#drug use cw
saint-nevermore · 6 months
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PHEN-228 taking a fat bong rip at a frat party
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contact-guy · 5 months
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CHARLES AUGUSTUS MILVERTON - part 5, the end of this particular adventure. (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
content warning for blood, injury, and drug use.
(This is part of the Watsons sketchbook series)
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awetfrog · 4 months
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thinkin bout them again :^/
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beansprean · 9 months
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I had to...
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(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: Full body of Endverse Castiel sitting on a red bench on a mottled greenish brown background, wearing ripped jeans and a loose teal henley. Straddling his lap is Dean, wearing black tee shirt, boots, and a short blue plaid skirt. Cas is grinning lazily up at him, one hand on Dean's hip and the other holding a joint to his mouth, smoke winding around Dean's shoulders. Dean, one hand braced on Cas's shoulder, looks flustered and confused, sweating nervously with pink cheeks and a furrowed brow. A thought bubble appears above his head with a screenshotted tweet from cisjender that says "The guy I get my weed from told me he was excited for me to try some new stuff today and now I'm sitting in his lap with a skirt on?" /end ID
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teaboot · 2 months
On the subject of "please be more discreet" stuff
Some people have this way of holding their lighter like its a rosary that immediately gets the security in my store side-eyeing them.
I wish I could list *everything* I've been told to watch for doing "visible presence" type jobs, but like. There is a small but very much extant minority of genuinely malicious folks (stalkers, angry exes, abusive partners/family, to name a few) who I really don't want to be giving pointers to.
But yeah, it's safe to say anyone working any kind of security will be hyperaware of lighters and torches- outside of arson scenarios (that I've seen a few of) some places with public washrooms might ask us to keep track of how long individuals are inside. Outreach centers and bars, for example.
Not because we hope to eradicate drug use- though we try not to let people take inhalants where someone else might breathe them in- but because if someone goes quiet too long, there's a chance they've overdosed.
One place I worked, anyone in the toilets longer than 30-45 minutes got a knock on the door to check for a response. No response meant a second knock, then an announcement of a welfare check, then medical emergency protocol
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beebfreeb · 27 days
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This is how he will die canonically.
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grimgummies · 2 months
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vhvrs · 2 months
Hello! I really love your Gorton Ricks and their Mortys! I'm a suckered for badass mortys being loved and cared for by their grandpa's! But I'm even bigger suckered for badass Morticias! I bet she buts other mortys in their places when needed.
I would love to learn more about them both the ricks and mortys and their dynamics as a whole group, so if your willing to share any headcanons I would love to see it❤
Hope you are doing well and continue with your passions
hiya! sorry for how long this took to get back to but the best way of saying anything abt the gotron nerds was. to draw it so i hope this satisfies ur curiousity hah. done rambles under the cut ☝️
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my idea for them is like the only functioning rick couple bc they're both just so well matched and provide Exactly what they need in a relationship - and that includes throwing hothead into the mix lol. i think hothead would remain a casual friend that spends the night tho bc he's got too much baggage to work out still. once he gets over that, though, maybe he'd stick around more...
morticia n morty loveeee the setup though. having two ricks and also two ricks who are super doting is an incredible life to live... and yeah morticia very much kicks other mortys and some ricks asses. she struggles w being a normal kid bc ricardo let her join in on the business but oddly big's morty's norminess helps her calm down... big's not really comfortable w her wanting to like be apart of meetings and do hits too.
i think their summers are pretty close to these ricks too and i need to sit down n brainstorm them but i do imagine big's summer is more like ricardo's morticia and ricardo's summer is more like big's morty lol. wanting to impress your don grandfather and be a cool mob boss vs thinking coke is like soooo old people drugs and too annoyed n spoiled to care
as a final note, big's morty is a huge baby that big keeps away from his messes BUT is known for having a bit of a dark side when pushed...... maybe that rick dna comes out when hes losing in fortnite
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fuck these flat chested twink bitches man (jk ily im just jealous)
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stan: shouldn't you take off your titty-majig before you smoke?
rick: i d-didn't even put it on
stan: yeesh, for real? lucky bastard
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saint-nevermore · 2 months
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i couldn't afford the real boiled plush when it happened so i meshed him in blender and put him in second life. he also has a CRT TV for his box. he loves the smell of salts and oils
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nonbinaryaubrey · 10 months
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this is ooc but i cant stop thinking abt it
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defilerwyrm · 2 years
Thinking about that time a coworker said that some people choose—like consciously CHOOSE—to live on the street and be drug addicts and another coworker and I chewed him out for a solid half-hour.
NO ONE on this green Earth thinks “You know what would be fun? To become so dependent on a poison that it will wreck my body, ruin my relationships, lose me my job and home, and likely kill me.”
Addiction is like…imagine you’re biking along with your friends, and one of them goads you into going down this one steep hill. For whatever reason (it sounds fun, you’re crushingly bored, you’re insecure and what to prove yourself, your legs are so tired they hurt and it sounds like a reprieve, etc) you agree. You start going down this hill and you’re flying. It’s exhilarating. The world is rushing past. The road gets bumpy. There are warning signs but you’re going too fast to read them. You go faster and faster and then you finally notice that at the bottom of the hill is a great big brick wall strewn with broken bodies and bikes.
You try to hit the brakes, and maybe you wobble but you’ve got too much speed under you to stop. You think about jumping off and see that on both sides of the path it’s a sea of cactus as far as the eye can see.
What do you do? Lay down your bike and shred yourself to ribbons on the hot asphalt and rocks, then walk, bleeding and bruised, back up the steepest hill you’ve ever seen?
Abandon the flight, jump into the cactus knowing how badly it will hurt you when you land and continue to hurt you going all the way back up that same hill?
Hang on for dear life as the road gets rougher and rougher until the quick stop at the bottom?
All life forms have an innate sense of self-preservation so it’s real damn hard to consciously choose a long road of misery and pain over momentary surcease that’s ultimately self-destructive. That is: it’s REAL fucking hard to make yourself jump off that bike and choose the godawful journey back.
Maybe your friends could help you back up the hill. But they’re the same ones who goaded you into going down here in the first place. Maybe they’re still rushing down the slope with you. Maybe they’re already at the bottom.
No one. Fucking. Chooses. This.
Addiction is always, ALWAYS a symptom of something else.
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yonfiendmaker · 4 months
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tri4ge · 2 months
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Weed animals
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dathen · 5 months
“Why the fuck is Griffin taking RAT POISON before bed?” we all ask when we get to this chapter
And then we go down the Wikipedia rabbit hole of strychnine used as a knowingly-extreme performance enhancer:
Strychnine was popularly used as an athletic performance enhancer and recreational stimulant in the late 19th century and early 20th century, due to its convulsant effects. One notorious instance of its use was during the 1904 Olympics marathon, when track-and-field athlete Thomas Hicks was unwillingly administered a concoction of egg whites and brandy laced with a small amount of strychnine by his assistants to boost his stamina. Hicks won the race, but was hallucinating by the time he reached the finish line, and soon after collapsed. Maximilian Theodor Buch proposed it as a cure for alcoholism around the same time. It was thought to be similar to coffee.
The exchange between Griffin and Kemp over its use reminds me a good deal of Holmes and Watson arguing over cocaine: a harmful Victorian-era drug still in regular use, frowned upon but without knowing the full extent of how just how harmful it is.
In this instance, Griffin takes the same posture as Holmes, seeing his body as “a mere appendage to the brain.” Literally poisoning himself to force himself forward, possibly even self-medicating the dissociation and depression he dismisses as ‘flabbiness.’ “I thought I was killing myself and did not care.”
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snorpdawg · 1 year
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Happy Funny Number Day. Here’s a joke Fansnax I put too much thought into
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