taisiakat · 2 years
Full Moon in Pisces Reading
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Cards: The DreamKeepers Tarot: II of Wands Shadowscapes Tarot: XIV Temperance The Shaman’s Dream Oracle: (54)The Crossing
Music: Full Moon Sept 2022
The choices you have made in the past has brought you to where you are now.
It is very important with this Full Moon for you to realize, accept, forgive and let go of any feelings of remorse, shame, anger, frustration, bitterness, and sorrow for those choices. Nothing you do now can change those choices. Nothing you do with those past choices will alter where you are NOW.
Each step you have taken - for passion, for love, for sorrow, pain, trauma, what not has taken you to all the accomplishments, the triumphs, the success that you have done.
Now that you have gained more awareness, you are making better choices, more sound, wise choices for yourself. But that doesn't mean you won't make what you may feel are bad choices going forward. We don't know everything that may impact those choices.
The II of Wands is about CHOICE - the choice to make better choices. The choice to take time and make sure you are making choices that are supporting the life of abundance and prosperity you are deserved and want. The Choice to co-create with the Universe, allowing that influence. Sometimes the choice is to risk everything so you can achieve the impossible.
During this full Moon, ask yourself:
What new choices do I have?
What choices have I not made?
What of those choices can I let go of?
What of those choices do not serve me?
What choices support the life of Abundance an Prosperity that I deserve?
Last Full Moon, XIV Temperance led us into the inward review so we can find what missing pieces we are still searching for.
This month XIV Temperance asks of us to let go of control and focus on balancing ourselves - create a harmony and equilibrium with those choices of our past and let ourselves move forward with harmony.
When reviewing the last set of choices from above questions, make sure to also ask the Universe how this will impact you in the future, and help create more abundance. A lot of choices create the actual opposite on the swing forward, instead of creating a path, roadway, they create a swing effect, which means you never really move forward.
The other aspect XIV Temperance brings is WATER/FIRE- which creates SMOKE - an AIR domain element. Smoke rises, allows our prayers, wishes and desires to reach the heavens. This Full moon, make sure to incorporate into your ritual a water/fire combo so the smoke created from that interaction will rise your prayers forward.
I plan on doing a washing and burning /purging first and with those two elements at the end pouring together to create my prayer space.
The Crossing - represents letting go of all that has been and allowing yourself to be open and enter the unknown, that which awaits you, with love, acceptance and be illuminated onto the next part of your journey. It is a rite of passage, an Initiation into the next level of your existence. Make sure to be open to whatever comes. Open your arms welcoming the Universe to become a partner, a companion, and a trusted ally into your life.
For this Full moon affirmation:  I open myself to the initiation of the choices I make going forward to support the life of abundance and Prosperity I am co-creating with the Universe.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you. 
Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail 
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#cardoftheday is from #dreamkeeperstarot and is #threeofwands This is the card for the #dreamer. Not the head in the clouds dream with zero action though. This is the dreamer that puts that dream to the #work. Take a moment to really look at the woman here. She is not wispy wanty. She is firm and solid and plans. And like the best planners, she knows that the dream part comes from the quiet moments. Follow me on tumblr to read more about this http://www.tumblr.com/blog.kikiskitchenwitchery
For the tumblr loves:
When I first looked at this card I didn't see the strength that the card represents. I saw yearning and longing. I saw pain and loneliness. Then, I put this card in context of the whole week. What have I been doing this week? I have been doing larger readings for myself. Using the cards as a deep and complicated part of my shadow work. And we will talk about that later, but for now... just know that I am doing the daily pull as usual and then following that up with a larger more structured spread. These spreads have brought to light something that is missing from my life and that is >>>> THE DREAM. (Again, we will get into that in the future). This card is just the poke and the prod to remind me that we can't really go through life without something to dream about. Even if it is ridiculous and unattainable. Humans are dreamers. It is a big part of what makes us human. When we don't have that... if not north star, at least a buoy to guide us in the sea of human-ness, we are just floating. I have been just floating. This card wants me to find my passions again.
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doettler · 3 years
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Of course I contradict myself. Why else would I hold things in and put the fire out? Jennifer Tindugan-Adoviso.- Temperance "Where you meet yourself" Generally an angel appears in the image, who like Sagittarius is constantly striving to reach a more enlightened state of being. He demonstrates this by slowly pouring liquid from one golden cup into another, a process called "tempering" (a slow process of integration leading to the perfect middle state). Similarly, Sagittarius achieves this by exploring the far reaches of the physical and philosophical world to expand or "temper" what is already known. Temperance is about enjoying mental stimulation, moderation, tranquility, and peace. With this inner harmony, you can overcome all obstacles. As an omen it is positive, it indicates well-being and if your health has suffered, it indicates a speedy recovery; if you have had a dispute, it indicates reconciliation. As advice recommends moderation and control. KEYWORDS: Tolerance, harmony, moderation, compatibility, tranquility, cooperation, reconciliation, guardian angel, protection, luck, new friendships, good marriage, work in harmony, great talent, and creativity. INVERTED CARD: harmony is lost, excesses of all kinds without taking your energy anywhere, you should try to understand what has led you to this imbalance. Extremism, obsession, impatience, lack of control, recklessness, disorder, conflict, fights, the possibility of shipwreck, disarrangements. It is the power of temperance, the steadying hand of wisdom, and the warmth of love for all that shapes my words even in the midst of the most heightened of disagreements. For if I allow temperance, wisdom and the warmth of love to guide any engagement I may have (even though it might be one with my most hostile enemy), I will have set the stage for a place where seemingly unassailable walls can come down, hands can be extended in unexpected friendship, and the impossible is made impossibly possible. Craig D. Lounsbrough #temperance #templanza #sagitario #sagittarius #dreamkeeperstarot #image #astrologia #astrology #quotes #frases #español #en #comment #art #arte #illustration #ilustracion #artist #lizhuston https://www.instagram.com/p/CThjb8Zr0S7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lifedoulasally · 5 years
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The Fool and The Fates: Expect new beginnings as "a playful spirit in search of experience" with "an unexpected, yet positive twist in the game of life." 🦋🦋 From #dreamkeeperstarot by @lizhuston 🦋🦋 #tarotspread #thefool #thefates #tarotoftheday #newbeginnings #expecttheunexpected #startover #redo #newlife #freshstart #lifeexperience #playful #innerchild #discoveryourself #journey #takeachance #magic #witch #lifedoula #adventure #shaman #cosmology #destiny #karma #fate #meanttobe (at Rocksteady Life) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwm7PzYF8-y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y4atkkr7zzto
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ddsyrdal · 6 years
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The 9 of Cups from The lovely New Dreamkeepers Tarot. This is known as the "wish card." Dreams coming true. This is a card of joy as something long wished for becomes realized. #tarot #tarotcards #dreamkeeperstarot #tarotreading https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqs0A9PHSm-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=136ic5gvmyvg
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Today your heart may be leading your actions and as long as your intuition is on board, then go for it. Sometimes we try to take all emotion out of our decision making but now is the time to feel what's right for you✨ ⁣ Join my email tribe to get the deets on my deck😱🥳☺️🥰✨ ⁣ https://mailchi.mp/6a92247cd2cd/stardustwanderertarot ⁣ Link is also in bio! ⁣ Deck:@dreamkeeperstarot ⁣ #stardustwanderertarot #stardustwandererastrology #tarotreading #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreader #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcommunity #tarotonline #psychic #tarotdeck #tarotspread #witchesofinstagram #dailytarot #spirituality #divination #witch #love #oracle #astrology #witchcraft #tarotdaily #oraclecards #tarottribe #crystals #psychicreading #spiritual #tarotjakarta #tarotreadings (at Albany, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFA7u1eleYb/?igshid=1upvvy0wsnr5b
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taisiakat · 2 years
New Moon Reading 08-27-2022
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NEW MOON IN VIRGO READING 08/27/2022 Cards: The DreamKeepers Tarot: III of Swords Shadowscapes Tarot: Queen of Swords (r) The Shaman’s Dream Oracle: (20) Feast of Plenty
Music: Get Rid Of Mental Burn Out 
We carry our trauma, wounds, battle scares, past suffering, past pain as trophies of survival. The phrase "That which hasn't killed you makes you stronger" just supports that position.
But what if I were to tell you that carrying these burdens, these pains, as adornments, to showcase our growth, survival, strength, foundation of our struggle, is a waste of energy, time and really does not support a life of abundance, prosperity and peace.
Instead we are now called with this new moon, to learn to communicate our experiences of the past, the lessons in ways that enhance our lives, bring peace to our past, heal the pain and trauma of these experience and gain the wisdom and lessons so we can become more aware, be better at making choices, to become response-able for our actions going forward.
The III of Swords is about the burden of this pain, and learning how to let go of the need to prove we have suffered, and learning how to flow, go with the changes, become more aware that change happens. It's about accepting that nothing stays static. Nothing is permanently held in time.
The Queen of Swords (r) strongly reminds us, that we need to be NOW, in the moment so we can better proceed daily down our path, be an active, engaged, aware participate in our life. We are filled from birth with statements that we take as truth, and valid instructions, never once going back and questioning the validity especially when we hear it all around us, all the time. We need to stop and question these truths because we have fallen into their deceptions and allow them to deceive us. We are told We must work hard to earn what we get. We're told Idle hands are the Devils play things. We are told Life is about suffering and sorrow, and I can go on for days of all the phrases we have heard since birth that we are not fully conscious of that impact our existence.
We need to look for ourselves - accurately, authentically, find the clouded, perceptions and make our own understandings. It is learning to cast off what no longer serves you, but at the same time plant new seeds of your own truths and observations to guide you.
The Feast of Plenty is showing you, you are your own crystal Ball. It is time to divine for yourself your world, the meanings of things for you and make those choices, accepting the consequences even if you mis-take a choice or mis-step off the path. Nothing is permanent, nothing is wrong, just re-examine, find the missing concept, heal the trauma that happened and move forward.
And Feast of Plenty has - Two of Swords buried into the Crystal Ball - asking you to OPEN your Eyes, mind, heart, spirit and listen!
Bumble bee wants you to get started. Butterfly will watch over you, and Clover will grant you blessings and good fortune all around.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, and let me know how I can assist you.  I have slots available for personal readings.  If you are interested, please contact me for more information.
@}}>`~~~~~~~~~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail 
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taisiakat · 2 years
New Moon in Scorpio Reading
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The DreamKeepers Tarot: IV of Swords / V of Cups
Shadowscapes Tarot: Eight of Cups (Reversed)
The Shaman’s Dream Oracle: (34) Lay of the Land
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray my Lord my soul to keep.......
We have all heard this prayer at some point in our lives. Some of us grew up saying it nightly before going to bed. We ask for protection, and if we pass that our spirit/soul is taken to the next world.
But it's the second stance that is more appropriate right now, that we are being protected, guarded by the 4 archangels, 4 universal life forces (earth, water, fire, air / physical, emotional, mental, spiritual energies) as we navigate through this very powerful and very potent new moon/solar eclipse.
In addition it is time to let ourselves sleep, rest and an opportunity to reflect about the challenges the last 6 months have been. A lot of what you have gone through is a shift from deeply ingrained/unconscious pattern/thinking to waking up and re shifting it to serve you, instead of hinder you. It has been a lot of work, it has been struggle and frustration, but this is an important step to finally moving away from the upbringing that held you back and moving deeper into your own path and belief system, that you have created for yourself.
Despite the fact that you perceive you have lost your morale compass with this massive change, and feel the heavy emptiness of that space you have just cleared out, this is a great opportunity to really think about what is Your Morale/Ethical Compass and what each part of it brings for you. While it may appear that you have disconnected from your ancestral roots by this massive cleansing, the truth is, you are closer to those roots now because you have removed the layers of misunderstanding, misguided, social influence, religious dogma, and more importantly, patriarchal ideology that has subverted even the most basic of human rights and needs.
Our Divine humanity, the Divine Feminine and Masculine need to be cleansed and purified to remove the toxic ideology that has started to erode those energies.
There are still some portions of this aspect of what is Humanity, what are still your views masculine/feminine energies, and how does these impact you as a person, mind, spirit that you need to do some more shadow work with.
Scorpio is a water based sign, and as such you are being asked to cleanse yourself through waters of life the last remnants of how society (past, present and future) views of gender, sex, body, mind and spirit, when it comes to roles, rules and rights. If you find yourself still feeling strongly about these roles, rules, and rights, take a deeper look / the shadow work, to see if there is trauma within these, even from a past life level, or cultural level.
In addition to this, while you work on these, the ripples from challenging and changing the energies, viewpoints, thoughts will slowly spread out from you and start impacting others around you.
You can and will make waves with the ripples.
Final note: I listen to what comes up when I do these readings, an the song Eclipse on the Dark side of the Moon by Pink Floyd, one of my all time favorites - started to be played in my head.
I leave you with the lyrics and a link to listen to the song
All that you touch All that you see All that you taste All you feel. All that you love All that you hate All you distrust All you save. All that you give All that you deal All that you buy, beg, borrow or steal. All you create All you destroy All that you do All that you say. All that you eat And everyone you meet All that you slight And everyone you fight. All that is now All that is gone All that's to come and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."
Spend time today/tonight with the New Moon, feel the energy of the Dark side of the moon, but also the power of this celestial body that is partially blocking the power of the Sun, and absorbing it within it's own energies.
Take those energies and allow them to be absorbed into you.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~~~~~~~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 2 years
Monthly reading for Sept 2022
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The DreamKeepers Tarot Shadowscapes Tarot The Shaman’s Dream Oracle
Animal Info: What is My Spirit Animal
Music: Deep resonating rhythms with Didgeridoo & Drums
The Cards:
Focus: IX of Wands
You have been on a life quest/journey/life goal for some time now. It has been long, complicated, arduous path, filled with struggle, detours, pitfalls, challenges and strife. But at the same time it has been wondrous, amazing, expansive, the growth alone has been well past your wildest dreams.
Even if you are fatigued, exhausted, feeling like you have stretched yourself so thin, that even one more step will break you into tiny pieces, keep on moving forward. Rest if you must, but keep taking the next step and the next and the next until you reach the final step of achievement to this life quest. Call upon your guides to support, give you strength, walk with you, and catch you if you stumble.
This has tested you, sharpened you, brought your awareness up so many levels. If you look back when you first started down this path it seemed IMPOSSIBLE to achieve what you wanted to.
But you will by the end of this month, arrive at the final destination.
The worse is behind you. This is the last leg of this particular life journey/goal.
Intent: King of Cups
As the King of Cups is a wise and deeply understanding man, he is also in tune with his emotions. He has learned to walk with his emotions, observe them, feel them, but do not let them get swept up in them. This means he is the master of them, not the victim of them. This life journey/goal you are completing, is learning how truly to be a master/mistress of your emotions, in balance with mental, physical and spiritual responses of them.
As you move through September, Mercury Retrograde will test your metal to see if you are truly ready to make the next expansion to your spiritual growth. These trials and the passing of them with flying colors the universe will certify you as someone who is now has achieved a greater understanding of how emotions help us, is very aware of how to be with their emotions, and has learned to how to be response-able by making better choices on how you respond to a situation. Through guiding, and interacting with empathy as each scenario appears you will feel more and more confident that your have truly achieved the state of peace when it comes to complex feelings and complex situations that bring about these feelings.
This includes accepting and being able to stand with your heart, and experience deeply and richly - Life!
Opportunity: IV of Swords
With each step through this month, Stop rest, review, and release and then proceed to the next step. The opportunity here is to create a set of actions that will help solidify navigating through complex emotions, feelings, and situation.
By making this mantra - Step, stop, rest, review, release, Step, stop, rest, review, release etc, you will be able to let yourself find it easier when you start feeling overwhelmed or over-committed. This process is how we learn to really live and experience the ever expanding dimension of life.
So enjoy each step, each stop, each precious stillness when you rest, as you review, and when you release. Raising your awareness with each of these will rejuvenate all of you and be better equipped when it comes to every day stress, trauma and triggers that happen no matter how much work we put in improving ourselves.
As you are resting, call upon Black panther to give you courage to face the mystery ahead of you, Raven to help you bring forth your magickal nature and raise your awareness, an white dove - bringer of peace and harmony.
Healing: Knight of Wands
As you work through September with the Focus/Intent make sure you call in the tools you have learned to heal daily traumas, release the pain, forgive yourself, and flow the energy back into you so you can continue making these changes, the progress and then the completion of this life goal journey. At the same time, make sure to allow the healing of warmth, gratitude and accomplishment of each and every step, action, lesson you have learned on this experience.
There is a wonderful joy that takes place when you celebrate your accomplishments, the knowledge you learn , the wisdom you gain.
We rarely think of healing as re-filling but when we have been struggling, healing of that trauma, the celebration of making it through that situation is also healing and gaining strength.
Lion (Qilin) brings to the healing process to reclaim your divine power, and strength that comes from being self-confident. Lion also brings to us the pride of being majestic, being sovereign, being the king of our own space.
Fox helps us regain the child curiosity, the playfulness, the enjoyment of exploration, of the journey.
Call upon these animals to help with the healing as well.
Blessings: Five of Wands
There has been so many challenges, difficulties, unexpected roadblocks, detours, conflicting forks in the path, efforts blocked, action stopped, every which way but loose trial.
These obstructions have worn you down at times on this path. They have even broken you into tears, feelings of frustrations, questioning even the ability to possibly complete this goal seemed questionable.
The little voices urging you to just quit, give it up, it will never work, all these that you did not let get to you. Even if you did falter, you still got back up, dusted yourself off, took deep breaths, and moved forward again.
Each of these times were blessings. Blessed that you had the courage to face your fears, the strength to hold yourself up, the power to quiet the voices, the knowledge how to take the next step, where to step, when to step. And the wisdom to rest, not argue with it, but to rest and admire the point you were at.
Appreciate these blessings, for they are in you, with you and for you.
Learn to draw them out now, as tools to face new challenges an complex/difficult situations to come.
Reward: Nine of Wands
What we start the month with, we end with it as the reward as well. This long term goal, life goal, spirit goal, which has taken a long time to complete, is OVER, DONE, COMPLETED, ACHIEVED.
It is completed. You have arrived an achieved what it was you set yourself out to accomplish!
DO NOT RUSH into anything new. This is a time to celebrate, to enjoy, to revel in. Feel the feels. Admire the accomplishment, step into the moment of glory and honor that you have achieved something so powerful, so life changing, so very few achieve.
It will help to spend a few days if not a few weeks just doing a post-mortem of the path, your experiences, make a travel blog about it. It might just surprise yourself when you recount the tale of this journey.
We never take enough time to really survey what we have gone through, to examine it, bring new awareness into our lives because our own perceptions have now changed because of this journey.
Take that time now!
Ask yourself:
What are the lessons I have learned?
What new knowledge do I have?
What wisdom did I gain?
What are some of the new tools and how to use them?
What was my favorite moment on this path?
What will I cherish from this experience?
It is important for you to really allow yourself the time to really let this sink in. To 'be with the results' before moving on.
Guides: 28 - Hollow Bone (Teachability)
Let the breath of the Divine breathe through you this month as you are the hollow bone, a musical instrument of the Divine. It is a time where your spirit guides are going to lead you through vision quests, through your own creation, through creation itself so you can find your own place within the Universal Orchestra.
Let the music of your spirit flow free and listen to that music for that music is the collaboration with your guides and the Divine with you.
It will help soothe you during the more difficult aspects of this final leg of this life quest/journey/goal that is coming to fruition this month. It will bring you joy, bring a feeling of celebration, dance and attunement to the music of the universe. Listen around you as well to the others that are also instruments of the Divine that compliment you in harmony and unison.
In addition - Moose is offering to be a guide - both as a shamanic guide and a spirit animal guide. Moose brings wisdom, knowledge, strength and courage. It also brings to the table the long haul of growth through raising one's awareness about ones surroundings, ones own position and ones stance.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, and let me know how I can assist you.  I have slots available for personal readings.  If you are interested, please contact me for more information. Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail 
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taisiakat · 2 years
Full Moon Reading for 08-11-2022
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FULL MOON IN AQUARUS READING 08/11/2022 Cards: The DreamKeepers Tarot: XIV Temperance Shadowscapes Tarot: Page of Pentacles The Shaman’s Dream Oracle: (45) Repairing the veil
Song: I Am Already Enough
This Full Moon is what you make it to be! The Energy will reflect what it is you make it to be.
There are so many postings, messages, warnings to revelations about what this Full Moon will bring. The truth is – This Full Moon is what you make it to be for you!
Temperance offers you the ability to bring to the table what it is you want to release, let go, and start rebuilding in yourself. You have the knowledge, the information, the worthiness, trying to put the pieces of the Cosmic puzzle into some sense of understanding that makes sense to you, about you, for you. What is it you continue to look outward for, start looking and experiencing that INWARD… for you by you.
Nobody has more information or knowledge than you. You know what your heart is true, meaningful and purposeful. Time to start balancing the knowledge you already possess and create the shades inside of you that brings you balance, harmony and understanding so you can become more in the BEING of Being. We are here to Experience the Physical Universe as Eternal Spirits.
Your dreams, desires, visions, and hopes all matter. The energy that dreams bring – tap in to that create what it is you want. Blaze forward with the sense that you are truly worthy of what it is you want for prosperity, growth, abundance, experiences. You just need to let go of the chain you are holding on that says ‘you are not worthy’. It is time to use all the resources you have to find the root of that experience (you are not worthy) and take back the power/energy that you unknowingly gave away.
There is power when we work together, without the veil of “you” and “me” separating us. However that power can create trauma, pain, suffering and sorrow, when we take the words/energy from outside into our energy. That power can also create joy, happiness, and pleasure when we take those energies into our own. It is learning how to not take into our space the energies that do not serve us, or allow us to feel unworthy, unloved, or unwanted.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to allowing these energies into our own energies and either expand our space or contract our space.
It is just lack of awareness that it happens, which is easily rectify by bringing our attention to the NOW, and make conscious choices of what we will let into our space.
YOU ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE – the richness and fullness of the physical universe as an eternal spirit.
For this Full moon affirmation:  I am worthy of all and open to flow of energies.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you. 
Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail 
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taisiakat · 2 years
Full Moon in Capricorn Reading for July
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The DreamKeepers Tarot: V The Hierophant https://www.lizhuston.com/shop/dreamkeeperstarot-usgames
Shadowscapes Tarot:  Three of Cups https://www.shadowscapes.com/Tarot/purchasedeck.php
The Shaman’s Dream Oracle: 57 Unmarked Trail https://dreaminggoddess.com/shop/product/shamans-dream-oracle-the/
With this full moon it is time to take a more formal approach to any and all that want to partake in the power of the full moon.   Take some time tonight to light a candle, contemplate your energy and vibration of where you are and what you want to do over the next 28 days.  Spend quiet meditation looking both within and outside for guidance on the next steps onto the unmarked path that is about to open up for you.   Maybe even perform a ritual or more structured setup for your Full moon time.  Let the wise women and medicine men of the past guide you and help you call forth the Universe, the celestial beings, and ascended ones for wisdom, direction, support and strength.
There is an opportunity to find a new way of approach, to take an unusual and normally hidden/unmarked path through a current situation that has you stumped, baffled or feeling like you are just not making the progress you want to make.  Be it business or business related, it is time to combine the efforts of one or more people to create the foundation for this new space/path.  Look around you to who may also be in similar state. This new uncharted/unmarked path asks you to leave behind all the previous ideas, attempts, choices you have made in regards to this endeavor.  Those attempts are not applicable to helping you move forward and make the appropriate plans, decisions, choices and action/energy to move forward.
Also by forming this alliance with 2 or 3 other individuals, the sharing of abundance, the building of strong foundation of friendship and each of you having so much knowledge, information, experience will become quite the powerhouse.  Reminder to enter this as equals, share as equals, listen and contribute as equals.
For this Full moon affirmation:  There is no limit to what I can do
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, and let me know how I can assist you.  I have slots available for personal readings.  If you are interested, please contact me for more information.
@}}>`~~~~~~~~~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail 
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lunarmagicteatimeI am not so sure I like #fiveofswords showing up for the #wednesday #cardoftheday (from the #dreamkeeperstarot ) Fives are usually about the strife within the area of life that suite represents. And Swords usually represent the arena of creativity and ideas. It also covers things like leadership and interpersonal relationships Be way today of who gets your energy. And pay attention to where you share infrmation. This is also a card of potential strife. #haveamagicalday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreader #tarot #oracle #dmforreadings #privatereading for the tumblr loves: This card is the card of a woman ready for battle. This is also a card of being over it. I am sure we all have been there at one point or another. That place of knowing we have to keep going, but just being sick of it all. That is the moment we tap into the depths of our power. I don't mean that in a "strongest soldier" sort of way. What I mean is that when we are at the end of our ropes, that is when we tend to think outside the box. Exhaustion and frustration leading to innovation. That is how it always seems to be for me, anyway. No matter what... I hope your Wednesday is not a battle.
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What a dapper gentleman. OUr #cardoftheday is from the #dreamkeeperstarot and is the #knightofwands Fun note... I originally called this card the knight of wants. I am not really wrong with this assessment. THis is a card that represents going after the things you want, regardless of whether it is good for you or not. And if this is a person that you will meet today, please be careful. As a person this card is relentless. #haveamagicalday #tarot #dmforreadings
For the tumblr loves: Taking a good long look at this card and we see the danger in him. He is behind armor that isn't really on him, as in he is hiding behind it, not using it as a tool. (If that makes sense). As a person, they will go for the things they want with a passion and if you are in their way... watch out. They are not afraid of the fight. If you are this person, might I suggest stepping out from behind that armor. Just for a moment. Let the air breath around you. And let yourself really look at what it is you do want.
I am booking for May and April and spots are filling up quickly. Let me know if you want to get a Beltane reading!
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lifedoulasally · 5 years
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The Moon: When traveling through the dark night of the soul, trust in dreams and intuitions rather than the logical mind to be your guide. 🌔 "Use the deep stirrings of the Moon to move purposefully, and perhaps in the process, produce magical, beautiful, and compelling works of art, poetry, or music. Find something to pour the powerful, mystical currents into; for the depths of this card or not meant to be contained. Like a tide of immense feeling, they are intended to flow." 🌕 From #dreamkeeperstarot by @lizhuston 🌖 #tarotoftheday #tarot #moon #create #build #art #music #write #witch #magic #lifedoula #powerful #guidance #spell #addiction #intuition #intuitivehealer #empath #dream #nightmare #darknightofthesoul #psychic #transcedence (at Rocksteady Life) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvcfL4plYEt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t5ggqrqoebdp
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lifedoulasally · 5 years
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Three of Wands: Success through vision, stamina and strength. 🔥 "The message of the Three of Wands is that you have what it takes to see this vision all the way through to fruition. The solitary figure on the card indicates that while you are solely responsible for your vision, help will be offered along the way. This may come in the form of collaboration, cooperation, perhaps even a team of people which you will be leading, for it also suggest the abilities of a great leader. Fortune favors the bold, and there is power in committing all of your resources to a goal." 🔥 From #dreamkeeperstarot by @lizhuston 🔥 #tarotoftheday #tarot #wands #threeofwands #success #stamina #vision #strength #fire #creativeforce #passion #discovery #leadership #manifestation #passion #desire #courage #patience #exploration #holdfast #witch #lifedoula #mondaymood 🔥 *Pictured with lapis lazuli, amethyst, moonstone and ammonite.* (at Rocksteady Life) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvKAWQhl3vk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=83dp8580ho8p
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lifedoulasally · 5 years
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My beautiful new deck arrived today! It's the #dreamkeeperstarot by @lizhuston and I can't wait to get familiar with her hauntingly perceptive images. #witch #tarot #magic #lifedoula #memory #storyteller #journey #traveler #timeless #dreamscape #imagination #doulawitch #tarotdeck #newtarotdeck (at Saint Paul, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvFpJ_GFPYX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r9vwy41ovq6k
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