billyb · 9 months
Explaining DWeb to a 5 year old
How would you explain DWeb to a 5 year old?
"Alright, imagine you have a magical notebook, but instead of being just a regular notebook, it's a special notebook that can be shared with your friends all around the world, even if they're really far away. You can draw pictures, write stories, and put things in this notebook, and your friends can see them instantly, like magic!
Now, normally, when we use the internet, all the things we do and share are stored on big computers owned by companies, like putting your special notebook in a big library. But the Dweb, short for "decentralized web," is like having your own special notebook that you keep with you all the time, and you and your friends can connect directly without needing a big library or a company in the middle.
So, the Dweb is like a super special way of using the internet where you and your friends can share and play together, just like sharing your magical notebook, and nobody else can decide what you do with it. It's like having your own little corner of the internet where you can do fun things with your friends, and it's super cool!"
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rsaxena-blog · 1 year
Decenpool - Activation. Rishabh Saxena 9145633744, #rksaxena, www.decenpool.com
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doctorwhoisadhd · 5 months
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the doctor dances / boom town / forest of the dead
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quitarqueer0 · 16 days
went from being the kid who got in trouble 4 reading too much and loved super long and complex novels to the guy who can only read if there's pictures
call it character development
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littlecutiexox · 1 year
Had a really cute valentines day and I’m all soft and gooey inside 🥺
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in elementary school i had this friend I made on the bus who was in hs and we always talked about anime and stuff and his fav weeb shit was pokemon red and blue (?? i think? it was color smth) and on the last day of school (we was graduating so the last time i would see him) i didnt sit next to him and cuz i was a depressed lill cunt and didnt want to talk to anyone BUT UGHH HE WAS A GOOD FRIEND AND IM PISSED AT MY SELF FOR LOOSEING HIS CONTACT AND I DONT EVEN LIVE IN THAT TOWN ANYMORE SO I PROABLY WONT GET TO TALK ABOUT ANIME SHIT WITH HIM ANY MORE OR THE ENDING OF FAIRYTAIL
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liroyalty · 3 months
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antebellumite · 1 year
nonstop from the hamilton soundtrack is kind of a henry clay song.
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Blue and mint!!
IRIS ❤️ the feelings are so mutual!!
Blue - always makes me smile loml
Mint - where have you been all my life, I wish we met sooner!
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ratridingaskateboard · 7 months
Always See Your Face
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Chapter 3
Previous chapter here
Summary: Eddie has come to a striking revelation
Tag list: @daisyridleyyyy @silky-luxe @bl00d-puppy @ttsbaby01 @kennedy-brooke @sadbitchfangirl @abzzz3 @josephquinnschesthair @aislinnclifton @sashaphantomhive @aestaethicvante @madaboutjoe @bonehead-playz @mystic-mara 
A/N: Sorry this took so long and its kinda short! I hope you like it :')
Eddie’s jaw dropped. Never in his life had he seen a girl throw a punch at a guy much less right in front of him. This girl had more balls than anyone in Hellfire did. 
"What the fuck, bitch!"
“What’s going on?”
An authority figure yelled from across the lunch room. Whether it was a teacher, faculty member, or parent, Eddie knew she was in for it with punching a football player. Eddie peeked up at her through his bangs and she didn’t look like she did earlier at the lunch table. She was frightened. He didn’t know someone like her could get scared even though he had only known her for a couple of minutes now. Hell, he didn’t even know her name. However, she didn’t seem like the damsel in distress type. Seeing her like this made his heart ache. He couldn’t stand to see her like that.
Eddie promptly took her hand and escorted her to the courtyard while the football player stumbled his way up and toward the teacher heading his way. Eddie would take the blame for her. He knew the teacher would be on the side of the senior who hadn’t repeated his last year of high school several times rather than Eddie, that was no question. If he were to blame her, they may yell at her for bending over the table and wearing a short skirt. It made Eddie sick how pieces of shit like that got away with being shitty. She didn’t deserve to be scrutinized by anyone after being harassed. 
He stumbled over his own feet while pacing to the park bench in the nearby woods next to the cafeteria, his prime drug dealing spot. He was in such a hurry to escape the madness of the lunch room that he didn’t even know how she felt to be swept away like this. What if she hated him for it? What if she wanted to explain herself to the teacher?
He reluctantly turned to face her. She looked up at him with bright eyes filled with surprise. She seemed so much smaller now that Eddie was standing. She had presented herself as Eddie did but it was all a facade. It was a way to frighten people off so they wouldn’t get too close. Of course, he loved each and every single band tee and patch he wore but he also enjoyed the amount of people who were nervous around him at school because of these bands. He knew he would never have to worry about getting his feelings hurt if he didn’t let anyone in.
Eddie gestured to the bench and she sat down.
“Thank you for that. I didn’t know what he was going to do to me after I hit him. Probably best I don’t find out.” 
“I won’t let him do anything to you, I promise.”
A smile crept onto her lips and a warm blush spread across her cheeks. Eddie choked. He just met this girl and he was in this deep? He couldn’t look at her without being an awkward dweb like his friends were. He shook his head, he had to think straight.
“Is your hand okay?” 
Her knuckles were a rosy red, and she clenched her fist as if in pain.
“His face was harder than I thought.”
Eddie moved down on his knees, the fall leaves caressing his jeans. He took her bruised hand in his and stroked his thumb over each knuckle. Her skin was so soft even though she had just punched someone. He wondered if the skin on her hands was as soft as other parts of her. Fuck! What was he doing?! He grabbed her hand without even asking. He looked up to seek a sign of approval from her.
Her face was like Garret’s when her chest touched his arm. She was beet red in the face and her body was as stiff as a board. So she was real. She wasn’t just an idea. She had blood rushing through her veins and she felt what he felt. Eddie’s heart began to race and fear started to creep into him.
She was everything. She was a walking, talking angel who could break his heart with the touch of her hand. Should he even take the chance? What if she hurts him? What if she hurts his friends?
Those eyes wouldn’t hurt a fly. He was fucked. He didn’t used to believe in love at first sight but he did now.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 5 months
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jack in bad wolf vs. gwen in miracle day (rendition / the categories of life / immortal sins / end of the road / the gathering)
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hjcoolartnerd · 3 months
Dylan’s Relationship:
Steve Harrington: Childhood best friends, used to do everything together and they didn’t have malice so Steve used to let Dylan sit in his lap. All up to Middle school when Dylan’s lost his brother who was “ran over” , Dylan became more of a loner, while Steve joined with the wrong crowd. Which made them drift apart, Steve became a DnD dweb becoming friends with Julia, Bruce, Mark and Eddie, while Steve was in per suit of popularity until he became Popular when, he slept with the hottest girl in Hawkins high. (He was a freshman), Dylan stay behind yet he had feelings for his ex best friend. (In The canon AUs Dylan and Steve become friends again after season 1. In the other AU, Steve and Dylan meet at times but it’s always awkward and Weird because Tommy is there.) sometimes in the no monster AU Steve battles his feelings depending on the AU, weather it is Harringrove, Steddie, Stelan or Dylve, steddielan, haringroveker, harringroveson.
Tommy Hagan: used to bully Dylan since he met the boy seeing how he wasn’t normal. Maybe it was because deep down Tommy probably had the same inclination or felt an attraction towards Dylan. They were never close but in both Canon AUs and no monsters AU Tommy and Dylan are hookup partners as per Tommy’s request to want to try having sex with a guy despite being with Carol.
Billy Hargrove: Dylan is the first person wh9 actually greets Billy because Dylan was forced to they both instantly acknowledge that the other is abused by their father tho they don’t mention it, but they see the slight signs the only difference is that they each channel it differently. Dylan becomes a wing man to Billy in every AU that Billy likes Mark. They are mostly platonic or like siblings but in some universe they actually hookup. we also have the other ships like harringrobe, Walgrove, harringroveker, harringroveson.
Steve Joe Randal: dispite being a Mix douche Steve and mix douche Billy, he cares or cared deeply for Dylan (in the canon AU this oc dies because he was flayed and he fused with Dylan’s dad and step mother trying to end or take Dylan to the spider monster) but when he isn’t trying to kill Dylan he is trying his best although tried to force sex onto Dylan (imagine when he finds out that Tommy was the one who got lucky to be the first to sleep with Dylan). Other ships include. Steve x2, Rangrove, Joddie(Most people call Him joe so joe + Eddie), Joncy, Bydal (Jonathan x Joe).
Eddie Munson: they become close even when Dylan’s close group stops playing DnD, they also have a hookup relationship but it’s less cold than Dylan and Tommy’s. They act more like a couple. But they don’t have feelings for eachother, at least in canon AU Eddie looses his feelings for Dylan when he sees that Dylan still is after Steve. Other ships Dyldie, Steddie, Harringroveson, Steddielan, Chrissy x Eddy.
Fiona Thompson: one sided, Dylan never actually liked Fiona. Not his type
Barbara Holland: in canon AU if she had confessed Dylan would have tried to his best to like her like that because she was actually Dylan’s type.
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thoughtportal · 1 year
The Decameron
Why is everyone reading The Decameron? https://www.vogue.com/article/why-is-everyone-reading-the-decameron
The Decameron web https://www.brown.edu/Departments/Italian_Studies/dweb/
An intro to the Decameron https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/07/07/magazine/what-is-the-decameron.html
The Decameron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Decameron
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/23700
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peonycats · 9 months
Pardon me if this is rude to ask, but what is Arwah? Is it like a religious custom or form of dress or something else?
I'm not super well versed in Islam and I saw it mentioned so I figured given you have quite a few muslim nation OCs you might be more knowledgeable about it and willing to explain it to a dweb like me who knows very little about it
"Awrah" is an Arabic term that denotes the intimate parts of the body for which Muslim men and women must cover with clothing. There seems to be a lot of debate among Muslims over whether certain parts of the body count as awrah 🤔
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forgottnseccnd · 3 months
(I enjoy flirting with your oc)
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KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GIVE YOU PERMISSION!!!!!!!
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sheepydraws · 1 year
Wearing subtle fandom merch is the BEST because I don't feel like a dweb, but I still get knowing "I love your bag" compliments
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