#drawing people on horses is sooo hard
chemicalarospec · 6 months
tag game: 9 people you'd like to get to know better
thank you!! @pomegranates-and-onyx and @lowoliet!!! <3 I'm missed doing these tbh. I reordered the items so the sequence makes more sense xoxo
Favorite color: I usually say purple but I don't really feel that strongly
Relationship status: lmaoo I'm aro (greyro-ish?). I actually have long thought I would like to fake-date/date for fun, but just the other day went "I still haven't kissed anybody and I know plenty of ppl have a 1st older than me but tbh I don't think I ever will". Other than that, I've got a few friends I really like, a few friends I kinda don't, and some people in between. Solid nuclear family tho 👍
Currently consuming (eating, by the looks of the trend): Waiting on a response from a friend to see if her cookies (mint & chocolate) are tree nut-free. I hope I can eat them; they look great.
Last song: "Capital M-E" by Taking Back Sunday (I cheated a little b/c last night I listened to a bunch of random songs lol)
Current watching: Dan and Phil? Hbomb's latest video? theoretically, Death Note, Cunk on Earth, and Akira and Akira.
Last movie: Die Hard haha
Three ships: lawlight, tntduo … hm, Arthur/Eames from Inception is a favorited Ao3 tag I do regularly go back to
First ship: Not *too* sure either but I think it HAS to be Snowbaz b/c of the Fangirl -> Tumblr blog stalker thing & that book introducing me to fandom (whoops, that 'thing's not universal knowledge... after Fangirl I scoured Rainbow Rowell's blog which led me to gingerhaze.tumblr.com (he did the cover art) and b/c I couldn't read Nimona online I read his blog instead. b4 that I only went to youtube.com and minecraft.net) WAIT NO. I've always considered genderswapped Johnlock (SheJane) to be my first ship hahaha. (yes, it had to be genderswapped. reality was different back then)
Currently working on: sooo *twirls hair* there's these Hamlet scene analyses (plural)... that were due today.... also some Calc I think... my portfolio for a writing contest... Blind Justice Light Yagami drawing, if the motivation holds. And my Death Note fics I listed here :D
tagging @detective-horse-girl @l3mon-boy @cmstyles19 @sophaeros @i-could-bee-an-angel & seconding @drfurter well @novaliae I know you pretty well but you too of course :) no pressure to anybody if you'd rather not do it tho! & feel free to join in the fun and let me know u would like to foster mutual affection :D
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dingbatnix · 4 months
uhm lol are you going to continue maneater it is probably one of my favorites and i really want to see more of it lol take your time.
I am! Currently, I'm working on a timeline for the plot!
The way I've written this one is a little weird. It's my fourth brainchild, but since I'm already working on three multi-chapter fics already, I don't wanna start on another one. Sooo, I'm writing the timeline, and I'll post that, and then if I feel like it, I'll write fics of specific events in the timeline. It may take me a very long while, though.
And just for you, since you asked about one of my favorites, have a snippet!
Tw: murder, blood, hard vore, death
It had only been a couple of months since Punz had found out that Dream was a man-eating giant. Even more, he was a giant that could swallow and kill a human, and then gulp down somebody else without even hurting them. Punz didn’t entirely understand how that could possibly work (and he wasn’t sure that he wanted to know) but George had said that Dream had two separate stomachs; one for…one for digesting things, and one that didn’t do much of anything at all.
It was an accident, how he found out. He had been on a scouting mission with Dream, George, and Sapnap, miles and miles away from their little village of hybrids and outcasts. Punz had stayed behind to set up camp before night fell while the other three had gone ahead to make sure that the area was clear of various dangers, like mobs or any traveling hunters.
Punz had finished striking up the camp (it had been easy, all he needed to do was dig a fire pit, get some food for himself, George, and Sapnap cooking, and lay out the sleeping rolls) and had decided to follow after the rest of his group. It hadn’t been very difficult. No matter how much he claimed to be stealthy, Dream was a giant. He left a noticeable trail of destruction wherever he went. So, it had been easy enough to find them, but the sight he came to had frozen him in his tracks.
It was Dream, towering over a small path between the trees, with blood dripping down from his chin. Normally, Punz wouldn’t have been bothered. Dream ate whole animals and even mobs all the time, so Punz was used to that. No, what had terrified him was the limp, human form slumped over in the giant’s fist.
At his feet, a rickety wagon sat somewhat askew to the path, horse having broken free of its harness and, more alarmingly, Sapnap and George casually picking through the bags and chests inside the wagon. They didn’t seem to care at all as Dream raised the unmoving person higher and higher and higher, up towards his face. Punz could only watch with a gut-churning dread as the giant dropped the former owner of the cart into his mouth. There was a horrifically wet crunch, and then the distant sound of the giant swallowing.
Punz had let out a small noise of shock and stumbled back, noisily crushing forest debris underfoot and drawing the attention of the three men before him.
Like a slow, haunting owl, Dream's masked face swiveled towards Punz, and he could feel the giant's gaze lock onto his own fearful eyes. The sight sent chills dancing up and down his spine, and his mouth had dried instantly.
He had turned tail and ran, but George and Sapnap quickly caught up to him and pinned him down until Dream could catch up. Then they had all explained what was going on, that Dream actually needed to consume humans to stay sane. Then they tacked on that–that using the people who were traveling near the valley their village resided in was convenient, because word would spread that the forest was dangerous and that you'd disappear if you went in. Ergo, it kept humans away from the little sanctuary Dream, Sapnap, and George had created.
It had taken some convincing, but Punz finally relented and agreed not to say anything to anyone in the village. For one, it would invite mass panic in their little community, and most everyone would probably try to move away and die at the hands of humans. For second, Punz wasn't about to argue with the literal giant that could kill him in one bite. He wasn’t that dumb.
So, it's kinda dark, but, y'know, that's what makes it one of my favorites. Of course, the whole thing isn't just Dream running around eating people (that's more of a side note) the story is more focused on the characters, their families, and the kingdom trying to exterminate Dream and his little village.
@brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @munchkin1156 @gt-daboss
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quillinhand · 2 months
Here's a list of good things for u:
Sunshine ooo so warm and nice
Rain oooo cosy inside, wild and freeing outside
Clouds...look at em! They're so prettyyyy
Paintings ugh everyone is an artist
Poetryyy the words doing the word stuff oo
Cronchy leaves ooooo that crunch so good
Wild animals...floofy frend yes plsss
Pets floofy frend yes plsss
Not floofy animals....frend yes plsss
Music that one song that hits the vibe
<3 life is hard but u got this ❤️❤️
I just want to say I am in awe of this ask and I think you're the awesomest ever. Singlehandedly changed my mood omg.
Sunshine isss the weather is so good rn I love it. I LOVE TO read or draw during rainy times it's the best ever. And like last week I was looking at clouds and I saw this one cloud that looked like a smirking man. and others that were like horses and I found a couple bunnies too. It's so cool how they do that. Paintings leave me speechless I adore people who can paint, like it's sooo cool. And poetry is doing the lord's work; validation and therapy in gorgeous words. The crunchy leaves are the reason I wait for autumn every year, like just getting to hear that sound... Mmmmmmm. Animals in general are so amazing and I would befriend every single one that I could. And I was listening to a song I like today and I noticed a new track and layer to it that I've never heard before. Made me so happy in a way only music can, so that was really coolll.
Thank you so much for this ask Ily so much!!!
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chiconisroc · 11 months
Silas and Philip Questions and Responses Part 2
has Silas gone to the boiling isles?
Answer: He has not : o
2. If Philas did happened in the Owl house lore would it be more popular than Lumity due to the fact it 2 guys instead of girls?
More questions and responses:
Answer: I am not sure, to be honest o.o. I for sure would have loved them for different reasons cause both would be unique and interesting.
3. What would Philip think about people eating horses in certain countries?
Answer: Philip would be horrified, hahaha
4. Do you think Mr. Loverman by Rick Montgomery would fit Philas?
Answer: It would totally fit more for Silas : )
5. What would be Philip and Silas' least favorite food?
Answer: For Philip, he would hate wet bread. Silas would be chicken cause he loved a chicken growing up so much but his dad killed it and without telling Silas, he ate it :'c. And when Silas found out he was eating his pet chicken, well, he got traumatized
6. If Philas was did happened in the original Owl House what things they have to change to keep it somewhat kid-friendly?
Answer: They probably would have, which honestly they shouldn't have since it seems like majority of the peeps who loved owl house were more in the older teenage range and such viewers would benefit to see such complexity and tragic relationship issues
7. what do you think Caleb and Philip where like?
Answer: I think Caleb was a dreamer, hard working, and kind but at the same time kind of naive. Philip was also a dreamer, curious, thirsty for knowlege, but also very scared and stubborn
8. I get the feeling if Philip x Silas would happened in the series conservatives will get more angry at the series because it will kinda paints religion in a bad light weather or not it implied or stated. I can see articles calling owl house anti religious.
Answer: Yeah, you probably right, but at the same time if the show did go with Philip x Silas, then the show should definitely do its best not to paint religion as all bad. Cause not everything relating to religion is terrible. Like, I try to keep a balance in my story, by someone like Father Francis and Sister Margaret be strong believers of their religion and are doing their best to help those in need : )
9. How muscular is Silas compared to Philip?
Answer: Silas is a bit slightly muscular than Philip, but Philip does have lean muscle
10. Is Philip a twink?
Answer: In my story, he isn't a twink : o
11. GRR PHILAS BRAINROT. i just wanted to express that these little creatures won’t get out of my brain and they’re eating away, i need to know more about the silly little otherwise i’ll EXPLODE. they genuinely make me so happy i cannot stress it enough.
Answer: Awww :' ), i am sooo glad you like them, like for reals. I love them too v.v. If i could draw well, i would draw them so much, especially in additional scenes that i didn't end up writing up with them :' c
12. How do you think Silas can be incorporated in the Owl house lore like being foreshadowed in a painting or something else?
Answer: I think a good painting would be Silas trowing Philip into the river, hahaha. another would be how Philip is on sitting between Silas's legs, and another would be the way Silas is looking way from Philip while at the same time forcing Philip's hand off of him. Honestly, silas's flashbacks with philip on them would be a good series of paintings in Philip's mind
13. What would Caleb think of Silas?
If it was Caleb before the boiling isles, he would think Silas is just good friends with Philip and would be so happy Philip has a friend finally.
14. Silas will have to earn forgiveness. If he hadn't taken The Titan's Blood, Phillip would have been able to get the kids back to the Boiling Isles long ago.
It looks like the appearance of Silas will rally the children and Belos against him.
Answer: I mean, if Silas wasn't the one to take the Titan's blood, someone would have grabbed it afterwards : o. Wooden floors need to be replaced and someone else would have found Philip's box. Philip didn't really think about that when he went looking for the box in that one scene.
15. Did Pastor Jonathan knew about the relationship between Philip and Silas?
Answer: Oh, you will see in a Philip flashback : )
16. I think Philip needs to learn this: https://www.tumblr.com/positivelypositive/723839295747719168?source=share
Though, if he did, I guess the story would be over.
Answer: Well, Philip definitely has to make tons of amends before he can just move on and forgive himself : o
17 what’s Philip and Silas’s love language?
Answer: Silas' love language would be, to give and receive: physical touch, and quality time. For Philip, it would be him doing acts of service for the person he loves, and loves receiving physical touch and quality time.
18. I feel like religious group would hate the show even more of Philip X Silas were canon since it kinda portrays it in a bad light,
Answer: Maybe, but it would have been still good to show since many people have gone through such similar scenarios and still do :'c...
19. One song that I think it would fit Philas, mostly Silas' point of view after he stopped hanging out w Philip, is "Ainda gosto dela" (Still like her) (I'd suggest you to look for the lyrics translated if u wanna know abt the music, as it's in brazilian portuguese :3
Answer: this is a sad song :' c, even though it was Silas who for sure pushed Philip away, cries
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ghostybreads · 11 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
hello!! i absolutely don't mind! this is such a cute question, i love talking about my interests 🥰 the top few are my absolute all time favourites, but otherwise no particular order! Put under a cut because I rambled a bit!
How to Train Your Dragon
I'm so so obsessed with this franchise, I'm not even sure where to start on why I love it. I actually have a toothless tattoo! and like, six toothless plushies that my friends and I call the council. The show race to the edge for it is one of my favourite parts, but nothing will top the first movie for me. There's just something so magical about it. It's truly beautiful, every time I watch it I genuinely feel like my heart is soaring <3 A lot of people don't know that the shows exist but I think they're so good and silly, they're such a comfort for me.
This is a manga I always end up going back to again and again. I'm sure people have put it better than i could, but it reflects a very real and flawed human experience (despite the vampires lol). It feels like each and every side character gets so much depth, and everyone has their own journey, and its a very sympathetic and nuanced with its antagonists. The main pair grow SO much as people over the course of the story, and they build up plot twists so fucking well, ive watched it unfold and still felt like it was all planned from the very beginning. Also has british vampire catboy who goes 'meow' in the most serious deep voice ever, my beloved.
The Legend of Zelda
I'm counting this as one because I feel this way about most of the games, they're all so special to me in different ways. Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom I've loved playing, I felt so immersed in the world in such little ways, and all the small interactions with the people in that world felt so real and made me care about it. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are also so incredible and such wonderful stories, and I have such a soft spot for Skyward Sword, idk I couldn't choose a favourite if I tried. I've loved them since I was a kid so its hard to pinpoint what exactly it is that draws me to them.
Jing Wei Qing Shang/Clear and Muddy Loss of Love
TOXIC LESBIANS. I fear that since i've read JWQS no sapphic media will ever be good enough for me again, its insane how perfectly to my taste it was. The main chara can telepathically communicate with horses in an otherwise normal non-fantasy world and there's no explanation or even plot necessity for it, its so perfect for me. Qiyan, the MC, has so much gender. She's a malewife, she's a pathetic boyfriend, she's a lesbian, she's a boygirl, she's everything. The premise is that Qiyan, in her quest for revenge, ends up accidentally in an arranged marriage to the daughter of her enemy. And despite falling in love with her, she continues with her revenge anyway, prepared for the love of her life to kill her with her own hands when its over. There's so much emotion on both sides, its overflowing love and hatred and anger and bitterness and affection all at once. It truly is a whole journey to get through and I've been a changed man since.
Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Another one I'm so batshit over that I don't know if any series will ever replicate. They're so insane. Shen Qingqiu's unreliable narration is so funny but also so fascinating to unpack, there's so much to read in what he doesn't say. It's so funny, but then when you think about what's really happening, it's kind of horrifying, there's this constant whiplash. The whole premise of one persons impact changing the story, the very narrative itself, is sooo important to me on so many levels. Bingqius dynamic is so incredible to me too, they're just so insane and so much fun to read. They've always stuck with me.
I LOVE MILGRAM it's a song story project told through music videos and audio dramas! The producer is one of my favourite artists, DECO*27, and every song is consistently a banger. Every character has such an interesting, nuanced story, and as the audience you're challenged to figure it out yourself based on the clues, and your interaction decides where the story goes. It's so much fun seeing a new MV come out and everyone come together to theorise and discuss. It's still ongoing, and very easy to get into, so I always recommend it! My favourite prisoner is Fuuta :)
Okay look. The question said favourite media, not explicitly media I thought was good. It is a show that is very very dear to my heart, and I think it fucking sucks after a certain point. The PREMISE is so so good, it had so much going for it on concept, and the characters carried it. I got so attached to them, I love their silly dynamics and they're so funny. I really do love the first few seasons, and I love the potential for what it could've been :') I very frequently text my best friend to rewrite parts of the lore.
That's 7 in detail, and the bonus additions are: Natsume's book of friends, good omens, and word of honour!
Thank you for asking!!! 💖💖💖 I don't think my thoughts were very comprehensive but I had fun, I hope they make some sense??
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goatpaste · 2 years
If sbr is ever going to have it’s anime adaption idk what they are going to do with all of those Lucy chapters. They are inappropriate but still important for the plot. And btw, Netflix did cut some of the original manga content of SO from the anime (for ex. rather outdated joke about the trans-masculine person if I’m not mistaken). If they are going to do sbr adaptation idk what they are going to do with it. Btw I hope there were no ppl sliding into your dms screaming about age of consent in Japan. This is such an awful argument, I can’t believe some ppl are still using it in conversations like these.
yEAH IM LIKE on one hand, i wouldnt put it past a company to pick up and animated it as is because MY GOD the companies out there that are way too ready to draw underaged girls in sexual ways is HORRIFIC. and the fact that araki himself was allowed to publish this to a public audience!!
but on the other hand, I wanna believe in the good of people to look at sbr and go... MAN i dont know if we can AIR that shit on tv man...
LIKE its already a hard watch as is, but the bare minimum would be asking to remove the unneeded panty shots or Lucy stRAIGHT UP nude. but even getting ride of that is STILL euGHH gonna be tough to animate and watch man..
and yeah SO got rid of the scene where Jolyne points out a trans person while nude in a doctors office and then also got rid of the scene where Jolyne calls foof a q*eer lol
but The Jojo Anime has NOT shyed away from drawing minors partcially nude or scenes focused on their breast and shit. sO like,,, euhhh man i DONT have confidence for a SBR anime adaptation
LIKE on one had id love to see it animated to see them animate the horses, get to see certain fights and bit of story in motion. would LOVE to see Hot Pants and Diego animated SOOO SO SO BAD. but im like, at the sake of having Lucy's part of the story animated i dont think my wants are that worth it ykno
and sigh, yeah no luckily i havent had anyone coming to me tryna bring up age of consent shit thank god. people come to talk to me have enough sense that way about it. mostly just people agreeing with me or telling me despite it all its still tier favorite part. which is whatever, im not bringing all these points up to tell them what to enjoy because i do know theirs parts of SBR thats fun. but i personally really love the characters but still have to condemn p7 big time its a mess.
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
sunday - monday
a nice day off i guess.
back 2 feeling bad tomorrow though. not that bad though. the next 2 days are just 3 hour shifts, but after that,,,, 2 more days off, and then 2 more 7.5 hour shifts. isn't that sooo cooooool.
i know people live like that normally but really they should not i think. it is not good for people.
anyway, today i've mostly been mixing this one song, since i'm not going in early tomorrow, i'm gonna be able to record vocals probably tomorrow, so i'm thinking i'm gonna do that for this song, replacement vocals for parts/because i disliked some lyrics. and then maybe some more stuff re: vocals on other songs. whatever i need to do to get things done, and if it's stuff that's like, simple, as in, going in and re-recording, that'll be good.
i should get a list of songs i need to re-record together, for vocals, and songs that need new lyrics. huhmmmmmmmm. i don't want to make it tedious though. but i guess it just might end up that way... frustrating and sad and a whole lot of other things. idk. it's just hard to get practiced rn. my gf and i are like home at the same times mostly. i just need time to myself to like, practice i feel like. but i don't really want her to go when i'm off work or whatever.
testing some stuff out to get these vocals to sound right, the parts/bones i do like/ need to help guide me, i think.
one idea was less distortion, i always do a bit too much, and then another was i forgot on the master fx, the weird high pass filters on psp infinistrip's compressors. i know what they do now, better, they just make the songs i'm making sound better when i push them up higher, i think. so i'm doing that.
i did take a long break at around 11 pm where i played elden ring some, i fought some random bosses, stuff like that, i found a cute chest piece to wear. that is one criticism i have of the game, not enough pretty/cute armor, dark souls had so much, demon's souls was very cool looking imo, ds3 was also good, ds2 was weird but good ultimately. elden ring lacks in that department, i think. very strange.
i also just need to buy a new mouse soon, this one is double clicking by accident/malfunction, super annoying.
another thing, i want to do some stuff to that horse thing i did yesterday, i had an idea for things to draw over top of it/modify it with gut-y things. it could be good, for something, idk what though.
since i am sleepy, i'll cut this one short i guess, a final bit of thinking though, re: today
i was thinking about like, why i like music w/ screaming in it, in the shower today, and about how it reminds me of this noise in my head sometimes, it's not like, coming from anger, it's like a violent and incoherent thought, not violent outwardly, but its happening, it is an eruption of some sort, it is a straight line, or like, an epiphany, a gust of wind from where but leading me elsewhere, it is gravity, it gives me something but its utterances can't really be expressed. this is all to say, it's inarticulate to the point of articulating something, it used to appear a lot more, when i was a lot more unwell i guess, it was like screaming and also the scraping of a machine, it didn't crowd out the ability to think though, it was concurrent with my internal voice, it was a phenomenon, i lived beside it, or it lived through me, idk. i hope it doesn't sound deluded to say it articulated something in its incoherence, because i don't think it articulated anything meaningful on the level of like, what i am, you know. it gave me very little except a feeling, it revealed itself as a feeling speaking totally, its own voice, i guess, cleaved from the semantic structures i live by typically, another voice speaking wrong, i guess the gnashing of the teeth, an abjection appearing inside me, or maybe the waste produced in thought reached out and shook me. that is what it seems like now. it is a theoretical thing, almost, spurred on by difficult circumstance in my life. music like orchid or powerviolence or anything else really excessive along similar lines speaks that same sort of position i think, or it at least seems to emerge from there. not necessarily rage or whatever, it doesn't have to be angry, it is just brittle and coming apart. i was thinking of this beside why my girlfriend doesn't seem to always like that stuff, and i think it's more that to her, it recalls being screamed at, rather than a wall of noise that can be pointed outward (recalling cybernetic hypothesis' idea of a zone of offensive haze now), or used to shroud oneself. this is a difference of experience but not desire, since we want that same thing, but we imagine it differently.
this is what makes us a good couple, i think.
currently waiting for this final export now. i am so actually almost painfully tired i feel like.
okay... that was not the final one, but maybe this will be.. ihope.
i think i will just have to figure this one out tomorrow, but it's getting there, i think the instrumental is sitting at the right volume but idk what's up with the vocal mix. maybe too many scooped mids? idk. a weird sound overall. maybe it has to do w/ the not distorted low end? i can try fooling w/ that tomorrow as well.
anyway, i need to sleep now so,
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dearheartwitcher · 2 years
all of the questions for the art ask meme! :)
ouhh!! under the cut for u! <33
1. Art programs you have but don't use
loll i bought clip studio on sale but i havent drawn anything in it because i cant find a good dupe of my sai brush
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
hmm i guess left!
3. What ideas come from when you were little
lol every time i draw self insert im just feeding my inner 12 year old
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
rosiers moth form.......... i love him sooo much but i need to try redesigning that form... also im trying SO hard to learn how to draw bloodhound but they have so many fucking Pieces to their design😭
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
i would say i post a good majority of the art i make!! ive gotten worse at it in recent years, mostly because i keep wanting to save things to post at "peak hours" or whatever but i always forget lmfao. i dont usually keep things to myself intentionally
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
art that my friends make always inspires me the more i see from them! mostly in little ways that only i really notice lol
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
traditional painting is sooo nice... i especially love gouache... i like when traditional painters dont blend their work and use a ton of different colors as well. also people who draw traditionally and put stickers all over their work, i think that's phenomenal
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
oh god so many lol. one that comes to mind is i was going to make a little animatic with a tiktok sound of my dnd party but uh. one character died and the other two belong to people im no longer friends with due to two separate falling outs 😬
9. What are your file name conventions
i usually name them based on whats happening in the drawing! or just the character's name, if ive only drawn them once. i also have all my art sorted into folders by subject matter (commissions, dnd, ocs, etc) and by date
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
hmmm.... probably long sleeve tshirts/sweaters.... regular jeans can be fun too
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
ohh lots of things. i have a drawing playlist on youtube thats got a couple hundred videos on it, i also have a ton of spotify playlists. i either listen to something that fits the vibe of what im drawing, or something that will motivate me to stay in the zone lol
12. Easiest part of body to draw
boobs. sorry eyes <3
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
i cant think of one!!
14. Any favorite motifs
eyes and hearts maybe 🤔
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
usually just in my room! one of the best parts of having a laptop tbh is that i can just draw digitally in my room instead of using the computer in the living room
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
hmm. thats hard to say! maybe designing characters? i like to think that im pretty alright at making diverse characters, and i do enjoy it when they’re finished, but it takes soooo much of my brain power to do it lol. i love having little guys that i made but its so hard to make little guys!
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
not really tbh KJSHDF i tend to uh forget to eat or drink for long periods when im in The Zone.....dont be like me. have some orange slices
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
NONE haha digital 4life. i dont use screen tablets so my tablets last foreeeeever.
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
fried eggs :)
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
hmmm i cant think of anything. i Can shade black, which my bf struggles with, but its not something i need to do often lol
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
i love hyper-stylized art and lineless super colorful art!! theres probably more, thats just off the top of my head
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
none 😬 i rawdog it... i do some wrist stretches afterward most times tho
23. Do you use different layer modes
a little bit! mostly overlay + multiply on low opacity. i put them over a finished drawing to make the colors more cohesive!
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
steven universe omg. like MAYBE back in 2015 or something it contributed to the way i use shapes a little bit but??? like i love the show, ive made fanart n shit! it just didnt contribute to my art style and i used to get that comparison A Lot
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
i cant think of one! i dont really do conceptual stuff so theres not usually a ton of room for misinterpretation
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
sometimes i do! my go-to doodles are fried eggs and little cartoony heads, but a warm up for me can even be a fully lined drawing lol
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i participate in art fight every year!! ive been playing since 2018 :)
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
i think all media i love inspires me artistically!! even if it doesnt contribute to my art or anything, anything i love i spend a lot of time thinking about
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
um most of them imo AKLJSDHFSJ but thats the price of doing mostly oc art lol... people simply will not see your stuff
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naiphyx · 5 years
Tumblr media
Yesterdays Inktober piece, the proportions are awfully off, but what the hell. 
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bokettochild · 3 years
Tired Feet and Nimble Fingers
I wrote more Ravio fics. This is one of two, the second one still needs to be reread and checked for errors, but rest assured to whomever requested a fic for Ravio getting some fussing, I nearly killed the kid for you :)
Mr. Hero had nice hands.
Oh sure, they were rather thin, and a bit knobby at the knuckles, aged in a way most people their age would not understand for decades yet, but they were nimble, quick, and forever flitting from one thing to another with the easy grace of a person who’s done everything with their life except sit still and rest.
Mr. Hero’s hands were worn and aged but feather light in their touch and still impossibly firm when he’d grab Ravio by the scarf and pull him down the one inch that was between the two of them so he could glare at him for one thing or another. Honestly, he rarely really did anything questionable, but the ever irritated “Why?” that Mr. Hero always shot at him when he raised the price of an item or tacked on another fee, be it emotional repercussions charges for tending his wounds, or a petty increase when he’d been made to actually worry for someone else, or even in the rare instance when Mr. Hero managed to actually make him angry. Either way, soft or firm, Mr. Hero had nice hands, and on the rare instance Ravio had actually seen him remove his rings (Mr. Hero had complained of swelling, and had nearly had to pry them off) he always smiled at the sight of them.
Was that weird? Probably. But there was a lot you could tell about a person by their hands, and Mr. Hero’s told the story of someone who gave and fought for others since he’d been able, and even if the caring person hid behind the shadows of his bangs or the icy pain in his eyes, Ravio knew that person was still in there.
And at times like this, he got to actually see it.
“What are you doing?” The merchant shifted uncomfortably, glancing down at the other end of the couch where Mr. Hero had been sitting since he’d stumbled through the door with a tired groan. He’d collapsed onto the couch not long after, drenched and covered in mud, and it had been all Ravio could do to convince him to shed his extra layers and change into something clean, at least. Sure, he’d had to actually dig through the scant wardrobe in the bedroom to find something, but once the over-sized tunic had been shoved in the veteran hero’s face, he’d agreed to strip off his wet things, and Ravio had given him the space to do so while he’d made some warm cocoa for the two of them.
He would have preferred cider, but Mr. Hero still refused to share the recipe with him.
Now, however, he’d flopped onto the couch himself, uncaring for the fact that he’d had to settle his legs in the lap of his friend. After all, if Mr. Hero minded, he would have pushed him off. As was though, the pink-haired teen was staring at his feet with no small amount of displeasure, and Ravio was half considering pulling them back to himself and resigning himself to just curling up on the couch into one corner so he could give the other boy his space.
Firm hands latched around his boot, tugging with a small grunt and surprising the merchant greatly. “Mr. Hero, I just-”
“No shoes.” The pink-haired hero huffed. “Not on the couch.”
“Says the one who trudges dirt all over my freshly cleaned floors!” Ravio huffed, trying not to wiggle too much as Mr. Hero not only pulled off his shoes but, after making a disgusted face at the smell of his feet, had also yanked his socks off, throwing them over to the pile of sopping laundry on the floor. Ravio made a note to pick that up and help wash it later.
“My floors.” Mr. Hero corrected him, tugging the towel Ravio had given him earlier off of his shoulders and wiping its wet ends over the merchant’s feet, making him stiffen. “It’s my house I’ll have you know.”
“Mr. Hero, are you- are you cleaning my feet?”
“It’s not like you ever do it, when’s the last time you bathed, you filthy bunny?”
“Two days ago.” Ravio huffed into his cocoa, savoring the taste and the thrum of warmth that bloomed in his chest both at the drink and the sensation of Mr. Hero’s nimble fingers helping to clean the grime from his, admittedly, filthy feet. “More recently than you, I daresay, Mr. Hero.”
“I just showered.” Violet eyes flitted up to meet his as Mr. Hero motioned to the door ad likely the stormy weather outside.
“That doesn’t count!”
“It does for me.”
“When did you last bathe? With soap?”
Mr. Hero didn’t answer, instead continuing to rub the dirt and dust off the bottoms of his house-mate's feet with the wet towel. Ravio hmphed. A fight for another day then, it isn’t as if he had the energy to draw a bath and push his friend into it anyways.
A delightful, rough sensation rubbed over the base of his foot, firm and still somehow incredibly relaxing, and the bunny merchant found himself torn between sinking into the cushions with a sigh as some of the pain in his limbs faded and staring down at Mr. Hero to see what had been done. In the end, he’d sunk into the cushions of the couch, lids fluttering as a heavy sigh pulled itself from his lungs. “What-”
“You’re as tight-string as my gran’s horses.” Mr. Hero drawled, and the sensation repeated itself, warm pressure sliding across the ridge of his foot. “This used to work on my uncle, relax.”
It took longer than necessary to actually realize that his friend was rubbing his feet, but Ravio was too warm and comfortable to really care, especially with how sore the appendages in question had been with scurrying here and there over the last few days tending to the shop.
Mr. Hero’s hands were miracle workers, and Ravio was hardly even awake when the veteran hero had finally stopped with his self-assigned task, pushing himself up and leaving Ravio to stretch out over the length of the couch. All the merchant could register was the increase of weight on top of him, the clinking of two empty mugs being placed in the kitchen sink, and the door creaking open.
He never felt the draft when Mr. Hero left back into the outside world to continue his quest, but when he woke the next morning, it was to find the hero’s favorite blanket spread out over the top of him and a fresh pair of fuzzy socks slipped over his clean and no longer painfully tense feet.
“Ravio, sit.” Mr. Hero groaned, leaning back on the couch and pinned in place by the sailor using his legs as a back rest. “If you don’t, I swear I’m going to have Twilight throw you at the couch!”
The merchant in question pouted, he’d been trying his best to tidy the living room, after all, Mr. Hero and his family had been quite unexpected that evening and the place was, unfortunately, a mess. One had to take inventory now and again, and the sad fact of it was that that required pulling everything off the shelves and out of storage and from around the house to count it up and figure out if he should risk attempting to return to Lorule or attempting to work Mr. Hero’s small smithy out back in order to restock his items.
He’d only counted up everything and had been working on cleaning and polishing his various items when the heroes had come knocking at the front door, and then he’d been so busy helping them warm up from the chill (they were all wearing the scarves he’d given them and it pleased him to no end) and making a meal with Mr. Hero that he’d been left unable to finish gathering the things that had been scattered across the floor. Of course, after dinner was finished, he’d set right to it, but now that everyone was settled around the fire with warm mugs in hand and fluffy scarves around their necks, Mr. Hero seemed to only be agitated by his puttering about and moving everything again.
To be fair, he hadn’t stopped moving for the last thirty minutes since the others had helped gather his things back up so they could sit, but there was so much to put away!
“Mr. Hero, I still-”
“Sit.” Mr. Hero squeaked grouchily, earning a few giggles as Mr. Rancher and Mr. Chosen Hero exchanged glances, smiles wide. “My feet hurt just from looking at you.”
Like it or not, Ravio’s ears were already pricking up at those words.
Since that first time, Mr. Hero had done him the favor of massaging his feet after a hard day many times, and as much as Ravio didn’t want to expect it of him, it was incredibly nice to have someone fuss over him, if only for a little bit, and if there was even a chance that it would happen again, well...
It was entirely intentional that he flopped onto the couch, feet resting easily in Mr. Hero’s lap as he stretched out. He could have sat down, he really could, but the fact of it was that he simply didn’t want to. Fortunately, Mr. Hero didn’t seem to mind, and too the merchants delight his friend immediately started pulling off his shoes with the same old familiar huff and wrinkling of his button nose, tossing the shoes as far away as possible to avoid having to remain in contact with them for long.
It was a practiced and much appreciated ritual that was Mr. Hero helping him relax after a long day. Just as cocoa or cider was prepared when either was having a particularly long or difficult day, or how Ravio always made sure Mr. Hero ate three meals a day and slept for at least four hours, taking care that his friend wasn’t positioned too uncomfortably wherever it was that he finally passed out. Mr. Hero touching his feet was normal, just like him playing with Mr. Hero’s hair once the other boy had settled down at last.
Perhaps though, it wasn’t all that common for the others.
Mr. Hero blinked up from his work, violet eyes meeting the midnight blue of Mr. Rancher impassively.
“What in Ordonia are ya doin’?”
The veteran hero cocked a brow. “Foot massage, he won’t relax otherwise, and foot pains a-” Captain Hero Sir Jr. shot a look their way and Mr. Hero quickly amended what he’d been about to say. “Foot pain sucks.”
“You are touching feet.” Mr. Rancher wrinkled his nose. “Isn’t that a bit... gross?”
“Says the man who eats bee larva.” Came the quipped reply. “I wash them first, pities sakes.”
“By my head!?!?!?” Tune started jumping up and away and shooting Mr. Hero a hurt look. “Like, yeah, sure, I help Granny on bad days too, but warn a fellow if you’re gonna be having feet by his head.”
“Don’t sit on my legs.”
Ravio chuckled, letting the noise and chatter wash over him.
Mr. Hero’s hands never failed to sooth the pains of the day.
The heroes had stumbled in time and again over the months, and Ravio had grown quite used to their presence. Time passed differently on both ends of things, but he’d since learned when abouts to expect that they'd appear, and the house was, thankfully, stocked fully for each visit.
Autumn had brought about harvest, and the heroes had darted in and out, occasionally offering help and other times only crashing wearily in the living room and Mr. Hero’s bedroom for the night before they had to return to chasing the monsters. Today was one of the longer stays, especially if how Mr. Captain Hero Sir was moving so stiffly was any indication.
“Do you need me to step on you again?” Mr. Smithy asked worriedly as Mr. Captain Hero Sir eased his way down onto the couch, earning a few looks both from the merchant and the other heroes while Sheerow flitted about the man's head, chirruping worriedly and earning a gentle word or so from the captain.
Mr. Captain Hero Sir was in quite the state, stiff as a board and moving as poorly as the old pump in the village. It made him worried, and try as he might, he couldn’t think of any of his items that would help.
Mr. Hero appeared to already have an answer though. “Tunic off, Cap, and on the couch.”
Sharp blue blinked over in confusion to where Mr. Hero was already shedding his boots and rolling up his sleeves with a purpose. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Massage. Works wonders for back pain. Hop to it or I’m rescinding my offer.”
It was one thing to be on the receiving end of matters, but another entirely to be one of those who watched. Mr. Hero put his full weight into his hands as he worked, kneading out the knots in his friend's muscles while Mr. Captain Hero Sir melted into the couch with little relieved noises.
Maybe it took the others realizing that the vet didn’t just help him, but after that it wasn’t at all uncommon for him to carry in his attempts at cider or his wonderful cocoa and see Mr. Hero standing over one of the others and putting his clever hands to work in soothing tensed muscles back into place, the heroes under his hands melting under his touch.
The first time he heard Mr. Hero humming under his breath while he worked, the other heroes had all looked incredibly surprised, but not upset in the slightest. It was a lovely tune after all, and Tune himself started playing with his baton in time the gentle music, swaying in his seat and waving the instrument while the others continued working on repairing and tending their various items and clothing articles.
There was a pattern. For Mr. Captain Hero Sir it was his back, although rather rarely, and the same went for Mr. Chosen Hero.
For Captain Hero Sir Jr. It was his neck and shoulders.
Mr. Smithy got stress headaches that seemed to ease when someone helped message his temples.
Mr. Rancher had problems with his left wrist specifically.
Ravio of course had poor feet, and while Tune and Wild seemed to be mostly left unscathed from the repetitive pains that the others did, they took every opportunity to cling to Mr. Hero with their whole bodies when they felt that they wanted pets or attention when their mentor’s/brothers were too busy.
He’d attempted to return the favor all of one time. The black eye and bloody nose he got out of it weren’t even made better with the nearly tearful apologies of his best friend as Mr. Hero had jumped to his feet and dashed outside to get some ice for the injury.
Once the blood was cleaned up, the vet had sat in shame as Ravio had joined the others in teasing him for his “killer reflexes”.
“I can’t help it! People touching my feet- It-” Mr. Hero tugged at his hair frustratedly, eyes turning to the sky hopelessly. “I’m sorry, Ravio. It was an accident, I swear.”
“I know, Mr. Hero, I know.” He’d giggled out the reassurance, but from that day on he avoided touching Mr. Hero’s feet in any way possible.
(Oddly enough though, that didn’t stop a few of the others from trying, and Mr. Hero’s sleep was interrupted many times by heroes that had been kicked in the nose or even the mouth because they’d dared each other to touch the teen’s feet while he slept. Mr. Captain Hero Sir had complained for days until his own black eye healed, and Mr. Hero hadn’t even bother apologizing, stating that the others shouldn’t have tempted fat so foolishly.)
He felt a bit guilty for not returning the favor, but he knew better than to try again where so many others had failed.
And then winter had sprung up. Winter with its harsh gales that blew in half frozen heroes that tracked ice and snow across the floor as they bundled in front of the fire, wrapped head to toe for the weather. Winter when he’d brew hot cocoa to warm them all up, letting Mr. Hero tug down blankets to wrap around their on-and-off house-mates (guests no longer applied at this point). The mugs offered were warm, and Ravio smiled as each hero offered him a word of thanks as his tray grew lighter and lighter until he only had the two mugs left.
Mr. Hero had pulled together his usual nest before the fire. His huge blanket and a few spare pillows all bundled together into a comfortable place to sit for the younger heroes in order to make up for the lack of a second couch, and the vet sat in its center, still working to arrange the cushions with stiff fingers and chattering teeth until Ravio had pulled on his friend’s tunic and urged him to sit down.
When he offered the mug though, Mr. Hero had fumbled it and nearly dropped it, a hiss of irritation whishing from between his teeth and he glared down at his stiff digits. “Blast! Din’s sake, why does the freaking cold always freaking-”
Warm hands, worn from housekeeping and smithy work, wrapped around the vet’s as Ravio gently rubbed some warmth back into the stiff fingers. Mr. Hero started slightly at the touch, but didn’t complain as the merchant continued to press his into the rises and against the bones of his friend’s gnarled hands, offering warmth and relief against the pain and the cold both for a few short minutes, and Mr. Hero melted into the touch, as he always inevitably did, letting Ravio have his way for the moment and leaning to sit back-to-back with Wild while the merchant worked.
When he’d released his housemate, it’d only been to press a mug into the vet’s hands, but then he’d been settling across from him on the blanket nest, stockinged feet coming to rest in his friend’s lap as he’d pulled his own mug close for a sip. Violet eyes offered a begrudging smile that was returned in rupee green, but no words were spoken between the two as they enjoyed their cocoa.
Mr. Captain Hero Sir however wasn’t about to let it pass. “So, hand holding now, uh? Should I be talking to Fable about a wedding day?”
Ravio was certain that the only thing keeping some very rude signs from being exchanged as the fact that Mr. Hero wasn’t willing to stress his hands further or release the warmth that he held in them. The pink-haired hero did shoot a very disappointed look towards the captain though.
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danganronpa2 · 2 years
for the fandom ask meme thing: jojos of course. And also danganronpa, i wanna know about that one specifically thru your lens
THANKS TEDDY!! i got two others for jojo and dr after this so i'm just gonna do vento aureo and dr1 :^)
vento aureo
blorbo: you already know it's my man vinny d
scrunkly: um....... everyone in part 5 is so ugly. coco jumbo
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fav): mista is certainly not underrated but i really wish i could find more fanart of him that's not shipping him with somebody because i love him, he's so funny and has an adorable stand and some of his scenes are incredibly cool
glup shitto (obscure fav): pericolo... why was he so ride or die for the boss? how long did he take care of trish after donatella died? what's it like being in passione without a stand? what's up with his son in phf? i wanna know
poor little meow meow: diavolo <3 my poor little 33-year-old meow meow who sits alone in the dark with his blanket and kills and extorts people and has one friend in the whole world <3
horse plinko: i draw so many comics bullying doppio and diavolo that i don't think i can legally put anybody else here
eeby deeby: MELONE. FREAK
dangan ronpa 1
blorbo: sakuraaaaa i love you so much so cool and beautiful and kind and an inspiration to wlw everywhere
scrunkly: chihiro??
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fav): i think people forget how batshit asahina was during the fourth trial, it's pretty sad to see her reduced to donuts and boobs
glup shitto (obscure fav): hard to have an obscure fav in a dr game but i feel like i enjoy monokuma a lot more than most people do, especially in the first game where i think his humor and the novelty of the concept were at their peak. the jokes got a lot less funny as the franchise went on but i honestly loved monokuma in dr1
poor little meow meow: fukawa... ough... sooo much inherently bad writing here but i can't help but sympathize with her, and the development of her relationships with syo and komaru in dr:ae was genuinely really amazing
horse plinko: togami is such a little bitch. imagine your whole talent being "inherited money from my dad"
eeby deeby: junko my beloved you are going to superhell whether i send you there or not
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stingray-stories · 3 years
Day 137 11/11/2021
Day off! Woop!
-This morning, I got up extra extra early to get my workout in since I had an early base station shift at 7 AM so a group could go out to Sand Island for a tour. During that shift, I drew and read.
-Later that morning we went out for a snorkel at rubble pile. There was sooo much to see. Lots of really cool coral and fish. I saw a huge Giant trevally and big school of Yellowfin surgeonfish. I also saw soooo many sharks. Dana and I were swimming on the Western side of the rubble pile and decided to swim across it when we saw the huge school of Yellowfins. Because it’s shallower over the rubble pile, the current was ripping so we were working trying to get across. That’s when we noticed about 4 blacktips coming over to check us out. We decided that crossing over the rubble pile would be too hard so went back the way we came. After getting back to the end, Dana kept going and I stopped to try and get a picture of a baby Striped surgeonfish. It took so long, but I got it :). Then Dana brought me over to a cool coral arch to take a picture through. I took some cute ones of her. She took a totally hilarious one of me where my chin looks like it’s radioactive and glowing. It’s slightly terrifying. After that, we got separated and I was distracted taking pictures of nudibranchs on the rubble pile. This was no easy feat. It is pretty shallow and it’s rubble so there’s nothing to grab onto so I was duck diving multiple times and kicking hard to stay in position. After finally getting shots of the blue dragon nudibranch and a teeny tiny cutie white one, I went up to get some air. Now, at this point in the snorkel I’m pretty zonked. We had been fighting the current and I had been holding my breath and kicking to take photos for a few minutes. As I’m coming to the surface 4 blacktips are charging right at me. And not with their usual slow curiousness. These boys (I think) were coming at me quick. One in particular came at me and I kicked it with my fin (I’m pretty positive I made contact, but it all happened so fast) swimming backwards as fast as I could. I’ve never had an uncomfortable interaction with the sharks here, but in this moment I definitely thought something bad was going to happen. I was very scared. They continued to follow me as a left the rubble pile and kicked hard toward to boat. Because I was going backwards, my snorkel was dragging and water kept getting into it so I flipped over and kept kicking. Once I was out of the shallows and over deeper water the sharks sort of backed off but I saw even more of them moving super quick. I was soooo out of breath and full adrenaline and still about 50 feet from the boat. I called to some of the guys that were already in the boat, but wasn’t really sure how they were gonna help me so I just took some deep breaths and kept swimming. The sharks were seriously on something today. Usually they move casually across the reef and they’re in pretty small numbers (we will see 4-5 per snorkel), but today I saw probably 10-15. As I approached the boat, they were all moving very quickly in the same direction. I got in safely and the started to calm down. In that same time span, Dana got charged by a shark and so did Chris. Some people thought that maybe they were mating soon and acting particularly aggressive? Maybe they’re was a reedy frenzy nearby? We don’t know. But they were definitely acting crazy. Anywayyyysss, that was very scary but looking back I don’t think anything would have happened. They may have bumped me and realized I wasn’t something they wanted to munch on. Nevertheless it was pretty nerve racking!
-Lunchy time and drawing.
-Beach and reading time.
-Basketball with Dana, Dan, and Crab King (aka Chris from UCSD Scripps). We call him crab king because he beat us at CRAB (our variation of HORSE) twice.
-More drawing and hanging out.
-Bed time!
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Technoblade hypixal fic
making a central thread for this that will have links to all the other threads where things happen
In this story, the entire staff team has gone rogue, and Hypixel has been forced into hiding. In an attempt to regain control of the server, Hypixel rallies the players of Blitz to his side and begins waging war. While Hypixel still has access to the Server Console, his powers are extremely limited, and time is running out. He must find a way to eliminate all of the other 10 admins before they find him, and take complete control of the server.
tl;dr code lyoko stylized war with familiar names (and perhaps even your own) on the network
Someone locked the roster thread, evidently I forgot to add a moderator to the roster list. I kid, but there's no reason to unlock it because I CAN'T POSSIBLY UPDATE THIS LIST NOT IN MY WILDEST DREAMS SO MANY PPL WTF
like if i updated it the war would be kevin with like 50 staff vs 500 level 10 kits that's not close at all
Roster - http://hypixel.net/threads/story-preparation-need-players-names.202208/
Chapter 1, Betrayal - http://hypixel.net/threads/betrayal-chapter-1-revolution-a-blitz-story.202277/
Chapter 2, Swapping Sides- http://hypixel.net/threads/swapping-sides-chapter-2-revolution-a-blitz-story.202327/
Chapter 3, Intervention - http://hypixel.net/threads/intervention-chapter-3-revolution-a-blitz-story.202697/
Chapter 4, Project November - http://hypixel.net/threads/project-november-chapter-4-revolution-a-blitz-story.204850/
Chapter 5, Thorin - http://hypixel.net/threads/thorin-chapter-5-revolution-a-blitz-story.208427/
Chapter 6, Rezzus - http://hypixel.net/threads/rezzus-chapter-6-revolution-a-blitz-story.256954/
Chapter 7, Saving Citadel (part 1) - http://hypixel.net/threads/saving-citadel-part-1-chapter-7-revolution.257701/
Chapter 8, Saving Citadel (part 2) - http://hypixel.net/threads/saving-citadel-part-2-chapter-8-revolution-a-blitz-story.259961/
This thread is party of what will be a large series of threads all relating to the same story. To find out more, or to have an easier time navigating these threads, go to the central thread (or the story hub as you might have it) located here:
so i was thinking of creating a decent sized story where essentially a ton of high level blitz players form a raid trying to take down the evil staff team (this is not subtle hate on staff, all is in good fun, this way I don't have to deal with OMG X killed Y in the story wtf no way Y is way better)
but finding hundreds of names is kind of hard, sooo
If you have any players who have level 9s and higher and aren't on list (you can ctrl+f to quickly check) please say their IGN and their level 9 or 10 kits.
If you have any staff that aren't on list, please say their name
Player List:
Technoblade (Armorer 10)
Minechaos2713 (Speleologist 10 - Astronaut 9)
AidenRK (Scout 9 - Horsetamer 9 - Astronaut 9)
Cameron7276 (Astro 9)
mc_alexx1337 (Wolf 9)
Ilikewiicod (Rogue 10 - Blaze 10 - Arachnologist 9 - SlimeySlime 9)
CvLreact (Tim 9)
Snoskater (Horse 10 - Snow 9 - Necro 9 - Toxic 9 - Sliemy 9 - Astro 9 - Archer 9 - Speleo 9 - Armorer 9)
TennisFTW (Armor 10 - Fish 10 - Arachno 10 - Speleo 9 - Scout 9 - Astro 9 - Slimey 9 - Toxic 9 - Red 9 - Necro 9 - Snowman 9)
Kastrealm(Tim 9 - Red Dragon 9 - Astronaut 9)
Troy_K (Armorer 10 - Knight 10 - Snowman 10)
gabbymanner (Snow 10 - Knight 9)
MetaMusic (Snow 10 - Scout 9)
Andy_Valentyne (Snow 10)
13ethan13 (Snow 10)
FrostyAura (Astro 10)
Gamebuster101 (Snow 10 - Armorer 10)
SebiWins (Snow 10)
Pr0lin3 (Horse 10 - Toxic 9)
Celect_Legend (Horse 10 - Astro 10)
DelaytheFear (Horse 10)
iFireHD (Horse 10)
xHascox (Horse 10)
VorteXx3 (Horse 10)
viestursi (Horse 10 - Red 10 - Fish 10)
Meyp (Horse 10)
Nate_daboss (Horse 10 - Scout 9)
MAJESTICxWALRUS (Red 10 - Astro 9 - Horse 9 - Toxic 9 - Tim 9)
alek1231234 (Red 10)
JK12347 (Red 10 - Blaze 9)
vivien_roland (Red 10)
TUR805L4Y3R (Red 10)
MasterDannySky (Red 10)
chris210839999 (Red 10)
Brayzac1 (Red 10)
naazli (Arach 10 - Baker 10)
Minix1043 (Slime 10)
lethalvixien (Wolf 10)
MineCrypt (Creeper 10)
FlyingTurtlesXI (Creeper 10)
bryan5512 (Creeper 10)
ZombieScarer (Astro 10)
Praveen48 (Astro 10)
blukid8 (Astro 10)
EPresley (Meat 9 - Baker 9)
Krave_ (Speleo 10)
Cr33p3rB0y112 (Speleo 10)
Party711up (Speleo 10)
foolahoop (Speleo 10 - Necro 9)
ComoUnJefe1215 (Fish 10)
Loiyd_Irving (Archer 10)
bballnick123 (Archer 10)
sandierthrone6 (Archer 10)
EnderFoxx (Knight 10)
CSealHD(Fish 9 - Scout 9 - Red 9)
V3n0mTr1CkZ (Speleo 9)
warriorfox123 (Scout 9 - Knight 9 - Archer 9)
purelycraft (Astro 9 - Knight 9 - Red 9)
MacManiacMC (Horse 9 - Slime 9 - Astro 9 - Red 9)
PhonyBalone (Speleo 9 - Red 9 - Snow 9)
DocteurKe (15 million level 8s or something idk)
crash763 (Red 9 - Creeper 9)
DoctorGokado (Knight 9 - Horse 8 - Armorer 9)
Peanutbutter911 (Scout 8 - Archer 8)
jblue26 (red 9)
Truroxy (Meat 9)
Jytheguy1 (Arachno X)
oXManiacXo (Snow 9)
Fluttermine (Red 9 - knight 8 - Wolf 8)
GlitchyShell (Snow 9 - Horse 8)
coalminer234(Tim 9)
Monkey36 (Astronaut 9)
Elite4W_ (Diamond shovel dude)
ksctdd (Astro 9)
katnissjul (Blaze 10 - Astro 9)
MouseGaming (Snow 9 - Red 9 - Astro 9)
Neanderthalis(Tim 9)
HeWhoHacks (Tim 10)
emualluig (Tim 10)
bonecrusher3(Tim 10)
SpiderTheBite (Snow 9)
deathkidd1 (Wolf 9)
AkronHammer7777 (Astro 9)
RumbleCrumble (Horse 9 - Astro 9)
JerryCannn(Horse 9 - Astro 9)
OrangeScraggy (Horse 8 who dies instantly)
the361noscope (Speleo 9 - Toxic 9)
august2308 (Fish 9)
Labron1975 (Snow 9)
wrightrj (Speleo 9)
Supertroll1999 (Tim 9)
supergriefer(Archer 9)
omwesolp (Red 9 - Horse 9 - Blaze 9)
puzzlemaster3 (Speleo 9)
KawaiiMooshroom (Rogue 9)
KobiWarrior(Knight 9)
TheNiipz (Creeper 9)
Shadowblade827(Wolf 9)
GreatFlashyGloop (Red 9)
Frizer13 (Horse 9 - Astro 9 - Creeper 9 - Red 9)
Glassen18 (Armorer 10 - Snow 9 - Astro 9)
Karagothius (Rogue 9)
Legend_Raptor(Armorer 9)
Fleskhajerta (Toxic 9)
PotterStinks (Necro 9 - Red 9)
Wicketlol (Wolf 9)
dedew84 (Astro 9)
Captain_PJW (Red 9)
lastikodezil (Astro 9 - Horse 9- Necro 9)
iwantyourpoison (Archer 9)
mrnamol4 (Astro 9)
I_AmCrazyTom (Red 9)
Maphia_Ace (Astro 9)
second_ace (Snow 9 - Fish 9)
LostNewbie (Tim 9)
BMC_ (Horse 9)
XXXTricksterXX (Arachno 9)
Buttertoxin (Speleo 9)
SwordSlash8 (Meatmaster 9)
DahSneakySniper(Snow X - Horse 9)
_link_2012_ (Necro 9)
connorbob2552 (Red 9)
VictorRCmaes (horse 9)
Staff List:
This thread is party of what will be a large series of threads all relating to the same story. To find out more, or simply navigate through the various chapters and elements of this story, go to the central hub:
Hello, my name is Hypixel. And today is not my day.
Some people think they're having a bad day when they wake up late and arrive to work 15 minutes off schedule. Others think a bad day is when they have a minor disagreement with a friend. Some even consider a bad day when they only grind 60,000 coins in eight hours.
Today I'm standing here, surrounded on all sides by my most trusted friends, all of whom are armed and about to execute me.
So yeah, I guess could you say I was having a bad day.
I didn't bother to draw my sword. It would have been a futile attempt. I'd be thoroughly feathered in arrows by the time I completed the action, and even if I dodged, I'd still have to fight my way through the ten strongest staff members on the server; my fellow Admins. All of whom came prepared; level X's all around, already prepared to use their operator powers to finish me swiftly. So I decided to be diplomatic.
"What the heck do you think you're doing?" I yelled at Kevinkool.
Perhaps not so diplomatic. Heh.
Kevinkool glanced at his comrades; all 9 of the other admins were there, ready to fight, although NoxyD appeared to be reluctant. He then responded:
"I think we're kicking you out. We're tired of you bossing us around. It's time for a new leader."
He signaled with his hand, and the small army of lower-ranked staff with archer 8, 9 and 10 drew their bows back.
"Goodbye, old friend." Kevin said.
But I had a backup plan.
As thirty or so arrows were released from their bows, I yanked a device out of my pocket and slammed down on the button. Everything turned purple, and I was teleported out of there.
I finished the teleportation and promptly fell ten feet flat onto my face. Not the smoothest execution- I hadn't remembered that the lobby had been revamped since I originally made the device. But I was alive, so that was good. I was now in a hidden lair underneath the blitz lobby. It was fairly damp, and not the most ideal secret base, but it would serve. I quickly connected to the network. I still had access to the server console, which was good; they could never take that away from me. I tried the most obvious initial command;
Console: Deopping Kevinkool.
Console: Error.
Console: Not enough permissions for that command.
Hmm. It wouldn't be that easy. After trying several other commands, I realized just how limited my power was. I couldn't directly tamper with any of the admin's powers, nor could I eliminate any of them from the equation. Each of the 10 other admins had permanently linked themselves to the Server Console as I had.
I checked the Console to see if any major changes had occurred recently... and noticed something huge.
(11/1/14 21:35 PST) Console: Enabling Hardcore Mode.
Uh-oh. That wasn't good. They were already making their move. With Hardcore, the blitz players won't be able to respawn. They won't last long... but this does give me a chance to defeat them. I just have to kill all 10 of the other admins, and then I will have uncontested control over the Server Console.
But I'll need some help.
Console: Whispering to MAJESTICxWALRUS "Gather every blitz player you can find... and no matter what, stay alive."
This thread is party of what will be a large series of threads all relating to the same story. To find out more, or simply navigate through the various chapters and elements of this story, go to the central hub:
I stood there in front of nearly a hundred players.
"Wow. Good job!" I said, turning to MAJESTICxWALRUS.
"No problem." He responded. "These players are almost all level 10s and 9s."
"Seriously? How many of them are level 10?"
"Uh... maybe 40?"
"When we take back the network, I am seriously reevaluating how network boosters work."
I turned to the small army of players, and made my speech.
"Today, the staff team overthrew me. I'm currently in hiding, and they're taking over the network as we speak. They've already set it into Hardcore Mode, meaning that if any of you die... that's the end of it for you. I need you all to fight back, and retake control of the server. Quite simply, you need to eliminate the 10 other Admins for me to regain complete control of the server. You can't stay here, the admins will locate you quickly enough. I'm using my power to protect you from being wiped off directly by the Console, but we need to act quickly. I'll teleport you all out of here, and communicate what to do using the Console."
I snapped my fingers, just for the style points, and they all disappeared in a massive flash of purple.
I glanced at the Console to check on the recent activity of the other admins. No players had been banned outright; that would be an unnecessary use of the Console's energy, which did have its limits. It was much cheaper and convenient to simply let the players kill themselves; most would not realize their mortality until it was too late. They didn't even need to send out staff members; the player base would almost completely disappear soon enough, tearing itself apart as they were expected to do, as it was the hunger games.
I tried pinging the location of each admin. None of them worked... except NoxyD. I could pinpoint his location. He was in the Winter sector, perhaps fifty blocks from the Cornucopia. I couldn't use the Console to affect him... but I could certainly send in my own troops.
I went back to communications, and started broadcasting my message.
"I've spotted NoxyD, and he's in the Winter sector. I'm going to send in several of you after him. Don't make any hasty decisions, first scout out the situation and then report back to me."
I needed a decent sized force. I didn't have the ability to send that many people in at the same time (limitations of my Server Console power), but I didn't want to; no need to show my full power early on in the war.
I quickly selected 11 of the names (OrangeScraggy, supergriefer, puzzlemaster3, warriorfox123, Kastrealm, Gamebuster101, vivien_roland, Cr33p3rBoy112, DocteurKe, DoctorGokado, Peanutbutter911)
and sent them in.
They all materialized in the Winter sector.
"He's around 80 blocks, due north east. Go past the ice lake!"
I sat back and waited, thinking of the times gone by. Noxy had been one of my oldest friends on the team... but why did he betray me? Thinking back on it, he did seem reluctant when they all tried to kill me.
Suddenly I started getting feedback from the squad I had sent in. Suddenly I heard Kastrealm going:
"We've spotted Noxy... as well as a few others! Mods and helpers! He appears to be... a hostage?"
Strange. Why would they be escorting him as a hostage, in Winter of all places? Unless...
Of course!
For years, there'd been an anomaly on the Winter map; a random hole in an obscure part of the map, which fell all the way into the void. They were headed straight for it. And if NoxyD was their hostage... they couldn't have good intentions. I'm not sure what the effects the void has on the player; ordinarily, they'd simply be ejected from the game, but in hardcore mode?
"They're trying to dispose of Noxy... stop them, quickly!"
I quickly identified the four members around NoxyD; GuruGamers, Cecer1, SirElite and Mythyryn. Each of them appeared to have had their kits modified, and each was a whole lot stronger than they had any right to be. But I had a few level 10s of my own.
Peanutbutter911 and supergriefer initiated the fight, sending arrows towards SirElite's back. But they didn't catch him by surprise. He spun around, throwing a slime egg at the ground, and their arrows bounced off the slime with little effect. The staff turned and pulled out their weapons. GuruGamers was a full fledged Horse 10 with a few extra iron axes clipped to his belt; Cecer1 was a Blaze 10 with a flaming iron sword. Mythyryn was a snow 9. Although they appeared to be those kits... they appeared to have upgrades as well.
The fight didn't start out well. Cecer1 spawned 3 blazes, which quickly sent a volley of fireballs towards the group. OrangeScraggy was already charging forward with his Horse 8, and attempted to have his horse leap over the volley of fire, but took a fireball to the chest and went flying off. SirElite barreled into him, sending him flying with a swing of his knockback 2 sword. He crashed into a tree and exploded into a mist of pixels. Dematerialized. Gone. GuruGamers threw an iron axe at Kastrealm, who quickly threw a magma cube egg in front of him. The Magma Cube blocked the axe, but exploded at the impact.
Puzzlemaster3, Cr33p3rBoy112 and vivien_roland rushed forward. SirElite's slime quickly bounced, crushing Cr33p3rBoy112 beneath it (not fatal, but not comfortable either), but an arrow flew above it and took SirElite in the elbow, knocking him off balance for long enough for Puzzle's pickaxe to greet his face. Cecer1's magma cubes sent forward another volley, and one fireball took Peanutbutter911 in the chest.
Cecer1 stepped forward, but Sir Elite was already dead. As the fight continued, I checked the server console- and noticed something surprising. No one was regenerating any health lost.
"Guys! Health regeneration isn't working! Any damage you take now will last for as long as it takes this war to finish!"
A blaze was shot down by one of supergriefer's arrows. Guru threw another iron axe, which slammed into puzzlemaster3 and sent him to the ground with only 30% of his health left. Mythyryn spawned snowmen, and in response Gamebuster101 spawned all of his. The two remaining blazes quickly scattered Gamebuster101's snowmen, but another pair of arrows from their archers hit Cecer1 and gave Kastrealm the opportunity to run in.
GuruGamers ran off with NoxyD, and warriorfox123 ran after him, closely followed by DocteurKe and DoctorGokado.
The rest of the fight was brief. Mythyryn's iron axe finished off Cr33p3rBoy112, but Kastrealm jumped in and finished him off. Cecer1 didn't die so easily; his blazes fired another volley before both being taken down by Peanutbutter911 and supergriefer's arrows, and fireballs hit Gamebuster101 and vivien_roland, leaving them wounded. Puzzlemaster3 charged, but Cecer1 dodged his pickaxe and cut him down in a fireball of scattered pixels. He got taken down, thanks to the combined power of Vivien_roland and Gamebuster101's kits.
Meanwhile, GuruGamers was battling the three knights who had followed him. Warriorfox123 was ahead of the others, but ended up being disarmed, and taken out by GuruGamer's diamond axe. DoctorGokado and DocteurKe showed up right after. Meanwhile, the rest of the surviving squad approached behind. GuruGamers realized the hopelessness of the situation, and spawned his horse.
"You win this round." He said, speeding off into the distance.
His horse appears to be extremely fast; they must've enhanced his horse as well as his kit. They couldn't stop his escape, but at least they had rescued NoxyD. They had taken 4 casualties, and 3 more of them had been wounded, but they had taken down three staff members and freed NoxyD from whatever fate they intended.
"Good job. Gamebuster, Vivien and Peanutbutter are a little wounded, but you all did well. We took some casualties, but we've also rescued Noxy. I'm teleporting you all back to the others... and I'll send Noxy to my location."
I did as I said, and quickly shielded Noxy so that he could not be found by the other admins- no need to have my secret base discovered. I turned to face him as he materialized in the room.
"Thank you. They were going to throw me into the void." he said.
"No problem. What does being thrown into the void do?"
"It completely erases your memory on the server. Total wipe. They were going to get rid of me; I was uncomfortable removing you from power, and they knew it. They removed my operator powers, but they needed the void to erase me completely. But that's not important."
"Oh? What is important?"
"They're about to launch Project November."
This thread is party of what will be a large series of threads all relating to the same story. To learn more, or check out earlier/later chapters of the story, go here:
That wasn't good. Project November was a project that Noxy and I had been working on for a while... but we hadn't finished it off yet. It was meant to be a simple way to make the staffs' lives easier, but something told me that wasn't exactly what they had in mind. That sort of thing was pretty powerful, and undoubtedly they were repurposing it to further their own ends.
They might have their suspicions, but they couldn't have known for sure that I was waging war on them. I still had the element of surprise... but not for long. Soon they'd figure out what I was doing, and try to track me down. If I died, they'd have complete control of the network... and nothing would be able to stand in their way.
But even if they didn't know what I was doing... Project November had to be stopped.
"Where are they launching it from?" I asked Noxy.
"Somewhere in the Rainforest sector. You managed to transport several players into Winter, can you pull off something similar there?"
"Yes. I can inject them into the server and they'll automatically be spawned normally, and they can move from there."
"We don't have much time."
"I'll send in horsetamers."
Undoubtedly there'd be a reasonably large force present at the project. A quick scan of Rainforest showed 7 players present, but surely there'd be some admins under the radar. This wouldn't be a clean fight.
I turned back to the computer, and connected to the Console. I broadcasted a message to the troops.
"Emergency situation in the Rainforest sector. I'm sending in a large amount of Horsetamers. AidenRK, Pr0lin3, xHascox, VorteXx3, Meyp, JerryCannn, lastikodezil, Frizer13, omwesolp, RumbleCrumble, MacManiacMC and GlitchyShell, prepare for the warp."
They materialized in the sector, and I sent them the coordinates of the located staff members. There appeared to be a mass of them along the east bridge. They all spawned their horses and sped off in that direction.
The first staff to spot them were Fatcake24 and Freylise80. Freylise drew an arrow to his archer 10 bow, and Fatcake24 spawned his necromancer mobs.
"If you can, get past them without hesitation. You don't have time to kill them all... you need to stop them from launching Project November."
It mostly worked. The majority of them managed to jump over and avoid the fight. But not all of them. An arrow from freylise80 knocked omwesolp flying off of his saddle, and he desperately ate his golden apple as he got up. RumbleCrumble threw his axe at Freylise80, and hit him squarely in the shoulder, knocking Frey off of his feet. But as Rumble jumped his horse to stample Frey, Fatcake shot an arrow into the side of his horse. Rumble's horse flew over the edge of the bridge, and he frantically jumped off, barely managing to catch hold of the edge. He hung there, dangling above a very large drop.
JerryCannn tried to evade the monsters, but a skeleton shot his horse and another zombie smacked him off of it. He quickly recovered, chopping off a zombie's head and knocking an arrow away with his axe. Omwesolp ran in and started trading axe bows with Fatcake24. JerryCannn turned in time to see Freylise80 standing above RumbleCrumble, drawing back the arrow to send him flying off the bridge. Without hesitation, he threw his axe, and it smashed into Freylise80's back, sending him off the edge. JerryCannn ran and helped RumbleCrumble up.
As this was happening, omwesolp was shot in the stomach by a skeleton, giving Fatcake24 the opportunity to slam him to the ground with his axe. He quickly turned, drew back an arrow, and fired it at JerryCannn's back. JerryCannn turned from helping Rumble just in time to get hit in the chest by the arrow and fly off the bridge, smashing into the ground far below and exploding into a spray of pixels.
Meanwhile, the rest of the horse riders were dodging the remaining staff with much more luck than before. They began approaching what appeared to be a portal, with two men in front of it.
The Console quickly identified them as AgentKid and Kevinkool. But Kevinkool had some strange readings on the Console...
"Uh-oh." said Noxy.
"What is it?"
"I think they transferred my operator power to Kevin."
"What does that mean?"
"He's a lot more powerful than any of us were before."
That couldn't be good. Not only that, but they had just completed a portal. A portal would usually be completely worthless, but now that the server had changed, it would serve as the perfect means of deploying a code... undoubtedly, Project November. But they hadn't coded it in yet.
AgentKid turned to KevinKool, but KevinKool had already turned around to face them. "Keep finishing the Project. I'll deal with them." He drew two iron swords and ran forward to meet the incoming rush of horsetamers.
What followed was, simply put, a massacre.
Frizer13 met him first, slashing forward with his axe, but Kevin jumped to the side and slashed him off of his horse with his iron sword. He threw his hands up, deflecting xHascox's axe, and slammed his sword right into AidenRK's horse as it rode by, throwing Aiden flying. But Kevin was already recovering, moving at incredible speeds, dispatching Meyp, then VorteXx3, then Glitchyshell. He was completely surrounded, and yet managed to block and parry every axe blow with his two swords. He jumped into the air, slamming his foot into lastikodezil's face, hurling him off the saddle and to the ground at alarming speed. He spun, and with his left hand threw his sword, which buried itself in MacManiacMC's arm with an explosion of pixels.
With most of his enemies unhorsed, Kevin made short work of the rest of the battle. He leapt forward, finishing off Frizer13, and grabbed his axe as he turned to face the rest. He blocked AidenRK's axe with his sword and swung his own axe into Aiden's side, which was met with another burst of particles as Aiden dematerialized. He spun, ducking under xHascox's diamond axe, and jumped forward, burying his sword into xHascox's stomach. He spun around, knocking lastikodezil's axe out of his hand with his own and cutting off his head with his sword.
Kevin turned to face his final opponent, who remained on horseback. Pr0lin3's horse reared. Kevin drew his hand back and threw his iron axe. Pr0lin3's horse leapt frantically to the left, but exploded into pixels as the hatchet buried itself into its flank. Pr0lin3 leapt off his horse as it exploded, and charged with his axe. Kevin dashed forward, and they exchanged a quick series of slashes, but then Kevin quickly slashed upward, and while Pr0lin3 blocked with his axe, it threw him off balance.
"Tell Hypixel we're coming for him next." Kevin said. And then he was a blur, slamming into Pr0lin3 at a hundred miles an hour, sending him twenty meters over the edge of the bridge.
I stared at the Console in shock, and Pr0lin3's point of view disappeared as he hit the ground.
"It would appear that they've figured out how to use their operator powers to enhance their own fighting ability." Noxy noted.
Suddenly, the Console went on full alert. A message blared across in all caps.
This thread is party of what will be a large series of threads all relating to the same story. To find out more, or simply navigate through the various chapters and elements of this story, go to the central hub:
I went back to RumbleCrumble's point of view, getting the very last glimpse of the battle as he beheaded Fatcake24.
"Rumble and Omwesolp. Everyone else got killed. I need you guys to go in there and see what's going on."
They approached the portal. I knew the basic layouts of Project November, having designed it myself, but I didn't know how they would modify it to their own needs.
They got within range, and I got a clear visual. The portal was activated, and AgentKid was in front of it. He started pouring his console power into the portal, and suddenly players started pouring out of the portal by the dozen. By the time he was done, 72 players had emerged.
AgentKid then spawned gear; wood swords falling from the sky, gold chestplates, bows, arrows, and speed potions. The army picked them up, and equipped themselves.
"I don't think they're using the Jr. Helper program for its original purpose." Noxy noted.
"Me neither." I replied.
KevinKool turned, and spotted RumbleCrumble peaking from a distance.
Kevin turned, said something, and suddenly there was a massive swarm of Jr Helpers sprinting across the bridge, weapons drawn.
"Rumble! Omwesolp! Get out of there! I'll try to dematerialize you guys before they get you!"
They didn't need my suggestion; both had gotten out of there pretty quickly when the army started rushing towards them. I started the coding sequence needed to take them out of there.
The army surged forward, headed by the five that had drunk speed potions. I dematerialized Omwesolp, and then started the sequence for Rumble. Rumble tripped and fell to the ground. The sequence finished, with less than a second to spare as a Jr Helper's sword slashed through the pocket of air where Rumble had just been.
Suddenly, the Console put forward a notification.
Console: Removing Rainforest from the map queue.
"What?" Noxy asked.
"They've removed Rainforest from the map queue... it means that we don't have direct access to it anymore. We can't just teleport men in." I responded.
"Is there a way to undo that?" 
"Yes... but hacking the system takes time, which we have precious little of. I was hoping they wouldn't start removing maps from the map pool."
"What happens when all the maps are removed?"
"We lose. Game over. We won't have any ground to wage our war on. But that's not the end of it... if they keep shutting down maps, they'll find out where our forces are. If they shut down that map... we've just lost every man."
The Console went on alert. Three maps were being invaded by the staff. Thorin, Mithril and Docks V1.
"How are they attacking multiple maps at the same time?" Noxy asked.
"There's 9 other admins. Every one of them can lead an attack. And when they're not leading an attack, they're designing more codes to enhance their own powers. Not all of them are gifted at coding, but most of them are. AgentKid will be preoccupied supplying Project November, but this means they have all the forces they need to attack multiple maps at the same time. And we can't fight that many attacks. It's 1 against 9..."
"Hey, that's 2 against 9." Noxy said, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Regardless, we're going to have to up our game. We're getting slaughtered... it's time for us to launch our own projects." 
I handed him a sketch of what I had in mind.
"Can it be done?" I asked.
"Definitely. Just give me a while, and I'll have the code ready." He said, and walked off.
I turned to the computer. I might not be able to fight off all the attacks, but I could certainly slow them down. I opened a direct link with the remaining player base. 
"Troops? We are going to save Thorin." 
This thread is party of what will be a large series of threads all relating to the same story. To find out more, or simply navigate through the various chapters and elements of this story, go to the central hub:
Cameron7276, Troy_K, SebiWins, foolahoop, Wicketlol, Supertroll1999, Shadowblade827, Monkey36, Neanderthalis, ksctdd, MouseGaming, katnissjul, DocteurKe and Jytheguy1 materialized at the spawnpoint of Thorin.
I sent a brief message over the console. "They're approaching from the lava lake, prepare for the battle."
They didn't wait long. Soon the horde was upon them. Roughly 20 players, most of them jr helpers in modest amounts of gear. Behind them was cheetahpet, SpiderDiclonii, SgtVault, MusicalGamerGirl, and Thorlon, diamond sword in hand.
The Jr Helpers all drank speed potions, and charged in. Two charged towards katnissjul, who's blazes opened fire. One got caught in the chest, bursting into flames and falling to the ground. The other lunged forward, but got parried, and Katniss's fire aspect sword broke in the process of finishing him off. The other was dispatched quickly.
Others weren't so fortunate. An arrow from MusicalGamerGirl's Archer 9 bow knocked foolahoop off balance, leaving him only time to say "ur trash" before a Jr Helpers sword took him out. Monkey36 and Ksctdd both drank astronaut potions and charged forward, taking out Jr Helpers left and right, but soon both had been overwhelmed and killed.
SebiWins spawned all his snowmen, drew out his axe, and met the onslaught of Jr Helpers. A snowball knocked the first off balance, and SebiWins quickly ended his life. His diamond axe quickly cleared through several more, easily defeating them with the assistance of his snowmen. Suddenly, SgtVault's horse was jumping over him, SgtVault's axe already drawn back to finish him off.
Troy_K's axe smashed into the side of SgtVault, sending him flying off the saddle and to the ground, dead. Troy_K ran to retrieve his diamond axe as Sebi finished off the last of the Jr Helpers. Cheetahpet was fighting Neanderthalis and Supertroll1999. An arrow from MusicalGamerGirl took Super in the shoulder, and Cheetah's horse 10 diamond axe quickly followed, taking him out. Neanderthalis took advantage of the distraction to stab her, his Tim stone sword cutting through the leather horsetamer armor.
SpiderDiclonii didn't die quite as easily. He gulped down an Astronaut X potion and charged forward, cutting Wicketlol's axe off by the handle. Wicket's wolves pounced on Spider, who dispatched them each without missing a step. MouseGaming appeared, spawning snowmen, and charged forward. His iron axe slammed into Spider's chain chestplate, getting stuck in the chains. He tried to pull his axe out, failed, and Spider's stone sword slashed forward, ending his life. Shadowblade827 and Jytheguy1 appeared, spawning wolves and spiders, all of which heaped onto SpiderDiclonii. His sword slashed left and right, dispatching several spiders as well as Shadowblade827, but eventually Wicket's stone axe crashed into his chest, and Jytheguy1's iron sword finished him off.
DocteurKe and Cameron7276 killed MusicalGamerGirl and rushed towards Thorlon, who simply gave them a warm smile.
I quickly relayed what information I could.
"Thorlon was never one to spend time mastering the coding of the server... he was always more fascinated in using it. He's definitely a fighter, and he's very, well, showy about."
Suddenly, Thorlon's hand shot forward, a lightning bolt crashing into DocteurKe. The electricity, easily conducted by DocteurKe's knight 8 armor, pulsed through him and left him lying on the ground. Suddenly Thorlon was charging forward himself, and Cameron7276's stone axe was cut clean through by his diamond sword, which soon entered Cameron's chestplate as well, slicing through the chainmail folds.
Lightning bolts. Typical. Extremely powerful, but just as wasteful a use of his operator power; lightning bolts were extremely inefficient at taking down foes. But I wasn't complaining.
Katnissjul ran forward, and another lightning bolt shot out of Thorlon's hands. Katniss threw her sword up, blocking the bolt, and DocteurKe ran forward, weak but still alive. DocteurKe's stone sword slashed forward, but Thorlon ducked, and punched Docteur into the wall at around 30 miles per hour, killing him. Katniss was there in a flash, but Thorlon's diamond sword was already swinging to parry, and he quickly killed her as well.
The rest of the survivors grouped together and stood facing him. Only 5 remained; Troy_K, SebiWins, Wicketlol, Neanderthalis and Jytheguy1, but that still left 3 level 10s. Thorlon looked up, and appeared to have second thoughts. Sure, Kevinkool might have easily won that fight, but Kevin had twice the amount of operator power as Thorlon, and Thorlon had already spent a great deal of his.
Suddenly, Thorlon dematerialized. He had escaped. But that was to be expected; there was no use fighting a losing battle. Because of his Console power he could send himself anywhere on the network at will to recover; my guess was they were all holed up in Rainforest, plotting and creating even more programs to defeat me. We'd saved Thorin, but at a great cost. 9 of our own had died, taking only 4 staff as well as many Jr Helpers down with them. The Console confirmed what I had expected:
Console: Removing Mithril from the map queue.
Console: Removing Docks V1 from the map queue.
Two maps down... but that was better than 3. Noxy would be back soon with the new-
My thoughts were abruptly cut off by the sound of something hitting the floor behind me. I turned my chair, and suddenly the tip of an iron sword was inches away from my nose.
"Hello, Hypixel." Rezzus said, sword drawn and ready to kill.
so i heard you guys like action
Spoiler: Map Pool
Spoiler: Current Roster
This thread is party of what will be a large series of threads all relating to the same story. To find out more, or simply navigate through the various chapters and elements of this story, go to the central hub:
This new code would change the tide of the war. It involved a bit of a loophole in the system database. The server was kicking everyone who died, but I had discovered a workaround- by cataloging every player with multiple kits under a different UUID, they would have a different life for each high level kit they possessed. This would nearly double the amount of lives we had to spend, especially for the more experienced players.
But would it be enough?
No time to think about that. I had to save Citadel. The rogue admins had begun eliminating maps from the map pool, and if all the maps were eliminated, I would be unable to contact the players. I'd lose contact with my entire army. They hadn't guessed the map where I had hidden them, but it was only a matter of time.
I opened a chat with MAJESTICxWALRUS.
"Dude. Citadel's under attack-" I began, quickly getting cut off by his interjection-
"Where have you been?! It's been nearly a day!"
"We had some... trouble on the other side. Things are secure now. Citadel is under attack. I'm pulling 18 people into the fight, mainly Astronauts."
I began warping the players in. Troy_K, Technoblade, Minechaos2713, Maphia_Ace, mrnamol4, lastikodezil, dedew84, MacManiacMC, purelycraft, blukid8, Loiyd_Irving, bballnick123, SpiderTheBite, Labron1975, supergriefer, Kastrealm, TennisFTW and _link_2012_ began materializing at the base of one of the towers.
I didn't wait. I quickly launched another code, which would shield my location in the real world from any unauthorized attempts to teleport into it. Hopefully, this would prevent another person from attempting what Rezzus had.
The players had finished materializing, and they had already spotted their opponents.
Thorlon. I wasn't surprised- He was the second best fighter, right after Kevinkool, that the admin team had at their disposal. The other admins were exceedingly cunning and much better with the code, but Thorlon's ability in battle made him a primary candidate to send in to neutralize maps. He was flanked by Cygerus, Fontzzzzzz, Skydeli, SylentbutDedly and envyrose.
They had spotted my guys as well. Thorlon threw his hand out, opening a portal. Jr. Helpers by the dozen started spewing out of it, all half-clad in gold armor with a various assortment of swords and axes. They all charged headlong towards the players.
With the sudden appearance of the Jr. Helpers, we were greatly outnumbered. But numbers aren't everything.
"Guys! Run up the citadel tower! You can use it as a choke-point to slow down their advance!"
Due to the cramped nature of the Citadel tower, their superior numbers would be a lot less effective. And because of the amount of Astronauts on our side, an emergency exit was always available... although not for the rest of them. It wasn't ideal. I hoped it wouldn't come to that.
They fled up the tower, closely followed by what was quickly becoming a hundred Jr. Helpers. They wouldn't gain much time if they didn't find a way to slow them down...
"Link!" I said, messaging the Necromancer of the squad.
"Yes?" he responded, slightly winded from the rapid stair climb.
"You need to slow them down."
He stopped, realizing what I had just told him. I had essentially just asked him to commit suicide for the team. But if the Jr. Helpers weren't slowed... the rest of the team wasn't going to fare much better.
He sighed, turned, and threw down every mob spawn egg he had.
The Jr. Helper wave hit the first zombie and chaos ensued. Link's punch bow quickly sent arrows slamming into the heads of Jr. Helpers, throwing them off their feet and crashing into the Jr. Helpers below. The few who avoided being knocked down by their peers were quickly shot by a skeleton or taken down by a zombie. This defense was successful for nearly thirty seconds, until suddenly envyrose appeared.
She cut through Jr. Helper after Jr. Helper, not allowing their fallen bodies to get in her way. Her Pigman 9 sword met the first zombie and it nearly evaporated under its enchantments. She quickly cut through the other zombies and, blocking a shot from a skeleton, disposed of the other two skeletons with two quick swipes. She turned to Link, just in time to catch an arrow into the chest.
She stumbled backwards, but bounced off the wall and was back on balance before Link could draw back another arrow. She quickly flung two splash potions into his face, causing him to get knocked backwards, and she quickly followed through with her sword, stabbing him through the chest. Link dematerialized, and the horde flowed forth. But he had bought them some time.
The others were busy setting up a defense. They'd have to have defenders on both sides of the bridge to prevent themselves from being surrounded. The right bridge was the more loosely defended, featuring only three astronaut 9s, an Archer 10 and a few snowmen. The left side was a tight group of Astronauts, side by side, backed up by a solitary Loiyd_Irving, arrow already drawn.
The Jr. Helper horde reached the surface. Thorlon had disabled the portal on the surface, but as he reached the top, he activated another one. No need to waste his troop's energy storming up stairs. Jr. Helpers swarmed across the bridge, and the barricade of players rose up to stop them.
At first the battle seemed to be going fine. On the left bridge, the shield wall of Astronauts calmly and efficiently took out dozen after dozen of Jr. Helpers, while on the right side the Jr. Helpers were pushed back by the 10 snowmen from Troy_K, Labron1975 and SpiderTheBite as bballnick123 shot them down. It appeared like we could actually sustain ourselves in battle... but that was relying on the fact that they would eventually run out of Jr. Helpers. Right?
AgentKid surely couldn't power that many of them... but there was always the possibility that Kevinkool was lending some of his power. Because Kevin had stolen Noxy's share of the operator power, he was twice as powerful as the other admins. He could easily support the energy needed to create endless Jr. Helpers while commanding the rest of their operations at base. I couldn't rely on the Jr. Helper wave stopping any time soon.
Of course, that wasn't hard enough. A surprise arrow from Cygerus flew across the bridge and slammed into mrnamol4, an Astronaut on the left bridge, and knocked him backwards, breaking the shield wall. Suddenly, Skydeli spawned three blazes, who began launching fireballs at the snowmen on the right bridge. Bballnick frantically fired at the blazes, but by the time he had killed all 3 of them, only one snowmen remained. Even that snowmen was quickly shot by Fontzzzzz's Necromancer bow. The Jr. Helpers surged forward, desperately being repelled by the weaker defense on the right bridge.
Our defense was breaking.
Time for a new strategy.
We weren't going to win at this rate. We were holding them off, but we couldn't do that forever, and slaughtering Jr. Helpers gained us nothing. Furthermore, the volley of arrows by the helpers and moderators was going to prove a problem. It was time for a new plan.
I opened a chat connection to them.
"Guys. We need to turn this around, and we're not going to be able to do that by just standing there. The astronauts will be able to get down most quickly, so I'm sending five of you guys down. Blukid8, Technoblade, Minechaos2713, Kastrealm and Purelycraft, you guys need to back out and jump off the tower out of sight. Head for the cornucopia. I have a plan."
The five selected astronauts backed off and did as told. But that was five astronauts being taken out of the shield wall. While the bridge wasn't wide enough for that to have an immediate impact on their defense of the bridge, it would hurt in the long run due to them being unable to replace fallen defenders.
"Guys! There are 12 of you left defending the bridge. You need to hold off their attack for as long as it takes the other 5 to return with backup."
Arrows flashed across the bridge, sent by the moderators and helpers alongside Thorlon, but none hit their mark. Supergriefer, Loiyd_Irving and bballnick123 fired shots right back at them, and one arrow knocked skydeli to the ground, hurting him but not enough to kill.
I began typing a quick program. It wasn't the most... complicated thing I'd ever written. Ok, maybe it was just a gigantic laser beam. Don't judge. I finished the code- it wasn't that long- and turned back to the defense. The code would help us win the battle... if we managed to figure out how to use it. Just having the code wasn't enough- we'd need a way to deploy the code, and a power source.
The defense was holding, but it wouldn't last for long. The left bridge had taken casualties, as both Labron1975 and SpiderTheBite fell to the swarm of Jr. Helpers. On the right side, an arrow from Cygerus smashed into dedew84's chestplate, throwing him backwards into his teammates. Two Jr. Helpers jumped through, but lastikodezil cut them off. His sword flew out, taking out one of the Jr. Helpers, but the other Jr. Helper stabbed him before he could back out. Before the Jr. Helper could finish the kill, an arrow from Loiyd_Irving entered his skull, and he dematerialized.
The five that I had sent to the surface had reached the cornucopia. Suddenly, an alert flashed across the map:
Console: The blitz star has been hidden in a chest! Find it to activate your Blitz! 
Perfect. The five instantly dived into the cornucopia chests, not even needing to be told what to do.
Console: Minechaos2713 found the Blitz Star!
"Quick! You five need to get to the base of the tower."
I checked back on the defense. It wasn't going as well as I had hoped. Mrnamol4 had fallen, leaving the right side of the bridge with only 3 people left. The astronauts on the left side weren't doing much better. MacmaniacMC chugged down a resistance potion and leapt into the horde of Jr. Helpers, his sword slashing left and right, eventually succumbing to the horde after downing several of them. TennisFTW and Maphia_Ace both chugged potions and ran forward, Troy_K close behind them, swiftly chopping with his diamond axe whenever the opportunity showed itself.
The right side of the bridge was in bad shape. They were starting to lose ground, being pressed back by the onslaught of Jr. Helpers. They were almost pushed back to the last third of the bridge when Thorlon's hand shot out, firing a lightning bolt across the bridge. Instead of hitting the defenders as expected, it flew over their heads, crashing into the doorway at the other side of the bridge. The doorway crumbled, and the exit was overflown with debris. They were trapped on the bridge, and they didn't have much more room to give. Envyrose and Fontzzzz both began running across the bridge.
The five got to the base of the tower. We had to act quickly.
"Minechaos! I'm transferring Rezzus's operator power to you. I've inserted a special code into the blitz star. Use it on the top of the tower."
He took out the Blitz star, pointed his hand at the top of the tower, and activated the code.
A massive beam of energy, around 3 meters in diameter, shot out of his hand. It hit the top of the tower, caving the walls in as the tower shook under the blast. The entire map shook as if there was an earthquake.
I didn't pity the staff team inside of it. Thorlon's head snapped to the left at the sound of the noise, just in time to see the wall cave in and get thrown violently against the wall by the force of the laser beam. He crumpled to the ground in a heap, barely conscious, and got to see the entire upper part of the tower collapsing. The portal that had been spawning Jr. Helpers suddenly disappeared as a large piece of stone brick flew threw it. Skydeli and SylentbutDedly were already dead. Thorlon saw Cygerus run for the exit, hoping to get onto the bridge, and saw the floor collapse beneath him as he fell to his death.
The bridge shook, and suddenly one side of the bridge snapped. The bridge began to crumble. Thorlon got back up, and threw his arms in front of him, creating a bubble shield around him, just in time to save himself from a giant piece of debris slamming into him. He was shielded, but that didn't stop the rock from smashing his shield- with him inside it- right through the wall of the citadel. He smashed into the ground, his shield cushioning the fall.
"Guys! Thorlon's going to escape. His power is only a fraction of what it was before, he's spent most of it keeping himself alive. You guys need to get him. Minechaos, you still have around 70% of Rezzus's operator power- use it."
The five astronauts ceased their slack-jawed staring at the crumbling tower and ran around it- giving it a wide berth to avoid the massive pieces of rock hitting the ground around it. I turned to the bridge situation.
Half the bridge had already fallen. Lastikodezil and Dedew84 were both dead, leaving Loiyd_Irving the only one remaining on his side of the bridge. He still had around 6 Jr. Helpers and Envyrose charging towards him. The left side wasn't faring much better- Maphia_Ace and Tennis had both died, leaving Troy_K and the two archers supergriefer and bballnick alone to defeat the remaining 10 Jr. Helpers- and Fontzzzz. The bridges were still collapsing, and only around half of the bridge was still intact.
Loiyd_Irving didn't have anywhere to run. The doorway had collapsed. The first Jr. Helper, who had been well ahead of the others. swung his stone sword. Loiyd_Irving ducked under it, rolled, and stood up behind him, sending an arrow through his back. He jumped forward, catching the stone sword as it fell out of his hands and quickly stored it for later. He turned, firing two more arrows, taking down two more Jr. Helpers. He then saw envyrose, only fifteen feet away, charging.
He fired an arrow, but envyrose threw her pigman egg, which spawned in the air and took the arrow through the chest. The pigman flew backwards as she dived to the ground, crashing into two Jr. Helpers. The bridge dissolved beneath them and all three fell. Envyrose was already recovering, rolling from the ground and throwing herself at Loiyd. Loiyd quickly drew his sword, and they begun slashing at eachother.
The left side of the bridge had similar problems. Troy_K dispatched two Jr. Helpers with his axe, and another arrow flew over his shoulder, eliminating a third. But he was backing up. Fontzzzz was charging. He swept his axe in an overhand swing, taking out another Jr. Helper, and quickly grabbed his sword, throwing it behind him.
"Supergriefer! Take this."
"But I'm an archer!"
"We might need it."
They retreated back, stopping at the inside of the tower to make their final stand. Two Jr. Helpers ran through the doorway, both quickly eating arrows as they flew backwards from the force of their bows. But the rest were right behind them, Fontzzzz leading the charge. bballnick123 and supergriefer both fired arrows, but both arrows simply bounced off of Fontzzzz's Necromancer chainmail armor. Troy_K stepped forward and they began swinging at eachother.
The five astronauts on the ground had found Thorlon. They all charged. Thorlon glanced at them, rage in his eyes. Kastrealm was the first to meet him. Thorlon's sword swung at unbelievable speeds, smashing into Kastrealm's chain chestplate and sending him flying into the Citadel tower, instantly killing him. He then turned, throwing out his arm, and Purelycraft was vaporized in lightning.
"I thought you said he was at a fraction of his original power!" Technoblade yelled over the relay.
"He is!" I yelled back.
Thorlon turned to the 3 survivors. His hand shot out, and a lightning bolt flew towards Minechaos. Minechaos threw a hand in front of him, and a shield formed in the air in front of him, deflecting the bolt. Thorlon was visibly surprised.
"Operator powers?" He said.
Minechaos didn't respond, instead throwing himself at Thorlon. Their swords met, and Thorlon was thrown backwards. He threw his arm out, sending another lightning bolt, but Minechaos stepped to the side. Minechaos's arm blurred forward and suddenly Thorlon was engulfed in lightning. The lightning bolt threw him off of his feet and he smashed into a wall.
He started to get up, but Minechaos was already there. He was a blur, closing the distance at inhuman speeds, and Thorlon gasped as Minechaos's stone sword went through his chest. He fell to the ground and dematerialized.
Meanwhile, Loiyd Irving was in the fight of his life. He stepped backwards, avoiding a slash from envyrose, and suddenly was backed up against the side of the bridge. A Jr. Helper lunged, but he spun to the side, and turning in a full circle slammed his foot into the back of the Jr. Helpers head, throwing him off the bridge. He quickly sliced through the last Jr. Helper and turned to face envyrose. She slashed at him, and he blocked. There was a quick series of slashes and parries before Loiyd_Irving had backed envyrose against the bridge.
The bridge was still collapsing. A segment of it under envyrose's foot fell, and for half a second she was off balance. Loiyd_Irving threw himself forward, slamming his foot into her and sending her off the bridge. He began backing up as the bridge continued to fall apart. He only had a few meters left.
He backed up against the pile of debris blocking the doorway. The bridge continued to collapse. The drop got closer... four meters... three meters.... two... and then stopped. The bridge had stabilized. Loiyd let out a sigh of relief, only having been seconds away from certain death moments ago.
The other side of the bridge- no longer on the bridge, having retreated inside the room- wasn't doing well. Supergriefer stabbed one Jr. Helper, but three more ran towards him. An arrow from bballnick123 took out one, and Fontzzzz turned to him. Troy_K tried to stop him, but Fontzzzz threw out his Necromancer mob eggs, and suddenly Troy_K was facing a shield wall of zombies and skeletons.
Troy_K ran towards supergriefer, but he was too late. One Jr. Helper slashed at him, and as he drew his sword up to block it the other lunged forward, his sword running through Supergriefer's leather chestplate. He dematerialized, but Troy_K quickly avenged him, dispatching both the remaining Jr. Helpers. He turned to the undead horde and began taking out zombies.
BBallnick123 tried to back away, but Fontzzzz was too fast. He fired an arrow at him, but it simply bounced off of Fontzzzz's necromancer armor. He turned to run, but his life was quickly ended as Fontzzzz cut him down.
Troy_K had just finished killing the zombies. He took out two skeletons, but before he could kill the third Fontzzzz was there. Fontzzzz's sword flew forward, and Troy_K blocked it with his axe, leaving his side open. The remaining skeleton fired, hitting Troy_K in the chest. He stumbled, and despite blocking Fontzzzz's next attack, was knocked to the ground.
Fontzzzz approached him slowly, ready to finish him off. Suddenly, Troy_K sat up, throwing his diamond axe as hard as he could. It slammed through Fontzzzz's chestplate, and he flew backwards, knocking over the skeleton as well. Troy_K jumped up, grabbing the fallen stone sword of a Jr. Helper, and ran forward. He deflected an arrow from the skeleton and killed it. Fontzzzz stumbled up, yanking the diamond axe out of his chestplate, but before he could pull his sword up to block Troy_K had ran him through the chest with his sword. He dematerialized.
Citadel was saved.
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i-think-2-much · 4 years
Artist truths
Anyone who says tracing isn’t essential to art can go fuck a llama. Tracing is a great way to learn and a good skill to have if you ever do line art
All the posts saying “this is the only way” can also go join the llama orgy because the whole point of art is to break the rules and find new ways to do things
It isn’t “copying” it’s being inspired by your work as long as there are some different elements
Anyone can be an artist if they’re willing to put in the time
Line art can be done in any color. I’ve heard that some people like to do a medium opacity brown, but I rarely do line art sooo
Look at other artist’s work and learn from their best pieces and their mistakes
Try to pick a style that comes naturally to you. I don’t have the patience for neat lines, so I generally prefer to lean towards Impressionism and realism. If you tend to draw with rounded lines, lean toward cartoonism. Straight sharp lines? Abstract or whatever. You can try to break your habits, but it’s best to go with what comes naturally (in my opinion).
Your art doesn’t have to have great shading to be good. If it says something, that’s more important than proper line art
Something’s not right? Trying looking at your piece through a camera, flipping it, or asking a friend (or me even!) for advice.
You suck at art? Too bad. Keep doing it. Hope may be able to get us through hard times, but it takes more than a wish to be good at art.
Fuck fancy paints and pencils that cost $15 each. Crayola does just fine if you ask me.
Draw what you want, not what others want. You wanna draw flowers and not movie characters? Go for it. You prefer to draw animals in hammocks? That’s fucking amazing. Send me a picture because I wanna see that. You have the power to draw a kangaroo kicking Thanos’s butt in pac man. Use it. Draw what makes you happy.
Try shading with other colors instead of black/white. Yellow/chartreuse are great for highlights, blues/purples/browns are generally good for shadows.
When shading sharp corners, don’t be afraid to add highlights. The more highlights, the more constrast between the two sides. It’s hard to describe without images, but it’s important enough I’m still mentioning it
Trace drawing references. Use the color swatch tool to find your colors. It’s not cheating, it’s learning because you won’t have to “cheat” the next time.
Have I mentioned how amazing drawing references are?
You don’t have to do the shapes and circles and blah blah blah, but I personally find that they’re helpful with proportions
Use your fingers/pencil to compare different parts of the piece to make sure they’re porportional. If drawing a person, your fore arm is generally a little longer than your foot, your shoulders are three heads wide, and your fingers are one palm tall, etc.
Don’t be discouraged by people who are better than you. Instead, love them. Their art can reveal what you’re doing wrong, they can help you become better, and they can even be friends.
Don’t make fun of other people’s art. If they suck now, they won’t in three years. (If someone makes fun of your art feel free to dm me so I can rip them a new one)
Age and talent have little to no correlation. Just because someone half your age is better than you doesn’t mean you can’t become as good as they are
Have fun. One of my favorite things about art is how well you can understand the artist by looking at it. I love seeing unporportioned horses drawn by fourth grade girls because guess what? Horses are important to them, and they’re sharing their love and happiness with everyone around them. Please, don’t hide yourself. I wanna see you.
If you find yourself painting or sculpting and you’re not enjoying it, it’s okay to stop. If you keep going, you’re just going to get more and more frustrated and build up resentment toward that art form.
If you sucked at something two years ago, try again. You might be better now. Art overlaps in many ways and improvement in one area can lead to improvements in another.
Sorry this was so long, but some of this stuff is important. Art is amazing, fun, a great way to show off, and it’s important to so many people. Art is a community (not a competition) and some people forget that. If you don’t believe me about some of my tips, I recently started an Instagram for my art (@efficacious_art) or dm me to talk.
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avelera · 4 years
“Lights Out” Nicky/Joe Timeline
I did this a bit earlier in the fic writing process, but if anyone is curious about the Lights Out “official timeline” of how Nicky and Joe spent their first hundred years as immortals, you can find it below the cut.
- June, 1099 - Nicky and Joe first see each other from the walls of Jerusalem and both are intrigued and drawn to the person they see, hoping they’ll get a chance to encounter the other in battle. 
- July, 1099 - Nicky and Joe meet in battle, remaining outside the walls once the Crusaders break through, fighting each other until nightfall. Eventually, after killing each other 3 times, they realize they can’t get the other to stay dead and that the Crusaders have taken and burned the city of Jerusalem. Nicky urges Joe to run but prevents him from entering the city, as his mercy towards Joe does not extend towards allowing an enemy combatant back into the fray. Joe departs and heads for Ascalon to bring word of the fall of Jerusalem to the Fatimid Caliphate. 
- Late 1099-1105 - Joe and Nicky encounter one another regularly in military conflicts between the Fatimid Caliphate and the newly founded Christian Kingdoms. 
During this time, Nicky realizes that he does not die or age, and learns that his father has had a son with his second wife. He sends word back to Genova that his father’s eldest living son “Nicolo” has died in the Crusades. During this period, Nicky begins to struggle with feelings of guilt and penance over his role in the brutal sacking of Jerusalem. However, the damage is done and there’s no way to undo the conquest, so he sees it as his duty to shepherd the safety of pilgrims and to secure the Christian Kingdoms he fought to establish. 
Joe continues to fight on the losing and often disorganized Fatimid side, constantly frustrated by the loss of territory to both Christians and Seljuks, but mostly because Nicky just keeps finding him, even in unlikely places, like while Joe is spying on the Christian defenses in Jaffa while disguised as a merchant. 
That said, the two can’t forget each other and there is more than just hatred that exists between them, though they kill one another regularly whenever they meet. They have their first romantic encounter (if it can even be called that) outside Ramla while hiding from a storm that scattered both of their forces in the middle of a battle. Torn between killing each other and admitting that they both need shelter, the mood turns heated as frustrations boil over, and they kiss (and then some) for the first time while grappling in their latest fight. Startled by his own passion, Joe flees into the night back to his side. However, the pattern repeats itself over the next decades, when hatred and passion mingle and neither can get the other out of their mind. 
Their second sexual encounter is on another spying mission of Joe’s, this time in Jerusalem. His base of operations was a brothel in the city, where he hid out pretending to be a patron, figuring he’d be safe from the devout Christian knight who seemed to find him everywhere. Of course, Nicky appeared, looking for one of his fellow soldiers who was to be disciplined. 
However, Nicky surprised Joe by paying off the sex worker Joe had hired to shelter him that night, but telling Joe that it was late and as long as he left the city when the sun rose, Nicky could be merciful and allow him the comfort and safety of a bed that night. Significant looks were shared and they enjoyed their second encounter in a much more pleasant setting than their first. 
- 1105-1120 - The fighting continues. Joe and Nicky age into their 40s and 50s, gaining the military skill of experienced generals while still enjoying the fighting prowess of young men. Both see this supernatural ability as obviously a sign that it is their duty to take part in the military conflicts between their people (though the politics of the time are messy and occasionally alliances do exist between both their sides against the Turks. On these occasions they find more excuses than usual to spend their nights together even while spitting curses at each other the next day). 
When an order of monastic knights was founded known as the Knights Templar, Nicky reinvented himself for the first but not the last time to join their ranks. However, the concerns of the Christian kingdoms grew increasingly secular as time wore on, frustrating him as the politics of Jerusalem grew increasingly distant from the initial promise of the Crusades he signed up to participate in as a protector of pilgrims. 
- 1122 - Nicky and Joe speak for the first time without once drawing their swords. On the banks of a river on the day before a battle between their people, Joe realizes at age 56 that he is feeling ever more distant from the men he serves beside and that Nicky is the only peer he has who was there at Jerusalem. He and Nicky speak for an hour, getting to know each other, which marks the beginning of a tentative friendship. While their duels and mutual murder of one another do continue to take place regularly (as well as moments stolen away in each other’s beds when the occasion allows) their duels lose their initial hatred and become almost playful at times. 
- 1122-1144/1147 - The conflicts between Fatimids and Christians slow somewhat as the Seljuks rise as the more dominant regional Muslim power. Joe and Nicky begin to lose their sense of wonder at their own immortality as they age past their 50s and 60s into their 70s, feeling increasingly alienated from their fellow soldiers as the political landscape shifts and the causes they initially fought for begin to warp beyond recognition as a new generation rises. 
It becomes increasingly difficult for them to feel connected to the urgency of the fight, as the Christian kingdoms adapt to the area and begin to be absorbed politically into the conflicts of the Levant region, no longer an ideological enemy but simply another force. Their sense of isolation is exacerbated by their independent realizations that they need to “die” and reinvent themselves every decade or so to hide from suspicion of their lack of aging, which cuts them off from past companions and family members and often bars them from cities and social circles they’d grown to know and love. They become one another’s only constant. 
Joe watches the rise of Imad al-Din Zengi with consternation and a trace of envy as the Fatimids wain in effectiveness and the Seljuk warlord takes up the mantel of the champion of Islam to drive the Christians from the region. Zengi eventually succeeds in recapturing the now-Christian kingdom of Edessa, prompting the Pope in Europe to call for a Second Crusade. 
Nicky, upon hearing a Second Crusade is to be called and a the cycle of violence will inevitably begin again with a new wave of clueless Europeans charging into a delicate region they don’t understand, inevitably spreading bloodshed and terror, finally gives up on the Templars and the Christian kingdoms now known as Outremer. He came to the Holy Land to protect pilgrims, not to prop up European princes at the expense of the common people. He flees into the wilderness outside Jerusalem to become a hermit, of sorts, protecting pilgrims on the road during these dangerous times, regardless of their faith, as his ultimate act of penance for his role in the brutal sacking of Jerusalem decades before.
Joe around the same time realizes he hasn’t seen Nicky in a while, begins to worry, realizes how much has changed that he does worry. Eventually he tracks Nicky down to his hermit cave and brings him home with him. Their time together as enemies ends officially and their time as friends and lovers begins, never to end.
- 1147- 1171 - While not finding Zengi terribly inspiring, Joe does find his more scholarly son Nur ad-Din a more palatable leader and joins his side as a soldier the next time he needs to “die” and reinvent himself. Nicky, however, abstains from the fighting except as a freelance guard to protect pilgrims. While he has disavowed the politics of the Crusader states, he is not yet at the point of fully turning on them to join the other side. 
- 1171-1193 - Fighting for Nur al-Din brings Joe into contact Salah ad-Din (Saladin) who he and eventually Nicky find to be the sort of inspiring leader they’ve been looking for. Nicky and Joe partake in the Third Crusade and the “Fall of Jerusalem”, this time in Nicky’s case from the other side as he becomes a vassal of Saladin’s alongside Joe. However, the brief spark of Saladin’s leadership is the last gasp of their emotional investment of what feels like an endless conflict in the Holy Land that bears little resemblance to the war they first fought in on opposite sides. (Little do they know, this is only the Third of what will be more than Seven Crusades.) 
After Saladin’s death from illness in 1193, they lose their last connection to the region and are too heartsick to continue the fight. They travel to Genova to make Nicky’s peace with a homeland he hasn’t seen in almost a century, then pass through Al-Andalus and then decide to try to find the women in their dreams who are currently moving west, shadowing a great horde of horse-riding warriors (the Mongol Invasion). Nicky and Joe in the mid 13th century end up in Baghdad, where they eventually encounter Andy and Quynh when the Mongol army arrives there and the city falls. 
Sooo.... as you can see, there’s a lot there @_@ some of it is very sketchy and back of the envelope, I steer clear a bit from Joe’s side because the Fatimids are a bit hard to trace in this era (they keep getting conflated with the Seljuks, who were also their enemies, so I’m hesitant to say exactly when and if Joe would develop sympathy for or join the Seljuk side. It was a messy time, politically). I’m interested in doing some sort of 5+1 E-rated fic about some of their first encounters eventually. But in the meantime, this is the timeline I’ve worked out with my VERY amateur scholarship. 
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royalheroine · 3 years
Helen regretted arriving to new york city much earlier than her family. She arrived to see a stream of aliens coming through a big portal in the sky. She had to act fast. She should’ve run. Should’ve stayed in a cafe or something, but she did something highly impulsive. She fought.
She quickly found a broken pipe in the alleyway and started hitting at the aliens. The aliens started shooting bolts of light at her and she adapted by finding a broken off car door. She was surprised that it blocked most of the shots. She found herself protecting the stay victims and escorting people to nearby bulidings or outreach refugee camps.
Blood sprayed on her face while she stabbed a alien in the head with the sharp pipe. She didn’t notice the wound on her left side, and didn’t complain about the scratches and bruises on her legs. She just wanted it to end. She hoped her family is not here, even if they didn’t care about her. She then decided to head to the stark tower, maybe the aliens held hostages in there.
She found herself going up to the top floor after realizing that no one is being held hostage on the lobby floor.
The elevator door opened and she saw a man with raven black hair. Wearing a royal overcoat adorend with gold trimmings and fabric. He held a glowing scepter.
‘Shit did i just find the villian?!’ she thought to herself.
“And who might you be.” He smirked.
She carefully stepped out of the elevator. Trying to identify or at least avoid his attacks. Surviving multiple aliens seemed hard, but this encounter would be even harder.
“I-I thought people would be taken hostage in this tower- I think I thought wrong. Wait-” she looked at the crescent shaped charm on his chest.
“A-are you a god?” She asked. The symbol looked very similar to the symbol in her norse mythology storybook. The storybook that she read over and over again.
“Oh, so you know your place. You realize who I really am, your god.” He spoke to her.
“Y-are you- Loki?” She abandoned all feelings of fear and terror. Those feelings were replaced with feelings of childlike curiosity.
“Yes, how does a mere mortal know about my name?” He was curious too. He thought that mortals only knew about their own realm.
“Uh- apparently people from the past worshipped you, and Thor and Odin and others, they’re called Norse. And I guess they wrote stories about you! Stories that I read a lot. And, yeah, I know this is a really weird thing to say to someone who is invading your planet but- I- you’re my favorite god.” She looked away.
‘Thats my last words. I literally called my killer my favorite and I’m going to die. Great.’ She thought to herself.
Loki put down his scepter. He wanted to entertain this small, puny mortal. A mortal that didn’t seem to fear him.
“Come child.” He guided her to the bar.
“So, what do they say about me?” He asked her.
“Well… They said that you can shapeshift and that you had a baby with a horse.” She giggled. The god wrinkled the bridge of his nose.
“God, the way you mortals create stories are weird and highly inaccurate. I only raised a baby horse, not gave birth to it.” He clarified, leaning the scepter against the bar.
“I mean, you were not portrayed as wholly evil or wholly good, since mischeif is neutral in morality. Which means you’re not a villain. Right? She asked
“That’s where you’re wrong. My brother is a hero and I am the villain. A villain who is not even asguaridan.” He told her.
“Y-you’re also compared to your brother?” She asked shyly
“Yes, all the time.” He huffed
“Well, you’re in the same boat, my brother, Finn. He’s older, cuter, a golden child and good at everything. Meanwhile, you have me… Messy, uncoordinated and decided to fight instead of run away like anyone else.” She said.
“Fighting is a more noble pursuit than running.” he told her, but he noticed that she was bleeding on her side.
“Oh dear, that’s not a nice sight.” He carefully laid her down on the couch.
“W-what?” She was getting faint, she didn’t notice that she was bleeding out. Loki summoned a rag and started using his healing magic. But he had limited knowledge.
“Stay with me dear, once you wake up, we will rule together, besides, two monsters should shine in the sunlight.” He assured the sleeping child.
The girl woke up to see a group of heroes circling Loki. She stood up but her wound thobbed.
“Ah!” She dobled over. Clutching her side. A man dressed in blue and red came over to her.
“Did he hold you hostage?” He asked.
“No- I- he healed me.” She said grogilly. She didn’t realize that it was all over.
“Dear, you should’nt move as much.” Loki called to her. The blue hero looked confused.
“Ah- where is he going?” She asked.
“Back to asgard.” The blonde hero said.
“Are you Thor then?” She asked. Staggering once she stood up.
“Yes” He smiled lightly, probably trying to calm down the shaking child.
“Your age?” The blue hero said.
“11.” She meekly said.
“You hurt a child!” Thor shouted at Loki.
“No! He actually took care of me! We- had a conversation!” She shouted in protest.
“He hypnotized you.” The blue hero tried to get the situation straight.
“I WOULD NEVER! NOT A CHILD!” Loki shouted. Thor only put a mechanical gag on loki.
“Lets get you down, alright?” The blue hero gave a comforting smile.
She found herself stuffed in a small elevator with a bunch of heroes and a villain. She was slightly shaking from the excess adrenaline and the pain from the wound. Loki kept glancing at her, worried that she might faint from the blood.
“Sooo…. What is your name kid?” The man in the iron suit asked.
“Helen. Helen Conrad.” She told him.
“Well, lets lighten up! Lets all introduce ourselves. I’ll start off. My name is Tony stark! Real names only!”
“I am Steve Rodgers.” The blue hero smiled.
“Natasha Romanov.”
“Clint Barton.”
“Thor Odinson”
She smiled brightly. “Thank you for introducing yourselves!”
She found herself in the lobby, witnessing the fight over a glowing blue cube.
‘Why are they so obsessed with that cube?’ she asked herself.
“Your parents haven’t shown up.” Thor pointed out as they sat ontop of the car.
“Not surprised, probably busy with my brother.” She leaned back. Probably thinking that she’d just settle back into her normal life.
“What if you came with me. To Asgard.” He asked her.
She turned to him. “Y-you’d really bring me?” She asked.
“If your parents are as neglectful as they are, then I should probably just bring you to a better place. Your skills will be better cultivated on Asgard than with your parents.” He said.
“Also, you’ve made a profound impact on my brother, Loki. So would you be kind to come on behalf of him? He doesn’t show it but he’d like you to come too.” he asked.
“D-definately! Definitely!” She shouted. Jumping up and down.
“I-i- d-definately- w-wait. Give me a s-second.” She was getting too excited that her stuttering became apparent. She took a deep breath.
She gave a curt, “Yes. yes I would like to go.” She smiled. Thor grinned.
“You would definately love the palace.”
Loki and Thor held on to the container with the tesseract and Helen stood behind the container.
“Are you sure we should let a child go to a different realm with two gods, and one of them tried to invade our planet.” Steve asked Tony.
“I’m sure Thor would keep her safe, besides, we might have to hold her in the tower when she comes back.” Tony repled.
“Why?” Steve asked.
“I’m pretty skeptical about the fact that a child was able to battle her way into my tower and talk down the god of lies without getting killed in the process.” He remarked.
Helen was beamed in the entrance of the rainbow bridge. She walked with the two gods. One in chains and one with the hammer. She looked at the view of Asgard. It looked grander than she’d imagine. The golden towers were glistening in the sunlight. The rainbow bridge was translucent but had rainbow like branches pulsing through the bridge. She seemed scared to cross the bridge at first. Having a slight fear of heights. But Thor grabbed on to her hand and gave her comforting look.
Loki looked on, wishing he could do the same. But glad that his brother did it in his place.
Helen was being addressed by the king of Asgard. Odin.
“You have the heart of a heroine and the capacity to empathize with even the toughest of villains. Tell me, child. What is your name?” He asked her.
“He-he-Helen.” She stuttered. Cursing herself for stuttering in front of the king.
“Conraddotar?” Odin clarified
“You can call me that.” she said.
“Enjoy yourself at the palace, you are now considered royalty for extending your kindness to my son, Loki.” Odin said.
Helen wore a simple green gown. She was happily skipping around and exploring the palace.
“Helen, dear, can you come to me?” A voice sounded in the hallway.
She turned to see Queen Frigga.
“Let’s fix yout hair, shall we?”
Helen was sitting on Frigga’s bed while Frigga was braiding her hair.
“Thank you for everything that you’ve done. Tell me, Helen, what is your family like?” She asked.
“Well, I have a brother, and two parents. But my parents lives revolve around my brother. But- Im ok with that. I do things by myself and I got used to it.” She said.
“Ah- im sorry my dear. But here, there are servants and maids that can help you. So relax. I know how traumatic the invasion was, so I hope you realze that you are safe.
Helen was sitting on the steps, looking at Loki in his cell. She noticed that he has a lot of furniture in his cell. He was reading a book, and she was scribbling something in her notebook.
“Mind telling me what you’re writing down, dear?” He asked, thumbing through the pages.
“Uh-I-I’m actually d-drawing.” She said. Trying not to stutter.
“What are you drawing?” He asked.
“You.” She meekly said. Loki put the book on the table and walked towards Helen, he sat down in front of her.
“Mind showing me?” He smiled lightly.
She tore the page out and she showed it to him. It was loki and helen, under a flower tree. He was reading a spell out of the spell book.
“That looks adorable. When I escape, will you hand it to me?” He smiled.
“Of course.”
“Do you like the accommodations in the palace?” Loki asked, hoping that they are taking care of her.
“Yes, but I wish I can enjoy them with you.” She answered. Twiddling her thumbs.
“So I decided to sit at your cell and talk to you!” She grinned. Loki’s heart melted. He’d never knew that he’d meet someone who was so naive and childlike. Enough to paint him as a positive figure. But he didn’t care. He just felt a sense of kindness towards her. He feels fond of her. He never realized that he was fawning over a mortal. Who’s life can flash before his eyes.
“That is great child.” He said.
“Wish I had my chello here, could’ve played you a tune.” She said. Loki used some of his magic to steal away a chello from the music room and teleported it here.
“Then play me a tune then.” He smiled
Loki was spellbound by the tune, she played a song that a mortal composed. But he didn’t know that the mortal is a master at music composition. Apparently the song was Blue Danube, by Johan Strauss. He swayed to the melody. By the time Helen was done he asked her a dozen questions.
“How long have you played?”
“5 years. Started at a young age, when my parents believed in my talents.” she told me.
“They should’ve known how bright you’ve shined.”
“Don’t blame them. They stop trying after finding out about my stutter.” She said.
“Your parent’s arent even parents.” I told her.
“I realized that when I hit 9.” she replied.
“Then maybe you should have a different father. Someone who adores you, who encourages you to be as different and unique as possible, who doesn’t compare you to anyone, who empathizes with you. Someone- someone like me.” He slowed his rant. Realizing something.
“D-do you want me to be your father?” He asked. Taking a big risk, being vulnerable .
“I-i-i’d lo-love yo-you to!” She was a stuttering mess, her brain was trying to process the proposal.
“Dear, slow down, take a big breath.” He grinned
“I would like for you to be my dad.” she slowly said. Tears coming out of her eyes.
“I would whipe those tears from your eyes but I’m stuck in this wretched cell.” He chuckled.
“I want to hug you.” She sniffled.
“You’ll get the chance.”
Everything was broken, damaged. But Helen rushed towards Loki’s cell. She just got word of Frigga’s death. And she didn’t want to lose her new father. She saw Loki in his cell, seeming to be fine. But she just broke out in sobs.
Her breathing was ragged. Tears flow through her eyes, and she was sniffling. She collapsed to the ground. Choking and crying. Crying for him, Loki. Feeling too much of his pain. Loki put down his defenses.
He had a green shirt but his hair was matted, her crawled to the crying child and wanted to reach out to her, but the barrier kept him from touching her.
“H-hey. Don’t cry-”
“You’re depressed so I’m depressed! I don’t want this to happen, for you to be sad! I-its my fault! I’m sorry. I-I. i’m- s-s-sorry. Mr. Loki! I-i have no-no right to be you-your daughter!” She was stuttering, trying to calm herself down. But the stale air and the buzzing barrier, it was hard to.
“No, don’t say that, you’re my daughter through and through. None of this was your fault. None of it. Please, stop crying for me.” He guided her to a deep breath.
“S-sorry.” she apologized for her shrill crying
“Don’t be sorry.” He smiled.
Helen gave Loki a big hug when Thor freed him from the cell. Loki returned the hug while threading his fingers through her braided hair.
“Darling, I have to help Thor. But I will come back.” he told her.
“A-are you sure?” She asked.
“One way or another. Yes.”
When Helen found out about Loki’s demise, she locked herself in the room and cried. She sobbed, blaming herself for letting him go alone. Hating herself. A knock sounded at the door. The door opened and she saw Odin.
“S-sorry if my cries are too loud.” she whipped her tears.
“It’s alright my child.” Odin sat at her beside.
“I-Lost my dad.” She stuttered.
“He said he’d come back-”
“One way or another.” Odin’s illusion was dispelled by Loki. He smiled kindly at her.
“I am sorry for causing you unnecessary pain. But I had to keep up the illusion for my safety.” He whipped her tears with his thumb. And enveloped her in a crushing hug.
“But now we can rule together. My little princess.” He smiled.
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