passed, and you have met your dutymates. Your literal thick and thin, ups and downs co-interns that’ll help you for all the deckings on the entire year of internship.
Everyone is nice. Co-interns are tolerable, attending physicians are thoughtful, junior and senior nurses are considerate. At the same time, they told you to wait at the common area until the resident doctor in charge comes to meet you and your dutymates.
But you know that the way they said “good luck” is more of a warning. It was never an encouragement, much less of kind words. It was said out of fear & admonitions.
“Ms. L/N, I assume?” The senior nurse says, smiling while she walks toward the door
“Yes, Ma’am.”
She answers with a nod as she looks around the hospital corridors. “Change to your scrubs now. The resident in charge is not a patient person.” She says.
You gave her a kind smile, stood up, and held your backpack.
“I- fuck.. I am so sorry, Ma’am I never-“
“What the fuck is this commotion?” A deep, husky, and angry voice echoed around the common area. In an instant, the room was in a deafening and terrifying silence.
Your eyes remained glued on the floor, staring at your black flats while you tightly held your backpack around your chest, too afraid to look up and too scared to give a glance to that specific someone that immediately established dominance only with the few words he said.
“Who’s this?” The man says, talking with the senior nurse.
“They’re the new interns, Dr. Bakugo.” The nurse whispers. Her voice had a hint of fear while she answered the resident.
Dr. Bakugo. Of course. Katsuki Bakugo. The doctor who ranked 1 in the Physician Licensure Exam 5 years ago.
Rumors has it that he failed most of the interns that went under him. Half of them are either not going back because of the authority and strictness he shows or not being able to march on the stage because they are delayed, as per Dr. Bakugo.
Of all people to be your resident in charge, why does it have to be him?
“You.” He says.
“I said you, stupid intern. What are you wearing?” He repeats, speaking like a commanding officer, and this time, you slowly raise your head, glancing at the blond that is currently glaring at you. You bit your lip. You can’t screw your first day.
Shit. Everyone is wearing their proper scrubs already. You were too engrossed in the little talk with your co-interns that you have actually forgotten to change on your scrubs. How can you be this thoughtless? Senseless and stupid?
You’ve been preparing for this day, and you can’t afford to fuck it up.
“Dr. I- I’m so sorry. I was being senseless on the time-”
“You don’t have to state the obvious, you senseless stupid intern” He says with conviction. His words hurt like hell, but he isn’t entirely wrong.
How could you not think of the dress code upon internship? It’s plain stupidity.
“I- I’m sorry, doc. It won’t happen again.” You say, eyeing Bakugo with a clearer view. You have no time to cry on your first day. You know that you are gonna hear words far worse than this. You might as well face it head-on.
The blond smirked, closing the notebook that contained every intern’s biodata. The way his muscles flexed underneath the long white coat and the way the blue scrubs looked extra better on him suddenly feels like you’re in a lucid dream.
His fingers now rests on his chin as he observes you head to toe. Katsuki couldn’t deny and swears to himself how captivated he is on your outfit. It’s just a petty corporate attire. Why does it look so good on you? he constantly wonders, temporarily thinking that if this was the so-called-being driven by the dream of making it into a man’s world. It was as if testing every bit of his patience and the remaining amount of integrity he has.
You are his intern. He mentally says with conviction. His intern.
“Katsuki Bakugo. UA Medical School graduate. 5th and last year of my otolaryngology residency, and I’m going to be in charge of y’all stupid interns.” He introduced, and everyone starts to exchange their greetings. However, you remained silent. The crimson-eyed man is still staring at you with an evident smirk on his face.
“This senior nurse will help you in the ER, I had your rounds schedule, and everyone is to start right away. I’m not going to monitor each of your stupid asses. You came here to practice medicine, so do not ever ask me stupid questions that you are expected to know because you will never get a proper answer from me.” Bakugo instructed
“Get your asses moving!”
Everyone is quick to move, except you, who still needs to change on your scrubs. They basically followed the senior nurse, leaving you and Katsuki in the common room alone.
Shivers went through your spine when he closed the door. Agonizingly staring at your senior resident coming closer in your direction with the classic smirk on his face.
You cannot even deny how seemingly allured you are on the way he wore his hospital uniform.
It’s just scrubs. But for Katsuki, it looked extra bewildering, almost seducing if you could say so. He definitely looked great in his blues.
Hung loose on his torso, tight on his arms, and the way his muscles flex underneath the long white coat and the upper garment is entirely bewitching. Your eyes traced his loose pants. Nasty and sexy thoughts are slowly taking over from the thick sensation growing on the four corners of the room.
His fingers traced your chin while he lifts your face to meet his crimson glowing orbs. “Eyes up, intern.” He says.
You feel like there’s a lump in your throat. Words are suddenly hard to construct while his unbelievably well-defined jaw traced around your face. Almost as if you do not want to disobey him.
What is happening?
“Are you aware of what you did today, L/n, Y/n?”
His words themselves are seduction.
Katsuki’s other hand snaked on your waist, pulling you closer onto his body while he completely pinned you by the wall. The lingering feeling of wanting to own you overtakes his rational and conscious thoughts. At this point, he just wants to own you. His intern.
Unprofessional as it may seem, but it’s hard to resist him anymore, especially when he eyes your taffeta skirt with lust-filled gazes, slowly tracing it while he starts to unzip your corporate attire.
He kissed your jaw before one of his hands went to hold your throat. His orbs and voice are filled with mixtures of lust and astonishment. The blond never even gave you enough time to react when another whimper escapes your mouth while you struggle against his firm grip.
“Katsuki.” He says.
“You’re going to call me Katsuki while I punish a senseless intern like you.” He finishes as he fully unzipped your skirt, reaching for your swollen and wet nubs. It’s completely wrong, but it feels so good.
The unexpected hunger and desire starts to kick in your system, slowly wanting to give in to his touch. Katsuki massaged your slit, still making sure he’s restraining your moans with limited breath.
“Look at you, so wet for me. I barely touched you.”
“Katsu-” His hands tightened around your throat, legs spreading your thighs to have more access on your damped core.
“Senseless interns like you should be fucked senselessly.” He groans. Kissing your neck and giving hard bites around your collarbone. As much as you wanted to relax, your body does the complete opposite.
“Katsuki… They-”
“Won’t find out. I’m not as stupid and futile as you.” He growls, adding pressure on your damped pussy while he pushed aside your underwear.
You moaned louder this time, completely giving in while Katsuki lets go of your throat, untying the hem of his scrubs that revealed his hardened shaft, all oozing with pre cum. He let out a victorious smirk while he stroked it up and down, slowly grinding on your folds in a frustratingly slow manner.
“Katsuki, please-”
“Begging too soon? Aren’t we a greedy intern?” He whispers as he began to thrust without hesitation. Alongside his firm and hard manipulations, he starts to squeeze and kneed your ass, massage and tease your swollen nubs while he continues to push and hit your sensitive spot.
“Please, Katsu I.. ah-!” Euphoria and ecstasy took over your body while he supports your right leg and starts to pound faster. It's embarrassing. The way your cum dripped down on your thighs while he continues to fuck you senselessly proves how needy you are for him.
“My intern loves to be treated like a whore.”
Your hands clutched on his white coat. Your folds felt the burn and desire; lust entirely incapacitates your aware and sensible thoughts.
“You’re gonna cum? Not yet, little slut” He commands while his fingers skillfully finds your clit, and with unbearable pleasure, he starts to rub it in a circular motion.
“Please-” You say. Sweat dripping down the side of your face as the blond kissed your earlobes, letting out low grunts and groans while his pace starts to become sloppy.
“Such tight pussy. So greedy. You’re clenching around my cock.” He whispers, your chest inadvertently presses against his scrubs while your own orgasm slowly reaches its climax.
“Fuck, Katsuki!” You almost scream, Bakugo completely dominating the rhythm of your sex while his cock pulsated inside your clenching and sensitive cunt. Guttural moans escaped your lips, and your legs trembled while he let out a proud smirk.
“C’mon, insufferable intern, I know you better than that. One more.” He demands, thrusting and slamming hard while Katsuki prepares for his own release. You feel light-headed and all the words leaving your mouth are incoherent as you hear his erratic moans and praise.
Wave after wave of orgasm, your body stilled and hummed while hot velvets in your cunt start to drip on your legs. It’s suddenly silent. Everything that happened may affect your internship, and in an instant, you can be kicked out of the hospital and shatter your years of hardwork in med school.
Still unaware of the entire event, you took the scrub suit, picked up your skirt, and immediately ran towards the common area’s restroom. The tears you’ve been suppressing fell down on your cheeks.
It’ll be over. You fucked up, literally.
They were mixed signals. You have no slightest idea why one of the most competent resident doctors from the most prestigious university in Japan decided to fuck you like that.
—and you gave in so easily.
Dressing on your scrubs, you sat on the toilet, covering your face while you try to calm yourself. It’s all impossible now. How can you be so unprofessional? How can you give in just like that? You are so easy and gullible. Few minutes of contemplating on your own, the bathroom door opened with a hard kick, his hands now resting on the pockets of his pants, all neat and tidy.
“Stop crying after pleading for my cock. You still have a year to intern under my supervision.” He says while he glanced at your e/c orbs. His usual, collected, strict, and stoic demeanor are now back on its track.
“Do your job well, or you’ll be punished far worse than you expect, insufferable intern.”
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Hey hi hello, have a bit about me
Y'all can call me Ray/Sunshine/Sunny/whatever.
I'm late twenties, recently returned to University, just trying to do my best as a disabled person in this hellscape of a country.
I am a nonbinary trans man. My sexual orientation is an enigma, though I'm pretty sure I'm demiromantic. IDK I'm too tired for this shit :')
Mainly I'm just a giant fucking nerd. Anime, sci-fi, fantasy, Shakespeare, it's all good to me. I'm particularly fond of horror as a genre but I'll give pretty much anything a shot.
But the series that sunk its claws into my fucking heart and won't let me fucking go is Naruto. I am a Naruto stan through and through no matter how much I bitch about the series. Especially the Sanin. I have a server dedicated to them if anyone doesn't mind joining a sleepy lil server. I can send an invite via DM for anyone interested (and 18+)
I also have a soft spot for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. We simp for Dio Brando in this household. Part 5 best part fight me ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
I am forever a shameless MCR fanboy, though I enjoy a wide variety of music from showtunes to hair metal.
I write fanfic. Like a lotta fanfic. Writing is my main hobby- though I am not comfortable sharing my original stuff just yet as I am at my core a writhing ball of insecurities. I just hope my erotica isn't godawful. What I write may largely be considered "Dead Dove" content, though I always tag my stuff accordingly. If you feel I missed a trigger tag, please feel free to let me know.
You can find my Ao3 here:
While I do not have a DNI per se, I block liberally and without remorse. Terfs/transphobes, radfems, racists, """pro-lifers""" and people with overall rancid vibes will be blocked on sight.
Also miss me with fandom drama and morality policing, I am too old for that . I will block you after screenshotting your nonsense to laugh about it with my friends. Basically, if you're the type with "Freaks DNI" or "General DNI criteria" in your blog, just assume I meet whatever your vague criteria is and leave me alone.
TL;DR: I'm here to have a good time and maybe make a few friends. Pls be nice to me and I'll return the favor.
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fineillsignup · 3 years
hey guys I have more anger about the Mr. Love Queen's Choice situation
I don't mind people who choose to continue playing, but when people start simping for the company and act like we have to understand and condone what Elex and PG is doing... no, just no. I've lived in China and Taiwan in the past, I speak Chinese, also, so don't tell me I'm ignorant of the complexity of the situation either. It's not one thing. It's how kneejerk they fired Jonah, without giving him any chance in advance to take down the Tweet and apologize; it's how they scrubbed the content out, content that many people had spent money to acquire; it's how they've since then deleted that initial Tweet but refuse to say anything, disrespecting their customers of the global server who have spent money on their product and deserve timely explanations for it being taken away. They could have ignored what Jonah Scott did and their Chinese fanbase's complaints like they are currently ignoring our complaints, but they didn't. That should show you how they rank their international customers vs their Chinese customers. Chinese customers get immediate action; we get ignored.
I'm speaking as someone here who has spent money on the game and who got the Victor SP wedding card; I have a moral right to be mad that they bungled the fuck out of this, whatever the reason for them firing Jonah Scott.
The TOS means that we don't have any legal recourse other than stopping playing (and stopping paying); and some of you people want to act like we're being unreasonable to do that?!
This is a game, it's just a game! There are so many other mobile games, so many other forms of entertainment, and there's going outside and standing in the goddamn sun or rain or snow. We don't have to put up with a game company that has started treating its voice actors and players poorly, not even because their government is fucked up. Too bad so sad, Elex and PG! I guess you can't compete on the international marketplace against game companies from other countries that understand tolerance. That's NOT MY PROBLEM.
tl;dr fuck the whole idea of simping for companies, goddamn. they are NOT YOUR FRIENDS
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
LUCKY YATES IN THE PRIEST FIT 👀 He’s so hot I love his vibe so much, also I was trying to figure out where I had heard about him before and of course he’s fucking Dr Krieger from Archer 😭
I feel like they’ll take away my right to be in the TST and CoS discord servers but priest!lucky is just top tier absolute simping material and I won’t apologise
also he’s the glue holding archer together because he’s by far the most obsessed cast member lmao
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Got any favorite Villains out there? OC Villains are included.
Oh boy, I'm not too big of a fan of villains. Their actions tend to squick me out. Lemme see what I can think of...
Amount of series - 13 Amount of characters - 18
Cree (Kids Next Door) - I don't like it when sisters fight because there is not enough healthy sibling representation between two or more sisters in media, but dang if Cree and Abigale's relationship doesn't hit me in the feels everytime. Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) - Technically a villain. He's a great dad though. And hilarious with the overly tragic backstory. He looses to a platypus in a fedora every single day of the summer. Before going to teach some science class. I love how he evolved. Boxman (OK K.O.) - Doesn't understand organics, so he makes robots who see him as a father figure. Loves evil just to be evil, which is a breath of fresh air. Charles (No Evil) - THIS BOYO. This child. He has been given the power of the Jaguar of Shadows, Tezcatlipoca, and he has no idea how to use it. He was thinking what he was doing was justified and then when the main characters capture him. Zira (Lion King II: Simba's Pride) - This woman is fantastic. Will not give up her ideals when her life is on the line. She's a great use of the "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss is just being mean" and manipulation. And she has a better villain song than Mother Gothel. Caligosto Loboto (Psychonauts) - I love tragic villains. Caligosto is one of them. I'm not as into him as some of the other fans, but a Dentist/Brain surgeon/mercenary who got a lobotomy because he used to be psychic is just such a great character to bounce with the other characters in the series. I like his interactions with Sasha especially. N (Pokemon) - May have been my first villain crush. I was 10 at the time. Didn't get a lot of the nuance, just liked the pretty boy. Now I see him and think LAYERS. Lusamine (Pokemon) - Listen my mom is pretty cool. She doesn't really force me to do things. So seeing mom's in media that do just unnerves me in all the best ways. Guzma (Pokemon) - It's MA BOY. He loves bugs and reminds me of my friends. Plus I love Team Skull in general. Myotismon (Digimon) - I think of just Myotismon's first arc was him at his best. He literally murders Digimon and people for kicks and is such a big threat to Gatomon that when she defeats him it's SO well deserved. Ennard (FNaF Sister Location) - Ennard was such an unnerving villain. Oooo... such shivers. Dr. Starline (Sonic IDW Comics) - This platypus with too much ego is just an amazingly horrid person. He's such a dumb smart person. And mean. Like with Surge and Kitsunami. Nothing King (Centaurworld) - What a creature. What a pathetic wet beast. What a simp. Haunting Lullaby and scary strength, this Minotaur who refused his own Centaur nature corrupted himself, leaving the only out through death. Incredible. GLaDOS (Portal) - Snarky, motherly, downright funny. And a great singer to boot! Cha-cha (Umbrella Academy) - While I would rather she be dead over her partner, Cha-cha was fun to have on the villains against the Umbrella Academy, particularly, Number 5.
Nelly (Whatever Happened to Shadowy Figure) - A person who you think is a victim, a little gal, then turns out to still want the villainous ideas of power and harm, just is pushed down by others to not do it her way. Delightful in the manipulation of reader's feeling bad for her only for me to bet she's not going to be as bad but still bad. Victoria Warsh - Strawberry Milk has talked about her in a Discord server we share and her story is delightfully twisted.
[REDACTED] - OH BOY LEMME DESCRIBE HIM. This fallen prince of once positive feelings has turned into a monster that causes so much distress for the people that knew him. An older brother watched him become a monster and now longs to become a monster as well to be reunited with his little brother, unaware that the little brother has long since nursed all of his love into hatred for his eldest brother. A general is trying to keep the land safe but unknowingly falling into every idea this little prince has created. A youngest brother once close to him now fears his older and middle brothers for what the middle brother has done. A "replacement" brother and his guard who have NO idea of the mania that the middle brother created. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND I CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIM.
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actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
out of context of course, what do you take me for? a sane person?
"they made lightning mcqueen hot"
"inch resting"
"Nix: Cars (2006) several people are typing..."
"im evaporating"
"enjoy precipitation"
"tow mater is more attractive than lightning mcqueen/hj"
"lightning mcqueen looks like he would call me a slur"
"why did I come back to a discussion regarding the attractiveness of vehicles"
"lark is the braincell of shiftblr tbh"
"you all need some grass in your life"
"me over here simping for block men and now literal cars"
"didn't nick wilde commit fraud canonically"
"i have no strong opinions on whether or not nick wilde is attractive"
"I am bisexual and I. Am not into Nick Wilde based on a simple fact he looks like he will drink all my pepsi and call me names"
"What is shiftbkr but not a bunch of simps"
"cries in Bianca Monroe"
"listen i have a folder called gayass
it is mostly pictures of kyoka jiro and virgil sanders"
"Nick Wilde x Reader where he steals your car 📷 carjacker to lovers AU 📷"
"he says "mama i like to step on keyboard""
"crab walks away"
""Y/N..." Nick whispered into your ear. "Your car...is a Honda Civic, right?" You looked up at Nick with a baffled expression. "Nick, my beloved? Whatever are you talking about?" "Just asking..." He said as he let you out of his embrace. "Hey, wanna see a magic trick, babe?" Your eyes sparkled. "Really, Nick? Of course!" Nick smiled. "Ok, close your eyes!" You giggled and closed your eyes, waiting for Nick to tell you to open up. Instead, you heard the loud rumble of a car starting up, and you open your eyes. Nick has stolen your car, and he has driven off into the sunset..."
"did y'all know his name used to be canonically Montgomery--he changed it to lightning mcqueen to get rid of his past"
"That is my exit number"
"cars trauma arc"
"wait do y'all know about car jesus" "as if jesus wasn't a ford focus in the bible"
"oh yall do not want to know about the trauma in my cars dr lmao"
"Dewit tau style babey make Lightning McQueen outlive everyone and stalk their reincarnations"
"Do they baptize other cars in like gasoline then"
"there is a pope car in the cars universe which means car jesus died for cars sins"
"-lays facedown on the floor while caramelldansen plays-"
"like im serious how many of you guys endorse me falling face down on my floor" (NOT THE SAME PERSON AS PREVIOUS QUOTE)
"I will be Tall and no one can stop me"
"is a soft floor?"
"stop I thought faceplant meant like a succulent in the shape of a face instead of falling onto your noggin for a solid 10 seconds"
"Touch some grass??? What about eating grass"
"what if for every employee of the month i just printed out really horrible boomer memes"
"what ab smoking grass /j"
"Can the grassdirt smoothie be a special in the cafe"
"you have to get good dirt from like the middle of a pennsylvanian forest for it to taste good though"
"I ate a four leaf clover as a kid cause i thought it would make me lucky"
"guys how do i see the mee6 leaderboard"
"I used to think i was half dragon and I ate plants out of sidewalk cracks"
"i think i punched someone"
"my parents told me to stop doing that so I looked at them and ate a flower"
"I ate grass when I was 9 bc I read warrior cats and thought I was a medicine cat ....................."
"bees are just spicy flies"
"I had a mental breakdown when I was three cause I didn’t know how to turn off a phone"
"My mom drank a bee once"
"when I was a baby I kinned ink sans."
"bro who here find the yellow hat man from curious george fine as heck 📷📷📷"
"no one topping Him"
"I like em big"
"I think Moto Moto has no game like move over hunky boy I could beat you 1v1 Roblox Arsenal 📷📷📷"
"If you didnt have a crush on springtrap, jeff the killer, or Underfell/Gaster/Error sans don't talk to me /j"
"Guys please help I found my old fnaf fanart from when I was 8 I'm in literal tears"
"The worst attraction ive ever had has to be Sombra Overwatch"
"My family is like "save all ur art so I can sell it when you're famous" I literally could not sell this if I tried"
"screaming puppet"
"I just remembered Ive drawn overwatch/hamilton crossover fanart"
"my hermit crabs ate each other again"
"we're cannibals ????"
"having me here is a curse you have inflicted on yourselves and I for one am glad for it <3" "scitters around like a crab in anticipation"
"hey y'all ill be right back i have to throw away a crab carcass"
"if I watch cars I'm going to start laughing in the middle of it nonstop just because the word cars is funny and also cars are funny like how do you move silly little metal box with rubber circles"
"Lark asleep post catboy pitbul"
"Mwista Wowldwide! Nya!" "hermit crab 2: electric boogaloo"
"Is that why your name is chaos"
"manifest the crab power!!"
"cool dex fact: i can't read 📷"
"sighs adds to worship these entities list"
"with a knife <3"
"yeah and if he betrays me I could probably throw him across the atlantic ocean"
"give me his eyes"
"my good citizen i am a- wait no im nonbinary nvm"
"it worked on a fish idk what to tell you"
"what is gender??? Is that a board game?? If so can I be apples to apples that one's my favorite"
"anyways actually my gender is Candyland"
"Oh god romes the destroyer of friendships/j"
"i am a simple gay i see math i run in the opposite direction survival instincts 101"
"math my beloathed"
"algebra makes me want to rip open a bag of swedish fish and swallow them whole"
"cackles in they're au characters and this will be very fun"
"pog !!!! me too ksajgks one of my drs is a sanders sides au"
"Is that bipper"
"tumblr sexyman"
"Good because he’ll fuck u up if u hurt a child"
"I want a wing-suit"
"looks like a bean would poison someone"
"my hermit crabs are cannibals what can i say"
"sonic the hedgehog kinnie"
"get yourself a man who is capable of the most ungodly actions but won't do them because of their morality owo"
"tell him he can steal my wallet"
"idk about y'all but I need blueberry sweet tea to live"
"y'know the red souls from soul eater i really want to eat those"
"but like only respectable crimes like stealing from elon musk"
"You can go cultbashing with he!"
"He acts like a flamboyant gay man, but if a flamboyant gay man was straight."
"Simp Satan 📷"
"definitely arson"
"They look like they enjoy lemon squares and other lemon desserts"
"Satan is all-powerful but he spends most of his time building honeymoon locations because he is convinced that the protag loves him"
"bc shes the reincarnation of his dead wife or something i guess"
annd here's a quote from our very own dream (@shiftingwastaken) that sums this post up:
"shiftblr but context makes it worse"
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zawazawanightmares · 2 years
Katie Killjoy & Sonic The Hedgehog
Tumblr media
You, Katie Killjoy, are connected to Sonic The Hedgehog Your partner selected the 18+ server.
Katie Killjoy: Oh my gosh, you're perfect!
Sonic The Hedgehog: Of course I'm perfect, don't need to tell me something I already know.
Katie Killjoy: Yes! You're the perfect little freak to showcase on our "Weirdo of the Day" segment!
Sonic The Hedgehog: Listen, darling, I don't know what fiddle you're playing here, but I hope you realize who you're talking to. Unless you've been living under a rock-- you look terribly pale and ashy.
Katie Killjoy: *eye twitches* Excuse me...you blue midget rat?
Sonic The Hedgehog: Oh, please. I'm a hedgehog, by the way. So, what's it gonna be? An autograph for the rest of your coworkers? Maybe a couple of tickets to my new movie? SEGA Corp.'s got me booked with an interview in about fifteen minutes. I'd humor you but I really need to get to the elevator.
Katie Killjoy: *snorts* Just smile, talk about how special you are and how much you love inspiring the little freaks of the world...and suck in that gut for god's sake. You look like if Sally Struthers ate Oprah.
Sonic The Hedgehog: How's it feel to not be comfortable in your own skin? Sucks, I know, I've been there. Hope you get well soon, though!
Katie Killjoy: Ech, another self-help speaker. Leave it for daytime tv, Dr. Oz. *the cameras show up and she smiles* We're here with our "Weirdo of the Day"! Tell me, what's your name, you little deviant! Not gonna lie, you look like a Maurice. *holds the microphone in front of him*
Sonic The Hedgehog: Like a switch, Sonic's charm bleeds out almost instantly, as if a new person had taken over his body. Well, Maurice is my middle name! But you can call me Sonic! Sonic The Hedgehog! Fastest thing alive and bringer of justice!
Katie Killjoy: Wow! Perfect for the kids at home! It's like you went through years of development at a company before you were sicced on the populace! *pinches his cheek*
Sonic The Hedgehog: Hehe, being a hero isn't easy. It takes lots of hard work, but more than anything, it takes a good heart! The most rewarding part of my job is helping people! A lie, of course.
Katie Killjoy: *wipes away a fake tear* Such compassion from such a deranged looking little fiend...it brings tears to my eyes to see that even here, the light cannot truly be extinguished from a being's heart!
Sonic The Hedgehog: No need for tears! As they say, smiling's the best medicine! And remember, doing a little good can make a big difference! Sonic gives the camera a thumbs up. And don't forget! Check out my new movie, in theaters in both the underworld and mortal realm!
Katie Killjoy: You heard it here first, folks! Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in theaters everywhere! Get ready for the next level...and cut! *the cameras stop filming and Katie drops her smile* Hmph, gotta tip my hat...you're a professional.
Sonic The Hedgehog: Sonic's smile drops the moment the cameras cut as well, yawning. Hm, yeah, well, anything for that fat paycheck.... He licks his lips deviously.
Katie Killjoy: Hear hear. Alright... *stretches*...I got an appointment with that royal slut at the Hazbin Hotel. Try not to go too far...your films doing gangbusters and we might need you for a follow up segment at the water park or something.
Sonic The Hedgehog: Killjoy, darling, we're in ^^hell^^. Going too far isn't a concept around here. Plus, I hear a lotta my simps are down here, I've got to see if one of'em might take me out for a drink or a good time. Can't do this back on Earth. He got off of expensive liquor, getting his shoes kissed, and money. It's who the 'true' Sonic was.
Katie Killjoy: Oh, knowing your fans...you'll be treated like the Second Coming here. *takes a out a cigarette, lights it and takes a drag* See ya around, blur.
Sonic The Hedgehog: Bye, Katie, don't let menopause drag you down too much!
You left the chat
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apollosbitches · 3 years
Quackity lore spoilers below the cut!
Featuring: tws for torture and death! Also a reminder this is all about their characters and not the ccs themselves!
Just another day in the dsmp fandom
Quackity is in control of the smp now.
BUT, before you go asking why, I'll explain.
The stream started and Quackity went to do his cute daily visit to Dream as usual. But things were different.
Quackity puts his axe on the wall, daring Dream to grab it, to which Dream attempts to grab it and Quackity yells at him, forcing Dream to back into the corner.
Dream is scared shitless at this point, he's cowering and obeying Quackity's every word. He even says "yes sir" at one point. (I see you all simping over the yes sir, it's not cool, he's literally fearing for his life, he's literally saying that to his abuser)
So Quackity tells him to write a note to Techno. Dream stands up for himself and says he doesn't want to, but Quackity shuts him down, forcing him to listen. He's got Dream in the palm of his hand, he's got the leader of the server under his control.
I've seen people say because Wilbur is back, he's going to be in charge of the smp. But I disagree, Quackity is the ringleader now, he's holding the reins. We even see later on in the stream that he's got an elytra.
Nobody is allowed in The End, but you can only get elytra in The End.
He's the only one on the server that we have solid evidence that he's been to The End. Dream's most likely been there because he's the admin, he goes where he wants, but as of now, I'm sure that Quackity is the only one that we have evidence of going to The End.
"Oh but what about Ranboo!" I hear you, yes I understand that he's part enderman, but I doubt he's ever been to The End.
Quackity officially has something extremely valuable. Nobody else has an elytra. It shows his level of power. He took Wilbur's advice of taking power by force, and ran with it.
Not only that, but his mannerisms also show his power. In today's stream, his words sounded like something Dream would say.
He got people on his side by saying they have no legacy, no lasting effect. He told Foolish that his builds are impressive, but they hold no importance, they're just empty shells. He also told Foolish that he let him die at the banquet. He let Foolish die to show him what he could be.
Now for Purpled's role. Quackity put tnt in Purpled's house to get him to show up. He also convinced Purples to join him with the promise of money and a legacy. That legacy part comes in after the banquet. So he's payed Purpled and mentions that he has something else for him. He flicks a lever and it blows up Purpled's ufo. Quackity says things along the lines of, "it's for your own good, I need you to listen to me."
Now, that sounds familiar. Exile, maybe?
Dream took Tommy's things and exploded them to keep Tommy in line, to hold Tommy under his thumb.
Quackity blew up Purpled's ufo to force him to join his side, to make him be part of Nevadas.
Even in Fundy's dream, Quackity was showing Fundy things, saying they had no importance, they had no legacy for Fundy.
Quackity is acting more and more like Dream, he's acting like the man that he's torturing for punishment.
So the tl;dr is that Quackity is becoming Dream, in his mannerisms and the fact he's gaining control of the server.
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chiakibutblack · 3 years
Tumblr media
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rev-1832 · 4 years
please for the love of all fuck explain mcyt to me
Omg I've been waiting for this
So mcyt means minecraft youtube, but usually also includes Twitch streamers. It's like a in general thing, and not pointing to anything specific
But since you sound so confused, I'm gonna explain to you the Dream SMP lore 'cause why not
TL;DR: Chaos and war, basically also like a hamilton, heathers, and les mis crossover (but i mean if you want to understand everything you should read.)
If theres spelling mistakes, sorry
Note: Everyone on the smp has three canon lives, and when you loose all three you're canonically dead (except philza minecraft. he has one canon life bc hes known as the hardcore guy bc he had a minecraft hardcore series for 6 years until he was killed by a spider while trying to fight a baby zombie lmaoooooo)
In the beginning there were 8: The Dream Team (Dream, Georgenotfound [the guy in my pfp btw :)] , Sapnap), Badboyhalo, Awesamdude, Ponk, Callahan, and Alyssa. Around this time, nothing much happened since it was all brand new, uhh yeah (this was around may-july of this year)
Then around late july new members joined: Tommyinnit, Tubbo, Wilbur Soot, Eret, Skeppy, Fundy, Punz, Purpled, and Schlatt. This part is very important to the lore, because the lore kinda started off with the british (so tommy, tubbo, wilbur, eret) Schlatt was banned, cause Sapnap was the one who invited him and Dream didn't know who he was. He'll come up later.
So Wilbur and Tommy decided to create a new nation called "L'Manberg". Also around this time (i think) Nihachu and Jack Manifold joined. They also were part of L'Manberg. There was this huge revolution between Dream Smp and L'Manberg. Very historical period on this smp. In the end, (i think it was?) L'Manberg who won (if memory serves).
After that, L'Manberg had started growing bigger, with a lot more buildings added and stuff, notably Church Prime, which where they created a religion for Twitch Prime, which is how you can sub to your favorite twitch streamer for free if you link your amazon prime account. I'm pretty sure around this time, Quackity, Karl Jacobs (if you watch Mr. Beast; yes, that karl jacobs), HBomb, Technoblade, and Antfrost joined. And then the railway war started. It happened when Tommy accidentally ran over Dream with a Minecart and then took his stuff. This is how the disc war started (once again, if memory serves). The two discs Tommy owns are his prized possesions, and Dream took them. Also around this time the Pet War started, with Sapnap killing someones(i forgot oops) pet. And then more pet killing. Annnnd then even more.
Then there was the L'Manberg eletion. There was POG2020, who was Wilbur and Tommy, SWAG2020, Quackity and George, Coconut2020, Fundy and Nihachu, and Schlatt2020 which was Schlatt. Oh yeah and he got unbanned btw
SWAG2020 and Schlatt2020 decided to combine their votes, thus Shclatt became president and Quackity his vp. Oh and ever since the election Quackity has this grudge against George bc he slept through the election. Schlatt renamed L'Manberg to Manberg, and exiled Tommy and Wilbur from it.
Schlatt is a evil dictator who likes power. He and Quackity started fighting, and so Quackity became part of Tommy and Wilbur's side. Around this time was The Battle of the Lake and The Burning Eiffel Tower, both part of the pet war. (It seems like a innocent war but its actually brutal lmao) Also (irl) Mr. Beast had a $10,000 Taco Bell gift card hunt. Eret won. It was at the cords 6969,420, because haha funny number haha weed number. This has nothing to do with the lore but yeah. Eret also became King of the SMP 
Then there was the Manberg festival. It was to celebrate democracy, but Tubbo puts it as "i decorated my own execution" bc he helped decorate it, but he was murdered there. At the festival was the Manberg Massicare, where Technoblade was forced to shoot tubbo, but he released a firework rocket kiling Tubbo, Schlatt, Quackity, and a few others. Many people lost one of their canon lives. Wilbur went all J.D like and planted 11 stacks of TNT underneath Manberg, and wanted to blow it up.
Pogtopia was formed, which is a ravine which i think is underneath? manberg? Which included basically everybody who wasn't neutral or with schlatt. On November 16 was the Manberg VS Pogtopia war, but the Badlands were also there. The Badlands is a nation of four people: Bbh, Skeppy, Awesamdude, and Antfrost. They faught with the loosing side, so the chaos could continue. Eret disobeyed Dream and got stripped of his royalty, and gave it to George. Oh and during this time, George had no idea there was a war and was building a cottagecore mushroom house with callahan and was very confused with all the death messages in the chat. Schlatt died canonically of a heart attack or stroke (no one knows tbh). Tommy became president, passed it to wilbur bc he still has unfinished buissness with dream (the discs), and wilbur passed it to Tubbo, who made Tommy his vp. Technoblade then argued about how government is bad, and they're just repeating history. Philza Minecraft joined the server, but no one could find him, until Wilbur blew up L'Manberg (they rechanged the name also). Wilbur then made Philza kill him, so Wilbur also became canonically dead. Then Techno, still mad at L'Manberg and governments, summoned two withers and made it attack the others. The Geogre decided to check out what was happening and helped fight. After the chaos, Captain Puffy and ConnorEatsPants joined the smp. About one to two weeks later Vikkstar and LazarBeam joined, then about three months after that Ranboo joined.
They rebuilt L'Manberg on stilts, and there water where the explosion was, but now with coral and stuff to make it all pretty. Tommy and Ranboo decided to go steal from Georges mushroom house, but then also griefed it and burnt it, and Dream, being a George simp, built obsidian walls around L'Manberg. They took Tommy to court, and was put on probation. Then Tommy got exiled (again) but this time by his own best friend. This made Quackity vp and Fundy secutary of state. Dream also took Georges king thing and gave it back to Eret because Eret has a good relationship with everybody, whereas George being King just caused chaos cause hes close to Dream. Quackity and Karl made Mexican L'Manberg, and George and Sapnap joined in also. War against Dream SMP, it was a negotiation and it got renamed into El Rapids (reference to Chilling in Cedar Rapids, which Hilary Clinton once said, and Quackity referenced it, got it trending #1 one twitter (well i mean dsmp gets things trending like everyday but), and got DONALD TRUMP TO SUBTWEET HIM. (This happened irl)
In his exile, Ghostbur (wilbur as ghost) and Tommy made Logstedshire, and Dream was often there to watch him. Dream then blew it up, and now Tommy is living with Techno in his arctic place. Currently, Quackity made a thing called The Butcher Army, so they could execute Techno. Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, and I also think Ranboo? are trying to get another festival, and yes its a secret execution plan, but for them to kill Dream, who they realized is who they need to kill first. The disc war is still not over. Tommy has one of his discs, but Skeppy is in possesion of the other one.
Unluckily for Tommy (reguarding the discs), something happened in the Badlands. Bbh was digging out his underground statue room (he plans to make a statue of everyone of the server) and found this crimson egg. He, Antfrost, and Captain Puffy kinda got possesed. Also since Skeppy didn't really hang out on the server at night, but bbh does (OF FUCK I FORGOT TO MENTION HE AND BBH ARE BEST FRIENDS) Captain Puffy created Discount Skeppy, which is her in a Skeppy skin. Skeppy found out, had a little conflict with her during her stream, but it was resolved, and at one point in the stream, he asked bbh to choose between him and the egg, and when bbh didn't answer, he went to the egg, put himself inside it, and logged off. Couple days later, bbh and puffy got him out, hes now possed by the crimson, called Technoblade his "best friend" infront of bbh, and is now living in a grass hut. Bad is convinced theres still some skeppt left, but yeah. Skeppy also wanted to burn the disc.
Not much part of lore but Nihachu and Captain Puffy once went on a date. They’re both bi irl and Puffy was on Nihachu’s Love or Host (twitch dating show. its really entertaining) Captain Puffy was a contestant, and chose love. (LoH is also how Nihachu and Wilbur met.) 
Funfact: Theres 5 irl lgbtq+ ppl on the server (people who came out, anyways cause you never know, ya know?) Antfrost is gay, Eret, Nihachu, Captain Puffy are all bi, and Karl Jacobs is ace spec 
Family stuff: Philza Minecraft (he'll come up later) had two twins with a Samsung Smart Refrigerator in the 70's. The two twins being Wilbur and Technoblade (he'll come up later also) and also had another son, Tommy. They also adopted Tubbo, who they found in a box on the side of the road. When he grew up, Wilbur met Sally the Salmon, and they had a fox together (dont ask just go with it), which was Fundy. (The character) Fundy is trans, and yeah . Bbh is a dad to sapnap and yeah
Oh and a new member is coming on today on Quackity’s stream (twitch.tv/quackityhq at 5pm CST if you want to watch) 
I left out some parts, sorry, but theres always the wiki...
Wilbur Soot is also a musician! He wrote I’m In Love With an Egirl, The Internet Ruined Me, and Your New Boyfriend. (did you know the last one beat taylor swift for #1 trending on youtube? idk why but im really proud of him for that) They’re all catJam’s. Go listen!
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echohousehold · 3 years
An Update!??
(TL: DR at the end of the post)
Yeah, that's right. I'm finally making a post of my own instead of going hee hoo and reblogging stuff. It's been a little over a week since AI Cascade was first created and it's been exactly a week since the first episode was uploaded. Thank you to those of you who joined the commentary stream despite the technical difficulties and the awkwardness. And if you haven't heard of AI Cascade:
AI Cascade is a still ongoing video series. It's both a playthrough of Black Mesa and an improv comedy series. It's no necessary to watch Half-Life VR But the AI is Self-Aware, but it helps with knowing the context a little better. I play Tommy Coolatta which is the only character (so far?) from HLVRAI (the acronym for the long title) and the rest are my friends acting as NPCs or AIs in Tommy's HEV Suit. The most recent video is Episode 8 / AI Cascade Act 4 Part 2 - Pork Attack, we have an AI Cascade askblog and a Discord server.
Videos and Commentary Stream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEYZD6EU0uiBNcRPLllVP1Q/videos
Askblog: https://ai-cascade.tumblr.com/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/3b4HcGrvDa
In other news, I finished all of Deltarune and I am OBSESSED as you can probably tell if you look at my reblogs. HMU if you want me to go off about deltarune with/at you. And I decided to create my own Chapter 3 which is currently in its early planning phase. And I finally finished my carrd so you can now view all my names, pronouns, kins, and simps.
TL:DR, AI Cascade Episode 8 has been out, Deltarune Chapter 3 AU in the works, and Carrd is finished.
Some talk about older stuff:
The HLVRAI Server mentioned maybe a year ago has been disbanded. Everyone on the team has lost interest and we check-up on each other every so often but we have stopped worked on the retelling of HLVRAI. AI Cascade is what you got instead though and it is a HLVRAI AU with my friends.
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