Party Crasher
Sweet Treats AU Masterlist
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A bit of drama and old grudges but a good time.
Please let me know what you think <3
You keep your hand on Thor's sleeve as you enter the room. You're excited if a bit nervous for the party. When he mentioned it, you were more the latter but he convinced you to come. 
You agreed as long as Darling could, and Darling could only tag along if Loki did. Thor warned it would be complicated but you convinced him. She needed somewhere to show off her new clothes.
"There he is," a voice calls above the din, "hey, Shakespeare, how– woah, what the hell is he doing here?"
Before you can react, the man rushes past you and is barely stopped by Thor as he steps between him and his brother. You let go of him as he places his large hand on the man's chest and nudges him back.
"Now, Stark, he's been neutralized, he is here under my watch. You have my promise he will not cause any mischief."
"Isn't that his thing?" Another guess asks and chuckles.
"Loki will behave. He swore it to me himself," Thor declares.
“You said that last time,” the man with the dark goatee sneers.
“I will keep my hands and my tricks to myself,” Loki resigns as he shows his palms, the other man takes a step as if to lunge at him.
“Last time thing’s were complicated,” Thor takes a step forward, looming over the much shorter man, “trust me that I will keep him in hand, Stark. This is a party, yes, let’s not spoil the mood.”
There’s silence and you glance around to find all the strangers staring at the confrontation. You sidle in front of Thor and offer a smile and your hand. The man, Stark, glances down at you and hesitates, his lips twitching as if he has no idea what to say.
“This is Muffin,” Thor introduces you, “Muffin, this is Tony, who I told you about.”
Reluctantly, he shakes your hand and lets out a long breath, “Thor, you better keep your promise,” he speaks over your head and beckons behind him. A girl steps up in a sleek black dress, a string of diamonds around her neck as she shakes condensation from her fingers, a glass with a straw in her other hand, “this is Princess.”
You raise your hand, extending a single finger. You look back and wave at Darling as she hides behind Loki’s shoulder. He gives her a look as she passes him, his fingers brushing down her arm as she emerges. His lips thin but he does nothing to stop her. For once, he is not in charge.
“Hi,” she approaches as she wrings her hands, “Darling.”
“Darling,” Tony repeats, “I hope you understand your husband’s reception. You’re more than welcome.”
“Fiance,” Loki corrects and Darling winces.
You grab her wrist and shrug off his unnecessary remark. You touch your chest then motion to Princess, before further pointing over her shoulder. She glances over at the other women; one in red sits quietly on the couch as three others stand with slender flutes of sparkling wine in hand and chatter.
“She wants to meet them,” Darling says on your behalf and you nod.
“Princess,” Tony urges and kisses her cheek, “go get everyone settled.”
Princess nods and sucks in a breath. She seems nervous and uncertain as she teeters on her high heels. She catches herself on a barstool as she turns.
“Drinks,” she exclaims as if she forgot, “what do you want? Wine? Beer?”
“Red for me,” Darling says, “Muffin doesn’t drink much.”
“We have juice,” she offers as she goes behind the bar, “cranberry, apple–” You jab your hand up and she stops, “apple?” You confirmed with a bow of your chin and she smiles.
“Is she– are you–” she begins to talk to Darling but rights herself.
“I can hear,” you step up to the bar and look over the leather trim as she bends to take a glass from beneath.
“She likes to listen,” Darling assures and the tension leaves the corners of her mouth, “that’s all.”
“Well, there’s enough talk to go around,” Princess giggles uneasily, “and more than enough alcohol.”
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rocxyoulikeahurricane · 4 months
interrogation prelude
The ride to the station was uneventful. Until Adam decided to speak up, "So who do I have the pleasure of being arrested by"? "Why? the bull snapped So you can tell your homicidal little Valkyries wannabes who to target, next extermination?! "Just common curtesy, really. The imp siting in the passenger side calmly spoke. "m... My name is William". "Don't give out your name rookie damn i..." The radio crackled to life. "Sargent Jon, we were told you're transporting the subject, over? How close to the station are you two, over?" Adam swallowed a cackle, but just barely, a snort sounding from the back seat. Jon was seeing Litteral red as he grumbled "5 minutes away, over".
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forget-me-maybe · 4 months
Rolan HC
So, I was sick last week and thought about how Rolan would react on my Tav being sick.
I think he'd be very caring, as he always is, but he's also so unproportionally scared of getting sick he'd be acting somewhat irrationally. Anyways, here's a short SFW drabble:
Throughout the history of Toril there’s one disease no cleric, druid or alchemist has been able to cure. 
The common cold. 
Faye had been snivelling all day, blaming it mostly on the cold weather the Gate experienced this winter. 
But then she sneezed. 
And she had never seen Rolan get out of the couch faster, stumbling and sweeping down a carafe from the table with his tail. 
“You’re sick” he said while he looked at her like she had just turned into a mindflayer. 
“I’m fine” Faye tried to reassure the wizard. “It’s probably just a cold” 
“Just a cold?” he snapped at her. “Just the most contagious disease known to this plane that bears no cure!” 
Faye was shocked and slightly amused by the exaggerated reaction. Rolan had never shown signs of being a germaphobe. He liked to keep things clean but never to an extreme extent. 
But this. This was new. 
Just as Faye was about to say something reassuring, the portal did the swooshy thing and Cal and Lia entered the tower. 
“I don’t feel well” Lia said, her voice hoarse and tired. 
“Me neither, I’ll see you tomorrow” Cal said in an equally tired voice. 
Rolan looked like he was about to combust. 
“I’m setting up quarantine” he said through gritted teeth. 
“You’re what?” Faye said, staring at him blankly. 
And that’s how she and the younger siblings ended up confined in their rooms. 
Rolan wasn’t an awful warden, in fact he would probably go down in history as one of the best. He made chicken soup that he teleported into the prisoners’ rooms, made sure they always had hot tea and made tonics for their sore throats. 
He wrote cute little notes that accompanied the daily rations. 
Eat. X 
Drink. X
Sleep. X 
Faye suspected Cal and Lia got similar notes except the Xs. 
But Faye was bored. Sure, she was unwell. Her body ached and her nose was clogged up but she’d much rather be getting at least something done than just laying in bed all day. 
She had been in solitary confinement for one and a half days when there was a knock on the door. Excited by the fact that anything at all happened she jumped from her spot in the bed to open. She opened the door just an inch to find Cal and Lia. 
“Quickly, let us in” Lia whispered and didn’t wait for an answer before she had pushed herself inside with Cal right behind. 
Faye carefully closed the door to not make a sound as it shut and gave the siblings a questioning look. 
“So, this is your first time getting a cold while living with Rolan” Lia said as she walked over to the bed. 
“Is he like this every time?” Faye asked. 
“More or less, he’s better now though” Cal said. “One time mum had to tell him off for trying to lock us up in the attic” 
“So, me and Cal always pretend it’s a fun sleepover situation instead” Lia chimes in. “If you’re up for it?” 
“Fuck yeah I am” Faye blurted out, unable to contain her excitement for just being able to talk to someone. 
So, the three pyjama-clad captives settled in bed, Lia in the middle and Cal and Faye on each side. 
They played cards, they chatted. Cal got a bit worse (men just can’t handle a simple cold) and fell asleep. Faye and Lia continued talking into the small hours of the night before they too were claimed by sleep. 
Faye woke up a bit worse for wear, but not as bad as the tall tiefling staring at the three of them from the door. She shot him a crooked and apologetic smile as she pondered on what new quarantine rules he’d set up now that they’ve been caught. 
But then Rolan snivelled. 
“I’ve succumbed to your illness” he muttered, approaching the bed with a face that can only be described as completely miserable. “Scoot” 
There was not much room to scoot, sure their bed was big, but not four-people-big. Lia got an accidental elbow to the ribs and Cal almost fell off the bed on the other side as Rolan squeezed himself into the small space that was available to him. 
The younger siblings quickly excused themselves and left the room, for all of their sakes. 
Faye wrapped her arms around Rolan, he was warmer than normally and still shivered. She wondered how long he waited until he admitted to himself that he too was unwell. 
“If I die –” 
“You’re not dying from a cold” Faye cut him off. 
“If I die, and since we’re not married yet, you have no claim to the tower” he said, ignoring her remark. 
“Not married yet?” 
“That’s not the point of what I’m trying to say” he dismissed her, completely ignoring the grin spread on her face. “Cal and Lia could in theory kick you out, don’t let them” 
“I really don’t think they would” she said firmly. Actually she was quite sure the only way she’d be kicked out of the tower was if she were to hurt Rolan and she’d most likely be taking a shortcut from the balcony if that were to happen. 
“I should put it down in writing” he blurted out, sitting up so quickly he almost fell out of the bed. “Get my business in order before…” 
“You’re not dying from a cold, you silly man!” 
She pulled him back into a lying position, smothering him with enough blankets to keep a bugbear down. She wiped some sweat beads from his forehead and the wizard’s face finally relaxed. Faye figured she could sleep a bit more now that she was next to him.
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moonshoon · 1 year
member: any word count: 0.4k
warnings: making out, getting caught, kinda suggestive at the end
he sat down on the sofa, leaning back and gesturing for me to come closer.
"take a seat, love" he said, a cocky grin on his lips.
"what if they catch us?" i asked him, playing around with my fingers.
"don't worry baby, they won't"
he pulled me by my hand, and i almost fell ont his lap. his hands made their way around my back to my ass as i steadied myself.
my hands made their way around his neck, twirling with the little hairs at the bottom of his head.
"now, where were we?" he asked, not even letting me answer before smashing his lips onto mine again.
i could feel him smirking into the kiss, his hands tightening their girp on me.
the moment i felt his tongue prodding at my lips i shuddered in his arms. he let out a chuckle at my reaction before letting his tongue roam around my mouth.
we were panting as we separated after a few minutes, him chasing after my lips like a lost puppy.
"come closer" he whispered and pulled me closer. i could feel him starting to get excited under me, so i moved my hips a little bit to tease him.
he let out a froan at my action, capturing my lips with his once again, biting and pulling on my lower lip a few times.
i whined as he moved his hands up to my waist, to squeeze a little bit, loving the way they feel against me.
he pulled the hem of my shirt out of my pants and slid his hands under it, brushing them over my back and up to the clasp of my bar.
my hands started moving too, brushing down over his chest, going lower until i reached his belt. he groaned as i started undoing the belt, clattering of the clasp heard in the room.
"i fucking told you i was okay with you fucking around in private but please not in front of everybody."
we both separated in shock, looking back to see the others standing in the doorway staring at us. the manager standing in the front, looking at us angrily but teasingly.
"don't mind him, babe. we'll go fuck in private now." he said teasingly and lifted me off the couch to carry me out.
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sars-wulf · 18 days
😭😭😭 I need to chill the fuck out but I CANNOT
There is many a fanfic to be written!
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s-c-l-n · 6 months
i personally dont think there is enough streamer aus on the world. anyways this one focuses on sakuatsu cause i just read a fic about them with sakusa as a streamer. anyways.
atsumu and sakusa who are friends in real life and are also streamer friends, but dont know its each other. both are faceless and use voice changers and colab a lot.
one day they r streaming on atsumu’s channel and he is doing some subathon and is looking for subgoals to put in as he had some blanks. someone says go on a date with sakusa’s online persona and because sakusa says yes as a joke (hes dead serious), atsumu puts it down. he reaches the subgoal and a few days later goes to a cafe where sakusa shows up and they find out theyve been flirting and are now on a date with each other and they kiss happy ending
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scratchandplaster · 8 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 10 - Killing in self-defense
CW: death, revenge
What's worse than taking a life? Not getting the relief you expect to come from it.
After killing Whumper, calculated murder or spontaneous manslaughter, Whumpee is left with the consequences of their actions:
Maybe Whumper was too influential, meaning Whumpee and Caretaker have to get rid of the body asap
Where can they get help from? Trapped in the middle of nowhere, they have to fight further to reach civilization
Whumpee suffers deadly wounds from the fight, their last goal was to take the monster out and prevent Whumper from hurting anyone else
Stockholm-syndrome Whumpee can't help but cry about the loss of their beloved Whumper, the contradictions of survival instincts and attachment nearly splitting their mind apart
Even months after, Whumpee is haunted by some sort of "perpetrator trauma", the undeserved guilt for protecting themself gnaws at their soul
Whumper may be gone for good, but the Whumpee's suffering continues nevertheless...
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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chalk-boy · 1 year
Dan heng x reader
Idk what this is tbh
FW:Slight mention of past traumas
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He loves you, you know he does. He's a soft soul hurt by his past, you know that. He'll give his life for you, you know he will. You love him, he knows that. You trust him, he know that. You'll give your life for him, he knows you will. Maybe it because of those facts that your relationship is so strong, no one understands why you two love each other so much, but you do. "I love you" he'll repeat over and over, every day. He'd ask March what you like, she'd tease him but help him too, you love him, he loves you. That's all that matters.
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frankenjoly · 3 months
I'm cooking a very tasty suegiku 👀🤭
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a conversation in the caverns between wenduag and alaunius[my commander] a missing conversation that would have happened if alaun was 5% less lawful good and voiced to wenduag exactly why they were short with cameillas father. still not 100% on the stoic-ness level of alaun so this is semi cannon. also i finished the maze but that was a few hours ago, this is more script than fully fleshed out prose and ive only played 4.5 hours so eh on characterization.
wenduag: "your one of the soft uplanders, thinking holy powers will save everyone. takeing hits for us poor poor lower dwellers. as if we dont know how to take them"
alaunius: "the young ones shouldent need to. take hits, that is"
"why are you saying this wenduag?"
"you seemed short with the posh guy. i havent known you long but i know your type. i though everyone deserved kindness."
Alunius's long paces slowed. "nobels.." they sighed. "well, they tend to be on the wrong end of things"
"your happy having the rich girl along though" hands demonstrating crudely why she though they wanted cameilla along.
"shes skilled. her father on the other hand…" a glance to check the others were out of earshot "…is the type to throw gold at all his problems"
"and you took that gold. should i call up your goddess and tell her you broke your stupid rules??"
"we already needed to get out. those 'stupid rules' of mine dictate that i would need to help him indirectly anyway so what should i do. let us all rot down here to spite him? the fact that coin will be used to help people and not stashed away in his coin-purse is enough spite for me"
"your a rather bad paladin if your being spiteful."
"he has enough money that attacks on character and nonphysical comfort arn't part of the holy care package"
"they sure taught you long words in the mountains"
"… in essence as long as hes alive i dont care. he can deal with discomfort"
"you know i think your not so bad. for a paladin"
alaunius kept his eyes on the path ahead "of course. for a paladin"
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« Have some tea», Lyutsifer orders, his voice a warm hum.
The china cup clicks as he set it in front of you on the table. The scent of chamomile and honey touches your nose. Lyutsifer's smile all gentle, his face soften.
« Drink and find some rest. I shall guard your slumber. », he promises.
(get well soon, honey)
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obitv · 2 years
i get a little silly with it [starts another fic not knowing if ill finish it]
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forget-me-maybe · 4 months
Rolan HC (Dad-Rolan)
He spoils his baby.
Here's a drabble:
“Help Daddy” baby Marika said and pulled at the leg of his trousers. “Up!” 
Rolan was sitting by his desk in his office, trying to figure out the last details of a spell he had been working on for a while. Well, technically it was an improvement of an already existing spell and he just needed to get one more equation out of the way.
But that didn’t matter. If Marika wanted up, she would get up. Faye had made plenty of remarks about him spoiling Marika. So be it. He grabbed her and placed her on his lap. 
“Help Daddy work” she said and grabbed onto the quill he was holding. 
He distracted her for a moment with a tickle while he replaced his own notes with blank pieces of paper. She squirmed on his lap and giggled. 
“Alright then, what kind of spell are we making?” Rolan said when the giggles died down. 
“Green!” Marika said, which was her current favourite colour. 
“Green” he mused and tapped the paper in front of them. “Are you writing this down?” 
Since three year olds can't write, Marika made a scribbly line and a circle. 
“Very good” Rolan continued. Marika's face lit up. His heart fluttered. “What more should the spell do?” 
Marika's brows furrowed and looked like she was thinking very, very hard. Rolan didn’t have to think very hard about what would follow. 
“Sparkles” Marika said when she had thought for a while. 
“Ah, sparkles, a fine choice” he said and tapped the paper again. Marika made another scribbly line and a triangle. 
When Marika was satisfied with her ‘notes’ she looked up at him expectantly. He did a simple prestidigitation and conjured a shower of green sparks. The child let out a squeal of delight and clapped her hands. It was probably the tenth time he had conjured the same thing for her in less than three days, it didn’t matter. When Marika's eyes lit up, mesmerised by the sparkles, it was the only thing that mattered in the whole world. He pulled her close to his chest. 
“Daddy best” Marika said. 
“I love you” he said and placed a kiss on top of her head. 
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alivocchspen · 2 years
she looks to her lover, sleeping as soundly as can be. she purses her lips for a moment, gliding battered fingers onto the sleeping’s wrist, finally threading through her own. 
she smiles a small smile; solemn and relieved.
“hell didn’t want me,” she remembers how her beloved thrust it out with such bravado; with the rebuilt pillars of grace and elegance she sat poised upon. she said it often, pride glimmering in her pink contacts.
she remembers, though, how behind that pink, there was a deep, beautiful brown filled with such despair. it pained her, to see the light of their life dim in such a way. they both felt useless, helpless, frustrated... afraid.
they were both so, so afraid.
they remembered how they cried into the crook of her lover’s neck, claiming that everything was hurting them when asked. they remember the glide of her fingers, now just as battered as hers, running up and down the tired and aching muscles of her arm.
they smile a small smile; solemn and relieved as they see the glint of an engagement ring around her finger.
maybe her worrying would never stop. maybe that meant she truly loved her... that she loved cleo. she shuts her remaining eye and sighs.
hell didn’t want her, and for that, seven was truly thankful.
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lovelyiida · 5 months
Imagine Bakugo does overseas promotions in the west and you’re the only one that he can tolerate.
previous :D
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“So your quirk is nitroglycerin which makes you blow things up? That must be dangerous!” You exclaimed. Katsuki had no idea what you were saying but he decided to just nod along.
Ever since he met you during his bagel affair. The both of you have been hip and hip. Walking along side each other during breaks, or simply taking in each other’s presence during an early morning drive.
He’s grown disgustingly accustomed to you…
“Damn idiot keeps blowing my phone up.” Katsuki grumbled to himself, this suddenly breaks your attention.
Humming out towards him, the blonde shakes his head before tapping away at his phone. You didn’t mean to be nosey, but you just leaned in a little to see what he was looking at.
What’s with westerners and being so nosy?
Katsuki was on social media spitting rapid fire, you assumed he was upset.
You typed away at your phone once more before throwing it towards his lap to read.
ENGLISH: Why so grumpy?
JAPANESE: なぜそんなに不機嫌なのか?
Katsuki looked at the phone and scoffed. Maybe today wasn’t a good day for him? Snatching the phone off his lap, he quickly responded and threw it back.
“Okay, sassy.”
Reading the text, you flinched back in surprise.
JAPANESE: ファックオフ。
ENGLISH: fuck off.
Oh! Didn’t need to tell you twice.
You quickly grabbed your things (phone and granola bar) and jetted back to your hotel room. You weren’t about to take someone’s bullshit in a whole other language, nope, not today!
And obviously for Katsuki, he felt like shit after. Leading to him at your door late into the night, flowers in hand… and sour cream?
“Katsuki, you didn’t have to do all of this?…” you trailed off quietly. You take the sweet yet weird pairing with delight and stared at the hero.
The both of you casting a light warmth to each others’ cheeks. To break the silence, you began to signal he could come in but he beat you to the race.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.”
“Wow, your pronunciation was great!” You spoke back excitedly, his deep voice sending butterflies through your body.
Extending your arms out, you suddenly embrace the hero in a gracious western hug. Katsuki’s eyes widen at the touch, but his bashfulness secretly turns into a shit eating grin.
Backing away slowly, Katsuki’s grip on you doesn’t seem to falter. Eyes still dancing with each other as you look into each others eyes.
“Tomorrow?” You spoke softly.
Katsuki, knew what that word meant.
Showing a bright smile, you unravel from his touch and wave the blonde goodbye. Walking back into your room, and silently shutting the door.
On one hand, Katsuki knew you’d fall into his hands. What chick doesn’t like flowers and ice cream?
On the other hand, you didn’t wanna hurt his ego by telling him he just bought a whole tub of sour cream with a beautiful bouquet of flowers…
To hell with the ice cream, the packaging looked the same!
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Thanks for the support guys! Once again, drabbels for the win!!!
— lovelyiida
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TAG LIST: @bleedingredridinghood , @burymeinside , @queenpiranhadon , @minssecret , @mochimommy2002 , @reneinii
I tagged as many as I could!
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sandwaveswater · 2 years
I’m not sure if you write anymore but I would love to read more of your series! It’s so good 😩
First of all thank you sm!! I'm so very happy someone likes my silly little story :')
The truth is I have mapped this story out completely but my mental health has been a little shit so I had to stop before I just erased everything I had so far. Recently I have opened the doc again so maybe this week there will be an update, but I cannot guarantee anything. I'm really sorry.
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