#dreams-of-fate - lian song
yinjiyang · 1 year
The Welcoming Waves of Home
"If you ever need a place to stay, let me know, okay?" -- @dreams-of-fate​ -- Lian Song -- In Case You Didn’t Know Starters
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       Perhaps it was to his benefit that he could masquerade as a somewhat sickly heir, that his absences during the day and aversion to certain activities could be explained by his 'mysterious affliction'...and yet he was quite good at his nightly activities, defending a neighboring territory from monsters--sometimes in the form of men, sometimes in the form of creatures.  But with a recent onslaught of invaders, it was somewhat surprising to find himself fighting alongside one of the Emperor's highest ranking generals.  A recognition had trickled along the back of his mind amid battle, a very strong presence of water--perhaps the general had felt it as well--and perhaps that had been the catalyst behind the nigh-immediate bond shared between them, or perhaps it was the mutual connection and camaraderie one felt when fighting together.        What had not been expected, however, was this battle to last the entire night, and Feng Maoyin could feel the dawn quickly approaching, the blue hour upon them as the last enemy fell.  Feng Maoyin did not speak much during their encounter, though it was clear he was listening in the wake of battle.  Deep blues of sky faded to gray and just a tinge of red and rose.          If you ever need a place to stay, let me know, okay?        The offer had been unexpected and yet, in that moment, it had been a blessing.  As the sky gained more color, Feng Maoyin's flesh drained of his own, becoming all the more ashen as he wavered just a bit in an otherwise elegant stance, a slight sway reminiscent of the ebb and flow of tied to indicate an unsteadiness which he promptly concealed by straightening his posture once more and lifting his umbrella with a trembling hand.  "...would now be considered inappropriate...?" he asked upon a quivering whisper as he slowly sank to a crouch with a fluid motion, making himself as small as possible as he covered himself with the thick canopy to shield himself from the first rays of morning peeking over the horizon.  To anyone else, this may have been written off as someone exhausted and feeling faint after overexertion; but for someone who may have been a bit more in-tune with the exquisite over-abundance of Yin energy contained within the body of Feng Maoyin, the strong Yang energy of sunrise may have risen a much more prevalent concern.  Faint wisps of shadow wavered at the edges of the fabric, scarcely visible yet telling.
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demcngeneral · 6 months
dreams-of-fate asked: -Lian Song inquired-❛ this day feels like it's never gonna end. ❜
He sat perfectly still hands folded on the table as he appeared to be absorbed in the conversations at hand. At least he appeared to listen. A tilt of his head to his nearest table mate brought a bright smile flashed in his direction. He voiced the same thing that Erxing was thinking. A long sleeve was delicate drawn from it resting posture to pour himself tea into a cup. Jade green eyes sparkled. "You know how these events are, they are more a lets get together and drink as opposed to the world is going to end soon send heroes." he answered with a soft chuckle.
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Glancing up as at one of the white robed men, holier than thou and shook his head. He leaned so he could keep his voice down. "These days its become bragging rights about something that happened centuries ago." he shook his head. Half of the bragging was done by people who had not seen combat in over a thousand years and were very out of touch with realtyThank goodness for the emperor since it will certainly come to business when he appears."
The white and golden sleeve fluttered around his hand like a butterflies wing as he took a sip of the tea. It was a delightful blend, fragrant with a touch of flower. "Have you been to the mortal realm recently ?" he inquired softly keeping his chat private. His voice dropped lower. "There seems to be some unrest there happening."
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baiwu-jinji · 11 months
紅簾前 "Before the Red Curtain" - song from TGCF donghua Season 2 Episode 2 (lyrics translation)
This is the song played when Hua Cheng taught Xie Lian to roll dice. Some of the lyrics from this song are kind of abstruse, so there're definitely elements of my interpretation, see lyrics translation below:
如影拂輕幔 亦如夢飄轉
Like a shadow brushing against the light curtain, like a drifting and whirling dream
翩翩花雨 遊入長街盛宴
A shower of dancing flowers travels through the festivities on the long street
人聲作伴 四下皆歡 未斷
Accompanied by the noise of the crowd, the celebration is all around and unceasing
隔淺淺一線 倏然驟暖
Seperated by a thin line, the warmth grows all of a sudden
繞指間紅線 繫兩端輕纏
The red string around fingers tied around two ends gently connects them
緣起驚鴻 結作銀蝶相盼
Fate brought us together when I laid my eyes on you; longing for each other, fate connects us with the silver butterflies
盅裡玲瓏 幾番輾轉
The delicately carved dice in the cup tossed and turned
凝眸處依舊 映晨星斑斕
The one I gaze on still looks the same, with morning stars reflected in his eyes
逐世間逢故人 裁長夜銜離恨
Pursuing an old aquintance in this mortal world; the long night grows shorter, I taste the regret of seperation
一朝一夕織紅簾 相認
Day and night, weaving the red curtain so we'd recognize each other
遣游絲爭繚春 染心花舞紛紛
Send out gossamer in the air to entangle the spring, the joy in my heart blooms like dancing flowers
手心溫 擲年輪 皆遊刃
The palm is warm that tosses away years as skillfully as it wields knives
不語或忘言 咫尺卻難辨
Speechless or forgetting to speak, you're hard to recognize even close in front of me
切念浮想 猶似經久未見
How I long for you, so many thoughts of you on my mind, as if I haven't seen you in a long long time
迷雲飛幌 流螢熠熠 怎斂
Streaming curtains in misty clouds and glowing fireflies, how do I gather it
望眉宇模樣 恍若從前
Watching your face, it looks the same as it was in the old days
無止或無端 悲喜中縈牽
Without end, without cause, lingering and tangling in sorrow and joy
眇眇幽火 曾映照伴人間
The small feeble flame was once your companion, casting a light on you in the mortal world
粲然一笑 萬事隨煙
With a bright smile, the burden of everything dissipates like the smoke
天縱難垂憐 只為一至願
Even though the heavens could not pity you, yet only for this one most earnest wish
逐萬變知所向 予此間知所眷
Chase all the changes in the world to know the direction, and know who's the one dear to you in this mortal world
但見月缺覆月圓 相連
See the full moon turns into the sickle moon, and lovers together under the same moon
此身虔渡此程 等千年更繾綣
I travel through this life with great faith and devotion, love only deepens over a thousand years of waiting
寄明燈 枕遙夜 伴夢眠
Send off the bright lanterns, in a faraway place I sleep and dream
Day and night I weave the red curtain
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gusubun · 2 years
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          the  song  he  plays  now  is  a  simple  one.  something  easy,  soothing,  recognizable  by  nearly  any  passerby  who  heard  it.  wangji's  hunt  was  over,  and  he  took  this  time  to  reflect,  and  wind  down  before  heading  home.  it  isn't  as  if  he  was  trying  to  hide,  or  find  proper  privacy  from  anyone  who  crossed  his  path.  he  is  content  with  discovery,  satisfied  with  the  success  he's  just  accomplished.  giving  his  new  company  no  more  than  a  nod  at  first,  to  acknowledge  them  as  he  continued  to  pluck  at  his  instrument.
@dreams-of-fate​  /  sc for lian song or baiqian
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adversitybloomed · 4 months
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🌸  ┊ letter received from @dreams-of-fate/ @dcstinyscdgc        Lian Song :  I didn't say yes or no. / THE WHEEL OF TIME 1X1: Leavetaking.
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          a ghost of a smile lifted the corner of her lips, her eyes sparkling with amusement, before her expression once more became unreadable. his words surprised her a little, for it was so rare that she spoke to someone of the royal court who did not make a decision right away. it was refreshing, though it left her questioned unanswered.
        ❝  i understand that this decision cannot be taken lightly,  ❞    she began, her hands gracefully resting upon her thighs as she sat at the table near the waters edge.      ❝  but unfortunately, i cannot wait for one for too long. the front lines are in need and i do not ask for your aid lightly. ever since my appointment to the God of War, things are escalating beyond control and the attacks are becoming more frequent and it is damaging not only to our defenses, but to the people who suffer the results.  ❞
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          her nails caught hold of her hanfu as she played with the fabric slightly to help ease her into asking for help. the request did not come easy to her, for she knew that it had the potential to make her look weak, but knew that she could not allow her pride stand in the way of protecting their people.      ❝  the recruits that i have inherited are decreasing and the latest that join are not yet ready to face the threats that arising, especially near the coastline where creatures of old are suddenly appearing and reeking havoc not only to our people, but threatening to spill into the mortal realm.  ❞
          she paused as she looked Third Prince uncaring if it was proper or not,    ❝  i know it is my duty to fight and i do so gladly. but, i can only do so much on my own. i ask that you consider giving aid, for not only will it will help boost morale, but it will show the people who's villages are being destroyed that the Imperial Family cares, while perhaps giving us a chance to turn the tides and gain some ground in victory.  ❞
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pctaldrunk · 1 year
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@dreams-of-fate asked : Will you share your life with me for the next ten lifetimes? (lian.song @ zhao.xi)
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The look on his face could be COMICAL - the others would certainly think it uncharacteristic of the young man in dark robes that has followed, SOMBER and seemingly eternally peeved in the footsteps of the light god. Brow KNITS, in the next moment - ironic that in all the millenium that have passed, it is now that his heart misses a beat. A faint sheen of pink tinges sculpted cheekbones, the tips of ears. and thin lips part as he exhales, and begins, composed again. "...Lian Song, you should know my FIRST LOYALTY is to Zuti." It is not a matter of feelings, but of DUTY - something they all knew and upheld, even Zhaoxi, for as WILLFUL as he has been as of late. He and Yinlin may have disagreements on what constitutes the BEST course of action - but all of it, in the end, was for the light god.
Though...appraises the young water god - and huffs, after a moment. "...I suppose that won't be a problem for you." A smile, ever so slight, creeps onto his face regardless. "In that case, I'm inclined to see how ten lifetimes works out."
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hualianisms · 4 years
TGCF Donghua S2 Theme Song
the TGCF donghua team just released a gorgeous new theme song for season 2, and my sis and i made an attempt to translate it!
怜城辞 Lian Cheng Ci by Lu Han *
  等一轮风声 熟透了夜深       
Waiting for news, tiring of the deep night
  等一盏清晨 篆刻一座城
Waiting for dawn’s light, engraving a city 
  几翻坠入了凡尘 几度折煞了世人
Again and again descending into the mortal realm, overwhelming the common people
  固执的眼神 谁在等
That stubborn gaze, who is the one who waits? (1)
   茶凉夜色冷 红伞遮雨痕
As the dim night grows cold, as the tea cools, the crimson umbrella shields against the streaks of rain
 容我再认真 信仰的部分
Allow me to be more earnest in my faith (2)
  怜城一顾非旧人 百年浮沉如前尘
With a single glance back, Lian and Cheng are more than old acquaintances; centuries of striving can at last be laid to rest (3)
  谁守护一生 不过问
Who keeps watch for a lifetime? I will not ask
  花与剑无痕 高挂一轮明灯
The flower and sword leave no marks; hang a round of bright lanterns high above
  银蝶染旧梦 生死莫再问
As silver butterflies drift into old dreams, ask not of life and death
  而你始终一路跟 人间多少轮回声
Yet you are by my side from beginning to end, through countless rounds of life’s vicissitudes
  我一如默认 无谓沉沦
I tacitly allow myself to fall into the chaos of love 
 [VERSE 2]
  不安的残灯 往回忆延伸
The lanterns flicker uneasily, shining a light on old memories
  晚风晃一阵 红衣人易分
The night breeze flashes past, the figure clothed in crimson is easily distinguished
  难得你奋不顾身 陪我一世浮沉
You alone disregard your safety to fearlessly dash ahead into danger, accompanying me for a lifetime, throughout the vicissitudes of life
   愁绪无分寸 心事如皱纹
Melancholy is without reason, the heart’s worries are like wrinkles
  整座星辰 道不破诚恳
Yet even the curse of the Star of Solitude (4) could not destroy your sincerity
  谁一朝得道飞升 谁辗转未知鬼神
Who was the one who ascended? Who was the one who went through strife, transforming into a nameless ghost?
  是非如刀刃 会伤人
Questions of right and wrong are as dangerous as a knife's edge, and will leave wounds
[Repeat Chorus]
*note: the title & lyrics can be interpreted either as “The Ballad of Lian & Cheng”, referring to hualian in general, or “Ballad of Love for (Hua) Cheng”, written from XL’s pov specifically
(Translation Notes:)
(1) this verse can be read as either describing the 800 years HC spent waiting/searching for XL, or the year XL spent waiting for HC in ch 243, hence the line “that stubborn gaze, who is the one who waits?” (XL waiting for HC is paralleled to HC waiting for XL)
(2) this line can either refer to HC wanting to further strengthen his faith for his god XL, or XL wanting to further strengthen his own faith in HC
(3) this line refers to how XL and HC’s connection runs deeper than their fleeting interactions in the past, and now that they have found each other again, the centuries of striving that both of them went through can finally be put behind them in the past, becoming the dust of old
(4) this line references the Star of Solitude, which is the star that HC was born under that cursed him with a terrible fate bringing great misfortune to everyone around him
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goldencored · 3 years
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@dreams-of-fate​ asked:  ‘☠’ (lian song is ready to hear drunk mei)
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Really, it’s a sad sight. 
A-Feng— no, Shi Fei sits in a smaller palace than she had when she first ascended, bottles scattered around her as she sits on the floor, knees to her chest. When was the last time she moved? She can’t quite remember. As soon as they brought her here, she’d started drinking every bit of alcohol she could find in this new palace. Surely it’s been at least a day and she still hadn’t changed out of her beggar’s clothes.
“Ah, Lian-gege! So you finally heard? I’m back! I mean, I don’t know how or why, I don’t really think I deserve it, but here I am!” Uncurling slightly, she shifts around, looking for a bottle that still has something in it, holding it up triumphantly when she finds it. “Here, come have a drink with me!”
Of course, she pours herself a cup first, hand shaky. “I’m glad you came to see me. There are lots of unfamiliar faces here. And ones I’d rather not see. Pei-gege is out in the mortal realm somewhere, so he probably doesn’t know unless that snake has told him. She probably has by now. I hate her. Funny how Pei-gege is the best out of the three of them and I never could stand him. He deserves better than Ge and her.”
Her head makes a loud thump against the wall as she leans back. Forgoing the cup, she takes a swig from the bottle now, forgetting that she’d only just offered some to Lian Song. “Do you ever wish that you could just... forget everything? I wish I could. I want to forget everyone but you and Pei-gege, and maybe Xie-gege and start over. I don’t want to think about Ge anymore, or the nightmares. Or think about... about the person who broke my heart, even though I’d taken him back in a heartbeat if he wanted me to.”
The tears start now and she laughs despite them. “I’m not very fun right now am I, Lian-gege?”
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Hark the Angels sing; It’s MORE Random Mary Grayson Headcanons!!.....I have apparently lost control of myself but hey these are fun XD 
Some of these are ones that focus on what can possibly fit into proper DCU canon while some are from AUs I have in mind (prominently, ‘What if the Flying Graysons all survived yet their son still became a Robin and eventually Nightwing?’ or ‘What if Mary was resurrected as a Talon for the Court of Owls yet was her personality more or less got brought back to normal?’)  
 I appreciate any to all feedback from replies to likes, but ESPECIALLY Reblogs  and more so, Reblogs with additional headcanons 
Either way, enjoy this nonsense 
- (Flying Graysons Alive AU)  Mary is perhaps one of the very few people alongside Batman, Red Arrow, and Lian Harper who can actually eat Green Arrow’s infamous chili recipe. Not even her husband can do it, with the latter having to chug two whole gallons of milk to soothe the burns. 
- One of her favorite hobbies whenever not practicing on trapeze is reciting and acting out Shakespeare plays. Her favorites being Romeo & Juliet, King Lear, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Macbeth. Most of the time, John and her often love playing the final scene in Romeo and Juliet as the titular characters respectfully. Apparently Mary has a hidden natural skill of playing dead so well it looks convincing to anyone who doesn’t know better. 
- (Talon!Mary AU) Upon regaining her memories and most of her personality back, one of the first things Mary asks is naturally of who was it that raised her son while she was gone, especially since this person was apparently the one that taught Dick into honing his acrobatic skills into crime fighting. When learning it was Gotham based billionaire Bruce Wayne, Mary made a briefest of stops to Wayne Manor to confront him about it. On the one hand, as a mother, she was all too commonly concerned and a bit baffled about this acquaintance of her husband and her being the one to do this for Dick without their permission. On the other, had it not been for Bruce as Alfred rightfully points out, Dick’s fate could’ve been far worse given the care system Gotham had him or even the Court of Owls double crossing their deal with her and making Dick a Talon anyways. Also, Bruce explained indeed it was ultimately Dick’s decision to swear an oath to crime fighting and his choice to avenge what happened to John and her, finding the thugs responsible for it. She acknowledges this and rather than have any animosity, Mary thanks Bruce for doing what he can and helping her son becoming the young man he is nowadays, a leader of the Titans, defender of Bludhaven and generally probably her greatest wish, a good person int he end. She declines Bruce’s offer to stay in either Gotham or Bludhaven but does say if a Crisis get too much for him and the Batfamily to handle on their own, she’ll more than willing to lend a hand. Such irony, an owl being a friend with a bat. 
- Being a Catholic, Mary often prays the Rosary prayer every Sunday at night before bed and especially during Holy Week. Dick carries on this tradition when moving into Wayne Manor and even nowadays in either his Bludhaven apartment or his room in Titans Tower since that’s what his Mother taught him. 
- Mary firmly understands the general fear of clowns some people tend to get. She firmly understands of the numerous unfortunate implications that come with the bright make up, goofy antics and general oddness clowns exhibit when being approached by casual folks. But thankfully, she definitely knows plenty of good clowns that are among her closest friends at Haly’s Circus and can say for certain they are the norms, not this Joker and his partner Harley Quinn everyone keeps paying attention to instead. Mary generally dislikes Joker and Harley and for good darn reasons.  
- She designed almost all of the Flying Graysons uniforms for each and every one of their tours and shows. They usually depend on the types of performances they perform for the night on their tour maps, helpfully categorized by John with colored pins on said maps. If the show’s a blue pin (safest of the stunts, safety nets set up), Mary and her family are wearing an all blue outfit with disco-esque collars and bird motifs (New 52 Nightwing origin ones); on red pins (larger crowds,bolder stunts yet safety nets still set) an green sleeveless bodysuit with a giant yellow stylized G on the torso (All Star Batman and Robin and Nightwing [2018-] Annual #2); and finally for Black Pins (Largest of crowds, most bold of stunts, no safety nets, example being Gotham) a green scaly leotard with a red tunic, green pixie boots and a pre show yellow cape. Said tunics having a black and yellow letter on the right side meaning their first names for example ‘M’ for Mary on hers and an ‘R’ for Richard, or as she calls it, ‘Robin’.  
- During tours in Japan, Mary always insists to bring with them before they leave an entire week’s worth of the dish called Katsudon, beef or pork cutlet on top of rice along with other ingredients. It’s basically a buffet dinner in one bowl.  
- In terms of music, Mary likes rock n roll in almost all of its subgenres. What she listens too depends on her mood at the time of the day. For instance when cleaning their trailer on bright sunny day, The Beatles are likely being blasted on her record speakers. Conversely on rainy nights with the trailer to herself and in the mood for something a bit heavier, Black Sabbath and Metallica are what’s pumping out in her headphones, performing air guitar like crazy without noticing John or Dick walking in to see that, much to their amusement. Dick actually bought those same songs his mother plays on his phones when moving to Wayne Manor. Bruce actually liked a lot of the stuff Dick played, in particular Black Sabbath......except for any songs by the Ramones, the Misfits or any hardcore punk rock. Bruce just wasn’t a fan. 
- (Flying Graysons Alive AU) Mary and John, after the events of the Circus and settling into a decent apartment in Gotham with Mr Wayne as their landlord, take jobs at a nearby fitness center. In particular, they are trapeze teachers for anyone willing to give the ropes a try. No matter the students they get, both Graysons are given the opportunity to impart their skills and their amazing acrobatic prowess to a new generation beyond their son. It probably helps that since they’re at said fitness center until it’s closing hours, they arrive home at almost the same time their son barely comes back from his Robin patrols. 
- (Flying Graysons Alive AU) Mary ADORES her grandchildren Mar’i and Jake. She is almost THE go-to babysitter for them whenever her son and his wife Kory are away on a very intense Titans and/or Bludhaven mission. Though it must be said, watching over two Tamaranean-Human hybrids proves no easy task since either one or both of the two rascals can accidentally do some damage to the apartment with their starbolts or enhanced strength when not carefully. Perhaps the trickiest period was when Mar’i was barely coming out of her toddler phase but still had their stubborn temper that can ignite said starbolts. Thankfully as Mar’i got older and her baby brother Jake proved on being far more relaxed and chill than his older sister at his age, watching over the two of them became far easier. Whenever, the three interact in small talk, they all speak primarily in lovari Romani Chib. Sometimes when reading them Tamaranean bedtime stories, the kids help with Mary’s Tamaranean since she’s always curious to learn new languages. More often than not, whenever getting a call for Dick to help watch Mar’i and Jake,the first thing she does almost immediately is check their mustard supply given what her grandchildren drink. Overall, Mar’i and Jake are a joy when they visit Mary and John and she can’t be any happier than that. 
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evcryopeneye · 4 years
@dreams-of-fate​​ gets a starter (Lian Song)
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There’s a pause, Feng Wu’s eyes looked up and to the left, clearly she was thinking about something. “Well.” She began, before shrugging a single shoulder, “I don’t really know much about cultivating, despite what all the gossiping around here might say.” She was once a cultivator, didn’t remember any of it now. “I lost it all, burnt it out apparently,” Feng Wu explained nonchalantly. It wasn’t as if it was some secret. “The only thing I can help you with now is medicine.”
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Fic: the thing with feathers, ch. 15
Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn & Yú Zǐyuān, Jiāng Fēngmián & Yú Zǐyuān, Jiāng Yànlí & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Fēngmián & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Qǐrén & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Yú Zǐyuān, Yínzhū, Jīnzhū, Lán Jǐngyí, Jiāng Fēngmián, Jiāng Yànlí, Lán Qǐrén, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo
Additional Tags: Transmigration, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Illnesses, Family, Scars, Memory Loss, Angst, Crying, Music, Nosebleed, Fear, Recovery, Nightmares, Sharing a Bed, Flirting, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Good Parent Yú Zǐyuān, Referenced Sexual Slavery, Blood and Gore, Monsters, Sexual Tension, betrothal
Summary: Wangji speaks for himself. Wei Ying wakes. Communication ensues.
Notes: I might be wrong on this, but when I rewatched The Untamed with my mom, it seemed the town was named Lotus Pier and the sect grounds and Jiang home were named Lotus Cove, which is why I’ve been differentiating the two here. Even though yuanfen is often associated with the red thread, it isn’t always associated with romance. It’s not even fate, really, as that implies a higher power. It’s simply fateful coincidence and often simply associated with good or bad luck. In this case, it’s a potential relationship—whether friendship or more, Lan Wangji isn’t really thinking about right now. He just believes that his second meeting with Wei Wuxian means they are meant to have import in each other’s lives, and he wants very badly to protect him.
AO3 link
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Wangji felt like he had been in a daze since Wei Ying had abruptly gotten a nosebleed and panicked when he was talking to an older Jiang disciple. When he had tried to take his friend to the healer, he insisted on being taken to Madam Yu instead. 
As improbable as it seemed, Wei Ying’s vision of a monster yao had apparently been correct, the adults had informed him when they returned. And it put him in danger.  
He was disappointed to have missed the practical lesson shufu had given on the proper disposal of yao corpses, but he would rather be at Wei Ying’s side. 
Wei Ying was still unconscious, and Wangji was aware of the conversations happening around him despite the daze, as they tried to determine how best to protect him—if he truly had precognitive visions, Madam Yu argued, he would be seen as an asset to acquire by certain other clans.
Madam Yu’s arguments regarding his protection made sense, particularly official adoption, and though shufu was balking and displeased with her second idea, it too was truly logical, could throw off any suspicion from the Sun that saw all, could protect Wei—or rather, Jiang Ying. 
And what if Wei Ying’s dream of being cast into Luanzang Gang… What if that was a premonition? The place was warded and managed by the Wen sect, after all. If they wanted him and could not have him, would that be the result? 
If he could do anything to prevent that from coming to pass, he would. 
Shufu was turning angry colors, seeming to be too overcome to speak properly, starting and stopping and sputtering when Madam Yu countered his half-formed objections, completely unruffled. 
“I agree,” he said firmly—during a pause, so as not to interrupt. 
Shufu looked outraged, and Wangji wondered if he had been expected to stay silent on the matter. Madam Yu, on the other hand, looked pleased. 
“I want to help him,” Wangji insisted. “I wish to help prevent his nightmare from coming to pass.”
He could see from the stricken look on the adults’ faces that they knew what he was referring to. Wangji was glad he didn’t have to elaborate further, and that they understood the gravity of his concern. For a moment, there was dead silence as they digested the idea, but he was also unsurprised when his uncle spoke again against the idea of betrothal. 
“You’re too young to—”
“A-Li has been betrothed since she was a toddler,” Madam Yu cut in swiftly, what little patience she had spent. “I only hope her betrothed doesn’t grow to become as egregious a pig as his father. I trust my sworn sister will do her best with him.”
Wangji couldn’t help but gape, unused to gossip in general and absolutely shocked to hear such words about a major sect leader. 
“A-Ying is kind and intelligent,” she continued, unfazed. “Don’t tell me you disapprove of him because the mother he doesn’t even remember once shaved your beard off as you slept.”
The statement seemed to hang in the air. Shufu was turning an alarming color, and Wangji couldn’t help contemplating what he would look like without his beard. 
All told, it was probably for the better that they were interrupted by Wei Ying waking, though the fact that he woke with a scream and immediately started sobbing was more than a little upsetting. It took time for the Jiangs to calm him down, for Madam Yu to assure him no one died, that he had done the right thing telling her so they could take down the yao without anyone being hurt. 
“Perhaps you should tell us what you ‘saw,’” shufu said once Wei Ying was calm. 
“It was big, and like a dragon, but not like a dragon,” Wei Ying started. “Like a snake, maybe?”
He remembered only that about the creature. His san-shixiong had grabbed him and Jiang Wanyin, propelled them to shore with a burst of spiritual energy, and had been promptly eaten by the yao.
“It bit him in half,” Wei Ying said, his voice trembling. “And then it started killing the others.”
He lapsed into silence, his jaw trembling. 
“I ordered the disciples out of the water,” Madam Yu told him. “Your shushu and I battled it with Jinzhu and Yinzhu on the river. San-shixiong is fine, as is everyone else.”
She patted him on the shoulder, clearly trying to comfort him. 
“You did the right thing, A-Ying,” she said. “You kept them safe. Now we need to keep you safe.”
Wei Ying blinked, his eyes darting as he processed that. 
“Because I saw,” he said eventually. “People will want that.”
Madam Yu nodded, looking pleased that he understood. 
“I’m sorry for bringing trouble, shenshen.”
The smile disappeared, her face tight and downcast for a moment. Wei Ying’s words hurt her, but Wangji didn’t understand how. 
“A-Ying, you can trust that your shushu and I will handle any trouble. You are not at fault.”
The boy nodded, but still looked uncertain, as though he wasn’t sure whether to believe it wasn’t his fault. 
Jiang Fengmian seemed to sense that, and patted Wei Ying’s head.
“A-Ying, we decided the best way to protect you is to officially adopt you into the Jiang clan.”
“As our son,” Madam Yu added. “And A-Lian as our daughter.”
“It won’t be unfilial?” Wei Ying asks softly after a moment. “My mama and baba… Would they be mad at me?”
The Jiangs looked startled at the question, but Wangji understood. 
Shufu almost fulfilled the role of a father for him, but his true father was still alive, though he’d never met him that he could remember. So to refer to shufu as such would be unfilial; even if his father was dead, it could be unfilial. 
“Your father,” Sect leader Jiang started hoarsely, and had to clear his throat before continuing. “Your father was my sworn brother, and I loved him as though he was my blood brother.”
“If you would be more comfortable continuing to refer to us as shenshen and shushu, rather than a-niang and a-die, you may,” Madam Yu told him. “Legally you would be our son, to protect you, but we wouldn’t be replacing your mama and baba.”
Wei Ying nodded, biting his lip. 
“It’s just… I forgot them—everything about them. I don’t want them to be hungry ghosts.”
Yu Ziyuan gathered him to her, and he let out a soft sob. 
Wangji couldn’t imagine forgetting his mother, who had been one of the brighter points of his life until her death. Wei Ying, as a homeless orphan in Yiling, had smiled so much like her. Back then, he could remember his parents. Now they were lost to the void where his memories once were. 
“You didn’t lose your memory on purpose,” Jiang Yanli offered softly. “I’m sure they wouldn’t blame you for that.”
“They will not be hungry, A-Ying,” Madam Yu murmured to him. “Their tablets are in the ancestral hall for you to leave offerings and burn joss paper whenever you wish. We are not replacing them. Fengmian and I can tell you stories of them, if you wish. And Lan Qiren was acquainted with your mother and may be willing to share stories as well.”
“The stories may help you remember,” Wangji added.
“Maybe a-die and a-niang can draw them, too,” Jiang Cheng said. “I bet that would help.”
Wei Ying sniffled and nodded, his nose running as he seemed to fight the urge to cry. Wangji pulled a cloth from his sleeve and handed it to him and received a watery smile.
That seemed to remind Yu Ziyuan of the other part of the plan. 
“It’s possible this is just the effect of the resentful energy still in your mind,” she said. “Learning the songs of the Lan and further help from them might make it fade. To avoid suspicion about why you will spend time in Gusu, you will be betrothed to Lan-er-gongzi.”
“When you are older it can be dissolved,” shufu added.
Wangji watched for Wei Ying’s reaction, feeling oddly uncertain—after all, it was an unusual arrangement, and he might not welcome it—but when Wei Ying turned to him, it seemed like his own uncertainty was reflected back. 
“I don’t want to prevent you from meeting your fated one, Lan Zhan,” he said softly. “You don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable.”
“I already agreed. Our meeting again was yuanfen, and I wish to help protect you,” he assured him. “It is no burden.”
He knew Wei Ying often saw himself as a burden, or at least referred to himself as one. He always seemed conscious of how much he was relying on others, always seemed to try to make up for it. Wangji wanted him to know he was not a burden, not trouble, not anything other than worthy of protection. 
“You’ll let me know if it is?” Wei Ying asked solemnly. “Like Lan-xiansheng said, we can dissolve it later.”
“It will not be a burden,” Wangji insisted. “But if I am wrong, I will tell you. But you also must tell me.”
Wei Ying smiled, strangely wistful. 
“Ah, Lan Zhan. You’re so good.”
“W—Jiang Ying is also good.”
It was hard not to think of him as Wei Ying, but Wangji would do his best to adjust. His friend looked startled at the name, then smiled almost bashfully. 
“You can call me A-Ying,” he said softly. “If it’s easier.”
Wangji knew friends often referred to each other, and he nodded, happy that he considered them close. 
“Then you may call me A-Zhan,” he said. 
No one aside from occasionally xiongzhang called him so informally, but he thought it would be acceptable if it was A-Ying. 
Shufu, he noticed, watched their exchange, stroking his beard thoughtfully. 
“Madam Yu’s idea is that the two of you will act as second in command to both sects, according to the betrothal contract,” Lan Qiren says. “Half of the year in Yunmeng, half in Gusu.”
“Thus you will have an excuse to receive further treatment in Gusu and to learn more musical cultivation that may help,” Madam Yu added.
Jiang Fengmian reached forward, patting A-Ying’s arm. 
“We will negotiate the terms, but only if you’re okay with it, A-Ying,” he said. “People may say rude things.”
A-Ying seemed surprised to be asked, but he nodded. 
“I know people might be weird since it’s a cutsleeve betrothal, but people find something to be weird about all the time. I’m fine with it if A-Zhan is.”
“I am,” Lan Zhan said. 
“Excellent,” Madam Yu said, looking pleased. “We will discuss this with your uncle and draw up terms. But first we will perform the adoption rites and announce you and A-Lian as Jiang.”
Wangji understood she meant letters would later be sent out to the rest of the gentry later about their betrothal. Though he preferred not to be the object of gossip, he understood the betrothal announcement would concretely ally Gusu Lan and Yunmeng Jiang and serve as protection for A-Ying. He would manage somehow.
A soft knock on the door prevented any further conversation, and Madam Yu dispelled the silencing talisman. She opened the door to reveal a servant, and the scent of food wafted in, making his mouth water. It was long past dinner now.
The servant bowed.
“Madam Yu, the townspeople learned of the yao. Some witnessed the battle. The businesses came together and delivered food as thanks. We are serving the disciples as well.”
Several more servants entered the room, efficiently clearing the table and setting up far more communal dishes than normal. It was clear that the food was from both restaurants and the Lotus Cove kitchen, and so the array was much more varied than most meals. He did notice that there were far fewer dishes from the Jiang kitchens, and realized the yao attack had likely even interrupted dinner preparations by the servants, making the gift from the townspeople all the more apt and appreciated. 
Sect Leader Jiang murmured about reimbursing the restaurants to the ranking servant who had knocked, and the rest of the Jiangs moved to the table while he did. Wangji offered a hand to A-Ying to help him out of bed, and they went together.
Many of the dishes were heavy with spice, but Jiang Yanli was already putting together a bowl of rice and lesser-spiced dishes, which she handed to him with a smile. Xiongzhang and shufu were filling their own bowls in a similar manner, while A-Ying filled his with a base of noodles almost fiery-looking with spice and other dishes that were tinted red, orange, and yellow with spice, then settled on a cushion a little away from the table.
Aside from the sound of utensils on porcelain, the room was unusually silent, everyone focused on eating after so much energy was expended on the yao. Where normally the Jiangs chattered during supper, the meal was almost as quiet as those in Gusu. It felt odd, as Wangji had become accustomed to listening to the conversations around him, even if he didn’t participate in them.
Wangji settled beside him to eat, quietly considering what should be done to make A-Ying comfortable in his visits to Gusu, and the first thing on his list was acquiring spices and spicy condiments from the Lotus Pier market. His friend would find the fare at Cloud Recesses entirely too bland, but he wanted him to enjoy Gusu as much as he had come to enjoy Yunmeng.
Perhaps he should ask Jiang Yanli to teach him recipes, as well.
Mind set, he focused on eating, taking comfort in the warmth of his friend beside him.
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yinjiyang · 1 year
“This is the third meal you’ve missed this week, are you okay?” @dreams-of-fate - Lian Song - Noticing Trauma Sentence Starters
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His first few meals at the estate had gone well enough, but since his third day, Feng Maoyin had found it nearly impossible to eat the food prepared for him. No doubt, the staff had noticed how weak he appeared during the day--a downright sickly waif who looked like the lightest breeze could knock him over--and unfortunately, the day was the only time a majority of the staff saw the quiet young man who was so much livelier and healthier once the sun had gone down. Feng Maoyin had no idea that someone in the kitchen staff suspected him of having too much Yin energy--and while that was a correct assumption, that same cook thought they were doing him a favor by infusing the young master's meals with Yang energy to 'improve the inner balance'. The first day of tampering his food, he had tried to eat...but felt immediately sick and miserable. The second day...he tried again, but could only make it through two bites. He tried, he had really tried, but he could not force himself to eat. The truth of the matter was, he did not suspect food tampering or poisoning at all. After all, the point would be for him to actually eat the food, wouldn't it? He just thought...perhaps...his time as a human had come to an end and he was no longer able to stomach the food of mortals. It was of no fault of the general or the friendly, well-meaning staff of his estate. Guilt raked him somewhat, because the food could at least have gone to someone who could eat it rather be wasted on him.
He stood at the window, staring at his hands with a vacant gaze in the burnt orange and rose of sunset as he listened to the question. Was he okay? No. Feng Maoyin had hoped to remain human for a few years more, at least until one of his younger 'brothers' had come of age. Sadly, this no longer seemed to be the case. So now, was his avoidance of food truly about tampering or had it just become a complete loss of appetite due to mourning his own experience with mortality?
"...no..." he finally replied on a frail whisper, watching his fingers slowly curl into his palms and straighten once more. "...I don't suppose I am..."
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girllovescomic · 4 years
Winter Begonia Episode 6 recap
One of my favorite episode, it is in my eyes when Cheng Fengtai (Er Ye) truly falls for our little singer, Shang Xirui.  He was already attracted to him, evidenced by the gaze, but this is what tips him over the line from infatuation to love. This is also an episode where you see how the opera lyrics are integral to the plot. 
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We hear Er Ye’s internal thoughts as he watches the opera, engrossed in Shang Lao Ban’s interpretation of Yang Guifei. He tells that when one leaves the Palace for Eternal Youth (the name of the Opera), they can see their lives in the story or some similarities between them and the character, but for him it goes deeper.  He sees the helplessness and compromise he and his family had to make due to circumstances.  For him, he had to give up his literary dreams and return home (from Europe, I presume) to take the family business which had been in ruin. He had no idea what he was doing because he was young, having to deal with creditors taking away everything, their employees leaving them and his sister Meixin forced to marry the Commander Cao and leave the man she loved, so they can settle some debts.  Apparently, this was not enough, leading him to marry Fan Xian aka Er Nainai, who turns out had a lucrative career as a businesswoman that she was forced to becoming a housewife, confined inside the mansion walls to raise their children.  By the way, can we command the way Huang Xiaoming speaks English? He even speaks better than the white girl talking to him.  LOL. 
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The play, or specifically the way SXR sings it exposes all the emotions he had pushed aside as he realize that in life you cannot always do what you want, that sometimes the hand of fate forces you to make choices that goes against your dreams, making you suffer silently as you bite your lips and trudge through life. Ooof, I felt that one to my core.  We go back to Shang Lao Ban singing what appears to be sad song. CFT is completely absorbed, to the point of tears as he resumes his narration.  
To him, Xirui’s Yang Guifei is unwilling to submit to fate, to kill herself because the courtiers ask her to, but freely choosing to sacrifice herself
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In one of the most beautiful sequence that made me weep, we see SXR as Yang Guifei standing afar from CFT talking to each other, the white cloth falling on the floor.  She (talking about Yang Guifei) is reaching out to him, which makes him look around wondering if he is the one she wants. He tells her that it is her life, he can’t help her; she responds that she does not need his help, she just wants to look at her.  He laments that she did not need to die as long as she was willing to accept her status, but she responds what was she supposed to let go of. He replies that should have taken conformed to the hand of fate, like he did,  but to her that would have been meaningless. He tries to stop her from killing herself, but she replies that if she delays it more, she might start to regret it.  We go back to the present time and CFT is weeping, clearly affected.  Sigh, what a scene.  I am crying while typing this.  
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SXR is doing his thing, marveling the audience, who are equally moved.  With everyone gone, CFT is alone in his VIP box, thinking of his mother, who left to pursue her dreams as her singer instead of being confined in her role as mother and wife.  CFT finally understands why his mother made that decision to go back to her love of the opera, as he walks dazed.  
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SXR watches as CFT walks dazed to his house.  He is so struck, he doesn’t even see or hear anyone, not his wife nor his household manager.  The man is completely gone, his mind still on his vision of Yang Guifei. 
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Again, we are privy to his thoughts and he tells us that SXR not only portrays Yang Guifei but embodies her, not simply acting her out, but being a living and breathing embodiment of the tragic concubine, like a reincarnation. OOOOF, this is poetry! As an aside, this scene was in the novel as well, although not as poetic.  He stands in the courtyard as snowfall as if in a dream-like state, stumbling through his house, much to the other’ consternation.  
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Still in a daze, CFT is sitting and humming to himself.  Through a conversation between his wife and the annoying maid, it has been a half day he’s been in this position and that he has not gone to any of his social functions, discuss business or play mahjong, for the past couple of days, completely uninterested in anything.  The annoying maid of course has to run her mouth, claiming that at least Er Ye stays at home instead of being seduced by girls. I swear this girl has a one-track mind. He has been seduced, but not some women, but by an adorable opera singer who can lift his soul. Er Nainai responds that she doesn't care about this nonsense, she feels uneasy by this version of her husband. She clearly knows the annoying little maid can’t process such adult thinking and tells her so.  I like this side of Er Nainai. Meanwhile, Er Ye’s mind is still on the songs and may I say, Huang Xiaoming looks absolutely gorgeous in it.
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He tries to replicate the experience, but none of the records he pick come close to the original.  Fan Lian is completely confused by his BIL’s reaction, wondering what he is looking for.  Like a lovestruck teenager who has discover her first pop idol, CFT confesses that he wants to hear Shang Xirui. Fanboy Fan Lian tells him that he has some of SXR records, and will lend it to him, but that is not what CFT is really looking for. 
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Me, when I hear shitty house music
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 He tells his BIL that when SXR is on stage he is a completely different person, as if he just walked out of book or an opera script.  Fan Lian tells him that he said something similar to SXR, “Body in the mortal realm, but spirit in the performance.” Ooof, I wished I could write something like that in my stories. He adds that of course, it’s a simplistic way to describe the singer’s performance, especially when taking into account his irascible personality and his nebulous past with his cousin.  But he adores the man’s talent, so he is able to ignore all that.  I completely understand bro.  I have a lot of celebrities that I enjoy their work, but dislike their personalities.  Sometimes you have to separate the art from the man/woman.  
CFT tells him that is not what he cares about, since he has no understanding of the art form, but he actually cares about the man’s spirit, which he finds special.  Well, someone is smitten. He finds it refined, rich and sensitive.  He is not only a performer who is amazing at what he does, but compare to him, everyone else are mere mortals.  This goes above Fan Lian’s head.  The look on CFT’s face says it all; this is a man who has fallen in love, so yeah, Fan Lian, you can’t understand what he is talking about or feeling. 
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Dressed up in a fabulous attire and strutting his stuff, while his wife looks on, relieved that he is finally leaving the house, he goes out to find SXR.  Er Nainai tells Meixin that she used to be uneasy whenever Er Ye left the house, but now she is relieved that he is going out, as long as his heart is with his family. You might end up regretting those words.  
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Meanwhile, SXR is facing another crisis as the opera singer who he was replacing while he was out sick as suddenly decided to come back, probably because he is jealous at the success our little divo is having.  Xiao Lai can’t believe this bullshit, especially since they are running out of place to perform.  
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Waiting like a teenage boy for his crush, CFT is standing next to his car, when he spots Shang Lao Ban coming out of the theater with Xiao Lai.  He presses on the horn to get his crush’s attention and I swear this is the cutest thing ever.  SXR sends away Xiao Lai who does not seemed to happy that her boss is spending time with the businessman. Shang Lao Ban asks Er Ye how long he has been waiting in the cold instead of coming backstage. CFT looks at him like a man in love looks at his object of affection. I am so jealous of this fictional character! Seriously, he is practically gazing at the other man, who can only smile and asks where they are going.  Oh my, is this their first date? I squeal! He is taking him for an afternoon tea and actually wants to know what he would like to eat. Our little glutton tells him that he wants something sweet and opens the door to let him in.  I need to pause for a second, tis tew much. 
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SXR is scarfing down on a chocolate cake and asks where Er Ye went after the show.  He wants to have his opinion about his performance, which CFT tells him it was really great. In other operas, Yang Guifei would be forced to die at Mawei Station, but SXR version sang about willingly giving her life for love, turning the damsel into a hero.  He was especially struck by one of the lyrics, which is the same lyrics SXR loves about the opera, brought to tears.  
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CFT flashes a 1000 watt smile upon hearing that and tells him that his performance of Palace of Eternal Youth does not resemble other version of this opera and should be called something else, like the Legend of the Flourishing Tang Dynasty.  A little history background here.  Yang Guifei was Emperor Ming of Tang’s favored concubine, whom he stole from his own son.  Apparently he lavished her with gifts, built an expensive pavilion for her, neglecting his duties as an Emperor, so much so there was a rebellion.  Wanting to stop the rebellion, the courtiers forced the Emperor to demand Yang Guifei to be killed as they saw her and her family as the reason for the unrest.  Unlike the opera, she does not kill herself, but is killed by Gao Lishin and her body brought to the head of the rebellion as proof of her death.  However, the marks the slow decline of the dynasty..
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SXR is confused by what CFT is saying, not grasping the meaning behind the title.  CFT explains that Palace of Eternal Youth is a love story between to high status people confined by their roles, that of an Emperor and his consort.  They have to abide to what his expected of them in their respective roles.  The play not only depicts this confinement, but also the rise and fall of a nation.  SXR version of the play since about a flourishing dynasty yet it is focus on a tragedy of sacrifice, which could be reflected in 1930s China before the horrors of the occupation and the valiant resistance from both communists and nationalists to oust the invaders. This goes above the uneducated SXR who explains to CFT that in the second act of the play, Yang Guifei had angered the Emperor in a fit of jealousy , but afterwards made up.  The reason for the disagreement was due to the fact the Emperor was enamored with another woman called JIang Caiping, feeling Yang Guifei sacrificed herself for no reason.  CFT sees a parallel between SXR situation with Mengping and his story.  SXR tells him that indeed he sees himself in the stories he sings. CFT tells him that he understands as he used to see that opera performers were similar to their characters, but when he saw SXR performed Yang Guifei, he was more than a mere embodiment but was the actual person, which makes SXR sees that CFT understands his performance in depth, and adds that he was using his soul to perform.  This gets CFT to smile, one that I bet even his wife never seen.  It is a naked smile what they shows his true emotion.  We are witnessing the connection of two souls here and it's a beautiful thing.  Once again, how this past censorship is beyond me. 
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Look at this smile!
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Meanwhile the troupe is waiting.  I have a feeling Xiao Lai told the troupe their leader had left with Er Ye.  As soon as the duo appears, everyone stands up in attention.  SXR shouts to Xiao Lai to warm up some wine, while Shi Jiu is trying her best to put her flirt on. Oh sis, you are wasting your time.  The man is not interested. 
She comments that finally her boss is seeing the light, associating himself with Commander Cao’s BIL is the next best thing than getting the actual man to dispel the rumors and help them out of their desperate situation. The duo chat some more, over wine, talking about the difference between Western Opera and Eastern Opera performers, especially the castrato. They talk about skills needed to be a good singer. They get drunk, so much so that SXR and are hilarious.  
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SXR is in his first costume he ever used when performing and despite being average compared to now, he considers it his most prized one; it is his armor, his guts.  I have to say it is a beautiful piece, showcasing the meticulous work put in Eastern embroidery and their use of pearls.  
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CFT reveals that he wrote a story when he was in school abroad.  SXR says he is not surprised since he can see that Er Ye understands the art on a deeper level and why they are connecting.  CFT tells him of his story, which is about a woman who eloped with a man she loved, but who abandoned.  While she waited at home, she had many lovers, who came and gone, until the woman finally realize that she didn’t need these men in her life.  They were just a passing folly, not dependable to ensure her happiness and that by controlling her fate, she can do so.  She went on to open her own weaving shop, taking in widows and orphans and went on to have great success, so much so, she was asked by the Empress to make her clothes.  Damn, that is a freaking good story! They laugh and SXR thinks the morale of the story is that for a woman to control her fate, she needs money. Hmm.. aren’t we all? Shang Lao Ban reminds might be too progressive for Beijing Opera; instead the protagonist would be killed.  CFT tells him that stories transcends culture or gender which seems to make SXR teary.  As a performer, he is seen as the dregs of Chinese society, lower than a prostitute, despite the fame. I bet he wished to live in a world that would dispense of this hierarchical structure and see his profession respected by those in higher status.  He tells CFT that he would love to play this type of woman, and I am hoping this is a hint of collaboration between the two.  I actually would love to see him play this kind of character.
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The troupe is eavesdropping, hoping their leader would hit up CFT’s wallet to help them out when Lao Ge comes in looking for his boss.  They push him out, claiming Cheng Er Ye is not inside.  Shi Jiu says they should keep anyone from interrupting since it might be their only opportunity; Dashen replies that it depends on their leader’s abilities to charm beg Cheng Er Ye for help.  
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Meanwhile, the duo is still discussing opera.  Er Ye does not understand that for the sake of expediency, why not only wear a mask like the Japanese kabuki performers do, which would save time on makeup.  This appears to make SXR laugh hard.  He tells Er Ye that it is not the same thing because you will not be able to see the facial expression, which are an integral part of the opera.  Wearing a mask is like being a ghost on stage, a bit like dubbed voices take away the essence of the emotions conveyed by the actors (any C drama fans would understand).  
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They drink again and SXR reveals this has been the happiest day since he came to Beijing.  He never expected to become kindred spirits with Commander Cao’s BIL.  CFT ponders about the title, which constrains me like the rest of his life.  But SXR sees through the facade of a man who seems powerful and wealthy, like the fictional character, General Gao Yaonei who took Lin Chong’s wife, but turns out to be a good person, while CFT also had the wrong picture of Shang Lao Ban as an arrogant prima donna on the cray cray side, but is actually a good person as well.  Shang Lao Ban is asleep and he looks so cute.  The troupe is still standing at the door when a drunk Cheng Er Ye stumbles out.  The troupe does not want to let him go back home and convince him to stay by claiming their leader would beat him up if he leaves without saying goodbye.  Lol these sneaky mofos. It actually succeed and Cheng Er Ye returns to sleep with our adorable Shang Lao Ban.  They have no idea they are helping the ship sail.  
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Meanwhile, the weasel family(Jiang father and son) are discussing SXR financial problems and the fact he had to pawn his costume to pay the rent. They are jubilating at the difficulties Shuiyin troupe is facing, especially since they are a big one and there are bound to have problems as morale starts to get low and the funds disappears. With losing his spot at the theater and not being shrewd, he will have problems raising money, leading to his own people turning against him.  Its the next day and the member wants to know how his chat with Cheng Er Ye went, in the hope they got themselves a rich sponsor.  SXR is like “the hell are you talking about? What difficulties?” Then it dawns on him what they are asking and that angers him.  He lets them know that his “friendship" with Er Ye is on a different level, one of being kindred spirits.  He wouldn’t dare use him for money. 
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They grumble until CFT appears; he looks like he didn’t sleep on a cushy mattress like he has at home.  CFT asks if SXR heard some rumbling noises last night and SXR asks if it hail last night.  Judging from his face, he knows where this noise came from and Dashen confirms it was loud snoring. LOL.  SXR is obfuscated, claiming he never snores. Xiao Lai brings out the rinse and CFT is also given one.  As he is about to rinse his mouth, SXR breaks out in a voice exercise that makes CFT gulped the rinse.  LOL  There’s a competition between him and one of the merchant selling fried pancake.  There’s a knock on the door and the merchant as left a piece of fried dough for Shang Lao Ban, claiming it as gift.  He splits it and gives a piece to CFT, who can’t turn it down, but you can tell has no interest in putting this commoner’s food in his stomach.  So boogie. While CFT struggles to eat the dough, SXR invites to take him somewhere fun, but the troupe goad Xiao Lai to remind SXR they have to clean out the backstage of the opera house, hoping CFT would hear about their troubles.  SXR is having none of that, sending some of them to clean out their stuff.  He clearly does not want to ask money from CFT and I can’t blame him.  Money has a way to create unease and inequality, especially in a budding relationship/friendship.  Once you owe someone money, it causes problem, especially when you have to pay it back.  SXR leaves with CFT in tow, who still has not taken a bite of the fried dough, leaving it behind for the others. The way he drops the pancake and wipes his hand is so boogie, I cannot.
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They walk through a street where many circus-like performers are showing their talent. They are walking so closely to each other already, le sigh. The area is called Tianqiao and someone in the Viki comments stated this is the closest to the amusement park date trope so prevalent in Asian dramas, and I couldn’t agree more. CFT compares it to the Shanghai’s Great World Amusement Park, confirming the statement above.  It is apparently an entertainment and amusement arcade, which opened back in 1917.  Shang Lao Ban reveals that he once sang there and despite the place having a roof which would carry his voice better, he prefers the open air of Tianqiao.  Clearly not full from the friend pancake, he goes and buys persimmon cake.  Geez where does the food go?! He offers one to Er Ye who, of course, turns it down. 
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Look how close they are walking!!!
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 Unbeknown to him, he is the victim of a pickpocket.  Trying to get his money to buy cigarette (hmm... wait, this is far more unhealthy than the greasy food Shang Lao Ban is offering you bro!), he realizes what happened.  Our kung fu penguin goes after the thief and kicks ass.  Seriously, he is amazing.  CFT looks like he is enjoying seeing his crush fighting skill, especially he is far more proficient with a gun than his fists. He gets the money back and tells the thief to leave.  CFT asks why he didn’t take the thief to the cops, but SXR tells him the way of the street is that if a thief got his ass kicked, that is sufficient punishment. CFT asks about his kung fu skills, saying it is is good looking (Ohhh); SXR reveals it is a skill that has been passed down from his father, the Shang Family Rod, a type of martial arts that is different from the fake fighting on stage that can do real damage.  CFT comments that SXR must have been beaten a lot when he was a child, which the singer admits.  If you seen Farewell My Concubine, you know the abuse these kids go through to become performers.  It is gross.  SXR invites CFT to continue with their walk and this is where it ends.
Ooof, this episode was heavy in emotion and exposition. I truly think this is where the infatuation Cheng Fengtai had developed for our little divo turns into love and where Shang Xirui gets to see the shrewd businessman has someone who possesses a similar artistic passion who had to give it up for circumstances out of his control.   He is like the real Yang Guifei who was forced to accept her fate and be killed by Gao Lishi, whereas Shang Xirui of the opera who chose to sacrifice herself for her love, giving himself fully to his passion. We are also seeing how much the troupe is suffering because of the rumored feud with Commander Cao, which sets up lots of conflicts that will set up the end of our act 1 and push our protagonists to make a decision that will forever change their lives. 
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woo-do-hwan · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream: episode 56
The final episode. Ah... here at last. This also includes my review about the drama as a whole... so if you want to check that out... you’re in the right place I guess? 
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Last time we’ll be seeing the opening credits. I don’t really tend to rewatch dramas unless there’s a strong compelling reason that draws me back to it. I would just also like to give a shout out to the staff or person behind these beautiful opening credits. The background and colours *chef’s kiss*
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Some praise for the special effects one last time.
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You sure do doubt Donghua a lot.
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Very practical thinking here... like... is no one going to stop her? Did you forget about your child? Bai Gungun has not spent a day away from his mother until she came back up to the nine heavens, and yet, she’s willing to go die with the love of her life with not a single thought about her baby. I mean... I do get that there are people who would be willing to do this but when there’s a kid involved, I would also think about the kid too. Also I’ve always wondered whether Fengjiu would have told Donghua about Bai Gungun. Would she have told him in this situation or she left and Donghua didn’t have to succumb to his fate. 
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It is his fate after all. 
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The evil queen gave us an iconic eye roll. I’m so sorry I have to give it to her. Yes. Queen. 
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What a badass couple they are. 
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Ngl gonna miss her. She was iconic. But also props to the writing team, they had to make do with who they had actor wise. (In the novel, Ye Hua, Mo Yuan & Bai Qian are involved in this final fight as well) 
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I recently reread this scene in the novel and let me tell you, I teared up. 
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Will I ever get tired of the love confessions being told at the last minute? Probably not.
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I felt this. 
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Is it just me or is Donghua an acoustically pleasing name to hear? Sounds weird I know but I love the pronunciations of some words in different languages. 
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The most upsetting part of this episode was not because the series is ending (well has already ended) but the last thought Fengjiu had before she fell unconscious was Donghua being potentially dead. 
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I’m still not on board with this couple... Yan Chiwu deserves so much more. 
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I dig this friendship though. 
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My bby is back. 
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Love this. Especially Xiao Yan’s reaction. I kind of wanted it to be dramatic and Xiao Yan would faint, I could imagine him doing that. 
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Finally they meet. This also marks the end of the novel. 
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Ahhhh... Bai Gungun gets the final line of the series. Too stinking cute. 
I bid you all adieu... thank you for your patience, lovely comments and thoughts on this drama. But before I finish, let’s do an overall review. 
Would I recommend this drama? Yes.  Will I be rewatching? Maybe.  Do I prefer the novel or the show? Novel. *I’m just a book person...* 
Viewers who consumed the hit Chinese drama, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (Eternal Love) will also recognise cast returning to their respective roles. Dilraba Dilmurat, Gao Weiguang, Li Dongheng and Wang Xiao all return bringing a familiar essence to the show. However, there are fresh faces that each brings something new and exciting to the show: Huang Junjie, Baron Chen, Yuan Yu Xuan and Fang Zhi Xin.
The main focus of this drama is one couple navigating together - sometimes not - through three lifetimes. Our leads, Fengjiu (Dilraba Dilmurat) and Donghua (Gao Weiguang) are supposed to have no fate with one another. However, Fengjiu, the female lead, refuses to believe this and consistently follows the male lead. What little destiny they had together begins to form into one and probably considered to be an epic one at that, in its own way. A drama that you can easily be swept away in through its storytelling, chemistry or the moments that can easily make you laugh. It's relatively easy-going and watchable at either a binging rate or a relaxed pace. By the end, you'll find yourself to be charmed by the sweet and well deserved ending for the main leads. 
There’s just a couple of things I want to nitpick briefly, (please remember just because they didn’t sit well with me you may find they were alright). 
1. I felt there was a lack of relationship building between Fengjiu & Ye Qingti. When I look back on their scenes together, there hardly feels as if a friendship was formed between them. In the novel, it’s just mentioned Ye Qingti was Fengjiu’s husband and I think that aspect would have worked quite well. 2. I wish we saw more of Donghua’s despair, his heartbreak and his pain after Fengjiu disappeared. The search for Fengjiu was so extensive, he didn’t want to lose her, he assumed Fengjiu had gone to the mortal realm but didn’t check for her there because there was billions of realms. The scenes I wanted to see with Donghua were taken away and the brief search for Fengjiu was given to Cheng Yu and Lian Song.  3. I really hoped to have seen a scene between Donghua & Bai Qian (Donghua personally invites Bai Qian to view blooming lotuses however the subject changes to Fengjiu) The scene is included in the show however between Lian Song, Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan.  4. Some of the camera shots. For example, when Fengjiu discovers she is pregnant and the camera zooms in. I felt they were really out of place and slightly awkward. 
Overall rating: 9/10 
episodes 54 & 55
episode 1
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mcheang · 4 years
What if Dijun was given more reminders to be careful. How would the wedding have gone?
Lian Song: Keep a good distance from Jiheng. Feng Jiu has been under the impression you two were in a serious relationship, and had been hurt twice because of it. The first time was when she was nearly killed by Jiheng’s pet and you never even noticed her absence, and seemed to replace her with that same pet. The second time is when you robbed her of the fruit and gave it to Jiheng. Seriously...tell FJ what your relationship to JH is really like and keep your distance from the demon princess. Even I can see she likes you.
Result: DH tells FJ how he takes care of JH because of her Father and the whole wedding was a sham. He also privately promises to take revenge on that snow lion. Even if he hadn’t known FJ back then, no one gets away with hurting his baby fox.
Zhe Yan: remember the Bai clan are against this marriage. You may have already legalised this wedding, but Feng Jiu still listens to them. Whatever you do, do not insult or offend them in any way. You are already on shaky ground. Feng Jiu can be cold when she wants to. If you mess up, she will cut you from her life forever.
Result: Dong Hua remembers Feng Jiu’s words in Aranya’s dream. Yeah...that lesson is hammered in....don’t leave Feng Jiu hanging again.
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Zhonglin: master, please remember that your fate with her highness is already very fragile. Do not leave things to chance as fate might intervene.
Result: when JH was near death, DH brought her back home instead of to the demon realm. He explained the situation to the Bais, and the wedding is postponed. He did not risk sending a messenger in case fate really did try to intervene. The Bais themselves saw JH poisoned and remember who her Father was. They understand the postponement.
Of course Dijun sensed the Miaoyi chasm breaking apart and had to again miss the wedding to purify it. This time, he brought Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan to see the realm and why it had to be purified now.
The high gods return and admit DH has a valid excuse for missing the wedding...again.
FJ: perhaps fate is telling us we can’t be together...
Zhonglin: but isn’t it better to fight for it?
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 56 Final Episode
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Are we ready for the end? No. We are not.
But we are still going to press that play button.
So Donghua used Xingguangjie to seal Miao Luo and she’s not really happy about it. No kidding. So oh well. Let’s die together she says. Chiwu regains consciousness. He believes in Donghua. Naive.
Fengjiu tells Chonglin that she wants to see Donghua one more time, but it’s most likely too late now. Oh wow, she really wants to go die with him. Since we don’t have a fate together, we must at least have enough to die together. What about Gungun? Chengyu asks Lian Song where’s Donghua. Seems like Lian Song can’t hide anything from Chengyu, so he tells her he’sm ost likely to be at the Fanyin valleay. If she’s fast enough she can see him once again. Once they get there, it’s only to notice  thant only Donghua can break down the barried for the Xingguangjie. Chiwu is like what’s wrong with you guys’ face? Once he’s done fighting, Donghua is just going to come out, no biggy. So he finally knows... Poor Chiwu... Then Fengjiu calls out Donghua’s name. He hears her. Not good, he needs to stay focused. Of course Miao Luo uses that moment and strikes. Fengjiu force her way inside the barrier thanks to the ring and Qingti... wth? Qingti takes out of a nowhere a rope and pulls her back, he doesn’t want her to die for nothing. She says she only wants to have a closer look. No. She completely forgot about her kid and is being suicidal. Qingti don’t let her go! This is so stressful.
Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen are in the peach blossom forest when petals starts falling down and Bai Zhen wonders if someone’s dying. Zheyan closes his eyes and opens them. Oh crap, this is bad. And he takes Bai Zhen with him to I don’t know where yet. Well, probably Fanyin Valley. Just right when Fengjiu escapes from Qingti. You did your best Qingti. I liked the human version of yourself better though. Fengjiu jumps inside the valley. She starts fighting Miao Luo to protect Donghua. But as she gets hurt by Miao Luo, she also not doing to thanks to the blood of the red nine tail fox. It dispersed her cultivation. Fengjiu while Donghua fights with Miao Luo put some of her blood on her sword before strikin. But she’s not strong enough to beat her, but she did a lot of damage anyways. Donghua says to go and hide, he will take her back home, but she’s like you’re lying to me again. She says don’t always push me away and covers Donghua’s sword with her blood. They both stab Miao Luo but it’s not enough to kill her. Oh. It works. She dies.
Outside they are all worried and Chiwu is like there’s so many of you, don’t tell me you don’t have a way and then Zhe Yan is like well there is a way. Don’t tell me he’s going to drop a bomb and take in Gungun. Leave that baby alone. Okay no, he says they can use all of their forces together, it’s just that it might make everything blow up. It’s a risk.
Donghua wonders how to send engjiu out. She says if it’s because she hurt him he also hurt her so they are quit. She wants to be with him, he also wants her to be with him. He says it’s true, he also wants to take her everywhere with him, he hoped she would come. He never wants to be away from her, but it’s not okay, she still has many years in front of her. She then says even if he doesn’t want to take her, she’s afraid she’s going to go first. Wow. She doesn’t even remember that she has a son to provide for. She says it hurts and asks him to comfort her, say that he loves her. This is crazy. Am I the only one thinking about the poor kid? She asks him to promise that when he dies he holds her hand. He promises. Is she dead? Oh, they are both dead. But Gungun then?
The others are still working on that barrier. Everyone has a hard time but Zhe Yan and like Lian Song. You see who are the bad ass ones in there.
Oh she’s not dead. Not yet. But he is. Well, he doesn’t open his eyes. Oh wait, he opens his eyes. She tells him not to clos eyes, to listen to her. He says to forget about him. Lol. She would never be able to do that. Well he’s dead now I guess? And her? Well at least she’s unconscious. Their blood then meets and the barrier breaks from inside. And we are back to Qingqiu with our gorgeous queen of the Biyi Bird tribe Jie Lv.
Ji Heng is making statues. Chiwu comes to get her. She hugs him. What? Now she loves Chiwu? Well, I am happy for hi, even though I wish he would have dated Jie Lü. I thought he would never get his happy ending with Ji Heng. Well what she says makes sense. It’s a little out of the blue, but oh well. Was she sculpting figurines of Chiwu earlier? What do you guys think? Chiwu is so cute, he’s so happy.
Lian Song is now playing chess with Qingti and he says Qingti looks more and more like Donghua. Well at least Qingti is smiling a little more. Then Chiwu comes. And Zhe Yan, Siming, Chengyu. And Finally Xia Guchou brins in Gungun. Everybody’s like who’s that kid and Guchou is like it’s obvious just by looking at him. Lian Song guesses that hacing white hair like that it must be Donghua’s son? Chiwu and Chengyu’s faces are priceless. Zhe Yan is like hehehe I knew. Gungun asks asks what’s Donghua. Is it a place? No more like your dad. Then he asks where is his mom? So he sends him in to see Fengjiu who’s sleeping because of her injuries and.... omg. Donghua? Is it true? Is he really feeding medicine to Fengjiu? How is he even alive? Gungun runs to his mom calling her and Donghua is like no you can come closer, who are you? And he drops the medicine when Gungun says he’s Fengjiu’s son. Gungun is like, why is it surprising that I am mother’s son? Uncle you are so handsome, who are you? Then Dongha is like... I am your father Gungun. And Fengjiu’s hand starts moving.
Omg. Donghua and Gungun laughing is so fake, it’s scary, looks like an horror movie. Maybe they didn’t have a good father and son chemistry. But it’s a nice ending, with all the family together.
And there it is. It’s the end. I wasn’t super thrilled about this drama and I definitely don’t feel empty now that it has ended, but I can’t say I didn’t look forward the ending. None of my ships got to have their fate, however I am still mostly happy about the ending. Except for all of my bias dying. I think it shows a beautiful moral about love and hardships as even though Fengjiu and Donghua weren’t fated to be together, they still fought for their love and in the end it worked out. I hope they learnt to talk to each other more so they won’t have anymore misunderstanding. And that Gungun will have a little sister to play with. I am going to miss the beautiful OST of this drama for sure. And human Qingti. And Xu Yang. And Jie Lü. Welll all of those that weren’t really important for the story.
Thank you for bearing with recaps, big thanks to all that discussed with me as I was taking this journey. It has been a pleasure! And if anyone has any suggestions as what I should watch next, I would be glad to hear about them! Until next time!
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