#drunken first kiss
resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
okay, i don’t know where this thought came from. sue me. i don’t care it’s amusing.
steve was very drunk. like, super drunk. he’d faced the almost-end of the world for fucks sake, you can’t get mad at him for wanting to get drunk.
vecna had happened, and they’d almost killed him, and then eddie died. but then he wasn’t dead anymore, he was brought back to life by none other than their resident bad guy and practically betrayed the party, but then he didn’t… it was so confusing, steve was just trying to not die whilst defending everyone else the whole time. dustin kept making references to this “kas” guy… eddie seemed to agree, once he was back to his normal weird self.
eddie had graduated, today actually, after summer school. the weather was hot and eddie was finally free and they wanted to have a party and celebrate success. freedom.
so, here they were. all drinking the night away and laughing and dancing and fuck, all those hits to the head really fucked with steve’s tolerance because after those three shots with robin and the two beers he’d had prior, he was blasted. he decided to stop drinking, but then eddie was nice enough to make him up this “special concauction” and he couldn’t say no. so another drink down… and a strong one at that.
so steve was drunk. very drunk. so drunk that his consciousness wasn’t really there, and his vision was blurred, but he was still having a good time. just no more alcohol. he yelled that out to everyone, made sure they all stopped him from the beers.
he was dancing with robin, their arms linked as they jigged around the room to Gimme Gimme Gimme, singing off the top of their lungs. everyone was amused, especially because robin was now out to everyone there since she started seeing vicky, and steve was a guy. a straight guy at that. right?
eddie was slumped back against the wall, beer in hand, he was pretty drunk too, but not nearly as gone as steve. he was smoking a joint, passing it to jonothan beside him. nancy gave them shit for smoking inside, but it was steve’s house, not hers, and steve didn’t care. they poked their tongues out at her.
eddie had his eyes locked on steve, as they had been ever since gym class in their shared senior year. steve just wore such tight little shorts, and when eddie was forced to go up against him in one v one basketball against his will, and he was trying to get the ball and steve shoved his ass into eddie’s crotch in defence… well, yeah. eddie hadn’t gotten an erection so fast since middle school when he had to get changed in the locker room for the first time.
he wasn’t sure if he’d had a chance with steve. sometimes it seemed like he was flirting, but then he’d start talking about this pretty girl that came into work and all hope would be lost. why must life be so confusing?
steve however, had been harbouring secretive feelings for eddie since like… his freshman year. well, he didn’t know he liked eddie back then, he was just so entranced by this weird guy with gorgeous eyes and soft pink lips and a daring grin and such confidence. he was in awe. he’d only realised he actually liked eddie, after talking with robin about his bisexuality and after dustin wouldn’t shut up about the guy.
he couldn’t blame the kid though. eddie was everything.
but god these feelings sucked ass. steve just wanted to be normal, he didn’t need to deal with being more of a disappointment. he hated himself. and he hated eddie because there was no way eddie could be into him, right? eddie was straight. he had to be. i mean, it’s not like eddie ever talked about girls, or had ever had a girlfriend, or seemed interested in the girls steve tried to set him up with, or had any nudie mags lying around his room or any thing like that… but like… he wasn’t gay. he just… no.
and so he was drunk and dancing and singing about wanting a man after midnight and seeing eddie stare at him whilst high out the corner of his eye, and his vision was blurred but it looked like eddie was smiling at him, ignoring jonothan even. god everything was so much. steve either needed to go to bed, or to hook up with some pretty girl. that’s what he’d do anytime he’d have stupid feelings about tommy back in the day.
they finished their dance and then some sappy love song started playing and vicky came over for a dance with her girlfriend and steve took that as his cue to leave. and he did. he stumbled over and threw back another shot before dustin could pull it from his hands because shit, feelings sucked man. especially the gay ones.
why weren’t there any pretty un-lesbian girls here?
oh, there was nancy… her and jonothan were broken up again… he thought… maybe? god it was too hard to keep track. but… it was worth a shot, right? she was clearly attracted to him, at least once.
he walked over to her leaning against the window she stood in front of, crowding her in and putting on his flirtiest grin, “hey there.”
“hi.” she looked at him weirdly.
“how’s it goin?”
“uh, good?” she glanced over to el and max who were just a few feet away, watching and giggling.
“so, i was thinkin…” he put on a charming little laugh.. at least, what he though was charming, “you and me-“
“nancy!” mike shouted from the kitchen, “where the fuck are the cupcakes mum made?”
nancy rolled her eyes, thanking the gods for her insufferable brother, pat steve on the bicep and walked away.
he slumped against the window and decided he needed more alcohol.
he managed to steel some from dustin’s cup once he’d put it down to fight with lucas, both of them rolling around on the ground. he slinked away before dustin could notice.
“hey! who…”
steve giggled to himself and stumbled over to argyle, who was fiddling with the music. he made some small talk with the dude. he seemed cool enough. steve wanted to request some tears for fears.
he saw nancy staring at him and his cheeks flushed a little pink, she seemingly looked him up and down before turning to head upstairs. her hair, in all it’s curly glory, bounced as she bound up the steps and steve was intrigued. so he followed.
he struggled to climb the stairs at first, his feet finding the wrong spots and almost rolling down a few times, but eventually he got there. he noticed his bedroom door open.
distraction with a gorgeous girl, ago. thank fuck she got the message, right?
nope. no one was in there… but then the door to his ensuite swung open and nancy drunkenly stumbled out. steve grinned at her.
“hey gorgeous.” he winked, taking a few slow, very stumbly steps forward.
she clearly was very flustered, “uh, hi…”
steve shut his bedroom door, and then they were enclosed in darkness, “funny seeing you here.”
yeah, he’d kind of lost his charm over the years. blame it on the head trauma.
“ah… yeah?” her voice was deeper than steve remebered… must have been the alcohol fucking up his brain or something, making everything sound wrong.
steve took a few steps closer, until he was right in front of her. she was taller than he remebered too… maybe she was wearing platforms… maybe steve had shrunk. he was probably just super drunk.
“i’m glad.” steve grinned, leaning in a little. she hesitantly leant back, “thought we could have a little fun, whaddya say?”
her eyes widened, “fun?”
steve nodded, “yeah, you and me.” he reached a hand up, curling a finger around a lock of her hair. it felt different. he liked it more, “always loved your hair, you know.”
he felt her melt against him, “you have?”
he nodded, getting closer, “it’s gorgeous.” he whispered against her lips, his other hand slinking around her waist, “i’m gonna kiss you now. is that okay?”
she nodded, crashing her lips into his… it felt different. so different. i mean, it had been a while since they had last kissed. but like, someone’s mouth can’t change that much, right? once again, he blamed it on the alcohol. he sunk his hand into the glorious locks on the back of her head, and she relaxed into his hold, slinging her arms over steve’s shoulders and pulling him closer.
she pulled back and muttered, “fuck, been wanting to do this forever.”
steve’s cheeks turned pink… the last time he’d talked, nancy seemed barely interested in him like this. maybe she’d just been horny lately, and jonothan may not have been as good at sex as steve. that was probably it. steve pulled her backwards and pushed her down onto the bed, climbing over her and kissing down her neck, her jaw, sucking at her skin until he left a purple bruise under her ear. she moaned, a lot, the whole time. steve didn’t remember her being this responsive, but it really turned him on. he came back to her lips and kissed her fucking silly, his hands slid up from her hips, under her shirt and up- wait… he felt around a little. nothing… no bra, no tits, just a flat chest with… pierced nipples? he pulled back in a flash and leant over to turn his lamp on.
that wasn’t nancy.
“steve?” eddie asked, seemingly very confused.
“i-“ steve stared, shaking his head as he crawled off of eddie.
fuck, he’d just kissed eddie. oh my god he’d just felt up eddie. oh shit he’s just made out with eddie. he’d fucking sucked a hicky into eddie’s neck… and he let him? he… he’d been wanting to do this forever? shit he was so drunk.
eddie turned pink, “sorry?”
“i shouldn’t… i th-“ steve took a deep breath, sitting down on the edge of his desk because he was too dizzy to stand still, “i thought you were nance.”
there was silence for a while too long, “you saw me walk up stairs… followed me… looked me dead in the eye and kissed me, all whilst thinking i was nancy?”
well fuck, “oh.” eddie turned white.
“your gay?” steve mumbled out.
eddie was about to cry, “no.”
silence again. “what?”
“i thought you were…” eddie shook his head, racking his brain for a girl that was here that was straight that was old enough that looked enough like steve… of course there was no one, “i don’t know.”
was steve’s first kiss with eddie seriously a drunken accident?
“sorry.” eddie squeaked and ran away.
because that’s what eddie did best, right?
by the time steve made it back down stairs, eddie was gone with the night.
he hadn’t heard from eddie for two whole weeks. after two weeks of missing eddie, steve told robin what had happened. she slapped him.
“are you serious, steve?” she shook her head, “you actually had him underneath you and you ruined it with your stupid heterosexual honesty? you could have just lied, you know? told him later!”
steve groaned, slamming his head on the counter repeatedly, “i know… but he said he’s not gay-“
“he obviously lied.”
“how do you know that?”
“ah, steve…” she scoffed, “if a girl made out with me drunk, then pulled back telling me she thought i was a guy, to then randomly ask me if i was gay, i would lie about it too.”
“oh.” steve stared at the window, “oh.”
“oh!” she flung her arms out.
steve drove straight to the munsons after work that night, and knocked on their door. eddie opened it, guitar slung over his back. he’d been practicing. it made steve all hot and bothered. eddie went white when he saw him.
“steve…” he looked away awkwardly.
“can i come in?”
eddie hesitated before sighing deeply and stepping out of the way to let steve in. he shut the door behind them and took his guitar off. steve wasn’t sure if he was more disappointed or relieved about that.
“whaddya want?” eddie asked, standing awkwardly in the room as steve took a seat on the couch. he needed to sit for this.
“sorry.” steve mumbled.
“for?” he knew what for.
“for kissing you and then telling you i thought you were nance.”
“so… you didn’t think i was nance?” eddie scoffed, “jeez. came up for some experimentation with the freak and realised you didn’t like it, classy, steve. real classy.”
steve looked to the ground, “no… we’ll, i-“ he huffed, hating himself a little too much right now, “i did think you were nancy.”
“amazing.” eddie muttered beneath his breath.
“i just… i wanted sex… is all. i was horny and needed a girl-“
“great.” eddie emphasised the T, “i needa know about that, why?”
steve rolled his eyes, he hated how irritating eddie got when he was feeling emotionally venerable. tell tale sign one that steve had definitely hurt him, and that eddie was one hundred percent into dudes. at least fifty percent into steve.
“because.” steve sighed rather dramatically, “i just… i needed a distraction, okay?”
“okay?” eddie shook his head, eyes wide, “and? i’m not a fucking mind reader, steve.”
steve started to grow a little angry with eddie’s attitude, furrowing his brows and practically growling, “fuck you for looking like nancy.”
eddie rolled his eyes and laughed, “wow, sorry for not living up to your wet dreams.”
steve stood, getting a little defensive now, “asshole, the reason why i was trying to sleep with nancy is because you are my wet dreams.”
“ah huh.” eddie nodded with a disgusting grin that steve knew was there just to spite him, “sure. i’m your wet dream in the way that pigs fucking fly.”
steve folded his arms in a grump, “your a jerk, you know that?”
“your a fucking dick.” eddie snapped back, “learn how to handle your drink.”
“sorry for not realising my tolerance got lower, you know, after sacrificing my life and consciousness for you and all!”
“oh, here we go. you gonna cry hero, try and get my sympathy or some shit?”
steve clenched his fists. that’s the last thing he’d do, “as if. maybe if you’d actually done something with your life other than being a shitty drug dealer, none of that bullshit would have happened and then i never would have mistaken you for nancy!”
eddie laughed again, and it made steve’s insides clench, “wow. just… fucking wow. what ever happened to the ‘oh, it’s not your fault, ed’s. there’s nothing you could do, ed’s. don’t beat yourself up, eds’?”
“maybe, if you weren’t such a dick you would be getting that treatment.”
“you are such a bully.” eddie shook his head, “still king steve at heart, aren’t you?”
steve gritted his teeth, “don’t call me that.”
“what?” eddie leered forward with a teasing smirk, “don’t like the truth, your highness?”
steve scrunched up his nose, shoving a finger into eddie’s chest, “that’s rich coming from a peice of shit, trailer trash freak, like yourself.”
eddie pretended that didn’t hurt as much as it did, “at least i’m not fake.” ouch.
“at least i’m wanted.” fuck.
eddie took a moment to absorb that, shrugging slightly, “but nancy didn’t want you, remember? she broke up with you, for jonothan… and then rejected you the other night, when you came running for the freak instead.”
“hmm,” steve muttered, taking another step closer, thank fully he was taller than eddie so his intention to intimidate seemed to work, “but you did.” it was his turn to smirk.
eddie’s smugness faultered for a moment, only a moment, but steve noticed. of course he fucking noticed. eddie furrowed his brow, clenching his fists and practically blowing steam out of his ears. steve knew he’d got him. he’d hit a sore spot and he was winning. and then he felt a little guilty, because that’s exactly something king steve would have done. fuck.
“maybe i was just using you, jackass.” eddie fought back, “experimenting with a guy with a big enough mouth to fit my cock.” eddie smirked again.
steve’s nose scrunched up in anger, the words shooting down to his dick but he refused to acknowledge that, “motherfucker.”
wow, great come back steve. amazing.
“cunt.” eddie grinned, looking up at steve but managing to intimidate him nonetheless.
“you are such a dick.” steve huffed, his voice seemingly quieter.
“you’re an emotionless asshole.” eddie whispered back.
“am not.” great job steve. yes. fix it by talking like a seven year old.
“are too.” eddie faught back.
“am. not.” steve sneered, “i happen to have a lot of stupid emotions.”
“sure you do.” eddie nodded once, his voice condescending as fuck, “enough emotions to… use your ex girlfriend for sex… or enough emotions to fuck over the only gay guy you know out of spite?”
steve smirked, “so you are gay? awh, you do want me.” he teased, poking eddie in the nose, “how cute. you got a crush on king steve, eddie? did i make you think all your stupid little dreams could come true?”
eddie slapped his hand away from his face. fuck. he nudged forward again, “fine. you got me. but you are a terrible kisser. i feel shame to all those girls who went all the way with you, i just got lucky enough that you felt the need to stop.”
“oh, you fucker…” steve shook his head, “i’ll have you know, i’m renowned for my sexual prowess. a god in the sack, if you will.”
“someone’s feeling a little cocky.” eddie scoffed.
“says the cock sucker.” steve smirks.
“no one said i did the sucking.” eddie grinned.
steve huffed, “all i’m saying, is that you can’t lie to me. once you got a taste, you didn’t want to stop.”
“it was sub par.” eddie shrugged, “like soggy popcorn after a movie. if it’s offered to you, you’ll take it. but it doesn’t mean it’s good.”
steve chuckled, “you seemed to think it was good the other night.”
“it’s my word against yours, big boy.” eddie grinned, “prove it.”
“i will.” steve nodded.
“how?” eddie nudged his face up into steve’s, catching him by surprise.
steve thought about it for a moment, looking at eddie, feeling the warmth of his breath on his face. those gorgeous eyes, his perfect hair and those pretty pink lips. he licked his own lips, looking between eddie’s eyes and his mouth. eddie seemed to be doing the same.
“i will.” steve whispered.
“no you won’t.” eddie smirked.
“shut up.” steve scoffed, eyes locked on eddie’s lips, watching his tongue dart out to lick them. he wanted to suck on eddie’s tongue.
“make me.” eddie quirked an eyebrow.
and steve did make him. eddie was shut the fuck up with a hot, hard kiss. he pulled back quickly, blinking once, twice, three times up at steve, catching his breath. steve looked at him for a moment, understanding the confusion behind eddie’s eyes. he sighed, still with a little aggression.
“i wanted to fuck a girl because i was having stupid thoughts about fucking you again and i needed to get rid-“
and that was good enough for eddie, so he kissed him again. shoving him back until his knees hit the edge of the couch and he was falling down into it, and eddie was straddling steve’s lap and pulling at his shirt and kissing him harder.
steve ended up with a matching hickey under his ear.
neither of them apologised, but after about three weeks of dirty, roughed up sex, robin had caught them making out in steve’s room and blurred out, “thank fuck! i thought steve would never admit he was practically in love with you!”
that got her a pillow thrown to her head, and a series of questions and teasing from eddie. they’re boyfriends now. but they still hadn’t apologised.
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just-bee-lieve · 6 months
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opening night
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Prompt 20
Jaskier is wasted. Absolutely shitfaced. Drunk as a
s k u n k.
Geralt is exasperated, but he can't be too mad at Jaskier. Jaskier's been acting kind of sad recently. Maybe he's working through another breakup. Geralt can be concerned, but he's not angry. He'll just roll his eyes a little and drag his drunk bard to their room and make sure he passes out on the bed and not the floor. Except drunk Jaskier has quite a lot to tell this mysterious new man who came and brought him to his room. Does this man know Geralt? He's sharing this room with Geralt, did you know, mysterious man? Oh yes, dear old Geralt, his bestest friend in the world... He's also MADLY in love with him. Terribly so. Hasn't had a fling in months, not that Geralt has noticed. (And shit.. He hadn't.) Jaskier is just so stuck on Geralt. Has been for years, but lately it's gotten so bad he can't even fuck around or flirt too much without just feeling... sad. But fret not, mysterious man. As long as you don't tell any of this to Geralt, I'll bother you with my sorrowful tale no longer :)
Jaskier wakes up with one hell of a hangover, and a suspiciously antsy and overly-friendly witcher. Geralt's clearly nervous to bring up something.. But what?
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qlala · 4 months
making mick deal with barry when len is in the “sabotaging things before they can get any more serious” stage of their relationship is truly one of my favorite things when writing coldflash… it’s like that part in pride and prejudice (2005) where darcy flees charlotte’s guest house after seeing lizzie there and charlotte asks lizzie “what on earth have you done to poor mr. darcy?” except mick knows exactly what barry has done to len and he thinks it’s hilarious, but he’s also just loyal enough to len to not say that to barry’s face
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uovoc · 3 months
Audiodrama reenactment of Lan Wangji's bondage sex fantasies????
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gruesomejack · 8 months
"Do you wanna press charges?"
Nick sniffled and winced at the pain in his swollen nose. Glancing over at the guy he'd tossed from his bar, he let out a short breath of a laugh. "Nah, he got a decent ass kicking. That's punishment enough."
The officer shrugged and stepped back then, offering the chef a quick pat on the shoulder. "Tell your uncle I said hey." Nick smiled for him then and nodded, watching him stroll back to his cruiser. Only once he was back in his car did he peek back at the young guy he'd had to bull-wrangle. Scratching at the stubble on his cheek, he strolled over to where the poor bastard was drunk and sore, sat on the curb. Wet grey eyes shifted up to meet his own, immediately pulling a bark of a laugh from his chest. "Oh man. I think that's the most pathetic face I've seen in a long time." He said, giggling a little and folding his arms. "A drink or two less, and I bet you would've been able to keep your pride tonight."
Nick hummed and slowly sat himself down on the curb, too, his thick brows furrowed over his eyes. Smiling still, he flicked his gaze over the other man and tongued a cut corner on his bottom lip. He was kind of funny looking-- Round cheeks and a square jaw with two curtains of unwashed hair hanging in his sad, doggish eyes. He might've been charming if he wasn't bleeding and drunk. "You having a bad night before this?" He asked, "Or did you just decide fucking with me sounded like fun? You look like a guy who might enjoy getting his ass beat, no offense."
Smile spreading, he tilted his chin a little. "Do you?"
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hrefna-the-raven · 1 year
Good Omens: a drunken kiss
Words: 838 Summary: Aziraphale confesses his love to you :) Warnings: drunkeness, alcohol, but also fluff, this is cute I promise ;)
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In the dimly lit corners of the cozy bookshop, a gentle hum of silence settled over the shelves stacked high with ancient tomes. The angel Aziraphale sought solace in the familiar embrace of his beloved books. It was where he could drown out the chaos of the celestial affairs with the whispers of wisdom on his shelves. But tonight was different. The usually composed and innocently cheerful Aziraphale had found himself surrendering to the intoxicating allure of a few fine bottles of Châteauneuf-du-Pape. He sat perched on a weathered chair at the desk, his usually hidden wings now visibly folded neatly behind him and his nifty glasses slightly askew. The soft glow of ceiling lights danced across his face, casting ethereal shadows that mirrored the conflict within his heart, the inner discord of being torn apart by the love he felt for you and his duty as angel to not meddle in the affairs of a mortal without Heaven's approval. It was then, in the midst of his inebriated musings, that the door to his bookshop swung open with a gentle chime of the tiny bell. The sound startled him, causing him to spill a drop of wine onto his desk, missing the ancient book in his hands within an inch, which he quickly miracled away, almost cursing under his breath. In his haze of drunken confusion, he blinked repeatedly until he could make out the silhouette of your delicate figure standing in the doorway. In that moment, time seemed to cease as Aziraphale's heart skipped a beat and he swallowed heavily. The air around him grew thick with anticipation and he felt the goosebumps forming on his pale skin as he drowned in chaotic waves of euphoria. Here, in his own little shop, stood the embodiment of everything he held dear, the object of his secret affections, malicious tongues might claim it was rather secret lust, but he felt ashamed at the thought. He was an angel, he should be virtuous, a protector, a calm bystander, lust was reserved for the likes of Crowley, the demon who grew on him over the last millennia. You entered cautiously, as if sensing the gravity of the moment, approaching the angel slumped in the chair painfully slow. Your eyes met Aziraphale's and a hint of recognition flickered in your gaze. The bookshop, once a paradise of solitude, seemed to shrink in size, morphing into a sanctuary where two souls inexorably converged. Aziraphale's voice, usually so eloquent, suddenly failed him in your presence. He stuttered, trying to find the right words to say but all he could do was to get lost in the drumming of his racing heart. Your eyes crinkled with a gentle understanding, as if you were trying to decipher the tumultuous intoxicated emotions that swirled beneath his crumbling facade. And then, with a gentle smile, you broke the silence.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, but", you whispered shyly, "Aziraphale, are you alright?"your voice carrying a hint of concern as you spotted the many empty wine bottles scattered around his desk.
He struggled to form a coherent sentence, his mind tangled amongst the intoxicating blend of love and the sacred wine. In that moment, he made a decision, probably against all divine rules concerning the interaction between angels and humans, fueled by liquid courage and a desire to finally reveal his, cursed but, true feelings.
"Forgive me, my dear," Aziraphale began, his voice tinged with vulnerability, "but I find myself utterly smitten by your presence. Every moment spent in your company feels like, pardon my blunt pun, hellish torture and I cannot bear to keep these emotions hidden any longer. I-I-I love you!"
Your eyes widened at his sudden confession, searching his face for sincerity amidst those drunken words. A hushed silence filled the air, anticipation hanging like a delicate thread between the two of you. Time seemed to stand still as you teetered on the precipice of possibility. And then, unexpectedly, a mischievous smile curved your lips as you walked up to the angel, placing your hands on the armrest, caging him as your face moved up to his, the tip of your nose almost brushing his.
"Oh, my silly lovable angel," you whispered, your voice brimming with affection, "I feel the same but never dared to say anything because, well you know, virtuous angels and such."
A smile played on both your lips as you struggled to contain a giggle. It was an absurd notion, the idea of a pure angel like Aziraphale entangled in the complexities of love. But love always has a way of defying expectations, and in the midst of uncertainty, the spark finally dare to fully ignite between you both. Leaning in closer, you closed the small distance between you. Your lips met in a soft, tender kiss, unlocking a world of emotions you never knew existed. Time seemed to stand still as you experienced the blissful sensation of your first touch, a moment that felt both otherworldly and utterly perfect.
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cupidford · 2 years
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A not-so-meticulously prepared art by aquileaofthelonelymountain
Greg agrees to pick up Sherlock from a pub, and he's going to regret it soon - for Sherlock is drunk, talkative, and desperately in love with his flatmate.
Johnlock Love Letters #2301
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Its closer to valentines day, and a few office workers have decided to start decorating the office in theme to lighten up the mood, some are even planning an agency mixer where all the singles in the agency can go out for a drink together and all have fun the night of valentines day. One of your friends are being really pushy to get you to join because it seems like they’re a couple people short… but you feel guilty for even thinking of going to a mixer. On the other hand, maybe it could be good for you?
Kirhsima overhears your conversation with your friend since you were in his office having the conversation while you sorted out some new paperwork fro him. He laughs at your light conversation together and gives you a slap on the back of encouragement with something along the lines of “C’mon you gotta put yourself out there if you want a man” and between your friends encouragement and Kiris, you couldn’t bring yourself to say no.
Later on, Kirishima’s now in Bakugos office, his original purpose was to report back on the latest villain he took down, but as always, the conversation got sidetracked and now he’s talking about how nice it is that the office is organising a social event together. At this point, Bakugos mostly tuning him out because these sort of things are a waste of time in his opinion, an event for people who have nothing better to do than go out for a round of drinks. Some of the sleazes in the office despite their hardworking nature would take any opportunity to grab a drink. So he simply nods here and there, pretending he’s listening with a snarky comment every few sentences to prove his act, all until Kirishima mentions you casually, dropping how even you were attending.
That wasn’t like you. He couldn’t even picture you in casual clothes you’d wear outside of work, let alone seeing you flat out drunk among a bunch of co workers half of which you only knew superficially. This was ridiculous! Do you know how many people would try to take advantage of you if they had the damn chance?? On a valentines day event of all things!!
And now back to the present, you’re sitting on the floor on a Japanese floor mat with a large low sitting table in front of you, surrounded by your co workers, with Bakugo Katsuki himself sitting right next to you. The atmosphere was tense, because no one knew the Bakugo Katsuki was going to attend?!? How do you casually have a drink when your boss is right in front of you.
I’m SCREAMING! Like the only reason we even end up agreeing to go is because Bakugou is such a constant thing in the front of our minds and we think there’s no way he’ll like us back so it’ll be a nice distraction if nothing else? And maybe we’ll end up finding someone else, cause Dynamight’s agency is so big there’s 100% people we’ve never seen before and we’ve been working here over a year—
But I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Kirishima playing cupid! The little matchmaker! He just wants to see his best friend happy🥺
But god imagine Bakugou walks in and you’re floored, because there’s no way in hell you ever thought he’d turn up to something like this and you’re already two glasses of soju down. But eventually with more drinks people end up loosening up, and even Bakugou has some liquid courage too.
Of course nothing ends up happening at the mixer, not that you’d expected it to. But because of Bakugou’s close proximity to you all night you don’t end up getting anyone’s number either…
But as you go to leave he offers to help you home, even though he’s too drunk to drive he’s still sober enough to help you navigate to the train station. And as you’re walking together you end up talking and like the cool evening chill as you’re waiting for the train as you taking a step closer to him and he’ll blame it on the alcohol if anyone asks but his arm slips around your waist to tug you closer to him.
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gun-roswell · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: CT-9904 | Crosshair/Clone Trooper Hunter Characters: Crosshair (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) Additional Tags: Drunken Confessions, Idiots in Love, Soft Crosshair (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Fluff, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Alternate Universe, Timeline? What Timeline? Series: Part 16 of Crosshair/Hunter, Part 34 of Fandom Shorts Summary:
Random takes and scenes in space and time for various fandoms I love as inspired by Fan Art and the Fandom in general.
A drunken night leads to an accidentally slurred confession… something which had better been left unsaid or not?
Part of Fandom Shorts series // Crosshair/Hunter series

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mygirlhoodnevermine · 3 months
i love being drunk
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evanbuckleyrecs · 11 months
Title: a madman and a minstrel
Written by: Maira
🔒 locked for non-ao3 users but author have permission
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV)
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Characters: Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Howie "Chimney" Han
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Flufftober, Flufftober 2023, Fluff, Romance, Getting Together, First Kiss, Kissing, Love Confessions, Drunken Confessions, But with anesthesia instead of booze, Eddie Diaz Loves Evan "Buck" Buckley, Evan "Buck" Buckley Loves Eddie Diaz, Soft Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), POV Evan "Buck" Buckley, Soft Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan "Buck" Buckley Takes Care of Eddie Diaz, Firehouse 118 Crew as Family (9-1-1 TV)
Words: 2757
“I love him so much.” Oh, good, he’s not finished. “Everyone thinks Shannon was it for me, and I did love her, a lot, just in a different way. Buck is-” Eddie flops back onto the pillows as Buck’s heart jumps into his throat. He needs to stop this, and fast, and yet he’s glued to his seat. “-Buck is everything I never knew I wanted. Y’know?”
...or, the one where Eddie is drugged and confesses his feelings for Buck. To Buck.
My notes: Oh. My. God. I love fics like this. This was so adorable. I was grinning the whole time!! So so so so sweet!!!!
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Hey the feeling of liking someone a lot and they like you back??? Unmatched
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first and second kisses
Author: @glitterslag
Rating/Warning: Teen and up audience, referenced ED
Chapter Count: 1/1 (part 2 of  lay beside me, under wicked sky series)
Description: Chrissy and Eddie start to accept what they’re feeling for one another. A drunken mistake changes things for good.
Tags: Alternate universe- no vecna, alternate universe- everyone lives/nobody dies, friends to lovers, idiots in love, mutual pining, fluff, drunken mistake, or is it, angst, first kiss, Alternating POV, one-shot, part of a series, status: completed
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chaosciara · 2 years
the first problem with drunk kisses is that inevitably one party doesn’t remember anything and the other party is haunted by it
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mirmoria · 1 day
ep.4 Vee from love mechanics will forever be my favourite despair animal
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