#dream nonsense
xiao-nomine · 27 days
I had a dream last night of an alternate universe where you had to do more before you could get the chats with real Belphie instead of "Not Belphegor" a completely different entity. For some reason I found a video titled "How to unlock the 7th brother" with the headshots of all the brothers on the left of the thumbnail and an uncanny and very differently styled not Belphegor headshot placed next to Beel but slightly up and to the right. Naturally as I DO NOT like the entity that is Not Belphegor, I woke up shortly after seeing that.
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houserosaire · 1 year
Prompt #23: Suit
He walked down a long hall, boots heavy on the wood of the floors, plate clanking, mail and spurs chiming with his every step. It was cold. He could see his breath before him rising in little puffs of steam. There was a rime of frost on the stone of the walls. The suits of armor that stood, empty and eternally at attention along the walls, were likewise filigreed with ice.
At intervals between those suits of armor were doors. Heavy, solid wood, bound with iron. The first he tried he tried at a whim, but the handle did not move, locked or frozen tight. He tried another as the hall continued with the same result. He tried each door he passed thereafter, on the right or left. None would open.
The hall continued, yawning ahead of him to such a length and in such dimness that he could not see an end of it. When he turned to look back the way he had come it was the same. A straight length of corridor stretched behind, lined with suits of empty armor and doors that would not open.
He stopped for a moment at the center of the hallway, listening. He heard nothing at his rest save the soft whisper of his own breath and the little shifting of his armor that came with it. When he held that, froze as still as the suits of armor to his right and left there was nothing. No sigh of wind, no whisper of storm, no voices. 
His steps were faster when he continued, a long stride to carry him forward to face whatever waited at the end of the hallway. But slowly those strides lengthened, he fell into a jog and then into a run, yet nothing changed, the hall stretched forward ahead of him, yawned into darkness behind, and there was only the sound of his own passage to accompany him.
He stopped when his lungs were screaming for breath. And when ahead of him something at last had changed. There to his right loomed another suit of frost rimed armor, but there to his left was an empty stand, and just beyond it a door that stood just a little ajar. He took the steps to the armor stand on unwilling feet, then turned to face it.
There was no reason for such a thing to trouble him. Nor for him to feel such a sickening dread of the little ribbon of darkness that showed through the door beyond. Yet he did. He wanted to turn and run back the way he had come. But he was a knight, not a coward, so he stepped forward, set his jaw and reached with his left hand for the door. A sudden sharp pain went through his finger, like the inside of his gauntlet had suddenly sprouted fangs.
Silvaineaux jerked awake, blinking in the soft light of the coals ebbing in the fireplace. A soft feline chirp greeted him, and then the roughness of a sandpapery tongue replaced the sting of teeth against his finger. “You little bastard.” He said, pulling his hand away.
Lord Mieux only purred, his green eyes narrowing into little slits of contentment. 
“You know… I really wonder if cats can be bastards.” Honore said.
Silvaineaux startled a second time at the sound of his voice and turned to find his brother perched at the edge of the couch, a half empty glass in his hands. “Whether they can or not, yours is.” He said.
“I only mean, I don’t suppose cats get married, so the term doesn’t really apply does it?” Honore said, setting the glass aside and then leaning forward to scoop Lord Mieux out of Silvaineaux’s lap and into his own arms. “Besides. I think he saw you were having a nightmare and decided to wake you up. I was just trying to decide if I should do it myself. So really you should thank him.”
“Suit yourself.” Silvaineaux said. “In that case I withdraw my slur on your parentage, Lord Mieux. And I thank you for biting me. I suppose I should go sleep in bed.”
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keatxu · 6 months
i had a dream i was talking abt hardware w friends and at one point i just started roasting the hell out of the switch for like 15 minutes. not that i was wrong though
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wisteriavines · 9 months
I just woke up from a dream that was a very weird crossover of Spider-Man and Aladdin, plus a single cameo element from Mulan??? The vibes were very John Carter somehow
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kassettispider · 1 year
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Hehe bird man
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pinkbalrog · 2 years
I don't even go here but apparently I've reblogged enough Xena to dream about it. I present the idea of hognose snake Gabrielle. Her daemon? I don't know.
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bumblingest-bee · 6 months
jurassic park has a good philosophical message but unfortunately the only thing i ever take away from watching jurassic park is "god i wish i could go to jurassic park." like yeah it's a blatantly obvious don't create the torment nexus scenario, but this torment nexus has DINOSAURS.
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thesealfriend · 5 months
had a weird fuckin dream last night where my brain invented a guy for me to befriend, and knowing that dreams literally cannot do that (they're always amalgamations or interpretations of real people) i was gonna post saying "hey if this is you get in touch you were cool" but i got halfway through describing him & the situation before realising it was absolutely about someone i met at a party a couple weeks ago:
dream guy was Norwegian, partygoer was dressed as a viking
dream guy did crimes with me on a boat, partygoer was fond of pirates and I believe named themself after one
both dream and party involved trying to dance with said person and getting caught up because I'm too tall to easily spin around under ones arm
the kicker: i've got a combination padlock I wear as a necklace which was a plot point in both cases - dream guy had the same one, and partygoer tried to guess the combination on it lmao
oh also they both had curly hair but that feels minor given the other more specific things
so yeah apparently this is how badly my subconscious can bastardise a series of events when trying to recreate it as a dream??? like I would not have connected these two people at all if I saw them side by side but apparently my brain just went "yep this'll do, this is exactly what happened, totally!"
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slasherfantasy · 6 months
Woke up from an unrelated dream, and as I was falling back asleep, my brain explained that the COD boys had given me pomelos, so that meant that I had to ride them while holding onto a horizontal, free-floating wooden broom with both hands.
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I just remembered that I woke up completely distressed this morning because I was dreaming about centaurs. Who tf knows why, but while trying to move to story line along, my mind got completely stuck on HOW TF centaurs would dress in polite society.
And I believe this whole thing was caused by a video I watched either on Tumblr or insta that had a surprise elephant dong that was as long as one of its legs and I guess my dream-brain was convinced that centaurs would have the same situation??? I mean, makes sense to me. Big strong horse-man should def be slinging some monster dong, right?
So basically... I'm having a "If dogs wore pants, how would they wear them" type of thing. And I can't come to an acceptable conclusion... maybe they'd wear a huge skirt over their back legs when they had to formally interact with other creatures? Like a delegation of centaurs visiting the Elvish queen would be respectful of their customs around clothing?
But now I'm awake and fully aware that horses don't have dongs that drag on the ground like that elephant did. Soooooo... I guess it's a moot point, right?
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gilgamushroom · 1 month
Listing my favorite things about Watson's first letter to Holmes in Baskervilles cause I love this format SO SO MUCH:
"My dear Holmes" ily standard letter greeting <3
How extensive he is in setting the scene. "Hey ik you told me to be brief and you don't really care about this but the views are SO lovely and I care about them so you WILL experience them as if you were here. Deal with it"
The delightful confirmation that watson STILL won't let sherlock live down that he used to be a geocentrist. King behavior. I like to think he pulls that card every time holmes gets a lil too cocky
The genuine care watson has for literally everyone around him and how he expresses it. Ily watson <3
"You would find him an interesting study" GODD this little domesticity of how well they know each other is everything to me
This man is such a romantic. Very important to the case that Sir Henry and Miss Stapleton shared some most intimate looks
I bet he reads Jane Austen
"See, Holmes, I know you told me to never leave Sir Henry but!! Have you considered!!! I CANNOT be a third wheel they're SO cute together!!! Unrelated but I already appointed myself as the wedding planner. This is helping us in the case."
"You are aware that I am not a very sound sleeper" fuck!! FUCK!!!
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msrosez · 2 months
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I solemnly swear I will forever be a pain in men's asses ୨୧
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sleepinglionhearts · 6 months
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Thinkin' 'bout girl Zoro
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ot3 · 1 year
i was getting a library card in my dream last night so i guess maybe i should look into that today
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psstt hey cmere
them :D
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some dsmp!crimeboys for you because I miss them
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little-pup-pip · 7 months
I'm still sickkkkk
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