#earth rod drilling
techoenterprise · 10 months
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Buy Drill Rods From India's Best Manufacturer | Techo Enterprise
If you are looking to buy drill rods, Techo Enterprise is the best choice. ✔️ Call 98304 25937 ✔️ Live Chat With Us ✔️ Call Us Today .
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whatwenthereagain · 11 months
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Okay so I was reading the Wikipedia page on the Chernobyl Elephants Foot and ran into this gem. I looked into it and found that it is a true fact.
Some context for you:
The Chernobyl Elephants Foot is a big mass of Corium, concrete, and other junk that formed after the fuel rods of Reactor Four melted together into a big radioactive blob and settled in the basement below the ChNPP. Back in 1986, this thing would deliever a lethal dose of radiation in just under a minute of close proximity. The material it is mostly made of, Corium, is arguably one of the most dangerous materials on earth.
Reasearchers and scientists wanted a sample of it to figure out its true composition. They tried some conventional methods, such as a remotely controlled drill, but none of those attempts worked for various reasons. So, what do a bunch of Soviet scientists do when something just won't break? They pull out a gun.
They literally sent in a man to shoot it. They looked at this incredibly dangerous thing with the power to kill a man in under a minute, and said "Ah yes, gun."
AND IT WORKED! The AK-47 broke off a chunk of it. Theres still a mark on it from being shot as well.
TLDR: Researchers were struggling to get a sample of a very dangerous and radioactive object called the "Chernobyl Elephants Foot," so they shot it with an AK-47 using armor-piercing rounds and it worked.
(also ChNPP means Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant)
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 5 months
Turaga-staff ideas for each element that I might make at some point as custom Studio parts
Fire - flaming torch
Water - anchor
Earth - shovel
Air - propeller
Stone - crystal-holder
Ice - ice-drill
Light - lantern
Shadow - umbrella
Sonics - microphone
Gravity - flail
Plasma - blowtorch
Magnetism - compass
Plantlife - flowerpot
Lightning - lightning-rod
Iron - bardiche
Psionics - radar-dish
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gooppixel · 7 months
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Minecraft Mob Concept, The Burrow and the Brine.
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The Burrow
-Uses its drill shape to bury itself into the ground
-Uses either ranged Earth Charges or melee attacks with it's drill.
-Spawns in a new type of monster spawner found underground
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The Brine
-Uses its rods as a kind of turbine to propel itself through the water.
-Can only last a few minutes outside of water
-Shoots bubbles that will deal damage, and until you burst it it will carry you toward the surface
-Found in a new underwater spawner in the ocean
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earthstellar · 11 months
because it's cold and my circulation is shitty because I am old and disabled lmao, I've been thinking...
Concept: Old Bots in Cold Earth Weather
there are different kinds and degrees of cold, of course
but surely, snow/ice/damp winter weather would be not great for mechanical lifeforms
sure, we know rust is a perpetual concern to begin with
and in TFP, we know there is a hard limit to maximum safe cold exposure for bots in general
but what about old bots with more sensitive joints and cabling?
maybe their minor fuel lines suffer stiffness during cold weather similar to how vascular construction from cold can cause circulation problems in human beings (Reynauds Syndrome, anyone?)
it would also be comparable to winter damage to rubber lines and materials in cars, where the cold causes the rubber components to become more brittle and less flexible over time -- might also affect tires
in TFA, they're all by Lake Erie/Detroit. cold as hell in winter. there's no way Ratchet is having a good time. his ass is out there unable to feel his servos for a good five months out of the year.
I know this, because I used to live just outside of Erie, in Allegheny. And holy fuck, my joints hurt just thinking about it. Now I live in England, where it's a different type of cold, but it fucks up my circulation and my lungs. lol
maybe it's not just damp cold weather that can impact older bots more severely, but dry cold weather.
perhaps "breathing in" cold air through their cooling systems and fans might cause difficulty with internal temperature regulation, possibly even causing spark dysregulation in the way humans can suffer tachycardia/arrhythmia from extreme cold exposure.
TFA Ratchet is having a rough time, I'm telling you. He's a medic, he's watching his own systems carefully, but he's not having a good time. lmao
But even TFP Ratchet, who has been acclimated mostly to the desert climate of Nevada, surely would not have an easy time trying to bridge himself over to a colder climate in order to pull an injured bot out of the field or try to carry out field repairs in a blizzard etc.
Or G1 Kup, who would absolutely be feeling the cold in miserable ways what with being in charge of field drills for the younger recruits (and therefore having to be outside all day), but he would absolutely strategically call Hot Rod over so that he could warm himself up with the excess heat rolling off of the exceptionally hot-running speedster.
The longer his stories are, the longer Hot Rod has to stand there next to him. LOL
all of the old bots would refuse to acknowledge their own difficulty in cold weather, lmao -- If Ratchet drops a tool because he can't feel his digits at all, you did not see it, it is fine, yes Bumblebee does pick it up and it's totally not embarrassing to be taken out by EARTH WEATHER of all things
if he trips because his pedes have started to ice over and his fuel circulation is going to hell, you did not see it. (Everyone sees it. Bumblebee and Optimus are first to offer help, and if the snow piles up too high, Bulkhead might even jokingly offer to carry Ratchet back... Ratchet starts yelling back, which gives Optimus the opportunity to sweep in and pick him up instead. "It's not a problem, old friend. We all stumble at times.")
lots of grumbling about how the vacuum of space is far colder and they've handled that before etc. (until someone points out that space doesn't have snowfall etc.)
anyway my break's over so I gotta get back to work, apologies for any typos, I'm writing this on my phone lol :')
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clovermarigold · 11 months
Smoke & Ice Chap.3
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 Sorry for the word pacing of this chapter, the amount of jump cuts felt weird, but I wanted to post something after making you wait. Still in the process of looking for a beta reader 😅
Kenshi pushed hard against the ground, his legs and waist drilled into the ground. “Do you need a hand there?” Johnny’s question came with the sound of a phone's artificial camera click. “Don’t patronize me Cage” Kenshi felt a slight give when he pushed his body up, however the thick roots wrapped around his legs stopped him from slipping out from the dirt. Kenshi gave a groan of disappointment. Looking up, his eyes met with the Matron’s who was leaving. She flicked her hand and suddenly the pressure he felt holding his legs together subsided. “Just give me your hand” begrudgingly, Kenshi did. One pushed as the other pulled and Kenshi slid out from the ground, uniform stained in dirt. 
“What were you thinking? Insulting her like that” Tomas turned to Bi han who showed only visible disdain. “Regardless, we will need a new strategy” Raiden said before Bi han could speak and cause more possible infighting, “Despite our conflict we have been granted entry to the Mangrove. Given, we do not go any further”. “An apology will be necessary, brother-” Bi han snapped at Tomas, “Do not call me that”. Wordlessly the group dispersed, they would need to set up camp if they were going to stay here. 
A bell chimed from the open gazebo that rested on the small floating island standing within the river. Calla picked at her nails as she waited for the others to arrive. She had rarely needed to call meetings since they had finished the construction of the Mangrove. The Old Grove had learned the hard way, the flaws in their design. Fire. A Dryad’s worst fear. She had made sure herself that their new home would not allow the events of the megáli fotiá to repeat. The Mangrove was laden with rivers, waterfalls, and wells. They used their smaller numbers to create larger space between their tree siblings, as well as use stone in place of flammable wood in constructs near the trees. They had even been as thorough as to install multiple lightning rods across the Mangrove to avoid any storm brought on fires. 
Despite all this careful planning and architecture, it seemed humans would always seem to be their biggest danger. As showcased by the intruders currently on their land. The sound of splashing water drew her attention to the stone path that allowed one to walk over the water to the gazebo. Cypress, the second oldest among Hamadryad and Calla’s advisor. “Miche tells me we have intruders” the river was higher than usual, causing the bottoms of Cypress’ pants to become wet. “Six of them. All men” Cypress sat next to Calla, the sound of more splashing water as the other council members took their seats. The council was made up of five people. Calla, Cypress, Coriander, Thyme, and Alycia. All of which were gathered. 
“They were sent by Liu Kang to have us return to the protection of earth realm” Unease grew at the name of the fire god. “Well, did you tell them to leave?” Alycia asked. “Yes, I used force too. However, they insist they were instructed not to leave unless we had agreed to return” Alycia scoffed. “And what? You let them stay? Did nothing?” Calla knew there was something she recognized about that Bi han, he reminded her of Alycia; they were proud, arrogant, and impatient, “Of course not. I used force, however, they were highly skilled”. “If they are more than one person can handle, should we not assemble a party to deal with them” Coriander asked. 
“That would be unwise,” Calla said. “And why is that?” Alycia crossed her arms. “Because the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei is among them” silence, “Any further action taken against them would be inciting a war between our two clans. And we do not yet have the stability to combat the Lin Kuei”. Cypress was the one to speak, “Then why not give them what they want?”. “What?” a number of them asked.
“Hurricane season approaches. Pretend to humor their quarry, leave them without protection. I doubt the endless rain and thunderstorms will be worth staying” The council nodded in approval. “All those in agreement with Cypress” to her relief, there was no counter from anyone, Alycia included. “Very well then” watching the others leave, Calla remained seated. She would need to make trips out to their little camp to keep them complacent and away from the heart of the Mangrove. Just the thought of having to be near Bi han was infuriating, but she was in charge, it was her responsibility. And even if things got out of hand again, the one called Tomas would likely intervene again. At least one of them had a head on their shoulders.
The night sky was clear, however, a strong wind gusted against the group; the telltale sign of an incoming storm. “You gotta be kidding me” Johnny groaned. “Lord Liu Kang was clear in his instructions. No fire” Raiden sat on the thin mat. “Ugh, good thing I brought a battery pack”. “So, this Matron lady is gonna let us stay, but we can't go inside. How are exactly supposed to get her to agree to protect earth realm again? ” unsure how to answer Johnny’s question, Raiden turned his head to look at Smoke. “Matron Calla has agreed to listen to our proposal. Though after today’s blunder it will take much persuasion” Tomas said with his arms crossed. 
It was a good thing the moon was full, the lack of fire combined with the thick foliage surrounding them would leave them in all encompassing darkness. Bi han looked at the others from his spot against a tree around twenty feet away. It was a pitiful group, inexperienced, undisciplined, if Liu Kang had allowed the Lin Kuei to handle it, he would have had this mission done in a matter of hours. He knew that if Kuai Liang had been there he would voice his displeasure with him. But it didn’t matter, he was the Grandmaster, he was the eldest. Kauai Liang had always shown an uncanny resemblance to their father. The old fool… He looked at his arm, now wrapped in blue cloth. As spiteful as he felt at the Matron for cutting him, he would have to put it behind him… for now. A small part of his brain nagged him for not finishing the job when he could have, but another, quieter part of his mind was impressed.
“And I thought I was dramatic” Johnny shoulder bumped Kenshi gesturing to Bi han. “Don’t touch me, Cage” Kenshi rolled his eyes. “What crawled up your ass” A swift punch to his side shut Johnny up, “Ow, geeze”. “This is serious, Cage. There are lives at stake”. Johnny put his hands up defeated, “I’ll take the first watch”.
 Upon the rising of the morning sun, Calla had to mentally prepare herself for her second interaction with Liu Kang’s ‘ambassadors’. She had little need to wander this far from the village, and had it not been for her newfound ‘guests’ she doubted she would have gone this far to the border in at least a decade. Approaching where she had left them the sound of a huff drew her attention. To her left, partoling along their makeshift camp was Bi han. His eyes were narrowed in spite, though this time he did not dawn his blue mask. Had he not attempted to kill her hours previous she might even admit that he was handsome. If only his personality weren’t as jaded as a cliff's edge. 
“Grandmaster, Bi han,” she swallowed her pride and irritation to appear cordial with the cryomancer. “Matron,” it was surprising how deep his voice was, she had half expected its pitch to come from his mask. Silence filled the air as he did nothing but stand with his arms crossed. His bluntness and utter lack of care irritated her to no end, and was no doubt intensional. “Are you going to take me to your negotiator?” Bi han only let out a grunt and began to walk towards presumably the others. “Jackass” Bi han’s head turned swiftly, nostrils flared, infuriated that he could not understand her, though it was evident she was talking about him in a less than… dignified manner. 
 “Matron Calla” A softer and more excitable voice interjected. Tomas stepped closer and gave a small bow, “thank you for allowing us to stay despite our transgressions”. “It was no difficulty, Tomas. I simply hope we can move past this” he nodded in agreement. “Kung Lao,” the man with the bladed hat said with a dramatic bow, “And my companions Kenshi Takahashi,  Johnny Cage, and Raiden”.
“We are honored that you have agreed to speak with us,” Raiden says, “May we sit”. Gesturing to the thin mats layed on the ground. “It was our task given by Lord Liu Kang to convince you to rejoin his order. Though we can sense your reluctance”. Calla looked at Raiden, channeling every bit of her inner strength to not roll her eyes and to stop the scowl that would no doubt plague her face. “With respect. Raiden. The Hamadryad have created a new home on our own without the aid of Liu Kang. There is little he could offer us that we could not provide by ourselves”. “I highly doubt that,” Bi han says from behind her. 
“Excuse me?” Bi han only stood his ground at Calla’s offense. “The monks may have taught the Shaolin nothing, but I am well aware of your plight. The Hamadryad are the weakest they have ever been. This entire mangrove is barely over a decade old” Calla stood enraged, “Brother don’--”.
“How dare you!” Stepping forward Bi han placed himself directly in front of her, staring downwards. “You let your spite for Liu Kang blind you to how vulnerable you truly are”. Tomas was the one to interject, lightly grabbing her shoulder to turn her away from his brother. “Despite Bi han’s disrespect, we recognize your apprehension to Lord Liu Kang. Please, tell us how we may remedy this”. 
Calla had half a mind to ignore Tomas and throw Bi han across the clearing, but that hadn’t ended well the last time. “My people have suffered from your lord’s ambition, unless you are capable of rectifying the losses of every Dryad within the Mangrove I doubt this journey will be worth your time”. Calla had initially hoped to wear them out, to make them realize how futile their efforts would be, and how uncooperative she was. What she did not anticipate however was how utterly confident they were. “Perfect!” Johnny said, “Just let us talk with your people and we’ll have this mess sorted out in no time”. “I’m sorry, what?” Calla was dumbfounded. 
“Trust me, I am an expert in apologies, I made about a thousand of them to my first wife alone. Just let us talk to your people, figure out what’ll make ‘em happy and boom, case closed” perhaps he was suffering some sort of brain damage, it was odd considering she didn’t remember hitting him at all yesterday, but it would explain the complete undeserved confidence he had. 
“Uh, I wouldn’t think it wise for you to enter the Man–” , “Great, then you run it up with your council or whatever and do what you need to, and get us inside” Kenshi turned to his counterpart. “You don’t seriously expect that to work do you”, “Well I don’t see you coming up with anything”.
The two began to bicker, the rest of their company showing visible exhaustion. “I will confer with my council” she said loudly to draw attention away from Johnny and Kenshi, both still arguing with one another. Bi han was about to speak before Tomas stepped in front of him, “Thank you, Matron. We are grateful for your patients”.
It was going to take a lot more than she had thought to get rid of them.
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of-tatooine · 2 years
for the record. | chapter 4 - delta
seemingly uneventful morning drill yields unexpected circumstances.
[Day 1, 2011 - 9:35:23, Credenhill, UK]
A tiny drop of sweat began a lazy trail downwards your brow, joining many others as the tip of nose grazed the metal ever so lightly.
Another deep breath escaped your mouth, sounding almost like a gasp as your burning muscles exerted themselves, carrying your body up. The biceps flexing in the military-issued green short sleeve, your core tight, your grunt a bit softer compared to the men around you - also participating in the usual morning routine of pull-ups after training. The brisk air made it’s presence known by light breezes, wafting around the sweaty bodies of the task force all lined up outside.
One more, come on.
It was not a stranger move to train with many men and even fewer women surrounding you, push your body to limits you did not know existed. It did not phase you to see all of these bodies exerting themselves, call it an acquired skill or habituated ignorance. A body was a machine, after all. All of them - some better oiled, polished, shined and maintained. Your eyes had seen many living, breathing sculptures in their tenure, without letting loose into the temptation, let alone a lingering gaze. It had been such a long time passing in the military, mind focused on only being the best soldier you could be, that your thoughts had subconsciously trained you to ignore the, so to call, distractions.
This time, you had fallen victim to one of those seemingly harmless ones.
It was impossible to ignore the beads of sweat making their lazy trail down a scarred yet taut torso that belonged to him, skin adorned with tattoos that could be spotted from the edge of your peripheral vision. Abdominals flexing along with the powerful back muscles, the veins underneath the skin so prominent they mapped out his sheer strength that he hid under the military-issued green as he pulled himself up yet another time. Tiny droplets raced each other in a soft but relentless pace, making their way down to the waistband of camouflage print tactical cargo pants. Grunts, deep ones, emanated throughout the crispness of the morning, echoing off of the metal bars and poured concrete outside of the base building. Biceps pulsing under exertion, hands clinging onto the metal rod.
He could do this all day.
In the very corner of your eye, as far as they could reach without turning your head very visibly to simply gawk, your vision would tell you that body belonged to no other than the new guy. The same guy you pulled into the chopper mere hours ago, him holding on for dear life.
The same man with the chaotic, gray blues that focused on you under the red lights. Cracks of blue emanating calmness, stillness under the storm. The same eyes that said somehow, there was light to be found, somewhere.
The same man who was yearning to go back and continue his sketch of no other than you, on the yellowing pages of his journal.
It was funny how the world seemed empty besides you and your center of attention when you had been distracted - it was almost as if the rest of the green earth stopped revolving for mere minutes and allowed you to live in the moment, with no consequence or bystanders.
Oh, how you wished that was true. It was not exactly the best impression to make to your fellow teammates, soldiers you would shoot, kill and defend for, to spot you the slightest bit distracted - let alone the source of distraction.
Heavens were on your side that morning that the Captain had stayed back inside to take care of intelligence gathering, letting the experienced group of soldiers enjoy a relatively leisurely drill to ease off the tensions after getting shot at for way too long than he wanted.
Unbeknownst to you, John was using all his resolve and dignity to not direct his wandering, inquisitive gaze at you as you performed your morning exercises. It was not appropriate to stare in this particular environment, not that it was ever acceptable in their profession, he could only imagine how uncomfortable you may have been as you trained and fought and slept alongside gritty male soldiers that could be too much to handle at times - speaking from his personal experience.
He knew you could hold your own. While having no context on your background, previous battles or accomplishments, it was evident that you took the dangerous life seriously, your mere presence at the compound proved it. One look at your determined face, jaw clenched just as tightly as those muscles adorning your back with each pull up, told him that you had seen far greater horrors and dealt with more challenges in life than to let any disrespectful man get in between you and what you wanted, whatever it may have been.
He swore to himself right there and then that he would do this the right way, no matter the consequence.
Until then, until the moment he realized he wished would arrive sooner than later - he could only sneak very, very secret glances and hope for the best.
Thankfully he had chosen the bars that were a bit far from your choice this morning, hoping he would have a calm, collected and distraction-free workout. He could not help but think about the operation that went awry hours ago, piercing storm raining down on him, breeze threatening to push him towards the steel of the rapidly sinking ship, his commanding officer screaming at him to jump for it.
And how your hand held on for dear life against his gloved, slippery one, not letting go for a single moment until his feet found solid metal instead of air.
He did not even know you.
Oh, how he wanted to. Your presence was a mystery that he wanted to unfold, your story one that he yearned to discover, undoubtedly very much alike the other members of the task force.
He would briefly gaze at your hair fall back down as you gracefully let yourself down the bar, hand resting on the metal rod as you caught your breath in preparation for the next exercise, burning questions raging in his mind.
How many missions had you been on? Had you been shot before? Did you have scars that you exchanged stories for, or better yet, you had covered with tattoos?
He could not help his newfound intrigue towards you - every member who made it to the 141 had a star-studded, impressive background, so had Price told him, and his mind was racing to attempt guessing all the little events that made you, to uncover who you were beneath the military green.
“You okay, mate?”
Bloody hell.
John had to shake his head to snap himself out of it - out of the flashbacks from last night, out of his thoughts completely possessed by you. It did not take the slightly disoriented soldier too long to realize he had been entranced this whole time looking into the space right next to where you had stood, with you long gone. His feet had touched the ground without him realizing, worn combat boots against the concrete, feeling the fresh pump in his arms and the blood flowing through his veins. A weakly perplexed expression adorned his weary yet serious features, eyes blinking a couple of times before he turned his body around to the source of the question.
Where did she go?
Gaz, however, stood with a little smirk, looking like he had been enjoying his morning already. His workout complete and shirt soaked just like the other soldier, his eagle eyes did not let the silent, one-way interaction go unnoticed as he leaned his frame against the vertical metal bar, arms crossed on his chest. A look of boyish mischief in his eyes foreshadowed everything he had to say afterwards.
He had to tease the new kid in the squad, after all. It was only fair.
“Try not to stare that long next time, eh?”
All John could do was shake his head as it fell down in a soft huff.
The static emanating from the television echoed off of the vast concrete confinements, bouncing off of the chairs scattered around the communications center. Screens, small and big, lined up against the walls embedded in all sorts of machinery, making faint bleeping noises with each sweep of the radar, each message arriving.
It had been a wonder to you just why in the world they kept this beaten old television at the edge of the room. It was as if there was something nostalgic holding the soldiers hostage, no one dared throw the old piece of plastic-covered junk away.
The training complex turned just a bit more quieter as the lowly humming tank engines and roaring all-road vehicles came to a sudden halt - the silence of the training grounds throughout the brick and metal walls.
“They finally did it?”
The linoleum floor shrieked wit metal chair legs dragging over, who settled themselves in a final low thud as none other than Kyle with a fresh green shirt took a seat in front of the television, making his way from the message console on the control panel. You wondered what he had read to step away so quickly.
“Bloody hell. I thought the Americans had it under control.”
“That look like it’s under control to you?”
“It don’t sound too good.”
That made your lips curl down in anticipation, just a bit as your breath caught itself slowly. It had been a blessing in disguise to have an unsupervised morning drill, especially after the chaos of the night and now this rapidly unfolding situation. It would be a while till your body and mental got readjusted to the habits and fast pace of the task force, to the way things used to be. Until then, you would keep on pushing and breathing, against whatever this life threw your way.
The antsy, black and white static that previously deafened the soldiers’ ears halted abruptly, making everyone’s head snap back at the small screen centered at the corner of the room, accompanying emerging signals and beeps from intercom stations.
Then came that loud voice, completely overpowering the entire room and demanding attention to itself. A crowd cheering in the foreign language. Screams and begs roared through the screen, overpowered by the chanting, red flags bolstered up on the old stone architecture flashing in bright color.
“Today, we rise again as one nation, in the face of betrayal and corruption!”
Your eyes, along with the other soldiers slowly descending themselves onto the flimsy chairs around you, became glued to the screen. Mind racing on what this would entail as the world watched the events unfold in their own little screens, just like you.
“We have believed this man to deliver our great nation into a new era of prosperity.”
Soap was not too far away from you, just a couple of chairs away as he clasped his hands, the slowly drying sweaty green shirt clinging onto his stretching back, elbows resting on his knees. Though he kept a stoic expression, you could notice a certain hint of anxiousness from his body language, just like everybody else in this room.
“Our noble crusade has begun.”
The news that were about to unwind might as well could have been the next deployment order.
“This is how it begins.”
In a moment, came an ear-piercing gunshot, along with the faint cheers, screams, yells all tangled in with the barking of dogs, and a thud of a body falling on the dirt. The intensity so palpable you could hear the deep, panicked breathing moments before death.
He had done it. The deed he came to do, another stepping stone into achieving his vision, his relentless plan to divide and conquer. All that was to follow, if someone did not intervene, were mayhem, bloodshed and tears.
President Al-Fulani was dead at the hands of Al-Asad.
The air in the room became stale for a moment, breaths durning stagnant yet the jaws remained taut. Eyes focused on the main source of information, though they had begun to divert towards the one man who had been watching the whole ordeal go down with reserve.
Who was going to tell him?
The soldier took a deep breath, running a hand down his face before getting up slowly and turning to the door, he did not have to go much further to reach the person he intended to look for. The roaring thuds of Captain Price’s boots made their presence known in the room as the metal door parted open and his icy, exhausted eyes met many other pairs all directed to him.
“Captain Price, Al-Asad just executed President Al-Fulani on national television.”
And with a sigh followed by a nod of acknowledgement, came your next order of business, piercing through the hefty atmosphere of unknown within the four walls.
“It’s too late to do anything for Al-Fulani. Get your warm gear ready - our next order is a rescue operation in the Caucasus Mountains.”
Glances were tossed around in curiosity, Soap catching your eye for a brief moment when you saw he also had a puzzled look in his orbs before focusing on your Captain. Some soldiers acknowledging without question as they slowly got up, some more reserved ones taking the directive and the recent news in.
You, however, silently prayed Russia was not numbingly freezing this time of the year.
“We take care of our friends. Let’s move.”
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coldercreation · 1 year
The Gannet (WIP) - Moodboard & Notes
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" By today’s way of thinking, showing no fear of humans ought to be an endearing, if rare quality among wild species. Not so in the past. If a gannet’s nest site could be reached, the young of our largest seabird was easily seized and killed. This naive trust led Carl Linnaeus to classify its genus as Morus, ancient Greek for ‘stupid’. 
The same unfearing nature is found in the gannet’s close relative, booby. The English name "booby" was possibly based on the Spanish slang term bobo, meaning "stupid”, as these tame birds had a habit of landing on board sailing ships, where they were easily captured and eaten. "
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" Encountering a gannet is good luck, especially for someone who is about to undertake a voyage. Gannets spend long stretches of their lives at sea, diving from impressive heights onto shoals of fish and squid below. A gannet encounter can indicate a thirst for adventure as well as an inner fortitude that allows one to weather whatever storms may come. In addition, encountering a gannet may be a sign to take heart and have courage. Gannets must trust themselves to stay aloft over miles and miles of roiling sea. Furthermore, when the time is right these birds take death-defying plunges into the foamy waves. Encountering a gannet may be a sign to trust your instincts or to “take the plunge” and courageously dive into whatever challenge life sends your way. "
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The Gannet
The dull sting of a thin walking stick—nothing but a rod, in all honesty—whacked across the center of ??s back, his spine jerking upright in an instant. The hit wasn’t that hard. He knew it could’ve been worse, knew it had been worse in the past.
“Stop being nosy, and sit up proper, for heaven’s sake,” Mrs Malcolm(??) scolded drily.
Biting on his tongue ?? made sure to have his chin raised just right, his shoulders back and chest firmly held. With effortless dignity, poised, polished, polite. The exact way that had been drilled into him over and over, since before he had even known how to walk.
“That’s better. See, we all know you know how.”
Of course he knew. How could he not?
Regardless, the questions held silently, childishly, under his tense tongue were: 
Did knowing how to do it mean that he had to do it?
What if he, simply, didn’t want to do it?
Did it matter what he did or did not want?
These were all questions ?? had been taught not to ask. Had been whacked by Mrs Malcolm’s walking stick for asking; had been scolded and scorned and shamed for asking.
Such aimless curiosity was unbecoming for a young gentleman like him. Curiosity, for things that the society—and thus, his family—deemed inappropriate.
Or, unimportant.
Or, below his station.
Or, reckless.
For someone like ??, who sometimes genuinely believed that curiosity was the very thing that kept his blood warm, it was nearing torture to constantly be told to focus, to stop asking questions, to do as you are told.
Where on the everloving Earth was the spark in that?
The walking stick snapped down over his pin straight shoulders.
“Hopeless!” Mrs Malcolm declared. The crow’s feet around her eyes looked unhappy, as usual. ?? blinked up at his disappointed tutor, forcefully dragging his attention to the present moment. 
The book in front of him still showed the very same page from before, his progress practically nonexistent. 
It was no surprise, then, that Mrs Malcolm’s walking stick was so overtly excited and active today.
“Could we not learn about something… Something less… Ah, stiff?” ?? enquired, knowing full well that he shouldn’t.
Mrs Malcolm whacked at the table top, by the book, and too close to comfort when it came to where ??s fingers rested. 
?? curled his hand into a careful fist.
“Yes, Mrs Malcolm,” he said, holding back a sigh. Young men of his station weren’t to be caught huffing and puffing, it was unsightly and unattractive. 
?? pulled the book slightly closer, eyes dragging sorely over the text. Endless flowery cursive moaning about old failed techniques used in even older failed wars. 
Silently, to himself, ?? thought that all wars were failed wars.
Thus, perhaps, failed was his war against… 
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xtruss · 1 day
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At the U.S. Army’s Camp Century on the Greenland ice sheet, an Army truck equipped with a railroad wheel conversion rides on 1,300 feet of track under the snow. Visual: Robert W. Gerdel Papers, Ohio State University
The Golden Age of Offbeat Arctic Research! The Odd Arctic Military Projects Spawned By The Cold War
The Cold War Spawned Some Odd Military Projects That Were Doomed To Fail, From Atomic Subways To A City Under The Ice.
— September 19, 2024 | Paul Bierman, Undark Magazine | Smithsonian Magazine
In Recent Years, the Arctic has become a magnet for climate change anxiety, with scientists nervously monitoring the Greenland ice sheet for signs of melting and fretting over rampant environmental degradation. It wasn’t always that way.
At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, as the fear of nuclear Armageddon hung over American and Soviet citizens, ­idealistic scientists and engineers saw the vast Arctic region as a place of unlimited potential for creating a bold new future. Greenland emerged as the most tantalizing proving ground for their research.
Scientists and engineers working for and with the U.S. military cooked up a rash of audacious cold-region projects — some innovative, many spit-balled, and most quickly abandoned. They were the stuff of science fiction: disposing of nuclear waste by letting it melt through the ice; moving people, supplies, and missiles below the ice using subways, some perhaps atomic powered; testing hovercraft to zip over impassable crevasses; making furniture from a frozen mix of ice and soil; and even building a nuclear-powered city under the ice sheet.
Today, many of their ideas, and the fever dreams that spawned them, survive only in the yellowed pages and covers of magazines like “Real: the exciting magazine For Men” and dozens of obscure Army technical reports.
Karl And Bernhard Philberth, both physicists and ordained priests, thought Greenland’s ice sheet the perfect repository for nuclear waste. Not all the waste — first they’d reprocess spent reactor fuel so that the long-lived nuclides would be recycled. The remaining, mostly short-lived radionuclides would be fused into glass or ceramic and surrounded by a few inches of lead for transport. They imagined several million radioactive medicine balls about 16 inches in diameter scattered over a small area of the ice sheet (about 300 square miles) far from the coast.
Because the balls were so radioactive, and thus warm, they would melt their way into the ice, each with the energy of a bit less than two dozen 100-watt incandescent light bulbs — a reasonable leap from Karl Philberth’s expertise designing heated ice drills that worked by melting their way through glaciers. The hope was that by the time the ice carrying the balls emerged at the coast thousands or tens of thousands of years later, the radioactivity would have decayed away. One of the physicists later reported that the idea was shown to him by God, in a vision.
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What I Left Out is a recurring feature in which book authors are invited to share anecdotes and narratives that, for whatever reason, did not make it into their final manuscripts. In this installment, author and geoscientist Paul Bierman shares a story that didn’t make it into his recent book, “When the Ice Is Gone: What a Greenland Ice Core Reveals About Earth’s Tumultuous History and Perilous Future” (W.W. Norton & Company).
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Top Left: U.S. Army test of the Snowblast in Greenland in the 1950s, a machine designed to smooth snow runways. Visual: U.S. Army. Top Right: A U.S. Air Force C-119, Flying Boxcar, delivering a bulldozer to northern Greenland. Visual: U.S. Air Force. Bottom: Lead canister carrying the fuel rods from the U.S. Army’s Camp Century nuclear reactor in Greenland, during decommissioning in 1960s. Visual: Jon Fresch/U.S. Army
Of Course, the plan had plenty of unknowns and led to heated discussion at scientific meetings when it was presented — what, for example, would happen if the balls got crushed or caught up in flows of meltwater near the base of the ice sheet. And would the radioactive balls warm the ice so much that the ice flowed faster at the base, speeding the balls’ trip to the coast?
Logistical challenges, scientific doubt, and politics sunk the project. Producing millions of radioactive glass balls wasn’t yet practical, and the Danes, who at the time controlled Greenland, were never keen on allowing nuclear waste disposal on what they saw as their island. Some skeptics even worried about climate change melting the ice. Nonetheless, the Philberths made visits to the ice sheet and published peer-reviewed scientific papers about their waste dream.
Arctic Military imagination predates the Cold War. In 1943, that imagination spawned the Kee Bird — a mystical creature. An early description appears in a poem by A/C Warren M. Kniskern published in the Army’s weekly magazine for enlisted men, YANK. The bird taunts men across the Arctic with its call “Kee Kee Keerist, but it’s cold!” Its name was widely applied. Most well-known, a B-29 bomber named Kee Bird that took off from Alaska with a heading toward the North Pole, but then got badly lost and put down on a frozen Greenland lake in 1947 as it ran out of fuel. An ambitious plan to fly the nearly pristine plane off the ice in the mid-1990s was thwarted by fire. But the Kee bird lineage was by no means extinct.
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In February 1955, Real magazine published the story of the U.S. military’s first base inside Greenland’s ice sheet. Visual: Real Magazine
In 1959, The Detroit Free Press, under the headline “The Crazy, Mixed-Up Keebird Can’t Fly,” reported that the Army was testing a new over-snow vehicle. This Keebird was not a flying machine but rather a snowmobile/tractor/airplane chimera that would cut travel time across the ice sheet by a factor of 10 or more. Unlike similar but utilitarian contraptions of the 1930s, developed in the central plains of North America and Russia and equipped with short skis, boxy bodies, and propellors that pushed them along, this new single-propped version was built for sheer speed.
The prototype hit 40 miles per hour at the Army’s testing facility in Houghton, Michigan, thanks to the “almost friction-proof” Teflon coating on its 25-foot-long skis and a 300-horsepower airplane engine that spun the propellor. The goal was for the machine to hit a hundred miles per hour but after several failed tests, and a few technical publications, it warranted only the one syndicated newspaper article written by Jean Hanmer Pearson, who was a military pilot in World War II before she became a journalist and one of the first women to set foot on the South Pole. The Soviet version, known as an “airsleigh”, was short, stout, and armed with weapons for Arctic combat. There’s no record the Army’s Keebird carrying weapons.
In 1964, the Army tested a distant relative of the Keebird in Greenland. The Carabao, which floated over the ground and over water or snow on a cushion of air, was developed by Bell Aerosystems Company and had been previously tested in tropical locales, including southern Florida. It carried two men and 1,000 pounds of cargo, and had a top speed of 60 miles per hour. The air cushion vehicle skimmed over crevasses but was grounded by even moderate winds, an all-too-common occurrence on the ice sheet.
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Top: Kee Bird, a B-29 bomber that got badly lost and put down on a frozen Greenland lake in 1947. Visual: U.S. Air Force. Bottom: U.S. Army test of the Carabao air cushion vehicle over snow in Greenland, in the 1960s. Visual: U.S. Army
Another Problem: The craft went uphill fine, but going downhill was another matter because it had no brakes. Unsurprisingly, the Carabao — its namesake a Philippine water buffalo — proved to be unsuited for ice travel despite the claim that: “All this is no mere pipe-dream following an overdose of science-fiction. The acknowledged experts are thinking hard about the future use of hovercraft in Polar travel.” Despite all the hard thinking, hovercraft have yet to catch on and are still rarely used for Arctic travel and research.
IN 1956, Colliers, a weekly magazine once read by millions of Americans, published an article titled “Subways Under the Icecap.” It was a sensationalized report of Army activities in Greenland and opened with a photograph of an enlisted soldier holding a pick. Behind him, a 250-foot tunnel, mostly excavated by hand and lit only by lanterns, probed the Greenland ice sheet. Colliers included a simple map and a stylistic cut-away showing an imaginary rail line slicing across northwestern Greenland. But the Army’s ice tunnels ended only about a thousand feet from where they started — doomed by the fragility of their icy walls, which crept inward up to several feet each year, closing the tunnels like a healing wound. The subway never happened.
That didn’t stop the Army from proposing Project Iceworm — a top-secret plan that might represent peak weirdness. A network of tunnels would crisscross northern Greenland over an area about the size of Alabama. Hundreds of missiles, topped with nuclear warheads, would roll through the tunnels on trains, pop up at firing points, and if needed, respond to Soviet aggression by many annihilating many Eastern Block targets. Greenland was much closer to Europe than North America, allowing a prompt strategic response, and the snow provided cover and blast protection. Iceworm would be a giant under-snow shell game of sorts, which the Army would power using portable nuclear reactors.
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A tunnel cut into the Greenland ice sheet by the Army in the 1950s, mostly using hand tools. The tunnel was a prototype for a subway system — in part to move nuclear missiles under the ice — that never came to fruition. Visual: U.S. Army via United Press Associations
Except it wasn’t a game. The Army hired the Spur and Siding Constructors Company of Detroit, Michigan, to scope out and price the rail project. A 1965 report, complete with maps of stations and sidings where trains would sit when not in use, concluded that contractors could build a railroad stretching 22 miles over land and 138 miles inside the ice sheet for a mere $47 million (or roughly $470 million today). The company suggested studying nuclear-powered locomotives because they reduced the risk of heat from diesel engines melting the frozen tunnels. Never mind that no one had ever built a nuclear locomotive or run rails through tunnels crossing constantly shifting crevasses.
But in the end, Iceworm amounted only to a single railcar, 1,300 feet of track, and an abandoned military truck on railroad wheels.
The Split personality of Arctic permafrost frustrated Army engineers. When frozen in the winter, it was stable but difficult to excavate. But in the summer, under the warmth of 24-hour sunshine, the top foot or two of soil melted, creating an impassable quagmire for people and vehicles. When the permafrost under airstrips melted, the pavement buckled, and the resulting potholes could damage landing gear. The military responded by painting Arctic runways white to reflect the constant summer sunshine and keep the underlying permafrost cool — a potentially good idea grounded in physics that was stymied by the fact that the paint reduced the braking ability of planes.
The military engineers, ever optimistic, put a more positive spin on permafrost. Trying to use native materials in the Arctic, where transportation costs were exceptionally high, they made a synthetic version of permafrost that they nicknamed permacrete – a mashup of the words permafrost and concrete. First, they mixed the optimal amount of water and dry soil. Then, after allowing the mix to freeze solid in molds, they made beams, bricks, tunnel linings, and even a chair. But permacrete never caught on as a building material, likely because one warm day was all it would take to turn even the most robust construction project into a puddle of mud.
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U.S. Army engineers test permacrete strength in a tunnel cut into the frozen soil beneath the Greenland ice sheet in the 1960s. A permacrete chair is in the front right. Visual: Jon Fresch/U.S. Army
The Army’s most ambitious Arctic dream actually came true. In 1959, engineers began building Camp Century, known by many as the City Under the Ice. A 138-mile ice road led to the camp that was about 100 miles inland from the edge of the ice sheet. Almost a vertical mile of ice separated the camp from the rock and soil below.
Camp Century contained several dozen massive trenches, one more than a thousand feet long, all carved into the ice sheet by giant snowplows and then covered with metal arches and more snow. Inside were heated bunkrooms for several hundred men, a mess hall, and a portable nuclear power plant. The first of its kind, the reactor provided unlimited hot showers and plenty of electrical power.
The camp was ephemeral. In less than a decade, flowing ice crushed Century — but not before scientists and engineers drilled the first deep ice core that eventually penetrated the full thickness of Greenland’s ice sheet. In 1966, the last season the Army occupied Camp Century, drillers recovered more than 11 feet of frozen soil from beneath the ice — another first.
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A two page diagram of Camp Century published in the 1960s by Pilote, a French comics magazine. Visual: Pilote
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Top: In the 1960s, a plow excavates the trenches that will hold Camp Century. Visual: Robert W. Gerdel Papers, Ohio State University. Bottom: Men install metal roofing forms over a completed trench at Camp Century, which are later covered with snow. Visual: Robert W. Gerdel Papers, Ohio State University
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One module of a portable nuclear reactor being moved into Camp Century. The first of its kind, the reactor provided unlimited hot showers and plenty of electrical power to the camp. Visual: Jon Fresch/U.S. Army
Little studied, the Camp Century soil vanished in 1993, but was rediscovered by Danish scientists in 2018, safely frozen in Copenhagen. Samples revealed that the soil contained abundant plant and insect fossils, unambiguous evidence that large parts of Greenland were free of ice some 400,000 years ago, when the Earth was about the same temperature as today but had almost 30 percent less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
In half century or so since the demise of Camp Century, global warming has begun melting large amounts of Greenland’s ice. The past 10 years are the warmest on record, and the ice sheet is shrinking a bit more every year. That’s science, not fiction, and a world away from the heady optimism of the Cold War dreamers who once envisioned a future embedded in ice.
— Paul Bierman is a Geoscientist and a Professor of Environmental Science and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. He is the author, most recently, of “When the Ice Is Gone: What a Greenland Ice Core Reveals About Earth’s Tumultuous History and Perilous Future,” a study of Greenland, the Cold War, and the collection and analysis of the world’s first deep ice core. Bierman’s research in Greenland is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation.
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beaverstrack · 6 days
Underground Mining Drilling Rig
Overview of Underground Mining
Underground mining is a critical method for extracting valuable minerals and resources located beneath the earth’s surface. Unlike surface mining, underground mining involves creating tunnels or shafts to access ore deposits. This method is often used for minerals that are deep below the surface or in areas where surface mining would be impractical or environmentally damaging.
Role of Drilling Rigs in Underground Mining
Drilling rigs play a crucial role in underground mining operations. They are used to drill holes for exploratory purposes, blast ore, and create tunnels or raises. Advanced drilling rigs enhance operational efficiency, improve safety, and enable precise extraction of minerals.
Understanding Underground Mining Drilling Rigs
What is an Underground Mining Drilling Rig?
An underground mining drilling rig is a specialized machine designed to perform various drilling tasks in underground environments. These rigs are equipped to handle the unique challenges of working below the surface, such as confined spaces and high-pressure conditions.
Definition and Basic Components: The rig typically includes a drill head, rod handling system, power unit, and control system. It is designed to drill through rock and soil to reach mineral deposits.
Purpose and Use: These rigs are essential for drilling boreholes for exploration, ore extraction, and ground support installations.
Types of Underground Mining Drilling Rigs
Core Drilling Rigs
Description: Core drilling rigs are used for geological exploration to obtain core samples from underground formations. These samples are crucial for assessing mineral content and quality.
Example: Precision core drilling rigs provide accurate depth measurements and high-quality samples, allowing for detailed geological analysis.
Longhole Drilling Rigs
Description: Longhole drilling rigs are designed for drilling long, straight holes that are often used for blasting and ore extraction. They are commonly used in hard rock mining operations.
Example: These rigs feature advanced drilling mechanisms that ensure precise and efficient ore extraction.
Raise Boring Rigs
Description: Raise boring rigs are used to create vertical or inclined raises between different levels of an underground mine. These raises are essential for ventilation, ore handling, and personnel access.
Example: Raise boring rigs are crucial for maintaining airflow and efficient movement of materials within the mine.
Key Features to Consider
Drilling Efficiency and Speed
Drilling efficiency and speed are vital for minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity in mining operations. Advanced drilling rigs offer high-performance capabilities to meet these needs.
Example: Modern rigs use advanced technologies to increase drilling speed and efficiency, reducing overall operational costs.
Rig Size and Mobility
The size and mobility of a drilling rig are important factors, especially in the confined spaces of underground mines. Compact and versatile rigs are designed to navigate tight environments effectively.
Example: Compact rigs are designed to fit into small mine openings and maneuver through narrow tunnels, providing flexibility and accessibility.
Safety Features
Safety is a top priority in underground mining. Drilling rigs must be equipped with various safety mechanisms to protect operators and ensure safe operations.
Example: Features such as automatic shutdown systems, safety interlocks, and robust structural designs are essential for minimizing risks.
Technological Advancements
Technological advancements in drilling rigs can significantly enhance operational efficiency and safety. Innovations include automation, remote operation, and advanced control systems.
Example: Automated drilling systems and remote-controlled rigs allow for safer and more precise drilling operations, reducing the need for manual intervention.
Leading Underground Mining Drilling Rig Manufacturers
Top Manufacturers and Their Offerings
Beaver Tracks
Overview of Products and Technologies: Beaver Tracks is a prominent manufacturer specializing in high-quality underground mining drilling rigs. Their products are known for advanced technology and durability.
Example: Beaver Tracks offers a range of drilling rigs designed for different mining needs, including core drilling, longhole drilling, and raise boring.
Beaver Tracks: Explore their offerings and innovative solutions for underground mining.
Company A: Known for its advanced core drilling rigs, Company A offers high precision and depth capabilities suitable for geological exploration.
Company B: Specializes in longhole drilling solutions, providing high-capacity rigs designed for efficient ore extraction.
Comparison of Features and Benefits
Beaver Tracks vs. Competitors
Advantages: Beaver Tracks is recognized for its cutting-edge technology, comprehensive support, and customization options.
Example: Compared to competitors, Beaver Tracks’ rigs often feature superior automation and safety systems, enhancing overall performance.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Drilling Rig
Technical Specifications
Drilling Depth and Accuracy: Ensure that the rig meets the depth requirements and offers precise drilling capabilities.
Rig Power and Performance: Assess the power and performance specifications to match the demands of your mining operation.
Cost and Value for Money
Initial Investment vs. Operational Benefits: Evaluate the cost of the rig against its operational benefits, including efficiency and productivity.
Maintenance and Repair Costs: Consider long-term maintenance and repair costs to ensure the rig offers good value over its lifespan.
Customer Support and Service
Warranty and Service Agreements: Look for manufacturers that provide comprehensive warranties and reliable service agreements.
Availability of Technical Support and Spare Parts: Ensure that technical support and spare parts are readily available to minimize downtime.
Reputation and Reliability
Industry Reviews and Customer Feedback: Research reviews and feedback from other users to gauge the reliability and performance of the rig.
Example: Success stories and case studies can provide insights into the effectiveness and reliability of different drilling rigs.
Trends and Innovations in Underground Drilling Technology
Advancements in Drilling Technology
Smart Drilling Systems: New technologies include smart systems that use sensors and data analytics to optimize drilling processes.
Example: AI-driven drilling systems can enhance precision and adapt drilling parameters in real-time.
Sustainability and Environmental Considerations
Eco-Friendly Drilling Practices: Innovations in drilling technology focus on reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainability.
Example: Energy-efficient rigs and technologies that minimize waste contribute to more environmentally responsible mining practices.
Summary of Key Points
Choosing the right underground mining drilling rig involves evaluating technical specifications, cost, safety features, and technological advancements. Understanding these factors can help ensure that you select a rig that meets your operational needs and provides long-term value.
Final Recommendations
Tips for Choosing the Right Drilling Rig: Match the rig’s capabilities with your specific mining requirements and consider long-term costs and support.
Contact Information for Further Inquiries: For more details on underground mining drilling rigs, visit Beaver Tracks to explore their range of products and solutions.
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poodledeer · 2 months
I hated that ibanez shredder so much, and i never could get strings in high school so it got this murky disgusting film on them. It's also the guitar I've recorded the most with in my life because in high school it was the only one with action lower than orbit. The friend who lent me that one did try playing guitar sometimes so it was always wondering when it would disappear from my life
The first act strat was Fine, but the neck gradually warped to an unbelievable angle because i disassembled and reassembled it without a drill or truss rod. Hand screwed it. I spray painted it poorly to a red white combo because (other friend) who had left it with me didnt care about getting it back. The wiring broke and I didnt have a soldering iron or experience or any way to get one (notice a theme?) so i used a clip on pickup (a contact microphone) taped to the back of the body (feedback was horrible anywhere on the front because it is literally a microphone and was rattling from any sound). All of this went into a low gain travel bass amp so warbled as hell with the worst EQ on earth.
The classical was the first one i played. From same friend who lent me the first act. My fingers took a beating, high action and thick strings, but i learned a lot of Intro Riffs to songs and practiced my scales. And developed my bad habit of aimlessly noodling. The best tone for me was striking softly with the very edge of my fingernail (I did not have or use picks for any of this) as close to the 17th fret as i could, basically less twang and all fundamental, neck pup with rolled off tone knob type sound. I still basically try to play like that though having tried to mimick songs i like, i realize that deliberate control over where and how you play something is more valuable than being married to one particular timbre.
Also i hate using picks still. I always rip off the skin on my fingers. I'm not used to the strings being so far from me sothe arch i strike it with is massive if I'm not using my folded up thumb to hit them
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sgpowerproductspvtltd · 2 months
Chemical earthing electrode supplier
Chemical earthing electrodes, also known as chemical grounding electrodes, are used to improve the effectiveness of grounding systems by ensuring low resistance to the earth. They are commonly used in areas with high soil resistivity where traditional earthing methods may not provide satisfactory results. Here’s an overview:
Components and Structure
1. **Electrode Material**: Typically made of high-quality steel, copper, or a copper-bonded rod to ensure durability and excellent conductivity.
2. **Chemical Compounds**: These electrodes are often filled with a mixture of natural chemical compounds that enhance conductivity, such as bentonite, graphite, and other salts.
3. **Protective Coating**: Some electrodes have a protective coating to prevent corrosion, extending their lifespan.
Working Principle
The chemical compounds within the electrode react with the soil moisture, creating an ionic solution that helps reduce soil resistivity. This ensures a low resistance path for fault currents, which is critical for the safety and effectiveness of electrical systems.
1. **Borehole Drilling**: A borehole is drilled to the required depth, typically depending on soil conditions.
2. **Insertion**: The chemical earthing electrode is inserted into the borehole.
3. **Backfilling**: The borehole is backfilled with a mixture of chemical compounds and soil to ensure good contact between the electrode and the surrounding earth.
4. **Watering**: Water is added to initiate the chemical reaction and maintain moisture levels.
1. **Low Resistance**: Provides a low resistance path to the earth, even in high resistivity soil conditions.
2. **Long Lifespan**: Corrosion-resistant materials and protective coatings enhance durability.
3. **Minimal Maintenance**: Once installed, these systems require minimal maintenance.
4. **Consistent Performance**: Effective in all weather conditions, providing reliable grounding.
- **Telecommunications**: Protecting communication towers and equipment from lightning and electrical surges.
- **Power Distribution**: Ensuring safety and stability in power distribution networks.
- **Industrial Plants**: Safeguarding sensitive machinery and equipment in industrial settings.
- **Residential Buildings**: Enhancing safety in homes, especially in areas prone to lightning strikes.
 Maintenance Tips
- **Regular Inspections**: Periodic checks to ensure the integrity of the electrode and surrounding soil.
- **Moisture Levels**: Monitoring and maintaining adequate moisture levels around the electrode to ensure continuous chemical reaction.
- **Testing Resistance**: Conducting regular earth resistance tests to ensure the system's effectiveness.
Chemical earthing electrodes are a reliable solution for enhancing grounding systems, particularly in challenging soil conditions. Their ability to maintain low resistance and durability makes them a preferred choice in various applications.
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hillbowman · 3 months
How To Harness An Asteroid
Hill Bowman
Multiple Environment Biologic Exo-Shell.
How to harness an asteroid.
let say a kilometer long by half a kilometer wide.
Primary propulsion will be solar sail, secondary propulsion will be particle accelerator, emergency propulsion will be chemical rocket.
Obviously, the parts and equipment for the solar sail as well as primary components for particle accelerator plus heavy equipment guide rails, Arc furnace, oxy- acetylene, hydrogen oxygen welding tank (just to make life easy) must be brought with you.
Also guide rails, epoxy, adhesive, ressens, plastic rivets Carbon fiber tubing, all kinds of fasteners, must be brought with you.
The materials for the conventional rocket will be harvested from the core of the asteroid via traditional mining processes.
Your most critical tools for this project will be arc furnace, heavy drilling equipment, welding torch’s, explosives, front loader, back hoe, reinforced Crain slings ( to bag and move rubble).
Human necessities;
For crew of 12
1 year – food , water rations, inflatable warehouse shelter, full ship board surgical and general hospital set up.
2,000 wats of solar panels, 4 deep cycle marine batteries and of course all necessary peripheral like cables hook up, attachments etcetera.
The space vessel must attain synchronous trajectory with the surface of the asteroid. land and or tether to the asteroid.
Once accomplished crew must unload, anchor down guide rail’s and safety cables.
Use explosives front loader reinforced crane slings and back hoe to level a building pad.
Bag And remove rubble and deploy inflatable warehouse for crew and equipment.
For a multitude of reasons this must all be done within 12 standard earth hours after arrival and synchronization with the asteroid. Human safety in the project being priority One.
solar equipment, arc furnace, smelting equipment, earth moving equipment, mining tools and explosives, crew must be deployed to level a building pad from which to begin heavy construction.
Once a building pad is leveled inflatable habitats are anchored down and deployed for equipment storage and temporary crew quarters.
Next:. Bolt down parallel tracks to circumnavigate width of asteroid. This will be the foundation for gravity ring .
lay down two parallel tracks that circumnavigate the length of the asteroid Along with guide cables along all tracks safety harness connect lines for crew and equipment.
The parallel track work is to provide work area along the length and width of the asteroid giving access for crew and equipment to core out the center of the asteroid down it’s length.
Coor the center of the asteroid down the length by approximately 20 meters in diameter. Something like coring an apple.
Next: Utilize all resources derived from the coring process through the center of the asteroid to produce steel rods and gutters and 1/16th sheet metal as well as fasteners.
In organic materials can be harvested from the asteroid, however organic materials such as adhesive polymers, carbon fiber, nylon rivets, and assorted fasteners as well as carbon fiber structural components must be carried with you to make the structure error tight. The mineral substances used in the process can be collected from the asteroid itself.
The Guide rails And safety cables your crew laid down in the beginning for the heavy equipment will also become the footing and tension cable’s for the tower assembly that will support a gravity ring. Ultimately, the gravity ring will be the habitat for crew, research, navigation and propulsion.
Ideally the propulsion system is hybrid.
There are multiple methods of propelling the vessel.
once it is fully assembled primary thrust being generated by solar sails. Secondary propulsion generated by particle acceleration. Finally with third backup propulsion being chemical thrust such as hydrogen - oxygen rocket thrust.
As I'm sure you're aware; hydrogen and oxygen are in abundance throughout know space (as well as nitrogen) from ice and raw mining slag from the boring process. Collected ice can be melted down into water and further divided in the hydrogen and oxygen HHO.
Raw mineral slag once harvested from the core of the asteroid can be crushed and melted down for steel, iron, copper, nickel, zink etcetera.
The metallurgic processes necessary for the project will be accomplished through use of solar power supply providing electrolysis, Electric Ark furnace or chemical processes.
In the long term, raw material for construction of solar panels and batteries can also be harvested and constructed with raw materials as well.
Future science:
A new genre of literature.
What is the difference between future science and science fiction?
Future science differs from science fiction in that there is very little fiction involved in it.
The objective of future science literature is to take current technology extrapolating with fifty year projections on current technology advancement.
integrated with quality creative writing.
mixed with the true human element of psychological physical in material capabilities under adverse circumstances.
The end product; digestible, Bold written material to encourage, motivate and propel the human species out into the expansion of space.
To colonize to Explorer to discover and to challenge the human species to our inevitable destiny. To grow as a species, to support sustain and clean up the only planet in the universe that we know harboring intelligent life.
And perhaps even to discover intelligent life Beyond our own species.
future science writers in history such is Jules Verne and others technological visionary)Are the True founders of this generation of literature that I humbly pursue. it is (in my opinion a disservice to Jules Verne or writers like him that they be qualified under the same categories as folks that right for fiction / fantasy.
Riters such as Jules Verne, Robert Hinlone, Isaac Asimov and others deserve some credit for the hard research in science and technology this type of writing requires.
~ Future Science~
Has as an accepted and standardized new genre of writing (in my opinion) is the least that we can offer in recognition of their contributions to our advancement as a species and a civilization.
Hopefully the Library of Congress will take notice of this idea.
I welcome you to the amazing new future that we have already entered.
So until then this is Hill Bowman signing off I will catch you on the next fly by
Sincerely ~
Hill Bowman
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trans-light · 3 months
Top Suppliers and Distributors of Earth Rods in Dubai, UAE | Translight Electricals
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For the safety of your life and appliances, earthing is essential and cannot be avoided. It eliminates electrostatic discharge, protecting your equipment and property. As top suppliers and distributors of earth rods in Dubai, UAE, Trans Light Electricals offers the best quality earthing rods and accessories at affordable prices.
Our products include:
Stainless Steel Earth Rods: With drilled holes at both ends, suitable for wide areas.
Solid Copper Earth Rods: Ideal for aggressive soil conditions.
Copper Bond Earth Rods: High tensile strength, cost-effective earthing solution.
Choose Trans Light Electricals for the best earthing solutions in Dubai.
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shijayprojects01 · 9 months
“Subsurface exploration vs Topography survey”. Well at first, this might seem similar, and why wouldn't it? Both are surveying projects and both are involved in the mapping of the different structures of the earth. However, as we dig more into the topic, we can see differences that start to surface between the two. So, sit back and relax as we walk you through a comparative analysis between subsurface exploration and surveying topography in Delhi India.
Subsurface exploration is a part of geophysics. This means that it involves the study of the subterranean structures. These methods that mostly focus on exploring the underlying structures aim to find out various features like different layers of the earth's crust, soil composition, voids, air pockets, sinkholes, groundwater, oil and gas, etc. 
On the other hand, surveying topography in Delhi India involves the studying and mapping of the various structures on the surface of the Earth. These methods can map both man-made and natural structures, their elevation, depth, slopes, and physical characteristics of a place. 
Subsurface exploration uses mainly two types of methods of exploration, the first method involves the use of waves including electric, radio, and seismic. The second method involves the use of heavy excavation machinery and explosives. 
On the other hand, surveying topography in Delhi India tends to be focused more on optical and electronic surveying equipment like GPS, surveying rods, theodolites, etc. 
Subsurface surveying uses various types of instruments. And as mentioned before, since it uses two types of methods it also uses two types of instruments. For methods with waves, they use instruments with a transmitter and receiver, for eg. GPR and seismic instruments, and for the method of excavations, it uses heavy machinery like drilling machines, explosives, etc. 
While, on the other hand, surveying topography in Delhi India uses instruments like total stations, GPS receivers, theodolites, surveying rods, etc. 
Subsurface surveying usually uses the methods of radio waves for their cost-effective and environmentally friendly nature. These methods present data typically in the form of digital representation. The data, which usually consists of the frequency of returned waves and the time required for the waves to return, undergoes various interpretations and analysing before it is mapped into models. 
On the other hand, surveying topography in Delhi India involves the collection of data from different sources, adjusting the errors, and finally getting it mapped on paper. 
Well, now that we have reached the end of this blog, let us go through a summary of what we did. This blog: A Comparative Analysis between Subsurface Surveying vs Surveying Topography in Delhi India presents you with the difference between the two in terms of the nature of surveying, the methods used, the instrument used, and the final data interpretation and mapping procedure. 
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shreerajendrametal · 1 year
Earthing Electrode, Shapes and Properties
An earth electrode or Ground rod is a material used for grounding. In electrical wiring, a metal plate or any type of conductor is buried underground to provide a good path to the earth. This conductor is called the ground electrode. The grounding rod is a type of grounding electrode. The ground electrode is a conductive part buried directly in the ground, facilitating the transmission of fault current to the ground.
Features of Earthing Electrode
Acceptable electrodes include rods, tubes, mats, tape, wires, plates, and steel structures buried or embedded in the ground. Pipelines from other services such as gas and water should not be used as earth connections although they should be earthed.
Copper is the optimal choice for grounding electrode materials and underground conductors: solid copper is recommended for high-fault current installations, while copper bonding bars are often installed for less. Buy from top earthing electrode dealers in Chennai!
Chemical Earthing
Chemical earthing or grounding is an alternative to the conventional charcoal process, in which a ground electrode is inserted into a hole drilled in the ground and coated in a resistive wetting compound. Avoid using coal salt because the corrosive nature of the salt will leach out over time, reducing the effectiveness of the grounding.
Length - The most important parameter helps reduce earth resistance.  Earth resistance decreases linearly with increasing electrode length.
Diameter -In general, increasing the diameter of the ground electrode will decrease the soil resistance; increasing the length is more effective than increasing the diameter. In fact, the diameter of the interference hemisphere remains almost the same.
Terminal -To connect the device ground
Materials - Material determines the lifespan of the device. The better the electroplating and tube thickness, the longer the service life.
Shree Metals India is one of the best copper earthing electrode dealers in Chennai offering a quality range of copper earthing electrodes. It provides optimum quality copper earthing to the clients at the best competitive price.
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