heartspark · 2 months
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Trying to be cozy while I work on some art
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robryebeach · 3 months
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desbianherstory · 2 months
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Category: Woman (2022, dir. Phyllis Ellis). Stream here.
When 18-year-old South African runner Caster Semenya burst onto the world stage in 2009, her championship was not celebrated, but marred by doubt, her personal medical records leaked to the international media. The public scrutiny of her body, driven by racism and sexism, questioning the most fundamental right of who she is, a great champion. The International Amateur Athletics Federation (now World Athletics) then ruled that targeted female athletes must medically alter their healthy bodies in order to compete. Their naturally high androgen levels, 'deemed' a performance advantage. Category: Woman focuses on four remarkable athletes, from the Global South, forced out of competition by these regulations, the devastation to their bodies, and their lives. Equally arresting is their passion for sport is further emboldened by their conviction to stand up for their human rights. Following her award-winning film Toxic Beauty, filmmaker and Olympian Phyllis Ellis exposes an industry controlled by men putting women’s lives at risk while the policing of women’s bodies in sport remains, in a more nefarious way, under the guise of fair play.
Breaking from this blog's hiatus to post this in light of the racist bullying of Imane Khelif. I'd recommend everyone watch it (it's only 76 min) for an understanding of the issues at play - how the false, easily digestible narrative of "fairness" in fact means unfairness and racist mistreatment for these extraordinary women. Even the introduction is powerful:
"Some bodies are marked. The gender that goes unmarked as male. Women are maked in all the ways that they are different. The unmarked race is white. Some bodies that are black and brown and female have a particular kind of marking. These bodies are marked as insufficiently human. How do you castigate a category of people as insufficiently human? By throwing their gender into doubt."
Dutee Chand, India's first openly lesbian athlete is interviewed in this documentary about the racist mistreatment and scrutiny she received for these issues.
Please watch and spread!
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askcosplaysenpai · 7 months
The mirrored dichotomy of Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger gives them both so much characterization. One tries to keep order, the other disrupts. One has a flair for the dramatic, the other is stoic. One wants to be the center of attention, the other is supposed to be the emcee.
It’s got these tried and true character tropes that we’re so used to, we almost take it for granted. Until the Macavity fight where Munkustrap squares up immediately and Tugger’s first instinct is to get the kittens to safely.
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vallarysonya · 3 months
SEXY SOLDIERS...💔💔💔💔🫦🫦🫦🫦
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damn laptop that makes the colors too saturated...
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goldenpinof · 10 months
Dan continuing to say "the real ones" means so much to me
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vypridae · 6 months
i want it to be known that twitter, of all places, has altered my entire perception on how i draw vox
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i-keepmyideals · 9 months
If I start writing for Genshin one day when I can bring myself to write again, it will 1000000% be because of Zhongli and his birthday art over the years. Like, just,,, look at this man. This work of art
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enfinizatics · 1 year
what is it with sapphics being obsessed with a severely depressed and miserable git from the dungeons with long oily hair and a questionable moral compass? it’s me, i’m sapphics.
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mewmeow8 · 4 months
Angst. hours.!.
Munkustrap. is the jelicles protector. But who protects him.?. Safe. Is. an emotion he hasn’t felt in many many years. Not since he was a kitten and macavity. When there was still a smile in his eyes would tell him and tugger scary stories. Then comfort them both when he went too far. Not since he felt. like the world didn’t rest on his shoulders. That his brother would be there to help carry the weight. Has Munkustrap felt protected.
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vrieseasees · 1 year
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"These are my boyfriends!" Hatori lied.
The other two immediately started to complain.
Lol I was drawing this before I got Hatojose yuri-itis. And then I saw this manywinged post abt love triangles, and it gave me whiplash.
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king-magppi · 1 year
Oh brother... so I watched the Netflix One Piece live action right? (/lh)
In summary, Arlong slayed.
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sillygh0st · 22 days
According to the liveblogging that im seeing arkanis is crashing non stop just like qsmp 😭😭😭😭😭 the server crashes curse passed down to arkanis aparently 😭😭
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guillemelgat · 3 months
Gaurko abestia: "Zapalduen olerkia" - Ken Zazpi
Erronka hau pixka bat aldatu nahi dut: egunero, abesti bat aukeratuko dut eta hitzak idazten saiatuko naiz. Gero, hemen ez dudan ezagutu hitzak ipiniko ditut. Eta euskaraz idatziko dut, oso gaizki baina egin ahal dut, ba egingo dut!
Gaur egun Ken Zazpi-ren "Zapalduen olerkia" aukeratu dut, oso abesti polita da eta asko gustatzen zait. Bertsio hau Euskadiko Orkestra Sinfonikoa-rekin eta nire gustokoena da, baina jatorrizkoa ere atsegin dut.
Hiztegia berria:
ezintasun - inability, incapacity
zapaldu - to oppress
estali - to cover
samin - sorrow, grief (also adj. bitter)
bizigabe - lifeless
istripu - accident
Eta galdera pare bat: (1) "hurbilao" eta "hurbil" berdina da edo zer da desberdintasuna? (2) zer esan nahi du "estalita dute"? (ezin dut ulertu zein denbora den)
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haven-in-her · 2 years
do you think the developers intentionally made it so that Ghost looks almost... eerie?
like ya i'm thotting for him just like everyone else on this hellsite but something, specifically in the missions set in mexico in the campaign, makes him look like a person risen from the dead (and i mean his backstory makes his design in-game make complete sense)
hear me out!!
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his entire outfit is quite dark with muddy colours and a balaclava/ cloth with a skullmask missing it's lower jaw hides his human facial features, and from the side the cloth drapes down so his lower headcontour (ex. chin) is not eligible – this all reminds me of like a zombie/decomposing corpse missing its jaw for some reason and all i'm saying if i see this mf prowling in the darkness i'm gonna **** myself
would still hit tho
*y'all looking at me like*
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kashilascorner · 2 years
love the fact that Castor and Pollux were Argonauts but then they're also Helen and Clytemnestra's twin brothers because I always thought it was implied that the Golden Fleece expedition happened (almost) a generation ago, which means that either the argonauts had kids running around the ship or Helen is actually very old by the time the Trojan war happens
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