#dracula reaper
vampirevaticann · 1 year
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reaper 76 (plus a meme and doodle of vamp au under the cut...)
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commissions open!
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jackmeowison · 2 years
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Immortal x Dracula for the soul 🩸
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moomanmilken · 11 months
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i really like his dracula skin actually. also, did you guys know i really like gabriel reyes. hey guys, i really like gabriel reyes. from the hit game overwatch (the guy, gabriel reyes) (silly billy gabriel reyes). i really like gabriel reyes.
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castlingvanias · 27 days
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guys what if billy and mandy was homestuck
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beevean · 2 years
Translating Symphony of the Night's bios
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Alucard (Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş)
Age: 400 (presumed)
A hybrid born from Count Dracula and a human mother. Despite his beautiful androgynous features and slender body, he is physically strong and can use dark magic.
His main weapon is a sword, and by using various magical devices and items, he can gain the ability to transform and magical attacks.
He is a taciturn and gloomy young man, but he has an intelligent and calm personality.
Maria Renard
Age: 17
A girl who is distantly related to the Belmont family of vampire hunters, and also Richter's sister-in-law.
She herself is a vampire hunter who defeated Count Dracula with Richter in battle five years ago.
An intelligent and active girl who has the amazing power to control animals. On her journey to find a missing Richter, she hears rumors of a resurrected Castlevania.
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Richter Belmont
Age: 24
A descendant of the Belmont family, who have fought Count Dracula for generations as vampire hunters. In the battle five years ago, he defeated his nemesis, Count Dracula, but has been missing for a year. A hot-blooded man with a strong sense of justice, who fights with a whip that has been used for generations as a weapon against vampires by his ancestors.
Count Dracula (Dracula Vlad Ţepeş)
Age: 800 (presumed)
As the lord of Castlevania, he has terrorized many people. With his mighty power of darkness, he is the supreme ruler of the dark world and he is skilled in black magic.
He was revived for the third time in the 18th century, but he was supposedly destroyed, along with the castle, by the vampire hunter Richter Belmont...
He is also Alucard's father.
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Master Librarian
The master of the Long Library. He serves Dracula and is acquainted with Alucard.
By talking to him, you can purchase items, sell gems, and obtain various information.
The Grim Reaper, who works as Count Dracula's confidant. He is also acquainted with Alucard, and ends up taking his equipment near the entrance to the castle.
A mysterious monk versed in various dark arts. Five years ago, he was the one who revived Dracula, but was defeated by Richter Belmond in that battle. … supposedly.
The wife of Count Dracula, she had a son with him. That son is the main character of the story, Alucard.
The beautiful Lisa has already passed away, and her image lives on in Alucard's heart.
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aradiyatoys · 11 months
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In autumn 2018, I created the first, very experimental set of toys. It was Halloween Minis 🎃 and it marked the beginning of a collection of mini toys that later grew into something much larger! 😍 One year later, I released the second set of Halloween Minis, and then I took a little break. Well, it was not that little, but I really needed the idea for Halloween Minis set 3 to be completely shaped in my imagination. And then, five years later, I finally returned to the Halloween theme once again! 🥰 I don't really know if there will ever be a fourth set, but here is the complete collection of Halloween Minis that I have now. All three sets in one photo! Have you had a chance to make them all yet? 😊
Crochet patterns for amigurumi Halloween Minis set 1, 2 and 3 are available here -> https://etsy.me/3rpRNMp 💛💙
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the-edude · 11 months
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Day 28 & 29: Death and Dracula
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Adventures Into the Unknown, 1952
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tngmpersonal · 2 months
There should be a drawing meme where you get a scene that depicts one interpretation of a public domain character, and redraw the scene using a different interpretation of the character. For example, take this one scene of Death/The Grim Reaper and Dracula from Billy & Mandy...
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...And redraw them as their Castlevania incarnations.
Or take any scene of Red from Hoodwinked and replace her with someone like Ruby Rose or B.B. Hood (yes, I know neither of them are public domain, but they are still clearly based on Little Red Riding Hood, who is public domain).
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Eternal rest
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twistedtummies2 · 4 months
Top 10 Grim Reaper Battles from Castlevania
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We’re taking a slight detour on my “Dracula Month” extravaganza to look at something not necessarily directly involving the Count, but instead closely related to him. Earlier this month, I made a list of my favorite Dracula Boss Battles from Castlevania: one of my favorite video game franchises of all time. I think it’s only fair that I give the other main antagonist of the series some credit, as well. I speak, of course, of the Grim Reaper himself: Death. Just like Dracula in the Castlevania series (as well as both Dracula and Castlevania in general), Death has evolved and taken on several different roles within the franchise. In some continuities he is Dracula’s right-hand skeleton, and the closest thing the King of the Vampires has to a friend. In other continuities, their relationship is far less chummy. Regardless, however, the spirit of Death and the Prince of Darkness are inextricably linked in each rendition: just as closely connected to Dracula as the Belmonts may be. No matter the incarnation, the specter of the Grim Reaper hangs over the whole franchise: every Castlevania universe features him to some greater or lesser degree, and nearly every single game features Death as either a major villain, a noteworthy boss fight, or both. So, having already discussed Dracula himself, it’s time to give the other main villain of this series some kudos. These are My Top 5 Death Battles (not THAT kind of Death Battle, YouTube lovers) from Castlevania!
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5. Super Castlevania IV.
Arguably the most classic of classics. It’s honestly hard for me to say why I like this particular battle with the Reaper so much, compared to a lot of others. It’s not the most challenging of the bunch, it’s not the most spectacular visually, and since this game is MUCH more focused on gameplay than story, there’s no personal touch to it: Death is one of the final bosses in the game, sure, but it’s not like he’s been causing trouble for us before we meet him. For whatever reason, however, this version has always stuck with me: something about the particularly moldy-looking design, the ghostly way Death phases and floats around the field, the glowing red eyes, and the tense music in the background…it lends a sense of atmosphere that sticks with me strongly. Not much else to say, I just…really like this one, plain and simple.
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4. Curse of Darkness.
Throughout “Curse of Darkness,” our main character - Hector - has encounters with a recurring, mysterious figure called “Zead.” He claims to be a man of the cloth, who offers Hector help in tracking down the Devil Forgemaster’s nemesis, Isaac. However, it’s made pretty clear from the start that Zead is untrustworthy: we know that, whyever he’s doing what he does, it can’t be good. Finally, the shoe drops as Zead reveals he’s actually the Grim Reaper himself, disguised in human form, and has been using Hector to find a way to bring Count Dracula back from the grave. Naturally, Hector - who has been trying to find a way to stop this exact thing from happening - can’t allow this. Thus, Zead takes on a monstrous true form, and the boss battle commences. During this battle, Death remains static in the center of the battlefield…but if you think this makes things much easier, think again. The Reaper spends the battle hurling various magical sickles at you, and using either his scythe or a fiery punch to swing at you when you get too close for too long. Once you remove enough help from Death’s life bar, he summons a fireball and creates a powerful explosion, engulfing nearly the entire field. If a player is quick and cunning, they can use this opportunity to grab a rare item from the Reaper to create the “Death’s Pulse” weapon…but again, if you think wielding that will make the battle a lot easier, think again. It’s still cool to have, though.
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3. Dracula X Chronicles.
As a brief reminder, “Dracula X Chronicles” is 3D graphics remake of the earlier Castlevania game “Rondo of Blood.” Death’s battle is therefore basically a visually updated version of the same boss from that title. Early in the game, the Reaper appears in a prologue tutorial, helping the player (in the role of Richter Belmont) learn the ropes of using their weapon and basic moves. Once defeated, he retreats, but promises to come back. Sure enough, later in the story, Death returns to stop the protagonists from progressing any further. In his first form, Death floats about the field, hurling miniature sickles and summoning flaming skulls to attack the player. Once he loses enough health, Death transforms into a more traditional-looking version of the Grim Reaper - hooded cloak, giant scythe, and all - and fights the player more directly, using leaping and slashing attacks to combat his opponents. It’s a quintessential battle with the character for these games, and one of the first I think of.
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2. Lament of Innocence.
This game is the prologue/prequel to the entire “classic era” of Castlevania. It tells the story of how the feud between Dracula and the Belmont Family began…but Dracula, himself, is not actually the final boss of the game. In fact, this is one of the few games of the franchise where Dracula isn’t fought at all. Instead, the final boss of the game is Death, as the game also shows how the Grim Reaper became the vampire’s chief flunky. After being summoned by Mathias Cronqvist (the man who, in the original Castlevania continuity, later becomes Count Dracula), Death squares off with the sire of the Belmont Clan, Leon, at the end of the monster hunter’s journey. This battle is sort of a cross between the two previous bosses: Death floats (and sometimes teleports) around the arena, sticking to the edges of the battlefield. Throughout the fight, he alternates between swinging his scythe and hurling it like a bloodstained boomerang, and summons exploding skulls and wisping ghosts to chase and attack the player. Sub-Weapons do not work on this boss at all; attempting to use them only causes them to backfire on the main character, which naturally just makes this boss all the more challenging. As the battle rages on, Death becomes more elusive, more hard-hitting, and gains new attacks to try and strike the Leon down. For many fans, this extremely wild and difficult boss fight was and still is Death’s finest moment…yet it’s only second place for me. So…what could top it?
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1. Lords of Shadow II.
In the universe of “Lords of Shadow” - a trilogy of games that attempted to reboot the Castlevania series, with its own unique continuity - Death is given the true name “Zobek,” and his role in the series is changed. Instead of being depicted as Dracula’s faithful lieutenant, like in all the other games on this list, Zobek is instead Dracula’s nemesis, as he is either directly or indirectly responsible for everything wrong that goes on in the Count’s life, both before and after his transformation into a vampire. After two games where we never faced Zobek directly in combat, the penultimate boss battle of the game - pitting him against Dracula - felt SO satisfying and exciting to play through. There are four reasons this fight is great, in my opinion. One: the battle itself. It’s just a fun and challenging ride, as Zobek alternates wielding his flail-like death’s scythe and summoning hordes of zombies to fight Dracula. Two, and tied to that point: the fact we get to play AS Dracula, while fighting Death. It’s pitting the two main antagonists of the entire franchise, and arguably the two most important characters in the “Lords of Shadow” universe, specifically, against one another. That’s just AWESOME. Three, and again tied to THAT point: the personal connection. Dracula and Death have a lot of history with each other in this universe, both good and bad, which makes this encounter more meaningful than arguably any other boss fight against the Grim Reaper in the entire franchise. Fourth, and finally: Zobek is voiced by PATRICK. GOD-DANG. STEWART. And MAN, does he deliver! Stewart’s boss dialogue is absolutely golden, and is the ripe cherry on the dark, rich cake for this whole encounter: hearing him bellow lines like “Chamberlains! Let the banquet begin!” and “You’ve never been a match for me!” is just glorious. I know placing a boss from the reboot trilogy will probably be controversial for many, but for me? This battle with Death trumps even “Lament of Innocence,” and by a pretty wide margin, to be honest. It is easily my favorite boss battle against the Grim Reaper in the entire Castlevania franchise. And if you have any problems with that? “MAY YOU AND YOUR SPAWN BE DAMNED FOREVER!” (I really freaking LOVE that line. God bless Patrick Stewart.)
Symphony of the Night.
A classic game and a classic appearance of the Grim Reaper: after stealing all your goodies at the start of the adventure, it’s good to finally get a chance to use all the things you’ve regathered against Death near the end. However, the fight is ultimately surprisingly easy, compared to many others, and I’m not fond of the design Death has in the second stage of the battle.
Portrait of Ruin.
The Grim Reaper’s solo battle is ultimately overshadowed by the battle with Dracula AND Death, together, at the end, which is why this one gets just an Honorable Mention. It’s still a good battle, though; Death takes on two forms throughout the fight, one which is specifically weak to Jonathan Morris’ attacks, and one which is specifically affected by his friend Charlotte’s. Great way to use the buddy system here!
Dawn of Sorrow.
Not much to say about this one, to be honest; just a solid battle against the Grim Reaper with two fun stages. I love the look of the second stage, very unique while still feeling like…well…the Reaper. Take notes, Symphony of the Night. :P
The Adventure ReBirth.
I haven’t actually fought this boss, and I don’t know much about this entry in the series in general, to be honest. However, the battle certainly LOOKS like a good one, and I love the design of Death in this particular game, so I still feel I can give this an Honorable Mention.
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kollectorsrus · 1 year
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🎃Better late than never … @hrstories1234 and I finally got around to carving our pumpkins. 🎃
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helenas-crashed-car · 2 years
some valorant oc doodles
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I can’t stop drawing drac it’z insane.
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violin100 · 7 months
Comedy and Tragedy Celebrating Mardi Gras
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Hey everyone,
Here is a late Mardi Gras pictures involving Comedy and Tragedy with Ghost Face, celebrating Mardi Gras in Louisiana with a couple of the various horror monsters that take place in the Bayou or during this holiday. Of course there are always inflated victims to help celebrate the chaos that Comedy and Tragedy spread.
Want to know the actresses, the monsters, and the horror movies/ series that they are from, send me a message on here or follow me on DeviantART: https://www.deviantart.com/violin100
Happy Belated Mardi Gras!
Now, I have to quickly work on Valentines Day picture. Been so fa behind with being sick and all, as well as attending a convention.
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