#cinematic drone shots
dronesurfusa · 8 months
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sixtynineinchnails · 7 months
fantasy movie/show but instead of the usual orchestral score it’s all 80s goth music
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kitwilsonsass · 18 hours
like why are we making bad blood of all events some cinematic wrestlemania goes hollywood shit with all these promos
it's bad blood
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galedekarios · 6 days
gale's evil ending: devnotes
this post will take a closer look at the devnotes for gale's evil ending. they aren't that revealing, most of it is exactly what is shown in the cinematic that goes along with it, but they do have some interesting tidbits.
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Avatar Gale has delcared his intention to destroy all gods. Using the token of Mystra he still has (her earring) he casts a spell upon the city of Baldur's Gate, 'awakening' them and inciting them to rid the city of religious worship. He opens a rift to the heavens and sets off to destroy the rest of the pantheon with his army of nautiloids in tow.
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dialogue + devnotes
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Narrator: *They bow before you, prayers and pleas mingling into a single, submissive drone. But you are not here to yoke them - you come to set them free.* devnote: Gale turns his back on the awestruck, kneeling crowd and spreads his arms wide, dark energy crackling around him as he begins to float upwards. Narrator: *The Absolute lies broken at your feet. The first god to fall - but not, perhaps, the last.* devnote: Short from behind Gale's back, upwards at the heavens. With a gesture, Gale splits the dark skies, opening a rift through which brilliant, otherworldly light spills. [TagCinematic]  devnote: As Gale ascends, he lifts a hand to his head. CLOSE UP as, almost idly, he carresses the earring gifted to him by Mystra - then unclasps it, allowing it to fall behind him as he rises with a fleet of nautiloids lining the way before him. [TagCinematic]  devnote: CLOSE-UP as we stay with the earring, tracing its path downwards as it begins to break up, fragmenting into streamers of blue Mystran magic. Almost gently, they descend upon the watching crowds. As the spell settles on them, they rise to their feet, and begin to riot. The streets roil with anarchy as the enraged mob tears down the tokens of the old religions - statues, clerics, and temples. [TagCinematic]  devnote: A single magial streamer (spelling?) settles on a statue of Mystra, facing gazing upwards, and runs down her cheek like a single tear - before the statue is torn down and broken upon the cobbles. Narrator: *The heavens are waiting. And you have work to do.* devnote: Final shot of the wide split in the heaves, a fleet of nautiloids preparing to pass through.
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i found the devnotes interesting in so far as they confirm a few things i had been wondering:
the earring was indeed a gift from mystra to her newest chosen (it was touched on in an item description in idle champions as well, but i wasn't sure how trustworthy that information was)
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The Chosen's Earring A symbol of Mystra's faith in me. Former faith, I suppose...
2. the earring was likely, in addition to being a symbol bestowed upon him by mystra, gale's spellcasting focus:
An arcane focus is a special item designed to channel the power of arcane spells. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an item as a spellcasting focus.
they used to be relegated to being a hand-held object like a wand, staff, orb, or something of that nature, but the rules have been a bit more lax now and we do know that larian bends the lore (and sometimes breaks it) in bg3 as well. a chosen should not need one either, then again mystra did withdraw her favour.
either way, it makes sense why he would discard it in his evil ending, both as a statement for his newest goal (destroying the entire pantheon), as well as him no longer being in need of such a token, now instead using it and the magic it's imbued with to incite the people of baldur's gate to rally against the "old" gods.
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dr-spectre · 3 months
Splatoon Fighting Game Ideas.
Y'all, hear me out on this.... I've had this idea for a while now...
A Splatoon fighting game based on the gameplay style of Marvel vs Capcom and other team based fighting games.... You swap between three characters and the roster includes the Idols, Agents, some of the villains and other characters. And there's a special meter with 3 levels and cinematic hyper combos inspired by Final Smashes from Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Like if Nintendo wants to expand the Splatoon franchise, they need to make spin offs dude and a fighting game would be incredible, that's all I'm saying. And you know what? I'm gonna go over the roster and talk what i would do if i was in charge in making a Splatoon fighting game and you can't stop me!!!!!!! If you don't get the fighting game terms that will be in this post then look them up. I also won't go into SUPER DUPER detail and just go over general things i would do.
Also also, i haven't played every single fighting game in existence and I'm just basing it off of the games I've played (Street Fighter, Capcom vs series, Smash Bros for reference.) Without further ado, let's get into it.
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I can imagine Callie's playstyle to be a powerhouse, someone who gets up close and just deals a ton of damage. but she has exploitable weaknesses like slow moves that have a lot of recovery time. She uses a themed Dynamo Roller based on her and can do air combos mixed in with Splat Bombs. Some of her moves also take inspiration from her dance moves found in her Amiibo performances and Bomb Rush Blush remix in Splatoon 2. Callie is a chaotic fighter who is unpredictable and moves pretty damn fast. Her max hyper combo could be her spamming every bomb from every game in the series at the opponent as Bomb Rush Blush plays. She then rushes to the opponent and swings her roller around at insane speeds, it then ends with her slamming the roller into the opponent like a baseball bat, sending them flying into the horizon and she does her "Stay Fresh!" pose to finish it off. Her main taunt is her facing the camera, doing her iconic pose and then giggling while her covering her mouth.
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Marie could be a zoner that uses her Hero Charger and her parasol when doing close courters attack. Heck it could be her shield too. I would imagine her combos to be very hard to pull off as her shots are slow and you need to time the attacks just right so that you can keep your opponent in the air and deal as much damage as you can. Her max hyper combo could be running you over with the Sheldon truck that appears in Splatoon 2 to start the combo, then she gets onto the truck and snipes you with a barrage of shots until finally jumping off the truck with Sheldon. And then the truck collides with you and explodes in a giant green explosion. Her main taunt is her facing the screen, giving a thumbs down while blowing a raspberry. She then chuckles while doing her classic grin.
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Pearl could be a rushdown like character where she is incredibly fast with her themed dualies and is just a general pain to deal with. She can also turn into her drone form when in the air to slow down her descent and trick opponents up. Imagine how fun it would be to play as her and just dash around and be an annoying little shit. Her max hyper combo would be of course her Princess Cannon, she slams it down on the ground and if you get hit, you'll be trapped in the combo and Pearl will scream her lungs off like she did in Octo Expansion and Side Order. Her main taunt is her pulling out a megaphone and screaming at the screen.
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Marina is a character who's all about machinery and hacking and i think she would fit the trapper archetype pretty well. While she wields a Splat Brella to deal close range damage, she mainly uses traps like ink mines, sprinklers, and machinery to get enemies and string together combos. She is a very hard character to master, but those who love the trapper archetype will LOVE playing her and find her incredibly fun. Maybe you can trap an opponent with Marina and then bring in Pearl to deal some quick damage. Her max hyper combo could be transforming into her Order outfit and floating in the air while holding her keytar. She locks onto you and then fires off a barrage of ink blobs, Super Chumps and her Hyperbombs while jamming out. The combo ends in a giant teal explosion and Marina returning to her normal self, awkwardly laughing off the chaos she just caused. Her main taunt is her giving an embarrassed smile and wave at the screen.
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Shiver would be a footsies/brawler type character and be good on the ground and moving around, however she doesn't have a good air game and crumbles in the air. She uses a modified version of her sensu fan that she uses in Splatfests to poke at enemies and slash at them like a blade. She also uses a Tri-Stringer to do anti air attacks to stop opponents from attempting an air attack on her. Shiver is all about reading opponents and punishing them for messing up. Her max hyper combo would be her doing a small performance like what she does in Splatfests which causes Fizzbangs to spawn around the opponent and do damage. Shiver then quickly becomes more wild eyed and summons Master Mega. She rides on him and collides with the enemy which causes a massive explosion. Shiver jumps away at the last possible second and stumbles into a backflip because she's both a girlboss and girlfailure. Her main taunt is her arching her back and laughing like a maniac before quickly snapping back and gaining back her composure.
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Frye would 100% be a glass cannon, someone who's amazing at damage but crumbles when getting hit. She uses a themed Splatana Stamper to whack enemies and it has pretty decent range for a sword. However it has a mechanic where it deals less damage if you hit opponents with the base of the Splatana, so you must be precise and hit opponents with the tip to deal the most amount of damage. Her max hyper combo is her calling her eels with her flute. Frye starts spinning around which creates a huge tornado of eels. The tornado flies at the opponent and sucks them into a barrage of eels, the tornado subsides and Frye looks down at the fallen opponent and laughs while striking a pose. Her main taunt is her sitting on the ground cross legged and looking very annoyed. This taunt lasts forever until Frye gets hit or you press a button.
Big Man
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Big Man would be the grappler archetype where he must get up close to his opponent and use command grabs and other moves to deal damage. He can also throw out Splat Bombs and bellyflop in the air. His max hyper combo is him covering himself in ink and spawning copies of himself, the copies surround the opponent in a circle and all charge towards them. It ends with Big Man jumping onto the clones until he reaches the top, and then he does a giant bellyflop onto the opponent which causes a huge wave of ink. His main taunt is him facing the screen and jumping up and down to get your attention.
DJ Octavio
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DJ Octavio would be a heavyweight and have incredible damage and decent speed, but his hitbox would be massive and he's easy to combo. However his mech is shrunken down from it's Splatoon 1 size for balancing reasons of course. Octavio would use a mix of his retractable fists, Octorpedos and send out Octotroopers of different variety that run on the ground. If you have played Marvel vs Capcom and played as the characters Sentinel and Tron Bonne then he's pretty similar to them. His max hyper combo is him sucking up the Great Zapfish into his mech which engulfs it in a huge electric glow. Several more retractable arms made out of electricity appear from the back of his mech and charge up. They attack the opponent in the melody of the Onward! jingle, with the last punch creating a giant electric blast, causing Octavio to laugh manically. The opponent flies into the air and the fists all gather in front of the mech to charge up a giant killer wail, blasting the opponent away. His main taunt would be him dancing to his theme song. He does some DJ hand poses with his mech arms alongside this.
Mr. Grizz
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Mr. Grizz is both a heavyweight and zoner, using his claws to send out waves of purple ink. He can also summon Fuzzy Octohoppers and Octocopters to throw out bombs and splashes of ink. His regular close courter attacks are slow but they deal a fair amount of damage too. He can even teleport away by sinking into the floor and reappearing on the other side of the enemy. His max hyper combo would be him standing above the opponent and laughing as he carries the rocket seen at the end of Splatoon 3 ROTM. He throws it down at the opponent and it explodes, causing a giant fluffy explosion that's seen from outer space. His main taunt is him playing around with some glass vials containing the fuzzy ooze.
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Overlorder would be a glass cannon character but they would need to be obviously shrunken down because well... they are fucking massive. They would play sort of like Venom in the Marvel vs Capcom games where they use black ink and tentacles to send enemies into the air and do devastating damage. It can even send out Reefsliders as powerful air launchers. Their max hyper combo would be them Grayscaling and glitching out everything, Overlorder then grabs the enemy and drags them across on the floor. They are then trapped in a Jelleton portal and spiraled upwards. The portal then explodes with glitchy effects, Overlorder then says "grayscaling completed..." Their main taunt is them facing the screen and glitching it out for a brief period to scare players.
Captain 3
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Captain 3 would be an all arounder and perfect for beginners, they don't have any real obvious strengths and weaknesses but they can get the job done in a lot of areas fairly decently. They would obviously wield their Hero Shot and pack some Autobombs for range. They also use a Hero Slosher, Roller and Blaster for specific moves and combos. Their max hyper combo would them standing on the UFO that appears in the Inner Agent 3 battle and they stare down at you. They dive down and do a Splashdown, launching the opponent into the air, they use the Bubble Blower special and causally chuck a Splat Bomb when the opponent lands on the ground. The opponent is sent crashing into a wall from the huge blast and is completely stunned, then Captain 3 stares them down and picks up the treasure they used in Splatoon 3 ROTM and cracks a small smile. They tear up the opponent and it cuts to white. Their main taunt is them facing the camera and doing the hand movements they do when posing with the Squid Sisters. A little booyah appears at the top of their head too.
Agent 4
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Agent 4 is a clone of Captain 3, but focuses more on being aggressive and their moves have a Splatoon 2 theme to them. So instead of Splatoon 1 Hero Mode weapons, it's Splatoon 2's. Agent 4 is like Ken and Captain 3 is Ryu if you understand what I'm trying to say. Their max hyper combo would be them grabbing a Rainmaker and charging towards the opponent, they fire off 4 Rainmaker shots that send the opponent flying into the air. Agent 4 leaps up high and then SLAMS the rainmaker onto the enemy, smashing them to the ground which causes a huge explosion. Their main taunt is them pulling out a mini zapfish plush and snuggling it for a second and then putting it back.
Agent 8
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Agent 8 is vastly different compared to Captain 3 and Agent 4 and focuses more on defense and mobility. They have a lot of tricks up their sleeve when it comes to weaponry and main the Octo Brush for most of their moves. They also wield an Octo Shot and E-Liter 4K for range. Agent 8 is a nimble fighter and highly technical which gives them a noticeable skill gap compared to the other agents. Their max hyper combo is them clasping their hands together and closing their eyes. Color chips circle them and Agent 8 floats into the air. The chips go inside them Super Sonic style and Agent 8 is engulfed in a rainbow aura. Agent 8 pulls out their Octo Shot, dash down to the opponent and uppercut them. They swarm the airborne opponent and do rapid fire shots with the Octo Shot. Just before the opponent reaches the ground, Agent 8 spins around and SMACKS them with the Octo Brush, sending them flying into the sky. A giant 8 firework appears in the sky and Agent 8 takes a selfie. Their main taunt is them taking a picture at the screen and giving a thumbs up.
Neo Agent 3
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Neo Agent 3 would be the most interesting out of the agents as they would be the puppet archetype with Smallfry being the puppet. During certain combos or inputting a certain command, Smallfry will be sent out and will copy some of your moves. If Neo Agent 3 does a series of punches and kicks for example, Smallfry will move their body in the air like they are a flying blade. (Think of Rosalina and Luma in Smash Bros.) Heck in some moves Neo Agent 3 will chuck Smallfry at enemies and it'll latch onto them and deal damage over time for a little while. Their max hyper combo would them being in space and holding out Smallfry in their hands. They crack a smile and Smallfry floats into the air, they glow a bright blue and transform into Hugefry. It then shoots itself towards the opponent while dragging a tsunami, the opponent is sent flying into space from the force of the wave from Hugefry. Their main taunt is them pulling out an ink bag and drinking it. They wipe their face and pat their belly after they guzzle down the ink.
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Harmony is a trapper character just like Marina where she has different gadgets to trick up opponents, she's also sort of a joke character as her moves are more comedic and is a character to use if you wanna mess around and have some fun. She can use her Ultra Hand to grab enemies from afar and reel them in for a command grab. She uses a Wii Remote and Nunchuk for air attacks, a GameCube console as a weapon because it has a handle on it, an N64 controller as a boomerang attack and she even chucks Game Boys at opponents that go in an arc. Her max hyper combo is her getting the band Chirpy Chips, going on stage and jamming out to a random song made by them. Sound waves and notes collide with the opponent, dealing damage. The sound waves and energy form into a giant Game Boy and the giant console collapses onto the opponent (think of that one Donkey Kong Land commercial. You know the one.) Her main taunt would be her sitting on the floor and playing with an Ultra Hand like how she does in Hotlantis. There's even a rare chance for her to play with a Game Boy instead.
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Figuring out a moveset for Acht was surprisingly difficult but i have thought of some ideas for them. Acht would be a martial artist and be the most standard character out of the roster. They don't wield any weapons but can do lots of different punches and rapid fire kicks that have ink effects to them to spice it up. They can also throw out vinyl records at opponents which act as air launchers. Their max hyper combo is them getting on stage and playing around with some turntables. They increase the volume and Acht gets covered in a blue and red aura. Acht leaps over the turntables and strikes through the opponent multiple times like a ricocheting bullet. Acht flies into the air and their right hand is covered in a blood red aura. They slam into the ground and punch the opponent with a ton of force. Their main taunt is them listening to music on their headphones and moving along with the music. Depending on the stage music, their head movements will match the speed of the song.
Stage Ideas
Inkopolis Plaza (day and night variants, if Callie or Marie aren't selected, they'll perform behind you on their trucks)
Inkopolis Square (day and nights variants, same thing with Pearl Marina)
Splatsville (day and night variants, Deep Cut will perform if they aren't picked)
Urchin Underpass
Moray Towers
Starfish Mainstage
Goby Arena
Marlin Airport
Undertow Spillway
Octo Valley
Enter the Octobot King!
Octo Canyon
The Crater
Alterna - Future Utopia Island
Ruins of Ark Polaris
Lost Outpost
Bonerattle Arena
Shifty Station (general Shifty Station area that combines different aspects of all of them)
MC. Princess Diaries (NILS Statue is in the background along with Commander Tartar as a cameo)
Floor 30 (Overlorder will be in the background watching the fight if not selected)
I also wanna quickly add that each fighter would have plenty of alt outfits too and some have different animations and effects.
Some examples are, Callie in her Octo outfit, Marie in her Alterna outfit, Pearl in her big ol' space jacket she has in Side Order, Marina in her Octo Expansion clothes, Shiver in her Splatoween attire, Frye wearing a school uniform, Big Man wearing his Ian BGM disguise, DJ Octavio in his Octobot King L3.Gs mech, Mr. Grizz with a wooden texture, Overlorder but a white color pallet that references Smollusk, Agent 4 with their Parallel Canon design, etc. Maybe some of the characters could also get looks from their concept art too.
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So that is it for my Splatoon fighting game ideas! If you have any ideas of your own like a moveset for Commander Tartar because jesus christ how the HELL do you make a moveset for a literal telephone, then let me know!
I'm curious to see what you guys think and what some of your own ideas are!
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itsawritblr · 5 months
The best "Persuasion" ever!
Someone uploaded the entire movie!!
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This adaptations is AMAZING! The script perfectly captures the novel! The actors perfectly capture the characters! The period costumes, hair, setting, all fantastic and accurate! The characters act as they would have in that period, with the customs and courtesies their society would have expected, instead of modern characters dropped idiosyncratically into 1815.
This was shortly after new cinematic technology allowed scenes to be filmed in only candlelight, so we get to see how it would have looked then. The quiet pace is how the period would have felt; no quick cuts and ridiculous drone shots.
OMG, I love this adaptation so much! I will accept no other!
If you want to study screenwriting, acting, and period costumes/sets, this is perfect.
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vadertyrannus · 2 years
Zendaya's MJ will definitely return in the second MCU Spider-Man Trilogy
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Ever since the ending of Spider-Man: No Way Home, people have wondered whether MJ (played by Zendaya) will return in the next trilogy, and for those who know she will, whether she should.
I'm making this post to not only prove that yes, she will, but also debunk common arguments against her returning.
Foreshadowing in the movie
MJ's return is directly foreshadowed quite a few times in No Way Home.
"If you don’t, I’m just gonna figure it out. I’ve done it before, I can do it again."
MJ tells Peter she loves him. Then Peter is about to tell her he loves her too, but MJ interrupts him, telling him to wait until he sees her again. If this was the end of their arc, the writers wouldn't leave this thread open. You can't set up something and have no payoff.
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The way MJ looks at and acts around Peter in the pastry shop scene. She has that same look in her eyes that she always has when she looks at Peter (probably a symptom of Zendaya loving Tom Holland in real life, but still). The way she smiles, brushes her hair, is nervous around him while at the same time open (being willing to talk about going to MIT) seems to indicate that MJ is naturally comfortable with him and maybe even has a crush on him.
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And finally, right here, which is by far the most obvious example and the nail in the coffin.
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The final shot of the scene is MJ having a lingering sense of recognition, and this is specifically pointed out in the script. Very, very blatant foreshadowing. So much so that I find it so weird that so many people seem to miss it.
It's as she said, "If you don't, I'm just gonna figure it out."
If this was her final scene, this scene would have much more finality. It wouldn’t end holding on MJ, but rather Peter leaving. This is basic cinematic language.
The final shot of a scene is always the most important, because it’s the last impression it leaves on you. And here, they chose to emphasize MJ recognizing Peter the most.
All of this is clear set up for MJ remembering Peter and the two eventually rekindling their relationship.
MJ is Peter's true love
The fact is, MJ needs to come back. It's inevitable. Expecting MJ to actually be gone is like expecting Spider-Man to have stayed dead after Infinity War.
It's very clear watching both Far From Home and No Way Home, both of which focus a lot on their relationship, that Michelle Jones is Peter Parker’s endgame love interest and an incredibly important character to this iteration of Spider-Man.
I plan on making a separate post later going into more detail, but it's important enough to shortly elaborate on here.
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Peter and MJ are truly in love with each other and meant to be together. They’re perfect for one another, have amazing chemistry, love each other to no bounds, and support each other every step of the way.
Peter always puts MJ's well-being before his own, and MJ is so loyal she'll bring a mace to help Peter fight killer drones, and refuses to leave his side when facing 5 villains. And I mean she literally won't leave his side; like, she wants to be right there with him, even when it's that dangerous, because she's that brave and she cares about him that much.
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Peter and MJ are alike and while also complimenting each other in all the right ways. MJ is as soft, sweet, caring, strong, intelligent and loyal as Peter. At the same time, MJ’s introverted, collected and pragmatic self compliments Peter’s more extroverted, energetic, and idealistic self perfectly, creating a symbiosis between them.
They bring out the best in each other. Because of Peter, MJ is able to come out of her shell and be vulnerable (her arc in Far From Home). And in the same way Peter supports and brings out the best in MJ, MJ encourages and supports Peter when he needs it to most by always being there for him, being level-headed and comforting in crisis situations.
Their kiss in No Way Home perfectly conveys the image of two true lovers, with the way their bodies create a heart shape and the contrast created by the sun in the background.
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Peter and MJ are bound together.
Both Far From Home and No Way Home dedicate a lot to the Peter and MJ relationship, and during the promotion of both Far From Home and No Way Home, images of them were used constantly to advertise the movie, reinforcing that Peter and MJ are ultimately the heart and soul of those two movies.
And even though MJ didn't have much screen time in Homecoming, she was emphasized a lot in the promos and almost every scene with her foreshadows her relationship with Peter in some way. Zendaya's MJ is essential to MCU Spider-Man.
Her not returning would also be a disservice to her character. MJ is her own person with her own agency and desires. The MCU Spider-Man movies have been very consistent with portraying that. To just ditch MJ instead of giving her the ending she deserves, to be with the one she loves the most? To disregard what she made Peter promise to do? Terrible writing.
It's also a disservice to Peter's character. Spider-Man is supposed to end up happy. Peter should get to be with the one he loves the most.
Michelle Jones-Watson is the MCU version of Mary Jane Watson
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Michelle Jones-Watson is a reimaging of Mary Jane Watson, and the definitive MJ of the MCU. They're not gonna bring in "the real MJ". Zendaya is the real MJ.
I really shouldn't have to go any further then pointing out that her name is literally MJ Watson. But I will.
Again this will be it's own post eventually, but it's still important enough to shortly talk about here.
This reimagining of MJ shares many core elements with her comic book counterpart.
Both are progressive rebellious characters, Mary Jane being a party girl (which in the 60s was considered progressive) while Michelle Jones is a liberal and activist who has unconventional interests (being interested in conspiracy theories and morbid topics).
They both have a troubled past (especially with their fathers).
Michelle's arc is basically the same as Mary Jane from the comics; dropping a façade she created to hide her vulnerable self, opening up her true caring self to Peter.
Both are their version of Peter’s perfect match.
They're both strong-willed and loyal, sticking with Peter no matter what.
There’s also been several easter eggs connecting Michelle to Mary Jane.
Michelle's birthday (revealed on her passport during FFH promo) is the same day the comic Mary Jane first appeared in was released.
In Far From Home, there’s a license plate on the bridge where Peter and Michelle kiss for the first time that reads “TASM 143”. This is a nod to the issue in which Peter kisses Mary Jane for the first time in the comics, The Amazing Spider-Man #143.
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She wears two outfits with tigers on them in Far From Home (nod to Mary Jane's famous line).
Zendaya’s blatant “Face it, Tiger…” post while having red hair during the Far From Home press. And all the other times she's dyed her hair red for Spider-Man press, too (she did it again for NWH promo once).
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MJ has always been Peter's true love in every Spider-Man iteration. It was true in the comics (before the current terrible writers ruined it). It was true in the Raimi trilogy. It was going to be true in the Webb films (Mary Jane was gonna be introduced in TASM 3). It was true in Into the Spider-Verse. And it's true here too.
MJ is to Spider-Man what Lois Lane is to Superman. You can't have one without the other.
Definitive statements from Executives
In the Deadline article regarding Jon Watts leaving Fantastic Four, on April 29, 2022, this statement was made.
Sony and its Spider-Man producers have made it clear they expect to reunite Watts with Holland and Zendaya to continue the series.
This was the statement that prompted The Direct's article (among others) in which this news spread and more people realized that Zendaya is likely coming back.
This was reinforced in another interview directly with Tom Rothman, head of Sony, less then a month later.
ROTHMAN: We hope to get working on the next Spider-Man movie. DEADLINE: With Jon Watts, Tom Holland and Zendaya returning? ROTHMAN: That whole group, we hope.
This confirms that the studio wants Zendaya to return. They've made up their mind, creatively. At this point, whether Zendaya returns or not is up to her.
It makes sense that the studio wants her back so bad. Zendaya not only has a ton of star power, but it also dating Tom Holland in real life. Her name is gonna get people in seats.
Statements from Actors
If Tom Holland is coming back for another trilogy, Zendaya's coming back too. Statements from Tom Holland also confirm that she was always gonna come back from the beginning.
Tom Holland stated in an interview with GQ on April 15, 2021 (a month after shooting No Way Home) he will not do another movie without Jon Watts, Jake Batalon, and Zendaya.
So he’d say yes? “Absolutely. One hundred per cent, yes.” Any renegotiation clauses? “We’d need to keep the same core team. The director, Jon Watts, is as much Spider-Man as I am. Zendaya, Jacob [Batalon].”
While he might be exaggerating when implying that he would outright refuse if they all also didn't come back, it emphasizes the importance to which he views the director and his co-stars role in the MCU Spider-Man series. Including Zendaya.
A month later, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, he stated:
“We were all treating No Way Home as the end of a franchise, let's say. I think if we were lucky enough to dive into these characters again, you'd be seeing a very different version. It would no longer be the Homecoming trilogy. We would give it some time and try to build something different and tonally change the films."
Notice how he says these characters. Plural. Not just him, but also the other MCU Spider-Man characters, meaning MJ and Ned (I mean, it's not like it can mean anyone else).
These statements from Holland are pretty consistently pointing to the same narrative, that all three actors would return if they continued the series.
It's unlikely these statements were made to prevent spoilers. Not only because they align with what's been said after NWH's release, but also because they tried to build up suspense about whether MJ would die in trailers and TV spots and these statements wouldn't match up with that agenda. It's obvious that these statements were made without any studio influence.
This is also corroborated by this statement from Zendaya during the press tour:
ZENDAYA: “Well, we have no idea what the future of us or this Spider-Man franchise is or will be […] if there’s a world where we continue and grow with the characters, that would be beautiful [...]" TOM: “Yeah you said that perfectly.”
They’re talking as a pair, as if returning would mean both of them.
I also think the body language and facial expressions of the two reveals a lot about their feelings on the matter.
It looks like the two know more then they're letting on.
You can hear and see Zendaya’s voice and eyes brighten up when she talks about returning. She has a very positive tone.
Tom looks directly at her as she’s talking about returning whereas most of the time he’s looking down at the ground.
Zendaya looks directly at Tom after saying that continuing the series and both of their characters would be beautiful. If she’s looking at her boyfriend, the person she loves most, directly in the eyes as she’s saying it then it’s probably true, that’s just basic psychology.
Another pretty telling quote also comes from Zendaya. After making the Time100 list for 2022, Zendaya in her interview stated about No Way Home:
“The perfect way to, maybe I don’t know end our trilogy, there’s people that are more in charge then I am so I don’t know what the future holds so I’m just saying.”
Notice how she pins the decision on the executives and not herself. As if she's already made up her mind. This was likely recorded before the executive's decision was made (or at least, before she was aware of it); they record these interviews well in advance.
The fact that she says "our trilogy" is also very telling. She clearly misspoke when she said trilogy, because whether they make a 4th movie or not it’d still be the end of the trilogy. Since she immediately started talking about how they might continue, as if correcting herself, she obviously meant to say series or franchise. It’s not just Tom’s Spider-Man series, it’s hers too.
Zendaya has repeatedly stated and shown that she loves doing the Spider-Man movies. Especially since, you know, the lead is her boyfriend. We don't even have to infer this, she literally said working with Tom is one of her favorite things about playing MJ. She even said she wanted a happy ending for Peter and MJ in this interview.
I am certain that Zendaya will sign on for the next MCU Spider-Man trilogy once given the contract, if she hasn't already.
Statements from Leakers
A very reliable leaker known as Ember, who now runs a Twitter page called Cult of Ember (formally Culture Spider), has stated that Zendaya will definitively be returning, meaning that she has officially signed on.
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Now, I don't want to put too much stock on leakers. IMO they should always be taken with some level of uncertainty. At the same time, Ember leaked costumes from No Way Home well in advanced (among other things). She's pretty reliable. She's also the one responsible for the leak that Tom Holland has signed a new 6 picture deal.
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The leak about Zendaya signing on also seems to line up with the fact that she just finished filming Dune 2 at the time. Perfect timing to be signing a new contract.
Ember had been saying for awhile that the studio wants Zendaya to return, the exact same thing stated by Sony chairman Tom Rothman.
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This was also corroborated by another leaker.
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Whether you believe the leakers or not is up to you. I wouldn't take their word as gospel. But they are very consistent and it makes a lot of sense, especially considering all the other evidence.
Addressing arguments against her coming back
"It would undo the consequences of No Way Home"
And Avengers: Endgame undid the consequences of Infinity War (as well as Captain America: Civil War). Your point?
Ending their relationship like this would be a disservice to both of their characters. Neither of them deserve this ending. It's too severe. Peter and MJ have earned their happy ending. And you can have consequences as a result of all this while still having Peter and MJ together again, just like how Endgame did it.
There are plenty of consequences of No Way Home that will stick. The death of Aunt May is obviously permanent, as is the loss of all of the Stark Tech.
"It undoes Peter's choice"
Spider-Man 2's ending also undid Peter's choice at the end of Spider-Man (2002). The same choice Peter makes at the end of No Way Home. Your point?
The point of Spider-Man isn't that he always loses everything, the point of Spider-Man is that he's willing to sacrifice things and gets rewarded for it eventually. He always gets the happy ending.
The "I need to keep the one I love away to protect them" trope never sticks with superheroes. They deserve to be happy, and it's also patronizing and takes away agency from the woman.
Peter made a promise to MJ and he did a disservice to her not fulfilling it.
I find it so odd that the some fans are so willing to have Peter undo his choice to protect Mary Jane by leaving her out of his life in the Raimi trilogy, but want so badly for Peter to keep Michelle out of his life for the same reasons here.
I wonder if there's an underlying issue with some fans mindsets that would explain this...
"It's too soon"
The majority of the fanbase agrees she should come back but thinks she shouldn't come back until the 5th or 6th movie. I do respect this opinion as at least it acknowledges that she's obviously coming back, but at the same time, I can't say I agree entirely.
Like yeah, obviously they shouldn’t get back together within the first 20 minutes of the 4th movie, but at the end? Absolutely.
What other arc is Peter gonna have in the 4th movie other then learning to open up again? Making new friends and having a new girlfriend and putting them at risk is a shitty thing to do when you ditched the ones you had and didn't fulfill a promise you made to them to protect them.
I think it's pretty obvious that Peter's arc is gonna be opening up again, and he's gonna tell MJ the truth at the end of the 4th film.
The longer Peter waits to tell MJ the truth, the harder the relationship would be to repair and the more upset MJ would be at him waiting so long. To me, at least, it seems like something that would be way smarter to resolve sooner rather then later.
Either that, or MJ's gonna figure it out herself and she's gonna be like a detective throughout the movie. Still, though, I think she deserves the truth from Peter.
"You're just a delusional Spideychelle/Tomdaya shipper"
Congratulations, you not only didn't address any of my evidence or points, but you also devolved into ad hominem, the worst thing you can do in any argument.
You just admitted defeat. Thanks for letting me win so easily!
I'm not sure if you're aware but insulting me personally doesn't suddenly make all of the proof disappear. Sorry :)
So there it is, definitive proof that MJ's coming back. If you read the entire thing, congratulations and thank you for reading. And MCU Peter and MJ FTW!
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When We First Met
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55000732 by inkinmyheartandonthepage “Yeah,” Ned said. “I’m sure you won’t let Hammer drones attack your next ones.” And it struck Peter that he had forgotten to tell Tony that they had, technically, met long before Peter was Spiderman. And as Tony’s eyes started to narrow, Peter knew that it was a good thing that he had forgotten. “Ned,” Peter whispered, nudging his best friend in the ribs. “Although, it’s pretty cool how you saved Peter that night.” Peter heart sunk as Tony’s gaze snapped to him. Words: 1491, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 257 of We Forgot Peter Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Ned Leeds Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Precious Peter Parker, Teen Peter Parker, Peter Parker is Trying His Best, Peter Parker Has a Family, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker Friendship, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Protective Tony Stark, Parent Tony Stark, Tony Stark is Good With Kids, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Gets a Hug, Good Friend Ned Leeds, Ned Leeds is a Little Shit, Stark Expo (Marvel), Stark Industries (Marvel), Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Family Fluff, One Shot, One Shot Collection, Prompt Fic, Prompt Fill, Complete read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55000732
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jojoqin · 1 year
Why the remake cabin kicks the OG’s ass -an analysis 🔎
Basically it has to do with a lot of elements. Sound, cinematic framing, how well written the entire segment is in general. All that sweet jazz. Also sorry in advance, I had to gifmaker some shitty gifs because I needed examples 😭💀
So I read up on a lot of filmmaking for this post about what makes a good set piece. At the start, the game already sets it up by subconsciously familiarizing the player with the cabin; making it one of the first areas we pass by. There’s something about how you see it in its position; in between the trees, sort of in the same center as the bridge, very by itself. Clearly it’s important. Later, the Saddler mindfuck scene at the church actually shows us why the villagers are on the chase. And it's all tied to how well realized the cult theme is in the entire story. It puts a slightly more sinister spin on the villagers' motivation compared to the og where it sometimes feels like they're purely used as obstacles.
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And yes there’s actually PAYOFF this time. No more "vamanos" and the villagers just leave. Or for Luis to ask "so what now?". This time the villagers' condition gets woven into new exposition and a new goal; the Plaga ordeal inside the characters. And the end scene defines Luis role. A great set piece should have a well written purpose to advance the plot forward. And we actually experience first hand the whole hive mind thing instead of getting a 5 min Saddler monologue about it.
Talking about the technical stuff in scenes too. Like listen to the music and audio during the run up towards and after Luis closes the door, the music become this muffled droning as soon as the door is shut. It indicates that you've entered a different space that's more confined and sheltered from the outside w/o immediately breaking the ambient tension. Not necessarily an upgrade from the og but in the og, the escalating music stops because the payoff is seeing Luis. Whilst the remake still likes to remind you that you're still in a weird situation.
I also talked before how the camera loves to follow characters. In this shot you follow Leon forward and then you’re backing up behind Luis in this continuous camera movement. And see how tight the camera sticks behind Leon’s shoulder? He takes up like 75% of the frame at one point, with the camera subtly zooming in even though Luis is the focus. There’s a visceral feel in the confrontation, how its putting pressure on Luis just by how the scene is directed.
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And the sound during that is like auditory storytelling. I know my audio doesn’t quite do it justice because it’s been compressed to shit so y’all might want to seek out the actual scene. But when Luis hits the wall here, the strings fade out and the sound of the rain is brought forward. Audio-wise, it’s like it’s bringing our focus to the presence of Luis and Ashley. It's also just ASMR af.
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Another example of the fluid camera transition from earlier is when Ashley hides. The camera leads away from her and it follows that same “leading away” movement when it transition cuts to the window with Leon going into frame. Like look how seamless it tells action w/o having to do a lot of harsh cuts unlike the gif of the og below. The remake tends to show multiple activities either within the same shot or following a visual style so that it's easy to digest.
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And holy shit, the way the music just disappears when our dudes take position here is so FUCKING GOOD. Because all you hear is the echo of the cult chanting and the ASMR patter of rain. I think of the silence as equivalent to taking a deep breath. And it’s funny because the sound effect when the scene transitions to the player is just this very intense and layered sound of exhaling. The way the camera also pulls back in the cutscene so that there’s no break from scene to gameplay just makes it so immersive.
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Also those two shots we get from Leon and Luis’ perspectives before the gameplay is kinda interesting too. Very “Main Character POV” angle because the camera is positioned at the guys’ eye level, as if we the audience are directly in front of them. At that moment we sort of take the place of the characters as the player. The “it’s game time” line is so hype because it actually does feel like it’s being said to us.
I think the writing for the fight itself is way better than in the og. There's a real rhythm to how the conflict happens; a somewhat story structure. The setup, the moment things go to shit, the resolution. The setup happens in the cutscenes and as you're battling the early wave of villagers. The Plaga baddies I see as the first climax, because they only start conveniently popping up around the time you're scrambling to get the new boards. You get them up and there's your sort of downtime, the 'falling action' before things ramp up again.
There’s a clear transition to "the moment things go to shit" phase; it's all the elements working together in the entire segment. You get a visual cue which is the ladder, an auditory cue of the noise upstairs, and then you get the in-game cue from Luis. And the musical cue is particularly what the remake does best. Like often when it wants to change up the pace during a certain part, they'll simplify the track but make it a bit deeper to build up this new adrenaline.
And every big set piece needs constrasty elements to show different perspectives. I believe just the simple imagery of seeing the mob outside as you're constantly having to kick the ladder is so effective because it shows scale. It makes us actually feel that the problem is as big as it is. It's a smart show of perspective especially after starting the fight in a confined area. This part of it was kind of weird in the og. Even though there's a mob, you could always stare out some window and it'll just be a void there (probably due to the graphical limitations).
But before you even trigger the Bull Head dude's cutscene, like again, you already hear an auditory cue of him. Also his addition makes the scene a true "everything is going to shit" moment. You kinda need that enemy as a standout variety. Like the og is iconic but it's very straightforward with the ambience and the enemy encounter. In the remake, everything is an escalating bombardment to the senses. Especially on the first playthrough, at this point you're on your last leg, no heal, no shotgun/rifle ammo left, the cult chanting is overwhelmingly loud now. It's funny but also apt that when Ashley saves the guys, she's enveloped in this holy light. Even the camera angle that's positioned lower looking up visually puts her in a higher position than the audience.
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Hi Drones! Love your Mareach fanfics (literally top notch💯). I was wondering, what are your thoughts on the movie (assuming you’ve seen it😅)? I have a few thoughts on it, but would love to hear yours!
Hey there!! I appreciate the ask! (And OMG thank you for reading my fics, that's so sweet of you 😭)
I have finally seen the Mario movie and I do have a lot to say haha, and I'm cool with sharing my broad thoughts this way, but if you're looking for a more in-depth discussion then I'm happy to discuss more in a PM!!
Just a brief disclaimer; my opinion reflects only my personal preference! I don't have any problem with disagreement or anyone who feels differently.
I will say the movie was a lot of fun! It was so surreal to see the Mushroom Kingdom on the big screen, and to hear such familiar melodies in cinematic arrangements. It was downright magical, actually. There was plenty to laugh and be amazed at, and so many references that had me grinning the entire time!
About the plot though 😅 There are pacing and some narrative critiques that I've seen so I won't say anything beyond that. The most important thing for me is I believe in the merit of a children's movie being all fun and silly, but I also really feel like this film went out of its way to avoid social commentary at its own expense. Not for no good reason; I know Nintendo does everything possible to keep the Mario franchise as family friendly as possible. But in terms of an impactful story, it fell sort of flat in my view. I feel as if it could have benefitted from some kind of social commentary beyond it's shot at subverting the damsel-in-distress trope.
(That in particular felt like performative feminism in a sense. Maybe it wasn't, maybe it was a sincere attempt at empowering an iconic character. But the default answer in a lot of media to empowering women these days seems to be "make her strong the way that the men characters are." A girlboss, I guess. It feels performative for me because it reaffirms with the idea that strength in character can only be relevant/seen within masculine qualities, and writers can just say "but it's a woman!" while continuing to disregard more feminine examples of strength. It's like a Get Out of Jail Free Card to acknowledging gender inequality.
Like, the problem wasn't that she's a damsel-in-distress; the problem is how pervasive the trope of damsel-in-distress used to be across the board. Except now, pop culture has sort of swung the other way. The problem isn't the girlboss character, the problem is that the girlboss character is perceived as the only correct way of writing "strong women characters." It's just sort of missing the point. The problem is still the same; women characters are stuffed into the same small box of behavior, attitude, and ultimate role depending on what's trendy at the time. I love the damsel-in-distress trope. I also love the girlboss. But it can be tiring to see that same story over and over again, feeling as if there are only a few options for writers to portray women, and realizing that it represents a sort of confinement of understanding for what women are allowed to be in real life for social acceptance, too.)
I get the desire to avoid politics and social issues. I really do, but in my position (studying social sciences), I see social issues as unavoidable. To go without acknowledging them is to ignore them, and from a story perspective, to go without them also kind of makes it boring?
I've seen the argument that it's a children's movie, therefore it doesn't have to be complicated. That's absolutely valid. I wish I could go back to having no thoughts lol. But it's my personal preference to watch a film that makes me think and consider the world from another point of view. And in response to that argument, all I can really say is basically my favorite genre is children's films that have social commentary. (See The Iron Giant, Wall-E, The Little Prince, Megamind, Beauty and the Beast, literally any given Studio Ghibli film. All of these have something to say about society contained within them.) I kind of wish the Mario movie had an interesting point to make in that context, but it didn't really, and that's okay. That's just why it's not one of my favorite movies.
That being said, there is plenty to love. The character designs were absolutely adorable. The Mushroom Kingdom was more than I could have ever dreamed of, and the way Mario and Luigi's brotherly relationship played out was just so beautifully written 🥺 I love that this will undoubtedly expand pop culture's regard for Mario, and maybe draw others into my silly little corner of the internet where I just sit here and publish my fluffy Mareach fanfiction 😆
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imrandymeeks · 3 months
Oh whoa just saw your other socials, you’re reading Echo!! Sorry you’re having a seemingly middling experience with it lol (I will admit that heights/mountain climbing/deep crevices are deep fears of Mine so that might have coloured how terrifying I personally thought the Maudit scenes were when I read it it) but you at least seem to be having a somewhat entertaining time with it, which I still consider at least a semi-win. Super interested to see what your thoughts are (if any) when you’re done!
I'm mostly having a fun, confusing experience!
Like, one chapter is just kinda silly to me, when we go ALL IN on dreading the Alps outside Geneva as if they're actual Mountains of Madness, and not, you know, of Yodeling. Then I cringe at the protagonist ruminating on trust funds fucking up the youths of today. And then yet another chapter brings this sorta self-contained, perfectly executed, thematically interesting detour into the backstory about fires, overgrown roads, and sexual awakenings. And that one is genuinely great. The book is a bit of a rollercoaster is what I'm trying to say, but I'm kinda along for this ride so far.
And the thing is, I kinda understand what the author is getting at, I'm just not sure if he achieves it. Which is to say, he's allegedly playing with gothic tropes of yore (see chapter titles), while actually trying to write a contemporary A24 horror movie in prose form. And that doesn't always work out. Like, say, all those mountains? I can easily imagine a long establishing shot of just that, set maybe to an ominous drone from Mica Levi, and that may very well fill me with dread. I just don't think the written words on paper do that.
To illustrate, there's a, from what I gather, way less high-minded horror movie coming soon which does exactly that with ominous peaks looming over Hunter Schafer:
And I think it does the trick! The peaks are peaking, the contrast between Modernist Ordnung and untamed nature around it is chilling, and it's kind of a well-worn visual trope in movies, but to try and write the same atmosphere on paper may lead one to some unforeseen purple prose. Or simply a not very effective chapter. What looks great doesn't always read great, and vice versa, just ask Stephen King.
Something about Echo's pace seems way more indebted to current film trends than horror classics. (And I'm not even sure those long shots and excruciating silences work 100% of the time in movies.) Like, I read it and I don't imagine Lovecraft or Jackson's worlds, I see a festival indie horror shot on Arri Alexa in 2018. The prologue is giving exactly that, for one. And something about that doesn't sit right with me. Maybe I want a book, not a detailed movie synopsis. Even if it's a good movie. I dunno.
(I'm bullshitting my way through this answer, I don't know if you can tell.)
Or, look, maybe I simply don't love so called elevated horror and its glacial pace. (Mountaineering puns not intended.) But I'm at least curious about this whole thing, and the fire chapter is Good Actually (and cinematic in a great way), so on we read.
Thanks for the recommendation!
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ao3feed-petermj · 7 months
Caught in 4k
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/xWNeYsf by dangerwillrobinson Ned is much less intrigued by the mystery man’s profile when she shoves her phone in front of his face the next day during lunch. ...“But you see it, right? …He’s got to be using a drone or something to get some of these shots. Nothing else makes sense, right?” Ned shrugs. “Either that or he’s Spider-Man.” ...“Spider-Man.” She mutters under her breath. Ridiculous. She pushes the thought away, trying to steer her thoughts back on track to the class at hand, forcing her fingers to still their unconscious sketching in the margins of her notebook and get back to taking actual notes. She ignores the branching, connected lines she’s drawn, spilling across her page in an intricate spider’s web. An accidental ‘like’ on a months old post leads MJ down a rabbit hole, determined to uncover the identity of the person behind the account. Words: 7909, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Michelle Jones (Marvel), Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones's Mother (Marvel), Michelle Jones's Father (Marvel), Flash Thompson Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Pining, College Student Michelle Jones (Marvel), Temporarily Unrequited Love, in the sense that he loves her and she doesn't remember him, it's about the yearning, but she almost does read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/xWNeYsf
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Planet of Lana - Quick Review
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  A once-peaceful world under attack, a mysterious army of faceless robots, a kidnapped sister, a young girl with her loyal companion, and one of the most cinematic puzzle games you’ll play all year. Welcome to Planet of Lana. A side-scrolling puzzle and stealth game by Wishfully, Planet of Lana is about a girl that survives an invasion from strange machines that abduct her entire village, including her sister. Determined to rescue the only family she has left, Lana sets out into the wilderness of Nova to find her. Along the way, she encounters a tiny creature called Mui who instantly befriends Lana and follows her commands, helping her solve puzzles and survive her journey. Together, the duo stealthily avoid and outsmart robotic scouts and vicious wildlife in a beautifully hand-painted world that hides just how dangerous and surprisingly creepy it can be, uncovering the secrets of Nova on a planet-spanning odyssey.
   First off, I cannot stress enough just how gorgeous this game is. The environments are all completely hand-painted, from every leaf on every tree to each individual blade of grass. Every now and then the game shows off these grand, vast background shots that really sell the idea of this huge adventurous planet you’re exploring. Even the sound design is amazing, like Mui’s adorable little chirps and the eerie melody droned by the robots throughout the game. The robots also have this jarringly distinct artstyle that separates them from everything else in the game, giving off the sense that they aren’t of this world.   In terms of gameplay, Planet of Lana isn’t exactly anything mechanically groundbreaking; you more or less spend the game just walking to the right and solving puzzles or sneaking past robots along the way. It doesn’t do anything new, but what it does, it does extremely well. Despite the straightforward gameplay, the puzzles are often surprisingly difficult headscratchers and the stealth segments are always incredibly tense.   The lack of complex mechanics to learn also means you can focus more on the quiet yet powerful plot - Planet of Lana tells an emotional story from beginning to end, all without a single word of actual dialogue. It’s about a scared yet brave young girl that just wants her sister back, and will quite literally walk to the ends of the world to find her. Add an adorable little creature companion, creepy robots and a stunning artstyle, and you’ve got yourself a truly brilliant game.   I hope you enjoyed the review - reblogs and likes are much appreciated!   Thanks for reading!
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sunlit-sonata · 1 year
last genloss post for the night I think
I binged them all in one day, so now I’m definitely going to have to go back and rewatch some stuff and try to catch all the details. I’m super excited to read through the genloss tag and have stuff finally make sense lol
There’s so much here, and I can’t even begin to get into it all, but something I do want to say is that I was really impressed with the usage of camera angles. The alternating between the crew cameras following around ranboo and the overhead security camera angles where it was so clearly a tv show was fascinating, all in that theme of being watched by so many different eyes in every waking moment.
On a note about camera clarity, I’d seen screenshots of the last 15 minutes of episode 3 (before actually watching it) and they really are so beautiful, so I spent a lot of time in ep 1 + 2 being like “hey why is some of this grainy and Bad.” But I understood later because it worked so well with the plot and was so impactful that the only time everything got actually cinematic and had crystal clear shots was when there wasn’t a tv set/cameraman (when H sends off the “camera drone” at 32:42 in ep 3), and there was no more distant cold camera footage and the world came into focus the way it always should have been.
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tiredarts-main · 2 years
Had a Destiny/ULTRAKILL crossover dream…
Clovis Bray turned to the side of the Witness, and captured my player character Bitrik. I started out as my Warlock, dashing across the Ascendant Plane, accompanied by my Titan.
Together, the two of them (us?) tracked down a hole where Clovis was sending Taken(?) Vex drones in and out of the Plane to commune with the Witness.
However, my Warlock was cornered by a unique Taken Knight and executed, the game went to the title screen and then feigned my PS4 and TV turning off. It reopened in Bitrik’s POV, who was being held captive by Clovis.
Clovis was experimenting on him (me?), scanning him and trying to kill him in multiple different ways. None of them worked… until he tried radiation poisoning. Over and over, Bitrik’s body began to become less salvageable for his Ghost, until he was nothing but a fragile lump of flesh barely clinging to life. He still had all of his paracausality within him, but no way to channel it
Clovis was after something called the Raven Staff (which I think was just the Nightmare Harvester but Dreaming City themed), demanding that Bitrik give it over. Bitrik, being an irradiated blob of Awoken meat, couldn’t really do that.
Eventually, Clovis tried summoning something(?) to take it by force, but that backfired, since the Raven Staff was apparently modified to only be usable by Guardians. A massive hand crashed through the ceiling, announced that fact, and crushed everyone in the room.
For a moment, I saw through the thing’s eye(s?) as it plucked a BrayTech chip from deep inside Clovis’ Exo brain.
The view cut to a cinematic of Bitrik standing on some pale Vex architecture, being interrogated by the Exo Stranger. His armor was slightly different- more Hive-like, less gold- and his eyes were visible through his mask.
Elsie played a clip of someone talking about the Raven Staff- it sounded like Mara, but Bitrik admitted with a robotic voice that it was him. The camera zoomed in on his face there, revealing two golden Exo eyes beneath his helmet.
Back in the lab, Bitrik’s soul was being torn apart. Every time he was shot with radiation, he lost a chunk of himself. Eventually, he managed to slip from his body and into some kind of afterlife.
The dream quality took on the appearance of ULTRAKILL’s graphic style as Bitrik descended down a tunnel of… something red. From here, Bitrik and V1 kinda merged. The zones that it went through was a desert-like version of Limbo and a new forested place called Natura.
I can’t really remember much about this section of the dream, except that there were creatures that had to be dealt with in priority before they enraged. Never figured out if it was a proximity, timed, or line-of-sight thing for that mechanic…
There was also some kind of puzzle aspect to go “deeper” into Bitrik’s escape. Word puzzles spelled out nonsensical sentences, which felt like they had meaning at the time but are completely incomprehensible looking back. Each secret level had some version of the Taken Knight (from the start of the dream) chasing Bitrik/V1, acting as a timer for the level since it corrupted everything around it.
I never reached the end before I woke up… but the whole time I was slowly coming to consciousness, I was assailed by a feeling of dread. Something felt wrong.
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Movie Review | London Has Fallen (Najafi, 2016)
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Despite being released a few months before the 2016 election, this feels like it could be a key cinematic text of the Trump era, in that it essentially has the same politics of films that defined the Bush and Reagan eras, but is substantially lower rent and less glamorous. As this movie argues, when it comes down to it, all of America's allies are entirely useless in a crisis situation, and only when America takes matters into its own hands (personified in a key moment by the President himself picking up a gun to off a terrorist, which is immediately met with a quip about coming out of the closet) can it defeat the legions of swarthy foreigners who hate it for its freedoms.
At one point the hero, secret service agent and presidential bodyguard played by Gerard Butler says that from hereon out, they must assume that everybody they run into is an "asshole terrorist", at which point the movie graduates from eyeing every brown extra suspiciously to gleefully gunning them down. There's no covering of the ass with a guy from said demographic in the control room. Torture in American movies has become depressingly commonplace, to the point that the Rambo series, whose hero suffered PTSD from being tortured during the Vietnam War, and which previously only featured torture to highlight its villains' sadism, has in its fifth installment turned around on the subject to the point that the hero wholeheartedly employs it without remorse. But there is a certain boldness in this movie's depiction of torture, which the hero repeatedly employs but admits serves no real tactical purpose. After he twists his knife into an opponent for an agonizing length of time (or maybe he was choking him out, apologies if I got my torture scenes confused), the President asks him, "Was that really necessary?" To which he responds, without missing a beat, "No." All of this is punctuated by endless speechifying by the hero about the greatness of the American empire as he brutally kills any number of terrorists. "You know what you assholes don't get? We're not a fucking building! We're not a fucking flag! We're not just one man! Assholes like you have been trying to kill us for a long fucking time. But you know what? A thousand years from now, we'll still fucking be here!"
The fact that the movie offers no apology or no bet hedging with its politics is interesting to reconcile with the fact that the director, Babak Najafi, was born in Iran and whose family was separated and fled to Sweden as a result of the Iran-Iraq War. If one wanted to, they could read this movie as a sly satire of this kind of action movie, and certain choices, like when the movie dissolves from the dust cloud in the aftermath of a drone strike to the flags on the presidential motorcade, can support that reading. But I do think we need to be wary of reducing artists down to biographical or demographic details, which can carry its own kind of condescension, especially when we don't have much else to go off in the way of their work. It's perfectly possible that Najafi took this on as a journeyman, or sympathizes with the views expressed by the movie.
I mentioned earlier how low rent this feels. Rambo: First Blood Part II and Bad Boys 2 looked like they had sizable budgets. The Delta Force, whose brand of racism this likely takes most after, benefited immensely from location shooting (and let its villain be an actual character rendered with an actual performance by the great Robert Forster, who has about a minute of screentime here). This depicts London with a number of totally unconvincing establishing shots and otherwise keeps the lighting dim and the settings nondescript to hide the fact that it was shot in Bulgaria. And while a budget of $60 million these days only gets you so far, the big special effects sequences here look like something out of an Asylum movie. (What should be cool enough helicopter shit to save this movie ends up being irreparably lame as a result.) But at the same time, there are stretches of strong B-movie craft, like the shot that trails the smoke grenade, or the digitally enhanced long take, which understands that the power of such sequences is less about feigned technical virtuosity than in navigating the geography from the hero's perspective and building forward momentum. And it does spend its approximately hour and a half runtime letting its hero brutally kills bad guys at a steady pace.
So if I had to summarize this movie, it's like a sloppily wrapped, extremely greasy cheeseburger that makes you feel like you're inching closer to the grave but also kinda, sorta hits the spot, served by a racist McDonald's employee who's making everybody uncomfortable by not shutting the fuck up about their awful views.
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