#dreki talks
inoankin · 8 months
ah, yes.
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diamond shutter caped heartaches 😌
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hobgobbin · 2 years
Objectifying That Old Man Monday
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
grabs you!! what if your muse noticed rin wasn't at the tavern after returning home from defending another town from edmund, and they go searching for her and find her precariously perched in a tree on the mountainside and gazing at the horizon. what if they see her without all the smiles and witty remarks, see how her eyes look tired yet her form is so rigid. what if they try to get her to talk about how heavy this whole " lightwielder " business is, try to tell her she doesn't have to keep it to herself. what if :' )
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marvelmusing · 1 year
Mirror Image
From the Our Souls AU
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader
Summary: Aleksander finds you at another gala, and the two of you learn you have more in common than you realised.
My Masterlist
Fabian shifts nervously by your side, his claws clicking against the marble floor as he adjusts his weight from paw to paw. Zoya’s presence always makes him uneasy, ever since you were a student at the Little Palace, when she and her friends would torment you between classes.
Fabian had been one of the first dæmons among your school peers to settle into his adult form, meaning it was much easier for them to subject him to their harassment, dropping books and throwing crumpled up papers on your dæmon.
It isn’t often that Zoya manages to trap you into a conversation. But at public events like this you don’t have any means of escaping her, which means you’re subjected to her boasting about her travels and all her successes. As always, she turns her nose up at any mention of your own studies, so you stay quiet and let her talk whilst keeping a close eye on her snake dæmon, Dreki.
A sense of calm reassurance fills your chest and some of the tension loosens from your shoulders. Confused by your sudden shift in mood, you glance down at Fabian only to spot a familiar flash of dark grey fur as Andromeda nuzzles affectionately into his side.
Her cool slate eyes peer up at you questioningly and you nod with a small smile so that she knows you’re alright. Like Aleksander himself, his dæmon is very protective of you. Zoya’s words have faltered at the appearance of Aleksander’s dæmon but you’re too busy looking around the room for a glimpse of him to pay Zoya any more attention.
His eyes meet yours through the crowd of people, where he appears to also be trapped in the midst of a dull conversation. His gaze is assessing with a touch of concern in his eyes and you give him the same smile you had given Andromeda. He smiles softly and seems to excuse himself from the people around him.
Turning back to face Zoya, anticipation runs up your spine as you await Aleksander’s arrival.
“Is that Lord Morozova’s dæmon?” she asks.
Glancing down at Andromeda, you lift your brows casually as you nod.
“Yes it is.”
He settles his hand at the small of your back, saying your name quietly in greeting. Tilting your head so that you can see his face, you smile up at him.
“Lord Morozova.”
There’s a softness in his eyes as he gazes down at you, then he turns his attention to Zoya and something shifts.
“Miss Nazyalensky.”
She smiles widely, her fingers playing with the blue jewel at the centre of her necklace where it hangs perfectly between her breasts, drawing your eyes down to the low cut of her dress. Aleksander’s expression remains unimpressed, a polite smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. Then he ducks his head down, his attention returning to you.
“I believe we have a number of matters to discuss,” he murmurs low against your ear. Then he gestures towards the nearest hallway, no doubt intending for the two of you to find somewhere quiet. “Shall we?”
Taking his hand, you allow him to lead you away from the rest of the people gathered in the main hall. Aleksander knows the best hiding spots in the majority of the buildings in Os Alta.
As soon as the door is closed behind you, Aleksander moves towards the leather armchair beside the crackling fireplace. Fabian follows him instantly, bounding up into Aleksander’s lap with ease. A pleasure sweeps through your body as he threads his fingers carefully through Fabian’s glossy fur, scratching affectionately under his chin.
“What’s troubling you?” he asks your dæmon quietly. “I could see how tense you were from across the room.”
The idea of someone speaking so casually to your dæmon was an unfathomable concept to you around a month ago - before you met Aleksander.
“Dreki had his eyes on me,” Fabian explains.
Aleksander frowns.
“Zoya’s dæmon,” you clarify, crossing the room to settle in the armchair opposite him. “Once he settled, he started biting quite often.”
Something dark enters Aleksander’s eyes.
“Biting?” he repeats, his voice hard as steel.
Looking down to escape the intensity of his gaze, you end up looking at Andromeda who looks as equally troubled by your words. She appears to struggle deciding between comforting you or your dæmon. When she settles her chin on your knee, your heart melts and you give her a soft pet behind the ears.
“We were children,” you say quietly in an attempt at justifying what happened.
Disapproval rumbles low in Andromeda’s chest.
“Her dæmon bit Fabian?” she repeats.
Her voice is as soft as always, a soothing tone despite the anger threaded through her words, and you can’t imagine Aleksander’s dæmon ever raising her voice.
Fabian himself ducks his head down, burying his face into Aleksander’s stomach to hide beneath the fabric of his kefta. Aleksander continues to provide some reassuring petting despite the darkness in his expression.
“Often?” Aleksander adds.
Sometimes the two of them are far too perceptive. Withdrawing into yourself, you begin to fidget with your fingers. Andromeda lifts her front legs up, settling her body onto your lap and nuzzling her face against your stomach, almost mirroring Aleksander and Fabian’s position.
Petting her head, your fingers thread through the fur at the base of her ears. Some of the tension leaves Aleksander’s shoulders as you touch his dæmon affectionately but his mind still seems to be focused on your words.
“Fabian settled when we were twelve,” you admit softly. Aleksander’s response is a quiet murmur.
“So young.”
You nod.
“Dreki liked to sneak under the tables during class. Being a fox meant Fabian was an easy target for the other dæmons.”
There’s a pause between you both. Aleksander scratches behind Fabian’s ear, blunt nails dragging through the fine hair there which sends a shiver down your spine.
“Andromeda settled when we were eleven.”
His gaze has lowered to look at his dæmon as she turns her head aside, resting her chin on your thighs so that her cool slate eyes can seek out her human counterpart. Aleksander’s expression is distant as he continues to speak.
“I’m not sure if she was meant to find her adult form then, or if we were forced to settle too soon due to my mother’s meddling but…”
His words trail off for a moment, until Fabian licks his fingers gently, drawing him back from his memories. Aleksander smiles softly at your dæmon’s efforts to comfort him, giving Fabian an affectionate pat on the head in gratitude. Then he lifts his dark eyes up to lock onto yours.
“But I know how you feel.”
The two of you hold one another’s gaze for a long moment.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
He nods.
“Come here,” he murmurs softly, extending his fingers lightly towards you to beckon you to him. There’s no hesitation, though you take care not to harm Andromeda as you stand and move across the room to settle in his lap once Fabian has bounded down onto the floor.
Almost immediately, your dæmon curls up on the rug in front of the fire, nuzzling his nose against Andromeda’s fur. They talk quietly amongst themselves as she licks at his ears affectionately. A small hum of pleasure warms in your throat while you observe your dæmons.
Aleksander traces his fingers over your cheek and when you turn your attention back to him, you find his dark eyes already watching you intently. He nudges his nose against yours softly, not unlike how your dæmons enjoy touching one another, which brings a smile to your face.
His finger hooks casually under your jawline, keeping your gaze on his. He leans closer, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of your nose which makes your smile widen as warmth spreads over your cheeks.
“Aleksander,” you whisper breathlessly.
He tilts his head aside, an amused glimmer in his dark eyes as they flicker down to your lips.
“Would- would you kiss me?”
“Would you like me to?”
A small huff escapes your lungs and laughter sparkles in his gaze at your exasperation.
“Yes,” you say pointedly. He raises a brow at you and you voice softens as you add, “Please?”
He leans closer, capturing your lips with his.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire @dhampiravidi
S&B Tag List: @motheroffae @daddymaster21
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211 @wooya1224 @seronsalk @veescorneroftheworld
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters
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lalalian · 6 months
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alruna dr plot | part I : setting
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date: march 15, 2024
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I take it that tumblr is less witchhunt-y than tiktok...? Not sure, but I'll be careful. No worries, I don't fuck with violence or anything super messed up.
I know I haven't been posting much on tiktok about the actual plot, world building, or much about Eros besides a few confusing edits and perhaps some long ass paragraph videos, so I'll explain it all clearly on tumblr.
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Let's start with the setting of this DR. A short summary will do for now, but I'll talk about each kingdom and species individually in other parts.
In this DR, there are nobles, peasants, and middle-class people. The three most dominant species are humans, elves, and dreki. Dreki is such a stupid name for dragon shifters, but it was all I could do at the time, and now.. well it kind of just stuck, yknow? Elves tend to like living in more homogenous societies, but with the rise of power in human, dreki, and even faerie empires, the globe has become more and more diverse.
The Alodias Empire boasts the most prosperous elven majority empire in this reality. Debatably, it's the most powerful empire, but I think I'll get to that another day. While I said that there's a big elven majority in the Alodias Empire, it is not considered to have a homogeneous population. There is still a clear diverse mix of species within the empire, but I will say, elves make up most noble families. Elves here take rules and etiquette very seriously. The capital of the Alodias Empire, Wyndrial City, is in the Eclara Kingdom. Oh and I also live in the capital along with the royal family. The Alodias Empire’s largest export is finished goods, most notably magitech.
The Umbrian Empire is similar to the Alodias Empire wherein that there is a majority species; dreki are the most abundant in the Umbrian Empire. Dreki makes up most noble families, but there are a fair few who are half-elven or half-dwarven. The Umbrian Empire is a direct rival to the Alodias Empire in terms of power. The capital of the Umbrian Empire is Exalos. It’s located in the Kingdom of Aprana. Eros and his family live here.
The Norfolk Empire is also an Empire with a large elven majority. The Norfolk Empire is a bit distinct in the fact that it would be considered a homogeneous society. It’s not as prosperous as the Alodias Empire, but a unique phenomenon occurs here (I’ll talk about that in my Moon Bearer post). This empire relies heavily on exporting agricultural products and tourism. A long time ally of the Norfolk empire are the Merfolk.
The Ko'estgrime Empire is a small but profitable empire with a sizable goblin and dwarven population. Their largest exports are monster parts, crystals, and weapons. Ko’estgrime used to be overrun with monsters; however, in the last few decades, they’ve gotten a hold of their lands and now are well respected for their warriors. Because of their dungeons, many travel to Ko’estgrime to find artifacts and ancient weapons.
The Promethean Empire has a large human and animalia presence, dwarves are also often seen here. The Promethean Empire’s largest export is basic agricultural commodities such as hand-harvested crops. The Promethean Empire doesn’t have the best reputation because of its history of crazed imperialism. Many Promethean kings have tried to conquer kingdoms from different empires, especially the Alodias Empire (I’ll talk about this more when I post about tales).
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More posts coming soon today! Expect at least 2-3 informative posts today.
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Possible RP set up: (Based off a Roblox RP game: Globelore)
I talked to Mag about this yesterday, sooo.
Globelore is a steampunk fantasy world; Victorian aesthetics, steam power and magic are present throughout. Magic is channelled through globes, spherical objects that are embedded in the user's chest. Globes allow their wearers to increase their power, reflected by the colour of their globe, not too dissimilarly to levelling up in a typical roleplaying game.
Globelore is set on the twin planets of Arctus and Tempus. The two worlds have an intertwined history, connected by a man-made portal called the Caelus Bridge. The main area of Arctus is Piorumis, a snowy region, the capital of the planet and the birthplace of globes. The main area of Tempus, Novus, is a savannah-like nation with mountain ranges and cliff faces covered by dry grasslands. Due to it being the more recently discovered area, Tempus's architecture is more modern than Arctus's, bordering on futuristic.
The plot of the first story arc, The Last Herald, revolved around Tormentus, the Last Herald and creator of curses, magical hexes that infect the target's globe, able to turn people into werewolves and vampires. Tormentus, as the creator of all curses, terrorised the lands of Arctus as a demon, someone afflicted with more than one curse, leading the hordes of other cursed individuals. Tormentus was eventually slain, leading to the next story arc.
The second and last story arc, Realm of Shadows, centred around oncoming assailants from another realm, the shadow people. They laid siege to the various locations on Tempus and Arctus, infecting their victims with the Shadow Curse, growing their numbers and becoming more and more powerful. There is no information on how or whether this story arc ended and its canonicity is unclear.
The main species that inhabit the worlds of Globelore are listed below.
Lucidus & Nubilus
Any of the previously mentioned species can also be a member of any of the following sub-species.
Shadow people
Globe Automatons
Miscellaneous species
There are two playable species that do not fit either of the two categories.
I'll be posting more about it soon :D!
@l3m0n-c0r3 @c-large-pancake-with-holes @w1llow-w1sp @ekster--exotic @azrael-1121 @teddythetriceratops @magsillian @jamb3rry
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I wrote the scene where Laufey, Helheest and Snotra meet Sindri, after they manage to talk Huginn into taking them to Svarthalfheim, hope you like it.
(pt2) Falling in the mud is one of the worst things Snotra has ever felt thanks to that asshole of a raven, a few minutes passed as she wiped her glasses while Laufey looked at their map and the marble that contained the piece of Brok's soul to see where they were supposed to go. Helheest was drinking water from the river that had just flown in with Huginn on his back getting rid of the parasites on the three-legged horse's back
Snotras: As i said before... I hate crows...
Huginn is soon insulted
(pt3) Snotra: Oh shut up! So, Laufey... To where shall we go?
Laufey: Brok told me that the other part is in a mine called Jarsnmida pitmines, but the only way to get there is through Niðavellir, the capital of the realm, since we are in the wetlands, it's not very far.
While the girls were talking, Heest begins to feel a strange presence in the air and Huginn also felt it, when they turned around the two animals noticed something moving around the area, they soon became alert.
"neigh"!!, "Craw"!!
The girls, listening to the sounds of the animals, were immediately worried.
Laufey: Heest? Heest what's wrong, girl?
Soon Snotra looks where the two animals were looking and is horrified.
Snotra: Laufey... look...
And when she does, her eyes widen with fear.
(pt4) A dreki, a kind of crocodile-looking dragon, if a crocodile was bigger, more muscular, and capable of spitting electricity. Natives of Vanaheim, Snotra recalls how her father told her how he sort of helped this species invade Svarthalfheim. The beast was ready to attack until.
"Get down"!!
And soon after, a flaming vase hits the Dreki in the face causing the creature flee into the river. Soon the two girl and their animals look at who saved them.
A dwarf, wearing golden armor, with a messy beard and holding a hammer with the Hagalaz (H) rune on it in his hand.
Dwarf: Are you okay?
Laufey: We are...Thank you.
Dwarf: What's your name?
Laufey: This here is my cousin, Snotra and my name is Laufey.
The dwarf looks a little surprised to hearthat name, as if itknew the name before.
Dwarf: Come with me, I'll take you to the city.
Laufey: Thank you...
Snotra: What's my name?
Dwarf: Sin- mean, Eitri... My name is Eitri.
Oohh thanks again for sharing, anon! This one was pretty fun XDD They're making their way through Svartalfheim, I see! And it's sweet that Sindri saved them; I love that you used "Eitri" -- in the myths, that's the name that he's more well-known as, if I remember right!
And they already managed to retrieve Brok's missing soul-piece? That's great! I can only hope that things go well for the group from there loll :DDD
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About The Lands of Thiania
We have discussed The Seren Planar System, and the various realms that make up it’s celestial body. We have discussed the caretakers of Seren that we know as the gods of this world, and the ones responsible for building The World Garden. We have discussed the mythos and the stories behind The Major Gods, and how The Minor Gods brought mortal life to The World Garden. 
We have discussed Ascensions and we have discussed Cataclysms. 
All of this has been otherworldly knowledge that comes from the cosmos of Seren, and all of it has been imperative in understanding what shaped The World Garden that the people of Thiania know today. But we have yet to talk about Thiania itself! 
Today, I have a geography lesson for you! Simple as that!
Thiania is made up of six notable land masses, each at a varying level of discovery.
From largest to smallest we have: 
The Aigéan Isles
Many people say that the origins of mortals within The World Garden started at the heart of Meskos itself. Many people would be right. 
(There was mortal life within Tir Dan before there was any in Thiania itself, but more on societies later.)
Alsandri is the largest “continent” within Thiania, and highly undiscovered. Before they ascended as gods, Sapientia & Eleatheria were leading expeditions into Alsandri in order to map it out fully. Sadly, The Godly Cataclysm brought those expeditions to a screeching halt as the land there became more of a battleground than that of a place to be explored. There is still a settlement at the southern point of Alsandri due to the efforts of The Scaled Sisters, but it has not expanded further than that. 
Eleskoso is the second largest “continent” within Thiania, and it has been home to The Animal Folk for as long as history has been recorded. The people there call the rippling savannahs and lush oasis forests home. They do have some chill coming off of the south western coast due to it’s proximity to a chain of glacial islands known as The Monjamid Shelf, but it does not bother The Avis in the mountains. 
Thiania’s Twin Peaks is that of the “continents” Meskos & Astium. A landmass that many say was sliced in half during The Godly Cataclysm by the likes of Ventus’ disorientation. It became two different pieces, the larger being Meskos, which was home to vibrant forests and wetlands with The Terlingwain Valley at it’s heart. Meanwhile, Astium was home to the various mountains that housed more snow than it did actual people for a long time. (Sapientia saw an end to that.) 
Lastly, we have one of the oldest collections of landmasses in our brief records, The Aigéan Isles. Rainforests and jungles surround the desert of The Isles capital that the Dreki of the world call home. These islands are made of two different collections, The Dragon’s Crest is the largest island, and The Elemental Chain makes up the rest. The Isles has housed the gateways to The Elemental Tears since the begin of The World Garden itself, and the Ősi of The Tears have made those islands their homes ever since. 
Other notable places are that of the landmass at the center of Thiania known as The Axis, and the precarious glacial ice shelf known as The Monjamid Shelf. Not much is known about either of these places, and many stay away from them due to the ongoing notions that whoever goes to either, never return. Many have said there is no magic within these lands, and call them The Godless Lands because of those claims. 
But only time can tell as new generations of mortals strive to push the boundaries of the world further! 
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Map was made with the incredible help of Inkarnate, I could not have made it better without it! Go check it out!
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erinhime83 · 8 months
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Not sure entirely where I got the idea to do something like this, but it was rather fun. I sort of wanted to show off that Buttercup's current dress is sort of an homage to her original design.
The current dress itself has a bit of a history. @callistochan87 made a comment once that her original dress looked like a Viking dress, and that sort of stuck with me. I'm not sure what I had intended when I designed it originally - that was twenty two years ago, after all. So when I decided I wanted to rewrite the story a couple of years ago, I decided to make her kingdom, now called Altaire, Viking based, and designed something similar, but not quite.
But then, @callistochan87 reblogged a post with a bunch of old Viking outfits, and holy hell, I fell in love with one of them. So...Buttercup had a new dress! One that was still an homage to her first design, but way more accurate. :D
I thought it would sort of fun to mimic the old design sheet, but modernized. Like, back then, I used to do gag pictures all the time, which is why she has that freaked out look in the corner there. Can't do that now, so just stuck her in her 'princess' dress instead, and it works very well! I also cheated and inked the picture on the computer then printed it out to color. (I planned on doing pencils like the original, but figured I don't really do that anymore? So coloring in markers would be more accurate to show growth).
(And yes, I totally dug out the original to scan in, lol.)
Its neat to see what changed about her and what hasn't. She was originally a swordswoman, but after seeing Brave, I changed it up to archery, which does make more sense for the character since she's not much of a fighter type person? So shooting someone from a distance rather than getting all in their faces works. (Plus, I switched her discipline with Clover, and thus, I don't have a cliche archer elf anymore.)
I did end up changing her last name, because I decided the Alterians followed the 'correct' worship method and focuses on the Diablous Dei, so it wouldn't make any sense for her family to be 'guardians' of the Angelia Dei. Originally, it was Drekigard, but every time I looked at it, I thought 'Drakengard', which is a game the hubby talks about occasionally. So I decided on Drekingard instead. (Dreki means dragon and gard apparently means farm, so her family are dragon farmers? lol)
So yeah, just a fun little thing that I may or may not do with the others, lol.
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hobgayblin · 2 years
sorry i dont post a lot anymore im busy and depressed and my brain wont make any gay little scenarios to talk about anymore do you still think im sexy
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we-dragons · 2 years
I'm from a different dimension actually Chapter 13 Damian x reader
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"So, will you succumb to your doubts completely or step into the sun of this new world?"
We arrive on a space station covered in tinsel and decorations. Some people I recognize from the television and news articles are here. Along with Superman, who really is the sun of Superman but is older because of some time travel. I decided not to pry about it but didn't ask any more than was necessary. After looking and observing more, I open my mouth to make a comment.
"Before you say this looks like DS9, I'll remind you that I am right here and I will punch you."
"But I thought you liked DS9."
"That was before they killed Jadzia Dax."
"And here I thought you liked Sisko." Pain hits my shoulder making me wince. "But I didn't say it looked like DS9 what was that for!"
"Talking too much." He points a finger to my face, giving me a stone look. "No tv, game, or book references of any sort. Now stay close, I would rather not have to find you when we need to leave."
"You are no fun." I pout, gripping my fingers around the strap of my back where Nightmare is settled. He perks his head up out of one side of the top. I signal to keep quiet, I send a mental image that I would feed him in a bit. He sends me a 'you better' before crouching back into the bag. I meet some of the heroes, introducing myself to them through my hero name, but mostly stare into the places out in space. I've seen the stars before, I've been on space stations back home. But the space here was so different, the stars were different, and the voids were different. I stand listening to some of the people by the window. From the corner of my eye, I see something, my skin feels like ice. I can feel my skin prickle. My heart doesn't move, at least not what I feel. A ship appears, not fully familiar but similar nonetheless. The ship is broken, just holding together like bound by string. Tendrils of energy moving out of the craters, corrupted and dark.
"Y/N!" I'm yanked backed giving myself a chance to blink. I turn back Robin gives me a worried look. "You started growing scales, are you okay?"
"There's a ship." I turn back to the window the ship isn't there. "I'm seeing things," I shake my head and smile back at him." it must be PTSD from the last time I was up this high and stationary. Ha..." I look at the back of my hand the scales where forming, I sigh and stuff them in m pocket. "Well, who are we talking to next?"
I move forward moving my hand to scratch Nightmare's pelt, trying to calm my nerves. "I heard Raven and the others are here, Why don't we say hi, I know we saw them not too long ago but I'm sure they'll appreciate i-" I'm pulled back and dragged out into a hallway, Damian opens a door to what appears to be a guest bedroom.
"I'm alright, really!" I attempt to move back but am thrown inside and the door shuts behind me he leans on it. "Damian, I would like to leave this room."
"Your hand is still growing scales," He nods his head to my hand the one I hid in my bag. "Being up here has done something to you hasn't it?" I slowly pull my hand away from the bag, the scales feel like glass in my skin. I frown tilting my hand. "That was happening when you passed from the attack. It's not something you learned from the Dreki is it?"
"No...But it wasn't the Crow either." I look around the room. "Is there a bathroom I could use? I need to purge these before it gets any worse." He nods to a door behind me. I follow the look and open to the metal door, I open my rift and pull out the hydrogen peroxide. I hiss when the water and the chemical meet my skin, but the scales come off my skin. When it's done I clean out the skin and put the scales in my pocket. Then I look at myself in the mirror, and I glare. "You will never open Journal 3 because the Crow can not get you here. Writing your own journal got you in this mess, and passing it off as your mother's was a Bad Idea. You have been through and seen hell you can stand the void. You did not see a ship." My voice wavers. I grip the sink and stare back a the reflection as if to shatter it. "You did NOT see a ship." Nightmare pops out meowing and encouraging me. I pick him up and hug him close, he begins to purrs and I open the door. Robin is still leaning against the door.
"How is your hand?" I hold up the still healing hand, it's gross to look. He scrunched his face in the discussion.
"It's much better now but I think this could scare a small child." I look over my gnarled piece of work.
"I think you would scare most people on the station." He pauses. "Where are your scales?"
I pat my pocket, "I was going to do it when I got some time alone. So you wouldn't need to come with me."
He gives me an offended look. "Why would I allow you to leave my side. You are the only tolerable person on this station at the moment. You must also think me heartless, do you think so little of me?" He moves forward standing inches from me arms crossed. I strain my neck to look at him. Curse his tallness.
"You go formal when you get irked. I wonder how far I would have to go in order to get you to give me Shakespeare." I smile a bit, then raise my now less nearly hand. "Now my dear friend move or I will have to touch you with my gnarly flesh. Your too close."
"You wouldn't."
"Is that a challenge?" He smirks, leaning down.
"Go right ahead." I pout.
"You are so hard to gross-out."
"That and your hand is mostly healed, just red spots now." I don't look at my hand and place it on his cheek. He's right.
"Curse you, ya dammed ninja.
"Yes, no, maybe so."
"what the hell does that mean?" I pinch his cheek and pull.
"Nothing, I'm just being weird." He gives me a face and I can't help laughing I let go and collapse into the bed. "This is the greatest face I've ever seen you do."
"Your mood shifts are too much." He scoffs.
"How else would you figure out I'm entertained?" I lift my head. "Frown?"
"Your starting to become annoying." He grabbed my arm pulling me from the bed, I roll my eyes now that I'm standing.
"You love it when I am annoying. Why else would you keep me around, other than for your own entertainment."
"Much more now that I know you 'break out' under emotional distress." I glare at him.
"They're not pimples," I smack him, making my way to the door. I don't even open it but it opens anyway. I'm on the ground next with something on my neck.
"What are you?" I claw at my throat lifting my head so could see what's happening. A man with blond hair, mean eyes, and a beige trench coat, glares down at me. I trace a dispel rune quickly on the energy squeezing my neck. I breathe again not much after.
"Y/N!" Robin moves beside me helping me off the floor. "What are you doing Constantine! She hasn't done anything!"
"The energy in her pocket says different." Magic circles form his hands. "What are you? I won't ask again." I feel Nightmare shift but I don't want him coming out now and I send him to a pocket.
"I am Y/N. I am." I gasp trying to reach for air. "A mutant!" I feel around what I realize is a spell, trying to find a signature flaw.
"You won't find a flaw, not in this spell."
"Liar!" I pull down at the spell and it breaks. "As a powerful fairy once told me, no spell is flawless except for the 12 of the old world. Not including the spells of the new world, tech spells not included." My vision starts to blur, and I hear a crash, I finally find a flaw and tug at the spell. I gasp rolling over heaving, I don't waste time getting up and searching for the man. Damian is holding him down, I see Constantine preparing a spell and I pull him back. I fish out my scales and throw them at the man, which he catches.
"If you think they're dangerous you take them! Just put out your spell, we can talk about this."
"I don't mean you any harm."
He looks at the bag and then back at us. His somewhat permanent scowl hardens.
"Alright then talk," He moves to one of the chairs in the room. "state your purpose and your being here."
"You have answered in the longest way imaginable, and I still have too many questions."
"I don't have much for answers, The Dreki didn't give me much to work with."
"Alright, when did this," He points to the two of us. "start?"
"He broke my window, crashed right through it. No regard for personal property and complained about the food. Not only that he bled all over my nice couch. Then I meet his family the same way."
"Bleeding on your upholstery?"
"Broken window." Damian grows irritated, I can tell with the way he grits his teeth.
“I see, now tell me did you learn the spell I had used on you earlier?”
“No, I didn’t see the spell, I could tell you what kind of spell it was though.”
“Can all adaptoids do this?”
“Not that I know of, however, I wasn’t in the academy long.”
“That’s everything I need to hear. But so you know if you cause any trouble in the realm of magic and I will come for you.”
“Unless absolutely necessary I will not.”
“See to it then.” He lights a cigarette and leaves the room taking the scales with me. I turn to the boy next to me.
“What’s his deal?”
“New Castle.”
“That’s all I can tell you.” He grabs my shoulder and pushes me out the door.
“Then I won’t pry but where are we going?”
“We need to be in the middle rooms for the count down.”
“There’s tomorrow’s actual New year's celebration as well don’t do too much jeering.”
I look back at him giving him an odd look.
“Cheering, you mean cheering right.”
“They’re right I am a bad influence.”
“You have done no such thing.” Then he opens the doors and the loud boisterous laughter fills the air. I can feel the heat of everyone in the room pour out. A large clock hangs down from the ceiling 2 minutes from midnight. I am guided to a table where I spot The girls who wave us down. He sits me down and pulls the seat next to me.
"This is the cumbersome part."
"The Count down?"
"No," The clock starts counting down.
"The noise this party makes is over the top."
"Well, I can fix that." I blow a violet bubble n my hands and expand it around us just as the crowd roars. The violent rupture of the noise vibrates the barrier, but no noise echoes inside.
"Can't do anything about the images and the vibration against the bubble but now you don't hear anything." He gives me his signature scowl.
"Take it down."
"But you were just complaining-"
"Fine," I take a pencil from my bag and puncture the bubble, it pops and noise floods back into our space. "Your not one to make up your mind easy are you?"
"How else will we hear father tell us when we need to leave in about," He looks to his watch. "20 seconds."
"I thought it was going to be 30 seconds this time," Steph says leaning in. "but then again it could take another 3 minutes if you know who gets involved."
"Well don't jinx it! I want to finish the Princess Bride before 3 in the morning." Barbra comes to my right scanning the crowd.
"I just saw him, he's coming this way." Tim appears in front of us, Greyson just behind him. Though I notice that he isn't looking at us but stares off in a direction. Jason joins to wait with us at the table. I lean to Damian and ask him what Greyson is doing.
"He's looking for the signal." Then Greyson sticks his thumb out and turns to us.
"Alright crew, let's move it. The tubes will get blocked if we don't move quickly. Remember if you fall behind then you are lost to the masses. Now go, go! Remember, stick with your buddy!"
I am being yanked again and I run with the group. We get to the tubes and Bruce is already there. I go in with Damian first we rematerialize in the bat cave. My body tingles with energy, I flex my fingers making sure that they are still there. We wait for everyone to appear and then we are rounded up by Bruce.
"Tomorrow is our charity event, and in light of our," He looks at me. "current guest and our poor timing we'll need to get her up to date."
"We'll take her shopping!" Steph jumps grabbing my arm.
"But I have a dress."
"Is that the only one you own?" Damian gives me a side glance.
"What's that got to do with it?" He looks at Steph.
"Go crazy."
"With that settled, let's set our rounds, you know who's on patrol today. Everyone else, go get some rest." With that, we are dismissed. Damian leads me back to my room and tells me good night. I remember I left Nightmare in the pocket and I pull him out. He growls a little but doesn't do much more than that.
"I'm sorry but I don't want to be an accomplice to murder. I know you wanted to kill him, but then we have to run again. We can leave anymore. There is more going on than we thought. With the Crow. I can feel something wrong. I would like to solve the problem as to how they could manifest so much power in so little time. 4 crows should be impossible, but there was something off about them. We need to figure out why. We don't have much as far as leads go, but we might find out something later before more people get hurt."
He grumbles but agrees with me in the end, watching my face. He nuzzles and purrs into my neck. But I can feel his fur spike, he isn't happy. I look to the ocean of a bed and then to the pullout. I stroke his fur feeling the softness under my fingers.
"Did you want to sleep in the big bed by yourself or go to sleep on the couch with me?" Not a second later he jumps landing in the center of the bed. "Okay then," I say slightly disappointed. I change into my Pajamas and set up the bed. I place my pillows to my specification and allow myself to finally got to rest.
"Please, this is the sixth dress, can I just choose one and leave?" I groan tugging at the uncomfortable fabric clinging to my skin. So far, I have been dragged from place to place being used as a human Barbie doll.
"Well you said you don't do short dresses." She rummages through the dress selection of the store.
"Revealing dresses, as much as I am a feminist I still don't want my body flaunted."
"Why not? The yellow one was good on you." She whines.
"I just think it's oppressing, I would tell you the entire reason but that would require time that we don't have." She shrugs and shoves me into the dressing room handing me another dress.
"Then lets do this one!" I sigh, putting the next dress on. I step and look in front of the mirror. I gasp slightly. The dress was similar to the blues purples and greens of the peacock dress. It flowed down in the back with a slight train and the front was raised just enough for shoes. And best of all it didn't cling
"I noticed you like those colors in all of your clothes."
"You snooped through my things didn't you?"
"It wasn't hard." She grabs a pair of shoes that match the dress. "Let's get going, we've been out a while." She hands the attendant a black card. I take off the dress and the attendant And then we are out the door.
"It's too bad you refused jewelry, I know a good place that Barbra Showed me."
"I would rather wear my Astrolabe. It's the only piece I feel comfortable wearing."She sighs, her shoulders shrugging signaling she gave up. We are at the house not moments later, it's decorated to the extreme. Much more extravagant than the last one I went to. Though the party hasn't started, I was still rushed like it was last minute. I did everything to help and then changed into my clothes. I peer at the mirror looking up and down at my reflection. "Just one piece missing." I open up a pocket and pull out a glass box with two turtle doves on the top. Inside lays a piece of ancient technology that my mother gave me. A silver astrolabe polished and ready sits inside. I carefully place it around my neck adjusting it.
"Y/N, are you decent?" Damian's voice sounds through the wood door.
"All set to go!" I walk carefully in the uncomfortable shoes to the door and open it. The sound of music and joyous uproar bleeds into the room. Damian is trying to keep his dog from coming in and annoying Nightmare like he did this morning by holding his collar. "Are we leaving or do you have a place to hide instead." His face turns to me sharply.
"I -" He doesn't finish his sentence, his eyes widen and his mouth is left open.
"What? Did I put it on backwards?"
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Bifrost Blues Chapter 1: The Elder Tree
Fandom: Thor (movies), MCU Rating: T Warnings: None Pairing: Loki/OC Summary:  According to the rules, no Jotun shall ever set foot in Asgard. According to the rules, no Prince of Asgard shall befriend a Jotun. According to the rules Rules were made to be broken. Written for @flufftober2021​
Day Two+ >> Read on Ao3+
Prompt 1: winning a teddy for the other
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graphic by the author with @ourdiningroom​
1065 AD
It had been a terrible day. 
First, Thor had stolen all of the hveteboller at breakfast, leaving Loki with nothing but eggs and apples (which were wholesome food, but boring, boring, boring). Then Thor had won every single foot race, no matter what fearsome illusion Loki had created to distract him. Either Thor was getting better at telling fantasy from reality, or he was so stupidly brave that he didn’t care when an undead draugar was in his path. Loki clearly needed more practice with his illusions. 
The final straw had been after luncheon, when Thor had run off with his friends to explore the forest at the foot of the mountains. Loki had been right behind them, only stopping into his room for a few essentials (a book to read, and a book to take notes in, and another book in case he finished the first one). But by the time he’d reached the courtyard, they’d been gone. 
“Stupid Thor,” Loki muttered as he wandered through the forest alone. “I hope he falls into a cave, and the Jörmungandr gets him, and we never see him again.”
Nightfall was coming fast. Loki would be in the worst kind of trouble if he did not return to the castle before then. He continued along the forest path anyway. What did it matter if he were sent to his room without dinner when he returned? It wasn’t as if anyone would miss him.
The path he was following took a sharp curve, ending at the base of a mighty elder tree. The wide trunk was covered with branches, perfectly spaced for climbing. Loki eagerly started up the tree. For a time, the irritations of the day faded as he simply enjoyed the feeling of being young and agile.
He was halfway up the tree when he caught sight of a long white skirt above him. The girl wearing it was clinging to the tree trunk, her face pressed against the wood. He tilted his head, studying her, then scurried up the tree until he was level with her.
“Are you a huldra?” he asked, more curious than wary. Maybe her tail was hidden underneath her skirt.
“No.” Her voice was tense and quiet.
“Then what are you doing up here? This is a terrible place for a nap.”
She lifted her head off the tree trunk to glare at him. “I’m not sleeping.”
He would have teased her further, but he was completely distracted by her dark blue skin. “A Jotun! How did you—you shouldn’t be here.”
“I have as much right to be here as anybody else. Are you the king that you order people about so?”
Loki was not afraid of monsters. He narrowed his eyes at the Jotun girl. “I may not be the king, but I am his son. I’ll order anyone I like.”
“You’re small for a prince.”
That was funny, coming from a Frost Giant shorter than he was. “And you’re small for a Jotun.”
“Just leave me alone.”
He grinned as she looked away from his glare. He could outstare anyone. Except father.
“No. Not until you tell me what you’re doing here.”
She huffed in exasperation. “If you must know, I’m trying to rescue my little sister’s stuffed dreki. An Imp thought it would be funny to steal it and leave it at the top of a tree in Asgard. I wouldn’t have come after it, but it’s her favorite toy, and she won’t go to sleep without it.”
Loki glanced upwards. The dreki was dangling from a branch by its twisted tail several feet above them.
“It’s right there,” he said, pointing. “If that’s all you’ve come for, take it and go.”
“I can’t,” she hissed through her teeth.
What a strange girl. “Of course you can. Just go and get it.”
The girl mumbled something he couldn’t make out.
“What was that? Speak up when you talk to royalty.”
“I said I’m afraid of heights. I’m…stuck.”
Loki laughed. How could anyone be afraid of heights? “Is that all? There’s nothing to be afraid of. Look!”
He swung himself from one tree branch to the other, climbing the tree effortlessly. The Jotun girl gasped, which only encouraged him to move more recklessly. With a final jump, he had the dreki in his hand. Then he was swinging back down to where the girl still clung to the tree.
“There’s nothing to fear. I’ve got your sister’s toy,” he said.
“I—“ she began in a shaky voice.
There was no sense in letting her talk herself into more fear. Loki looked her square in the eye, then blinked in surprise.
“You’re eyes—they’re brown. I thought Jotun eyes were red,” he said.
“Our eyes are all different colors. They only turn red when we’re fighting,” she explained. “Everybody knows that.”
He filed this information away in case it proved useful later. “We’re not that far from the bottom. Keep your eyes on me. We’ll climb down together.”
She seemed conflicted, but there was no other choice. Loki kept the pace slow and steady as they worked their way down the trunk. She did not look away from him once.
“I didn’t know Jotuns had toys,” he said. Talking would keep her mind too busy for fear.
“Why wouldn’t we? Don’t Asgardians have toys?” she replied.
“Of course! We have the best toys in the Nine Realms. Do you have books too?”
The fear in her eyes was turning into annoyance. Good. Anger was better than fear.
“Yes, what a question,” she said.
“I beg your pardon, Maid of Jotunheim. According to our history your Realm is somewhat…unrefined.”
“Unrefined?” Her brown eyes flashed golden. “We’re just as good as any of the other Realms. Just because Asgard doesn’t know our ways doesn’t make them unrefined. Why—“
“We’ve reached the ground,” Loki said, cutting of her ranting. “Your eyes change color when you’re angry, did you know?”
He held the dreki out to her, hardly able to contain his laughter. She was angry with him but, as he’d rescued both her sister’s toy and her own self from the tree, she could hardly own it. Without a word, she snatched the dreki and started hurrying off into the forest.
“Maid of Jotunheim, aren’t you going to thank me?” he called after her.
She paused in her flight and turned back to him, her manners as pretty as any Asgardian courtier. “Thank you, Your Highness. I am in your debt.”
“Then give me your name, that I will know from whom to collect it.”
Her anger flared back to life; her golden eyes and dark red hair were fire against the deep blue of her skin.
“My name is Angrboda Galarrsdatter,” she said fiercely.
“And mine is Loki Odinson. Good day to you, Angrboda. I won’t forget.”
She growled as she whirled away from him and ran into the forest. He watched her until he could no longer see the white of her dress or the red of her hair. Then he started back towards the palace, whistling his victory to the night birds as he went.
End Notes:
Hveteboller: Norwegian cardamom sweet buns.
The elder tree is associated with Freya, the Norse goddess of love.
Draugar are something like zombies.
The Jörmungandr, or the Midgard Serpent, is an giant snake.
Huldra are forest spirits with cow’s tails.
Dreki: dragon
In Norse Mythology, Angrboda is Loki’s Jotun wife. For the purposes of this fic, Jotuns are not monsters (whatever the Asgardians say they are).
Day Two+ >>
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hobgobbin · 3 years
When I tag things with a name it is not always Blorbo from My Shows. Sometimes it is Blorbo from My Brain (my ocs)
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
i should already be asleep, but the brainrot has been intense :' ) i'll link her on my muselist tomorrow, but my little rogue elf, rin, has a finished bio, and!! i've written something up to lay out the current state of the world she's in. i'll likely make lore posts for the creatures/peoples who exist, the clerical order, the grand city, etc., but if there's anything you come across in the meantime that confuses you, lemme know! i'm trying to achieve a setting that just about any fantasy muse could interact with while also offering up a story/conflict that will be fun to use in plots, but i'm sure there's gonna be details that need clarification. everyone's gonna have different ideas when it comes to fantasy bc so much is possible!
all that said, i'm going to bed!! i'm wishing y'all a lovely night and an even better wednesday <3
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w0efulboopsoul · 3 years
💕💞𝔸𝕝𝕝𝕤 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕚𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕎𝕒𝕣~💞💕
Summary: A smol drabble I did between my muses over a friend’s muses. 🥰😊 Pairings: Stony, and a dash of some Recky. 😍🥰💖 Natasha mulls over what to do in a tough situation with a newest team mate with several others, meanwhile Nebula might have just spotted the solution to the whole problem.
I do not own any of the canons I have written as, I also write as all featured in this drabble, therefore they’re my own independent versions of how I portray them. This is about ships between a friend’s muses and mine, no other ships. With further ado, enjoy~ 
@sah1x1s​ @sah1x1s-test​
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It had been the third night in a row that Becca had caught the dreki calling out and just… Listening. The sight made her heart ache. And she wasn’t the only one to take notice of this ever pressing and festering situation, most everyone on the team had caught the lonely Drakian in her grief somehow. “This isn’t good….” Natasha spoke first, pressing her pen between her lips as she idly chewed on its cap. “You’ve seen it, right? How she is acting these days?” “Yes… I have… And I agree Nat… But what can we do?” The brunette spoke softly, her browns turning their gaze upon the former assassin before giving a helpless shrug. “We have to do something, father always told me that when dreki get lonely they tend to just… Give up.” Gamora said, shoving herself up from her spot against the wall, a sway to her hips as she approached Nat’s desk before fiddling with one of the many rings she dawned on her hands.  “Shit, not Stratus… She’s legit a fucking boss.” Cara finally said, brows furrowing slightly as she listened to the troubling comment of Gamora’s. “Nah, Stratus is a fighter no matter what… You really think she’d just… Give up?” “It probably isn't up to her… You know, genetics or something like that.” Natasha uttered, as Wanda sat there in silence observing the others’ her own concern for the drekiess growing. “Gamora is right, if that’s the case… We’re going to have to do something to help her…” The witch said, finally speaking up as she tucked some of her red locks behind her ear. “What do you expect we should do? It’s not like we can travel the galaxy and universe searching for, collecting, and protecting all drekis….” Romanoff muttered, before immediate regret for the thought washed over her frame. As the others were slowly looking up from their thoughts, before turning their gazes upon the black widow. “Oh guys, no… No… I wasn’t meaning we actually do that…” Nat said, shaking her head rapidly as if to discourage the entire idea. “Well… Do you have any better ideas?” Nebula spoke up, tilting her head to the side as she gave Nat a calculative stare, as if studying the woman’s every move. Rolling her eyes rather hard at Nebula, Nat then sighed deeply before tapping her pen against her chin. “Okay, say we do this… Where would they even go? And how do we do this, with convincing Tony, and Steve of this?” “Well… I--I could try to talk to Tony…? I mean we all know how he gets over Stratus… So, maybe.. If I explained things to him… Annnd, maybe with the help of Bucky… Maybe then he could help convince Steve!” Becca chimed in, a hopefulness to her voice, earning a small smile from Natasha, she had been well aware of the budding bond between Bucky and Becca, a bond she had been hoping would turn into something more… So far, it seemed to be headed in that direction. 
“You really think Tony would do it?” Nat asked, quirking a brow with interest at Becca admittedly curious herself to see how Tony would react to Bucky after everything. “I have to admit, you manage to pull that one off…. I’ll have to buy you ice cream or something.” She joked, earning a rather excited grin. 
“R-- Really?? Ice cream?? It’s been so long since we’ve hung out too Nat!” Becca exclaimed, earning a rather dramatic eye roll from her older cousin. “Hey dipstick, you gotta win over Tony first.” Cara said smirking, causing the brunette’s lips to pucker into a small pout. “Well I’ll get him on our side! Just you wait! I guarantee you all, when it comes to Stratus, he’ll do anything.” Becca declared, earning a smile from Wanda as she watched the brunette. Wanda enjoyed Becca and Cara both, the two having their own auras about them that made them each unique. Not to mention, it was nice having two other telekinetics around, even if they still needed some work on control. “I believe in you Becca, I know you’ll win Mr. Stark over.” The witch said, her smile growing as Cara groaned loudly. “Great, now she’ll be doing this all damn day.” Cara whined as laughter from everyone else filled Nat’s office. “What is going on in here?” The all too familiar voice of the very drekiess of topic rang out, causing everyone to fall silent and turn to face her. “Oh, we’re just talking about how cute of a couple you and Tony would make.” Nat teased, causing Stratus to flush like mad as she sputtered out some sort of protest. “P--Please…. The male is so full of it… Flirts every chance he gets… And even goes as far as to manhandle me.” The redhead uttered, her nose turning to the air as her cheeks bore that same red rouge she’d wear around him, whenever his consistent flattery spilled from those kissable lips of his. “You love it, don’t you?” Nat deadpanned, causing Stratus to fall to her hands and knees in the most dramatic fashion. “Gods yes! It’s so irritating too! That bastard! Him and his snarky little smug attitude, that cocky fucker! He knows it gets to me too!” Stratus all but roared into the tile flooring of the office, her pride in shambles as her head pressed into the tile. There was brief silence as everyone took in Stratus’ devastated demeanor before suddenly, an eruption of laughter roared across the room, Nebula included. Lifting her head in utter horror at the laughter, Stratus let out a loud ‘Humph!’ before sitting in the floor like some child as she turned her nose in the air. “I fail to see the humor in this situation. I am at war with that man.” The drekiess muttered, before laughter erupted once again throughout the rest of the ladies. “What?! What is it?!” Stratus demanded, causing the laughter only to intensify as Becca and Wanda hugged their sides, Nat hunched over the desk smacking it, and Cara and Gamora hanging off each other in efforts to keep the other from falling. However Nebula remained there, shoulders shaking quietly as she smirked at the shapeshifter. Perhaps, there was another solution to their problem… After all. “Are you sure you’re at war, and not in love with him?” She asked, causing Stratus’ head to whip around at her with rather widened electrics. “O--Oh...”
Well… That wasn’t something she had ever thought of before… Perhaps…. She loved Tony Stark. 
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lalalian · 6 months
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moon bearers
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date: march 15, 2024
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oh my god that html coding color text shit is so annoying to do T-T I'll do it on special occasions or when I stop hating coding😔
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Moon Bearers are born once every 1000 years, and all Moon Bearers are born as an elf.
Usually, Moon Bearers are born in the Norfolk Empire. This is mostly due to the fact that the Norfolk Empire has a homogenous elven population. But, the most recent Moon Bearer was born in the Alodias Empire. This caused a bit of an uproar in the Norfolk Empire.
Moon Bearers are very well respected but are always confined to the role of the Empire's Blessing, which does seem cool, but that is supposed to be a Moon Bearer's only duty.
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(if you're religious you may not like this concept, I'm sorry)
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The Empire's Blessing is also known as the Moon Saintess. Because I'm a cis girl, I would also be referred to as 'Lady Moon' (kinda cringe but sssshhhh). The Moon Saintess appears at balls hosted in the royal palace for ceremonial purposes, acts as the royal palace's head healer, and makes moon-infused water tonics for nobles. Moon bearers are said to not have a soulmate, elves, dreki, animalia, faeries, and merfolk all are supposed to have mates. Those who are aro or ace (or both) feel either no romantic bond or no sexual bond to their mates (or both). They simply are like twin flames.
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properties of a moon bearer
Moon Bearers are born with a crescent moon rune somewhere on their bodies. The mark only appears at night; the rune glows faintly at night and absorbs mana from the moon. Moon Bearers are born with a strong innate talent for magic. If given the chance, Moon Bearers could easily become an Arch Magician based on their skills alone.
Moon Bearers rely on the moon to recharge their mana. Here's the stuff I scripted Moon Bearers can do in my script:
can utilize rays of moonlight to burn things
refract light to make myself invisible (only applies to the Moon Bearer, other spells can be used to make other objects invisible)
can telepathically talk to people if both the Moon Bearer and the other party is wearing some sort of moonstone charm (can be embedded into jewelry); both moonstones needs to be imbued with the Moon Bearer's magic to be able to work. In exchange, one exchange between the two parties takes a generous chunk of mana
immunity from all poisons aside from Nightbane
when casting particularly hard spells, constellations appear on the Moon Bearer's skin and glow
I can imbue weapons, runes, artifacts, anything with moon magic
naturally have a high mana capacity
Moon Bearers double their recharge mana rate if they sleep while regaining mana from the moon
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oh I'm also a Moon Bearer in this DR
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