#drew van Acker
supfag · 6 days
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henrypratt · 4 months
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writerofsorts · 4 months
Moment of Suspicion
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(image creds: to the owner)
pairing: jason dilaurentis x female reader.
summary: 2x03 "my name is trouble" episode imagine/rewrite.
warnings: none.
*read previous part here!
A week later, [Y/N] came to an empty home from school. After grabbing a snack, she decided to do some reading before starting her homework.
Just as she finished up a chapter, her phone rang from next to her on her bed. When she saw the caller was Spencer, she frowned in worry. Placing the bookmark on the recent page, she closed the book before answering her phone.
"Hey, Spence," she greeted, placing her book on the nightstand before sitting up on the bed again. "Everything okay?"
"Hey, [y/n/n]. Yeah, everything's fine!" Spencer answered rather enthusiastically, which made [Y/N]'s brows furrow.
"Alright, Spence, spill," she said in a playful stern voice and heard Spencer sigh on the other end.
"I may have called you to ask a favor," the brunette answered slowly.
"Sure, what is it?" asked [Y/N].
"Toby's working for Jason and I'm really worried," Spencer explained. "Can you check on him for me, please?"
"Wait, since when did Toby start working for Jason?" [Y/N] questioned, surprised.
"Since this afternoon," Spencer replied.
"You don't sound too happy about it," [Y/N] said.
"How can I be?" Spencer sighed. "For all we know, Jason could be hiding Ian, protecting him, in that creepy house."
"Spence," [Y/N] sighed this time. "I still don't think Jason would want to help his sister's murderer."
"Then, how do you explain the shadow I saw in his house yesterday?" Spencer challenged. "[y/n/n], I was right outside talking to him when I saw someone move upstairs. And, he told me he lived alone. He was clearly lying."
[Y/N] remained silent, processing Spencer's words. She still didn't believe Jason could be helping Ian hide.
However, she did find Jason's sudden return to Rosewood pretty strange. It was true that he didn't owe anyone explanation; yet, his cold demeanor towards her friends confused her because she had thought he had changed after working on Ali's memorial with them.
"Hello? Earth to [y/n/n]?" Spencer interrupted her from her thoughts.
"Sorry, I'm here," [Y/N] replied, shaking her head, hoping to remove her suspicious thoughts regarding Jason. "But, yeah, I'll go check on him."
"Thanks so much, [y/n/n], I owe you one," Spencer breathed out.
"No problem," smiled [Y/N]. "But, I have to ask you something."
"Sure," Spencer replied.
"You literally live right next door to Jason," [Y/N] spoke. "Why not just peak and make sure Toby's okay?"
"I tried," Spencer sighed out. "But, I couldn't see anything."
"It's okay," [Y/N] chuckled. "Alright, I'll check on your defenseless boyfriend and update you soon."
"You're very funny, you know that?" Spencer deadpanned.
"Sorry, I just had to," [Y/N] giggled. "Don't worry too much, alright? I'm sure Toby's okay."
"I'll try," Spencer replied. "Thanks again, [y/n/n]."
"Of course, talk to you later," [Y/N] answered and the two said their goodbyes before hanging up.
Once [Y/N] got near the DiLaurentis house, she noticed a shirtless and sweaty Toby first, who seemed to be hard at work with a shovel in his hands. With another few steps, she noticed Jason who was dressed in a tight blue t-shirt and faded denim jeans as he placed some heavy bags in a wheelbarrow.
She took a deep breath in to calm her racing heart as she walked closer to the two men. Her steps must've been quiet because neither Toby nor Jason took notice of her, lost in their work.
"Hello," she greeted, causing the two men to look up at her in surprise.
"Hello, [Y/N]," Jason greeted her back with a smile, standing straight as Toby did the same.
"Hey, [y/n/n], what are you doing here?" Toby asked, resting his hands on top of the shovel.
"A little birdie told me that you got a job so I figured I'd stop by and say congratulations," she replied, hoping her breathy voice didn't give away how nervous she was -- especially with Jason's gaze on her.
"Is that little birdie's name Spencer?" Toby asked, smiling mischievously.
"Of course, not," [Y/N] said, a little too fast for her liking. "Haven't you heard? My friends and I are spending some time apart. Doctor's orders."
"I just saw you guys together recently," Jason replied before Toby could and [Y/N] looked at him. She knew he was talking about the time he caught the girls sneaking out at night a couple of days ago.
[Y/N] looked back at Toby, who had a Cheshire cat grin on his face.
"I wonder if that was before or after the doctor's orders," he commented.
"It- it was before," [Y/N] replied slowly and shifted to look at Jason when she noticed Toby didn't believe her words.
"It's alright, I won't tell anyone," Jason chuckled, holding up his hands. A few moments later, he cleared his throat before asking, "I'm gonna grab a drink. Do you guys want something?"
"I'm okay," Toby replied just as [Y/N] said, "No, thank you."
Jason gave her a smile in return before turning to walk inside the house.
"Alright, [y/n/n], what are you really doing here?" Toby asked quietly once Jason had disappeared inside the house.
[Y/N] sighed and walked closer to Toby, glancing at the closed door of the DiLaurentis house once.
"Spencer sent me," she admitted, making sure to keep her voice as quiet as Toby.
"I had a feeling," Toby sighed.
"She's really worried," [Y/N] said.
"Why is she so scared about me working for Jason?" Toby asked in genuine confusion. "I mean, he's been nothing but nice to me so far."
"She thinks he's hiding Ian," [Y/N] whispered, taking another glance at the shut door.
"That's insane!" Toby said a little loudly when [Y/N] shushed him.
"I don't know what goes through your girlfriend's brain," [Y/N] shrugged playfully.
"What do you think?" Toby asked her suddenly.
"Sorry?" [Y/N] frowned.
"Do you think Jason's suspicious too?" Toby questioned her and [Y/N] dropped her gaze from his for a moment.
"He hasn't really given me a reason to be suspicious about him so far," she finally said, looking up at Toby, who nodded at her in understanding.
Before Toby could reply to her, Jason walked out of the house, carrying out a trash bag with him.
"I would invite you guys in but the place is kind of crazy," he said once he was closer to Toby and [Y/N].
He threw the bag to the side when it opened and several bloodied gauze fell out of it.
[Y/N] stiffened in her spot and her eyes widened at the sight. She looked at Toby, who looked at her, concerned. She had a feeling Toby might've been reconsidering their conversation and to be honest, so was she.
"Uh, I cut myself," Jason explained with an awkward chuckle, rubbing his palms in his jeans.
"Hope you're okay now," [Y/N] said meekly once she was able to get some words out.
"Yeah, it was just a small cut," Jason replied and [Y/N] nodded.
"Well, I should get going now," she said, slowly backing out of the DiLaurentis yard. "It was nice seeing you two. Good night."
"Good night, [Y/N]," Jason answered.
"Thanks for stopping by, [y/n/n]," Toby told her with a smile. "Text me when you get home, okay?"
"Will do," [Y/N] smiled back at him and gave one last wave to Jason before turning around and making her way towards her home.
While walking, she sent a quick text to Spencer, letting the latter know that Toby was okay. She decided to keep the suspicious-bloodied-gauze from Jason's trash to herself as she knew sharing this with Spencer would make her friend go on a dangerous hunt to know what was up with Jason.
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gayloveandlovers · 7 months
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Drew Van Acker, Steven Strait : Life Like (2019)
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resources-by-m · 1 month
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Drew Van Acker in Addison Rae's Diet Pepsi MV; 250x400px gif avatars.
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pretttylitttleliarr · 2 months
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blah blah blah proper name place name backstory stuff
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urdnotstxrm · 4 months
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click on the source link to be redirected to the gif page. all of these gifs were made by me from scratch, so i ask that you respect my work and don't claim as your own, edit in any way. please like and reblog if you have found these useful. use them at your leisure for rp'ing. enjoy!
gif count: 500+ content warning: nudity, kissing, injuries, hospital setting, flashing lights, tba
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madefrom-stardust · 1 month
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losing all my innocence in the backseat
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k-wame · 2 years
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STEVEN STRAIT as Henry/Robot 2019 • Life Like (Film) • Horror • Sci-Fi • dir. Josh Janowicz
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celebpits · 1 year
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Drew Van Acker
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darksverse · 11 months
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“Pretty Little Liars” 2x06
I love them!!!
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writerofsorts · 2 months
A Chance Encounter
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(image creds: to the owner)
pairing: jason dilaurentis x female reader.
summary: 2x04 "blind dates" episode imagine/rewrite.
warnings: none.
*read previous part here!
Almost a week had passed since [Y/N] checked up on Toby at Spencer's request to make sure he was alright while working for Jason. Spencer had also made rather a dangerous move by pawning her sister's wedding ring in order to buy Toby the truck he wanted so that he didn't have to work for Jason. Although Spencer was successful in keeping Toby away from Jason, now, she, herself, was in trouble as Melissa's ring was gone from the pawn shop and she had to replace it soon.
Overall, life had not gotten better for [Y/N] and friends, thanks to A.
The school day had ended and [Y/N] was at her locker, grabbing her things when she was called by Ella Montgomery.
"You're not in trouble, honey," Ella said with a chuckle when she saw [Y/N]'s wide and confused eyes.
"Uh, okay," [Y/N] tried to smile back and shut her locker door before following Ella into her classroom.
"I wanted to ask you for a favor," Ella spoke, grabbing a set of keys from her desk. "Mike forgot his keys at home today and I didn't get a chance to give it to him. Aria's already left for the day and I didn't know who else to ask. Would you be able to give this to Mike on your way home? He's usually at the basketball court at the park around this time."
"Sure, Mrs. Montgomery," [Y/N] answered, taking the keys from Ella's hand.
Her parents had been friends with Aria's for a long time now as her parents both taught at Hollis along with Byron Montgomery. Although she wasn't close to Mike, she enjoyed being around him at get-togethers as he was like the little brother she wished she had. So, she didn't mind this little task.
"Thank you," Ella smiled appreciatively. "I would do it, myself, but I've got a faculty meeting to run to."
"It's okay," replied [Y/N]. "Have a good rest of your day, Mrs. Montgomery."
"You too, [Y/N]," Ella said back and [Y/N] waved goodbye, walking out of the classroom.
The school hallways were empty as [Y/N] walked out of the building. She reached the parking lot and noticed some students still hanging around by their cars, laughing and chatting. She made her way towards her car and got in the driver's seat, placing her backpack on the empty seat next to her. She put Mike's keys in one of the cupholders before starting the vehicle and pulling out of the school parking lot.
It didn't take too long before she reached the Rosewood park and found a nice spot in the shade to park her car. She grabbed her backpack and Mike's keys before going in search of him towards the basketball court.
It was a bright and sunny day, and the park was a little crowded for her liking. Ignoring the occasional, curious gazes thrown her way, [Y/N] looked around for Mike. She tried calling his cellphone a few times, but it kept going to voicemail.
A few seconds later, she spotted a young boy sitting on a bench with his back facing her. It looked a lot like Aria's brother and she walked towards him, calling out Mike's name.
When the boy turned around, however, [Y/N] paused in her steps as he was definitely not Mike.
"Sorry, I thought you were someone else," she apologized, feeling awkward, and the stranger shrugged before turning to face forward again.
[Y/N] sighed and turned in the opposite direction to go on the hunt for Mike again when she spotted a familiar face. And, this time, there was no mistake.
Not too far from her stood Jason DiLaurentis. He was wearing grey basketball shorts and his upper body was bare, and [Y/N] tried really hard to not let her eyes wander down to his toned chest and abs. He was holding a basketball in his hands and the frown between his brows disappeared when her eyes met his. He gave her a small smile and a wave. She returned the gesture and slowly walked towards him. He met her halfway and the two stopped in front of each other.
"Hey, [Y/N], I thought it was you," Jason spoke first.
"Yeah, it's me," she chuckled, mentally face-palming at how awkward she sounded. "I'm looking for Aria's brother, Mike. Have you seen him here today?"
"No, sorry," he shook his head. "He give Aria the slip?"
"Something like that," [Y/N] replied. "Mrs. Montgomery asked me to give Mike his keys but I can't find him."
"Why did Aria's mom ask you?" Jason asked, confused.
"She meant to ask Aria but she already left," [Y/N] answered, receiving a nod in response.
"I was always lying about where I was when I was his age," Jason commented with a small smile.
"Yeah?" [Y/N] asked with a smile of her own.
"Yeah," he nodded. "I don't remember a lot about that time actually. Most of what I do remember, I wish I could forget, you know?"
Both of their smiles dropped by the end of Jason's sentence and [Y/N] dropped her gaze to the ground. She remembered all too well about the party boy Jason used to be.
"Do you know what I do remember?" Jason asked and [Y/N] looked at him again. "Your smile."
[Y/N] stared at him for what seemed like a full minute before letting out a short, surprised laugh, "My smile?"
"Yes, your smile," he repeated. "Whenever we came across each other in the past and even now, your smile and greetings have always been genuine. That meant- means a lot to me."
"I- I'm glad," she answered, feeling a little flattered by his words and Jason cleared his throat, praying he didn't make her uncomfortable.
"Do you want me to find Mike and give him the keys?" he asked, changing the subject.
"Oh, it's okay," she replied. "I'll just drop it with Aria. But, thanks."
"Yeah. And, uh, I should get back," he stated hesitantly, tilting his head in the direction where his buddies were waiting for him.
"Of course," [Y/N] nodded in understanding. "Enjoy your evening."
"You too," he said and was about to turn around when he remembered something else that concerned [Y/N].
Just as [Y/N] turned to leave, he called her name and she faced him.
"What's wrong?" she asked in concern when she noticed his reluctant posture.
"Uh, it's about the other day when you stopped by," he spoke quietly, fiddling with the basketball in his hand.
"Oh, what about it?" she asked curiously. She had an idea of what he wanted to talk to her about.
"The gauzes that you saw," he said, finally meeting her eyes. "They really were mine; renovating the house comes with little accidents."
"I- I figured," she replied. She felt a bit guilty, because initially her mind did entertain the thought that Jason was helping Ian, thanks to Spencer's suspicions. Then, she had pushed that idea out of her mind, because she didn't believe that Jason would want to help a man, who was accused of murdering his sister. "And, you don't have to explain yourself to me, Jason."
"I- I don't want you to be afraid of me," he said and her eyes softened at his words.
"I'm not afraid of you," she said back and saw relief fill his green eyes.
"You mean it?" he still asked and she said reassuringly, "of course."
"Alright... so, I'll see you around?" she asked, smiling.
"See you around," he confirmed and the two shared smiles one more time that conveyed more than words could at the moment.
Later that night as [Y/N] lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, a permanent smile was etched on her face. Her mind continued to replay her conversation with Jason and she felt a little overwhelmed with how much she liked him.
Initially, she didn't think Jason looked at her as anything other than his little sister's best friend. But, the more she interacted with him, the more she felt that her feelings were reciprocated.
She hoped that she was not wrong as she slowly succumbed to sleep.
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resources-by-m · 1 month
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Drew Van Acker in Addison Rae's 'Diet Pepsi' MV, 250*168 gif set. You can find the whole set of 20 gifs here.
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pretttylitttleliarr · 2 months
Jason DiLaurentis i love you
Edit by @Editzofppl
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