#drove all she had to do was watch the bird and she fucked that up
milo-is-rambling · 1 year
#and my mother behaved in an immature way wow who fuckin knew that would happen#:|#low key pissed off at her for not cleaning funks cage a single time in two weeks like his entire cage was covered in shit and food and there#was literally a plant growing (that was like five inches long) at the bottom of his cage and my mother was laughing like thought it was#funny to not care at all about my birds cage like god it pissed me off so bad#I emptied the bottom tray and I’ll fully take it apart and wash it either tonight or tomorrow depending on how much energy I have but yeah.#completely unimpressed with my mother (and she’s been over feeding him this whole time which def adds to why his cage is a mess) god i am#just very pissy now cause she had one singular job to help me while I was gone and it was just to watch the bird and that’s it#everything else was shit I could handle from wherever I was I did all the planning and everything for my trip for me I packed the car I#drove all she had to do was watch the bird and she fucked that up#at least he’s still alive and he remembers me and he doesn’t seem to be doing too poorly with his molting so it’s fine#he also hasn’t been let out of his cage at all in two weeks and he’s supposed to spend two hours a day out and about#he’s doing a lot of stretching and pruning now I hope he feels okay#so mad at my mom. like I get it it’s a lot of work but like that is a living creature please take care of should mean take care of him well#not laugh when I’m upset bc you did a shit job following any instructions for him#ughhhhhhhh#angry#and she parked the small car in the normal spot so I couldn’t even pull into the driveway in a way that makes unpacking easier#ugh so so frustrated
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imtryingbuck · 28 days
Welcome To The Gang
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: mechanic!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n leaves her hometown after her heart is broken by betrayal, she has no destination in sight but when she meets a brunette she finally finds happiness.
Word count: 5,853
Warnings: angst. past cheating (ex and sister). swearing. fluff.
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“Mom what am I going to do?”
“You need to tell her, it will break her heart but she needs to know.”
Y/n stood behind the living room wall pressing her hand to her mouth in hopes her mom and sister couldn’t hear her muffled sobs. She had just heard that her boyfriend of five years had been cheating on her with her very own sister for the past four months. Betrayed by the two people who she loved more than anything in the world other than her parents.
“She won’t want to talk to me anymore” She felt sick to her stomach at hearing her sisters voice laced in distress. Not once since she confessed has she once said she regretted it or that it meant nothing, no it was all about her.
“Do you blame her? You’ve been fucking her boyfriend.”
“I know mom!”
“And now you’re pregnant by your sisters boyfriend, don’t you dare try and act like a victim.”
Her heart broke even more. Her sister knew full well that they had been trying to get pregnant for the past two years and yet here she is, pregnant with her own sisters boyfriends baby. Before her sister could speak Y/n stepped around the wall, both mom and daughter gasping at seeing her, seeing the tears they knew she had heard everything.
“Why? Why would you do this to me? Doing it to your best friend wasn’t enough?”
“Y/n!” her mom scolded. “You know that she regretted doing that.”
“But it didn’t stop her from sleeping with her best friends husband when she was grieving her mom’s death, did it now? Oh and then carried on once her best friend found out and divorced his sorry arse.” Looking at her older sister, the one person she looked up to since they were children. “Can’t you find your own boyfriend that you have to fuck everyone else’s?”
“I-I’m sorry, p-please don’t be mad”
“You two deserve each other. I hope you both have the worst life-“
“Y/n please don’t talk to your sister like that!”
“Sister?” she let out a low chuckle with a shake of her head. “I have no sister.”
Walking out of her parents’ house, the very same one she grew up in, she got in her car ignoring her mom and sister begging her to stay and that everything will be okay, and drove back to her apartment that she shared with her now ex-boyfriend. Thankfully he wasn’t there which meant leaving with her things would be easier. Not an hour later her car was packed full with her things, with one last look at the place she had been calling home for three years a stray tear dropped from her eyes, a shudder rolled down her spine at the thought of her own sister and her now ex fucking each other in the apartment. Closing the door she locked it and slid the key through the letter box and got into her car, with no destination in sight she drove away.
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“No no no NO! God damnit!” Smacking the steering wheel harshly then wincing at the pain shooting through her hands, she managed to get the car to pull up to the side of the road. In the middle of nowhere. “Great. Just great.”
Stranded in the middle of nowhere, no signs of life other than a few birds flying around in the air, she began crying. This wasn’t how her life was supposed to go like. It was meant to be her carrying her boyfriends’ child, not her sister. She was meant to be at home probably curled up on the couch with her cheating scumbag of a boyfriend watching some crappy show on the tv. But no, she’s currently in the middle of nowhere with a broken down car and no cell service whilst her sister is probably curled up on the couch with the cheating scumbag she happily opened her legs for.
It wasn’t fair.
An hour passed and not even a single car went pass. Then another hour went by, this time she kept her mind occupied by kicking the crap out of her car. The next hour that slowly trickled by Y/n walked around her car over and over again, then across the street and back again, even having a race with a snail in which she won against. Finding a stone she practiced her football skills, then she lost the stone. And then she began kicking her car again but this time imagining her sister and boyfriends faces - her car now sporting a huge dent.
The sun began going down being quickly replaced by the crescent moon, climbing on top of her car with her legs dangling against the door she laid back staring up at the sky. It couldn’t have been long when she heard a noise that she had never been more grateful to hear.
“Yes! Oh thank fuck!” she waved her arms in the air in hopes that the driver would stop and not ignore her, whilst also hoping that the driver wasn’t some crazed maniac.
“Oh thank you, thank you!” jumping off the car she went up to the truck as it pulled to a stop. “Hi, c-can you help me?”
“Of course we can help. My names Wanda and this is Vis, what’s yours?”
“Thank you, I’m Y/n. My car broke down and I have no cell service.”
“Oh, well we can actually help you with that” Wanda got out of the truck whilst Vis pulled the truck in front of her car. “He works at the garage not that far from here.”
“Really? You two are life savers”
“Yeah it’s half an hour away… wait, how long have you been out here for?”
“Half an hour?” Wanda nodded with a soft smile on her plumb lips. “Oh my God.” Y/n cried out. “I’ve been out here for like four hours!” Wanda’s eyes went wide, her lips pressing together tightly in a straight line. “You can laugh.”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh along with the green eyed woman, she felt so stupid for not thinking about wondering off to find help instead of staying by her car. “You’re not from around here are you?”
“Leave me alone” she giggled.
“I’m sorry!”
“Is that why you are laughing?”
“… No”
Vis informs the two women that everything was set up and ready to go, in the truck with two strangers that seemed really nice Wanda asked her about herself which she answered carefully and selectively, Wanda told her that she and Vis were married and then told her about the people she would most likely meet at the garage. Vis chimed in telling her that one of them called Bucky would most likely be standoffish with her but it was just who he was.
“Yeah, his middle name is Buchanan so he goes by Bucky.” Wanda informs.
Not even half an hour later they pulled up to the garage named The Avengers Garage. Wanda and Y/n got out so that Vis could pull the truck and car inside. “Come on, let me introduce you to the gang.”
Gaining the attention of the people that was sat/stood around, the first person to greet her was a beautiful red head named Natasha, then a very happy Sam introduced himself – going straight in for a hug. Then Clint – Wanda informed her that he and Nat were dating, then she was introduced to Steve. Everyone was so nice and warm to her, they were probably like that to everyone but that didn’t matter to her.
“This car is completely fucked.” She heard a deep yet soft voice come from behind her car. “Steve I’m going… h-hi.” He started then cut himself off when he laid eyes on her.
“Hi” she smiled at the gorgeous man in front of her.
The group all watched silently with amused looks on their faces as they watch Bucky standing there with a tint of red hue on his cheeks, a sweet smile on his lips and this woman that they had only just met doing the same thing.
“Bucky this is Y/n, Y/n this is Bucky” Wanda’s soft voice snapped them both out of their trances.
“Hi” they both repeated, the groups eyes rolling in unison.
“So Buck, what’s wrong with the car?” Steve then asked snapping them both out of their love sickening eye contact again.
Bucky's eyes find Steve’s and begins explaining the problems with the car, to Y/n it sounded like he was talking mumbo jumbo – having never paid any attention to what her dad would tell her when he tried showing her the ins and outs of a car. “And there’s a big dent in the side”
“Yeah… about that, uhm… that was me, I kind of kicked the damn thing.”
“Why?” Bucky chuckled. Everyone beside Y/n looking shocked at hearing the sound coming from him. It had been so long since any of them had heard anything other than a grumble fall from his lips.
“I was angry.” She shrugged with a small smile.
“Fair enough.” He chuckled once again. “I’ll be able to get the dents out.”
“H-How much would it all come to?” When Bucky tells her the amount he noticed the grimace flash across her face, asking him about the price without the dents being taken out – hating the way she stutters, and the way her cheeks heated up with embarrassment. “C-Can you just leave the dents? I’ll get it fixed at a later date”
“Of course” Bucky smiles in understanding. “It will take about two days to fix”
“O-Oh okay, thank you.”
Steve rolls his eyes at once again the love struck look in Bucky’s eyes, clapping his best friends shoulder motioning towards her car Bucky smiles once more at Y/n before following Steve. Once it was just Wanda and Y/n after Nat and Clint left to go and get some food and Vis doing something in the back Y/n asked Wanda where the nearest motel was.
“It’s not that far from here, it’s a bit rundown though.”
“That’s fine, I need a place to sleep until my car is fixed and then I can be on my way again.”
“I can take you there if you want?”
“I would really like that, thank you so much.”
“It’s no problem. I’m just going to get the keys from Vis.” Leaving her on her own, Y/n went to her car to get a few things from the back, apologising to the two men as she interrupted their conversation.
Thanking Wanda once again for everything that she had done for her, she walked up to the room that she had paid for. It was small and had a weird odour lingering in the air but it didn’t bother her, much. Climbing into the uncomfortable bed after changing into something comfy and doing her night routine, she fell asleep with the image of a certain brunette with piercing blue eyes.
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Bucky just wanted to go home to Alpine – his precious white ball of fluff that he had found abounded on the side of the road when she was only six weeks old. He’d probably order some pizza and sit to watch some crappy show on the tv whilst having his little baby curled up next to him eating her treats. But no here he was still at work being told a new car was just brought in.
It wasn’t fair.
“This car is completely fucked.” He mumbled. “Steve I’m going… h-hi.” He started but finding himself cutting his words off when he laid eyes on her.
The most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.
“Hi” her smile was just as gorgeous as the rest of her face and her voice.
He knew that the group was all watching as his cheeks heated up, and he knew for a fact that they were going to tease him later for it.
“Bucky this is Y/n, Y/n this is Bucky” Wanda’s voice snapped them both out of their trances.
“Hi” they both repeated, the groups eyes rolling in unison.
“So Buck, what’s wrong with the car?” Steve asked him making him reluctantly pull his eyes away from her.
He couldn’t help the chuckle leave his lips when she explained that the huge dents in the side of her car was due to her kicking it, god he loved her smile. He didn’t judge her for wanting the dents to be left in, seeing all the things in the car it looked to him like she had just upped and left wherever it was she came from, and he understood that money was probably tight, hell they had all been in that position before so therefore none of them was going to judge her.
The second Steve got him away from Y/n he just stood there and smirked. “What?”
“Nothing. Okay well there is something.”
“And that is?”
“’Hi I’m Bucky and I’m so in love with you Y/n, please marry me and have my babies’” Steve mocked before letting out a surprised yelp and ducking just in time as the tool that Bucky throws at him, hit him.
“You’re not funny.”
“What do you mean? I’m hilarious.” The dirt blond gasped dramatically. “What was all that back there?”
“What do you mean? I was just being polite to a customer”
“That’s the thing Buck, you’re never polite to customers.”
“Yes I am!”
“Liar. Okay, can I ask you another question?”
“You’re going to ask anyway”
“When is the wedding?” Steve chuckled then let out a pained groan as Bucky throws something at him, hitting him in his stomach. “You can’t keep throwing things at me!”
“I can if you keep being a dick. Now shut up and help me.”
“I thought she said to leave the dents?”
“I know but I can’t just leave them.” Bucky shrugs. “And don’t say anything!”
Both worked tirelessly until it got too late and fatigue and hunger started to set in. Since Steve lived across the road from Bucky they always drove to work together, Steve pulled up to his drive, saying his goodbyes to his best friend – not before he tormented him about his new girlfriend Y/n.
“She is not my girlfriend!” the brunette practically growled as he stomped over to his house. Instantly being greeted by Alpine, Bucky stood there imagining Y/n sitting on his couch in his shirt with a smile on her face, opening her arms for him to crawl into and complain about his day, running her fingers through his hair-
Alpine’s meow snapped him out of his thoughts, shaking his head. “She is not my girlfriend.”
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“Please be Y/n’s room” Y/n heard a soft voice come from behind her door, just before a knock came.
“Hi Wanda” she smiled at the woman as she opened the door.
“Oh thank god! I’ve been knocking on all the doors to find your room”
Chuckling, she offered for her to come inside. “How are you?”
“I’m okay, how are you?”
“I’m good. How come you’re here? Is my car fixed already?”
“Well I came to see if you wanted to hang out? I could show you around town? And for your car, it isn’t done yet but I know Bucky's been working on it since seven this morning”
Seeing the hopeful look in her eyes, Y/n couldn’t find it in herself to say no so with a smile and a nod she grabbed her jacket and put her shoes on, making sure she grabbed her bag she locked the door and slid the key into her pocket. Wanda linked her arm with hers as they made their way down to Wanda’s car.
The town was small and it seemed like everyone knew everyone and knew that Y/n wasn’t from around there, they made it obvious by staring at her. Wanda showed her all the places her and the gang – as she kept calling them – had grown up, hung out and even showed her the alleyways that Steve use to get beat up in.
“Steve? The blond one, right?”
“Yep, he wasn’t always that big and muscly, Bucky would always find him and fight the bullies.”
Then Wanda showed her their former principles house that they covered in toilet roll. “Why would you do that?” Y/n chuckled.
“Sam dared Steve to do it, Steve passed the dare on to Clint who passed it to Nat who then passed it on to Bucky, and Bucky passed said dare back to Sam. Anyway, we all then agreed to do it so… we did”
“A dare?”
“Yeah, but to be fair we were drunk.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Yeah it was only last year that we did it.” Wanda says. Y/n sat in the passenger seat looking at the woman waiting for her to say that she was joking. “I’m not joking either, we didn’t exactly grow up after leaving school.”
Half an hour later Wanda pulled up to a cute café that was on Main Street, promising her that they did the best hot chocolate in the world. Which she wasn’t wrong about.
“So” Wanda started, leaving the whipped cream moustache she was now sporting. “Where are you going?”
“Your car was packed full of things so I assume you’re going somewhere?”
“Oh, oh I uhm… I left my hometown. And now I’m trying to find somewhere else to call home”
“How come?”
“M-My boyfriend, ex-boyfriend cheated on me”
“The bastard! I hate him!”
“You don’t know him” Y/n laughed.
“I know I don’t but I hate him for hurting you like that, do you know who the bitch was? I’ll fight her if you want me too?”
Shaking her head. “It was with my sister, and no I don’t want you to fight her.”
“Your sister? Like half-sister?” Y/n shakes her head. “No? Step?” another head shake. “Jesus Y/n! That bitch! I hate her too!”
“She’s also pregnant with his baby” she smiled sadly at Wanda.
“Oh Y/n I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay I guess, it just hurts you know? I always wanted to have children with him but it wasn’t meant to be.”
“The way I see it is that she did you a favour, I know it hurts. My ex cheated on me but honestly it was the biggest blessing because Vis then gained the courage to tell me he was in love with me.”
“And you’ve been together ever since?”
“Yeah” Wanda smiled at her. “We dated for like six months before he proposed to me and then we got married on our one year anniversary, everyone kept telling us that we were mad and marrying to soon, aside from the gang they were the only ones who were supportive, but anyway here we are, four years into marriage and happier than ever.”
“I love that.” Wanda smiled, taking a gulp of her drink as they both settled into comfortable silence.
That was until a brilliant idea came to Wanda’s head. “Fuck Y/n! You should move here! The house down the street from mine is for sale, and it’s nice, me and Vis had a look around just because we wanted to see how different their house was to ours but anyway it’s for sale and it’s cute and most importantly it’s only down the road from me” she rambled with a huge smile on her face.
“I-I don’t know, I don’t exactly have a lot of money and with my car, you know?”
“I know someone is looking for a receptionist, I can get you a job there?”
“Me! I own a tattoo shop with Nat, and it’s just us two and Clint that works there and we really need a receptionist to take calls and all that shit”
“You’re really offering a stranger a job?”
“Well yeah, if you think about it every person I would have to interview is a stranger…”
“You got me there.”
“Do you know how to answer a phone?”
“Of course I do”
“Do you know how to use a pen? And how to write?”
“Yes, to both questions.”
“Well congratulations Y/n, you’ve got the job” Wanda beamed before she asked Mary for two more hot chocolates.
“I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not”
“As serious as a heart attack. When can you start?”
“Wanda, dead serious?”
“Dead, dead, dead serious! So when can you?”
“Straight away! Thank you Wanda, thank you”
“We’re friends so you don’t need to thank me. Now we just need to think of a place for you to live.”
“I can just stay in the motel until I’ve saved enough money” she shrugs.
“Leave it with me, I’ll think of something better.”
After discussing more about what the job will entail and her wages Wanda dragged Y/n out of the café, she explained that Nat’s sister was the owner so therefore they never had to pay for their things. Dropping Y/n off at the motel with the promise that she would come back later, Wanda headed straight for the garage.
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Bucky was in the backroom looking for the part he needed to fix Y/n’s car when he heard Wanda loudly ask where he was, grabbing what he needed he went out to where Wanda was. “What’s up?”
“You said you wanted a roommate, right?”
“That was ages ago?”
“Yeah and? Do you still want one or not?”
“I mean I wouldn’t be against it, just as long as they don’t hurt Alpine, why?”
Wanda grabs a hold of Sam’s arm and began jumping up and down, with a huge smile on her face. “I think I’ve found you a roommate!”
“Yeah? Who?”
“Y/n” Bucky’s face dropped. “I’ve given her a job at the shop and now I’m trying to find her a place to live and not her staying at that crappy motel like she wants.”
“I-no. Thanks Wanda but no”
“Why not?” she frowned.
“Because he’s in love with her” Steve laughed as he spun in circles on his chair.
“No I’m not!”
“She’s single.”
“Is she?” Steve and Sam burst out laughing at hearing the excited tone of his words. “She can’t live with me Wands, I don’t know her.”
“Her name is Y/n, she’s single, she’s really nice, what more do you want to know about her?”
“Oh wow, it’s like I’ve known her my whole entire life!”
“Wands, he’s being sarcastic.” Sam informed her, Steve nodding to confirm it. She had never really been able to pick up on sarcasm.
“Oh… right well I guess I have to find her somewhere else. Bye guys.”
Bucky instantly felt bad for his best friend, hating the way her whole behaviour changed along with her voice, handing over the items over to Steve he ran after Wanda. “I’m sorry Wands, I know you’re trying to help her and I didn’t mean to be sarcastic.”
“It’s okay. It’s just- I don’t know I just want to help her and she seems so nice and she’s been hurt and I don’t like that.”
“Who hurt her?”
“It’s not my place to say Buck”
“I understand. Hey why don’t you take me to her and I can ask her if she wants to move in with me?”
“Yes! I promise Bucky she won’t murder you in your sleep. Well… I hope she doesn’t.” Bucky chuckles at her words, getting into the car with her, she takes off.
Standing outside Y/n’s motel door they both looked at each other worriedly as they heard Y/n arguing with someone, who they assumed was on the phone as they couldn’t hear anyone else’s voice. Bucky gave her a questioning look when they heard her say about her own sister betraying her, he soon understood what she meant when Y/n shouted what she had told Wanda earlier that day.
“I’ve already told you mom that I don’t want anything to do with her, or that child. And as for her wanting my blessing to date him she didn’t ask me if she could fuck him when she was- no I don’t care- she isn’t my sister- they both can rot in hell for all I care, no, no you don’t get to interrupt me anymore, you want to stand by her then do it but don’t expect me to come back and ever forgive her. I’m done.” They flinch when they hear a bang against the door, Wanda instantly knocking on the door.
“Y/n, it’s Wanda!”
Hearing the locks unlock Wanda rushed straight in with Bucky following his brunette best friend who had the heart of gold, watching as she wrapped her arms around Y/n’s shaking form. He noticed a phone on the floor, the screen lighting up with ‘Mom’ on the call screen, he also noticed her phone screen cracked.
“I’m okay. I just got angry.”
“What happened?”
“My mom rang, she wants my blessing to date him.” She scoffs, leaning into Wanda’s hand as she wipes the fallen tears. “Oh, hi Bucky.”
“Hi.” Looking around the small room Bucky picks up her phone and declines the call from her mom, again. “Come on, lets’ get you packed up.”
“Wait, do you like cats? She’s a complete softy.”
“I-I do, but what is happening?”
“Wanda said you need a place to live, I’ve got a house with two spare bedrooms so… you can live with me.”
“I feel like you two are pranking me.”
“Nope, come on.”
Not even ten minutes later was he sitting back in the car but this time with Y/n sitting in the back, and then twenty minutes later Wanda was pulling up outside his home. Alpine ran straight for Bucky, and then Wanda before sniffing Y/n’s leg, a happy purr was heard from the ball of fluff. As the women were distracted by his precious baby, he was looking around making sure his house was clean, thankfully the only mess around was Alpine’s toys laying around. Giving her a tour of the house, he showed her the room she would be taking, Bucky told them he needed to go back to work.
“Oh Y/n, welcome home.” He smiled warmly at her.
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It had been six months to the day since Wanda and Vis found Y/n on the side of the road, she had become great friends with the gang - all welcoming her with open arms. Working at the tattoo shop that Nat and Wanda owned had been great fun, Nat had even showed her how to tattoo… which wasn’t so fun. The two women comforted her when she was tagged in an instagram post that her sister had put up announcing she was having a girl, both of them even commenting on the post – Nat’s comment was ‘really classy having a baby with your own sisters ex’, Wanda’s was ‘imagine sleeping with your own sisters boyfriend and getting knocked up by him and then tagging her in this photo.’ Both comments got way more likes then the actual post did. Her mom rang her telling her to tell them to delete the comments, Y/n laughed and put the phone down on her and finally blocked her parents, sister and ex’s numbers.
At first she thought she was overstepping by living with him but he kept waving her worries off. “I like having someone else to talk to.” He told her once. There was a few awkward moments they both shared since living together such as walking in on each other in the shower, or bath, or the time that Bucky had a woman over and the woman walked into Y/n’s room thinking it was the bathroom, the woman instantly hurling insults at the brunette accusing him of cheating, by the time either one of them got a chance to speak the woman was already on her way out of the house.
“I’m so sorry Bucky.”
“Why? I’ve never seen a woman move so fast before.” He burst out laughing, prompting her to join in.
But overall it had been great, the two learnt so much about the other, whenever they had a bad day at work the other would lend a sympathetic ear, they had grown close which terrified the both of them due to having been hurt in the past. She had found out that his ex-girlfriend had cheated on him after he had his accident which left him with his arm being amputated, he had only told her about this after she saw the scars he tried so hard to keep hidden from her.
“Are you coming tonight?” Bucky asked her as he came into the kitchen.
“Wanda’s asked me to and Nat said if I don’t she’ll beat me up.”
“Well you can’t come.”
“Why can’t I?”
“Because only cool people are invited.”
“So why are you going?”
Gasping dramatically he squinted his eyes at her, he grabs his phone off the side. A few seconds later her phone pings.
Bucky: u r so rude.
“Really? Why did you just text me?”
Bucky: cus I’m no longer talking to u.
“Well technically you’re still talking to me.”
Bucky: from now on I’m not talking to u.
“You are so dramatic, isn’t he Alp, yes he is” she cooed at the fluff ball as she jumped onto Y/n’s lap.
Bucky: don’t bring our daughter into this!
Bucky: my daughter.
Bucky: don’t look at me like that!
Bucky: I meant MY daughter!
“But that isn’t what you said Jamie. It looks like OUR daughter loves me.” She taunted him, giggling at his death stare.
Bucky: fine.
Bucky: you gave birth to a cat.
“She got her hairiness from you.”
“No she didn’t!”
“I thought you wasn’t going to speak to me?”
“I- shut up and go and get dressed.” She let out loud laugh at his failed attempts at defending himself, even as she made her way to her room she couldn’t stop laughing. Bucky didn’t care that he had a huge smile on his face at hearing his favourite sound.
Bucky drove the two of them to the garage, it was relatively quiet aside from the radio quietly playing 80’s rock in the background. He couldn’t help but take small glances at her from the corner of his eye, her perfume was intoxicating as the smell filled his truck and his nostrils.
Tonight the gang was having a BBQ at the garage for some reason unknown to Y/n, she did ask Bucky why it wasn’t being held at one of their houses but he just shrugged his shoulders. Wanda instantly pulling her into a hug and handing her a nice cold beer. “How are you?”
“I’m good, though Bucky no longer speaks to me.”
“What! Why?”
“Because our daughter loves me more.”
“Wait… what?”
“She’s my daughter!” Bucky shouts from the boot of the car.
“Nope, you said ours so therefore I’m her mother.” Wanda watches the scene with a confused yet amused expression on her face.
Before long their bellies were warm, their laughter filling the air as they retold stories of their childhood, Bucky’s arm was wrapped around Y/n’s shoulder as her hand was on his thigh – if anyone saw them they would think they are a couple, especially with the way Bucky stared at her when her attention was elsewhere. She didn’t see them all share a look between them all, because when Bucky stood she nearly fell.
“The time is nigh, let us begin the ceremony.” Wanda says in an ominous voice. The hair on the back of Y/n’s neck stand up.
“Please stand Y/n L/n.” Steve then spoke.
Staring wide eyed with a hint of fear and panic behind them, she stood up on wobbly legs. “W-What’s going on?”
“You’ll find out in due time.” Bucky said from the side of her.
Wanda told Bucky and Steve to take her hands and to follow her. They led her further away from the garage and towards an old railway track that hadn’t been used in nearly fifty years, as Wanda had told her before, the panic began to rise more and more with each passing step. Her new friends were crazy and are going to murder her.
“We are gathered here on a dark night.” Nat started.
“We have an offer.” Sam went next.
Bucky and Steve let go of her hands and stood by the rest, once Wanda said ‘now’ they got down on their knees. “Will you be our friend?” Steve asked.
“Join our gang.” Wanda spoke.
“Be one of us.” Bucky smiled.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? I thought you was going to kill me!” she shouted.
“No? Why would we kill you?” Bucky asked puzzled by her words.
“You all act weird and take me to an old railway track, I mean come on!”
“Oh yeah… it does seem a bit murdery feely.”
“Okay, not to get off topic, Y/n what do you say? Be an official member of our gang?” Wanda questions. “My knees are starting to hurt.”
“Do I get a cool jacket?”
“No but you do get a cool bracelet that we’ve made.”
Mulling the offer over, Y/n smiled and nodded. “Yes I’ll join your gang even though I thought you was going to kill me.”
Bucky had the honour of putting on the bracelet on her wrist, it was the exact same one that all of them wore on their own wrists. “Welcome to our crazy family.” He whispered.
Each of them hugging her before going back to the garage to carry on drinking. Y/n was about to follow until Bucky’s hand slipped into hers and tugged making her stop. He watched as the others got further away from them.
“I- I just want a few minutes alone, j-just the two of us.”
“Oh okay.” She noticed that he was still holding her hand, she was glad because she loved the warmth radiating off him.
“I really like you Y/n.” Bucky speaks after a few minutes of silence.
“I really like you too.”
“No, not like that. I mean... I mean I love you, I’m so fucking in love with you it’s crazy, you’re all I think about with your perfect smile and perfect laugh, man I really love your laugh! And you’re so perfect and honestly it drives me insane because you’re everything-“
Y/n cuts him off by pressing her lips to his.
“I love you-“
Bucky cuts her off by grabbing the back of her head, bringing her closer to him so he can carry on kissing her.
By the time they get back to the rest of them both of their lips were swollen and their cheeks were tinted red. Bucky sits in the seat and instantly pulls her on to his lap, both of them ignoring the cheering coming from their friends.
“It was about time you asked her out!” Steve cheered.
“Oh… shit yeah, Y/n will you be my girlfriend?”
They all burst out laughing a she nods. “Yes I’ll be your girlfriend.”
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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rafesaddiction · 1 year
It's not cheating when he’s your enemy – Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
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see here for part 2 and here for part 2.5
Summary: Rafe Cameron is the reason why you fought with your boyfriend. Rafe Cameron is the reason why you lost your job. Rafe Cameron is the reason why you moan and whimper shamelessly.
Concept: enemies, hate sex
Warnings: mdni! – smut, hate sex, rough sex, p in v, violence, choking, spitting (on rafe), cursing, name calling (rafe calls reader whore), cheating (reader cheats on boyfriend), mean!rafe
Word count: 3.9k
“How about a smile with that, hm?” Rafe Cameron grinned at you as you placed the glass in front of him on the table. Your eyes narrowed and you glared at him, but that smug grin of his only grew wider, and his kook friends sitting at the table with him snickered and watched the scene with amusement.
It was bad enough that you had to work today, not being in the best of moods after a fight with your boyfriend earlier – or more exactly, a fight with your boyfriend and his best friend. But you had to take the evening shift at the Wreck, because your landlord had assured you, he'd kick you out if you were late on the rent again. You needed the money and your cleaning job just didn't pay enough. And usually working at the Wreck was fine. Mike was a fair boss and Anna always had a nice word for you. The tips weren't as generous as at the country club, but the customers were usually much nicer. Well, usually. Not so much tonight.
You had seen – or actually heard them, the moment they had come into the restaurant; the kook prince and his cronies. Not waiting to be seated, they just chose a table and sat down, as if they had a right to do so, as if they were entitled to do anything they wanted. You frowned, when you saw them, having just written down the order from much nicer guests – a tourist couple, who must have been puzzled at your sudden change of attitude. You usually had no problem with keeping a friendly face to customers, or at least look at them in a neutral way, but the moment you saw Rafe Cameron walk in like he owned the place, you just couldn't hide your anger.
And of course, Rafe and his friends had chosen one of your tables. If it hadn't been so busy that night, you might have asked your colleague to swap tables. But as it was, you clenched your teeth and walked over to their table, placing the pitcher with fresh water and glasses on the table, ready to take their order – avoiding looking at them, especially at Rafe.
But his words made you look up from the water jug you held in your hand.
“C’mon, y/n, show us that pretty smile of yours, and I might even give you a nice tip”, the asshole had the audacity to wink at you.
You glared at him, pressing your lips into a thin line. You were fuming. Your hand clenching around the handle of the pitcher. And the blond kook just kept smiling at you his arrogant smile that others might have found charming, which only drove you mad.
So instead of pouring the water into the glasses on the table, you poured the pitcher's whole content onto Rafe Cameron's lap, drenching his expensive pants. – A pity actually that it was only water and not some boiling hot coffee.
Rafe quickly moved back, the chair making a screeching sound on the wooden floor, as he jumped to his feet. Now looking anything but amused, he looked down at himself.
“The fuck?”
And it was your turn to smirk, just a little triumphant smirk, while you glared at him and extended your arm, flipping him the bird, right at his stupid face.
You turned on your heels and walked back to the bar, hearing one of the kook boys say, “dude, she really hates you.” And Rafe replied, “nah, she wants me bad,” which resulted in all of them laughing.
And you growled. You hated those bastards. You hated them so damn much.
Behind the counter, you put down the empty pitcher with a loud thud – even though you felt more like throwing that thing at Rafe.
You tried to compose yourself, you really did, but, of course, Mike had seen what happened. And instead of being on your side and kicking those arrogant kooks out, he came at you, told you to go and apologize.
“I won’t! He’s a fucking asshole, acting like he owns half the island!” You glared at your boss.
“Well, his father does,” Mike said, “now go and apologize and tell him, whatever they order is on the house.”
You crossed your arms in front of your chest, looking at Mike as if he was talking in a different language.
“You apologize or you can leave. For good.” The features on the man's face had become stern.
You should do the reasonable thing, you needed this job. But your temper got the best of you. You were so angry, so damn furious, and Mike taking their side was just too much to take. You literally had enough.
“Screw you,” you snapped, crumpled the cloth you used for cleaning tables and threw it at Mike.
He frowned at you and pointed at the door.
And you walked out, walked out of that damn restaurant in which those fucking kooks were surely laughing at the scene they just witnessed. You were a joke to them. You pogues always were nothing more than a joke to them. It made you furious.
Outside you kicked a random car parked in front of the restaurant, wishing it was Rafe's – but it looked more like some old folks' family car than anything Rafe would drive.
“Fuck ‘em, fuck ‘em all,” you cursed, and your foot hurt, but you kept on walking, stomping actually, blinking angry tears away.
You just had lost your job because of Rafe-fucking-Cameron! The same guy that had been the reason for your fight with your boyfriend earlier that day.
You hated that guy. You had always hated Rafe, but now you hated him more than ever.
This morning, on his usual delivery run for Heyward, your boyfriend had been jumped by Rafe and one of his friends. And they had beaten him up so bad, he had gotten home with a limp, his left eye swollen, his nose bleeding. Seeing him like that hurt so much, you almost cried. His best friend, who was there with you, looked at your boyfriend shocked, and worried, before his quick temper took over. That boy was always short-tempered and would rather act than think. He was furious. While you were attending your boyfriend's wounds, his best friend was pacing the small place, raising his fists, clenching them, rambling on about how he would make Rafe pay for that. He also seemed mad at himself for not having been there for his best friend, not having been able to defend him. So he was more determined now to make it right, as he called it.
He swore revenge and was forming a plan. Usually, they would just try and fight Rafe and his friends at the next opportunity. But this seemed different. And your boyfriend seemed to be hurt more than just by the wounds you could see. You weren't sure, but you had a feeling that something else must have happened with Rafe, something more serious, something hurting not just his body, but his pride too. Because otherwise, your boyfriend would have never agreed to the stupid plan his best friend came up with. Stealing Rafe's dirt bike and sinking it to the bottom of the ocean. It wasn't even a real plan, it was just stupid.
“He'll know that it was you! And he'll have you arrested for it.”
“So what?”
“So what? You can go to jail! Don't be so dumb! You can both go to jail for this and you'll ruin your future just because of some stupid fight!” You yelled at your boyfriend's best friend, but there was no reasoning with him.
But what was worse, your own boyfriend didn't want to see that you were right. He was so infuriated. He had jumped to his feet and was ready to take Rafe and any cop. And he wanted to hurt him, hurt him so bad.
When you tried to talk to him, tried to calm him down, tried to make him see reason, he just shoved you away, and he suddenly seemed angry at you, accusing you of not understanding him. And his best friend accused you of not caring about your own boyfriend. And that fucking hurt. The two of them had always been close, very close, and you sometimes felt a pang of jealousy, because even though you were his girlfriend, it seemed as if there was some part of him you would never fully get.
So you had left the two of them planning their revenge, coming up with some stupid plan that would not make anything right that had been done to your boyfriend or to any of you pogues.
And the thought of that made you furious right now.
You balled your hands into fists, clenching so hard, you felt your nails digging into your palms.
You hadn't paid attention to where you were going when you had stormed out of the Wreck and you had been walking for some time now, anger driving you onwards, as you found yourself close to the Cameron's pier.
Rage was clouding your judgement, but you knew you had to do something, anything. It just couldn't go on like this. Rafe Cameron hurting everyone and destroying everything and just getting away with it.
You didn't have a plan what to do when you broke into the shack where they stored boat stuff and other things. It wasn't the first time you had broken into somewhere, but it was the first time you were on your own. Usually the other pogues would be with you. But you could do this on your own. And you did care about your boyfriend, no matter what his best friend said. You were a pogue just like them.
Inside it was dark and you had to feel your way round, careful not to bump into anything. You used your phone's flashlight to see, but you weren't really sure what you were looking for. Maybe you could find boat keys and take his boat? Stupid plan, but whatever. You had to do something, anything. Goddamn, you hated that guy.
“Anything I can help you with?”
You froze when you heard that dark voice. The lights had suddenly turned on, blinding you for a second. You blinked and saw him. Fuck. Rafe Cameron standing at the door, blocking the only exit. Tilting his head to the side, he looked right at you.
“What you doing here?” You couldn't help but ask, even though you knew it was a dumb question, but you were genuinely puzzled. He had just been at the Wreck with his friends – getting you fired – and now he was here of all places?
“This is MY property. What the hell are you doing here?”
Fuck, he was right. You wouldn't admit it, but he had a point. And suddenly you were questioning your own reason. It was such a stupid idea, breaking in here. All you wanted now was to get out, get away as fast as possible before Rafe would call the cops. So instead of answering, you darted for the exit as he moved a few steps into the room. But he was quicker, stepped to the side, so you almost crashed right into him.
He caught you, his big hand wrapping around your arm. You flinched at how tight his grip was.
“Fuck, let me go!” You tried to wriggle out of his grip, and hit his chest with your free hand.
Rafe grabbed your other arm too, pulling you closer to his much larger body.
“Let go, asshole!” You yelled at him, not giving up your fighting yet, though it seemed impossible to free yourself from his grip.
“Won't do. You broke into my property and stole something from me.” He glared down at you, his eyes narrowed – the blue in them reminded you of the sky on the day before the hurricane hit the island a few weeks ago.
“I didn't take anything!” Your voice strained and you were panting from your struggling.
He raised his eyebrows as he glared at you.
“A liar and a thief. I'll check for myself what you took.”
He let go off one of your arms, just to use his free hand to grip your waist, pulling you against his body, his broad chest pressing against your upper body, so close, you could hardly move your free arm between the bodies.
But his hand didn't rest, he was touching, grabbing, tugging, actually patting you down.
His large hand found your ass and that intimate touch caused a different kind of sensation. Something much hotter.
You wriggled in his arms, making your bodies only rub harder against each other.
“Fuck, let go!” You hissed, as breathing became harder.
You tried to kick him, but couldn't really lift your leg, you were too close to his overpowering body.
“Fucking asshole!” You spat at him.
And Rafe's hand gripped your jaws, so hard, you winced. Your mouth opening as you gasped.
Instead of tasting the air, you felt his lips crushing down on yours as he had suddenly closed the space and was kissing you, kissing you fiercely and hard.
Your eyes fluttered close. For a moment you were completely taken aback, overwhelmed by this unexpected intimate touch, a kiss so fierce and rough you had never tasted before.
It only lasted a second, and you pushed him away, pushed yourself away from him enough, so you could move your arm, and you smacked his cheek so hard, his head whipped to the side.
Obviously surprising him, he let go off you, rubbing his cheek, and looking at you as if in disbelief. His mouth opened, those lips you had just felt on yours.
And you stood there two steps away, chest heaving, panting, glaring, fuming, feeling that tingling on your lips, feeling that throbbing pain from his touch on your arms, feeling his presence so strongly, feeling this incredible heat in your own body, something hotter than rage coursing through your veins, feeling that sudden pull.
You lunged forward, and he just gazed at you, and your hands gripped around his neck as you pulled yourself up, legs wrapping around his waist, and your mouth meeting his in an angry kiss.
Rafe reacted in an instant, kissing you back, even fiercer than before. It felt like he was devouring you. And you couldn't help but moan into the kiss, as you rocked your hips against his. But the friction you caused with your fervent movements wasn't enough to make that throbbing between your legs stop. Both his hands grabbed your ass, gripped it like it was something that belonged to him, only to him. It made you furious, and clenching with need.
Your hands grabbed his hair, pulling at it. He growled in response, right into your open mouth. Pushing his tongue in, he claimed that too.
The heels of your feet dug into his back, as you pulled yourself closer to him. Feeling his hard cock pressing against you made you mutter the most embarrassing sounds, hardly muffled by his greedy kiss.
Suddenly he moved and you felt how your ass hit something.
The kiss broke and you hissed as you found yourself on a workbench, cluttered with all kinds of tools, which Rafe shoved away with his arm, making them clatter on the floor, before setting you down on the surface.
You braced yourself with your elbows on the bench, looking up at Rafe, who impatiently tugged down your shorts and panties. Your sandals dropped to the floor as well.
You tried to get up and grab his shirt to pull it off of him, but he pushed you back down on the bench, making you flinch at his roughness and at the same time you felt your legs opening for him, as you saw him take that shirt off himself. You couldn't help but gaze at his muscles. His body was so well-shaped, it was ridiculous how he could be real.
Your attention was directed further down, as you heard him unzip his pants.
You were only able to catch a glimpse of his cock, but it was enough to make you gasp – he was huge – before he pushed into you.
The sudden pain made you cry out. Your eyes going back into your head as you felt so incredibly full. You didn't even try to suppress your shameless moans as he ruthlessly thrust into you. Your walls clamping, the feeling became so intense, your body was shivering while you were burning up.
You heard Rafe's animalistic growl and that sound drove your own lust even further.
His hand at the back of your neck, he pulled you up, his lips hovering over yours, his hot breath mingling with yours.
Rafe pulled you closer, and as he fucked you, your ass was pressed against the edge of the bench, surely leaving bruises.
But you left bruises and marks on his body too. Your hands grabbing, your nails scratching his back. When he kissed you, you bit him, feeling how he tensed up and go harder on you. You felt your climax approaching, felt your body burning up with need, clenching so hard around him.
And he must have felt it too, because you could sense something shift. But instead of giving you what you wanted, giving you what your body so desperately needed, he grinned into the messy kiss and suddenly pulled out. You gazed at him, your face flushed, your lips sore from those biting kisses, and you were so surprised that it was easy for him to unwrap himself off your legs.
Your naked feet touched the cold floor and you could hardly stand. But you didn't have too.
Before you could question what the hell he was doing, he grabbed you, turned you around and bent you over the workbench.
You exhaled an angry breath and your hands clawed at the surface of the bench, while he turned your head sideways and pressed down on it, your cheek on the rough wood. You tried to look up at him, but couldn't move your head to see properly. But you didn't need to see what he was doing, you could feel it a few seconds later.
Your legs were spread and a rough hand rubbed between them. You were soaking wet. You had been wet from the moment his lips had claimed yours. You had no time to get annoyed at how that must have amused him, because the next moment, he was taking your breath away as his thick cock thrust into you. Harder and deeper now. You wouldn't have believed that to be possible, but he was fucking you now with even more of that rough and ruthless vigor. He was quite literally using you, as his cock was hammering into you. Your body trembled and shuddered and you moaned and whimpered and you were so far gone.
Rafe took you as if you were his, as if he could use you as he pleased – and you wanted nothing else than to be used by him in that moment.
Your walls clenching so hard around him, you felt fuller than possible.
But despite being at his mercy, despite having turned into his fucktoy, despite your traitorous body enjoying being used like that, you couldn't help yourself.
One hand reached back, touching his hip.
“Harder,” you urged him, panting. “Harder,” you repeated, breathlessly, as if you didn't already feel like you might pass out any minute, because it was too much, because your body couldn't possible take anymore.
He growled. And the sound made you shudder.
And you almost regretted your words, but at the same time, you felt your clit throbbing, your whole body buzzing with a need you had never felt before.
His arm wrapped around your neck from behind and he pulled you up, pulled you up standing on your toes, your back arching. The back of your head against his shoulder. His arm pressed against your throat, making it hard to breathe and impossible to speak. You could only whine as he slammed into from behind. Your fingernails digging into his arm's hard muscle, while your eyes fluttered shut.
You lost it all, all sense of reason and self control, as he fucked you through your earth-shattering orgasm. Fucked you relentlessly. Fucked you without restrained. Fucked you into oblivion.
You were undone and he kept going. Taking you without mercy, using you. And when he gasped and you felt him push so deep inside you, hitting a spot yet untouched, another wave rolled over you. You hadn't felt it building up, but it was like your body was synced with his, and the moment he came inside you, spilling his load deep into you, your walls clenched around him, as if trying to hold him there, and you came, harder this time, with him.
When he pulled out and let go off you, you just collapsed forward onto the workbench. Coughing, finally able to breathe, you tried to regain your senses.
Your legs were trembling and you could already feel his cum dripping out of you, running down your thigh.
You weren't sure if your eyes were closed or open, as you still just saw stars dancing in front of your eyes.
The sound of a low chuckle behind you made you finally able to return to reality – and realize your exposed position, bent over the workbench, your legs spread, your ass up, cum dripping out of your throbbing pussy.
You groaned as you pushed yourself up and turned. Every fucking muscle in your body hurt. You knew you would be sore for days. And when you caught that smirk on Rafe's face as he put on his shirt watching you with that glint in his eyes, you knew he was thinking the same.
You smoothed your rumpled top, crouched down to pick up your shorts. Somehow you couldn't find your panties between all those tools scattered on the floor, so you pulled on your shorts without panties. You flinched at the friction the rough fabric caused. You'd definitely be sore for days.
Frowning, you slipped into your sandals.
Your eyes moved over to Rafe. He was fully dressed and despite his somewhat heavy breathing and the sweat glistening on his forehead, he seemed all composed as he was leaning against another workbench opposite of you, just a few feet away. His hair a mess though, you noted with a certain kind of satisfaction.
A smirk danced around his lips as he watched you trying to comb your own hair with your fingers.
“What?” You frowned at him.
He shrugged, pushed himself off the bench and slowly came closer.
“Just realized, it's true what they say.”
Your frown deepened as you glared at him questioningly.
“The filthiest whores come from the Cut.”
You spat right at his face.
“Fucking asshole,” you hissed and turned to leave. From the corner of your eyes you could see how he wiped away your spit from his cheek, and looked at it, chuckling in amusement.
You didn't turn when you walked through the door. You tried not to show it, but each step hurt like hell. And what was worse, your core was aching with need.
a/n: thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Comments, reblogs, likes, and any kind of feedback are very welcome. You may also have a guess who the reader's boyfriend might be. And his best friend...
This is the start of a concept series of oneshots.
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rcmclachlan · 3 months
Relative Value (buck/tommy)
"And I feel for her, you know? I really do. The dissolution of a relationship, especially a marriage, feels like you're drowning in hot tar, and you spend every waking moment kicking your way to the surface to try and breathe. But if she brings up her divorce again while I'm in the middle of peeing? I'm going to divorce her head from her body."
Buck makes a face at the thought of Maddie's decapitated coworker. "Please don't send the 118 to that scene. I'm not so great with entrails these days. Send the 147—they deserve it after they botched that extrication on Monday." 
Maddie laughs, the sound tinny but comfortingly familiar coming through his phone's speakers. She'd propped her phone on Jee-Yun's dresser halfway through the call so she could put away laundry while she talked, and for the last five minutes he's been watching her fold Jee's clothes like she's being judged at the Olympics. 
It's nice to see that hasn't changed. Maddie should've been in jail years ago for the way she loads a dishwasher, but when it comes to laundry she's a goddamn wizard. When he was younger, his parents saddled him with taking out the trash and doing the dishes, but putting away the laundry was always Maddie's chore. She actually enjoyed it, the weirdo. She used to tell him the first whiff of warm Snuggle right out of the dryer was a cure-all. Also, she can fold a fitted sheet in under ten seconds. He'd timed her once.
Maddie takes an eye-wateringly orange shirt out of the laundry basket and with three decisive motions turns it into a perfect rectangle. If Jee ever decides she wants to go deer hunting, she'll be all set. "Since when are you not good with entrails?" 
"Since that guy was ripped in half last week."
It'd easily been the grizzliest car crash he'd ever been called to. It made the 405 pileup a few years back look like Disney on Ice. About halfway through tagging and bagging almost a dozen casualties strewn all over the westbound lanes of the Pomona Freeway, the guy responsible for the crash snapped awake while Hen and Chimney were setting up and drove off in a panic. The top-half of the motorist stuck under his car was dragged maybe sixty feet, and Buck had a front row seat to the sight of the poor guy's nerves and vasculature trailing behind him like squid tentacles before the driver came to a stop by hitting yet another car. 
"I'm also not eating spaghetti for the foreseeable future, FYI," he adds.
Maddie wrinkles her nose. "Okay, changing the subject: when do you leave again?"
It wouldn't be an overstatement to say the smile that question invokes explodes over his face. He feels it happen; the spark eats the fuse so quickly there's barely any lead-up and his cheeks burn from the sheer magnitude of the blast. 
"You look deranged," Maddie says, laughing.
"I feel deranged." He's been like this all week and it's starting to scare everyone. Chimney keeps leaving pamphlets for Clozaril in his locker. "Tomorrow morning. We're picking up the bird right after we do a coffee run."
"I wish my boyfriend was whisking me away to the mountains for a romantic getaway." Maddie heaves a theatrical sigh. "My husband says the best he can do is Shake Shack."
The whole thing is absolutely bonkers. He'd been minding his own business, half-watching a documentary about volcanoes with his feet in Tommy's lap, when they showed some insanely beautiful footage of Mount Rainier. And although his mind was focused on completing level 29 of Euclidea, his mouth was busy saying, "I've always wanted to go there." 
Thumb digging into Buck's instep, Tommy had made a thoughtful sound and said, "I'd tapped a buddy of mine to get us into Griffith Observatory after hours, but I like your idea way better. Let's do it."
If someone had told Buck 1.0 that someday a beast of a man would be flying him by helicopter to the Cascades for their two-year anniversary, he would've laughed his way into a pneumothorax. And then he would've tried to fuck his nurse. 
He looks across the living room to where their bags have been sitting, fully packed, since last night, and grins. "Tell Chim he needs to step up his game. You're worth Zankou, at least."
Maddie snorts. "Gee, thanks."
Behind her, there's unexpected movement, and every muscle in his body locks up as his heart stops in a moment of brief, blinding terror. 
It's stupid to feel this way after seven years, but a little part of him is still waiting for Doug to crawl out of the shadows like a wraith to finish what he tried to do. He's spent many a sleepless night spiraling to the soundtrack of Chimney's desperate, Do you know he's dead for sure? Did you see a body?
Buck did see his body, but a little voice sometimes whispers to him from some deep, dark place at two in the morning: it was freezing that day. It could've slowed the bleeding, could've kept him alive long enough to go to a hospital. You don't know what happened after the ambulance left with him. What if he survived? What if he's out there right now, just biding his time?
Which are bad and ridiculous thoughts to have because he knows that monster is dead, and frankly he's got better things to think about than Doug, who's absolutely having his skin torn off in hell right now—especially since his adorable, perfect niece is the one who came into the room. 
"Say hi to your uncle, Jee," Maddie says, smiling. In her hands, a pair of polka dot leggings becomes a polka dot brick with hospital corners. 
Jee-Yun jumps a little like she can't quite see him, and Maddie goes over to the dresser to obligingly tilt the camera down. 
"Hi, Uncle Buck." Jee-Yun waves, then rises an inch or two higher in the frame, and he realizes she's standing on her tiptoes. She cranes her head, moving it a bit from side to side like she's looking for something. After a few seconds, she drops back down, grimacing in disappointment.
He looks over his shoulder, but no one's there. "Sorry, kiddo, it's just me."
"Just you is fine, always," Maddie immediately pipes up, and he ducks his head with a smile. It's always nice to hear her say that. "It's just that… well, she had a question and we weren't sure if you were the one we should be asking."
Buck grins. "Lay it on me, Jee."
It's always a little hilarious to watch how Jee reacts when the spotlight's on her. She bounces and twirls a little, and her whale-spout pigtails move with her. For someone getting ready to enter kindergarten, she's got the stage presence of a Broadway star. "Uncle Buck, how do airplanes fly when they're so big and heavy?"
He opens his mouth to answer her, but there's nothing there, just an empty pocket of air that tastes vaguely like the ham sandwich he had for lunch. He closes his mouth with a click, stymied. He could've sworn he knew this one. Something about lift and drag?
"Jee, I-I'm sorry. I don't know off the top of my head. I could look it up for you?"
A little groan escapes her, but it turns into a shriek when a tie-dyed sweatshirt comes winging from off-camera and lands on her head. Jee wrestles the shirt away, static making her hair cling to her face, which she swipes with a whine. 
"That's why I wanted to ask Uncle Tommy!"
Buck has forgotten a lot about the tsunami. Time has softened the memory of how warm the water was, how it shoved its way into his mouth and nostrils like it was trying to find a way inside his veins, and that it was filled with so much debris it scored the insides of his cheeks bloody. But the one thing he never lost was how his feet went out from under him when that first wave hit like a freight train. He hasn't been able to ride a roller coaster since: he doesn't see the need to pay to experience the feeling of free fall again. He remembers every second of it like it just happened. 
He may be sitting on the couch with his feet firmly on the floor, but his stomach is thrilling at the familiar sensation of being completely unmoored. Only instead of being dragged into the dark, he's being pulled up into endless blue. 
Breathless with stratospheric joy, he digs his trembling fingers into his knees like it's going to do anything to keep him grounded, and chokes out, "Who, Jee?"
The look Jee turns on the camera is so confused that Buck isn't sure he was even using real words just then. It could've been a jumble of sounds falling from his mouth like aquarium gravel. 
"Uncle Tommy," Jee says, with the patient air of someone who forgot they were talking to an idiot. "It's okay if you don't know about airplanes, Uncle Buck. You drive fire trucks."
He's pretty sure he was just insulted. Behind Jee, Maddie's wide-eyed and mouthing an ecstatic oh my god! 
"Tell you what. When—" he swallows thickly, overcome "—Uncle Tommy wakes up from his nap, I'll have him call you and he can tell you all about how planes stay up in the air."
She mulls it over, and he can see the outline of her tongue poking the inside of her cheek like she's swishing the offer around in her mouth. Finally, she gives him two decisive nods of her head that has her pigtails bouncing. "Okay. When's that?"
"I-I don't know. Soon." If the lightning had struck a few feet away from him instead of dead-on, he thinks it would've felt like this. Any second now he's going to vibrate out of his skin and scar Jee for life. "Maybe I should go check on him." 
"I think that's a good idea," Maddie says cheerfully, coming into the foreground. Her eyes are glossy and red, and even with two screens and several miles between them it feels like she's about to wrap him up in the warmest hug. "Why don't we let you go for now? Uncle Tommy can give us a buzz later."
"Yeah, t-that sounds like a plan." He knows he's rocking the deranged look again, except it's somehow so much worse. He doesn't care. He hopes his face gets stuck like this. When he rolls into the station two weeks from tomorrow, he's going to take every pamphlet Chimney shoves at him and eat them.
Maddie's grin is threatening to split her face in half. "Give Uncle Tommy a big kiss from us."
He's going to do way more than that. "You bet. Bye, Mads. Bye, Jee!"
The very second the call ends, he's on his feet and practically running down the hall. Tommy had been coming off a rough 24 earlier when he'd sloppily kissed Buck and then staggered into the bedroom. It's been almost three hours and Buck hasn't heard a peep since. 
Buck makes sure to lift the bedroom door when he opens it so the hinges don't creak, and when he sees Tommy—sprawled diagonally across the mattress with his jeans still on and enough drool soaked into the pillowcase to fill a bathtub—his knees decide it's the perfect time to stop working. He clutches the door frame so he doesn't crumble to the floor under the weight of all this euphoria.
Jee thinks of Tommy as family. It's not hard to figure out the logic she must be using to get there: she has an Uncle Buck, who has had a Tommy for as long as she's been making real memories, and therefore… 
He can't help but wonder who else in the world is operating on that same intel. Jee has no doubt told the teachers at her kindergarten about her mom and dad and her amazingly cool Uncle Buck, but maybe she's also told them about her other uncle, who always lets her ride on his shoulders when they go to the park and who talks to her like she's a forty-seven-year old at brunch. Maybe she's told kids at the playground about the uncle who knows why planes stay in the air and who folded himself into a pretzel because she wanted him to sit next to her at the kids' table last Friendsgiving. Maybe she's drawn shitty pictures in crayon of two stick figures holding hands under a smiling sun, and when her classmates ask who they're supposed to be, she tells them, "That's my Uncle Buck and my Uncle Tommy." 
Inhaling shakily, he makes himself move from the doorway to the bed, crawling in as gingerly as he can. It's all for nothing, though, because Tommy cracks an eye open and fixes it on him. Buck scrunches his face up in apology, but Tommy just smiles a little and tugs Buck down, pressing his face into the space between Buck's neck and shoulder and settling with a hum.
Buck slides a hand into his hair and holds him close, breathing in old sweat and a hint of his own shampoo. "I love you, Uncle Tommy."
"If this is a new kink, I'm going to need at least another two hours of sleep before I'm prepared to tackle it," Tommy mumbles. 
Choking on laughter, Buck presses a kiss to the side of his head and wonders if it's possible to die of happiness. "Not quite. Your niece has a question about airplanes and wants you to call her when you wake up."
When there's no immediate answer, Buck is sure Tommy's fallen back to sleep, but then Tommy shifts a little in his arms, presses a kiss to his shoulder, and murmurs warmly, "Will do."
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trashcanplant · 8 months
The Harvest
Mob Au to @//clownsuu
Penny to @cherrythepuppet
Vince to @cloudy-dreams
TW: Spooky scary scarecrows send shivers down your spine! Rotting meat.
Grover sat at the bar, keeling over a hearty glass of rye whiskey like there was no tomorrow. He felt miserable, grabbing at his chest and struggling to breathe. His mind spaced out, and when he came back to reality, Penny was sitting beside him.
“Ugh… what do you want.” He groaned, slamming back another cup. Grover let Howdy finish pouring him a new one before he turned back to Penny.
With the changing of the seasons in full swing and clumps of leaves layering the ground, she had now taken a poofy feather boa oon her bare shoulders. The little lady raised her eyebrows at him as a snarky grin graced her lips.
“Hi.” She said quickly, turning to Howdy and raising her finger. He nodded silently and started to prepare a Shirley Temple.
“Doesn’t answer my question.” Grover grumbled worthlessly, sinking into the bar stool like his roots were planting into the ground.
“Well, Scarycrow—“ Penny began before a cough from Grover interrupted her.
“Not my name.” He growled. Penny rolled her eye.
“Yeah, anyway, Boss told me to tell you ‘Feed him’ So. Feed him. Whatever that means. Has he started talking in third person?” She questioned, looking down at the pear bracelets over her opera gloves. Grover perked up. He looked out the window, downed his drink, and stood up.
“Where are you going?” Penny asked, reaching for her drink that Howdy had just finished shaking and topping with whipped cream and cherries. Her eye followed Grover as he grabbed a coat.
“Out.” He said. This piqued Penny’s curiosity. She’d heard from Antoni that Grover wasn’t allowed ‘out’ without permission. She hopped from her barstool, chasing Grover into the night.
“You’re not allowed out! Boss said-“
“Boss told me that I need to go when he gives the word. Where the fuck are those birds..” He growls, eyes on the skies as he listens for a distant cawing. His eye spots two birds, barely visible behind the night sky as they cry from their branch. Grover huffs, turning to Penny.
“You’re helping me make a delivery.” He said sharply, practically dragging her by the arm to one of the cars.
“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” She shouts, struggling against his grasp.
“Help me make the delivery and I get you whatever treat you want.” Grover replies, getting her in the car. It’s not the usual continental that he’d drive. It’s a pickup truck, back covered with a tarp. Penny sits in the passenger seat, holding her arm nervously.
And they drive off into the night. Penny watched as the lights from the city began to dim. The truck passed by the warehouse that marked the edge of town and drove farther than that and parked at the tree line. Grover got out of the truck and took the cover off the truck bed.
It was a cacophony of flies, buzzing over the top half of a deer. It had been ripped in half, and smelled like it had been a long time since it had died. Its guts had stained the bed red and maggots had begun to creep through the deers skin and pelt. Grover looked down on it, grabbing it and easing it out of the truck. It hit the ground with a somehow wet squelch. Something leaked from the deer.
“Help me.” Grover said, and when Penny got around the truck she screamed. It alerted the crows which dotted the trees, and Grover slapped a still wet glove against her mouth.
“Shut the fuck up. Vince don’t like noise.” He commanded. Penny stared at him with a wide eye, shivering in her unfit-for-weather dress.
“Grab the back.” Grover said, looking over his shoulder into the tree line. Penny squirmed, reaching down to try and carry her half of the weight. It was unfair, Grover had to lean all the way down and walk backwards into the trees with Penny trying to direct him in the dim light. He was pricked by several brambles and stabbed with sticks.
When the pair passed the tree line and entered the clearing, it was like walking into the world’s most terrifying sculpture park. The figures were all in the midst of fleeing. To the untrained eye it would look like wood carvings, but the way that the flies landed on them and how new branches grew from they eye sockets and mouths of these people made it obvious that it wasn’t just sculpture.
Grover and Penny carried the deer, sticks crunching under their shoes. The two approached the center of the field and Grover dropped the deer. He looked around at the stillness, searching for something in the trees. Penny felt uncomfortable, her head on a swivel as she looked through the field. She could have sworn she saw one of the bodies still breathing.
Grover whistled, taking a step away from the dearly departed deer.
“Watch em feast.” He said with a little grin on his face. The crows flooded from tree line, swooping at the carcass. Grover laughed, and Penny turned over her shoulder to see a hunched over figure with dark eyes and an elongated mouth. She screamed, grabbing onto Grover who looked down at her.
When his eyes landed on Vince in the darkness, reaching out to grab Penny, Grover swatted his hand away.
“No, Vince. I get’cher real hungry to have someone new join ya but not her. She’s family.” Grover said, staring at Vince as the cut noose swayed around his neck. They held eye contact. Vince opened his mouth and murmured something in a low, unfamiliar tone that sent chill down Penny’s spine.
“Look, how bout next time I bring one here fer ya I’ll letcha do yer tree thing an’ all that. I like them screams too, gotta admit..” Grover said with a low chuckle. Vince had a raspy laugh, not saying a word but staring at Penny. Grover looked down at her again.
“Her names Penny. I needed an extra set a hands pullin’ the deer. I know ya like a bit of a scaredy-cat, but I got reprimanded by Wally when I had brought Poppy out here. You ‘member her, Vince? Real tall bird broad?” Grover said. Penny had a look of horror plastered on her face as she kept a grip on Grover’s pants. Vince did not respond, reaching out a finger to graze against Penny’s skin. The taller of the scarecrows grabbed at the other, holding his gloved hand tightly.
“I’ll see what I can fix up fer ya. But not her. Not her.” Grover said protectively. The crows behind him cawed as they finished their feast and flew back into the trees. The plot was silent again, save for Vince’s ragged breathing. Penny stared up at Grover, then at Vince.
“D’ya need help spreading the bones across the field?” Grover asked. He gave Penny a little pat, a nonverbal way of telling her to head back to the truck. As she began to walk away, Vince turned his head with an audible creak. Grover kept his attention, talking to him calmly.
It took over an hour for Grover to return to the pickup truck. Penny was asleep, her head against the window. Grover glanced out the driver side window at Vince who stood just beyond the tree line. He waved goodbye, then turned around on the road to drive home.
From just under Penny’s opera glove, a small leaf began to sprout.
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justmeinadaze · 11 months
Take It Out On Me Part 23 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I ended it with angsty fluff instead of angsty angst lol You're welcome!
Happy Halloween🎃
Warnings: Daddy Steve/ Sir Eddie and Sub Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, dirty talk, tearing of the clothing <3, and everything else that comes along with these three. FLUFF, they love each other, ANGST, They go to a Halloween Dance and Steve helps Masie with a pushy dude (very brief), at the end the boys talk about something they want but can't have and Y/N contemplates on what they say.
Word Count: 2671
“Your hair looks so cute like this.”, Masie smiles as she finishes the last curl. 
Tonight was the Halloween dance at your college and since you were able to quit your job, you felt more energized to go out. Next weekend was the big move to the house the guys got you so you wanted everyone to really let loose and have fun. Masie suggested since you four were going together, you should all have costumes that matched. 
Currently, Maze was working her magic making you look like Sandy at the end of Grease while she was dressed as Frenchie; pink wig and all.
“I think you look cute.”, you giggle. “The guys are going to flip when they see me in this leather.”
“In a good way or a bad way?”
“A good way for sure especially for Steve. I’m not sure why but he goes crazy when I where anything like this or lingerie.”
“Really, Y/N? You aren’t sure why?”, your friend teases. “Look at you, babe. You are so fucking hot.”
“Thank you.”, you beam up at her as she finishes. “Now you may have to keep me in line because if they are dressed how I think they’ll be, I can’t promise my brain won’t scramble.”
“No worries. I got you.” 
After handing you your pink ladies jacket, the two of you walk out into the living room of the apartment where the boys were waiting. 
“Ladies.”, Eddie grins as your mouth salivates and your eyes glaze over. 
The metalhead had his hair pulled back with a white shirt tight against his chest under his regular leather jacket. Honestly, it didn’t take much of a wardrobe change for Eddie to pull off Kenickie. His blue jeans and boots were all his just adding to your want of throwing him against the sofa and fucking him senseless. 
Now Steve on the other hand, had to go shopping with his friend to get the wardrobe he needed. His hair was slicked back but dangled just so in front of his face that drove you insane. His leather pants and black shirt accentuated his muscles perfectly with the leather T-Birds jacket just adding an extra layer of sexiness. 
“Ok, I see what you mean now. Come back, Sandra Dee.”, Masie scolds as she snaps her fingers in front of your face.
“You look beautiful, Maze. I like the pink hair.”
“Why thank you, Steve Harrington.”
“You to, baby girl.”
Your face turns bright red as you blush and he winks. Glancing towards Eddie, you watch as he sticks a cigarette between his lips and tilts his head to the side as he lights it with his lighter, smirking as he closes it shut. Oh, tonight was going to be harder than you thought. 
You struggle to keep your hands off them the entire time at the dance, always caressing a leg or an arm. Eddie as always finds it fascinating as he watches and feels you struggle beside him. 
“Sweetheart, you need to calm down. You’re not being subtle.”
“Not trying to be.”, you murmur as your palm glides up his thigh before he stops you. 
“Obviously, but…”, he chuckles. “You have to be patient.” Ignoring him, your other hand runs along his chest but he firmly grabs it, pushing it into your lap as his intense eyes meet yours. “Behave, little girl. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Sir.”, you whine and he grins as before kissing your forehead. 
Steve hadn’t been listening, keeping a close eye on Masie as she went to grab a drink. He noticed a guy follow her and was now currently exchanging words. Without saying anything, he rose from his seat and headed her way. 
“Hey baby. Everything alright? You’ve been gone awhile.”
Maze’s thankful gaze met his as she wrapped an arm around his waist and he did the same over her shoulder protectively. 
“Hey, yeah. This guy was, um, asking me some questions about my classes.”
“Oh? What kind of questions? I have the same classes she does. What can I say. I’m kind of an overprotective boyfriend.”
“Um, sorry. I didn’t realize she…I can ask someone else. No big deal…”, the man mumbles before quickly scurrying away. 
“Fuck me, Steven. Thank you so, so much. He wouldn’t leave me alone.”
“Not a problem. Do you want to dance to sell the illusion a bit more?”
She grins as she nods and they head both head to the dance floor, slowly swaying from side to side. You take note and yank on Eddie’s hand, wrapping your arms around his neck as you two begin to dance as well.
“Can I tell you a secret, Steve Harrington?”
“Of course, Masie Collins.”
“Sometimes…I get jealous of Y/N and her relationship with you two. I don’t know how much she’s told you but I’ve never had any luck with guys. Neither has she but somehow she found you guys. I just want someone to love me the way you guys love her.”
“I can understand that. I’d be lying if I said I knew how we found each other either. I mean she was a quiet mouse remember? Yet somehow landed her cute butt in detention.”, he laughs at the memory. “If that hadn’t of happened, I’m not sure how we would have ended up together if at all.” 
Steve’s eyes flick towards you, smiling when he sees you hugging yourself tightly to Eddie’s chest.
“Maze, you’ll find your person. I’ve seen how you are with Y/N and any person would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend.”
As Steve drove the three of you back to the apartment, your doe eyes never left his face as you beamed in his direction. 
“Can I help you, Sandra Dee?”
“No, Danny Zuko. Kenickie said I had to wait till we get home.” Eddie chuckled in the back seat as he blew smoke out the window. “Thank you…for what you did for Masie.”
Steve smiles as he reaches to hold your hand. 
“Of course. She’s our friend to. I’m not going to let some asshole make her uncomfortable. You BOTH are safe with us, honey.”
Kissing the back of his hand, you wait patiently through the short drive back home. As soon as you walk through the door, however, you’re on them, jumping into Eddie’s arms as you impatiently kiss his lips. 
“So fucking…needy tonight…”, he smiles through each breath. 
“You just look…so good…I can’t help…it.”
Hastily, you unbuckle his belt and fall to your knees, wrapping your mouth around his cock as he groans. Ringed fingers tangle in your hair as he subtly guides your movements, holding you tightly as he hits the back of your throat. 
“Fuck, princess, that’s it. H-Hey, Steve, how are we supposed to—shit—to get her out of these clothes? They are just hugging this sexy fucking body.”
“Hm. We can always tear them off or we could cut a hole in her pants. That’s all we really need right?” Their smiles grow when you whimper around Eddie at their words as Steve kneels to balance on his heels till he’s right next to you face. “You like that, don’t you, baby? Us using you for our pleasure?”
Drool dangles from your mouth as you pull yourself back to look at the boy beside you.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Yes, Daddy, what?”
“Mmm—Yes, Daddy, I like when you and Master use me. I like making you feel good.”, you whine.
Eddie growls as he lifts you into his arms and carries you to the bedroom, tossing you on to the mattress. With amazing strength you’ve always marveled at, he ripped open your shirt and latched his lips around one of your nipples eliciting a loud moan from you as he grinds his hips between your legs. 
The bed dips beside you and Steve taps his friend’s shoulder, handing him a pair of scissors that the boy promptly takes. 
“Don’t move, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want to cut anything you need.”
Gripping the fabric, he cuts small hole before tearing it open his fingers. Tossing the tool out of the way, he climbs up your body, dragging his tongue along your skin as he does. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re so fucking wet.”, Eddie mewls as he drags the head of his cock between your folds. “Do these costumes turn you on that much, babe?”
“W-What…What can I say. Bad boys turn me on.”, you giggle, biting your bottom lip.
“Oh yeah?”, he coos as he leans down to kiss your lips. “Because you like being used?”
You both moan loudly as he slides his length into your core.
“You’re such a bad girl, Y/N. You—fuck—you act so innocent out there but we know what you really are.”
“What am I, Sir?”
Leaning his forehead against your own, his hips slowly begin to pump into you as his cock drags against your walls. 
“Ours.”, he pants. “Our dirty, naughty little angel. W-We didn’t corrupt you did we, baby?”
Eddie delivers a particularly hard thrust that had your fingers digging into his shoulders. 
“No, what?”
“Ahhh. No, Sir.”
“God, this pussy feels so fucking good.”, he grunts as his head falls between your neck and shoulder as his pace quickens. 
“Harder, please.”
He doesn’t acknowledge your request but he does roll his hips roughly into yours, abusing your g-spot with his cock over and over as the coil in your belly steadily winds. 
“I love you, Eddie. Please, Sir. Make me cum. I need it so bad.”
Lifting up his head, his lips connect with yours as your tongues mingle together. Your eyes lock with his as your body trembles and you cum hard around him. 
“Fuck. Good girl. Good fucking girl.”, he moans as he fucks into you fast chasing his own release. Groaning, he slams into you a couple more times before you feel him fill you up with his spend. “Fuck…I love you to, Y/N. My beautiful, sexy, naughty girl.”, he pants breathlessly as he playfully spanks you making you giggle.
Turning your head, you find Steve beside you with a gorgeous smile on his face as he patiently waits for you to be ready. 
“Daddy.”, you mewl as you reach out to caress his cheek. “Please.”
“Come here, pretty girl.”
Eddie falls away beside you as Steve flips you over onto your stomach and fully kicks his pants onto the floor before laying his whole weight on top of your back. 
“I’m not hurting you am I?”
“No, Daddy.”
“Good.” Pushing up on one his elbows, he peels your shirt away and tosses it to the ground, placing tender kisses along your shoulder as he lines himself up with your sex. His warm breath hits your skin as he pushes his cock into heat and lays himself against you again, reaching up to thread his fingers between yours. “Fuck, baby girl. You’re so fucking tight. I love you so much, honey.”
“Mmm—I love you to, Steve. Fuck, you’re so deep.”
“Yeah? You like that, pretty girl? You like how deep Daddy’s fucking you?” Rolling his hips in circular motions, your eyes rolled back, practically drooling at how good he felt. “Answer me, Y/N.”
“Y-Yes…Daddy…feel—mmm—feels so good.”
Thrusting into you now at a steady pace, his head fell near your shoulder allowing you to hear his beautiful moans and grunts clearly. 
“You’re ours, baby. Fuck, I can’t wait for us t-to move into this house. We’re gonna take such good care of you, honey.” Steve groans as he feels you clench around him at the notion. “Yeah? Shit, Y/N, I’m gonna cum. Cum with Daddy, baby girl.”
Tears fell from your eyes as you came and as your cunt quivered around him he thrust his release deep within you. 
Steve grinned when he felt your fingers reach behind you to run through his hair before a giddy giggle escaped your lips. 
“Your hair is still so greasy. How much gel did you put in there?”
“Enough to get you going.”, he jokes as he falls to your other side.
Extending your arm, your palm gently runs along Eddie’s jaw line. “I like your hair pulled back like this though. I like being able to see your handsome face.”
Scooting closer to you, he places his hand over your own before softly running his digits along your skin.
“You really are beautiful, you know that?”, he hummed in a low, raspy voice that had you smiling. “I wish we could give you a wedding, sweetheart.”
Blinking, you pushed up on your elbows to meet his gaze, completely taken off guard.
“Where did that come from?”
“I think about it a lot especially after getting the house. Steve and I can take care of you and give you everything but the one thing I feel like you really deserve…the one thing we want to… We can’t give you.”
Glancing at Steve, his head was resting on his bicep as his free hand continued rubbing your back. As he gently smiled in your direction, you knew he felt the same. 
“Baby, a piece of paper isn’t going to change how I feel about you two. You both got me this ring and the ones you wear to. I don’t need a whole ceremony to show off or anything. I just want you both.”
“Every girl deserves a white dress and bouquet.”, Steve murmurs.
“To have her dad walk her down the aisle and a badass honeymoon somewhere fun.”, Eddie adds. “Come on, princess. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
That night after they fell asleep, you laid awake thinking about what they had told you. You meant what you said about not needing a wedding or anything like that. Honestly, just the fact that they even wanted that with you at all had your heart soaring. 
As you played with Eddie’s hair while his head rested on your chest, you thought about the boy you met 5 years ago. He was loud, intimidating, and slightly scary but he always had a soft heart. You watched him with the Hellfire Kids and he always seemed to care about them like siblings. That night when Tommy poured beer all over you, he didn’t think twice as he put his jacket over her shoulders and led you inside. Through the years, his eyes were always scanning you, checking, making sure you ok and happy. 
“I never thought I would have a girl fall in love me…”
Glancing at Steve, he had fallen asleep on his side with his hand holding yours. He used to be so angry and those first few months you never understand why. Over the years, he had softened immensely. He still had his moments of being defensive but he would catch himself and apologize. More than anything, you realized his heart was huge and he had so much to give but was afraid of being rejected. His parents did it numerous times as well as people in the town, dismissing him as some dumb jock. Even the day you met him in detention, he told Eddie he left a note for Nancy who (lucky for you) didn’t show up. He was always so protective of you and even Eddie these past few years. More than anything, he made you feel safe and loved. 
“It’s not so much what you’re doing with me but why did you even give me a chance…” 
They didn’t just want a wedding for you but for themselves as well. Even as singular entities they never expected to have one, let alone a happy, healthy relationship for so long. They didn’t just want you have that experience but they wanted to experience it with you. 
The next morning before they woke up, you called your best friend with an idea but you needed help expanding and initiating it. 
“You called the right person, honey. Come over and we can figure some things out.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
A Buck's As Good As Any
Simon "Ghost" Riley x John "Soap" MacTavish x Reader
Word Count: 1.5K Warnings: Explicit Language, Mentions of blood and cleaning
Author's Note: @lazybutsmexy Sara inspired the OT3 and now we're all gonna fall into this hole together. :) -Thorne
It had bothered him for days, and Ghost knew it by the time he finally came to him and brought it up.
A mid-Wednesday afternoon, drizzling and dreary in Manchester like usual, Ghost was content to spend the entire day wrapped in the gray sheets and heavy comforter of their bed, resting up on all the sleep he never got whenever they were working. Soap had left the bed earlier a few hours ago to go shopping, only returning minutes after. He heard the footsteps coming the way to the bedroom.
“Do you think she left us and went back to the US because she was uncomfortable?”
Ghost cracked an eye open, staring at Soap who stood in the entrance. “Why?”
“Because she didn’t say ‘See you soon’ or anything. She just left. Didn’t wake us up.” He frowned. “She would’ve told us if she was uncomfortable being with us, wouldn’t she? I mean I know she said she wasn’t, but what if she was? What if maybe she felt like she was intruding on us? What if we didn’t—”
“You’re thinking too hard about it, Johnny,” Ghost muttered, shutting his eyes. “Relax. We’ll catch a flight Friday to the mountains to see her and ask her ourselves.”
“We are?” he asked.
“We’re gonna if it’s going to keep you from wanking all the time.”
“I am not wanking.”
“Wanking, whining, same thing.”
“You’re such an ass.”
“Is this…really where she lives when she’s not working?” Soap asked, staring at the small, cozy wood cabin.
Ghost nodded. “That’s what Price said. This is the address and from what the neighbors said, this is it.” He walked up the steps. “Her Dodge is here…maybe she’s home.” He knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer, but after a few moments no one did and he knocked again. “She’s not home.”
“Where do you think she is?”
He shrugged. “Call her.”
Soap took out his phone, dialing her number; he stared at Ghost as it rang, impatiently tapping his foot until the line clicked. “Hello? Dame? Are you there?” He glanced at Ghost as a tapping echoed across the line. “Dame? She’s not answering.”
Ghost took the phone and put it on speaker. “Dame, single click yes, double no. Are you near your cabin.
“Are you injured?”
“Are you okay?”
“What are you doing?” Soap asked and Ghost glared at him.
“She’s obviously doing something where she can’t talk.”
“What the hell’s there to do here? We’re in the middle of nowhere?”
“We’re in the middle of a giant fucking forest, Johnny. What do you possibly think she could be doing if she wasn’t in town or in her house?”
Soap blinked. “Is she hunting maybe? Didn’t she mention a season or something on the last mission.”
“How long will you be, Dame? Less than an hour?”
Ghost nodded. “Are you almost done?” They awaited another click, yet it never came. “Dame? Are you—”
A crack echoed across the land and the two turned in the direction of the noise, watching a flock of birds escape the tops of the trees in the distance.
Her voice came over the line. “I’ll be back to the cabin in about ten minutes. Key’s underneath the third stepping stone in the rock garden.”
The line went dead and the two looked at one another before shrugging and finding the key.
They stood on the porch and waited for her to return, squinting into the distance as an ATV drove up the driveway and she pulled up, turning the engine off. “What are you boys up to over this side of the ocean?” she asked, slinging the rifle off her back to lay at the side of the four-wheeler. “Sorry I didn’t talk. This guy walked right in front of me when you called. I couldn’t risk him getting away.”
Ghost and Soap walked over, seeing the deer laying across the back of the ATV, a gunshot through its chest. They watched as she picked the buck up with a grunt and started carrying it to the shed behind the cabin; they followed.
“We were coming to talk,” Soap said, curiosity in his eyes as she opened the shed door with one hand, holding the deer’s feet with the other before dropping it inside. “Isn’t that heavy?”
“About one-fifty,” she said, shoving the metal hook through the deer’s back legs before she pulled away and hauled it up in the air. “So why did y’all come? Y’know I was gonna be back in a few weeks, right?”
“What?” his voice was pitched in confusion as she slid a bucket under the carcass.
“It’s hunting season here,” she muttered, wielding the cleaning knife with expert precision. “Step back, or you’ll get guts and blood on you.” Neither moved as she dug the knife into the deer’s chest, cutting cleanly all the way to its belly. “I tend to fly home during the seasons so I can shoot some game to have meat when I get back.”
They watched as she cleaned with skill, seemingly unbothered by the steam rising around them. The scent of blood was thick in the air and Soap had to step back outside to breath a little; Ghost remained. “What are y’all here to talk about?” Dame asked. “Can’t imagine it’s something unimportant since y’all flew halfway across the world.”
Before Soap could even say anything, Ghost deadpanned, “Johnny was afraid you were uncomfortable being in a relationship with both of us. That you were intruding. So, here we are.”
“Ghost!” Soap griped and she laughed.
“Oh no, I’m not uncomfortable boys,” she said. “Like I said, it’s hunting season. I had to get back to get a good buck before season ended. Can’t shoot bucks out of season or I’ll get fined and lose my license.”
“What’s a buck?”
“Male deer. Doe is a female,” she explained, pulling the deer by the leg to its antlers. “He’s about a thirteen pointer.” A grin pulled her lips. “Oh man, I can’t wait for Jackson to see this. He’s gonna shit a brick.”
“Who’s Jackson?” Soap asked, crossing his arms over his chest and she snickered.
“Easy there, boy, he’s an old friend of mine. And I say old because he’s seventy-five.”
Ghost glared at him. “Will you quit being jealous? She’s not seeing anyone but us.”
“Don’t be so hard on him, Simon. He can’t help it.” She smiled at them. “This is going to take me an hour or so. Y’all go inside and get comfortable. It’s cold out here.”
Ghost didn’t have to be told twice, marching back up the way they’d come to go inside, yet Soap remained and she looked back at him.
“What’s wrong, darlin’?” she questioned, wiping her hands on the apron. “You’ve got thinking eyes on.”
Soap shifted his weight between his feet. “Are…are you sure you’re not uncomfortable with this?”
Dame sighed and set the knife down. “John, at first…I was. I didn’t feel like it was a good idea to come between, no, join you and Simon. It did feel like I was intruding in a relationship. But,” she said calmly, gazing at him with a softness. “I know that you feel the same about me that you feel about Simon. It’s how I feel about both of you and how he feels about us.” She made sure her hand was dry, even if it was covered in blood, and held it out for him to take; he did so. “I didn’t leave because I was uncomfortable. I left to come home and get things organized for next season.”
Soap frowned. “You only left a note. You didn’t wake us up.”
“I know,” she murmured. “And that’s on me. My flight left early, and I didn’t want to disturb you both. We three barely get enough sleep as it is.” She squeezed his hand. “Next time, I’ll wake you both up. I promise.”
“Next time,” he griped. “We’re coming with you.”
She laughed. “Alright, boy, if that’s how you feel about it.” Pulling away, she grabbed the knife again. “Now go inside, would you? I’ll be back in when I’m done.”
“Can Ghost and I go into town?”
“Why not?”
“Because without me, you’re gonna get in a bar fight with some good ole boys and I do not want to explain to Sheriff Doherty why my boyfriends beat the shit outta the entire bar.” When he said nothing, she turned, seeing him wearing a dopey smile. “What.”
“You called us your boyfriends.”
“Go inside or I’ll clean you with this knife next,” she threatened, waving the knife at him and he raised his hands in surrender.
“Fine, fine, lass, I’m goin’.”
As he turned, she called out, “John?”
“I’m glad you and Ghost came to see me.” She smiled at him. “I missed you both.”
He smiled back at her. “We missed you.”
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ladykailitha · 11 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 8
And we're back with this one! I think I will update this every Thursday until it's done. We actually don't have too much farther to go. But we'll get there.
Steve really goes through it this chapter. He's been burying his feelings for so long that they were an explosion waiting to happen. It happens here.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7
Steve liked Lauren but he was questioning her taste in friends. Though the first one had been a cousin on Danny’s side.
This was his fourth proposition for sex since he’d arrived. Apparently word had spread around that he was related to the Lexington Kincades and they all wanted a taste of that particular brand of honey.
Never mind he was here for a funeral. But Beth had so far been the most flagrant pursuer.
She was currently leaning on her elbows on the counter, showing off her ample breasts. Not that Steve had ever even been a breast guy. Sure they were great to look at but when it came to sex it was more about the person he was in bed with and less what they looked like. Though apparently dark curls played a bigger part than he would admit out loud.
“Come on,” Beth said. “It’s not as though I’m asking you out. I know you’re going to be gone by the end of the week. All I’m saying is to have a little fun.”
Steve sighed. “Look, I’m not interested in ‘fun’ right now. I’ve had more than enough ‘fun’. I’m looking for something deeper. Someone deeper.”
“You got anyone in mind?” she asked, batting her eyelashes and curling a lock of hair around her finger.
“Yeah, actually I do,” he said straightening up. “They are sweet and kind and makes me laugh. They are always there for me even when I didn’t even know I needed someone to talk to.”
Beth scoffed. “Sounds like your crushing on your best friend or something, Raven, Wren, Mavis or whatever her name was.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Robin.” He crossed his arms and glared at her.
“Yeah, her,” Beth said. “I knew it was some bird name. Lauren was telling me all about her. It’s sounds like you’ve got bad for this girl, but she’s not interested in you. So why not take the edge off and get your dick wet.”
“One, it’s not Robin. Two, I’m here for a funeral. And three, I think we’re really close to something and I don’t want to ruin that with some fling.”
She batted her eyelashes. “She’d never know.”
“I would and that’s what matters.”
He stormed out of the kitchen, clenching and unclenching his fists.
Eddie was waiting for him on sofa after he had gone to the bathroom to scrub his face.
“Hey,” he greeted. “Is there any chance we could go somewhere? Just me and you.”
Eddie nodded. “Sure, Stevie. Why don’t we head to Lexington and see your grandma’s grave?”
Steve’s shoulders sagged in relief. “That’s great idea, Eds.”
Eddie hopped to his feet. “Just let me tell Uncle Wayne and Aunt Penny that we’ll be gone all day.”
Steve nodded. “I’ll meet you out at the car.”
“Right-oh!” he replied with a jaunty salute.
Steve shook his head fondly and walked out to the car. He leaned against the hood and watched through the window for Eddie.
He watched with his arms folded as Lauren and Beth seemed to exchange...well it was clear whatever it was, it was very heated.
Beth marched out of the house first without so much as backward glance at the house or Steve. Which was fine by him, if he was being honest.
Eddie came out shortly afterwards. “What’s her damage?” he asked jutting his chin at where Beth had stormed off to.
Steve shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t even fucking know, man. I really, really don’t.”
“You ready to go, then?” he asked.
Steve nodded and they slipped into the car. Steve would drive up and Eddie would drive back.
They were silent on the drive up, but it was a comfortable silence. Eddie could see that Steve had been wound up by something, but wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.
Steve drove slowly through cemetery looking for the Kincade family plot where Eileen and Montserrat Kincade’ mausoleum would be.
Soon it loomed in the distance and Steve stopped the car.
“Do you want me to go with you?” Eddie asked.
Steve nodded.
Eddie got out of the car and walked up with Steve to mausoleum and his eyes wandered over the names on the tombstones. There were a lot of Kincades but there were also a smattering of other names. Husbands of female Kincades allowed to be buried in the family plot.
Eddie saw one and burst out laughing. “Hey, Stevie, look! Another Munson!”
Steve stopped his slow trek to the grave and turned to see where Eddie was pointing. And sure enough there it was.
Nathaniel Munson
Abigail Kincade Munson
“Huh,” he said thoughtfully. “I think that was Montserrat’s, my grandpa’s, younger sister. Her husband died in the War.”
Eddie nodded. He wondered if his Munsons were related to Steve’s. That would be interesting to say the least.
“She never remarried?” he asked as they started walking again.
Steve shook his head. “And as I understand no one tried to marry her off again either. She never had kids. My mom always called her a vodka aunt. She would whisk them off on vacations to far off lands during their holiday breaks and just lived her life to the fullest.”
“Is that why you wanted an uncle to do the same for you?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah,” he murmured. “Mom doesn’t have any sisters, so I thought why not a vodka uncle, you know? Someone to take me places I’ve never seen. Always there for me when things got to difficult at home. But it never happened. Uncles Percy and Jasper never even called as far as I know.”
Eddie bumped their shoulders together. “Uncle Wayne can’t take you places you’ve never been, but I think he’d more than happy to take you into the Munson fold.”
Steve smiled at that. “Thanks, Eds. That means a lot.”
They finally reached the fucking tomb. Eddie wondered briefly if she had been mummified.
They had picked up flowers in town so they wouldn’t wilt. White lilies. No red roses for Steve. Not anymore.
Steve walked up to the sepulcher and laid the flowers down in front of it. He sank to his knees and just started to sob. It just all came out in a rush of emotion building up for the last twelve years. All the people he lost.
The lost of his friends even though they were objectively horrible people, they were his people once upon a time. The lost of his innocence to literal fucking monsters. The lost of his parents through neglect and disinterest. The lost of his relationships with Nancy and every other girl he’d been with since. The lost of his ability to sleep.
Eddie knelt down next to him and put his arms around him, just holding him as he cried.
Steve wasn’t sure how long he had knelt there sobbing into the grass with Eddie’s arms around him, but suddenly there was the sound of a car slowing to a stop behind them.
Eddie looked at his watch and then at the sepulcher behind him.
They had by some coincidence come on the twelfth anniversary of Eileen’s death. Eddie instantly knew who was pulling up and if they didn’t get out of there soon, Steve was going to have a much worse day.
But he couldn’t just pull Steve away, not when he clearly needed this. He stood up and turned to face the man that had gotten out of the very fancy car.
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Steve clearly took after his mother’s side. The man had the same hazel eyes and honeyed hair that Steve did. He had a neatly trimmed beard and a tailored suit.
“Hey!” the man called out. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
Steve’s head snapped up. He scrambled to his feet, brushing the grass off his knees. When he straightened up the other man gasped.
“Uncle Percy?” Steve asked, jaw dropping, eyes wide.
“Shit, Steven,” Percy huffed. “Your Uncle Jasper is literally behind me. He’s going to have a bitch fit if he sees you here.” He pulled out a business card and a pen. “Meet me here at four and we’ll talk then.”
Steve nodded taking the business card. He didn’t want to be yelled at by his other uncle either.
Steve and Eddie started walking to their car when another, even fancier car pulled up to the curb. Another man got out. He looked like Max, but was thinner, more ratlike in his appearance. He hurried over to the other side of the car, helping out a very pregnant blonde woman as a ten year old girl hopped out of the back seat.
As they got to the car they could hear the exchange.
“Who was that, Perce?” Uncle Jasper whined.
“Just a couple of college students doing some family history and got turned around,” Percy explained. “I got them sorted and on their way.”
Eddie leaned in close to Steve. “You hear that, we’re a couple of college students.”
Steve snickered. “The only two of the party who aren’t going to go to college.”
They giggled together as they got in the car and drove off.
Pt 9|Pt 10|Pt 11|Pt 12
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76 @flaming-reauxster
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fetishfairytales2 · 2 months
The Secretary, Pt. 1 (Story)
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A couple of reference's to @wittlesissyb4by's The Boss' Baby. He's also the original creator of Heather and Brandi in his fantastic series Besties, which this blog expands on. Please support him through his Tumblr and his SubscribeStar.  ——————————————
When Chloe didn't show up to Brandi's birthday bash, I decided it was time to bring the party to Brandi's office. Sure, Chloe was the girl Brandi cheated on me with, but honestly I just felt sorry for the poor gal. If she could be fooled into thinking my little sweet sissy was a real man? Well, that girl had bigger problems! No, I need to introduce their former colleagues, especially Chloe, to my new and improved Brandi. I wanted to show off my little project, and I knew some people in the office would be the perfect audience!
As for Brandi's boss, Charles, that tall, dark, and handsome hunk of a man… let's just say we have a mutual understanding. We used to flirt when Brandi was still living a lie as a man, but now? Let's just say I had to put in some "extra work" during our private negotiations in his office to ensure Brandi could keep working remotely. It's all about using my charms, and Charles has certainly seen my charms, if you know what I mean! She dodged the humiliation of seeing her coworkers at her birthday party, but my sissy slut was not going to get that lucky twice! No, no, no!
As I drove over, I schemed, knowing this was gonna be fun! My little sissy Brandi was strapped into her car seat, helpless, wearing the cutest outfit ever. She looked adorable in her pink frilly skirt that barely covered her diapered ass, a white crop top with "Baby Girl" in glittery letters, and white knee-high socks with pink bows. But the accessories… Princess Brandi deserved some bling! I had her wearing this cute little bib that said, "Daddy's Little Girl," her penis pacifier, which was gagging her, tied tightly with a cute satin ribbon. The glittery pink sash that read "Birthday Babe" was the perfect touch! When I pulled into the near-empty parking lot, I burst out laughing. "Oh look, Brandi, there he is!" I teased, seeing my sissy squirm in the rearview mirror. "Mr. Charles, always the early bird. How lucky that he's still in his car!" I adjusted my the top of, very short, very tight black dress, making sure my tits were on full display, no bra necessary of course. Charles had seen me naked a million times by now, but I wanted to make a good impression! I stepped out of the car with a sway of my hips, letting the door slam shut. That got Charles' attention, for sure!
I strutted my stuff over to Charles' car, and I could practically feel his eyes burning a hole through my dress. He rolled down his window, eyes wide, like he wanted to fuck me right then and there. "Damn, Heather, you lookin' fine!" I giggled, leaning over to give him an eyeful of my cleavage. "Girl, you know what you're doing. Ain't you supposed to be at home with your man? Usually, you're visiting me in the afternoon!" God I hope Brandi could hear this. Charles stepped out of the car and twirled me around, whistling when he spotted the g-string peeking out from under my dress. "Well, well, Miss Heather. What's the occasion?" he asked, heading towards the door. I couldn't wait to show him my little surprise!
"Oh, Mr. Charles, could you be a gentleman and hold the door for me? I need to get my little girl out of the car," I purred, batting my eyelashes. With a confused shrugged, Charles obliged, watching as I opened the trunk and pulled out a massive pink stroller which had a ton of straps attached. I wheeled it over to the back seat, giving Charles a wink and leaned into the car. “Let’s go girlie,” I laughed tightened the ribbon securing Brandi's pacifier. "Come to Mommy, sweetie," I lifted my precious cargo out of the car and plopped her down into the stroller. I grinned down at my sissy, taking my time to strap her in securely. Her eyes widened as she realized where she was, and I knew that any second now, the waterworks would start. Seeing Charles' shocked expression as he realized it was Brandi in the stroller was fucking hilarious. He looked disgusted. I just grinned and acted casual, slinging the diaper bag over my shoulder and pushing my little sissy's stroller proudly, right past him and into the building. "She's my sweet widdle princess, Brandi!" I cooed and winked at the stud still standing in the doorway. "You coming, big boy?" Brandi’s boss was going to follow me to his office. Men are so easy. As we stepped into Charles' office, I laughed at how quiet he still was. The whole elevator ride up, this chiseled smoke show of a guy just stared at Brandi, trying to wrap his head around the fact that this diapered sissy was his former employee. He had no problem fucking me behind Brandon’s back, so let’s see how he felt about fucking me in front of Brandi’s face! “Let me just get her all situated,” I laughed as I pushed the stroller into the center of the room. “Okay girlie,” I grinned, leaning over, and whispering to my crying little sissy bitch, "Stop your fucking whining, Brandi. You know Mommy's in charge, and whatever I say goes." I giggled, seeing the fear and desperation in her eyes as she hyperventilated under her gag. "Now, be a good girl and let Mommy plan our little show for Charles here."
Charles was almost cute with his concern, asking; “what did you do to…him?” He’d forget he cared real quickI just ignored his silly question and got to work. Unstrapping my little sissy from the stroller, I pulled Brandi to her feet, letting those cute little pampers show. Then, I turned my attention back to Charles, strutting towards him and running my hands over his shoulders. I could feel Brandi's eyes on us as I smiled and looked back at her. Brandi was going to watch all of this, whether she liked it or not. Leading Charles over to his desk, I giggled at his confusion. "Damn, girl, you're a freak," he said, but I just shook my head and pulled his chair out
"Have a seat, Mister Charles," I purred, pushing him down into the chair with a giggle. Turning back to my little sissy, I snapped my fingers and ordered, "Get your ass over here, now! And stop that fucking crying, you're ruining your makeup." I loved seeing the fear in Brandi's eyes as she stood there, sobbing and shaking. "You have three seconds to get that pathetic ass over here, or I'm coming to get you," I warned, hands on my hips. "1…2…" Before I even finished counting, Brandi was waddling over in those stupid diapers, knowing better than to keep Mommy waiting. "Down, bitch," I demanded, pointing to a spot in front of Charles' desk.
I smiled at the chiseled hunk of a man, and then turned my attention to my little princess. "You better behave, Princess Pampers," I cooed, reaching into the diaper bag and pulling out the cutest hot pink metal handcuffs. I locked Brandi's arms above her head to the handle of a desk drawer, ensuring she was stuck there, unable to escape. Her boss just sat there, staring at the sight of his former employee, now my diapered sissy, sucking on a pacifier, helpless and exposed. I straddled Brandi's outstretched legs, bending over the desk so that Charles had a perfect view of my ass and my little sissy's terrified face just inches below it.
I was feeling extra playful, shaking and grinding against the desk. I lifted my dress, showing off my lacy black g-string and my perfect ass. Charles' eyes almost fell out of his head! I giggled, playing with the fabric and teasing him by pulling the underwear deeper into my ass crack. "So, whatcha think?" I asked with a cute smirk. Charles was almost drooling now.! Brandi was making some sad whimpering noises, but I just ignored the poor thing…for now. "You like this ass, Charles, don’t you?" I teased, shaking it playfully. "But the real question is, you wanna hit this?" I winked, pulling my skimpy panties aside to give him a quick peek. Charles just nodded, all tongue-tied. I mean, we'd done it on my desk a million times, but he was acting like it was all brand new! God men are too easy.
I was getting so turned on, I started rubbing my clit through my panties. I mean, why the hell not? Might as well give Charles the full show, right? "Mmm, if you wanna own my pussy, first you gotta own this pussy!" I moaned, grabbing my little sissy Brandi by her bleach-blonde ponytail and yanked her head up to look her boss in the face. Her muffled screams and pleading behind that cutie pacifier cock gag was music to my ears, and I just giggled with delight. "That's right, girlie pop, you're part of the fun," I beamed down at Brandi, feeling so fucking hot. "You're not just gonna sit there and watch me fuck your boss. Oh no, sissy slut, you're getting in on this action too!"
Charles was, like, totally into it, which was a little surprising. I thought he’d put up a little bit more of a fight before he turned on his former employee. Nope! He practically pounced on me, and I wouldn't be surprised if he accidentally stepped on Brandi's dumb sissy face he got to me so fast! That would've been hilarious! Charles grabbed my hips and pulled me close, his hand sliding down to my pussy. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he growled, "What do you want me to do, baby? I’m gonna fuck you so good.." Then, he smacked my ass! Damn, it stung so good, and I could feel my pussy getting even wetter. Charles didn't wait for an invitation; he just took control like the real man he is. He pushed my hand away and started rubbing my clit with his skilled fingers, slow and steady. Mmm, he knew exactly what he was doing, and I was loving it!
"What do you wanna do to you and your little bitch?" he teased, pulling my hair playfully and biting my ear. "You own you both, hmm slut?" I moaned softly, totally unable to resist him. I was, like, putty in his hands! I was even bucking my hips like a naughty girl. And Brandi, poor thing, was just trapped there, listening to her Mommy being such a whore for a real man. "I'm gonna make you both scream my name, baby," Charles chuckled, full of confidence. "You two are mine. You’re both going to call me Sir now." His fingers moved faster, and I could feel myself getting weaker in the knees. Damn, he was good! I loved how he always took control fast!
I was moaning, feeling myself getting so turned on, like, wow! Even Conner never owned me like this, holy shit! "Ooh, fuck, sir," I screamed, almost begging for more. "Please, not yet. Let me just…" Charles turned me around quickly, kissing my neck and grabbing my hair. He even pulled my tits out of my dress! This man was hungry, and I could feel my knees shaking. I had to brace myself to regain control; damn, my clit was in charge for a second there! I pushed Charles back with a playful smile. "Nu-uh, not yet, sir!" I teased, guiding him to his chair and straddling his lap. "First," I grinned, unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt and rubbing his chest, "I need to ask you for a favor. Then you can get your dick sucked all day, I promise!" I giggled, and it wasn't even a lie! Charles sighed and rolled his eyes, knowing I was up to something, but he didn't care. He was down for whatever at this point.
"I want you to call little miss intern, Chloe, into your office as soon as she gets in. Tell her it's important and she needs to clear her schedule. Do whatever you need to, I don't care, just get her in here." I winked at him. "Also, take off your pants. It's getting hot in here." I said with a smile. Now, I was back in control and God it felt good. He slid his pants off and sat back down, sissy’s eyes bulging when he saw what was hanging between Charles’ legs. God his cock was massive, I fucking loved it! "Oh, Sissy!" I cooed, smiling down at the pathetic sight of Brandi, tears pooling in those wide eyes of hers, snot streaking across her face. I just knew that wouldn't be the only mess decorating that cute baby cuck face of hers by the time I was done.
"Mommy wants to know, my widdle cucky, if you want to watch her sucking Sir's cock, hmm?" The shock of seeing me with her worst enemy was bad for Brandi, but know I was now fucking her boss too? Poor girl. She was shaking her head so har! It was so cute, the poor thing was in denial! "Oh, sweetie!" I giggled, feeling Charles' fingers pinching my nipples, making them hard just for him. "What you don't realize, my dumb sissy, is that Mister Charles and I have been fucking for months. Wondered why you've been allowed to work remotely all this time, being a stay-at-home baby cuck? Well, now you know, you silly, stupid girl!" I kissed Charles, feeling his tongue in my mouth and his hand pulling my hair. "This," I giggled, looking down at Brandi while my hands roamed Charles' chest, "is how Mommy's going to get you that promotion, little girl!”
Charles was all over me now, and I could tell he wanted more. "Promotion?" he asked, sounding intrigued as he sucked on my sensitive buds. I just smirked, knowing he'd love what I had to say. I leaned in, whispering my plan while practically pushing my tits into his mouth. His tongue and teeth on my nipples had me moaning, but I managed to explain how my little sissy Brandi would become his personal secretary. His hands gripped my ass, and then I felt them sneaking back into my panties. I arched my back and screamed when he fingered me again. God, he knew how to make me feel so damn good. "Tell me more about this new secretary of mine," Charles demanded, his fingers now playing with my clit. I whimpered and begged for more as I painted a picture of Brandi reporting to him daily, dressed in her sissy baby outfit, no spare diapers, plugged and gagged, and begging to be locked under his desk for the day. "Why do I need a sissy bitch under my desk?" Charles teased, his fingers working their magic on my clit while he pushed me closer to orgasm.
"Mmm, why don't you find out, baby?" I teased, climbing off Charles' lap and kneeling down next to the trapped Brandi, who was about to witness her cuckolding up close and personal. Charles laughed, a deep, sexy sound that filled the room, as he stood tall, his massive cock hard and throbbing, right in front of Brandi and me. "Watch closely, my widdle sissy bitch," I chuckled, reaching out to grasp Charles' dick. It felt so powerful in my hand, and I couldn't wait to taste it. I leaned in, my lips wrapping around the head of his cock, and I hummed in delight at the taste of his pre-cum as my tongue swirled around the tip. "Mmm, Sir's dick tastes so good, Brandi. So much better than your widdle clitty could ever hope to be!" I took him deeper, my lips gliding along his shaft, my mouth working hard to take his massive cock to the back of my throat. My hand stroked what my mouth couldn't reach, and I moaned with his cock buried in my throat, my eyes locking with Brandi's, seeing the tears welling up.
"I know you know how to do this, Brandi." I giggled around Charles' cock, looking directly into Brandi's eyes as I spoke, "I know you've practiced on Daddy's dick a million times. But, and shh, don't tell Daddy this," I paused, taking a breath and removing the monster cock from my mouth to playfully slap it across Brandi's face, "I think Sir here might be even bigger! So, you better learn how to take it like a good sissy!" My hand moved faster as I popped his cock back into my mouth, sucking greedily like it was a lollipop. "Bet you wish I would've sucked your dick like this, huh, widdle girl? Too bad it was too tiny to even find in your diaper!"
I just love when Charles takes control! I mean, feeling his strong hand on my head, pushing me down on his throbbing cock… it makes me feel so fucking good! He’s such a real man, he even held my head and was basically fucking my throat! Hearing him growl, "Fuck, slut, keep going!" made my pussy tingle. Like, oh my god, he was so dominant and demanding, ordering me to go faster, guiding my head up and down his massive dick. I get wet thinking about making him cum! And then, just as I was about to make Brandi's boss cum, right in front of her, there was a knock at the door. I might be a bit of an evil bitch, sure,, so I saw this as an opportunity for even more fun! I slowly took Charles' cock out of my mouth, teasing him right at the edge of his orgasm. The look on his face was priceless! I winked at him and mouthed for him to answer the door, promising to keep things fun. I gently gripped his throbbing cock, feeling its hardness and size. Holy crap, it was like the size of my arm! I bet Brandi was staring at it with her sad, tear-filled cucky eyes, realizing why she was in her Pampers while Charles was getting the royal treatment from me.
As Charles called out, "Who…is…it?" through gritted teeth, I smiled devilishly, knowing it was Chloe. I wanted to make this quick and fun, so I sped up my strokes, aiming to finish before our new friend arrived. Charles' cock was so big and veiny, and I could tell he was close the way it was twitching. It only took a few strokes for him to be gripping the desk, trying not to scream out loud. Just as he was about to explode, I directed his cock towards Brandi's pathetic little face and let a real man unload his massive cum loads all over her! It was like a fucking fire hose, I swear! Just load after load of cum landing on this poor, worthless little loser. Her cheeks, nose, and even in her hair, she was covered in cum! Her makeup was running down her cheeks and her lips and her tears were flowing again. I just knew snot wouldn’t be the only thing streaking her face today!
“Aww, see widdle Brandi, Mommy's got you a promotion!” I giggled as I gently wiped the excess jizz from my hands, onto her face. Charles let out a satisfied groan, all worn out and still pantless from our little playtime. I wrapped my lips around his cock one more time, loving the taste. Then like a proper lady, I stood up, straightened my dress, and helped him sit down. Pushing his chair gently up to him, I watched him down and groaned again. “Shh, I got this,” I giggled. There he was, my ex-boyfriend’s chiseled hunk of an alpha male boss, dazed from me blowing him, and naked from the waist down. His cock, covered in my saliva and his cum, was just inches from Brandi's gagged mouth. It was a sight that I'm sure Brandi would get used to, whether she liked it or not! As I quickly pulled my dress back over my tits, trying to act all casual and hide Charles' state, I called out; "come in!" to our little visitor. And, of course, who should it be but the lovely intern that Brandi started this whole adventure out by cheating on me with, but Chloe! I put on my brightest smile and greeted her with a cheerful and peppy; "hi, girl! You must be Chloe! I've heard so much about you!"
To Be Continued.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Ok I saw the 🧜‍♀️ request and I have to ask for a part two
Can I have a yandere sky, fd,war, sage, CDI link ( excuses me princess) , Link between worlds, dark link x harpy reader please nsfw
You can!
I assume you meant Legend when you said A Link Between Worlds Link? And I think you also meant the animated Link (Courage) because CDI Link (Koridai) Is from a game. Those are the ones I wrote anyway. Also bc there are so many, these are shorter. And i know you also asked for Dink and FD, but I got lazy and didn't wanna make them a banner so...
(Have you guys ever seen the CDI scenes? Holy hell that is PAINFUL-)
Part one -> Here!
Smut so MDNI! 18+!
Smut CW: Breeding, Monster fucking, Reader is a harpy!, light baby trapping
A Bird's Eye View
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・❥・Now, Sky, unlike the others, is used to birds. In fact, it was you who assisted him when he first began roaming the ground level.
・❥・You stuck by his side for the entire time before being left behind when he was deposited back on Skyloft.
・❥・He had tried finding you, but it was as if you just...disappeared.
・❥・So when he's on a ride with Crimson, and hears your distinct calls? He's thrown out whatever his previous goal was without so much as a flick of his wrist.
・❥・When he finds you hurt? He goes into total mother-hen mode.
・❥・When your bandaged and clean? hes just so ecstatic to see you again! He may be hovering, all but forcing food down your throat, but you have to understand.
・❥・He won't let you leave again.
"That's it, songbird. Nice and slow." His voice crooned smoothly over your warbled cries, hands holding your hips and easing your descent onto him. "You're doing so well."
You were a sight. Watching you above him, feathers ruffling as your body sheened with sweat, glimmering in the light around the room? It drove him mad with lust. Maybe desire? He just knew he wanted you. And he had you. You had come back to him!
He knew you were meant for him from the start. You had always been such a caring companion, perfect in every way. When you chirped at him for a cut a little too deep, or nuzzled up to him when the nights were a little too cold? He knew. When you shoved herbs and berries into his hands to boost his immune system? He knew. When you ran your taloned fingers through his hair, picking out twigs and bugs? He knew.
He knew that you were irrevocably his. His to keep and cherish and love and hold. Those were all privileges that were only bestowed upon him. He only had to give you your own privilege. One that would be exclusive to you and you alone.
And he knew exactly what he wanted it to be. Because he had seen you care for him. He had seen the way you fret and croon and-
And he wanted-no, needed to see you be that way with your child. No. That wasn't right either. Not your child. His child. A kid made from the two of you?
He was so excited to meet them.
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・��・You probably save him from that dragon knight. Yk the one? In the beginning of the game? Him.
・❥・It probably leaves your feathers scorched and that's where he steps in. He cares for you with his basic military first aid knowledge.
・❥・You prove to be useful in battle, acting as an aerial advantage, so he keeps you close.
・❥・Your especially helpful when it comes to Cia. Your an unaccounted for variable. And she doesn't like that. She can try and get rid of you, but because Wars keeps you so close, it doesn't quite work out.
・❥・This only deludes him further, because if this powerful sorcerer that has a hand in time and space, can't separate you two, nothing can.
The hand around your throat tightened just a bit as his hips crashed against yours. In the back of his head, he worried about hurting you, but he had a mission that needed to be fulfilled.
As a Captain, the mission would override any concern.
He needed to ensure you stayed with him. That no matter what, you stayed by his side. And what was more damning than a baby? A person who would rely on the two of you so heavily that you would never even think of leaving him.
And that's what he needed. He needed you to stay with him. He needed you to remain with him, with your unyielding loyalty and unbending ferocity. You were everything he needed in this life. And the thought of you having his baby? Was something he also needed. Just the thought of having this perfect little nuclear family made his nerves buzz. He would provide and you would stay by his side.
Like a good little bird.
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・❥・I can't tell if I hate this guy or love him.
・❥・I just- I think i mostly wanna hit him.
・❥・Now, I don't know a lot about the animated series, but I have too much self respect (/j),
・❥・But he probably meets you through Sprite. She seems like the type to be like 'Look who I met' to attempt to rub it in your face, but it backfires.
・❥・Courage finds himself too enamored with your glorious feathers and effervescent eyes, immediately laying it on thick. He's complimenting your eyes and your smile and the way the light reflects off the apples of your cheeks.
・❥・If you dare even giggle at his honeyed words, he knows he's got you. Hook, line and Sinker. Now, Courage is more of a brawn over brains type of guy, but he's still a link. He knows how and when to go on the down-low.
・❥・And, honestly, who's better suited for you then the hero of Hyrule?
"Come on, Princess. I know you can do better." He knew his smirk was infuriating if your low grumbles were anything to go by. "How can you prove you want my kid if you don't work for it?"
You gave a challenging look, bounces speeding up as you leaned into his space. You gave a low trill, feathers moving in a wave of agitation as you did, teeth bared down at him . It was so cute seeing you act so aggressive. Like you would ever stand a real chance against him. It was almost daunting- how trusting you were of him. How you just believed everything he told you.
How you trusted he would ever let you out of his sight.
How you trusted he would never use whatever means necessary to get what he wants from you.
How you trusted that he wouldn't do anything to keep you tethered to him.
But he would. Because once you were tied to him, once you were his in every way- with a fat ring on your finger and your belly so swollen you couldn't see you feet- you wouldn't be able to escape. There was no where in this kingdom nor the next that he wouldn't be able to find you. Not that it would matter. Once his child was safely growing, you wouldn't be able to move fast enough to get rid of him! You would lose your, aerial advantage, your running and hiding abilities would be greatly hindered, and should push come to shove, he wasn't against using the triforce to keep you right where he wanted you.
Afterall, you wouldn't want the kingdom your child was growing up in to be destroyed...Right?
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・❥・For Legend to trust you to this level, you must've met him at the beginning of his first adventure. In fact, you probably saved him when he was still young and inexperienced.
・❥・Thus proclaiming you as his most trusted companion.
・❥・After Koholint, he for sure latched onto you far more than ever before. He couldn't risk you being torn away from him too.
・❥・Because of what happened with Marin, he felt he had lost the ability to love. But you quietly and calmly reassure that he hasn't.
・❥・Thus leads to him just...knowing that you are here to stay. You won't be leaving him anytime soon. You won't ever leave him behind.
・❥・He lost his chance the first time and he absolutely refuses to lose it again.
・❥・Even if it means temporarily overriding your basic autonomy. You'll understand eventually.
He knew his other form sometimes bled over into his hylian one. it was something he learned to live with and, sometimes, battled with depending on his mood and the circumstance.
He was sure this was part of that.
He had heard the saying 'Fucking like rabbits' but this is just a little ridiculous. It wasn't all that unwarranted however. He needed to mark you as his. Brand you and litter you with enough hickeys and bitemarks to have even the most dense boys (Because that's all they were when compared to him) backing off.
Legend had lost too much in too short a time to take any chances. Honestly, it was a miracle that you were still here. Hylia had proven that she liked taking the most precious things in his life away from him (That fraud. Thinking she could outsmart him?! Thinking he would go down without a fight?! She had another fucking thing coming.) and you had held that title for years.
And you would. For at least a few more months. But even then, you would only have to share.
As he hoisted your legs up to your chest, folding you practically in half as he kept his rhythm steady and continuous (over and over again. Until you remembered the shape of him and only him.), he felt his lips twitch. He could see you now, cradling his and yours young. An absolutely precious little kit that would have your eyes, your perfect eyes, and maybe his nose. Who would be brought up with your gentle nature, but his intellect. Who would know no dangers of the outside world as he would destroy it to keep you two safe.
If it kept you two warm, he wouldn't hesitate to burn it all down.
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・❥・Yall have been WAITING for this one.
・❥・Now, my broken little rat. He probably meets you up on the Sky islands. You probably help him get down and he just...latches onto you.
・❥・When you stick with him, even down on the ground and into the depths, he slowly learns to trust you.
・❥・If your patient with him and let him move at his own pace? You aren't leaving. He has let too many people leave and let too many people fuck him over.
・❥・He will not let you do the same. In fact, he's thinking of a million and one ways to keep you with him.
・❥・while all of the boys will think a5bout it, Sage is the only one to actually genuinely clipping your wings. You can't leave him if you can't fly, now can you? He's faster than you.
・❥・ Let's say, for the sake of it all, you happen to befall an accident that makes clipping your wings necessary. While he isn't super excited about you being injured in any capacity, he is a little grateful that he didn't have to do it.
・❥・And on the plus side, he gets to be the good guy and nurse you back to health!
・❥・Not flying health (He has no idea why your wings aren't healing like the rest of you), but healthy enough he can enact his own little plan.
His voice quivered as he bent over your own hunched form, keeping your chest pinned to the counter he had deemed acceptable. His one hand remained locked onto your hip while the other snaked up your chest to gently wrap around your throat. There was no pressure behind the action, just enough to keep you right where he wanted you.
Keep you perfectly still while he pumps you so full of cum you'll have no choice but to carry his child. You won't ever be able to leave then. No, you were kind. Too kind for his world. Too nice, too much of a beacon of pure light to ever do that. You would never deprave a child of his father, nor would you deprave a father of his young. And he knew this. If he planned on capitalizing that fact, just a little, that was no one's business but his own.
Just the thought of you carrying a child, a perfect mix of both of you-- just as much yours and they were his-- was almost enough to have him thanking Hylia for you. For putting him through everything if only to gift him with you in the end.
"Keep going, dove. Your almost there. Soon, we'll have a family of our own."
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Need more of Terms of Endearment. Plz and thank xx
Warnings // Rooster x F!Reader. Hangman x Platonic!F!Reader. Mentions of Alcohol consumption and physical assault.
“What the hell are you playing at Hangman?” Rooster questioned as he dried his hair roughly with the towel that had recently been tucked around his waist. A fresh pair of jeans now adorning his hips.
“I'm playing matchmaker–” Hangman was quick to respond as he sat the car seat down on the bench in the locker room. Tapping the top of it twice with a shit eating grin. “Fe asked me to drop this off before you go.” Rooster hadn’t even thought about the car seat. God his Bronco was not built to harbour a car seat. “She also told me to tell you that she’ll call when she's leaving the workshop.”
“Id ask if you hit that bird on purpose but I know you wouldn’t be stupid enough to risk ruining a multi million dollar jet on the grounds of setting me up with your roomie.” You and your little girl Dot had been living off base with Jake since you arrived in North Island in the middle of the night, running for what was essentially life or death. You wouldn't have come to Jake if you had any other choice–not one for handouts or charity, so when he was opening his door in the middle of the night, bat in hand because who the fuck was trying to bang his god damn door down in the middle of the fucking night–he was softening instantly.
“I have nowhere else to go–” You sobbed as Jake dropped the bat to the ground just barely missing his own foot. Completely and wholeheartedly accepting you and your crying daughter into his humble abode. He wasn’t blind, nor did he have a deviated septum. He saw the bruises and smelt the absurd amount of liquor on your breath. The way you clung to your daughter like she was your entire word made Jake hold his tongue. Pressing it into the side of his cheek as he let his chin rest on top of your head. It had to have been bad if you drove in the state you were in.
“Uh, I prefer stowaway–actually.” Jake teased as he watched Rooster throw his shirt over his head. “She needed a push—“
“I know what I’m doing man, I don’t need you interfering with my love.” Rooster huffed, he honestly didn’t mind playing the long game with you. He knew winning you over slowly would be worth it in the long run. He wasn’t all that sure of what you had been through—both you and Jake liked to keep that information under lock and key. But Bradley knew, he knew you were worth the wait, the work, the effort it would take to break your walls down brick by brick.
“Your love life is nonexistent Bradshaw I’m doing you a favour here!” Jake was no stranger to bringing home beautiful women, but ever since you and little Dot had been occupying his spare room? He had become more and more selective about the type he brought home. “And honestly, I’m just about sick of having to explain the children’s toys lying around whenever I bring someone home—“
“So this isn’t about Y/n at all then?” Rooster scoffed as he shook his head in utter disbelief. “This is about you wanting her out of your place.” Rooster had never actually strapped an infant's car seat into his car before. Picking up the capsule he marched out of the locker room into the hall, Hangman right on his tail. “I don't know what your thought process is man, but getting me to pick up Dot isn’t gonna have Y/n outta your house any quicker.”
The first time Bradley met you, he'd been tasked with finding out why Hangman was late for work. The cocky fighter pilot with the big ass egomaniacal smile and even bigger shit eating grin was usually if anything early. But the day Bradley first met you? It had been two hours since the first flight and Coyote was about ready to trade out his wingman. Patient had worn very thin. There’d been no calls and texts from Jake, no excuse or reason for his absence.
“Bagman!” Rooster was banging down Jake's front door incessantly. Huffing when there was no response. “Jake man you good?” He never stopped knocking. It’s what had woken you from what felt like your final resting spot on the lounge in the living room. The morning after Jake had taken you in. “SERESIN!” Roosters knuckles didn't meet hardwood when you swung the door open. Almost connecting with your already bruised and battered face as you held the door open.
“Fuck off!” Bradley Bradshaw had never been so taken aback in his life. “Stop knocking its rattling my fucking brain.” Rubbing your eyes as you yawned, stepping back to let whoever it was that wanted your brother so desperately into the house that would soon become a home. “Jakes upstairs–” At the mere mention of his name, Jake Seresin was barreling down the stars still doing up his flight suit. He knew he’d fucked up, but he’d been up with you all night holding your hair out of your face while you cried and threw up the content of your stomach. Dot in his lap crying in hysterics because she hadn’t slept a wink either. He’d only just work up after having slept like a log through his alarm.
“Dude—I’m fucked aren’t I?” Jake groaned as he tried slipping his work issued steel caps on.
“Who's the walking corpse?” Rooster asked as he watched you fall back onto the lounge, your ass on full display for him as you rolled over and pulled up the blanket Jake had given you. You were so plastered that the pain of your hangover hadn’t even set in yet. Jake was right, maybe he should have taken you to get your stomach pumped last night, but he was confident you'd thrown enough up that it wasn't a life threatening amount. “She's wearing your TopGun shirt–” Raising a questioning eyebrow, Rooster turned back to Jake. “You let strays stay the night now do you?”
“She's my sister.” Bradley heard the way Jake said it with a sigh, like he was almost disappointed. Jake could never be disappointed having you as a sister, but he was disappointed in a few of the choices you made that led you to this moment. Hungover, on his lounge with your daughter still asleep upstairs. You hadn’t been coherent enough last night to watch over her. Jake had stepped in. “Shows up on my doorstep last night, believe it or not she was in a worse state than this.”
“And the bruises?”
“Like I said, she showed up on my doorstep last night in a worse state than this.” Jake repeated himself as he held back tears. “I haven't really been able to get much out of her besides vomit.”
“Why haven't you ever told me you have a sister?” Rooster knew it was probably a stupid question to ask as he watched Jake fixed up the blacket that youd thrown harphazardly over yourself. “All this time we've known you and never a peep about a sibling—well, we know you have a brother but—“
“Non-biological.” Was the only answer Jake gave Bradley. “And whatever it is she’s going through it must be bad or else she wouldn’t have shown up here.”
“Yeah but if she’s occupied with you she might not be home all that much and before you know it? She’ll have approval for staff accommodation in no time.” You’d been waiting for a house for you and Odette the second you applied for a job as a technician. Jake had been the one to set you up. Your visit wasn’t meant to be permanent, but it seemed to be the safety and most secure option for you and your daughter.
“And she swears you’re an alright guy?” Rooster groaned as he unlocked his car, opening the passenger side door before placing the capsule inside. “Stay out of my love life—I don’t appreciate the meddling.”
“Fine, but I’m not making any promises to not meddle in Felix’s love life—“ Jake was quick to slightly step Bradley aside as he watched him struggling to connect the capsule car seat. “Here, you gotta loop the straps.” Rooster just stood back and took notes. How many times had Hangman actually done this? “She deserves the world and if I know anyone deserving of her? I’m looking at him.” Rooster just let the compliment Jake had gifted him sink in. Perhaps this wasn’t such a bad thing—maybe Jake was genuinely doing him a solid.
Or maybe Jake Seresin was truly just over the two year old who cock blocked him more than she’d ever know.
Odette Dolan was the light of your world. Anyone who knew you knew that you’d set fire to the rain for that little girl. And as Bradley waited at the front counter of Sunny Side preschool and after school care, he understood what that feeling felt like.
“Who are you to little Odette again, Mr. Bradshaw?” One of the early educators asked as she eyes Rooster down. Curious as ever to know who this mystery man was. You’d only ever picked Dot up. Jake had done a few scattered—but it was always you if you could help it.
“Uh—I’m whoever she needs me to be I guess.”
Roosted rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Y/n asked if I could pick her up, I was free—so why not right?” 
“Well, She had a bit of a meltdown just after lunch but since she's woken up from her nap she’s been fine—“ One of the early educators beamed as she signed Rooster in. His palms were sweaty as he rubbed them together. “I already let her know that mummy’s friend Rooster was coming to pick her up today so she didn’t get too disgruntled on pick up.”
“Routines are important, I get it.” Rooster had a soft spot for your daughter. That spot got a whole lot bigger when Dot came flying around the corner with her bag on her back, shoes on the wrong feet and a picture of a stick figure flying a plane that her early educators had helped her draw.
It was Bradley. Her Rooster.
“Hey Dot!” Rooster beamed at the little girl smashing into him as he crouched down to pick her up–swinging her up onto his hip. “Whatcha got there?” Rooster always had the all the time in the world for Odette Dolan. How a single man has so much patience and so much unconditional love for a two year old you'd never understand. But they shared a bond like no other. Jake liked to joke that Rooster and Dot bonded so well because they shared the same mental age, but you knew deep down it was because he saw a little bit of himself in her.
“Wooster–” Your little girl laid her head gently against Rooster's shoulder, her eyelids heavy as he handed him the paper. Another picasso to add to his ever growing collection of fridge drawings. Too sentimental to let fall to the wayside. His heart exploded like new years eve fireworks over Time Square every single time she’d hand him a new artwork dedicated in his honour.
“Oh for me?” Rooster raised his eyebrows in excitement as he took the piece of paper. “Woah! You’re getting so good at these, looks just like me” If Bradley were a few pounds lighter maybe.
“Mama?” Dot questioned as she looked around for where you might be. Holding your daughter a little tighter as Rooster said his thanks to the early educators before venturing outside.
“No bubba, just me—“ When Rooster placed Odette into her car seat, he double then triple checked if everything was secure. “But mama's coming soon.” For a moment Rooster just sat in his car, wondering if he should go back to his or not. Looking over at your daughter as she already started to doze off in her seat, Rooster settled his decisions.
First Stop? The Hard Deck for some take away. Second Stop? Your house, not because he didn’t trust himself to take care of a two year old. But because this specific two year old probably wanted to go home.
And who was Bradley Bradshaw to deny your daughter of anything she wanted?
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Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014
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alimaybankkk · 1 year
dear life
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summary: your brother and best friend are presumed dead, and now you have no one. well, maybe you do.
warnings: angst mega angst sobbing bawling ripping hair out angst.
pairing: jj maybank x routledge!reader
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“we… we lost them,” you heard shoupe say from your dazed state. you looked up as he stared at you and your friends. “i’m sorry.”
pope took a breath from beside you. “you lost them? what do you mean you lost them? like-like they’re gone? what are you talking about?”
shoupe sighed. “they took an open boat into a tropical depression, pope.”
“so they’re dead?” kie asked, tears filling her eyes.
shoupe looked at you, finally. john b’s little sister. the one he knew would defend his innocence with her life. “we don’t know.”
your heart fell to your feet and you almost tipped over. everyone’s voices were now a ringing in your ears, one that you wanted to cancel out.
you put your hand to your heart as your breaths grew heavier, something jj had taught you a while back. you tried to balance yourself, but you had to step away, pacing as tears fell down your cheeks.
“you drove them straight through the storm, man!” you heard jj say, motioning with his hands somewhere.
jj watched you walk away for a moment and everything snapped inside of him, grabbing shoupe’s chest. “are you kidding me? come here man, i’m gonna kill you!”
“jj, get off!” kiara called from behind you.
jj was detached from the deputy by thomas. he swung his arms, trying to get through his hold. “no, no!” and he broke through, shoving shoupe over and over again. “i’m gonna kill you! i’m going to kill you! don’t, don’t! get off!”
“he didn’t kill peterkin, you know!” pope cried, widening his eyes and silently begging shoupe for something.
“they’re still looking for him, alright?” shoupe calmly answered.
pope swung his neck back, grabbing a hold of his head. this is when tears hit is cheeks and kiara grabbed his arm gently. “pope… pope just relax.”
your chest heaved up and down as you stepped out into the rain, away from the protection of the tent. your tears were salty, mixing in with the pouring rain as you fell to your knees.
from your left you watched kiara’s parents rush in, and you walked back inside the tent to watch her hug them.
the same thing happened with pope’s parents as pope cried, “i’m so sorry.” over and over again.
but jj stood there and took off his hat aggressively and stared at the ground. you could tell by the way he looked at everyone else that he wanted someone to hold onto. hell, maybe he’d even hug his dad right now.
you walked slowly over to him, feeling the same way he did.
you first lost your mother as soon as you were born. then you lost your father a few months ago. and now, you lost your brother.
he had been all you had left, and now he was gone.
jj looked up at you with an open mouth and eyes full of tears and finally rushed to you and pulled you in for a hug. you sobbed into each other’s shoulders, whispering to each other.
“he… he didn’t do anything,” you cried, gripping jj’s neck harder.
he cried into your shoulder for a little bit before saying, “it’s not fair. they killed him!”
“and… and sarah,” you pulled away from the hug, looking into jj’s eyes. “she didn’t do anything. nothing at all. they didn’t do anything! they’re fucking innocent!”
jj pulled you back into the hug, gripping your shirt for dear life. you stayed with your arms wrapped around his neck for five minutes until you hugged kie and pope.
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you sat on the porch of the chateau a week later, caressing the stone in your hand.
it was john b’s; a little project your father had you do with each other when you were little. you’d written dove, your dad’s nickname for you, and jb had written bird.
the sun shining brightly through the windows of the porch would usually be your invitation to hop on the boat or sit on the swing outside and play the ukulele or read a book, but today it was the reminder of not to do those things.
since john b’s death, you hadn’t let yourself smile or have fun or enjoy yourself. you’ve spent the whole week mourning your brother, reminiscing with old things that reminded you of him. for example, this rock.
every day you’d waken up and walked into john b’s room and pulled a shirt out of his closet, sniffing it before putting it on. jj had basically moved in, not wanting to go home and deal with his dad right now.
he was great company, actually. he would sit with you in silence and maybe hug you randomly. he would trace his hand on your thigh and tell you john b was a great person and didn’t deserve what he got.
your other friends had mostly kept to themselves, putting their brains to work to keep them from thinking about john b. pope was making deliveries daily now, and kiara was serving as a full time waitress at the wreck.
but today they all came to the chateau and stood outside, looking at you through the broken and rusty windows. kiara sighed. “she still hasn’t made any progress?”
jj shrugged. “have you gotten over john b yet? i mean, give her a break, man! that was her brother!”
kiara flinched. “okay, jeez, i’m sorry… i just.. thought she would want to come out for this.”
jj considered it and sighed. “i’ll go talk to her.”
pope and kie nodded as they watched jj disappear into the porch.
“hey,” he said, sitting next to you. “what is that?”
you dropped it and flinched as it made a clatter on the floor. “it’s just a dumbass rock.”
jj sighed. “i’m sure it’s not just a rock. what’s it say?”
you looked at him angrily, taking deep breaths. “jj, it’s just a rock. forget it.”
jj nodded and looked away. “do… um, did you.. did you want to come out with us and make that headstone or whatever?”
“what headstone?”
“we were… we were thinking about making john b a headstone. carve it into the tree. what do you think?”
you rolled your eyes and stood up off the couch. “i think it’s the dumbest idea i’ve ever heard.”
“i—come on. y/n, you know he’d love the headstone. come on, don’t you want to be a part of it?”
your head whipped around. “i don’t know, jj. but i do know that i still do not believe john b is dead. you can believe whatever you want, but i still have hope.”
jj took off his hat and sighed. “john b would love it. come on, baby.”
you looked at him in disgust at the nickname. “what?”
“y/n, we have to stick together… we both have no one. okay? so don’t just… stop.” jj cried.
you shook your head. “this isn’t about that, is it, jj?”
he looked down. “y/n… you know i love you. you’ve known forever.”
you blinked, no emotion in your face. “of course i have, j. but now is not the time. i—my brother just died. you have family, jj. whether you like it or not. i have no one.”
his eyes widened. “we—we’re your family, y/n!”
“you know what i mean.”
“yeah, i do, and i disagree.” he took a step closer to you. “blood doesn’t choose family. we do. i do.”
“jj, just go.” you cried, watching tears slip down his face. “please.”
“no, baby, please. i’m not leaving. i’m not leaving you; i would never leave you.”
you shoved his chest. “damnit, jj, leave! stop! i would never do that to my brother!”
“your brother is gone!” he yelled finally.
you blinked. “jj. get the fuck out of my house right now.”
he took a step back. “no… baby, please, ‘m sorry, i didn’t mean it.”
“go!” you yelled, sobbing. “and stop calling me that.”
“why won’t you just hold me again? i can’t go back to my dad. please, please… please.”
“jj, right now.”
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he listened, i guess.
the chateau was quiet and you were sitting on john b’s bed, where you had slept for the past week. his pillows still smelt like him.
you felt guilty for your outburst with jj, but living in denial was a scary thing. it made you do things you wished you wouldn’t, like going into jj’s room and laying in his bed instead.
the sheets were still messy and imprinted like he was just here, which he was. he still had it arranged in the way he slept. it was unusual, but it was cute. he surrounded himself with pillows and stacked the bottom two, draping a blanket over himself. if you weren’t lying, it was comfortable.
you lay there in silence, breathing and syncing your breaths with the waves of the nearby water. you were startled upwards when you heard your phone ringing from beside you.
it was jj. you thought about hanging up, but something told you it wasn’t good. you answered, holding it up to your ear and waiting for him to talk.
“y/n?” he said. he was gasping for breath and you heard sobs. “i… i need you to come and get me. i’m at my house.”
you scoffed. “jj, after what you said to me, i don’t think you deserve a favor right now.”
“please,” he said quickly. “it’s my dad.”
you sighed. “okay. i’m on my way.”
you got up from the bed and threw on a random shirt you found laying on the floor and grabbed the keys to the twinkie.
shoupe had let you keep it as he knew you were close with your brother. he knew it was something you would want, and shoupe liked you, so he let you have it.
you drove full speed to jj’s, cursing but running every red light.
once you got there, you saw jj clinging onto his bike he couldn’t even mount. his short clang body was covered in gashes and bruises and you winced and looked away.
you ran up to him, helping him stand. he could hardly walk or move, but you managed to get him into the car. “what… j, i’m so sorry. damnit, this is my fault.”
“not your fault, sweet girl. just drive, take me home.”
your heart dropped to your feet when he called the chateau his home, one that you forced him out of.
you drove in silence until eventually, he broke it and said, “is that my shirt?”
“why are you wearing my shirt?” he asked. if you didn’t know what happened to him, you would have thought he was drunk.
“i don’t know. i was in your room, and then you called and…”
“what were you doing in my room?”
you sighed. “i was laying in your bed.”
“damnit, jj, i don’t know, okay?” you yelled, causing him to flinch. he took his hands and pressed them to his head and tears filled your eyes. “i’m… i’m sorry, j.”
he just looked away and out of the window.
my poor baby, you thought. mentally, you pinched yourself for thinking that. he was not your baby.
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you instructed jj to sit on the bathroom sink. he obliged, wincing as his back hit the cold of the mirror.
“shit, j, he get your back, too?” you asked, caressing the sounds on his stomach.
“a lil. it’s ‘kay, though, i’ll just sleep it off,” he said.
you shook your head. “don’t think so. sit back down, i’ll take care of you.”
he sighed and sat back on the counter as you pulled open the drawer below him. you pulled out a spray and sprayed it over the wounds, disinfecting them one by one.
“he beat me up, and you know why?” he said randomly. you stayed quiet as he continued, “cause i came home and told him about a girl. a girl i wanted so bad, and he beat me up for getting rejected.”
you took a deep breath and wiped the wound with a paper towel before continuing to clean it.
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you closed the door of kiara’s car, watching as her and pope walked separately. she grabbed his hand at last and looked him deep into his eyes. “we have to stick together, okay?”
pope nodded and whispered somegjjng incoherent before continuing to walk.
jj looked at you and grabbed your hand. “us, too.”
you rolled your eyes, but you didn’t let go. in fact, you held his hand tighter.
there, at the front of the school was a mock shrine for john b. it looked like it meant well, but it really felt different.
“i feel like… people are staring at us,” you said, looking around.
“definitely,” jj responded.
“let’s just go, guys,” kiara said and stormed into the building.
* the day went by pretty quickly, and before you knew it, it was mr. sunn’s class. of course, you weren’t paying attention, but you would rather be here than spending the day thinking about your brother.
you did that anyway.
at times where you were paying attention, though, you noticed mr. sunn had already started a lesson on the first day. and assigned homework.
twenty minutes into class, you and your friends’ phone rang. you paused, not looking at it until mr. sunn had finished his interrogation about “who’s phone was that?”
when you opened the text all together, your heart dropped.
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you didn’t waste a second before running out of the classroom, jj following after. moments later, all of you were running outside. (jj tripped)
you made it outside and immediately texted back, “what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“hey,” pope shrieked. “what’s that for?”
“they’re impersonating my brother. what is wrong with them? that’s not okay.”
“it could be them,” jj said hopefully.
kie agreed. “i’m just gonna ask.”
WTF is this you??
Is JJ there?
jj <3
i’m here bree.
the bubble thought, and then read,
did you pimp my short board?
jj laughed, and soon, everyone was giggling. you were dizzy and you had no clue what to do.
“it’s him.” you heard from around you.
you stood and wobbled a bit. the world was spinning.
your brother was alive.
everyone embraced each other into tight hugs, and you let yourself hug them, too. jj laughed and turned to you. “you were right.”
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you sat at home, thinking of ways to get to charleston. jj had been chatting your ear off excitedly since the two of you got home, and you couldn’t help but wonder how this flipped the switch inside him.
“y/n,” he said loudly. you looked up at him.
“i’m listening.”
“no…. not that. now that we know your brother is alive, can we talk about it?”
you took a deep breath. “about what?”
you sank back into the seat hesitantly. “talk away, j.”
he prepared himself and straightened up, grabbing your chin with his pointer finger and turning it so you were looking at him. “y/n, i’ve been in love with you ever since i laid eyes on you. when your brother introduced you to me when you were 6, i loved you. i was 7 and i still knew what love was, because you showed me. i… i don’t know what i would have done without you. i had no one, my whole life, but my family. but you. i love you.”
“jj…” you sighed, tears filling your eyes as you brushed the hair away from his face. “we can’t.”
“why not?”
“because, j, my brother.” you started. “how do you think he would feel if he found out his sister and his best friend thought he was dead so they started dating?”
“i think he’d understand once i talk to him,” he said, tracing circles with his thumbs on your cheeks. “i’d tell him i would never hurt you and that… i don’t know. you’re different. you’re special.”
you giggled. “if you say needs right now, i will tackle you.”
“…needs.” he chuckles as you pulled a pillow from the couch and jumped on top of him, hitting him over and over again with it. you held it to his mouth for three seconds before letting go of him.
he wrapped his arms around your waist, finally, and looked you in your eyes. he crashed into your lips with a kiss, immediately softening and turned it into a passionate one. you kissed him back, arms wrapping around his neck and trying to keep the kiss as neat as possible.
“i’ve been wanting to do that for almost ten years,” he said before pulling you in for another one.
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a/n: idk how i feel ab this tbh but anyways lmk if u want a part two of them seeing jb and sarah in charleston
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 months
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Rating: Not Rated Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Mention of Nancy Wheeler Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down, Pining, Mutual Pining, Boys Kissing, Fluff Words: 2,763
Notes: This is my second entry to Harringrove Summer Bingo 2024 @harringrovesummerbingo, card 1, prompt C1: "I long to see the sunlight in your hair"
Summary: Billy and Steve are best friends. To Billy's dismay, he also has a crush to this best friend. Which is kinda a problem.
Also on AO3 >>
The quarry was bathing in the last rays of the sun. Billy had learned that the Indiana heatwave was a real thing and he’d spent the last few days in just shorts and a tank top and all the nights naked in front of a fan. It was just too hot for any clothes, really, and he would’ve given almost anything to be able to paddle out onto some waves. But here he was, stuck inland, far away from the ocean, so it was the quarry or Lover’s Lake. Knowing what all went to the water of the community pool—it was not just chlorine—he didn’t swim in it except while giving lessons to the kids.
And besides, Hawkins had one thing he didn’t have in Cali; a friend. Steve. And Steve also had a pool, so that was a bonus.
Unfortunately, Billy was also crushing at that said friend, hard. Which, then again, was a problem.
Above him, the birds were singing while they were on their way back to the forest and to their nests for the night. He opened a new pack of Marlboros and lit one up.
Steve had called him and told him he broke up with Nancy. Fucking finally, had been Billy’s first thought. Those two had been distant from each other for a long time. Billy was sure that Nancy had a thing with that Byers dude, but he didn’t want to get involved in any of that shit. It was better he didn’t know anything because then he wouldn’t have to tell Steve, either. And he couldn’t deny it, as impossible as it was, he felt like now he had a shot. If he was ever trying to do something, he’d have to get to it soon. Because when the summer was over, he’d leave for California.
Like a good, loyal friend he'd called and asked if Steve wanted to talk. Of course he wanted to. So they’d agreed to meet here and here Billy was, leaning on the hood of the Camaro, a six-pack sans one waiting on the passenger seat.
Soon the burgundy BMW drove up the hill and parked next to the Camaro.
Billy turned to look when Steve stepped out of the car, and his heart dropped a little. Steve his eyes with red rims around them, face all puffy, and the usual spark he had going on whenever they met nowhere to be found. Billy raised his beer in greeting to Steve. “There’s beer on the front seat. Help yourself.”
Steve fetched a can to himself and leaned on the Camaro next to Billy. “Thanks,” he muttered.
They remained there for a while like that, quietly observing the surroundings, birds flying above, watching the darkening summer sky. Passing the cigarette between them in silence until it was all gone.
“So…what happened?” Billy asked.
Steve stared in the distance for a while before he answered. “She said she didn’t love me anymore.”
“Just that?”
“And that she didn’t want to be with me anymore,” Steve said, nodding.
“Kinda shitty.”
“Yeah,” Steve sighed.
A silence fell between them. Billy didn’t want to push it, he’d allow Steve talk at his own pace. Having your heart broken was hard. He was way too familiar with that. So he lit another smoke and passed it to Steve.
Steve took a pull of the smoke and was quiet for a while before talking. “I never thought it would end.”
“’m sorry man,” Billy said, patting Steve on the back. “You never think it might end.”
Steve took one more pull of the smoke and gave it to Billy. “What did you do when your relationships ended?”
Billy snorted. “Don’t really do relationships.” He bit his cheek and shrugged. “Or maybe relationships just don’t do me. Don’t exactly know which one.”
“You’ve never had a girlfriend?”
“I’ve gone to dates, had sex.” What Billy didn’t add was that a few of those were hookups with boys in Cali, part of the reason why they moved here in the first place. “Not one girlfriend.”
Steve nodded and took a sip of his beer. “I thought you would’ve had several.”
“Yeah,” Billy replied, looking up into the sky. “Not a lot of selection where to choose from over here.”
Steve frowned and looked at Billy. “You don’t know how great a person is just from the surface.”
Billy looked down to the gravel under his feet. He pondered whether this was the moment to say anything or should he just wait. “Yeah, I know.” He shook his head before glancing at Steve. “It’s not about that.” He decided that no, now wasn’t the time. “So, what are you going to do now that you’re single?”
“I don’t want to be single. I don’t want to be alone.”
“I’m here,” Billy said quietly. “You can always call me.”
Steve’s face lit up. “Can I?”
“Sure. Anytime.”
“I always thought we weren’t that good friends.”
“I didn’t know you have to be best friends just to hang out.”
Steve chuckled. “Yeah, I guess.”
They were quiet for a long while.
Steve opened another beer and drank from it. Then he spoke again, “We could be. You know, best friends.”
Billy smiled shyly and looked at Steve who was looking at him with a lopsided grin. “Really?”
Steve nodded. “Really.”
“Okay.” Billy clinked his beer against Steve’s. “Best friends.”
The words brought back some of the familiar sparkle into Steve’s eyes. “Best friends.”
Being best friends with Steve after he’d broken up with Nancy wasn’t the easiest, though, as Billy very quickly found out. He was there for Steve gladly, but the guy could go on for hours about how Nancy had been perfect for him and questioning if he’d done everything he could and had he been the best boyfriend he could’ve been—the list went on and on.
At one point it just became too much.
Because Billy wasn’t there just simply because he wanted to be friends with Steve. He was there also for selfish reasons. Listening Steve endlessly talking about Nancy was getting frustrating, because each word reminded him how Steve was straight and not queer. Billy had already started to lose his optimism, giving in to the cold reality of not ever having what he so much wanted.
And the closer the end of August came, the more restless Billy became. He’d planned on ditching this sad excuse of a town the moment his job at the pool ended—unless he could have something with Steve. But he’d been too scared to act, too afraid of losing a friend, his best friend.
So, it was the second to last weekend before the end of August when he once again turned up on Harrington’s door. By then they were good enough friends that he could walk in, say hello to Steve’s mom if she was home—she usually wasn’t—and go upstairs.
This time wasn’t any different. Steve had called and because Billy wasn't working the next day he could stay out late. When Steve told him that his parents were out of town, Billy decided to take his last spliff and a six-pack with him. They could celebrate a little. What, Billy wasn’t exactly sure. But he felt like Steve had been wallowing in the Nancy-pit long enough and he needed to get out of his head.
Billy managed to knock only a few times to the front door when Steve already opened it.
“Hey!” he said cheerily and gave space for Billy to walk in.
“Someone sounds chirpy today,” Billy said with smirk.
“Well, I feel chirpy.”
“Well, that’s good,” Billy said and dug the smoke from the breast pocket of his jeans jacket and showed it to Steve. “Because I brought something that might loose you up a little.”
Steve’s eyes widened. “Is that…”
“Why yes, Steve, it is.”
“I didn’t know you knew where to get that stuff from.”
“Steve. This is a hick town. It doesn’t really require looking to find out who the local dealer is. Because what else are you guys gonna do here? Go to the fair?”
“Excuse me, but the fair is fun—and you liked it, too, by the way,” Steve said defensively. The smile didn’t falter on his face, though.
“I bet this is more fun,” Billy said and walked past Steve into the living room. “You wanna smoke here or…”
“We better go to the backyard. My mom would murder me if she smells that stuff inside.”
Billy sat onto the side of the pool that was still warm from the sun that had been scorching it all day long. He rolled his jeans up to his knees and dipped his feet into the warm water.
Steve brought his boombox with him and turned on the radio on before sitting next to Billy, his feet in the water too.
“So, what are you going to do when the pool closes? Any plans?” Steve asked Billy after he took his first drag of the joint.
Billy hadn’t told Steve and he realized that maybe he should’ve. Maybe it would’ve made this moment easier if he had. “Um…I was thinking, uh, going back to Cali.”
Steve sounded surprised and…wounded. It made Billy’s stomach twist. “I mean…there’s nothing here for me. And I’ve been saving all summer, so I’m gonna be good for a few months. Until I find a job.” Billy inhaled through the smoke and offered it to Steve.
Steve pursed his lips and nodded as he accepted the smoke. “Right.”
“Don’t sound so cheery about it,” Billy said, trying to lift the mood that had suddenly fell into some deep depths.
“Sorry. I just…” Steve started, took a drag, paused, and took another drag.
Billy looked at him when he didn’t continue. He was starting to feel the effect of the weed and he didn’t like it that the mood had suddenly taken a whole another direction than what he’d hoped. “You what?”
“I…I thought we had more time.”
Billy’s heart lurched. Steve couldn’t mean what he thought he meant. There just was no way. He glanced at Steve who was hunched and looked at the joint he held with his thumb and index finger. “What do you mean?”
“Just…” Steve started after a while. “…this. Chilling. Hanging out.” He paused. “Being with you.”
Billy was quiet. Thousand things went through his mind. Whether this was the time he should do something or not, just let it go or put all in.
He hadn’t paid any attention to the music on the background before, but now, among this silence, he heard the lyrics.
"I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams, I've kissed your lips a thousand times"
What were the odds this was the song of all the songs in the world that came on right now…
Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted"
He should do something. Seize the moment. What did he have to lose? He was going to leave just in a few weeks. If it all went to hell, well, he could leave a few days early. And he’d been thinking of this for long enough already.
"I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again how much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow"
He’d at least would know where they’d stand, if there was a chance in hell.
"But let me start by saying
I love you"
Billy looked at Steve who was staring at the surface of the pool water. “Hey, Steve…” he started.
Steve didn’t move.
Billy took a deep breath. This was it. His heart was thundering in his chest as he leaned towards Steve. “Hey,” he said softly.
After a moment Steve turned to look at him. His hair was flopped over his eyes, almost hiding them. Billy was close enough to see through the hair though. The eyes were dark chocolate brown, and they had flecks of gold in them, just a little.
Billy had never noticed before. If it was up to him he would never get tired of looking at them either. Since Steve didn’t move away even though Billy was this close to him, Billy leaned the rest of the way in and pressed his lips gently against Steve’s.
The kiss was chaste because Billy didn’t want to scare him. Just to see how he’d react.
Steve’s eyes were wide and his mouth hung open a little when Billy pulled back.
Instantly Billy felt his stomach drop. Mistake. A huge one. He felt like crying, and stood up. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, chin quivering.
He was already walking away from the pool when Steve grabbed his arm. “Hey. Don’t go.”
+ + +
Ever since Billy had said he’d like to be friends Steve's world had been a bit more tolerable. Sure, he appreciated Billy’s support after the breakup, it was the starting point after all.
He was no longer lonely thanks to Billy. He knew Billy had some issues at home, but he never asked more than what Billy wanted to tell. He was just happy that Billy seemed happier when he was with him, too.
So, his open invitation for Billy to come over whenever was for the both of them, really.
Over the month since they decided to become best friends they’d gotten closer. Watched movies, drank too much beer, done some dumb shit. Like accidentally burned a hole into living room curtain in one party and gotten Steve his first speeding ticket when Billy had given him a lesson on how to drive a muscle car. It had not been a surprise to Chief Hopper the speeding car was Billy’s Camaro. Steve behind the wheel instead had been.
And they had laughed. So much. Steve didn’t remember when he’d had this much fun. It had to have been a long time ago, maybe when he and Hagan were still friends. When Hagan was still actually fun and not just a butt-licking asshole.
Every day with Billy around was brighter than the ones when he wasn’t there.
After a while Steve had admitted that he didn’t want Billy around just because of their friendship. He was being pulled towards Billy in a way that had felt filthy at first. He was a guy and he wasn’t supposed to feel like that about another guy.
But he’d made friends with Robin at Scoops and one day after he’d learned about Robin’s likes, he’d ended up asking her about how he should go about it. To which she had replied very wisely; The heart wants what the heart wants .
So, Steve had tried to let himself get used to the idea that he had feelings towards Billy. The only heart wrenching thing was that he didn’t know how Billy felt about him. Maybe he was just a friend to him and nothing more. But he was determined to try to find out.
Which was why Billy’s words about leaving to Cali just in a few weeks punched the air out of Steve’s lungs.
But then Billy kissed him…and everything changed.
The weight of the silence between was heavy, yet fragile, easily to be crushed just by one wrong breath.
Billy licked his lips nervously and looked away. “Didn’t mean it,” he muttered.
Steve looked at him with a lopsided grin. “I think you did.”
Billy felt himself blushing. How did Steve see through him like that?
Steve let go of Billy’s arm and took a step closer, closing the space between them.
Billy felt Steve’s gaze burning his skin. A gentle brush of a hand on his, a question. He let Steve take his hand in his.
A smile tucked the corner of Steve’s mouth. He leaned in, closing the final distance between them and pressed their lips together.
Billy’s lips were softer than Steve had expected. He tasted like weed, smoke and beer. But somewhere there, buried under it all, strawberry. It made Steve smile in the kiss, and he pulled back enough to lean his forehead against Billy’s. “You taste like strawberries.”
The corners of Billy’s eyes crinkled as he let out a laugh. He looked at Steve. “That’s what you picked up after all the beer and weed?” he asked, whispering.
“Yeah,” Steve whispered back. “It’s my favorite.”
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lala1267 · 1 year
Who is she (Part 2)
Summary: Elvis finally found out who she was and where she was.
Warnings: Elvis basically cheats on his wife with a younger girl (no sex just a kiss dw). Swearing.
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She was a special girl, she was different. She could heal people just from the touch of her lips. She held a higher power, it was almost like she was a witch. She seemed to cast a spell on men. Just by looking into her gleaming eyes, men would be head over heels. But she was still unknown, no one knew her name, her family, her school. She was erased from society. She was invisible. She lurked through the shadows and hid behind others. She was scared of people, but if someone was in need, she would be happy to help. Her lips, her eyes, her body, her hair made men fall head over heels for her, but she hated attention, so she hid from everyone.
Elvis had her on his mind every day and every night. He was willing to risk his marriage for her.
1969- autumn
It was a cold day, brown leaves scattered across the street as the wind blew swiftly. The birds sang sweet songs. Elvis was in Graceland's living room. The diamond chandelier hung just below the ceiling, the wallpaper sparkled in the light, and the white carpet was soft. Elvis and Jerry sat on the cream coulered sofa. Elvis was visibly desperate, desperate for that girl that no one knew.
"You need to find her, please, man."
Elvis said, whist his hand made it's way up to his chin. Jerry looked worried.
"Are you sure your story is true, you might have been dreaming."
"For fucks sake will ya just find the girl!"
Elvis yelled before he had his head in his hands. He was crazy for the girl.
"Ok, ok, I need to know her name or how she looks."
Jerry said calmly.
"She didn't tell me her fucking name. B-but she had like long brown curly hair, she is very pretty, quite tall and tanned, and uhm, oh yeah, she had really pretty green eyes, her eyes are amazing."
Elvis explained eagerly.
"Ok, me and the boys will go out and look for her. Do you wanna come with?"
Jerry asked.
Elvis scoffed.
Not long after, they were all in the car, driving around town, looking for the mysterious girl. They drove from street to block, to house, to highway. Still no sign of her. Elvis was growing impatient. He sat in the car, feet tapping on the floor, hands fidgeting, and his breath was heavy. They had driven everywhere, and there was no hope left. The driver pulled back into Graceland. They all stepped out of the car. Elvis didn't say a word. He just walked inside with his head and shoulders down. He walked through the door before kicking off his shoes. He made his way up to his bedroom, completely ignoring that his wife was trying to hug him. He slammed the door shut before slouching on his desk chair. He threw his expensive glasses straight at the wall. He watched them shatter as he grunted.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
He yelled as he hit his fist against the desk. His chest moved up and down as he tried to gain his breath back. He leaned back into the chair as the thoughts of the girl came flooding back.
1970- spring- the night of the show-
Elvis was backstage, getting suited up for the show. He wore a white jumpsuit that flared at his calfs. It was studded with real diamonds that shimmering and twinkled. His hair was jet-black and slightly messy, yet it was still sexy. He began to warm himself up when Jerry interrupted him. He held out a small crinkled up letter in front of Elvis.
"What's this?"
Elvis asked as his hands took the letter.
"I don't know, some girl just told me to give it to you."
Jerry said as he looked at Elvis. Elvis opened up the letter. It read:
Hiya,Elvis. It's me, the girl that helped you that one night. Don't ask how I know this, but I know that you miss me, I know that you think of me all the time, even when you're with your wife. You're a nice man and all, but I'm different. I can't be with you, I can't be with anyone. I'm not like other girls, I can do things that no one else can do. So you gotta let it go, you gotta let me go. It's not good to like another woman whilst you're married, Elvis. And my name is Carmen xx.
Elvis just stared at the letter in awe, he needed a moment to take it all in. He looked at Jerry with his beady eyes.
"That girl that gave you this letter, that's the girl that helped me, its her."
Elvis said as his hands began to tremble slightly.
"Where did she go, find her, now."
Elvis instructed Jerry. He instantly obeyed. As Elvis was preparing for the show, Jerry was driving around trying to find the girl, Carmen. He observed every street, hunting her down. After a long search, he returned with no Carmen. It was like a game of cops and robbers, robbers always run away.
Jerry parked his car outside and made his way to Elvis. He walked into the changing room where Elvis stood, singing to warm his vocal cords. Elvis turned to look at Jerry who stood in the doorway.
Elvis said as he raised his eyebrows. Jerry sighed before replying.
"She's gone, I couldn't find her. I'm sorry, Elvis."
Elvis's face dropped as his head bowed. He just wafted his hand, signalling that Jerry needed to leave. Elvis just stood there in silence, waiting for his queue to go on stage, as well as thinking about Carmen.
Not long after, Elvis was singing and dancing on the grand stage, in front of thousands of people, women mostly. His hip thrusts and leg movements were toned down, and his singing wasn't powerful. It was like he was drained. He didn't seem to be enjoying his time on stage. All he could think of was Carmen, her emerald eyes, curly hair, and tanned skin. He loved the way that her freckles were individually placed on her nose. He loved that she was tall and slim. He loved everything about her. As his show came to an end, he started to interact with the audience.
"Can I ask for the house lights to be turned on. Now that you've all seen me, I would like to see you."
He said as he forced a pathetic smile on his face. The lights illuminated each and every person who watched him. They were all starstruck by his handsome face, tall figure, dark hair, and his cold blue eyes. He scanned the audience as he told jokes and stories.
"Anyway, I will miss you all till we meet aga-"
He paused as his eyes landed on a familiar person. Her curly hair draped over her shoulders as her green eyes locked with his. It was Carmen. She stood at the back of the audience as if she were hidden away. She wore a short white dress that flowed at her hips. The white belt that rested on her waist was studded with small diamonds. Her pastel eyeshadow and pink lips complimented the pink ribbon in her curly hair. Elvis gulped loudly into the microphone as he looked at her in awe. She just smiled before waving. She looked back to him as she walked into the shadows as she disappeared once again. Elvis stood on stage in silence as he tried to take in what had just happened. He snapped out of his thoughts as he realised that he had just completely froze in front of a live audience. His hand travelled to the back of his neck as he nervously looked at the confused audience.
"Uhm, the shows over. I love you a-all."
He said shortly before rushing off the stage.
Ever since that night, he looked for Carmen everywhere he went. Elvis spent many weeks looking for Carmen. He was always scanning his surroundings just in case she was lurking in the shadows. Elvis was desperate for the girl. He spent many hours walking on fields, roads, and alleyways in hopes of finding her. He had started to lose hope, but he never lost the love that he felt for her.
1970- summertime.
It was a hot summer day, and Elvis was taking a walk along a field. But this time, he wasn't looking for Carmen, he was just trying to look for an escape. An escape from all of the cameras and fans. The field wasn't too far from his home. It was filled with all types of wildlife and different flowers. As he walked on the path, birds sang sweet melodies. He scanned the beautiful flowers. He stopped when he noticed something in the field.It was hard to make out what it was. He walked closer until he was able to see what it was. It was a girl. She seemed to be making daisy chains. Her long brown hair that had small flowers in it flowed down her back and spilled onto the green grass, her tanned skin shining in the sun, and her short pink dress hugged her waist perfectly. She looked beautiful. Elvis would never miss an opportunity to talk to a beautiful girl. He was a married man, but he wasn't happy with his marriage. She heard his footsteps grow closer. She turned around to look at Elvis. Both of their faces dropped as they locked eyes.
She said under her breath as she secretly rolled her eyes.
Elvis looked at her with a smile on his face. She just nodded as she flashed a slight smile.
"I've missed ya so much."
Elvis said.
"I know. But you can't miss me."
She said as her eyes locked with his. Elvis happily sat down next to her. He turned to look at her angelic face. Her freckles were perfectly placed, and her eyes were a bright green. Elvis was in love by just looking at her. Her long curls hugged her back and seeped along her arms. He slowly lifted his hand up so that his fingers would be able to play with her hair.
"But how am I meant to do that when you showed up to my show and you even wrote me a letter."
She let out a sigh before speaking.
"I showed up to your show because I needed to check on you. I needed to see if you were alright. Cause I've ruined your marriage, I know how you argue with your wife because of me."
"Oh, don't worry about my marriage, I just want you. I think I'm falling for ya."
Elvis said as he admired the girl.
"Elvis, you don't know a single thing about me, how are you falling for me?"
She asked as she batted her long eyelashes.
"That's why I wanna get to know you."
He said as his hands continued to intwien with her long curls.
"Elvis, you don't get it. You just don't get it"
She said as she let out a small sigh.
"Don't get what?"
"I have told you that we can't be together, but you've already forgotten even though I just said it."
She said as she looked at the ground.
"Listen, I didn't forget what you said, I just don't wanna listen. I know that we can be toughether, I don't care if you are different."
He said as he tucked a stray hair behind her ear.
"Elvis, do you realise how silly you sound right now. You want to be with me even though I have only ever spoken to you once before."
She said as she let out a sarcastic giggle.
"How could a man not fall for you. You're beautiful."
Carmen just shook her head as if she was disappointed.
"Can we just have a little chat or something? You can't just leave a man with nothing."
He said. A smile formed on her lips, she couldn't disappoint a man like him.
"Tell me about yourself, I wanna really know you."
"Ok, well. I'm a witch, basically"
She said as she continued to make her daisy chain.
"That's hot."
Elvis said with a slight chuckle.
"It's not funny, it's embarrassing."
She said as she playfully hit him.
"Why is it embarrassing? I think it's cool."
"I have to hide from everyone since they will probably attack me."
"You're safe with me, I ain't gonna let no one attack you."
Elvis said as he held her hand.
"Ok, and how are you gonna protect me?"
She asked whilst giggling.
"You can be my princess, and I will be the Prince. I will keep you by my side, you will always be with me. And if anyone tries anything funny, I'm just gonna have to fight them."
Elvis said before laughter escaped both of their mouths.
Elvis paused for a second as his eyes traced her pretty face and perfect body. He was amazed that a girl could be this beautiful.
"You're a really pretty girl, like really pretty."
Elvis sad as he carresed her cheek.
Carmen said as she tried to hide her cheeky smile. She looked down at her daisy chain. She smiled before speaking.
"I wanna give you this."
She said as she held it up proudly.
"What is it?"
Elvis asked.
"A daisy necklace."
"Why are ya giving it to me, are ya.... falling for me."
Elvis asked sarcastically. She rolled her eyes before replying to his silly comment.
"No, it's just you're first person that talks to me. You know, you're kind to me."
She said as her smile began to fade.
"I will always talk to you, I mean, it's the least I could do after you helped me and made me fall for you."
Carmen's smile reappeared, her smile gave light to Elvis's eyes. Elvis took the daisy chain out of her grasp. She happily watched him put it on carefully. Once it was on, he looked into her cartoon eyes.
"Now I have a gift for you."
He said before leaning towards her. Without warning, he planted his soft pink lips on hers. Their tounges danced toughether passionately. Elvis could feel the smirk through Carmen's plump lips. After a few more seconds, he pulled away. He looked at her face just to see a wide smile on her pretty face. There was definitely a spark between them, there was no doubt about it.
"Let's get away from here. We are too close to the city."
Epvis said as he held onto her head.
They both got up and started walking along the greenery. As they walked, she did cartwheels with bare feet. She ran, skipped, and jumped like a child. She was only a teenager, after all. Elvis just chuckled as he watched her be happy and free. They walked until they reached a supermarket. It was far from the city, which meant that he wouldn't have fans all over him. They looked around before they stopped at a sunglasses stall.
"Do you want a pair?
Elvis asked as he pulled out his wallet. Carmen just nodded and pointed at red, heart-shaped sunglasses. Elvis just giggled as he grabbed them and placed a couple of dollar bills on the table. He handed them over to Carmen, who was filled with happiness. She put them on eagerly as she giggled.
"Ya look good."
Elvis said whilst smiling.
"I know, right. They are lovely! Thankyou."
She said as she desperately hugged him. The feeling of his hands wrapped around her body warmed her heart. It was like they were bound to fall in love.
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mrs-takami-keigo · 4 months
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Chapter 6
Main Pairing: Hawks/Quinn(OC)
Story Rating: Explicit! 18+
Genre: Romance/Action/ Smut
Words: 2.7K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
The next morning, Daichi gave me a ride back to the apartment. It was still early, so not that many people were on the streets yet. I looked out the window as the buildings passed me. Something about what happened last night didn’t settle right with me. It’s not like this was the first time I’ve ever done this. I was still a woman at the end of the day, so of course I had needs. I knew I would never see Daichi again, which was fine; that’s not upsetting me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt the car stop.
 “Thanks for the ride, Daichi.” I turned to him, flashing a small smile. He was great. After everything last night, I told him that this was a one-time thing. He fully understood why and also said he wasn’t looking to get into a relationship with a pro-hero, which I fully understand. 
“No problem, Phoenix. Just don’t be a stranger at the club; any friend of Mirko’s is a friend of mine.” He smiled back at me. 
Pulling off my seatbelt, I reached over, giving him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. I opened the car door, saying my goodbyes as I walked to the entrance of the building. 
“Quinn?” I was digging through my bag, not noticing the presence standing at the door. Looking up, I felt my heart sink. Hawks stood by the door, a tray of coffee in one hand and what looked like a box of pastries in the other. He wore grey sweatpants, a plain black t-shirt, a baseball hat, and sneakers. His wings still hadn’t grown back yet, and the wounds on his face were still healing. 
“Hawks, what are you doing here?” I walked closer to him, and I watched as his eyes followed the black sports car as it made a right on the next block. 
“Who was that?” His voice was soft, almost distant, as he spoke. 
“A friend of Mirko’s drove me home. We went out last night.” I could see on his face that he had more questions but decided against asking them. “You want to come up?” 
As if flipping a switch Hawks smiled his signature smile at me. "Yeah, I got you breakfast.” 
“You didn’t have to be a be a silly bird.” Hawks was walking next to me, and with my heels on, I was slightly taller than him. 
“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. And may I say you look stunning in that dress?” His hawk-like gaze traveled up from my legs to my face. For some reason, I felt self-conscious as he looked at me. 
“You think so? I feel gross for being in this outfit all night, and I know my makeup and hair are a mess.” I had turned to face the wall next to me, trying to see my reflection. 
“You always look stunning, Quinn.” Hawks had moved closer to me, his chest pressing against my back. Something felt off about him. Hawks always had a certain body heat radiating off of him. But now he felt cold, almost like an ominous chill in human form. 
Turning around, I put my hand on his chest, trying to push him away. “Backup Hawks.” He grabbed my wrist, squeezing it hard enough to know that if he held it any longer, it would leave a mark. “What the fuck Hawks let go!” 
“Why Quinn!? Don’t you love me?!” There was a tone in his voice that I knew wasn't like Hawks. He doesn’t talk like this, and he sure as hell would never grab me like this. 
“Who are you?!” I was inside my building, which meant I couldn’t use my fire. I had to think quickly and get whoever this person was as far away as possible. 
I watched as the skin of the impersonator melted away. Soon a brighter blonde head peaked through, and soon a young girl with a manic expression on her face was in my full view. I knew this girl, Himiko Toga. 
“Oh no, that’s so sad! You don’t love him, do you?” 
“Shut up, you bitch!” With a nod of my head, I watched as she flew back, sending her through the double glass doors. I followed her, pure rage seeping through my pores. 
She tumbled against the sidewalk as I made my way outside. I had to get her as far away from the building as possible. 
“How did you know where I lived!?” That smile was sinister. I could feel chills running down my spine as she wiped the blood that fell from the corner of her mouth. 
“We have our ways, Phoenix.” I looked behind me and felt my blood boil. Out of the black wormhole stepped a guy with white hair, hands all over his body, and a hand covering his face. I had already read all the reports in the league to know that this was their leader, Shigaraki. Right behind him was the one man I swear that I personally took down. 
“Dabi!” His name tasted like rat poison as it slipped from my tongue. I could see civilians who were on their way to work starting to either stop and stare, pull out their phones, or run for the hills. 
‘Smart choice.’ I thought as I kicked off my heels,assessing the situation I was currently facing. Behind me was the entrance to my building, which I now have to move out of. Shigaraki moved in front of me, with Dabi to his right and Toga to his left. ‘Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.’
“You don’t seem much of a challenge, Ms. New Hero." The voice that came out of the guy in front of me sounded like he had an inch in his throat, a voice that I would always remember. 
“That’s funny coming from scum who will soon be in handcuffs.” My voice was even; I didn’t want them to see just how fucked I was in this situation. Dabi alone was tough for me to handle with no backup, but fighting all three at once wasn’t smart.
“I don’t think that’s wise. See, last time I checked, we have the upper hand here.” Dabi said, his blue flame circulating around his long fingers. He had a smirk on his face, and I wanted nothing more than to rip off those stupid staples. 
“What do you want?” I was never one to back down from a fight, no matter the odds; it just wasn’t part of my nature. 
"Why, we just wanted to bring you a housewarming gift.” Another black warp popped out between us, and a man in a long yellow trench coat came out holding what looked like a person. My eyes widened as I realized who he was holding. There in front of me was Daichi, gagged and hands tied behind his back. He had a fresh cut on his hairline, tears falling from his eyes. My heart sank to the bottom of my chest. 
“No!” I went to reach for him, but Dabi shot a warning fire at my feet, preventing me from getting any closer. I growled through my teeth as I glared at him. 
There was no way I could start an all-out brawl here in front of everyone, endangering more innocent lives. “I will ask again, what do you want?” I could feel my own flames start to ignite around my body, my emotions getting the better of me. 
"Well, it’s very simple; we just want to see all your heroes fall from your pedestal.” The scratchy voice guy said as he raised his hands. 
“That will never happen!” I had to take a risk; I had to try and save Daichi. Without another beat, I set off a ring of flames to enclose us inside. The people that were around started to back away from us, leaving me enough room to do what I needed to do. 
I had to take out the easiest one in the group, Toga. Using my flames as rockets, I got behind her, bringing up my elbow, and slammed it down on the junction between her neck and shoulder. She let out a curdled scream before crumbling to the ground. 
'Good, I hit a pressure point.’ I pointed my hand in the direction of the trench coat guy, chocking him. He released his hold on Daichi, clutching at his neck. In a swift movement, I used my other hand to direct Daichi to the front doors of the building, crashing him through the doors. With him out of the way, I knew I didn’t have to worry about him getting hurt. 
“You little bitch!” I looked up and saw that Shigaraki was running at me; his right hand extended out. I knew about his decaying quirk. If I let him touch me, it was light out for me. Releasing my hold on the other villain, I shot my flames in his direction. I had to keep him at a distance; the further away, the better. 
“Burn in hell!”
“Not before you!” Dabi stepped in front of him, and I watched as blue flames met my orange and yellow ones. Between the circle of fire, my own flames shooting out of my hands, and Dabi’s ungodly flames, I wasn’t sure how long I could keep this up. I could feel my dress start to burn away from my body; the hem of the dress was slowly turning a burnt brown. 
The next thing I saw was a bright flash and an explosion, sending the rest of the villains flying back. Myself included. 
"Die, you scum!” I knew that voice. I looked up and saw fluffy blonde hair come down from the sky. Bakugo shot off more explosions down our way. 
‘This kid really doesn’t care about who was around.’
"Phoenix, are you okay?” I felt a gloved hand on my shoulder as I tried to stabilize myself from the blast. 
“Deku, what are you doing here?” Turning over my shoulder, I could see the sweet freckles in the in the boys eyes. He looked worried as he helped me. 
“We have our provisional license, and we were out on patrol when we saw your flames.” I could hear Bakugou still on a rampage, trying to cause the villains as much damage as possible. 
I reached over to my shoulder, giving the young boys hands a pat and letting him know that I was grateful to them for showing up as they  had. But I couldn’t put these kids in harm's way. 
“BAKUGOU! TAKE CARE OF THOSE TWO!” I called out to the raging teen. I can see him look over as he dodges out of Dabi’s range of fire blasts. I noticed that Toga was starting to regain consciousness, as was the other guy. If I had Deku and Bakugou deal with them, I could deal with the vermin in front of me. 
“Let’s dance, boys.” I smirked; it was better knowing that I had backup now. Using my fire again, I zoomed over to Dabi. Judging by how he uses his flames to keep his opponents at a distance, it meant that close combat wasn’t his specialty. I could see that he was gearing up to blast another blue-fire brigade at me. I changed my trajectory, shooting up. 
Before he knew it, I was behind him. Turning my body, I raised my right leg, sending it flying into his side. He gasped for air as he was sent flying to the side, almost stumbling right into my wall of flames. Not giving him a second to breathe, I used my telekinesis to shoot him up into the air, only to slam him back down on his back. I knew he wasn’t dead; that would be too easy. 
“Bitch!” I heard it as I saw a pale hand reach over my shoulder, attempting to grab my throat. Ducking down, I swiped my leg around in a circle, tripping Shigaraki. 
He fell forward clumsily and said, “This your first fight, chappy?” I laughed while watching as he scrambled to get up. I looked over to check on the two U.A. students, only to see their hands full of fighting Toga. She was elusive, dodging each of the attacks that they sent her. I could see that she was honed in on Deku, causing Bakugou to get angry, which made him slightly sloppy. 
“Wait..” I frantically searched for the fourth guy. He was no longer on the ground; it wasn’t until I felt a punch in my gut that I realized where and who he was. The magician. He must have put himself in one of those marble things while we were busy. 
“Too slow, little lady.” I was doubled over, holding my stomach, when he sent an uppercut to my chin. Metallic—that’s all I tasted in my mouth. I gasped for air, causing the blood that pooled in my mouth to fly out. 
“Phoenix!” I could hear the two boys shout. They started to run towards me, but I put my hand up, signaling them to stop. 
“Stand down.” I growled. They had successfully subdued Toga, completely knocking her out. They both stopped staring as Shigaraki came up behind me, kicking me in the back. Having used both my quirks at the same time, plus not fully healing just yet from phoenix rising, my body wasn’t ready to exert this much yet. 
"Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” I felt as Shigaraki sent another kick to my side, causing me to fall on my knees. My head was down, and both arms were still wrapped around my body. I had to end this; I had a duty to protect those two boys. 
I felt someone grab my hair, pulling it and forcing me to look up. It was the magician, Shigaraki, standing above me. 
“One of the greats, Phoenix herself, was killed by the league of villains.” He had removed the hand that covered his face, and I could see red eyes stare back at me. I am thrilled and delighted to have you in this position. 
At that moment, everything moved in slow motion; his hand was making its way to my throat, ready to send me off into oblivion. The feeling of his cold middle finger touched my skin; all I saw was red.
“Not today, you fucker.” I had to push through; I wasn’t ready to die, and not by his damned hands. The ground started to sizzle around his feet, and the soles of his red sneakers began to melt. The temperature increased not only around us but also in my body. 
“What the fuck?!” Shigaraki took a step back, mouth open, as I started to stand to my feet. The magician let my hair go as fire started to surround my body. His hand suddenly burned from the contact. Standing on both feet, my arms still at my side, my shoulders hunched, and my head down, I took a staggering step towards the man. 
He tried to run, but I grabbed his neck; my whole body was on fire, literally. I could hear his skin sizzle as I kept my hand in his throat, his red eyes wide, clawing at my arm. 
“What? Don't you like being chocked?” I smirked at him. I could see the fright in his eyes, his neck burning as he was trying to croak something out. 
“KUROGIRI!” It was the magician again. I hissed as I turned my head towards him. The next thing I knew, there was a black goo coming out of everyone’s mouth. I jumped away, the flames diminishing as I did so. Shigaraki crumbled to the floor once I let go, gasping for air, but not before he stared at me. We locked eyes; he didn’t even need to speak; his eyes said it all. 
He wanted me dead. I looked back at him with the same look. I knew, as heroes, we should never act on it. He’ll never think it, but I wanted him dead. 
Just as fast as they had appeared, the group was gone. Once I knew they were gone, I released the flames around us, with onlookers gawking at the sight. There I stood, my dress barely hanging on, and two young heroes rushed towards me as I fell to my knees once again, blacking out.
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wildrangers · 2 years
If You're a Bird, I'm a Bird / Ryan Lindgren
Word Count: 4.6K
Enemies(ish) to Friends to Lovers
Warnings: *MINORS DNI* Smut (oral {f receiving}, protected sex, mild dirty talk, praise kink), cursing, drinking, mentions of previous toxic relationship
In the time Hanna finished showing you around her and Adam’s first home together, the housewarming party was in full swing. “It’s beautiful, but really, we both know why I’m here” you replied, grinning at the annoyance in her face.
“Fine, let’s go find Stewie” she replied and you followed as she led you into the main living area.
You spotted Adam caught up in conversation with who you assumed were some of his teammates. A small yip caught your attention as the small puppy you’d been looking for flew towards you.
“Stewie Doo!” you cheered, leaning down to scoop him up. “Watch the makeup, dude” you laughed as he began kissing your face.
“Y/N! I didn’t see you get here, how are you?” Adam asked, giving you a hug. Before you could answer, a man’s voice called out, “I can’t believe you left me dude!”
You glanced up to see a bearded guy smiling at Stewie, who began wiggling in excitement.
“Hey, I just got him” you joked, holding the puppy closer. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Alexis” he grinned, hand outstretched to shake yours. Hanna must have trusted you two would get along because she and Adam left to make their rounds.
“I’m guessing you play with Adam?” you asked, glancing over to the group of guys he’d separated himself from while attempting to steal Stewie back.  
“Yup, how do you know the happy couple?”
Conversation flowed easily between you as you told him funny stories from when you and Hanna had worked together. Turned out Hanna was right in assuming you two would be fast friends.  “Want to meet some of the other guys?”
“Sure” you smiled, grateful for an in with a group since you didn’t know anyone there but Hanna and Adam.
“Guys! This is Y/N. Y/N, this is Key, Ryan, and Braden” he said, pointing to each guy as he said their name.
“Nice to meet you all” you smiled before setting down a newly whining Stewie who bee-lined it for Ryan. “Here I thought Alexis was the competition for Stewie’s affection.”
“Nah, me and Stewie here go way back” he quipped and you laughed. You quickly stopped when he didn’t join you; maybe you’d misread his tone. Awkward silence descended until Alexis, thankfully, started up the conversation again.
Several hours later, your mind wandered back to the party as you drove home. You’d easily gotten along with the guys, except for Ryan, who didn’t say a single word to you following that initial, awkward encounter. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be at too many other gatherings that Hanna and Adam hosted.  
“Maybe you can talk to her this time, yeah?” Alexis teased Ryan causing his frown to deepen.
“Oh, fuck off Laf” he grumbled, walking away as his teammate laughed.
“Need anything in here?” Ryan offered as he entered the kitchen.
“Boys giving you a hard time?” Hanna questioned, probably noting his blush reddened cheeks.
“If you and Foxy hadn’t insisted Y/N and I would hit it off, maybe I would have acted half normal when I met her” he sighed.
“We didn’t mean to freak you out! I just thought you two could be a good match but she would absolutely murder me if I even suggested it.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, when we first met, she’d just gotten out of a really shit relationship, so the timing sucked. And the better I got to know her the more I learned she hated being set up with people. Another coworker tried and she ghosted the guy out of spite.”
Ryan felt his lips quirk up at the anecdote. “So, it falls to me to be sneaky about it?”
“Oh, stop it. You don’t have to be sneaky, I just wanted to plant the seed in that thick skull of yours.”
“Which I warned her was a bad idea” Adam chimed in, entering the kitchen and shooting his girlfriend a look.
“Yes, he did, but he also agreed you’d get along and, of the two of you, you’d be the better one to nudge in the right direction.”
“Which really says more about Y/N than you” Adam teased and Hanna jokingly smacked his shoulder as the doorbell rang.
“Ryan, could you greet whoever that is?” Hanna asked sweetly and he shot her a mock glare before doing as requested.
He pointedly ignored Laf and Key shooting him thumbs ups as he made his way to the front door. He took a deep breath as he pulled it open, revealing you standing on the doorstep.
“Hey, Y/N, right?” he asked, he thought, fairly smoothly.
“Yup, that’s me” you grinned at him and he felt his nerves fully kick in; he was noticing your smile did that to him.
“Hanna sent me to let you in, her and Adam are finishing up in the kitchen” he explained, moving out of the way so you could escape the cold.
“Sorry you got stuck with the task.”
“Well, someone’s got to do it, right?” he joked but you only nervously smiled at him before going to greet Key and Laf.
The rest of the evening passed in much the same way. You joked and laughed easily with everyone but shut down when he tried to join in, to the point that he finally gave up and just stayed quiet. He felt his heart drop as you gave everyone a hug goodbye before simply shooting him a little wave.
“Why can’t Laf be Adam’s best friend?” you grumbled as you and Hanna got ready to meet up with them.
“What’s with you? Ryan’s seriously one of the nicest guys.”
“He basically told me I was a burden to interact with last time I saw him!” you scoffed.
“Babe, he has a dry sense of humor, like you do with literally everyone but him” Hanna chastised.
“I tried! When we first met, I joked with him and he looked at me like I had eight heads and all of them offended him” you grumbled. Truth be told, that initial meeting had left a bad enough taste in your mouth that you hadn’t really given him another chance the next time you saw him.
“You’re impossible, that’s just his face” Hanna insisted but you didn’t feel like arguing anymore.
An hour or so later, you were seated at a high-top table with Hanna, Adam, and Ryan; a few other guys had stopped by to greet you but went off with their own partners or friends to celebrate their win. You’d think that a win would put Ryan in a good mood but he still sat there, slightly scowling, while conversation flowed around him. When Hanna’s favorite song came on, she pulled Adam onto the dance floor, leaving you and Ryan in awkward silence.
“Hey, do you think you could grab me another drink?” you asked. “My heels are killing me or else I’d go myself.”
“Sure, vodka cranberry?” he asked and you were shocked he’d noticed your drink of choice.
“Yeah, thanks” you smiled, handing him your debit card.
“No worries, I got it.”
“No, I insist” you said and his lips flattened into a grimace as he took your card and headed to the bar.
You had a wonderfully calm few moments to yourself, taking in the crowd and chuckling at some antics the other guys were getting into when you felt a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N?”
You turned, expecting to see Laf or Ryan but your blood turned cold as your eyes met your ex’s.
“Can I help you with something Kyle?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Shit, just wanted to see how you were. No need to be such a bitch” he smirked, knowing how much that would upset you and doing it anyway. You tried hiding your shaking hands in your lap before he saw them.
“Well, I was fine until you showed up. Now can you leave?”
“You’d really treat an old friend like that?”
“She said she’d like you to leave.”
Ryan turned from the bar to see a smarmy looking guy with you. He’d planned to hang by the bar for a minute to give you two privacy but changed his mind when he saw your shaky hands beneath the table and remembered Hanna mentioning you had a shitty ex. As he made his way to you, he caught the tail end of the conversation.
“She said she’d like you to leave” he said sternly, settling your drink in front of you on the table before placing himself between you and the man.
“Oh sorry, didn’t realize I was interrupting a date” the guy said, shooting you a look that made Ryan see red.
“You’re not but I’d still suggest you leave.”
“Or what?”
Ryan chuckled, like he did when someone challenged him on the ice. “So, I could easily rock your shit myself but see that guy dancing? Oh and that pair at the bar? We could all meet you outside if you’d like” he replied, sending the dude a menacing grin. The guy tried to hold Ryan’s gaze but quickly turned and fled.
“Are you okay?” Ryan asked quietly, finally turning to face you. His heart sank at the terror in your eyes and how queasy your expression looked. You shook your head, chugging the drink he’d set down. “Let me get Hanna.”
Before you could answer, he went and retrieved her, quickly filling her in as they walked back to the table. Hanna helped you up onto shaky legs as Adam placed a hand on your back to guide you out of the bar, his girlfriend whispering soothing words in your ear the whole way. It wasn’t until he watched your taxi leave that he realized he still had your debit card in his pocket.
The next morning was a Sunday, which you were immensely thankful for. Last night was still replaying in your mind when your phone buzzed on your nightstand. Figuring it was Hanna checking in, you grabbed it only to see a text from a number you didn’t recognize.
It’s Ryan, Hanna gave me your number. I have your card. I can drop it off if you want.
You chuckled to yourself, unsurprised that he was such a stale texter. You mulled over his offer. He’d really saved your ass last night and you felt a flood of gratitude fill your chest. You weren’t sure you liked him but he’d certainly helped you in a way he had no obligation to.
Let me come to you, I need to get out of the house anyway. Text me your address and I’ll come by in a couple hours?
All he sent back was a thumbs up emoji followed by his address. You realized it was only a few blocks away and figured the walk there would be good to clear your head. You got out of bed and preheat the oven—baking also steadied your mind and cookies made a nice thank you gift.
The next few hours were spent whipping up chocolate chip cookies and making yourself look somewhat presentable to head out into the world. The crisp air grounded you on the short walk to his apartment building. You sent him a text you were there and the front door immediately buzzed open for you.
You didn’t expect to see him waiting in his doorway, shooing someone back into the apartment behind him. “Hey” you greeted, feeling shy all of a sudden. You hadn’t really thought about how it would feel to be alone with Ryan, especially at his place.
“Hey, sorry, want to stop in for a minute? Jax here loves to run for it whenever he can” he smiled, gesturing behind himself. Confusion flooded your mind as your heart fluttered at his smile and you realized it was the first time you’d ever seen it.
“Sure, I come bearing gifts anyway” you smiled back, holding up the cookies. Ryan moved just enough to let you in while keeping his body between you and the large dog behind him. “Hi there, Jax.”
At the mention of his name, Jax turned his attention from the door to you, his tail wagging eagerly at the attention. You offered the plate to Ryan before leaning down to pet him, surprised to see a smaller dog wander out from another room to join you. “And who are you, cutie?” you cooed.
“That would be Jasper. And you didn’t have to bring me anything” he replied and you glanced up to see his cheeks pinken.
“Jasper, so nice to meet you” you said, giving both dogs a final pet before standing. “I know, but I wanted to thank you. I really appreciated what you did for me yesterday.”
“Y/N, you don’t need to thank me. Are you doing okay today?” he asked, eyes searching your face in a surprisingly gentle way.
“I’ve been better but yeah, I’m alright. He’s a real prick.”
“Yeah, I noticed that much” he quipped. He seemed to be trying to match your tone and joke it away but you noticed the anger that lingered in his eyes.
“I don’t want to keep you though, I just wanted to bring you those and grab my card. I’m sure you have practice or something soon.”
“I’m actually off today and don’t really know what to do with myself” he admitted, laughing quietly to himself. “Would you like a drink? I’m dying to try one of these.”
“Sure, water is good” you replied, quickly grabbing a cookie before he took the plate with him into the kitchen. You took the chance to look around his apartment while his back was to you and you nearly choked on your cookie.
“You okay over there?” he called as you fought for your breath back. You couldn’t quite answer so he returned to check on you, face paling as he noticed what had caught your attention. He grimaced as he handed you the water bottle that he’d gotten for you.
“The Notebook?” you questioned, suppressing a laugh.
“Yeah, it’s my favorite movie” he admitted, avoiding your gaze.
“You’re shitting me.”
“I am not!” he replied defensively and you finally let your laugh out. “Great, the first time I make you laugh and it’s at me not one of my jokes.”
As you caught your breath, you noticed a cat tree in the hallway. “You have cats too? I’d pinned you for a dog guy.”
“What does that mean?”
“I don’t know, you’re just this big, stoic guy I assumed you’d have dogs” you admitted, now feeling embarrassed at your assumption.
“I’ll have you know Lily and Luna are actually my favorites” he countered and you felt your eyebrows shoot up. “I may as well just show you.”
He made his way down the hallway without another word so you followed. He turned left and gestured for you to enter the room. “No fucking way” you breathed out, taking it in.
The entire room was dedicated to his pets. There were shelves strategically built into the wall for the cats, who were snoozing in a window seat, to climb. There were at least half a dozen beds of varying sizes, tons of toys strewn everywhere, and a cabinet full of their food and treats.
“Holy shit, this is amazing” you breathed out, shocked at the love that had clearly been poured into this room.
“You think so?”
“I mean, it shows you’re actually just a big softie despite the tough guy act.”
“I do not have a tough guy act” he argued and you shot him a look. “I can’t help what my resting face looks like and if I recall correctly, you weren’t exactly the warmest person. At least not to me anyways.”
You felt guilt hit you, sharp and painful. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”
He seemed surprised by your admission but just nodded. “I’m sorry too, I know I don’t make great first impressions.”
You two stood in awkward silence before you finally spoke up. “So, I’ve never actually seen The Notebook.”
“Well, we should fix that, don’t you think?”
“Birdie, can you grab me the bag of pretzels while you’re in there?” Ryan called from the living room.
You rolled your eyes at the nickname he’d given you that first day you’d spent together. After watching The Notebook, you’d admitted it was a sweet movie but had teased him relentlessly about how obsessed he was with it.
“I can’t believe you don’t love it! I mean, ‘If you’re a bird, I’m a bird?’”
“So, you’re a softie and a secret romantic” you’d goaded and he’d rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, birdie.”
Despite you arguing for months now that it was a dumb nickname, your protests had only made him dig his heels in more. Hanna found it endearing but Adam agreed with you. While the four of you hung out, most of the time it was just you and Ryan at his apartment. You were obsessed with his animals and they quickly grew attached to you, to the point that when Ryan had road games you just crashed in his guest room and took care of them so he didn’t have to get a sitter.
“Dude, you finished the pretzels yesterday, I told you that” you chastised and he groaned in annoyance. You smirked at his bad memory and grabbed a bag of popcorn for him instead.
“Will this do?” you questioned settling in beside him.
“Given what you’re about to put me through, it’s the least you could do” he frowned, digging into his snack as he hit play. It was your turn to pick and Ryan wasn’t pleased that you’d chosen a horror movie.
“Big baby” you teased, knocking your shoulder into his. He proved you right by jumping and swearing every five minutes, finally curling up beneath a blanket. Once it was over, he left to use the restroom and you were playing on your phone when his lit up on the couch. You noted an unfamiliar name had sent the text…who the fuck was Rose?
Jealousy surged into you, unexpected and fierce. You had no claim to him but that didn’t stop your chest from aching. Since your friendship had started off so tensely, you’d tried pushing your growing feelings for Ryan as far down as they’d go—you didn’t want to complicate things.
Ryan returned a moment later and scooped up his phone, smiling at whatever Rose had messaged before typing his response. You heaved a big sigh before getting up to grab your coat.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked, surprised.
“Nothing, I’m just going to head home” you replied shortly.
“Bullshit, you’re pissed.”
“I’m not mad, just don’t want to interrupt you and Rose” you snapped before you could stop yourself. A long silence filled his apartment.
“Y/N?” Ryan questioned, amusement in his voice.
“What?” you sighed, refusing to turn around.
“Rose is my cousin.”
Jealousy was quickly replaced by embarrassment as you bent down to grab your shoes. “Y/N, stop just look at me” he begged.
You took a deep breath before finally facing him. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
“You don’t need to be sorry, just don’t leave” he requested quietly.
“Why not?”
“Because if I saw a random dude’s name on your phone, I’d react the same way.”
His admission hung in the air between you before you both surged for each other. Your lips crashed together and his hands quickly removed the coat you’d just put on, your own fingers finding the hem of his shirt and yanking it over his head.
Coherent thoughts left your mind as you pulled him back to you and felt his growing eagerness press into your stomach. You groaned at the sensation, making quick work of removing his jeans.
“No fair” he breathed out raggedly, shaky hands reaching for your shirt to even things out a bit more. You grinned at his comment, removing the sweatpants you’d stolen from him before palming him through his boxers “Fuck” he breathed out unevenly.
“Okay?” you questioned, noting his nerves.
“I’ve wanted this for months” he confessed, eyes boring into yours. The admission stole your breath away and him kissing you again didn’t help you regain it. Your tongues twined deliciously together as he backed you down the hallway. His hands, a bit steadier now, removed your bra somewhere between the living room and his bedroom. He gently nudged you onto the bed, hovering over you, one hand kneading your breast while the other teased the hem of your underwear.
“Please Ryan” you breathed out, bucking your hips up towards him. He smirked, dropping his head to suck on a nipple before placing teasingly gentle kisses along your stomach down to your hipbones. His blue eyes rose to meet yours as he slid your underwear off and you shivered in anticipation.
He spread your thighs, head dipping down to lick a slow, tantalizing strip up your center. You hissed at the contact and his hand pressed your hips down before they could buck up again.
“No patience” he chastised.
“I’ve been patient for months, Ryan, would you just, fuck—” he silenced your complaints by plunging a finger inside you.
“Better birdie?” he teased. You wanted to say something sarcastic back but he quickly added a second finger and dropped his lips to your clit which made forming a sentence impossible, so you just moaned in reply to his question.
He curled his fingers and found your spot quicker than any of your exes ever had. Between the steady pumping of his fingers and him sucking on your clit, you were writhing beneath him within moments. “Oh my god, Ryan” you breathed out, digging your heels into his back. 
“You’re already so wet for me” he breathed out, taking a second to glance up at you. The sheen of your arousal on his mouth made you all the more impatient so you sat up, dragging his face to yours. You moaned again at the taste of yourself on his tongue while his hands dug around in his nightstand for a condom. You flipped yourself on top of him once he was ready for you and sank onto his length.
“Shit, give me a minute” he ground out and it took all your willpower to just kiss him for a moment while he composed himself.
Ryan was overwhelmed. He’d wanted you since that first party and his desire had only deepened in the months your friendship had grown. Now, you were wrapped around him and his senses were in overdrive. He nodded into the kiss and you rolled your hips drawing a groan from both your mouths.
You rested your hands on his shoulder as you rocked into him and he opened his eyes to look at you. Your eyes were closed and your face looked more relaxed than he’d ever seen it. Your mouth was parted ever so slightly, your lips kiss swollen, and he finally let himself acknowledge that he was in love with you—that he had been for quite some time.
“God, you’re so beautiful” he breathed out, gently running a thumb over your cheek. Your eyes met his and he swore he saw the same emotion in them as you leaned down to capture his lips again. He wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer, your chests flush together as your tongues moved in perfect rhythm together. He noticed your movements were getting sloppier so he snuck a hand between you, finding your clit.
As soon as he ran his thumb over your bud, you pulled away to rest your forehead against his shoulder, your breath becoming more ragged as your speed picked up. “I’m so close Ryan, please don’t stop.”
“I’ve got you, birdie” he replied and to his surprise that nickname, the one you hated, was your undoing. As your walls clenched around him, he squeezed his eyes shut at the sensation. Your whines were driving him crazy and he quickly flipped you so you were beneath him.
You had barely caught your breath when Ryan was suddenly on top of you, plunging in even deeper as his hands roughly grabbed your hips. His eyes were shut and his face was twisted with pure pleasure as he set a rough, ruthless pace that quickly had your core tightening again.
“How the fuck are you going to make me cum again?” you breathed out without thinking and he laughed.
“Because you’re taking me so good” he praised and you whined in pleasure at his words. “You like that huh? Like being told what a good girl you are?”
“Fuck, yes, yes” you panted out, hand reaching between you to circle your clit.  You felt yourself tightening, the sound of skin slapping skin intoxicating.
He groaned at your response, his rhythm getting a little sloppy but his speed never letting up. Your eyes met and he dropped his forehead to yours, your breath mingling together. “I can feel how close you are. Cum for me” he demanded, his eyes locked on yours and your second orgasm tore through you at his command.
You fought the desire to close your eyes at the pleasure, even more desperate to see him come undone for you. The intensity of your gaze seemed to push him over the edge and he groaned as he slammed into you a few more times before stilling, buried deep inside you.
“Fuck, Y/N” he breathed shakily, forehead dropping to your shoulder. “That was incredible.”
“Yeah, you weren’t so bad yourself” you replied, trying to catch your breath. You stayed together like that for another moment before he gently pulled out and cleaned you two up. Your eyes remained shut as you slowly came down from your high and settled back into your body.
You felt the bed sink as he returned but you couldn’t make yourself open your eyes yet; you felt so peaceful, so safe, like this with Ryan and you wanted to relish in it.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen” he said quietly, and the sincerity in his voice made your throat tighten.
“You’re just saying that because we had mind-blowing sex” you replied, trying to downplay how much his words impacted you.
“Hey, look at me” he commanded quietly and your eyes drifted to his. “I’m saying that because I’ve thought it since I first saw you at that party.”
“You don’t have to say that, Ryan” you argued softly.
“But I want to, because it’s true. Why do you think I was such a weirdo that night? I was dumb struck.”
You chuckled at his words, finally turning to face him fully. Your thumb gently traced his cheekbone as you replied, “I’m sorry, I’m not very good at taking compliments.”
“You don’t need to be sorry” he insisted, his hand resting on your hip. “I have all the time in the world to show you I mean what I’m saying…if you’ll have me.”
“I want nothing more” you admitted, emotions swelling in your chest. He smiled and it knocked the wind out of you, the love and affection apparent on his face.
“Then I’m yours” he promised and you allowed yourself to believe him. But you also couldn’t help yourself from leaning in slowly, noting the catch in his breath as your lips met his ear.
“If you’re a bird, I’m a bird” you whispered.
“Oh, fuck off” he groaned, jokingly shoving you away as your giggles filled the room.
A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed! I have been wanting to write about grumpy man's obsession with The Notebook for a hot minute so I hope this finds its niche audience.
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