#draco malfpy
dirtykpopsnaps · 2 months
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Here’s tonight’s requests! And, before anyone says anything, yes…the Draco picture is prom PoA. I already checked his age. Tom Felton was 17 turning 18 that year😂😅
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Christmas Magic (D.m. x reader)
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Pairing- Draco x Femreader
Requested by- @blackthunder137 from this
Summary- After years of going to the same school, Draco finally found the one for him.| Fluff
Meanings- Y/e/c= your eye color
A/n- I really liked this idea may! Thank you for requesting this!
Words- 1,688 words
Draco Masterlist Main Masterlist
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“It is indeed a pleasure for having you here Mr. Nott” a voice said, “Thank you very much Mr. Malfoy for inviting us to your annual Christmas ball” Mr. Nott said while his son, Theodore Nott nodded towards his friend who nodded back at him.
The Malfoys hosted an annual Christmas ball every year, every year the manor was decorated in beautiful silver colors and a 20 foot tall Christmas tree stood in the center of the manor which was decorated from top to bottom with silver ornaments, at the entrance was a table where the guests had kept their gifts for the Malfoy family as a gesture for inviting them for the ball.
Draco Malfoy, the blonde boy who stood at the entrance with his father for greeting the guests and getting to know each of them, it had been a year since he graduated from Hogwarts and it was time for him to know his family’s relationship with other pureblood families as it was him who had to take up the business Lucius has.
His grey eyes scanned the manor, it was filled with pureblood family members, some of whom were discussing about how rich and diverse their business was, some of them dancing and enjoying the ball, while some were young couples talking and having the time of their lives, something Draco yearned for.
As his attention was diverted elsewhere, Lucius cleared his throat to bring his attention towards the entrance where the next family entered which Draco had to greet, he hated being there and doing this, he would rather be in his bedroom or be in the manor’s library than be here in a place where he had no freedom of doing what he wanted.
“Ah, welcome to the annual Christmas ball Mr. Velvetstone!” greeted Lucius as he extended his hand to a man with black hair, “Thank you Lucius for inviting us here!” said the man as he shook it with Lucius.
“Oh, and this here is my son, Draco” Lucius said as he eyed Draco to which Draco smiled up and him and said, “Hello Mr. Velvetstone” and shook his hand with him.
“Oh my, you have grown into one handsome man Draco” said Mr. Velvetstone to which Lucius replied, “After all, whose genes has he got?” to which Mr. Velvetstone chuckled.
“Has Mrs and Miss Velvetstone arrived?” asked Lucius to which Mr. Velvetstone replied, “Yes they have, they’d be here any minute now” at which 2 ladies entered the door.
An older woman with a diamond necklace and another young woman with a wine red dress entered and came towards Draco’s direction.
“Extremely sorry for the delay Mr. Malfoy” said the older woman, ‘No problem at all Mrs. Velvetstone, and here you are Miss Velvetstone, looking beautiful as always” said Lucius to which the woman in the wine red dress replied, “Thank you Mr. Malfoy”
“Hope you enjoy your night, it is a pleasure for having you all here” Lucius said as he excused himself to talk to Mr. Velvetstone while Mrs. Velvetstone went and talked to Narcissa.
Miss Velvetstone smiled towards at Draco and left towards the crowd near the Christmas tree.
Who Is she? Draco thought to himself, he had never seen this girl in his life, he couldn’t for the life of him remember ever seeing her here at any of the Christmas balls before.
Draco was determined to know this beauty, he approached her near the drinks section where she was drinking a Peppermint Martini.
“Hello, Ms. Velvetstone” said Draco with his charming smile, the girl looked at him and chuckled, “You don’t have to be formal with me, Draco”
She knows my name?Draco asked himself, he raised his eyebrow in confusion, he couldn’t remember ever seeing her anywhere, how come she knew him but he didn’t?
“Uhm, this might be a bit awkward to ask, but how do you know me?” Draco asked as he sat next to the stool next to her, the girl sipped her Martini and replied, “Silly me, you might not know me, I’m Y/n”
That name definitely ringed a bell in Draco’s mind, “I went to Hogwarts in your year, you might not know me because I wasn’t that famous around Hogwarts, didn’t talk much to people either” Y/n said.
“Oh” said Draco, he regretted ever not noticing her during the previous balls or in school because she was breathtaking, how come none of his friends ever noticed such a pretty girl at Hogwarts? They always knew all girls of Hogwarts.
“Okay well, let’s start fresh, I’m Draco Malfoy” “Really nice to meet you Draco, I’m Y/n” Y/n said as she looked at Draco and smiled at him.
“Which house were you in?” asked Draco as he ordered a Fire Whiskey for himself, “I was in Gryffindor” “That’s why I didn’t know you, you were sorted in the wrong house, Gryffindor isn’t the house you want to be in” Draco said, “Oh really? Slytherin literally lost most of the house cups” Y/n said as she chuckled.
“But seriously, I cannot believe I didn’t meet you sooner” Draco admitted as he sipped on his Whiskey, “It’s maybe because you never noticed” she said, “It’d be hard to not notice such a pretty face” Draco said as he looked in her eyes.
He could see her Y/e/c eyes, which made him not want to ever avert his gaze. Draco was beyond anything words could possibly express. Although he had encountered numerous girls in his life who were incredibly attractive, this girl had touched his heart in so many different ways.
“I better get going now, it’s already pretty late” said Y/n as her eyes looked around trying to locate her parents, to which Draco cleared his throat and replied, “Not so fast” and got off his seat, his heart was beating fast, he was anxious, It’s now or never thought Draco and extended his hand in front of the girl in red wine dress.
“Y/n, will you dance with me?” Draco asked, Y/n put her index finger to her chin in thought and replied, “Of course” “For a second I thought you were going to say no” Draco said as he grabbed her waist and pulled her to the dance floor.
“Well, I considered it” “But you still said yes” Draco said with his well known smirk, “Yeah fine whatever” Y/n said pretending to roll her eyes.
This reminded Draco of the Yule Ball back at Hogwarts, the day when Draco hadn’t got any dates for the Ball as he didn’t find any girl to ask for it, his ego was far too much back then but reminiscing back then, Draco wondered if Y/n was her date at the Ball.
“Does this remind you of something?” Y/n asked to which Draco who had zoned out for a while responded, “Yeah, actually it does” “About what?” “About the Yule Ball, remember?” Draco asked as he spun Y/n around to the beat.
“Of course I do, the day when I had ate all the food from there” she said as Draco chuckled, “That too” “Didn’t you have a date?” Y/n asked, “I didn’t actually, I was too cocky and didn’t ask anyone out” Draco responded.
“Thank God you admit you were a dick back then” Y/n said, “Okay, I was but damn was I so handsome” he said, “I see the self obsessed Draco is still there” “It’s who I am” Draco said as the couple chuckled.
“Y/n, it’s time to go” Mrs Velvetstone called out to Y/n, to which Y/n grip on Draco’s shoulder loosened.
But Draco kept his hand firm on her waist and said, “Mrs. Velvetstone, you see, me and Miss Y/n have just begun dancing, it’d be a shame to leave it in the middle so, would you mind giving us a few more minutes?”
“Oh, yes of course Mr. Malfoy” she said as she left the place, Y/n looked at Draco and giggled, “Right, we just started dancing” “What? Didn’t you want to spend more time with me?”
“Yes, I actually did” she said as she continued to sway with Draco,
“I would love to know more about you, Y/n” Draco said as he halted with his hands still gripping her waist, “I would too, Draco” while smiling at her, “What do you say we meet at my workplace?” Y/n asked.
“Yeah, but what work do you do?” Draco asked, “I work as an artist actually, I have a studio where I work, it’d be lovely if you could come there and we could just hang out” Y/n said to which Draco just locked his eyes with hers and nodded.
He had never felt such a connection with anyone before, this girl indeed had some magic in her, of perhaps it was the Christmas Magic that made him meet this beauty.
Y/n, Mrs. Velvetstone and Mr. Velvetstone bid farewell to Mr. Malfoy and Draco while Draco wouldn’t take his eyes off of Y/n, who smiled at him and waved goodbye which he returned.
After the ball was over, Draco went over to his bedroom and owled Y/n about when he’d be meeting her and Draco couldn’t wait to meet her and get to know her and maybe, eventually start dating her.
Draco lay in his bed as he stared at a snow globe kept on his desk, it was made of glass with a black stand at the bottom. It had enchanted snowflakes falling down into a pine tree whose leaves were covered in snow. The snow globe was tied with a red ribbon and Draco imagined being in that spot with Y/n, and how he would wrap her around his coat because of how cold it was. Draco wanted nothing more than meet her again and hold her close to his chest.
Tags for Draco December- @alexis-angelsss @ell0ra-br3kk3r @writingwitch007 @kimberlyxmalfoy @offlines-idfk @dreamnotfound231 @myworldgoesboomz @staywildmoonchild91 @blisias @lazydreamer19 @fuurinbae @stef4nie @tsuki-tsukii @elizabethmalfoy16 @webofanxiety @pixiespotato @mysanitysoul @turquoiseicepop @itchywitch33 @dr4cosimp
Tags for Draco taglist- @nicofiliac @rougecheneywife @steveslittlesunflower @slythermuf @cait2212 @crisppudge @tsukibaby1 @dracoslittleangel @enchantedforever @gachabella23 @raajali3 @siriusblackstwin @ravenqueen777
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unefemmedamnee · 5 months
draco malfpy looks like a cake pop
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exquisite-slytherin · 4 years
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a closed roleplay w/ @iraescible
With all the hustle and bustle of the other schools, Beaubaxton and Durmstrang, arriving at Hogwarts for the Tri-Wizard competitions, Jen assumed that the teachers would cut some slack in lieu the displacement some of the students were experiencing. Looking back on it as she entered Professor Snape’s usual classroom, shivering ever-so-slightly from the damp cold that filled the room, she knew the idea of the thought being applied to Professor Snape was ludicrous as he flicked his wand, sending a white piece of chalk across the chalkboard, recording the instructions, objectives, and partners for a project.
Professor Snape cleared his throat as Jen took her seat but one look at the board had her standing back up again. “Hello,” Professor greeted dryly. “On the chalk board is instructions and your partner assignments. We will beginning a project. Each group of two will receive a potion to brew. Each potion will take from two to four weeks to brew and in addition to that, you will each write an essay with a minimum length of three feet.” Professor Snape drawled, earning groans from the class, including a soft one of exasperation from Jen. She looked at the board, finding her name and she followed it to the left, reading the name next to it and she felt relieved for a moment that they were a fellow Slytherin; she didn’t think that she could handle working with a Gryffindor for a whole month.
Her eyes moved away from the chalk board, searching for the platinum blonde hair that belonged to her partner, Draco Malfoy. Her and Draco hadn’t said but a total of three words to each other in their four years of being in the same house and year as each other, but she considered them to be on relatively good terms. He had never messed with her, neither had his group of friends, so she had no reason to be threatened by him, so to say. She did feel a bit standoffish, however, due to the scowl residing on his face that she hoped came from the excessive amount of work that Snape just gave them and not his partner assignment.
The classroom erupted in scrapings of the wooden stools on the stone floor and mold chatter as the students switched seats to sit next to their partners and Jen followed in suit, finding her way to the empty seat besides Draco and she set her bag down before sitting next to him.
She smiled kindly and put her potions text book, parchment, wand, and quill on the desk. She busied her hands with straightening them as she greeted him over the slowly-dying chatter of the briefly live classroom. “I’m glad that you’re my partner and not Seamus,” She started with a light laugh, trying to break the ice without the awkwardness. “I don’t think I would make it through the month.” She finally lifted her gaze to meet his. A slip of paper floated to the edge of their desk and she unfolded it, reading their potion.
“We’re making a Skele-gro potion,” She said and handed him the slip before opening her textbook up. “I’m Jennifer by the way, I don’t think i’ve ever formally introduced myself. You can call me Jen though,” She said and looked back up to him. “Do you have any free periods throughout the week? So we can schedule days to brew and write the essay?” She suggested.
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ukk0 · 6 years
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sum drarry 
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Hey, I know it's been ages since I posted. I'm sick now, so that's good? And I drew Scorbus yesterday cause it has been literal months since I last drew these dorks.
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dracomalfoysslave · 2 years
Sweet and Sour Chapter 4.
Summary: You're losing control today, hardly able to make it through your study session in desperate need for Draco; he feels the same.
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Draco Malfoy x Slytherin FemReader (TW 18+ teasing, name calling/bad language, sexual mentions)
Song: Complicated- Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike & David Guetta (R3hab Remix) (feat. Kiiara)
"Yes, I am."
That comment was stuck in your head all day, and every time you looked at Draco, it would strike again.
In a state of constant arousal, you had been on the verge of coming all day; you felt the tight knot in your muscles incessantly and the pressure concentrating in your nerves when you sat down, along with the great temptation to grind your crotch into your chair. A few times you leaned forward and pressed your groin against the firm edge of your seat just to ease the tension, but you would dare going no fruther than that.
Without meaning to, you spent the entire day with Draco, engaged in light conversation that flowed right through lunch and into every class, during which you sat beside him.
Pansy and Blaise were utterly taken back by your congregation, watching as you two chittered to each other all through class like little mice, not sitting on either side of them like usual, but huddled close together between them. Nevertheless, it was an overdue surprise to them to finally have their best friend's get along without being laden with hesitant yearing - or so they thought.
Two o'clock gradually approached, and so had the time for you to part ways for your elective courses.
Together, you and Draco stand at the empty end of a narrow hallway that he has pulled you into, the other Slytherins having edged away with varying excuses.
Standing across from you, Draco hunches down to whisper near your ear, his silky locks brushing your cheek. "I cast the contraception charm on myself, but I suggest you do the same for more protection."
His concern, his ownership of responsibility stirs you up; none of your ex's so much as offered to use a condom.
"I should have asked you sooner, but you know the spell, right?"
Draco's gentle voice, a little too high pitched for a male; there is nothing like it. Not even the angelic strumming of a harp could compare. It's like a dagger dipped in amortentia that sinks beneath your skin, entering your heart.
"Of course," you whisper back, a bit breathless from being so close to him, enticed by encroaching privacy of the empty corner where you stand.
His lips are so close to yours that you catch a trace of his minty fresh breath; it embeds in your mind, convincing you to do the thing you had wanted to do since this morning, but had no time for.
Stretching up a bit so that you are standing on your tip toes, you carefully survey the corridor first to make sure no one is watching, then you pull Draco's tie, having him lean down and gently kiss his lips.
Draco's warm hand clamps down on your shoulder as he tilts his head, lashing his burning tongue through your parted lips immediately. Ecstasy ripples through you with each stoke of his tongue, every wet swipe you make over Draco's lips.
Grasping his collar, you bury your clammy fingers in the soft fabric of Draco's shirt, yanking him down to you harder, frenzily running your tongue over his teeth.
Drinking him, alone in this dark, forbidden hallway, it feels like nothing will ever come between you. Oh, you want more, badly. You need his thick cock, rammed inside you, pressing, kneading, spreading apart your insides-
"-Mhmh!" a shooting pain spirals through your walls, clamping down their muscles, nursing the ache to be filled. You moan onto Draco's ravenous lips, painting desperately into them; clouds fill your mind, starting to drown your sense.
But there is no time to do anything more. Divination is at the other end of the school and starts in a few minutes.
Slouching back against the wall behind him, Draco breaks the kiss. You do the same thing opposite him, crumbling into the cold wall; you had barely kissed, yet both of you pant, ragged.
Draco's shoulders are stiff, his chest rising and falling quickly; flushed and sweaty, his bangs tumble into his watery eyes. His face is screwed up in repression; genuine desire unerving him, mild agony simmers on his features.
You have to tear your eyes away from him, his disheveled state infecting your resolve to go to class - you can't afford detention on top of our your low grades.
A few disgruntled gasps echo softly to your side of the hall. "Y/n...I want you so bad. So fucking bad..." hisses Draco, moving his hands to his chest, gripping his long fingers into the fabric of his shirt.
Feeling his gaze scald you, your eyes burn into the floor, willing that heavenly fire in your loins to simmer down.
Retriving your breath is impossible when the one who took it groans softly, not even in attempt to tease you, but in his own longing for you which begins to slip through his grasp.
Longing to see the look on his face, your insides ache with curiosity. Hesitating while you regain your breath, when you feel strong enough, you peer up at him.
A chill trickles through your innermost being. He is ravished, looking desperatly at you for more, his lips parted and wet; you rip your eyes away and stare back into the floor.
"Y/n," his voice quivers...
Overestimating your strength at large, you know you cannot stand here any longer or else...he will have you, and so will months of detention for indecent exposure.
Slowly you will your legs to move; paralysis weighs them down, like walking in a dream. It feels wrong in every way to turn away from Draco; your heart rails against your chest to run back to him, but you fight it, tugging yourself a few paces away.
"...Dray, I have to g-"
Before you can move any farther, Draco's arm shoots out and grabs hold of your wrist, pulling you back to him; he clutches you to his chest, locking you beneath his warm arms. Your fingers curl into his shirt collar.
Catching a good look at his distressed face, you ingrain it into your mind as one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen.
He bends down for another kiss, but this time it is a gentle, quick peck. You both cannot handle to do more.
"Y/n," he breaths on your lips while letting you go.
Through burning cheeks a timid smile breaks across your face. "Tonight...Draco..." you whisper, but it echos louder than you estimate, ringing back at you your own petty voice, shirll with longing. You turn away while you still can, slipping silently down the corridor.
"Tonight...Y/n..." Draco's hush echo's after you as he walks away in the opposite direction.
* * *
After class, you bolt to your dorm and jump into a long hot shower, painstakingly scrubbing every cranny of your body clean twice in a row. Peering down between your legs as you soap yourself, you spot your swollen clit aching to be rubbed; but you don't so much as give yourself a flick aside from washing yourself.
Then you slip into your favorite black lace langerie, which you never had a chance to wear. On top of that, you pull on a clean uniform, hiking up your skirt a few inches higher and sliding on black knee high socks which you top off with combat boots.
Arranging your hair perfectly, you pop on some dangling silver star earrings that Luna had given you for Christmas; they sparkle magically without needing to catch the light.
You don't worry about shaving anymore since you came to Hogwarts, having a regular routine with the hair-removal spell. Lifting your wand off the counter, you point it to your stomach and recite the contraception charm, then tap your wand on each of your armpits enchanting your sweat to smell like sugar.
Feeling beautified, you stand before the mirror admiring your work; excitement bubbles up within you. Turning away, you back up against the bathroom wall, lifting your hands to your breasts and cupping them, squeezing them through your shirt to relieve some tension.
Breathing out shakily, you move one of your hands up to cuff your throat, massaging along the sides of your neck with your finger tips.
Turning your head aside, back to the mirror, you gaze longingly through your reflection; you haven't had sex since last summer, with a brief muggle boyfriend who didn't care about pleasing you; just the way Draco has taken such interest in you surpasses everything your ex had done. You know Draco will satisfy you. Just the kiss from last night aroused you more than every one of your sexual encounters had; the chemistry between you was unreal.
* * *
Arriving forty minutes early for good measure, you plan to spend the extra time getting your books aranged on the table, flipping through the pages to bookmark the ones that are especially difficult.
The library is more crowded than usual with extra clusters of students in different colored robes, yet the place is so large that there are still many secluded areas.
Draco had told you to meet him in the very back by the restricted section; usually occupied by couples and people who wanted more privacy.
Walking up flights of stairs with a little bounce in your step, you weave through countless rows of towering bookshelves. Rounding the last corner, you come to an abrupt halt, catching sight of Draco already there and looking ready for the Yule Ball.
Hopping back behind the nearest shelf, you peer out around at him.
He sits under the clerestory window illuminated by the low rays of the sun, shining down on his sleek black suit and platinum hair, which is perfectly parted and smoothed down. Leaning an elbow on the table, he rests his head on his palm, looking subdued yet villainous and unapproachable, but here he waits for you.
After crouching down and taking a few deep breaths, which don't slow your racing heart or quell your anticipation, you decide to just show up early, hoping that it was his nerves about you that caused him to already be there.
Adjusting your hair one last time, you straighten your shoulders and stride out toward him.
At the sound of your footsteps Draco looks up, gazing lushly from his hand.
"Couldn't wait, could you?" a lazy smirk spreads across his lips.
"Says the man here an hour early," you gawk, slinging your bag off of your shoulder and dumping it onto the table. "Why are you here so early?"
Draco raises a wry eyebrow. "Same to you. I'm here to grab these seats before the Hufflepuff girls do; they always hog them," he chides, a loathing grimace contorting his face.
"Oh, and here I thought it was because of me," you suggest, sliding into the chair next to him. "Dressed for the Yule Ball," you smirk.
A dull smile pulls at the corners of his mouth, nostrils flaring a bit. "I wouldn't come to this lousy place at all if it weren't for you."
You can't help a small smile from slipping out; the 'frenemies' dynamic between you has changed massively within the last few days; you can feel your ears burning under your hair.
"I came early to get everything ready for you," you say, ignoring your blush, "but I guess I was too late."
Draco stares at you with a hard, menacing look in his eyes. "That means that night will last longer," he remarks, a husky trace in his voice.
Eyes flickering to your star earrings, Draco lightly thumps it with his finger tip, making it chime softly in your ear.
His scent wafts past you with the movement, and you notice how cloying it is, tasting it stick to the back of your throat; he must have put on a 'little' too much cologne, but you find it cute; it's elevating to see his dedication by dressing up for you, proving his low remarks of you worthless.
He looks gorgeous, sitting so close to you that you could just reach out and grab him.
How rare it was to be alone with him - in fact you don't think you ever were before. It's too much; he's too enticing. There's no way you will be able to get through this session without touching him first, giving yourself a taste of him to sate you until the lesson is over.
"Draco..." you say in a hush, ashamed as though the pictures on the walls were watching.
"What?" he inquires softly, eyeing you closely, his golden bangs brushing across his forehead and into his long eyelashes.
He's a delicacy, a sovereign evil; darkness so enticing it bewitches your heart the longer you gaze.
"...Draco," you repeat with a little more desperation in your voice. Lifting your hand to his cheek, you sit forward, capturing his soft lips in your own; your stomach tenses the moment you touch him.
Slowly, his lips move against your own, lightly sucking them as gentle as a butterfly, faint and restrained, as if he is trying not to let too much of himself out, for fear of being unable to suppress it again; his white knuckles clench the edge of table.
But you are having a much harder time containing yourself; it's more difficult than ever tonight, feelings welling up to the brink of bursting upon just seeing his face, on catching the scent of his breath beside you.
Desperately stroking his tongue with your own, you are verging on animalistic as you lift your other hand to his face, holding his head in a firm grip so that he can't tear himself away.
Fueling your pussy with a constant wave of electric shocks, you have begun to drip into your panties which mush up against you. You've got to stop, this is too much; your stomach already tensing in anticipation of coming, your pussy pulsating, burning to be stretched and pounded. Any further, and you might not be able to wait.
A small gasp escapes your lips as you fail an attempt to pull away, drawn back to his lips by an invisible magnet for one last suckle on them; you savor them this time, knowing that it is all you will have for the next few hours.
Wrenching yourself away, yet still so close that your noses touch, you pant, feeling your breaths radiate back at you. "Dray..." you breathe shakily.
"Desperate for me, eh?" he murmers, steaming your lips. "...I want you...." he whispers so faintly that you just barely catch it.
If he didn't know before, there was no chance of taking it back now; you want him too.
Draco slowly unclenches his grip on the table's edge, squeezing his long fingers in the air to loosen his joints up. Licking his lips, swiping away the extra saliva, with a little tilt of his head he throws a cocky grin. "Can't wait a couple of hours? Regret saying I couldn't wait a few days now?"
There is no witty retort that comes to save you this time. Your mind is a blank slate, washed away by him.
He flicks his eyebrows, amused by having shut you up. "Regardless, I like seeing my girl so bothered," he remarks.
His girl? Maybe you were naive, but you could not tell if he was joking around or if he meant it. Embarrassed by your dim wit, you would not fathom asking him, so you cast him a dark glare instead that says: Okay, you win. Now stop gloating.
Giving a little snotty snort at your loss, he relents upon having his win recognized. Taking a lock of your hair between his fingers, he idly twirls it.
"What do you need help with?" he inquires, staring intently at you, his haughtiness replaced by composure.
Lazily, almost too ashamed to do it, but knowing you need to, you look into his eyes with silent thankful recognition for his maturity; he could have reamed you for coming to him for help, for being an 'idiot unworthy of Slytherin'.
"History, and Potions," you answer steadily; the things that are most foreign to you. Even though he is tutoring you, it's not like you are dumb; just inexperienced with wizardly knowledge, hence being raised in the muggle world.
"My expertice," he remarks cooly, stretching over the table, beginning to search through your bag for the most accurate books on the subjects.
The engrossed, dominant demeanor that he strikes during class consumes him, hooking your eye.
You watch him the entire time, beginning to contract the languishing lust you felt when watching him during Potions.
Having retrived a large stack, Draco settles back down beside you.
"Come closer," he nods to you.
Although you can see fine from where you are not even two feet away, you comply, scooting your chair in until it can come no closer, squeaking against his.
Draco huddles in to you, pushing your shoulders together and pressing his slim thigh against yours.
His warmth, having him so near tempts your body, sending a dull throb through your clit. Shifting in your sit, you clench your legs a little bit to ease the ache.
Unable to resist leaning into his body, you now blended in perfectly with the cuddling couples sprinkled throughout the place, though none are nearby; you suspect that upon having seen Malfoy here, they scattered.
The empty area echos with the rustling of turning pages as Draco flips deftly through books, knowing exactly where to find the information.
Digging out your notebook, you click open your onyx pen engraved with a viper, loathing quills and the mess they made.
Pointing to various texts, Draco begins elaborating, his sweet minty breath hitting your face, inviting you to lean in a little closer and capture his soft lips. Your eyes drop to his cupid's bow, before flicking back to the page.
Surprisingly he's a great teacher, dignified by his lack of sass and usual sneer. He explains your questions with a vast knowledge and intricate detail, yet clearly enough that you have hardly had to ask him to repeat himself.
When he's not flipping through books for reference, he turns to you and gazes into your eyes - which has a strange way of holding you in rapt attention.
He brushes your fingers often, whenever he pulls his own back from a page, cold ring chilling your flesh, and sometimes to just touch you, tracing his fingers lightly on your hand.
You take notes of everything he says, fascinated by the knowledge he has amassed to hold his family's standards. You admire, as well as find sexy the way he overflows with knowledge, like a king.
After two full hours, your questions begin to diminish.
Sighing, Draco shuts the last book and leans back into his seat, lolling his head back to glance at you through messy bangs. "I'm impressed," he mutters, "you're smarter than you made it seem." A witty grin appears on his lips.
"Thanks, Draco," giving a snort, you elbow him lightly in the ribs, which is closer to a rub, hence it being awkward to do with your arm already crushed up against him.
Clicking your pen shut, you drop it on the table with your half-filled notebook.
"Y/n..." Draco stands abruptly, screeching his chair loudly. Grabbing armfuls of books that tower up to his chin, he wars in attempt to stack them as carefully as he can inside your bag, but his movements are brisk and rushed.
Watching him in abated shock, you just finished the lesson - not even a minute ago; beating faster, your heart begins to pound forcefully against your ribs.
"Let's head up," continuing briskly, Draco turns around briefly, giving a slightly annoyed look to your sitting figure.
"Fuck, Draco. We just finished. Been battling an erection for the past two hours or something?" you look up at him outrageously.
Shoving the last of your books inside your bag, and snatching up your pen and notebook, he tosses them in the bag as well.
Having cleared the table in a record breaking thirty seconds, he pushes his arms back against it, staring down at you.
"Yes, I have. Now hurry the hell up," his face is red from both tension and blush, yet his voice is too soft, relenquishing his pride and begging for you. He was not playing around anymore; the game had reached its end.
Without waiting for a reply, he is stooping down over you and slipping his arms around your torso, heaving your stunned figure onto your feet. Swiftly grabbing your bag, he slings it over his shoulder. Gripping a tight hold on your arm, he bolts toward the stairs, forcing you to jog alongside him.
"Dray..." you whisper in shock, "you're turning me on so hard right now."
"Fuck..." he breathes,"don't think I don't see how your skirt's up higher," he whispers under his breath, "it's been driving me crazy all night." His grip tightens on yours, almost painfully, as you as you draw near the stairs.
Body moving without your control, you glance aside to him; raw want tears through you as you glimpse the lust brewing in his eyes, his face fixed in a serious scowl as he thunders through the library. Your heart is practically running down the stairs ahead of you; in ecstatic panic your mind starts to race: We're on our way to go have sex right now...yes! oh hell yes...I can't believe this is happening...
Halting at the foot of the stairs, Draco throws his arm out in front of your chest, stopping you and pulling you in front of him.
"I'm super hard right now, baby; you're gonna have to walk in front of me," his whisper wavers and a vein in his throat pulses as he swallows; eyes wide, his face is nervous in longing, signifying a considerable loss of his control.
"Okay..." you barely squeak out, reflecting the same vournerabilty as the promised release's approach starts to consume you early.
"And I mean right in front of me, doll." He guides you down the step in front of him, keeping one hand on your shoulder and the other on your hip, steering you. To the onlookers, you just looked like an inseparable couple.
As your legs rub against each other with each step, wetness coats your upper thighs, slickly rubbing your swollen clit in your sticky panties.
"I can't believe this," Draco mutters incredulously from behind you into your ear, "I've never gotten so hard in public..."
That sends hot chills across your skin. "Push it into me," you beg, shrilly under your breath.
Without missing a beat you feel his hips press into your back, the delectable hardness of his cock rutting into your spine.
"Oh my god..." you gasp, lust pouring through you; Draco makes a somewhat staggered gasp in response to your declaration for him.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, forcing you to continue on in front of him, Draco pulls a prim smile into his flushed, anxious face.
"Love you, darling," he says smoothly, a bit loudly to preface the way he is hanging on you to the group of Hufflepuff girls you pass by, who stare up at the both of you, immediately bursting into giggles and whispering to each other.
Your heart sputters; fuck Potter, for the moment - you are thrilled that Draco is proclaiming you his to everyone in sight, and that he needs to use you, your very own body to hide his erection, the effects of what you do to him.
"My sweet angel," Draco says loudly again, as you pass through the most crowded section of the library, inciting stares from everyone in the room; they have never seen Malfoy so clingly, let alone touch anyone before; you on the other hand were notorious for hugging friends, especially Fred and George who would often attack you from behind, picking you up and spinning you in their arms. Forget trying to hide your... relationship? Whatever this was with Malfoy.
Steering you firmly through the archway of the library's exit, Draco's erection burns into your back as he quickens his pace, forcing you to walk faster through the halls. Every head in sight turns to you, shooting you looks of awe, and some of disgust as they witness Malfoy's PDA.
"I can barely wait any longer," he mutters hotly into your neck, his voice overflowing with raw emotion.
"I'm so tight right now," you mumble back to him, and his fingers drill hard into your hip and shoulder.
"You're killing me," he groans a bit louder under his breath, shoving his hips hard into you as you reach the stairs to the Slytherin common room.
Treading slowly up the stairs in your loving embrace, you arrive in front of the portrait; Draco groans at the sight of having to crawl through it before growling the password. He holds your hips carefully as you climb in before him, stepping into the emerald room packed with people. Mentally, you bang your head on the wall; friday night? You couldn't have picked a busier time...
Immediately every head turns, the loud chatter quelling; you wonder if word has already spread to them about the scene you just made in the library, and a slight bashful smile springs upon your face.
Scanning the room with a glare, Draco signals for them to be quiet; everyone instantly looks away, although there are some gasps and giggles from the girls, and chuckles and cheers from the rowdy boys of the Quidditch team:
"Malfoy, on your way to go study?" calls Warrington.
"Right on, Malfoy! She's a babe!" hoots Montague.
"Leave it to Malfoy to snatch the prettiest girl in school!" someone pouts.
Great. Now everyone in the entire school knew that you were on your way to his bedroom. Did you even need to cast the silencing spell anymore?
"If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll have my father remove you from the team!" snarles Draco, pushing you gently in the direction of the boys dormitory.
"You," Draco nods to Crabbe and Goyle, "will make sure no one says another word, or follows."
Crabbe and Goyle sneer at the crowd, crossing their arms like bodyguards; the room goes quiet after that, playful chatter resounding.
"Sorry angel; this is all my fault," Draco mumbles into your ear, pressing his erection harder into your back as his bedroom door comes into sight.
"It's okay...kind of exciting really," you whisper softly.
Draco chuckles quietly as you reach the door, letting go of your shoulder and hip, causing a dull throb to rise to the surface where his fingers were digging in. Stepping in front of you, he slips a silver key out of his pocket, clicking it into the lock.
He really did have to walk behind you; the large tent in is pants is completely visible, at which you gaze longingly from beside him...
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Pansy: Let’s go sit at the Slytherin table.
Hermione: Why?
Pansy: It’s 7 a.m., which means Draco is even more confused than he usually is.
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therubyjailcell · 6 years
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When I'm really bored, I draw the cosplay I do or plan to do on my rp gif blog (@theveilinthedeathchamber if you wanna know)
So have Reg, Draco and Sirius.
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 - Choose a character from any fandom and send me a scenario and I'll write a little royal au dialogue for it
Draco Malfpy, from Harry Potter. Could you make a scenario where reader and Draco go to the Yule Ball and have fun dancing, talking, etc
Thank you 😁💕
"You cannot be serious," you giggled as Draco shrugged, looking over your shoulder to where Harry was quite awkwardly dancing with his date.
"I never joke, love," he breathed with a soft grin dancing across his lips. "I truly believe that he may actually have two left feet," he insisted, smile simply growing as your laughing continued.
"As opposed to you."
"Me who has been spinning you around this dancefloor all night? Yes, as apposed to me."
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Toxicity At It's Finest, Reader x Draco Malfoy
"I've been holdin' my breath, I've been countin' to ten, over somethin' you said..."
The weather is a mirror to the emotions swirling through the air.
Thunder shatters the silence, roaring just above the manor. Lightning splits the skies, the blue light flashing across both of your faces, seemingly accentuating the flaming anger of his clenched jaw and fiercely glaring ice blue eyes. Rain drops, big and heavy as hail, pounds the windows in earnest.
You can't believe what had spewed from his mouth, and the sting is worse than as if you've been slapped in the face. You take a deep, shuddering breath, and choose your next words carefully, as your voice breaks and you choke back a sob.
"... Alright,"
Now it's his turn to look as if he's been slapped. You don't miss the shock on his face, but you continue anyways, feeling as if it's for the best.
"I'll go."
You turn on your heels and run for the stairs, scared to stay a moment longer, lest he talk you out of it.
Though blinded by tears, you don't miss a single step, and you reach your shared bedroom without making any more of a fool out of yourself. The door slams shut behind you, and the sound echoes through the mansion, as if trying to voice your determination for you. Still, you finally let the tears flow freely and you scream out in devastation as you back against the door and slide down to the marble floors.
You had finally had enough. After twelve long years of staying by Draco's side through his ridiculous bi-polar emotional episodes and abuse, through his breakdowns from the abuse of his father, through his cheating on you with that disgusting pug Pansy Parkinson, through his suicidal pact with the Dark Lord, and almost dying for him in the Battle of Hogwarts, you had finally had enough.
"I've been holdin' back tears, while you're throwin' back beers and I'm alone in bed..."
These kind of fights were not uncommon while Draco drank back his pain and sorrow, but it used to end in the two of you coming together in the heat of the argument to say your apologies through some sort of carnal physical activity, since neither you nor Draco were ever ones to voice your feelings in the lovey-dovey chit-chat sort of ways. But for the past eighteen months, there had been no apologies at all, carnal or otherwise. Things had steadily been getting more and more aggressive and tense between the two of you, spiralling out of control as Draco drank more and more often. He often would try to find any reason to start and argument, almost as if trying to distance himself from you. You, on the other hand, had simply taken everything in stride for the first few months, knowing that one of the consequences of being committed to the Malfpy Heir was his rollercoaster of emotions and admittedly vindictive and toxic nature whenever he was caught in a downward slope.
But things were different this time. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and no matter how often you tried to break through his wall and try to get him to open up to you again; to become the soft, sweet yet damaged boy that you knew was behind the façade, he wouldn't crack.
You had even tried to break through with seduction, as it was a last-resort that you had used more than once before. You had even donned his favorite lingerie; an emerald green and black sheer lace set with a black sheer lace kimono. You had cornered him while he was in his father's old study, hunched over some sort of paperwork with his hands stuffed into his silky, platinum hair. You had approached quietly, draping yourself over his shoulders and kissing his ear while you whispered a breathy,
"Draco, come play..."
into his ear.
And the bastard had the audacity to take one sideways glance at you and scoff, looking back to the papers and muttering something snide under his breath about having no time for games.
More and more layers of wall went up with every brick you had managed to scrape off in the past, and it had finally come to a peak.
"You know I, I'm afraid of change... Guess that's why, we stayed the same..."
Even the beginning of the fight had been strange. Usually the arguments you two had were over something real, something serious. Whether it be you, trying to help him break away from his carefully sculpted mask of anger and spite that had been constructed over the years and getting blind-sided with some vindictive comment by the character he had forged; or by said character being a few too many butterbeers in and trying to deconstruct you for something extremely irrelevant and simple, like doing the dishes by hand instead of instructing the house elves to do them, there was a predictable pattern to his emotional explosions.
This time had been different.
You were simply lounging by the fire, delving deep into your favorite muggle-writen novel, when he had appeared before you. You couldn't exactly remember what had happened at first, only that he had torn the book from your hands and thrown it into the roaring fireplace. The next thing you can recall, he's pushing you back against the black leather couch, forcing his mouth and body upon you as if he hadn't been completely depriving you for over a year, as if he hadn't brushed off your advances and let you cry yourself to sleep alone in the bed you had once shared for over a year.
So you did what any sane woman would do: You slapped him and shoved him off of you, hollering over your lost novel and his shitty advance.
"You must be joking?!" You had screamed, standing over him as he clutched his face in pain and looked up at you with liquor-glazed eyes wide in apparent shock.
The shock didn't last long, though.
You don't know if he actually hit you, because everything happened so quickly, but your recollection counts you on the floor, and him above you, screaming profanities in your face as spit flies from his mouth while he roars at you through clenched teeth. You've never been one to back down though, and you remember quickly finding your feet and shoving him backwards into the coffee table, almost tripping him as you scream back profanities that would make an Irish sailor blush.
Things escalated so quickly, you can't remember exactly what each of you said, you just remember how bad each word hurt. Whether you were receiving or dishing them out, each word split your heart into tinier pieces, syllable by syllable. The last thing you remember was what ended the argument and sent you flying up the stairs.
"So tell me to leave. I'll pack my bags, get on the road..."
"So why don't you just tell me to fucking leave?! Why the fuck are we still doing this?! Why waste either of our time anymore?! I don't fucking deserve this!! You've been playing fucking games with me since the first day we fucking met, you don't fucking love me, you barely love yourself!!"
"Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know. 'Cause you remind me every day, I'm not enough, but I still stay..."
You had regretted the words instantly, for they had sobered you of the outright rage that had blinded you for however long the fight had been going for. Draco, however, had no sobering experience. No, your analysis of his drinking and abuse had simply proved to anger him further, and he screamed the six words that shattered your world to the core.
"Feels like a lifetime, just tryna get by, while we're dying inside. I've done a lot of things wrong, loving you being one, but I can't move on..."
Silence ensued between the two of you, even though it was swallowed by the crack of the thunder above your heads and the deafening pounding of the large raindrops on the roof.
And this is what brought you here, locked away in your once shared bedroom, crying your soul out in rivers as you packed what mattered as quickly as possible, not that you were getting very far with your task. You could barely see, after all. In fact, you were sobbing so openly and loudly; you didn't hear the quiet flapping of clothing and clap of footfalls on marble that come with someone apparating into appearance.
"You know I, I'm afraid of change. Guess that's why we stay the same..."
You growled in sorrow and frustration at your clumsily packed trunk, slamming down the lid to try and close it; to no avail. You could barely see through your tears, so you could scarcely be expected to notice the small corner of a shirt that was tucked just slightly into the slot where the latch was supposed to slide in. You simply growled and cried in aggravation, slamming it over and over, faster and harder, trying to get the latch to catch in the slot. After a few tries, you gave up. Sliding to floor in anguish and defeat, you brought your legs up and crossed your arms over your knees, tucking your face into your jeans to hide your tear and snot-streaked features. You still can't hear anything over the deafening storm and your own cries, but you know it's Draco when you feel his touch. It's soft, as if he's trying not to frighten you away like you would a feral cat.
Just a gentle stroke of his palm on your hair, and you dare take a glance at his shoes through your arms, before looking up at him through your tears. You can see his expression change when he takes a good look at your face, and you can see the pain in his now sobered eyes. You can tell he's sorry, but that's not enough this time, and you turn your face back into your legs and take a deep, shuddering breath.
"So tell me to leave, I'll pack my bags, get on the road. Find someone that loves you better than I do, darling, I know. 'Cause you remind me every day, I'm not enough, but I still stay..."
"(Y/N), please..." You can hear his voice cracking, and you want so badly to turn to him and push away his fears. You want to tell him that you won't go anywhere, that you'll always be here, that you'll never let him push you away... But you can't. You don't have it in you right now, and you're not sure if you will again, not this time. For the first time, you find yourself imagining a life without Draco in it. Would you be happier? Would the pain end? You don't think you even remember what it was like before being with Draco, before being a slave to your blind love for him and that scares you half to death.
So you don't say a thing, you simply begin to cry even harder, and that prompts Draco to drop to his knees beside you, enveloping you in his arms and whispering desperate 'I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry's. His chin comes to rest on top of your head, and for a split moment you think the roof has sprung a leak, before you realize it's his tears hitting the top of your head as he cries in earnest.
"I don't know what to do, (Y/N)... I don't know how to fix this... I love you so much..." He chokes back a sob, and you sniffle as you begin to cry even harder.
"Please, please don't leave... I'm so so sorry..."
You stay like that for a few hours, wrapped in his arms while he cries out his apologies into your hair, before you finally cave into him, shushing his sobs and kissing away his tears.
"If you want me to leave, then tell me to leave, and baby, I'll go. You remind me every day, I'm not enough, but I still stay..."
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 2 years
→𝐷𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔~ Tell me about your dream profession in the wizarding world+ a character and I will write a scenario for you on how the both of you will meet!! (also includes a moodboard)
Hi, I'd like to request a scenario
I'd be a Dragonologist and the character would be Malfoy, Draco Malfoy :)))
Thank you :))
Hello, anon! Sorry for responding late to these requests! Here's your scenario!
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You were wearing a white button-down shirt with black jeans and your hands in your pockets, on your way to the dragon keeper who had your dragon egg with him. Your work was a little dangerous, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. A rustling sound came from the bushes as you approached the dragon keeper's house; you ignored it thinking it was an animal, but when you entered the house, the dragon keeper was nowhere to be found; the door was unlocked, so you entered the house in the hopes that the dragon keeper would be inside, but he wasn't.
As you searched the house in vain for the dragon keeper, your waist was suddenly seized by cold hands who turned you around, and you were met with icy grey eyes, a mask covering his face, and in a hoarse voice, he said "What are you doing here love?" to which you were left wide-eyed, "I-I was here for, well, you see, I am a dragonologist and I have nothing to do with you or that dragon keeper, I just wanted my-"  "Dragon keeper?" he questioned, carefully releasing his grip on your waist. "Yes, John the Dragon keeper," you replied to which his eyes panicked "I thought, okay, there's been a misunderstanding," he added as his voice drifted off as he began removing his mask to show a handsome face with defined features; you were captivated by his beauty until he jolted you awake. He asked, "What is your name?"
"First and foremost, who are you and what have you done to John?" you asked. "I am an auror, and I have been tracking this wizard who allegedly killed someone, well, I can't give you the details of it," he stated as he took out the dragon egg you came for and placed it on the counter before leaving. You were determined to figure out who this attractive man was, and you quickly discovered him in various locations and disguises, and you enjoyed meeting him each time.
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The celebration is over, but I'm still answering yoyr asks!
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daughterofgaston · 7 years
Whenever I read Harry Hook fanfics I can't help but always imagine Sophie Simnett as the protagonist, as she has worked with Thomas and their characters on the lodge had a relationship, so it's understandable that I'd picture her, but I also picture her for any Draco Malfpy fics I read too
I can definitely see why you would picture her! I had to look her up since I didn’t know the name but I can see why you would picture her as the protagonist of certain fanfics!
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ilvermourn · 8 years
I don't know why but during the battle of Hogwarts when Harry "died" and Draco was called over to the dark side and Voldemort hugged him, Deam Thomas had this look on his face like "Dis Nigga Gay!" And I mean ... He wasn't that far off from Drahco now was he? Drarry: lol nope
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alohomora-hp-gallery · 11 years
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