#ugh so so frustrated
drowningmoon · 20 days
Why are there like no parallels or mentions of Lydia and Aiden in thiam fics where pack acceptance is one of the main themes? Like seriously you're telling me Aiden DIED saying that Lydia never believed that he was one of the good guy and it DOESN'T haunt her? Lydia Martin would actually be one of the first people to accept Theo because this time she's going to believe that someone is a good guy who just made bad choices because she regrets whatever wrong she did with Aiden and it's her attempt to make peace with his death
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months
Genuine question but why don’t you like Radahn?
Radahn was one of my least favorite Demigods to begin with, second only to Godrick, but I didn't hate him per se; I was just highly indifferent. I mean his lore is super cool and all, stopping the stars and being a horse guy is neat, but he was never a thought in my mind. My disinterest in him is also partially thanks to his fans, mainly the weird dudebros if you know what I mean, along with the weird community vitriol surrounding the Malenia vs. Radahn fight. And the fact that I love Miquella thusly made me a member of team Malenia by default lol
So yeah, I could have cared less about Radahn.
But now with his inclusion in the DLC my apathy towards him evolved into annoyance and anger. He has no place in Miquella's story. There was nothing about him and Miquella in the base game. I dedicated the last two years of my life cataloguing the locations of every single Lily and Butterfly, every single item description, trace or hint of Miquella in the base game to sleuth together his story and what he could have been trying to achieve going to the Realm of Shadow, and there was absolutely nothing indicating something as ridiculous as a "romantic connection🤮" to Radahn, whereas the obvious Base Game connection for Miquella sending Malenia to kill him was the fact that Radahn held the fate of the stars and needed to die to set them free.
Miquella's base game lore heavily indicated that he was trying to revive Godwyns soul with the eclipse and, naturally, the eclipse is tied to the moon. And since the "moon" is responsible for the death of Godwyn that immediately puts a connection between Miquella and Ranni. And the fact that Ranni was entrusted the spirit summoning bell by Torrents former master, ie Miquella, and that she blatantly states that she is pleased to see that Torrent is doing well, means that there was potentially no bad blood between Miquella and Ranni despite Godwyns murder.
With this knowledge and the fact that they are both Empyreans, Ranni and Miquella had a stronger claim to a relationship with each other than Radahn ever did with Miquella. Same thing regarding Miquella and Godwyns relationship thanks to Golden Epitaph, the Eclipse, and the statue of them embracing in the Haligtree.
Radahn was never even a thought because there was no relationship between him and Miquella.
So with this, logically, I and many many people theorized that Miquella was going to the Realm of Shadow to revive Godwyn and since the stars were finally freed with Radahns death, Miquella's eclipse could finally come to fruition.
But no.
The real reason behind Miquella's motives is because he wanted to marry his brother.
The stupid bottom line is, forcefully having your favorite character shoved into a "relationship" with your least favorite character at the price of their lore, story, and characterization is a sure fire way to piss anyone off.
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litta-jpg · 1 year
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i've been experimenting with art styles lately so here's a vaguely victorian orphan-y looking tim
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arcanegifs · 2 years
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"I spent so many nights in that shitty prison. On the freezing floor, hungry, bloody, counting the hours. The only thing... The only thing that kept me going was the thought of getting back to you."
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I hate people who are like “AI allows me to do these things I wanted to do but can’t because I suck at it” do you think that every person before AI didn’t suck at what they were good at? Do you think it’s worth stealing other people’s passions so you can pretend you’re good at something instead of trying?
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3416 · 10 months
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Bruins @ Leafs | 12.02.23
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mossy-aro · 10 months
being aspec is weird sometimes because exploring my boundaries and (a)sexuality in my own way is such a personal and normal thing to do as you go through life but it feels like if you do something or experience something differently than aspec people are ‘supposed to’ it puts the validity of your whole identity in danger
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spitblaze · 5 months
Okay I've witnessed it happening enough in Queer Internet Circles that I think I can confidently say something about it.
Can we PLEASE stop picking arbitrary lgbt+ demographics out of a hat and having entire conversations about how they 'aren't actually queer' and 'taking valuable resources' for the crimes of 'some of them are cringe' or 'some of them are assholes' or 'they have a nebulous privilege over the rest of us so they're the oppressor, actually'.
Like look, some conversations are absolutely worth having. There's a lot of transmasc shitheads who latch on to toxic masculinity or seem to completely forget what it's like to navigate a world that considers you a woman, or completely fail to realize that being transgender yourself doesn't suddenly mean you don't have to examine yourself for internalized transphobia or transmisogyny. And that should be addressed, every community has its issues, no community is a monolith, no demographic is made up of entirely good smart righteous people or evil bad oppressive abusers. Obviously.
But I'm not talking about that!
I'm talking about people bringing up the same tired rhetoric they used when they tried to claim that nonbinary people are clout-chasing attention seekers who will keep cishet society from taking the rest of us seriously, that people used when they decided asexuals were actually cishets who co-opted our movement for their own personal gain, which was recycled from when people tried to claim that bisexuals are het-passing fakers and if a REAL queer has sex with one they'll be left for a cishet because that's what bisexuals do, which is the same as the shit they spewed at whoever the target was before that! It's paranoid nonsense all the way down, people looking for an acceptable target to take their shit out on!
Can we stop doing this, please?? Can we stop picking demographics within our own community that people arbitrarily decide are fine to bully and mock and kick out of the spaces they helped create because you think that they're cringe or that speaking about the issues they face is privileged whining? Can we stop giving bigoted cishets free reign on already vulnerable communities because someone arbitrarily decided that THESE queers are evil and cringe so its okay to make shitty comments and jokes about them? Can we PLEASE stop the cycle in its tracks while we can still see the crosshairs moving onto tranfems and trans women? We can stop this now before it starts getting uglier and deadlier, but we HAVE to be aware and do more than complaining about it online.
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repost-account-yall · 2 years
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This game would be like 30 min if they jus talked.
/j lol
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in this weird place where i do think its plausible cullen has worked through a lot in the 3-4 years between da2 and inquisition but i also think he's 100% not done fixing his shit.
he accuses the mages way too quickly in haven, and then when the templars are throwing their hissy fit (and remember, the inquisition has no idea what's happening) while the mages reach out he still wants to go talk to the templars instead.
he gives the templars the benefit of the doubt, continually, and like. idk, i just wish DAI gave us a moment to hammer down either
we had to save the order from red lyrium and we keep seeing templars refuse to question their orders and refuse to consider their own actions or
the order has glutted itself on poison and power and serves a blighted tevinter magister and not a single deserter from therinfal showed up at our doors. they followed their orders and marched into living death.
i need that confrontation where he has to finally stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. and without him saying, "i was wrong about [specific action]," like, i can't blame people who dislike him. there isn't really a satisfying confrontation in DAI regarding his past. i wish there was, but its kinda been left to fanfic writers at this point, lmao.
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deoidesign · 3 months
THEYRE NOT gonna reprint the books...
they're reprinting the damaged ones but apparently it's TOTALLY matte so. whatever... sorry if the texture being a bit different is bothersome...
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crybabydaydream · 7 days
really bugging me how all this conversation and discourse about polyamoury is cropping up and I'm not seeing anyone use the word
If you don't know this word you should learn it, its a really relevant concept to this conversation
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xcountingstars · 2 months
I’m still recovering from processing last night’s finale. I’m so frustrated that they cut Cregan Stark out, after having gone to the trouble of filming him marching in front of his 1,000 greybeards. What even was the point?
They already condensed Jacaerys’ time in the North treating with Cregan Stark down to a mere 5 minutes, barely giving them enough time to show their developing “brotherhood,” the oath Cregan swore, etc.
I swear, if Season 3 opens with Jace dying in the Battle of the Gullet in the first episode, without ever seeing Cregan again, I am going to be pissed. Because man, will that be a waste of their friendship, talent, and chemistry onscreen. 🙃
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lacilou · 2 months
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📸: 3sa Photography, ditchlilytiger, Alana King
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dangerpronebuddie · 3 months
Just saw your RB of that post abt Garrard and HARD SAME cos like it keeps being irritating af to me that the conversation so far, in some parts in fandom, is centered around how buck, the one white man on the A shift atm, would be effected by Garrard's bigotry and not literally everybody else's!!! Who's like.... none of which are white!!! Like I love Buck but c'mon!!
... honestly, I apologize for using your ask box for venting but this has been chocking me for a bit there
Feel free to vent any time honey 🥰 I totally get it.
I love Buck too. With my whole heart. But a lot of people forget that Hen and Chim were traumatized and harassed nonstop by that man, and Tommy was no help whatsoever.
It seems to me like they brought in Gerrard partially to somehow get people to sympathize with Tommy. And I get it, Gerrard is a jackass and hates everyone and everything, I'm not justifying his newfound dislike for Tommy. Hate is hate, and I thought the fairy comment was uncalled for just as much as anybody.
But damnit, Hen and Chim faced the brunt of it and it feels like no one cared until the white guys might be subjected to it. Even after 7x09, they made it out to be like Chim was defending Buck and Tommy and not himself. Chim was standing up for Chim, and I felt immensely proud and so happy for him. I have no doubt in my mind he'd stick up for them should the need arise. But that moment? That was for Chim.
I definitely see Gerrard making all of A shift's lives hell, but the way these people talk about it make it seem like Buck and Tommy's struggles will be the only ones that matter. As if Hen and Chim won't be reliving the worst moments of their professional lives and Ravi and Eddie won't be subjected to it too.
And I wasn't gonna go there, but ya know what? Fuck it. To me, it's a little hypocritical of some people in the fandom to call out bigotry and homophobia and any other discrimination when all they care about is Tommy and Buck being victims of Gerrard's reign of terror like the others don't exist.
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electricparchment · 2 years
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power duo ⚡️
+ the humble origins of this painting
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references are screenshots by the great @sunsetagain
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