okay so demonic languages, right? demons speak them. there are a bunch. warlocks learn them for spells. shadowhunters learn them to... tell demons off? do research or something? honestly idk. there are a bunch of different languages but only five that we've heard of — Abyssal, Chthonic, Purgatic, Gehennic, and Tartarian.
so, because of a fic I'm writing right now (here if anyone's interested), I was thinking about Princes of Hell and their connection to demonic languages.
What if different Princes use different languages, and therefore the demons from their realms speak their language?
this is a very random headcanon. but for some reason I felt it was important enough to research (ish) a bunch of etymological stuff and words for hell in different languages. so now I have a list of the Princes and which languages they speak.
as we only have five in canon, I made up several more, using the same basic formula as CC did — [word for hell] + [adjective suffix], as in "Gehenna" (hell in Hebrew) + "ic" (suffix) to make "Gehennic" (demonic language).
my conclusions are drawn from the etymology of the Princes' names, so each Prince's language's name comes from the same root language as the Prince's name. e.g. Lucifer is from Latin, so his language is Purgatic, since Purgatory is from Latin as well.
the problem is that too many of the canonical demon languages come from Greek and most of the Princes' names come from Hebrew, so there's a bit of a stretch in some places and I'm declaring Chthonic to be a common demon language that several different Princes speak, which is why it's one of the few that Shadowhunters know.
without more ado, here is the list, formatted as [Prince's name] — [language name] ([explanation]).
Asmodeus — Duzakhi (Avestan/Persian roots for Asmodeus; Duzakh is a Perian hell, I added the -i suffix)
Belial — Abyssal (from Greek, although the Greek for Belial was originally Hebrew; Abyssal is a canonical demon language)
Leviathan — Tophetic (from Hebrew; Tophet is a Hebrew word for hell, I added -ic suffix)
Lucifer — Purgatic (from Latin, Purgatic is a canonical demon language)
Sammael — She’olic (from Hebrew; She’ol is a Hebrew word for hell and I’ve added the -ic suffix)
Astaroth — Kigala (Sumerian roots; Astaroth was originally from Sumerian Inanna, Kigal is one word for a Sumerian underworld, I added the -a suffix)
Belphegor — Avalonic (from Hebrew; Avalon is a Hebrew word for hell, I added -ic suffix)
Mammon — Tartarian (from Greek, Tarterian is a canonical demon language)
Azazel — Gehennic (from Judaism, Gehennic is a canonical demon language)
this has been done completely at random but I now consider it to be canon. ~~~worldbuilding~~~~~~~~~
if there are any insensitivities/errors/other things I should fix in any of the above, please tell me! (for example if somebody speaks one of the languages and I've made a translational mistake, corrections would be great). Also, if anyone has some canonical context to the demon languages that I'm missing and that contradicts and/or adds to this very random and pointless headcanon, that would be much appreciated.
(disclaimer that all this is based on some pretty basic googling so like. no in-depth research. no academic sources. etc.)
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mythos-theos · 7 years
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Myth Parallels → Realms of Afterlife (pt. 1)
“Innocence is ephemeral and so is joy
Life ends when it is least expected and memories fade like photographs of yesteryears
Death is constant Afterlife is infinite
We are decaying bodies getting the most of the things that don’t last” — Truths | (j.d.a) via @dearestdaryl
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rperboni · 4 years
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Important Note: All the demons and creatures of the Demonktober are part of a narrative of their own, which maybe one day I will delve into here
Day 7: Beleth
Son of Baphomet Baron of Duzakh The Privileged Satyrs are among the most common demons, abundantly scattered throughout the Twelve Hells, possessing their political games that spread through all cycles as if it were a kingdom of its own. Baphomet, one of the great barons of Gehenna and directly subordinate to Lady of Darkness, placed one of his sons in the ranks of the Daimons, the great diplomats and strategists of the Underworld. Beleth has a strategic mind that stands out even among the others of his caste, in addition to being a great connoisseur of arcane magic due to his father's magical tradition. A demon born in a cradle of gold and sulfur, Beleth knows what it is to have status and power, things he would not give up even if his personal honor and life depended on it.
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farbodkarimi14-blog · 7 years
(Amir Tataloo) #amir #tataloo #amirtatataloo #rap #rapper #tatality
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untruthsteller · 6 years
"Whatever it is that stirs your soul, listen to that. everything else is just noise." Pharos and Lorilla
Dying changes a person. Coming back changes them more. Fate is not a fan of the clock being turned back on her work but sometimes even she can not prevent everything. Pharos has found his way from death’s clutches, eventually reaching this campfire, hands over his ears and nails digging into his scalp. They do not stop whispering to him unless he blocks them out and the radio chatter is too much for his already fragile mind to fight. He is convinced that he has been handed Nethbet’s power. Who is he to cheat death? The gamble that he won has given him nothing but mortal agony, if only he could-
A small hand touches his shoulder and he lifts his hands to listen. A concerned look from a small woman sends him reeling. Why does he feel so bad? So guilty? Her concern is all consuming, even more so than the voices. With his shoulders slumping, he tries to find it in himself to speak.
“They won’t stop talking.” He mumbles. “They won’t shut up.”
“Who?” She asks, sitting next to him. She’s short enough that he looks down to see her.
“Dead people. They just keep whispering.” She looks more and more concerned by the minute and he feels his stomach flop.
“Pharos, I don’t think you’re actually hearing dead people.” He grips his forehead, choking back a sob. They’re louder now that she has called them fake, they’re almost comprehensible, particularly the familiar one. “And even if you were, I’m not sure there would be anything that could fix it.”
“What do I do? I can’t live like this, Lorilla, I’ll rip out my eardrums.” He tries to laugh but all that comes out is a fake and strangled chuckle. This is it. He’s hearing voices and one of the only people he can trust thinks he is insane. She frowns.
“Whatever it is that stirs your soul, listen to that. Everything else is just noise.” She says, putting a hand on his arm. He pulls it away, unconvinced.
“I can’t die. Do I have t’hear this noise forever?” He chokes, clearly crying now. He’d never been one for concealing his emotions anyway. Being immortal isn’t ideal, in his opinion. He’s only been on Duzakh for nineteen years and he’s already getting to his limits. Fate has not been kind to him.
“No. This is a side effect of being resurrected, it will pass.”
“How do you know that?” She hesitates, searching for words she knows she’ll never find. How could they go away? Nothing comes to her mind, so instead, she sighs.
“I don’t. Sometimes you just have to trust in a better future, Pharos.” She sounds exasperated now. A breeze blows through the camp, dimming the fire and rustling the trees around them.
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theonewiththewords · 6 years
Based off of @sunflowerpiratewriting‘s writing here!
The Dashing and Daring cafe was small, served coffee that was to die for, and had the most eclectic cast of characters that could be stuffed into a coffee shop. 
(Literally about the coffee though. If you let Tekoian make it, it could give those with weaker hearts problems) 
Rak’ass had never visited. He wasn’t a huge fan of coffee. If he had to drink a pick-up in the morning, he’d rather just chug an energy drink and be on his way. But usually he stayed healthy, sticking to things that were good for you and good for building muscle. Yeah, he was a bit of a gym rat, but he wasn’t a douche about it so that was what mattered.
Seraphim, on the other hand, was addicted to coffee. He was the only reason Rak’ass really knew the Dashing and Daring existed -- there was many a time that, before or after their workout, Seraphim would insist that Rak drive them over so he could get a drink. 
Even though Rak usually hung around outside, he was willing to indulge his friend’s need. Still, that was how Rak slowly learned a bit about each worker in the cafe. 
The one that got his attention, though, was Keith. Tall, muscular but not necessarily from working out but rather just from day-to-day life, and always a smile on his face. Keith was certainly one of the most popular at the cafe and there were many occasions where a ten minute coffee break turned into a thirty minute coffee break.
“Sorry, I was just catching up with Keith,” Seraphim said once. “You really should meet him. I feel like you two would get along.” 
Rak sighed. He knew Seraphim meant well, but he really wasn’t looking for anyone to date. He was happy with where his life was and he really didn’t have time for anything else. 
“Maybe next time,” Rak replied every time. And he never went inside. 
Seraphim and Seraphina were twins which meant they celebrated their birthdays on different days, because when they were kids they had complained so much about sharing a birthday that their parents agreed to split. So one year Seraphim would celebrate first and the next year Seraphina would. 
It was a bit of a strange set-up, but it meant that Rak’ass had an excuse to drink and stay up late with his friends twice so he wasn’t complaining too much. 
“Truth or dare?” Seraphim asked Nam, the group about three drinks into “nicely drunk” and one away from “totally screwed tomorrow.” 
Nam frowned, green eyes squinting at Seraphim as she tried to guess his angle. She ended up going with dare and having to do a handstand for a minute, which considering her job wasn’t very difficult. 
“Okay, Seraphina, truth or dare?” Nam challenged. This went on for several more minutes, with Rak having to admit that his favorite Spice Girl was Ginger, Seraphim juggling empty beer bottles, and Nam admitting that she had never learned how to swim. 
“Rak, truth or dare?” Seraphina asked. 
“Dare,” Rak replied. 
He should have seen the look Seraphina gave her brother, but he was too drunk to really be paying attention. 
“I dare you to go into the Dashing and Daring this Wednesday at, hm, 1:30 pm,” she said with far too much confidence. Rak blinked and tilted his head in confusion, but no answers were forthcoming. So he just nodded, promised he would, and promptly forgot about it by the next morning. 
He probably wouldn’t have gone at all except for the dozen text messages from each twin, reminding him about his promise. Seraphim had even gotten the agreement on video, albeit a blurry and low quality shot. 
Rak’ass groaned and told himself that he’d get up in a few. Why on Duzakh were his friends like this? 
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ancient-rome-au · 7 years
Cosmology of the Imperium Sine Fine Campaign Setting
All planes are characterized by three orthogonal dimensions of space and one time dimension of time. There are no Flatlands, Linelands, or Pointlands.
To travel between planes, you need to travel along the 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th dimension of space (There are precisely 7 dimensions in total. They are all orthogonal to one another.) Methods for interplanar travel include divine aid by the gods, use of planar gates at holy sites such as Stonehenge or Mount Olympus (if you know the proper rituals), or casting of the appropriate spell.
Time is synchronized across all planes. For example, if you travel from plane A into plane B, spend 24 hours there, and then return to plane A, you will find time has advanced by 24 hours in plane A relative to when you left. Time dilation only occurs if you travel at relativistic speeds.
3D space is parallel across planes. For example, if you depart the Material Plane via the planar gate atop Mount Olympus, enter the Celestial Plane, travel 5,000 ft. up in the Celestial plane, and then re-enter the material plane, you will find yourself 5,000 feet up in the atmosphere above Mount Olympus on Earth. (Hopefully, you have a way to get down safely.)
Gaps in between planes are filled by the astral plane, unless otherwise noted.
There are no planes based on alignments, nor are any planes intrinsically aligned.
Material Plane:
This is the known universe originating from the Big Bang, including but not limited to Earth and its solar system. Life exists on other planets but they are many thousands of lightyears distant. No intelligent life will reach Earth during the timeframe of the various campaigns (roughly 300 AD to 1500 AD). All campaign action within this plane will take place on Earth, unless some enterprising player gathers powerful enough magic or technology to transport himself to and survive on, say, the Moon or Mars.
The Material Plane is effectively at the “center” of the cosmos. The coordinates of any location in the Material Plane will always take the form (X,Y,Z,0,0,0,0).
Planes of the 4th Dimension
The following planes are aligned on a line along the 4th dimension, in the following order:
Plane of Positive Energy - Only gods can withstand the overwhelming power that radiates throughout this plane, and not for more than a few days. The strongest hero might hope to survive one or two rounds here. Mere mortals will perish instantly. This plane is the font of all life, including the spirits of living creatures, magic, and the divine food which sustains the gods (ambrosia and nectar). It derives this power, in turn, from the cosmic recycling facility, the Plane of Negative Energy.  This is the only process in this universe which violates the laws of thermodynamics. This process enables the universe to operate as a perpetual motion machine of the 3rd kind.
Celestial Plane - The domain of the gods. All of the gods, even those with competing claims to omnipotence and truth. Competing gods occupy realms that are very physically distant from one another but still within the Celestial Plane. There are also assorted sub-planes that can be found within the Celestial Plane. These are usual special hidden domains of particular gods.
Material Plane
The Underworld - Below the material plane on the 4th axis of space you will find the Underworld, also known as Hades, Hel, Duat, Sheol, Duzakh, and Yomi-no-kuni. These names actually refer to coterminous regions of the Underworld, each of which is ruled over by a different god or gods, depending on the religion. Some examples of sub-planes are Tartarus and the various circles of the Christian Hell. Upon death, the souls of mortal, sentient creatures are (usually) guided to the underworld. (Other rules apply to religions that involve reincarnation or the ascension of true believers to Heaven.) Heroic souls are given residence in Elysium (or the equivalent for their religion). Ordinary souls end up in Asphodel Meadows (or the equivalent). Wicked souls ended up in lower sub-planes where they are exposed to varying levels of torment.
Plane of Negative Energy - Only gods can withstand the overwhelming power that radiates throughout this plane, and not for more than a few days. The strongest hero might hope to survive one or two rounds here. Mere mortals will perish instantly. Something or someone that is “tossed into the deepest pit of Tartarus” will end up here, where it will almost surely be destroyed. When the memory and records of a soul that has departed for the afterlife is completely forgotten by all creatures currently living on the material plane, that soul transmigrates to the Plane of Negative Energy and is destroyed. Heroes and other notable figures can avoid this fate by earning a legacy worthy of remembrance during their lifetimes, which will usually place them in Elysium. Mortals who have been successfully deified ascend to the lower tiers of the Celestial Plane.
Planes of the 5th & 6th Dimension - The Elemental Planes
These planes are arranged in a series of concentric circles which lie on a 2-dimensional flat surface in the 5th and 6th dimensions.  The Material Plane exists at the center of this alignment, surrounded by a ring consisting of the primary element planes (Earth, Fire, Air, and Water).
Further out from the center, you will find more rings of elemental planes. The 2nd ring includes (but is not limited to) heat, cold, light, and darkness. The 3nd ring includes Metal, Acid, and Electricity, for example.
Elemental demiplanes exist on the boundaries between major elemental planes. For example, the plane of ice can be found in the space between the plane of water and the plane of cold.
Euclidean Space
The entire framework of 3-dimensional space can be revealed by traveling a mere 5 feet along the 7th dimension. The souls of accomplished mathematicians, scholars, philosophers, and students of arcane magic reside here in the afterlife. This plane houses all of the Platonic Forms. This plane undergirds the 3D structure of ordinary spatial and the linear nature of time. More information here.
Final Notes on the Arrow of Time & Cosmic Cycles
The universe, when running smoothly, is structured to operate a perpetual motion machine and avoid heat death. In this sense, time operates as a linear arrow. Some religions believe that there will be an ideal end-state of the cosmos and time will continue on indefinitely in this ideal end-state.
However, if anything interferes with the cosmic entropy recycling machine (the connection between the planes of positive and negative energy that destroys forgotten souls and spits out fresh, new positive energy), the universe will gradually grind to a halt and collapse in on itself. But then a new universe will be reborn in a new Big Bang with new gods, new planets, and new lifeforms. In this sense, time is circular. Some religions believe this cycle of birth, death, rebirth is inescapable or may only be escaped by reaching Nirvana.
Either outcome is possible, but neither is likely to be explored in the context of the campaigns I plan to run. I just wrote this up as my best attempt to accommodate cosmological beliefs of very different religions.
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thewickedgriffin · 7 years
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During this time of the year, you can see decay in nature. Everything goes back to sleep. Trees change color, mushrooms pop up in the woods, breaking down dead plants, trees, wood... the powers of death are everywhere. And it's no surprise, that this time of the year was filled with myths and tales of the Underworld, the realm of spirits: For Indo-European tribes, it seems to be certain, that there was a belief and worship of the Underworld. Death was certainly not the end, but a doorway, into the realm of spirits. But there were many levels, many realms. Most people have heard of Valhöll - "Valhall"a is an inaccurate misspelling - yet it seems so, that it wasn't a Nirvana for the Vikings, but one of many possible paths after physical Death. In Norse Mythology, and this is unfortunately widely misunderstood, the association of battles is not always a reference to external battles. It's a spiritual war. Odin had to sacrifice his eye to gain understanding of the Runes (meaning secrets)If we take a look at other shamanism-cultures initiation is often associated with "re-birth" during life: there's life beyond your Ego, your understanding of the I. Odin is not a God in that sense but our will to look beyond. There's 9 levels of the Underworld. Even Native American tribes know the Underworld, the celtic Morrigan is a associated with the Underworld Anwwn, the realm of Hades in Greek mythology, the Aztecs called it Mictlan, and the Persians Duzakh...different terms, different cultures, but they all knew it: the spirit world. In Bavaria, it's a time of looking inwards, of incense, of re-connecting with the spirit world of the upcoming Rauhnacht. The mushrooms in the woods right now work hard to break down the dead wood and plants, and new soil and nutrients will be the result: We're part of a ever-changing cycle of nature, of transformation, the seasons are around us, and within us, we constantly change, nothing every stays the same, but nothing is lost. it just changes and gives life to something new. Book tip of the month: Archaeology of shamanism by Prof. Neil Price
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zaktoomusic-blog · 7 years
Amir Tataloo - Ye Kari Kon Nisham Vashe |New Post on ZAKTOO
New Post has been published on https://zaktoo.com/song/amir-tataloo-ye-kari-kon-nisham-vashe/
Amir Tataloo - Ye Kari Kon Nisham Vashe
Free download and listen to Ye Kari Kon Nisham Vashe. Persian artist of this music is Amir Tataloo. Genre of this tune is hip hop/rap. Time of this song is 3:31. Released year is 2017. Listen to Ye Kari Kon Nisham Vashe for free by clicking on play button. Zaktoo a website where you can download persian songs
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idiotswithdice · 7 years
The Enigma Emblem Chronicles: Recap #1
This is long so sorry mobile users. We’ve been playing for about six months.
Going to split this into three posts.
The year is 1497 and the horrors of the Great War have largely been forgotten. A fragile peace has settled over Duzakh, the prosperity of the nations beginning to turn into challenges for land and more resources. In Braghad, a large and prosperous nation in the north, things are about to change... 
Our story begins as the party finds themselves drawn to the sound of someone crying for help in a forest. After searching for some time, the party discovers Princess Iris, the daughter of the King and Queen of Braghad, alone with a slain knight. She explains that she was traveling to a nearby town when she and her party was attacked. Her companions included other knights and her servant girl, Mytri.
Before the party can decide what to do, a small group of mercenaries arrived and demanded they hand over the girl. The party refused and fought the mercenaries off, Pharos getting seriously injured in the process. Emerging victorious, the party agreed to find the town and bring Iris there, though they disagreed on how they would do it. After getting lost for a while, the party eventually found a place to rest for the night and set up camp, three of them agreeing to share watch for the night.
During the night, a group of orcs attacked the party and once again the group was victorious, though Iser hid in a tree for the entirety of it. Worried about being attacked once more, they all decided to continue looking for the town. 
After an entire day’s journey, the party found that they were close to the town but decided to wait a night, as they didn’t want to enter during the dark. They waited for daybreak to approach the town, Thornehill.
Arriving, tense negotiations were made between the party and Petyr, whom they would later learn was the head of the guards. Thanks in no small part to the druid, Lorilla, the party was allowed an audience with the mayor, Kylor Moonstar. He was suspicious but accepted Iris and her word, ordering the full party permission to spend a few days in the town. The messenger relay wasn’t operating as it usually does, something he was concerned about, so any possible messages haven’t been delivered.
Given time to explore, the party split and ventured around the small town. They all were met with various degrees of success and encountered a variety of interesting people, from the mysterious Nadia to the three clerics who work at the temple. Pharos and Iser also met with Athsra, an elf with magical abilities, who gave them gifts of gold and potions for protecting Iris. She also charged them with keeping the princess safe.
After an interesting night of flirting, gambling, and drinking (though not all three at once), the party woke. Lorilla was instructed to return to the town hall as soon as possible, seeing as Kylor wished to speak to her. She brought several of the others, including Iris, and went to him.
The mayor explained that the town was under pressure from multiple orc attacks and that the messenger system, which Thornehill is a hub for, was not working properly. He offered them gold in exchange for hunting down the orc clan responsible and eliminating them. Two of the clerics, Thea and Dalen, also offered their services. The party was forced to choose between them, however, and they selected Thea.
After another day spent in preparation, the group received supplies and set out to where the orc clan was supposedly located. They had to cross a dangerous swamp and fought off a group of strange, spider-like creatures, but the real difficulty came as Talion’s aggressive personality clashed with both Iser’s apathy and Thea’s staunch morality. Lorilla also came into conflict with Talion, and things were tense when they finally found the orcs.
Thanks to a clever plan involving Keith’s trumpet, a few fireballs, and good luck, the party was able to clear out the majority of the orcs with ease. Thea, however, insisted they enter a sunken fortress in order to find the orc chief. 
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yesfantasticcoffee · 6 years
دانلود آهنگ جدید امیرحسین مقصودلو و دوزخ به نام هرکى به ما رسید
نوشته دانلود آهنگ جدید امیرحسین مقصودلو و دوزخ به نام هرکى به ما رسید اولین بار در هرروز پدیدار شد.
from WordPress http://harooz.com/69273_amir-hossein-maghsoudloo-and-duzakh-harki-be-ma-resid/
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rperboni · 4 years
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Important Note: All the demons and creatures of the Demonktober are part of a narrative of their own, which maybe one day I will delve into here
Day 18: Furfur
The Dragon of Ice and Fire Count of Duzakh Patron of Tannins The forces of nature also belong to the inhabitants of the Underworld, represented by the Tannins, the demon caste linked to the primal forces, imbuing their bodies with the power of beasts or the brutality of the elements, and their bodies are often reformed by such aspects, turning many into dire versions of animals or grotesque chimeras, which requires any tannin to have complete control over their body, mind and essence. Furfur is a Scoxa, a species recognized for its violent tendencies, but it took on itself a wise and calm facet, teaching its followers in the same way that a monk teaches his acolytes. Learning to control his elemental power, Furfur discovered the limits of his caste, preventing many after him from being taken over by primal power, which makes tannins the most unstable caste of all. Furfur's sword, Sharanaya, represents this instability, being heavy and destructive, in addition to being able to channel the power of the elements.
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henpendrips · 7 years
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Another contribution to the 'Beyond the Pale' tabletop project. Read the description for this entry here: [LINK];Check out the rest of 'Beyond the Pale' here: [LINK]
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rperboni · 4 years
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Important Note: All the demons and creatures of the Demonktober are part of a narrative of their own, which maybe one day I will delve into here
Day 27: Halphas
Fire Skinned Great Duchess of Duzakh The Flaming Witch Unlike her sister, Merihem, Halphas chose to embrace her elemental inheritances, like so many other Asrestari, but something seems to have gone terribly wrong during the "purification", deforming the Duchess beyond reversible, emaciating her body and turning her inner flame into a faint aura, which has seemed to haunt her ever since, making her irritable and energetic. Thanks to the Lady of the Abyss, Halphas saw her value in other forms of magic, becoming an extremely skilled shedim, raising up to the highest rank of the so-called Crematorium. Crematorium is the name given to Duzakh, 8th Cycle of Hell, taken by fire and constant heat, forcing slothful souls, especially those who did not have any kind of empathy in life, to move so as not to be completely carbonized by the environment and by Halphas' subordinated, whose cruelty in punishing is justified, in the words of the Duchess, by the poison to the soul that the ego and apathy represent, since that is what caused her deformity, "cured" precisely by the empathy of her Queen and caste's brothers.
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zaktoomusic-blog · 7 years
Amir Tataloo - Khoresht Gardan |New Post on ZAKTOO
New Post has been published on https://zaktoo.com/song/amir-tataloo-khoresht-gardan/
Amir Tataloo - Khoresht Gardan
Get or listen Khoresht Gardan. Artist of this song Amir Tataloo. Genre of this lovely song is hip hop/rap. Duration of this lovely song is 3:50. Year of publication is 2017. For listening to Khoresht Gardan just click on play button. Find and share & enjoy your favorite iranian music online with zaktoo
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