#easter attack
jinglebunns · 7 months
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YIPPEE WE RISE!! This is my piece for The Magolor Collab!
I chose to draw the (hypothetical) scene in which Magolor first read about the Lor and Master Crown. I had a lot of fun hiding easter eggs (heh) in this piece!! :] Please check out the whole project, it's really amazing!! 🥚✨
Also shoutout to @desultory-novice for making a brush with the Halcandran symbols, they helped a lot with the books :]
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ahmadshaban2 · 4 months
I’m Ahmed Shabaan, I’m a 30 years old, I lost all my entire family, my mother”nuza” my wife “Islam” my son “ Shabaan “ and my little angle “ nuza” which named upon her grandma to hold her name if she died, but Israeli airstrike decided to kill all of them,
I tried to evaluate from Gaza, I’m trying to restart my life again from zero, after I had had my home, my work, and my family 💔
Please, reblog, donate, and help me restarting my life again
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foolnamedjoey · 6 months
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thatonebirdwrites · 2 hours
Cheating Death Part 4 - End
Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Finally, after weeks under intensive medical care, she was cleared to go home. Her recovery was far from over. Lena didn't look forward to the intense physical and occupational therapy in store, but at least she could rest in a more comfortable space. Have a bit more freedom.
Alex had insisted on taking her home, though Kara had walked with them until she received a Supergirl call. Lena understood now why Kara randomly took off, and with that understanding came a slow acceptance.
The door swung open at the press of her thumb against the keypad. Alex pushed her wheelchair, and shut the door with her foot behind them. They made it almost to the sofa when the shouts erupted around them.
Lena nearly fell out of her chair at the sudden noise. People leaped out from behind the sofa, tumbled out of the kitchen, and poured in from the hallway. They were all there: Kara, Brainy, Nia, J'onn, Kelly, and even Sam and Ruby.
"Welcome home!" Alex said with a grin, meaning she was in on this too.
Lena had no idea what to make of this. She'd never had a surprise... anything before in her life. "Um, thanks?"
Ruby nearly bounded into Lena's lap with her fervent hug. "I'm so glad you're home! We were so worried when we found out." She pulled back with a teary smile. "You gotta stop almost dying on us. Because we need you here, you're family, and Mom and I sort of just got here today, so all I have is this card." She handed it over and put her hands behind her back.
Lena opened it to the words, "We love you. Please try not to die again. Or we'll drag your sorry ass back to the world of the living." The asterisk after 'ass' had a note at the bottom that read, "Ruby was allowed this one curseword in honor of you."
Lena smiled and ran her fingers over the handwriting, some of it Ruby's and some Sam. Why they bothered, she didn't know, considering how she'd ghosted them. She took a deep breath to try to stop the urge to cry. "Thank you, Ruby. I love you both too."
Sam walked up behind her daughter and smiled, her eyes glistening. "Kid has a point." She leaned forward and gave her a half hug, planting a kiss on the side of her head. "I'm glad to see you up. We've been so worried."
She handed Lena what looked like a phone at first glance, until she saw the hinge. Opening it revealed a note that read: "Answer your phone! <3 xxxoo Sam." Under it was one of her guilty pleasures, a very specific hard candy only sold in Ireland.
"Sam..." Lena didn't know what to say. She wiped away tears, frustrated with herself. Since her near death and disablement, she'd become a weepy fool. "Thank you. I'll be better about staying in touch. I promise."
As the others moved forward, one at a time to greet her and welcome her home, Lena found herself smiling and dissolving into tears yet again. She wasn't used to this much care, and it still felt unreal. Like the shoe could drop at any moment, and yet it didn't.
Alex had continued to care for her, Kara and the others had continued to visit, and now that Lena was cleared to rest at home? Here they all were being the sappiest people she'd ever met.
"Make sure you kiss your beefcake," Nia whispered as she dropped a box of chocolates on Lena's lap. "She set this up, and I kind of have money on the line, so give a girl some help?"
Lena laughed, but she couldn't stop herself from sneaking a look at Kara who stood, swaying back and forth on her heels, as she waited impatiently. "Sure, Nia."
Alex gave her a backpack of all things. "Hey, don't give me that look," the director said with a cluck of her tongue. "Think of all the science-y things you can stuff in this thing and loop onto your wheelchair. Nothing will stop you now."
She lightly swatted Alex's arm. "Maybe if I was five, but really, thank you." At least the bag was black, so it matched the chair's coloration.
Kelly's gift was perhaps the most useful. A tool to grab things from afar. Lena immediately snapped it in Alex's direction, who danced out of reach with a scowl. "It's perfect," she said with a grin.
"I know you have a long recovery in store," Brainy said with a bow of his head. "But I will give you access to my favorite..." he glanced at Nia, "... toys as Nia calls them." He held out a small, palm-sized square. "Press your thumb and a holographic interface, encrypted for our communication and projects, will appear."
Lena couldn't resist. She pressed her thumb, and the interface swirled around her, filled with all sorts of delicious programs. "Holy shit, Brainy. Thank you. This is a delight." She pressed her thumb again, and it vanished.
J'onn stepped forward and bowed his head. "I wish to apologize for my actions in not bringing you in sooner. You've always been one of the best of us, and so I offer you the aid of my community. We have had many soldiers wounded in battle, and I will gladly aid in your recovery. So that you may find the mobility that fits your needs."
Lena studied the stoic man and thought back to something Kara had said to her. "You're a good swordfighter?" When he nodded, she smiled. "I was nearly an Olympic fencer. That's my goal. To recover enough to challenge you to a duel."
He bowed to her. "I accept."
Kara came last, of course. "Hey you." She knelt and wrapped Lena in a tight hug. Lena leaned her head against Kara's shoulder and breathed in her usual vanilla scent.
The pain hadn't full healed between them, but they were taking little steps. And with each one, Lena settled into the reality that Kara wasn't some omnipotent do-no-wrong-god, but a trauma-filled, messy alien who feared loss almost as much as Lena did.
That's one thing the past few weeks in Alex's medical ward taught her: perfection didn't exist, and that's okay. It was okay to be imperfect. She'd still be loved for who she was, even despite her sometimes bratty, petty nature.
Kara pulled back and kissed Lena's forehead. "I made this." She handed her a cylinder with lines and dots on all sides. "It's a puzzle box like what my father made. Give you something to do as you heal."
"Kara," she leaned her head against Kara's shoulder. "God, I love you so much," she whispered. "Thank you."
"I love you too." Kara carded her fingers through her hair. Lena gladly took the brief moment to recalibrate herself for more people interaction. Alex's words hovered in her head, "I need you to recognize your limits."
She took stock of her pain, her emotional bandwidth, and decided she could handle an hour. Then she'll ask to go to the bedroom. Plan in place, she pulled back from Kara with a smile.
She blinked away her tears. "Thanks to all of you. Now, I'd like to sit down on the sofa, if you don't mind?"
Kara chuckled and gently scooped Lena into a bridal carry. Her face flushed, likely as pink as her own. "As you wish, milady."
Alex groaned at that while Nia cackled.
Settled on the sofa, Lena leaned back into the cushions in relief. Fatigue plagued her still, and the pain simmered despite the pain meds. Still, she was much improved than a week ago. This ordeal had taught her that even small steps were worthy victories.
"So you ready for cake? Because all welcome home parties need cake." Kara practically hopped from foot to foot.
"Sure, Supergirl," Lena drawled. "Better fly me the best."
"Oh, you betcha. Straight from Belgium." Kara sounded quite proud of herself.
"Kara..." Alex pressed her palm against her face.
"Supergirl?" Sam echoed, her eyebrows raised.
"Wait a second," Kelly looked around, surprised. "Kara is Supergirl???"
Well, it was nice to know she wasn't the last one told after all.
Six months later
Lena gripped the bars, most of her weight on her arms. Her legs trembled beneath her, her right foot turned slightly to the left. Kara stood at the other end of the torture session with a grin. "Come on, Lena, you can do this."
"Oh shut up." Lena growled, but there was no heat in her words, only a deep affection. She carefully took a step, and her leg held. A tingling sizzled up her leg muscles, but she didn't crumple. Slowly, she lifted and plopped her other foot down. That one proved weaker than the other, so she leaned into the bars more.
"Remember to breathe." Her physical therapist stood behind her ready to catch if she fell.
She took a deep breath and managed another step. The rhythm of walking felt strange, like a foreign language she'd forgotten after months of using a wheelchair.
Since the attack, she'd kept a low profile. Sam returned as temporary CEO, and Alex proved to be just as protective of her as she was of Kara. Nia's article of the attack won the public's favor for Lena, which had been a nice, short boost for L-Corp.
So she slowly made her way down the bars, each step mores stable than the last. Her muscles screamed at the effort, but she pushed forward, determined.
Kara, as always, lived up to her promise and stayed at her side. Assisted her lab work. Accepted with grace the occasional microscope she threw at her head. Since becoming an independent writer and science consultant, Kara spent more and more time at her penthouse, and it had started to fill up with knickknacks, paintings by Kara, Kara's clothes randomly strewn over chairs, and a kitchen full of enough food for a hungry Kryptonian.
Lena knew she wasn't always the best partner. Sometimes Kara and her fought bitterly, but they'd learned to come together and talk it out. To share space for one another's feelings. To tentatively explore what being together really looked like.
All a step at a time.
Her trek reached the end of the bars, and there Kara stood, her arms out stretched.
"You did it! I told you so," Kara said with a delighted laugh.
Lena leaned forward and let herself fall into Kara's embrace. She looked up and smiled at her lovable dork. "I suppose I owe you that ice cream, my love," she said, wryly.
Kara nodded and brushed her nose against Lena's. "You sure do."
Lena placed her hand on Kara's cheek and kissed her lips. As she pulled back, she smiled at the goofy dazed expression Kara always wore when Lena sneaked a kiss.
"I'll make it two, for being such a good motivator." Behind her the physical therapist cleared her throat. Lena chuckled and for the first time in her life, she actually felt happy.
She'd cheated death yet again and won a girlfriend from it. Quite the bargain when all was said and done.
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palestinegazafree · 2 months
Please help my family 😭😭😭💔🍉
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Hello, I'm Kariman Dohan. I am writing this letter to you feeling a state of sadness and grief, after the war on Gaza completely destroyed our lives. My husband works as a fisherman, but the fishing boat, which was our only source of income, was badly damaged and no longer usable😭😭😭. My young son, Hamoud, suffers from malnutrition due to the lack of food and the polluted water we drink. My husband, Ayman Olwan, and I are trying with all our might to survive, but the situation has become too much for us. We are desperate to escape to a safe place where we can start over, but we don't have enough money to do so.💔😔🥺 Therefore, I ask you for your generosity and kindness to help us so that we can overcome this crisis. Please consider our situation and help as much as you can by donating and sharing the link.💔🍉🥹😭😭😭😭
My campaign was vetted by 90ghost🫂
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Please save my son Hamoud 😭😭😭😭
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@malcriada @appsa @aces-and-angels @buttercuparry @ahaura
@timetravellingkitty @briarhips @akajustmerry @wellwaterhysteria @rhubarbes
@schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @rhubarbspring
@transmutationisms @irhabiya @3000s @northgazaupdates @batmanego
@communistchilchuck @aristotels @watermotif @stuckinapril @official-saul-goodman
@yugiohz @mavigator @communistkenobi @socalgal @chilewithcarnage
@ghelgheli @determinate-negation @papasmoke @deepspaceboytoy @omegaversereloaded
@xinakwans @givemearmstopraywith @loombreaking @killy @meaganfoster
@heritageposts @el-shab-hussein @decolonize-the-left @loveaankilaq @sar-soor
@fridgebride @27-moons @tamarrud @familyabolisher @fleshdyketwo
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So I saw someone point it out somewhere, but I cannot remember where and who (I think tiktok maybe?), but apparently in the 2nd opening there's yet another easter egg, and I just had to check it out for myself
And it's actually true!
So in S01E19 Levi's OG squad bites their hands to show remorse for not trusting Eren after his accidental transformation
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Yeah, so in the 2nd opening, they actually show Petra having the bite marks!!!
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Which is yet another example of how fucking amazing and detailed the OPs and EDs are and how many things are hidden in plain sight unless you go crazy and watch them frame by frame (which I will do soon for the analysis I'm working on)
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Ren isn't human.
-There have been many times Sai has hinted to this in the wonderful world of tags and one point even referring to Ren as "Glitchy eldritch horror" or something similar
-The bad ending itself is also a huge call out to this to because bro he literally eats that fourth wall like its a fucking piece of toast or something
-He can control the world around him,change aspects of their physical body, change the way MC sees things including the narrative AND MORE?
-Also the thing that caught my attention the most was in a old post the question was something like "If Ren caught MC doing the bing bong with Teo through the cameras" and the answer was something like how Ren would get really mad and that YOUR LAPTOP WILL START SPARKING/BREAKING TO THE POINT THAT HE WOULD HAVE TO BUY MC A NEW ONE and then they go smash Teos car windows in like a boss bitch <3
This is all im putting for now because I'm not going to make a mistake like I did with the Ren and Ren from btd theory I made myself look a complete fool with 💀
✦゜ANSWERED: ehehehe >:3 He's just a normal and sane human... Don't worry... >:33333
Although I do wanna clear up the point about Ren sparking/breaking Angel's laptop!! That genuinely only happened because he needed a distraction to get Teo off of you. Ren simply hacked into your laptop and made it overheat — nothin too other-worldly or crazy ^^
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caelichythcat · 1 year
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ofwraithsandwords · 6 months
*Gently picks up your favorite morally corrupt vampire white boy that people like to put next to the big and kind bear man that loves nature*
*Puts down a mean genderfuck afab alien warrior next to said bear man instead*
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i-am-pixxie · 8 months
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Grumpy buns 🥹🐇
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aot-apricity · 6 months
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Beware the egg thief!
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bluebellhairpin · 11 months
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"You said 'I love you like the stars above, I'll love you 'til I die'. There's a place for us, you know the movie song. When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong?" (Erwin vers.)
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
Just wanted to let you know I've been scrolling through your writings and I'm so in love. <3
As for my request.. GE Saeran or Ray planting flowers/ tending the garden with MC? I need a little more fluff in my life. :)
"Y/N? What are you doing out here?"
"Oh, Ray!" You immediately perked up at the sound of the voice you knew so well, jumping up onto your feet from the small patch of soil you were crouching in before and turning to face him fully, a giddy smile slowly forming on your face as you took in his curious gaze. It was akin to an instinct that you couldn't control. The sight of him there made you feel so happy that it was hard to contain your excitement. "Sorry. Were you worried for me? I knew I should have texted you..."
"No, no, it's quite alright... You're one of us now, and Magenta is your home. I'm just... surprised." He smiled sheepishly at you, his shoulders relaxing little by little as he took in your cheery demeanor. It was apparent to you that your new status was a strange change for him, despite his efforts to make you feel comfortable. After all, he has grown so close with you in the last couple of weeks... It was probably hard for him to view you as a fellow believer now, rather than his precious tester.
You quickly dusted yourself off before picking up a plastic water can that you were busy working with before. "Well, I wanted to plant some flowers! It was supposed to be a surprise for you, but... I'm, uh, actually kind of struggling here. The gardener I saw acted all antsy around me for some reason, so I didn't want to bother the poor guy. Say... if you, maybe, have some free time on your hands... could you help me out? Just a little?"
After all, it was worth a shot trying to ask him.
"Well, of course! You've done so much for me ever since I came here! I simply wanted to repay the favor. After all, I know how much you love your flower friends. So, can you lend me a hand so that I don't kill any of these poor innocent seedlings?" You chat with him in a lighthearted tone, eager to keep the mood pleasant and comfortable between the two of you. Ray had a tendency to get lost in his own thoughts at times! And, you wanted to distract him a bit from the recent mess up with the Savior that has kept him stressed and anxious throughout the last week.
Ray's eyes practically lit up as you said that, revealing a pale blush on his cheeks in a matter of seconds. He seemed to be rather taken aback by your invitation... in a good way, from what you could see. "A... A surprise? For me...?"
"O-Of course. I'd love to." Although there was a slight stutter in his soft voice, he took a small step towards you. His eyes locked onto yours with an emotion that was a mix between gratitude and admiration. It appears that he was ready for the task after all!
"Great! So, uh, I'm actually unsure of how much water the soil needs, so could you help me with that? Those are white camelia seedlings... I read up on the right way to plant them, but it's not as easy as I thought." You explained to him with an awkward chuckle, crouching down next to the small spot of fresh soil you've chosen to plant in and gesturing around all the gardening equipment you managed to bring out with you. Although the gardener believer was anxious, he was willing to carry all the heavy stuff for you, and you were grateful for that.
He made it look so easy... like it was second nature to him. You only wished he could have more time and freedom on his hands to pursue these small activities that actually brought him joy... but, since you didn't want to ruin the moment, you never brought up this forbidden topic at hand.
Soon, you were both working in comfortable silence, nothing but the gentle rustle of greenery and the evening melody of crickets interrupting the sound of your gradual progress. Although, by this time, you spent more energy on ogling Ray than actually gardening. You couldn't help yourself! He looked so graceful as his hands placed each tiny seed in its respective hole... You never knew something like gardening could even look graceful! But, oh, what you liked most of all was seeing how... peaceful Ray's gaze has become the longer you worked. He appeared completely relaxed at this moment, enjoying doing something he loved and not worrying about anything. For this brief magical moment, at the very least.
"Oh hey, that one looks like a kitty!" You called out, pointing out the specific cluster of clouds you were talking about, with a silly snicker falling from your lips. There was something so... relaxing about doing this with him. It's possible to forget the huge imposing castle made of white marble towering behind you and, for a brief moment, find yourself free as a bird amidst these fluffy clouds. It was bittersweet, in a way.
The initial plan was to help you with your gardening effort, but it turned out to be cloud-watching as you sat next to each other on the lush grass, your arms barely touching. The closeness is just right to make your heart race, but not too much to cause anything prohibited within Mint Eye. Sort of like a secret date.
"I'm afraid I can't really see that, but your imagination is something definitely worth of admiration." Ray chuckled quietly, shaking his head a bit as he glanced at you with amusement before returning his attention to the rosy evening sky above.
"Y-Yes?" He stuttered, his gaze now glued to you, even as his cheeks grew redder and redder as he inevitably took notice of just how close your faces truly were now that you laid your head on his shoulder.
As you laid your head on his shoulder, sighing with a sense of peacefulness that enveloped you like a warm blanket, he jolted and made a tiny adorable squeak at your sudden touch. You were aware that he didn't object to this. Ray was someone almost as touch-starved as you... although, it took you some time to realize that his jumpy reactions weren't made out of discomfort, but rather unfamiliarity with such gestures of affection. "...Ray?"
"Do you know the meaning of white camelia?"
"That's right. You're adorable." You whispered affectionately to him, as if it were a secret meant only to be shared between you, then leaning in and leaving a chaste kiss on the tip of his nose.
Your question caused his flustered mind to scramble and his eyes to grow wide. It wasn't long before a shaky gasp came from his lips, making you giggle in response.
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katy-pawz · 6 months
late easter/resurrection art ft. bunny armin and Jesus 🙏🏻💖
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liiittlehand · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Erwin~~~
Self-made made-self present.
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natsuki208 · 6 months
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Happy Easter to the ones who voted for Reiner in the bunny suit pole! 🐰
And since Armin and Jean were neck and neck with votes, I added them as little rabbits. So cute! 💕
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