#dropping this before i chicken out if there are mistakes you do not see them okay bye
lanternlightss · 2 years
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hey so. what if. what if—
that amos design is not concrete whatsoever, i don’t think aqua or i have made an older amos yet XD
let it be know i pulled that design directly out of my ass
this is based off @littleblueberryartist ‘s funny tags!
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parfaitblogs · 2 months
ive got quite a few... but we will start off simple and with something ive been DAYDREAMING about for a while
so reader is a new forensic scientist that started a lab in office for easier analysis of evidence (garcia reasonablism and best friendedness obviously) and earlier seasons reid likes to go in and hang out with her often and just be with her and they are both idiots in love and the first kiss is super rushed and akward; TEETH ROTTING FLUFF
i am too cryptic i fear but i will sell my left kidney for this fic PLEASE
spencer reid x forensic scientist!reader. fluff. 1.4k words. s1 spence!! descriptions of a case (typical cm stuff). std discussion? sorta? it's about a victim. reader doesn't have one don't worry. they're nerds your honour. 
a/n: i am SO sorry this took me so long?? writing fluff is not my strong suit (clearly). i researched bacteria for this fic. and std's. if penelope garcia looked up my search history she would ask why i'm asking about how to treat chlamydia. if the science talk is wrong, no it's not this is MY alternate reality. also i am but a wee acting major i know nothing about science? ANYWAYS thank u for the request angel it was so fun to write i hope i did it justice ♡ 
"Hey... I brought coffee."
Your head lifted from the computer screen you had been staring at for the past hour and a half, blinking your eyes to readjust to a light that wasn't blue — you were a big believer in warm toned overhead lights or nothing, and it was your first order of business upon getting a lab in the Quantico building. 
Your eyes softened upon recognising the man in your doorway, and your hands outstretched towards him to take the paper cup from him. 
It was a particularly gruelling case — a man putting victims through a meat grinder (charmingly so) meant your ability to positively ID victims based on... well, anything you'd usually ID them on, was out of the question. You were down to tampered with blood samples, and you were getting nothing. 
"Angel. Sent from heaven, I swear," you said, taking a sip of the warm, sweet (because anybody who drinks coffee black should be locked up) beverage that would help you in the long run. Spencer Reid's lips twitched into a smile — anxious, like the rest of him usually is whenever he's in your lab — and he dropped his gaze to the floor with a small shrug. 
"I thought you might need it. I know it's hard. This case," he said, and you nodded your head with an affirming nod.
"Tell me about it," you mumbled, spinning around in your chair, back to your computer, waving him over. "See this?" you pointed to the list of findings in one of the samples.
Your breathing hitched when you felt him behind you, not expecting him to be so close, his own breath audible by your ear. 
He hummed quietly as he read through the list, and you turned your head to the side to look at him. His lips were pulled into a frown as you watched him register everything — and God, was he pretty. "Yeah... Salmonella, Enteritidis, Listeria... they're all bacteria you can find in chicken. Raw chicken, to be precise. Did they send you chicken blood by mistake?" 
"That's what I thought," you said, snapping out of your Reid-induced-haze, and clicked at your computer until you pulled up another list. "But then I found these as well; Streptococcus mutans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium and Lactobacillus. From the same sample. And I cross-checked it with all of them, and they're all like that. So I sent that to Garcia and asked if she could do some looking into butcher shops in the area, and she came up empty. So now I'm at a loss."
"Weird," he murmured, leaning further forward over your shoulder to stare at the screen a little more intently, and you found your breath hitching at it. Again.
"What do you see?"
"Chlamydia trachomatis."
"Oh. Yeah, all of the samples have it," you explained, and he nodded his head, before turning it to look at you. 
"Well, what do you do when you have a sexually transmitted disease?" he asked.
"Me? I don't—I don't know. I've never had a—" you cut yourself off when you saw his lips twitch into a smile, and your brain caught up with what he had just said, and your lips parted in an 'o' shape in realisation. "You'd go to your doctor."
"And if they all have it, then that means that—"
"—it's the UnSub whose got it," you cut him off, eyes lighting up as you sat up straighter. "Oh my God, I don't know how I didn't make that connection. Spencer Reid I need to reiterate that you are an angel sent from the heaven above, I could kiss you."
His eyes went wide, and his entire being froze, followed swiftly by you yourself freezing too, words you let spill past your lips registering a second too late. 
He stared at you. You stared at him. It was an awkward game of who would look away first, and it went on for hour long minutes. You needed to clear your throat but refused to, your lips opening and closing as you searched your brain for something — anything — to say to break up this tension.
"Are you serious?"
It was a meek whisper, and had you not been so hyper focussed on his lips, you probably would've missed it. You forced your gaze up to his eyes, catching the red tinge on his cheeks, mirroring your own. You decided if the one in a billion chance of a black hole swallowing the earth decided to happen now, you wouldn't complain.
"I mean, no," you force past your lips. A sentence you soon sorely regret when you watch a flicker of what you recognise to be hurt flash across his face. Maybe your brain made that expression up. Maybe it didn't. If it did, it was too late to consider that option, because you were already rambling again. "Unless you want me to be serious. In which case yes, I am totally serious. If not, then I'm not."
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and an embarrassingly nervous laugh left your lips. 
"Yes. I'm serious," you finalised. Because at least if he found that embarrassing and didn't feel the same back, you could kick him out of your lab and avoid him until you manage to swap units. Or move halfway across the world. Whichever came first.
Neither needed to come first, it seemed. Because his tense body shifted, turning to face you, his own eyes seemingly locked on your lips, the same way yours were only minutes prior. 
"Is it okay if I..." he trailed off, a hesitant hand reaching up to your face, waiting for your confirming nod before his fingertips relaxed on your cheek. You weren't even kissing him yet, and you already felt that nervous-excited mix pooling in your stomach.
He was in the same boat as you, his own breathing hitching when you didn't pull away instantly from his touch. But then he simply stared at you, for maybe a minute too long, because an exasperated sigh left your lips before you could stop it.
"You know, you actually have to put your lips on mine to kiss, Spencer," you say, and though your intent wasn't to fluster him, you did. 
"Yes, I—um, I know. I've just never... what if I screw this up?" he stammered, and your lips pulled into a smile. 
"Worst thing you can do is be a bad kisser."
"That's embarrassing."
"Just a little," you agreed with a nod, watching his face fall, and you laughed at the expression. "I'm kidding. It's not that hard, and you're good at everything."
"Not this."
"You don't know that."
He fell silent, and you knew you had won the verbal argument — he was certainly still disagreeing in his mind, but he was always good at picking his battles. 
But you knew he was never going to kiss you first. Not when one hand was flexing weirdly by his waist, unsure of what to do with it, and he was so awkwardly holding one cheek with the other. 
It was the only reason why you placed two palms on his own cheeks and pulled his face towards you. He let out a shocked yelp that had you laughing for only a second, cutting the sound off short with your lips on his. 
Spencer Reid was in fact good at everything. 
He was hesitant at first, and you wondered if he was ever going to kiss you back. But he did, and then you wondered if he was lying about never kissing anybody before.
Because he was insanely good, and the way he kissed you was maddening and addictive and it seemed you were (addictive) as well, for he was chasing your lips even when you tried to pull away. So you didn't, and instead allowed him to keep kissing you with so much pace and force you thought you'd break. 
"Spence... can't... breathe," you gasped out, and he pulled back in an instant, his eyes going wide. 
He was stammering out apologies that fell on deaf ears, because you were staring at him and he was gorgeous. In every sense of the word. With hair that had fallen into his glassy eyes, cheeks as pink as his lips that were screaming to be kissed again, need for oxygen be damned. 
And actually, if the one in a billion chance of a black hole swallowing the earth decided to happen now, you would complain. Very loudly.
your reblogs and replies are always appreciated dearly ♡
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rebelfell · 6 months
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A li’l self-indulgent bestfriend!eddie fluff. Reader w/ boobies.
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Eddie’s not a total pig, okay?
He can control himself just fine when necessary. He’s fully capable of maintaining a conversation without his brain short circuiting at the sight of something that makes all the tiny Eddie’s in his head run around like chickens with their heads cut off. That is…except for right now.
Because right now there are boobs in front of his face. And not just any boobs. Your boobs.
“Eddie!” You huff loudly and drop your shirt. “You’re not even listening to me, are you?”
He blinks a few times, reluctantly coming out of his daze to look up at you and the appalled frown on your face. His cheeks burn with his humiliation and his mouth falls open as he stammers through his attempt to recall what you just said.
You roll your eyes, sighing all heavy and petulant as you climb off his bed.
“Hey!” he exclaims, throwing his hands up to really sell the ruse of being offended. “You’re the one whipping out your bits all willy nilly. Can’t exactly expect me to concentrate.”
Over your shoulder you fix him with a glare and snatched up one of his Hellfire figurines to chuck it at him. The freshly painted figure ricocheted off his elbow as he threw his arms up in front of him, fighting back giggles as you scolded him.
“I came to you for advice, not to be ogled!”
Well, that was your first mistake, Eddie thought to himself. Because when it came to you there was no scenario that didn’t involve ogling.
“I’m sorry. Okay? I…I got distracted. But that’s what you’re going for, right? Weren’t you asking if they look good?”
“It’s not about whether they look good, I just…I need to know if they look even.”
Even? Even, how? Even more fucking incredible than normal? Even more mouth-watering? Even better than what Eddie’s been imagining more and more over the last few years.
“Even, how?” he asks.
“Like…normal.” You groan. “He says one of them is way bigger and I thought maybe this bra would minimize the problem.”
“Problem?” Eddie snorted. “There’s not a single fucking problem with them.”
You roll your eyes at him again, but it’s not quick enough to hide the smile that started to blossom on your lips when he says that. Eddie’s bed frame squeaks in protest as he hops off the bed and comes to stand in front of you, solemn and serious in a way he almost never is.
“Sweetheart…they’re perfect.”
You’re perfect, he wants to say.
A little pride creeps into your voice as you tilt your head gently and glance briefly down at your own chest before looking back at him.
“Really, really. Literally, maybe, definitely, the greatest ones I’ll ever see in my life.”
A laugh bubbles out of his chest and you honestly feel like you’re going to melt into the carpet under your feet. And suddenly you can’t remember for the life of you why you even bothered with this other guy in the first place.
Because the guy you bought this stupid fancy bra for has never called them, or anything on you for that matter, perfect. And he’s never looked at you the way Eddie is looking at you.
You bit down gently on your bottom lip, absently walking your fingers along the edge of Eddie’s dresser, scratching at the chipped paint.
“Do you, um…do you think you got a good enough look?”
cont’d here
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Locked In
Ah, the classic forced proximity trope (I'm such a sucker for this). This idea was suggested by @blueberrysquire so thank you very much! This one's for you, I hope you like the fic!
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Sho Haizono x gn! Reader
Word Count: 2.1k (2,170 words)
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You and Sho get stuck in a classic forced proximity trope. What will happen when you have no choice but to confront your feelings for each other?
Sho was going to kill Leo this time.
He really was. Sure, he’d said that before and Leo had talked his way out of it or Sho’s anger had dissipated once the issue was passed. But this time, he was serious.
That grey-haired idiot had pushed him too far this time and Sho was going to kill him.
What had happened to get him to that point? Simple.
The food truck had been a great success. Better than he’d ever imagined it would be. Each day came with more and more customers and, while Sho was happy his cooking was finally getting the recognition it deserved, that also meant more and more trips to and from the storage room to replenish his ingredients.
And then there were your visits. At the end of every day, Sho would experiment with whatever leftover ingredients he had on hand and make up new dishes. And somehow, you’d found out about this routine and started dropping by just as he was closing up for a free feed of whatever he decided to cook up that day.
Not that he minded the company. In fact, far from it. Despite his initial mental refusal, Sho had started developing something of a crush on you ever since your support of his food truck idea. He’d been around Leo so long, all it took was a few kind, encouraging words from you to get his heart racing.
And then, just as he was starting to accept his feelings, the last person he ever wanted to find out, found out.
“What, you got a crush on the NPC or something?”
Sho turned his back on where Leo was sitting and concentrated on not burning the chicken he was cooking.
It was the middle of the lunch hour and, as usual, Leo had dropped by to “help out” and “keep Sho company”. Of course, Leo’s version of helping was sitting nearby and gossiping about everyone on campus.
Today, he had been gossiping about you, the Honour Roll, the NPC, who was going around being a goody two shoes and helping all the houses with their unresolved daddy issues. Or mummy issues. Depending on who it was.
Sho had been distracted by his cooking and had made the stupid mistake of defending you.
And that was all the encouragement Leo had needed.
“Oh my god, you do!”
Sho refused to turn around. He could already imagine the look on Leo’s face, smug and vaguely disgusted at the notion of his friend having a crush on someone. And he refused to let Leo see the blush that had spread across his cheeks.
“Really? Honour Roll?” Leo sighed, “You’ve got to improve your taste. But whatever floats your boat, I guess. Could be fun after all.”
At that, Sho turned to face his friend. “No. No, no, no. Don’t you dare. I know that tone. You’re going to keep out of this. I don’t want any dares or bets or gambles. You’re going to keep your pointy nose out of this for once. Okay?”
A slow grin spread across Leo’s face. “You really like them, don’t you?”
Sho felt his face begin to burn again and turned back to the stove. “What is it to you?”
“Nothing, nothing.”
But Sho knew it was never just nothing with Leo.
Which brought him to today. The food truck had been exceptionally busy, even by his standards and by the end of the day, he’d had barely any ingredients left over to cook dinner for the two of you. He was just considering another supply run when your voice broke him from his thoughts.
“How was the truck today?”
You were standing in the door, grinning at him and he had to bite back a goofy smile of his own. Sure, he liked you but that was no reason to go blurting his feelings out so obviously.
“Busy. I’m all out of ingredients. No dinner today.”
Sho watched your face fall, then lift as you scrambled to cover your slip up. “Oh, that’s all good. Can’t get a free feed all the time I suppose.”
Sho nodded, letting the moment drag out before he let himself laugh, a smile breaking across his face. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. I was about to go do another trip to pick up some fresh ingredients for dinner. I have to eat too after all.”
The way your face lit up was all worth it and Sho felt his heart race faster.
“C’mon. You can tag along this time. Since I’ve got to get the ingredients, you can pick what we have tonight.” He untucked his tie from where it had been sitting in his chest pocket and walked over to join you at the door.
On the walk across to the storage room Sho let his mind wander as you ranted about your day. Apparently, the latest house you had been assigned to was full of weirdos and you had no idea how you were going to make them all want to work together.
 “And then they decide to just leave. I mean who does that?”
Sho shook his head, smiling at your incredulous tone as he unlocked the storage room door. Leaving the key in the lock, he gestured you through, turning on the light with his outstretched hand. You pushed past him and he tried not to relish the warmth from your body.
“So, what’s on the menu?”
You made a humming noise as you looked over the shelves. Sho followed you into the room so he could better see what ingredients your eyes lingered over.
And then the door slammed shut.
Sho spun on his heel to try but it was far too late to prevent it from closing. He sighed and placed a hand on the door handle. But just as he was about to turn it to open the door a click came from the other side.
Sho felt panic build in him and tried to turn the handle. It didn’t move.
“Yeah, I locked it.”
Sho covered his hands, trying not to yell. Of course Leo was poking his nose into Sho’s business. And of course he would take matters into his own hands in this way.
“Leo. Unlock the door. It’s not funny.” Sho glanced behind him to see how you were holding up. Being locked in a room was never fun, even if there was plenty of food around. You looked more annoyed than concerned and Sho remembered that, even if he’d known Leo longer, you’d still had to put up with your fair share of his nonsense.
Leo made a tutting noise. “Uh uh uh. You and Honour Roll aren’t getting out of there until things get cleared up between you two. I don’t care how it gets resolved. As long as you leave that room with…no secrets.”
Sho turned away from you quickly, hoping you didn’t notice the blush on his face. “Unlock the door.”
Sho banged on the door with an open palm but there was still no reply. Leo must have walked away. Sho could imagine him going, swinging the key in one hand.
He sighed, resting his head against the door. He was pretty strong, maybe he could break down the door. But no, this room was specially designed to survive the brunt of ghoul strength to prevent theft. He’d left his phone in the kitchen, assuming it would be a quick trip to the storage room and back. And he’d seen you put your bag down inside the kitchen door and he guessed your phone was in there. Unless you were able to think of a plan to get out, you’d both be trapped until Leo took mercy and came back with the keys.
“So. Guess we’re stuck in here huh?”
Sho turned around slowly, almost dreading your expression. But other than lingering annoyance that he hoped was because of Leo, you didn’t look that put out by being forced to spend possibly hours in a locked room with him. Sho decided to take that as a good sign.
“Seems like it. Sorry.”
You shook your head. “Nah, all good. I didn’t have any plans tonight anyway. I don’t mind spending time with you. Despite the circumstances.”
Sho exhaled through his nose and sat down cross legged on the floor. He gestured for you to do the same. “No point in staying standing.”
You nodded your agreement as you lowered yourself to the floor and mirrored his position. “So, what do you want to talk about?”
The conversation had been flowing better than Sho could have hoped. Usually, you talked while he cooked and listened so it was a nice change being able to have a proper two way conversation with you. But it had reached a natural lull and you were both staring at the ingredients, trying not to make the situation awkward.
What was Leo anyway? There was no way of telling the time in the storage room but it had to have been a while. Surely he wasn’t going to leave them there overnight?
Then again, this was Leo. Even Sho didn’t know what he was capable of.
“Hey, Leo said something about clearing the air right?”
Oh no.
“Do you know what that was all about?”
No, no no.
“I think things are great between us. Even when we’re locked in a room, it doesn’t get weird.”
He was going to kill Leo.
“Nah, who knows what he was on about. Probably some new trend he saw on TikTok.”
You uncrossed your legs and spun around onto your hands and knees, crawling towards him. “You sure? It’s nothing like ‘you have a crush on me and you’ve been talking about me to Leo and he’s finally had enough so he locked us in this room to get you to confess’?”
Sho’s mouth hung open despite the voice in his brain screaming at him to get it together. You were just hypothesising, you didn’t know how he felt. But you were getting closer and your face was on level with his and the rest of his brain was short circuiting and he wasn’t sure he trusted his voice at the moment.
You paused. “It’s not that is it?” Silence. “Is it?” More silence as Sho looked away feeling his cheeks heating up. “It is.” You leant back, sitting down with a thump. Sho couldn’t bring himself to look at you. “Oh my god. It is that.”
Sho cleared his throat. He opened his mouth to speak but you raised a hand and he dared to glance at your face.
It was flushed and you were avoiding his eyes as carefully as he and just been avoiding yours. “Just…just give me a second.”
Sho nodded and leaned back against the door, bringing a slightly trembling hand to his head to brush back his hair.
“So, you like me?” Your voice was stronger and, despite the flush that was still evident, you were about to meet his eyes.
Sho nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I do. I didn’t expect you to find out this way though.”
You let out a laugh. “I wasn’t expecting to tell you I like you back this way either.”
Sho blinked, letting your words sink in. You liked him back. You. Liked him. You liked him as well. His feelings were mutual.
He felt a smile begin to spread across his face and saw the same grin mirrored on your face. “You like me too?”
You nodded. Sho wasn’t sure which of you moved first but the next thing he knew, you were hugging him and he was hugging you back and everything felt right in the world, even if you two were still locked in the storage room.
You pulled back from the hug, keeping your faces close together. Sho felt a fluttering in his chest as you began to draw closer…and closer…
And then fluorescent light bathed the two of you as the door swung open and Leo shone a torch down on the two of you.
“Well, that took longer than I thought. If it hadn’t wrapped up soon, I was going to have to leave you two there until morning.”
“Were you sitting outside that whole time listening in?” Sho felt you stiffen in his arms as you realised your private conversation may not have been so private after all.
“Well I had to know when to let you two out. Really Sho, after all that and your secret got blurted out before you had the chance to tell her yourself. I’m ashamed.”
Sho gently pushed you away from him and began to rise to his feet. He stretched a hand down to you and help you up as well. Once you were upright, he smiled at you.
“You want to help me kill him?”
Your grin returned, clearly seeing the sparkle in his eyes. “Could be a fun first date.”
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dira333 · 1 month
Of hearing aids and other worries - Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
This was inspired by @alienaiver and her Amethyst Haze Preview. With her permission, I created Bakugo's love story. You don't have to read her Preview first, but I would advise you to read it. It's going to be more fun that way.
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You can hear the key slide into the lock before it stops halfway, your own key blocking it.
Only a fraction of a second later someone bangs on the door.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” You yell, rushing toward the door. Katsuki has the worst patience.
“Jeez,” he sneers as soon as the door opens, “Why do you keep the key in?”
“So freaks like you can’t break in.”
“It’s not breaking in when I have a key.”
“You don’t have a key, you just know where it’s hidden.”
“Very poorly too,” he points out as he slides out of his shoes and marches through your apartment as if he’s got his eyes on a villain and not your stove.
“Oh yes, come in,” you tell him with as much snark as you can muster - which is a lot. “How nice having you here, what brings you over?”
“What are you making?” He lifts the lid of your pot and sniffs. “How much Chili did you add?”
“Curry and enough. I know how to cook.”
He harrumphs at that, going through your spice drawer.
“At least try it before you ruin it.”
“HA?!” He turns, brows furrowed. “I know how to cook!”
Annoyed, you hip check him out of the way. “Sure you do, now get me something to drink and get out of my way.”
“Let me-” You glare up at him. “Out of my way!”
“Fine,” he huffs, moving past you in a way that’s much too close, his hips brushing your thighs in the crowded kitchen. He smells like sweet sweat and laundry detergent, a scent so distinctly Katsuki you’ve been able to pick him out of crowds just by that. It helps to have an overpowered nose.
“Shinsou has this tea,” he adds as he stares into your fridge, trying to decide. “It tastes great.”
Ah. So that’s where he went during Lunch.
“And you didn’t bring me any?”
“I don’t know where he got it,” Katsuki huffs. He picks a bottle of Barley tea for himself and your favorite drink for you, doesn’t mention the fact that you have too many different drinks - most of them his favorites - in an apartment meant for one.
But that’s just it. 
You might be his coworker on paper, one of the three assistants that make him being the Number Two Hero possible, but that doesn’t explain all the other things.
Like cooking Dinner for two because he had an appointment during Lunch and you knew he’d show up unannounced.
Still. You’re his coworker on paper and maybe his friend, but there are still borders that are hard to cross.
Do you ask him about his appointment? Do you ask him about Shinsou? 
If he met with Shinsou after his appointment then it’s something bad, right? He only visits Shinsou if he needs to talk about something he doesn’t feel comfortable talking to Midoriya or Kirishima about.
“Food’s burning,” Katsuki points out from where he’s leaning against the fridge and you curse under your breath as you start stirring again.
You cook quietly after that, not that there’s much more to do than wait and stir and wait some more. It’s your favorite pastime, really, cooking with him. 
Sometimes you let him do the cooking, pretend he’s won the constant argument of who’s better at the stove. It’s fun to lean back and watch him focus, tease him by pretending to mess with his food when he’s busy doing something else. Like dropping a bit more salt into the soup when he’s frying the chicken for example.
But it’s even better when it’s the other way around, when he relaxes in your presence, showing a softer side of him you rarely get to see.
Right now he’s leaning heavy against your poor fridge, ruby eyes moving over your figure in that gentle way you’ve begun to crave. 
“Drink something,” he points out softly, nudging his own bottle in your direction. At first you think it’s a mistake. You don’t like Barley tea that much, especially cold, and you have your own bottle to drink from not much further away.
But there’s a Challenge in his eyes that you can never back down from so you pick up the bottle and press your lips where his have been minutes ago, taking a sip of the cold Barley tea. It tastes disgusting but it’s worth the soft pink blooming on his cheeks.
“Now,” you say, well aware that your voice sounds weirdly tight, “Set the table. Food’s ready.”
“So bossy,” he points out, his elbow nudging your side as he moves to get the bowls. That’s not accidental, you know. Katsuki has a habit of being touchy when no one else is around. 
It’s only after Dinner when you’ve retired to the Couch, the dishes sitting in the dishwasher, that he picks up the conversation again.
“Went to see Shinsou today,” he points out, his socked left foot tapping the underside of your bare right. It tickles but you don’t pull away. 
“Yeah.” He huffs. “He said I should retire.”
You laugh. “He didn’t.” You know him well enough to know when he’s exaggerating. 
Instead of answering Katsuki leans forward grabs your feet and pulls them into his lap. It’s not really comfortable, sitting like this, your back now too far down in the pillows, your chin digging into your chest to properly look at him.
But you don’t say anything, not even when his thumb digs into your bare skin, rubbing an anxious circle over your ankle.
“I don’t wanna retire.”
You don’t answer, just look at him. He huffs, averting his eyes. You can smell the anxiety rolling off him in waves and sigh, pushing yourself up and closer to him.
“What did the Doctor say?”
Angry red spots grow like poppies on his face and neck. “He didn’t-!”
“Katsuki,” you nudge his thigh with your feet, your legs still in his lap. “What did he say?”
“I’m losing my hearing.”
“I know,” your voice is soft. You’ve been over this before. As far as you know you’re the only one of his assistants who knows just how bad it already is. His hearing aids are well hidden, good enough that you wouldn’t know he has them in right now if you didn’t know better.
“I’m losing it faster than we thought.”
“What about protectors?”
Katsuki groans, loud and feral like a beast trying to break free. “Why are you all so obsessed with my protectors?”
“Because they’re supposed to be helping?”
“But they look stupid!”
This time you kick his thighs with enough force to push him further down the Couch.
“What the-”
“Bakugo!” You hiss, rage coursing through you. “Put your Ego in check! This is about your health right now!”
“This isn’t about my Ego!” He booms, getting in your face.
“The hell it isn’t! You’re too worried about what others think!” You bite back just as enraged.
“I don’t care what others think! I care what you think!” 
All fight leaves you as you blink, wiping his spit off your face.
“Forget it!” Katsuki pushes your legs off his lap and gets up, trying to get away. He stumbles over one of your slippers and barely catches himself, giving you enough time to rush after him, reaching him in the hallway.
“Stop!” You sling your arms around his midriff, face pressed into his back. “Stop, right now!”
“No!” He sounds like a child. 
“Yes. We need to talk about this!”
“No, we don’t.”
“Yes, we do.” You press your face against his back, smell the sweetness of his sweat. If you press your whole face against his back, does this count as kissing him?
“I don’t care what you look like,” you blunder ahead, embarrassed by your own thoughts.
“Thanks,” he snaps, moving for the door, pulling you along.
“I’m already in love with you,” you burst out, trying to save what’s left to save. 
For about half a second, Katsuki freezes in your grip. 
But then, everything happens fast, too fast for you to react. 
He pulls your hands apart and steps out of your grip, through the open door without once looking back.
Sleep is evading you.
A part of you is convinced that Katsuki will be back. 
After all, there have been too many signals, too many things that indicate he likes you back. He’s said it himself tonight. He cares what you think of him.
But there’s still a part of you, a part that’s anxious and scared and desperate, that’s just as convinced that you’ll never see him again.
Better start looking for a new job now.
Something brushes against the windows of your living room. 
You sit up, listening closely.
There it is again. Too loud to be a cat or a branch.
You move to the side of your bed, pulling out the baseball bat you keep close for safety. A street lamp throws golden light through your bedroom window, almost reaching the bed. You slip out of it, hiding in the shadows, pressed against the wall as someone approaches your bedroom window.
The frame screeches as it’s pushed open.
“I’m armed,” you point out, your voice rough with anxiety, “So you better think twice before you get in here or I’ll knock your head right off.”
“Jeez!” The voice is familiar, the surprised gasp even more. “It’s me.”
“Katsuki?” You flip the light on, glare at him blinking back at you. “What the hell are you doing?”
“You took the key from me,” he points out. “Couldn’t get in through the door.”
“You could have just called! Or texted!”
“This is easier.” He slips in fully, closing the window behind him. “And how do you call that armed? I could have beaten you easily.”
“Try it,” you swing your bat and he steps back, turning serious.
“Can we talk?”
“I’m not the one who ran away.”
“Yeah,” he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “I kinda freaked out a little.”
“Kinda.” You drop your bat and walk back to your bed, slipping under the covers.
“You coming?” You ask when he eyes you from the window.
“Are you serious?”
You roll your eyes and sit up. “Talk.”
“I’m going deaf.”
“I’m going deaf!” He yells this time. You grimace at the sound, already seeing the next noise complaint. 
Instead of answering, you raise your hands, sign three words you’ve said before. 
“I don’t care.”
All fight leaves him as if pulled out of him with a single breath. You can’t even call it standing, what he does, almost keeling over.
“Come into bed,” you offer again, this time flipping the cover back. “And just accept it.”
“Why though?” He asks, not moving an inch.
“Would you care less about me if I turned deaf right now?”
“No, of course not!”
“So why do you think I would?”
He snorts. “I know my flaws.”
“Well, if anyone asks why I love you I’ll just say your charming nature did me in.”
Katsuki laughs. “You really are serious.”
“Never have I ever been more serious. Are you coming now?”
Finally, finally, he moves, pulling his shirt off and stepping out of his trousers, slipping under the covers.
“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet,” he points out just seconds before you slide over and into his arms. 
“Don’t care,” you point out, head settling on his chest. “And if you dare move away again, I’ll bite you.”
He chuckles, his grip on you tightening. You’re pretty sure you don’t imagine his lips pressing against the crown of your head.
“Tomorrow,” you tell him, sleep coming in fast now, “We’ll talk about ear protectors.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
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zadralien · 8 months
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He wanted Dib to beg for his life.
Dib has become his life.
Ficlet under the cut.
“Fuck, Zim!” Dib reaches up to gingerly press his fingers to his nose and feels the thick blood pooling down past his mouth. “I swear to god, you fucking bug, if you’ve gone and broken my nose again I’ll-“
“-Shut up!” Zim shrieks, pak legs unfurling and clanking onto the concrete. He rises above Dib and encroaches slowly, legs clacking with each step. “You.. you worm! Do you have any idea what you could have done?”
“Dude, it was just some papers. I didn’t even read them for christ’s sake. They’re in Irken, you of all people should know I’m slow at translating that chicken scratch of yours.” Dib looks forlornly at the stack of crumpled papers a few feet away, scattered and likely marked with a spray of Dib’s blood. He turns back to look up at Zim when he snarls, reaching out a gloved claw to shove Dib back hard.
“They’re not for you, they’re Zim’s private papers!” Zim leans further over Dib, tongue curling and spitting flecks of saliva onto Dib’s face. Dib scrubs at his face, remembering how disrespectful spitting is considered in Irken culture. It burns a little.
“I don’t give a shit what they are. I didn’t even mean to touch them! I just wanted to put my crap down.” He meets Zim’s eyes. They’re a deep red and set in a foul expression. “I’m not interested in your secrets. You can keep those. It’s not like I don’t know everything anyway.”
Zim stiffens and Dib’s expression softens despite himself. He runs a tired hand through his hair and steels his gaze.
“You don’t really think I’m that big of an idiot, do you? You’ve just been quietly shoving your fat green head into my life over the last year and suddenly you save my life. I don’t know man, a guy spends his entire life trying to kill you and then just stops you from bleeding out some random Tuesday? That was weird.“ Dib shrugs, looking away briefly.
“That does not mean anything, Dib-worm. You were bleeding all over my base, it was disgusting. Zim had to stop it somehow.”
Dib shakes his head.
“It’s okay, Zim. I know we’re friends. I don’t know why, and I don’t care to know - but I know you’re lost and don’t know where to go. I know, and it’s okay. I’m lost too. We can be lost together. Your leaders, the Tallest -“.
“Don’t.” Zim grits out, quiet in a way Dib has never heard, didn’t know was possible. Physically, he begins trying to reach one hand out to soothe, to touch, to reassure. Mentally, he begs his sister to come collect his corpse once she realises what most likely happened to him. Damn it, he hopes she realises.
He isn’t that surprised when Zim lunges at him, but he wishes he’d had more time to brace before an Irken claw punches into his chest to grab at the material of his shirt. He wheezes a little.
“You do not know what you speak of, you pathetic slime! Do not mistake your loneliness for Zim’s. Zim doesn’t need you, Zim doesn’t need this dust bowl of a planet. One more fucking word and I’ll finish what that disgusting cryptid creature started last year.”
The human swear word sounds weird coming out of the alien’s mouth, but it’s not the first time. He’d only ever heard Zim swear once before - specifically when he got shredded by a cryptid in the woods and, in a blood-loss haze, made his way to Zim’s base to start bleeding out on his frenemies floor. He knows how hard it is to admit how miserable you are on the inside, especially to the people that matter most.
Well, he had made it this far.
“I know you Zim, and it’s okay.”
Zim’s quiet for a moment before he speaks, clenching his jaw.
“Zim told you, one more word. Now you beg for your pathetic life, you insolent worm.”
“I’m not going to - Zim, stop it. You know I’m right. I care about you too! It’s fine!”
Zim snarls, fist clenched, pak legs raising him to his full height. Dib’s heart drops when he sees one leg glint as it lifts itself behind Zim, preparing to strike.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. He might actually die today. Shit.
Shit. The leg is calibrating.
“I’m all you have! Kill me and you’ll have nothing. You know it too!”
Zim stops. The leg pauses. His eyes are wide, frightened, conflicted. He chokes out a pained sound, continuing to clench and unclench his fist. He yanks Dib closer by the shirt still tangled in his fist. Dib breathes heavily.
“Beg Zim not to kill you.” His voice is raw, tired. His eyes roam over Dib’s face, carefully categorising and assessing. The stilted pak leg drops back to the ground.
Dib’s whole body un-tenses despite the proximity. The alien’s face turns slowly into a somewhat unreadable resignation.
Dib swallows the lump.
“Please.” He whispers quietly. Swaying, pressing forward.
“You fool.”
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
Where the Wild Things Are - Chapter 2
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Chapter Two: You Say You Are Holy
Plot: Wild men or monstrous infected creatures, the world is wild and ravaged by Cordecyps but some are raised in it and flourish becoming a wild thing.
Word Count: 2.7K
Pairing: Joel Miller x Platonic!Teen!Reader, Ellie Williams x Platonic!Reader
Warnings: canon-typical fighting/violence, injuries
You say you are holy, And that Because I have not seen you sin. Aye, but there are those Who see you sin, my friend.
Time seemed pointless, with the small window you could at least tell when the sun rose or set. You weren’t going to leave your dwindling hope died by the fourth day. Sat in that cell your only contact with the outdoors was random strangers who ran the place and brought you food that only ended with the food all over them as you screamed threats at them. Maria and Tommy felt like they were hit a dead end, you didn’t interact with anyone unless it was to scream and curse them out until they ran out of the jail with their tail between their legs. You seemed to be just getting started and the rumors had spread through Jackson of a crazed girl in their town jail. Many people urged the council to just kick her out of Jackson and end this madness but the fear of the raiders that have slowly gotten closer and closer to Jackson was the only reason they didn’t release the girl. Tommy had visited you multiple times whether it was to bring food or to speak with you but he was met with silence and he too soon fell victim to the food getting thrown at him.
Tommy sighs leaving the building the remnants of the cold chicken noodle soup still sticking to his once-clean clothes and pieces in his hair. Curses shaking his hair to try and get some of it out knowing he will have to go home and take a shower to get it all out. “New look.” Joel leaning against one of the post comments as his younger brother lets out a sarcastic laugh.
“Funny.” Tommy sighs not liking the smell of soup stuck to his body, “Be happy it was cold soup.” Joel comments and Tommy nods. When this first started they had made the mistake of bringing you hot soup. Poor William was able to protect his face but the burns on his arms were not great.
“Just don’t get it, she’s gotta understand the reasoning here.” Tommy sighs and Joel shakes his head.
“You have to stop treating her like she’s a guest. The reality is you have her here against her will. Drop the hospitality bit,” Joel says before producing an apple, “She doesn’t want a full meal she won’t get one.” He enters the jail ready to be the bad cop to Tommy’s good cop bit. Tommy waits outside before he hears a curse coming inside and Joel coming out his hand held over his eye a grimace in pain.
“She threw the apple at you,” Tommy says and Joel curses once more pulling his hand away revealing the quickly forming shiner from getting an apple chucked at his face. He had entered ready to put the fear of god in you but all he got was an apple to the face and some sharp curses thrown his way. “Little shit.” Joel curses when his fingers touch the quickly bruising skin being careful around his still sensitive nose when you had broken his nose when you escaped.
“Let her starve for all I care,” “Joel, this isn’t the QZ we aren’t animals. She is to be treated with some human respect.” Tommy retorts but knows he was right, he wasn’t sure how she was still alive. It was a real roulette on what days she silently accepted the meal and ate or what was getting tossed at someone. It was leaning on the latter and it was making him a bit nervous how you weren’t allowing yourself to eat. Tommy pinches his nose in frustration he didn’t know what to do with you, “I’ll talk to Maria there has to be something we can do.”
The cell was silent as you picked at the broken chunks of apple you chucked at Joel’s face. You found great pleasure as you kindly accepted it before it quickly was thrown at his face. Curses spit from both people before he stormed off in a rage. You were sure it was driving Tommy and Maria up the wall, you weren’t going to make it easy for them. They were keeping you here against your will and you weren’t going to sit all nice and polite waiting to be set free.
You hear the doors open as footsteps draw closer and you assume it’s Joel ready for round two. “I didn’t think you wanted another black eye you old fuck..” Your voice trails off expecting Joel or Tommy pretty much anyone except the young girl you fought when you first got here. The socket of her eye was black and blue but she doesn’t seem to mind the very large bruise. Her brown hair is pulled back in a ponytail a few hairs framing her face, the small scar going across her eyebrow, her clothes cleaner than yours and her size while yours was a mixture, with the pair of converse on her feet. The two of you are silent as she reaches into her back and you tense up before she pulls out two books and a smaller item. She tosses one of the books as it lands a bit in front of you. Looking at it silently as she flips open her beginning to read hers you lean forward seeing the graphic design on the cover, ‘Savage Starlight’ was the title.
“The hell is this?” You ask and she looks up at you through her similar one with the same title but the cover is a different design.
“It’s Savage Starlight..you know the comic.” She says and your silence has her keep talking, “You never heard of it, yeah know ‘Endure and Survive’ that Savage Starlight.” She deepens her voice when saying ‘Endure and Survive’ and you glare at the comic before you.
“Never fucking heard of it.” You retort and her eyes widen comically, “You have not lived then, best fucking comic ever.” Her hand reaches through the bar pointing at the comic in front of you, “This is the first one. The plot may be a bit confusing but it all makes sense when you read the second issue that dives into the backstory.” She scooches back leaning against the wall across from you flipping open her comic and beginning to read it.
“Why are you here?” You speak up after a minute of silence and she looks at you,
“Wanted to see if you were really as scary as everyone was saying, plus Joel told me to avoid seeing you but that only pushed me more.” She says before she grabs a small bag filled with tiny brown pieces grabbing one and popping it into her mouth. Holding the bag out for you, “Want one, they’re good.” You stare at the clear bag in her hand seeing the pieces of food and your stomach audibly growled. The girl smirks slightly and pours some pieces into her hand before putting them through the bars and you watch in shock. She had no fear interacting with you like this, you inch forward holding your dirty hand out as she pours the food into your palm before eating her own.
“Name’s Ellie.” She says eating another piece as you retreat to the wall looking at the food before grabbing a piece and putting it in your mouth. The sweetness hits your tongue instantly your eyes widen as it melts on your tongue and you quickly put another piece in your mouth to bring back the taste. Ellie watches the wonder in your eyes as you eat the food, “It’s chocolate. One of the people here makes some homemade, it’s like milk, sugar, and this bean called cocoa to give it that taste. People used to eat these all the time when things were normal.”
You nod finishing the chocolate the sweetness still on your tongue a pleasant food you wished to taste more of. You watch Ellie stuff her comic back into her pack and the empty bag of chocolate before she stands, “I’ll try to bring more next time.” She doesn’t move to take the comic as she moves towards the door, “Finish that one and I'll bring the second issue.” Her hand grabs the handle before you call out to her.
“Y/n!” She looks back at you as you sat up slightly, “My name is Y/n.” Ellie gives you a smile before leaving the room and you’re alone once more. You couldn’t describe the feeling in your chest, you weren’t sure you could remember the last time someone gave you something or was just generally kind to you. Looking at the still-untouched comic reaching forward grabbing it and beginning to read quickly pulled in by the plot.
Ellie was able to receive more chocolate the next day returning with the second issue as well and she gave it to you taking back the first one. You both ate the sweet in silence before she read her comic re-reading for probably the twentieth time. She noticed you didn’t read in front of her only watching her with cautious and sharp eyes but when she soon returned the next day you would be accepting the third issue. The conversations were one-sided Ellie happy to fill the silence by talking about anything and after multiple days of quiet, you soon were responding with one-word responses even going to a few sentences. You had learned she was sixteen and for her birthday Joel had taken her to a museum and she stood on a dinosaur, she was originally from Boston coming over here after some mission though she never told you what. She talked about Sally Ride and how she wanted to be an astronaut and see space, she would talk about comics all the time. Her vocabulary is filled with a curse every few sentences. Ellie after much time found out you were eighteen, from Kansas City, you didn’t explain how you got over here to Jackson. Those two small facts were held with the most security and though the young girl pressed for more about your likes and dislikes the things you were passionate about she was met with silence.
Ellie mainly led conversations droning on and on as you silently listened putting in your two cents every once and a while. An unlikely friendship. Well, Ellie said you two were friends but you didn’t agree or disagree with the label. You grew up not speaking to people especially ones your age for most of your life. It had been about three weeks soon pushing towards a month inside that cell and Tommy and Maria noticed to change in you. You still didn’t talk to them but when food was brought by someone there was no screaming or cursing or food getting thrown at them. They weren’t sure where this shift in attitude had come from but they weren’t going to reject this changed behavior though Joel was more skeptical of the motives behind it.
“So I’m thinking of leaves and a moth going down my arm it’s gonna look sick as fuck I can already picture it. I have this friend Cat, she does tattoos she’s got a whole bunch over her.” Ellie explains very enthusiastically speaking with her hands. You nod silently imagining as you watch the girl sketch away in a book her idea. “You ever think about getting one?” She asks glancing from the book and pencil in hand and you shake your head.
“I don’t think it would look good on me.” You shrug, the new clean clothes on your body feeling nice. They actually fit you, unlike the clothes you had stolen from places or crudely altered to fit your body. You were never more grateful for a shower though someone stood right outside the stall to make sure you didn’t try anything. But clean skin and detangled hair were a dream. The warm water was a savior for your tense muscles you would have stayed there for hours if you hadn’t been given a time limit.
“Nah you’d look badass. I can see you with them all down your arms, look sick as fuck.” Ellie leans against the metal and you shake your head at her absurd fantasy. She seems finished with her drawing sliding it through the bars so you can see and you scoot forward. Ellie had once started on the opposite side to soon be sat right beside the door to the cell. You had made slower progress getting about halfway to the door still hesitant.
“Like this! I gotta show Cat but she’ll touch up some things but this is gonna look so sick-shit!” Ellie yells as her head is pulled back and you sit up seeing the pain on the girl’s face.
“Crap my hair is stuck,” You look and she’s right, part of her ponytail was between the hinge of the rusted metal door, “It’s not that much but I don’t think you could pull it free…” You explain having a much better view than the girl who’s half-twisted.
“Just cut it needed a trim anyways.” She says her hands patting her pockets before pulling out the switchblade and holding it open for you. You stare at the weapon before slowly taking it in your hand. “Come on hurry I’m gonna get a crick in my neck.” She urges and you sigh taking the weapon and feeling the weight. It’s been weeks since you had the safety of a blade or gun in your hand to keep you protected.
“Just…don’t move.” You say before moving to the hinge where the hair was caught. Trying to figure out how to cut her hair free you start to bring the blade to her when the door slams open and you jump tightening your grip on the knife. Joel had only caught just a glimpse of Ellie on the ground a pained look on her face and the weapon in your hand before he bursted in.
“Ellie!” “Joel?!” The man rushes over and grabs the arm with the weapon pulling it forward so you slammed into the bars letting it go. He twists your arm as you cry out in pain your face pressed against the bars as you try scratching at his face. Trying to resist but he keeps twisting and you were certain he was going to break your arm. Ellie yells from the ground and your screeches alert Tommy and Maria who were about to come in with lunch finding the scene before them.
“Joel!” Tommy quickly pulls his brother away as you retreat further into the cell. Blood spills from your nose when you slammed into the bar. Clutching your throbbing arm your eyes frantic, adrenaline flooding your veins from the attack. “She had a knife! She was going to hurt Ellie!” Joel yells glaring at you as Tommy holds him back.
“She was helping me!” Ellie says to Joel, Maria frees her from the tangled section of her hair now shorter than the other. “She wasn’t going to hurt me!”
“You mean again! She’s dangerous what were you thinking!?” Joel now free from Tommy pulls the girl away from the cell being a block between you and the girl. The man doesn’t let the girl defend herself or you as he grabs the girl’s pack pulling her out of the room leaving Tommy and Maria to see the cold expression on your features.
“Kid..” “Get the fuck out.” You cut Tommy off as you find they make no action to leave, “Get the fuck out! Fucking leave! You fucking bastards fuck you!” You scream grabbing Ellie’s sketchbook and chucking it at them as they dodge it and you kick the remaining breakfast at them barely getting on their shoes, “Get out! Get the fuck out! Fucking leave!” The two rush out your screaming not ending until you are certain they are gone. Your blood boils but the air is thin as you struggle to catch your breath your body hitting the wall as you slide to the ground. Your nails dig into your palms not even registering the pain and the blood in your palms as you are left alone once more. The slow progress the girl had made was now lost.
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dokries · 3 months
hiiii my moon :3 im here to request a dino f2l drabble hihi! if u want more details then maybe dino has a crush on a classmate (yn) and sees her eating alone at lunch one day n decides to go sit w her >_< could lead to a confession maybe? ur choice :P i hope it isn't too much & ill be waiting excitedly ヽ(^o^)丿
pairing: lee chan (dino) x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, high school au, classmates/friends to lovers
word count: 724
warnings: mentions of food, chan is a down bad loser who’s oblivious
author note: HI DORI thank you so much for requesting <3 this was so fun to write (i was literally giggling the entire time he’s such a Loser) so i hope you enjoy 🫶 lots of love !!
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chan hopes that it isn’t too obvious that he’s always looking after you.
well, that is his job as class vice president but still. seungkwan already teases him for how “down bad” he is but come on, how can he not like you as more than just a friend, with your sunny smile and easy disposition?
chan refuses to admit that his crush on you is the reason he doesn’t sit with the rest of his friends at lunch today—he’s just doing his job as the vice president, and making sure you’re not alone because the person you usually sit with has been sick for days on end.
you sigh, bored as you play around with the food on your plate before chan puts his own down on the table in front of you, and calls your name to pull you out of your thoughts. “hey!”
you sit up properly once he gets comfortable and smile at him, and he pats himself on the back in his mind for making the right decision.
“hey, chan! i thought you usually eat with seungkwan and vernon…?” you say, pointing over to where his friends are sitting, and where seungkwan is making kissy faces at the two of you.
thankfully, you’re oblivious, and only giggle at the silly motion as chan glares at his best friend, his ears becoming a deep shade of red.
he turns back to you clearing his throat and with his hand up, mimicking the position he took when taking the pledge after he was elected. “as your amazing vice president, it is my duty to make sure all students are represented and treated well, which includes me making sure they’re included—even if it’s just sitting with them at lunch.” chan winks, giving a small bow when you clap politely for his dedication.
he picks at his food, mumbling, “besides, i would always sit with you if i could.”
you pause, narrowing your eyes at chan. “what did you just say?”
his eyes widen, and he starts to talk frantically. “hey—i just mean that you’re a really cool person, and you have a really nice smile—no scratch that. wait, i don’t mean that you don’t have a nice smile—” you laugh, cutting him off, and he gives you a dopey smile before he realizes what his expression looks like.
“what i mean is…i think you’re good company. nothing more, nothing less!” he nods, proud of himself for covering up his mistake—nice one, chan.
however, his cover up doesn’t seem to be that good because you smirk, leaning closer to him. “is that so? the way you talked about me doesn’t make it seem like i’m just ‘good company’ to you now, does it?”
chan gulps, taking his carton of strawberry milk and chugging it down before he speaks, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand when he’s done.
you grin at him, before placing a chicken piece in one of the compartments of his tray. “you can just say you like me, you know.”
when chan doesn’t respond, you freeze, apologizing immediately. “chan, i’m so sorry if i read the vibes wrong, i didn’t mean to make assumptions—”
your vice president interrupts you with a sigh as he puts his face in his hands, and peeks at you through them. “…was it really that obvious?”
you pause before nodding, and biting back a grin. “so i was right?” you don’t hold back your smile when he nods tiredly and you let out a sigh of relief. “and here i thought i was being obvious.”
chan’s jaw drops as he struggles to find the words. “y—you? no way, i had no idea.”
you sigh, already knowing that fact. you always go out of your way to help him fill out the attendance sheet, collect the textbooks for him even though it isn’t your job, and even buy him snacks from time to time!
“oh, chan,” you smile lovingly at him. “you’re just a little oblivious guy, that’s all.”
he shrugs, face turning red. “i could be your oblivious guy…if you want me to.”
“yes, of course i want you to be!” you grab chan’s hands in yours and squeal, and he can’t help grinning.
seungkwan was definitely wrong at the beginning of the year; being the vice president certainly has its perks.
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darylsfavoritegirl · 3 months
It's very awkward to post after so long. This is not proofread so it probably has a lot of mistakes I'll edit after posting lol I just wanna put something out here. This has been on my drafts forever. There'll be a part 2!! (hopefully). I got me some ideas for this type of plot!!
Summary: Right after losing the prison, y/n loses her way and stumbles upon that jerky group daryl had to deal with. They unite and all.
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Your hand went out to the unyielding fingers covering your mouth as you breathed harshly through your nose.
The guy behind you yanked your arm to your back, forcing you to stay still. There you were, trapped among a couple of men and even with Daryl, they outnumbered you.
Your heart's beating made you lightheaded. You were already hungry and the pit in your stomach grew more obstinate.
"Easy, Len." The chubby one shouted lightly with a half-grin tugged on the curls of his lips.
"Joe'll want her nice and neat." He leered through you with half-lidded eyes as if a starved bear. His body reeked with eagerness that turned your stomach upside down.
A minute passed as his men started looking around bewilderedly.
Your heart skipped a beat. He was leading them to your camp with Daryl. You shut your eyes screwed as Len's enthusiastic breathing tickled the back of your neck.
"Been watchin' this bitch. She's got a boyfriend somewhere 'round here."
Your eyes burned as he kept sniggering behind your ear. His pitiful friends started to laugh your ears off alongside him.
You yelped against his palm pressing harshly against your lips as you shook your arms, trying to free yourself.
"Oh, oh easy attagirl." He came close near your neck, whispering into your ear.
"Shut that little mouth for your sweetheart's dear life."
A tear slided down your cheek onto his knuckles. It was out of pure rage and how you couldn't do a thing about it.
"Seeing how she resisted us... Joe will want someone like her." Another man uttered as questions pondered your head. Who was this man?
"Yeah yeah yeah."
You could feel Len shaking his head in a fancy way as if mocking.
"But first, we'll have our fun.. am I right gentlemen?" He chuckled behind your ear as your vision darkened.
Your vein on your neck throbbed against your ear as their rigid laughs filled the air before they all turned around harshly.
Len forced you around aswell, and there he was, Daryl, his crossbow looking directly into Len's forehead as he spoke in a commanding voice. They could outnumber him, outpower him yet he was the one with his lethal weapon, catching them off guard.
"If ya lay hands on 'er, consider yerself a dead man."
Your eyes followed the chickened-out Len who-was-yet trying to stand his post like a devoted soldier. After all, he had the numbers.
"If you are a smart man, you'd drop that crossbow of yours to the ground." He demanded, his eyes peeking along his men as if seeking verbal support.
"We got your girl, don't we?" He forced a chuckle.
"Nah. Handling a whole bunch o' pricks ain't never been trouble." He whispered under his breath, not taking his eyes off of the man holding you hostage.
"You've got some balls, I'll give you that."
His mockery grew denser as Daryl was not acknowledging your presence yet your gaze never left his face and his firm stance.
"But see, you ain't gonna win this. You'd be-"
All of your heads turned to the sound of someone clicking their tongue in the middle of the woods behind some bush.
There appeared a man looking in his middle or late 50s with distinctive features bearing his face. You heard one of the men softly huff "Joe.." as you exchanged glances back and forth.
"That ain't very nice now is it Len?" He inquired, not masking his letdown filled with an uncanny stare.
"We- we were bringing these two right to you." He stuttered, you felt his grip loosening on your back. You heard his chapped lips forcing a smile, a smile without the eyes.
"Then why the hell that fella over there holding his crossbow at your skull point?" He smiled, trying to look inviting to you, nonetheless you wouldn't buy it.
"Got his baby-doll over here." He chuckled, putting on a confident manner.
The man they called Joe, smiled.
"Son o'va bitch is a chatter." Daryl said. You turned your head to him for a brief moment as he kept pogging Len with his dark-eyed stare.
"Let go of her." He shook his fingers at the two of you as you felt him letting go completely.
You massaged your wrists as you gazed at Daryl through your brows. If you were alone, you'd just bolt as fast as you could, only you weren't and you had no weapons whatsoever.
Joe came closer to him, only leaving a distance with the crossbow between them.
"You ain't very friendly." Joe expressed and yet again you felt that ear-offing, jambering on tone in his voice.
Daryl stayed silent, his solid gaze never left Joe's. Joe was inches away from death, even so, he kept making senseless, unnecessary comments.
"Well, can he talk?" He asked his men, chuckling at his own statement.
"Wer' leavin' " Daryl grunted as he didn't move or lower his crossbow.
Joe looked bewildered.
"Trust me, some of us are more hospitable."
Daryl finally lowered his crossbow.
"That ain't appealing ta me."
"Wer' goin' " He took a step ahead, Joe placing his arms on his ribs to stop him. Daryl initially glared down at his forearm then to his eyes, giving him a penetrating stare.
"No need for any o'us ta get hurt." Daryl glared at him obstinately
"See, that's right. So why don't you come with us? You don't seem like you got a group out there." He held out his hands extravangtly. He, then turned to you, his eyes sizing you up.
"Why don't you put some sense into your boyfriend over there?" He asked you as you sharpened your stare, then gaze at Daryl.
"I mean, trust me. You don't wanna die out there all alone." He chuckled loudly, vibrating the leaves and bushes all around you.
You stood there, mulling over your odds out there. It was just the two of you, plus both of you had no idea if any of your friends were even alive.
A part of you wanted to be part of someting greater. Safe to say, your prospects of surviving even with a gang like that were more favorable than it was with you two only.
The other part of you felt like you didn't have much of a say in this. Consequently this Joe guy was only asking you out of the little-to+none courtesy he persuaded he had in himself.
You'd spent your life with men like him. It was either with physical force or the presumed kindness and the virtue. Daryl had thought the same all along, you saw the little sparkles fade in his eyes when you looked up. This was the new world order.
Joe must've seen both of your features soothen that he clapped his hands dramatically and made a "Ha" sound.
You'd walked a few hours, exchanging secret glances with Daryl.
When you'd taken a break after walking for hours at an abandoned gas station was when Daryl embraced his arms all around you without saying a word as you were trying to figure at how to shatter a vending machine glass.
You were kneeling down, your palm was pressing your forehead as if trying to remember something long forgotten as your eyes were screwed shut.
It was like you'd totally forgot his presence, bearing you from walkers or more to say -something you both didn't wanna admit or had the heart to say it to eachother- bearing you from the gang of rural vigilantes you happened to join.
For a second, he knelt besides you, his crossbow still at hand with a brawny grip when you felt his arms go around you, followed by you getting up reflexively.
For a moment, you froze. Your eyes were stuck on a walker lurking around feets away you. Your hands stayed put, this had never happened before.
Then your heart melted into his. You noticed his heart beat going faster against your chest. You gulped, which made an out of the blue sound and you hoped he didn't notice. He didn't.
Then one of your arms started embracing his neck slowly while the other went over the back of his shoulders. You were sure you didn't go tighter with your hugging yet did it feel like you were suffocating him with your clutch.
His head fell to the crook of your neck, breathing lightly against your bare skin that goosebumps started swell.
" 'M jus' glad yer alright."
He, then broke the embrace, however your arms were still around his neck. You gazed deep into his eyes, aspiring to see something you'd never seen in those heavy, forever serious eyes.
"I'm fine, and you?" You tilted your head forward and gave him a begging stare through your lashes.
He let go of your waist and nod his head in agreement as he kept biting his bottom lip and eyeing you up and down.
You knelt down again, trying to look occupied incase any of them popped up infront of you.
Daryl was still standing, when you lifted your gaze to check him out was the time you were blinded with the sunny sun shine and his face wasn't visible. Too shadowed, too dark.
"What's wrong?" You asked as you kept working on the vending machine with an adjustable wrench.
He started speaking as if he was contemplating all along.
"If things go south, ya be the first one ta run off."
You furrowed your brows as you turned your head to his direction. There was the dazzling sunlight again, hence you shielded your eyes with your hands.
"And let them skin you alive?" You inquired. You knew the answer, yet you sensed to speak about it as to put sense into him.
He maintained his silence as you felt your rage run through you. You got up, the tool still in your hand and you squeezed it like you could break metal.
Your eyes cut right through him yet he stayed put.
He rested his body weight on one leg and kept staring at you.
"Those assholes kno' damn well how ta get a reaction outta someone." He lowered his eyelids.
"If sumthing goes down, I need ya gone."
"Right up."
"Ya hear me?"
Your eyes scanned him for a while with a wrinkly forehead. You didn't know which words to utter.
"I won't leave you." You said low as your eyes were trapped on the pavement 10 feets away from you.
You heard him letting out a sigh as you followed him with your eyes. You were beyond bewildered.
-End of Part One-
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jennarations · 3 months
Did a 20 minute drabble sprint with my speedy gentlemen buds and came out with this!
Prompt: “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”
I chose to do some Landoscar fluff :)
Under the cut!
It starts out quiet.
Like Lando isn’t even sure anything is even different. It’s casual. It’s normal.
But something has shifted in the way Oscar Piastri looks at him. And Lando doesn't know how to deal with it other than internal flailing and alarms screeching in his head.
“Here,” Oscar offers with a small nod, handing Lando his forgotten water bottle he had left abandoned in the hospitality an hour earlier.
Lando takes it from Oscar’s outstretched hand and feels their fingers brush just the tiniest bit from the pass. Lando shivers. He hopes it was internal shivering that is imperceptible to others, imperceptible to Oscar.
“Thanks.” Lando says mutely. And then Oscar does the damndest thing.
He winks at him.
Lando melts into a puddle. What is wrong with him?
Lando really should have the couch of his driver’s room facing the door and not facing away from the door. It was a tragic mistake in strategy on his part.
So it shouldn’t come as a surprise when he feels warm breath ghost over the back of his neck and a soft thud against the back of the couch.
He drops his phone. The traitorous device snaps into his chest and bounces onto the floor.
“Hey.” Oscar breathes down the back of his neck.
Lando makes a slightly mangled noise in response and scrambles to the floor to look for his phone. Nevermind it being a traitorous device, it’s now his savior to get Oscar’s breath away from his neck before he does something stupid like turn around and pull his face to Lando’s.
Lando finally grabs his phone and looks up at Oscar, who is now leaning over the top of the couch and tilting his head in a way Lando would die before he admits he finds cute. He’s smiling and waiting for Lando to get himself together.
It strikes Lando then. Oscar’s always waiting for him. Never pushy. Never impatient. Just. Waiting. Like he’s got all the time in the world for him.
He clears his throat. “Is it a habit of yours to frighten men in their own driver’s rooms?”
Oscar laughs, quiet and jerky, like he’s trying to bend over the front of the couch. He shakes his head. “Nah, just thought you’d appreciate these.”
At that, Oscar reveals a bag of stroopwafels he had been hiding behind the couch.
Lando gasps and climbs back up the couch to Oscar’s space.
“You dog. You did not get me stroopwafels.” Lando says in disbelief, trying to paw them out of Oscar’s grasp.
He hands them over with no issue, and Lando notices Oscar’s fingers linger just the slightest bit over Lando’s.
“Hopefully they make up for scaring the living daylights out of you?”
Lando nods his head hastily and starts tearing the package open before someone can come take them from him. Before Jon can take them from him.
“How did you get these past security?” Lando says with awe while offering Oscar a warm stroopwafel.
Oscar takes it and pops a corner of it into his mouth.
“There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”
And Lando feels like the air has been sucked out of the room at the absolute sincerity in Oscar’s tone.
And then Lando finally looks up at Oscar, really looks at him. And he finds something unwavering in his eyes.
“Oh.” Lando gets out quietly.
“Yeah.” Oscar agrees, nodding his head a bit and then scratching the back of his neck.
“Would you get me chicken nuggets too?”
A laugh punches out of Oscar at that. And Lando appreciates the warmth that spreads through his chest at seeing Oscar like this. There’s something there. Lando just has to figure out what it is.
What Lando would find out later, is that Oscar already knew what it was. He would just wait a while longer for Lando to catch on.
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keepyourpantsongohan · 2 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Sasaki and Miyano S1
I am watching this entirely because I was recommended a YouTube compilation on this show and I watched a few seconds of it before I decided to see for myself what's up. The little I saw gave me Haruhi and Tamaki energy
"As that senpai strode forward, I admired him in secret." Alright, I'll bite, where is this going?
"Dial it back several notches. Or I'll have this made into slash art." INSANE threat, Miyano, please continue
What's with all these little manga fans calling other people normies?
Recommending things to people with fifteen disclaimers is so relatable. Me about Bridgerton LMAO
"Despite all the hard stuff the protagonist went through, he resolved himself in a really cool way and moved through his burdens. I really liked that story." I've only had Sasaki for 4 minutes but I love him already for his review of this Gay Detective Manga
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On one hand, I do appreciate how obvious Sasaki is about his feelings (the nickname, the physical affection, the dropping off cookies to class), but I'm right with you Miyano, in your position (being gay in high school) I would probably refuse to interrogate it any further on the off chance I am incorrect
"I saw you, you know. Chatting away happily with the boy on the basketball team from class 1-A, with the refreshing, lovely smile." So caught was I in the fact this show is called Sasaki and Miyano that I didn't consider for a second Miyano might like some other guy (Hirano)
I do love the interesting little dynamic they're setting up between Sasaki, Miyano and Hirano
"But he's a guy. He has such a cute face though. I feel kinda anxious." Oh Sasaki, you're in it now
The chronology of these scenes is a little confusing, it only becomes clear midway through the scene if it's the past or the present
"Everything is too much." JKGKJHG the implication that Sasaki is like, ready to die aftering getting beat up (moderately inconvenienced). The Sasuke of it all. Also, me too, baby
"You're so cute, Mya-chan. Wanna go out?" Oh, so he's been OBVIOUS obvious
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"You try standing in front of a BL shelf with another guy! You'll just end up fodder for everyone's conversations!" "You sure about that?" "Yes, I am." "Then I'll stand at a different shelf." There's something so sweet about this. Something something understanding and boundary-respecting
"If there's someone I like, I want to know them." Giggling and kicking my feet over everything Sasaki says
"He's gonna be misinterpreted." Oh, I think he's gonna be correctly interpreted, Miyano
HAHAHAHA background conversation of "When [Miyano] blushes, could you mistake him for a girl?" "What? No way! He's a dude." "Yeah, I wouldn't either." Implying one of Miyano's classmates also thinks he's cute LOL he is a menace to heterosexuality
Not Sasaki challenging Miyano to Gay Chicken via Pocky and immediately forfeiting cause he was embarrassed hahahaha
Why is it MEN's Pocky?? Which I've just googled and is a real thing??? For what lmao!!
Why do they keep cutting away to the cat, is it a metaphor for something
I appreciate the homie straight up just being like "Are you dating?" without any teasing, just wondering about their situation
"Sasaki-senpai is a good person. Remember when I got beat-up before summer break?" OHHHHH I see how it loops back into the friend group
"Those two have gotten pretty close. I guess I should take that as a good thing." I thiiink Hirano likes Miyano but his vibes are a little hard to read so it could easily be Sasaki or neither. In any case, I do like his Minato hair
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"Thirty-six. Who the hell went first?" Awwww poor Sasaki, experiencing his first bout of jealousy after hearing about all the chocolates Miyano got from his classmates.
"In that case, Mya-chan, ya wanna find out [whether I'm a clumsy kisser]?" Sasaki said: I will not pass up an opportunity to ask Miyano to kiss
Miyano said: I will simply not read into this, I pretend it was a joke
Miyano also said: So caught was I in how Sasaki embarrasses me in public every two seconds with the sincerity of his feelings that I forgot for a second he's also cool
Of the two girlfriends that have been mentioned so far, both Sasaki's friend and Miyano's friend have girlfriends who seem to be fujosh*s and let me tell you, I don't think this show is ever in danger of passing the Bechdel test
Awwwww, Miyano broke Sasaki by giving him a White Day present
"What do I do? My heart won't stop." "Good. You'd be dead if it did." "It's pounding." "You out of shape or something?" Hirano's patent refusal to romanticize life makes me happy
I also like Hirano's hair being black, what can I say, I love a switch-up. Also I just like black hair
"Do you let your roommate touch [your hair]?" "Yeah, he's the one who told me it's damaged." Miyano said: Oh my god they were roommates
"He might be treating you as BL material like my girlfriend, you know." [Turns to Miyano] "Are you?" "Huh? Come to think of it, I've never done that with you." "That's news to me. Give him the same treatment." Not Hirano complaining that Sasaki ISN'T being objectified for BL purposes LMAOOOOO
Also Sasaki extremely willing to abandon his friend Ogasawara in his hour of need for his crush jkjhgkjhg. Not the best move, but understandable
Every time there is a line of uncaptioned, silent dialogue, I always assume it's that they're saying "I love you" (shout-out that one JJK scene LOL):
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"If senpai only saw me as a kohai, would he, in that quiet tone, here on the train, (when I wasn't even awake!) say that?" "I like you." Oh I love the immediate reveal, we appreciate a romance that doesn't beat around the bush
KJHKJGHKJH none of their classmates overhearing or caring about how they're discussing if Hirano would top or bottom. My god, this school
Also also also. I've been thinking this for a while, in part because I truly think too many people are TOO possessed of topping and bottoming as personality traits, does no one in these shows believe in versing LMAO?
Setting all that aside, it is very sweet how flustered they keep getting whenever they're close
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"I like girls, not guys." I've been wondering about this as well. In Miyano's little brain, these things (liking gay manga and projecting BL onto his classmates) are two things that have nothing to do with his orientation. And while that can be true. YOU GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY*
*As a general term, I'm not saying he can't like women LOL
You know, I'm so glad I knew I was bi before I started watching so many gay shows because that could cause some confusion for sure
Miyano imagining himself literally on top of Sasaki: Which could mean nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I just miss it earlier or did they wait until ep 4 to give Tashiro (blond friend who asked if Sasaki and Miyano were dating) and Kuresawa (nice but stoic friend who got beat up and loves his girlfriend) names
"I read every manga she's got. But I found one about a... slime? And a delinquent. And now I have no idea what to do anymore. I can't understand what she wants." I love Ogasawara actually. The act of reading every BL manga to understand his girlfriend is a love language for sure
"You don't do that because he's your boyfriend?" "You're mistaken! We're not in a relationship." Everyone at this school thinks has Miyano and Sasaki clocked but Miyano LOL
"I thought you also liked guys." Ogasawara no. 1 wingman for Sasaki:
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"Not that it matters anyway. And it ain't my business." Also very true. I love everything about this interaction, Ogasawara
"In middle school, I had a crush on a girl. So I know I don't." I see your confusion, Miyano. Google bisexuality and circle back. If that doesn't work, try comphet
"I like you, Miyano. What I said in the summer, I'm not taking that back." "Um, I, uh..." I can wait... You don't have to answer right away. I'd be happy if you gave it some thought." This is slowly becoming my favourite trope
I don't know what the hell kind of cheerleading uniform Hirano's outfit is supposed to be, but I dig it:
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"What if a Committee Member is violating the dress code?" "Like who?" "A certain blond individual." "Oh, me." I think Hirano might actually be my favourite character. I love the contradiction of him being a delinquent on the Discipline Committee
This show has been so delightful so far, I beg of you not to make it weird with this school nap
It was borderline, but it seems like we narrowly escaped
"Wait 'confessed?' Should you be telling me?" said Hirano, before immediately tossing his phone at Sasaki with Miyano pre-dialed and proving why he was a good person to tell
Also. Also. WHAT YEAR IS IT LMAO. The flip phone kjhgkjhg
"I like you a lot. for more than your face. That's all. See ya. And take care." "Sasaki, go let Miyano punch you. Actually, can I just punch you?" Hirano ACTUAL NO. 1 Wingman for Miyano
"Is it serious?" "Yeah." "You know what? Nope. Forget all of this. This is creeping me out!" ["Just don't do anything careless.] "Same." ["I won't.] The serious discussion of feelings followed by the disgruntled dialogue and sincere exchange in the subtext.... WAH 😭😭😭 I love Hirano and Sasaki
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"Some scenes can make you feel embarassed." This conversation about BL anime feels a little self-referential, but okay
Do we think the sucker worked for Sasaki because he probably has them while studying and had that whole sense memory thing going on? Or was it just the encouragement of his crush giving him a birthday present? Or was it, in fact, Hirano's study cards? Probably the last one
"Take Miyano. Even with his cute face, he's a guy." Tashiro has to tell Miyano he's cute like once a day, at least
"I just mean people are more than their looks." "So you were saying my girlfriend likes me for my looks and for who I am. Thanks, Tashiro." "That's some self-confidence you've got, Kuresawa." I also do appreciate Kuresawa's level of delusional self-confidence
You truly have to wonder what Miyano's friends think is going on if not an intricate flirting ritual. Do they just patently ignore Miyano's claims?
"Do you happen to like guys?" "I don't think so. Why?" We'll unpack this conversation and trope at another time Sasaki, but let's focus on the 'WHY?' WHY DO YOU THINK HE'S ASKING? YOU CONFESSED TO HIM, A GUY!
"Thinking about all of this, BL gets more and more confusing.... And when you said you liked my face... Though my face is feminine, I'm a guy so.... And I might be taller than you in the future!" Sasaki trying not to giggle as Miyano stream of consciousness processes his feelings aloud <3
"And when I'm 50, I may look totally different than I do now..." I love that Miyano, after one (1) confession, in high school, is like WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME WHEN I'M 50?
"Senpai, I want to consider it a little longer!" Awww, he got there!
"You might grow taller than me one day, and your face might change completely. But I think I'll still like you, Mya-chan. So take as long as you need to answer." They are SOOOOO SWEET
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"Our cultural day festival will have a cross-dressing competition." I feel like we're moving past this too quickly. Admittedly, I've seen this trope several times before, but usually it's a play where they're cast in a cross-dressing role. It's not the sole purpose. Is cross-dressing a standard cultural activity for high school festivals? If not, why did you just say that like it's supposed to be?
"The Cultural Festival Committee revealed their tastes when they wrested permission to hold it from the Student Council." Ahh, so it was not standard, it is a preference of this school LOL
"I'm down. I bet my girlfriend would love [me cross-dressing]." Kuresawa unmatched security and affection. We love
Wjkhkjh the Chairman seems like a total menace to his Committee members, I do enjoy that
"I wanna see the person I like." [Miyano runs into the staff room yelling about the room key] [Sasaki laughing in the background] Sasaki said: New flirting dynamic unlocked
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Gjkhkjhk Makimura not seeing Miyano for two full years and immedately objectifying him for art reasons. At least he gets some romantic closure about her
"It's not about gender. I don't want to be rough with someone I like." Ohhhh Sasaki
New Sasaki lore unlocked: He is the son of bakers
I really am curious about the girlfriend in the hospital storyline with Kuresawa. Is it leading anywhere
The way I thought for a second Miyano might be worried about Sasaki buying the manga because it would disrupt the borrowing dynamic they've created but he was actually so excited that Sasaki shared his interest and was outwardly engaging with it!!
"Hirano, aren't they a little too close?" "I-I don't know. Don't ask me," said Hirano, though he did know, in fact, and was actively involved
"Well, fudanshi, is it?" JKHKJGHG the way Ogasawara (Jiro) just calls Miyano fudanshi while seeking advice and he responds to it
[Jiro, seriously] "I don't move on a woman I have no intention of marrying." "I think that's the kind of thing she likes about you." [Jiro, upset] "That I'll let her wear the pants?" PLS he is so silly
"I cross-dressed and Tashiro mistook me for a girl. But our love story failed to take off." HAHAHAHA this is the funniest way to phrase what happened
Sasaki asking Miyano to put his bangs down bc it makes him nervous. Sweet boy
I actually do appreciate that they followed through on giving Miyano a less overtly feminine outfit to begin with
"Chairman, what do you think it means to like someone?" Oh, Miyano, you are SO in it
"You looked like a girl, but the difference wasn't as big as with Kuresawa." "Thanks. Complicated thanks." Adding 'Complicated Thanks' to my vocab immediately
"I wouldn't like it if a guy took pics of my girlfriend, so scratch that." Lmaooooo so that settles it, they are patently ignoring Miyano's claims this is platonic (also this is truly the most drastic their height difference has ever looked):
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"You'll just let your classmates pressure you?" I can't tell where exactly Sasaki's upset is coming from, and perhaps neither can he
"I'm gonna say something inconsiderate. If I asked you not to compete, would you drop out?" Because he's hot, or because he's reluctant, or because of a third secret thing like Sasaki having to re-evaluate the circumstances of his attraction?
I appreciate how even when Miyano has said nothing about his situation, Kuresawa is still trying to help him via manga store visit
"I made the decision to compete myself. So I want to follow through with it." "Okay. Good luck. I'm happy you told me how you feel." Ohhhhh this
"If possible, would you like to see the festival together?" Hee hee, good for Miyano
"Arranging a date?" "We're not going out, but I guess it's a date." Not Hirano politely eavesdropping on this whole exchange
I fucking love the concept of a Hooligan Cafe, and Hirano as Chief Hooligan, 10 bajillion/10zo
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I am going to ignore Chairman Hanzawa's self-fortune and focus instead on his helpful advice to Miyano about building confidence
"He had ten more minutes though." "It's just ten minutes." Hirano letting Sasaki off early for his lunch date <3 That's my hooligan, no. 1 wingman
"Can you support Miyano appearing in a cross-dressing competition like this?" "How much do you know?" "He hasn't told me anything. I got a distinct impression, though." HAHAHA I love this exchange. Sasaki said: Who told you we're almost dating? To which Kuresawa said: I have eyes
"Well, that makes sense. I never did hide it." LOL Sasaki, u right
The 'what about when I'm 50' belatedly hitting Sasaki HEE HEE
Colour me cliche, I do fucking love a fireworks trope
"Could you... wait just a little longer for my answer? It feels irresponsible to give it right now." Believe it or not, Miyano, this is also kind of an answer
"I wanted him to hug me then. I wanted to take care of him. Do I like him the same way he likes me?" Yeah Miyano, you do, catch up!
Holding hands with him during the fireworks while blushing and leaning into him is ALSO also kind of an answer, but I do appreciate your sense of romantic responsibility, Miyano
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"Even though I don't know, I want to tell him I like him... Why is that?" Welcome to your first love, Miyano
[Text overlay] 'Delinquent, motherly, blond, Discipline Committee, handsome, Vice-chairman, strong fighter, trusted by teachers, etc.' "He packs together a lot of tropes." HAHAHAH that's also part of why I like Hirano, Miyano
I like that Sasaki makes Miyano forget his anxieties about other people perceiving their date
"If these feelings aren't the real deal, what is?" It took Miyano two full dates and ten full episodes, but he got there!
Oh thank GOD Hanzawa has a gay brother with whom he has a complicated relationship, when he started whispering "niisan" I got nervous about the direction it was taking
"I thought he was finally dating Sasaki-senpai." Tashiro said: I refuse to engage in allusions, when is the hard launch?
I love that Hanzawa's older brother came out and his little brother was immediately like ditto. I will not lie though, in my life I do appreciate my brother for repping the future grandkid issue
Also the way that Sasaki was just about to kiss Miyano in the hallway after school and Miyano's immediate reaction was 'Well, alright!' They have no sense of self-control LOL:
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"You still don't have each other's number?" Hirano said, ENOUGH, HOMOSEXUALS
"And people will ask things they'd never ask an opposite-sex couple. I guess they can't help but focus on it, even if it's irrelevant to the discussion." THANK YOU MASATO HANZAWA
"Sasaki, you forgot stuff at school. Get your butt back here." [...] "What did he leave here?" "I lied. this way, he'll run into Miyano." Hirano for World's Least Enthusiastic Matchmaker HAHAHA
Sasaki weaving a tale about how he is a horror to society for trying to kiss his almost-boyfriend while Miyano is thinking about how much he loves Sasaki
"I like you, Sasaki-senpai!" GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!!!!
[Sasaki, immediately crying] "Sorry. No, I mean, you can think about it some more. No rush." BABY
"I feel like words aren't enough to get this across. But he won't know if I don't tell him." YEAHHHHHHH MIYANOOOO
I get so distracted by enjoying the show that liveblogging becomes an afterthought, but just now, Miyano had a very good and clear confession
I do, as always, love a park bench romance:
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"Sasaki-senpai, I like you! Be my boyfriend." Miyano said: There will be no ambiguity in this return confession!!!
The little callback to 'Wanna go out' and the crouched kiss and the exchange of numbers!! <3 Worth the wait
"We're dating." "Oh... That's great... Dammit. Look I'm not great that at this." "I know." Hehe it is only right that No. 1 Wingman Hirano is looped in right away
"Um, well... We started going out." "What? Really. So I was right." "Yeah, yeah." HAHAHA lmao @ Kuresawa deciding Tashiro gets to know
Double LMAO @ Ogasawara being the only one unaware of what they are all pleased about
"You're not going out with Miyano, right?" Again the chronology of this OVA is a little confusing. I know the ep title is A Tiny Episode Before He Realized His Feelings, but they talked about this at the festival. So this is post-festival but pre-confession?
This keychain search has me wondering beyond the romantic, how much Miyano lets manga run his thought processes
[Jiro, ominously] "Did ya lose something?" [Miyano, startled] "You scared me." [Sasaki, even more ominously] "Ogasawara. Don't scare Mya-chan." This is what happens when you date a delinquent LOL
"Animals love him. I knew Ogasawara-senpai was a good person." HAHAHAHA the kittens getting interested in Ogasawara's bell in his bag and Miyano reading this as a Disney Princess-like affinity for wildlife. Romanticize your friends:
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Are we finally about to meet Hirano's little background boyfriend? I can't wait
"I bet he remembered something he had to do. I'm sure he'll text us." Oh, I take Sasaki's sweatdrop as confirmation this is situationship-related
OHHHHHHHHH it's Kagi, the guy who Hirano offered to get a drink on festival day
"But I saw you and I couldn't help but grab you." "Are you a dog chasing a ball or something?" "Want me to be your pet?" GOOD LORD, I NO LONGER BLAME MIYANO FOR THINKING SOMETHING IS GOING ON BETWEEN HIRANO AND KAGI, IT IS ENITRELY MERITED
"I want to stay here with you a little longer." Kagi said: I gotta take up the mantle of Obviously Pining Guy since Sasaki's feelings are now requited
They waited until the very last episode to start putting Hirano in romantic situations. Also worth the wait:
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"You see, the Student Council President sometimes secretly feeds the cats. Thanks to that, several cats have settled here at the school." I didn't expect for them to actually have an explanation for the cat cutaways, but there you go
I love this episode dedicated to getting to know the Discipline Committee more
Bonus: Sasaki and Miyano (Graduation Film)
I will not lie I did like skim-read the whole Hirano to Kagiura manga before this film so I am not as surprised by the roommate dynamic as I was one (1) episode ago
"Earrings... I can't get up if you don't put them in." Still, stroking your roommate's ear IS a bold choice first thing in the morning
I won't lie, I would ALSO fall in love with Hirano if he woke me up every morning and ate the veggies I didn't like and helped me in school and gave me cookies he'd personally made
"The walls have fundashi ears." Bold way to bring Miyano back into this story, but okay
"If I get married, I hope it's to someone frank like you, Kagi-kun." What a thing to say to your roommate, Hirano!
I won't lie, I am 100% sold on the roommate romance, I both love the trope and I can't believe they described their ideal partners as each other:
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Gjgkjgljglj @ Miyano giving his boyfriend a Good Luck Gay Manga for his college entrance exams
HAHAHAHAH Tashiro looking for Miyano and Kuresawa to give him relationship guidance and them just both responding that they do with their boyfriend/girlfriend, "The Normal Stuff."
"Hirano keeps saying, 'Passing isn't the finish line.' He's kept up his studies the whole time. It's really cool." I love Sasaki and Hirano's dynamic as always
"If it's long, I can run my fingers through it, which is fun... But if it's short, I can see your face better, which makes me happy." Miyano is still shocked when Sasaki flirts even though they are literally dating
"Until I pass my exams, I won't touch him more than this." [Tiktok audio voice] It's like a reward
Sasaki having a smart phone while Miyano has a flip phone truly does make me confused about the era. Is it now, where we've circled back to some flip phones being popular? Or is it 2010, when some people had smart phones, and some had flip phones, and both were normal?
Take a shot every time someone in this anime gets sick from overstudying LMAO
"Do you want some... affection?" [Both pause and blush] "Yeah." Awwww Miyano asking but both them immediately getting embarrassed. Also are they doing a mask kiss? That's sweet!
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Oh, they did do a masked kiss! We love a follow-through
"I've heard that some boys give girls chocolates [for Valentine's Day] these days. How nice! Make some for me sometime too, okay?" "A-Actually, the person I want to give them to is a guy." Are we coming out to mum right now, Miyano?
"Mom, I really like being around this senpai, and I want to keep being with him. I-I like-like him." "Lovely. It's wonderful to like someone. I know, 'cause I like your dad." AWWWW this is a really lovely response, good job Mama Miyano
"I'll get good enough to make your sweets by myself next year." [Sasaki, internally] "Next year?" The way Miyano is always thinking about his future with Sasaki, without even being aware of it
The way that Miyano is smiling and thinking about the people in his life not caring that he's dating a man <3 We love shows devoid of homophobia
Now that we're about halfway through the ep, it is funny that they dedicated the first ten minutes to Hirano and Kagiura and then the next twenty to Miyano and Sasaki because you'd think if they were going to involve both it would be more alternating scenes
"Are you dating him for real?" "That's none of your business, Ogasawara." HAHAHA Sasaki said: We're not THAT close, Jiro
"Which role are you? Nope! Never mind, I don't actually want to hear stuff like that about a friend." "And I don't want to tell you." Hanzawa foreshadowed Sasaki being asked this question, though I did not anticipate it coming from Ogasawara
They really are making some bold choices, both anatomically and in the kissing in the third year classroom
"I'm fine with either. Whatever Miyano wants." Realistic discussion of sexual interests? In anime? Shocking!!
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"How could I do that at school?" That was also my question, Miyano!
"You've got it wrong. We're dating." You know, I like that they're establishing this, but the translations in this show are so indirect. What Sasaki says is "kōhai ja nai," which is specifically the strong refusal of the term kōhai, which I feel like they could subtitle as, "He's not my kōhai." But they translate it back without using that word, instead as, "You've got it wrong," I guess to avoid repetition? I don't know that much Japanese, but I've noticed a lot of translations like that with this show, how they drop a number of nouns in the subtitles to interpet more broadly. I talk about captioning in every show ever, but this is the first time there was a noticeable difference in subtitles from Japanese for me. Weird!
Also, I made the no homophobia call too early I guess LOL
"The thing is, I can't be too pushy with my sister. In middle school, I injured her." "Did you two fight?" "Not really... but I pushed her over and she got hurt. It left a scar. That's when I understood that I was bigger than other kids." Having a sibling much bigger than you really do be that way, eventually it becomes dangerous
"Senpai, your sister is important to you, huh?" "Eh... medium-important." HAHAH this is such a brother answer to give
"For me to respond with 'why?'... It's because you like each other. I'm very sorry." "It's all right. People change how they think about things over time." Sasaki's sister said: I went for a walk, I can accept gay couples now
"You're a cool guy, Miyano-kun. I think I might get why Shumei fell for you." Both Sasaki and Big Sister's Boyfriend coming to interrupt because of this compliment is very funny:
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"Shumei-san." "Why is that the part you remember?" "Maybe I'll call you Yoshikazu." "You could." I will never tire of the first name to last name transition in media, it is my favourite
Hirano grabbing Sasaki by the back of the neck like he's a misbehaving cat when he looks at his boyfriend during the graduation rehearsal is so cute
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"Would you be the jealous type, Miyano?" Everything Hanzawa says is foreshadowing
"Drop it! It's got nothing to do with you." Hirano said: DO NOT gossip about why Sasaki would sprint after his favourite second-year to explain the (fake) lipstick mark on his cheek, and the other Third Years said: That's fair, not my business!
"How can my heart be so small?" said Miyano, as if jealousy were not a normal human emotion to feel, especially at 17
"If you're going to gush to me about him, be careful what you say. My girlfriend will find out." "Have a long and happy relationship." HAHA the friend group designating them as Relationship Status Official
Hirano said: I know we haven't talked about my situationship with my roommate for forty minutes, but I promise, it's still going on
Hkjhkhkjh Sasaki offering Miyano his school blazer for "when he gets taller." I don't think he will, but the faith is nice!
Awwwwwww Miyano copying Sasaki's embarrassed gesture of laying his face down!! <3 <3 <3
The flashbacks to their different moments across the school are getting me. I am just a sentimental bitch at heart
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This was a lovely show, highly recommend, very sweet and likeable cast, relatively unembarrassing given the initial premise, friends to lovers, mutual pining, not a single person at their all-boys school giving them a hard time for their relationship, good friendships, beautiful animation, no real complaints on my part
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nevermore-baby · 2 years
Alright dating Steve and Eddie would be fun, but it also comes with some adjusting to do. I mean, three people barely out of their teens, all living on their own for the first time and trying to learn to live together. Thought below the cut.
word count: 800
Imagine you learning that your boyfriends can be just as initiative as you, and they are just as much a part of the household. 
You were walking one day, all tired and wet because of the rain, and all you wanted at that moment was to eat some nice hot dinner and cuddle with your boyfriends. Maybe take a nice bath too. None of that would happen, though, because you  remembered that no hot meal could actually be there for you - you finished the last leftovers today at lunch. 
You opened the door, immediately taking in the aroma - “something is slightly burned”, you thought to yourself.
“Hello?”, you called, taking off your boots, and the soft bickering coming from the kitchen stopped. Seconds later, you saw Eddie’s head poke out from behind the door. 
“There you are, baby, just five more minutes and the dinner will be ready!”, he grinned, coming to hug you by the door. 
“Dinner?”, you frowned, following his lead back to the kitchen.
“See for yourself”, he said, letting you in through the kitchen door. The kitchen table was made, table cloth and everything, plates (all from different sets, but who cares) and the cutlery settled. 
“There will be no dinner, Munson, if you don’t drag your ass back here and look after the chicken.”. Steve was fiddling with the stove, looking stressed, wearing an apron - yours, so it didn’t really do much for his massive figure - hair dishevelled from him constantly putting it back and out of his eyes. Eddie, not before setting you down at the table, moved around the kitchen swiftly, listening to all the orders coming from Steve. You couldn't help but laugh at their “old married couple” bickering, and as promised, five minutes later all three of you were sitting at the table eating red chicken curry with slightly burned chicken and slightly overcooked rice. But who were you to complain?
Imagine Eddie learning that mistakes are okay and you weren’t going to get mad at him. 
One day you’re sitting at the kitchen table, chatting with Eddie who’s doing the dishes. He’s telling you a story from the last dnd campaign, and he’s expressive, throwing hands up and everything - you honestly loved when he was so entranced by something that he didn’t care about taking up space and being loud - but the dishes are soapy and slippery, and one time a bowl just slips out of his hands onto the floor, breaking into big ceramic chunks and small ones, too. Eddie stops mid sentence, startled by the sound, and you see him looking at his feet, face dropping, You try to get up, but you’re pushed back onto the chair by Eddie. 
“Sit there, don’t move! I- I’m so sorry, I’ll clean it up, I’ll buy us a new bowl tomorrow, okay?” Eddie drops to his knees, hands shaking when he’s trying to pick up the big pieces.
“Hey, Eddie, stop right there. You’re gonna hurt yourself!”, you stood up nonetheless, pointing at his bare feet. “Go put something on before stepping there, okay? I’ll go grab a broom to sweep the pieces away.” 
You see Eddie look at you from the floor, brows furrowed and confused. He was biting his lips anxiously, and you could see a droplet of blood forming there already. 
“Cmon, get up”, you prompted, offering your hand. 
“You’re… you’re not mad?” he asked quietly, getting to his feet. 
“No, of course not. It’s just a bowl. There are a ton of them at that thrift store next to my work, we can all go and pick one we like”, you said lightly, smiling at him.
“But why… why would you help me clean the mess? It’s my mess, I made it, I gotta clean it up.”
“Well, it’s our kitchen and our house, and we’re a couple, and I'm not going to just sit there while my boyfriend cleans up.” Right after you finished, you felt Eddie pull you into a tight hug and you wrapped your arms around his waist too. 
Imagine Steve learning that he doesn’t have to pretend he understands everything anymore and he can ask questions if he doesn’t know something. 
You just came home from work one day, catching Steve in the living room. You started your usual rundown of your day - Steve was very invested in your work drama - walking around the living room, while Steve sat, looking very concentrated and listening carefully.
“Wait, who was that who gave the talk today? Jessica?”, he asked, brows forming a crease. 
“No, it was Jennifer”, you paused for a brief second before continuing. “Anyways, she was speaking so eloquently, I was so surprised-”
“Speaking how?”Steve asked quietly, his forehead wrinkling.
“Eloquently”, you repeated slowly, seeing Steve’s lip move, trying to mimic the pronunciation. “It means fluently. Like, very clearly, easy to follow.”
“Got it”, said Steve, which was your green light to continue. 
Imagine all three of you slowly discovering each other's “trouble areas” and helping each other grow and get rid of old habits that came from the lifestyle you had before.
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
Pairings: Wooyoung × y/n
Genre/tags: fuck buddies
Warning: 🔞 a little fluff, smut/angst, semi public, unprotected sex, pet names
~~~ [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.6k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: reposting all my stories one by one again as I deleted my acct by mistake. All of the stories I will be posting is all mine. (All of my fanfics/oneshots are also available wattpad @/shinestar1024)
Finally it's my rest day! I am done with my laundry and sort of cleaning my whole apartment. I am so tired but sleeping or just laying around is none of my options for today.
I got a text from Wooyoung that their schedule today for practice will end earlier today so they can have time to rest. They are not rushing the practices as they have a lot of time still before the comeback. So, I decided to hurry things up for my day so I can drop by his company to visit him and see him. Even his members. I miss hanging out with them too. They are the sweetest.
Wooyoung and I haven't seen each other for a while now. We usually just chat and video call each other daily but that's not enough. We miss each other dearly. He tried sneaking out a few times. We usually meet in the park or in a parking lot somewhere but barely had an hour to ourselves. He's too busy.
Ugh. I miss my boyfriend. I miss his hugs and kisses.
"Look who's here to visit!" Mingi says outloud, almost yelling, when I entered the practice room.
I greet everyone, giving them the biggest smile.
"Long time no see!" San approaches me and gives me a hug. "What food did you bring?" His attention went from me to the food I am carrying.
"It's not much but... I brought 2 boxes of chicken and 4 orders of pizza." I point at the box Yunho is carrying behind me. "He helped me carry the food.." I add
"Yes!! Chicken!!" Yeosang cheers and takes the food from me. "Let's go to the pantry and eat!"
"Yaaah!! Give me chicken too!" Mingi runs after Yeosang and the rest follows.
"Join us if you want... or...." San looks at me and then at Wooyoung who is across the room sitting down on the floor, back on the wall, resting. "Stay here and be with him..."
"We'll just join you after." Wooyoung answers as he stands up.
"Okay then... I'll just notify everyone not to come here for awhile." San smirks and then quietly leaves the pratice room, closing the door shut.
I quietly laughed at how he walked out.
"I missed seeing those dimples..." His hand slides from behind, hugging me and holding me tight around my waist.
"I missed you too." I tilt my head on the side, looking back at him. "How are you?"
"Better, now that you're here." He lowers his head to give me a smooch on the lips. "You look so beautiful..." he whispers
"You too... well actually.." I loosen up his hands around my waist so I can twirl around and face him. "You look hot." I say, grinning
"Do I?" He smiles and tugs my loose hair behind me ear. "Thank you for visiting me during practice..."
"I know you're busy so... it's okay. Plus.. I am a fan too. I am also excited for your comeback so I understand."
"I'm so lucky..." he scrunches his nose as he lay his forehead on mine.
"By the way... Aren't we going to join them to eat? Aren't you hungry?"
"I am hungry..."
"Let's go then!"
He stops me mid-way, grabbing me by the wrist.
"I didn't meant hungry for food..." he says under his breathe.
He places the hand he took around his neck while his other hand scoops me back to his embrace.
"San locked the door... Mingi, Yeosang and Hongjoong eat quite slow... the other members will not leave then until they're done..."
"Ahm... what?"
He tilts my head back to get more access on my neck. "It means... we... have... time..." he says in between kisses. "I can't wait until they let us go home... I want you... now..."
I moan at every mark he leaves on my kiss.
"Oh y/n..." he breathes
I start to kiss him back. My hands holds onto his muscular arms for support. I feel like I'm melting in every kiss and caress he does on my body.
"Please... let me... have... you.. now..." he says while we our devouring each other.
I gave him a small nod as I try to catch my breathe.
He growls with exictement as he lifts me up. My legs wrapped around him. We continue to kiss as he walks me to the corner of the room my back is now leaning on the wall. I can see our reflection from the mirror across the room.
Oh gosh, we looked like hayennas. We are literally all over each other. And if anyone peaks through the door, they'll see us. It's making my heart pound but I'm not worried at the same time. Like I don't give a shit if they see us.
"Take your top off." He says as he puts me down.
I do what he asked me to do. Whislt I am unbuttoning my blouse, he starts to undress himself too. Starting from his hoodies to his black tank top.
He is massive. Wooyoung have been working out with San and it is showing now. He's arms are thick and his chest and shouldets are wider than before. I can barely see myself now through the mirror. He's covering me.
"God..." he snarls, "You look so perfect." His chest moving fast. "I hope san told them to just go home and leave us be. Coz, I want to enjoy this." His hands cups my laced covered breasts. "They fill up my hands.. they're beautiful." He pushes down my bra, lowers his head and starts to lick the tip sending an amount of sensation throughout my whole body.
"Aah!" Throwing my head back, covering my mouth as I moan his name at every lick. "Shit!" I gasp as he puts it in his mouth and suck. "My baby!" I cry
His free hand crawls down, rubbing and caressing my core. I should've worn an easy access dress instead of jeans but it doesn't matter. My knees are already shaking just the though of his hands on it.
"Fuck!" He grunts "I need to get in now..." he hurriedly pulls down his pants along with his boxer brief. He is hard and ready. "I want to do this slowly.... make you feel good... but I'm going to loose my mind if I don't feel yout warmth now."
"I don't care." I say as I unzip my pants, let it ripple under my fit and kick it off. "Fill me in, my baby."
He carries me up again, my core on the right spot. He gently eases his way in. Holy shit. He's so big!
I arch my back, moving my hip lightly to be in the right position. "Y-you fucking feel amazing baby!" I say
"You're so wet for me, y/n. Ugh. I'm so turned on!" He hisses.
He starts to move his hip in a slow beat first. Slow but fucking hitting the right spot. Each hump makes me gasp and cry his name.
"Go faster... now.. please...let me come.." I beg
"My pleasure..." he kisses me on the lips. Our tongue dances in each other's mouth as his thrust like there's no tomorrow
Holy hell. I will never knew that he had been dancing since this morning, practicing based on how he fucks me right now. I can't believe this man's stamina.
"W-wooyoung!" My eyes rolls as I close them, "I... ahhhhh... Yes!"
"Come for me baby. Let's me taste you after."
"Ah!!" I hold on tight on his stone shoulder as I release and let go. "Oh baby..." I can feel myself, wet and weak.
Kissing me on the cheek, "that was perfect... I love it when you scream my name."
"Woo..." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hard again. Biting his lower lip when I get a chance. "Clean me up please..."
His grin grows wider. "Of course."
Spreading my legs apart, I give him access to my dripping core. His tongue glides along giving me tingling sensation throughout my body. It feels so good.
I watch myself through the mirror. Almost naked, my blouse hanging on for dear life on my shoulders and sweaty. My hands are on his head, gripping onto his hair to make myself be steady so he can clean me up in and out.
But then as I watch our reflection, I noticed something different than before. A shadow. Someone is at the door, peaking through the glass. I can't see him clearly but I could sense that he's enjoying what he sees.
Suddenly I felt naughty. I wanna show him more. So, I start to play with myself while eyeing him. I squish my boobs and play with my hard nipples. My mouth is open, moaning that my soul is almost leaving my body. Wooyoung is sensational.
"Baby!" I throw my head back, barely closing my eyes. I want to see the man's reaction. "C'mon..." I mumble under my breathe
And the man didn't disappoint. I could see him stroking himself, leaning his back on the wall outside but being careful.
"Baby..." I tap on woo. "Someone is watching.."
He stops and look at the mirror. "I see..." he stands up and kisses me on my forehead. "I think I know who is it." He snorts a smile.
"What should we do?"
"Let's show him more."
"More? Here?"
"No... stay with me at our dorm tonight. We have our own rooms now... let's just invite him over." Woo licks my ears as he whispers, "I'm sure San would love to join us."
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Can I get Hellboy x reader where he's comforting and trying to help his so feel better because they're really sick?
(Also if possible, gender neutral or male reader?)
This is going to start the train of 'sorry this took me so long to write, better late than never!"
Hellboy x Gn!reader
Sick of You
Word Count: 474
Warnings: spelling mistakes, established relationship, feeding the other soup, airplane noises,
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"No, no," You whine, trying to turn away from the edge of the bed. You pull the six blankets you have to the side, but you barely move them, your arms are so tired.
"Yes," Hellboy comes over to your side of the bed with a small tray, it has a glass of water, a pack of crackers and steaming chicken noodle soup. "You need to eat,"
"I don't want-"
"Yes you do, you're drooling,"
You quickly wipe at your mouth, grumbling as he sets the tray down on your nightstand before easily moving your body to sit up.
"Here, you don't even have to do anything, I'm gonna spoon feed it to you." He sits down by your knees, picking up the bowl of soup and stirring it.
You hated how delicious it smelled, you grumbled and sealed your lips shut as he brought the spoon and bowl to your mouth.
"C'mon baby, just a few bites that's all I'm asking for," He pulled back. "If you don't eat this, I'm going to start making airplane and car noises,"
You chuckled dryly, a cough coming out at the end. "You wouldn't dare,"
He adjusted the spoon in his normal hand and made plane-flying noises. Through some act of nature, he didn't spill a drop, even as he moved the spoon around and the bowl under it.
He came to your lips and you begrudgingly opened your mouth and ate the soup. You moaned softly, the warm broth felt amazing on your sore throat.
"See?" This time when he held up the spoon you eagerly ate it. After what felt like only five minutes, but you knew was much longer, the whole bowl was empty and he was kissing your forehead.
"Not so bad right?"
You rolled your eyes, not looking at him as he brought the cup of water to your face.
"I'm not thirsty," You countered, crossing your arms.
"Take three sips of this and I'll let you take a nap,"
Your hands covered his, bringing the glass to your lips and greedily taking three large gulps.
"There you go," He laughed, putting the cup and tray back on the nightstand and helping you settle back down into the blankets and pillows.
"Will you stay with me?" You mumble, feeling exhaustion creeping back in.
"Do you want to cuddle of just have my next to you?" He ran his hand up and down your side.
"Cuddle," You whisper, your eyes shutting and not wanting to open. You feel the bed dip behind you before a very large a warm figure surrounds your back.
His arm comes around your front, pulling you back to his chest, putting his left arm under your head. You snuggled into his bicep, smiling to yourself feeling him place sleepy kisses to the back of your neck.
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Aone x reader
Aone hadn’t noticed the letter yesterday, and he felt bad that you’d had to wait to know you made a mistake. If he knew which of the lockers near him had been your target, he would’ve dropped it in for you himself, but he didn’t want to risk another mistake. So instead he found you on your way to first period.
“Hey, Aone!” You grinned, and he wondered if you were still cold from being outside, the red still visible in your cheeks as you looked at him. Your eyes alighted on the envelope in his hands, opened, and you opened your mouth to say something when he shoved it into your hand. He didn’t want you to be upset with him for reading it- but it hadn’t been addressed! He hadn’t realized what it was, at first, and then he finished it just to know what he lacked that you liked someone that wasn’t him. But your fingers slowly clasped around it, “Oh… okay, thanks, Aone. I’ll see you at practice, I guess.” You walked away, but Aone wasn’t sure why you looked so upset. Shouldn’t you be glad that you’d be able to give it to the right person now? He wished he could make you smile. You were usually always smiling when you left his company. Were you that embarrassed that he read it?
You weren’t sure why you thought the letter was a good idea. He had always been nice to you, but he was nice to everyone even when they were afraid of him. You supposed now that you just read too much into it. Aone didn’t owe you his affection, he probably had a lot of confessions yesterday and didn’t want to make you think he was open to your affection. Maybe he accepted another’s first. He was late with the rejection- but you hadn’t managed to get the letter into his locker until he was practice. You had to claim a teacher held you up when the coach wondered why you were late. Sighing, you sat down in class next to Futakuchi, who immediately was raising an eyebrow.
“Okay, what is this? Where’s the excitement I’m always complaining about?”
“What’s there to be excited about?” You answered stubbornly, glaring at the letter before stuffing it into your pocket, only to pull it back out and try to rip it- but he snatched it out of your hand.
“Nu- uh. No. You are not chickening out of this. You talked my ear off for hours about writing this stupid thing.”
“Can’t chicken out when you’ve already been rejected.” You shot back, moving to take it back, but he held it further away.
“What the hell do you mean?” He glared at the letter, knowing how you felt- but also knowing how Aone felt. “Did you write something stupid in here?”
“What? No! I wrote it exactly like we talked about! And even if I didn’t, does it matter? He still rejected it!” You paused, slumping into your seat, “He rejected me.”
Futakuchi spent all day trying to figure out how it happened. Why would Aone reject you? The boy was half in love with you before you became their manager, and Futakuchi felt like everyone could see the heart eyes perpetually stuck to his stone face when he looked at you. So he asked Obara. “Any idea why? Like Y/N wrote this letter- I didn’t expect a rejection!”
“You got rejected because of a letter Y/N wrote?” The two of them turned to see Koganegawa standing, clueless expression on his face.
“No, idiot, Y/N wrote the letter and-“
“So Y/N got rejected??? Who would reject Y/N??” The first year setter’s voice echoed around the club room, stunning the rest of the team into silence.
Aone turned to stare at them, before he actually spoke, “I hope it is not because I read it.”
Futakuchi’s eyebrows shot up, “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t you have read it?”
“I believe Y/N made a mistake in locker numbers. I gave it back.”
“Oh, Aone, you absolutely stupid tower of a guy.”
When Koganegawa burst into the gym, it was nothing out of the ordinary to you.
At least until he opened his mouth.
“Y/N! Captain says someone rejected you! That’s not possible, right!?”
Oh, you were going to murder Kenji slowly.
Ignoring Koganegawa, you continued getting the gym ready, moving through the list of things you needed to do, but as you finished you realized the rest of the team still wasn’t present. “Kanji, go get the others. Practice was supposed to start almost ten minutes ago.”
“Aye, aye!” Finally pausing in theories of how it happened, the tall boy ran to the club room, only for you to hear Futakuchi yelling at him to shut the door.
Stomping over, you threw it open, “Kenji, you can’t still be changing! Practice is-“ You paused, sure enough they were not still changing. Instead, they were all crowded around Aone as he sat on the bench in front of a pen and paper, “Are you guys having a study session or something?”
Everyone was frozen as they stared back at you, before Aone stood, holding the paper out to you as he bowed. The first thing you caught at the top was an apology.
“Aone, really, it’s okay. I shouldn’t have gotten so sensitive. You don’t need to apologize for rejecting my confession.”
He just thrusted the paper in your direction again, so you took it with a sigh.
Reading it made you realize that he hadn’t known the confession was for him- and you realized you had never actually written his name on it. You slapped a hand to your face, “I’m an idiot.”
“No.” His deep voice spoke quietly before a soft smile graced his features, “You are very nice.”
Futakuchi walked up, slapping the original letter into Aone’s chest, “Here you go, big guy. Now let’s get to practice.”
“Yeah, about that,” You turned to your best friend with a sharp glare, “You mind telling me how Koganegawa knew about my supposed rejection?”
The captain ran, and as you moved to chase him, Aone caught the back of your jacket and held you in place. He spoke quietly when you glanced back at him, “Maybe let him go this once. He helped in the end.”
You conceded with a nod as you smiled at him, “Fair point, big man. How about we take a trip to that book store I was telling you about after practice? I’m pretty sure they have that series you were reading.” He nodded, giving you a brief but crushing hug before he followed the team to the gym.
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mel-0n-earth · 8 months
BG3 February Writing Challenge: Day 6
Day 6 (SFW): Teaching each other how to do something.
Original prompt list
[This is a little continuation of Tav and Dammon's story from my series The Hellion's Heart. However, apart from the last few paragraphs after the page break, it can be read entirely as a standalone. Please note that while the original series leaves Tav's race open-ended, this little drabble assumes a non-tiefling Tav.]
Tav frowned down at the scrap of paper in their hand. They’d been helping Dammon organize his papers in preparation for the upcoming tax season. The bulk of it had been dull work—organizing receipts by date, sorting through old jottings to see whether any of them contained pertinent information about business expenses, or if they simply needed to be thrown out. This particular note, however, was quite indecipherable.
“Hey Dammon?”
“Yeah?” his voice echoed faintly from the other room, where he was busy taking stock inventory.
“I can’t read your handwriting on this one. Can you take a look?”
“Sure, one moment.” She heard a gentle clattering sound as he dropped whatever he’d been working on, followed by the thump of bootsteps over the floorboards and the spicy musk of his breath as he leaned over her shoulder.
“Oh,” he breathed, plucking the note from her hand. “No wonder you couldn’t read it. It’s in infernal.”
“Really? I didn’t know you wrote infernal.”
His eyes darted over his own handwriting. “Sure. A lot of tieflings use it for privacy. Zevlor recommended we use it when we were in the Grove. Got quite a bit of practice from that. I still use it sometimes, so I won’t forget. This one’s just a shopping list, so we can toss it.”
Tav peered down at the note, wondering at the strangely beautiful script. “Is it hard to learn? The writing system, I mean?”
He shrugged. “I don’t think so. Though I suppose it comes naturally to tieflings. Still, it’s not all that hard. I could teach you, if you’d like.”
Tav took a moment to study the lettering. “You know what, why not. It could be fun.”
Dammon’s face lit up with a warm smile that made Tav’s chest warm. “Alright then. Tonight, when I’m done with work, I’ll teach you.”
As it turned out, learning infernal did not come easily to non-tieflings. Patient a teacher as Dammon was, Tav struggled to discern the jagged letters from one another, eyes swimming with what she perceived to be nothing but chicken scratch.
Still, she was determined to learn, so Dammon left them to practice with a handwritten copy of the alphabet, which Tav carefully copied every evening before bed. As difficult as Infernal was, Dammon had mentioned not wanting to forget how to use it, so it must’ve been important to him. If that was the case, then Tav wanted to be able to share it with him.
About a week after their first lesson, Tav had an idea, one they spent an entire evening bringing into fruition, hands shaking with nerves as they worked at Dammon’s tiny kitchen table. They were just placing the finishing touches when he came in from the forge, brow sheened with the sweat of a day’s labor.
“How’s the writing going?” he asked, now well-used to her daily routine of script practice.
Tav swallowed down her nerves, then rose quickly from her chair, thrusting the sheet of parchment out towards him. “See for yourself.”
Dammon gave her a curious look, then crossed the room to read what she’d written. It wasn’t unusual for her to ask that he check her work, but he must have noticed how nervous she was.
He read for what felt like a long time, parchment crinkling where his fingers gripped the edge. At first, Tav thought their penmanship might just be messy, or that the letters were too smudged to read from her erasing her work too many times. But apparently, that wasn’t the problem at all.
“Is it…supposed to say something?” Dammon asked.
Tav shifted uncomfortably. “Um…yeah. Did I make a mistake?”
“You must have. I mean, this is gibberish. Unless this is another language. ‘Ilpvey’…”
Tav snatched the paper from his hand. “What? No, that’s not right at all! This is supposed to be an ‘O.’ Wait a second, I’ll fix it.” She hurried back to the table, crossing out the wrong letters and re-writing them. “Gods, I was only a line off,” she muttered to herself before shoving the note back into Dammon’s hands, praying he wouldn’t notice the hot flush rising up her neck. “Here, now read it.”
Dammon gave her a questioning look, then peered down at the corrected note. At first, his expression remained one of confusion. Then, something appeared to click, and a sweet smile pressed its way into the corner of his mouth. Still, he didn’t say anything, merely stared down at the message without a word, which only made Tav more nervous.
“Umm, does it make sense now? If not, I can try again…”
No response. He was still looking down at the note.
Finally, he looked up, eyes shining electric blue in the dark. For a moment, he merely stared at her with a strange expression, as if he were trying to determine whether she was real. Then, just as Tav was considering fleeing the room in shame, she was being pulled against him, note still clutched in his hand as his arms wrapped around her in a tight embrace.
“It does make sense, sweetheart,” he hummed against her neck. “I love you too.”
Tav smiled against his shirt, eyes falling shut with relief. It was the first time either of them had said it.
In the eventful days that followed, Tav forgot about the note entirely. After tax season came final preparations to take on the Elder Brain. Then, the battle itself was followed by a period of necessary healing, in which Tav spent weeks in bedrest. All the while, Dammon remained at her side, both of them grateful that the other had made it out of the entire ordeal alive.  
She hadn’t even known Dammon bothered to keep the note until many years later, when she came across it by chance while flipping through some old books of theirs. At first, she was confused as to why he’d folded the note inside a copy of an erotic play—The Pleasurable Deal. It wasn’t until she read the opening lines that any of it made any sense to her.
For now the game did start. He’d said that, she recalled, that first time they’d met at the Carress. At the time, she hadn’t known what he was talking about. But now, it made sense, perhaps more than he could possibly have realized at the time. Just like the protagonist, they’d both gotten far more than they’d bargained for with that deal.
She smiled as she read the words she’d written so long ago—I love you.
If that first night was how the game started, then this was how it ended.
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