#eat prunes for constipation
foodnutra · 8 months
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scientia-rex · 9 months
you mentioned in a post about how drinking water doesn’t help with constipation, but said to eat fibre and also mentioned indigestible sugars. do you know if indigestible sugars make any kind of difference in how things move through the small bowel? i’ve been told they can increase the frequency of bowel movements, but nothing more than that. sorry if this is a weird or off-base question!
Indigestible sugars act as laxatives--that's why prune juice is so effective, because it has both a high amount of fiber and indigestible sugars!
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Natural Remedies for Common Ailments 🍃
*Natural remedies can be a great option for managing common ailments, but it's important to remember that they may not always be a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment. If you have a serious or persistent health issue, it's important to consult with a doctor. Also, remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Do your independent research, some natural remedies may have interactions with medications or existing medical conditions.*
Cold and Flu:
Honey and Lemon: Mix honey and lemon in warm water to soothe a sore throat and ease congestion.
Ginger Tea: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with nausea and congestion.
Echinacea: Some people use Echinacea supplements or tea to boost the immune system.
Peppermint Oil: Apply diluted peppermint oil to your temples for headache relief.
Ginger Tea: Ginger may help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
Peppermint Tea: Peppermint can help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties.
Valerian Root: Valerian root supplements or tea may promote relaxation and help with sleep.
Lavender Oil: Lavender aromatherapy or a few drops on your pillow can promote relaxation.
Small Burns and Cuts:
Aloe Vera: Apply aloe vera gel to soothe burns and promote healing.
Honey: Honey has antibacterial properties and can be applied to cuts and wounds.
Stress and Anxiety:
Exercise: Regular physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety.
Meditation and Yoga: These practices can help you relax and manage stress.
Lavender or Chamomile Tea: These herbal teas may have a calming effect.
Sore Throat:
Salt Water Gargle: Gargling with warm salt water can relieve a sore throat.
Marshmallow Root Tea: Marshmallow root tea can help soothe throat irritation.
Ginger: Ginger candies, ginger tea, or ginger capsules can help with nausea.
Peppermint: Peppermint tea or candies may also help alleviate nausea.
Fiber-Rich Foods: Eating foods like prunes, bran, and beans can promote regular bowel movements.
Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is essential for preventing constipation.
Tea Tree Oil: Applying diluted tea tree oil to acne-prone areas may help reduce breakouts.
Honey and Cinnamon Mask: Mixing honey and cinnamon into a paste and applying it as a mask can be beneficial for some.
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spiralsnaps · 11 months
and general gut health tips from a girl who’s been through hell
magnesium!! - i’ve been taking magnesium oxide every day and it honestly changed everything. cannot recommend enough.
tea - lots work great; senna, chamomile, peppermint, ginger, etc. i love green tea and black tea.
chia seeds - so good with yogurt and oats
prunes - the flavour might not be for everyone, but they’re really helpful
ripe bananas - oddly, they work
apple cider vinegar - a tablespoon with water before meals, and a great appetite suppressant too
fibre supplements - i have a bunch of powders that i stir into my drinks so i can sip all day, the flavoured ones are delicious and still really low cal
coffee - in moderation, never on an empty stomach
laxatives ! IN MODERATION - only as much as your doctor/meds instruct !
minimum 10 min walk after every meal - walking after i eat really gets my stomach moving
2-3L water a day
do stretches + massages for bowel movements, there are tons of tiktoks and youtube videos!
walk plenty, i try to reach 15k a day
work out a few days a week
high-protein diet
metabolism days!!!
cut out processed foods
get enough fruit!
reminder that excess water and fibre when you’ve been backed up for ages won’t change much, you just create more gas above where you’re backed up.
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Ok I don't wanna sound like an old lady but. I'm eating prunes right now and they're FUCKING DELICIOUS. Like absolutely DELECTABLE. Like I'm talking SCRUMPTIOUS flavors dancing on my tongue. This is crazy. Fucking PRUNES??? The damn old people and constipation fruit???? Wild.
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riddlercarer · 2 years
Caring for a Kiddo with Stomach Issues . . . 🐾
• Always carrying Pepto Bismol, Tums, and prune juice with you, just in case they have a flare up 🫶🏻
• Allowing them to vent about the pain, knowing there’s not much you can do (which is okay!)
• Encouraging them to eat fibre rich foods to help their digestion
• Mint gum, fizzy drinks, and Tums for nausea
• Heating pads, ibuprofen, and rest to help with the cramping and pain
• Prune juice, soft/subtle laxatives, and Pepto Bismol for constipation
• Tums, Pepto Bismol, and figuring out “problem” or trigger foods to help ease diarrhea
• Water! I can’t stress enough how helpful water is for all stomach issues, from nausea to constipation
• Helping them still eat while acknowledging that it might hurt/not stay in their tummy, which is okay 💞
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ohnomytummy · 1 year
I am absolutely bloated beyond belief. I’m on day 6 of constipation. I can’t eat much of anything without getting terrible indigestion. I drank a cup of coffee to hopefully get things moving. My lower belly is in cramps but nothing will budge. And the extra acid in my belly has me burping constantly. I feel so sick. I have to burp for relief, but I gag every time.
I love seeing all these tummy troubles in my inbox 😫💕💕🫣
6 days with no relief???!! Your belly must have had no room left to digest anything…gosh the ache of your tummy…I can only imagine, anon 🥺
If I could…I’d have you drinking coffee with two laxatives. Your tummy clearly needed the relief, and that would surely do the trick. Or, if you prefer, a few tablespoons of olive oil or glasses of prune juice to coat your inner belly in slippery encouragement. Whatever would get your guts moving and out of such an achy state, anon ☺️
Hopefully you’re feeling better now!!! But constipation is a constant battle 😉 hehe
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browser5 · 1 year
An Incredible Poop
AU Where Mr. Incredible still works at an office and Dash is an adult. Bob comes home from work. Dash is on the couch watching TV.
Hiii dad, how was work
Hi Dash. Work... well, you remember my boss Mr. Huph? Always watching my every move to see if he can get me fired and my family goes poor? Yeah he's back at it again...
Uh Oh, well he's just an idiot so don't worry about him
That's always good advice. And by the way...No capes! You remember that?
Yes aunt edna called the other day
How is she doing? I still miss her all the time. She was like a second mother to me... and a great designer.
She's fine, she asked me to model for the new collection
Really? Man that would be great if you could do that. She made the best super suits. No one could make one like she did. 
Omg do you know what happend at school today??
Tell me! I love it when you talk about your life. I'm sure nothing could compare to what I have to deal with at work. I'm sure nothing could surprise me...
At lunch today I saved another student from choking. Guess he couldn't wait to gobble up his pbj sandwich, he choked on it real bad.
Wow... I'm impressed. How did you help him? Did you perform the heimlich maneuver? I bet it was tense.
Well I sorta kicked his stomach. But it's the same result!
That’s amazing… I’m so proud of you right now! Just think, you saved that patient’s life! That’s incredible.
Thanks dad, I'm so glad to be super like you, you’re always a hero to me
You are my son. You make me so proud.
And remember, if something happens to me or Helen I want you to be brave, okay?
Nothings gonna happen to you and mom, right?
Of course not! Everything’s going to be just fine! But if anything… happens… just remember how much I love you. Okay?
I know that…Dad can I ask you something?
Of course you can. If it makes you uncomfortable, then you don’t have to tell me and I promise I won’t be mad… but go ahead, son. Ask me anything. Nothing is off the table in this household. No secrets.
Well, it's a little embarrassing…
Hey… nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m your dad. There’s nothing that you could say to make me think less of you… what’s on your mind, champ?
I've been having stomach problems lately and I wanted to ask if you could help me?
Stomach Problem? Like you’re not, uh… having an easy time going to the bathroom? Is that what you mean?
Yeah...my belly is just full with shit but I just can’t like get it out
Hmm. Okay, I got you. Are you drinking enough water? It might seem simple, but if you drink enough water and eat enough fiber it’ll be easier. But, if you’re really stopped up, I have a few tricks that might help clear your system out. But those might be a little gross for you, do you still want me to share?
Yeah dad I need to know
Okay, buddy. So drink a lot of water. That will help. In addition, eat beans with your dinner. And if all else fails, eat a handful of prunes. Prunes are gross and slimy, but they’re nature’s colon clean-out. They’ll make you poop to a point to where you might not even have to push. That should help get you going again…How was that? Too gross and TMI?
Huh, but I don’t really like prunes…What about those husk seed thingys? Aren't they like a natural laxative?
Ooh. You mean the psyllium husk things? Sure, they might help. But be careful, they really expand in your stomach. You’ll be taking a massive…you know.
Well dad, that’s the goal, taking a massive shit.
Right, I just wanted to make sure you knew what would happen. But if that’s the result you’re looking for, then give those a shot. They come in different flavors too, like apple & cinnamon…
How do you know all that, do you suffer from constipation
Sometimes! It can be a pain. And I know you’re probably not a fan of all the details, but you did say you wanted to know! Being a supers is fun but we’re prone to a pretty intense diet and the whole thing isn’t always friendly to my digestive tract.
Gotcha, but I don't think that it relates to my power. It feels like I shouldn't have eaten so many chilli dogs...stomach growl oww
Ha! I know all about the chili dog struggles. I’ve been there before.
They both walk toward the bathroom while Dash holds his stomach
Great then you’re a pro. 
growl. Mom got me those husk pills, maybe they will help
I hope they work, your stomach sounds like its turning upside down
Yes I know dad, but this turd needs to come out first
Okay, Champ. Well do me a favor? When you… you know. When you’re done… can you give me a holler? I just want to make sure everything came out okay.
Bob stands in the doorway, trying to close the door to let Dash do his business until
Actually dad...can you stay and hold my hand? I’m kinda scared
Kiddo, are you kidding me? Of course. I’ll be right at your side.
You got this.
Bob is a little reluctant, but he wants to help his poor son and locks the door behind him
Thanks dad, ugh I think they’re working...my insides are moving
Keep pushing, son. You can do this.
You sure you won't mind dad?
Of course not. You are my son. What do you think I am, the poop policeman?
Dash plants his ass on the toilet, while Bob sits next to him on the bathtub rim
Ok here it...goes hnng
carl strains as he farts intensely, so far things seem normal to Bob
You okay, kid? Everything come out okay?
I- groan 
Dash's stomach growls and a big load comes out, Dash grits his teeth and the bathroom starts to reek of foul shit
Holy mother. The smell is unbelievable… oh my God.
You okay, buddy? It was… that bad?
Yes it is, I didn’t mean to be so loud. Fuck, I’m sorry dad, theres no air freshner.
Don’t apologize, my son. I’m not angry. But, and this is something you need to hear, that was absolutely foul. Well, I think it’s best-
Growl OOH that wasn't all of it, here comes round...2...ahhh 
Dash ejects a jet of diarrhea and grasps his dads hand for support while Bob can’t help but hold his nose with his other hand
Jesus H. Christ kiddo. I have no words… I’m not sure if I’m more impressed or more concerned right now.
Hehe I hope impressed dad...oh god, dad I need both of your hands to concentrate, another wave is coming in hot!
(Oh lord…)Alright, kid... I'm ready.
Phew ok, pushinggg 
Dash pushes out more gas, vibrating the room. He starts sweating
Hang in there champ. It's gonna be a tough one.
Remember... you're the son of Mr. Incredible. You can do anything.
Thanks dad, you taught me how to shit big after all. I can still feel some in there, can you massage my belly to get it out? I feel like I’m seeing stars at the moment…
Alright buddy, you got it. Just be ready for a big one.
Bob starts massaging Dash's stomach resulting in
Thanks dad, your the best. Huh think that might've been a false alarm? Maybe it's got stagefright?
Could be. Or, in the words of your mother, you can't rush a good poop.
Maybe we just need to wait a few minutes? Let your body take its time. How does that sou-
It’s happening isn’t it? OH MY GOD!
Dash squeezes Bobs hands as he poops out the chunky remains of the chilli dogs, the toilet is filled to the brim with shit, Bob can't believe it, Dash exhales relaxed as he's finishing
That…That was one of the most intense poops on the planet. You okay champ?
I think so
I can’t even believe that just happened. That was the poop of legend. You filled the toilet all the way to the top?
Fuck I guess I did papa hahaha. This pile is huge!
Bob couldn’t help but look down to the bowl and it was true
That’s got to be the biggest poop I’ve ever seen. I bet you feel 10 pounds lighter now.
More like 50 pounds
Wow… that must have been one hell of a chili dog. I’m so proud of you for pushing through it. That was some next level super-pooping.
The young man leans back and tries to recover from the pushing
They really came for seconds. Do you think it'll flush?
I think you better grab a plunger. That thing isn’t going down without a fight, chuckles.
Ok, we'll i hope that's it for pooping
Yeah, I think you're done. You're completely empty. Well, I am very proud of you. You did it. That really was something.
Do you feel better now?
Yeah I definit- fart ahhh definitely feel better 
Uh oh... you feel like you've got more?
Nono it's just leftover toxins, see?
Dash grins as Bob starts to get gassed up by his son
Oh for the love of all things good...Mm, that stinks. It's better out than in, right?
Well lets try flushing it
Okay, let's give it a shot. Flush away, son!
The toilet flushes but clogs halfway
hmm better than expected
I'll say! I thought for sure it would overflow.Do you have a plunger handy? Let's see what we can do about this...
Yeah just give it a minute 
Dash starts wiping up his messy ass to Bobs disgust, bob sprays some air freshener as the toilet recovers
God, that smells awful... let's get all of that cleaned up. And make sure we open a window to let some fresh air in. I'm dying here.
But I’m impressed, that was quite an ordeal. I am glad that it's over, but I’m very proud of you. 
Uhuh (Damn still dirty)
Dash, make sure to wash your hands…seriously. Did the toilet loosen up or do we need a plumber?
Hehe, guess I really gassed you up huh, it loosened up a little.
You sure did. Jesus christ this is going to be hard to get down. Damn, I can't even imagine what would happen if your mother came in here. Ha! If I didn’t have a super nose, I’d probably be throwing up right now. Holy smokes...I think "gassed up" is a bit of an understatement...
Bob leans against the wall, wiping the sweat off his face
Thank you for being here daddo, now let's try this again
No problem, son. You're my son. You can call me for anything.So what do you mean by we should "try this again?" Like you want to push for round two???
No dad, I meant try flushing again
Oh, of course. Yeah, let's give it another shot. 
Bob flips the handle on the toilet to flush again
Come on, baby, come on... you can do it! Come on!
The toilet flushes more away but clogs again, they try the plunger but to no avail
Ugh…we can't get down this beast. This is unbelievable. What kind of chili dogs have you been eating? This thing is like a concrete block. 
We may need to call a plumber at this point. This is quite the load.
I guess so, man…
I guess we're gonna need, like... some draino or something? I gotta admit... you are a poop-master. This thing is clogging even after flushing again and using the plunger.
Sorry dad. But calling a plumber would be really embarrassing. Maybe the drainio will do it?
Eh, I understand. But trust me. He’s seen way worse, I’m sure.
We can try that draino stuff first. And if that doesn’t work, we’ll call a plumber, okay? That okay with you?
Okay pops. Let's try the draino.
Bob gets the draino from the cabinet underneath the sink and opens the container, pouring around 1/3 of the bottle into the toilet
There you go, son. Give it five minutes and give it another shot.
I gotta tell you... I respect and fear your pooping power.
Maybe that's my secret second power. Don't you poop big dad? Your superpower is super strength after all?
Oh yeah, I've definitely had my shares of super poops, especially after a good meal out, or a really unhealthy lunch. But I don't think anything's matched up to your super poops... you're on another level. I am both impressed and fearful.
lets just hope this doesn't become a regular thing. Did the draino work?
Only time will tell…
Bob checks the toilet
Wow. I'll tell you what, that did the trick. The toilet is completely drained. That... that was impressive. Are you... is there anymore? Are you all done now?
No pops, I pray that that was it. I feel really empty tough. I feel almost hungry
Well, good. I think we should be all set now. Now how about we celebrate your victory... with some ice cream! I think you might have earned something sweet... don't you think?
YEAHHH. Damn, maybe I should destroy the can more often to be rewarded some ice cream huh?
Hahaha! Don't get any ideas, buckaroo.No, you got ice cream today because you persevered and pushed hard, and I'm proud of you for doing that. And I wanted to reward you. So, pick your ice cream, big fella. What do you want?
I want mint chocolate
Excellent choice!
Bob gets mint chocolate from the fridge
Mint chocolate is my favorite too.
Here you go, champ. You earned this.
Thanks dad, lets hope this doesnt kick off round 2
You and me both!I'm proud of you. You pushed hard... and I know it was pretty taxing... but you did it. You're a very special kid, you know that?
And you are a special dad. But I guess that means we are super
Bob gives Carl an "I see what you did there" kind of look
I like the way you think, kiddo. I guess we're super special! Maybe we are. But you know? You are something special too. I just wanted to make sure you knew that. You're my son, you know that? I love you very much, and I'm so proud of you.
Bob gives Carl a strong hug
heh, love ya too dad. But please don't squeeze too hard, I still have ghost pains.
Oops, sorry. How's the ice cream by the way?
Tastes great, a nice reward after all of this
Dash lets out a booming fart
Ok mister, that's enough. No farting while we’re eating
yes sir, I promise
Dash secretly crossed his fingers as they continued to enjoy their ice cream
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scientia-rex · 11 months
Project Prune Purée continues. I have yet to have another horrendous bout of constipation, but then, we’re only on like day 4.
Common triggers for constipation: travel, opioids, not enough fiber (this should probably take like the top 5 spots), not enough food mass period, anticholinergic medications, being over 40.
Common problems associated with constipation: pain with bowel movements, straining on bowel movements causing high pressures in the hemorrhoidal venous columns that can blow out the valves and cause internal (bleeding) or external (itching) symptomatic hemorrhoids, or fissures (painful, sometimes bleeding split in the anal tissue). Over time, these can get worse.
Scariest complication of constipation: bowel obstruction. This can be fatal. Pretty common in my patients over 80 but possible in younger patients, especially those with a history of repeated abdominal surgeries, which lead to adhesions where bowel can hang up and twist.
Common myths about constipation: it’s dehydration! It’s not. The reason constipation poops are so dry is that the small intestine absorbs nutrients and the large intestine resorbs water. If stool hangs out longer in the larger intestine, it just keeps sucking out more and more water until you end up with hard, dry stools that are even more difficult to move. Neither drinking water nor chugging oil will help. Allegedly. One of my med school professors was like “you cannot drink enough oil to cause your bowels to move” and I threatened to, but did not, accept his challenge.
So eat more fiber—veggies and fruits are great sources, as are whole grains—and/or accept your terrible dietary habits and take a supplement like Metamucil or Miralax or prunes. Don’t take stimulant laxatives like senna or Dulcolax (bisacodyl) daily; your intestinal nerves get used to them and then you get rebound constipation when you stop. And if you poop blood, or black, tarry stools, or maroon stools, see your doctor. Tumblr’s demographic skews pretty young for colon cancer (far more common after age 50) but I did have a young man who was only 26 with bowel cancer once, and they had to put his stoma for his colostomy right into a very beautiful tattoo.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 7 months
The current dosage of my ADHD med is fucking perfect. My head is quiet, I'm able to just get up and do stuff, and hyperfocus isn't an issue now.
I do have one very serious issue though: constipation. One of the side effects is dehydration. That leads to my guts sucking all the moisture outta my waste, and that makes bowel movements extremely difficult right now.
I'm eating lots of oatmeal, be it a hot bowl or a snack bar. Oatmeal gives me diarrhea. Even the gluten-free stuff. Apparently, it's very common for celiac folks to have this reaction. Sooooo it's been breakfast and a snack everyday. I think this is about the only reason I'm able to have bowel movements at all...and I'm still constipated af.
Today, I added Metamucil. This stuff has done wonders for me in the past, but I have to time it carefully due to how it works. Look that up for yourself. I'm really hoping, with oatmeal and a variety of different teas (I drink more of this than I do plain water, I won't be so damn constipated.
Before suggest probiotics or yogurt: I can't have cow dairy or my eczema flares tf up. Non-dairy stuff is expensive btw. Oh, and the upplements tend to be very fucking tricky with regards to actual ingredients. Stool softeners don't help because it's a dehydration issue. Nah, just a bunch of fiber.
Tomorrow, my husband is buying a bunch of plums for me. Prunes are dried plums, and prunes are gross.
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ovaruling · 1 year
prunes are sooooooo delicious i literally cannot will not understand the propagandized prune hate. like ok definitely don’t eat this delicious chewy candy and be constipated forever i guess idk? ageist misogyny kills every joy and healthy effort on earth i stg
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contentment-of-cats · 2 years
Ileostomy closure: One month out
Well. It's been a month. Putting the details below the cut.
If you're expecting your closure to be easier than the initial operation, get ready because no. First, you are still going to have a HOLE IN YOUR BODY. The ileostomy opening has to heal from the bottom up, That takes six to eight weeks for it to properly close. In that time, it's going to f*cking hurt. If you don't have a wound care nurse, here's what you need to do.
Shower with a waterproof dressing cover in place.
Remove the tape with adhesive remover pads and clean the area around the hole. You can use the same peristoma cleaning wipes that I used before and after closure.
Rinse the hole with sterile saline wound wash.
Place a 2x2 gauze pad over the wound and use surgical tape to keep it in place.
Infection doesn't always smell or look oozy and gross. Mine started with worsening pain at the site, hardness, and heat. If your wound starts to feel worse instead of better, get to the ER.
Now, the reversal isn't the only thing you're going to have to deal with. Your intestines have been offline, and I also had a resection which was then closed off to heal. I did not poop in the conventional manner for three months.
Get ready for the smell. It's fucking horrible.
You'll also have a gastrograffin xray before your surgery. It's beyond horrible and punted me back into CPTSD therapy - flashbacks are no fun.
You will not be discharged until you poop. You'll be on liquids, then soft foods, and if they have to help it along, they will. Conversely, if you're having diarrhea, they're not going to intervene too much. Constipation is what they're afraid of, and the strain on the surgical site. Getting home is going to be stressful.
For me, since I am missing intestines and rectum, it's been challenging. First, I have to rebuild my gut biome. Secondly, pooping feels very different. With the resection, there's urgency but I am learning the signals that I'd better get to the loo. Constipation has been on and off, and I've learned to handle it with docusate sodium, Citrucel, and prune juice. Your doc might have you on a low-residue diet for the first two weeks, so get that prune juice.
Yes, it does really work.
Getting your shit together can be painful because of reconfigured innards. You no longer have a capacious rectal cavity to hold the output, so you could find yourself pooping not two or three times a day, but eight to ten times per day. Your new resection has to stretch to be able to reduce the number of times you'll go. You'll need to rebuild motility and your gut biome.
Stay hydrated. Not just water and juice, but something like Ultima Replenisher will help. Soups and broths, too.
Prebiotics - you can add inulin powder to kefir, yogurt, skyr, or whatever probiotic rich food you're eating. Fermented foods can also be on the list.
Walk as much as you can, it keeps things moving.
So far, I have not had any continence issues, urgency is pretty common, but I have been doing pelvic floor exercises pretty faithfully, and that can help.
More when I can think of it.
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dearly-deleted · 2 years
Laxative tips
So, as you've probably already learned, constipation can come with the territory. It can be uncomfortable and lead to hemorrhoids and VERY painful bowel movements.
Obviously, the fiber in produce is good, but if that no longer does the trick, I would think about the following options. I am not a doctor, these are just my experiences. Some laxatives are contraindicated with certain medical conditions and medications.
Try not to eat much before laxative day, since this can cause diarrhea. Make sure you're drinking enough – once your bowel movement starts, you can start losing water and electrolytes fast. I prefer Pedialyte because it has less sugar than sports drinks, but honey and a bit of salt mixed into warm water will do. Sip slowly and use a hot water bottle on your abdomen. I use acetaminophen if the pain persists.
1. Sorbitol, psyllium, polydextrose, propylene glycol, methycellulose, or docusate sodium. These are all osmotic laxatives, meaning they draw water into your colon. This "bulks up" the stool and makes it easier to pass. I consider this my first option after coffee and tea, because they can be as cheap as pitted prunes (my go-to), and can prevent diarrhea when done right. With prunes, I start with 1-2, wait a few hours, and have a couple more if nothing happens.
These laxatives are not instant relief (unless you take a large amount, which you shouldn't). Go slow, in small amounts. It is okay to start with an amount that is smaller than what the label instructs, you can always increase gradually. Better than getting hit with pain and diarrhea.
2. Mineral oil. This is a lubricant laxative. Your digestive system secretes mucus to make waste easier to pass, but sometimes adding a little extra is what's needed. I don't have any experience with this one, so I can't offer any tips.
3. Bisacodyl and sennosides. These are the LAST RESORT. They are NOT osmotic. Stimulant laxatives cause contractions in the intestines, and once the contractions start, they can be difficult to stop unless you have loperamide (an OTC medication that can halt diarrhea).
I really really really do not recommend stimulant laxatives. They can make bowel movements painful and endless.
I hope this is helpful. Remember that laxatives can be habit-forming, so try not to use them unless you absolutely have to. Otherwise you can develop a tolerance that means you have to use the laxatives more frequently and/or in greater doses to achieve the same effect. Not desirable.
Stay safe, lovelies. 🦋
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scoops-aboy86 · 6 days
So I broke my wrist while our youngest dog is in heat and we’re moving tomorrow and also my period started and I can’t open the pill bottles my anxiety meds are in which makes me anxious and also my parents are coming to help with the move which is helpful but I can see the “didn’t want to do this” tattooed on my dad’s forehead from a whole state away and THEN I have SURGERY on Tuesday which is a four hour drive away from the new house so my partner can’t come, my mom is staying longer to take me instead because we have two dogs and five cats and my mom also fell recently and is skipping her own PT to be here so she can’t handle all of that and holy fuck I broke my wrist so bad they’re installing PINS and a PLATE to fix it
*long breath for air*
And last night I had a panic attack because my thumb and forefinger looked dark and those fingertips were partially numb so I called and woke up my mom and called and woke up my doctor and everyone said would be fine but no one could say why or what it might be instead so I just sat with my arm pointing straight up for half an hour and then slept like shit and now it’s back to regularly scheduled just hurting and I’m so fucking done with everything that I haven’t bothered to enunciate shit even before I took my half dose of painkillers for the morning
*slightly shorter long breath for air*
Anyway I guess it’s time to go back to inflicting my pain on Steve Harrington in an attempt to make myself feel better while I eat dried prunes (instead of drinking prune juice because the fucking fridge is still so wedged into the wall that no one can fix it) in an attempt to be less constipated, thanks opiates!!
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andstilliam · 14 days
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my breakfast is too cute not to post :)
calories: 281
matcha latte ingredients:
-2 tsp matcha
-1 cup vanilla almond milk
-1/4 tsp each of cinnamon, ginger and turmeric
-several drops of chlorophyll
-1 tsp of omega 3 fish oil
-frozen strawberries
i'm on a berry kick lately because i just bought nature's path summer berries granola and there's 20g in my silk coconut (vanilla flavoured) yogurt. i was going to try dairy yogurt because i miss yogurt and oats so much but funny story, i could only find the non dairy kind so i figured that was a sign. and i decided to get granola instead of both granola and oats because obviously granola is made of oats and i'm trying to keep it to a minimum so i don't upset my stomach. i decided i'll get quaker maple brown sugar oatmeal when i'm done this pack of granola.
I am not doing omad anymore for a few reasons. 1) i don't want to trigger my BN (which I'm 3 years free as of next month!!!) with food scarcity. 2) i can't stand the idea of being hungry and shoving food in my mouth after everything i've been through with it. i just physically can't do that anymore. 3) my digestion is better eating scarily little. I mean seriously, i had 2 bms 2 days in a row with no help! i did take prune juice the other day which was awful. all the constipation remedies irritate me heavily and make me miserable. i get way too gassy and my most unproductive days come from trying to help rid constipation. it seems i'll need some kind of remedy every now and then but for some reason eating under 600 calories (aside from candy teehee) and basically burning it all off is doing wonders for my digestion at the moment than eating one meal a day for that amount. it's actually quite terrible. i am doing really well for restricting this low. i'm brushing my teeth x2 a day every single day, i'm showering daily, i'm sleeping well for the most part, even if the duration is short, the quality of sleep has been up according to my Garmin.
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