#e: Muse
officialrovix · 6 months
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190622 Leo @ Myeongdong Fansign | © V.Cloud
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psykopaths · 6 months
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Art requires a Muse
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fyblackwomenart · 5 months
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Adrienne Muse
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taeiris · 1 year
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mike invited will over to show him his new campaign’s progress but will’s feeling significantly clingy today so he’s distracted himself a bit by doodling on his boyfriend’s pretty face 💔
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fagtainsparklez · 5 months
just wanna let you know that every time i need to find any mcyt mpreg post i always search your blog first
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fheythfully · 3 months
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3.15.24 NG+
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 20 days
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mostly-marvel-musings · 11 months
DUM-E has probably tried petting Tony's hair with his grabby claw when Tony falls asleep in the lab because he's seen you do it and noticed that Tony likes it
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A/N: Tis’ a little blurb! Enjoy :)
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: None.
Stifling a giggle you hid behind the large pillar in Tony’s lab, watching the scene in front of you unfold. Tony, as usual, had dozed off with his face plastered against the paper-littered desk, snoring lightly while his beloved robot Dum-E hovered around him.
Tony slept peacefully despite Dum-E’s persistent whirring, he was probably used to it, you figured. What you didn’t realise was the bot was actually figuring out a way to caress Tony’s hair.
It took you a minute to realise why your beloved bot was acting the way he was.
You had a habit of checking up on your boyfriend whenever he was down in his lab tinkering; and that almost always ended up with you finding Tony fast asleep on his table, chair, in one of his many expensive cars, between his suits (yes, that happened). You’d make your way over to him and run your fingers through his soft, floppy hair to have Tony utter the softest of sighs or appreciative little moans.
It honestly made you fall deeper in love with your man, the amount of touch or rather your touch that he craved, even while asleep tugged at your heartstrings.
Sometimes you wondered why Tony gave Dum-E such a hard time, he was simply adorable! And a shrewd observer too from what you just witnessed.
“Dum-E! Let him sleep.” You whispered urgently, unable to wipe the smile off of your face as the bot acknowledged your presence but turned back to his maker.
Dum-E ignored your plea and went ahead to tangle his ‘hand’ in Tony’s hair, inevitably waking the billionaire, genius.
“What in the world? Dum-E, are waiting for me to dispose you off to a college?” Tony glared at the dejected robot, running his fingers through his hair, still oblivious to your presence.
“I guess my darling bot simply wanted you to sleep well, he was just checking in. Don’t be so hard on him, Tony.”
You announced your presence and made your way over to him, grinning when Tony opened his arms for you and brought you to his lap, narrowing his eyes.
“Why is he your darling bot and I’m just Tony?”
Rolling your eyes, you pressed your lips against his temple and weaving your hands through his hair, ruffling them adding to his annoyance and giggling when he tried to squirm away.
“You’re my almost middle aged baby.”
Dum-E gave a happy little whir when you blew him a kiss and sent him away, while Tony tightened his grip around you.
“Well, now that I’m up…”
“Now that you’re up, what?”
You repeated, knowing rather well what dear Mister Stark had in mind and by the way his hand was sneaking its way inside your top, you had a clear idea.
“Time to punish you for that little middle-aged joke..”
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iwillhaveamoonbase · 1 year
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casanovasadmiral · 11 months
Daddy void darkleer?
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Here you go!! Orlund Zahhak, aka The E%ecutor, Darkleer.
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entropyvoid · 2 months
Honestly with all the overlap between sci-fi and fantasy fans, I’m really surprised that “high fantasy in space” isn’t more of a thing.
There are some things generally assumed by most to be sci-fi that I’d personally label space fantasy, like Star Wars, where the high tech is just there as a backdrop to a classic heroic story of good guys vs. bad guys, who are definitely doing magic (by using the force). The point of Star Wars isn’t the tech or anything, it just happens to be a tale told in space. It contrasts pretty starkly with something like Star Trek, where the vast majority of episodes revolve around exploring whatever scientific or philosophical concept the writers thought would be kinda neat that week, using established characters as a vehicle for said exploration.
I think one of my favorite things about Honkai Star Rail is that it freely and unabashedly mixes sci-fi and fantasy. It just goes “You are a walking neutron bomb. Also turns out your bestie is from a self-reincarnating race of dragon people with powerful water and illusion magic. They live on this big, planet-sized ship that’s dedicated to hunting down this one cosmic horror that cursed all the ship’s inhabitants with immortality, under the banner of this other cosmic horror that exists solely to kill the first cosmic horror. Let’s go on vacation to the theme park planet, the actual resort is technically an Alice-in-Wonderland style dream triggered by the same kinda cosmic-horror-gifted bomb as you. Your new friend is a meme. By the way, did we tell you about the one time this super-genius harnessed the power of *imagination* to build a death ray that instantly obliterated a bunch of planets? That was kinda fucked up, huh.” Sometimes Star Rail tries to give explanations for its tech in a way that seems believably sciencey. Sometimes shit’s just straight up called magic or it’s from some deity or another and none of the characters present have a good understanding of why, so you all just go about your bullshit. It makes it work within the context of its established universe.
Cosmic horror in general is often (but not always) found in sci-fi, but where the point of sci-fi is to expand on and detail a concept in a believably scientific way or explore the impacts of a scientific thing, the point of cosmic horror is that there is a Thing that is beyond human understanding or comprehension. Sci-fi is a fun thing to insert it into, because the more scientifically sensible and well-understood elements of the world you have, the more jarring that becomes.
Then you’ve got things like Dungeon Meshi, which exists in an inverse of something like Star Rail: it takes a very Tolkien-inspired Dungeons and Dragons-esque setting, and then details it in a very scientifically sensible way. There is magic, and there are these fantastical monsters, yes, but the monsters are parts of their own delicate and intricate ecosystems, they are edible, and they have very particular nutritional values and ways you can cook them! The protag’s biggest strength lies in him being a nerd about monster biology. Magic, too, by the end of it, ends up with a plausible enough explanation as well. And the explanation is a cosmic horror! In this way, Dungeon Meshi, despite being built entirely off of very easily recognizable and classic fantasy tropes, is probably more accurately classed as sci-fi.
I just love all of it. Can I get like 50 more of these fucked up lil mixtures of science and magic please?
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twistedappletree · 7 months
Actually obsessed with the idea of Jin Ling trying to teach Lan Sizhui archery and getting smug as hell because he finally found something Lan Sizhui isn’t an instant prodigy at but at the same time, he sees how determined Lan Sizhui is to learn it and can’t help but love teaching him and wanting to see him succeed so they can hunt together
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scatterbrain-ink · 12 days
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For while, it truly is only going to be shigaraki ~ I say as I have inspiration for some Toga ~ will be working on this WIP for a bit tho
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the-composer · 2 years
let your muse have ugly traits! let your muse have unhealthy coping mechanisms! let your muse be toxic! let them be a hypocrite! let them do things that make you cringe! let them relapse and spiral and experience moral decline, as a treat! it’s roleplay. it’s supposed to be fun, and it’s even cathartic for some. embrace your whole muse. 
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v-hub-v · 7 months
🐰William called up Henry on the phone randomly in the middle of the night for some reason "Henry!! It's been a while hasn't it ol' chap! Can we hang somewhere?"
- (@spring-locked-rabbit ) to Henry
It's been a long night. A long week. A long month.
This industry, the entertainment, feeding his need for creation, the fun- it's all he's ever wanted in life. Henry, by nature, is a sentimental, poetic man. He has a big heart, and lots of room in it. Lately, however, that room has been... Expanding.
Fazbear Entertainment has grown, and that means, there's much more grounds to cover. He and William had to part ways for a while. A while that's been far too long, and it's only getting harder to hold a smile without his favorite company, featuring William, his recently deceased mother, and his recent wife turned ex. It feels like everyone he holds dear is drifting farther and farther away every time he wakes up, and being emotionally unstable, he has no idea how to cope or make it stop.
It's been a long night. He ran one of the pizzeria's on his own, once again, nothing new, and finds himself exhausted. He could barely get up to answer the phone! Nevertheless, he dragged himself to the line and figured he'd let this salesman down eas-
"-Will?" It was a huge relief to hear his voice. And even better listening to what he had to say! "Uh- Uuh, yeah! Yeah, sure. Is there anywhere you wanted to go? I could pick you up, maybe?.." Henry is so ready to get out of these tired bones. It's been so lonely.
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trve-grimdark · 8 months
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I found myself pondering the movies for Conan the Barbarian, and Solomon Kane respectively.
This came about (Aside from 2 beers and a lot of whiksy) because I realize that, by and large I should in all sense have a passionate hatred for movies that made up an "Origin Story" for two characters never truly given such by their creator Mr. Robert E. Howard.
The more I thought about this the more I realized the reason for my lack of disdain. In today's entertainment culture, we fear cinema making an exploit of beloved characters for the sake of brand recognition and clout with an established fan base, because the people in charge arn't interested in the source material to begin with.
With these two movies, I feel that is absent. In fact I dare say it seems the directors, writers, producers, actors and so on, attempted to look at these characters and asked "How would you create such a titan among men?"
If you watch these films side by side you see the exact moment the character, either of the two, that we know and love, is truly immortalized as we know them.
Interesting that they take place at opposite ends of their respective films I might add.
In Conan, almost near the end, before the final confrontation, our barbarian states "For us, there is no spring. Only the Wind when it smells fresh, before the storm"
Near the beginning of Solomon Kane after a devastating scene of the murder of innocents, Solomon looks to the heavens and beseeches God asking "Is this, all I am to you? Then so be it."
Both these movies give our characters a moment, I believe, where they BECOME, the character we know them as.
Conan makes a statement that he is never going to know anything but the thrill of battle, a life lived on a razor's edge, whether pirate, thief, brigand, barbarian or even king, he will not know the peace of other men. In parallel, Solomon is forced to recognize he is a man of divine retribution. He is a man of no land no people or home but a sword destined to smite injustice and evil wherever he witnesses it.
I think the reason many people flock to, despite these films' obvious divergence from canon, such stories is they are a believable addition to the character's legend.
Conan and Solomon are not "Modern Mythology gods" in the way superheroes or such are concerned. They are Hyper Human. We do not envy their divine abilities and perfect character, we aspire to the length of their human emotion and action.
In that, I think both these films gave us a believable perspective into how such men are made.
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