#drunk anthony is a dork
newtonsheffield · 3 years
oh my GOD I love your headcanon with Edwina and drunk Anthony!! Could we maybe get more headcanons with drunk Kate and Anthony (maybe after their stag and hen nights) and them being sloppy and cute?
Oh Heyyyyyyyy
Drunk Anthony is a handsy lil’ Cutie is he not? He just wants everyone to know how much he loves Kate. Drunk Kate is a mess all singing, all dancing, as she tries to tuck random things in her purse. Edwina, Lucy and the Bridgerton gals had their work quite cut out for them as the attempted to herd drunk Kate through London which was about as successful as herding a cat. Benedict, Colin, Gregory, and Simon were no more successful with Anthony who just kept begging to get to go home to Kate. Fortunately for us, both of these nights Coincided. Someone else was also interested in this concept! 
Anon asked: Hey given the craziness of Sophie’s hen party I can only imagine how Kate’s and Anthony’s went. Can we get a Drabble for both of them? PS I know your ask box is crazy full so sorry for this lol My inbox is crazy, butttt I have had a sandwich and I am ready to do this! 
Let’s give this a Lil’ peep shall we!
“I Think I’m in love with Anthony!” Kate yelled loudly in her sister’s ear over the music in the bar. Edwina laughed loudly.  “I should hope so, you’re marrying him in a week.” She said, and Kate shook her head, her glazed eyes, wide as though she had to tell her sister very important. It was all Edwina could do not to keep from laughing. 
“Nooooo.” Kate moaned, “You don’t understand!” She said turning to Lucy, who was swaying just slightly, as Kate wrapped her arms around her.  “La la la Lucy!” She sung, very loudly, and endearingly, Edwina bit her lip to keep from laughing “That’s what Gregory calls you!” and then she gasped loudly! “Oh my GOSH LUCY! You should marry Gregory! You should marry Gregory and then we’ll be like sisters! I’m a good sister, you can ask Eddie!” Kate said, her words slurring together. Lucy who was only a little less drunk than Kate, seemingly with no idea how she came to be in this position. 
Edwina knew it was that Daphne, who was heavily pregnant had decided to have her fun by topping up everyone’s drinks in secret. The results were, Edwina had to admit, impressive. Francesca and Eloise seemed to be taking it in turns photograph themselves with a a potted tree in the corner, Lucy had impressed everyone with an display of gymnastics across the back of the booths, Edwina had heard the bartender, Chris mutter Jesus Fucking christ How did she not break her neck in those heels?! 
“She is a good sister Lucy!” She said loudly, her own head feeling more than a little fuzzy “You should marry Gregory!” Lucy blushed, spilling her drink a little as she shook her head “I wanna marry Gregory! He’s sooo pretty! And his glasses are so cute! But he hasn’t asked me! Like, what if he doesn’t wanna marry me?!” Lucy yelled, her words tumbling out, falling over each other. Kate tutted.
“No! NO! You’re so great! Of course he wants to marry you! I’ll call him, and I’ll tell him to marry you. And then I’m gonna ask Anthony if he wants to marry me!” Kate said her drink spilling onto their shoes, pulling her phone out, tapping away at the screen. Edwina laughed “Katie! You’re getting married to Anthony next week.”  “I miss Anthony! Eddie, I love him Sooo much every time I’m around him I just want to rip his clothes off and-” 
“Ooop.” Daphne cut in, “I think we’ve had enough of that, Kate. Though I appreciate the enthusiasm.” Kate’s eyes widened comically, Lucy had drifted back towards the dancefloor.  “Daphne! Oh my god! DAPHNE!” Kate said, wrapping her arms messily around her soon to be sister in law. “I love your brother AND I think I’m gonna MARRY him! And because of that, you should ask the bartender to play ABBA! GIMME! GIMME! GIMME!” Daphne laughed loudly, eyeing Edwina carefully before whispering  “At least she hasn’t stolen anything this time.” as she disappeared to the bar. And Edwina had to admit, Daphne had a point. Kate tugged firmly on her arm! 
“Eddie! I love this SONG!” She yelled as the opening bars started. “Ugh! I want Anthony! I wish he was here! Eddie, he’s sooo Handsome sometimes in the middle of the night I have to wake him up because I want to-” 
“KATE!” It was like she had summoned him, and honestly thank god, because there were few things Edwina wanted less than to hear about her sister’s nighttime exploits with her future husband. Anthony had burst through the door wearing what appeared to be a shirt bearing the words If Lost please return to Kate Sheffield, and promptly had his arms around Kate, whispering (loudly) in her ear.  “KATE I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!”  Gregory had found Lucy, and the two of them appeared to be attempting to recreate the dance from Dirty Dancing (Badly) Colin had joined Eloise and was Currently hoisting Francesca onto his shoulders for a photograph. Benedict appeared to be arguing with Daphne  “Edwina! Edwina Have you met my Fiancée Kate?! Isn’t she just the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen?!” Anthony was saying desperately, his arms still wrapped around Kate, who had her face buried in his neck. Edwina’s heart clenched. Despite the ridiculousness she had to admit it was very sweet that her sister’s soon to be husband was so enamoured with her.  “Yes, Anthony, I’m familiar with Kate. And yes, she’s pretty great!” Edwina said, the corners of her mouth ticking upwards. 
“Hey, I LOVE YOU!” Kate yelled at her fiancé grinning, and Anthony’s head spun towards her his eyes wide, “I LOVE YOU TOO!” He yelled back, and then his lips were on Kate’s, his hands wandering a little obscenely.  “Okay. Well.” Edwina said to no one in particular, averting her eyes and joining Benedict and Daphne at the bar. 
“Honestly, Ben. What are you doing here?! Could you not handle Anthony for one night?” Daphne tutted, Benedict sighed  “Honestly, I couldn’t take his Where’s Kate,  love Kate, Kate’s so amazing It’s a little exhausting. Besides, look at them,” Benedict said, Gesturing at Gregory who had just caught Lucy in a rather spectacular lift “I’m clearly not in control of the situation.” 
The bartender tapped Edwina on the shoulder. “Eddie, I know we know each other, but I have to draw the line at public indecency.” He said gesturing to something over her shoulder. Edwina turned her head and immediately wished she was Anywhere else “No! Kate! Put Anthony’s shirt back on!” Edwina yelled a little startled. Thinking to herself that this was truly the last time she was ever going out with the Bridgertons 
It wasn’t.        
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toastedkiwi · 3 years
can you do an imagine/ headcanon inspired by Rare(DELUXE) by Selena Gomez for sebastian stan x popstar!reader. him overacting and dramatically reacting to each song on his instagram story and she responds. (P.S I think Souvenir will be his favorite because he knows its about him and him reacting to it will confirm rumors that have been flying around) ??
Boyfriend - we’ve already seen.
Lose You to Love Me - he doesn’t react to it online. He knows how much it hurt— he’s dealt with that shit before. He knows how much pain she went through with that ex the song is written about. The song is very close to her heart.
Rare - He just yells from the couch while she’s in the bathroom on a live and called her Rare. You’re so Rare, Dragoste.
Souvenir - he tries doing the c-c-c-c-c-chills. He fails continuously. He informs the world that he doesn’t want her breath as he wants her to continue breathing because he wants her to be alive. She calls him a dork in an interview after being shown the video.
Look At Her Now - he posts the music video and said THATS MY GIRL! THATS MY WOMAN! He does try doing the whole dance but ultimately does his own thing. She reposted with “that’s my fool doing so well 😍!”
She - he has a shot of tequila as the sun is just barely rising. Popstar!Reader already fell back to sleep while propped up against him.
Crowded Room - He’s at a party. He’s like I’m in crowded room but where are you? Anthony comes into view and said it’s just you and me baby!
Vulnerable - Sebastian just says “this is a good one.”
Dance Again - they’re dancing in the bloopers. He had surprised her on the set and took an opportunity to dance with her.
Ring - he goes through her rings and puts them on his fingers but they don’t really fit. He has her assistant take a picture of him showing off his hands.
A Sweeter Place - He goes to the M&M store in Times Square and gets a selfie there. Is this sweet enough for you, @y/n? I know some other sweeter places
People You Know - he trails off trying to do We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't. It’s a whole monologue from him.
Cut You Off - he’s like “amen!”
Let Me Get Me - he tries explaining what the lyrics mean to him but he’s failing miserably. He might have also been a bit drunk.
Kinda Crazy - he just says “I know people like this.”
Fun - “I better not just be fun. I’m fucking hilarious.”
Feel Me - Sebastian runs up and grabs her. He asks a very important question— do you feel me? He gets elbowed.
Sebastian does more press for her album than she does.
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matbarzyy · 4 years
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A/N: If you follow me on main you might know I’ve been obsessed with Impossible by Nothing But Thieves, so I tried to use it to write a fic. It definitely deserves a listen if you wanna have that playing in the background while you read. This is a best friends to lovers fic starting off a lil angsty but it ends well.
Word count: 4358
Love it stings, and then it laughs
At every beat of my battered heart
Something was wrong.
You couldn’t tell what it was just yet, but the way Mat was texting you wasn’t normal. He wanted to talk, he tried to keep the conversation going, but the texts were empty of content. It was so unlike Mat that you didn’t realise how worried you were until you tasted blood in your mouth from the way you bit your lip.
He was a ray of sunshine and a dork, always throwing jokes around and acting like an idiot. Seeing Mat sad was a rare occurrence.
You didn’t know what put him in that state but you guessed he needed something to distract himself, so you decided to call him.
“Alright, what’s up with you?” You spoke as soon as Mat picked up the phone. There was a sigh on the other end of the line and a ruffling noise before you heard him.
“Nothing,” He replied weakly, trying to hide a sniffle by putting the phone away from his face. You picked up on it anyway.
“Mat?” Your voice softened and your heart squeezed. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” He admitted, unable to give you a better answer as he lay on his bed without moving, tears streaming down his cheeks.
You took it as a clear no. The only times Mat ever called you to cry were after hockey games he lost, and that was only if he was too far for you to be with him. Whenever he played at home you came to see him and stayed to celebrate or cheer him up depending on the outcome.
“Where are you?” There was no need to ask if he needed you, the answer was obvious, you just had to ask where you had to go.
“I’m coming over, hold on, okay?” You slid into your sneakers as quick as you could, too rushed to undo the laces and put them on properly.
“Okay,” He whispered so low you barely heard him.
He went quiet on the phone and you hung up after promising him you’d be there in no time. You lived close enough to him that you could walk, driving was pointless unless you had a lot to carry. Mat had made you pick this apartment on purpose when you moved to New York, he argued that he’d be close if you ever needed anything, and you had never been more glad to be there.
He was your best friend in school when times were simpler, and he somehow remained your best friend when his hockey career began. Things were different with the distance, but you were the little bit of home he could stay attached to. He had been ecstatic to find out you were joining him in New York after your degree so that you could work on a masters.
Anthony had quickly become one of your best friends too, and you all got along well with Mat’s girlfriend. Lena wasn’t as part of the group as you thought she would be when you first met her, but you didn’t mind it too much. You liked spending time with just Mat and Tito, she was nice but always calm and calculated. It didn’t fit with the spontaneous crackhead energy you shared with the boys.
You often wondered why Mat always reached out to you rather than her. You could understand when he went to Tito, he understood him when it came to hockey and guy things you couldn’t wrap your head around, but you spent endless nights questioning where you fit in the middle of that. Mat never let you feel left out, no matter how invested he was in his relationship he always made time for you.
“I’m here,” You called out when you unlocked the door. You had a spare key from the moment you arrived, officially because he needed someone to have it in case he got locked out, unofficially because he wanted you to be able to come over whenever you wanted. “Hey,” You found him in his bedroom, dried tears on his cheeks as he looked at you with heartbreak written all over his face. “What happened?”
“Lena’s been cheating on me for four months,” Mat whispered, his eyes falling shut as he dug his teeth into his lip to stop himself from crying again. He had been rehearsing the words in his head since you called so that he could tell you, but they still tore at his heart.
“Oh my god,” You sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over to engulf him in a hug. That at least explained why he called you. He needed comfort, and as sweet as Tito was he was also fiercely protective, you knew he’d go rip her apart if he found out now. Mat’s chest shook with small sobs while one of his arms wrapped around you, clinging to you for dear life. “Shit Mat, I’m so sorry,”
“I was- I was just going to surprise her,” He cried against your shoulder, tears beginning to soak your shirt. “And I found them,”
“Come here,” You breathed out as you slid onto the bed more comfortably, letting Mat curl himself against you. You had held him while he cried before, but you had never seen him look that small. “You deserve so much better,”
“I just-” He hiccuped. “I can’t believe she’s been doing this for so long,”
“I know… I don’t even know what to say,”
“Four years,” His words were so choked you barely understood them. He was the most broken you had ever seen him and your heart fell apart for him. No one should have to go through that, but it angered you more than anything that someone as sweet as Mat had to be the one to suffer from it. “I trusted her,”
“I know you did,” You nodded, gently running your fingers through his hair in a way you hoped would soothe him. On some particularly quiet nights at home when you were drunk with no one but him and Tito he liked to rest his head in your lap to make you play with his hair. It wasn’t something Lena really did for him, he had told you one day, but he never let himself be that close to you when people were around in case pictures circulated and she became unbelievably jealous again.
They had a fight about it once, and you wished you realised how horrible she was back then. She played it off on insecurities when it was pure misplaced jealousy, and you could now add hypocrisy to that. Mat was a good boyfriend, reassuring her and talking to you about it to make sure you’d know not to be too touchy when she was around.
It should have clicked in your head that she didn’t belong with him at all when he was forced to hide his affection for you and any other woman in his life. Tito might have been a bit smarter than you about it, he never even tried to take a liking to her while you made efforts to get along with her for Mat’s sake.
“I don’t want to fall in love ever again.” He sniffled against your shoulder, only calming down for a second before his sobs became louder.
There was nothing you could do except hold him through the rest of the night.
Somebody told me and I think they’re right
There is a change on its way tonight
It took a few months for Mat to feel better. He kept blaming himself, trying to find where he went wrong, and it took many pep talks from you to remind him that he was worth more than that. None of it was his fault, Lena was a heartless liar using him, and she didn’t deserve all of the tears he shed over her.
Tito helped too, joining your efforts as soon as he found out. Between the both of you Mat got plenty of encouragement and love, it was at least enough for him to appear fine to everyone else around him. Only you and Tito got his late night phone calls and texts when he got in his head and began blaming himself for everything that ever went wrong in his life.
Girls were still flirting with him, some of them asking him out on dates, but he turned them all away without a care. You thought he might get into a bit of a fuckboy phase to take his mind off things, but even that didn’t happen.
Neither you or Tito pushed it, he needed patience.
“You’re in love with him,” Tito accused you one night. He was the only one still sitting at the table you had secured in the bar for the rest of the team and their significant others. There was enough space that everyone was standing and mingling around the room. You were practically filling the whole bar anyway, there weren’t many other customers.
“That obvious, uh?” You gave him a weak smile, glancing in Mat’s direction.
“You’ve only been giving him all of your time and attention for the past year,” He shrugged. “I figured it out after I saw you turn down three dates the first month you were here,”
“Nice catch, I barely had it figured out for myself then,” You admitted, taking a weight off your shoulders. You had never been able to confess your feelings for Mat to anyone before. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that Tito was the one to figure it out. “I just don’t want him to know yet,”
“Why not?”
“Because he’s too scared to fall for anyone again, or I would have told him already,” You saw him down the rest of his drink and laugh loudly at something one of his friends said, and that sound alone made a smile appear on your lips.
“He trusts you though,” Tito brought you back to the conversation. He had spent enough time with you to know, and he wished the two of you could see things as clearly as he did.
“Not to let himself love me as more than just a friend,” You sighed, your heart squeezing at the thought. “I know what he’s going through, well, not to that extent, but yeah, I know the kind of trust issues that come with it,” You had spent a long time getting over an ex who only cheated with a kiss, and you had barely been with him for six months back then. You could only imagine what it did to Mat to find out his girlfriend of four years lied to his face for four months straight.
“I honestly believe he already has feelings for you, he just won’t act on them just yet,”
“Maybe… Either way, all I can do is wait until he notices,” You could still give him time. You didn’t blame him for keeping his distance, as much as it hurt you had seen the damage his last relationship had done to him and you were willing to wait. You couldn’t see yourself falling for anyone else, Mat was the only one in your heart.
“Mat might act like an idiot all the time but he pays attention to people, he knows how much you care about him,” Tito assured you. You didn’t see it, but Mat was always looking at you and turning to you for everything. You were more than just his best friend and it was painfully obvious.
Mat wasn’t doing it subconsciously either. He was all too aware of your feelings for him, and he fought with himself trying to repress his own for a long time.
You were his best friend back home, but ever since you came to New York you had become so much more than that. Even when his relationship still held up you were the person he shared everything with. You and Tito were his favorite people, he constantly hung out with you without realising what you truly meant to him. Tito was like a brother but it was different with you.
Accepting his feelings for you while getting over his ex was a lot to handle, but he eventually got there. There was only so much patience you could have, he was scared it would wear off before he grew the balls to jump in and tell you the truth.
He could see you sitting with Tito while he was out there drinking, and he couldn’t help but walk over. There was no way for him to enjoy his night unless you did too.
“Come on, you’re missing out on all the fun,” He cheerfully grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the table, motioning for Tito to join.
“Someone’s drunk,” You chuckled when he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into his chest. Drunk Mat was always extra needy.
“Only a little,” He grinned down at you.
His loud laugh echoed through the room when you took the opportunity to tickle his sides, and he jumped away from you with a squeal. It was the most beautiful sound, one you had missed for a whole month when he never let himself be truly carefree.
“See! This is why I can never bring you to work related stuff!” He tried to retaliate but you blocked his hands, wriggling around until he gave up and put his arm around your waist.
“Why, because I always make sure we have a good time when we’re out?” You laughed at the memories of all the stupid things you had done together when he was supposed to act professional. Granted, trying to see which one of you could catch the most olives in their mouth while the other threw them hadn’t been your smartest idea, but that dinner had been boring and the backlash had been worth it.
“More like because he can’t focus on shit if you’re around,” Tito muttered and you bit your lip in response, wondering if that was really the case. Mat was just Mat around you, but was he different when you weren’t there?
“Something like that,” The brown haired giant remained oblivious to his best friend’s words, too drunk and excited to notice. “But now you need a drink!”
“I’m driving you home, dumbass,” You laughed and resisted his grip while he tried to drag you towards the bar.
“We can uber!” Mat’s face lit up like the idea made him a genius, and you had a hard time not turning into a puddle at the sight. He was so cute it was unfair.
“And leave my car here? I don’t think so,”
“Tito, help me,” Mat looked to his friend, puppy eyes at their finest, to convince him.
“I only had one beer, I can drive,” The man sighed, rolling his eyes at Mat’s behaviour. It was the best compromise so that you wouldn’t have to leave your car and Mat could get his way.
If he could anything that might finally get you two together he’d do it. He was sick of watching you like this when you should obviously be a couple. As stupid as it was, he hoped the alcohol would help you loosen up and get closer. Mat hadn’t been with anyone in a long time and he was obviously lonely, there was a solid chance you’d at least be cuddling by the end of the night.
“You don’t have to,” You tried to ignore the hand that tugged on your arm, making sure Tito was okay with not drinking for the rest of the night. You promised you’d drive, you didn’t want to ruin his fun.
“I don’t really want to drink more, you’re good, go,” He gave you a gentle push, and a second later you were stumbling after Mat because he often forgot how strong his grip was.
“Two shots of tequila and a rum and coke please,” He asked a little louder than he needed to, but the bartender clearly didn’t mind. The guys tipped well when they were out, and since the whole team was filling the bar you knew the whole staff was happily making more money than on regular nights.
“You really think you should be drinking tequila?” You laughed at his state, knowing he was only about to get worse. You didn’t mind it, he was always closer when drunk, clinging to you like a baby, and there was nothing you craved more than his hugs.
“Nope, that’s all for you,” He handed a bill to the bartender to pay for the drinks. “You need to catch up,”
“You’re going to be the reason I die one of these days,”
“Promise I’ll make sure you get home in one piece,” His lips pressed against your temple and you melted into him. He’d always make sure you were safe.
You didn’t know what to do with the mixed signals you got from him. Tito was right, you were almost sure he had feelings for you, but you wondered if he would ever act on them or if he would only want to keep you as a friend. You could only have your hopes up for so long.
The shots were placed down in front of you before you could let yourself overthink things more, and you took both with a grimace under Mat’s stare.
He was trying his best not to let himself ruin a potential relationship with you. He knew he loved you, but getting with you before he was ready would be a mistake. You were more than a rebound and you deserved to be treated right. Mat couldn’t be the one for you until he fixed himself, but knowing that gave him the energy to be better. He let himself slip into the depth of the love he felt for you, allowing himself to fall a little further every day until he was so in love with you he knew he could never go back.
The night ended as predicted, you and Mat were so drunk you laughed constantly and could barely walk, Tito tried his best to be patient as he helped you both to the car.
“Guys,” He groaned as you stopped once again, doubling over into a fit of laughter at something he didn’t understand. He was mostly amused but had to act serious for either of you to listen to him. “Come on, hop in,”
“Thanks Tito,” You gave him a big hug while Mat opened the car’s door.
“Yeah yeah,” He rubbed your back with a chuckle. “Get in there and hug Mat,” He guided you to the backseat where Mat already was, leaving the passenger seat empty.
“Tito said I should hug you,” You leaned over to him and rested your head on his shoulder as you did so.
He only hummed in response, wrapping his arms around you while Tito started the car. It would be a short drive to Mat’s place, and the three of you knew there’d be no need to drive to yours. Tito’s car was at Mat’s because you had picked them up there to come to the bar, so he’d be able to drive home and leave your car where you’d spend the night.
Getting up to Mat’s apartment was surprisingly easy. Your energy had died down in the car and you were both just dying to get in bed. Tito had to fight a little to get you both to drink water while you complained you were hungry, so he promised to make you food if you both just went to bed.
“Alright, everyone comfy?” Tito had to stop himself from rolling his eyes when he found you settled under the covers together. Mat was shirtless and you were in one of his t-shirts, you couldn’t look more like a couple. “Here,” He let you both sit up against the headboard before handing you plates.
“You’re ‘e ‘est” Mat dug in and spoke with his mouth half full of his sandwich. You nodded after him, looking up at the blue eyed man.
“Drink some more water before you fall asleep, okay?” He chuckled as he thought that soon enough all of your nights would look like this. You might have thought that Mat needed more time but Tito could see he didn’t, he had already let himself fall for you, you just had to let it happen.
I could drown myself in someone like you
I could dive so deep I never come out
Dinner at Mat’s was common, but a homemade dinner at Mat’s wasn’t. You didn’t hide your surprise when you smelled chocolate brownies baking in the oven as you walked in on a Friday night. Mat rarely went through the trouble of making food himself when he could get it cooked by someone else who would know how to prepare it right.
He had texted you to come over early during the week, so you knew he had this planned and it wasn’t just another spontaneous night you’d spend together.
“You cooked?” You took a look at what was in the oven while he stood by the stove.
“Um, yeah,” He scratched the back of his head nervously, moving a pan off the heat while you smiled.
“It smells good,” You reassured him and earned a relieved sigh. You had teased him about his cooking skills hundreds of times, but he really had tried tonight.
You sat with him like everything was normal although the dinner and bottle of red on the table told you it wasn’t. Mat was a nervous wreck, glancing at the candles he had left unlit on a shelf because he knew it’d be too much to add them to the table.
You carried the conversation easily through the beginning of the meal, giving him some more time to say what he needed to. You could see he had something to get off his chest, but you didn’t try to push it until dessert. You could barely believe he was serving you a homemade brownie with freshly cut strawberries and your favorite brand of vanilla ice cream.
He was slowly turning quiet, obviously thinking too hard.
“What is it?” You bumped your foot into his to get his attention.
Mat finally looked up from his dessert, taking a deep breath in before letting the words flow out.
“I’ve fallen for you so damn hard,” He put his spoon down, looking at you with a slightly awkward smile. Mat was rarely shy around you, but there he was, knee bouncing under the table and running his hand through his hair too many times.
“The feeling’s mutual,” You abandoned the rest of your dessert to focus on him with a soft smile. You thought you’d feel butterflies or excitement when it finally happened, but Mat’s confession only brought warmth to you. It made you feel like everything was finally falling into place.
“I know,” He breathed out, reaching for your hand across the table. It wasn’t the first time he held it, but it was the first time he let himself get amazed by how small it was in his. “I just… I thought it was impossible, I didn’t want that again. But you’ve got more patience than anyone else I know and… and you made it all possible,”
“I knew you’d need time to come around,” You ran your thumb over the back of his hand, looking straight into his eyes. Mat felt his heart melt at the sight, it was like you had known this would happen all along while he wondered if he was meant to be single for the rest of his life.
“I didn’t think I would,” He honestly answered, knowing he could voice his insecurities around you without fear of being judged. You had been his rock this whole time, his steady while he was a mess. “And I probably wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for you. You’ve pulled me out of my head so many times, so thank you,”
“Come here,” You pushed your chair back and got up while Mat mirrored your movements.
He pulled you into a tight hug almost instantly, placing a soft kiss on top of your head while you rubbed soothing circles on his back. There wasn’t a lot you needed to say once you were there, holding each other.
“I love you,” He gave you a gentle squeeze, the words floating in the air for less than a second before you replied.
“I love you too,” You pulled away to look at him, cupping his cheek and feeling him lean into your touch. “And I know how much it takes for you to say that, so thank you, for trusting me,”
“I’ve always trusted you,”
The tip of his nose touched yours and you both smiled, letting your eyes fall shut before your lips finally met.
In all of the years you had known Mat you had never exchanged a kiss, not even during a dumb drinking game. You had only imagined this moment a million times, and now that it was finally happening you could barely think.
His lips were soft, the stubble growing on his face tickled your skin, and it all felt like perfection. Nothing could have ever prepared you for what it’d be like to kiss the person you were in love with.
“Wow,” Mat whispered as he pulled away, his hands trembling slightly.
“Yeah,” You chuckled before a frown appeared in your face. “Hey,” You got him to look at you rather than his feet. “What are you so nervous for? It’s just me,”
“Sorry, I’m, uh, all out of practice when it comes to that stuff,” He admitted, his hands coming to your waist to hold you.
“How about we clean up and get on the couch so you can get practice again, mmh?” You kissed his cheek and instantly got a smile back on his face.
“That sounds perfect.”
Please reblog guys! Feedback and comments are always super encouraging and help me write more
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elocinnicole · 3 years
A New Year’s Kiss
Summary: Daveed plans to propose to Reader on her favorite holiday as he prepares the night before the proposal he thinks back through memories of their three-year relationship.
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Black!Reader
AN: I’m giving the sisters names since the Reader comes from a big family.
Series Masterlist
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It was a cold night in New York City, you sat in the living room of your new three-bedroom apartment sipping on a cup of hot ginger tea. Daniel crawled all over the place, loving the ample amount of space he had to chase the new family dog, Rocky, a Beagle puppy. Daniel’s laughter made you smile widely; you loved the life you and Daveed built for yourselves. The new apartment was coming along nicely, you finally unpacked the last of the boxes, thus ending the living out of a box phase. You decorated the walls with pictures of family and friends, there’s even a wall dedicated to the tv shows, movies, plays, and musicals the two of you have been in. Even though you truly think that it was Daveed’s way to brag about your accomplishments every time someone came over to visit, despite the many times he denied it. The sound of the front door opening alerted Daniel that Daveed was home, he crawled to the front of the apartment, screaming at the top of his lungs. Daveed scooped Daniel and kissed the top of his head where his curly dark brown hair was starting to grow.
“Hey, little man! Where’s Mommy?” Daniel pointed toward the living room. Daveed walked over and plopped down next to you. You shared a quick kiss before Daniel slid himself out of Daveed’s lap to keep playing with Rocky.
“How was your day?” Daveed asked he wrapped an arm around you to pull you close to him.
“It was fine, just like the first day of rehearsals.” After being in The Lion King for about three months, you landed the lead role in a new musical called WET PAINT. “We start previews at the end of February. How was it with Anthony?”
“It was great, babe. We got the song done Rafa’s gonna send in his verse tomorrow.”
“That—” Then there were several loud knocks at the door
“You expecting company?”
“Remember my mom and sisters are coming up for New Years,” You hopped off the couch and greeted your family at the door, they were staying at a hotel not far from your apartment and you planned for them to come over and visit since your sisters haven’t seen Daniel since he was born.
“Hey Mom,” You pulled your mom in for a hug
“Hey, Y/N!”
“Come in guys,” Your mom and three sisters walked into your apartment,
“Where’s my grandson?” Your mom wondered loudly
“Nana!” Just like that Daniel made his way over to your mom who swooped down to pick him up.
“Hi, Nana’s baby, Y/N, I love the new place.” Your mom said as everyone followed you into the kitchen.
“Thanks, we needed more space, with Daniel getting bigger and having a dog.”
“Is there any other reason why you and Daveed needed more space?” Your oldest sister, Fatima, playfully suggested
“Um, girl no, Daniel isn’t even one yet. I’m just getting back to my pre-baby body. Oh, by the way, can you re-dip my braids tonight?”
“I was gonna offer but I didn’t want to be rude,” Fatima teased
“Shut up, rude ass.”
“So,” your older sister, Mara started “have you thought about having another baby?”
“I mean, yeah but not anytime soon.”
“What about marriage?” Your other sister, Kalani, added
“It’s been discussed, we both know we’re in this for the long haul.”
“Wedding bells may be in your near future,” Mara teased
“Can we wait a minute, we just moved, Daniel’s about to turn one, I just went back to work, I need some more time.”
“Girl, you waited three years, how much longer?” Fatima reasoned
“Why are you guys interrogating me?” You asked overwhelmed knowing that Daveed was well within earshot.
“Alright, alright, we’ll leave you alone, come on and let me fix your hair.”
Your sisters and mom ended up staying well past dinner and you didn’t mind it one minute. After graduating from Howard University, you moved to New York and didn’t look back. The last time you saw your sisters, in person, was at your baby shower and that was a year ago. After eating the crab cakes your Mom made and about three glasses of Merlot, you currently playing Black Card Revoked with your sisters, one of your favorite games, India Aire playing in the background.
“Okay, so this is majority rules, ‘You know it’s about to be a fight when you hear someone say? A. We need to talk… B. I just find it funny how… C. So what you not gonna do… or D. Didn’t I tell you…’” Fatima read
“C!” You said confidently, “That’s how all my fights started in high school.
“Naw I gotta go with D,” Mara shouted “D is one of them sneak attacks from behind.”
“Like that time, you grabbed that girl’s hair,” Kalani reminisced
“Yeah, she was bothering Y/N, and I was the only one in high school with her and I was not gonna let some bitch mess with my sister.”
“And that’s on period,” Fatima said
“Pooh!” Kalani added, making the sisters laugh
Daveed noticed your mom in the kitchen washing the dishes and saw it as the perfect opportunity.
“Hey, Daveed, sorry about the wedding talk with my daughters. I promise I didn’t say anything to them.” Your mom said in hushed tones
“It’s okay, I just wanted to show you a picture of the ring,” Daveed pulled out his phone and showed your mother the engagement ring. Shortly after you had Daniel, Daveed came to your mother and asked for her blessing, of course, she agreed and helped him find the perfect ring and the way he should propose. Knowing you were a private person he was going to give you a gift after midnight when everyone left your place, a photo album and on the last page, he was going to pop the question.
“It’s beautiful Daveed, where is it?”
“I keep it on me at all times,” Daveed pulled the engagement box out of his pocket.
“Is that what I think it is?” Fatima gushed
“Shush, get over here girl.” Your mother urged “Where’s Y/N?”
“She’s in the living room, so you’re gonna propose?”
“Yeah,” Daveed said quietly “tomorrow.”
“Aw, I’m so happy for you two, how are you gonna propose?”
“With a photo album,” Daveed replied a small smile on his face
“Oooohhhh, I can’t wait,” Fatima said clapping her hands together
“Fatima it’s your turn and you about to get skipped!” You shouted from the living room
“Girl, skip me I’m winning anyway,” Fatima said walking back over
Daveed sat in the living room long after you had fallen asleep and your mom and sisters went back to their hotel. He was going over the photo album to make sure that everything was perfect for tomorrow. The first picture he came across was from the opening night party of the First National Tour of Hamilton, which is where the two of you met. After consuming many drinks from the open bar the two of you snapped a very drunk selfie. Daveed had kissed your cheek and you were laughing.
March 2017
After you spilled your wine on Daveed, it seemed the two of you were attached at the hip. Between the bar and the dance floor, Daveed was not far from you and you didn’t mind at all. There was a lavish balcony looking over San Francisco, you and Daveed were laughing at a high school story you were telling him.
“So, the girlfriend started hitting the boyfriend mind you, we’re all in line for the Haunted Mansion ride and it got so bad that we were told to get out of line, so I never got to ride the Haunted Mansion. Long story short, my first and only trip to Disneyland before all of this was pretty bad.”
“Well, that just means we have to go back.”
“Daveed, we can’t just drive to Disneyland and I don’t know you like that.”
“We can fly, that’s not a problem.”
“Did you forget that I’m on a tour right now?”
“Ain’t y’all here until August.”
“Well, I still don’t know you.”
“You can get to know me.”
“What if I don’t want to?” You challenged
“I can get us Fast Passes.”
“Oh, so you got it like that?” You teased flirtatiously
“Yeah, uh, I got some connections,” Daveed smirked
“Alright, let’s go.”
“It’s a date,” Daveed smiled
“It’s a date.”
The next picture was a picture Jasmine took of them at an award show, that night you said I love you to each other for the first time.
June 2018
You and Daveed had attended your first red carpet event of the award season that evening. It was also the first time you were at an exclusive event as a couple. The paparazzi went crazy all of them wanting to snap pictures of Daveed and his new girlfriend. It was all overwhelming to you. Of course, you have been on a red carpet before but not for an award show. While it was exciting it was also draining. Unfortunately, you had to leave that night to go back to New York you had a show the next day, what made it worse, was that Daveed had to stay in LA for an interview about Blindspotting. Now at the airport, you hugged your boyfriend tightly not wanting to let go.
“You gonna miss your flight,” He mumbled into the crook of your neck.
“I don’t care,” You said, tiredness evident in your voice.
“It’s only two days, go make that money,” Daveed said trying to lift your spirits. Daveed cupped your face and kissed you on the lips.
“I love you,” He said tenderly, you looked at him wide-eyed. He mentally slapped himself for saying that out loud. He scanned your face for any sign that you would say it back. When he didn’t he pulled away from you, suddenly.
“Sorry, for saying that, uh—-”
“I um, I hope you have a safe flight. Call me when you land.” Daveed said quickly, wanting to end the already awkward moment. He turned to walk away but you grabbed his arm and pulled him in for another kiss.
“You didn’t let me say it back, dork.” You gave him a quick peck on the lips “I love you too,” Daveed smiled widely and kissed you once more.
“Can you say it again?” You playfully rolled your eyes
“I love you too.” Daveed leaned in to kiss you but you put up your hand to stop him
“I’m gonna miss my flight, messing with you. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
January 2019
“Happy New Year!!” You smiled while you kissed Daveed. The two of you were hosting a New Year’s Eve party for your friends at Daveed’s New York apartment. This was the first big event the two of you hosted. Well, it was mainly you, Daveed just let you do your thing. You pulled away from the kiss and raised an eyebrow, you know that there was something was on his mind.
“What are you thinking about?”
“You should move in with me.”
“Huh? How much have you had to drink?” You asked but you were just as tipsy after taking quite a few shots out the Grammy.
“Not as much as you.” You lightly slapped his chest you examined his face to make sure he wasn’t playing a joke
“You serious?”
“Aw, so I’m gonna have more than a drawer.” Daveed playfully rolled his eyes
“You can have a whole dresser,” You gave a peck on the cheek, smiling widely.
“I love you,”
“Love you too.”
The next day, Daveed did his best to keep his cool which was easy because your sisters, Mom, Jasmine, Kim, Rafael, Barbara, and Dountes were all at your place for New Year's Eve and served as the perfect distraction. Anthony was in Times Square performing on the Main Stage and would be the last act before the ball dropped so you decided to host a party.
You caught Daveed staring, smirking you walked over to him. You were wearing a brown bodycon dress and matching heels. Feeling the effects of the alcohol had you feeling more confident. You sensually wrapped your arms around Daveed making sure to caress his muscles.
“We have some time before midnight,” you suggested Daveed smirked and kissed your forehead.
“With your Mom here?” Daveed asked with raised eyebrows.
“I can be quiet,”
“After everyone’s gone. So we don’t have to worry about being quiet.” You pouted which made Daveed snicker.
“It’s shot o’clock!” Your sister Mara called from the kitchen
“Oh, so we doing body shots?” Rafael suggested eying your sister.
“Body shots?” Fatima questioned
“I’m down,” Mara responded giving Rafael the same look.
“No one is down for anything, this is not some frat party.”
“How much you wanna bet, Rafa’s gonna—”
“Don’t even finish that sentence, I don’t need the visual.”
Midnight came and went and Daveed’s nervousness was at an all-time high. He watched as your guests left one by one. Neither of you were surprised when Mara and Rafa slipped away shortly after the ball dropped. Surprisingly, Daniel stayed up until the ball dropped, but went to sleep shortly after.
“I’m about to go change so we can start cleaning up.”
“Hold on, I wanna give you something first,” Daveed said you sighed heavily.
“Babe, can you give it to me after I change? I wanna get out my shoes.”
“It’s not gonna take long. I promise, go in the living room.”
You sleepily walked back to the living room and plopped down on the sofa, whatever Daveed had up his sleeve better be worth it. Daveed returned with a purple photo album in hand and handed it to you.
“What’s this?”
“Just some pictures, something I put together.” You smiled, tears threatening to fall.
“Aw, you’re so sweet, thank you so much, baby.”You kissed his cheek before looking through the album and reacting to the pictures. It was so crazy to see the timeline of your relationship, who would’ve thought that back in 2017 you would be where the two of you are now.
You flipped through the album until you got to the last page. It was an empty page and dated for today. Confused you turned to look at Daveed only to find him already on bended knee with a ring box in hand. You covered your face as the tears started falling. Daveed gently removed your hands from your face. You saw that he was holding back tears as well.
“When you purposely split your wine on me—”
“Oh my gosh, Daveed!”
“I knew you were something special the first time I laid my eyes on you. Baby, you are the love of my life. I want to spend the rest of it with you. I kept going over what I was gonna say or how I wanted to do this. I wanted it to be perfect because you deserve nothing but perfection. I love you so much. Will you marry me?” You were full-on crying at this point. The album already made you emotional but, the both of you had discussed marriage but still, this proposal is everything you’ve could‘ve dreamed of.
“Yes, yes of course.” Daveed slid the ring onto your ring finger and you pulled him in for a kiss. This is always how you imagine your engagement would be, just you and your fiancé.
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
Because I Love You
Pairing: Daveed x Reader
Summary: Y/N has to bring Daveed home while he’s drunk. She gets him home and he tells her how he feels, but she dismisses it as only drunk words. In the morning, he asks her why she puts up with him and is always so caring.
Word Count: 1.9k
I was planning on having a wonderful night at home. I was going to watch a bunch of cheesy romantic movies and think about how I didn’t have the guts to tell my best friend that I had had a crush on him for years.
Daveed and I had a beautiful relationship. I was friends with him before Hamilton, but once he was cast, I quickly became friends with the rest of the cast as well. I knew if I ever told Daveed how I felt, he would push me away and we would lose all those years of friendship.
I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when my phone began to ring. I groaned and paused the movie.
I picked up my phone to see that Anthony was calling. “Hey Anthony, did you call me to settle another argument you’re having with Jas? Because I’m not getting in the middle of that again. She stills bring it up that I sided with you, when you guys were arguing about the best icecream flavor” I said, smiling as I recalled the memory.
“Y/N!” Anthony said, stopping my rambling. “I’m sorry, what’s up?” I asked, curiously. “It’s Daveed” he said, simply.
My heart dropped. Had something happened? Was he okay?
“Wait, what happened?” I asked, quickly. “He’s really drunk, we all keep trying to bring him home. He won’t come with us, he says he’ll only go with you. He’s going on and on about how amazing you are, you two lovebirds” Anthony teased me.
The whole cast liked to tease Daveed and I about secretly being in love. The first time it happened, I got my hopes up and hoped Daveed would make a move. Turns out, he only saw me as a friend. The only ones who knew I liked him were Anthony, Jasmine, and Pippa.
“Can you put him on the phone? Maybe I can convince him to let one of you bring him home” I suggested. “Okay I’ll try it” Anthony said.
I heard Anthony tell Daveed “Hey Diggs, someone wants to talk to you”. Then I heard Daveed reply, “I don’t want to talk to anyone”. He sounded really drunk, more than ever before. “It’s Y/N” Anthony said. Without missing a beat, I heard Daveed said “Ohhh, then give me the phone”.
His voice softened as soon as Anthony mentioned me. I wish that we could of worked out as a couple. It was hard to see Daveed date girls and not imagine what he’d be like as a boyfriend. He would of been amazing, and so loving.
“Hey Y/N, is that you?” Daveed asked. “Yeah it’s me, D. Listen I need you to listen to Anthony and go home with the guys. Can you do that for me?” I asked him. “But I want you, I want to see you. Please Y/N. You’re my favorite person” he begged. “I’m at home. How about you go home with the guys and we’ll hang out tomorrow?” I suggested. “Nope. I need you right now, not tomorrow. I’m not going home with them” he said.
He had always been stubborn when he was drunk. I groaned and grabbed my car keys.
“Alright, I’m coming Daveed. I need you to stay with Anthony until I get there. And tell Anthony to text me the address” I told him. “Okay bye love. I’ll see you soon” Daveed said, before hanging up.
My cheeks couldn’t help but flush red when he called me “love”. Daveed always got flirty when he was drunk. I always felt so special, but it was back to just being best friends in the morning.
I quickly drove to the address that Anthony had sent me. I pulled up outside the loud bar. I saw Daveed sitting on a bench. He was surrounded by Anthony, Lin, and Oak. They were all struggling to keep him sitting.
I got out of the car and Daveed locked eyes with me. “Y/N!!” He exclaimed, as he pushed away from all the guys and ran towards me. He picked me up and spun me in circles. “Hey Diggs, can you go sit in the car please?” I asked him. “Yep” he said and he quickly got in the car.
By now, the guys had walked over. “I’m sorry, to make you come all the way out here” Lin said. “That’s alright, we all know how difficult he can be sometimes” I said, honestly. “Are you guys still saying your just friends? Or have you finally stopped lying?” Oak asked me. I rolled my eyes. “We are just friends” I said, having told them this a million times before.
“Well maybe, but he doesn’t know that. He kept talking about how amazing you were” Anthony said. “He said I was what?” I asked, shocked.
“Ooooo someone’s blushing” Anthony responded. “Oh shut up, I got him off your hands. Are we done here?” I asked them. “Yep, he’s all yours” Oak said. They all pulled me into a group hug and then I got in my car.
“There’s Y/N, my favorite girl” Daveed said and grabbed my hand. He pressed a kiss to the back of my hand. My cheeks were bright red, but the car was dark so he couldn’t tell.
“I better be your favorite, I drove all the way out here to get you” I teased him. “I’m sorry, I wanted to see you” Daveed said. “I know I know” I said, smiling at him.
Then I heard my phone ring, again. “Can you be responsible and answer that for me?” I asked him.
“Oh hey Anthony” I heard him say as he answered the phone. Anthony talked for a while and then Daveed said goodbye and hung up.
“So what’d he want?” I asked Daveed. “Don’t be mad at me” he said, cautiously. “What’s wrong?” I asked him, concerned. “Well, Anthony took my keys so I wouldn’t try to leave. But I guess he forgot to give them back to me” he said.
“That’s alright, we’ll just go to my place” I replied. I knew very well that Anthony did that on purpose. This way, Daveed had to stay over at my house.
We pulled into my driveway and I helped Daveed walk inside. “You’re so nice to me Y/N. You’re such a good friend” he said, softly. I’d never imagined how much that word could sting.
“Can I sleep with you please Y/N?” Daveed asked me, with big puppy eyes. I knew I couldn’t say no to him. “Only if you’re good” I said, as I brought him into my room. I handed him some clothes to change into, a T-shirt and sweatpants he had left at my house.
He started to take off his jacket. “Not in here, dork. In the bathroom” I said, pushing him into the bathroom. I was going to change, when I realized I had pajama shorts and a T-shirt on already. I sat on the bed and waited for him to finish.
“You okay in there, D?” I asked him. “Yeah, I’m coming” he replied. He walked out and came to sit next to me. “You look so beautiful” he said staring into my eyes.
“You’re drunk, you don’t mean that. You just need sleep” I told him.
“But I do, you’re my best friend, but I love you. I always have, you’re so sweet and caring. You’re the prettiest girl I know, Y/N” he said, looking at me, like he meant every single word.
I was speechless, he had been flirty before. But, he had never said something like that. I didn’t what to do. Were drunk words sober thoughts? Or did he not know what he was talking about?
“Let’s go to sleep” I said, because I couldn’t think of anything else. I tucked him into bed and then got in on the other side. “Come here, Diggs” I said as I pulled him closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
We had cuddled countless times, but it felt different this time.
Even though I had a lot on my mind, I fell asleep quickly in his arms.
I woke up to the brightness that filled the room. I felt cold and pulled the blankets up to cover myself. I remembered last night and looked over for Daveed.
Except, he wasn’t there. I worried that he remembered what he said and regretted it.
I got up out of bed and walked into the living room.
I saw Daveed standing in front of the coffee machine. “Hey, you’re here” I said pulling him into a hug. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? Did I do something embarrassing last night?” He asked me. “No no, I just thought you mentioned a meeting today” I lied.
He handed me a cup of coffee and walked over to sit at my kitchen table. I joined him and sat next to him.
“I wanted to thank you for picking me up last night. Anthony already called me and said I was being really stubborn last night” he apologized, sincerely.
“That’s alright, not like you haven’t been stubborn before” I teased him. “Woah rude” he said, pretending to be offended. “You know, you can crash here whenever you want and I’ll always go pick you up. You don’t have to apologize” I told him.
“You are too good to me. Why do you do it? You drive out of your way to pick me up? You let me stay in your house? Why?” He asked me.
“Because I love you” I said simply, not even thinking about the consequences. “Wait...what?” He asked me, looking confused and shocked.
“I can’t pretend anymore, like I haven’t had feelings for you since the day we met. I know you’re my best friend and this will ruin things, but it’s too much to keep it a secret” I confessed, nervous of his response, but relieved.
“Wow, I never knew” he said, still looking speechless. “I’m sorry to spring that on you” I apologized. “Y/N, I feel the same way” he whispered.
My eyes widened and it was my turn to be speechless. “So what you said last night was true?” I asked him. “What I said last night? I thought you said I didn’t embarrass myself” he asked, chuckling. “You said you loved me and I was the prettiest girl you knew” I told him, blushing.
“Well, I wasn’t lying” he said, smiling. “So what do we do now?” I asked him, unsure of what to do next. “I think, this is the part where I kiss you” he said, smirking.
He stood and grabbed my hand to pull me up with him. His arms wrapped around my waist, and my hands instinctively met behind his neck. He held me close to him and then we both slowly leaned in.
Finally, our lips collided and it felt like magic. It sounded cliche, but it was like fireworks. All of our pent up feelings were finally released. Our lips slowly moved against each other’s. We slowly pulled away and just looked into each other’s eyes.
“Wow” we both whispered. “None of our friends will ever let this go, will they?” I asked him, giggling. “No, but I’ll give them credit. They knew we both liked each other before we did” he said.
“You know, I was upset that I had to pick you up instead of watching my movie last night. But, I guess it was a hidden blessing” I said, smiling at him. “I agree” he said, with the same smile.
Then he leaned in again and connected our lips. We slowly kissed each other and poured all the built up love we had for each other into the kiss.
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
Kihorri’s Birthday Present: Daithi De Wildcat
Happy birthday @kihoori !!!! You are the best Owlbun ever and I’m so happy to have you in my life! And since you drew me pictures that made me cry for my birthday, I wrote you a little drabble to get back at you. Won’t make you cry, but it’s a storyline you wanted me to write so I figured I’d spoil it to you and give it to you. 
So again, happy birthday, and please enjoy! ^.^ 
Kihorri’s Birthday Present
Wildcat hadn’t wanted to know his ‘perfect match’. He was in the competition, yeah, but that was because he needed money. Marcel had urged him to enter the competition on a whim; they were looking for single people in the area, and Tyler definitely fit that part (Marcel’s word’s, not his own, and he’d shown his appreciation by throwing a gatorade at his head). Wildcat hadn’t expected a call back, nevermind an actual place on the show. He’d taken the chance, because it was free money and he wasn’t an idiot. So he had to go on weird dates and let a computer calculate his compatibility with a bunch of guys. He could handle that. A plan was formed; he’d come in, watch guys make complete fools of themselves, and then he’d get the cash money at the end. Maybe even get some entertainment out of it. 
But when he actually fell in love? Yeah, that wasn’t a part of the plan.
“It’s just a date, Tyler.” Vanoss rolled his eyes and leaned back on the couch, which was far too large for just the two of them to share. The living room held all twelve men on the show easily, but most of the other contestants were busy getting drunk or falling in love. While Scotty and Marcel (the first perfect match to be discovered by the group) made out in the kitchen over dinner, Smiity, Craig, and Ohm joked around a game of poker and shots. Wildcat was sure the others were scattered all over the home, but it wasn’t any of the people in the house that was causing his pissed off mood. 
“Why the fuck did your boyfriend choose Nogla and Moo for the date? Delirious is a fucking idiot, but even this is beyond his stupidity.” Vanoss flushed and kicked the side of his thigh before slumping back on the couch’s armrest. His hands shoved into the front of the sweatshirt, Evan burying his chin and scowl under the collar of the hoodie. Wildcat knew that technically, Jon and Vanoss hadn’t been paired up yet by Panda’s ‘Computer of truth’, but everyone had all but given up on trying to match with either of them. Vanoss was hopeless, Delirious oblivious, and Wildcat wanted to smash their faces together or drown them (depending on how close he was to the pool at that given moment). Some of the couples in the house were dumb, but these two were hopeless. 
“He was put on the spot after he won the challenge; you know Del’s mind ain’t good with quick decisions.” Vanoss defended Delirious, because of course he did. Wildcat made his feelings about the reply known by a snort and a roll of his eyes.
“Moo’s got a better chance finding water in the desert than matching Nogla.” 
“You know you keep doing that, right?” Vanoss’s tone changed, and Wildcat arched an eyebrow to dare him to continue. Surprisingly, Evan did, even if he sunk lower on the couch and sigh. “Any time any of us put Nogla on a date, you say they won’t match.” 
“What? No I don’t.” The loud groan that came out from Vanoss proved that he felt Tyler’s answer was dumb. 
“First time, we sent him out with Lui.”
“Have you seen the height difference? And the chaos is too imbalanced, neither keeps the grounded side of their stupid relationship-”
“Which is probably why the computer said they weren’t a match, and we moved on to Nogla and Brian-”
“Why, because they both speak like dumbasses? Neither one of them has a grip on reality, and they’d be spending their money in Las Vegas before the first date ended. I knew before they even got scanned they weren’t gonna be a match.” His critical assessment got a droll stare from Vanoss, who kept his judgement quiet because of the pizza slice he’d stuffed into his mouth. “Wait, when did you get-”
“And now-” Evan cut in, the cheese and dough muffling the voice. “We picked Moo. Who is well grounded, mature, will help Nogla’s impulsive nature.”
“Brock’s softer than a sneaker full of shit; he’s too kind for him to keep a steady leash on Nogla’s chaotic energy. I’m telling you, Moo is Terroriser’s match and y’all are gonna send Brian to jail for murdering the next guy who takes Brock out.” Tyler hated how little their group gave him credit for his intuition. He wasn’t buying the algorithms and stupid shit their host, Panda, had explained on the first episode. But he could pick up on human nature; Brock and Brian’s chemistry was soft, but powerful, except both men were just too hesitant to get rejected by the other to suggest they go on a date. Plus, they were already on two strikes each; one more strike and they’d be sent home without finding their Mr. Right. 
“I think Brian’s waiting to win one of the competitions so he can ask Brock.” It was cute, in a dumb kind of way, that Brian wanted to earn his date with Brock. Wildcat could respect that, in a way. He’d only been on one awkward date with Ohm the first week, which he was sure Smiity chose just to get Tyler back for eating his cheerios. Since then, Wildcat had glared at anyone who even looked his way during the ‘date decision’ part of the show, and his name had been kept off the chopping block. 
“Is that why Brian asked your soul-dork to a boxing match? To beat the shit out of the guy who beat him out of sheer luck and sent his lover away for the night?” Because Delirious should not have won their challenge that afternoon; since when did Delirious read? Did he even know how to? He couldn’t figure out the word ‘mountain’ on a good day. Yet he’d aced the trivia quiz about literature, stealing the last three points of the competition out of Brian’s hands when knowing the two men who were sent to kill Hamlet were named Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (even Brock hadn’t know that, and he’s the nerd of all nerds). Vanoss had looked impressed, Terroriser pissed, and Wildcat just wanted to yell at Nogla for not knowing who wrote Harry Potter.   
“You know,” Vanoss drawled out slowly, tip-toeing around a subject that Wildcat wasn’t aware of. “Remember how we got split into two teams week three for our date challenge?” 
“Yeah, I got stuck with the fucking idiots.” He’d lost, because Scotty couldn’t figure out how to change oil for the car they’d had to tune up for the competition. Where Panda and the producers of the show got the stupid ideas of the challenges, Tyler didn’t want to know. 
“Panda spun the wheel for the first half of the date, which landed on Nogla. So we had to choose the other person.”
“I was literally right there, why are you-
“Lui wasn’t the group’s first date choice for Nogla.” Vanoss’s words pushed Wildcat away from the back of the couch, fighting with himself for only a moment before he caved.
“Then why the fuck did you pick him?” Wildcat snapped out, crossing his arms over his chest. Evan took time stretching his arms over his head, before letting them dangle over the armrest his head rested against. 
“Why is this my job?” Vanoss gripped into the air, but didn’t give Wildcat time to ask what he meant. “We had to choose Lui because the guy he’s meant to be with had made it quite clear he’s not going on another date.”
“You’re saying… wait.” Dumbfounded, Wildcat sat without words to reply with. Vanoss gave him a few seconds to try and rebuild his brain, then finally pushed to sit cross-legged on the sofa.
“We’re on week six, and you haven’t even stopped to think of why you hate Nogla being on dates with people?” 
“Because he’s an idiot,” Wildcat answered, uneasy when Vanoss shrugged his shoulders and smiled.  
“Or maybe cause he’s your idiot?” 
“Wh-what the fuck? Are you stupid? Why would he ever be-” 
“Nogla’s on two strikes, too.” The words stalled Tyler’s brain, Vanoss leaning to the side to snag another piece of pizza from the box he’d hidden under the table. “If we test him with Brock, and it’s wrong-”
“It will be wrong.”
“-then he’s gone.” Evan folded the pizza together, but kept his eyes focused on Wildcat. “You okay with that?” 
“Course I’m not!” His words came out before he could stop them, and Vanoss nodded like he already knew the answer.
“Wonder why that is.” Both men sat in the silence for different reasons. Evan because his mouth was full of pizza, and Tyler because the bottom was dropping out of his stomach. He couldn’t accept this. Sure, he knew there was a chance, because statistics and algorithms and all of that bullshit. But he’d thought he’d end up with someone softer. Someone who didn’t drive Tyler up the wall with his idiotic nature and weird laugh, his love of dogs and his kind smile whenever he was proud of one of the other guys. Not one who was optimistic about everything in life, made Wildcat’s ragged edges a little smoother, made him wanna just roll his eyes and laugh at all the random thoughts he spouted out at the weirdest time. But he was cute when he got angry at Tyler’s insults and the blush brightened his eyes if he was too tired-
“Oh.” Horror crashed through him, Wildcat slowly rising to his feet. “Oh no.” 
“Yup.” Vanoss didn’t even give him the dignity of looking up from his pizza when he finalized Tyler’s mental breakdown. 
“Fuck that.” Then Wildcat was gone, his panic pushing him down the stairs of the house. He could hear the cameraman chasing him, trying to keep track of his movements. But Tyler just didn’t care; he needed out of the house. 
“Wildcat?” Panda’s voice caught his ear when he pushed out the front door, feet feeling the wet grass because he’d left his shoes in the house. 
“Where are you going?”
“You can’t just leave! Get back here.” The sound of Anthony moving after him made him walk faster, refusing to let his anxiety or feelings catch up with him.
“Nononononono-” Tyler shouted when he was tackled to the ground, his mouth filled with dirt and grass in seconds. He spit it out and flailed his body, trying to buck Panda off his back. But the host held strong as they rolled, garbled shouts and insults thrown back and forth between them. Panda’s elbow met his eye, while his own palm rocked the side of Anthony’s nose. They fought like school kids, Wildcat desperate to get away from the show and Panda refusing to let him budge. In the distance he could hear cheering from his castmates, and he knew Kryoz well enough to assume he was taking bets. If Vanoss didn’t bet on him, he swore to god-
“Woah, woah!” Moo’s voice caught Tyler’s ear, jerking his head up from the grass Panda was pushing it into to look at the new voice. Not because he wanted to see Brock, but because Wildcat knew who he was with. 
“Is that Panda? Is the host supposed to fight the contestants?” Nogla glanced between Anthony and Tyler, eyes round with curiosity and excitement. “Is Tyler winning?” 
“O-obviously,” Wildcat answered, despite his cheek fully planted into the ground. But he couldn’t really care at the moment; his heart was too busy trying to leap out of his chest to focus. Like a freight train, his emotions finally caught up with his body. Seeing Nogla after Vanoss’s revelation made Tyler realize the idiot wasn’t lying; the tension that’d spun around his spine from the moment Nogla and Moo left on their date finally unraveled. Panda bearing down on his back didn’t affect his breathing anymore; he was able to breathe smooth and easy. The pulse in his neck was going wild, and he’d never felt the desire to kiss and punch someone at the same time so badly.  
“Come on, up you go.” Brock helped pull Anthony up with a laugh, finally allowing Wildcat to push up into a seated position. It was second nature to cross his arms and glare at Panda, who showed his maturity by sticking out his tongue. But he looked proud of himself turning to chit chat with the filming the crew, because he had completed his mission. Wildcat was still at the house, stuck with his feelings and emotions and Nogla-
“Aw, jeeze, Tyler. Look at you, buddy.” Nogla’s goofy grin when he crouched down and rubbed his rough palm against Wildcat’s dirty cheek was overwhelming, Tyler frozen in his spot at the touch. Heat rushed his face, fingers twitching in the grass from the urge to touch the beanstalk gazing down at him in obvious amusement. “You’re a mess.” 
“Well whose fault is that?” Tyler snapped out, sure his cheek would burn off Nogla’s skin from the heat. Dumb as always, Nogla gave a owlish blink, tilting his head to the side curiously. 
“Eh? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’re my match, you idiot!” His mouth really needed to learn to take a fucking break. His chest heaved from the shout, hating how many eyes and cameras and lights were on them. He wanted to curse himself for making Nogla’s mouth drop open in surprise, proving he hadn’t a clue about their potential match. Which meant the idiot didn’t even see Tyler as a possibility, which was just a kick in the dick-
“Are ya making fun of me because I like you?” The question derailed Wildcat’s thoughts, and he stared at the slight pout that Nogla now wore. “Cause I already told the guys ye wouldn’t want a guy like me, so if this is some sorta bet or something…”
“Since when have you liked me? You never told me shit.” Tyler asked, and Nogla sighed with more annoyance than he should ever be allowed.
“Ya, obviously. Why would I wanna get rejected by my match?”
“Wait, you knew?” 
“Yup! First week, it was kind of obvious. I got all these butterflies looking at you, but nobody else. You’re weird and rude, and I like how funny you are when you make fun of the others.” Nogla scratched his temple with his free hand, the other still holding Wildcat’s face. “Don’t like it much when you do it to me, but I think that’s how you flirt so it’s okay cause you do it alot! Made me feel pretty special.”
“Jesus, what is my life?” Tyler’s shoulders deflated, but even with his irritation, he felt his heart lighten. Trying to cover his hint of a smile when noticing the cameras still watching them, Tyler huffed, rolling his eyes. “We’re going into the scan tonight; if we’re a match, the next date is ours.” 
“Fuck the rest of us, right?” Brian’s shout from the balcony of the house had the rest of the castmates laughing, and Tyler flipped him off long enough that he knew the editors were going to hate him. 
“Yeah! Let’s go on a date.” But when Nogla laughed and dived forward to tackle Tyler (despite Wildcat shouting in protest) onto the grass in a hug, Wildcat forgot the rest of the house. The show, the money, getting revenge of Panda- none of it mattered. 
Wildcat hadn’t wanted to find his match, but maybe he was okay that he did. 
And there ya go! Thank you very much, let me know what you think, and go say happy birthday to Kihorri! <3
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electricshoebox · 4 years
For the OTP thing, for both DeaCready and Preston/Anthony: 2, 4, 21, 27 (because I’m greedy 😈) ❤️
Oooh thanks friend! I’ll do both under each question.
2. Big spoon/Little spoon? DeaCready: Mostly, Deacon is the big spoon, and sort of likes it that way. Gives him a weird sense of being protective. But on his bad nights, or after rough days, he lets MacCready switch it up and hold him through it.  Anthony/Preston: Preston is the big spoon most of the time, but they change it up every once in awhile. 
4. Favorite non-sexual activity? DeaCready: I think there’s a lot they enjoy doing together. Lazy days on the couch reading together, or one reading while the other naps. I think they actually have a lot of fun clearing out buildings or running the odd mission together, even when it’s dangerous, because they just banter through it and keep each other entertained. I also kinda think that robot racetrack might become a recurring thing for them, until it has to be shut down. Plus poker night continues to be a thing.  Anthony/Preston: They also really enjoy spending lazy days reading or lounging around together at home. I’m starting to headcanon that dancing becomes a thing for them, now that I’ve started down that road. Even just quietly in their living room, so Preston can keep teaching Anthony. And I think they like going out for drinks and mingling with the other settlers, just getting to experience a little bit of normal fun that hardly seemed possible before the Minutemen resurgence. It’s like getting to enjoy something they’ve both worked really hard to make possible.
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Ahahaha well since we’re on the subject! For Anthony and Preston, I think once Preston makes it a thing, Anthony is actually the one who initiates it most often. He kind of gets that it means something to Preston, and it becomes kind of a way for them both to sort of pause and reconnect.  I have actually thought about this for Deacon and MacCready too, and keep trying to find a way to put it in ALITS but I think it might have to wait for the sequel. But anyway, I think Deacon would have to coax Mac into it, but MacCready does actually sort of know what he’s doing, thanks to plays and stuff at Little Lamplight. Which would surprise and delight Deacon. I also think they’re more likely to dissolve into dancing like absolute dorks and shouting along to upbeat songs, especially while drunk.
27. Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Oh no, just thinking about this made my heart clench. For DeaCready: MacCready, definitely. Basing this around MacCready’s canonical propensity for humming and also Matt Mercer having a really lovely singing voice. I know Ryan Aloisio does too, but I see Deacon as more having the instinct to read Duncan another story or just make one up, or to snuggle up with him to try and get him to relax back into sleep. For Anthony/Preston: ...This is getting into possible spoiler territory, but I’m also not sure whether I’ll fully commit to writing something for Anthony/Preston post-Institute or not. Essentially, as I’ll start to touch on in ALITS, the Institute is really traumatizing for Anthony. And it damages his ability to connect with the synth Shaun afterward. It’s a really difficult time, and causes a lot of strain with Preston. So Preston is the one that kind of embraces synth Shaun more, at least at first, and would be the more likely one to try and sing to him. 
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itsanerdlife · 4 years
My favorite Frank x Reader is “Out of the Question” My favorite Howie x Reader is “Bad for you” My favorite Peter x Reader is “Where Good Girls go to Die” My favorite Clint x Reader is “It’s Complicated”. If you have I love 1 or all of our lovely boys. Thanks sweet lady❣️
This is long. All Four Are On One.  So I cut it off, so the post didn’t go on forever.
Out of the Question; Frank x Reader
Who said “I love you” first She did. It’s in the story.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background Frank all the way. It’s her and King asleep on the couch.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror She does. It’s usually fuck off with a heart.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts She does. Frank thinks she’s a dork, but loves it none the less.
Who initiated the first kiss Frank. All by surprise during their first date.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning King. He’s a morning puppy. Mom and dad are not.
Who starts tickle fights Frank. It’s her weakness, and usually makes her cry for mercy.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower Who let’s their girlfriend shower alone? Not Frank. She doesn’t exactly ask as jumps in when she’s running late and of course tease the hell out of Frank for kicks.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch Frank. Long hospital hours, he likes to make sure she’s taken care of. Plus, you know, gotta keep an eye on her.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date Neither.
Who kills/takes out the spiders Frank. She can stitch a man back together, runs from eight legged bugs.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk She does. Frank sits off to the side, shaking his head, chuckling. Steve is trying to make her stop. TC is begging her to shut up. Jess is encouraging it and egging it on to get naughty details.
Bad For You; Howie x Reader
Who said “I love you” first She did. Slip up. Oops.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background Howie. He steals her selfies for his backgrounds. ‘Duh, Girl.’
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror She does. It’s usually Tempest, or I love you. Occasionally Fuck Off.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts Depends. You’d call them cheesy, they call it sentimental. Howie has a copy of Tempest, with little notes of why she loves him in it. As well as highlighted ‘Dick Contest’ moments.
Who initiated the first kiss Howie. Shakespeare is a real mood maker. What can he say?
Who kisses the other awake in the morning She does. Howie tries to prolong staying in bed for as long as he can.
Who starts tickle fights She does. Than it’s a race to get away from Howie as fast as she can.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower She still asks. Howie doesn’t believe in asking. ‘Don’t ask why I’m here, you knew who I was when this started’
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch Both. 
Who was nervous and shy on the first date Howie was nervous. Granted he was trying to do right for her. But shy? Nah, they’d already dove head first into this bitch.
Who kills/takes out the spiders Howie takes care of spiders, cobwebs, and anything else yucky.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk Oh god. Howie. So fucking Howard Anthony Stark. He’s loud, he tells strangers, reminds the crew, reminds her. It’s a hot mess of drunk, adorable Howie.
Where Good Girls Go to Die; Peter x Reader
Who said “I love you” first Peter. catching her off guard was the whole plan.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background Her. It’s a picture of Peter sketching.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror Peter. It’s ridiculous little things like; “Nice butt”, “Come Here Often?”, or “I see you.”
Who buys the other cheesy gifts Peter. He’s a big old softy and still a dork.
Who initiated the first kiss Peter! I mean come on, he was playing a deadly game of messing around with his best friends little sister. He was pulling out all the stops in case Clint killed him.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning She does. It’s all out too. Loud, annoying kisses, jumping on the bed, ripping the blankets off him, tormenting him till he wakes or fights back of course.
Who starts tickle fights She does. But it usually leads to Peter chasing after her while she screams for help, laughing. Help never comes.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower Wait, is asking a thing? That doesn’t happen here.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch She does. Peter gets caught up with clients or sketching. She pulls him back to the real world with food and a few distracting kisses.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date She was a nervous wreck till she saw where he took her. Shy? Not a chance they’ve known each other too long to be shy.
Who kills/takes out the spiders Heels fly. Books. Once her iPod. To save on wall damages and new shoes, Peter or Clint try to get them for her.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk Her.... Clint’s worse nightmares come to life when his little sister gets a little too drunk and starts spouting off, just how much and what she loves about Peter.
It’s Complicated; Clint x Reader
Who said “I love you” first She did. Watching a show about stalkers. Funny enough, with her own little stalker to become.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background Clint. It changes with her pregnancy progression. But it’s his favorite thing. Gets him through those rough days.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror She does. I love you’s and little hearts.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts Clint. He’s so dorky, and loves that they always make her laugh.
Who initiated the first kiss Clint. Spur of the moment on their first date.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning She wakes with the dawn, so it’s usually kisses and coffee to drag Clint from the dead he calls sleep.
Who starts tickle fights Clint. But payback comes sly when he’s least expecting it.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower No asking, Clint’s logic and reasoning for it is, “it’s good to have an extra hand in the shower when you’re getting round.” She calls bullshit but it doesn’t make him go away.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch Once Tony gives her clearance, she does. Sometimes when Clint’s free he comes to the school with lunch.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date Nervous. She was. Pissed off and disappointed, also her. But Clint made it right. 
Who kills/takes out the spiders Clint. But he’s not allowed to kill them anymore. He has to put them outside. You know, pregnancy hormones have gotten intense. She wonders if they’re related to the Spider that bite Peter, and cries a lot.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk Well she can’t drink, so Clint. It’s usually on the floor of the living room in her apartment or at the tower during one of Tony’s parties. It never fails to make her laugh till she might pee her pants.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
@missfairygodmother hit me up with a very specific request and I was more than happy to oblige
It is my great pleasure to present: Kate Sheffield+ Anthony Bridgerton+ ABBA
Hope this lives up to your vision! 😘
"Honey honey, how you thrill me, a-ha, honey honey."
Edwina Sheffield frowned slightly, tossing a questioning look at her mother who shrugged a little bemusedly, though Edwina could see her eyes tracking Kate across the Kitchen as she rifled through the cupboard for a vase for the, frankly enormous bouquet she'd just received.
"And now I know what they mean, you're a love machine Oh, you make me dizzy" Kate was singing softly, swaying slightly, as she settled the flowers into the vase, plucking the card from them. Edwina smirked. "In the mood for ABBA this morning, Kate?" She said, attempting nonchalance and failing miserably. Kate hummed, questioningly, biting her lip softly as she looked up from the card. Edwina tried to contain her smirk.
"You've been singing Honey, Honey all morning." Edwina said Pointedly, as her mother tutted disappointedly beside her "Leave her alone Eddie." She said halfheartedly. Kate tutted. "It's just been stuck in my head is all. And besides I like ABBA." Kate said dismissively, a little too quickly. Edwina Tutted. "Gee I wonder why?" She said rolling her eyes. "Your favourite ABBA song is GIMME!GIMME!GIMME! though. and don't try to deny it!" Edwina said as Kate made to protest "You forget how often I've heard your Wine Drunk playlist." Kate rolled her eyes, fiddling with the dedication card again, smiling softly. And despite wanting to tease her sister, Edwina had to admit it was very sweet that Kate was so happy with Anthony.
"Katie, those flowers are beautiful. Did Anthony send them?" Mary said, changing the topic, well, slightly. Edwina could see the corner of her mother's mouth tick upwards in a small smirk. Kate missed it entirely, her smile broadening, her face lighting up at the mention of her Boyfriend of a month. "Yes, he did. He's in Newcastle this week for work." She said shrugging, still smiling. "Well that's very sweet." Mary said gently, but Kate wasn't listening, already singing softly to herself as she turned to the fridge. Edwina opened her mouth the tease her again, but her mother elbowed her in the ribs muttering "Don't you dare. It's so sweet." Edwina rolled her eyes. Perhaps she'd picked the wrong week to move back from her Mum's.
"Honey honey, touch me baby, a-ha, honey honey Honey honey, hold me baby, a-ha, honey honey"
Lucy Abernathy looked up from her computer confusedly, her hands stilling on the keyboard, before shaking her head and turning back to the computer.
"And honey, to say the least, you're a doggone beast So stay on the ground girl, you better not get too high" Lucy slid her chair back from her desk, peeking through the door of Kate's office. And sure enough Kate was standing at the filing cabinet behind her desk, singing softly to herself as she placed files in, a soft smile on her face. Lucy looked around a little bewilderedly. Kate's love for singing was well known, Lucy had participated in many a Karaoke moment in the car on the way to meetings, but singing ABBA softly in her office? That was new. Footsteps sounded behind her followed by a soft "Sorry, Lucy is she busy?" Anthony Bridgerton said softly, as he stepped around her and into the office. Kate looked up smiling brightly at the sound of his voice
"Hi Honey!" Kate said, standing on her toes slightly and kissing Anthony's cheek. Mystery Solved Lucy thought to herself letting out a soft chuckle, shaking her head and returning to her desk.
"If you think that's bad, I just caught Anthony singing Trumpets in the Kitchen." Gregory Bridgerton said, scooting across the office on his chair, Lucy's eyebrows raised as Gregory held out a vimto chew to her "Yeah, the Jason Derulo song."
Lucy laughed, Kate's laughter ringing out seconds later as Anthony leaned in whispering in her ear. Gregory made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat
"God they're absolutely sickening. Honestly." Lucy hummed, trying not to stare at Gregory as she thought she certainly wouldn't mind being that happy herself _____________
Anthony Bridgerton stood outside the Sheffield sister's apartment fidgeting with his bouquet a little nervously, adjusting his new sweater. Perhaps it was ridiculous to celebrate a two month anniversary, but it certainly didn't feel it when you'd just had the happiest two months of your life. The door swung inwards to reveal Edwina Sheffield, her expression a mix between exasperated and amused. Something that sounded suspiciously like an ABBA song was floating through the apartment.
"Oh look! It's Honey Honey himself!" Edwina said, a smirk growing on her face. Anthony felt a little bewildered.
"I'm sorry?" Anthony said, his eyebrows raised. Edwina rolled her eyes chuckling. "She's in her bedroom, I daresay you know the way." Edwina said a little primly before disappearing down the corridor. Anthony felt his brow furrow in confusion but shook his head, more than a little used to odd sibling teasing, and made his way quickly to Kate's bedroom at the back of the flat, eager to see his girlfriend, the music growing a little louder the closer he got. He knocked lightly on the door and waited, no response. He looked up questioningly at Edwina who had perched herself on the sofa flicking through television channels, a little smirk on her face as she said "I'd go in if I were you. She can't hear you." Anthony nodded and opened the door, music blaring into the living room, and then his breath caught.
"Honey honey, let me feel it, a-ha, honey honey Honey honey, don't conceal it, a-ha, honey honey"
Kate was standing in the middle of her room, dancing happily as she rifled through her wardrobe, a huge smile on her face, radiating joy, the light coming through the window highlighting her face, Newton running happily around her feet as though joining in the dancing. Kate laughed brightly at her dog, and Anthony fell in love with her all over again
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sinnabonka · 5 years
Fictober Day Ten: Maybe, I
Read it on AO3
Prompt number: 14
Fandom: Good Omens
Rating: General
Tags: Ineffable husbands, Human AU, Co-workers AU
1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
The house looks like some Tudor-ish style mansion, which gets Crowley by surprise, but not for long. He was sleeping during their ride, so is not quiet sure what part of London they are actually in, but at this point it doesn’t bother him at all. He throws a bill at driver, without checking how much it is, and follows Azira to the porch.
They giggle as teenagers, all drunk, making their way upstairs in the house full of adults after the great time. Well, the only thing that is not completely correct is their age. They are not teenagers anymore, it’s been a long time since they became adults themselves, but hell this definitely feels like coming back from one of those house-parties, hosted at rich kid’s mansion. They giggle, because they both are completely messes. It will feel awfully in the morning, but now it’s lots of fun.
Azira shushes at Anthony, who tries to walk straight, but definitely fails both this and keeping it quiet. He stumbles at stairs and falls, burst in laugher while trying to get up.
Az tries to do a straight face, he has to be the responsible one, he’s less drunk, but…yeah.
“My god, Anthony, please get it together!” he helps boss to get up. “We really should sneak into my bedroom in secret and preferably before my dad will hear us and…”
“Secrets? I love secrets.” He giggles again. “No one knows, but I always dreamt to be a spy. No! Secret agent. Double-o-nine, Crowley. Anthony Crowley.”
“Well, it’s your time to shine then. But please keep going.”
They take a few more steps up and Anthony turns to Az with a confusion in his eyes: “I didn’t know you live with parents.”
“I don’t…” he shakes his head. “I mean, I didn’t. Had to move back recently. Not for long. I hope.”
They stare at each other for a second and then go further up in silence. Az already can see the door of his bedroom, it feels like final stretch and they are about to cross the line, but right then Crowley turns left and enters the huge household library. Dozens of shelves, literally thousands of books; the room feels dusty and cramped. There’re heavy curtains that are shut tight, so it’s all dark there.
“Whaaa..” Anthony can’t take a word out of himself of surprise. “Whose are these?”
“Er… Mostly mine.” Azira hesitates between starting the old good proud speech about his treasures and taking his boss out of the room without a word. The choice is made for him, as Crowley takes a book from the shelf and leafs through it, then puts it back and goes to the next shelf.
“This is gold.” Anthony opens the last page of the book he’s holding and reads. “Those all are pretty old. Not first editions though, just old and in a very good state. Impressive collection!”
“Thank you?” Azira gets a book away from him. “We definitely can talk about my books later, but now we’re better go and get some rest before that presentation.”
“Presentation. Right.” Anthony’s face gets serious. He falls out that sweet cradle he got himself into with all the alcohol. Reality hits hard. They are not teenagers, they have a work to do in like five hours, he’s not a secret agent either, he’s Anthony Crowley, the manager, he has a lot of work tomorrow, because of this dork Gabriel, who…
He drifts in his thoughts (which he didn’t have even a second ago), like a nice little boat on the lake.
He pulls himself together and looks up at Az.
And they both freeze, as they hear footsteps approaching.
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wintersxcoming · 6 years
Sebastian Stan - Drunk
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Like every night, I was naturally up late. Normally by choice, or I just couldn't sleep. It was about 12:30 at night. Sebastian, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, and a couple of the other guys from their set decided to go out and get a few drinks. The girls decided to come over and have a movie night, but since it was getting late. They all left earlier because of their families.
As I was sitting on the couch finishing the movie that was on tv, I heard a key open the door from the kitchen. Chris texted me about 30 minutes prior saying they were on their way over. So I was expecting them to show up eventually. I got up and made my way to the kitchen.
There I saw Chris being hung on to by a giggling Sebastian. "See Evans, I told you she would wait up for me. She loves me that much." He slowly made his way towards me and gave me a tight bear hug. He mumbled into my neck, "Hey beautiful..." And then gave me a wet kiss on the cheek. He doesn't ever get drunk or drink hardly either, but when he does he gets more cuter and an even bigger dork. Which I didn't think was possible.
"Thanks Chris for bringing him home. You know where the spare room and shower is. Knock yourself out." Evans smiled at me sweetly. "I know the drill, thanks." He offered to help me with Seb, but said I had it. After I managed to guide him into our room. I made sure everything was off and locked. I then went to Chris' room to bring him a bottled water, and a couple of extra blankets and other stuff.
"Ya know, the whole time we were out. Seb kept demanding he came home because you were where he belonged, and it wasn't fun without you there." He paused for a moment. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks turn red, "Yeah, he tends to be a sappy butt." I said, smiling. "But it could have been the alcohol talking because you're not that fun." We both laughed, and I rolled my eyes at him. Then we said our good nights and started walking towards my room.
As I finally made it into our room, and I found Sebastian sprawled out on the bed in his boxers. "About time! I was missing you." Seb said as he watched me take my pajama pants off, take my messy bun down and crawl into bed.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" I softly spoke as I smiled shyly at him. "Because I can't get over how beautiful you are, and how lucky I am to have you. I just love you a whole lot." My face was beginning to be hot as he started to leave kisses all over my face. Then all of a sudden he started to attack me midway of him kissing my face by tickling me. Which caused me to laugh loud and obnoxiously.
He stopped after he managed to get a couple of laughs out of me, "I love that I can make you laugh like that." I gently grabbed his face and kissed him. He didn't hesitate and kissed me back deep and passionately. As we pulled away I said, "I love you so much." He smiled, and looked at me with such loving eyes. "And I love you Y/N. Goodnight beautiful." He gave me one more kiss and then pulled me into his arms.
Sober or not, he always acts like this. And it melts my little heart that I have someone that loves me as much as I do for them.
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tinystrk · 6 years
Drunk SteveTony kissed.
The light passing through the store due to the late hour felt like burning Tony’s retinas which managed to awaken him. He didn’t know who gave him this hammer shot but it certainly was the only answer to his gigantesque headache. Unless— and then flashbacks from last night came to his mind. Neons, music out loud, a lot of alcohol and him.
It was already hard to contain his crush for Steve but when he saw him in a white shirt so tight that it doesn’t even have place to the imagination, it became torture. But it was divine torture because seeing a drunk Steve was the greatest view Tony ever saw.
Then a second flashback came to his mind but this one had the effect of a huge slap.
Him kissing with a large open mouth Steve. Or more like some tall blonde and extremely well shaped guy that he probably mistaken for him. And it happened that the kiss with whoever was he –but he really hoped it was Steve– was really fuguous and passionate. He remembers more than well being pressed against the wall with two hands firmly tied to his waist and him with his hands around his partner’s neck. Their lips and tongues were like attached and were able to separate just not be out of breathe.
Even if he really wanted Steve to be the one he shared the kiss with, Steve is just his friend, probably even his best friend. But that’s it. Tony doesn’t even know if “he drives of this side of the road” and hadn’t plan to asked him.
Just be thinking about it, his heart was beating faster and he felt that his cheeks were turning red. Nevermind, he tried as he can to chase away this memory and decided to finally get up even if he felt like the hungover was still present more than he wanted her to be.
He arrived in the kitchen and sat without a world and without paying attention to the pairs of eyes that were scanning him.
“Hello Tony bear.”
“How are you sleeping beauty ?”
Tony smiled as he heard Rhodey’s and Natasha voices.
“In one word : hungover.” He just responded with a tiny smile.
“This is a disease that seems expanded this morning.” Pointed out Clint before drinking his cup of coffee.
“Yeah it looks like the super solider is not that invisible after all.” Stated Nat with an amused smile on her face.
“Speaking Steve did he kiss someone last night ?” was the sentence that automatically popped up in Tony’s mind as soon as he heard his name.
“Speaking of Steve, he disappeared a long moment last night. Do you guys know or saw something ?” Asked Clint without knowing what this implied for Tony.
“No I didin’t even notice. You saw something Tony maybe or maybe he told you something ?” After the question of Rhodey, all the pairs of eyes were on Tony which makes him more uncomfortable and confused that he really was.
“I don’t know ? Am I supposed to ? Do you suggests something ? That we kissed or something ? Ahaha very funny guys. Anyway... coffee ? No ? Just for me ?” Tony just launched that before lifting from his chair and go to the coffee machine.
“Anthony, do you have something to confess?” Tony could hear Rhodey’s grin in the words he just pronounced.
“No James do you ?” Asked Tony with his warm cup of coffee in one hand and pressed against the workplan.
“I think you do.”
As always, he was trying to make the situation a little less alwkward by joking or using irony but this time it was mostly awkward for him so it was though.
“I don’t know it’s just so blurry... Maybe I just dreamt it or maybe I even just kissed a statue.” Tony passed a hand on his face and sighed.
“Then it’s 89 all over again.” Laughed a this memory, Tony had always been a dork at parties.
“Okay.. I– I may have kissed Steve last night but that’s just the result of drunks men and it means absolutely nothing.” He sighed even more.
“You really sure that it means nothing ?” Nat asked while driking his coffee.
“Okay and what if it means something for me ? Would it mean something for Steve ? I don’t think so.” He looked down on the floor as if the answer was printed on it.
“I dont know you should ask him.”
As soon as he heard his voice, he lifts up his head and see him. He also sees that he looks as tired and as much suffering from the hungover than him.
He didin’t even have the time to respond that the kitchen was already empty.
“Great party last night.” Steve just said as he sat on the table. 
“Did you find it great because of him ?” Tony couldn’t help himself, he felt obligated to flirt with Steve.
“Maybe. Yes.” He lifts up and stands next to Tony.
He was being really close to him. The flashbacks of last night started to popped up in Tony’s mind.
“And are we going to wait till the next party to kiss again or ?” Tony gets even closer to Steve, they could feel each others breathes.
“Not if you have that alcohol smell.” Steve said with a silly smile as if step back just a little bit but stayed anyway really close to Tony.
“You’ll have to get used to it.” Tony just grabs the shirt of Steve which make them chest to chest.
“I think I will be able to handle that.” He barely even finish his sentence that their lips were finally reunited. Steve’s hands were already on Tony’s waist, it was like an automatism even if they kissed only once. Same for Tony’s hands on Steve’s neck.
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marvel-mega · 6 years
The Interview (3)
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*gif credit to owner*
A/N: Hey guys so this is a super long chapter! And if you guys want me to ill totally continue this series it's doing way better than i could've ever imagined it would've done and that all thanks to you guys enjoy!
word count: 1,223 
warnings: drunk people i think that’s it  
<---- chapter 2 
chapter 4 ---->
Chris’s POV
 It was after the movie was over, Seb and Anthony were talking about who got more screen time in the winter soldier. But i was too busy focusing on whether or not (y/n) was gonna be at the after party a part of me was thinking she was going to be there. A part of him was saying, of course, she’s gonna be there, dork (y/n) was a pretty popular reporter among the marvel community so she was almost always invited to the after parties or just the events in general. Chris overheard the Russo brother’s talking to (y/n) about maybe getting a role in an upcoming film so he knew they thought (y/n) had strong potential. The thought of working alongside her made Chris smile softly to himself but of course, this somehow didn't go unnoticed by his friends. “Hey Chris why you so happy over there by yourself,” Sebastian asked him. “No reason boys i just am excited for the after party.” “ Yea you're excited to see your little reporter, what was her name again... Um, ruby? Rachel.” “(Y/N), her name is (y/n).” “Ah well, she’s a sweet girl really funny in our interview.” A small twinge of jealousy arose inside of Chris and he couldn't help but feel angry at himself for thinking that about his good friend! I mean get it together Chris. “ Hey, she’s not ‘my reporter’ shes just a reporter that shows up pretty often at the Marvel events.” “So she’ll be at the after party?” Anthony said with a smirk. “There's a chance she could be there but I'm not sure.” “ Well go get all dashing for your little lady.” Sebastian and Anothy left to get dressed for the party also.    
Chris was finished getting ready and he couldn't help but feel a bit over-dressed he had a navy blue suit that somehow made him look pretty dashing as Sebastian instructed him to dress. At least focusing on his suit kept his mind away from her and his jitters about the event tonight. But with one small thought of her, he’s back to his old jitters. But for some reason, these seemed to be more excited jitters like he knew in his heart or in his mind that (y/n) was going to be at that party, for sure. 
 At The Party 
 Your pov 
 “I haven't been this nervous for an event since.. Gosh i can't remember the last time i was nervous for an event,”  you said to Robert while you guys road in your uber to the party. “Well dork you don't have to be nervous you look great just keep your head up and shoulders back. People won't even notice your insecurities or nervousness just as long as you don't mention/acknowledge them.” “Damn, Rob since when are you the new, younger Dr.Phil.” “To be completely honest i don't know but i just hate seeing you not feeling confident in yourself i want you to be confident and secure with yourself and your surroundings stay safe tonight alright?” “Yes, of course, Rob but you stay safe too. I cant afford to lose you.” You told your best friend with a soft grin. Your Uber pulled up to the event and you both told the man your thank you’s and entered the venue.    
Chris’s POV
 As i entered the party i saw an old friend of mind across the room. “Hey Paulina, how have you been haven't seen you since..” “High school” the redhead finished his sentence with a soft smile. “Crazy that you’re this big actor now Chris and you still remember little old me.” Chris let out a soft chuckle. “Yea well lately it seems to get a bit more hectic every now and then. How’s your husband?” “We are so happy together thank you for asking have you found your little special someone to settle down with?” “Uh no not yet, Paulina but I'm not sure if I'm really looking for a girl right now .” 
Your pov  
  I walked into the venue looking for Chris this was going to be the night id make my move on him. I couldn't seem to find him but i did find him but i did find Sebastian and Anthony so i walked over to the boys who were by the bar. “Hey, guys.” Sebastian looked at me up and down and Anthony chocked on his drink. “Anthony are you okay?!” “Yea princess, you just look really pretty.” “Oh thank you, Anthony,” you blushed, Anthony was a friend nothing more but it felt nice to be complemented by someone other than your immediate friends or family. “Yea (y/n) you look beautiful.” Sebastian complimented. “ Thank you, Sebastian.” “Oh call me Seb princess.” “Okay see,” you said with a smile “ have you guys seen Chris i wanted to talk to him” Anthony and Seb looked at each other before Anthony said, “Um he's with an old friend over there”. And he pointed right behind you and you turned to realize the gorgeous man in the navy suit was Chris himself but in front of him was a lady with fiery red hair that you couldn't compete with. “Oh,” you said a little glum, feeling a bit insecure. “Well, he seems busy let's just have some drink and have a fun time!” A few drinks later you couldn’t stop giggling and you could barely hold yourself upright. Sebastian who hadn't been drinking as much as you ‘He probably didn’t have a reason to be insecure and drink away his problems’. “Ssssebastiaaan,” you slurred “You are an attractive man and you don't have to wonder if Chris likes you because Chris would totally like you because you're so cute i have to worry whether or not Chris like me or not.” Sebastian took a minute to process that you liked Chris and that Anthony owed him 20$ now. “ Hey (y/n) lets head home okay? You seem a bit too drunk for your own good.” You began to whine but didn't fight back when Seb took your arm and led you out the venue. Chris saw you leaving out of the corner of his eye and he saw Seb with you, the jealousy from the interview boiled over to right now. “HEY,” Chris tried yelling over the music and the people but you and Sebastian disappeared into the night. On your way out Sebastian bumped into a girl and apologized quickly. The girl was about to tell Sebastian it was no big deal when she realized that (y/n) was on Sebastian’s shoulder she paused. Ava reacted out of hurt and pure revenge she pulled out her cellphone and took pictures of her infamous ex-best friend (y/n) resting her little head on Sebastian Stan’s shoulder. Before Sebastian could delete the picture their uber arrived and Sebastian just thought it was some crazed fan that just wanted a picture of Sebastian and he took off with (y/n) and took her to Sebastian‘s apartment was closer than your apartment. Where he got her all cleaned up and tucked in the bed. But Ava stayed behind smirking to herself as she realized that she had pictures that could ruin your career and Sebastian she saved them and followed you guys to Sebastian’s apartment. 
To be continued …..
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Sebastian Stan X Reader
Person A: “How long are you going to drunkenly tell me you love me?” Person B: “Until I have the courage to tell you in person.”
Warning: Language and Mentions of drinking/ being drunk
It’s Saturday night, you should be partying with everyone tonight, right? Too bad you volunteered to be a designated driver for everyone, which actually felt like babysitting. First, you had to chase after Elizabeth when she decided to take her shoes off and go running around the bar. Next, you had to hold Scarlet's hair back as she puked in your hotel bathroom.
“I swear you all did this on purpose tonight.” You say to your friends who are scattered around your hotel room.
“You’re going to make a good mom someday. You took good care of us all tonight.” Anthony says.
“Yeah you guys all owe me one.” You smile.
“I need to eat right now.” Sebastian suddenly interrupts. “Like right now.”
You sigh and walk over to him and push him back on the bed. “No, you need sleep. Besides, room service hours ended already.”
He complies for a moment and closes his eyes. You take a moment to admire how cute he looks right now. You’ve had pretty strong feelings for him ever since you two first met when you joined the marvel cast. Realizing how creepy you must look right now, you force yourself to look away.
“If I don’t eat soon I’m going to be sick.” He complains.
“Fine. There is a McDonald’s across the street, I’ll be right back.”
“I’m coming with you.” He says as he gets up.
“Seb, you’re trashed. It’s best if I just go.” You say as you grab your wallet and head towards the door.
He ignores you comment and follows you. “I’ll be good I swear.”
Once you get into the elevator, you can’t help but smile at him. “You know it was probably best if you stayed.”
“But I wanted to go on an adventure with you.” He whined.
“I hardly call going to McDonald’s an adventurous quest.” You laugh.
“Yeah well I love you want I wanted to go with you so there.” He blurts out.
You feel a blush creeping over your face at his words, but quickly regain your composure. He’s drunk, he clearly doesn’t know what he is saying.
Finally the two of you arrive at McDonald’s and he starts ordering. He then starts panicking and starts looking for his wallet. “Shit I don’t have my wallet.”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve got it.” You say as you hand the cashier a twenty.
“Thank you so much Y/N, I love you.” He says again as he takes his food and heads to an empty table.
“Don’t you want to take it back to the hotel?” You ask as you sit across the table.
“I told you if I didn’t eat soon I was going to be sick, didn’t want to risk it.” He says as he stuffs the food in his mouth. “Oh my God, I feel so much better now.”
After the two of you finish eating, you head back to the hotel. When you get into the room you see that everyone left and a note on the table saying that everyone went back to their rooms to get some sleep.
“Where is everyone?” Sebastian asks.
You just hand him the note and start cleaning up the empty bottles in the room. “Maybe you should go get some rest too. You’re going to be hurting tomorrow.”
“Nooo.” He drags out. “I want to stay here because I love you.” He says as he dramatically collapses on the bed.
“How long are you going to drunkenly tell me that you love me?” You say as you sit next to him.
“Until I have the courage to tell you when I’m sober.” He says without skipping a beat.
You’re left speechless. Did he really mean it? Or was it the alcohol still talking.
“Can I please stay here with you?” He asks.
“Of course you can.” You say as you get up and grab two aspirins and a bottle of water. “Here this will help.”  
“You see this is why I love you, you’re so good to me.” He says one last time before he passes out.
You take his shoes off and pull the blanket over him. For a few minutes, you have a silent debate with yourself if you should sleep next to him or take the couch. You finally decided to just stay on the couch to avoid any awkwardness in the morning.
The next morning Sebastian wakes up feeling slightly confused. He realizes after a minute that he stayed in your hotel with you last night. He turns to look for you and doesn’t find you. Sitting up he sees you over on the couch stirring awake.
“Hey, what are you doing sleeping on the couch?” He asks.
You yawn and rub the sleep out of your eyes. “Well my bed was occupied.”
“I left plenty of room, come over here.” He slaps the empty side next to him.
You shyly agree and walk over and slide next to him. “You feel okay?” You ask as you break the silence.
“My head hurts, but other than that I’m good. Sorry for all the trouble last night.” He smiles.
You wave your hand. “Please, you were the best behaved of everyone last night, even when we took the trip to McDonald’s.”
“Oh yeah I forgot we went there.” He says. He stays silent for a minute trying to piece everything that went on the night before. “Oh my God!” He says as he slaps his hands over his face.
“What?” You ask worried.
“I can’t believe I confessed my love to you last night.” He groans. “And in a McDonald’s of all places.”
“Actually the first time you said it was in the elevator.” You say. “Don’t sweat it, we all say crazy things when we are drunk.”
He stays silent and just looks at you, and suddenly you feel nervous.
“I mean, I know you really don’t love me.”
“Would it be so bad if I did?” He says with some hope in his voice.
You’re too stunned to say anything. Was this actually happening? Did he really have feelings for you?
You see panic come across his face and he stands up. “I’m so sorry, please forget I said anything please. I don’t want things to be weird between us.”
“No wait!” You say as you grab his hand. “Please I’m just a little surprised. Don’t leave.”
He holds onto your hand and sits back down. “To be honest, I didn’t picture having this conversation like this.”
“Believe me, I’m just as surprised.” You pause. “I didn’t think you ever would feel the same way I did.”
“So you do have feelings for me?” He smiles.
You blush and look down. “Yeah, pretty strong ones too.”
He smiles and starts to lean in to kiss you, but he stops and curses. “Dammit.”
“I really want to kiss you right now. But my mouth tastes like tequila and old big mac sauce.” He laughs and you join. “How about we save that for our first date, maybe tonight?”
“Tonight then.” You agree. “Can’t wait.”
The two of you are interrupted when your friends walk into your room looking absolutely miserable.
“Good morning my drunken children, how are you all feeling?” You ask your friends.
Elizabeth walks over and crawls in between you and Sebastian. “I died. I’m dead. But it still hurts.” She whines.
“Please stop yelling.” Anthony says and he sits on the couch.
“I’m never drinking again. “ Scarlett says.
“Well I don’t think you ever have to worry about being hungover again after today.” You say. “Because between the four of you I’m pretty sure you consumed all of the alcohol in the world last night.”
“Can everyone agree to not mention the word alcohol for the next twenty years please?” Elizabeth complains.
“Alright that’s it, I’m ordering you all breakfast now. It will help you feel better.” You say as you stroke Elizabeth’s hair.
“Well I for one feel great.” Sebastian brags.
“How is that even possible? You drank more than all of us last night.” Anthony chimed in.
“You are all light weights. And besides, I’m in such a great mood because Y/N agreed to go on a date with me tonight.”
Elizabeth shoots her head up and stares at you. “Oh my God, really?”
“About damn time.” Anthony says.
“This is amazing. Does this mean you guys are going to get married?” Scarlett asked excitedly.
“You see what you started?” You say to Sebastian.
“I’m not even sorry about it.” He says as he stands up. “Well I’m off, I need to get some rest and clean myself up. I have a hot date tonight.”
“You do realize that you’re dating the biggest dork ever, right?” Anthony says after Sebastian leaves.
“Yeah I know.” You smile. “I couldn’t be happier.”
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on-a-kiss-god-knows · 6 years
Bryzzo for 22, giggly kiss please. :-)
There are multiple kisses in this. At least one of them is giggly. (Also, @ self, geez, get over 2016 eventually, would you?) 
read on ao3 or below
After the World Series, it feels like Kris and Anthony can’tstop kissing.
It’s kind of a pain because it also seems like there aremore cameras pointed at them than there ever have been before, but Anthony pullsKris fully clothed into the showers of the visitors’ clubhouse to kiss himbreathless.
(They take a moment to regroup - “Is this real?” “I can’t believe you made that play.” “I can’t believeyou caught the ball.” “I can’t believe we won.” – and then they kiss againbefore they run back out to join their teammates for the celebration.)
Kris doesn’t really sleep that night, though maybe hecatches a few minutes on the plane with his head on Anthony’s shoulder. It’sthe restless kind of sleep where he’s still aware of what’s going on aroundhim, like the trophy being passed around so everyone can snap a photo with it,and like Anthony’s lips brushing his forehead. Kris doesn’t care. He isn’ttired, and he’s not sure anything is ever going to bother him again.
They won the World Series after midnight, so it’s alreadyThursday when they celebrate in the clubhouse, and it’s early Thursday morningwhen they land back in Chicago, and honestly, the whole day is a whirlwind.Kris doesn’t think he has a moment alone the entire day, but any time he’s noton camera or sneaking a bite to eat he’s kissing Anthony. They’ve kissedbefore, plenty of times, but there’s something about winning the World Seriesthat’s given them permission to go for it every chance they get. They’re bothon this team for years to come, they aren’t trying to catch something whilethey have the chance, they’re – settling in. Adjusting to a new normal thatwill hopefully last for years.
Eat.Sleep. Win the World Series. Kiss Anthony. Kris thinks he couldlive with that if that’s all he does for the rest of his life.
He doesn’t sleep Thursday night either, he’s still too ampedup no matter how much he needs it, and by the time Friday morning rolls around he’sso tired it’s looped all the way back around to feeling energized again.
“Kris, buddy,” Anthony says once they’re waiting to get ontheir bus for the parade, slinging an arm around his shoulders. “When’s the lasttime you slept?”
Kris laughs, pondering his answer. “On the plane, I think.”
“Explains why you’ve sounded drunk in all your interviewsthis morning.” Anthony tries to hide a smile, but he’s unsuccessful. “Such afucking dork.”
Kris shoves his arm off his shoulders and playfully puncheshim in the side. “Don’t pretend like you’ve slept.”
Anthony has dark circles under his eyes, but he grins, andit lights up his whole face. “I know how to function without sleep.”
“Dude, I went to college, I think I know how to pull anall-nighter,” Kris says with a smirk.  
Anthony puts a hand to his chest and staggers backwards. “Ouch!”
“C’mon, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Laughing, Kris grabsAnthony by the hand and pulls him back over to him.
“Don’t be so mean to me,” Anthony says, and even as theyboth keep laughing he plants a kiss on Kris’s lips.
Kris glances around when he pulls away, making sure there aren’tany cameras on them, but they’re well hidden by the parade buses. Satisfied, hegives Anthony another quick peck on the lips before hopping on the bus. Theyhave a parade and a rally to get to. 
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thepatricktreestump · 7 years
Auden’s YouNow Vids!
Do you want to see me be a dork? Want to hear me ramble on for hours on end? Do you want to see me dance like an idiot and sing like Jacob Sartorious? Are you always preoccupied whenever I decide to stream? Do you want your mom to join the army of middle aged mothers who complain in my inbox about my topics of drug use, sex, and other inappropriate topics? (Yes I’m fucking bringing you up again Laura and Janice.) If so, then here you go! Whatever the reason might be, for entertainment or for finding good roast material, you’re in luck. These are my YouNow livestreams… I do them sometimes to talk to you guys, connect with y’all, and share my stories, jokes, and even myself more easily! *My YouNow is thepatricktreestump*
8.3.17 – 22min Treehouse: very first livestream, back to school tips, summer reading advice, talking about transitioning into high school, some of the classes I’m taking this year… 8.4.17 – 3min Bathtub: giving my bearded dragon a bath, that’s literally it 8.8.17 – 5min Aunt’s House: talking about fics I’m writing, Saudade plans, a shitton of tumblr updates and ideas, being hopeful for the upcoming school year… 8.14.17 – 19min Treehouse: how school is going, my love for hats, tmi period health talk, storytime my starbucks nightmare experience, guy talk and friend group drama, Ryden and Brallon, memes, my bearded dragon eating my homework, no regrets, geometry class stories, me giving my best regards to a chicken… 9.4.17 – 2sec Middle of the woods: Literally two seconds of me walking through a forest with my girlfriend at the time??? I don’t even know 11.14.17 – 5min Bedroom: Last stream with my long hair, talking about dysphoria, introduction of coconut water, showing off art on walls, apologizing for my hiatus… 11.19.17 – 20min Bedroom: Celebrating almost hitting 2.3k followers, new haircut, beanie vs hat, answering tumblr asks, I’m a fast ass typer, my anxiety with adding smiley faces and gifs, freaking out over requests, back at it again with dat coconut water life, being hype for MANIA, being paranoid, flashing a boob by accident, talking about meeting Anthony Amorim… 11.20.17 – 25min Bedroom: birth of the live ice cream mom joke, failing at making jokes, being hype for Christmas, procrastinating on writing Black & Red, answering tumblr asks, penguins, my little sister annoying me, having my writing read on almost every continent, being in a relationship, my social media moms, Twitter talk, being spontaneous af… 11.21.17 – 1hr20min Bedroom: Emo dabs, I listen to songs you’ve recommended me, return of the coconut water, being in love with blood, share some jams of my own, promoting After Laughter and Razia’s Shadow, rap one of my favorite songs, talk about musicals, lots of singing and dancing and reacting… 11.30.17 – 1hr Bedroom: I do my homework, freak out over my life being a mess, listen to some more music, I attempt to speak and sing Spanish, rant about the net neutrality issue, promoting AM and Cybersex, giving a government conspiracy theory, talk about dysphoria… 12.3.17 – 43min Bedroom/Bathroom: I play acoustic guitar, give my bearded dragon a bath, play some covers (WDBWOTV, 90210, House of Gold, Young Volcanoes), some original songs of mine (Sunday Morning, Insomnia, Rabbit Hole, etc.,), advice on how to ask people to use the right pronouns… 12.5.17 -53min Bedroom: Return of the coconut water, I listen and dance to BTS, I go through my art binder and sketchbook, I read and show the original “Poem For Emos” loose leaf, talk about the novels I’ve written, diss sprinkles, talk about the Dubai Anesthesia video…
12.7.17 – 50min Bedroom: Getting injured, finding acceptance through suffering, religion and explaining being an agnostic omnist, 55 questions, the optimism in pessimism, relationships, complaining about ortho, listening to Blackbear, Arctic Monkeys, and Fall Out Boy, transforming someone into a drag queen, more dancing…
12.15.17 - 40min
Bedroom: Listening to more music, talking about Brendon's 12 Days of Livestream, me being hesitant as fuck to livestream, doodling Santa Claus, wearing my S.O.'s christmas sweater, Brendon deciding to stream while I stream...
12.19.17 - 6min
In Bed: just a quick positivity post for you guys, keep doing what you're doing, you are enough...
12.23.17 - 34min
Bedroom: my 2017 in review, Aaron's transition, q&a, saudade, being interrupted by parents and relatives...
12.27.17 - 44min
Bedroom: Ukulele stream, sin blog got marked as explicit, dallon let panic!, playing a shitton of covers (Bad At Love, Creep, I'm Yours, Me and My Broken Heart, Skyscraper, Titanium, Hey There Delilah, This Is The First Day of my Life, Can't Help Falling in Love, Viva La Vida, Immortals, Valerie, Coconut Sharks in the Water, and much more), not really knowing what the fuck i'm doing...
12.28.17 - 1hr7min
Bedroom: reading my hate comments, giving unpopular opinions, roasting my followers, return of the coconut water, finding jeff, following Kaitlyn, jamming out to soul punk, talking about how I fell in love with brendon urie, what to do when home alone, being cheesy about how much I love you guys...
12.29.17 - 15min
Bedroom: messy hair, reading a call to love poem, book review on Pete Wentz's (not) autobiography Gray, I get all my shirts from Hot Topic...
12.31.17 - 56min
Bedroom: last livestream of 2017, talking about the Cabin album, performed my poetry program Because of Silence, read more suicide based poetry, return of the coconut water, improvisational ukulele music jam, I play covers (Alone Together, The Judge, New Rules, Fake Your Death, One Last Time, and more), happy new year's eve...
1.1.18 - 8min
Bedroom: Happy New Year, mall haul (Inside Scoop, Spencer's, Starbucks, Hot Topic), resolutions for the new year, healthy living...
1.4.18 - 47min
Bedroom: trigonometry homework, shitty return of the coconut water, listening to Vices & Virtues b-tracks, jamming out to other music, talking about how YouTubers grow up, the panic! song algorithm...
1.10.18 - 50min
Bedroom: storytime livestream, fuck apologies, changed the names in the story for privacy purposes, return of the coconut water, what happened this weekend, more tea is spilled, how my miserable day went, how I lost all of my friends, lots of drama, I am an honest person, talking about therapy and help, going to my school, mostly life problems...
1.12.18 - 32min
Bedroom: I hit a can for half an hour straight, learn how to play the dodie Heinz bean can song, troye sivan's new single, I throw a can in my face, not a big fan of corn, return of the superman pajamas...
1.14.18 - 7 min
Bedroom: laptop camera test, lots of purple glasses, bitching about finding quality guitar chords, Johnny Boy uke cover very messy and rough and low quality and glitch, me not being able to hit high notes lmfao, wearing my s.o.'s sweatshirt, tyler and josh phone lockscreen, thank you for support on my livestreams...
1.23.18 - 14min
Living room: super fucking sick, winning first place at a speech meet, I took my bearded dragon to the vet storytime, being connected to a pet, talking about joining the bts army...
1.28.18 - 44min
S.O's house: i'm still sick lol, mac and cheese, introducing my s.o. Gray, Q&A, talking about gender identity, unboxing, accidentally being sent surprise item, dad jokes, opening up christmas presents, also featuring Gray's dog Rico, complimenting other people, being addicted to lime hot Cheetos....
2.10.18 - 25min
Bedroom: got a new-ish haircut, crushed an interview for a theater internship, fanfiction recommendation list...
2.16.18 - 44min
Bedroom: valentine's day, wearing a binder, Can't Help Falling In Love cover, talking about how much I love you guys, re-reacting to BTS music videos, fangirling over the Black Panther album, we love and support Vince Staples in this household, Young Dumb and Broke cover, go text someone you miss and rekindle an old friendship...
3.13.18 - 7min
Bedroom: short summary of where I've been, "mental hospital" google doc, updates...
3.30.18 - 12 min
Bedroom: new wall, basically a drunk vlog, very delusional and out of sorts, k-pop ate me alive, being on spring break, talking about how I used to listen to music in middle school...
4.14.18 - 20min
Bedroom: all time low poster, talking about my date night, self-care tips and tricks talk...
4.25.18 - 12min
Treehouse: self-harm coping mechanisms, low quality stream I apologize...
4.27.18 - 20min
Bedroom: Patrick Stump's birthday, talking about the clique and the twenty one pilots comeback, dema theories...
Bedroom: with the bebe
Park: talking to you after getting off of work
Kitchen: sick, chicken noodle soup, talking about IDKHBTFM and fall out boy
Aunt’s House: my sister in the background, pray for the wicked reaction, just a lot of fun idk
Kitchen: teaching you how to make cilantro lime rice!
Kitchen: ok honestly i forget what this is sorry
Bedroom: twenty one pilots is back bitch
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