#drone rental options
dronesurfusa · 8 months
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Website: https://www.dronesurf.com/
East Coast HQ: 130 13th Ave, Indialantic, Florida 32903, United States
West Coast HQ: 1315 W 149th St, Gardena, California, 90247, United States
Dronesurf, based in Florida and California, specializes in high-quality drone aerial cinematography. They offer a range of services including drone rentals, stock footage, and custom projects. Their portfolio showcases diverse applications of drone technology in cinematography, highlighting their expertise in this field. Dronesurf is your go-to solution for professional aerial footage, delivering innovative perspectives for various projects.
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
Isn’t Alycia’s latest post a perfect picture of the #MBFW Cabo trip? Could we have a peek at whatever you are working on for #MBFW? 🙏
Tiny sneak peek if ch3
Lexa never really saw herself as much of a ‘chiffon and ruffles' kind of girl. 
Apparently she had slept-walked through the phase of daydreaming adolescence that seemed to have infected the greater population of her peers whenever homecoming and prom had rolled around over a decade earlier. Her general disposition and distinct lack of enthusiasm meant she had remained mercifully unscathed through most banquets and dinner parties, even managing to slip through the cracks of a few ill-conceived appearances at more distant friends' nuptials-to-be.
She'd thought she'd flown under the radar of pomp, frills, and satin for the entirety of her life. Safe in her cotton blends of sundresses, dress slacks, and half-undone button downs.
And yet there she stood, surrounded by shocks of bunting, bows, and lace.
It honestly made her feel a bit queasy.
Yet, the bridal shop had felt like a welcome reprieve from the chaos of the brunch turned midmorning affair. Eggs Benedict and half eaten sausage laid in discarded puddles of ketchup and syrup as everyone had moved from the sanctuary of their assigned tables to use the rest of the allotted time to catch up with old faces. But with a time crunch at hand and a very ‘Not Here To Mess Around’ Abby taking the reins, Lexa had found herself ushered out of the banquet hall and into Clarke's death trap of a convertible, right along with the bride-to-be and (soon-to-be ex) groom yet again. 
A lead footed trip across town had them screeching up in front of a small boutique that would've vaguely resembled any other dress storefront, if it were not for the general appearance that someone had thrown up pepto bismol coated taffeta all over anything that would sit still.
They'd been met inside by the shop owner herself, Abby having apparently taken an immediate liking to the stout dictator of a woman whose vaguely threatening aura was only enhanced by a thick European-esque accent that Lexa couldn't quite pin down. But between fluttering lashes and clasping hands and smiles that betrayed nothing short of gratitude and a willingness to do whatever the woman decreed, Lexa had been able to tell from the second they'd walked in that Abby was positively smitten.
She'd ushered the group in pairs, waving the bridal party toward her right in a bored jab of one calloused finger, while waving the other hand toward the tuxedo rental outlet that connected next door with a droll, “Anybody who wants a suit, you go there. Unless boys, you want dress as well. I can do that. Otherwise, you go. Go.”
Which was how Lexa had found herself standing awkwardly off to the side in a sea of her family, mixed in among people she'd only met about an hour before as each getting prodded, poked, and pinched by tiny but mighty hands in the name of getting their measurements. 
"I have been on dates that haven't felt this intimate," Raven grunted from her place on the pedestal before being unceremoniously spun around, just to have her arms yanked out to the sides the second she found her footing. "Ow, shit, lady."
"No curse in my shop. Only smiles. It's happy day," the owner droned out in hollow, monotone clips, before planting a hand on Raven's back and all but shoving her off to the side. “You're beautiful, yes, perfect. Okay, go.”
Raven stumbled out of the line with a backward scowl, making her way over to where the bride and maid of honor waited for the rest of the bridal party to finish their turn. "Who fuckin' let her outta the gulag early?"
Clarke barely paused in her casual perusal of the closest rack lined with dress options. "Hey, uh-uh. She's the only one who could promise to have all four bridesmaids dresses done in three days and do alterations for everyone else. Her work is supposedly immaculate—"
"And that's great, I'm in awe of her tiny bridal kingdom, but she doesn't have to give me a pap smear and a smack on the ass to get that done."
"At least she didn't actually feel you up," Lexa offered with a shiver at the memory of her turn in line. She double-checked that no one was paying attention to their little huddle before lowering her voice and bringing her hands up to roughly cup her own breasts. "Oh no. You have metal on your bosoms," she imitated the shopkeeper in an accented, disappointed whisper, "This will be no good. You take those out day of, okay?"
"They're nice, though, yeah," she continued over Clarke's chiding in the same mysterious accent, giving an added flick to one piercing studded nipple in question. "Not cross-eyed. Very nice. But no good for big day."
The trio worked to smother their giggles as Clarke reached out and dragged Lexa's hands away from her own chest. "Seriously, stop," Clarke whispered through her own fit of laughter. "If you offend her, mom is going to go ballistic."
"Tell me about it. Jake needs to get here pronto ‘cause I give it like another half hour tops before Abby’s ready to open the marriage."
"Besides," Clarke stressed, ignoring Raven entirely. "Don't listen to her. You know I don't care if your piercings show through your dress."
"She's telling you she wants you to put the girls on display,” Raven added with a sultry shimmy of her chest.
"Dude. My mother is fifteen feet away."
“Well you're the one telling her you want her highbeams on full blast.”
Clarke's face heated into a deep shade of pink as she leveled Raven with a glare and snatched another hangered dress off the rack. “That is not what I said. What I said was that it's not an issue. Lexa's nipples won't be an issue.”
“I've been your friend for a long time, Clarke. When has Lexa's nipples ever not been an issue?”
Lexa weakly interjected, “Maybe we could all stop talking about Lexa's nipples now. Maybe that's the real issue.”
“You brought ‘em up, cutie,” Raven husked with a smooch of her lips and a lecherous sweep of her tongue over her teeth. 
Lexa merely rolled her eyes, while Clarke piped up, “Stop flirting with my maid of honor, Raven.”
Raven snorted a laugh. “You first.”
Clarke made a garbled sound of dissent and whirled around, walking over to the connecting wall covered in mirrors without bothering to dignify that with an answer.
Seemingly pleased with her effect, Raven slung an arm over Lexa's shoulder and met her look of disapproval with an evil smirk. 
“You guys really make it way too easy.”
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syncope-syndrome · 1 year
Because @whumpprentice and I keep getting recommended car blogs... car whump!
Seriously, where amongst my #cats, #nature, #pretty people fainting do you think I'm interested in cars, Tumblr?
being trapped in the trunk of a car left out in the sun. they've slipped out of the restraints a few minutes ago, but the metal's too hot to safely touch, the heat exhaustion is weakening them, and there's not a sound from the outside. sweat makes their hands too slick to grab onto much securely and dripping into their eyes, mingling with the tears forming at the thought of them baking alive in this car, alone, and no one coming until it's too late.
sitting in the front seat next to their captor, the whumper's hand heavy on their knee as a reminder to stay quiet. the whumpee stares helplessly at the officer checking the car's registration, handing it back to the whumper with a smile and bidding them both a good day and a warning to go a little slower next time. there's triumph in the whumper's responding laugh, and the whumpee's heart sinks into their stomach as their potential savior walks away.
trying to slide their way out between two cars nearly crushing them, feeling the metal of the first car's bumper and the second car's license plate scraping and tearing into their skin with every little sidle.
a vital limb pinned down by crunched-up metal, the impact harsh enough to break bone. even if they wanted to move, they couldn't either way, trapped in by the wreckage and the intensity of their pain both.
a car sinking beneath the water, a whumpee's desperate struggle to try and shatter a window to escape. they bang their hand onto the glass until it's bruised, taking in a last-ditch lungful of air before they're completely submerged. finally, they find something sturdy enough to break the glass, but they have to pull themselves through the mangled window. every shard of glass that digs in or slices them brings a gasp of pain, and every gasp threatens the very little oxygen they have left.
a fever-ridden head pressed against the rain-cooled window, the passing streetlights and zooming cars a blur as the whumpee fades in and out.
trying to use anything and everything to keep the blood off the linen seats — the car's an antique, a rental, a friend's. if there was any other option, they wouldn't be in it at all... but there isn't. all they can do is smear more and more blood on their clothes, their blankets, even their bag in an utterly desperate and mispriortizing attempt to keep the car itself clean.
weaving through traffic with eyes on the rearview mirror, looking for the headlights of the car that's been following them for far too long. it's still there, even as they make a risky merge off the highway. it's still there, even as they make too many right turns through an unassuming neighborhood. it's still there, even as they run a red light to try and finally ditch them. relief floods their body as the tailing car stops, then there's a sickening, screeching crunch of metal on metal, and darkness.
rushing home after a bad date and an even worse dinner, struggling to focus on driving while working their throat hopelessly to keep their food from coming up again. their friend's voice drones on and on, blurring in the background as they lose the battle against their illness just as they pull into their residence.
a caretaker trying to hold a whumpee in place as the car swerves and weaves frantically towards the hospital. every sharp turn aggravates their condition, and the caretaker's voice is nearing overwork from the constant, reassuring whispers towards whumpee and the stern warnings towards the driver.
getting into a car after a party, stumbling into the arms of the all-too-eager-to-help driver. at the time, they think nothing of it, letting themselves lounge in the haze of a wild night out... but wait. they don't know this person well enough to get into their car like this. ... they didn't have that many drinks... this isn't their neighborhood... when they try to express this, their words slur to the point that the driver can't — or won't — understand them, and as their consciousness fades, the realization hits. that's not their friend's voice... it's whumper's.
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Marketing Your Home: Innovative Techniques to Sell Your Property
Marketing your home effectively is crucial to attracting potential buyers and selling your property quickly. This blog explores innovative marketing techniques to help you sell your property.
For more information on home loans, visit home loan dubai.
High-Quality Photography and Videography
Professional Photos: High-quality photos can attract more buyers. Consider hiring a professional photographer to capture your home's best angles. Ensure the photos are taken during the day when natural light is abundant.
Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours to provide an immersive experience for potential buyers. Use a 360-degree camera to create a virtual tour that showcases your home's layout and features.
Drone Footage: Use drone footage to capture aerial views of your property and its surroundings. This can provide a unique perspective and highlight features like large yards or scenic views.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
Social Media Marketing
Facebook: Create a dedicated Facebook page for your property and share regular updates, photos, and virtual tours. Use Facebook ads to target potential buyers in your area.
Instagram: Share high-quality photos and videos of your property on Instagram. Use relevant hashtags and engage with users who show interest in your posts.
YouTube: Create a YouTube channel to showcase virtual tours and highlight features of your property. Share the videos on other social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
For mortgage services, consider Dubai Mortgage Advisors.
Online Listings and Real Estate Websites
Detailed Descriptions: Create detailed and attractive online listings with high-quality photos and descriptions. Highlight key features, recent upgrades, and unique selling points.
Real Estate Websites: List your property on popular real estate websites like Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com. These platforms can help you reach a larger audience and generate more leads.
For rental property management, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Hosting Open Houses
Virtual Open Houses: Host virtual open houses using platforms like Zoom or Facebook Live. This allows potential buyers to view your property from the comfort of their homes.
In-Person Open Houses: Ensure your home is clean and welcoming, and provide refreshments to create a positive experience. Make sure all lights are on, curtains are open, and the temperature is comfortable.
For property sales, visit sell house quickly.
Innovative Marketing Techniques
3D Floor Plans: Create 3D floor plans to give potential buyers a better understanding of your property's layout and dimensions.
Augmented Reality (AR): Use AR technology to allow potential buyers to visualize how their furniture and decor would look in your home.
Home Staging Apps: Use home staging apps to virtually stage your property and showcase different design options.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Emily, who successfully sold her home in Dubai by using innovative marketing techniques. Emily hired a professional photographer, created a virtual tour, and used drone footage to capture unique angles of her property. She also leveraged social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach a wider audience. As a result, she received multiple offers and sold her home quickly and at a great price.
Future Trends in Home Marketing
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI can be used to analyze buyer preferences and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.
Chatbots: Chatbots can provide instant responses to potential buyers' inquiries, improving customer service and engagement.
Virtual Reality (VR): VR technology can create immersive experiences for potential buyers, allowing them to explore properties in detail without physically visiting them.
By using innovative marketing techniques, you can attract more potential buyers and sell your property quickly. High-quality photography, social media marketing, online listings, and virtual open houses are effective strategies to reach a wider audience. For more resources and expert advice, visit home loan dubai.
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Info for Faith In The Future World Tour IRVING, TX - JUL 6 2023
With special guests THE SNUTS & ANDREW CUSHIN!
Important Times:
5:30 PM - Doors Open
7:00 PM - Andrew Cushin
8:00 PM - The Snuts
9:00 PM - Louis Tomlinson
Times are all approximate and subject to change.
General admission (pit tickets):
Guests may begin lining up at the front door entrance no earlier than 8:00AM on Thursday, July 6.
Sequentially numbered wristbands will be placed on each guests' wrist upon arrival on a first come, first served basis.
Guests must show a valid ticket in order to receive a wristband, and all guests within a party must be present.
No camping or overnight parking is permitted on the Toyota Music Factory premises.
Arrival prior to 8:00AM will result in being escorted off property.
Guests are encouraged to return at 3:00PM to queue for General Admission entry at our front door entrance.
Security will honor wristbands from 3:00PM - 4:00PM.
After 4:00PM, guests will join the line on a first come, first served basis.
Loss, removal or tampering with a wristband will result in loss of place in line.
Guests are not permitted to hold places in line.
Please be respectful and courteous to all other guests.
Check the venue’s socials for updates!
⚠️🔅Weather advisory🔅⚠️
High temperatures expected - highs of 96ºF/35ºC
Thunderstorms expected - prepare for rain, high winds and volatile weather.
Wear sunscreen
Monitor the weather
Bring a small umbrella/rain coat
YOU MUST Hydrate before the show, while waiting in line and during the show
For optimal hydration drink something with electrolytes such as Gatorade or LiquidIV
Eat well!
Wear sunscreen!
Here are important things to know:
The venue is cashless! Pay with cards! Cash for card machines available at no extra charge.
Upgrades: VIP Club Access: Private air conditioned club with full service bar and private restrooms ($80). Lawn chair rental ($15). Live Nation blanket ($20)
Parking: Arriving BEFORE 5PM: Parking is available in the Irving Convention Center Garage (500 W. Las Colinas Blvd.). Arriving AFTER 5PM: Parking is available in the Urban Tower Garage (222 Las Colinas Blvd.). Avoid parking in the streets (on Promenade Parkway) or on any grass lots. Utilize ride share options: DART (1/2 mile walk from Orange Line) and Uber. Expect traffic and delays, so arrive early. Buy parking here ($20-55).
ADA info here
Cameras: non professional only. NO Cameras with detachable lenses. If the camera lens zooms out of the camera more than 1 in- it will be considered a professional camera and will not be allowed in. Video or audio recording devices prohibited.
Water: One 1-liter factory-sealed or empty bottle per person ALLOWED. Empty Camelbacks ALLOWED.
Binoculars ALLOWED
Umbrellas* (36" or shorter) ALLOWED
Bug Spray and Sunscreen – non-aerosol only please ALLOWED
Blankets and Tarps ALLOWED
NO chairs of any kind
NO beverage besides water - FROZEN water bottles are also not allowed
NO Glass containers or cans
NO Alcohol
NO Coolers of any kind
NO Animals (except service animals)
NO Marijuana or any cannabis products
NO drugs
NO smoking
NO Fireworks or sparklers
NO knives, firearms, Brass knuckles, Tasers & mace/pepper spray or weapons of any kind
NO wallet chains, spiked accessories
NO Inflatables, throwing toys (including beach balls and frisbees), blow-up toys, balloons or bubbles
NO Recording devices, iPads/laptops
NO Selfie sticks, drones
NO Laser Pointers/flashlights
NO Scooters/Skateboards
There is NO RE-ENTRY!
*This list is not exhaustive. Items not appearing on the list may still be prohibited at the discretion of Security.
For more details click here
Bag Policy:
CLEAR plastic/vinyl tote bags no larger than 12” x 6” x 12” and
small clutch bags, wristlets, or fanny packs no bigger than 6”x 9”. Small clutch bags do not need to be clear.
No other bags of any type will be allowed.
Any bags that do not meet our guidelines must be returned to your vehicle.
Banners, signs and flag policy:
NO Signage larger than 8.5"x11" or standard size of printer paper.
We do not allow in banners or signs that are larger than this due to the potential to block other guests view of the performance.
All signs must be appropriate in nature and not be a distraction to the artist.
For additional questions please call the venue at (214-978-4888). You can also access their website. Email:  [email protected] . Check their Twitter and IG for updates. Address: 300 W Las Colinas Blvd., Irving, TX 75039. Venue: The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory.
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retirebetternownv · 1 year
The Top Current Trends in Las Vegas Real Estate
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Las Vegas, Nevada is known for its world-renowned entertainment, casinos, and hospitality industries. However, in recent years, the city has also become an attractive real estate market due to its growing economy and diverse population. In this post, we’ll explore the top current trends in Las Vegas real estate that anyone looking to invest or buy a property in the area should know.
Increased demand for single-family homes
The pandemic has prompted buyers to seek larger and more comfortable living spaces, and Las Vegas is no exception. Single-family homes have seen a spike in demand, as people look for privacy, home offices, and outdoor amenities. According to the Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors (GLVAR), single-family home sales rose by 8.7% in 2020, with an average sales price of $354,000. As a result, these properties are now selling much faster, and buyers may find themselves in bidding wars.
Booming luxury market
The luxury real estate market in Las Vegas has seen significant growth in recent years, with high-end buyers seeking luxury villas, penthouses, and homes in exclusive areas. According to the GLVAR, luxury home sales increased by 46.8% in 2020, with the average sales price reaching $1,350,000. Luxury buyers are looking for modern amenities, exclusive locations, and personalized services, combining the comfort of home with upscale experiences.
Growth in commercial real estate
Las Vegas has always had a strong commercial real estate market due to its tourism and hospitality industries, but new industries like tech and healthcare have been driving demand as well. According to CBRE, office vacancy rates in Vegas have dropped for the fourth consecutive quarter in 2021, with tech and financial firms accounting for the majority of leasing activity. Additionally, the city is investing heavily in the healthcare industry, with new hospitals and medical facilities opening across the city.
Increasing interest in short-term rentals
Las Vegas is a popular destination for tourism, and as a result, short-term rentals like Airbnb have gained popularity. Homeowners can earn significant income by renting out their properties for a few days or weeks, especially during peak travel seasons. However, investors should be aware of the city’s strict regulations on short-term rentals, including fees and permits required for operating a rental property.
The growing interest in sustainable real estate
Las Vegas is becoming a leader in sustainable development and green real estate, with developers and homeowners embracing energy-efficient technologies and environmentally-friendly design. For example, the city’s new Circa Resort & Casino is one of the few LEED Gold-certified hotels in the world, with sustainable features like solar panels, rainwater collection, and energy-efficient lighting. Additionally, more homeowners are opting for green building materials, solar panels, and energy-saving appliances when building or renovating their homes.
Virtual real estate tours
The pandemic has changed the way the real estate industry operates, with virtual tours and remote viewings becoming a necessity. Las Vegas real estate agents and developers have embraced technology, offering virtual tours, drone footage, and 3D renderings of properties. Many buyers are now able to view properties from the comfort of their own homes, making the buying process more efficient and convenient.
The rise of remote work
The pandemic has also accelerated the trend of remote work, with many companies allowing employees to work from home permanently. As a result, more people are looking to move away from expensive cities like New York and San Francisco, and Las Vegas is an attractive option. The city offers a lower cost of living, a warmer climate, and an abundance of outdoor activities, making it an ideal place for remote workers to call home.
In the end, the Las Vegas real estate market has been evolving quickly in recent years, with new trends emerging that offer opportunities for buyers, sellers, and investors. Whether you’re looking for a single-family home or a luxury condo, the city’s real estate market is diverse and growing. Additionally, Las Vegas’s unique mix of industries, sustainability initiatives, and remote work opportunities make it an attractive location for anyone looking to invest in property or relocate to a thriving city.
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rentit4-me · 13 days
The Smart Photographer’s Choice: Renting vs. Buying Drones
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Drones have changed the game in photography by offering amazing aerial shots and unique angles that traditional cameras can't match. But when it comes to using drones, photographers face a big decision: should you rent or buy one? This guide will help you figure out which option is best for you.
Why Drones Are Great for Photography
Drones are a fantastic tool for photographers because they offer:
Unique Angles: Drones let you take photos from high above, giving you views that ground-based cameras can’t capture.
Growing Popularity: Many fields, from real estate to events, are increasingly using drones to create eye-catching visuals.
Using drones can really boost the quality of your work and help you stand out in the competitive photography market.
Renting a Drone: What to Know
Renting a drone can be a good option for many photographers. Here’s what you need to know:
Benefits of Renting
Renting is usually cheaper than buying, especially if you don’t need a drone all the time.
You can choose rental packages that fit your budget and project needs.
Access to New Models:
Rental services provide the latest drone technology, so you get to use high-quality equipment without buying it.
This means you can use drones with advanced features for your shoots.
No Maintenance:
The rental company takes care of maintenance and repairs, so you don’t have to worry about fixing or updating the drone.
Downsides of Renting
Availability Issues:
Popular drones might not be available when you need them, especially during busy times.
You might have to book in advance or settle for a different model.
Learning Curve:
If you rent different drones often, it can take time to get used to each one.
This might affect how smoothly your shoots go.
Rental Costs:
If you rent frequently, the cost can add up and might be more than buying a drone if you use it a lot.
Think about whether renting is worth it for your situation.
Buying a Drone: What to Know
Buying a drone is another option and comes with its own set of pros and cons:
Benefits of Buying
When you own a drone, you have full control and can customize it as you like.
You don’t have to worry about returning it or rental deadlines.
No Rental Fees:
No ongoing rental costs mean you save money in the long run if you use the drone often.
Buying a drone can be more economical if you frequently need one.
Long-Term Investment:
Owning a drone can be a good investment if you use it a lot.
You can upgrade or modify it as needed.
Downsides of Buying
High Initial Cost:
Buying a high-quality drone requires a big upfront payment.
You also need to budget for accessories and insurance.
Maintenance Responsibility:
You are in charge of keeping the drone in good condition, including repairs and updates.
Regular maintenance is needed to keep the drone working well.
Technology changes fast, so your drone might need to be updated sooner.
This can affect the resale value if you decide to sell it later.
Factors to Think About When Deciding
Here are some things to consider to help you choose between renting and buying:
How Often You Use the Drone
Renting: Best if you only need a drone occasionally or for special projects.
Buying: It is better if you use a drone frequently and want it available all the time.
Your Budget
Renting: Lower initial cost, but consider how often you’ll rent.
Buying: Higher upfront cost but no ongoing rental fees.
What Technology You Need
Renting: This lets you use the latest models for specific needs.
Buying: You have long-term access but may need to upgrade over time.
Maintenance and Upgrades
Renting: Maintenance is handled by the rental company.
Buying: You are responsible for maintaining and upgrading the drone.
Real-Life Examples: Renting vs. Buying
Case Study 1: Renting for Special Events
Profile: A photographer who only needs a drone for high-profile events.
Choice: Rents a top-quality drone for special shoots.
Outcome: Access to the best equipment without buying it.
Case Study 2: Buying for Regular Use
Profile: A photographer who often uses drones for real estate work.
Choice: Buy a drone for frequent use.
Outcome: Saves money over time and has a reliable tool.
What We Learn
Renting is great for occasional needs or special projects.
Buying is better for those who use drones a lot and can handle the initial cost.
How to Decide What’s Best for You
To choose the best option, follow these steps:
Think About Your Needs
Determine how often you need a drone and what features you need.
Decide if renting or buying fits better with your needs.
Check Your Budget
Compare the costs of renting versus buying based on how often you use a drone.
Include any extra costs like maintenance or upgrades.
Consider the Long Term
Think about how each option fits with your long-term plans.
Choose the option that best supports your future photography projects.
Deciding whether to rent or buy a drone is an important choice for photographers. Both options have their pros and cons, depending on how often you need a drone, your budget, and your technology needs. By carefully considering these factors, you can make the best decision for your photography work.
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lensrentaldc · 1 month
Rent Photography Equipment in Washington, DC: Cameras, Lenses, and More
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Washington, DC, is a vibrant city full of iconic landmarks, rich history, and diverse cultural scenes, making it a prime location for photographers and videographers. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an enthusiastic amateur, capturing the essence of this city requires not just talent but also the right equipment. However, purchasing high-quality cameras, lenses, and accessories can be a significant investment. That’s where renting photography equipment in Washington, DC, becomes a smart and cost-effective solution.
Why Rent Photography Equipment?
Renting photography equipment offers numerous benefits, especially if you’re working on a specific project or want to test new gear without committing to a purchase. Here are some of the key advantages:
Affordability: High-end photography gear can be expensive, but renting allows you to access the latest cameras, lenses, and accessories without the hefty price tag. This is particularly useful for one-time events, short-term projects, or when you're on a tight budget.
Access to the Latest Technology: Camera technology is constantly evolving, with new models and features being released regularly. By renting, you can try out the latest gear and take advantage of the most advanced technology available.
Flexibility: Every project is unique, and your equipment needs may vary depending on the assignment. Renting provides the flexibility to choose the right gear for each project, whether you need a powerful DSLR for landscape photography, a high-resolution mirrorless camera for portraits, or specialized lenses for architectural shots.
No Maintenance or Storage Hassles: When you own photography equipment, you’re responsible for its upkeep, repairs, and storage. Renting eliminates these concerns, as rental services maintain their gear in top condition, ensuring that you receive equipment that’s ready to use. To know more visit us : https://www.redstarpictures.com/
What Equipment Can You Rent?
In Washington, DC, you can rent a wide range of photography equipment to suit any project. Here’s a look at some of the essential items available:
Cameras: From professional DSLRs and mirrorless cameras to compact point-and-shoot models, rental services offer a variety of options to match your shooting needs. Whether you're capturing video footage or high-resolution stills, you can find a camera that fits your requirements.
Lenses: Lenses are crucial for achieving the desired look and feel in your photos. Rental services typically offer a wide selection of lenses, including wide-angle, telephoto, macro, and prime lenses, allowing you to experiment with different focal lengths and perspectives.
Lighting Equipment: Good lighting is key to capturing stunning images. You can rent various lighting gear, such as studio lights, flashes, softboxes, and reflectors, to ensure that your subjects are perfectly illuminated.
Tripods and Stabilizers: To achieve sharp and stable shots, especially in low-light conditions or when shooting video, tripods and stabilizers are essential. Renting these accessories can help you avoid blurry images and shaky footage.
Other Accessories: Beyond the basics, you can also rent additional accessories like memory cards, camera bags, filters, and even drones for aerial photography. These items can enhance your shooting experience and provide added versatility.
Tips for Renting Photography Equipment
To make the most of your rental experience, consider the following tips:
Plan Ahead: Identify the specific equipment you need for your project and make a list. This will help you avoid renting unnecessary items and ensure you have everything required for your shoot.
Reserve Early: Popular equipment can be in high demand, especially during peak seasons or major events in Washington, DC. To secure the gear you need, it’s a good idea to reserve your equipment well in advance.
Check the Equipment: Before leaving the rental shop, inspect the equipment to ensure it’s in good working condition. Test the camera, lenses, and other gear to make sure they function properly.
Understand the Rental Terms: Be sure to read and understand the rental agreement, including the return policy, late fees, and any insurance options available. This will help you avoid any unexpected costs.
Renting photography equipment in Washington, DC, is a practical and economical way to access the best cameras, lenses, and gear for your creative projects. Whether you’re capturing the city’s iconic monuments, documenting a special event, or working on a professional assignment, renting allows you to use top-tier equipment without the financial commitment of purchasing. By planning ahead and choosing the right gear for your needs, you can ensure a successful and stress-free shooting experience in the nation’s capital.
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industrynewsupdates · 2 months
Emerging Trends Shaping the Future of Commercial Real Estate Services Procurement
The commercial real estate services category is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2023 to 2030. The rising inflation Fed interest rate, and the post-pandemic situation have slowed down the commercial real estate sector across the globe. However, with the normalization of COVID-19, companies plan to increase their physical presence. On the other hand, multifamily, and industrial asset classes have performed well.
In 2023, the Industrial segment of the commercial real estate category has continued to showcase strength. The demand for warehouse and distribution space has been bolstered by increasing e-commerce sales and disruptions in the supply chain. According to the National Association of Realtors April 2023 report, the industrial vacancy rate stands at a low of 4.3%. Additionally, the industrial rent growth rate remains robust, reaching 10.3%. Warehouses have experienced an impressive 11.7% growth in rental prices.
Commercial real estate service providers are focusing on adopting technology to improve property management, smooth property dealing processes, and increase customer experience. To achieve this, service providers are adopting technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), big data and analytics, and artificial intelligence. Property buying and selling websites, real estate management software, virtual reality, drones, and other tech devices, real estate crowdfunding platforms, and marketing automation are some of the recent trends that depict the technological adoption in this category.
Order your copy of the Commercial Real Estate Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Companies are acquiring small players to increase their market penetration and global reach. For instance,
• In December 2022, CBRE Group acquired H2M Sverige AB a property management service company in Sweden. Post completion of the acquisition, H2M will operate as part of the CBRE Global Workplace Solutions (GWS) group and strengthens the presence of CBRE in the country.
• In October 2022, BBG, a commercial real estate service firm, acquired VSI Appraisal Group in Columbus. With this acquisition, BBG will enhance its presence in Columbus while adding affordable housing specialty to its portfolio of services.
Using drones to gather high-quality aerial images is a cutting-edge trend in the real estate industry. It offers a distinctive and influential viewpoint for property analysis. Drones are utilized across various real estate categories such as apartments, residential homes, vacant land, resorts, and commercial properties. With advanced in-drone camera technology, these unmanned aerial devices can capture videos, images, multiple overhead map images, and even 360-degree panoramas. This comprehensive approach provides additional information and transparency to prospective clients.
Commercial Real Estate Services Sourcing Intelligence Highlights
• Buyers in the commercial real estate category, such as businesses or investors, can exert significant bargaining power, particularly if there is a surplus of available properties. Buyers can negotiate favorable lease terms, request concessions, or shop around for alternative options. The level of buyer bargaining power depends on factors such as market conditions, demand and supply dynamics, and the availability of substitutes.
• Property management, common area management, utilities, security, and supply cost are some of the costs incurred in commercial real estate services.
• The average cost of appraising commercial buildings is USD 4,000 whereas big buildings may cost up to USD 15,000 or more.
• The category can be described as mature with several active property owners and buyers. Maintaining long-term broker relationships is recommended to get better property deals.
List of Key Suppliers 
• Cushman & Wakefield
• Lee & Associates
• Savills
• Marcus & Millichap
• Colliers
• Avison Young
• Newmark Knight Frank
• TCN Worldwide
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Commercial Print Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Loyalty Programs Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Commercial Real Estate Services Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Commercial Real Estate Services Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 5.1% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing growth Outlook: 3% - 4% (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Full Service Outsource Pricing, Price for services offered, Competition based pricing
• Supplier Selection Scope: End-to-end service, cost and pricing, compliance, service reliability, and scalability
• Supplier Selection Criteria: Types of properties, quality, number of services offered, client relationship, track record and reputation, regulatory compliance, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier positioning matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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100newbusinessideas · 3 months
100 New Business Ideas for People Who Want to Start Their Own Business
I want to start a business, but have no ideas! Are you aspiring to be an entrepreneur and looking for the perfect new business idea to kickstart your venture in Canada? Well, you're in luck! In this article, we present 100 innovative and viable business ideas that have the potential to thrive not only in 2023 but throughout 2024 in the Canadian market.
1. Sustainable Fashion Boutique: Create a fashion boutique that exclusively offers eco-friendly and sustainable clothing options.
2. Virtual Events Management: Offer virtual event planning and management services to cater to the increasing demand for online gatherings.
3. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products: Manufacture and sell eco-conscious cleaning products for environmentally-conscious consumers.
4. Personalized Subscription Boxes: Curate and deliver personalized subscription boxes, catering to specific interests and hobbies of customers.
5. Remote Healthcare Consulting: Provide virtual healthcare consultation services to patients in need of medical advice.
6. Smart Home Installation: Specialize in setting up and customizing smart home systems for tech-savvy homeowners.
7. Organic Skincare Products: Develop and sell organic and natural skincare products that prioritize sustainable ingredients.
8. Drone Rental and Services: Rent out drones for aerial photography, surveillance, and agricultural purposes.
9. Online Fitness Coaching: Offer virtual fitness coaching programs and personalized workout plans for clients across Canada.
10. Urban Farming: Establish a vertical farming business to supply fresh produce to urban areas.
11. Virtual Reality Experience Center: Create an entertainment hub that offers virtual reality experiences for customers of all ages.
12. Language Learning Platform: Launch an online language learning platform to cater to individuals looking to learn new languages.
13. E-Scooter Sharing Service: Introduce e-scooter sharing services in cities with high demand for eco-friendly transportation.
14. Ethical Jewelry Brand: Design and sell jewelry made from ethically sourced materials.
15. Remote Career Coaching: Provide career coaching services tailored to remote work opportunities and challenges.
16. Niche Food Truck: Set up a food truck specializing in unique and niche culinary offerings.
17. Digital Marketing Agency for Local Businesses: Help small businesses across Canada establish a strong online presence through digital marketing strategies.
18. Plant-Based Food Products: Create a line of plant-based food products, capitalizing on the rising popularity of veganism.
19. Pet Services App: Develop an app that connects pet owners with local pet service providers such as walkers, sitters, and groomers.
20. Virtual Home Staging: Offer virtual home staging services to help real estate agents and homeowners showcase properties effectively.
21. Recycled Fashion Accessories: Craft and sell fashionable accessories using recycled materials.
22. Personal Security Gadgets: Retail personal security gadgets for personal safety and peace of mind.
23. Online Business Consultation: Provide online business consultation services to startups and established businesses alike.
24. Mobile Car Wash: Offer mobile car wash and detailing services, catering to busy urban dwellers.
25. Sustainable Packaging Solutions: Launch a business that provides eco-friendly packaging alternatives to businesses across industries.
26. Children's Online Educational Platform: Develop an interactive and engaging e-learning platform for kids, covering various subjects.
27. Smart Home Healthcare Devices: Design and sell smart devices that assist in remote healthcare monitoring.
28. DIY Craft Kits: Create and sell DIY craft kits for hobbyists and craft enthusiasts.
29. Online Resale Marketplace: Establish an online platform for buying and selling pre-owned goods.
30. Renewable Energy Solutions Provider: Become a distributor of renewable energy solutions, including solar panels and wind turbines.
31. Home Automation Installation Service: Offer professional home automation installation services to homeowners.
32. Virtual Corporate Team Building: Organize and host virtual team-building activities for businesses and organizations.
33. Personalized Nutrition Plans: Provide personalized nutrition plans and meal prep services to health-conscious individuals.
34. AI-Powered Customer Support: Offer AI-driven customer support solutions to businesses seeking to streamline their customer service processes.
35. Online Interior Design Consultation: Provide virtual interior design consultation services to transform spaces without in-person visits.
36. Mobile App Development for Local Businesses: Develop customized mobile apps for local businesses to enhance their customer engagement.
37. 3D Printing Services: Offer 3D printing services for prototyping and customized product manufacturing.
38. Mental Health and Wellness Apps: Develop apps that focus on mental health, mindfulness, and well-being.
39. Personal Shopping Service: Offer personalized shopping services for busy individuals who need assistance with their shopping needs.
40. Virtual Wedding Planning: Provide virtual wedding planning services for couples looking to tie the knot without the hassle of in-person meetings.
41. Eco-Tourism Agency: Create an eco-tourism agency that organizes sustainable travel experiences.
42. Custom Furniture Design: Design and manufacture custom-made furniture pieces to suit individual preferences.
43. Digital Art Gallery: Launch an online gallery that promotes and sells digital art from talented artists.
44. Eco-Friendly Packaging Supplies: Supply businesses with eco-friendly packaging materials to reduce their carbon footprint.
45. Healthy Snack Vending Machines: Install vending machines offering healthy snacks and beverages in offices and public spaces.
46. Remote IT Support: Provide remote IT support services to businesses and individuals facing tech issues.
47. Online Fitness Equipment Rental: Offer online rental services for fitness equipment, enabling customers to work out at home.
48. Sustainable Tourism Experiences: Develop and organize sustainable tourism experiences that showcase Canada's natural beauty.
49. Virtual Reality Training Programs: Create virtual reality training programs for industries like healthcare, aviation, and education.
50. Personal Finance Coaching: Offer personalized financial coaching services to help individuals manage their money effectively.
51. Artisanal Food Products: Produce and sell artisanal food products, such as preserves and condiments.
52. Remote Project Management: Provide project management services for remote teams and freelancers.
53. Local Experiential Tours: Organize unique and immersive local tours that offer unforgettable experiences.
54. Eco-Friendly Event Planning: Specialize in planning eco-conscious events and celebrations.
55. Green Roofing Installation: Offer green roofing solutions to promote energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
56. Virtual Reality Arcades: Establish virtual reality arcades for gamers and entertainment enthusiasts.
57. Online Personal Styling: Offer virtual personal styling services for fashion-conscious individuals.
58. Customized Pet Products: Design and sell personalized pet products and accessories.
59. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Services: Provide eco-friendly cleaning services for homes and businesses.
60. Virtual Tech Support for Seniors: Offer virtual tech support services catering to the senior population.
61. On-Demand Car Maintenance Services: Create a platform that connects car owners with on-demand maintenance services.
62. Waste Management Consultancy: Provide waste management consultation services to businesses striving for sustainability.
63. Smart City Solutions: Develop solutions for building smart and sustainable cities.
64. Online Mental Health Support Groups: Create virtual support groups for individuals dealing with mental health issues.
65. EdTech Platform for Elderly Learning: Launch an educational platform focused on catering to senior learners.
66. Personalized Home Fragrances: Develop and sell personalized home fragrance products.
67. Remote Family Entertainment: Create and offer virtual family entertainment packages for remote gatherings.
68. Electric Bike Rentals: Start an electric bike rental service to promote green transportation options.
69. Home Healthcare Supplies: Retail and deliver essential healthcare supplies to homes.
70. Sustainable Event Rentals: Rent out sustainable event supplies such as decor and furniture.
71. Mobile Beauty Services: Offer mobile beauty services for individuals who prefer beauty treatments at their location.
72. Online Dating Consultancy: Provide online dating coaching and matchmaking services.
73. Healthy Meal Delivery for Kids: Deliver nutritious and kid-friendly meals to parents' doorsteps.
74. Eco-Friendly Office Supplies: Sell eco-conscious office supplies to businesses aiming for sustainability.
75. Remote Yoga and Meditation Classes: Host virtual yoga and meditation classes for stress relief and relaxation.
76. Biodegradable Packaging Materials Manufacturing: Produce and supply biodegradable packaging materials to companies across industries.
77. Virtual Reality Real Estate Tours: Offer virtual reality tours for real estate properties.
78. Green Energy Consultancy: Provide businesses with guidance on adopting green energy solutions.
79. Personalized Children's Books: Create personalized children's books featuring kids as the main characters.
80. Remote IT Security Services: Offer virtual IT security services for businesses and individuals.
81. Mobile Plant Nursery: Operate a mobile plant nursery that brings greenery to customers' doorsteps.
82. Pet-Friendly Cafes: Establish cafes that welcome pets and their owners.
83. Online Dating App for Specific Communities: Develop a niche online dating app targeting specific communities or interests.
84. Energy-Efficient Home Appliances: Retail and promote energy-efficient home appliances.
85. Virtual Reality Fitness Studios: Launch virtual reality fitness studios for engaging workout experiences.
86. Outdoor Adventure Gear Rental: Rent out outdoor gear and equipment for adventurers and campers.
87. Remote Music Lessons: Offer virtual music lessons for various instruments and genres.
88. Urban Beekeeping: Set up and maintain beehives in urban areas to produce honey and promote bee conservation.
89. Mobile Healthcare Clinics: Provide mobile healthcare clinics for underserved communities.
90. Remote Language Translation Services: Offer online language translation services for businesses and individuals.
91. Green Construction Materials: Retail sustainable and eco-friendly construction materials.
92. Virtual Reality Therapy Programs: Develop virtual reality therapy programs for mental health treatment.
93. Customized Meal Prep Services: Prepare and deliver customized meal plans for individuals with dietary restrictions.
94. Remote Interior Design Services for Businesses: Offer virtual interior design services for commercial spaces.
95. Sustainable Toy Manufacturing: Design and produce eco-friendly and sustainable toys for children.
96. Online Music Collaboration Platform: Create a virtual platform for musicians to collaborate on music projects.
97. Eco-Friendly Event Rentals: Rent out eco-conscious event supplies like tableware and decor.
98. Virtual Art Classes: Host virtual art classes for aspiring artists and hobbyists.
99. Sustainable Transportation Solutions: Introduce sustainable transportation alternatives, such as electric bikes and scooters.
100. Personal Cybersecurity Services: Provide personalized cybersecurity solutions for individuals concerned about online privacy.
Remember that while these business ideas have great potential in Canada, success depends on thorough market research, innovation, dedication, and adaptability. Choose an idea that aligns with your passions and skills, and you could be on your way to creating a successful and fulfilling venture in the vibrant Canadian market. Good luck!
Checkout local businesses in your area at www.shoplocalgta.ca 
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abhisheksaini-2008 · 3 months
The Basics of Drone Videography: Drone videography has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity in recent years.
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 Capturing the World from New Heights From filmmaking to real estate and even wedding photography, the ability to capture stunning aerial footage has changed the game. Assuming that you're interested in drone videography and how you can get everything rolling, this blog will direct you through the basics.
What is Robot Videography?
The practice of taking aerial video footage using high-definition drone cameras is referred to as drone videography. Drones, in contrast to conventional ground-based filming, offer dynamic shots and unique perspectives that were previously only possible with pricey helicopter rentals. Drone technology has become more accessible, making it possible for amateurs as well as professionals to produce breathtaking aerial videos.
Why Do Videographers Use Drones?
Unique Points of View: With drones, angles and perspectives that are impossible with conventional cameras can be captured. A new dimension to storytelling is provided by this ability to glide through confined spaces, follow moving subjects, or soar above landscapes.
Cost-Effective: Drones are a more cost-effective option for aerial videography when compared to hiring a helicopter or putting together intricate rigs.
Accessibility and adaptability: Modern drones are ideal for quickly covering large areas or capturing spontaneous moments due to their portability and quick deployment.
Great Film: Drones can now capture 4K and even 8K video thanks to advancements in camera technology, resulting in crisp, professional-quality footage.
How to Get Started with Drone Videography: Choosing the Right Drone Choosing the right drone is the first step in your journey into drone videography. Here are some things to think about:
Image Quality: Look for drones with features like adjustable apertures, high-resolution cameras, and good low-light performance.
Time in the Air: A longer battery life gives you more time to record video. Try to find drones that can fly for at least 20 to 30 minutes on a single charge.
Control and range: Make certain that your drone has a reliable connection to the smartphone or remote controller as well as a good control range.
Convenience: For beginners, easy-to-use drones with features like automatic takeoff, landing, and avoiding obstacles are ideal.
The DJI Mini 2, the DJI Air 2S, and the Autel Robotics EVO Lite are all popular options for beginners.
Mastering the Fundamentals of Drone Flying Before you can Start Capturing Beautiful Videos, Some suggestions:
Read the Guide: Learn about the features, controls, and safety guidelines of your drone.
Practice in Open Spaces: Start out in wide, open spaces far from other people and obstacles. You won't have to worry about losing control because of this.
Know what the rules are: The use of drones is governed differently in various nations. Ensure compliance with local regulations, which may include adhering to no-fly zones, registering your drone, and maintaining a visible line-of-sight.
Planning Your Shots For drone videography to be successful, careful planning is required. Think about the following:
Shot Rundown: Plan the sorts of shots you need to catch. This could be wide-angle shots of the landscape, close-up shots of particular features, or dynamic movements like tracking shots.
Lighting: The best lighting for outdoor videography is during the golden hours, which are in the early morning and late afternoon. Try not to shoot in the intense midday sun.
Situational Conditions: Conditions like wind or rain can make flying difficult and even cause damage to your drone. Before setting out, always check the weather forecast.
When you edit your footage after it has been shot, your vision comes to life. Use video altering programming like Adobe Debut Ace, Finished product Star, or DaVinci Resolve to upgrade your recordings. Think about the accompanying:
Stabilization: Some footage may require additional post-production stabilization despite having built-in stabilization.
Variety Evaluating: Change the colors in your video to make it look better and make it feel better.
Music and Audio effects: Your video can be elevated by adding the right soundtrack, which can make it more engaging and immersive.
Drone videography is a fun and creative field with endless options. You can capture stunning aerial footage that was once only a dream for the majority of videographers with the right equipment, practice, and planning. Drones are a powerful tool for bringing your vision to life, whether you're documenting a stunning landscape, showcasing a property, or creating a cinematic masterpiece. Therefore, get out there, take to the skies, and commence your investigation into the field of drone videography!
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Can we get a small snippet of some Medusa fluff to lighten your dash after the emotional journey we've been in with awtr?
Oh haha, oh I still awtr prompts to fill 👀 several, actually
Someone asked for me to write one of Lexa's letters to Clarke and buddy ya buckle up 🙂
But uh, nah I'm putting a moratorium on Medusa snippets. Can't give away the whole thing. How about we split the difference and you get a very, very little MBFW spoiler instead?
They'd been met inside by the shop owner herself, Abby immediately taking a devoted liking to the stout little dictator of a woman whose vaguely threatening aura was only enhanced by the thick sound of an European accent that Lexa couldn't quite pin down. She'd ushered them inside in pairs, waving the women toward her right with a flop of her hand, while directing the men toward the tuxedo rental outlet next door with a droll, "No, here's not for you. Unless you want dress. In which case, you stay. Otherwise, boys, you go," and corralled them through the doorway that divided the two main rooms.
Which was how Lexa had found herself standing awkwardly in a sea of her family and people she'd only met about an hour before, each getting prodded, poked, and pinched by tiny unforgiving hands in the name of getting their measurements. 
"I have been on dates that haven't felt this intimate," Raven grunted before being unceremoniously whirled around and having her arms yanked out in the air. "Ow, shit, lady!"
"No curse in my shop. Only smiles. It's happy day. Okay, you're so beautiful. Go," the owner droned out in monotone clips before planting a hand on Raven's back and shoving her out of the way.
Raven stumbled her way out of the line with a backwards scowl. She made her way over to the bride and maid of honor where they dutifully waited for the rest of the bridal party to finish their turn. "Who fuckin' let her out of the gulag early?"
Clarke barely paused in her casual perusal of the closest rack lined with dress options. "Hey, shush. She's the only one who could promise to have all four dresses done in three days. And her work is immaculate."
"And that's great, but she doesn't have to give me a pap smear and a smack on the ass to get that done."
"At least she didn't actually feel you up," Lexa interjected with a shiver at the memory of her turn in line. She double checked that no one was paying attention to her before lowering her voice and bringing her hands up to roughly cup the underside of her own breasts. "Tsk. You have metal on your boobs," she imitated the shopkeeper in a disappointed whisper, "This will be no good. You take those out day of, okay?"
"They're nice, though," she continued in the accent with another wave toward her breasts. "You should be proud. Not cross-eyed at all."
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southgatetravels · 3 months
Ditch the Tour Bus and Hit the Gas: Why You Need a Self-Drive Car Rental on Your Next Trip
Sick of being herded around like cattle on a tour bus? Public transport got you down? Yeah, we feel you. This time, ditch the whole schedule thing and take the wheel with a self-drive car rental. Trust us, it's gonna be epic.
Why You Should Be Cruising in Your Own Ride
Imagine blasting your own tunes, no tour guide droning on about stuff you can read on Wikipedia. Self-drive rentals are all about freedom – freedom to explore hidden beaches, stop for epic roadside eats (because who doesn't love a good gas station burrito?), and just make the trip your own adventure.
Bonus Perks: Self-Drive Rentals Save You Cash (and Sanity)
Let's be real, self-drive rentals can be a budget-friendly option, especially for small groups or fam. Skip the overpriced tours and taxis, and explore at your own pace. Plus, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of navigating a new city like a boss (with the help of Google Maps, of course).
Okay, I'm In. But What Do I Do?
Hold on there, cowboy (or cowgirl). Before you hit the gas, do a quick Google search about driving rules and road conditions wherever you're headed. Knowing where to park and what signs actually mean will save you a headache (and maybe a ticket).
Choosing Your Ride: Don't Just Go for the Shiny One
Think about where you're going. Tiny European streets? A zippy Fiat might be perfect. Planning a mountain adventure? An SUV with some muscle is your best bet. Don't be afraid to ask the rental company for recommendations – they've seen it all.
Pro Tip: Don't Forget the Grown-Up Stuff
Driver's license? Check. International driving permit (if needed)? Check. Passport? Check, check, check. Having the right documents will ensure a smooth pick-up and less stress for you.
Hit the Road and Embrace the Detour!
Planning is good, but don't be afraid to ditch the itinerary sometimes. That dusty side road might lead to a hidden waterfall, or that wrong turn could land you at the coolest local market. The beauty of self-drive adventures is the freedom to get lost (and find yourself) along the way.
So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, grab your crew (or hit the road solo!), and rent yourself a set of wheels. The open road awaits, and trust us, it's a much more fun ride when you're in the driver's seat.
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Rent High-Quality Drones with Ease from Easyleasy: Your Ultimate Guide
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Rent High-Quality Drone on rent from Easyleasy: Your Ultimate Guide Drones have revolutionized various industries, from photography and videography to agriculture and construction. Drone on rent is becoming increasingly popular due to its affordability and convenience. Easyleasy stands out as a premier provider, offering high-quality drones for all your needs. Easyleasy offers a diverse selection of drones, catering to different requirements and budgets. Whether you need a drone for professional photography, filmmaking, surveying, or recreational use, we have the perfect model for you. Our rental rates are designed to be affordable without compromising on quality. We provide flexible rental plans, ensuring you get the best value for your money. Our team of drone experts is always available to assist you. From selecting the right Drone on rent to providing technical support during your rental period, we ensure a seamless experience. Capture stunning aerial shots with our high-resolution camera drones. These drones are equipped with advanced features like 4K video recording, image stabilization, and intelligent flight modes. Our surveying drones come with specialized sensors and software for accurate data collection and mapping. They are ideal for construction, agriculture, and environmental monitoring projects. Enjoy flying with our easy-to-use recreational drones. These drones are perfect for beginners and hobbyists looking for an exciting way to explore the skies.
Browse our extensive catalog and select the Drone on rent that best suits your needs. Our website provides detailed specifications and customer reviews to help you make an informed decision. Choose a rental period that fits your schedule. We offer daily, weekly, and monthly rental options to provide flexibility. Fill out our simple online booking form with your details and preferred Drone on rent dates. Our team will confirm your booking and arrange for delivery or pickup. Once you receive your drone, you can start using it immediately. Our drones come with easy-to-follow instructions and pre-flight checklists to ensure a smooth experience. At the end of your rental period, return the drone as per the agreed terms. We offer convenient return options to make the process hassle-free. Renting a drone is much more affordable than purchasing one, especially if you only need it for a short-term project. It eliminates the need for a large upfront investment. With drone technology evolving rapidly, renting allows you to access the latest models and features without worrying about obsolescence. Renting offers the flexibility to choose different drones for different projects. You can experiment with various models and find the one that best suits your needs. Before each rental, our drones undergo a thorough inspection to ensure they are in perfect working condition. We also provide safety guidelines and tips to help you operate the drone safely. We ensure all our drones comply with local aviation regulations. Our team can guide you on obtaining necessary permits and understanding the legal requirements for drone operations in your area.
We offer optional insurance coverage to protect you against accidental damage or loss during the rental period. This gives you peace of mind while using the Drone on rent. Weather conditions can significantly impact drone performance. Check the weather forecast and avoid flying in extreme conditions like strong winds or heavy rain. Always follow safety guidelines to ensure a safe flying experience. This includes maintaining a clear line of sight with the drone and avoiding restricted areas. A real estate agent rented a drone from Easyleasy to capture aerial shots of a luxury property. The high-quality images and videos helped the agent showcase the property effectively, leading to a successful sale. A farming cooperative used our surveying drone to monitor crop health and identify areas needing attention. The accurate data collected helped optimize their farming practices and improve yield. A media company rented multiple drones for aerial coverage of a large outdoor event. The drones provided stunning footage, enhancing the event's media coverage and audience engagement. A construction firm used our drones for site monitoring and progress tracking. The real-time aerial views helped streamline project management and improve efficiency. Easyleasy is committed to providing the best drone rental experience in the industry. With our wide range of high-quality drones, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer support, we are your trusted partner for all your drone rental needs. Contact us today to learn more and start your drone rental journey with Easyleasy.
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mysgprop-cstee · 5 months
J'Den by Capitaland
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J'DEN 聚鼎
Formerly known as JCube, J'DEN is directly linked to the Jurong East MRT interchange station, Westgate, JEM and IMM Building via J-Walk – a covered elevated pedestrian network in the area. Additionally, the upcoming Jurong East Integrated Transport Hub will offer convenient access to an air-conditioned bus interchange, public library, community club, sports centre, and other commercial spaces. TOP SELLING PROJECT IN THE WEST 1BR +Study 624sf $1,748,000 - Last 1 2BR +S 818 sf $2,317,000 - Last 1 3BR 1141-1184sf from $2,965,000 - Last 7 3BR +S 1259sf from $3,062,000 - Last 3 4BR 1485sf from $3,371,000 - Last 23 The Future of Urban Living in Jurong East, Where Exceptional Becomes The Standard in J'DEN Residences ✔ Exclusive 368 Units of 1 to 4 Bedroom ✔ Direct Linked to to Jurong East MRT Station & Bus Interchange ✔ Prime District of 2nd CBD - Jurong Lake Garden  ✔ Short Drive to Jurong Lake Garden, Chinese Garden & Japanese Garden ✔ 10 minutes Walk to Lakeside & Chinese Garden MRT ✔ Near too many shopping malls e.g IMM, JEM, Westgate via J-Walk (a JEM, Westgate, IMM via J-Walk, covered elevated pedestrian network)  ✔ Schools within 1KM: Fuhua Primary School.  ✔ High Rental Demand From Jurong Innovation District, Buona Vista & One North etc.  https://youtu.be/jO83HCFOuM0 https://youtu.be/SblEmFIJQrY "The Future of Urban Living in Jurong East" Quick LinksThe Factsheet for J'den ResidencesUnique Selling Points What's Nearby? Drone Views (level 8, 24 and 40) Unit Mixes/ Diagrammatic Chart Floor Plan & Virtual Tours2BR + Study Virtual Tour 3BR Virtual Tour 4BR Virtual Tour Download Brochures Price Guide FAQsWhere is the showflat of J'DEN? When is the estimated completion for J'DEN? J'den is a 99-year new launch condominium at the site of the former JCube shopping mall. In February 2023, JCube's developer, CapitaLand announced that the mall will close on 6 August 2023 to make way for a new 40-storey residential development with commercial space on the first two storeys. This iconic high-rise residential tower boasts 368 units comprises of 1 to 4 Bedrooms. Expected to be completed in 2028, J'den will also be part of the upcoming Jurong Lake District (JLD). This iconic high-rise residential tower seamlessly integrated with commercial spaces, and Jurong East MRT station, ensuring effortless daily commutes for Singaporeans. Additionally, it's a short drive or a mere three MRT stops away from the thriving employment hub at Buona Vista and One-North. From 2027 onwards, Jurong East station will also have the Jurong Region Line (JRL). With three MRT lines, J'den's residents have convenient access to various parts of Singapore. In additional, J'den will be connected to the future Jurong East Integrated Transport Hub which will house an air-conditioned bus interchange, the Jurong Regional Library, a community club, a sports centre, offices and retail space.
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J’DEN 聚鼎 Shopping malls, amenities and eateries near J'den J'den's residents can enjoy a range of retail and F&B options in Jurong East. Major shopping malls like Westgate, Jem and IMM will be easily accessible via J-Walk, a covered and elevated pedestrian network. Some retail options to look forward to are IKEA, Don Don Donki and Muji. IMM is also home to 220 stores, including 100 outlet stores with discounts all year round. The development is also right beside a block of HDB flats with retail and F&B outlets on the first storey. For grocery shopping, residents can head to FairPrice Jurong Gateway Rd, FairPrice Xtra at Jem or Eccelente by HAO Mart at Westgate. The nearest wet market is Yuhua Village Market and Food Centre. For those participating in the primary school admission exercise, you don't have to worry as there are five primary schools in the vicinity of J'den. Yuhua Primary and Fuhua Primary are within 1km of J'den while Bukit View Primary, Jurong Primary and Princess Elizabeth Primary are within 2km of the development. A Vision for a Better Tomorrow The government's vision for Jurong East is nothing short of inspiring. Numerous initiatives are underway, including the development of the Jurong Lake District and Jurong Innovation District, along with key infrastructure projects like the Cross Island Line, Jurong Regional Line, and the Tuas Mega Port.
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Jurong Lake District
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Jurong East MRT Transformation Over the next 5 to 10 years, Jurong East is poised to undergo a massive transformation, offering residents an enhanced living experience, improved green spaces, and world-class amenities. Here are some of the developments that residents of J'Den condo can eagerly anticipate: - Jurong Lake District: The Second CBD - The Jurong Lake District is set to become Singapore's second Central Business District (CBD). This transformation will bring more residential and commercial properties, a new science center, and a stunning waterfront promenade right to your doorstep. - Improved Jurong East MRT - Jurong East MRT will see significant enhancements, including new pedestrian walkways and improved connectivity. Getting around the city will be more seamless than ever. - Enhanced Transport Network - The new Jurong Region Line MRT and the Cross Island Line (CRL) will expand the existing transport network, providing even greater connectivity and convenience for residents. - Jurong Innovation District (JID) - The development of a research, innovation, and enterprise hub in the Jurong Innovation District (JID) will foster collaboration and innovation alongside prestigious institutions, promising new opportunities and a vibrant community. - Revamped Green Spaces - Enjoy better access to green spaces as the Jurong Canal, Japanese Gardens, and Chinese Garden undergo revitalization, transforming into new leisure corridors for residents to explore and enjoy. - Expanded Sports Facilities - The Jurong East Sports Centre will be expanded to include a swimming pool, indoor sports hall, and other key recreational facilities, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle. These visionary developments are set to redefine Jurong East as a more livable, dynamic, and vibrant neighborhood. As a resident of J'Den condo, you'll have the privilege of being part of this transformative journey, experiencing unmatched convenience and a higher quality of life. Developed by the award-winning developer CapitaLand, J'Den Residences offers a state-of-the-art living experience. Cutting-edge technology, top-notch security, and meticulously designed interiors ensure residents enjoy the utmost comfort and luxury in their daily lives. In summary, J'Den Residences represents a new era of urban living in Jurong East, Singapore. With seamless connectivity, an abundance of amenities, proximity to employment hubs, and a focus on both nature and innovation, it promises a vibrant and enriching lifestyle for its residents. As we eagerly anticipate its completion in 2023, J'Den Residences is not just a redevelopment; it's a symbol of progress and a gateway to new possibilities in this thriving district. The Factsheet for J'den Residences TypeDescriptionsProject NameJ'den ResidencesDeveloper NameTanglin R.E. Holdings Pte Ltd Subsidiary of CapitaLand Development (Singapore)Location2 Jurong East Central 1, Singapore 609731 (District 22)Tenure of Land99 Years Leasehold from 30 Aug 2023Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)30th Nov 2028Site area7,771.2 sqm | 83,649 sq ftTotal No. of Units368 Residential Units in 40 Storeys 7 units of commercial in 2-storey commercial podium with an estimated GFA of 1,300m2Car Parks294 lots for residents in 3 Storey Basement Carpark Updated Fact Sheet for J'den Residences The Developer's Background
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CapitaLand, a prominent real estate powerhouse headquartered in Singapore, stands as a beacon of excellence in the industry. With a remarkable track record of delivering exceptional projects and a portfolio valued at over S$92 billion as of September 30, 2018, CapitaLand has firmly established itself as one of Asia's largest and most respected real estate companies. This conglomerate, spanning more than 160 cities across 30 countries, takes pride in its core markets of Singapore and China while actively expanding its footprint in dynamic regions such as Vietnam and Indonesia. CapitaLand's sterling reputation is anchored in its substantial asset base, extensive market network, and its proven expertise in design, development, and operational capabilities, enabling the creation and management of top-tier real estate products and services. Moreover, CapitaLand's commitment to excellence has earned it a slew of prestigious awards, further solidifying its status as an industry leader. The group boasts an impressive investment management portfolio in Asia and a roster of five renowned REITs listed in both Singapore and Malaysia: CapitaLand Mall Trust, CapitaLand Commercial Trust, Ascott Residence Trust, CapitaLand Retail China Trust, and CapitaLand Malaysia Mall Trust. Notably, CapitaLand excels in crafting quality homes tailored to meet the evolving needs of today's discerning consumers. With an illustrious portfolio of award-winning residential developments gracing the landscapes of Singapore, China, Vietnam, and Indonesia, CapitaLand is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, allowing residents to focus on what truly matters. In Singapore alone, CapitaLand has a remarkable total of 9 exceptional residential developments that have left an indelible mark on the real estate landscape.
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Capitaland Features Developments in Singapore, China and Vietnam Unique Selling Points - Prime Location, Ultimate Convenience: Enjoy unparalleled convenience at this superbly situated urban retreat. Just a brief 2-minute stroll away lies Westgate Mall, a bustling hub of shopping, dining, and entertainment. - Effortless Commuting: Whether you're an investor or a commuter, you'll appreciate the exceptional transport links. A mere 5-minute walk connects you to Jurong East MRT and the upcoming Jurong Interchange Station, ensuring seamless commutes and citywide accessibility. - Luxurious Living: Elevate your lifestyle with an array of upscale facilities, including a modern gym and a revitalizing swimming pool. This development caters to those who seek refinement and sophistication in their daily lives. - Top-Notch Education: Families can rest easy knowing that quality educational institutions are nearby, paving the way for a bright future for your children. - Innovative Modern Design: Experience innovative living with a diverse mix of 1-bedroom to 5-bedroom apartments, offering spacious layouts and cutting-edge design for modern living. - Embrace Nature: For nature enthusiasts, lush parks in close proximity make outdoor activities an integral part of daily life. - Future-Ready Investment: Secure an outstanding investment opportunity with potential growth in the thriving JDL (Jurong Digital Logistics) sector. Benefit from strong rental demand from both expatriates and locals, ensuring a steady rental income. - Developed by Capitaland: Invest with confidence, as this development is backed by a renowned developer committed to quality, sustainability, and excellence. - Accessible Healthcare: The well-planned community provides excellent access to healthcare services, offering peace of mind for you and your family. - Invest in Your Future: Beyond financial returns, investing in this urban retreat is an investment in your future. It's a chance to own a piece of a thriving community offering growth, convenience, and an exceptional lifestyle.
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Selling Points
Location Map
J'Den Residences enjoys a prime location directly adjacent to the Jurong East MRT Interchange, offering access to three MRT lines: the North East Line (NSL), East West Line (EWL), and the upcoming Jurong Regional Line (JRL). With the future Cross Island Line (CRL) also in the vicinity, residents will have unparalleled connectivity to various parts of the island. And if you're driving, quick access to major expressways like the PIE and AYE ensures easy commuting.
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J'Den Residences (Jcube) Jurong Location Map Retail and Dining Haven One of the standout features of J'Den Residences is its proximity to major shopping malls, including Westgate, Jem, and IMM, Singapore's largest outlet mall. Thanks to the innovative J-Walk elevated pedestrian network, residents can enjoy convenient access to a wide array of retail and dining options, including popular brands like IKEA, Don Don Donki, and Muji. Jurong Mega Transformation The government's vision for Jurong East is nothing short of inspiring. Numerous initiatives are underway, including the development of the Jurong Lake District and Jurong Innovation District, along with key infrastructure projects like the Cross Island Line, Jurong Regional Line, and the Tuas Mega Port.
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Nature's Tranquility Residents can also recharge and reconnect with easy access to nearby recreational facilities. Take a 4-minute drive to Japanese Garden or Chinese Garden for an evening walk, or explore Singapore’s latest favourite nature spot at Jurong Lake Gardens. Schools Nearby For parents with school going children, popular schools providing quality education such as Fu Hua Primary School, Yu Hua Primary School, Jurong Primary School, Bukit View Primary School, Crest Secondary School, Shuqun Secondary School, Jurong Secondary School & more are all within close proximity. What's Nearby? Location Map Nearby Amenities Trains (MRT) - JURONG EAST MRT EW24 NS1 JE5 220m Groceries/ Shopping - Jurong Entertainment Centre 10m - Westgate 300m Schools Fuhua Primary 580m Yuhua Primary 1.06 km Princess Elizabeth Primary 1.77 km  
Site Plan / Facilities
The site plan of J’den Condo has been thoughtfully designed to make the most of space while preserving a scenic environment that Singaporeans will appreciate. Capitaland, known for their dedication to creating high-quality properties with top-notch facilities, has poured their expertise into this development. Among the outstanding amenities are a refreshing swimming pool, a well-equipped gym, a community clubhouse, inviting BBQ pits, a playground for the kids, a tennis court, and a versatile function room. Safety and security are a top priority at J’den Condo, catering to the peace of mind that local residents value. The development is equipped with comprehensive security features, including 24/7 surveillance, CCTV cameras, access control systems, and intercoms. For those who own cars, a spacious and well-lit parking area is readily available. Additionally, J’den Condo embraces modern living with a smart home system, allowing residents to conveniently control lighting, temperature, and security from anywhere in their homes, a feature Singaporeans will find both practical and appealing.
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Facade Articulation
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Surrounding Building
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Site Plan (Level 3)
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Site Plan
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Site Plan Level 24 This resort styled development is definitely a tropical heaven on earth where you can escape from the pressures of daily life and relish in luxurious warmth every time you return to this dream home. Drone Views (level 8, 24 and 40)
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North View from 40th Floor Read the full article
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newcondosg · 5 months
Grand Dunman: Where Convenience Meets Luxury Living 🌟
Grand Dunman is a prestigious residential development by SingHaiyi, strategically located in District 14 - Geylang, Eunos.
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This promising project offers convenient mobility with its proximity to Dakota MRT station and an array of recreational facilities right at your doorstep.
5 Highlights of Grand Dunman
Prime Location: Situated just 150m from Dakota MRT station.
Spacious Living: Offering over 1000 residential units across various layouts.
Modern Amenities: Enjoy easy access to nearby schools, shopping centers, and dining options.
Connectivity: Well-linked to major roads and expressways like ECP and Mountbatten Road.
Breathtaking Views: Aerial drone views showcase the beauty of the surroundings.
Comprehensive Project Details
Land Plot: Sold in June 2022, boasting a site area of 25,234.3 m².
Development: Maximum permissible gross floor area of 88,321 m² for a luxurious living experience.
Completion Period: Estimated at 60 months from the commencement of the project.
Nearby Amenities
Schools: Chung Cheng High School (Main), Broadrick Secondary School, Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, Tanjong Katong Secondary School.
Recreational Facilities: Geylang Park Connector connecting to Marina Reservoir and Gardens by the Bay.
Investment Potential Analysis
Investment Potential Assessment:
The large size and diverse unit mix of Grand Dunman indicate a broad target market, including investors, small families, and owner-occupiers, which could sustain demand.
The land price during government land sales was $1,350 psf ppr, with a projected launch price of approximately $2,550 psf, making it competitive compared to nearby developments.
Its proximity to Dakota MRT station, the Circle Line, and established schools within a 2km radius adds a location premium to Grand Dunman, likely attracting demand and driving capital appreciation.
The area's strong rental market is supported by prime location, city fringe positioning, and connectivity to amenities, which could lead to healthy rental transactions.
Risks and Considerations:
Investors should be cautious about the 99-year leasehold nature of the property, as it may impact long-term value.
Market volatility, economic conditions, and future residential developments in the vicinity could potentially influence property values and rental demand.
Book Your Showflat Visit Today! Don't miss out on this exciting new condo offering unparalleled convenience and luxury living experience. Contact us now to schedule your visit to Grand Dunman and secure your dream home today! 🏡
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