#stock drone footage
dronesurfusa · 8 months
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Website: https://www.dronesurf.com/
East Coast HQ: 130 13th Ave, Indialantic, Florida 32903, United States
West Coast HQ: 1315 W 149th St, Gardena, California, 90247, United States
Dronesurf, based in Florida and California, specializes in high-quality drone aerial cinematography. They offer a range of services including drone rentals, stock footage, and custom projects. Their portfolio showcases diverse applications of drone technology in cinematography, highlighting their expertise in this field. Dronesurf is your go-to solution for professional aerial footage, delivering innovative perspectives for various projects.
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inneedofsupervision · 23 days
I didn't ask, did I? (Chapter 5)
Happy begrudgingly steps aside and walks after Tony into the diner. The billionaire skillfully ignores the gasps of surprise and the poor attempt to take pictures of him secretly as he strides straight up to the counter. "Two cheeseburgers and a large fry. To go." "Please get in line and wait for your turn, Sir." "Excuse me?" Tony slowly pulls his sunglasses down and glances at the skinny teen behind the register. "Bad hearing comes with age, huh?" mutters the teen under his breath.Happy makes a choking sound behind him.
Or, how Tony Stark gets sassed by some high schooler working part-time and makes it his mission to figure out what he did to make this kid he'd never seen hate him. If that means annoying the hell out of said high schooler, that's not his problem.
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4
Chapter Summary: Something unexpected happens while the team's at the Avengers Compound.
Read on Ao3.
"Anthony Edward Stark, what did you do?"
The man in question jumps as the door to the conference room bursts open, giving way to a furious-looking Pepper Potts. Tony pulls at his tie, loosening it with a roll of his eyes before turning around, face morphed into a wide apologetic smile.
"Pepper Virgina Potts, you cannot imagine how delighted I am to see you. Is that a new blouse? It looks magnificent."
"Something's wrong, Mrs Potts?"
Tony turns to glare at Steve, the latter raising a single eyebrow before gesturing for him to look at his fiancee. Tony's head reels back, facing Pepper. Her lips form a thin line, pressed together firmly as she tries to suppress most of her anger and keep a professional face.
"Ten bucks, Tony screwed the pooch," whispers Clint behind his hand with a snicker. Natasha's lips tug upwards at the corner. Tony turns with a glare, pointing a finger at the archer.
"Shut your mouth, Legolas. Mommy and Daddy are talking."
Clint grimaces at the comment but kicks his legs up the table. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans back to enjoy the show.
"Feet down, now."
Clint's boots are off the table in an instant.
Tony smirked at how quickly the archer cowered at his fiancee's words. One glance at Pepper makes him realize he did not have the privilege to laugh, as he's currently the main target of her wrath. The man quickly schools himself, setting up his best placating smile. "Darling, although incredibly smart, mind reading isn't on my list of traits, so tell me what I can do to get you to relax again."
Pepper crosses her arm over her chest, eyes narrowing.
"Don't you dare try to tell me to relax when you caused the press to run wild and SI stocks to go into an all-time-deep in a day, Tony!"
Sam whistles. "That's almost impressive. What did he do?"
Tony turns, glaring, pointing his finger at them. "The peanut gallery is closed for today. No clever comments coming from any of you, capiche?"
The rest of the team keeps quiet as they watch Pepper scolding the man whose shoulder sinks further as the strawberry-blond woman asks him if he has completely lost it.
"Pepper, darling. Please, whatever I've done, the PR Team can manage it," he tries, but Pepper is having none of it.
"You know what, tell me if they can," says the angered woman. She glances towards the ceiling. "Friday, if you would be so nice."
"Of course, Miss Potts."
The flatscreen at the wall turns on, all heads turning towards the live broadcast playing on the big screen.
"Is that the Tower?"
Steve leans his arms on the table, brows furrowed as he stares at the drone footage playing, showing a side of the well-known building, thoroughly covered in black and white paint.
"What even is that?" asks Sam, who tilts his head in confusion.
Tony's mind is blank. His building got used for some crazy idiots canvas to portray their juvenile act of rebellion or whatever that imitation of a zebra on crack is trying to be, and he finds out about it in the news.
His Tower.
Full of paint.
"Friday, volume up," he snaps, jaw clenching in anger.
The voice of the news anchor raises. Every person in the room has their eyes on the screen, where a camera zooms in on the large image of a quadrat filled with black and white rectangles that overtake most of the glass facade.
"A statement regarding the allegations is still pending from Stark Industries. The burden of proof will be challenging for the concern to sweep under the carpet; the video has already been shared over a million times and is spreading like wildfire on the Internet. It shows SI owner Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, in a dispute with a minor working part-time at a fast food store. The huge QR code painted on the Stark Tower with graffiti spray, which is scannable even from several miles away, regained the attention of the video a thousandfold."
The camera focuses on the reporter, who now takes out her cell phone and opens a QR-Scanner, demonstrating how the code causes a link to a video to pull up.
"How in the world did someone paint this on a building? Doesn't the lines have to be perfectly straight for a scan to work? That's honestly impressive. Hey, don't glare at me. You are the one who caused that if the lady on the TV is right," defends Sam himself when the billionaire throws him a bitter look. Before Tony can tell Sam to shut up, he gets shushed by Natasha, who watches with interest as the video begins to play.
"Good luck to your PR Team," comments Clint, grimacing in unease when Peter Parker's voice echos through the conference room, begging to keep his job.
"Tony, how could you do that to a kid?"
Tony is ready to throw his drink at Steve at the disappointment that drips from the man's voice while the blond's face shows a hint of anger.
"I got framed! This kid is pulling your leg. He's acting," Tony tells them as he points at the screen, but the image of him leaning over the counter of a specific fast food chain, holding onto the arm of an employee who begs him not to get fired, doesn't help much to convince his fellow teammates. Tony doesn't know if the news channel or the person uploading the video has pixeled the kid's face and laid a voice modulator over the sound of Parker's voice to keep his privacy. What he did know is that the caption under the video didn't help make him look less like a grade-A douchebag.
"Tony Stark getting high school employee fired from a part-time job. Damn, Stark. That's low even for you," states Sam, shaking his head.
Tony could tear his hair out in frustration.
"I told you, the kid's acting!"
Steve, who had stood up from his chair, puts a hand on his shoulder on his way out, having seen enough.
"Maybe you should stay out from the next few missions until it's settled."
Tony blinks at him in disbelief.
"You're kidding, right?"
Steve pats his shoulder.
"We all have bad days, Tony. But this isn't the way. Get this sorted out, and you're back on the team."
The others follow soon, walking out of the conference room and leaving Tony with a still frowning Pepper.
"Steve's right, Tony. You have to get this sorted out."
She gives him a last look before also walking out of the room.
Tony runs a hand over his face, a tired sight leaving him before telling Friday to turn off the TV. His knuckles are turning white with how hard he's balling his hands into fists as he stalks around the room, mind going miles a minute. A million and one questions are running through his head, questions he couldn't answer, and that drives him more mad than the fact his tower got turned into a memorial of his failure to keep his cool. Why didn't Friday notify him someone put a hand on the Tower? How did they paint the facade of an eighty-story tall building?
Even though there were many questions without an answer, Tony had a hunch about who was behind all of this. Who had to be behind this petty act of revenge?
On his way out, Tony checks his reflection in the glass door, pulling his tie straight.
"Friday, give me the kid's location."
It's time to go looking for Peter Parker.
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mariacallous · 8 months
If you ever had pastries at breakfast, drank soy milk, used soaps at home, or built yourself a nice flat-pack piece of furniture, you may have contributed to deforestation and climate change.
Every item has a price—but the cost isn’t felt only in our pockets. Hidden in that price is a complex chain of production, encompassing economic, social, and environmental relations that sustain livelihoods and, unfortunately, contribute to habitat destruction, deforestation, and the warming of our planet.
Approximately 4 billion hectares of forest around the world act as a carbon sink which, over the past two decades, has annually absorbed a net 7.6 billion metric tons of CO2. That’s the equivalent of 1.5 times the annual emissions of the US.
Conversely, a cleared forest becomes a carbon source. Many factors lead to forest clearing, but the root cause is economic. Farmers cut down the forest to expand their farms, support cattle grazing, harvest timber, mine minerals, and build infrastructure such as roads. Until that economic pressure goes away, the clearing may continue.
In 2024, however, we are going to see a big boost to global efforts to fight deforestation. New EU legislation will make it illegal to sell or export a range of commodities if they have been produced on deforested land. Sellers will need to identify exactly where their product originates, down to the geolocation of the plot. Penalties are harsh, including bans and fines of up to 4 percent of the offender's annual EU-wide turnover. As such, industry pushback has been strong, claiming that the costs are too high or the requirements are too onerous. Like many global frameworks, this initiative is being led by the EU, with other countries sure to follow, as the so-called Brussels Effect pressures ever more jurisdictions to adopt its methods.
The impact of these measures will only be as strong as the enforcement and, in 2024, we will see new ways of doing that digitally. At Farmerline (which I cofounded), for instance, we have been working on supply chain traceability for over a decade. We incentivize rule-following by making it beneficial.
When we digitize farmers and allow them and other stakeholders to track their products from soil to shelf, they also gain access to a suite of other products: the latest, most sustainable farming practices in their own language, access to flexible financing to fund climate-smart products such as drought-resistant seeds, solar irrigation systems and organic fertilizers, and the ability to earn more through international commodity markets.
Digitization helps build resilience and lasting wealth for the smallholders and helps save the environment. Another example is the World Economic Forum’s OneMap—an open-source privacy-preserving digital tool which helps governments use geospatial and farmer data to improve planning and decision making in agriculture and land. In India, the Data Empowerment Protection Architecture also provides a secure consent-based data-sharing framework to accelerate global financial inclusion.
In 2024 we will also see more food companies and food certification bodies leverage digital payment tools, like mobile money, to ensure farmers’ pay is not only direct and transparent, but also better if they comply with deforestation regulations.
The fight against deforestation will also be made easier by developments in hardware technology. New, lightweight drones from startups such as AirSeed can plant seeds, while further up, mini-satellites, such as those from Planet Labs, are taking millions of images per week, allowing governments and NGOs to track areas being deforested in near-real time. In Rwanda, researchers are using AI and the aerial footage captured by Planet Labs to calculate, monitor, and estimate the carbon stock of the entire country.
With these advances in software and hard-tech, in 2024, the global fight against deforestation will finally start to grow new shoots.
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corneelvf · 2 years
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I know Team StarKid used a lot of stock footage for the music videos for Nightmare Time, but I’ve rewatched Next Time a lot and I’m still not entirely convinced that the drone shot of ‘Man on Bike’ isn’t Brian Holden.
It probably is just stock video and I don’t think Brian or anyone on the team had access to a drone, but boy, does that guy look like Brian from a distance.
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patchesbeanie · 2 years
okay whatever i'm not over my haterisms so here are 10 critiques of the antarctica video in a random order
1. where is all the talk before about what they expect, what misconceptions they have
2. where is the moment when they first step into antarctica and how it feels
3. where are the penguins
4. no aerial shots with drones? why???
5. no regular scenery shots either
6. lack of narrative or dramatic arc. why couldn't they like set up a competition between the tents and then they have to do tasks and explore antarctica at the same time and winner can get like all of the beast's money or something?????
7. where are the fucking penguins. like even from far away
8. the fact that i had to listen to the beast's voice for twelve minutes is a huge critique of mine
9. you went to antarctica and all you did was dig a hole and climb a small mountain. like seriously did you actually enjoy yourself there
10. no fuckign penguins like not even fucking stock footage i'm so seeiosu
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byenycfm · 1 year
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"...All entries and exits to the city are closed. Please, shelter in place until further notice. If you or anyone in your household is showing abnormal behavior after exposure to others, quarantine is immediately recommended. Please, shelter in place, until further notice. There is no ground evacuation at this time. All entries and exits to the city are closed..."
On and on in a loop like that the broadcast had played on the local television and radio since the new stations went a few days into the outbreak. No new news, no footage from the outside, nothing. Even the nation news seemed very hush hush on the 'Dire situation' taking place in New York. Calling it an outbreak of an extremely contagious form of rabies. The power had held out, mostly, for two full weeks. A blessing for those trapped within the buildings all throughout the city. For those in the Wexley, hope had been mostly kept alive during that time by the helicopters seen in the distance, though they never seemed to get any closer than that.
Then, on a Friday morning, there was many. Military choppers lifting into the end of the skyline all around the edges of the city like a flock of birds taking off. Enough that Courtney, on the roof with her violin had noticed them. Watching in awed confusion, she did her best to wave her arms, to catch the attention of one that came nearest the building, only to realize that it wasn't full of survivors... but the military. Packed to the brim with uniformed soldiers. Instead of waving back... one of the armed men hanging out the open side, lifted his hand and gave a little two fingered salute instead.
Heart dropping into the pit of her stomach, Courtney turned and ran through the halls. 'They're leaving! They're abandoning us!' Voice shrill and words ringing out at the top of her lungs, refusing to stop as she bade people towards the windows and the roof. The sounds of choppers nearing the building along the streets reverberating in the air as if to solidify her screams. From the windows and most clearly from the roof, it was obvious when the medical and police helicopters joined the fleeing fray stocked not with citizens but their own people, that it was true.
They were being abandoned. Explosions lighting up the places around the city where the barricaded exits were... or had been.
A medical chopper,one of the last to bring up the rear of the pack, lurched strangely before shifting off kilter as the large crate beneath it shifted in it's straps. All at once it seemed to struggle to regain itself before plummeting to the streets below, several miles into the city from The Wexley with an echoing roar.
Moments later, in the silence that was left in the wake of the crash and the desertion of the other choppers, a single flare rose up into the sky, reflecting off the glass windows of the buildings surrounding it.
There had been survivors.
Below in the building, the situation was dire all on it's own as the main power cut. Halting the music in the diner, the drone of the looping alerts, and plunging the hallways into darkness until the emergency lighting above the exits kicked into place.
Leaving the residents, well and truly in the dark.
The Exodus event is starting today and will run until next Friday, September 29th, with the option to extend after that! Please halt all non-event threads, and remember to tag your starters with bnyevent as well as bnystarter!
There's a ton of excitement for those who choose to go out to try and rescue the survivor(s) and/or gather medical supplies from the downed chopper and it's crate, and for those left back at the Wexley to deal with the newly limited power and knowledge that help isn't coming.
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beansnpeets · 1 year
The lady that runs the stock car club's FB page asked me at the races last month if she could share my photos to their page when I post them. I told her yes. When I posted them I tagged the club. It's been 2 days and they haven't shared my post, but they have shared some other guy's drone footage of the races and someone else's dash cam footage in the last 12 hours. Feeling a little hurt about it 🥲
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mylokaye · 2 years
Capture Drone Stock Video like a Pro: 5 Tips for Recording the Best Drone Footage!
Capture Drone Stock Video like a Pro: 5 Tips for Recording the Best Drone Footage!
‍ Photo byhunterfoy onPixabay ‍ The rise of drone technology has transformed the way we capture video. Drone footage offers a unique perspective that is both dynamic and cinematic. As a result, drone stock video is becoming increasingly popular amongst filmmakers and photographers alike. Whether you’re a professional filmmaker or an amateur hobbyist, this blog article will provide you with five…
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discoknack-old · 1 year
Some film terminology, also some random terms.
2-shot: a type of shot in film encompassing two characters. A 3-shot is the same, but with three characters. But a one-shot is a film that is captured in just one take. A shot that encompasses one person is a single-shot.
A-roll and B-roll footage: A-roll footage is the primary footage, where the action and dialogue is. B-roll footage is the secondary footage: transitions, establishing location and mood, anything that happens 'in the past' with a narrator, stock footage, or discarded footage.
ADR: Automated Dialogue Replacement. The automated part means the section of movie to be dubbed over is looped on a computer, rather than traditional film, for the actor(s) to match.
Aerial Cinematography: Aircraft is used to film from up high. It includes helicopters, planes, and drones.
Afternoon: Wikipedia proposes several definitions. It's a stretch of time during which the sun appears to descend from zenith until around 5pm, or when the sun appears low in the sky, marking the beginning of evening.
Airball: this is a term in basketball where a player completely misses a shot, failing to hit the rim or backboard of the goal.
Aliasing: In an image, you'll see jagged edges and strange patterns. In a video, it's the same but flickering. Some may describe it as 'crunchy'. It has something to do with sampling rate.
Ambience: Also called background noise.
Anamorphic: This type of lens originated in traditional film when widescreen was introduced. It squashes the image horizontally to be stored on a non-widescreen film, and can be projected in widescreen later. This lens produces several classic cinematic effects, which is why it's also used with digital cameras. I'm struggling to understand the details but, among other things, the anamorphic lens produces a shallow depth of field, resulting in softer backgrounds and greater clarity of focus on the subject. It also produces lens flare, especially blue horizontal lens flare, and makes ovular or even rectangular balls of light (bokeh) instead of circular bokeh. And of course, a wider field of view.
Arc Shot: This is a form of camera movement, in an arc or circle around a subject. The article linked explains some purposes for it, such as showing themes of unity, or sharing character dizziness and freneticism with the audience.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
You’d figure if he really had the answer to great editing that they would be winning editing and cinematography awards but they’re not. They’re always nominated for simply being a duo. They have single camera usage with low quality sound because you can never hear when they type “listen”, weird unfinished cuts, grainy imagery at times, no drone footage, reused stock footage, loud score music, over the top jump scares, rushed scenes that seem misplaced. Nowhere in that will he get nominates for any award at any film festival. And for someone who claims to love editing because he has many times on snap, xplrclub, twitter, he sure struggles with it a lot almost as if he DOESNT know what hes doing. I like their content but his insistence in micromanaging aggravates me and reminds me of Shmelton Shmastee.
If he wants it to be an apprenticeship like you said, make that into a xplrclub contest win, get an exclusive one on one class on editing with Sam Golbach. Doing this to already professionals is such a slap in the face. And we thought the notes he showed on his snap story last time were bad but 20pgs!!! The apprentice caption worried me because usually apprenticeships aren’t paid or paid after a certain amount of hours. They’ve never said how much it pays, if its remote, if they provide benefits, if this is entry level or advanced yet he’s already dictating their work? Other creators do list everything out there, i’ve seen postings for some streamers and even youtubers on industry websites.
He better not try to sale this as another money grab because i see people in the fandom always convincing them to film and sale everything they touch and i can very easily see his ego get inflated by this.
something that i have always noticed, especially when snc are in a time crunch, is that's when they try to pull out all the stops and do something new with their editing. and it now makes so much more sense to me when i realize that all of the weird edits usually boil down to sam and his…. ideas lol
that's not to say that colby is some fantastic editor. god knows he has his fuck ups too.
either way, i think the thing that pisses me off most about all of this is just that both of their parts are crucial to the editing process, but sam is the one that bitches about it the most and makes it seem as if he is doing all of it at once. like his part is complicated, i have no doubt it is, but clearly if he is constantly running into the issue that a) he can't train someone to do what he does or b) it is taking so long to find an editor…. maybe the issue is him, and not the crazy genius work he is doing lol
and hilariously that you mention mr. L10 bc me and @xplrvibes were saying the same thing sksksk
and while i do keep saying that at this point they should just hire a fan to edit their content, i'm only really saying that out of convenience and not bc i think it would be the best idea out there. turning it into a contest might end up badly, and also using a fan could actually become a shit show bc you would have to make sure they are trustworthy enough to not leak anything or freak out at the mere amount of interactions they would have to have with snc. also god knows this fandom would throw some form of a hissy fit about a fan winning a chance to be their editor…. it would just be messy.
however, if there was a "fan" out there that had at least some background knowledge of after effects, then that might be their best bet. it would make more sense to hire someone that knows the program but isn't really an editor since clearly sam doesn't want someone that has their own style of editing and will just copy what he does.
and they probably hide all of the details away just so they can weed out the fans that probably applied for the sake of wanting to talk to snc or whatever weird bs. realistically, it would probably be remote, possibly entry level or a bit above (depending on how much prior experience they are looking for) and little to no benefits. maybe i'm wrong tho, so don't take my word for it lol
as for his 20 pages, i would pay a solid dollar to read whatever shit he wrote out. but highkey i don't think anyone in the fandom will ever see those 20 pages unless snc plan to hire them. but please, sage samuel, tell me of the ways to edit your finest spooky videos. i must know how you do it lmaooo
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amdcrew · 3 months
Adelaide Micro Drones: Australia's One-Stop Shop for Drones and Parts Online
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Adelaide Micro Drones, which offers excellent drone sales and services, has quickly become a reputable name in the drone market. They provide a wide choice of equipment to meet your demands, whether you're a hobbyist, enthusiast, or professional aerial photographer. They guarantee that you have all you need to keep your drone flying high with their extensive online collection of drones and drone parts in Australia.
Online drone purchases are available in Australia
Adelaide Micro Drones is the best place to go if you want to buy a drone online in Australia. They have a large selection of drones, from entry-level devices to highly skilled professional drones. To guarantee that every product satisfies the highest requirements of performance and quality, it is carefully chosen.
It's simple to browse through several models, compare features, and make an informed decision thanks to their user-friendly website. They have drones in stock for everyone, whether you're looking for them for aerial photography, leisure flights, or specific industrial uses. They offer thorough product descriptions, technical details, and user reviews to assist you in selecting the ideal drone.
They not only have affordable costs but also deliver top-notch customer support. Their friendly staff is always available to help with any questions, making sure your shopping experience is easy. When you choose Adelaide Micro Drones, you're investing in quality and dependability rather than just purchasing a drone.
Find Australia's Greatest Drones Online
It might be difficult to find the ideal drone parts online in Australia, but Adelaide Micro Drones makes the process simple and exciting. They provide a large selection of drones, from sophisticated devices for professional use to units that are ideal for beginners. Their web store is made to provide clients with a flawless buying experience, making it simple to locate what you're looking for.
Street League: Top-tier racing drones with exceptional speed, agility, and precision are available in the Street League category for drone racing enthusiasts. Because they are designed to perform well in competitive settings, enthusiasts love these drones.
Flight controllers: A drone's flight controller is its brain. Adelaide Micro Drones offers a range of flight controllers to suit various flying needs and styles. They offer the ideal controller to keep your drone operating well, regardless of how complicated or how simple your setup has to be.
Motors: Your drone's performance and lifespan depend on its high-quality motors. They offer a variety of motors to guarantee the dependable and effective operation of your drone. You'll find everything you need, from sturdy alternatives to aerial photography to fast racing motors.
Cameras: Choose from a variety of drone cameras to capture breathtaking aerial footage. They provide high-resolution cameras that are ideal for professional cinematography, photography, and videography. Their cameras work with a variety of drone models, so you can be sure to obtain the greatest aerial photos.
VTX (Video Transmitters): Adelaide Micro Drones provides a selection of VTX alternatives for anyone seeking real-time video transmission. These transmitters are perfect for both home and business use since they provide steady and clear video transmissions.
Props: Often known as propellers, they are essential to your drone's operation. They offer a large selection of props made for various drones and flying environments. You can select the ideal set of props for your needs, ranging from sturdy ones for racing to high-efficiency ones for longer flight hours.
Frames: Your drone's frame has a significant impact on both its overall durability and performance. They provide strong, lightweight frames that are ideal for novices and expert pilots alike. Their frames are made to operate at their best in demanding circumstances.
Summing Up
Adelaide Micro Drones is the best place to go if you're looking to buy a drone online in Australia or need particular drone parts online. They are the greatest option for all of your drone demands because of their extensive product line and knowledgeable customer service. Please take a look at what they have to offer and expand your avian experience!
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devkavya · 4 months
Elevate Your Social Media Presence with Luxury Lifestyle Viral Videos PLR
Standing out in the crowded social media landscape can be tough. But what if you could leverage the allure of luxury lifestyles to capture attention and engage your audience? That's exactly what the Luxury Lifestyle Viral Videos PLR (Private Label Rights) has helped me achieve. Here's why I highly recommend this downloadable product:
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Premium Content at Your Fingertips: A Library of Stunning Videos
The Luxury Lifestyle Viral Videos PLR provides a treasure trove of high-quality video clips. These aren't your average stock footage videos. We're talking sleek cars cruising down scenic highways, breathtaking drone shots of sprawling mansions, and captivating close-ups of exquisite jewelry.
The variety of clips ensures you can find the perfect visuals to match your brand and target audience. Whether you're promoting travel experiences, high-end fashion, or exclusive products, these videos will add a touch of luxury and sophistication to your social media content.
Effortless Customization: Tailoring Videos to Your Brand
The beauty of PLR is the customization it allows. The Luxury Lifestyle Viral Videos come with a commercial license, meaning you can edit them freely and brand them as your own. You can add your logo, intro/outro sequences, and even text overlays to personalize the videos and align them with your specific message.
This flexibility is a game-changer. It allows me to create unique and engaging content without needing to invest in expensive video production. With a few tweaks, I can transform these stock clips into social media posts that resonate with my audience and reflect my brand identity.
Boosting Engagement: The Power of Aspiration
Let's face it, aspirational content is a powerful tool for engagement. The Luxury Lifestyle Viral Videos tap into that desire for a luxurious lifestyle. By showcasing beautiful locations, high-end products, and experiences most people only dream of, these videos naturally capture attention and spark curiosity.
This increased engagement translates into more likes, comments, and shares. It also helps establish you as an authority in a particular niche, whether it's luxury travel, fashion, or a specific high-end product category.
Time-Saving Solution: Focus on Content Strategy
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This time-saving aspect has been invaluable. It allows me to consistently produce high-quality video content without getting bogged down in the technicalities of filming and editing.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
"In the predawn hours of 6 June 2023, a pair of explosions rocked the Kakhovka Dam, a 3-kilometer-long hydropower facility on the Dnipro River in southern Ukraine. Waking up that morning to the unfolding catastrophe, “I couldn’t believe it,” recalls Volodymyr Osadchyi, director of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UHMI). “I thought it had to be fake news.” But footage captured by a Ukrainian military drone showed water from one of Europe’s largest reservoirs gushing through a gaping breach in the dam.
Over the next 4 days, 18 cubic kilometers of water surged downstream, inundating more than 620 square kilometers and affecting 80 settlements. Scores of people died, and many more are unaccounted for. Up to 1 million people lost access to drinking water. In October, the Ukrainian government pegged the cost of the disaster, which it blames on Russia, at roughly $14 billion. Nearly half that figure— $6.4 billion—is an estimate of lost ecosystem services due to chemical pollution and habitat destruction along the Dnipro, one of Europe’s largest rivers.
Assessing environmental harm in the midst of a war in which the Dnipro itself delineates more than 300 kilometers of the front line is not easy. But Osadchyi and other Ukrainian researchers have been sobered by what they’ve found so far. The toll includes heavy damage to a unique sturgeon breeding facility, flooding of nature reserves and agricultural land, and a death blow to countless organisms adapted to brackish estuaries near the confluence of the Dnipro and the Black Sea. Billions of mussels are rotting on the former reservoir’s desiccated lakebed. And the Kakhovka’s destruction has added a new wrinkle to a puzzle that arose earlier in the war: the unexplained deaths of dolphins and porpoises in the Black Sea off Ukraine’s southern coast.
Such ecological miseries pale in comparison with the atrocities Russian forces have committed against Ukrainians during a nearly 2-year war that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. But when the long and grinding war finally ends, Ukrainians will confront environmental damage that extends well beyond the Dnipro to widespread chemical contamination of agricultural fields and forests from shelling, the wanton destruction of protected areas, and the laying of innumerable mines that experts say will take decades to clear.
“The environmental cost of the war has been immense,” says Sergei Mosyakin, director of the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, part of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NAS). “The ecocide that Russia has inflicted on our country will be studied for generations to come.”
Yet as in all wars, nature has found places to thrive when humans are displaced. For instance, because it has been too dangerous to fish in much of the Black Sea, fish stocks are thought to be rebounding. With hunting banned in a wintering ground for migratory birds on the southern steppe, near the Black Sea coast, “the situation for many populations of birds is so much better now,” says Vasiliy Kostiushyn, an ornithologist at the I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology (IZAN), also part of NAS.
The ecological legacy of the Kakhovka disaster is similarly nuanced, as new habitats emerge on terrain scoured by floodwater and in the former reservoir’s driedout lakebed. The Ukrainian government has vowed to rebuild the dam after the war. But some experts hope it will change its mind and allow a natural recovery—and perhaps even accelerate efforts to rewild parts of the lower Dnipro Basin.
“Kakhovka is a tragedy,” says marine ecologist Galyna Minicheva, director of NAS’s Institute of Marine Biology (IMB). “But it is also a huge and unprecedented natural experiment.”" - Richard Stone, "Laid to waste: Ukrainian scientists are tallying the grave environmental consequences of the Kakhovka Dam disaster," Science. Vol 383, Issue 6678. January 4, 2024.
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bigsmokestudios · 5 months
Elevate Your Projects with Cinematic Drone Stock Footage from BigSmokeSt...
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Defenders of Ukraine Started Using Landmines as Hand Grenades - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/defenders-of-ukraine-started-using-landmines-as-hand-grenades-technology-org/
Defenders of Ukraine Started Using Landmines as Hand Grenades - Technology Org
Clearing of enemy dug-in positions usually consists of artillery barrage, throwing grenades into dugouts and slowly moving through the maze of trenches. It is brutal stuff, but something people at war have to do to take enemy positions. Interestingly, in a new video you can see how the defenders of Ukraine use landmines in their trench-clearing operations.
Soviet anti-tank landmine TM-62 is a very common weapon, but is rarely used as a hand grenade. Image credit: RG72 via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Landmines are meant to slow down enemy advances. They are placed in the ground as a form of a trap. However, the war forces people to be creative. For example, the TM-62 is a very common weapon. It is a Soviet anti-tank landmine, featuring the classic pancake shape.
The warehouses of many former Soviet countries are full of these mines, because they were once extremely common, made in huge numbers. And Ukraine, of course, has many of the TM-62 landmines in stock, which they use in a variety of ways. Sometimes they put them in the ground in places where they want to stop the advancement of Russian forces, sometimes they use them as hand grenades, apparently.
To be fair, while Ukraine is very short on ammunition, it probably isn’t short on hand grenades. Missiles and, of course, artillery shells are something the defenders of Ukraine are lacking the most. However, simple regular hand grenades are sometimes just too weak.
An interesting video appeared on the Internet, which shows how Ukraine’s 81st brigade destroyed Russian positions near Bilohorivka in the Luhansk region. Simple, fast and methodical operation is carried out in the middle of the day. The defenders of Ukraine reported that the operation didn’t cost them any casualties. It is interesting that Russian dugouts were destroyed not only by regular hand grenades, but also by modified TM-62 anti-tank mines.
Footage showing Ukrainian servicemen clearing trenches and dugouts using anti-tank TM-62 mines.
Operation of 81st Brigade near Bilohorivka. Source: https://t.co/JPDNIm6FC6
According to the uploader, the positions were taken without losses, one enemy was found dead, two managed… pic.twitter.com/yr05dBhLxI
— WarTranslated (Dmitri) (@wartranslated) March 19, 2024
TM-62 landmines were modified for this purpose – they received a long fuse that can be ignited with a simple lighter. The soldier simply lights a fuse and throws the landmine at the Russian positions. A few seconds later, a powerful explosion is heard and the dirt starts raining down on the soldiers’ heads.
The TM-62 anti-tank landmine weighs 9.5 kg and 7.5 kg is the explosive material. By comparison, one hand grenade can contain as little as 60 grams of explosive material. That is why transformed into a bomb TM-62 blows up the entire dugout. It essentially replaces 10 hand grenades.
By the way, larger Ukrainian drones often throw anti-tank mines on the heads of the Russian soldiers as a kind of aerial bomb. Thus, the TM-62 is used not only as a conventional anti-tank landmine, but also as a hand grenade and as a bomb dropped by a drone. Quite many use cases for something that was made just as a simple anti-tank mine.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: WarTranslated (Dmitri) Twitter, Wikipedia
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thedreamedpath · 7 months
I was talking abt it with izzy and i think their movie tastes r like this:
Dante: likes extremely informative, trashy docs. Not like Wiseman or any art films, like actual trash that's mostly C tier celebrities narrating over drone stock footage. The only narrative films he likes are legal dramas with stern lawyers who are really good at their jobs. He gets mad at plot holes and characters who do things he wouldn't do.
Seven: The obvious answer here is that she likes a lot of TnA, and she does, but I think she doesn't really put that much effort into finding the kind of stuff that has a lot of tits in it. I think she has an endless stream of straight-to-netflix horror movies on her laptop in the background while she plays youtube videos on her phone and does seven different tasks. She's somehow seen every horror movie that's been released in the past 5 years and she has no opinion on any of them other than "yeah it was cool"
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