#dr. zor controls them all
eight-cats-in-a-box · 5 months
Lore for my Phoenix!!!! Long post so it's under the cut OwO @dandorime
Agent Phoenix, also known as [REDACTED], is the Agency's best operative, with successful missions numbering in the dozens under their belt. This file requires Level 5 security clearance.
Agent Phoenix, hereafter referred to as either "Phoenix" or "Agent", also known as Leonidas Orion Bates, is the Agency's best operative, with their unique gift of resurrection allowing them to complete missions without a fluke- perhaps not the first time, but it's only a matter of time and iteration until they can complete it.
Phoenix had a fairly normal upbringing, with nothing of note occurring until their eighteenth birthday, when they were kidnapped by Zoraxis operatives on their way to a party. They would spend the next five years captive there. It is unclear why they were chosen, and Phoenix has declined to comment.
During those years, Phoenix was Pavlov'd into complete obedience by [REDACTED], their Zoraxis handler. [Note from R.C: Their handler was a horrible person, and quite frankly, I'm glad she's dead.] This was accomplished with a high-voltage shock collar. Phoenix has declined to elaborate further, for good reason.
They were renamed "Sicarius" ["killer" in Latin], and used as an assassin/executioner for Zor themself. This left Phoenix quite damaged, both physically and mentally. They have expressed a fear of harming their loved ones, and although the scars from the shock collar have faded, they're still visible on occasion.
Phoenix showed up at the Agency Headquarters in London on 04/09/XXXX, looking exhausted. They were taken into custody, and promised to give freely the information that they had on Zor's plans in exchange for sanctuary.
Their first Agency handler necessitated a transfer. It took a long time for them to trust their second Handler, due to mistrust not only from their Zoraxis handler, but their first Agency handler as well. [Note from R.C:I made sure that [REDACTED] got fired. What they did to Phoenix was inexcusable.] However, post-Operation: Death Engine, they opened up a bit more, and the two are now fast friends.
Phoenix has expressed a concerning willingness to kill, maim, and otherwise maul the enemies of those they are close to. This has been kept in check by their handler, but there are occasions on which they are permitted to...let loose. [See Incident Report 089.]
Post-Operation: Rising Phoenix, Agent Phoenix's handler, Reginald Crane, had informed Agency Director Ricardo Morales that if Phoenix were truly dead, he would be handing in his resignation, effective immediately. Two weeks later, the Agent initiated the Recommunication Protocol at Control Point Babadag. [Note from R.C: To say I was ecstatic would be a gross understatement.]
Post-activation, Phoenix informed Crane that none other than John Juniper was in their custody, and they were helping him recover. Juniper was later taken to an Agency hospital to recover, and allow Phoenix to focus on thwarting Doctor Roxana Prism, who had recently allied with Dr. Zor.
[Note from R.P: The two seem to have a dynamic similar to that of siblings. Phoenix regularly instigates arguments with J.J, and vice versa, but they have started all-out brawls because of someone else bullying the other. It's very strange. See Incident Report 087.]
After Operation: KBOOM, Prism was taken into Agency custody, but was released after both Agent Phoenix and Crane threatened to leave the Agency if she were not released.
Phoenix eventually befriended and even wooed the Doctor, and they have a very healthy relationship. Crane has expressed his approval, although Juniper was seen "shovel-talking" Prism. It seems he is rather protective over Phoenix, as Phoenix is with him.
Phoenix also stole the kinesium the Agency confiscated [namely, the sample taken from Robutler], and returned it to Prism, along with Right Robot. Phoenix returned to the Agency HQ looking quite smug, and declined to comment on their disheveled state.
Phoenix currently resides in California, with Prism, Right Robot, Robutler, and several cats. [Note from A.P: Their names are Buzz, Gracie, Lucy, Betty, Cheddar, Bill, Frank, Honey, Flip-Flop, and Sandal.]
Agent Phoenix has left no less than four agents in critical condition, and at least ten more with non-serious injuries after an all-out brawl they started in the canteen. When asked why, they simply replied, "No one is allowed to bully Agent Clover [John Juniper] except me." [Note from J.J: Aww, they do care.]
Disciplinary action has not been taken, as their Handler has interfered.
End report.
Agent Phoenix, who has now returned to normal, was reported as seeming rather dazed and looking around as though they had lost something at 17:26. They left the building at 17:32, and Doctor Roxana Prism reported seeing them at her doorstep at 18:49, with symptoms similar to that of Zor's Project Eidolon. [Glowing eyes, bigger physical presence, oddly robotic movements]
However, when Prism opened the door, Phoenix did not attack her, as other Eidolon were wont to do. They instead told her that they were "awaiting commands." [Note from R.C: I've always said that not even God himself could make Phoenix harm Roxana. It's nice to know I'm right.]
This loyalty/obedience lasted until Phoenix was returned to normal, and save for more sass, there hasn't been much change. [Note from A.P: Because there wasn't, really. I'd do anything for the ones I love. I think the only thing that changed was my accent, honestly.]
End report.
Doctor Roxana Prism, who is currently recovering in the medbay of Agency HQ, was recently kidnapped by Zoraxis, possibly as a last resort due to the failure of Project: Eidolon. Agent Phoenix and myself found her at Zor's base in Jasper, Nevada. The place was crawling with guards, so we made a plan.
Phoenix was already on edge, and getting twitchier every second. So, I allowed them to clear the way for the both of us to rescue Roxana.
It was...brutal, to say the least. To say they were covered in blood not their own would be an understatement. [Note from R.P: I didn't exactly mind, honestly. The dry-cleaning bill was awful, though.]
Roxana was extracted without further incident, and the Zoraxis base was demolished.
End report.
INCIDENT FILER: Agent Clover [John Juniper]
Agent Phoenix has recently landed themself in the medbay (again) after attempting to down three entire bottles of moonshine on a bet. Suffice to say, they won. Unfortunately, the upgrade the Agency provided them with (that was supposed to be for poisoning) did not hold up to the stress.  I had to hold their hair back while they vomited for nearly half an hour, and as both their girlfriend and their Handler were busy, I had to take care of them as well.  I will be sending the Agency my dry-cleaning bill.
End Report.
INCIDENT FILER: [REDACTED] Agent Phoenix is currently recovering in the medbay after a massive brawl between them and at least seventeen other agents, as well as security, which left them with a broken nose and three broken ribs. When asked what their motivations were, they declined comment, but a bystander said that they had apparently over heard someone mentioning Doctor Roxana Prism's history with Zoraxis, which enraged Phoenix to the point of picking a fight with an agent nearly twice their size and his group of friends. [Note from A.P: I don't even have a defense for this one. Love makes you do stupid things, and I love Roxy more than I love fire and alcohol.] Doctor Prism declined comment.
End Report.
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agent-calivide · 1 year
Spoilers for IEYTD 3
Little things I’ve noticed:
That moldy sandwich is gross, but not completely overrun by mold. Between that and Handler saying that he should have known Phoenix was gonna be there, we can assume Handler set out a sandwich for them… just in case they did survive.
Zor’s voice modulator is even more techno, there’s no masc nor fem sounds, just garbled auto tune
Ollie gets into the same escape pod that you escape from in the first game
The squid is controlled by tech made by Hivemind, seems he’s working with more animals than just bees now
Caliente had a poster instructing fire and laser safety in the final level.
The previous #1 agent is in the group photo of all the other EOD workers. They are also in a portrait in Dr Zor’s office. Either they’re Zor, or a close loved one of theirs.
More will likely be added as i replay
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agent-toast · 10 months
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@irregularityregularity, my friend, you have made a terrible mistake.
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alt text: ok so theres this guy who is you and ur a secret agent and you have a handler in your earpiece who guides you and you solve puzzles in vr like an escape room and there are danger things like bombs and trapped shelves that will kill you if you activate them and you die but you can respawn and there is a big danger weapon in space called the death engine pointing at earth which is going to kill all the agents of ur agency which is bad and the person behind it is commander solaris and you defeat her and stop the death engine from engineing and in the process you accidentally fake ur death and then it turns out the person behind solaris is the head of the bad company thing called dr zor (ur agency company is called the enhanced operatives division/EOD btw) so then in the second game you find out that this annoying howlian actor called john juniper who calls himself the greatest actor ever, is actually working for zoraxis and your handler is like 'but but i liked that guy' so anyway zoraxis thinks you're dead right so john juniper thinks you're some other agent, he tries to kill you to stop you from finding out his top secret evil plan but you survive (well i assume you survive) and he realises 'oh shit this is the agent who supposedly died on the death engine' and he calls you agent phoenix because you 'came back from the dead' so he even more tries to kill you but eventually you find out that john juniper, along with an inventor of traps and stuff called the fabricator, is impersonating heads of state with a 'mimic mask' that lets you look and sound like the person you want to impersonate. they use the mask to steal the nuclear launch codes that all the heads of state have, so that they can launch some nukes and make the whole world know that zoraxis is in control of everyone now. they also kidnapped the real heads of state and, john impersonated the heads and made statements saying that they were friendly to zoraxis and wanted to work with them. (before, the real heads did not like zoraxis.) you manage to take the suitcase that holds the nuclear launch codes but john juniper sleeping gases you and takes it back, and kidnaps you and impersonates your handler :D you manage to escape, and because you put a tracking device on the suitcase, you find out where john juniper is conducting the final part of the plan, zOraXiS dEfEnsE (name of level i think). john is pretending to hold a peace summit with all the heads of state to show that zoraxis is in league with the heads, but in actuality he's being a drama queen and wants to show the whole world (its being broadcast) the moment he launches the nukes and takes over the world. you ride an elevator with nice music to the 'peace summit' and almost get killed by gunshots (this is part of the plot), the elevator stops working, then you use external power from some danger blades from zoraxis that were going to slice the ropes of your elevator to make it start again. you reach john juniper who's standing on a very thin platform in the middle of a hole (im assuming that's the place where the nukes are but idk). john juniper's like ahah you can't stop me but you turn on a lever that splits the platform in two, causing john to almost fall into the hole, but he just barely hangs on. dr zor's voice appears! and they say 'ahahah mr juniper u were never running the show' and electrocute him using the mimic mask that he's wearing. he falls off the platform and probably dies? idk? then dr zor launches the countdown for the nukes and you have five minutes to figure out how to stop the nukes using the modified briefcase. it kinda looks like a bunch of random puzzles. you solve it, but when you press the stop button, there's low power, so it doesn't work. so you use the external power you got from the elevator and plug it into the suitcase, ignoring what your handler says about the elevator being about to fall without power. you press the button woo and fall to your death.
the third game is even harder to sum up than the first and second so i'll shorten it
dr prism is agency inventor and missing
she actually works for zoraxis because the agency rejected her idea to use robots as agents instead of humans
oh yeah i forgot you have telekinesis and she's the one who made ur telekinetic implant, using an ore called kinesium.
she made the robots using the kinesium and other stuff and now they're gonna kill you because prism wants to show the agency that robot agents are better than human agents and she knows you're very skilled, so killing the great agent phoenix will show the agency that the robot agents are better.
long story short you chase prism, die a lot, the robots get knocked out by zor and die, prism is angry at zor because zor used her, you guys find out zor wants to mine a million kinesium because heated and blown up kinesium messes with the telekinetic implants in agents' heads. if there's a loooot of kinesium, that means the agents will all die, and the radius of the explosion will be big enough to kill all the agents. you and prism go and stop zor in a volcano where all the kinesium is stored. you use your telekinesis to contain the blast, which really messes hard with your head and you black out. your handler and prism get worried about you and while you're out, prism carries you to a nearby beach then leaves because she says she can't face the agency rn. your handler reveals his distrust of chickens. one robot agent is actually alive and he's a good robot. the end. my god that was long
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wyvchard · 4 months
I have no idea where I'm going with this.
Original Post / Context
@tillywunderwing, I hope it's fine if I write a paragraph or two about this. It got stuck on my mind.
(Also, I remembered this fic which I think you wrote? This could also be one of their more frustrating deaths too. The deaths where they thought they did everything right but forgot one crucial thing that they overlooked.)
Typical Trigger Warnings from IEYTD applies.
Phoenix wakes up in a hospital bed, taking a few short breaths before a hand forced them back to lying down.
"Agent, take it easy." Their handler sighed in relief, now that they're out of danger. "Zoraxis won't get you from here."
"...Reggie, I'm... so sorry. I was stupid to let Zoraxis capture me like that. I didn't mean to."
"It's not your fault, Agent. No one would have seen that coming."
"... But I should have. It was right there. I... I could have dodged it. It was... always there."
"Agent, I barely saw it myself, even as you were being captured. Please, don't scold yourself."
The agent merely looked at the ceiling, taking a few breaths. "I'm slipping, Reggie. I'm making a mess."
"Agent, you're doing well with your track record."
"But I'm not!" They raised their voice as sat up, glaring at their handler like a wounded animal. "I-i should have been able to see it coming! But didn't! If things go down like they did last time, so many people will die. Dr. Prism will die! John Juniper will die too! You did too! All because Zoraxis figured out which agents can become turncoats since they used my compromised status to sneak into headquarters and steal the files while everyone was panicking!"
They clasped their mouth, wincing as their IV got pulled. "I... It's nothing. I'm probably just overthinking again."
"Agent, answer me honestly. Did you betray the agency when you were captured?" Reginald kept his even tone, controlling his emotions to avoid the turmoil on the implications that their adversary managed to break their top agent.
"N-no. I... Don't make me answer that. Please. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to shoot you, I swear! I undid it, didn't I? You're alive. You're here. You're here."
Reginald held a breath as he watched his agent claw their hair in order to calm down, reduced to mumbling that he can't even catch up due to how incoherent it had become.
It took a while for him to register that he was pushed out of the ward as they dealt with his agent's breakdown.
"We're calling this mission, "Operation: Friendly Skies". I hope you like cars, and airplanes, and cars in airplanes. Dr. Zor, corporate billionaire by day, underhanded villain by night, has a cargo plane scheduled to depart for Zanzibar this very evening. We need you to infiltrate the plane before it takes off. Gain access to the vehicle held within, and drive it right off the airplane. Our Intel assures us, Zor's car is equipped to handle a fall from any height, so we're almost positive you won't die."
The agent heard the briefing for the nth time. At this point, they can mimic what he can say, word for word. But they won't; they had done that 3 rewinds ago.
They were still shaking from the fact that whatever they were given was enough to put them into a suggestible state that made them slip up and tell Reginald the truth. Well, half-truth.
They did turn their violence against the agency after Zoraxis broke their mind after a long time. But that was countless rewinds ago. But they still lied that they did that in this rewind in order to avoid their handler's pained expression. Right?
They were still shaking from the agency's punishment for turncoats, the pain still lingered as they shook on the chair of their office.
"Agent?" Their handler spoke. "Getting cold feet?"
They shook their head, raising up a hand to ask him to give them time to breathe.
"Sorry. I dozed off. Drive the car off the plane. Got it." They spoke, grabbing the items they typically grab for their first mission.
Just what will this rewind bring?
Reginald came to R&D with worry, having left HR with confirmation that several dossiers of field agents have been compromised. The agency will become a mess soon enough, and that's not even counting the thought that his agent had become a turncoat.
Not to mention the other things they've found.
"Crane, you need to see this. None of this makes sense. Your agent has memories of things that haven't happened. Zoraxis could be implanting false memories for all we know."
"I wouldn't put it past them." He muttered, taking a look at the data Zoraxis gathered from their agent, he clenched his fist as the memory of Phoenix's wails echoed in his mind.
A lot of false memories have been implanted within his agent and he has to ground them back to reality. He has to.
For context: This is a misunderstanding in Reggie's part. Zoraxis did not implant false memories as those were from the previous rewinds. However, Reginald (logically) assumes that it was a false memory. In a world where time loops are mostly in the realm of fiction, a machine that can implant false memories seem more likely when you were faced with a machine that can read your memories.
Phoenix is currently having a dream where they're about to start a different loop all over again due to the fact they were so convinced they died when Zoraxis captured them. The conversation became did happen but the memory of the last time Zoraxis captured them overlapped, leading to another rewind.
I do not think I can write this story at the moment so if anyone wants to take the idea, please do so.
@phoenix-and-found-family , this is far from canon to my Phoenix since this is experimental but it could be an interesting read.
Also, this is far from edited. Whoops.
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mynders-universe · 11 months
I have a question about Ebony Does their air base also house ariel Badniks? Like Balkiry, Nebula, Buzz Bombers, Orbinauts, etc If so, how do you think Ebony uses them?
Good question! Let's see if I can answer this in a timely manner without extensive rambling.
Ebony's base does indeed have aerial Badniks of all varieties. Her facility is primarily focused on the housing and deployment of Badniks and ships alike, but the facility itself can't actually produce more Badniks. They need to be delivered to the base after being made elsewhere, since its primary function is for the servicing of ships.
As for how Ebony uses them, I'd say it depends on the demands of the big bad himself. As things are now, with the Forces War over and Eggman going back underground (for the most part, anyway) Badniks are mostly getting used for information gathering in the region she has jurisdiction over. Without the need for extensive air support, what with GUN and the governments having taken back control of the air space over the continent, she usually doesn't have much to do beyond helping move supplies around and gathering information. As of now, her current highest priority is dealing with a branch of the Restoration that's taken up residence in the town of Keystone, as they're performing routine checks of cargo trains going through the town. This is relevant because the lack of air support means Eggman is having to move things around the continent through other means, and one of the more reliable methods is through Empire loyal(?) train conductors moving supplies via the rail network. This could include new resources directly from the Empire, or paid off scrappers intent on making a quick buck by salvaging Empire tech.
Fun fact: the most interesting thing that's happened to Ebony and the air base as of now was during the Metal Virus. A rather morose, blue haired Zeti ransacked the base right after the Deadly Six commandeered Eggman's Faceship. Zavok, intent on crippling Eggman's ability to retaliate directly against the Faceship, sent Zor with the mission to destroy all the ships located at the base. He gleefully did just that, and used whatever was left to construct his Owl Mech before taking it out to terrorize the region with his hoard of Zombots. The base has yet to recover its numbers from this attack.
The base has Badniks, but can't make them. As of now, she uses them for the sake of information gathering and reconnaissance, and is unlikely to deploy massive amounts of them unless she dictates there's a need to do so. For the most part, they're either gathering dust or are getting sent out to try and apply pressure to the groups of the Restoration operating in her region.
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amethystfox4 · 2 years
"That voice in your ear, They have no chance to save you. A mere puppeteer, They only enslave you."
Dr. Zor puppeting Handler puppeting Agent Phoenix in the style of the opening credits.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
From Man of Steel to Zack Snyder’s Justice League: A Complete DCEU Timeline
This article contains spoilers for Zack Snyder’s Justice League and other DC movies.
The timeline of the DC Extended Universe began in a fairly clear manner, with most of the events of Man of Steel set in 2013. As more films were released, containing flashbacks, or lacking a clear chronological setting, things became increasingly complicated. And by the time we got to Birds of Prey film, its precise placement in the DCEU is downright murky. But there are contextual in-universe clues in the form of media, gravestones, mugshot photos, or throwaway lines of dialogue that provide some clarity. 
With the long-awaited release of the Snyder Cut of Justice League hitting HBO Max, it’s a good time to break down what we know so far about when some significant moments in DCEU history took place.
100,000 B.C.
The Kryptonian Expansion: Krypton begins interstellar exploration and launches scout ships into the void of space. They colonize and flourish for 100 thousand years until artificial population control is introduced. (Man of Steel)
18,000 B.C.
A Kryptonian scout ship crash lands on Earth; one Kryptonian escapes the craft, leaving behind an empty pod. (Man of Steel) According to a Man of Steel prequel comic that may may not still be canon, her name was Kara Zor-El.
Thousands of Years Ago
Darkseid seeks to conquer Earth, but is foiled by the combined forces of man, Atlanteans, Themyscirans, Olympian gods, and at least one member of the Green Lantern Corps, Yalan Gur. Three Mother Boxes are hidden across the planet: in Atlantis, on Themyscira, and with mankind. (Zack Snyder’s Justice League)
Millennia after the Amazons are created, Ares goes to war with the Olympian gods, and kills all of them, including Zeus. Themyscira is created with Zeus’ remaining power. Somewhere during this period, Atlantis sinks beneath the waves. (Wonder Woman)
The ancient wizard Shazam imbues a champion with the powers of six mythological figures, only for him to become corrupted by the power. (Shazam!)
Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Queen Hippolyta, grows up on the hidden island, and trains to become a warrior under General Antiope. (Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman 1984)
Diana saves Steve Trevor who has crashed on Themyscira. He warns her of the great war, World War I, raging across the globe. She joins him in the world of man, and together they seek to stop the evil Dr. Maru and General Ludendorff (who Diana incorrectly believes is the God of War, Ares). Steve Trevor dies. (Wonder Woman)
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Wonder Woman Movie: Complete DC Comics Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Mike Cecchini
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By David Crow
Thaddeus Sivana is magically transported to the Rock of Eternity and fails the test of worthiness conducted by the wizard Shazam. (Shazam!)
After the explosion of his homeworld, Kal-El of Krypton crash lands on Earth, and is taken in by Jonathan and Martha Kent of Smallville, Kansas. This date is approximate, but while being interrogated in Man of Steel, Superman says he’s been on the planet for 33 years. (Man of Steel)
Thomas and Martha Wayne are murdered in Gotham City, leaving their young song Bruce an orphan with a serious grudge against criminals. (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)
Diana Prince operates in secret as the heroine Wonder Woman, while also working by day at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. After unwittingly using the Dreamstone, she resurrects Steve Trevor (who inhabits another man’s body). Barbara Ann Minerva, also through the use of the Dreamstone, gains superpowers and is ultimately transformed into Cheetah. Businessman Max Lord wishes to become the stone itself, and uses his powers to create global chaos. (Wonder Woman 1984)
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Wonder Woman 1984: DC Comics Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Delia Harrington
Wonder Woman 1984 Post Credits Scene Explained
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Lighthouse keeper Thomas Curry rescues and falls in love with Atlantean queen Atlanna; Arthur Curry, aka, Aquaman is born shortly thereafter. (Aquaman)
Circa 1995
Bruce Wayne begins operating in Gotham as the vigilante Batman.
Jonathan Kent dies in a tornado after discouraging Clark from using his powers to save him. (Man of Steel)
This is a bat-signal in the dark, but this is a reasonable estimate on when both Dr. Harlene Quinzel becomes Harley Quinn, and when Dick Grayson, Batman’s partner Robin, is murdered. Suicide Squad lists Quinzel’s date of birth as July 1990. It seems unlikely she would have become a psychiatrist, and assigned to the Joker in Arkham before age 23. Still, Robin is dead by October 2014 (and presumably dead by the Black Zero Event in late 2013, as shown in Man of Steel). This allows for about a year for Harleen to help Joker escape Arkham, take a transformational acid bath, and help the Clown Prince kill Grayson.
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Man of Steel: Complete DC Comics Easter Eggs and References Guide
By Mike Cecchini
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By Mike Cecchini
Batman apprehends Floyd Lawton, aka the hitman known as Deadshot, while he’s Christmas shopping with his daughter. (Suicide Squad)
General Zod invades Earth, and Superman reveals himself to the world. Bruce Wayne witnesses the battle between the two, and sees the Wayne Financial Building in Metropolis collapse. (Man of Steel)
Harley Quinn is captured by Batman after Joker drives their car into the harbor, and abandons her. When she is introduced in Suicide Squad, she is listed as an accomplice to Robin’s murder, which is what leads to her arrival at Belle Reve prison. (Suicide Squad)
Victor Stone and his mother are in a car accident which kills her, and puts him on death’s door. Victor’s father uses Mother Box technology to keep him alive and transform him into an incredibly powerful cyborg. (Justice League)
The holy trinity of DC meet! Batman and Superman duke it out before joining forces against Lex Luthor’s Doomsday creature. Meanwhile, Diana joins the action, and dons her Wonder Woman suit in battle. Sadly, Superman dies, but Bruce and Diana decide to form a league of heroes. (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)
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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Complete DC Comics Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Mike Cecchini
Suicide Squad: Complete DC Comics Easter Eggs and Character Guide
By Mike Cecchini
Amanda Waller establishes the government sanctioned Task Force X, also known as the Suicide Squade, to respond to metahuman threats (and following the death of Superman). Enchantress enslaves Midway City, but is ultimately thwarted by the squad. (Suicide Squad)
Bruce Wayne and Diana assemble a team including Barry Allen, Vic Stone, and Arthur Curry to battle Steppenwolf, who has returned to Earth. Superman is resurrected, and ultimately joins the fight. Shortly after Superman’s return, Lex Luthor breaks out of Arkham and reveals Batman’s secret identity to Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke. (Justice League)
After defeating his half-brother Orm and stopping a war between the underwater kingdoms and the surface world, Arthur Curry ascends the throne as king of Atlantis, wielder of the Trident of Atlan, and ruler of the seven seas. (Aquaman)
Billy Batson is granted the powers of Shazam, and thwarts Dr. Sivana’s evil plans. While this could take place a little earlier, it is pretty well established within the film the events occur after those of Justice League, so we’ll just default to year of release here. (Shazam!)
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Shazam: DC Comics Easter Eggs and References Guide
By Mike Cecchini
Shazam 2 Will Have a Sinbad Cameo and a Cool Title
By Delia Harrington
Barry Allen encounters a parallel universe version of himself in STAR Labs. Though it is unclear when in his timeline the encounter occurs, it is before he has adopted the moniker of The Flash — which is given to him by the Arrowverse’s Barry. Based on his reaction to the meeting, it can be assumed this takes place before Barry has explored other realities via the Speed Force. (Crisis on Infinite Earths)
Harley Quinn and Joker break up, and she establishes a new life in Gotham. She goes to war with Roman Sionis, and the Birds of Prey are formed. The events of Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) take place after both Suicide Squad and Justice League — and at a time when Batman has gone missing.  (Birds of Prey)
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As seen in the epilogue of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, in a potential future, Superman has succumbed to Darkseid’s anti-life equation following the death of Lois Lane. As a result, he becomes a powerful weapon wielded against humanity, and his former teammates, including Batman and Flash, as well as Mera, Slade Wilson, and Joker. Many heroes of the past, meanwhile, have perished. (Zack Snyder’s Justice League)  
The post From Man of Steel to Zack Snyder’s Justice League: A Complete DCEU Timeline appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2OTXe2G
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The Harbingers of the Apocalypse
@incendiaglacies and I have been talking about an AU for the past year and a half (I think?) that we call The Horsewomen. With Legends of SHIELD and Roommates, we’ve kind of put it off to the side, but now it’s time to bring a bit of it to life. Think of this as a prequel for what might be one day...
              In the multiverse, there are many earths, several of which have discovered one another. However, not one universe has ever been able to discover every single one of its companions. Earth-1 only knows of 52 other Earths. That number will soon be 53 once they discover Earth-142, or at least the residents of that Earth that invade theirs.
The first ones to arrive are regarded as villains on their earth. Each of them possess a penchant for chaos and destruction. Five originally planned to come. Only four were able to survive Earth-142 long enough to make it to a new Earth.
              When she was seven years old, everything she knew was obliterated. Krypton had been dying for so long with no one lifting a finger to save it. As it crumbled and its core destabilized, the young girl was put into an escape pod by her well-meaning parents and sent away from the planet before it exploded. For years, she would see her world explode into rock and dust and flame in her dreams while the shuttle carried her to another planet.
              The planet she landed on was known as Earth. A family adopted her as their own and gave her a home, but it was clear very soon that she was not like them. Her skin was stronger than steel and she levitated when she slept. The most obvious difference was that her whole body would glow when she was out in the sun. She could control it, but sometimes she’d generate fire in her hands or explode into flames. Every time this happened, she always would extinguish herself and be left without a scratch.
              For three years, she was told to hide what she could do from the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the girl could not hide herself anymore at ten when she grew angry with a classmate and lost control. The classmate was taken to the hospital with second-degree burns while Argus was called to the town to take the girl into custody. They studied her alone at first, then collaborated with a laboratory a few years later to experiment on the girl. When they weren’t doing that, she was locked up, totally cut off from the world.
              Years came and went, aging the girl into a bitter young woman with a heart full of hate. She was discovered one day by an Argus agent who tried to set her free before being caught. Weeks passed before the agent came again and set her and another woman free. Something had happened to the agent that gave her abilities and a thirst for revenge. Together, the trio found others with abilities that also wanted to get even with the world. That’s what they ended up doing until things became too hot even for her. So then the plan changed from destruction to escape.
Kara Zor-El did not survive long enough to make it to the new Earth. However, she made the world fear her when she scorched those who got in her way.
              Prior to her transformation, she was full of potential. As one of the youngest scientists in STAR Labs, she had already made leaps and bounds in her career. People had been taking notice of the bioengineering doctor and had great expectations. But there were some who chose to look upon her with envy and anger. Why should she be the darling of STAR Labs when they were just as good as her?
              Then there came a day when she was working on a cryogenics project with two other doctors. All of them were ambitious and driven, although perhaps too much for their own good. If they achieved success and were rewarded with praise and recognition, two was company while three was a crowd. They all pushed each other, knowing the one who couldn’t handle the heat would be cut out.
One of the doctors stooped to sabotage the formula that she’d prepared for the first cryogenic chamber. When she put it into the system that had been built, it started immediately instead of delaying the process so she could get out. In fear of their lives, her coworkers bolted out and shut the door with her still inside. She screamed and clawed at the window for them to do something before the cold overtook her body completely.
Evolution boiled down to die or adapt for survival. Her body chose to do the latter as she shuddered away in the subzero temperatures. When the chamber was shut down and the heads of STAR Labs entered to see the damage that had been done, they were surprised to discover that the doctor was still alive, albeit with her skin and chestnut hair now bleached white. Dr. Wells offered a hand to help her up, but she absorbed its heat and rendered it into a dead and useless nub. Horrified, his wife pulled him out and locked her employee back in the chamber, frightened of what she’d become.
Dr. Wells reported the death of the victim to the public while keeping her secretly imprisoned in a special cell. The once-promising scientist was now to become a subject to be studied in hopes of learning new information about cryogenic human preservation and the other changes her body experienced. Other than that, she was to have no outside contact with anyone. Being separated from everything gave the chilly doctor a deep hunger for purpose. She was famished for something to give her meaning once more.
Caitlin Snow eventually escaped with the alien and an Argus agent. With them and others, she found a calling in revenge as she unleashed frost and ice upon those who she deemed deserving of it.
              Anyone who meet her or knew her believed that she was perfect. She had graduated high school a year ahead of schedule and been accepted into top universities. There, she had performed exceptionally in her fields of study to receive a double major upon graduation. A master’s and doctorate degree soon followed both. She took a job at her father’s company afterwards, making strides and continuing to impress just about everyone who came across her.
              The one exception to all her achievements was her father. No matter what she did, it was never enough for him. The paper was insufficient. More could have been added to that project. Why didn’t she apply for that grant? Nothing ever pleased him, and it contributed to more than one heated discussion between the two. It always led to him never apologizing and her feeling discouraged and pushing herself to work harder so he might one day be proud of her.
              One day, the final and worst argument took place in the particle accelerator that her father hoped would be completed before the one STAR Labs was working on. Words were exchanged as she worked on calibrating the mechanics for an upcoming test of the accelerator. Her anger began to bubble up and led to a mistake that resulted in the accelerator being set off. The explosion was contained inside the ring, but father and daughter were hit by dark matter.
              When she woke up in the hospital, her mother told her that her father had died in the accident. The room started to shake as she replayed the information inside her head. It got worse when the police officers in the room told her she was being charged for murder based on the circumstances. That set her off, being blamed for something that she’d never intended to do. The entire hospital began to tremble and soon collapsed, killing almost everyone except herself and a few other people.
Surviving two accidents so closely together made people suspicious. Another earthquake that brought down a building and left her as the only survivor made them turn their backs on her, leaving her with nowhere to go to. She was smart enough soon to figure out that she could now create vibrations powerful enough to shake the earth. Someone else was too and sought her out. She offered the disgraced perfectionist a chance to let her anger out at the world alongside others.
With the power at her fingertips and friends at her side, Lily Stein made the world tremble before her.
              Family history is more important than some people care to admit. Some are very willing to pass it on and share the good and the bad of it. Others remain tightlipped and never speak of certain things, no matter the consequences they might hold. Such was the case with her family and a curse that had been in the bloodline for generations.
              She had been out with her younger sister shopping on a warm spring day. Unfortunately, two muggers saw the blondes and decided that they would be the perfect targets for a robbery. One threatened to shoot her little sister if they didn’t hand over their valuables in enough time, and she was too scared to move in front of the gun before it was fired. Watching her little sister crumple to the ground unleashing something inside of her. When she screamed, there was a power in it that she’d never experienced before. The muggers flew back against the other side of the alley, one hitting his head on the metal dumpster. She ran from the scene, knowing he was dead.
              While mourning her sister, she started to do her research to why her voice had such a power. It traced back to Ireland and how her mother’s ancestor was cursed. Were any of her female descendants ever to lose someone they loved without trying to save them, they were to be cursed with the power of a banshee forever as a reminder of their failure. She took this knowledge and carried it as her burden until the surviving robber came back to threaten her and her parents a week after the funeral. With her parents’ lives on the line, she used her scream again, refusing to stop until he was dead.
              In payment for saving them, her parents cut off all ties with her, cast here out, and outed her as metahuman to the public. Not only was she a killer, but she had powers that made her that way. There were rules of imprisonment for individuals with such abilities that Argus always followed through on. With no home to go back to, she ran away from all to escape imprisonment. There was nothing for her to go back to.
Then one day, a group of women found her hiding out in a condemned house. Their leader had once been with Argus before developing powers and turning her back on them. All of them had been wronged in life and were using their abilities to get back at those who hurt them most. They offered her a place among them, a new family.
Instead of cowering before the world, Laurel Lance was able to use her screech to make the world cower before her.
              Before everything that happened to her, things were going her way in life. Her job at Argus was something that she really loved to do and was very good at. When she was in trouble out in the field, her partner would always have her back. Her husband never made her feel guilty about her job. It was her family that brought her home and reminded her that there was good in the dark world she worked in.
              Then STAR Labs canceled a project on cryogenics that Argus had planned to collaborate on after an employee was reported to have died working on it. The two of them were tasked to find out what had caused the scientist’s death and why STAR Labs, which had always prided itself on its determined employees, decided to shut the project down. During the investigation, they both snuck into the scientific facility, but she was the one who discovered there was more happening between STAR Labs and Argus than they’d been told. Trying to do the right thing by setting two women free lead to her being left for dead and at the mercy of the organization she’d now betrayed.
              She became a lab rat alongside the alien and the doctor underneath STAR Labs. Scientists performed tests and experiments on her. Every day was something new and terrifying. She kept waiting for her partner to come back for her, or at least someone to set her free. But no one came to save her, resulting in her slowly giving up hope that anyone was coming.
One day, after another experiment, she started to seize up. They locked her in an isolation chamber as her heart stopped, then restarted on its own moments later. When she woke back up, something was buzzing under her skin as the scientists stared down at her in surprise. The astonishment at the feat was the distraction that she needed to lash out at them with a newfound power. She used it to electrocute her torturers, then to free the alien and doctor so all of them could escape.
              After her escape, she discovered her life had been reduced to ruins. Argus had not only left her for dead when she found out too much. They’d pinned the doctor’s ‘death’ on her and made her into a pariah. Her home was abandoned and there was no trace of her family. She had lost everything she’d once loved in life. All she has left was her two new friends, powers that she was still trying to understand, and a deep anger towards those who had taken from her.
All that anger and pain ate away at Gideon Hunter and turned her into a dangerous force that would shock first her own Earth, and then another.
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How Eliza Danvers Won a Nobel Prize
(Aka @thatsjustsupergirl​ is a bad influence. This spiraled out of control.)
Eliza was 13 when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Memories from that age were always a bit hazy. She remembers sneaking into her parents room, and overhearing that her mom had felt a breast lump and was going to the doctor. She remembers skipping through the door after a long day in the 8th grade, and stuttering to a stop at the look on her mom’s face. She was 13, and she knew that cancer was a poisonous word.
Cancer — “the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.” That’s the clinical definition. The problem with definitions is that they tend to fail to include what cancer means to a body, to a person, to a family. What do you do when your body is the one invading itself?
Cancer is what drove Eliza towards medicine. She remembers her mother through late nights at college, through stomach-churning study sessions in medical school, through every meticulously recorded failure in lab.
But then a little girl arrives to Earth in a pod. Five seconds after they meet, Eliza decides to push her cancer research to the backseat. She loves this little girl, and it drives her determination to understand alien physiology — to help Kara, Clark, and other aliens understand themselves.
And she loved her new work. There were so many unknowns — do aliens need vaccinations? (No, well… it depends.) What kind of nutrition does a growing alien need? What does a healthy heart sound like? Does blood even circulate the same way? What do aliens use for energy? Aliens deserved good health too.
Then, serendipitously, it was actually because of Eliza’s expertise in alien science that she was able to make a breakthrough in cancer research.
The Medusa virus was a truly terrifying creation, a devastatingly effective and desperately complex bioweapon, able to kill wide swaths of many species in one fell swoop. And unlike most viruses and bacteria, which were generally limited to infecting only a handful of species, Medusa could theoretically infect an infinite number of species. Eliza couldn’t understand how it was so efficiently lethal until she realized she had been looking at it all wrong. “Virus” was a misleading word. When Zor-El developed Medusa he created much more than a simple virus, he had developed something akin to a synthetic immune system.
Viruses have to have a “key” to gain access and cause infection, but an immune system doesn’t even need a key. It makes it simpler; it just recognizes what is “foreign” or “not self” and attacks that. So, Medusa didn’t have to recognize an infinite number of “aliens,” it only had to recognize what was “safe” and “self,” and not attack those, while attacking everything else.
(Not like me — attack.)
(Like me — no attack.)
It was brilliant. And once Eliza recognized the pattern, she realized that not only would she be able to save J’onn by reprogramming Medusa to attack any cells that were not his own, but perhaps there was a way to use Medusa to attack other cells that were “different.” To attack cancer cells.
It wasn’t as simple as she thought. It seemed easy, to just have Medusa target cancer cells like they had targeted White Martian cells in J’onn’s body. But no matter what she tried, Medusa would either attack every cell, cancerous or not, or attack no cells at all.
The problem was that cancer cells weren’t so clearly alien. Cancer was a wolf hidden in grandma’s clothes, and no one (should) want to potentially attack a grandma, so Medusa was stopped in its tracks. They would not kill without confirmation that this cancer wasn’t grandma. This was the reason why a human’s regular immune system couldn’t get rid of cancer.
But what was preventing Medusa from attacking these cells?
The realization came suddenly.
“It’s been incredibly frustrating,” Alex groused, “Winn and James keep insisting that they’re going to tell Kara about… you know, the shield… man… thing, but so far, nothing! Kara keeps wondering why they’re spending so much less time with her. I mean, Kara has been hanging out with Lena Luthor more now, which… is a whole other thing. But you know Kara, she needs constant stimulus. Between her and Maggie I feel like I barely have time to sit! Which, I’m not complaining about, because I obviously love them both very much, but sometimes…”
“Shields,” Eliza whispered, distractedly, “shields.”
Alex paused over the phone. “Oh, sorry, mom. Did you say something?”
Eliza blinked a few times, setting down her coffee mug on the countertop to reach over for a steno pad and hastily scribbling down, SHIELDS! “Sorry, honey, I was just distracted by my research for a second. Tell me more about how things are going with Maggie.”
“Are you sure? I know you’ve been struggling with Medusa, do you want to talk about it? Have you figured out how to prevent Medusa from attacking normal cells?”
Eliza smiled. “Oh sweetheart, I think you’ve already given me everything I need.”
Shielding — grandma’s clothes didn’t trick Medusa because it thought the wolf actually looked like Grandma. It was because grandma’s clothes were the signal, the shield that actually blocked Medusa. Take away the clothing, and the wolf would be exposed.
It was the breakthrough she needed. Eliza knew that this was it; this would revolutionize cancer treatment. So, Eliza and her team worked harder. And approximately thousands of coffee cups, hundreds of papers, and one potentially semi-permanent pipette shaped hand cramp later, they succeeded.
Eliza created a drug that blocked Medusa from recognizing grandma’s clothes, allowing it to attack the cancerous wolf. She saved countless lives.
Kara always knew that Eliza Danvers was a hero. Kara was the lucky girl who got to grow up with her kind smiles, warm hugs, and incredible intelligence. But today, everyone else would know that Eliza Danvers was a hero too.
Some would say it was a conflict of interest, but this was one piece she couldn’t let anyone else write. And anyway, how could anyone possibly be too biased about this?
A/N: October is breast cancer awareness month and this was my attempt to pay homage to that while also highlighting some very cool science.
Besides Eliza Danvers being the best mom, this was inspired by the work of Dr. James Allison and Dr. Tasuku Honjo, who were both just awarded the Nobel Prize for their work in cancer research. Their work (the discovery of what prevented immune cells from attacking cancer cells) paved the way for immunotherapy.
In this story, the discovery of immunotherapy obviously occurs much later in Earth-38’s timeline (but also flying blonde aliens also aren’t around on this Earth, much to my chagrin). Grandma’s clothes are an analogy for the checkpoint between immune cells and self, while Medusa is used as a stand-in for CAR-T-cell therapy (a procedure where a person’s own immune cells are changed in a laboratory to specifically target cancer cells).
I’m always happy to talk science and Supergirl, so hit up the ask box if you feel so inclined.
(Read here on AO3)
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qisasqisasqisas · 6 years
La Fanfic de Sherlock Holmes: C1: ‘Awkward Client’
Sherlock Holmes ve John Watson ile birlikte günün son müşterisinin davasına bakmak üzere sinirlerinin yatışması için son on dakikamı ocak başında çayın kaynamasını bekleyerek harcadım. John odanın içinde yürüyüp yürüyüp Sherlock’un suratına bakıp bir şeyler söylemesini bekliyordu. Normalde bu kadar tepkisiz kalmazdı geç kalan bir müşteriye karşı. Ama müşteri geldiğinde zaten bu sakinliğinin sebebi anlaşılacaktı. Neyse ki daha müşterinin gelmesine on dakika var. Çaydanlıktan fokurdama sesleri gelince çayın altını kısıp mutfak masasının yanındaki sandalyeyi çekip John’un koltuğunun yanına koydum.
“Tea will be ready in ten minutes.” dedim ve John yürümeyi bırakıp koltuğuna oturdu. 
“So it will be as a hare’s blood as you Turkish people say, right?”
“Yep.” Başımı salladım ve Sherlock’a baktım. 
“What’s he thinking doctor Watson?”
“Do I look like a telepath?” Bu adam da yaşlanmanın getirdiği aksikilikten her şeye ters cevap veriyor. Bilmiyorum de, çok mu zor be amcacım? 
“Why’s everyone thinking that I know everything about Sherlock?” John ayağa kalkıp sinirle odada söylenmeye başlar. 
“One day!” der bir anda ve ben de ufak bir,
“Bismillah.” derim. 
“Don’t say that word.” der Sherlock ve John’la ben aynı anda ona bakarız. Mükemmel bir ortam. Şimdi 12 saniyelik bir cümleyi 5 saniyede söylemeyi becerecek şekilde konuşacak kesin. O yüzden hızlı okunursa daha etkili oluyor bu cümleler.
“Don’t say that word cause people might think you are related to terrorists. Maybe you really are a terrorist. Still, I cannot find any clue about this hypothesis.”
“Are you serious Sherlock?” John yine ellerini beline koyup Sherlock’un yaptığı herhangi birşeyden çok irrite olmuş gibi konuşmaya ve teröristlerle Afganistan hatıralarından bahsetmeye başlar. Devam et John, benim götü ben kurtaramadım sen kurtar. Bu adam da bir garip hala net bir kanıya varamadım bunun hakkında. Neyse, daha iki aydır bunlarlayım. Umarım John artık yaşlanır emekli olur da tahtına ben otururum. 
“Tık tıık!” diye bir ses gelir kapının arkasından ve bu ses oldukça tanıdık gelir bana garip bir şekilde. Sherlock birden bire yerinden kalkar ve robe de chambre’ını havalandırıp bağlar (evet havalandırıyor). 
“You already knocked the door there is no need to say ‘tiktik’.” 
“Do I come?” der kapının dışındaki kadın. Aksanı tipik bir Türk aksanı gibiydi. Belli ki İngilizcesi de ayyuvidey kıvamında. John kapıya doğru gider ve kapıyı açar.
“Hi. Please, come in.” der ve başını kaldırıp gelen kadına bakar. Bir anda yüzünde çok garip bir ifade belirir ve Sherlock’a döner.  Sherlock sessizce 
“Yeah, I know” der. Kadın içeri bir adım atar. Başımı eğip kadının kırmızı rugan ayakkabısına ve siyah ince çorabına bakıp üzerindeki kahverengi kadife paltoya bakınca bir anda aklımda bir imaj(image) belirir. Flaş gibi beynimde birinin yüzü çakmaya başlar. Hayır. Bu o olamaz. 
“Helloo! I look for Sherlock Holmes.” der ama benim dışımda kimse anlamaz gibi bakar kadına. Sherlock bana döner ve,
“Explain what she said. From her accent she is indeed living in middle eastern side. The letters are very well pronounced and the way she says my name is-”
“Just shut up Sherlock. You cannot stamp her like a cow!”
“Dr. Watson, he is right. So you don’t have to defend her. I think from now I will be doing that.”
“So?” der Sherlock. Ha bu arada içeri giren kadının kim olduğuna gelecek olursak Sherlock’un ‘deduction’ seansından sonra siz anlayacaksınız zaten. 
“She is looking for you.”
“I am here. Is she blind?”
“Sherlock!” John yine abartı bir şekilde koskoca detektife kızar. Yav bi otur rahatla. Savaş biteli 15 yıl olmuş bi sal be. 
“Ask her why she came here?” Kadına dönüp neden buraya geldiğini sorarım. 
“A- aa! Sen Türk müsün? Ay cennete düştüm valla. Biz senlen gel iki oturup konuşalım sen bunların özetini onlara anlatıverirsin. Olur mu kız?”
“O işler öyle dönse şu ana kadar on iki davayı üç günde çözmüş olurduk ama bu İngilizler’in huyları çok farklı. One at a time gibi bir yöntemleri var. Kafa karışıklığından ve dikkat eksikliğin-”
“Stop chit chatting! Now say what she said.”
“Are you Turkish? I fell into heaven vallahi. Come, we sit two times with you and talk about these and you explain them the summary of it.-”
“Just, stop! Let me do my work and shut her down if she tries to talk to you.” 
“Okay Mr. Holmes.”
“Ay kız bu ne diyor böyle? Kızınca da bi farklı oluyor ama, çok sevdim.” diyip ufak ufak Sherlock’a yürür.
“What I told you assistant?”
“Şey, mümkünse susar mısınız? Bir üzerine üzerine yürümeyin çünkü insanlara karşı alerjisi var beyefendinin.”
“A-aa, o ne saçma şey öyle! Ben bunun alerjisini bitiririm, ruhundaki alevi canlandırırım.”
“Ruhunda alev olduğunu sanmıyorum.”
“Stop it you two! Your words are distracting me!” Ömrümde ilk defa bu adamı böyle görüyorum. Sherlock abi biraz sakinleşir misin? Belki de cidden libidosunu bastırmaktan böyle manyak birine dönüştü. 
“Lütfen bir dakika boyunca sessiz ve yerinizde kalın. Öbür türlü yardım edeceğini sanmıyorum.” dedim kadına. Kadın da gözlerini devirip eliyle saçıyla oynamaya başladı. Odayı incelemeye başladı ve en sonunda John’u gördü ve gözleri biraz pörtledi. 
“A-aa! Bu adam burada mıydı?”
“Size kapıyı açan o hanımefendi.”
“Yok artık. Bu bildiğin emekli. İngiliz emeklisi dimi kız bu? Ay seninle oturup bi çay içelim bu olay bittikten sonra. İstanbul’umun çayını özledim kız ya. Keşke olsa da içsem.”
“Aslında şu anda ocakta çay demleniyor. Eğer sessiz olursanız Sherlock Bey sizinle hemen ilgilenir ben de size çay ve kurabiye veririm.”
“Yani ben çay ile susturacağını sandın ha?”
“Ben değil ama eğer susmazsanız Sherlock Bey size gerçekten yardım etmez.”
Sherlock sinirli bir şekilde bana döner ve mutfağa doğru gidip beni de çağırır. -Haluk Meltem moment-
“What are you talking with her? Is it that urgent to talk about tea and biscuits? And yes I will never ever take her case if she keeps on talking like a whale. So try to shut her up or she will leave. Therefore you will not get paid.” 
“Mr. Holmes, I do wonder what to you think about her.” 
“What’s the deduction?”
Sherlock kapıyı aralar ve kadına bakar. John ile içeriden konuşmaları gelir ama konuşmaların hepsi kesik kesiktir. Kadının eksik İngilizcesi ve John’un kadının her kelimesini anlamaya çalışması yüzünden sıfır iletişimle yine de birbirleriyle konuşmaya devam ederler. 
“So as you can see, she likes to connect with people (ürün yerleştirmesi) but also not open about herself. When she is open you think that she is not but actually all the time she is open. Like a 24/7 kebab station.”
(internal “Whaat?”)
“Her appearance gives a lot. She was poor, then with fame she became richer than she imagined. She couldn’t handle the fame and has no control of her life. I assume she is the youngest child in her family. She wanted attention but no, appreciation. That is why she keeps on doing what she is doing. This is why she could not handle the fame. She is not professional even after years of experience. Silly. But still promising.” 
“Is it done?”
“No. This just my first three seconds.”
“Stop exaggerating. We both know that it is first half minute Mr. Holmes. Even I can deduct.”
“Oh really? You already know who she is. So tell me is she a singer or a comedian?”
“She is neither of them.”
“So what?”
“You can find out Mr. Holmes. You are very good at it.”
“So going back to deduction. She has changed her hair colour (1) several times and lots of wrinkles around her face (2). Her heart has been broken and she walks strange (3). I think she is horribly harassed by someone who is very very and very stupid. In fact he is also famous like her.”
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“Wa-wa-wait! You already knew she was famous right? And you know Turkish?”
Sherlock derin bir nefes alır ve çaydanlığa bakar.
“Give me the damn tea!” Çay bardaklarını çıkartıp tezgaha koydum ve süzgeci de çekmeceden alıp çayları koymaya başladım.
“So Mr. Holmes, how did you learn Turkish?”
“I didn’t.” 
“No you did. So how?”
“I did not learn Turkish. You cannot just learn a language. I decoded it. And of course I would learn your language. At the end I hired you and you can be a spy or a terrorist. Am I right?”
“Yes I am. Hand me my tea.”
“Okay Mr. Holmes but I thought being an assistant in England would be different than in my country. You know. Actually I made mostly coffee when I was an intern and assistant. But-”
“Shame!” Çayını ona verdim ve diğerlerini de tepsiye koyup salona doğru gidecektim ki Sherlock önüme ayağını koydu.
“Where you going?” 
“Mr. Holmes I need to give Dr. Watson his tea and our client Ms.-”
“Hush! Why don’t you go there and just give John’s tea and I will watch how she reacts.” 
“Oh Mr. Holmes this is not a zoo.”
“Do as I say or I’ll-”
“Yes you will fire me and then you decide you need an assistant and you will hire me. I know Mr. Holmes. Okay I’ll do it.” dedim ve sadece John’un çayını alıp içeri girdim. 
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kl-writes · 7 years
Stable DC Timeline (Part 2/5)
At this point, I started thinking about what their ‘current’ ages should be. I see Flashpoint as the end of the initial DC Universe, so that’s the starting point for the stable DC Timeline’s ‘current’ era, or at least the point in time from where stories should develop and we start to put in new thoughts and ideas. Flashpoint takes place in mid-1974 (Unadj. 2011).
Bruce Wayne: 55
·         Dick Grayson: 37
·         Helena Wayne: 27
·         Jason Todd: 26
·         Timothy Drake: 24
·         Cassandra Cain: 23
·         Damian Wayne: 22
·         Duke Thomas: 15 (Existence uncertain, he’s post-Flashpoint. His first appearance would be mid-1975, and we consider the current time to be 1974).
Selina Kyle:  55
Katherine Kane: 34
Barbara Gordon: 38 (Puts her at 16 at her first appearance)
Stephanie Brown: 23 (Puts her at 13 at her first appearance, and 17 at the birth of her daughter)
·         Unknown Daughter – Adopted by someone?: 6
Alfred Pennyworth: 75 (First appearance was in 1946. However, he was with the Waynes presumably during the upbringing of Bruce, so I used the minimum age of 20 at Bruce’s birthday, making his birthday 1899.)
Luke Fox: 19 (Post-Flashpoint)
Harper Row: 14 (Post-Flashpoint)
Jay Garrick: 55
Barry Allen: 47
Wally West: 35
Iris West II: 3
Jai West: 3
Bart Allen: ??? (1966 would be his first appearance. Speedforce affected his aging, putting his birthday at 2 years prior, despite appearing to be 12. His effective age is about 20 as of 1974, so his civilian records likely have his birth year as ‘1956.’ These are fake, though, as he’s from the future).
 For a lot of the more modern comics, the ages of Damian and Timothy seem a bit too old, given their personalities. Even Dick seems a bit too old with this timeline. We can see that although the adjusted timeline works well for the oldest characters in DC, when it comes to legacy characters, the timeline isn’t perfect. It doesn’t help that in some stories, Dick and Wally are seen as young adult peers, and in others, Wally is seen as the father of a young family. This is where the stable timeline starts to change how characters are perceived. This is also why I wanted to minimize any changes to characters I might make to force them to fit the timeline, because introducing a stable timeline will force character growth and maturity.
Another thing I thought about was making certain character deaths permanent. Superman came back to life, Batman came back to life, and Jason Todd came back to life. My thought is, that unless their return created new stories (Like with Jason Todd), maybe they should just stay dead. This means that Superman died in 1965 (Unadj. 1992), Batman died in 1973 (Unadj. 2008), and Barry Allen died in 1962 (Unadj. 1986).
This doesn’t stop their stories. Wally West as the Flash has been thoroughly explored- in many ways, he absolutely trumped Jay Garrick and Barry Allen as the Scarlet Speedster. Dick Grayson as Batman was also interesting- he became Batman out of necessity, to stop the battle for the cowl. His dynamic with Damian was interesting. Given that Damian is “now” 22, perhaps Dick Grayson would step down from the role of Batman, and go back to being Nightwing. Damian always wanted to be Batman’s successor. Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, and Cassandra Cain all seem as though they’ve gone on their own paths of heroism now.
Superman’s permanent death would also be interesting. It was Superman himself that stopped the fighting of the supermen. Had he not intervened, perhaps Steel would have become Metropolis’s hero. Maybe constant battles between Lex Luthor and Superboy would have opened up new avenues- it’s not a straight Darth Vader, given that Superboy’s only a clone, but Lex Luthor has shown some affection for Superboy in the past. What would happen if Lex were able to establish a more permanent sort of mind control? What if he did so, and essentially took control of Metropolis’s ‘Superman,’ being able to play both sides of the board? There’s definitely a lot of room for stories like this.
Those were the biggest 3 deaths at the top of my head, but there were many others where the character came back to life, but didn’t necessarily have to. I’m not counting when they came back within a few months (Like with Wally West or Guy Gardner), of course, just the deaths that were “supposed” to stick- Bart Allen II, Supergirl, Hal Jordan, Martian Manhunter, Captain Boomerang I, etc.
Another thing we can do is look at deaths of minor characters, especially those around Final Crisis and Flashpoint, and determine whether we want those deaths to ‘stick’ or not. For example, Weather Wizard’s son, Josh Jackam, was killed off during Final Crisis. Owen Mercer, son of the first Captain Boomerang, was killed during Blackest Night. Both of these characters were potential ‘legacy’ characters. The Rogues don’t have many of these, so it might make more sense if they didn’t die, especially since their deaths didn’t have any lasting effects on the story.
Rogues (And kids):
Leonard Snart: 47
Lisa Snart: 37 (DEAD)
Hartley Rathaway: 46
Mark Mardon: 46
·         Josh Jackam: 5 (Dead?)
Sam Scudder: 46 (DEAD)
Evan McCullock: 31
James Jesse: 45 (DEAD)
·         Billy Hong: 17
Axel Walker: 24
Digger Harkness: 45 (Dead?)
·         Owen Mercer: 23 (Dead?)
Roscoe Dillon: 45 (DEAD)
Mick Rory: 44
Roy G. Bivolo: 35 (DEAD)
Owen and Josh are soft deaths for the reasons listed above. Digger came back to life, but he should probably just be dead-dead like Superman and Batman. Looking at this, it’s kind of depressing how many of my favorite characters, the Rogues, are dead.
If we were to look at a modern (1974) Rogues, we might also consider Wally West’s hallucination in the Flash v2 #140, with Cadet Cold, Mirror Miss, Heat-Whelp, Weather Whiz-Kid and Captain Slingshot as children of the Rogues. Cadet Cold would either be Leonard’s kid, or perhaps an unknown child of Lisa and Roscoe, who was perhaps sent to an orphanage. Mirror Miss would be Evan’s, Heat-Whelp would be Mick’s, Weather Whiz-Kid is more than likely Josh Jackam, and Captain Slingshot is Owen’s. Billy Hong, AKA Makhalli, with his magical powers, would likely become a superhero of some sort, if so, probably mentored by Hartley. But all of this is just speculation!
 The Luthors and the Supermen:
Clark Kent/Kal-El: 56 (DEAD)
Jonathan Samuel Kent: 1? (Existence uncertain, as he’s a post-convergence character who is the son of the New Earth Clark Kent)
Christopher Kent/Lor-Zod: 22
Kara Zor-El (Supergirl): 46 (DEAD)
Kara Zor-L (Powergirl): 39
Alexander Joseph “Lex” Luthor: 55
·         Lena Luthor II: 6
·         Connor Kent/Kon-El: 9, he was “born” in 1965 with the body of a teenager, so his biological age is anywhere from 22 – 28. (DEAD)
·         Jerry White: 32
Lena Luthor I: 45
·         Lori Luthor 17, high schooler. Honestly, this one could be anywhere from 14-19, she only appeared in one storyline before Flashpoint.
One thing that I didn’t realize before was that Superboy was yet another person who died and came back to life 3 years later. So my remarks earlier about the dynamic between Lex Luthor and Connor might not apply, depending on where you set the limit on how long until death becomes “permanent.” My initial thought was 1 year max, but maybe this should change. I’m not quite sure what to do with the two Karas, but it’s entirely possible that Superman has 2 cousins.
 The Marvels and the Sivanas
Billy Batson: Biologically 23/Chronologically 42
Mary Bromfield: 23/42
Freddy Freeman: 23/42
Thaddeus Sivana, Sr.: 56/75 (Assuming a starting age of 40)
Magnificus Sivana: 36/55
Beautia Sivana: 36/55
Georgia Sivana: 23/42
Thaddeus Sivana, Jr.: 23/42
The Wizard: 9000+
This is another special case. The original run was from 1941 – 1953, and due to a long story about legal issues, didn’t have another ongoing series until 1973, and after Crisis on Infinite Earths, in 1991. In 1973, Billy had been gone for 20 years without aging, due to being exiled by Dr. Sivana, placed into suspended animation. In 1991, the story was that the Wizard froze Fawcett City in time to protect it from the encroaching evils of the outside world. As a result, between 1953 and 1991, we can say that the Marvel family didn’t age. Even adjusted, that’s 1945 – 1964, or about 19 years taken from Billy’s life. Billy began Captain Marvel at age 7 – 14, depending on the version. If we aim low, and take into account the lost years, then in 1964 his age is still only 13, which fits him being a child hero for that series.
The Sivana family, like the rest of Fawcett, only lost 9 years.
Edit: Upon re-reading, I found that the sivanas also lost 19 years. I adjusted the ages accordingly.
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Tuesday, February 21st, 2017
International News:
--- "Malaysian authorities said on Tuesday they had still to establish what was used to kill the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and the body had not been formally identified as no next of kin have come forward. Kim Jong Nam was killed at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Feb. 13 with what police believe was a fast-acting poison. Malaysia's deputy prime minister has previously named the victim as Kim Jong Nam, though authorities have been unable to conduct DNA tests. "The cause of death and identity are still pending," Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, director general of health at Malaysia's health ministry, told reporters. The health ministry official said no DNA samples had been received from the next of kin. South Korean and U.S. officials have said they believe North Korean agents assassinated Kim Jong Nam, who had been living in the Chinese territory of Macau under Beijing's protection."
Source: http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-northkorea-malaysia-kim-autopsy-idUKKBN1600N8?il=0
Additional source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/north-korean-leaders-slain-half-brother-of-showed-no-sign-of-puncture-wounds-heart-attack/2017/02/21/6823c464-4d1c-4381-ad2f-ab198cb3b221_story.html?utm_term=.9e91b84cca2c
--- "Pope Francis called on Tuesday for a radical change of attitude towards immigrants, saying they should be welcomed with dignity and denouncing the "populist rhetoric" he said was fuelling fear and selfishness in rich countries. The pope, who has championed the cause of migrants since taking office in 2013, did not single out any country for criticism. But his words may resonate in the United States, where courts have blocked an executive order by President Donald Trump to suspend arrivals from seven mainly Muslim countries, and in a Europe still struggling with a mass influx of more than 1.3 million migrants and refugees since the start of 2015. Immigrants should not be rejected out of hand as unworthy rivals but given a "responsible and dignified welcome," particularly those fleeing war, the pontiff said in a lengthy address to participants of a conference on migration in Rome."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/pope-migrants-idUSKBN16022C
--- "The U.S.-backed Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance has crossed into Deir al-Zor province for the first time as part of an offensive against Islamic State, a Kurdish military source said on Tuesday. The advance into the province, most of which is under the control of the ultra-hardline group, is part of an operation to encircle and ultimately capture its de facto Syrian capital of Raqqa in the north of the country. One aim of the campaign is to cut IS's supply lines from Raqqa to Deir al-Zor province.The move also expands the SDF's area of operations against Islamic State, which is being fought by all sides in the complex Syria conflict. Later on Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group reported that at least 11 people were killed and more than 35 wounded in air strikes in a town in northern Deir al-Zor province, in an area where U.S.-led coalition warplanes have operated. It was not clear whose air force had carried them out, or if the incident was linked to the SDF advance, the Observatory said."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-deir-al-zor-idUSKBN16029P?il=0
--- "Canada will continue to accept asylum seekers crossing illegally from the United States but will ensure security measures are taken to keep Canadians safe, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immgration-canada-border-idUSKBN1602NG?il=0
--- "Amnesty International said on Wednesday U.S. President Donald Trump's "poisonous" rhetoric on his way to winning the White House led a global trend towards increasingly divisive politics in 2016 that had made the world a "darker" place. In its annual report covering 159 countries, the human rights group said principles of human dignity and equality had come under assault from politicians seeking election and it zeroed in on Trump, who took office on Jan. 20."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-amnesty-idUSKBN161004?il=0
Domestic & International News:
--- "NATO is the "strongest alliance in history" and the United States is committed to its alliances in Europe, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Tuesday. The U.S. is working to make the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) "even more effective," Haley said, and policy differences with European allies should not be seen as anything less than "total commitment to (U.S.) alliances in Europe. Haley spoke to the U.N. Security Council as it met to discuss conflicts in Europe."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-un-nato-usa-idUSKBN16024A?il=0
--- "Mexico's incoming ambassador to the United States on Tuesday slammed U.S. President Donald Trump's treatment of its southern neighbor as "unacceptable" and called for a migration mechanism to avoid illegal crossings by Mexicans to the United States. Geronimo Gutierrez, who will be Mexico's third ambassador to the United States in less than a year, was speaking at a hearing in Mexico's Senate. "The treatment received by our country is unacceptable and clearly not favorable," he said. "Trump and his government deserve respect and they will get it in so far as its reciprocal.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mexico-diplomacy-idUSKBN1602NW?il=0                   
--- "U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Tuesday that he expects the IMF to provide "frank and candid" analysis of exchange rate policies, a Treasury spokesperson said. In a phone call with Lagarde, the spokesperson said, Mnuchin also "noted the importance that the administration places on boosting economic growth and jobs in the United States, and looked forward to robust IMF economic policy advice on its member countries and tackling global imbalances."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-treasury-imf-idUSKBN1602GC?il=0
--- "NEW YORK A U.S. judge on Tuesday dismissed most of an investor lawsuit accusing several major banks of conspiring to manipulate the benchmark European Interbank Offered Rate, or Euribor, and related derivatives. In a 100-page decision, U.S. District Judge Kevin Castel in Manhattan said several claims in the proposed class action must fail because of a lack of evidence that the defendants conspired to restrain trade or because they involved foreign conduct."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/uk-euribor-lawsuit-idUSKBN1602QB?il=0
Domestic News:
--- "Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari on Tuesday said the U.S. labor market has "more room to run," suggesting he does not believe the central bank should raise rates quickly to head off inflation. Kashkari said in an appearance broadcast on the bank's website that it has been a "big surprise" that so many workers have returned to the workforce over the past year and a half, and he is "cautiously optimistic" that the pattern will continue. "I think that process has more room to run," he said. The Fed has raised its short-term interest-rate target only twice since the Great Recession, and last month decided to keep rates unchanged so as to allow the labor market to strengthen further."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fed-kashkari-idUSKBN1601ON?il=0
--- "The U.S. economy is back to normal, the labor market is healthy again and inflation is headed higher, a hawkish Federal Reserve official said on Tuesday in repeating that he expects the Fed to raise interest rates three times this year." Given the state of the economy, more or less back to normal, I continue to see three modest rate hikes of 25 basis points each as appropriate for 2017, assuming things stay on track," Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker said in a speech that largely repeated recent comments on the economy and policy."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fed-harker-idUSKBN160244?il=0
--- "Proposed congressional bills that would limit the Federal Reserve's ability to independently decide policy are deeply concerning though the Fed, in order to be more transparent, can "communicate better" what motivates such decisions, a Fed official said on Tuesday."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fed-harker-politics-idUSKBN1602AP?il=0
--- "Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe on Tuesday vetoed a bill that would have blocked funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides abortions and other health services. The bill passed by the Republican-controlled legislature would have barred the state from providing funds to clinics that perform abortions not covered by Medicaid, the federal healthcare program for the poor. McAuliffe, a Democrat, said the measure would harm thousands of Virginians who relied on Planned Parenthood healthcare services and programs. He vetoed a similar measure last year."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-virginia-plannedparenthood-idUSKBN1602L2?il=0
--- "U.S. President Donald Trump delivered his first public condemnation of anti-Semitic incidents in the United States on Tuesday after a new spate of bomb threats to Jewish community centers around the country and vandalism in a Jewish cemetery. Several of the centers were evacuated for a time on Monday after receiving the threats, the JCC Association of North America said, and another center was evacuated on Tuesday morning in San Diego, California, according to police. Also, vandals toppled about 170 headstones at the Chesed Shel Emeth Society cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri, over the weekend. "The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil," Trump told reporters."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-antisemitism-idUSKBN1601QY?il=0
Additional source: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-anti-semitism-jewish-community-centers-235222
--- "Conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday expressed skepticism about reviving a lawsuit filed by the family of a Mexican teenager against a U.S. Border Patrol agent who fatally shot the 15-year-old from across the border in Texas in 2010. Among the concerns raised by justices was whether non-U.S. citizens injured by drone attacks overseas that are directed from the United States could file similar claims if the lawsuit was allowed to move forward."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-border-idUSKBN16021V?il=0
"Provocative far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos resigned on Tuesday as a senior editor of the Breitbart News website after he was vilified and lost a book deal over comments that condoned certain intimate relations between men and young teenage boys."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-conservatives-yiannopoulos-idUSKBN1602LV?il=0
--- "The new head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Tuesday that America need not choose between jobs and the environment, in a nod to the energy industry, as the White House prepares executive orders that could come as soon as this week to roll back Obama-era regulation. "I believe that we as an agency, and we as a nation, can be both pro-energy and jobs, and pro-environment," Scott Pruitt said in his first address to staff. "We don't have to choose between the two." Critics of the agency have complained that regulations ushered in by former Democratic President Barack Obama have killed thousands of energy jobs by restricting carbon emissions and limiting areas open to coal mining and oil drilling. Democrats, environmental advocates and many of the EPA's current and former staff worry President Donald Trump's appointment of Pruitt signals a reversal in America's progress toward cleaner air and water and fighting global climate change."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-epa-idUSKBN1601Q3?il=0
--- "President Donald Trump's administration plans to consider almost all illegal immigrants subject to deportation, but will leave protections in place for immigrants known as "dreamers" who entered the United States illegally as children, according to official guidelines released on Tuesday. The Department of Homeland Security guidance to immigration agents is part of a broader border security and immigration enforcement plan in executive orders that Republican Trump signed on Jan. 25."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-border-idUSKBN1601XE?il=0
--- "A trade association representing General Motors Co (GM.N), Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T), Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p.DE) and nine other automakers on Tuesday asked new Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt to withdraw an Obama administration decision to lock in vehicle emission rules through 2025. On Jan. 13, then-EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy finalized a determination that landmark fuel efficiency rules instituted by President Barack Obama should be finalized through 2025, a bid to maintain a key part of his administration's climate legacy.Mitch Bainwol, president and chief executive of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, said in a letter to Pruitt the decision was "the product of egregious procedural and substantive defects" and is "riddled with indefensible assumptions, inadequate analysis and a failure to engage with contrary evidence.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-automakers-emissions-idUSKBN16102J?il=0
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