#drawing cute couples to cope with the pain
nanowatzophina · 2 years
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I can’t express to u guys how much I want this for myself and how lonely I am— lol
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butchriptide · 14 days
Falls to my knees. Qiblijou. Kinkabli. Whatever you want to call it. Does anyone understand. Does anyone understand.
Now, as a certified AroAce, I am not the type to pedal that every dynamic ever has to be romantic. But also. I think they're cute as a couple. But ALSO also, even if you do not care for them as a couple, I need more people to discuss and write about and draw their dynamic. I need more if it like, yesterday.
Having to put this under the cut because it got crazy fucking long but like trust me. Trust me okay.
The element I find so compelling about them is that they read very much as similar characters at first-boiling down largely to "silly and kind". They diverge from this shared center point largely in how they react to trauma; They both are survivors, persistently... Goofy in the face of hardship. Kinkajou's seems to act as a natural element of her personality, rising up in face of being a generally lonely and somewhat disliked child. It's interesting how her impulsive nature and cheery demeanor overlaps with the genuine emotional intelligence she seems to hold. In moments of low-tension, where her head's clear and she's not immediately tunneling down something else, she seems fully able to process the fact that her trauma DOES effect her and often at least somewhat how. She doesn't have any big feelings on it, but she can still recognize her knee-jerk reaction to a Nightwing roommate being due to her trauma. Later conclusions about Moonwatcher being an exception due to some general difference from Nightwings as a whole, while not fully "correct", does still show her own ability to recognize these knee-jerk feelings as irrational-At least when faced with significant proof of that being the case, rather than doubling down on her own internal logic that's been shaped by her traumas. Her impulsivity and general hyperactivity tends to push this understanding to the side however, leaving a lot of her trauma something she's working past but not necessarily resolved. It isn't that Kinkajou is purposefully trying to avoid her pain to an unhealthy degree, so much as I think she largely doesn't think about it until she's forced to.
Meanwhile, Qibli's goofy exterior seems to largely be a mask; Or, at the very least, somewhat purposefully curated. He lives almost entirely in his fight or flight response, and seems to interpret his own overthinking and anxiety responses as a boon rather than an effect of his trauma. He likes his scar, but can't reconcile how he got it; Can't reconcile the part of him that loves his mother and wants to believe she loves him back with the fact that she hurt him, repeatedly, through pretty much every avenue one can neglect or abuse a child. This makes his optimistic veneer a lot more purposeful, an attempt to earn people's love because there was never any guarantee of receiving it from anyone. I don't believe that being this silly, playful person is necessarily fully disingenuous of Qibli, so much as I think he forces himself to amount to ONLY this. Shoves himself into a box which is used largely to ignore his trauma, as opposed to cope with it. He can't acknowledge everything that's happened to him affecting him because its incongruous with his image-both to others and himself. Despite being perceived as traditionally intelligent, Qibli's honestly incredibly lacking in the realm of emotional intelligence.
I think that ultimately, this leads them to having a very interesting balance and chemistry that's effective in getting me invested in them even though they have very little one-on-one time during the arc. They don't have any particularly "deep" moments together, but there's this implicit understanding and trust in a lot of their interactions. They match each other on a level that the rest of the Jade Winglet doesn't quite hit due to the vastly different levels they're coming from. While Qibli's not lacking his own impulsivity issues, his tendency to scrutinize and overplan becomes much more effective when it's actively curbing Kinkajou's tendency to fling into danger head-first, while Kinkajou's high-energy and quickness to action forces Qibli out of his own head in order to keep up with her.
Beyond the way they balance each other out, there's a strongly showcased, implicit trust between the two of them. Kinkajou and Qibli are co-conspirators, and them dealing with Chameleon in Book 10 (for all the gripes I hold against this book) showcase this perfectly. Qibli keeps Kinkajou from immediately jumping to action, but he doesn't talk over her, and Kinkajou's information is both pivotal to their planning and prompts Qibli to act. An important element too is that Qibli's trust in Kinkajou doesn't result in excessive idolization, like it does with Moon-Not to say that Moonbli is bad, but rather, it's an element of the relationship that makes Kinkajou and Qibli mesh much easier while Moonbli, I wholeheartedly believe, requires a lot more work to make work than canon would suggest. I think this trust is particularly important due to Qibli's issues with control, which he still easily puts aside for Kinkajou when he lets her simply keep the scrolls from Chameleon, instead of doubling down on them destroying them. Kinkajou opts to keep the scrolls at that's the end of it; even if Qibli's worried over Chameleon coming after them, he simply trusts Kinkajou to take care of them, and that's the end of it.
The way they match each other's energy is also just incredibly sweet. The Vase SceneTM comes immediately after it, so nobody ever talks about it, but they literally greet each other like 2000s scene kids who just found out what a "glomp" is.
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My ultimate point is I think Kinkajou and Qibli's personalities bounce off each other in a very compelling way already as friends, and find the idea of them as a romance interesting largely because I don't think it would change much of their chemistry. I think they already feel very natural from what we're shown of them (although a lot of the non-ship dynamics in arc 2 are vastly underutilized due to how fractured everyone in the winglet is through the series to begin with) and I think they're sweet due to how much I think they can understand each other. They're interesting parallels that doesn't really get to shine in a lot of books due to the pacing of Arc 2 nor in fan works due to how people don't really read much into Kinkajou and choose to take her as just sort of a flat comic relief.
Also Kinkajou likes tortured guys <3
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captainstarcruiser · 5 months
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Vanguard Guardian OC Description
Name: Crimson-9
Nicknames: Crimson, Crim, Red, 9, or (Gambit title) Red Dot.
Pronouns: He/Him
Class: Exo Hunter
Subclass: Solar/Golden Gun and Stasis/Silence and Squall
Ghost: Bun.3 (pronounced Bunny) her shell is the Year of the Rabbit Shell.
Revival spot: EDZ Forest
Age: 25 (29 after revival)
Personal Trinket: MP4 made with salvaged Golden Age technology and these enemies: Fallen, Cabal, Vex.
Preferred Tools of Trade:
Häkke Brand
Suros Brand
Heliocentric QSc
Ammit AR2
Come to Pass
Crux Termination IV
The Other Half.
Exotic Favorites:
Suros Regime
Monte Carlo
Ace of Spades
Polaris Lance
Quicksilver Storm.
Bio: Known as the Exo Hunter Crimson-9, he spent time with Cayde-6 on and off the field in order to learn his tricks and skills for the field. He usually sticks to the Hunter groups due to sharing more in common with them. From time to time he works with other classes when he's looking to make quick glimmer or resources for his purchases.
He enjoys music and food more than any exotic he's gathered.
Especially from a hole in the wall diner in the city run by an Exo and Awoken couple, known popularly as The Grease Bucket. They make the thickest, greasiest, and tastiest burgers and chili-cheese fries in the whole city.
As for Crim's taste in music, he has a collection that spreads down to the oldest traces of music, before the Traveler and Golden Age. He loves old school jazz, death metal, dubstep, and for his usual meditation sessions: Japanese Hot Spring Music.
Crimson-9 has a troubled past, involving the Red War and his time being lightless. Eventually his team ended up leaving him behind during a raid on the moon in the Hive sector. His only way to cope with the memory is his music, and meditation.
He hates Hive, with a seething passion. Anything that resembles the Hive, causes his mood to sour. Once he leapt onto a giant Hive Knight Boss and stabbed it in the head over and over till it fell, just because his team took too long to kill it.
The time he spent wandering the Hive zones after his fireteam abandoned him caused him to have nightmares of his time down there. Some nights it's just him being chased by cursed thrall, but the worst is when a curse of Hive decay slowly overtakes his body. He picks at and cracks off all the growing decay till he sees his face fall apart into a hideous ugly screaming thrall.
His likes:
The Grease Bucket
Modded MP4
Pet Ginger Cat named Amber
Side Arms
Hand Cannons
Spending time with people
Drawing citizens of the Last City
Video Games
His Ship: Mayfly
Collecting every shader he can find
Collecting Gemstones
Collecting Sparrows and Skimmers.
His dislikes:
Spicy and Bitter Stuff
Screams of Pain
Wasting Resources
Arc attacks
Raw Tomatoes
He had a strong silent type of demeanor, usually because he is listening to his music or focused on the battle. He'll open up if you offer food, a clone of your music for his collection, and his favorite drink at the Glimmer Glint Bar, which is a Sweet Wish Stasis, named after a famous Hunter who used Ahamkara-Stasis based weapons on their battles.
He had a secret nerdy when he's happy and philosophical side when he feels melancholy about the entire situation of the Earth.
If you talk to him about cats, music, food, weapons, or animals then he's ready to talk your ear off.
He's Pansexual, and a very tender lover. He knows which buttons to press, and loves seeing his partners reactions. From a cute moan to a squeal, it makes him feel warm when he hears his partner is being satisfied. If you treat him well, show some interest, and try to keep in contact often he'll stay loyal regardless of class or rank.
The only challenge you'll have when around him, is not dying from how critical Bun.3 gets when he's being himself.
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accirax · 12 days
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 21
AKA, the finale :O this will be a doozy...
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for Going Through It as frequently and as strongly as Jake does, i find it hilarious that all of his promotional material always looks like it was ripped straight from a dorky high school girl's instagram feed. also, go Ashley, roast that clown (/lh)
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that's such a cute drawing omg!!! i always have fun thinking about how good the drawing is in the context of the universe it was drawn in. like, to us, his proportions look kinda off, but in their universe, the giant heads and tiny waists are actually really accurate. Hunter is going to be the next great artist fr.
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... i thought that the point was supposed to be that Jake grew more than anyone here, which is why he was facing down Riya. i mean, i guess you could say that Ally had to grow a new personality for the beginning of the season, and then have that character develop. she is more changed from s2 Ally than Jake is from s1 Jake because Jake had more of a character in s1.
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and boy, would it suck if that promise was left unfulfilled! (/s)
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it is true that this (if she actually remained on Riya's team the whole time) is kind of a win-win for Ellie. either Riya loses, or she gets $100K. both are acceptable.
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this was such a cute/fitting response for Jake to have. it's a really great button on their relationship.
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i love how smug they look at no one wanting to help Riya.
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actually, we know that Tom is a terrible liar, so maybe he got waterboarded by the mob boss after they figured out he was lying in the interrogation.
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w... what...?
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dare i say iconic
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i know that they didn't really have time, but with Alec and Ellie working together (and Alec protecting Ellie, as he did here), i had kind of hoped that we'd get a bit more closure on their relationship. like, does Ellie still hate Alec for betraying her? or is the fact that they were going to be in the villains alliance together mean that they'd cross that bridge? maybe i'm just forgetting, but their relationship feels somewhat unresolved. (i mean relationship platonically btw; no hate to people who ship them but i don't need to know if they're a couple or not because the canon answer is obviously no)
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i don't know if this was really necessarily but good for you girl
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this is like the first time Fiore has cared about anyone ever :,D Fiore and Alec the duo ever!!!
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why are you preventing this from happening? you know Gabby, so you should know that this would absolutely work.
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rewatching the beginning of the episode after knowing the end, i sorta wanted to question whether Ashley abstaining from helping could have accidentally lost Jake the win. however, Tom is just so doggedly determined to cover his man that i think he probably was the best guy for the job. like, would Ashley dive for him? idk.
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... does Riya understand how pain works? or the American healthcare system? Ellie surely wanted to use that money for something else, dude.
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so they are kinda sweeping Tom's wrongdoings under the rug, huh? sigh. hopefully it's just a "for now" thing to be further explored in the miniseries.
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i love Trevor's little :3 face
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and boy, would it suck if this favor was left unfulfilled! (/s)
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i watched a compilation of each Disventure Camp character's first and last lines, and let me just say, it's really weird that "Go, Jake!" (said with Aiden) is James' last line ever.
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(also, glad his foot seems to be doing better)
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i know i probably would have made fun of this scene for being super corny/moving too fast if Tom had said "i love you," but it's perhaps equally funny that he didn't. like, c'mon bro, you can't even muster the L word in this incredibly dramatic and heroic moment?
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oh boy...
y'know, beyond just not having a good time slot in which to do so, i also kinda put off writing these initial thoughts because i just really didn't feel like having to write anything about ONC's choice regarding the winner of the season. everyone online seems to have these really radical opinions-- either saying that this was a brilliantly subversive and poetic choice, or that the entire season (and perhaps even s2 before it) are ruined by the choice to let Riya in. the truth is, i'm incredibly neutral.
on one hand, i'm incredibly disappointed. if you've been keeping up with these initial thoughts throughout the season, or especially my episode-by-episode power rankings, you'll know that i've very firmly believed that Jake was going to be the winner of this season since the beginning of the merge. and it's not because he's my favorite character and i really wanted him to win or anything-- i have a generally favorable opinion on Jake, but it was mostly because i thought that the arcs and messages of the season would be best capped off with a Jake win. therefore, it's saddening to believe that they didn't capitalize on all that potential just for the sake of shock value.
then again, i really appreciate what ONC was trying to do with Riya. i can tell that they must have felt like they had a lot to prove with Riya in DCAS given how mixed her reception was in s2. so, they put in a lot of work to "fix" her character in DCAS, and, on the whole, i think they got a lot better! as much as i was predicting the Jake win, i was also kind of dreading it, just because it was the sort of cheesy, fanservicey ending that could be predicted from a mile away. so i appreciate the boldness to go for an unexpected ending, and the refusal to stagnate in cookie cutter fan-pleasing storylines when your artistic heart is driving you in another direction.
which is why, in the end, i have no strong opinions. i think that the character writing absolutely could have been set up to establish viewer expectations better, but i also don't think that the entire season is unwatchable because Riya wins. the truth of the matter is still that all of the other contestants besides Yul are the real winners of the season, because they made friends and grew as people. if you rewatch the season, you can still see the gang do just that. but the equal truth is that all of the promises those friends made and the goal that drove them to improve might all feel a bit more hopeless with the knowledge that Connor never did get to one-up Riya. People who needed the money more, like Ashley, Alec, or Ellie didn't get a cent of it. and unlike it would be for Jake, who had a lot of connections with a lot of people, many contestants had pretty much no bearing on the winner of the season at all.
i want to believe that the Disventure Camp writing can and will continue to overall get better, but i also can't ignore the obvious signs of growing pains. can't bring myself to get all too mad at them either, though. mostly, i just want to stay out of any drama.
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it really shows that Jake hasn't been able to look at social media since the beginning of the show. trust me, buddy, not everyone was rooting for you.
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unsurprising that tomjake gets the last kiss of the season/era.
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cite your sources, please (/j)
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i guess the real person Riya was lying to all along... was herself. *vine boom* because, seriously, how the fuck did she not realize that it wasn't just acting anymore? when she double-broke Connor's foot and tried to make Ally think that Jake lied about being suicidal???
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gotta-pet-em-all · 1 year
Hiya! Your intro says you like media analysis so I was wondering - watched/read/listened to/etc anything good lately? And/or got any recommendations? (OOC: this is freeform, answer it however floats your boat! Or if it doesn't float your boat, absolutely no worries, you can delete it! /gen)
Ough, that's a good one!
Since the delcatty's out of the bag, I guess I can be more open about how Plasma affected me. Since I was taken in so young, I didn't have much opportunity to learn how to think for myself, and I struggled with bodily awareness and identifying my own emotions. But... stories helped me realize how to feel again. I would use warrior skitty comparisons to try and contextualize my own feelings at first, but it wasn't enough.
Media analysis started as a project my therapist gave me, since I was getting frustrated with my inability to identify my own emotions, and our sessions were sort of hitting a plateau. Which is to say, they asked me how my day was, I yelled that I didn't know and started crying, and I'd spend the rest of the session on the couch snuggling my therapist's vulpix. (Baby Fluff was not very emotionally stable lol)
So I started looking for stories. I got a bit into vocaloid-- a couple favorites of mine are the medical anomaly, rolling girl, irony, yellow, and good kid medicine. It gave me words for what I was feeling, proof I wasn't the only one to feel these things. Suddenly I wasn't alone, I wasn't crazy or exaggerating, I had songs that spoke to me. Someone else out there knew what I was feeling and said it better than I could.
Hatsune Miku got me through some rough times, y'know? And the warrior skitty AMVs-- gods, that made up the rest of my music taste. I was never very good at art, except maybe in trying to copy the anatomy drawings because I was bored, but there were incredibly talented people out there. They told brand new stories, or put a twist on existing ones. I never knew there were so many stories out there!
And then there was anime. I couldn't handle anything with fanservice-- bear in mind at that point, I hadn't yet had The Talk, I just knew it made me uncomfortable. So I mostly watched kid's shows, and there was one magical girl show that looked cute.
It was, ah. Madoka Magica, if you're familiar with it. But the grief and hopelessness, the way the girls try to cope with pain and being fundamentally unsuited for something, the loneliness... and later, it's revealed that one character, who actually looked a lot like me before I cut my hair, had a heart condition and low self-esteem. She felt useless, she...destroyed herself for a chance to save someone who was kind to her. And then the bittersweet ending-- that the world can have love and hope even if it sucks. It made me think... maybe it was okay for me to live. It gave me a lot to think about, and holds a special place in my heart to this day.
I started making progress in therapy again. I'd walk in and say something like, "I think Mami Tomoe probably has a lot of guilt because she survived and her parents didn't" and somehow the conversation would turn to the fact that I wasn't taking painkillers like I was supposed to. And maybe it was because I felt like I didn't deserve it.
Just the weak herbal stuff back then, mind you, because ibuprofen scared the shit out of me, but... sometimes I would talk about a character and realize I was seeing myself through them, talking about myself through them, and I finally had a voice. They gave me a voice. So I want to help their stories be understood in return.
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askblondiedaniel · 1 year
Headdanons for the main characters
Daniel Dobermann - 26
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German - Slavic (possibly Czech?)
An incompetent wimp
Amateur scifi writer
Very stupid
Loves to brush hair and go shirtless
Best pony - hard choice between Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash
Bisexual - that means he's very happy when someone kisses, cuddles, and snuggles with him
Loves hugs and cuddles! Very affectionate
Jen Iris - 24
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Balinese - Norwegian
Her parents read fairy tales from their cultures every night
Girly as hell
Obsessed with barbies and MLP. Best pony: Pinkie Pie
Bisexual, but prefers men more. But will still kiss a girl if she feels like it
Some ppl compared her to Leni Loud, but as a grown woman.
"Airhead, ditz, dumb blonde, womanchild" cos she is super awkward and playful. But doesn't care cos she wants to be happy.
Can be angry but always ends up crying and wailing.
Very affectionate
Gwen Parkerson - 26
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English - African American (hence her red hair)
Free from the awful treatment and rude attitude of Campbell's camp, her new job at the gym was more profitable.
That means more time for writing novels and a second set of income.
Tomboyish, loves to tease and laugh at stupid people (especially Daniel and Jen). But also wants them to be better.
Playful, mischevious
Stronger than Jen and even David cos of her past camping work.
David Avalon - 27
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Upset with Campbell abusing him and Gwen, they quit, ending Camp Campbell
They took up working out at the gym
Is much stronger than Daniel, due to lumberjack work.
Still a silly man behind his manly self.
Jasper Haraldsson - 29
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Didn't die, but the explosion traumatised him. He quit the camp and took up surfing, then fitness, to cope with his pain.
Eventually started his own gym.
It's possible that his habit of brushing his hair is a way to relax. Going shirtless also helps him relax
"Half-jotunn" (giant)? No wonder why he's so tall and strong.
Hates fangirls, likes Daniel cos he's an interesting contrast. But sometimes gets annoyed by Daniel being a wimp and an obsessed Barbie fanboy.
Is himself a fan of barbies XD
Pictured below: a stupid drawing of the five goofballs we know and love main characters: David, Gwen, Daniel, Jen, and Jasper
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Supporting characters:
Veronica (Beronika) Irakleides (the "cute waitress") - 26
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Possibly a dryad, hence her pinkish hair
Kevin "Dirty Kevin" Marino - 27
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a huge fan of youtubers like Smosh
Bisexual, male leaning, poly
Bonquisha Moreau - 28
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African-American, French ancestry
Loves classical music
She and Jacob are a couple.
Jacob Laurier - 29
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African-Canadian, French ancestry
Very intellectual, loves to play the violin
Jacob and Bonquisha are also amateur novellists, and sometimes help Gwen and Daniel in their WIPs.
Graggle - possibly 600 (born in 1400 AD)
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Atlantean - Norse (worships the Greek gods)
The bird that caught him is his stupid pet, Zefyros. The bird did not eat him, but just took him home.
He lives on a next at Sleepy Peak.
He is only a monster cos he's super shy, and doesn't know whether Gwen can be trusted.
Thinks Gwen is some obsessed fangirl that doesn't understand or appreciate him.
Zefyros - possibly 300 (immortal mythical bird)
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descendant of a rare Atlantean bird
bawk bawk bawk ba gawk
giant chikkin
Only eats chickens if they're dead or cooked. Most often if people leave chicken meat.
does have chicken DNA
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
Casting Couch {Charlie Barber x Reader}
author’s notes: hello, hello! I was driving home from work the other day and this idea just suddenly took over my entire thought process. so, naturally, I went ahead and wrote it up :)
warnings (what you see here is what you’ll get!): smut. the enemy of my enemy is my ally (with benefits). p in v sex. protected sex. rough oral sex. cum- swallowing.
(possible) tw’s: semi-public sex.
word count: 3.2k
charlie’s taglist peeps! {charlie currently doesn’t have any taglist peeps} my general taglist peeps! @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​  @gildedstarlight​ @mrs-zimmerman @soldmysoulagain @roseepossee @pascalisfairyy​ @I-can’t-draw-faces @ahsoka1​ @babbushka​ @safarigirlsp​ (if you’d like to be added to or removed from any of my taglists, the link to the google form is HERE or on the top of my masterlist)
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Two Years Ago.
“Y/N...she fucking did it again.” Nicole says as she barges through the door of hers and Charlie’s shared brownstone. “She got the fucking TV gig.”
Charlie’s eyebrows furrow a bit before looking up at his wife with an empathetic expression, setting the notebook and pen he’d been using down on the coffee table.
“Bummer. I really thought you had it in the bag.” He says, elbows on his thighs as he leans forward a bit, folding his hands. “There will be other roles; I wouldn’t worry too much. You win some, you lose some; that’s how it goes in this industry. You’ve taken plenty of roles from her.”
She sighs, nodding. “Yeah, I know, but this one I was excited about. And I really thought I had it, too. It just stung a little extra, you know?”
Her husband nods, patting the seat next to him on the couch. “C’mere, sit with me. We’ll have a glass of wine.”
Nicole gives somewhat of a dreadful grimace, a clear sign she really wasn’t interested. Charlie’s been noticing this for the past few months, her disinterest in being with him as much as she usually was, but he figured it was just her being tired. She’s been doing a lot of odd jobs to make some ends meet lately, so it’s probably a result of that.
“Are you sure?” He asks, a twang of longing sadness in his voice.
She nods. “Yeah, I’m just gonna go lay down for a bit.”
Charlie just nods, picking back up his notebook and pen, continuing to review and add to his notes from the day. 
“Let me know if you need anything.” He calls after her. “I love you.”
She only offers him a small smile over her shoulder in return before emerging into their bedroom, closing the door immediately behind her. 
Present Day.
It feels strange, holding auditions for a female lead. He hasn’t had to do so in almost a decade;  just yet another reminder of how much of his life has changed just in the past year.
The divorce had been painful, stressful, and he was honestly more relieved than anything when it finally came to a close, despite it not really turning out the way he’d hoped for in terms of custody over Henry. 
Luckily, he’s dove deeper into his one true love, directing, as a way to cope with the loss of everything he’d worked so hard to build for himself; the marriage, the 'American dream’ family and home he wished he’d had growing up.
Now, after six months of weekly therapy appointments and keeping himself busy with work, he’s feeling more like the old Charlie he was back before everything went to shit. Actually, he’s feeling like an even better version of that Charlie, the best version of himself there’s been in a while, perhaps even before he met and married Nicole.
The first audition comes onstage and Charlie can’t decide what’s worse, her off-pitch singing or her monotonous speaking voice. 
God, this was going to be a long fucking day.
You’d heard through the grapevine that the famed Broadway director had moved here to LA, and that he’d divorced his witch of a wife, Nicole. 
Nicole Barber had been your biggest rival ever since you swiped that first movie role away from her. She hates you, and you don’t particularly like her, either, thus your rivalry began. And it was pretty heated, too; the two of you were always trying to one-up each other.
It really was a back-and-forth battle, her swiping roles from you, you returning the favor; it was a game, to put it simply. Although lately, you’ve been getting more roles than she has, not that you’re complaining, and there’s a part of you that hopes she quits the business for good.
Word got around that Charlie is heading his first LA Broadway production and what better way to hit Nicole close to home than to show up at her ex-husband’s auditions? Even better, what if you got the female lead in her ex-husband’s production? Oh god, that would be fantastic, not only for the rivalry but also for your career.
You’ve been looking to branch out into more theater roles, and this is as good an opportunity as to dip your toe in the theater world water. Plus, you’re not necessarily complaining about having the chance to look at and work with Charlie Barber every day...
So you prepared your piece of dialogue and a section of one of the choice songs, heading over to the theater fifteen minutes before your set audition time. Your knee bounces as you sit in the waiting area, eyes running over your script and lyrics sheet one final time, solidifying it all in your memory.
Your name is called a few minutes later and you head out onto the stage, handing over your headshot and qualifications resume. The agent hands over your profile to the handsome director, but he doesn’t even really look at it, already knowing exactly who you are. A small smirk grazes his lips as he flips to a new page of his notebook, clicking the top of his pen.
“Whenever you’re ready, Miss Y/N.”
After you’re finished, Charlie scribbles one final thing in his notebook before looking up at you. His eyes trail over your figure for a moment, another smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Would you be comfortable coming back for a more intimate audition later this week? Maybe, Friday at four? I would like to get to know you better, see if you meet all of my... qualifications.”
The look in his eye tells you all you need to know about the true motivations behind his question. You nod, biting your lip.
“It’d be my absolute pleasure, Mr. Barber.” You purr.
He shifts in his seat suddenly and quickly crosses one leg over the other before opening up your folder, handing the top sheet to his assistant.
“Diane, go ahead and have Miss Y/N put down all of her contact information.” His gaze never leave you as he speaks to the timid-seeming young woman. “Make sure she gives her personal cell number.”
You pull a pen from your bag on the stage, clicking it open before Diane hands you the paper. As you write every means of contact you can think of, starting with your cell number, you playfully bite the end of the pen and tap it against your bottom lip, something that certainly keeps the already attentive director’s full attention.
“Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Barber.” Your tone is innocent-sounding, but your gaze is anything but. It sends a chill down Charlie’s spine. “I promise I won’t disappoint.”
“Oh, I’m sure you won’t.” A small tug at one corner of his lip accompanies his response. “See you soon, Miss Y/N.”
You offer him a nod.
“Looking forward to it.”
In preparation for your upcoming...meeting with Charlie, you take a quick trip to the nearest intimates store, picking up a pretty little lace bra and panty set. Your lingerie wardrobe is long overdue for a bit of sprucing up, anyway.
When the time comes, you slip the fresh lace garments on before putting on your planned outfit, a cute-but-subtly-sexy low cut romper. You put on a light face of makeup, purely for professionalism’s sake, then head out with a small bag which contains various personal items as well as your script and composition page.
He’s not in his backstage office when you arrive, but he comes in a couple minutes later, a strong stench of cigarette smoke trailing behind him as he walks by your chair.
“I apologize for the delay. You weren’t waiting long, were you?”
You shake your head as he takes a seat behind the ratty oak desk, shifting a few small stacks of papers around on the heavily scratched surface.
“No, no I wasn’t waiting long.”
He nods, then folds his hands atop the desk, eyes flickering up to meet yours. For a moment, his eyes dart down to where your cleavage creeps out of your low-cut top.
“You’ve got the part.” Charlie says with a small smile. “You’re by far the best and most qualified audition we had yesterday, and I like the way you carry yourself. You’re exactly the type of person I like working with. Part’s yours if you want it.”
You’re overcome with joy, a wide smile spreading itself across your lips. “I’d love to be a part of this production, Mr. Barber. I’m really excited to get to work with you and the rest of the crew.”
“That’s great, I’m glad to hear it.” He nods, smile widening when as he processes your acceptance. His delighted expression falls after a few moments, replaced by one much more salacious.
“Now that we’ve gotten that part out of the way...I think you know why I called a meeting of such, uh, privacy.”
You smirk softly, shifting around in your seat slightly. “I believe I do.”
His feet plant on the ground as he pushes the rolling office chair out from under the desk, standing up and walking around the desk to tower over you. 
“Before anything happens, though, I want you to know that whether or not you do this with me will not affect my casting decision. Even if you decline, you still have the part.”
You nod before standing, quickly and swiftly, stepping forward to press yourself flush against him.
Your hands rest on his chest, neck craning slightly to look up at him. “Just kiss me, will you?”
He laughs, massive hand moving to cradle the back of your head before he bends down and connects your lips in a passionate kiss. There’s nothing tender or gentle about this embrace, it’s all tongue and teeth, raw lust coursing between your two bodies.
“Couch.” His voice is soft but husky.
“Unzip me first?” You ask, turning around so he can unzip you. He does, then his hands slide down to your hips and pushes you towards the leather couch tucked in the corner of his office.
The material squeaks when you’re laid down on top of it, head resting comfortably on the cushy fabric accent pillow as he climbs on top of you. He presses his hips forward while he tucks his face into the crook of your neck and plants kisses on the skin there.
Your eyes widen as his impressive bulge rubs up against your inner thigh and you quickly wonder how in the world you’ll be able to take him. His crooked teeth scrape over the taut muscles in your neck while his hands pull the backs of your romper down over your shoulders.
His hands grab and grope your breasts beneath where they rest in your nice bra, one you wore just for him, and your back arches slightly up off the cushions with a soft sigh. 
A small smile crosses his expression, teeth sinking gently into your neck. “I like the little noises you make for me, Y/N.”
“Yeah?” You smirk, running your hands through his hair. “Then I bet you’ll like my moans, too. If you think you can draw them out of me, that is.”
He laughs softly, sucking and licking at at the place his teeth have just abused. “Is that a challenge?”
“Well, it’s more like an invitation to prove yourself, but ‘challenge’ is also a good word for it.”
Charlie pulls away with a smirk, shaking his head as he sits back on his haunches and begins to unbuckle his belt.
Once he’s undone his pants and pulled them down enough to expose himself to you, he leans down once more and pulls your romper the rest of the way off, leaving you completely bare, minus your undergarments. His eyes roam your figure for a moment before he dips a hand beneath the patch of black fabric nestled between your thighs.
Your breath hitches as his fingertips swipe over your erect clit, giving it a few little circles before yanking the panties off your hips and down your ankles, tossing them down alongside your previously-discarded romper.
His eyes widen in realization, cheeks flushing pink.
“Do you have any, um, protection?”
You smirk, nodding as you sit up and pat his chest. “Indeed, I do.”
He crawls off of you and you walk over to your purse, grabbing a condom from the mini-stash you keep in your wallet, the one you replenished just minutes before you left the house this afternoon. He takes it from you and pinches the tip, rolling it down his shaft. For a moment, you’re worried that it isn’t going to fit, but he rolls it on with little issue.
His hips press forward, then, entering you slowly but steadily with a soft grunt. You whine as your insides stretch out around him, hands reaching up to tangle in his hair.  “S-Shit.”
“You’re really fucking tight, jesus.” He growls between gritted teeth, jaw screwed shut as his hips begin to move. “I haven’t fffucked anyone in a while, Y/N, so I can’t guarantee that I’ll last very long.”
You nod, softly. “It’s alright, Charlie; it’s been a little while for muh--me, too.”
Your eyes flutter shut and your face begins to scrunch up with each time his fat cockhead brushes up against your cervix. His pace increases after a minute or so, a consistent slap-slap-slap noise now echoing off the drywall with each snap of his hips. 
“You’ve got a nice little pussy, you know that? Always knew you would be, too, knew you’d be a good little cccocksleeve.”
You moan shakily as he adjusts his position, towering over you and pinning your wrists above your head with one of his large hands. Your body begins to bounce, tits, thighs and tummy jiggling each time he thrusts in. 
He’s starting to sweat, a few dark hairs sticking to his dimly-glowing forehead, more and more accumulating there as his hair rocks back and forth in time with the rhythm of his hips.
“Touch yourself, now, rrrub your little clit.” His voice is getting shaky as he draws nearer to climax.
Nodding, your hand slides down between your joined bodies until your fingertips settle onto the small bundle of nerves. The hand that’s still weaved in Charlie’s locks clenches and he lets out a sudden deep growl, hips stuttering for a moment.
“Ooooh, Charlie.” You moan, hips lifting and gyrating against both his cock and your fingers.
“God, fffuck I love this cunt.” A vulgar squelching sound knits itself within the quilt of your salacious symphony. “Wrapped around my cock like a vice, gonna pull the fucking cum right out of it. Swear you get tighter each time I push back in...christ, I’m not gonna last.”
Your fingers circle your clit faster, setting a desperate pace, one that almost matches his quick and sloppy thrusts. You’re close now, too, and it doesn’t take much longer for your orgasm to hit.
You cream around him with a long moan and a string of various other noises, with a few profanities thrown in as well. The product of your release coats his shaft in a pearlescent sheen, dripping down his ball-sack soon enough. 
The sensations your climax creates around Charlie forces him to pull away almost immediately after, quickly yanking the condom off and onto his office floor, squeezing the base of his flaming red length. 
His hand seizes your jaw tightly, thumb pressing down on your tongue, prying your mouth open. “I’m gonna fuck your mouth and shove my cum down your throat, and you’re gonna take it all, isn’t that right?”
You’re nodding instantly, slacking your jaw to open even further in preparation for his upcoming intrusion. He smirks.
“Good. Now, on your knees.”
He sits down where you once laid, lazily pumping his throbbing length as you get into position between his spread legs. He pulls your hair up into a makeshift ponytail with his hand, then lines you up with his cock and eases your mouth down onto him.
“Thaaaaaat’s it, oh, gooooood girl.”
You start gagging about three quarters of the way down his shaft, but he still keeps pushing until you’ve got the whole thing in your mouth. Your jaw’s already getting sore as he begins thrusting upwards, fucking your mouth. 
Tears swell in your eyes and begin to spill down your cheeks the more he goes, mascara surely ruined and running down your face. The sight only arouses him further, a low groan rumbling through his puffed chest.
He’s trying so hard to keep himself together, to stave off his orgasm for as long as he can manage, but soon he finds it next to impossible to hold back. His bottom lip quivers ever so slightly as his length begins to twitch, balls drawing up.
“Fuck, I’m gonna--”
You taste and feel the salty ropes shooting down your throat before he can even finish his warning.
“Ah, fffuuuuck.” His head falls back against the couch cushions, hips bucking gently as each bit of release is spilled into your mouth. His grip on your head relaxes after he’s finished, cock softening while he catches his breath and re-grounds himself in reality.
Your chest heaves as full airflow returns to your lungs, knees and jaw aching a bit sore from their exertion. You grab your underwear from where they lay discarded on top of your romper, putting them back on before standing up on somewhat shaky legs. 
Charlie also redresses, standing and straightening himself out as you do the same. 
“Mind zipping me back up?” You ask, turning around again. 
He pulls the zipper up your back until it’s at the end of its tracks, then steps up behind you, placing a soft kiss to your shoulder blade.
“Thank you.”
A soft smile grazes your lips. “No ‘thanks’ needed; the sweet taste of revenge and spite is payment enough.”
He laughs quietly.
“Well, I’ll certainly be available, should you ever need a little replenishing of those feelings.”
“Mr. Barber, you wouldn’t be saying that because you’d like to see me naked again, now would you?” Your eyebrows raise and you look over your shoulder, a playful smile on your face.
He laughs again, blushing a bit. “Uh, yeah, sure, I'd like that a lot. But I’d also like to see you, um...not naked, fully clothed, maybe at a restaurant in the city for dinner sometime? I totally get it if you’re not interested, it’s not a big deal if you don’t want to...”
Holy shit, he’s asking you out on a date. Well, he’s trying to, at least.
You laugh, cheeks warming at his proposition.
“Sure thing. I just accepted this new job, though, so I’ll have to get back to you about my availability...”
Charlie smiles, shoving his hands down in his khaki pockets. “I’m sure your new boss would be more than willing to accommodate. He’s a pretty cool guy, or so I’ve heard. Handsome, too.”
“Oh yeah? Sounds like you have a reliable informant.” You turn around as you laugh softly, grabbing your bag off the chair before stepping up in front of him. Your lips plant a quick peck on his, hands resting on his broad chest. “See you soon.”
He nods, biting his lip to hold back his big, goofy smile.
“Can’t wait.”
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bangtanpromptsfics · 3 years
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dialogue prompt #8: “Woah... are you okay?”
pairing: idol!taehyung x reader
genre: fluff, established relationships
word count: 1,046
warnings: nudity(?)
summary: a selfcare night with your boyfriend
a/n: I'm kinda thinking about making banners for each of my oneshots (?), it'll take some time but I would like to put more effort into presentation of my fics so....yeah. I was so warm and fuzzy when I wrote this piece and it's honestly one of the things I hope all bts members get when they date. also lowkey an inspiration from tae’s song ‘sleep’ which he tweeted out of nowhere. I still remember I slept so well the night he posted ;-;. Also I'm trying to get a posting schedule as I get consistent with writing. It's mondays and fridays at 7am kst.
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“Woah... are you okay?”, you move closer to him, he looks visibly tired and panting for his breath, “What happened?”.
“Don't stress love”, he fakes a smile, “I'm alright”.
You cross your arms against your chest to gesture him you are not buying his reasoning. And when he is twisting his face into pain while bending down to remove his shoes, you are quick on your knees to untie them.
“Hang on I got this...was there dance practice today?”
“Yeah...”, he whispers, his breathing still staggered.
“Thought so”. You hold his waist while he leans his weight on you to walk over to the couch.
“Do you feel like taking a warm bubble bath?”, you ask, mentally preparing to join him.
“Not really. I just...I just need to go to bed. I'll take a quick shower”
Taehyung feels bad because he knows how much you enjoy couple bubble baths. Moreover he has not kept up with his responsibilities of a boyfriend with a comeback right around the corner. He feels really detached during times like this. It does pass after a while and you are happy and content and days are again filled with cute dates and lots of love. But it's just hard sometimes. And he feels his chest tightening at the thought now. He isn't sure how you felt about this phase. How do you cope with him not being around for so long?
Taehyung gets up from his seat to act upon what he just said. For a brief second he feels dizziness and before he could fall face first on the ground you catch him.
“Let me help you cleaned up Tae”, you plead, “Let me take care of you tonight, I can't watch you struggling like this”.
He gently nods knowing there is no alternative to that. His hold on you tightens, turning himself to you slowly for a hug. He feels quite foreign to this feeling now, and also somehow pulled back into his home at the same time.
“I'm sorry”, he mumbles. His words incoherent when he buries his face on your shoulder.
“Why baby? What's on your mind?”
He hums when your fingers lace on his hair. He wanted to say a lot of things but he is lost.
“I'm a bad boyfriend”
Your eyes shoot up and you immediately peel his face off your shoulder to cup his cheeks and look him in the eye.
“Hey...you are amazing Tae. What is making you think this way hm?”
“I...”, he trails of, not reaching any apparent sentence and you know it's your turn to fill in the words.
“You think too much. The burnout is getting to your head. Let's shower together and cuddle and you'll be alright okay?”
He smiles at how soft you sounded, as if you were talking to a child. He gives you his boxy smile, both of you breaking into a fit of giggles.
After stripping him and yourself, you stand next to him under the warm water, constantly holding his body in case he falls limb. And you find his soft touch on your waist, drawing hearts and shapes on your skin there.
“Here”, you take the loofah, lathering it with his body wash, “Tell me if your muscles hurt okay?”
“Okay”, he smiles, though he is completely convinced it is impossible for you to hurt him. Your movements are so soft, he sometimes giggles when it starts tickling.
You make him sit on the edge of the bath tub to give his shoulder a quick massage. His muscles were really tense and you smile seeing him sigh in releif when they are loosening up.
“I'll get us bathrobes”, you step out after cleaning yourself, not bothering to switch the body wash so you end up smelling like him.
Wrapped up in the fluff material, you pull him into the bedroom, seating him at the edge of the bed while you squirt hearty amounts of moisturizer into his skin. He never bothers to be consistent with skincare routine, since gifted with naturally beautiful canvas of honeyed skin, but he is endeared them when it was your hands rubbing goodness into his body. And just like always, you end it with a sweet kiss to his forehead.
“Should I help you with the clothes?” you ask, carrying his t shirt and shorts to him while having your own clothes in another hand.
“I'll do it. Thank you love”
Seeing him comfortable in his pjs, you take another towel to dry of his hair. Parting his legs a bit you make room for yourself to stand between them and dry his brown locks.
Taehyung takes the opportunity to hug your waist, and steady his upper body by leaning his head on your torso. You feel his grin against your chest when he sniffs in his signature scent on your body.
“Let's get you to bed hm?”, you pat his head playfully and adjust the temperature of the room.
“Can I lay on you?”, he asks, voice hinting he is close to drifting off any second.
You lay back on the bed comfortably opening your arms, “Come here”.
He plops his face at the crook of your neck, the rest of his body pressing against you slowly and limbs tangling into each other.
The bed dips accordingly to support his weight, making you feel comfortable in the position.
Taehyung is the one who usually ends up being the big spoon. Being a couple where both wanted to be active givers can get humorously competitive at times. So finally having these moments where you realize you can be a source of comfort is the happiest thing there is.
You feel him kiss your neck multiple times where his face rests, making you ticklish.
“Hmm?”, you feel his heart beat quickening against your own, his frame vibrating whenever he speaks.
“Good night”, he simply states. Though you know he had a lot at the tip of his tongue. Maybe another time.
“Good night Tae. Sleep well”, you kiss his head, engulfing in his warmth and hands slowly rubbing on the curve of his back. And when you feel him still and breathing even, you drift to sleep as well. Content and happy.
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Thank you so much for reading!! ♡♡
Original Content of ©bangtanpromptsfics
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emotionallyits2009 · 4 years
deancas fic rec list!
hello everyone! happy christmas to those who celebrate it, my gift to you is my fic rec list that i said i would make like a month ago. the only thing it is organized by is canonverse vs alternate universe. tried to cover a variety of subjects but there are in particular many fics of the genre “postcanon where cas is human and he and dean live together and slowly finally get their shit together” because i know what i’m about, son. HOPE U ENJOY. and if you wanna talk about any of them or rec me other fics please do. :) 
where the weeds take root by deathbanjo, 30k, explicit “Are you happy? Y’know. Just—being here,” Dean says, gesturing to the yard with his beer bottle. “Being with—I mean, you used to fight in celestial wars and—and save the world. Now you’re growing vegetables and talking about chickens.” There are many fics set in a post-canon universe where Cas is human and he and Dean live together and slowly fall into a relationship. Imo this one is the best of the best of that genre. This was one of the first fics I read back in July when I was getting Back Into Supernatural where I was like oh fuck I’m like in this. Dean builds Cas planters and bookshelves and a chicken coop and they fight and work through it.
Cuckoo And Nest by komodobits, 10k, explicit For a long time, Castiel thought that every earthly possession other than the immediately necessary was excess to requirement. But Dean – Dean who named his car, who keeps a photograph of his mother in his wallet, some thirty-plus years after her death, who still has the crumpled ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign with a sleeping pelican emblazoned on it from the Microtel outside of Roanoke where he first kissed Castiel, clumsy and unsure, under the unsteady fluorescence of an exhausted bathroom bulb – is sentimental. It puzzles Castiel, where Dean draws the line between what is meaningful and what it is worthless. Really Gets the dynamic of Cas doesn’t think Dean wants him to stay/Dean thinks Cas will leave the first chance he gets. Also a nice example of Cas thinking he’s not wanted if he’s not useful/powerful and being told otherwise. Another all-time fave!
lonely hearts by outphastthemoat, 4.5k, gen He thinks he might give up having his own anything just to be able to step foot inside the room next door and sit on the edge of Dean’s bed instead. This one is for the CAS GIRLS who know what LONELINESS feels like.
Helionneiros by aeli_kindara, 24.2k, mature In which Dean visits his mother, and Claire takes Cas on a hunt. I’m always on the lookout for more fic with Claire and Jack. Jack doesn’t show up until the end here but the relationship between Cas and Claire is really nice.
Crawl by aeriallon, 11k, explicit It’s been almost four years since Castiel left Kansas; he'd eventually settled in an island town where he has a job, a house, and a life without the Winchesters. Every winter, Dean drives down to the coast to see him. Another fic where Cas is human but in this one he took some time for himself and got some distance from the Winchesters! He gets to be competent and weird as a human and we love that for him. I must warn you all that this fic contains one use of the phrase “making love” which would normally put me right off but it’s still worth reading. The first of a three-part series.
home where you hold me by microcomets, 1.6k, gen Cas and Dean, in the moments between their battles, ache for quiet spaces. Technically this is a coda to 10x20 but you don’t need the episode for context. Short and very sweet.
Build a Home by domesticadventures, 20.1k, teen After they save the world, Dean expects Cas to come back to the bunker with them. He doesn’t. This one is so cute it’s like what if once they were done saving the world Sam and Dean actually invited other hunters to move into the bunker with them. Obviously Dean wants that to include Cas but doesn’t know how to use his words.
the taste of gravel in the mouth by deathbanjo, 22.4k, explicit This is what Cas gave up Heaven for: greasy diner food, shitty motel rooms with even shittier cable, long car rides spent in complete silence except for the same six tapes playing over and over again, and a burnt-out husk of a man who can barely hold a conversation anymore. Angst fic! They go on a road trip and Dean is severely fucked up post-Mark of Cain.
Unknown Quantities by xylodemon, 8.6k, explicit No one ever tells Dean anything. Another nice getting-together fic.
Creature of Habit by trinityofone, 5.2k, teen The more you love someone, the more you want to kill them. Or: How Cas developed some bad habits, and Dean coped surprisingly well. This one is ancient by destiel standards (written during season 5) but it manages to nail the married couple vibes they give off in later seasons. Cas is a bitch and Dean likes him so much. <3
The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester by Tuesday, 11.2k, mature Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this. Another old one that is a lot of fun! They get Accidental Angel Married and if you don’t enjoy dumb fanfiction tropes like that I don’t know what to say to you.
Vena Amoris and Other Old-Fashioned Bullshit by pyrebi, 4k, teen In which angelic marriage bonds are apparently stupidly easy to trigger, Cas wages multidimensional war in Heaven, Dean can't catch a break like ever, Sam rather enjoys being a dick, love saves the day, and nobody consummates anything. The OTHER accidental angel marriage fic written in 2010. 
Crazy Diamonds by pantheon_of_discord, 24.8k, explicit A week ago, Dean was pulled out of Hell. Now, he’s apparently woken up in 2018, and the angel that a mere twenty-four hours beforehand had threatened to chuck him back into the pit is sleepily pouring himself coffee and wearing Dean’s second-favourite Zeppelin shirt. It all seems like a perfect happy ending, but with Hell’s scars still so fresh, Dean can’t imagine how he could have possibly gotten there. At the same time, the Dean who went to sleep in the bunker, right next to Cas, wakes up on Bobby’s couch in 2008. He’s instantly bombarded with questions by a Lilith-obsessed brother and a man who’s been dead for years, and must decide between keeping his finally-perfect life intact, and the lives he could save by re-writing history. Regardless of these choices, both Deans are trapped in the wrong decade, and their only way back lies with a Castiel still very much under Heaven’s thumb – one who might find the future Dean describes difficult to believe. Time travel is FUN. There’s an excellent part where (minor spoilers) future!Dean is like, “Guess what, asshole? You like me so much you marry me!!!!!!!!!!!” to 2008!Castiel that made me laugh out loud the first time I read it. Also just a good reminder of how most problems in life are temporary and if you could go back in time to talk to your younger self you’d be like, “Hey man. Chill out. You get through it.”
The Path of Fireflies by museaway, 63.7k, mature After his humanity is restored, Dean wakes up in bed with Castiel, a wedding ring, and no memory of the past twelve years. There’s a lot of amnesia fic and djinn fic out there were Dean wakes up ~suddenly together with Cas~ but I like this one in particular because he’s initially very confused and kind of a dick about it until he acknowledges that being with Cas makes him happy.
take the long way home by dothraki_shieldmaiden, 95k, explicit Three months ago, when Dean decided to retire, he thought his life was going to end up differently. He'd thought that he might get to have it all, Sam, Cas, Jack, and nice little place to live. Instead he gets Sam and Jack off on their Summer of Love Tour, radio silence from Cas, and a never-ending road trip consisting of himself. Still reeling from the loss of his grace, Castiel travels the country in search of hunts. Driven by a need to prove his usefulness, he pushes himself beyond all limits of endurance. Together, with the help of a few friends, a crumbling Victorian house, and a stray cat, Dean and Castiel patch themselves back together and create a home together. Do you wanna read almost one hundred thousand words of Dean and Cas having extremely intense feelings but refusing to voice them aloud? Haha of course you do that’s why you’re here. There’s also a lot about Cas adjusting to being human and being depressed about it which might resonate if you’ve ever felt weird about having a body. To be honest the author could stand to use a few more commas but there were also half a dozen moments that made me put my phone down and drag my hand slowly over my face and whisper “oh my god” to myself which is like, the ultimate measure of a good fanfiction so it gets to be on the list.
like moses and batman and james dean by saltyfeathers, 31.6k, explicit dean used to turn tricks. over a decade later, he met cas. Have you seen the fanon (apparently pioneered by Mr. Jackles “Original Deankin” Ackles himself) that Dean used to prostitute himself to feed himself and Sam when they were younger? Are you interested in exploring that concept in fanfiction? Well, this is the only fic you need. Mind the tags on this one! It’s not what I’d call happy but it’s good.
Some Assembly Required by narrow_staircases, 47k, mature It’s September of 2005, and Dean Winchester, in an attempt to outrun old mistakes and painful memories, finds himself in southern Kentucky on a wild goose chase. He’s completely certain this weird religious movement he’s “investigating” is a hoax, despite the miraculous healings people report, and he’ll be back on the road in a day or two. Things are looking up when he meets Cas, an awkward (and gorgeous) graduate student who’s actually doing honest-to-god research into the local tent revival meetings. When that research takes a weird and personal turn, Dean’s left to face two very serious realities: one, this may be a real case after all, and two, he’s fallen way harder for Cas than he should ever have let himself. Stanford-era AU of Dean trying to avoid his father and getting in over his head on a case.
Alternate universe:
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets, 57k, mature Only a very few people in the world know that the celebrated and reclusive poet Jack Allen is just Kansas mechanic Dean Winchester, a high school dropout with a few bucks to his name. Not that it matters anymore; life has left him so wrung out he never wants to pick up another pen. Until, that is, a string of coincidences leads Dean to auditing a poetry course with one Dr. Castiel Novak. The  professor is wildly intelligent, devastatingly handsome...and just so happens to be academia's foremost expert on the poetry of Jack Allen. Mundane AUs in this fandom have to be really, really good to catch my attention and this one is! It’s exactly what it says in the summary and the characterization is spot-on. 
Out to Drift by deathbanjo, 20.9k, mature Dean drives a black car with a loud engine. He lies too easily. He keeps a gun in the back of his jeans, and Castiel isn’t sure, but he wouldn’t be surprised if Dean has killed someone before. Two people in fucked-up unstable situations meeting and forming a connection. Honestly guys I really just love deathbanjo.
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flames-tstuff · 3 years
Okay so, um, I hope you don’t mind me requesting something! ^.^ 💕 You always support me and I wanna support you too!
So, Uraraka and Ojiro. Fluff & Tickles. The idea is that Uraraka is stressed out and one way she copes is by coloring, and Bakugou or whoever sees her and teases her, then Ojiro defends her and says like, it’s fine to be a kid sometimes, bc they’ve grown up pretty fast. And so like, the next day they go to a park and swing, he gets her ice cream, then they go back to the dorm and color while watching cartoons, and then a tickle scene happens on the cartoon, and then it leads to him tickling her and hugs and cuddles and friendship. Aaaaa 🙈
To Be a Kid Again (BNHA)
Ojiro wants to show Uraraka that it’s okay to be a kid again sometimes.
Pairings: Platonic Uraraka and Ojiro
Warnings: Bakugou being a jerk, some light angst
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: Omg this is such a cute pairing!! I've never even considered them together, either as friends or as partners. What would their ship name be? Ojiraka? Also, I've never written for either of them, so I hope this is okay!
Uraraka was tired. It had been a long day at school, and despite the fact that it was only Wednesday, she was more than ready for the weekend.
After changing out of her uniform and grabbing a couple items from her room, Uraraka flopped down onto one of the couches of the commons with a heavy sigh. She really didn’t have anything to do now that classes were over for the day. She’d already finished her homework and dinner wasn’t for another or hour or so. Despite how exhausted she was, she had just enough energy left to do one of her favorite activities to pass the time: coloring.
She didn’t know why exactly, but something about sitting down and letting herself get lost in the mindlessness of coloring had always been soothing to her. So there she was, sitting on the couch crisscross, using her knee as a table and getting to work. After a few minutes, the brain fog that had been plaguing Uraraka the last couple of hours began to disappear, and her mind was back as ease.
That was, until Bakugou came into the room. Looking just as tired and grumpy as she felt, Bakugou was about to head up to his room when Uraraka accidentally caught his eye.
“What are you looking at, Round Face?”
She quickly looked back down at her lap in alarm. “N-Nothing. Sorry.”
Bakugou continued to glare her way when he noticed the book in her lap and the pile of markers next to her. He came a few feet closer, eyeing it suspiciously.
“Tch. What are you, five years old?”
“Wh… what do you mean?”
At this time, Ojiro had just entered the commons and was just about to step into the elevator when the other students’ conversation caught his attention.
“Coloring books? Seriously? That shit’s for babies.”
Uraraka felt her cheeks start to burn.
“Hey, hey!” Ojiro jogged over to see what the commotion was about. Bakugou tended to pick fights pretty easily. “What’s going on here?”
Bakugou just crossed his arms and scowled at him.
Ojiro looked down at Uraraka, whose ears and cheeks were painted red. He then noticed the art supplies surrounding her. “Is he giving you a hard time?”
Uraraka just looked back and forth between the two of them, not daring to say anything.
“I heard you say something was ‘for babies,’” Ojiro turned to Bakugou with a stern look on his face. “You weren’t talking about coloring, were you?”
Again, silence.
“It’s really not, you know. People draw and color all the time! Besides, even if it was, what’s wrong with that? Everyone should be allowed to do things they enjoy, especially something as harmless as coloring. I don’t see what the problem is.”
“The problem is that we’re trying to be heroes!” Bakugou shot back. “Heroes shouldn’t be doing childish shit like that! If you really wanted to be a hero you’d be out training!”
Ojiro sighed, a little exasperated. “Of course training is important. But rest is important too. Doing things you love is important. If you don’t take the time to be a kid and let loose a little, you’re going to burn out. No pun intended, in your case, Bakugou.” Ojiro smiled, a little teasingly.
“Ugh, whatever,” Bakugou relented and headed back towards the elevator. “Whatever it’ll take for you to shut up and stop lecturing me.”
Uraraka and Ojiro both snickered at that, and in a few moments, it was just the two of them.
“Sorry about that,” Ojiro said apologetically. “Bakugou can be a real pain sometimes.”
“No kidding,” she agreed. “Um… thanks. You really didn’t have to do that. I’m sure I would’ve been okay on my own.”
“Of course you would have! But what are friends for?” Ojiro smiled brightly, holding out his hand. Uraraka smiled back and accepted the hand up. “You hungry? I think it’s about time for dinner.”
The next day was just as hard, though Uraraka did feel a little better after a good night’s sleep.
After dinner the previous night, Ojiro had asked if she’d want to hang out the next day after classes, in attempt to keep tabs on her since her fight with Bakugou. She assured him she was fine, but he insisted that it was his treat, so she obliged.
“So where are we going?” Uraraka asked walking next to Ojiro on the sidewalk.
“I’m taking you to one of my favorite places.” The two entered a chain link-fenced area.
“…a playground?”
“Yep! This was one of my favorite places in the world as a kid, and it still is. Come on! Let’s swing!”
And before she could argue, Ojiro grabbed her hand and tugged her along towards the swing set. Thankfully there wasn’t anyone else around, so they had the place to themselves.
“So,” Uraraka started, swinging her legs a little. “Why are we doing this exactly? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out! But where is this coming from?”
Ojiro laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, a little sheepish. “I was thinking, well… I wanted to show you that’s it’s okay to be a kid. To let loose a little. You seemed like you needed it, especially after what happened yesterday.”
Uraraka’s heart warmed at that. She really couldn’t ask for better classmates as friends.
Ojiro’s expression dropped to something a little more serious. “I’ve realized that we’ve all had to grow up so fast in these last few years. It makes me kind of sad.”
“Why is that?” Uraraka questioned.
“Don’t you miss this kind of stuff?” He gestured to the rest of the play set. “As much as I hate it, I think you and I both know there’s some truth to what Bakugou said yesterday. Heroes are supposed to be constantly training, constantly trying to grow and improve their skills. All that’s great, but it leaves no room to be what we actually are… teens. Kids. Don’t you ever feel like you grew up too fast?”
Uraraka couldn’t help but think about her parents. How, as just a little girl, barely old enough to go to school, she committed to helping them make money in any way she could. All the experiences she’d missed out on when she was younger due to her family’s financial situation. “Yeah… I guess I do.”
Ojiro offered a sympathetic smile. “That’s why it’s times like these, in the little spare moments we have to ourselves, that we can take the time to indulge that inner child.”
Uraraka took a moment to digest his words. “I think I understand now.” Then, in a small, hopeful voice: “Maybe... a-after we’re done here, we could... um... get some ice cream?”
Ojiro grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.” He hopped off his swing. “Race ya!”
“Hey, no fair!” Uraraka laughed and chased after him.
After getting their ice cream—strawberry for Uraraka and vanilla for Ojiro—the two friends happily walked back to the dorms together.
“By the way,” Ojiro said, “I never got the chance to tell you, but I saw your coloring book, and well… it looks really good!”
“Oh!” Uraraka looked down, a little embarrassed. “Hah, thanks…”
He could tell she did believe him. “I’m being serious! I think it’s really cool that you’re into that kind of stuff. Have you always liked coloring? You seem to be good at it.”
“Yeah, but I really can’t take much credit. I mean, it’s just filling in the shapes. It’s not like I drew it,” she reasoned, licking her ice cream.
“Hey, I can hardly stay in the lines, so it’s impressive to me.”
Uraraka laughed, knowing he was probably just saying that to make her feel good, but she appreciated it nonetheless.
“Thank you,” she said, speaking as sincere as possible. They had made it back to the common area of the dorms where they stood, waiting to depart to their own rooms. “For everything.”
Ojiro realized she thought he had brought her back here to say goodbye. “Hey, if you want, you can hang in my room.”
“Yeah! We could watch TV, or if you have homework to work on, I won’t bother you.”
She smiled. “I’d love that. Thanks again, Ojiro, you’re the best.” She threw her arms around him in a tight hug. Ojiro was a little taken aback, but quickly returned the gesture.
The two friends sat comfortably on his bed with their backs against the wall. The TV droned on in the background, mostly forgotten, as they chatted about school and their weekend plans.
Once the conversation died out, they settled down to watch what was playing on the screen, falling into comfortable silence. One of the characters poked the other, making them jump back and laugh. Ojiro smiled at the scene and stole a quick glance at Uraraka to see how she was doing, just in time to see her blush a little at the sight. It was so brief, if he hadn’t looked at just the right moment he would’ve missed it.
Suddenly feeling mischievous, Ojiro darted his hands to Uraraka’s sides and began squeezing, making her squeal and fall back on the bed in a fit of happy giggles.
“Ohohjiroho! Eeeep! Whaha—Why? Hahaha!”
“Because! I wanna hear you laugh! Didn’t I tell you to start letting loose?”
Uraraka was too weak and giddy to respond or do much more than weakly bat his hands in a half-hearted attempt.
Ojiro made the mistake of coming closer to get better purchase on her ribs, and Uraraka pushed through the tickly feeling just enough to be able to reach a hand up and scratch at the base of his spine, making him yelp and jerk away. This gave Uraraka just enough time to gain the upper hand by pushing him down and straddling his waist with her knees.
“Uraraka, wa-HAHAHAIT!” he burst into loud belly laughter as she began kneading up and down his torso the same way he had done to her.
“Maybe you should start taking your own advice, Ojiro!” she laughed with him. “Come on, you shouldn’t be afraid of being a kid again, right? Tickle tickle!”
This made his cheeks turn bright red and his laugh go a few pitches higher.
Uraraka was feeling all-powerful with Ojiro now at her mercy. That was, until she felt a soft, feathery feeling against her neck and under her chin, making her flinch and snort.
“Ohohoh my gohohosh, you snohorted!” Ojrio teased through his own laughter.
“N-no fahahair!” Uraraka stammered out as best she could. “You shohouldn’t be allowed t-to use your tahahail!”
“Wehehell too bahad! I’m using it!”
The two stayed like that, trying to out-tickle each other—Uraraka going at his ribs and belly, and Ojiro trying his best to throw her off using his tail to brush all over her neck and sides, both laughing hysterically. Eventually Uraraka was weakened just enough for Ojiro to get her back one last time before they both collapsed in exhaustion.
“Jeez, you don’t give up easy, do you?” Uraraka panted, a big smile still on her face.
“No,” Ojiro agreed. “But you held out pretty long too, I’m impressed.”
After finally catching their breath, Uraraka opened her arms in offering. “Cuddles?”
Ojiro couldn’t have refused the offer if he tried. “Heh. Yeah, cuddles.”
He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around her torso, leaning his head into her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him in return, resting her head atop his.
And there they stayed for the rest of the evening.
57 notes · View notes
imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 17/?
Word Count: 3.8k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your name.
So, when I started this, I didn’t expect it to become what it is, or for it to really be taken seriously. I wrote it because I wanted to get better at storytelling, and now I’m averaging 20 notes a day. That’s insane to me.
Warnings: Eludes to sex, mentions of trauma, mentions of court system, victim blaming, mentions of injuries, swearing, No beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Waking up next to Jason was becoming something of a routine for Y/N. It had been 4 days in a row that she woke up next to him or with him in arm’s reach. She loved that about their relationship, how quickly they both could fall asleep with each other.
She rolled over in her bed and realized Jason was sweating and clutching the sheets. She leant over him slightly and turned on the fan, hoping he would sweat less so he could be in less pain.
She didn’t know what would actually stop the pain, she didn’t actually know if he was in pain. She reached out to stroke his back, just trying to comfort him, it seemed to work. He didn’t exactly reject her advances to rub his back. But he did jump a bit when she touched him.
She didn’t want him to be hurt by her touching him, so she did attempt to wake him up. He didn’t answer her though, so she got up from her bed and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked rough like she had been crying all night about the trial. Makeup running, eyes puffy, bloodshot. But what else did she expect after that trial? She didn’t remember anything.
She decided to shower, in her own shower. It had been 3 days since she last showered, which was okay but it wasn’t something she was used to.
She got into her shower and just thought. She was fucked up. She had been fucked up this entire time, she had hidden secrets from Jason, from everyone. She thought it was selfish, immature, and irresponsible that she did that. But she also didn't know how to talk to them all. 
How do I even start that conversation? Hey, I’m fucked up, help me. I’m sorry, I messed up, she thought, I can’t do that, I can’t.
She got out of the shower and glanced at the clock like she would normally, it was 4:00am. That’s new, she thought, I didn’t know it was this early, maybe I should not have showered.
She smiled to herself a bit and took care of her face, doing a facial routine, just trying to calm herself and come off that high she was on for the majority of the day before. She knew she had to take care of herself to help her become stable again.
She knew what she did yesterday was linked to trauma, she just knew it. She didn’t know what it was, or how to combat it. But she knew she would probably not be mentally capable of watching the rest of the trial, and that was okay with her, she didn’t want to watch the rest of the trial. She would ignore her professor if he asked her to write anything about the trial. She knew he likely couldn’t because of her connections, but she wasn’t going to get mad at him.
She didn’t want to get mad at anyone for this. Opinions about the trial, asking her to talk about it, anything, she didn’t want to hate.
Jason was still asleep when she reentered her room. She smiled at him, wishing he was awake with her at that moment. She went to her notes at her desk and sighed, she guessed she would sit down and do some work. She pulled out her journal and wrote;
To each member of my family, somehow we reached here,
I’ve ended up with people wanting to hurt me,
Here we see the pain of there,
Maybe three.
I guess I can’t write poetry,
Maybe it’s all I see,
The pain, the torture, the people who hurt,
What am I doing?
She scribbled down a dying rose. She didn’t know why she did all of that. Normally she didn’t feel like that. Poetry was a good way to get all of the emotions out. Her journal had a lot, a lot, of insane writings and drawings of things she felt.
She guessed she was fucked up. But she thought the things wrong with her would make her art better. She needed therapy, probably. She was going to look into that, she decided in those moments. Therapy may help her cope with a lot of the stuff that she dealt with.
Or was she aware that she’d never be fixed?
She sat at her desk after making a quick coffee. It was still only 5:00am, and she was organizing her notes, just thinking. Maybe she’d paint something. Maybe she’d get a picture of the Wayne Manor Gardens and paint it. She just wanted something to fiddle with if she was going to be harassed if she left the house. She probably wasn't going to be able to leave the house for a while.
She was fine with that, she didn’t like it but she didn’t hate it either. She just wished for the trial to be over, even if the man was found not guilty of the charges.
And the longer the painting project, the longer she could spend locked away from the media. That was just all that she wanted, to walk away from the media while still keeping Jason.
He was still sleeping. She didn’t notice because she was so entranced in her own art, but he was struggling at that moment.
And then she noticed.
She got up and went to her bed and sat beside his head on the floor. She stroked his hair and tried to comfort him when he woke up.
“Hey,” she whispered.
He didn’t answer.
“You alright?” she asked.
He turned his back to her, so she stroked it.
“It’s okay if you’re not alright, baby,” she said, “Do you want to talk about it?”
She crawled into bed with him and became the big spoon for a bit. She didn’t say anything to him, he didn’t say anything to her. He was sticky and sweaty, but she didn’t care.
Silence was killing for most people, but she sat through it and allowed him to be quiet. 
She wished for the stories behind his scars, but she didn’t want to push for them. They hadn’t been together for long enough for her to ask about it. But she loved to trace his scars with her fingers, just letting him know she knew about them. She didn’t know how he felt about it. But she tried to be kind and loving towards his scars.
Some were small holes. Some were small lines. Some were long lines. One was Y-Shaped on his chest. One existed on his cheek and she couldn’t make out what it was. 
She didn’t think that he was lesser because of his scars. He thought he was lesser for his scars.
“Hey, Jay. Do you want to eat breakfast? It’s 6:00am, we can dip to get food?” she asked, trying to make him feel better.
“If you don’t mention the nightmares, sure.”
“I won’t.”
He rolled over to her and smiled before kissing her.
They got up a couple hours later, clothes strewn across her room, boxers and pants torn. She laughed, hoping he would still have clothes to wear.
“Don’t laugh, I might have nothing to wear!”
“I hope you have something to wear, babe.”
“And what if I don’t? We were pretty messy.”
“We were, but still. If you have nothing we’re kind of fucked,” she said, glaring.
“Yeah, yeah. You’re cute. Just stop staring at me like that! It takes two to tango!”
“The forbidden horizontal tango,” she said between laughs.
“The forbidden horizontal tango is now  the only way I am going to refer to sex.”
“I mean as you should.”
“My family is going to kill me for calling sex that.”
“I mean as they should,” she laughed, “Did you find clothes?” she asked, having already gotten dressed.
Tumblr media
“Okay that’s unfair, you can’t wear new clothes when I’m stuck with ripped boxers.”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have worn them in the first place,” she said, laughing, “And to be fair, Jay, I’m the one with clothes and you didn’t follow your own suggestion for an overnight bag.”
“Okay, listen, first of all,” he grabbed her, “That’s obviously my fault but shush, secondly, you’re dressing very black today,” he observed.
“Felt I would look the part of dating a Wayne.”
“No one’s going to see you.”
“That’s the point. I’m an invisible partner of a Wayne.”
“Well, I think you look nice.”
“I’m glad,” she laughed, “How ripped are your clothes?”
“Decently. Not noticeably, but decently.”
“Fun! Shall we go?”
He laughed and grabbed her arm, pulling her lightly to the car and getting in to drive. 
“You ever think the vigilantes around here have complex lives?” she thought aloud.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, do they have crazy, fulfilling lives like us, or are they just there to be heroes of the night? Are they sitting there wondering if they’re going to come home to their partners or if their parents are worried about them?” she questioned.
He sat there, looking forward. If only you knew. If only you knew what I go through, what everyone goes through. He managed to laugh and blow her off, “Maybe they’re just robots made to fight crooks in alleyways.”
“I’m serious. What if they’re all out there worried they’re going to die?”
“C’mon now.”
“Jay! They’re people!”
“They’re probably okay, baby. I doubt they’re out there almost dying.”
She wanted to say ‘You almost died’ but she bit her tongue, “That’s probably true. But it’s always something I thought, even when I lied in Metropolis with god damn Superman. I always wondered if he had a home to go to.”
“Who knows. Who knows.”
“They would. Maybe I should get a job as a reporter, interview some of them. Say ‘Fuck it’ and know if they have homes.”
“That’s dangerous.”
“My Aunt, Iris, Barry’s wife? She’s a reporter. She’s on the frontlines for the supervillains and the small-time crooks of the world.”
“So anything and everything in between? Festive.”
“Well, that’s the life of a reporter. Journalists? Like my Uncle? He deals with a lot less bullshit unless they link him to Bruce. Iris is a reporter so she’s constantly there, Clark is usually never there.”
“Well, we at least know the elusive reporter and journalist have families,” she joked and he laughed.
“The elusive reporter and journalist in their natural habitats, my favourite National Geographic episode.”
She looked out her window at the streets and the people. She hadn’t been outside at night recently on the streets of Gotham, and she missed it. There was always something about it that made her keep coming back. Maybe it was the orphaned kids that she would go and make sure were okay. Maybe it was the fact that she watched one of the vigilantes swing to another roof.
She still remembered that moment well. She thought it was amazing, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her to have experienced. She wished she knew more, even if she just knew which one they were. So she could go on the forums and ask if people had spoken to them. Maybe it wasn’t a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, maybe others had witnessed what she did, but she wouldn’t know if she did not know which it was.
“Hey, random question, do you know the vigilantes' names in the city?” she asked Jason.
“Uh, yeah? Why?” he responded.
“Okay so, the first night I walked home from your house after my car got towed right? I saw one of them. I’m not familiar with the vigilantes of the city, so: Do you know which one is the one with the blue bird symbol on their chest?”
“Oh, that one’s Nightwing. He seems cool, I don’t know, never actually met the guy.”
“Don’t Wayne Galas get attacked by villains on the regular though?”
“That doesn’t mean we get to talk to them,” he laughed, “It would be cool if we did, though.”
“Yeah it would. Would be a killer story for your Uncle and Aunt.”
“They are the only tabloids I liked because they leave us alone.”
“No reports from the Daily Planet about the Waynes?” she joked.
“God, Dad would probably half-jokingly sue Clark over that. Like sue him for 3 dollars or somethin’ levels of jokingly suing him.”
“Now, that, that would be a story for the tabloids.”
“Remind me to tell Dad about that, maybe it’ll get the press off your back.”
“You say that like your extended family cares about my trials.”
“They do, they wonder how you found yourself wrapped up in 2 crimes in the span of 2 weeks.”
“I wish I knew how I did that.”
He laughed, “If only we knew.”
“I guess we go get breakfast now, fast food?” he asked.
“Obviously, I’m not eating in a restaurant with this high of a profile recently, my god,” she laughed.
“Alright, anything in particular? I can just order for you if you’re not up to talking to some people.”
“Go for it.”
She didn’t pay attention while he ordered, instead she opened her lovely cellphone. And there they were, the tabloids click baiting the trials she was involved in. She rolled her eyes, knowing most of them were wrong, when she saw the article written by Clark Kent about it. She was tempted to read it, to know what Clark said. She figured he’d be an unbiased source fo information, but also likely more on her side than the defendant’s side. She didn’t even know the defendant's name.
She tapped on it and began reading.
The Case of The Court Versus David Brown.
Brown is a man known to the courts of Gotham, and the county jail of Gotham. When he was accused of assaulting a young woman, Ms. Y/N (Last name), not many members of the Gotham Police Force were shocked.
On the first day of the trial, Brown was asked to plead, to which he said, “Not guilty, your honor,” which is under a lot of scrutiny of those who have seen the video of Ms. (Last name) running from Brown in the alleyway where she head-butted him.
The prosecution opened their case,
“Ms. (Last name) was assaulted by the defendant, there is no question about it. The question here is if his motive was for the ransom Ms. (Last name) referenced in her interview with police after the event. The defendant very clearly went after Ms. (Last name) because of her ties to the billionaire Bruce Wayne, who would have easily paid the ransom for her if she hadn’t escaped.
The defense opened their case,
The question of whether or not my client assaulted Ms. (Last name) is not up for debate, he did assault her. However, it was in self-defense. She had assaulted him first, pulling him into the alleyway and attempting to make advances on him. She twisted the story in her on words to include the head-butting incident, in reality, my client punched her for her advances.
The people who watched the first event of the trial have noted being “Disgusted” and “Annoyed” at the practices that the defense brought to court, “Slandering the name of Ms. (Last name) when she is the victim.” many people are upset with the defense in this trial.
The next day of the trial should take place within a week. Until then, the questions are not going to be answered.
She looked at the defense's argument numerous times. She was in shock that they would accuse her of such bullshit. She was terrified that they would get away with this, when Jason pulled her out of her thoughts with a coffee.
“You shouldn’t get so involved in the tabloids right now, love.”
“Sorry, if it makes you feel better your Uncle wrote it. And thank you.”
“Anytime. I guess Clark wrote it well, but you watched the trial?”
“I don’t remember it.”
“You’re probably not going to watch more of it, are you?”
‘No way,” she said while drinking her coffee as they drove back to her house.
“That’s fair. No one expected you to be able to be able ot watch it.”
She nodded and kept drinking, “They made up so much bullshit.”
“They did, oh my god, I was pissed, baby. I was so god damn mad. Because what the fuck do you gain from lying?”
“Don’t even put that question in the universe, you know they’ll try to answer it the next time they’re in trial.”
“God you’re right,” he laughed, “Got you a breakfast sandwich. At least the dammed tabloids can’t take that away from us.”
“Thank god,” she laughed, “Thank you.”
“Seriously, anytime. It’s worth it.”
“You’ve spent so much money on me.”
“Pocket change.”
“Well, duh. Trust-fund baby.”
“I’ll take you somewhere when I’m less high-profile. Maybe we’ll fake a breakup to keep everyone off my ass so we can go somewhere.”
“Fake a breakup? Wouldn't that just make you hated?”
“I’m already hated. I’m a gold-digger, a whore, a cheater, a statistic, a suicidal maniac, a homicidal maniac, a psychopath, I can go on and on about the shit being said about me.”
“Man, people need to keep their mouths shut.”
“You could say that again- don’t actually. But like, what the fuck did I do to deserve this, honestly? All I did was go on a date with you to get bombarded, yes, I do treat the press unfairly, but I do my best to never say a bad word about them publically, just jokes,” she joked, “I hate this,” she laughed.
“I hate tihs too,” he laughed, “You’re worth it though.”
“Oh man, a week into dating, two weeks into knowing each other and we’re here.”
“We should be anywhere else but in the midst of these terrible circumstances.”
“It’s unfortunate.”
Drinking her coffee on her bed with Jason beside her was something else, it was probably the most they had branched out in 4 days. The silence was lovely now that neither of them were having issues. They ate and drank in silence. They didn’t need constant conversation to prove that the enjoyed the presence of each other. 
She took a minute to take it all in, the messy shelves in her bedroom, the place on her desk where her laptop belonged, the broken handle to her bathroom door, the sheets on her bed which had been pulled and ruffled from Jason and her having fun. 
She looked out her window and looked at the rain starting to pour and decided to cuddle closer to Jason. He was warm but had a presence of underwhelming coldness to him, like he gave off fake body heat. She didn’t know what it was, but the extremes of his body were something she enjoyed but hated.
The exposition between his black hair to his white tuff of hair, the rough eyebrows to the small and delicate freckles, the blue of his eyes which seemed to glow green. The way it was like she was driving down a road, full speed ahead, and crashed into a wall, that was how it felt to be with Jason.
But who doesn’t love to die in a fiery accident into a wall at 500mph?
She laughed internally at her own joke about him before grabbing his hand and yanking him into the living room and past her roommate, A/N. A/N did not question it, because there was a new life to her roommate recently.
She dragged him out into the rain, to which he protested.
“What the fuck, respectfully?”
She laughed, “Don’t be respectful, and trust me. I’m going to make a movie moment.”
“I’m getting wet.”
“That’s my job,” she joked as she turned on a slow song before going to Jason and dancing with him.
“Well, can’t say I’ve done this,” he said.
“I don’t think most couples do.”
“Then why are we?” he asked
“Uh, yolo? You only live once, might as well dance in the rain with one of your lovers?” she retorted.
“One of them? Am I not the only one?”
“Oh no, you are,” she laughed, “But who knows, maybe we’ll fuck monogamy up the ass,” she joked.
“Probably not.”
“Probably not.”
And they danced for a few hours. Twirling and dipping in the rain. Watching the clothes they were wearing get more and more wet until the the white parts of Y/N’s dress were see-through, which took a while considering how small they were. 
Their hair was soaked and her makeup was running but they didn’t care. They were having fun, and no one was going to stop them, not a villain, not a vigilante, no one. He would wipe away her makeup since it was basically already off her face and laugh.
“Your makeup looked nice before we came out here.”
“I bet! The rain’s probably washing it all way, did I look like I was crying?”
“You looked like you were sobbing.”
She laughed, “You love to see it, you really do.”
The music was basically drowned out by the rain. It was on her phone, so it was probably water damaged from the rain, but no one cared. They just wanted to have fun.
But the dancing got tired because of the fact that Y/N was in heels, so she went and picked up her phone. It wasn’t damaged. She looked at her recent texts while Jason tugged her lightly to the bathroom, to see that Bruce Wayne, Jason’s dad, had paid off her car and it was being driven back to her house.
“Hey baby?”
“Did you tell your dad to pay off my car?”
“Oh, yeah. I figured it’d get impounded and my dad could just wait a while for you to pay back. It getting impounded was going to cost you more money.”
“God you're right and I hate that.”
He laughed and kissed her before turning on the shower.
That was the second time that day that they had had sex. It was impressive that they had had sex that many times, and that many rounds. They thought it was fun as all hell to have sex whenever they had the chance.
Maybe they were saying “Suck it” to Bruce, or maybe they were just having fun. Maybe it was both.
“You look so cute with my hand around your neck,” he said behind her before lightly grabbing her neck and pulling her head back to his chest. He buried his face in her shoulder.
“He says while looking down,” she joked.
“I’ll squeeze.”
“Jay, we just showered. C’mon. Keep it in your pants.”
He groaned, “No fun,” he tilted his head into the crook of her neck and started leaving little kisses.
“Jay, C’mon.”
He sighed, “Fine. Fine, fine, fine. I guess we can stop,” he jokingly-whined at her, “At least we can kiss.”
“That’s true, but get dressed.”
“Get dressed!” he whined to her, “In this economy!”
“God dammnit,” she laughed, “Stay naked then and I’ll eat your food.”
“Don’t you dare.”
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fluffyy-dreaming · 3 years
hello!! could i get a matchup please? i’m non-binary, 5’5, with shoulder length black hair, i have glasses and i’m pretty tanned. i’m pansexual and i’m an intp 5w6. i’m an introvert and i’m pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people, but once i get comfortable with them then i can start joking around and maybe say some bold things here and there (i still am a pretty quiet person either way,,) i skip school a lot though, so people sometimes describe me as strange or scary. my hobbies are researching greek mythology, drawing, and i’m starting to get into researching things about the occult. my language is acts of service!
I pair you with...
Subaru Akehoshi!
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Subaru is intrigued by introverts the most, especially with you! He finds how much of a mystery you are to be enjoyable, not finding you scary at all, and accepts the challenge of breaking down your walls! He’d often try to interact with you after class or during lunch, curious about your hobbies and interests, and possibly asking Natsume, as your curiosity about the occult would most likely lead Natsume to you as well.
"Hey hey! <Y/N>, you never seem to be too busy! It's really intriguing me to know more about you, and if it could make your smile a bit brighter I'd be glad to hang out with you after school!"
He does find it to be quite concerning that you skip school often,frequently disturbing other classmates to find out if you’re alright, and may be so bold to do so as well in order to check up on you or simply relax alongside you and bring you out to places he enjoys, such as malls, arcades, or cafés.
However, while Subaru adores the excitement of spontaneously visiting numerous new or unexplored locations with you, the two of you are most often seen on the rooftops of various buildings or simply outside in parks alongside Daikichi, where you’re able to fully gaze at the sky together, discussing whatever concepts drift into your minds. He enjoys listening to you ramble about your interests, finding them particularly interesting due to how foreign they are to him.
Subaru is well known to be a social butterfly, and if you lack social skills and have difficulty meeting new people, he's the perfect one for you! Akehoshi is overjoyed to introduce you to his friends including Trickstar, Natsume, and Hajime especially! Mao is quite used to being around eccentric people or people with odd interests, and treats you similar to a welcoming big brother. On the other hand, Hidaka will do his best to make you feel included in any group hangouts with Trickstar, while you’d most often have to have the others step in to help you become more comfortable with Yuuki, with both of you becoming well acquainted and him feeling as his habits and interests often frowned upon are enjoyed between the two of you. Hajime enjoys checking up on you and helping you deal with anxiety coping methods along with Subaru, and is in awe of your artistic abilities. Natsume enjoys your presence and occassionally teasing you or sharing bits of information about topics you’ve discussed together every few weeks, often accompanied by Subaru.
Once you begin coming out of your shell and talking more, he finds your commentary to be amusing, especially more bold or sarcastic comments!! As you two are outside together discussing the information you've gathered so far about greek mythology and history under cherry blossom trees, Subaru feels his face become slightly warmer than usual, a soft, charming smile carving its way on his face. All over him he notices lately he has been feeling warm and “sunshiney”, as he’d say. The only thing he knows is he doesn't ever want those feelings to end.
It pains the other members of Trickstar to see how obvious your mutual feelings are as Subaru becomes increasingly more distracted and zoned out during practice session, while Hajime and Natsume enjoy it, finding it quite cute and sweet. Natsume often leaves vague, slightly cryptic love advice for both of you, mainly Subaru, while Hajime is unsure whether to ask either of you, however both are supportive and Hajime will most likely give advice on what the other person should gift the other.
Realization hits while you two are grabbing some tea together. That the unique way you talk, your smile, your eccentric interests, all of the things about you he adores so much, finding you to bring him a type of happiness he’s never felt for anyone else. He doesn’t want to pressure you into confessing first, and wishes to know as soon as possible if you may reciprocate his feelings. While it’s quite exhilarating and he feels slightly overwhelmed, he wants to share this feeling with you and let you know once the day with you ends.
As the sun begins to set and the sky grows darker, with both of you walking around a dimly light shopping area, he abruptly takes your hand in his, leading you up to a hill. The two of you sit closely, and he feels warmth once more in your presence.
“Pretty, isn’t it? The shiny stars in the sky, all feel so different to the darkness surrounding them. I adooore them- and I want to see them shine forever!! And you make me feel like that, but millions of times stronger! <Y/N>, I don’t ever want to leave your side. I want to see you shine brighter everyday together with me.”
Once you accept his confession, his eyes twinkle, the faintest tears able to be seen flowing down his face through the lights in the sky and the fireflies surrounding you two, as he brings you close to his chest to watch the night sky. The next few days he wastes no time showing his affection, making it known to everyone in the vicinity that you two are a couple. He often brings you small trinkets and shiny gifts similar to a cat, with Hajime often accompanying him and gifting you items such as pendants as well. Another thing he does similar to a cat is steal your glasses or clothes, encouraging you to do the same as he finds your style so adorable!
Especially if you talk to him about gods in greek mythology, he’d gift you items related to such things as well as pretty or expensive (often golden) art supplies. Subaru is blown away by your art skills, and gets extremely excited whenever you draw anything.
“How did you draw them so well? The way you draw makes everything look so much shinier and prettier!!”
“<Y/N>~!! This is a-do-ra-ble!! You’re so talented ★”
"This mythological beast reminds me a lot of Daikichi, how about you? No wait, this one does as well!"
“This bracelet and necklace with some of the mythological creatures you and Natsume talked about yesterday looked so sparkly, I bet it’d look suuuuper cute on you!!”
He learns to become quieter so as to not disturb your drawing process. If you were to give him a drawing, he’d feel so ecstatic, dancing and jumping around with the drawing. He may bring it around as a good luck charm!
Subaru does his best to respect your boundaries, however, despite his tendencies to smother you with physical affection and skinship, such as giving you surprise hugs and often finding him sleeping into your arms whenever you work. One of his other favorite things to do is have you braid his hair or vice versa as you simply talk or watch one of your favorite series together!
Subaru often shows his affection in the form of gifts and physical touch, however quite often whenever you seem to get anxious around others, he'll pull you aside to help cool down and comfort you, and when you seem stressed about things similar to the topic mentioned above he tends to remind you of how much he cares about you and how important you are to him. If you seem too uncomfortable in certain situations, he won't hesitate to escort you away from wherever it is and apologize. He has the utmost respect for you as an individual and your hobbies, and he's sure to validate you and your skills whenever he can, whether it be supporting your art through showing it to others or even buying a commission himself, he appreciates and cherishes everything you put out through genuine adoration of it!
"Your art has really helped a lot of people's days become better, and I know that for a fact!"
"I'm sure you'll do great with talking to others! Even if people think you're strange, it's a charming strange that helps you stand out and it makes me love you eeeven more ★ !!"
His fondness of nature and astronomy soon extends to you, as you most commonly go to cafés together for drinks such as boba, coffee, or milk tea before going to planetariums together or even simply stargazing which, of course, remain as his favorite activities to do with you. He’d find it cute if you were to fall asleep on his shoulder, focusing his attention onto you for the moment to gently twirl your soft and dark hair around his finger, as otherwise he also enjoys pointing out constellations with you! Your fondness of arts may extend to him as well, soon you to explore art museums or trying to draw alongside you, however he may simply end up admiring your pretty art supplies. Occasionally he enjoys combining the thrill of your relationship with the thrill of theme parks/amusement parks!
Daikichi is fond of you as well, and Subaru would often drag you to dog parks with him, however if you aren’t as fond of them as him, that’s alright as well, as ever since he’s met you he’s stayed up thinking of you, planning ideal dates and picking up your habits of doodling, however only doodling pictures of you and him (and maybe Daikichi too), adding that “you’ve inspired him so much!!” and that he'd be okay with sometimes not bringing Daikichi to the beach so you two are able to feel at ease in each other's presence, with the waves ever so gently reaching your heels, the warmth of the sun hitting your skin and the feeling of Subaru's warmth in your hand.
With every sunset his love for you only grows stronger, and the both of you have helped each other through so much, with you making Subaru feel a connection in which he doezn't need to hide anything, and with Subaru helping you come out of your shell, and always being there to reassure you of your importance not only as his significant other, but as an individual person as well.
"<Y/N>, doesn't this remind you a lot of when I first confessed? Hehe, things have become a lot brighter from then on. So.. thank you for sharing your sparkly smile with me. Thank you for shining brighter every day, and helping me do so too! Hm ♫ .. <Y/N>, I'd like to stay like this for a little while ★"
As much as this is mainly because I find opposites go well together- I do hope this matchup was to your liking, apologies if this was slightly rushed! As always feel free to request once again :) !!
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moth-song-archives · 3 years
The Insatiable Flow of Time (1/8)
I remembered that I can make posts here too huh! Anyways, I wrote a post-MAG200 fic <3
I’ll reblog it again with the link to ao3 if you’d prefer reading it there :D
Rating: Teens and Up Archive Warnings: Choose Not To Use Categories: F/F Relationships: Georgie/Melanie, Georgie & Jon, Jonmartin (mentioned) Characters: Georgie Barker, Melanie King, Jonathan Sims, the Admiral, Basira Hussain (mentioned), Rosie Zampano (mentioned), Martin Blackwood (mentioned)
Additional tags: Diary/Journal × post mag200 × Post-Canon × Canon Compliant × Rated for swearing and me doing my best to write a fitting epilogue for my most fave story of all time × Bittersweet × Hurt/Comfort × Grief/Mourning × Gentle-Sad-Soft × Fluff × Non-Sexual Intimacy × Tenderness × Generally Hopeful Ending × Ambiguous/Open Ending × Catharsis × You know how TMA is a tragedy? ... yeah × Hope Punk × dealing with the fallout of surviving a literal apocalypse × Moving on and letting go × Trans Georgie Barker × Nonbinary Melanie King × Melanie uses any pronouns but needs to (re)discover this first × and is then mainly referred to with they/them pronouns for diary-simplicity × Melanie is ace in my heart ♡ × Jon is also enby but it only gets referred to in passing × Georgie has a Type™ × Character Study × i love them all so much × Nonbinary aspec author × it's very hope punk and somft BUT ALSO VERY SAD × in like a cathartic way × because i like causing pain :') × pre-written and updates every 2-3 days
I think I might use it to… rediscover myself. That’s what I liked about journaling in the first place, I think. Getting to think about things outside of my own head, putting it out there so I could move on? Maybe it’s time to return to old coping mechanisms and try again. Even if I haven’t really changed. Even if I should’ve changed. Right?
As the world tries to piece itself back together, Georgie grapples with her past, her present, and her future by keeping a diary. She also keeps having this strange, recurring dream that involves Jon. Post MAG200.
Finished at ~12k, will upload over the next couple of days <3
Day 3 - Evening
Melanie is sleeping. Basira is also sleeping, on the sofa in the living-room. She doesn’t really know what to do with herself, these days, so for now she’s staying with us.
I am not sleeping. I’m so far beyond tired that I can’t sleep anymore. It’s been... how long? More than a day, certainly. I’m at the kitchen table and the night outside is darker than any I’ve ever seen. There are no street lights and a million more stars than I could’ve ever imagined. I wish Melanie could see them too :(
Back before everything in my life went wrong, I used to be really good at this. I think I got my first diary when I was... seven, maybe eight? I used to be obsessed with it. I guess I stopped writing in college, after the incident, because it felt... wrong? Like I was lying to myself, trying to fabricate emotions that just weren’t there, keeping up with things that no longer seemed important or note-worthy. Mainly, I couldn’t make myself care about anyone or anything anymore.
I think I want to find that person again, now that it’s over. Try and… move on? And Melanie encouraged me :) I guess that’s the main reason. I found this notebook in one of the domains when we were rescuing people. I don’t know what I originally wanted to do with it, but I did end up forgetting about it until I went through my bag again today. It smells like fire and is a bit singed in places, but I kind of like that? I think I might use it to… rediscover myself. ...that sounds very pretentious, but this is just for me, so...
And I like that it’s just cheap paper scribbled on with a shitty biro. Maybe I’ll just burn it when all the thoughts are on the paper instead of in my head. When I can sleep again. And the prize for the most dramatic way of closure goes to Georgie Barker! But yeah. That’s what I liked about journaling in the first place, I think. Getting to think about things outside of my own head, putting it out there so I could move on? Maybe it’s time to return to old coping mechanisms and try again. Even if I haven’t really changed. Even if I should’ve changed. Right?
But I don’t feel any different. Shouldn’t I feel different, now that they’re gone? The entities, I mean, though Jon and Martin seem to be gone, too.
I keep remembering Martin’s expression when he told us to go early, how upset he was.
Honestly, I can’t say I’m surprised. As long as I’ve known Jon, he’s always done what he thought best. It used to drive me up the walls, but I also admired it, I think? I never would’ve told him that, but… Well. He’s gone now.
It’s over, all of it.
And I still can’t sleep.
And Melanie is still blind, and I still feel empty, and my fear still hasn’t come back. Everyone who died is still dead, and the trauma is still there. There were angry mobs in the streets, and people got killed.
I can’t quite believe that Jon and Martin went with them. I can’t believe they left us behind to explain the entire mess.
 We’re back in our old flat. It’s so weird to be back home. Everything looks the same, as though no time passed at all. Nobody knows what date it is. How long were we caught in there?
Outside, it feels like spring. There are birds everywhere, singing their hearts out. Sounds like more birds than there used to be, too. The trees are leafless and dead-looking, but Basira pointed out that they’re getting there... and it feels like spring.
I haven’t slept properly in 3 days because the questions keep me awake. It’s not that I’m worrying, really, just… thinking? I think I could sleep better if the worry had come back, but it hasn’t.
As far as we can tell, all modern devices are broken, too. Computers and phones and such, digital cameras, generators... we don’t even know what the rest of the world looks like. I hadn’t realised how much gets controlled by computers these days, we don’t even have central heating or water access in our flat. Rumours and news are spreading person-to-person, like in the Olden Days. We only have emergency systems that were installed in case of nation-wide blackout. I guess I’m glad we don’t actually have a blackout, we just need to get the computers back to work. (If I understood it correctly.)
Melanie thinks it’ll all come back to life in a few more days. I certainly hope so. I also hope I’ll stop feeling like this. Or rather, not feeling like anything. It’s so strange. Like in the first days after the incident, when I just felt numb?
They’re gone! I want to feel like a person again! What if I never get myself back?
 They’re actually gone.
 What will we do with our lives now? Basira isn’t the only one who feels uprooted. I think the whole world feels like that right now.
I hope my computer comes back soon. I miss music, and making things. My photos, all those memories.
I don’t want to lose all of that. I want to start fresh, but not without records of the past.
…I’ve had a lot of time to think about that, specifically. Records, and futures.
What the Ghost is done, right? There’s no fun in creepy ghost stories if you’ve been through an actual, living nightmare.
I think I want to start new with that, too. When everything works again, that is.
New world, new future, new podcast. I like that. I think. Make a record of what happened through eyewitness accounts? Or is that too similar to the Statements… then again, it’ll be more like interviews. And I think we shouldn’t forget.
We owe them that much.
I’ll have to talk it over with Melanie tomorrow. Maybe.
We’ll see.
God, I think maybe… maybe I can actually try and sleep tonight. Writing does seem to help.
 Note to self: thank Laverne for suggesting it. (Also for being there for Melanie. And listening to us. And stopping with that culty nonsense. She’s the only one we found so far, but she actually listened to us. Strange to think that in this world, I have to be grateful for someone not worshipping me for some dumb reason?!)
   Day 4 - Morning
So. Three things.
1) I did manage to fall asleep after all! I’ve always been a bit of an insomniac, especially after the incident, so actually getting some proper rest felt really good.
2) I somehow woke up right as the sun went up! I think I’ve never seen a dawn this beautiful? I watched it from the bedroom window and I’ll definitely describe it to her in detail when she wakes up! The Admiral was sleeping on our pillow, right next to her head, snuggled up against the back of her neck and shoulder... it was so cute. I can’t believe my phone and camera still don’t work! Melanie has that old polaroid camera somewhere but we haven’t found it yet, and I wish my art skills were any better. I did draw a sketch of the two of them though. I’ll cherish it forever, no matter how shitty it is :’)
After everything that happened, the Admiral is still a bit weird around us. He started out really aggressive, calmed down a bit, and now… now he’s weirdly skittish? Meows a lot. Keeps walking around the flat. The only thing that even remotely returns him to how he used to be is tuna. It’s weird.
But seeing him like that, with Melanie? I love him so much.
I think he’ll be okay.
But before I forget, and why I actually got out the diary at this ungodly hour instead of trying to go back to sleep now that the sun is up…
3) I had a really nice dream. And... I don’t even know. I think I want to try and hold onto the feeling? I don’t think I’ve felt that… deeply… in a long while. Maybe the last time was before all this, when we decided to move in together. Before all of this happened.
For a moment, I felt like I was whole again :’)
It didn’t even have Melanie in it, which is very rude tbh. I think Jon was there? The Admiral, too. We were just chilling on the sofa, watching netflix I think... It felt so... mundane??? Casual, somehow??? Like it was normal to feel like that and I just... I want THAT. I want to feel like that again, instead of this weird… blank nothingness? I want that all the time, not just when I’m riding a high or feeling so terrible that it pierces through.
I don’t know if that makes sense but this is just for me anyway so I suppose it doesn’t have to.
 I think I should feel bad about Jon being gone, but I still don’t even feel relief at it being over. Just this vague numbness.
I hate it so much, except I don’t, actually, I just know that I should?
Melanie keeps saying that I need a therapist but if we’re being honest here, I guess I need one the least? The whole goddamn world needs therapy right now. Including the therapists. And I’ve been dealing with this for a long time now.
I guess I keep hoping it’ll just go away somehow.
 Anyways. Enough introspection, I’m going back to bed. I hope I don’t wake them! :)
  Day 4 - Evening
 It’s night now, the sun went down hours ago. We have a bunch of candles, but I’m trying to use them sparingly, so I just have one lit. I put a glass of water next to the candle so now the light gets magnified a bit more. It’s a weird atmosphere, but I kinda like it? Feels… cozy! :)
I’m still not over how everything looks the same, but nothing works like it did before, and there’s this… burden? This collective trauma everyone went through. It feels so surreal. So many things are still broken… it’s like we woke from a collective nightmare, but pieces of it still remain, floating around.
And we just sent it away with the tapes. I really hope those other worlds are doing better than us, but what else could we have done? I… try not to think about it. I know I should, but I still can’t really bring myself to care, or even feel overly guilty for that? …
 Melanie fell asleep with her head in my lap half an hour ago. I was reading to her. She says she loves the sound of my voice, so I’ve started doing that in the evenings. (I still love that we had separate crushes from a distance on each other for ages because of youtube and WTG. We’ve been talking about that a lot, too.)
She still has nightmares, but apparently she’s also been having good dreams, and she looks so peaceful right now. The last few days have been a lot, but in comparison to before, and even before then…
It’s over. We made it out. We get to have a future together. I still can’t quite believe it. :)
 I guess I’m writing again (despite already having done so in the morning) because it somehow helped yesterday and I’m hoping to replicate that. And I have a lot to think about. It’s been a long day.
Basira is still out there, helping out where she can. I think she feels guilty. Melanie says she doesn’t because there was no other choice, but I know her, and I know that she’s lying.
There’s always another choice. We just say that to make it easier to bear.
I hope she knows she can come talk to me when she feels ready to tackle it.
I hope I ever feel able to tackle it myself. No. I will talk to her when I’m ready.
We did talk a bit about things, of course. Melanie doesn’t really remember her dreams, most of the time, but apparently she’s been alternating between horrifying nightmares and a really nice, recurring one that sometimes happens after the nightmares. She doesn’t really remember much of it, but she mentioned it after I told her about the Jon dream. Not what it was about, just… in general.
From the way she talked about it, I think her dad might have been in it? I’m actually not sure, but the way she smiled…
She has that little smile on her lips again, even now, dreaming. The soft one she gets when she talks about good things. About him.
About me.
(I still can’t believe she chose me. How impossibly lucky? How did I ever deserve her? But then, it’s not about that, is it? She is mine, and I am hers, and… life will be good. I know it will be.)
 She’s been smiling a lot more, these past few days.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years
Can I have a matchup please? <3 It can be w/anyone it doesn’t have to be exclusively the ninja
Heres the info! I’m 5’7 and my sexuality is bi-romatic demisexual, my hobbies are drawing, animating, playing rythm games, writing, listening to music, cooking/baking, gardening and (attempting) to play the guitar! My personality, well, usually I’m kind of the loudest or most silent person depending on who i’m hanging out with, i’m really supportive and energetic when it comes to my friends though, I’ve usually been described as one of the most chaotic evil people of the group, when I’m in vc things are about to get loud, my talents are literally just drawing and maybe being somewhat decent at making cakes and whatnot, I use self praise as a coping mechanism for whenever I feel bad too, it works wonders
I hope you're okay with more than one, because I think you'd fit perfectly in a poly relationship with
Zane and Pixal!
(If not both then definitely one of them)
Being demisexual is perfect for them! They aren't ready to do that sort of thing for a long while, and they're glad you can understand it perfectly.
You have so many hobbies! Perfect! They do, too. You and Zane do a lot of cooking, and even experiment when you have free time! You and Pixal like to listen to music and write together, and the two of you are actually working on a novel you want to publish!
All three of you have a nice garden in the back, with different fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, and Pixal actually does a bit of bee keeping herself! It all works out, and you take turns caring for it when the others are away, but when you're all together? Everyone works on it. The results are beautiful and you and Zane whip up the most delicious dinner anyone's ever had from the vegetables and fruits.
If you want to draw or play games/guitar, you'll definitely have one or both of them hovering over your shoulder, watching you with awe. Unfortunately, they're not going to want to participate, just watch. Zane's more of a fighting game than a rhythm game player, and Pixal isn't much of an artist or guitarist. Guit-art-ist?
The three of you have a dynamic where you cause chaos, Pixal gets influenced and has a 50/50 chance of joining you, and Zane has to play damage control and get the both of you to stop being mischievous. Jay loves to watch this happen between the three of you, and only encourages you to do it more.
You won't find out about this for a while, but Zane secretly loves doing this, especially if it means holding you and Pixal close to him so the both of you calm down. All of you end up laughing.
Cuddling...when the three of you cuddle, it's usually either Zane in the middle, arms wrapped around you and Pixal while you hold hands, or he's the big spoon, you're the little spoon, and you and Pixal are facing each other, cuddling. That's actually how you would all fall asleep if you were sharing a bed for the night.
For kissing? You and Pixal are just a couple inches away from each other so you give each other cheek kisses, while Zane (who is much taller than you and Pixal) gives you forehead kisses.
As much as they love your loudness and chaos, they also enjoy times of peace when it comes, although they worry. What's causing you to be quiet all of a sudden? Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you? Will cuddling help?
When you give yourself praise, at first they think you're really proud of yourself, and even join in. "Yes, your drawing today is very pretty." When they learn why you do it, the worry is instant. You have to assure them that you're fine, and that it really does help you!
That also means they are going to praise you more. Expect at least one compliment a day! If it starts to annoy you though, they'll reluctantly lay off.
You're not that strong when you first meet them, and they worry that hanging around you and the other ninja could get you hurt. They're spending half an hour every day teaching you self defense lessons, but nothing on the offense, they don't want you to try to fight back and hurt yourself! That's what they're here for!
Hopefully you don't mind them treating you with a little bit of fragility, since if they die, they can be rebuilt. You cannot, and they're not ready to lose you.
Since they're nindroids, they can potentially live forever. However, if you die, they will also turn themselves off, because the pain of living without you will be too much. You're a set, and without you, it's just a pair.
Your relationship with Pixal is a sweet one. You trade gifts, go on cute dates, and joke around together. She's fairly new to the world, and you teach her things she can't learn from Zane, and Zane teaches her things she can't learn from you.
Your relationship with Zane is a domestic one, where you treat each other kindly, cuddle a lot, and work on chores together. It's rare for you to get time with just one of them, since the three of you are almost always seen together.
When you are together is when the fun starts. It really is true love, and no one even knew nindroids and humans could love each other until you came along.
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sugarandspice-games · 4 years
Spicy take time (costarring Sugar): The Bros rated by how well I think their arcs/character development/relationship with MC was written and how much it makes sense. (Disclaimer: Our affection for these characters and how interesting, compelling, and lovable we find them has ZERO bearing on this list. ALSO, beware, here there be salt, IE, this is critical of the writing. It’s also long as fuck, so if you just wanna skim and read the bold parts, that’s okay too. You are also free to disagree with us as this is just an opinion, and keep in mind that we have only read to chapter 24 so if there are elements of the story we are unaware of... please be understanding of that and don’t spoil it.) Let’s get started, shall we?
1) Starting at the top is BEST BOI IMO: Beelzebub. So, yeah, in terms of character development and growth, he really doesn’t change all that much, aside from starting off not trusting MC to slowly opening up to them about his trauma. But putting that to the side, his relationship with them makes the most sense. After sharing a bedroom and helping him open up, as well as having the mutual goal of protecting Luke, and then even later going on to save his beloved little brother, it follows that he absolutely adores you afterward. Also, he doesn’t start off disliking you like some of the others. So, all around, he makes the most sense. He’s also one of the deeper characters with his backstory, even if I wish they’d give him other flaws than just being hongry (and playing his unhealthy eating habits/coping mechanism as a joke. Disordered eating should be taken more seriously, especially binge eating but that’s a can of worms for another day)
2) Second best is probably going to shock you, but Satan takes this spot. Why? Well, strictly in terms of arc progression, his relationship with MC starting out as one of manipulation and growing into something more genuine when they go on a heartwarming and wacky adventure together with his hated older brother which causes him to open up makes a lot of sense, at least more so than some of the others. While I wish they gave him more meat characterization wise, I think his arc was pretty well done in terms of story structure.
Okay, so, Sugar here. While I agree with Spice that Satan could use some more meat (and that we should be able to have some more information on Baby Satan because we all need that in our lives), I think that the progression of him and LUCI’S bond (not MC’s) could have done with more subtlety. While I appreciate him softening up, and see that progress, we don’t really get to see the tension of the newfound change and how he settles into letting things go/mellow out and I get it-- it’s a dating sim and the secondary relationships are well, secondary, but it would be interesting to see him and MC bond more through time.
3) Third place probably won’t be all that shocking, because this is where I’m placing Lucifer. He’s arguably one of the characters in the series who’s gotten the most love from the writers, having the most screentime, the most affectionate scenes with MC, and the most fleshed out backstory and characterization as well as fleshed out relationships with each of the characters. His relationship progression with MC also takes a nice, even pace, with him slowly learning to trust them and respect them, culminating in an almost-confession (I THINK. Unless I’m reading that part wrong) and then being shattered at MC’s betrayal, and then earned back in true Pixar-movie fashion by them teaming up for a common goal. HOWEVER. And this is a big however. I would love to see his unhealthy tendencies addressed and NOT fetishized. (Don’t come at me with that “BUT THEY’RE DEMONS THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE EVILLLLL” dude. If a demon being in a healthy relationship is where you draw the line in terms of believability, then why are you playing a fantasy demon dating sim anyway?) I love him, I stan him, I simp for him, but I wish he had at least apologized for his not-subtle threats of physical violence toward MC rather than jumping straight into the ALSO kinda violent “You’re mine and nobody else’s” gimmick.
Unlike some men (SPICE), I am actually not a Luci stan and while I do have a soft spot, and understanding of his place as an eldest sibling... I would also like to see the writer’s unravel the unhealthiness/coping Lucifer has in place and why/how it came to be. I feel like we get a sense that Luci has thawed since coming to the Devildom but we don’t really see how Lucifer in the Celestial Realm (and how his friendship with Simeon) has progressed. Luci has a lot of love from the writers but from a story stand-point, he is never really allowed to be weak and own up to his own flaws and how that has impacted/hurt MC.
4) Sharing fourth place is Leviathan and Mammon! I’m putting them in the same spot because the issues I have with them are the same, though I plan on addressing their good points individually. But since my beef is simpler, I’m going to start off with the bad. IMO, a good rivals to friends to lovers romance happens in STEPS. You start off from not getting along, to then finding some things in common, and gradually coming to respect each other, and then like each other, and finally love each other. This... doesn’t really happen with these two, and while we see the change from both tsundere boys starting off disliking you and eventually coming to love you, we don’t really get that inbetween that makes the payoff so much worth it. And if those inbetweens are there, the story doesn’t really tell us that, and it doesn’t show us their thought processes. Like, how much would it suck if in pokemon, your charmander evolved immediately into Charizard upon beating your first few gyms? It’s like that.
But as for the good, Levi’s arc makes sense because you’re the first person to really let him be himself and not shame him for the things he loves. You let him ramble about his interests and show interest in them yourself (AT LEAST IF YOU’RE NOT A FUCKING MONSTER. I’ll let Sugar talk more on him, that’s their boy.)
Whoo, boy. Here we go! For whatever reason, the otaku became my favorite and I love him, but as far as arcs go... He could have gotten a bit more screentime and progress. It makes sense that he would become attached to MC as his brothers are very, very... critical and patronizing about his interests. He is also by far the most skittish and introverted of the bunch, coupled with his sin and seeing all the ways he falls short (in his eyes) is a recipe for loneliness and desire for companionship/friendship. While I am not happy with the progression, for me, it makes sense and I would also have loved to see some breaking/softening of how much his Sin influences him when it comes to MC. I’m not saying erase it because demons are meant to give in to temptation but some reassurance and acceptance of that would be good.
(I also know that there is some disk horse about him guilt-tripping you about spending time with his brothers and while I agree it can be hard... It definitely isn’t on a painful level. Like, say... Ray’s in Jihyun’s route in Mystic Messenger. This also is a difference for players who are interested in one love route versus the many route and different strokes, but I digress.)
As far as Mammon goes, well, you’re his first. And he’s not only glad that there’s someone who’s kind to him instead of making fun of him, but also takes pride in having someone to protect. His puppy crush going to full blown love is adorable.
This blog is all about spicy takes, yeah? Well, here’s mine (Sugar): Mammon is lovable but not as lovable as he could be and before all the Mammon stans, come for me- let it be known I like Mammon but his introduction and how he comes to be soft is NOT an easy, or believable transition. There are ways to write a good tsundere and the writers just missed the mark by having Mammon be too callous and then slipping to lovable without that sweet slide into the other end. I will not deny he is very cute, and a good character, and a good brother (and also the most human, according to Satan’s home screen interaction) but... The progression and endearment factor is lacking because of the structure of the narrative.
5) Is another unsurprising one, but this spot is Belphegor’s. Solmare. My dude. Why did you do this. We could have had it ALL. It could have been great. But you screwed the pooch. You took anything good about this relationship out behind the shed and shot it like a lame horse. Let it be known that I LIKED Belphie and MC’s alliance to get him out of gay baby jail, and I adored that love he still holds for Beel... I thought he was going to be a fav of mine, in fact. But how they handled the... uhm... murder ruined it for me. I’m sorry, I just cannot believe that I’m supposed to suddenly be besties with the man who manipulated me and crushed me to death like, a week after it happened. What if I have PTSD from that??? Also... he claims that he loves MC for who they are and not because of Lilith, but that’s not believable when his whole turning point is finding out that they’re Lilith’s descendant. The change needed to be more gradual, and having a subtle, gradual forgiveness arc would have been AWESOME but we were robbed. ROBBED I TELL YOU!!!!!
Annnd... Belphie is actually one of my favorites FOR SOME REASON. I DON’T KNOW MAN. I agree that we could have had it and I’m like (Insert Hades red flaming hair gif here). The decision to not have a redemption arc ruined it for me and while I love Belphie and his softness/brattiness mixture with handling MC... It is underscored by a lack of believable affection and the payoff of struggle on both Belphie’s part and MC’s. Also, there is a lot of ‘You are not who I want you to be, but it’s good enough’ with MC regarding their lineage and connections to the brothers and how that plays out/color the relationships with maybe the exception of Satan and surprisingly, Mammon that irks me but again, another thought for another time.
6) Aaaaand last and also the least... Asmodeus. “YOU GET NOTHING!!! YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR.” --Solmare to Asmo. The writers neglected him SO much, I like him but what the hell are they doing? There’s so much that could be explored here, and with anything involving Asmo they’re like “I do not see it”. His love for MC also isn’t really that believable when his turning point is realizing that they’re powerful. It doesn’t even fit with any of his potential conflicts. The Diavolo’s castle arc set us up to think that Asmo would have some deep seated insecurities with not being able to be loved or desired by everyone, or maybe some insecurities about not being an angel anymore, or some vulnerability issues or something, and they were just like NOPE. It doesn’t make any gotdamn sense! I just... Grrr. Asmo, I’m so sorry, sweetie. You deserve better.
Asmodeus definitely deserves better and I will stand by that until the day I stop playing this damn game. While I, personally, think that his intrigue with MC makes sense (because he is lusty-- probably not just for sex but in general), it makes sense he would want someone with power but while the set up is there, his character falls flat because there is no bonding moment, or turning point for him at all. His affection for MC is still that playful, carefree, flirty persona he carries and I would love to see it dropped and how his fall from the Celestial Realm really weighs on him and an arc where he and MC talk about vulnerability and the power behind being seen as someone attractive and the way it dehumanizes you at the same time. It could be good-- hell, it could be great-- but it was killed before it started and I will never not think that Asmo could have had some KILLER growth. As it stands, he has more connection/romantic potential with Solomon than MC.
Anyway, that’s all for now folks! Feel free to yell at us in the replies, you know you want to. If this post blows up enough, maybe we can rate the undatables (though they don’t have any story arcs so... that would be a challenge.)
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Can you hear the tumult of our youth?
KazeKi is the first romance I’ve ever enjoyed, or rather, that I emotionally connected with, as “enjoy” is a funny word choice for a work that made me feel so miserable. Personally, I’ve never enjoyed media that focuses on relationships and love, were they movies, TV, or literature.
But after I discovered KazeKi, I found myself drawn to it, almost involuntarily so. It was as if a spell had been cast. I suppose what superficially drew me in, at first, was the art. It had the charm of retro manga (I absolutely love retro manga/anime looks, IMO they have so much more character than most modern anime and manga), the nostalgic elegance of the idealized upper-class XIX century, and the unrelenting beauty and cuteness of all the boys.
It was mildly surreal and highly entertaining to witness the seed of so many shounen-ai visual tropes: The flower motifs, the flowery poetry, the impossibly pretty boys in dramatic embraces and breathy kisses, the aggressive frenchness of it all. Even it was shocking to me how these elements, instead of striking me as the tired, sappy tropes I saw them as, were now all genuine and beautiful, somehow. Even those silly sparkles around pretty boys seemed fitting. I realized these weren’t tropes back then, but elements of a sincere artistc vision. However, while the art was mesmerizing to me, I came to realize that what drew me in deeper, and kept me anchored to KazeKi, were the themes explored, and the character-based drama, the very stuff I had always avoided.
Without getting far too personal about it, Kaze to Ki no Uta was the first romance that struck something within me, somewhere personal. Now, I certainly have never faced trauma and pain anywhere near to what poor Gilbert and Serge face in their absurdly depressing story, but I definitely wouldn’t call myself emotionally and sexually resolved and healthy, and once upon a time I was a closeted boy in a catholic school, so I guess there’s space for a little bit of self-identification. My coping mechanism to my personal woes had always been to just bottle them up and distract myself with entertainment and art. And that was exactly what I was doing, browsing music on YouTube, when I stumbled upon the KazeKi OVA’s soundtrack.
I found myself listening to this gorgeous arrangement of a Chopin piece, and thought to myself, staring at the angelic figure looking back at me, across the screen: “Gee whilikers, that’s sure is a pretty drawing of a pretty girl”. Then, after reading the comments, I found out that was a boy. As much as the “draw a girl, call it a boy” school of drawing pretty boys makes me groan, I could still feel it, that first hook of interest, stabbing me. As the slideshow enticed me with pictures of Keiko Takemiya’s gorgeous art, I found myself enamoured by it. It was a particular drawing that made KazeKi finally snatch me: that same boy, lounging angelically on some sort of abstract architectural design; in the background, a neoclassical vase flanked by two neoclassical girls, and, above and below, this stunningly beautiful vegetation. So much care, skill, and good taste, concentrated in just one image! I’d have it as a poster, if I could. So, I googled “Kaze to Ki no Uta”, unwittingly throwing myself in a rabbit hole I could not have prepared myself for. Trying to read it was in itself a journey, but, to sum it up: I managed to read it about as well as one can, if they don’t speak japanese and have no access to the spanish and italian translations.
It had been years since I had started feeling emotionally numb. My most extreme displays of emotion came in the form of quiet, teary eyes, reserved for those rare, impactful pieces of art, and those rarer moments of despair-inducing introspection that I couldn’t manage to suppress, but even those lasted little, as I fought to recover my composure. By the end of Kaze to Ki no Uta, I was a sobbing wreck, doing my best (and failing) to contain my ugly crying. Ugly crying, for god’s sake. I was ugly crying, actually sobbing like a kid, because of an yaoi manga. Crying in the shower, even! What kind of weeb had I degenerated into? It hurt. It deeply hurt, in a way I hadn’t been made to hurt in a long, long while. KazeKi had impacted me to the point that I wasn’t just sad, I was scared too, as the waterfall of emotion opened the path for that deeper, personal darkness to come out. And it did.
Now, I admit I’d been a little bit more emotionally fragile than usual right before I read it, due to the effects of the quarantine and the previous consumption of a highly depressing piece of media: Les Amitiés Particulières, which is probably even more depressing than KazeKi as it deals with a much more grounded homophobia-induced tragedy based in real life. Somehow, it didn’t impact me as much as KazeKi, however. Also, it was definitely what influenced my personal YouTube algorithm to recommend me the KazeKi soundtrack, so I wouldn’t know of KazeKi if it weren’t for Amitiés. But even then, it felt unnatural to, well, feel so much. I hadn’t felt this invested in and attached to fictional characters ever since I was a little kid, too young to realize those people in the TV weren’t real. In the following couple of weeks, I was crying over these boys, spending whole days feeling like trash, feeling mild anxiety spikes whenever I remembered about KazeKi, having (even more) difficulty falling asleep, and utterly failing to avoid thinking about my deep-seated intimate issues, all because of these dumb, pretty anime boys. Not even my trusty prayer of “they’re not real people, stop being stupid” worked. In an attempt to stop wallowing in this shounen-ai hell, I decided to consume a whole lot of escapist media while I deliberately avoided any activity related to KazeKi, be it reading the manga, listening to the OVA’s soundtrack, looking at fanart, or even just thinking about it. It “worked” for a month or so, but now I’m back here, wallowing in KazeKi’s painful beauty again, stalking the other seven people in the western world that seem to care about KazeKi, and distilling my thoughts in this bizarre textwall, in an attempt to work it out. If you’re one of those seven people, please don’t refrain from talking to me, if you feel like it! I’ve had just one opportunity to have a conversation about KazeKi, and it was in YouTube comments, for heaven’s sake. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m this afflicted by KazeKi due to its unrelenting, merciless, cruel beauty. Everything about it is presented in this assembly of pure beauty and lost perfection, this painful nostalgia that is present in its aesthetics of an idealized Europe which lives only in its surviving art, that is present in the story which ultimately tells us of the loss of love, and is present in the fact that the whole story is a broken man’s reverie about the past. Tragedy might make me sad, but tragedy with beauty will destroy me. Bittersweetness is just so more cruel than bitterness. And it was this masterpiece of sadistic bittersweetness that permanently broke something in how I deal with my emotions. Kaze to Ki no Uta touched me deeply, to the point of leaving a permanent impression, I’m afraid. I can count in one hand the pieces of art that have punched my soul in the face like KazeKi did. I am honestly flabbergasted over the effect it had over me. At first I felt embarrassed over being emotionally obliterated by a freaking shounen-ai, but I’ve since come to the conclusion that KazeKi is a work of art, a genuine, sincere work of art, deserving of the title. Now I just hope I’m not alone in being emotionally obliterated by this freaking shounen-ai. After everything they went through, the personal fights, the shaky development of their relationship, the undeserved ostracism at Lacombrade, Auguste’s demonic persecution, the escape; how could it be that Gilbert’s life would end in such a horrible way, and that Serge would be left alone to face the full, unbearable weight of his grief! Why?! Keiko Takemiya, you’re a vile sadist. You’re a genius, too, of course. But you’re a vile sadist.
I knew that a happy ending wasn’t going to happen. The horrible ending was a pretty early spoiler, really. Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t stop myself from reading on anyway, and I couldn’t stop myself from having an inkling of illogical hope. Even if my logical self knew a happy ending wasn’t gonna happen, it couldn’t prepare me for just how tragically their love would end, and how awful it all would feel, once I knew their full story.
It’s all the more bitter because of how close Serge came to saving him, too. Having escaped together to a place where they could’ve built the nearest thing to a normal life a gay couple could have, back then. But in the end, not even Serge’s love could mend Gilbert’s mutilated soul. Those boys deserved so much better, especially Serge. Serge, you sweet angel! You were created to suffer.
KazeKi really is a masterpiece in how it explores its extremely heavy themes and the minds of its characters, and how it flawlessly meshes that with perfect art. There are many moments in KazeKi that haunt me: Serge letting that bird go, Serge’s vision of Gilbert at the Lacombrade grounds, Gilbert running into the carriage, angel wings behind him; Serge laying alone on the bed in Room 17. I cannot look at those pages without tearing up and feeling this horrible feeling in my heart, and this feeling is literal: My heart actually feels heavy and constricted when I think about it, it can’t be healthy. Up until now, I thought “cri evrytiem” was just a meme. KazeKi has woken me up to the fact that bottling up one’s own personal issues will inevitably end with them exploding out, leading to something much, much worse. I am scared by the prospect of facing my personal issues. To me, they are horribly strong, and seem incredibly hard to solve, if they’re even solvable at all. I’m horrified by the prospect of facing them, working to solve them. I’m so scared, that simply thinking about it, right now, gives me this awful weight in my chest, and makes me want to cry, again. But I know now that I have no choice in this matter, as the only alternative is that abyss I dare not speak of, and one cannot return from. Melodramatic? Yes. But I did just read Kaze to Ki no Uta.
Thank you for getting this far, whoever you are.
I’m forever haunted by Serge’s words to his long-gone Gilbert, right at the beginning:
“Gilbert Cocteau, you were the greatest flower to ever bloom in my life. In the faraway dreams of youth, you were a bright red flame, blazing so fiercely… You were the wind that stirred my branches. Can you hear the poem of the wind and trees? Can you hear the tumult of our youth? Oh, there must be others who so remember their own days of youth…”
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