#e) all of these and shuffle is on
akai-anna · 2 months
Round 6
Round: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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sad prompt time:
Naval officer visits Fernando's family to inform them that the Infinity is lost, presumed destroyed
There are men in uniforms waiting on their porch when he comes home.
His wife, his dear wife, shutters away all her emotions and becomes stone faced. He wishes he could copy her.
The notification officers confirm who he is and then they give him the news, as if they hadn't already figured out why two Navy boys were standing on their porch. A ship he doesn't care about lost with one of the few people he had left. Presumed destroyed. No body, no grave, no record of a life lived.
"Deep regret" this and "deepest sympathy" that and a folded flag of a government he hates and the feeling of powerless he hates more. They'd already lost their grandchild and daughter-in-law. They'd already lost their home. This strike is too much to bear and he sags against a chair.
Fernando was supposed to be safe, a civilian on a ship. He wasn't a soldier, he was an engineer. He threw himself into his work after-
They hadn't seen him in months, top-secret posting meaning that calls home were few and far between. Censors reading and rereading every letter between them.
He's struck by the sudden swell of feeling, throat closing as stoppered grief uncorks and streams from his eyes.
When was the last time he saw his son's face not through a screen? Held him in his arms?
The officers tip their heads and march out the door. The flag mocks him from the countertop.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 7 months
Fucks sake.
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heybaetae · 10 months
i am Not doing well folks
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Vampire Realm
I was dreaming up a map for the Demon Realm when @darkelf-7 put it into my mind that the vampires should have their own special dimension too. Absolutely they should! So without further ado, here's Gelda's kingdom (with worldbuilding lore)!!
First, I figured I would expand on the human-vampire relationship with a drabble. It's unusual for a vampire scenario to have them living far away from humans due to their unique coexistence. Either by necessity or personal taste, people are a vampire's source of life.
the beginnings of the stars & diamonds, the vampire realm’s human (ish) societies 
The ancestors were refugees who don’t know how they got here. 
They just woke one morning after traveling a long way to find themselves in a land of glowing color and eternal night. The first thing they noticed was the pleasant warmth of the air that was so foreign to them. Both the heat and the smell of that air was astonishing, that was what they wrote. The child sitting next to their gear and still-sleeping companions was astonishing, too, surveying them with brilliant green eyes as if he’d succeeded in some great task. 
“Have you been looking for a place to call home?” It was more of a statement than a question. They understood it well enough, though they didn't recognize the accent. “I sought those like you out, brought you to a place you will enjoy until you die.” 
They did enjoy it. It was peculiar- this land with no sun seemed to work in reverse to what they knew, the light and warmth emanating from the foliage and the lakes as clear and comfortable as bathwater. Crops seemed to grow just as quickly as before, and the variety of unfamiliar creatures was not afraid in the slightest of a bunch of human travelers, sometimes even speaking to them, albeit in hushed tones and in a language that would take them years to master. It was an island, they realized, yet over on the north shore they could see a vast land laid out before them just over the sea. The sailors among them came back with frantic reports about how the sea circled right back around to either island, regardless of how far they went, but the villagers were too busy fashioning the glimmering rock bed beneath the surface into homes, the children too happy with their new animal companions and the new mysteries of the sky and the world, for anyone to take issue. Better than the war-torn place they’d just escaped. Maybe one day they’d go home. It took two generations to realize that they were stuck here, in what could only be a new dimension, and as far as they knew there was no way back, unless they should ask that strange child again. He came now and again through the years to check on them, and was at first shy in a regal sort of way, but not unfriendly. He claimed he needed time away from home. So they built him a little hut fit for someone his size and furnished it alongside theirs. This - unexpectedly - flustered him so much that he ran off into the woods. Poor thing. 
The next time the boy came, he brought with him a blonde girl, captivating in beauty and speech. She apologized profusely for the disappearances of some villagers throughout the years. It was assumed those who went missing simply went into the portal near the lake and never returned - apparently, some  of these had been slain and drained of blood. She invited all the village leaders to that city their travelers spoke of, the dangerous one whose polished stone glowed purer and brighter than the moon. Such a fascinating person this was, and even from afar they could tell why so many of them crossed to the other island not only for the extra space but to be closer to those creatures who were their neighbors and built in their likeness. Unlike back home, there was no need to fear the unknown. So long as they paid the price in blood, all would be well - and the golden princess promised she would keep it that way so long as she could in her immortal life. They told her, in turn, that she was always welcome in their villages, and, say, what do you call yourselves exactly? 
Vampire Realm Map
Aaaand here's the main feature!
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Vampire Realm Features
Moon Society - 
The vampires’ cities are shaped like moons, the ancient buildings surrounded by fields of wildflowers, shrubbery, and equally ancient woodland. The most popular style of architecture and interior design puts strong emphasis on handmade objects and shows a general inclination toward a  fairytale aesthetic. Both minimalistic and eclectic elements are hugely popular. Skylights, balconies, and walls open to the air, accompanied by extravagant curtains taking the place of glass or doors, are the most unifying architectural element. Of all the arts, dance and music have been the most prone to change throughout the centuries. Most garments are handwoven with great craftsmanship and passed down through generations for as long as they stay in good condition. Elegance is far more popular than cuteness, sexiness, or even intimidation when it comes to one’s appearance. 
As far as vampires are concerned, their society encompasses as far as the glowstone reaches, and the concept of being ‘civilized’ and ‘uncivilized’ has no meaning to them. Considering that their overall population pales in comparison to any other race, even the beastmen, it has never made sense to vampires to do anything other than settle infighting in the most peaceful way possible. True, the glowstone is not pleased to lose a living soul before its time, but the vampires’ sense of loyalty means they would prefer peaceful estrangement to hostility even if that were no longer an issue. There are rumors among Britannian humans that there are various subspecies of vampire - just as there are various subspecies of demon - due to the variety of appearances and special abilities they may possess. 
Star Society - 
The human inhabitants of the realm have adapted to the environment over the centuries, but none so much as those who come from the Star cities. They embrace what they call the natural lifestyle of the “Midnight Isles” and maintain a strong bond with nature, and, when applicable, magic. Community, especially with other sentient residents of the “Midnight Isles,” is extremely important to them, and residents are known for their openness, boldness, and generosity. The wonder and appreciation they show for all the whimsies of life in the vampire realm enchants many vampires who encounter them, and though they are the main food source of said vampires, finding someone who resents this is rare. It’s rumored they’ve adapted to regular loss of blood on a biological level, but you can’t get a straight answer about that. It’s like they’ve never bothered to study it. 
Human visitors to the Star Capital are stunned by the locals’ behavior; particularly, their lack of fear of the landscape on which they live. The visitors wouldn’t judge so harshly, or try to convince them to leave with such inconsideration, but . . . it’s like they can’t see it. They can tell some of the creatures who live among them are demon, or vampire, but for some reason don’t notice this. Their neighbors and friends, particularly the avid travelers and the nature enthusiasts, aren’t quite . . . human anymore. The vampires, the animals, even the soil no longer considers them human. The vampires say that it’s true, that the life energy the glowstone circulates back into them is more plant, more animal, more vampire, more demon than human - that it’s the land’s blessing, and it makes their blood all the more delicious. “Tieflings,” the vampires call them, but not to their faces. The humans don’t seem to acknowledge the inhuman traits as strange. It’s like they don’t even know . . . what being human means anymore. Who can blame them, though? The Vampire Realm is a place where the plants themselves have personality, and the soil judges character on a life-or-death scale, so treating everything you see like it could be another person - another human being, as the humans say - is, in a way, as natural to them as the total lack of sunlight.
The Star people of this island are descended from explorers, witches, and scientists of various cultural backgrounds, and it is more apparent than in the Diamond people that some of these cultures are from lands beyond Britannia. These original cultures and traditions have a great impact on modern life and most relics from the ancestors’ homelands have been preserved. 
The network of star cities are not connected by roads but by what locals call ‘the trails.’ Obtaining knowledge of these is a symbol of trust from the locals, as most of the Star people’s sacred places lie along their beloved, uncharted paths. The architecture has no Britannian origins and varies widely from district to district, especially within the capital. Certain everyday rituals are inspired by vampire culture.
Diamond Society - 
Grit, and grace. That’s what the Diamonds hope to pass down to their children.
Separated from the rest of the realm by a bit of freshwater sea, the diamond cities have a whimsy all to themselves. Old growth forests containing ancient vampire relics remain practically untouched as the architects and designers preferred stone and textiles as craft materials over wood, a trend that continues to this day. These trees are the most vibrant in personality in the Isles. Some eagerly foster a relationship with the Diamond people, some keeping one or a few favorites while others gather flocks of humans as their friends. Others discriminate wildly against certain humans or humans in general. Friendly wild plants provide 70% of the Diamond people’s fruit and vegetables by gifting them directly to humans. And likewise, the rare craftspeople who work with wood do so through the gifts of the trees. Star people who visit the island are often taken by surprise by the vegetation’s behavior since their own native plants are so much more carefree. Foreign plants do not do well on this island, even those from the other Isle, so exports of rare plants in carefully wrapped terrariums are common. Generally, the creatures of the Diamond isle are larger and more hostile to those they don’t recognize or personally favor.  As for the weather, tropical storms are more frequent. Well-lit underground passageways connect the four main Diamond cities for use during rainstorms.
 The four main settlements do not consider themselves separate cities but extensions of the capital, and friends often travel all over the island together. They refer to the populated areas as “Cerberus,” no doubt as a reference to the wild “dogs” they built a relationship with over the centuries as well as to the fact they consider their Capital as one building rather than a city. And with that logic, there are only 3 ‘cities’ arranged around Jelly Lake.
Like the Star people, many Diamond people treat travel as a way of connecting with their home and each other. Despite the added danger of the isle’s unpredictable weather and creatures, however, they seem to treat their trips with less caution and with less supplies. Their familiarity with the island helps, but in the end, they are still in a land where the “little sea fishies,” as they call them, are bigger than their hunting “dogs”. So, visitors are quite concerned for the residents. Speaking of the sea, the people living in the Capital make business either with the sea itself (Sailors, water sports, fisheries, craftspeople, etc.) or with the merchants coming across the sea from the other island.
“Glowstone” aka vampire realm earthstuff- The white or pale grey color of the soil / rock seems to retain light. It supports a variety of ultra rare plants that even the demon realm cannot sustain. Instead of acquiring its nutrients from dying plants, glowstone sustains its health through a more mysterious relationship with the native flora and fauna wherein the life force itself is consumed. The minerals present in the vampire realm soil are considered extremely dangerous in other realms, and, for lack of a better word, exhibit a level of sentience. The soil circulates the excess life essence it consumes among its inhabitants, blessing them with accelerated healing and the sort of immortality present in the vampire race. In return, the flora acts on the whims of the soil, acting as mouthpiece and gardener. Studies find that glowstone does not contain pain receptors. Its chief complaint, when it has one, typically has to do with the magical balance of the realm and the lives of its creatures. Glowstone is extremely sensitive to new arrivals and spilled blood, and is said to “know and witness everything” that goes on in the realm. As for creature-esque characteristics, it lives vicariously through the plants, allowing the individual species to exhibit personality. On the rare occasion a vampire loses their life, that life is absorbed by the glowstone and their magical strength recirculated into another vampire as a blessing from the minerals.  Ambitious or dedicated demon mages and doctors acquire glowstone in order to form pseudo-symbiotic relationships with dying rare plants and medical patients. It is effective, but dangerous, and of course highly difficult, to separate the patient from this new symbiotic bond. Vampires are the only creatures in the realm known to retain their full health outside of the realm and out of contact with the glowstone for extended periods of time.
Water - The water of the vampire realm has an intense purifying quality that would keep a properly hydrated human visitor all but immune to the level of miasma. 
Crescent Castle - The majority of government and public functions are organized here. The castle overlooks a cliff and is surrounded by both public gardens and a nature reserve. 
Iris Springs - These warm water ponds in the depths of the forest are home to rare beetles, birds, and flowers. A certain pond is even called "the floating flower garden" due to the sheer amount of flowers cascading toward the water's surface from the tree canopy. These flowers enjoy extreme temperatures and bloom in the summer and winter. They are the only species of plant that can grow in Britannia, albeit they only bloom in the coldest and hottest days of the year, rather than the whole season.
Gargoyles - The gargoyles of the realm have quite a history behind them. The first ones were carved by the Diamonds as an act of bonding with the land and with its inhabitants. They represent peace and connection between souls. Made of glowstone, they serve as the peacekeepers of the land. When they are not tending to the flora and fauna, they can be found playing with each other and with the families they’ve bonded to. At the beginning of Izraf’s reign, he rounded up all the gargoyles from his citizens under threat of death in order to demonstrate his power and the dominion he claimed over the realm. Their limbs were cut off to prevent escape. This caused recurring periods of mass chaos, as the gargoyles had not only developed their own magic, but had been instrumental in keeping archives of important information since their creation. The gargoyles’ flight back to the moon cities marked the end of the Britannian daylight hours, and the type of creatures they brought back for nurturing marked the change of seasons. This allowed the vampire to accurately determine the exact time in both Britannia and the demon realm, and travel as they please while maintaining perfect punctuality to scheduled events. Being forced to give up their traditional calendar enraged most working-class inhabitants of the realm, who from then on made a point of dodging and delaying any specific times for duties Izraf gave them. The nobles just claimed that it was whatever time the latest person to a meeting said it was, unless they wanted to rub Izraf’s technical failure in his face, in which case no one could agree on what time it actually was. Having condemned bringing human inventions back to the vampire realm, the King had no choice but to suck it up. 
The current gargoyle tribe was restored by the Diamonds as a celebratory gift for the Great Vampire Queen’s wedding. 
Unlike the glowstone in the realm’s earth, gargoyles can feel pain, and immediately took vengeance - much to the shock of everyone, who had perceived them as dead and not dormant as they were. It was thought that the consciousness of their beloved family members had been lost forever due to the damage.
Moon Pool - This lake below the Crescent Castle is warm to the touch. It is home to extremely rare aquatic beings which regularly commune with visitors to the lake. The water is thought to have magical properties due to its unique attribute of the water droplets and blobs floating above the lake’s surface, The displaced water rises a certain height into the air depending on the phase of the moon. 
Portal to the Vampire Realm - Located near the Crescent Castle and the Moonpool, this is the only way to enter the demon realm by any normal means. Ancient warnings are etched into the entrance to the relic and the torches down the spiral staircase remain generally unlighted. The descent can kill most humans, as the level of miasma gradually increases the closer they get to the actual portal. 
Portals to the Human Realm - These relics are relatively untouched by the general human public. A dangerous realm lies beyond them, and few can remember its nature except for the lucky adventurers and groups of merchants who bring back wild tales. Certain vampires are frequent visitors to these, and religiously keep the secret of their location from their more . . . bloodthirsty, friends.
Jelly Lake -  A rich ecosystem more than 700 meters deep, Jelly Lake boasts a great amount of fish, both those native to the lake and those who come in from the freshwater sea, but is most famous for its jellyfish. Unlike Jelly River, the glow of this lake comes from its plankton. Many gargoyles spend the winter holidays here in order to get the best jellies for feasting. Do the jellies bite? Occasionally. But that won’t stop the Diamond people from swimming and drinking from their favorite lake. It should, argues visitors, but they’re not the ones who tamed the “eccentric shadow dinosaurs” that roam around the isle, are they? 
Jelly River - the shortest river in the Vampire Realm. It has by far the calmest waters - thus, the great amount of bioluminescent jellyfish who call its depths home - and serves as the isle’s main harbor. It boasts a few coastal cottages and a glowstone dock whose glow reflects the colors of the deep sea- jellyfish who float serenely within. The jellies love boats and will swarm a safe distance beneath them.
Bonus: Crafting Process!
Making Islands:
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Final Outline, Colored:
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Why did I think I would suddenly need tiny islands, I don't know, but here they are as add-ons:
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Kudos to people who make fantasy maps a lot! I know there's a TON of elements that go into mapmaking, especially if it's supposed to be realism - even rivers are supposed to flow a certain way and interact with elevation and the such ... anyway, I am in awe of you and cheering you on. Such a cool art form. Last time I did this, it was a "small village" or "mansion" layout, and doing the bird's eye view when I haven't learned texture was more complicated than anticipated. And this is the smaller map of my two wips. . . help. XD
Hope you enjoyed this!
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trashcreatyre · 1 year
I cannot believe that void is supposed to be the villain of sonic shuffle,,, literally he was only emo I don’t get it
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calliopechild · 9 months
Nothing reminds me of the difference between me (confirmed night owl) and morning people like getting a call at the frankly ungodly hour of 7:22 am that the A/C maintenance dude is en route and I have about half an hour to scrape myself out of bed and go from this
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to successfully cosplaying as Neurotypical Nancy like 'hello, fellow adult! I too enjoy being awake and functional at revolting hours!' The jury's out on how convincing I've been, but I have pants on and no bedhead which honestly is all the more anyone can ask from me at this point in the week/month/year.
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universalvibes · 1 year
Am I tripping?
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3416 · 10 months
i know this is a 3416 blog mainly but god your thoughts on 9188 are so so valid! i havent been watching leafs hockey for super long but the two of them and their dynamics have absolutely bewitched me. they’re truly, truly such opposites, but at the same time they have this synergy. it’s almost as if at the core of it all, they’re made of the exact same components, but the parts are just joined differently.
their leaf-to-leaf episode was so compelling to watch. seeing johnny all expressive and animated (by his standards at least) in willy’s presence and seeing willy basking in it and enjoying every second of it fundamentally changed me. i haven’t been in a writing mood for a while, but the minute i get that itch i swear i’m going to write them the 100k slow burn soulmate au they deserve.
I LOVE THE LEAFS PLS..... i know i mostly post about 1634 bc those are MY GUYS and i will die for them first and foremost but. i have a soft spot for all the core leafs and a lot of the rookies and rotating cast of characters....... but you're so correct that willy/jt is such a combo that like. should not make sense at all but they've ?? been partnered up for years now on a line repeatedly and they have such a fondness for each other that's undeniable, fr. i think john's someone who is so used to a regimented way of being and willy is so...... not bothered in that way, lol. like in some ways, obviously you can't become a pro athlete WITHOUT being like that with your health and exercise but the way they go about their lives is so different while having very similar goals... and it's interesting bc i just think back to a couple articles last year from the athletic where they were dissecting jt and how he's not a hockey robot... and willy was jsut amused by His Way of being. like he just thinks he's funny. and then also said he sits back and let's jt pick the wine.... CUT TO the article about the swedes where willy is the little unofficial 'captain' of the group... no doubt picking up some of those bossier leadership qualities from jt to pick the restaurants and food for the swedes during their little get togethers. like it's so cute to think about unlikely pairs like that finding chemistry with each other and being amused by the way each other just EXIST because it's so bafflingly different 😭. anyway here's one of my fav pics of all time to end this
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the problem with constantly getting obsessed with songs and listening to that one song on repeat nothing else for 2 weeks is that fully half of my playlist is made up of these little sound rocket launchers that will forcibly eject me from the present and send me to whenever those 2 weeks were
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likecometsx · 1 year
┘music shuffle meme *☄; @lcvelxss said --
♫(Rachel and Beth)
beth squinted at the other briefly, more observing than judging. "are you a leo?" she guessed, expression relaxing into curiosity. "me and leos get along great. i think it's an opposites attract thing, 'cause i'm a water sign."
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♫ means something - lizzie mcalpine [jennabell falls in love] soft girl has a crush // more character study playlists
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chemicalbrew · 2 years
actually I said I would like to have a silly playlist on my page again but wow there's so many options idk what to do
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uwooyoungs · 2 years
love my atz lockscreens so much
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like this is just pure serotonin :(((
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waywardsalt · 1 month
#not one of them scary vent tag posts just. thibkin#ive been playing fe awakening mostly to collect different s-supports bc i like to get the different supports#and also just see. child character hair variants. i have to admit i think i like fates more but awakening has the vastly more#interesting child characters and like. everything with them it does have that.#i want to continue smt iv bc im on my third time through aiming for a nothing ending but like#i rrally like that game but lord its kinda a slog tbh. i might play some mlre later to ease back into it#i reeeeally want to get that neutral ending and figure out how to thread the needle fo reach it#years-old intricately detailed smt iv gamefaqs threads i LOVE you i would still be lost in naraku without you#motivation is… more isabeau screen time. or else#i have no interest in smt iv apocalypse i do not care about that i just want to see all of smt iv#anyways. new ship fic chapter draft poll and if it ends up a tie im just going to force something#or i could get my friend to jump in and vote if theres an even number of votes a few mins before it closes#a newer fear i have abt that fic now is that theres going to be more time spent before the romance#so only a little bit is the actual romance. and im going to remedy that. already have been working on it by shuffling around some events#look the plan is 31 chapters so far honestly we can do confession at roughly 40#and then just. keep going#i dont know how to feel abt it being potentially genuinely long. as. fuck.#i think it’d be funny if it ends up 70-80 w/e chapters n when i post the firsr chapter on ao3 with the bellum/linebeck tag n everything#and i do the chapter count so its like. say the plan is 75 chapters so i do the thing where it shows up as 1/75 chapters#i think it’ be funny to drop the first fic for this weird ass ship and just be open that its going to be like. a very long novel#i might not tho in case i decide to change things on the fly. anyways. whatever. i need to.#research gila monsters and also look into dnd paladins
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devil-in-hiding · 1 month
On The Run pt 2
By the time the five of you are in the house, you’re soaked through once more, teeth chattering when the cool air of the house hits your skin as Gaz opens the door, holding it open long enough to let the dogs trot in.
“Hey! Shake over there!” He shoos, flinching when Maggie sprays him with her shake off.
“Let’s get you taken care of pretty.” Price murmurs, and you push weakly at his chest, struggling to get down. Your mind is foggy, exhaustion fighting to take over, but there are four strange men now standing in your living room, and that seemed more pressing.
Price grunts, but finally gives in, setting you on your feet, and you put as much distance between yourself and them as you can. “What do you want? What is going on here?” You demand, trying to ignore the shake of your voice.
They glance at each other, having a silent conversation, and you glance towards the stairs. You had an old cell phone, and the service this far out was absolutely shit, but it was a chance-
“We would like a place to stay.” Price’s voice interrupts your thoughts, and your eyes shoot to look at them, and a shocked laugh tumbles past your lips.
“A place to stay? After what just happened? For god’s sake I don’t even know you!” You laugh, slightly hysteric, and Price takes a cautious step towards you, holding up his hands. “We didn’t mean to scare you sweetheart, honest. Didn’t think anyone lived here by the looks of it.” His tone is soft, comforting. He approaches you slowly, and you back away until your back hits the wall.
“How did you even know we were in there?” Ghost speaks this time, eyes trained on your face and you try not to crack under his gaze.
“You spooked Sebastian. In the six years I’ve lived here nothing has ever spooked that horse.” You glare, anger flaring when the four of them laugh. “You think scaring my stallion is funny?”
“No little bird, just…” Ghost trails off, chuckling and you can feel your eye twitch ever so slightly.
“It’s cute how protective you are over some animals.” He finishes, and he can tell his words are winding you up, the crinkle around his eyes indicating he finds this amusing. Bastard.
“They might just be animals to you,” You start, your frustration seeping into your words as you straighten your back. “But when I found this place they were starving and on the brink of death. I worked my ass off to make sure they made it. I worked for their trust after some asshole abandoned them here to fucking die. They are my herd, this is my land!” Your shoulders heave, sucking in a deep breath as you try to calm your racing heart.
They stare at you, quiet and you close your eyes, clenching your fist as you struggle to maintain yourself. “You broke into my barn and scared my animals, held my own knife to my throat and invited yourselves into my home. Why is god's name should I let you stay here?” You ask, opening your eyes to stare them down, and for the first time tonight, they seem to crack under your gaze for once.
“Have you… Do you have any way of hearing the news?” Price questions, wincing and you frown. “The radio when I’m cleaning the barn. Why?”
They hesitate, looking between themselves as they shuffle their feet. Your eyes bounce between them, trying to think back to anything of importance that a reporter has broadcasted as of late.
Missing sheep from a town more than four hours north of you, a four way pile up down one of the highways,a break out at the prison, a wheeler transporting 60,000 gallons of wine tipping near the river…
A break out at the prison.
You freeze, all air leaving your lungs as you stare at them, four wanted criminals standing in your living room. You feel your knees buckle.
They notice your realization, hesitation crossing Price’s face when he notices your stiff figure.
“Please. Let us explain ourselves.” He all but begs, and you feel your hands shaking.
“You are wanted criminals!” You hiss, and they cringe, their previous bravado has disappeared.
“We will explain everything to you, we swear. Just… Please give us a chance.” Soap steps forward this time, big wide eyes trained on you. They’re just as soaked as you are, and in the light of the living room you see the bags under their eyes, the tension in their shoulders. They look exhausted, and not just from this night. There’s a haunted look behind their eyes, and you curse yourself when you feel your heart ache ever so slightly.
You make a noise at the back of your throat, turning to head up the stairs.
“Pretty where are you-“
“You’re soaking my floor. You can explain it to me after I’m out of this damn gown.” You mumble, hearing one of them mumble ‘damn shame’.
“I heard that!”
After a few moments you come back, a box of clothes in hand and they all raise a brow. “Thought you said no one else lived here?” Gaz asks suspiciously when they notice it’s a box of men’s clothes. You roll your eyes, shoving it into his hands.
“They’re my ex-husbands, I took it by mistake when I moved my boxes.” You huff, crossing your arms. It’s your turn to raise a brow at their shocked expressions. “What’s with your faces?”
“What kind of eejit divorces such a gorgeous lass?” Soap asks, and you feel insulted, till you realise he’s not joking. They all look you over, and you feel your face warm at the way their eyes darken. Turning away, you clear your throat, pointing up the stairs.
“The guest room is down the hall, it has a bathroom and towels. Leave your clothes in the tub.” You order, making your way towards your bedroom. You feel the stairs shake as they bound up them, and as they pass, Price give’s your hip a little squeeze and you swat at his hand.
“Thank you pretty.”
“I haven’t said yes yet. You were just ruining my hardwood floors.” You sniff, smacking his hand once more when he doesn’t let go.
“You are testing my patience most of all.”
“You haven’t made us leave though.”
“I can change that very quickly.” You snap, pulling his hand off your side and he takes the opportunity to pull you close, leaning down next to your ear.
“But I don’t think you will, will you sweetheart?” He whispers, and you bite your lip, pushing at his chest. “For god's sake, go change you old perv.” You hiss, wiggling in his grasp and he flashes you a grin before letting you go.
You slip into your room, locking the door before pressing your head against it. What have you gotten yourself into?
You quickly take a hot shower, letting the scalding water bring warmth back to your stiff joints. You towel off quickly, slipping into an oversized hoodie and some old pajama pants.
You can still hear the shower running down the hall when you step out, a boom of thunder sounding in the distance. You slip down to the kitchen, grabbing one of your mugs. You had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
How could you be so foolish as to be letting escaped convicts use your bathroom?! God the feds were probably spread to every point in the world trying to track these men down. You can’t remember much the broadcast had said, just that there were four dangerous men on the run from one of the maximum security prisons a couple of hours away. How on earth did they wind up here?
You’re so lost to your thoughts you don’t hear the stairs creak, staring out into the backyard as you mull things over in your mind.
“‘Ppreciate the clothes lass, loads better!” A cheerful voice spooks you and you jump, dropping your mug to the floor. “Shit!” You curse, a matching ‘ah hell’ leaving Soap.
“Didn’t mean to scare you again bonnie, I’m sorry.” He sighs, running a hand over his face. You’re surprised to find genuine guilt there, and he gives you a sheepish look. “I’ll clean this up for ye.”
“Gone and lost us our chance Soap?” Gaz asks, frowning at the glass on the ground but Soap just waves him off. “Accident, scared the poor lass.”
“We keep doing that, she'll never give us a chance.” Gaz smiles at you, soft and sweet but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes, the bags under them worse after having cleaned up, and you feel that strange ache in your chest again. You glance at Soap, who is picking up the shards with his bare hands and you frown, swatting his hands away as you kneel beside him.
“Are you trying to hurt yourself?” You scold, and he gives you a surprised look before smiling, shrugging as he gently stops your hands from piling the remains of the mug. “Could ask the same of you bonnie, hands like these are much too pretty for such sharp things.” He mumbles, scooping up the shards without a care.
The two of them eye you nervously, and you can feel knots in your stomach. Taking a deep breath, you motion towards the living room. “Sit. I’ll make something to drink.” You offer. They raise a brow and you glance at the ground.
“I’m sorry, I just thought-“
“No need to apologize, it’s just…” Gaz starts, trying to find the words and glances at Soap.
“We’re honestly surprised you didn't run for the nearest house possible when you had the chance.” Soap says bluntly, and you wince.
“No one around for miles.” You admit, and their faces fall slightly, shoulders tensing and you clear your throat. “I said I would hear you out. I plan to.” You say firmly, turning to walk into the kitchen, just to bump into a large chest.
“I gotta worry about you keeping your mouth shut little bird?” Ghost asks, arms crossing over his chest as he stares you down.
“I do have a radio that connects me to the closest ranger station. And another for the Police station in the little town 3 hours north.” You admit, and you see his eyes flash, but you hold up your hand before he speaks.
“No. You aren’t taking it.” You snap, and his eyes narrow, exhaling sharply.
“If they don’t hear from me periodically they get worried. It’s a small town, everyone knows one another and I do have to take trips to the store every month or so.” You don’t back down from his dark gaze, but your palms feel clammy.
“They ever check up on you unannounced?” Price is last to arrive, voice stern as he levels the same cold glare as Ghost and you swallow, standing straighter, Gaz and Soap looking between the three of you nervously.
“Not unless I ask them to or I haven’t called in a few weeks. Takes too long to get out here.” Your voice shakes towards the end, slipping between the two looming men.
“You’re all here, you can start talking anytime.” You quip, and Ghost scoffs. “Got a mouth on you don’t-“
“You are asking to stay in my home. Watch it.”
He snaps his mouth shut, glaring at you and you turn your back to him. Price clears his throat, his gaze heavy on your back as you turn on the stove.
“Listen. There has to be some type of trust for this to even begin to work. You haven’t hurt me, and besides that oaf holding a knife to my throat,” You and Simon glare at one another, but he breaks first, eyes crinkling in the corners. “You’re a feisty little thing.” He laughs, crossing the kitchen to plop down at the kitchen table like he owns it.
“Besides that, you haven’t given me any reason you’re here to harm me or rob me, considering you have no car. You could easily overpower me and keep me locked in one of my own rooms and you haven’t. That’s a good start.” You finish, hands shaking slightly as you start to make your tea, and Price gently takes the kettle from your hands.
“But you’re still scared.” He states, and your shoulders stiffen. “Four men are in my kitchen asking to hide from the police. I’ve only put together who is who with your little code names by listening to you talk to one another. I’m sorry for being a little frightened.” You spit, jumping when you feel his large hand on your hip.
“Oh if you don’t quit that-“
“You’ve got quite the mouth on you pretty.”
“Okay! I think we all need to take a minute, yeah?” Gaz announces, him and Soap staring at the three of you nervously. You pry Price’s hand off your hip, again, pushing him away.
“Start talking, now. Before I let Soap and Gaz stay here and let the two of you rot outside.” You huff, taking a seat at the table and they seem surprised.
“I told you, I put together who is who, and those two,” You point, glaring at Price and Ghost as you speak. “Have been very respectful and kind.”
The two of them perk up, lapping up the small praise like thirsty dogs as their chests puff out.
Price frowns, keeping eye contact with you as he slips into the chair opposite of you. “We’ll behave.” He mutters, cutting a look at Ghost when he makes an offended noise in the back of his throat.
“We’re sorry. We didn’t mean any of the harm or fear we have caused you, really thought this place was abandoned. The boys and I appreciate you hearing us out when you have absolutely no reason to. And I… apologize.” He clears his throat, casting you a glance over before meeting your eyes once more.
“Haven’t been around such a gorgeous little thing like yourself in a long time. Forgot my manners.” He grins now, causing heat to bloom in your chest and you splutter, narrowing your eyes at him as you fight the heart crawling up your neck.
“Story. Now.”
“Oh come on pretty, am I at least forgiven?” He asks, and you know he’d deny that he’s pouting, but it still makes a small smile tug your lips.
“I’m thinking about it.”
“I could sweet talk you some more.”
“Much more interested in why you were in prison.”
Price sighs, but there’s a smile on his face as he relaxes in his chair.
“Better settle in. It’s a bit of a tale.” He crosses his arms, settling back.
“I’ve got all night.” You shoot back, resting your chin on your hand as you get comfortable.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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e-42!miles x fem!reader
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summary after having an argument with miles, you get mad as to why he always brings up your plushies while you guys are arguing. so, you threw them all away.
request by @friedturtlewhispers ! i accidentally posted this without writing actual story, so sorry your request got deleted 😭
a/n this is a continuation of the 42!miles headcanon from these headcanons! i’m a sucker for angst so ofc i has to write this 🤷‍♀️
warnings angst to fluff, cursing
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“Ma, you’re the one who sleeps with stuffed animals at night.”
You two have been fighting over God knows what for at least 30 minutes, and whenever he brought up the fact that you sleep with stuffed animals at night pisses you off. You scoffed, stuck your middle finger up at him, and went to his doorway.
“Fuck you, Miles.” That was all you said before you walked out of his bedroom, and out his apartment door.
New York at night was chilly, so as you left the building you silently cursed to yourself. You forgot your jacket again, as it was hot during the day but then it cooled down. Luckily, your apartment building was only a block away, so it wasn’t that bad of a walk.
His words still rang through your head. That was his only comeback nowadays ever since he found out. You thought he hated it, for how much he teased you about sleeping with the stuffed animals. But secretly, though he would never admit it, he found it cute that you do. It made him happy seeing you happy, although you weren’t feeling it right now.
You thought actually sleeping with them bothered him, so as your mind was overflowing with rage, you did the petty thing.
You threw them all away.
Well, not really. You just stuffed them all in a bag and put it in your closet. But, it felt like you did because your once overfilled bed was now empty, the only thing on it was your clothes, pillows, and obvious blankets.
Your phone was blowing from texts and calls from Miles. You looked over at it and rolled your eyes. You put your phone on do not disturb, charged it, and then got in bed. All you needed right now was some rest, so you closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep. Though, it was hard without at least one thing to hold.
Miles on the other hand, was freaking out. He was pacing around his room angrily, you guys never ended on bad terms. You would always make up, because he knew how important it was for you to have closure. He wanted to make this relationship work, and right now he felt like he was failing it.
“Pick up the phone, Y/N,” he mumbled, silently cursing everytime it went straight to voicemail. He groaned and left his room, saying a quick goodbye to his mom before leaving the apartment.
He walked, practically ran to your apartment where he barged in because you forgot to lock the door. Your parents were out on a work trip right now, so he reminded himself to scold you later on this. But for now, his only priority was to set things right and make it up to you.
He slowly opened your bedroom door, from the light being off he figured you were asleep. That was all until you turned around to look at the light that was entering your room, and groaned when you saw Miles standing in your doorway. “Fuck off.”
He scoffed and made his way towards you, “That’s no way to talk to me, now is it?” He joked, though you weren’t having it.
“What the hell are you doing here, Miles.” You turned away from him, so he couldn’t see the anger that was still looming on your face.
“Whatchu think I’m here for? I’m here to make it up to you. We’re not leaving on bad terms, and I swear by that.”
You didn’t respond, and that left Miles quiet. He observed the position you were in, and noticed your bed looked different.
“Ma, where’s all your stuffed animals?” He asked, concern in his voice. He shuffled around your bed, looking over you and looking at the end of your bed.
“Gone,” you mumbled. He paused in his tracks, looking over at you even though you couldn’t see him. Your back was facing the wall, so he immediately turned you around to face him.
“Fuck you mean gone?”
“I mean, gone, Miles. Like, they’re not here.” He was shocked, you loved those things more than anything. He looked around your room, for any sign of them.
“I’ll be right back,” he mumbled before hurrying out of the room. You rolled your eyes and turned around in your bed again, feeling slightly bad that you lied to him.
However, Miles was going to the nearest store to get you something. He walked down the aisles of the store, searching for the perfect plushie. He grimaced at all of them, as they all looked unintentionally creepy. He decided on a pink teddy bear, as it looked the most tame and he knew how much you liked teddy bears. He went up to the register and paid for it, then rushed back to your apartment.
You were almost asleep when he barged in once again and sat on your bed. “Turn around.” When you didn’t, he turned you around himself and what you saw in his hands shocked you.
You sat up to face him, you didn’t expect him to buy you a teddy bear. You took it from his hands, admiring it slightly. “I’m sorry, Y/N. Y’know, I actually find it cute how you sleep with these.” You looked up at him and smiled, then fell into his arms.
“It’s alright, I guess. Thanks for the bear,” he hummed in response, to which you continued, “there’s a bag in my closet, do you think you can get it?” He pulled away slightly and raised an eyebrow at you, watching as you giggled against his chest.
He peeled away from you and walked to your closet, silently cursing when he saw the bag full of stuffed animals. “You’re full of shit, y’know that right?”
You laughed as he threw the bag at you, you throwing one of your pillows back at him in response. “You loooove me though.”
He walked back to your bed and put the pillow you threw at him back on the bed, and laid down with you. “You got one thing right,” he said as you adjusted in his arms.
“Oh, and also, don’t forget to lock your door. Can’t let anyone taking m’ girl away.”
“Go to sleep, Miles.”
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TAGS ↣ @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx
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