#dude literally had tears in his eyes in every scene
foldingfittedsheets · 8 months
Since I already have established myself as a little pickle freak with no shame I have another extremely embarrassing story that will probably make you laugh.
When I started dating Brendan he was still living at home, but after we'd been dating a while he and his best friend Charlie decided to move in together. Another friend of theirs was looking for roommates and they decided to go for it. It was the lower level of a house.
Here's where I need to set the stage a little. Looking back on the time I spent in that space, I don't actually even know if it could have been nice under other circumstances. I feel almost pity for that house, full of young disgusting boys. Bare and wretched, it had minimal threadbare furniture, no decorations, and the guy who lived there already was hands down the most disgusting person I've ever met.
Not his character, but his habits. This boy's name was Josh. I genuinely don't know if their moving in with Josh was a handshake deal or if they saw the place beforehand. No sane person would ever have chosen to live there otherwise, I feel certain.
There was a kitchen. Sorta. But like. Was there a kitchen? Every counter, the whole sink, everything was just covered in dirty dishes. Brendan and Charlie said, "Josh, you need to do the dishes, we can't even wash anything cause it's so full of dirty dishes."
Josh's response to being asked to clean was to load all the dirty dishes onto a blanket. And then he dragged that blanket down the hall into the laundry room.
Crusted on residue, molding slimes, and horrible odors arose as he moved the blanket. After two months they said, "Josh, you can't just leave your dirty dishes on a blanket in the laundry room."
Josh's response was to drag the blanket of misery and miasmas into his room instead.
Josh didn't shower very much and he was a big guy. At one point I walked past his door when it opened. His girlfriend was crossing to the bathroom and I almost dry heaved directly in front of her. The smell of rotting foot, dried on sweat, and sex musk swirled together into the most eye watering assault my nose had ever faced.
So that's where our story takes place. A home of no hand towels, no soap by the bathroom sink, a blanket covered in months of early-twenties depression dishes.
I was meeting some of these people for the first time on the night of our story. Josh had a crew of two others guys who just hung around constantly. So it's me and five dudes hanging out, chatting, ignoring the various smell scapes to live in the moment. Josh left briefly to go pee.
Then I felt a stabbing in my guts. I shot a panicked look to Brendan and casually said I had to pee too. At that time in my life I was experiencing some of the most god awful IBS I've ever experienced. I knew I was going to make a crime scene in there. To my dismay there was no fan to turn on. But Brendan, like the champion partner he was, started telling a story at extremely high volume to cover the sound of my anus exploding under the force of my anxiety poops.
When I flushed and turned to the sink, I was dismayed. There was no soap. I looked around the bare bathroom and didn't see anything useful. No one had ever wanted to wash their hands here before. I then looked over the tub and spotted a tiny window that I wasn't tall enough to open. I wanted to let out the truly rank and terrible smell I had filled the bathroom with, but I had to give that up as impossible.
I slipped out and quietly said, "Hey, is there dish soap or something to wash my hands?"
"Oh," said one of Josh's friends, "There's a bar of soap by the window, let me grab it for you." This was not unreasonable, because again, I couldn't reach the window but I was doused in fear at the ridicule I was about to face.
He went to the door of the bathroom and literally staggered back from the unholy smell I'd left there. He had his arms up as if to protect his face from the malevolent beast my bowels had left behind. When he turned to us there was tears standing in his eyes.
In this house of awful smells and terrible hygiene, I was the stinkiest monster of all, bringing this boy to tears. I broke out in a sweat, ready to cry myself at the shame that was about to be cast upon me.
But instead. He said, "JOSH!"
"I can't believe you dude! Oh my god! That is the nastiest shit I've ever smelled!!" He waved the door frantically to dilute the awful power of my shit and then plowed through to open the window and air out the bathroom, passing me the soap. "I can't BELIEVE you had to go in there after him, oh my god, use the kitchen sink to wash your hands! It's gnarly!"
Everyone turned to rag on Josh for the newest addition to the gallery of smells in the house and he didn't look at me once. He laughed and pulled my shame onto his shoulders with grace, taking the bullet for me like a true hero. Only Brendan and I knew I was the stinky villain.
Josh never brought it up after, but I remain grateful to this day.
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
Hello queen sorry if I am bothering you, But I really wanted to ask, it's been stuck in my mind since the first couple of married to noble man scenarios*
Have you watched house of dragons?
There is this scene where the queen is having trouble giving birth and the king is asked to choose between the wife or his heir and needless to say the king chooses his child, and it's horrible because the queen is screaming as she is being held down and being cut open and she dies because of the blood loss and shock.
This is a Percy married to a noble man au
What if Percy was pregnant with her first child and it, lets say one of the yanderes I would say Hades because he is the first before any other yandere like Beelzebub second and Apollo third and the last Loki(that's how it was in the last au), but let's say that she is struggling to give birth and the baby is breeched but noble man husband has to choose either save Percy or the baby, noble man knows that the child she is having isn't his but if Percy dies he can remarry and not worry about divorcing her let alone facing her father if she died of 'natural child birthing' and the child he can gladly hand over the child to grandfather Poseidon and no issue(so he thinks).
What if Poseidon arrives when he hears news that Percy is giving birth and once he walks into the birthing room she is in, he sees that she is literally being held down and by several maids and the healer with a scalpel just barely making the first cut on her swollen belly and see the incision is bleeding, Percy looks up at him her face pale with dark bags and with tears and horror filled eyes as she spits out a roll of cloth from her mouth where the maids tried to keep her quiet and screams
"Daddy help me!"
What would happen? How will Poseidon react and how will the other yandere react when they hear what happened to Percy?
I can't imagine the amount of genocide that will happen, all I know is Poseidon will be taking her back to his domain and keeping her and her child who turned out to be a baby boy with silver hair and 'suspicious' purple leaf like markings, where they will be safe and away from others.
its not just poseidon and the yans he needs to worry about, literally all of valhalla (gods, nature spirits, and humans alike) are gonna want a change to rip this dude a new one.
(i mean, if poseidon manages to restrain himself enough to NOT immediately kill this dude in the hospital room ofc)
he is immediately ordering the nobleman AND every single person working in that mansion/castle to be tossed to tartarus (hades and adamas would happily help with that). then he'd order every single god and goddess of healing (apollo), childbirth, midwifery, etc AND BEELZEBUB OFC to come and save his daughter and grandchild.
honestly, this all could've been avoided if that stupid nobleman just called beelzebub or apollo once she started going into labor but noooo he had to be an idiot and trust some random ass servants 💀
once percy and the baby is safe and the nobleman is facing punishment, poseidon is NEVER letting them out of his sight ever again. remarrying isn't gonna happen either. he's keeping his daughter and grandchild home PERMANENTLY
unfortunately for him, the yans have other ideas 👀
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Every day I get closer to writing the "You vs YouTwo trying to steal your identity in the Spider Society" fic (which, the fic even has a name as I slowly build it, I'm calling it Imposter Syndrome because, you know, 1 Reader is starting to get depressed and feel unneeded even before YouTwo comes along and 2. Well. It's self explanatory)
But anyways I keep thinking of all of these dramatic interactions and scenes (shit I was listening to John Mulaney stand up just to write dialogue for Peter Porker, for funsies) where, thinking of either Reader being kicked out of the Spider Society and such, and them having to literally hunt you down and search for you, but. What if YOU came to them?
It's been like 3 months since you "died" after the Society mistaking you for your double and removing the dimensional watch that kept you tethered down, and there's a palpable air of depression. Spiders go to the training room you used to teach your classes in and leave flowers and mementos and share stories of their times spent with you. Maybe they even do something fucking dramatic like set up a memorial, like a plaque with your name and photo or something, but, something to help remind them to be wary of who they bring into the Society and appreciate the ones they have and so on so forth, and also like I imagine there were Spiders who were so attached to you that this entire incident makes them leave the Socety for good (like maybe Hobie equates the way you were exiled to fascist tyranny and hates Miguel more than he already does for letting it/helping it happen, for example)
But, anyways, months later, but not too terribly long for them to stsrt to forget about you, just enough time for the guilt and depression and the longing to marinate, and some Spiders are hanging out in the food court, Peter B and Jess and some of the others managing to drag Miguel out of his lab to eat and be around other people because he's just been holing up by himself almost 24/7 since you "left". Dude's a fucking mess, man, you can literally just look at him and see the dark circles under his eyes, the unwashed hair, the body odor because he fucking lives in that suit, and half the cafeteria is wondering if he's about to start crying into his stupid silly ass Miguel burger and
Some loud ass undescribable noise as the fabric of the universe suddenly shifts and, you glitch right back in and slam down on the floor besides their table. The entire room freezes as they literally had no idea you were still alive as you scramble to your feet, the first thing you notice being the food as you DIVE for Miguel's burger, snatching it right off his plate and beginning to absolutely devour it like literally gobbling that shit as the man amd everyone else is AGHAST. You've lost a significant amount of weight (like, an unhealthy amount for the time that has passed) and you're covered in bruises and scratches with tears and holes all over your suit. Your hair has knots and tangles and your Spidey suit is beyond dirty with a raggedy jacket and a tattered backpack on your body. You've just been constantly bouncing in and out of different dimensions, ricocheting all over the place this entire time, which made it hard for you to eat, sleep, bathe, do just about anything normally. One minute you're trying to swipe some food from a market because you have no money, the next you're glitching again and you're lost in an apocalyptic wasteland, or a thick jungle, or even places where shapes and colors don't operate the same as we can even comprehend it
You're constantly dropping the food because your hands keep glitching but you're clearly obviously starving, and Pavitr hands you his chai to help wash everything down, but you still pick up several beverages on the table and absolutely chug them as your friends are just stunned into silence, still in shock, quickly morphing into all kinds of different emotions. Joy you're still alive, horror and pity for your current state, guilt and anguish that all of them did this to you. Jesus, have you even been able to drink water? Like if you didn't have Spider powers you probably would have died by now and it's easy to see you're weak on your feet
And from here I see two options and I'll go with the less exciting one first:
Reader is so fucking hungry and malnourished and weak that after the Spiders make room for you to sit at their table and eat their food, you being just genuinely so fucking worn down from constantly not being able to eat and sleep properly, that you basically show up, eat the entire table's worth of food, and all but fall into a food coma right then and there because this is like the first time youve been able to sit and mildly relax for WEEKS, like here comes Spider Plushie for the save like he's trying to slide across home base, loyally stopping in front of you and directly under your head as you just kind of, slump forward, the little guy making the perfect pillow as he keeps your forehead from smacking against the table, and you're just, like O U T out as Miguel cradles you in his arms because, oh my god he thought you were gone forever, and he won't let anyone else touch you as he marches you straight to, wherever the fucking doctors in this place are
But option TWO: suddenly you pause your gorging as some burps rise up in your chest and you suddenly have some calories pushing enough energy to your brain that you finally look around, like REEEEALLY look around. The entire room is dead silent, some starting to cry with joy and relief, others still stunned, many looking absolutely confused, and your eyes eventually meet with Miguel's. He doesn't look quite as run down as you, but WOW is this one sad haggard looking dilf, and you blink at him for a minute. And then look around. And back at him. And around. And to him
And your expression morphs into something so fearful as you force out a nervous laugh, "oh, wait, it's... you guys..." And the second everything clicks for you, you're IMMEDIATELY TAKING OFF, and despite your weakened state you actually make them really work for it because wow that adrenaline kicks in as you for your life because you're thinking "shit they still think I'm the fake and they'll kill me this time if they get their hands on me" when in actuality Miguel is getting his ass on the intercom system ordering all available units to stop you so they can put a bracelet back on you so you aren't lost again, which i mean it is but isnt even a yandere thing at this point, youre literally going to die without some sort of dimensional tether. But during the chase Miguel realizes you aren't using your webs, and you're actually not nearly as fast as he's seen you before, and he realizes with a broken heart, oh Jesus you're literally too malnourished to produce your organic webs within your body, or a lot of it, anyways. You must REALLY be in bad shape
And I imagine like, the chase comes to a halt, not when they catch you, but when your physical exhaustion finally catches up to you. Sweetie you barely ate anything for the last several days, suddenly gorged on a whole spread of food, and then started sprinting and jumping and climbing and parkouring on shit. You HAVE to stop running because you're literally getting sick and VOMITING, like, your former students and fellow Spiderpeople and of course Miguel are hot on your heels and they all pause and give you space because you're literally having to throw up in a gutter with sweat pouring down your face and entire body developing the shakes as, oh no, you feel your strength leaving you as you can't even hold yourself up, collapsing onto the ground, barely conscious as something scoops you up with the gentleness of handling glass, your eyes unable to stay open as you whimper things. "Please don't kill me... I'll leave... I'll never come back..." before you pass out
Miguel has you immediately checked by doctors while the staff have to limit the amount of people trying to come and see you (because, uh, there are a ridiculous amount of Spiders invested in your wellbeing) and only he's in the room as the medical team details your current state. Severe malnutrition, sunburns, broken ribs, a finger or two in crudely-improvised splints, telogen effluvium aka temporary hair loss from illness/extreme stress, you're probably starting to come down with a cold of some sort, potentially something dramatic like pneumonia.
You sleep for like several days straight while hooked up to IVs and fluids because your body just needed to heal THAT badly. By the time you wake up you feel like you're rising from the dead, your entire body aching and heavy, taking minutes to blink yourself awake to take in your new surroundings. You've got a private medical suite that's pretty well-secured, and when you try to scratch a sudden itch on your nose, you feel a weight on your wrist after going to move your arm. Oh, it's another kind of watch, although this one doesn't have nearly all the features and buttons of the first one, and when you keep rotating your wrist over and over, you can't seem to find the latch to take it off, because, well, there isn't one
Miguel is already in the room with you, either having been working on a laptop or just legitimately sitting there watching you sleep for an unknown amount of time, even if its completely dark in the room. He's gotten himself all cleaned up and back to normal and looking like his old self again but he's honestly not even sure what to say to you. Emotions aren't really his strong suit? Where does he start, apologizing for this whole mess or promising it will never happen again?
The only guarantee for now is that you will NOT be leaving Nueva York again, or even so much as leaving his SIGHT, so long as Miguel doesn't want you to, and trust me, after being tricked and having you ripped away from him, to see you in such a vulnerable sad state because of his own actions when all he wanted was to protect you, he's got a whoooole lotta things he wants to do and talk to you about. First and foremost? Vowing that he's going to make everything up to you, starting now, by being your most devout protector
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stevie-petey · 2 months
okay hello hi, took entire 24 hours to process (it's 1am yet again) and now im here for insights !!!
firstly, i LOVE hopper and bug SOOOOO MUCH DUDE. YOU ATE WITH THEIR SCENES, THE CONCERN, THE CONNECTION, THE HUGGGGGGGG I FUCKING LOVE IT !!!! (can u tell i have daddy issues) and just now that their relationship was getting good, he goes & dies (lol) and will come back in the end of s4 ://///
also really wish to see more of murray x bug too, chaotic duo would love it !
the. casual. fucking. intimacy. between stug omg, it was there before too but it just HITS after they've kissed. lovely.
the seperation goodbye, especially with jon & nance <3
mind flayer is such a cockblock bruh, they're at a hill looking over hawkins and talking like screech later bitch.
reaching the mall, her sitting in steve's lap & SINGING NEVER ENDING STORY HELLO?????? kinda rlly wanted a suzie bug interaction (hoping you pull it off somehow)
the fucking mall scene. holy shit i had goosebumps, m. her running down AFTER KISSING STEVEEEEE and shit dude shit your foreshadowing went HARDDDDDDDD. billy saying he tried to find her?!?!?! still hate him but OMG?!?!?!?!
genuinely the foreshadowing is insane, bug already carries so much guilt but now billy AND hopper ON TOP OF will and maybe barb???? wow m wow i cannot fucking wait for s4 im so excited for EVERYTHING !!!!!! the vecna angst is gonna be CRAAAAAZZZZYYYY AND OH EXCITED ESPECIALLY FOR EDDIE X BUG !!!!! pls be a friendship pls be a friendship pls be a friendship pls be a friendship-
okay ANYWAY back to the chapter, steve and bug's conversation about her luck running out THEN THE LOVE CONFESSION !!!! I WENT FUCKING FERAL I TELL YOU LIKE GENUINELY I WAS SCREECHING IN THE DEAD OF THE NIGHT. literally could not be more PERFECT.
ik max and bug in s4 will be closer than ever, cannot wait to see that dynamic <3
okay the LOVERS LAKE SCENE ?????????????????? THE MAKING OUT ???????? THE I LOVE YOUS ???????? THE FUCKING BRACELET ???????? i was literally fanning my eyes trying not to cry because it was just so adorable and wholesome and i was MELTING. couldn't be anymore perfect.
the finding out of jon moving :((((
AND the goodbye scene :(((((
with joyce, with WILL !!!! love how she already knows about him and im sure she will be the first person he'll confide in :'))) i love their relationship so much, i will need some will x bug blurbs pls m.
and the goodbye with jon <!3 it was so emotional, alsoooo FOREHEAD TOUCHES ????? (loved it. adorable.) but nancy you're one STRONG soldier, i would NOT have tolerated lmao
anyway got real teary eyed during the end. and one tear dramatically rolled down my cheek as i finished reading but very grateful we have season 4 coming up next BUT THE BONUS CHAPTER BEFORE THAT I WILL BE WAITING EAGERLY FOR THAT !!!! bonus chapters are literally my favourite since it's completely m original and im a big m fan :3
so yes ! we're done with s3 insights, thanks for tuning in and thanks for DELIVERING. i will see you when the bonus drops, bye goodnight love you <3
TRUST if i ever get a chance to foreshadow ,,, im always taking it <333 i looooove foreshadowing its my drug tbh
and i LIVE for ur insights oh my god i giggled so hard reading everything
the main takeaway here im gonna focus on is jon n bug ,,,, because i really do want yall to know that theyre besties BUT (and i say this lightly) theyre obsessed with one another. nancy is also stronger than me, and i think season 4 will really show how lenient shes been with jon n bug. while theyve done well refraining from how they used to be (reminder they would cuddle and kiss each others cheek every day), theyre still realllllly close in a very uncomfortable way and bug will get a taste of her own medicine when nancy does it with steve lmao. yes, theyre childhood best friends, but christ they can be a lot to be near. bless nancy
AND BONUS CHAPTER !!! i have a few ideas where i want it to go, specifically a scene with bug and all the kids for their first day of high school. besides that: its fair game since we have a good few months to cover between seasons 3 and 4
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rikiflowers · 25 days
you're sparkling and he wants to paint the sight into his memory forever.
warnings: smut with feelings and angst <3
wordcount: 4492
i listened to 'i'm the one' by bloo on repeat while writing
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Ichigo Kurosaki endures a lot before he brings up something that bothers him. Most of the time he makes it out inside himself and then at some point the feeling is buried deep inside him. Speaking openly about his feelings? Difficult for him, but it has always worked well so far until now.  The stressed and overtired college student feels his nerves slowly running out. The reason for this is simple: you.
When his problem with you began, Ichigo himself didn't know exactly. Maybe it had always been there and slowly dug itself from his subconscious into his consciousness. Couldn't it have stayed there, he wonders as he sits at the table and stares at your back, his eyes glued to your ass for far too long, which is barely covered because you're just bending down to dig the beer out of the bottom compartment. "We definitely need another fridge just for all the beer... with a lock so that you keep your hands off my bottles," you complain to yourself, while the clatter of bottles against each other is not nearly as loud as your complaining. God, Ichigo feels the need to push you onto the kitchen table and elicit something from you other than just your whining. Ichigo just grumbles, and sips his (your) beer while he examines the beautiful curves on your body. The orange-haired man doesn't like stress. No loud grumbling and no one to reprimand him. But you, as his roommate, has a special status.
"You just got home... Can you perhaps sit down first?"
"May I put away the shopping first, Ichigo? Unlike others here, I make sure that there is something edible in the fridge." Your tone is irritable. He concludes that you've had a bad day (Ichigo is clearly an empath to notice this).
"You're just pretending I'm never going shopping... How exhausting," he murmurs more to himself, but louder than intended, which is why you turn around and look at him furiously. Immediately he recognizes the tears that almost escape your eyes. "Fuck you Ichigo."
"I didn't mean it that way," he explains clumsily, as he has never seen you cry before. This is a premiere that Ichigo did not want to experience. His heart contracts uncomfortably at the sight. "I'm sorry..." A bit overwhelmed by the situation, he tries to comfort you. He comes towards you, but you take a step back, the tears already running. Fuck. Otherwise, you always have a counter-slogan in store that you throw at him. You suddenly seem much too small, almost fragile, and Ichigo feels the need to hug you. But you don't let him, running into your room and slam the door behind you. His heart literally slips into his pants as he reviews this short scene. Did he do anything differently than usual? Fuck. He has no clue. Would you like him to knock on your door? Otherwise, you are more and more on your own. Maybe it would make it worse if he imposed himself on you. His head hurts when he thinks about the possibility that he somehow messed up, without really knowing what he did.
"Dude... Why are you in such a bad mood?" Renji's question brings Ichigo back to the present. The loud bass booms in his ears, while next to him a woman runs her fingers over his thigh. He forgot her name, which didn't interest him in the first place. The redhead next to him has put his arm around a beautiful woman while he looks at him questioningly. "I'm just not in the mood, Renji..."  Ichigo pulls the woman's hand away and mumbles only a short 'Sorry'. The woman does not take this very well, gets up, and struts away. He doesn’t care. "Your roommate, huh?"
The orange-haired man looks at him in surprise. "How do you know that?"
"Ichigo... every blind person sees that you want her and not just for a quick fuck," says the older one bored. "Out of respect for you, I didn't try anything with her."
"What a true friend you are," grumbles the younger one, taking the next sip of his whiskey. "But if you want to share her with me... I have absolutely nothing against it"
"To do this, I first have to dare to take the first step"
Renji's gaze wanders behind Ichigo and widens slightly. "I think today is your lucky day"
"I just saw her on the back of the dance floor," Renji replies with a grin. Faster than his brain can process, Ichigo’s body jumps up, almost dragging the table with it. He lets Renji sit alone, who will be busy with something better anyway. His absence won't hurt him too much. He has to come to you. He can't stand being ignored by you. With a racing heart, he makes his way through the crowd to you. He accidentally bumps into people, and apologizes quickly without giving it another thought. The alcohol in his system makes him take off, he is so excited to see you here.
And indeed. There you are on the dance floor, moving weightlessly to the music he doesn't like, but through your dancing he would hear it all the time, just for you to dance to it. His heart jumps as he bridges the distance to you. You have your eyes closed while your girlfriend sees him and grimaces briefly and taps you. You look at her questioningly before she points at him. You’re seeing him now, your face glittering because of your make-up and the strobe light mixing together. You seem like angels to him right now. Your eyes get big. "Ichigo?"
"Hi...", he replies a bit overwhelmed. He stands in front of you and can't get a word out, even though he wants to say so much. What has changed so suddenly? Why does he hesitate when he hasn't minced his words with you? Maybe the heavy palpitations in his chest remind him how much he actually likes you and he never really wanted to admit it to himself.
"Your roommate?" your girlfriend says disparagingly. Ichigo doesn't like the sound at all, but you don't care about your girlfriend. You take care of him. Far too much. "Can we talk?"
"I want to dance-"
"Then dance with me," he adds immediately. He is not so easily rebuffed. The orange-haired man has made a decision. You look at him with your shining eyes, seem to be looking for a retreat from his side. Ichigo looks down at you and holds out his hand to you. It seems like an eternity passes when you reach for it. His hand tingles as he clasps yours tightly and he is sure that if it wasn't so dark, you would have been able to see his glowing ears. You signal to your girlfriend that you are going with him and he turns to you questioningly. "We're here with her boyfriend. I was the fifth wheel on the car until just now," you laugh embarrassed. The alcohol apparently makes you talk to him so normally, because earlier you ran into your room in tears. This sight still lies heavy in his heart.
"Is everything okay with you?"
His question is drowned out by the loud music, so you just answer him with a 'huh?' and pull him down to you by the neck. The sudden contact of your hand causes him to tingle violently. Your lips brush against his cheek, which almost makes him lose his composure.
"I asked if you're okay?"
"Why shouldn't it?" Your eyes. Ichigo literally loses himself in them. Have they always glowed so strongly? Had he been blind all the last few years and now sees for the first time?
"Are you sure?" You just shrug your shoulders. "Didn't you want to dance with me?" Your body leans against his upper body, deliberately distracting you. It works.
"Yes, that's what I wanted...", he breathes out. He puts his arm around you, shielding you from the people around you who might get too close to you. Your fingers claw into his biceps, holding on to the orange-haired man as he pulls you towards him. Your body presses against his, and you enjoy its closeness, which you have always wanted so painfully. You don't want to think about it now but enjoy what's in front of you right now. Your arms wrap around Ichigo's shoulders as he puts his hands on your hip and guides you. He doesn't need to guide you, because you move with him to the rhythm of the music as if by yourself. It's been a long time since you've danced with him, so you want to enjoy this moment between you.
You can hardly take your eyes off him. The light makes his hair shimmer, while his lips shine seductively. It's an ordeal and you wonder if he might feel the same way. Has he ever thought about you the way you think about him?
At this moment, the closeness to you is not close enough for you. You want more. So much more. The alcohol goes completely to your head at this moment as you claw your fingers into the hairs on the back of his neck and pull him towards you. Ichigo's hands automatically move to your cheeks, and the heat is immediately transferred to you. Apparently, he expected you to draw him to you. "Ichigo...", you whisper his name. Your lips open slightly, want to ask him; finally want to bridge this agonizing distance. The orange-haired man beats you to it. "Please..."
At the same time, lips crash into each other that should have been found long ago. As if kissing him was the last piece of the puzzle, your nerve endings explode. In the mass of the celebrating crowd he will go down with you. teeth to teeth; your affection presses between his lips while he comes towards you. Desperately, you cling to each other as you devour each other mercilessly. Your head is screaming to have your fingers on every little spot of its body, but you're just content with its hair, which you're allowed to touch with your fingertips. You are in heaven. Ichigo bites your lower lip lightly, which makes you groan, only to be swallowed by him with his kisses. Breathless, you separate from each other when you have been accidentally bumped into by someone. You look at each other with glazed eyes. His hand is still on your hip.
You both want to talk at once. A smile creeps onto your lips, which Ichigo reciprocates.
"To me or to you?" grins the orange-haired man and you playfully slap him on the arm. "We can still decide that on the spot."
You leave the club together, of course not without telling your friend quickly, even though she is probably busy with her boyfriend. The cool air hits your bare skin so that all the hairs immediately stand up. Ichigo is quick to notice this, puts on his leather jacket, which smells far too much like him. How can you not fall upon him at once? "Thank you..."
He smiles at you. That damn smile. You get dizzy in a good way. "I called us an Uber. It’s on its way..." Ichigo pushes you close to him and gives you even more warmth. But it triggers much more in you. You're wet. Unspeakably damp. Your thighs rub against each other, which doesn't escape the orange-haired guy either. He has to hold back his excitement about it. It all happened for him as if in a frenzy. He can hardly believe that he is now really on his way home with you to push you into the mattress and elicit the most beautiful sounds from you.
Reality hits you in one fell swoop. You're about to sleep with him. Years of suppressed feelings soon reach their climax and it is up to him whether he wants to go further than that. You get scared. What if it's going to be a mistake? What if everything falls apart after that?
"Hey... Look at me."
You raise your gaze, look into his warm eyes. "What are you thinking about?" He must have seen your look, otherwise he wouldn't ask so worriedly.
"I'm afraid of what happens afterward," you confess honestly, which makes him nod in understanding. "What happens after that is up to you. No stress... We don't have to if you decide otherwise..."
You interrupt him and press a gentle kiss on his cheek. "I want it." You feel Ichigo's hand on your cheek and as you pull away from him, you see the warm smile on the orange-haired man's lips. You recognize the glitter on his cheek, stroking the particles. "You’re glittering," you laugh brightly, while Ichigo just grins. It doesn't bother him that you gave him some of your glitter. If it were up to him, you could cover him with all your glitter. The main thing is that it's yours. A strange thought that is not so strange for him.
"Give me more of it," he demands, reaching for your face to press it against his. You giggle as Ichigo's cheeks are pressed against your sparkling cheeks one by one.
When he is done with his work, he stands proudly next to you. "And?"
"Beautiful... Glitter looks a little too good on you" And you mean it. The light of the street lamp shines on his face, which makes the particles shine. Edward Cullen would be jealous if he could see Ichigo now.
"our Uber is here," Ichigo interrupts your train of thought as you walk towards the arriving car. The orange-haired man holds you by the hand so that you can sit carefully in it. His body presses itself next to you. You lean up to him while you block out the fact that the orange-haired man is involved in a conversation with the Uber driver. Your head rests on his shoulder, causing Ichigo to flinch briefly as your hair tickles his neck. His arm immediately wraps around your shoulders and moves you slightly closer to him. His smell swings around your nose, making it even worse for you not to imagine the most indecent pictures. In addition, his fingers stroke the bare skin of your waist absentmindedly, drawing circles so that you get goosebumps. Your body leans further into it so that it looks down at you and smiles softly at you, unperturbed as you feel everything gather in the middle. Doesn't he notice how aroused you are right now?
The Uber ride drags on agonizingly slowly until you finally recognize your apartment complex and thank God for your perseverance. Ichigo insists on paying for the ride when you reach for your wallet and you let him.  You feel the tingling on your skin as he gently reaches for your hand and clasps it tightly with his. You smile at him while you are once again speechless about the fact that he lights up in the light of the street lamps. You follow him like a moth follows the light, even if you burn yourself for good.
"Are you tired?"
"Do I look tired?" you reply questioningly as he has to let go of your hand for a moment to dig the key out of his pocket. "It's been a long night for you and I don't want you to get overtired-"
"Ichigo... I want to sleep with you. Forgotten?"
Your question makes the older one pause. "I've forgotten how direct you can be." You can see the red glow on his cheeks as he unlocks the door.
"Do you know it any other way?" You grin cheekily at him when you hear a mock sigh in response. In the hallway, you are suddenly pressed against the nearest wall. Ichigo presses his hip against yours, so you can feel his dick all too clearly against your clothed pussy. A gasp escapes you, swallowed by Ichigo's lips. Your hands reach into his neck, pulling him even closer to you. God, how much you've always wanted this. All the years you've been longing for him.
"Fuck, Ichigo... we have to go upstairs," you mumble against his lips as he reaches under your butt with his hand and lifts you onto his arms. "I hope we don't fall down the stairs now because you misjudged your strength"
"You're just a flyweight to me," he just replies, kissing your chin as he carries you up the stairs. You giggle to yourself while the orange-haired man shows zero struggle. Hot.
Once at the top, he finally lets you down. Together you literally rush into the apartment and fall into each other's arms. The door slams shut and your arms wrap around his body. Like a starving woman, you devour his lips, your tongue enters his mouth, which he opens so willingly. Ichigo growls into your mouth, his tongue pressing against yours. "Ichigo... Bed," you breathe against his lips. He nods willingly, grabs you by the wrist and literally pulls you with him into his room. You're rarely in his room and you've never sat on his bed. With ease you let him press you onto the mattress. He stands in front of you, looks down at you with his beautiful brown eyes. "Am I dreaming?"
You grin at his question. "I hope we both aren't dreaming," you reply as you watch Ichigo undress. "Do you know how long I've wanted to do this?"
"How long?" he replies roughly.
"Ever since I've known you... all the time you brought women into our apartment" Ichigo groans when you're finally honest. "Why didn't you ever say anything?"
You just shrug your shoulders, pulling the annoying top over your shoulders and now sit in front of him in a bra. Ichigo kneels in front of you, and helps you take off your skirt. His fingers stroke your thighs before he takes your leg, giving it tender kisses. "I always thought you only saw me as a friend. I had to distract myself with all these women because I knew you were next door and I couldn't have you..."
Your heart beats faster as you watch him cover your legs with kisses and finally drop the piece of cloth to the floor. "The thought of how jealous you were makes me happier than it should..." whispers the orange-haired man, grabbing the flesh of your thighs and pulling you towards him all at once. Then I don't even want to know how you felt when I brought someone with me."
He groans annoyed. "Don't remind me of that idiot... I was beyond jealous because he wasn't good enough for you."
"And you're better?"
He grins, grasps your pussy with his hand. You hiss in surprise. "You'll see that on your own"
And he will be right. His fingers push the piece of fabric to the side and press into your wetness. A gasp escapes you as he sinks another finger into you. "Fuck... You're so wet"
You only agree with him cautiously, as his fingers hit the exact point that sends lightning through your body. "Ichigo..." you exclaim as he runs his thumbs over your clitoris, starting to grin as he hits exactly the right points with you. I want to lick you... May I?"
"Oh god, please" He laughs brightly because you answered him way too quickly and euphorically. The orange-haired man bends your legs and pushes you back again. But you lean on your elbow because you want to watch. He grins, continuing his action. Finally he pulls down your panties and throws them to your skirt. Ichigo bends down, kisses your vulva before he spreads your lips and dips his tongue directly into it. The muscle hits every corner of your pussy. You reach into his soft hair, pushing him even deeper, which hardly seems to bother him. He literally slurps you out, buzzes against your pussy so that this tingling sensation travels directly to your clitoris. "Ichigo... so good...", you blurt out between high-pitched moans, which spurs him on to suck on your bundle of nerves. Reflexively, your body tries to close your legs, but Ichigo grabs your thighs, holding them in place. You rub your pussy against his face, which makes Ichigo moan against your wetness. He inserts one finger into you for support, before the second follows to bring you over the threshold. God, it seems like the first time a man has put so much effort into making you come. Your fingers are literally pulling on his hair, looking for a balancing regulation, as Ichigo's head between your legs literally makes you lose the ground under your feet.
Tirelessly, his fingers thrust into you, rubbing over the spongy point. Your orgasm suddenly sloshes over you like a raging torrent. Everything in you clenches around his fingers as you come with his name on your lips. Ichigo holds your trembling leg firmly in his hand as he continues to slowly move his fingers inside you to guide you through your climax. When you turn your gaze back to him, you see him literally piercing you with his gaze. Apparently, he was watching you the whole time.
Breathless, you pull him towards you, and see his half grin as he pulls his fingers out of you. Ichigo supports himself next to you and grabs your cheek. Your breath is still irregular as you look at it with lustful eyes. Your hand reaches for his hand before you bring it to your lips and kiss the back of his hand. Ichigo doesn't let you out of his sight. You bring his fingers, which were just inside you, to your lips. You put them in your mouth and suck on them, tasting yourself. You hear a deep moan from the orange-haired man's lips, and feel his fingers twitch in your mouth as your tongue dances around the long fingers.
Ichigo grabs the back of your head, pulls you towards him with it. "Are you trying to drive me mad for good?" You grin against his lips before you kiss him passionately, straining his lower lip between your teeth. Ichigo growls, his fingers grabbing your ass. "I need to feel you, baby..." he whispers against your maltreated lips. You nod, reach for his dick in his boxer shorts. You can hardly embrace it, it is so big. No wonder why the women kept the whole house awake with their moans. Now you can experience it for yourself. "If you don't stop, I'll come in your hand...", he manages to exert himself, carefully pulls out your hand; Forehead to forehead as your breaths blend. "I have to feel you..."
"How could I say no?" you whisper back. "How do you want me?"
"On your back. I have to see your eyes when you come back."
"Kinky..." you smile, but his gaze is suddenly strangely serious.
"That's what happens when you're in love..."
Before you can answer properly, he pushes you down on the mattress. Your mind races as you look up at him. Ichigo shouldn't have said that. His lips were quicker to spit out the words than his head could have registered. "Ichigo... I dare you, if you back down now. We can talk about that afterward," you assure him, lasciviously spreading your legs to invite him. "Come here"
Ichigo doesn't need to be told twice. That's how long he's dreamed of it. If it falls apart after that, then at least he knows that it won't work out. He only wants to live in the feeling once.
And so he turns off his brain as you wrap your legs around his waist and he slowly sinks into you with a fluid movement. He can penetrate with ease because you are incredibly moist, which he clearly feels in you. It demands all his self-control not to lose himself completely. "Ichigo...", you moan stretched out as you feel him inside you. Your fingers claw into his shoulder as he growls your name against the crook of your neck. Ichigo's face tenses as he starts to move inside you. You press your lips back to his. Teeth crash into each other as you explore your oral cavities slowly and lasciviously. Ichigo's thrusts are deep and sharp, pressing you against the headboard again and again, which the orange-haired man prevents with his hand on your head. "You feel so good..." , he groans, snapping your pussy apart with his harsh thrusts. He nearly pulls himself out completely to thrust long strokes into you, making you a mess under him. “I always wanted you…so pretty under me”
You just answer with whimpers, attacking his neck with wet kisses.
It bubbles many sweet things against your lips that you swallow again and again. Sweat covers your body as you thrust your hips against his in rhythm. "Fuck... I don't last long... I'm sorry"
"It's okay... I want you to come," you breathe panting, literally scratching his back. "You're killing me..."  His fingers wander between your legs, stroke your clit. With skillful movements, he manages to bring you to a second orgasm in such a short time. "Look at me," he snaps at and just at that moment you manage to look at him when the climax breaks over you and you just manage to keep your eyes open before Ichigo pulls out of you and he squirts his warm orgasm onto your belly. Breathless, you look at each other, completely overwhelmed by the effects of orgasm.
"Oh fuck wait..." he mumbles as he realizes that his cum is running down you. He rummages around in his closet drawer while you try to process what just happened. You have finally slept together. It happened.
Ichigo pulls a few tissues out of the package he just fished out and begins to gently wipe your belly. A gentle gesture that will make butterflies flutter in your stomach. "Ichigo..."
When he's done, he puts it on the cupboard next to it. "Was that serious earlier?"
Embarrassed, he looks at the crumpled bed linen. "Yes... Does that change anything now?" His voice trembles as he asks this. It makes your heart beat faster.
"Yes, our relationship status."
You laugh. He looks at you like an embarrassed deer. "Do we want to continue to be just friends and roommates or upgrade to boyfriend and girlfriend?" you continue, waiting for his answer.
A happy smile adorns his lips, which perfectly match his shining eyes. "I'd rather take the second one...", he replies, moves closer to you and lovingly brushes the sweaty strands of hair out of your face. There's glitter all over my bed..." he whispers against your lips while you just grin crookedly, give him a butterfly kiss on the nose. "Then you should look at yourself in the mirror right away..."
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darklinaforever · 1 year
Every time I see someone say that Tyler never liked Wednesday and that it was all manipulation whose every move was calculated by Gates... I want to scream.
The actor himself confirmed that Tyler had no idea who Wednesday was when he met him at the coffee shop. Which means his offer to take her back to the out-of-town train station, the small smile he gave when she left to sit down, and his attempt to defend her against the trio of boys was sincere. There is no other reason. And I also don't think that during the phone call he was insincere. He literally tells her that he agrees to drive her for free because at least "one of them will be able to leave this town" The point of saying such a sentence ?!
There's also that fucking date, where Tyler paid too much attention to detail for it to be just comedy. Someone who doesn't have feelings isn't going to be so thorough about a person. No way. Damn, the tablecloth and the popcorn containers were black and white ! Maybe it was Laurel who thought of the decoration too ? (Lol) Besides, there was no need to even try to have a romantic relationship with Wednesday to keep an eye on her. A strange choice for a boy supposed to hate outcasts so much, and who apparently never had feelings for Wednesday... I doubt it was Laurel who asked him to specifically develop a romantic relationship with Wednesday.
Also, last detail, when your big supposed bad guy who doesn't care about the heroine cries while revealing to her that he is bad, there is a big problem. And don't tell me he was just putting the "innocent boy" face back on. I've watched this scene long enough to see that Tyler's tears start during his "bad guy speech" and come to a head when he whispers in Wednesday's ear (So it's not even a manipulative tactic on her specifically, because when her tears are very visible he did not even look at her at that moment and yet looked just as sorry. You will tell me that he is aware of the spectators behind their screens and that he plays comedy for maybe us ?!), let's not even talk about when he looked in the face... It was literally heartbreaking. Then when he leaves, just look at his face to see that this expression of sadness has disappeared, and that limit, he has a small smile. He only had that heartbreaking expression for Wednesday. Not for others. The interest ? When he has just revealed that he is a big bad guy ? What's the point of playing comedy on her now ?! Especially when she thinks her mistress is dead ?! "You have no idea what's is coming" ?! It was literally like a warning to her ?! The point of doing all that ?!
It's as if the guy had two different personalities ! Which makes sense, since the dude is literally A HYDE ! Like in the fucking novel !? The series itself confirms this aspect with the statements of the psy on Tyler...
All this to say that if Tyler had no feelings for Wednesday, these 3 scenes, namely the first meeting at the cafe, the date (especially) and the tearful revelation, would not make sense !
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hogans-heroes · 7 months
Callum's microexpressions during the interrogation scene were just 😭😭😭 just someone on the verge of snapping right then and there
DUDE those microexpressions!!!
First off I consider that to be a sign of an extremely good actor when they can say more in a microexpression than most people in paragraphs. Two actors I consider the best at this are actually Louis Hofmann, who was quite devoid of those in this scene (which I think was a conscious choice as well, the interrogator had been trained to be blank), and Taron Egerton. Now I’m adding Callum to that list because ho boy that scene! I wish I could gif every bit of it because every little detail from how his eyes move to the reflexive swallow to the slight clench of jaw to the changes of emotion we can literally see happening in those seconds??? Mind-boggling and adds SO much power to that scene. Watching it you literally can’t tear your eyes from his. Masterful work from Callum, this guy better win something for this role.
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luvrodite · 3 months
okay i think this is about as coherent i will be able to get my thoughts to be so here you go:
i need you to know that i am not someone who typically reads angst when there is no comfort. and by that i mean that i’ve only ever really done it once and that was because i missed one of the tags…... yeah. BUT bc you wrote it i decided to suck it up and read bc i knew it was gonna be good. and girl.
my eyes immediately started burning the moment jason mentioned that he was looking for his brothers. there is a deep sense of tragedy in like every zombie/post-apocalyptic scenario that just thinking about them for too long makes me weep and jason going on a trek to look for the only people he might have left really highlights it.
i felt a pit in my stomach the moment the trio of guys bumped into them and it just continued to grow slowly even after the one dude was dealt with. i felt myself start wondering if they would even make it to georgia or if they’d be taken out by something much more mundane like unfortunate weather. they obviously make it, but the moment they make it to the cabin i felt my heart sink into the pit that had been growing in my stomach. it’s like. ok i watch a lot of horror, it’s arguably my favorite genre, so i’ve watched a lot of zombie movies so when i read that i just. i knew what happened and all i could do is wish that i was dead wrong but alas. we lifted the lid on schrödinger's brothers and found their decaying corpses.
and the ending... good grief. "jason goes first and, as you had promised, you follow." i literally shoved my head in a pillow and cried. i don't know if you've ever seen anna and the apocalypse and if you haven't i don't want to spoil it, but i was reminded of a very specific scene in that movie that i feel carries a similar energy.
keep my hand in yours is amazing, the playlist really sets the tone and is sososo good, you are an incredibly talented and skilled writer, and i will probably cry every time i think back to this fic. love you <3
lilia i had to pull out the laptop to respond to this bc its Important Business. first of all, i love you and thank you for not only reading it but taking the time to give me your thoughts because it genuinely means the world to me and it made my eyes water a little bit reading this.
thank you a dozen times over for giving this fic a chance even it isn't something you usually read :( <333 that itself made my heart squeeze so hard in my chest. post apocalyptic aus are so tragic and i feel you there that i can't think about it too long because it breaks my heart.
writing the bunker scene where they find the brothers was so. it felt so cruel to write and it tears me up thinking about it but i think just as i knew how it was going to end, they were also dead from the beginning. there's that very real possibility that i think both jason and reader are aware of but it's also like. he's not going to give up on them. that's not him. idk this au makes me want to cry a lot and i don't really have the words to articulate myself.
i haven't seen anna and the apocalypse but i'm immediately adding it to the list !! i'm so sorry but also in an awful way it makes my heart warm that my writing would make you feel this way and i'm reaching out to give you the biggest hug ever :((( thank you a billion times lilia, i love you i love you i love you
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marztheincredible · 1 year
Just watched the finale since I Finally had some free time!
Trying not to go absolutely crazy about just about everything haha!
Like how Belos becomes a cancerous creature that has to piggyback off of others to do damage and see his ideologies and genocide through. And becomes his most destructive once he takes over and hijacks something basically sacred, the Boiling Isles itself. And Luz, King, and Eda (Raine as well) had to literally tear him out of the heart of the isles. Removing Every Trace of Him. And how that could be a metaphor for such dangerous ideologies and how damaging and difficult it could be once they get into the Root of a Society and Government.
And of course about how Belos stans are fuming right now, that will never Not brighten my day haha
About The Titan. Like The Titan Titan. Oohhhohohoho The Titan! A gender fluid god! I loved his design! And also is no one else going to talk about the Hooty like creature coming out of his socket? Which immediately brought to my mind at least those parasites that attach themselves to the eyes of sharks? Is Hooty a type of parasite creature that used to feed off of titans? Maybe less of a parasite and more of a symbiotic relationship?
Or the fact that the glyphs were semi confirmed as a  Language. The Language of the Titans themselves. Does that mean that Runic is the Witch’s written language and Glyphs were the Titans or were both passed down? Ahh the questions, the QUESTIONS!!!
Also can we talk about how poignantly tragic the Titan’s true death was? How Belos managed to commit ONE last tragedy before his death? He annihilated the magic behind the Titan’s glyphs? I don’t think I can properly convene how cruel or or I don’t know Evil that is. He erased the meaning behind them. King, the Sole Remaining Titan, has to Recreate his own language.
I hate that man. Haha but I loved his death scene. I was kinda convinced that he wasn’t going to die, that he was basically going to be trapped in the in between place like The Titan. But OOOH BOY what we got instead was PERFECT haha!
ALSO THE EPILOGUE!!! Ahhh I died seeing them all grow up and the rebuilding off the isles! All the little details in the backgrounds like the fact that people starting building all the arm and the palisman groves and the basilisks and Bump doing gardening and the detention track kids being teachers and the removal of the brands! And Boscha maybe being friends with the Hexsquad considering she was invited to Luz’s not quite a quinceanera but close enough and speaking of the Hexsquad, ALL THEIR OLDER DESIGNS!!! And EDA’S PIRATE HOOK HAND! also apparently Raine’s fox palisman is named Fiddlesticks? I think I saw that somewhere on Twitter but I still need to fact check that, ALSO THE QUINCEANERA! Also also I saw someone point out that Camilla had a combination of Raine’s and Eda’s ear rings and someone said that meant she was brought into Eda and Raine’s polycule which made me chuckle haha
*cough cough* anyway, fangirling over.
But Hoooooooo I am over the moon! OVER THE MOON! The finale was so good. There is probably more stuff to go over and believe me when I have time to relax (job hunting sucks I have no free time now a days) I will be BOMBARDING you with questions. But Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!
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chaos0pikachu · 2 years
I binged watched part 2 of The Glory and I have THOUGHTS and OPINIONS but overall liked part 2 a ton, really need Song Hye-kyo and Jung Sung Il to be in another drama where they get to fuck nasty tho saw someone say a spy thing and now all I can think about is a Korean remake of Mr and Mrs Smith staring them 
anyway thoughts and opinions, obviously spoilers and some unpopular opinions to boot: 
so like, off the bat I am firmly neutral on the JYJ and MDE romance. Sorry y’all. I thought some of their romantic moments were just out of place tonally in the show - the fondue scene especially with the standard kdrama romance music playing, the running hug scene, both come to mind - I wished the show leaned into the dark romance aspects more. Like, my issue with JYJ is he’s way way way more interesting when he’s unhinged and covered in blood. But the show seemed determined to make him a “green flag” which is a term I’m growing increasingly eye-rolly with in fandom which made him way more boring and also inconsistent. 
I was actually salty he didn’t get to stab anyone! Why tease me with a murder knife drawer and not do anything with it??? His best moment was when he put PYJ under and was so wonderfully creepy and intimidating. That was peak. That was his best moment for me in part 2 and the rest was kinda...meh? I didn’t want him to be cutely romantic I wanted him to be secretly unhinged!! Him being a ~green flag~ was meh his other best moment of the show was his monologue to his father’s murderer. Literally one of the best moments of the show and 100% his best moment as a character. I wanted more of THAT and less of him simping after MDE tbh. 
That said, I’m not like against their romance or anything it’s just firmly - fine. It’s fine. 
I’m also very meh/eye-rolling over the concept of a woman being a man’s savior and salvation. I find that trope really boring tbh 
It was nice to see MDE have a partner in crime, and I did like the tent scene with them. I think if there’s fic written if it’s fluff squeecore fic I’ll pass but I’d love a take on them that embraced the darker aspects of YJY’s character. Like dude was an obsessed stalker - which is another reason this green flag thing is weird to me - after spending like what 3 months with MDE if she didn’t like him and also wasn’t a bit unhinged herself he’d be a horror movie char lol like he moved entire ass cities to be closer to her without telling her and lied to her about knowing So-Hee’s mom all in a longcon effort to get closer to her like embrace the unhinged! 
We didn’t get much of HDY and MDE this part but know what, I really liked how subtle their relationship was tbh like HDY taking off his shoes before entering her home was a peak moment for me. It’s subtle, but it was a bit of kindness that was so often and so thoroughly denied MDE repeatedly. And obviously that meant a lot to her b/c she was willing to drop her whole ass extended revenge plot and give PYJ a chance to turn herself in. I liked that he didn’t immediately divorce PYJ too b/c it gave him all the opportunity to slowly and symmetrically tear her apart emotionally. 
Like, PYJ realized she actually loved this man, so knowing that MDE got into his head and heart - I loved that he basically admitted yeah he had an emotional affair with her - was clearly so damaging for her ego. And that’s what PYJ cares about most, her ego, her image, her self-preservation. And I loved how HDY tore that down every chance he got. He knows about her affair, he knows HYS true parentage, he knows all her little secrets and when she tries to defend herself he gives her rope to hang herself with it. And she does b/c of course she does!! Oh it was great. 
It shows that PYJ’s idea of love is possession. She’s mad HDY cheated on her, without considering her years long affair with JJJ. She loves her daughter, but not enough to take TWO, TWO different chances to actually protect her daughter (sidenote loved that both MDE and HDY gave PYJ two different chances to take responsibility for her action and make amends and both times she spat in their faces) and she denied them. 
Also what the heck is up with the fact that Mr “Who Should I Kill For You First” didn’t kill a single bitch but HDY killed one of the MAIN bitches??? Like, I loved it but what the heck??? That said would’ve really liked a follow up or sideways scene where MDE gave HDY the info on JJJ and that she knew~ he killed JJJ. I think they should’ve had a final scene together like that b/c it didn’t make much sense to me how JJJ got out of that car accident and ended up at that construction site where HDY followed and killed him after. Plus it didn’t make sense to me that MDE wouldn’t have kept tabs on JJJ and would have left his fate ambiguous like that. He was the one most loyal to PYJ and probably the only person who wouldn’t abandon her in the long run so like, that felt like a weird missing piece to the ending. 
I’m glad PYJ didn’t die tho, I’m kinda meh on main villains always dying tbh sometimes it really works - like JJJ’s death - but other times it feels like an easy out for them. I’m glad she’s in prison suffering especially not knowing one of the people she killed she actually didn’t. Knowledge that MDE can hold over her forever. I loved that I loved that was PYJ’s endgame. 
All that said, I wish the show incorporated more of the publics viewing of PYJ in her downfall. I think The Devil Judge and Hellbound did this way better with how social media and the news really influence the public perception. We got that one news conference and that was it but like I wanted more. I wanted to see more of the public takedown of the crew and have all the victims smiling as they listen to the gossip and chatter around them. 
Everyone’s fates were pretty dope though. KHN was a highlight, so glad her husband is dead, she didn’t forgive his ass in the end, and she’s happier now. She’s one of the best characters of the show, the way she flourished and grew - that SLAP she gave PYJ like no one topped that - was just amazing to see. HDY and his adorable daughter going to UK was so earned (made no sense but earned), the crew’s different deaths like loved that for all of them hahahah suffer. Glad MDE found happiness and fulfilment at the end with YJY. 
My last and only quibble with the finale was two things: 1) I wanted a follow up scene with Soo-Hee’s mom and MDE I think this was a hugely missed opportunity tbh like for MDE to tell SH’s mom we got them all not just PYJ but all of them went down you’re daughter can rest now. I was really disappointed we didn’t get this. 2) I really disliked how the last 20/30mins was dedicated to like a long set-up of a potential s2 about YJY’s revenge. Idk this was MDE’s story and it felt like the ending stopped being about her and became about an ad to watch a potential s2. It dragged on and on and I felt there were other things we could’ve explored instead to really wrap MDE’s story up completely. 
Overall, hands down one of the best kdramas I’ve watched and a high fave. 
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defensivelee · 2 years
HELLO I wanna scream about this insane novel called Dark Eagle: A Novel of Benedict Arnold and the American Revolution by John Ensor Harr and you’ll never fuckin guess but it’s about Benedict Arnold. I have a lot to say about it actually so,,,,carry on if you want to,,,TW for mentions of pedophilia
also the image quality is a little SHIT sorry about that >:(
FIRST OFF I actually like this book for the most part. It was written in a tolerableee way in toleraaaable language and Arnold was really fun to read. I always see him as trying to act as some Tigerstar-esque villain (from the Warrior cats series) but he can literally never manage it because he’s surrounded by some average dude-bros. But this book somehow does it right even though everyone else is even more dude-bro than before. Arnold is just the right amount of menacing and (unintentionally) goofy in this book so it’s fun to read him fucking up everything!
That being said this book explains a ton and I mean LIKE A TON. Harr out here acting like he’s explaining this to 12-year-olds. WHICH HE ISN’T. I’M NOT TWELVE AND YOU’RE NOT EITHER. SOME OF YOU ARE EVEN 400!
Anyway Gates is here. Gates was one of my first dead blorbos so it was really amusing to see him here! He’s so UNNECESSARILY FUNNY ISTG
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Well if you know me you know I’m an absolute SLUT for Arnold and Gates before they fell out and this book is chef’s fucking kiss for that. It is SO NICE and SO SWEET how it shows their friendship like they’re just fucking DUDES man. THEY’RE JUST BROS HANGING OUT
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ISN’T THIS THE NICEST FUCKING THING!!! Like FUCK MAN what happened at Saratoga DESTROYS ME especially with how Harr portrays it because they’re such!!! friends!!! Anyway yeah I’m so normal about that thanks Mr. Harr you get a 10/10 on this aspect
Now about Peggy and Arnold....FUCK IT THEY’RE ADORABLE HERE LIKE HARR SAID “y’all are going to LOVE EACH OTHER” and just jkdjksjkdsjkd
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LIKE ALL OF THIS!! IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!! He keeps on thinking she’s beautiful and she’s so supportive and dkjfkjdskjsjkajsj they’re so in love here. THANK YOU AGAIN MR. HARR 10/10 ON THIS!!
In general I think Arnold slaps here and I will talk about him again at the end because this is a novel about him after all! But now I want to talk about *drumroll* JOHN FUCKING BURGOYNE!!!
Honestly I don’t have a lot to say on him. Why the fuck was he even here. He’s ffffine I guess and we get to have him staring at some tits and this really hilarious scene where he looks at himself in the mirror
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rlflrlpfppwppwwqwqqqq okay then Mr. Burgoyne
I feel like he’s just here for comic relief tbh kind of unnecessary BUT I’m not complaining because he was still funny. If Harr was trying to make me laugh he won.
It’s André time now,,,,BASICALLY IDEK BECAUSE MR. HARR MADE HIM GAY AS FUCK and also kind of a creep because he had this weird interest in an eleven-year-old boy??
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*sigh* I guess this is Mr. Harr’s novel and André being a fuckin twink is fine ig but it just feels like the casual pedophilia thrown in is like?? just going along with the stereotype that every gay man wants your little son?? idk if that was Harr’s intention but it just irks me because HI I’M GAY
But let me tell you something André proceeding to be Clinton’s boyfriend shot me, hit me across the head like a frying pan, etc, etc.
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Now here again we have a mention of André’s sick “preferences” and then it just seems like he went ahead and rolled his ass over just for the promotion. Which alright valid I guess but JESUS IT’S SO FUCKING INSANE
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And then there’s this scene. It’s probably the funniest thing I’ve ever read in any book ever,
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But then there’s that and idkkk yeahhh pretty accurate,,,this is after he receives that last letter from André and he would deffo burst into tears over it! So very sad actually if I had read that without the knowledge that Clinton was tapping that ass here I would have cried :((
The death scene was fine. idk kinda boring
BUT NOW HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT LAST PART??? THE VERY LAST PAGE??? Let me tell you something man before my being on this hellsite was even dreamed about (where I found this book thank you Horacio), my thoughts, my headcanon said that when everyone found out André died, they would all stand around the table and Clinton would look up at Arnold and give him a hard stare.
And then they would all glare at him, blaming him entirely for André’s death, and he would back away and leave, limp away, in this sort of daze.
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WHAT THE FUCKKKKK MAN I GET CHILLS FROM READING THIS EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Like this is EXACTLY it THANK YOU MR. HARR. I’m so obsessed with this ending for the book it’s fucking PERFECT. This is actually my favorite thing about the book and words cannot describe how fucking normal I am about this.
Overall, I could read this again without dying, André is just fucking ANNOYING. Why can’t a piece of media get him RIGHT for God’s sake
But otherwise a solid book and I enjoyed it fr!! If you have a sense of humor you should be good to read it. It’s all here https://archive.org/details/darkeaglenovelof00harr/mode/2up (though I own a physical copy)
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cinematicnomad · 2 years
It's me again. I just finished watching the Terror (well I stopped after a certain character died...tears in my eyes but I knew what I was signing up for! 😭💔)
*spoilers ahead for The Terror season 1 in case anyone else is currently/going to watch it*
Gosh I loved the initial back and forth between James and Francis, especially when Sir John was being the peacekeeper between them. But to see them slowly grow into friendship after James discovered Francis's illness, it made me so happy!
One of my favourite moments is when they decided to leave The Terror behind and walk to land. There was a conversation between the two of them when James admits to Francis that all his life he's just wanted to be seen and he would very much like to be brothers with him. It was so emotionally charged and it made me smile when Francis continued to uplift him.
But when it was discovered that James had holes in his chest and he was slowly dying! Gosh it broke me😭. Especially with how caring Franics was with him, even when James asked him to use his body to feed the men. That scene is my all time favourite out of the entire series 🥺️. RIP James Fitzjames.
I have to say though...Mr Hickey took me by surprise at every corner! You never knew what he would do next! So when he killed Billy after comforting him about his newfound illness, I had my mouth open in shock the whole time! He was such a good villain I must say, I hated him so much! 😩.
Thank you for introducing me to a great show! Now I'm going to reblog every gifset you've ever made! 🤧
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dude, have you not watched the finale??? or are you saying you took a break after james died? I'M V CONCERNED IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE FINALE, GO WATCH IT!!
but i'm so glad you enjoyed the show and have fun browsing my gifsets, i'm literally only halfway through giffing e3 so i've got a ways to go lol
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klarolinedrabbles · 1 month
thoughts on hotd s2?
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lordy I wouldn't even know where to begin, please narrow this question down lmfsksks. I hated S2, it was overall imo, absolutely awful. Why was Aegon the most interesting this season like hello????
It makes me really resent that they made certain narrative choices for him in S1 making him someone I personally will never root for cause otherwise he would've wound up being a surprise fave for me this season. Went into S2 wanting Helaemon(d) and came out of it, wanting Helaegon x20. Helaegon has it's interesting aspects. Justice for Phia and Tom having to beg for scenes together. And again, had they not made certain choices that impede me ever wanting it to succeed, it's something I in better circumstances would've liked.
Helaena was CRIMINALLY underutilized this season literally wtf. ALTHOOOOUGH, the last we see of her in S2 was absolutely fabulous. I love anyone and everyone who dog piles on Aemond cause he's the absolute worst and I am counting down the days till that mf gets a sword through his eye. It cannot come soon enough.
SPEAKING OF SOMEONE WHO CANNOT DIE SOON ENOUGH, LAAAWD JESUS, SER CRISPIN GOOOOO AWAAAAAAAAAY. Every second that man is on screen is a struggle. I do not care that he and Alicent are shacking up, I do not care that he seems to legitimately love her???? Like it bores me to tears, I just do not care.
Gwayne Hightower MVP, the actor is wonderful, such witty lines, good line delivery a n d interesting, how unfortunate that to see more of him, we also have to endure more of Criston. Separate the two and now we're cooking.
I, for all that is good and holy cannot stand Alicent. Don't get me wrong I despise all the dudes on team green 100x more and do sympathize in certain aspects as far as she goes, but she's not a character I like in any capacity.
Rook's Rest was the only good whole episode of the season, I said wtf I said. The dragon fight sequences were so good, I loved it despite hating the outcome because the side I'm on took the L.
Absolutely loved Aemond getting an absolute dumbass moment in taking out Aegon, the only other dragon rider on his side---for now---of any use to him. He gets heralded as this great strategic mind that imo he never has been. Let's have a chat on how Aegon was the more sound strategist in the beginning of the season??? Everything he wanted his council to do was the correct move given how everything turned out, but the angle was instead how much of a joke King he is. Which I don't understand this far in anymore as an approach tbh. Like I said, it's wild that he was one of the best characters this season and that's an awful pill to swallow cause fuck Aegon forever.
Otto absolutely losing his mind at the stupidity of the side he's on was excellent television. The way he just disappears was stupid though like some clues or something up until where we see him in the finale would've been great. The Daeron exposition was also not good writing.
I'm also just so tremendously sick of the Rhaenyra | Alicent kindred spirits or whatever it is they keep trying to maintain like if ya'll don't cut that shit out and let it tf go. I'll be a Rhaenyra loyalist forever but maaaaan they did her no favors this season. Jace and Baela not having substantial progress in their relationship nor much screentime is a Choice. And it's a choice that I do not agree with. OH BUT NO ONE FEAAAAR, WE GET WHAT SEEMS TO BE AN INFINITE AMOUNT OF ALICENT/CRISTON SCENES/REFERENCES.
Exiling Daemon to Harrenhal to have his Eat, Pray, Love journey after blood & cheese was certainly something. I think for the most part it worked well and I both liked and appreciated the intent. Daemon's arc basically being conquering his own inner demons and reaching a narrative place where he's realized and accepted that he's fine to not have the throne for himself but rather to support the one who does? Chefs kiss. It was great. Did it need to last all season long though??? No. The plot dragged a substantial amount, and what was a great narrative decision got a bit repetitive and boring by the end of it tbh. He is the best character of the entire show though; argue with the wall.
All in all, absolutely awful season. I haven't liked Ryan or Sara since their post S1 interviews and the writing of S2 has really solidified how dog shit they are at their jobs. The pre-S2 production delays makes a shit ton of sense now, not that it helped this show any.
Scenes I did like; PAPI CHULO CREGAN STARK, the first green council in 2x01 where it's mentioned how fucking dumb it was that Lucerys died, both Rhaenys and Daemon scenes lmfsksks, loved every Rhaenyra and Jace scene, all of Rook's Rest was great to watch, Helaena reading Aemond for filth on the balcony of her room was iconic, put that shit in the MoMA, Daemon seeing Helaena in his delulu spooky moments, I actually really liked the Helaena/Aegon scene in 2x01 where he's looking for Jacaerys. Ser Criston can get fucked but the scene where he realizes how lost the war is across all sides now that the dragons are truly involved was excellent. The Baela and Corlys scene was also absolutely fabulous. Daemon and Rhaenyra reuniting in Harrenhal uwuuu, and also the last sequence of the season, with Ramin Djawadi KILLING it as always with the soundtrack, was top tier.
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madraleen · 6 months
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Demon Slayer - Season 1 Rewatch "...And then I cried": A Commentary
-nnngh, i'm excited, it's been too long. but i still remember the opening 'cause it made me sit up and pay attention.
-oh shut up, i'm tearing up, i've missed tanjiro. HE LOOKS SO YOUNG :')
-eyyy, the way tanjiro and nezuko jump out of the manga in the taisho secret is so cute!
-i hadn't realized how lonely and isolated it all was in the beginning, when there were no hashira around. sort of like missing a home base
-SABITO AND MAKOMO! hello yuuki kaji, we meet again <3. there's few characters with so little screen time/page time that have left such an impression on me as these two
-i understand it's their job, but how, how does yuuki kaji go from blue exorcist konekomaru and black butler finny to this, how!
-you could say i like demon slayer, yes. i'm tearing up every other scene. it's just so damn engaging!
-dude i'm tearing up, the fact that urokodaki keeps giving the same masks again and again to protect his children that all get eaten...
-oh god, i was legit crying and i didn't even realize, okay (after tanjiro beat the urokodaki children-eating demon)
-i remember thinking on my first watch, "zenitsu's va must have had so much fun voicing him," and now, knowing it's hiro shimono, i'm 5% more certain that he actually did
-kind kind kind, gentle gentle gentle. tanjiro's such a perfect mc for literally everyone in the cast
-tanjiro and nezuko are just the best siblings, they're so lovely
-i remember feeling quite overwhelmed by zenitsu on my first watch, but now i find him so amusing
-see, that's one of the things i love about tanjiro that i think makes him an interesting good guy mc. he can appreciate and congratulate a strong blood art technique AND strike down the demon. he can understand and empathize AND still cut them down ruthlessly, without holding back not even a little. he can pray for them AND not forgive them. he's more than just "the good mc." and also, nothing is just handed to him, ever. he's fought and struggled for every single thing he's gained.
-no, i love zenitsu too, because he's, well, zenitsu, but he's also protective and loyal and in conflict with himself and-
-i really do believe the kny characters are much more complex than one would assume at first glance, all of them.
-lol, zenitsu is a one-man show
-have i mentioned i love hiro shimono's work? 'cause i really do
-aw bb zenitsu, he's so strong :")
-dude i love shinobu. sweet-presenting but incredibly deadly
-i'm screaming, the way giyuu says "mizu no kokyuu" compared to tanjiro IS SO CALM, ASKFNJD, "unbothered" king!
-tanjiro: *doing the hinokami kagura* me, who knows how he's come to know how to do that: *bawling my eyes out*
-everyone in rui's demon family look like humans except the big brother and the father, like what happened there, did rui go through a phase
-not me crying for rui
-not me letting out a reflexive small scream at muichiro's/aventurine's voice
-mui-kun's little feet compared to gyomei's omg
-he's so young, i want everyone to know how young ubuyashiki is because i don't think it's clear at all, he's only 23, okay?! :'( HE'S YOUNGER THAN GYOMEI, OKAY?!
-AOI <3
-i've been listening to some genshin voiced lyney stuff along with demon slayer and i have to say, it's a pretty big contrast switching between the lyney and zenitsu voices
-i love kanae, kanao and shinobu, okay, i love everyone in this cast
-NOOO, don't send them on the Infinite Train mission :'(((
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by-kilian · 1 year
It’s ur “💙” anon coming with part 2 bc she definitely can
Now you see i can’t send photos or gifs but I’ll link them nonetheless u can’t stop me. https://giphy.com/gifs/rihanna-OTbo92zetdsha
Again folks big spoiler alert.
Okay now yelena and levi’s first scene.. um.. why.. why is every possible character so hot dude like!!?!?!!?? I just can’t pick a side without making excuses for the others ughh
“My time in the military shaped me, you know?” She paused. “I had to take lives,” she said in a hushed voice. “Do you know what that’s like?” The switchblade grew heavier in Levi’s pocket. Then an air of understanding passed between him and Yelena in the silence. Levi dipped his hand into his pocket. “Yes.”
This scene… the tension.. i felt everything in every single part of my body istg KW i was screaming and jumping while chewing on my nails until i reached skin it was this good!! I really loved the way they just understood each other it was like “nothing personal, I’m doing my job.” There was an air of idk.. respect and kind of acceptance with a hint of challenge.. i loved it so much
Now back to My fallen angel and the stinky hairy stalkiest asshole in the universe..
Yes he’s a jerk, but a very cunning and nothing-near-stupid one.. he in-fact scared me at some point i gotta admit, because the way he connects the dots is.. wow
“You are already thinking of all the ways you can kill me because you will never be able to shed that part of you.”
“A million and one things raced through your mind, and you were ashamed that more than half of those things were trying to figure out how to kill Mathias. ”
NO BECAUSE I WHEEZED MY LUNGS OUT😭😭😭 https://giphy.com/gifs/PotatoITV-e4-coach-trip-celebrity-ghost-WiCahQsVaUjksEn7aT MY BABY PLANNED HIS MURDER IN 12928 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES😭😭😭 And as she should!!
Fast forward you see.. i should’ve knew things are going down when levi whispered “The die had been cast” i should’ve realized this but i didn’t and that’s why when mathias stabbed kilian i gasped out loud… i felt my heart breaking with her and you see it’s not for the fact that she was actually dying this bitch don’t die.. i mean because she was distracted by the thought of levi getting hurt and that was the meanest most heartbreaking thing I’ve read in a while.. and you know what’s the cherry on top? THINKING THAT SHE DOESNT DESERVE HAPPINESS.. imma kms that’s it..
You couldn’t speak, feeling nothing but pain and heat and heat and pain. It burnt through your body hot even as you felt yourself growing colder. You thought of Levi and tears welled in your eyes
Your description made me feel every single word istg>>>
And Of course i was a sobbing mess while I’m reading her crawling across the floor all bloodied to reach levi, and of course i cried myself to sleep when she reached him, and definitely i screamed in agony once you mentioned orpheus and eurydice again…
Oh and let’s not talk about once levi reached her because it’ll be my last straw..
Levi was never a religious man, but he understood religion when he was with you. With you, Levi understood the temptation that Eve faced in the garden. With you, Levi even understood how angels could fall from grace. With you, Levi understood words he never did before to an exceptionally profound level; words like devotion, redemption, and prayer.Levi wasn’t a religious man, but he learned how to truly pray that night without even meaning to. One single solemn request, the most pious prayer he would ever attempt. “Wake up, sweetheart.”  
Now ehem next Chapter whohohooooo🤩🤩
The last thing i expected was the chapter going this way tbh.. you see it reminded me of LDBS most heartbreaking chapters that Im never forgetting because they affected me so much.. “about her, where it started, where it ends.” The holy trinity of greif, i felt like i was reading them but now the hurt was pro max because your writing and descriptions are more.. descriptive
Also lmao zeke holding a gum😭😭😭 i knew it was a fever dream when you mentioned it😭😭😭 and the fact that killian cares about him enough to see him, dude if you planned murder during this chapter it would’ve been easier but ofc ofc you wanted to torture us. https://giphy.com/gifs/portlandia-season-2-episode-3-xT1R9SJiGMLJFB5YKA
Now.. annie?? Kw why are you like this and how you know how to connect things perfectly like that it’s pretty iconic tbh!!!
I don’t really know what to say anymore.. but each paragraph was really killing me in every possible way.. i really wished killian was able to see how much people cares about how, not just levi, whom she thinks she doesn’t deserve, but annie, erwin, Isabelle, farlan, eren, i really wished she knew how much they love her, maybe then she’ll know that she deserves every single good thing in this universe, my baby suffered a-lot and that’s why i admire her, if this was an actual novel killian would for sure be the best female mc in terms of surviving, and as levi said: Still, you were nothing if not a survivor.  She really is. Our fallen angel🥹💙💙
They’d nicknamed you the “fallen angel,” because you looked exactly like one when you arrived. One of the crash team members said afterwards that if they weren’t so concerned about saving your life, they would have shed a tear for having to cut up your beautiful gown.
I giggled in between my tears when i read this, kw never beating the fashionista allegations even on her death bed which is like a huge slayyyyy she’s a freaking queen💙💙 our fashion icon. I really loved the interaction between annie and levi, you really wrote them so well because.. i don’t know if im the only one who feels this but you know when you’re reading a chapter or a scene and be like.. “yes, this is how things are supposed to be going” from how perfect the writing and writer is? That’s what i felt and still feel every time i read one of your works!!🥹💙
When you woke up again, your face was pressed into a couch that smelt powdery and warm. It was a familiar scent but you couldn’t pinpoint it to someone specifically. As you ran your nails along the green and pink floral upholstery, you felt like you were somewhere you once called home.
Kw you really need to give me lessons on how to describe things, like genuine question how do you make your writing feel.. so so alive, like the words are beating and moving i feel them🥹
Before you could ask her anything more, protest, or move, she took her wooden spoon out of the pot and shoved a sip of it into your mouth, holding your chin as she did. 
Sophia?… https://giphy.com/gifs/mafs-sRFFCzAey4IatfTOnQ .. yeah i cried so much then, or not literally but my eyes teared up fr, i need a hug.. https://giphy.com/gifs/portlandia-season-1-episode-6-xT1R9SLI3qYhVbmeQg.
When Eren came by to visit, the first thing he did was make sure to drop some of your favorite chicken lemon soup off to you. 
I love love love the way you move from a scene to another, and seeing eren this chap was the most pleasing surprise ever!, he’s a goof ball i love him sm my baby🥹💙💙 I’m sure everything is gonna get better after his appearance i—
Especially when it came to you. Especially when it came to the both of you. The two of you were so used to having the rug pulled out from under you, from having the other shoe drop, from having your lives blown up just at its happiest point, that to not expect the worst almost felt naive. 
*gets hit by this paragraph like a truck and starts screaming uncontrollably* https://giphy.com/clips/neonrated-neon-rated-films-ofYZSv3fjXVrvpwlAL
“You should’ve brought some clothes for Kilian,” Levi said. It was a knee-jerk reaction, one that surprised both him and Erwin. It was more hopeful than Levi intended for it to be, but he took that as a good thing. He could only hope Erwin wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. 
“You seem really happy, Sophia,” you said, turning to her with a smile as you placed the picture back down. “Peaceful almost.” 
“You,” she said in English. “Because of you.” ”
“I love you. And I promise I’ll help you finish cooking when I wake up. I might just close my eyes for a bit if that’s okay,” you gestured to the couch, feeling sleep washing over you like a tide in the ocean shore.”
Oh will it seems not never-mind.. https://giphy.com/gifs/bigbrothernlbe-kyXSJ1yPFHZ88W3v79
Now.. farlan and levi, first of all I’m glad he’s not sad anymore or hurt, but i feel like this isn’t the end of it, or maybe was this scene a closure? I’m not sure, but i loved his interaction with levi so much!!!
You know when I first met her, she went by a different name,” Farlan continued as he came into the room, trying his best to change the subject so that Levi wouldn’t keep worrying over you. “But I think Kilian suits her much more.” “What name did she go by instead?” Levi asked, not even shocked that you had somehow crossed paths with Farlan before. “Oh, she went by Annie,” Farlan shrugged. This managed to somehow get a laugh out of Levi for some reason.
That was so cute in some way🥹 i love them so much kw u don’t understand!!!
U don’t understand how much i hate you
“I’ve been waiting for you.”You froze at the sound. He was so kind, so patient, so sweet—you would’ve recognized his voice even with your eyes closed. “Lucas?” 
That’s so mean.. that’s literally evil, like omg HOW DARE YOU WE DONT TALK ABOUT WHO-COULDNT-BE-NAMED ANYMORE
“I–” you paused, trying to find your words but finding that they weren’t coming out the right way. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. You left me, that’s not right,” you pouted.
“Yes, you’re wrong,” Lucas said, shaking his head at you in an affectionate manner. “I’m always with you.” 
Levi did not leave your side, not once. 
You hesitated, feeling a sense of warmth coming from behind the door. “Well do you know what’s behind it?” you stood up onto your tippy-toes as if it would help you get a better look. “It’s not what you think,” Lucas confirmed softly. “I promise.”Faltering again, you found that your feet would not move. “But what if I’m not ready?”Lucas shook his head at you, and squeezed your hand again. “You’ve always been ready.” Tears welled in your eyes as the water continued to wash over your feet. “What if I don’t deserve what’s behind that door?”
Kw as much as i love your brilliant mind please.. this hurts like a bitch please dont do it again.. lucas, the way killian cried when she saw him, i don’t know what to say, i just can feel it but i can’t describe it, and you know that a writing is so good when it leaves you speechless like yours did to me now🥹💙💙
When you blinked your eyes open, the first person you saw was Levi. His smile was bright and warm. It made you feel weightless. It made you feel loved. You smiled back, albeit weakly. Levi squeezed your hand gently, still smiling. “Welcome back, sweetheart,” he whispered.  
Ending the chapter with welcome back when the last was “wake, up sweetheart.” I SEE WHAT YOUR DOING KW I SEE IT
And i really appreciate it, i would like to thank you so so much for writing these new chapters and blessing us with your amazing, wonderful, beautiful, mesmerizing writing voice and style and descriptions as a whole, thank you really, to me you are my role model in writing, and i aspire to be like you or just make people feel the same way your words make me feel, i really appreciate it and please never stop writing.. never leave us kw because the fan fic writers community needs you my hidden gem.. we need your characters, scenes, gut wrenching stories and everything. If i could thank you in 60 different languages, express my love and admire you in every possible way i would’ve done it, but i know it won’t give you enough credit and it won’t come close to the feelings i go through reading your works. https://giphy.com/gifs/anime-love-bQATeUxCoCFr2
I love you so much kw!!💙💙 https://giphy.com/gifs/love-i-you-that-70s-show-2dQ3FMaMFccpi
Your lovely “💙” anon, hope i be the reason you smile once today, thank you again💙💙💙
My love again!! Gonna answer you underneath the cut 🥹❤️
LMAO @ Yelena being hot. You know what I think it is? The story itself (STH & LDBS) is a very sensual, sexy story. That's kind of the vibes I have in my mind every time I sit down to write it. It's meant to be dark, noir, and sexy, so without meaning to--everything ends up being quite sexy LOL, including characters who aren't main characters.
Also you ABSOLUTELY smashed your interpretation of the scene between Yelena and Levi. That was exactly what I wanted to establish; an understanding. The scene you highlighted in particular was a shared understanding that whatever was about to transpire was not personal. It was a warning of, "hey, I'm going to do whatever I have to do to get my job done," on both ends, and the other person being like, "yeah, and so will I." You are so right when you say there was an understanding, respect, acceptance, AS WELL as a challenge. Juxtaposing the shared notion of both of them having taken lives before was also both of them saying without saying that they are not afraid to kill the other person if it comes down to it (and it did).
And YES. Mathias is such a keen observer. I think all of you always got the sense that he "monitored" people but thought of it in the sense of cameras when it's actually much more literal. He doesn't have to resort to those kinds of things because he catches a lot just by being in peoples' presences. Not only is he trying to get under her skin and make her think she hasn't changed, he's trying to taunt her to hurt him because he wants to prove to her that she is the monster he THINKS she is. You know Kilian hasn't killed anyone in a very long time, but she definitely never lost her touch and could have easily killed him had she not gotten distracted. Like you said, it was the thought of Levi being hurt that distracted her. She was ready to go in for her kill but nothing mattered once she thought something happened to Levi. She loves him more than anything, and in that moment the only thing that mattered was his safety, not hers. In a different situation, Levi would have absolutely done the same thing. And yes, you hit the nail on the head! Her battle with not knowing whether or not she deserves happiness is an on-going one, and although she has changed a lot, sometimes those self-destructive behaviors never really go away.
Sgfsoghs, I did a lot of research into stab wounds and what they felt like. So the fact that you could feel it! 🤌🏼💋 I really wanted that chapter to feel like a knife twist, in every sense of the word so LMFAOOO I'M SORRY 🤣. Now you see why I initially wanted to release it in a double update! I felt horrible to leave you all that way without a sigh of relief in the next chapter, but it seems like you all went through the feels despite that.
And ahhh, thank you so much for your wonderfully kind words! That holy trinity chapter in LDBS was one of the hardest things to write, and in a way, chapter 14 was definitely a trail off of that because I had to tap into similar emotions of walking back to your past so that you could move forward and heal. I definitely think my writing has changed now compared to then so I'm so glad you could feel it differently!
The gum was the funniest part to me, and I honestly added it in for a silly touch and a laugh! Dreams are so silly. I thought it only made sense to introduce you to it with a giggle because it's so out there, it's so odd, and that is EXACTLY how you know it is a dream. I'm so happy you touched on the fact that Kilian only saw Zeke in her dream because she DOES care about him. That is 100% true. And yes, you're right. Kilian murdering Mathias would've been so much easier, but I never do anything easy!
Eee, you are too sweet! I love connecting things and bringing people back. Annie and Farlan were teased to come back WAAY early if you caught any of Isabel's dialogue when she spoke about her friends. You bring up a great point too, hopefully in future chapters, Kilian CAN see how loved she is, not just by Levi but by other people. She means so much to me as a character and I think it comes across each time I go to write her. She isn't perfect, she has flaws, but there is something about her that makes you root for her because I try so hard to touch on her human side as well as her darker sides.
I'm really so happy to know that you all laughed at the purposeful jokes I placed in chapter 14, too. I KNEW it was heavy so I also knew in between it, I had to give you all some light-hearted moments too. That little mention of the dress/fallen angel thing also meant a lot to me to put in because I really wanted to show the banter that happens between people who work in hospitals--the jokes and the humor amongst the horror--because I think that's kind of the only way you can get through the day sometimes after doing something as powerful as saving someone's life or helping someone.
Thank you so much for saying that about Annie and Levi's scene! 🥺 I really loved writing that scene because I could quite literally imagine their characters interacting like that and talking to each other like that, so it means the world to me that it felt like that was how things were supposed to be. You are really too kind.
And I'm always happy to help with writing questions if you have them! Honestly I just have an incredibly vivid imagination of characters and who they are. So when I think of how to write them, I think of everything outside of them--what their home smells like, what kind of furniture they like, how they dress, what they like to listen to--I think all of that helps things "come alive", so to speak. So thank you for saying that as well my love!!
Adding Sophia in definitely killed me but not as much as you know who, who I know you touch on later LMFAO so I will GLADLY offer you a hug.
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I honestly love writing Eren in this universe, specifically his connection to Kilian. They don't share as many scenes in this story, but the love they have for each other is there and clearly unbroken and I love coming back to it.
Also, I'm SCREAMING at all of your gifs, you were not joking when you said you went through all 5 stages of grief LMFAO ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭.
As for Farlan and Levi's scene, there is definitely a little more to happen before we get to a full closure, although we're definitely on the way there. Obviously can't spoil anything. But you are right when you say he's not sad or hurt anymore. He's moved on! The only thing is, has Kilian moved on from what she's done to him (hence why she always hid from him every time she saw him)? There's a little more to explore there but it will be touched on (trust me, it's allll planned LOL). That part with Levi laughing @ Kilian's fake name was such a treat to write also. Because he would immediately understand where she got her fake name from and why she chose that to give to Farlan. He made all the connections without even needing further explanation and laughed because he knows his girl better than anyone.
Also... Lucas. I know. I KNOW. I KNOW. I HATE MYSELF. LMFAO I CAN'T EVEN READ THAT SCENE AGAIN WITHOUT CRYING. Honestly, why did I do that to MYSELF is the better question. Because lord! Kilian loves Lucas so much, every time we go back to him, it is a source of pain. That is her deepest childhood wound but also her greatest childhood joy, so to quite literally "swim" back to him was her going back to herself to heal. He told her everything she needed to hear in order to know that he was okay, he never faulted her for what happened, and his life was joyous despite being short. By seeing him again and essentially forgiving herself, Kilian could wake up because she was no longer fighting this idea that she didn't deserve to be loved, hence the end quote in chapter 14. "Open the door. Love was on the other side and it was terrifying. Open the door." I wanted it to seem like this whole time that what was on the other side was possibly death--hence the warm light emanating from behind it--but really, it was just love. Kilian had to realize that she still had a life to live because she is so loved. So loved. She deserves to be loved. So walk through the door.
Ending the chapter with welcome back when the last was “wake, up sweetheart.” I SEE WHAT YOUR DOING KW I SEE IT
LMFAOOOO OSHGFOSH. 🌚 Do you now? But seriously, I want to thank you for both of your beautiful, beautiful, asks. You are such a lovely person, and I cannot express how much I appreciate you. You have recharged my writing spirit, made my day, and have been such a light these past two days. It means the world to me that I can touch your soul with my writing, and I truly mean it when I say it, the door is always open for writing questions ANY TIME you have them. Seriously.
I hope to write for as long as the spirit fuels me, and although my relationship with it truthfully waxes and wanes, a lot has happened recently to make me see that it is something that ignites my soul. And in igniting my own spirit, I can ignite others and touch their hearts and that is something that is truly invaluable.
Seriously, I love YOU so much, 💙 anon! You absolutely were another reason to smile today. I'm smiling now even as I head to bed. Thank you. I cherish you so much. You are always welcome to gush in my inbox, about anything, any time.
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ormymarius · 2 years
Morpheus in the comics: the most stoic being ever
Morpheus in the show:
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