papirouge · 2 years
my toxic trait is that the idea of going to an OB-GYN freaks me out and I'd rather die than spread my legs before a health professional 💀
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beesinspades · 8 months
very happy to be a little over two months on T but boi despite no changes the hormonal mess it's causing has been taking me on a RIDE and next time is my first shot by myself i totally expect to either chicken out or suck it up and feel sick af afterwards
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thecarebuddy · 11 months
  Bone & Joints checkup packages in Indore | Carebuddy Diagnostics Center
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Choose one of our specialized bone and joint checkup packages in Indore to proactively care for your bones and joints. Don't wait for issues to arise – take charge of your musculoskeletal health and experience the expert care we provide. Your bone and joint health deserve the utmost attention and specialized care. For more information Call now: +917489902258, +917489902250
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elisysd · 1 year
Timeless - Taylor Swift
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Masterlist- Previously - Next Chapter
I'm gonna love you when our hair is turning gray We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we made And you'll say "Oh my" We really were timeless
Being pregnant and not being able to tell anyone was actually painful to Lyanna. She couldn’t say anything to her family because she had read somewhere that it was better to wait until the end of the first semester, and she had not said it to Charles yet. It was not something to be told through the phone and since she would not see him before Abu Dhabi, it made everything harder. She did not expect how stressful it would be to go to her first echography on her own. Especially when her doctor told her that given her medical background, her pregnancy could become risky if it was not monitored carefully. That day, she came back home crying and feeling guilty. Her baby was not even born yet that she was already putting them in danger.
She looked at the ultrasound that her doctor gave her when Lyanna asked if it was possible to have one, as a memory, and let a tear fall on her cheek. At the moment, she considered calling Charles and tell him but she had to be strong. She knew how she wanted to tell him and her in her PJs, crying was definitely not it. She took a deep breath to calm her down and tried to think about positive things.
Finally, Las Vegas Grand Prix arrived. It was late at night and Lyanna had a hard time keeping he eyes open. She wanted to sleep so badly but she promised herself that she would watch every single races, for Charles. But being up at 3am was definitely tough. She deserved a medal. It was commitment at its finest. She just hoped the race would not be boring. Charles was starting P2, right behind Max. It was not the first time but still, Lyanna could not help but feel tense since she knew that every time those two were battling hard to keep their positions or overtake. They always pushed to the limits and sometimes were a bit too careless for her liking. A chamomile tea in her hands, a blanket around her frame and she was ready.
Everything started as expected, Max keeping the pole position despite Charles best attempt to overtake him at the first corner. But both drivers had an excellent start, making things harder to battle right at the beginning. It was a city track, something Charles loved but Lyanna knew that it was even harder to overtake on them and if Charles wanted to win, he had to take risks. Lyanna only hoped it would not be too much risks.
Everything went well for the first part of the race, Charles and Max still fighting with Charles only one second away from Max. Behind them, there were Pierre and Lewis, fighting together and unknowingly making things easier for Charles as he didn’t have to control what was happening behind him and could fully focus on the Red Bull. And then, mid-race was already there. On the radio, Lyanna could hear Xavi telling Charles to push and give his all, that it was now or never. And he did. Too much. His front wing collided with Max as Charles was attacking and Max was trying to defend. Both of them didn’t want to give up the fight. And what was supposed to happen, ended up happening. Both cars spun out of the track and ended up full force in the wall. Smoke could be seen coming from the cars and the Ferrari was nose first in the wall. Carbon debris were flying out and on the track could be seen the marks of the tyres going off the road. It was a big crash and Lyanna couldn’t help but scream as she watched the images playing in front of her. It looked horribly like Austin, a year ago. The broadcast flipped the image to the garage as the red flag was appearing. Lyanna felt like she was suffocating. It couldn’t happen. Not again. Not now. Not when when she was an ocean away with no possibility to intervene. Minutes passed and felt like hours when finally she saw a glimpse of a red racing suit coming out of the car, looking disgusted and angry. Lyanna let a small laugh of relief escaped her. He was okay. He was coming back home to her.
A few minutes later, she received a call from Charles.
“Charles! Thank God, I was so worried.”
“I’m okay but Max won’t be, I’m gonna break his bones after the shit that he pulled! Have you seen that? I pushed him and he pushed me back! That was unfair!”
“Calm down, Charles. It was just an incident on the race. I was freaking scared though.”
“I know. But I’m okay, I promise. I have to go, the race will restart soon. You can go to sleep if you want, I know you haven’t slept well recently.”
“Yeah… I didn’t feel good but I went to the doctor and he gave me vitamins. I’m better now.”
“I’m glad to hear that. I know I haven’t been home much lately but it’s just a few weeks more and then I’m all yours and yours only.”
Lyanna smiled at the thought that he was not just hers anymore. She was dying to tell him but she stayed strong. She told him she missed him and that she loved him and they hung up. despite Charles telling her to go back to bed, she stayed in front of the TV to watch the last part of the race, happy when the cameras were showing Charles but even happier when she was Pierre winning the Grand Prix in the most unexpected way. A few laps ago, a puncture made Lewis drop a few positions and made him unable to come back on top, letting Pierre and Alpine take the win. Lyanna was so happy for the Frenchman and texted quickly Kika that was there to tell her to say congrats to Pierre for her. She also knew that seeing his best friend winning would appease Charles ‘ anger and he would actually be happy for him.
The following days were no fun for Lyanna, just like her doctor had told her she was started to experience her first morning sicknesses and she was absolutely hating every moment. She could not even go out for a walk in the morning without wanting to throw up every time she was passing by a bakery and could smell the fresh scent of the pastries. And it was even harder to hide her pregnancy to Pascale that visited her one day, to make sure she was okay. Lyanna suspected Charles to have sent in his mom on a mission.
“I brought you groceries with every thing that is good for someone who has a tendency to have anaemia. And I bought you sweets as well because everyone need sweets.”
“You didn’t need to, Pascale, but thanks. How worried is he about me? Because I’m sure that if you are here it’s because of him.”
“You can’t blame him Lyanna. And I’m worried too, you’re like a daughter to me. You would tell him if it was serious?”
“Of course I would, but I assure you it’s not. I’m fine. Just need to rest, that’s all the doctor said. And that’s what I do.”
“Charles would understand if you couldn’t attend Abu Dhabi…”
“It’s out of the question. It’s equally important for me to be there that for him to win the championship.”
“You’re more important to him than a trophy Lyanna.”
“I know, but believe me Pascale I can’t miss this race. I really can’t.”
Finally, it was time for Abu Dhabi. Lyanna arrived on Wednesday in late afternoon and headed for the hotel. On her way out of the airport, she didn’t expect to come across some fans that noticed her immediately and rushed to her. They were a dozen and must have seen the Instagram stories she had posted at the Nice airport and checked the flight she was in to get her at the arrival. Everyone wanted pictures with her and give her gifts for Charles. The noise and the exhaustion made her head spun. She closed her eyes a brief moment to try to get back her composure but it was too overwhelming. Fortunately, someone ask the crowd to make way for her and a firm hand took her by the arms, as she felt her suitcase being lifted up. When she opened her eyes, they encountered Joris’.
“I’ve never been this happy to see you!” she sighed as soon as they were away and in the taxi.
“Charles asked me to come. The atmosphere is really weird around him, everyone wants to talk to him, have a picture, an autograph, anything really. It’s worse than the usual, I mean. And it happens to the people around him as well. You don’t imagine how many girls numbers I got since we’ve arrived this morning.”
“How is Charles?”
“Stressed out. An ass with the people around him. I’m glad you’re here, he’ll be a little bit easier to handle.”
As soon as she got to their share room with Charles she went straight to the shower. The hot water relaxed her body a little and she felt a lot more comfortable. Charles was not back yet, he had a meeting with his team as Joris had told her. She laid on the bed and enjoyed the last peaceful moments she could get before the Grand Prix. She woke up an hour or so later as she heard the door closing and Charles whistling. She got up as fast as a lightning bolt and rushed to his side before jumping in his arms. Charles only had time to prepare himself and intercepted her just in time. He laughed a little as she buried her head in his neck.
“Oh God, I missed you” she said.
“My name is Charles, not God.” he joked as she slapped his chest.
“Haha, smartass.”
“I missed you too. So, so much.” He planted a kiss on her forehead before bending to capture her lips.
The following days, Lyanna experienced firsthand what Joris told her. Everywhere they were going, people were following them, screaming their names. It was overwhelming, both for her and Charles. Fortunately, the paddock was a little bit quieter, a thought that Lyanna had never imagined to have.
Charles had press duties for the rest of the day, so she was free to do whatever pleased her, as long as she was staying inside the Ferrari hospitality or didn’t leave it alone. Joris was appointed to her, something that Charles made nonnegotiable.
“Sometimes, I feel like you are my babysitter.” She grumbled.
“Sometimes, I do feel like your babysitter.” He told her, nodding his head as he was giving her a cup of tea.
“This year went by so fast. I can’t believe that it’s almost over, that it’s the final race.”
“That, after all he has been going through, he finally made it. He will be world champion. With Ferrari.”
“How much do you think his life will change?”
“Well, for starter is going to have a street named after him in Maranello. And he will be a legend Lyanna. It’s one thing to win a world championship in F1, it’s already making you special. But winning with Ferrari, it’s a whole other level. You don’t remember every single drivers that won a championship, but for some reasons, you remember forever the ones that won with Ferrari. And after all this time, after all the shit Ferrari has been through, it makes it even more special. Il predestinato.”
“He will always be my Charles for me, no matter what.”
Sunday came very quickly without Lyanna seeing much of Charles. And it was probably better this way, every time she was alone with him she was worried of revealing her pregnancy accidentally. They arrived early in the paddock that day, before the crowd began to get big. Charles was focused in a way he rarely was. In his bubble, like he already had his eyes on the prize. Nothing Lyanna could say seemed to make him react. It was two hours before the start that she finally got some alone time with him, in the privacy of his driver’s room. He was changing into his racing suit as Lyanna was watching him intently.
“It’s going to be okay.” he repeated to himself.
“Do you need help with something?” asked Lyanna as he was fidgeting with his bracelets.
“Can you, maybe help me with them?” he shyly told her shaking his wrist.
Lyanna got up and took his hand in hers and proceeded to remove the bracelets carefully, taking her time to let her fingers wanders on his wrist and making Charles shivers. He was shaking. It was not noticeable from afar but being up close she could feel him. She put all of them in a plastic bag but the horse one that she put on her own wrist. Charles deeply looked at it, his hand still in Lyanna’s.
“I’m so grateful that you’re here. I needed you. I didn’t want to admit it, I thought I would be okay with the thought of not having you but I was wrong. I really, really need you.”
She put her other hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her in the eyes.
“I’l always be here for you, no matter what. Even if I’m halfway across the world, my heart is with you. Wherever you go, I go. Whenever you fall, I fall. Whenever you rise, I rise. It’s us and the rest of the world.”
Charles smiled, oblivious to the fact that the ‘us’ had a deeper meaning than simply Lyanna and him. He put his arms around her and pulled her against him, his chin of the top of her head and closed his eyes.This was it. It was time for him to shine. One last kiss to her and he headed for the garage, his fingers linked to Lyanna’s.
He started on pole and Lyanna knew that there was nothing on this day that would stop him from crossing the finish line first. It was as if all the grid knew it too. There were no battles in front, Max let Charles took the lead and then it was it. No one in front of him, Max almost 12 seconds behind. The race flew fast and soon there were only five laps remaining. As Lyanna was watching the screen, her legs bouncing from the stress and anticipation, someone from the pitwall came to her.
“Fred is asking for you. He wants you to be the first person Charles will hear on the radio after his win.”
Lya’s vision was blurry from emotion and she nodded following on shaking legs the man. Fred smiled at her and she could swear that he also was about to cry. He gave her his headset as Charles was starting his final lap. Under the screams of the crowd and the joy in the garage he finally crossed the line as the checkered flag was being waved. Lyanna could not believe it. Fred as well. He looked at Lyanna and mouthed a ‘ready’ before pressing Charles’ radio button.
“Fred, we did it. We fucking did it.” She could hear his emotion. He was not crying but she knew that we was trying to control himself.
“Charles Leclerc, you’re a World Champion. Congratulations. I’m so, so proud of you. We are all so proud.”
She was trying to not say too much, knowing that the conversation was witnessed by million of people around the world.
“Lyanna?” and it was enough for him to break down. She could hear him cry over the radio and it was the final blow as the tears escaped her eyes without her being able to stop them.
As soon as he stepped out of his car he rushed to his team. he wanted to be with them but his eyes were frantically searching for Lyanna and Fred. When he finally found them, together, he ran and the full force of his body colliding into them, almost made Lyanna stumble but his firm hand on her back prevented it. One arm around her, the other around Fred he let all the pressure of the last few months wash off.
“Your dad and Jules are so proud, Charles. They are watching you and they are so proud.” told him Fred.
“It’s for them. All of that is for them.”
Finally back at the hotel, many hours after the end of the race and the celebrations with the team , they were both exhausted.
“Finally alone.” whispered Charles as he was putting a sweater and Lyanna was removing her shoes.
He looked at her with a sleepy smile.
“I need to give you something. It’s a gift.”
She went to her suitcase and pulled out a box wrapped in red.
“My love, you didn’t need too.”
She shrugged and sat on the bed, taking his hand and inviting him to do the same. He unwrapped the gift and open the box. Inside, there was a baby onesie that Lyanna had been made by a stylist she trusted and knew well. It was a red one with the Ferrari logo. In the middle on capital letters, we could read ‘my daddy is a world champion’ and in the back a huge horse was embroided. Charles took it in his hands and put it in front of him, trying to process what Lyanna was telling him. When he finally looked at her, tears in his eyes, mirroring her own and whispered.
“You’re pregnant?”
She nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence.
“I’m going to be a dad. For real? Like, is it really? Are you sure?”
“I learned it a few weeks ago. Here, this is the ultrasound.” She took it as it was stuck between two wrapping papers.
Charles eyes were glued to the picture trying to memorise it. Finally, he looked back at Lyanna and without thinking took both of her hands and knelt down in front of her.
“Marry me.”
“What? What do you mean, marry you? Are you seriously proposing?”
“I’m deadly serious. I know I don’t have a ring and we are in a fucking hotel room in the middle of the night but I don’t care. Lyanna Michel, I fell in love with you a long time ago, you’re the best part of me and I can win all the world championship in the world, they don’t matter if you are not beside me. I want to good, the bad and the ugly with you. I want to wake up every morning happy to be calling you my wife. I want our big house and the big garden for the kids. I want to see you shine and win an Oscar and say that I’m your husband. I want it all. I want you. And i promise you that I’ll spend the rest of my life proving to you that you made the right choice with trusting me with your heart. Say yes. Choose us.”
“I was never going to say no in the first place. I choose you Charles Leclerc. It’s you, me and our baby. Forever and Always.”
author’s note: Well…. I’m not gonna lie, I don’t really know how to write the A/N. I’m really emotional knowing that it’s the last real chapter of Lyanna and Charles story. We still have the epilogue to tell them a proper goodbye. 💛 As usual, let me know your thoughts through the comments or ask box if your too shy. And don't forget to leave a like or reblog the story. It helps. And it lets me know that you like the story. taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13 @karmabyfernando @stargaryenx @pitlanebabe @boiohboii @reengard @shikshinkwon
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
A/N - Because I missed their little text-bickering. 🤯
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---------- 1 New Message ---------
Is it suppose to be a riddle?
Just wanted to be sure.
Well now you are. Then, again, WHAT THE HELL?!
Sweety, I know I'm super impressive and all, always know things that happened, are happening or are going to happen, but I'm not omniscient. And I'm not Galadriel, since she's an elf and everything. You'll have to be more precise.
Don't make me start about how it is just impossible for you to be Galadriel or we will never sleep tonight. Or the next. But you've made a good point. You're not intelligent enough to remember every little details of your day. So, let me enlighten you:
Thanks you very much TolkiED, I don't have the time to be nerdy with you tonight. Also, my limited brain works fortunately well enough to remember the code of your little bank account in the Gotham Central Bank. Or to find out any new code you would create in the future.
Concerning the clothes, well, what can I say. I bought a few, yeah. So what?
Stop playing stupid!
You can't have a child with him!
Wow. Super bold of you to make this statement, knowing Zstalkersz will read it later when he thinks I'm not looking.
I DON'T CARE! You can't be pregnant Y/N! And you can't be pregnant with HIS child!
You should be happy, you'll be a terrific gay uncle dear. As well as Oswald of course.
Don't bring him into this mess!
What happened to you?! Weren't you terrified of the simple idea of pregnancy? Gods! You cried like a river at the GCPD last time when you were late!
Btw how late are you?! You were supposed to bleed last week.
Are you following my cycle? Like, for real?
Of course I am!
I wanted to be sure to spot any sign in case you would be knocked up! And it failed! What did I miss?!
Decency, I would say.
Are you going to keep it?
Well, it's not really up to me to be honest.
What? Is he forcing you to keep it?!
Not really, Victor is pretty indifferent.
I'm scoffing right now, let me tell you! How is it he doesn't care when he was the co-maker of this upcoming disaster?!
Oh no. He was not.
Jim was.
I can't, phones aren't allowed during an echography, dear. Barb will kill me if she catches me texting or worse, chit-chatting with you. I'm not ready to die so soon.
She knows?! And let you live to text the tale?!
Why of course. It concerns her directly after all.
You did it on purpose.
You were especially vague about everything just to let me think you were the one being pregnant.
How dare you!
It was super fun. You were amazing darling, thank you so so much for this very good time.
I hate you.
Don't block me so fast. How long do you think it will take to Oswald to piece everything together?
Wanna play a little prank with me?
Gosh you're a piece of work woman.
Sent him a text.
Keep me updated.
I'm still mad.
You'll pay for this one.
You don't need to make me bleed.
Already have, last week.
You're disgusting. If not for the prank, I would have block you.
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alder-saan · 1 year
My reactions when I watched Flux Gourmet this afternoon:
/!\ spoil
/!\ It might not be in chronological order
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... Is that art?
I'm gonna kill Dr Glock
Poor turtle...
Why does he always have this fringe, I can't see his eyes and it stresses me!
*confused by the echography*
Hello mommy Jan
Wait... Is she hypnotizing him with her...
So it was just gluten intolerance?
WAIT! Are they... Cooking her?
Is he going to eat her?
Oh? She wasn't dead?
Why so much black around your eyes?
Wtf is this dress?
Oh... I actually like this dress...
This one looks gooooaaaaaaah, nevermind.
Flamingo hat? Really?
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friend: Here’s the echography!!!
me: I can see your organs.
friend: I knooooooow
me: They look nice. 
friend: They’re photogenic.
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ilbenmalpensanteus · 1 year
Here we go with an extra scene from A Series of (Un)Fortunate Misunderstandings, an ongoing work by @mixu and me!
You can read the fic in Ao3:
Day 4 // Promt: I’m happiest when I am with you
This Drabble overlaps with Day 27’s prompt: Fem!SasuNaru as well!
Enjoy ✨
Breathing in a quickened pulse
Lights turned off, Sasuke’s gaze zeroed on the screen beside Narumi’s bed. As soon as the small gray shadow shaped on the monitor, the blonde squeezed his fingers tightly.
Tsunade moved the echography device over Narumi’s belly smoothly, making her squirm with the cold liquid, “Your baby is fine. It seems to be growing up according to the timescale.” The medic stopped to type something on the keyboard, “And this is her heartbeat.”
The thumping sound affected Sasuke so much he found himself trying to steady his balance. Even when that was far from the first time they heard the quick, running pulse, witnessing the proof of the life they created made his entire being vibrate in exhilarating — and slightly nervous — happiness.
“Her?” Narumi’s cracking whisper shattered Sasuke’s thoughts — her words sinking into his mind slowly — and his eyes widened to focus on the screen all over again.
Narumi’s bottom lip trembling, her grip on Sasuke’s wrist tightened further.
“Yes, it’s quite evident.” Tsunade hummed, while clicking her nails on the screen, “This one is the umbilical cord,” Her hand moved slightly, “And here it’s where their penis should have been… if she was a boy.”
“Holy shit.” Sasuke’s imprecation made the older woman snort as Narumi tried to suppress — failing miserably — a sobbing gasp.
When she eventually faced him, though, Sasuke’s spent several seconds to turn, way to entranced in the sight of-
“Our daughter.”
His chest churning, Sasuke’s lungs filled with an emotion so intense, so violent, his vision blurred suddenly. Even when his eyes began to prickle, though, he couldn’t find in himself to stop shifting his gaze from Narumi’s to the small, grainy figures moving on the screen continuously.
Eventually, the blonde grinned, tears still streaming down her cheeks, and Sasuke’s own smile could all but widen in response.
He breathed in, taking in his — their — new reality.
This is what it means to finally be whole.
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verothexeno · 2 years
I guess health update? I just need to vent
so basically since the end of November I've been having those stomach/gut pains that just won't go away.
I've done some basic blood tests, radios+echographies and "everything's normal", yet the fucking pain is still there.
Went to see another doctor and now I have some other blood tests to do plus a stool test and I'm just....
I feel like I'm crumbling. It hurts. I've been crying so many days and weeks now. I was able to get the blood test to be scheduled this week (when it was first scheduled for next week....)
I just want to stop hurting. I just want to go back to normal and do my things. I can't concentrate, I feel so fucking tired and in pain. All I want for my freaking birthday next week is to be healthy. Is that so much to ask for....
fuck I hate my body. there's always something wrong with it.
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beesinspades · 7 months
I'm 3 months and 2 weeks on T now and I'm sooooo happy with it :D the first two months and then some were SLOW, so much so if it wasn't for one thing and the (temporary) side effects of the hormonal mess, I would've thought it wasn't working lol
but over the past month I've started really seeing changes!!
my voice started dropping, I can hear a difference with my voice pre-t!
I'm already growing facial hair on my neck and chin. at this rate I'll hopefully be one of the lucky ones with something decent before the end of my first year on T hehe
my belly is getting hairier
I think my face shape has started to change but that's harder to tell
so yeah I'm really happy because so far I'm getting nice changes and I haven't been plagued with being hungry, hot and horny. no mood changes either or anything. I don't feel any different from before T besides feeling more confident in my appearance. and I still have some palpitations when I lie down to go to bed in the evening and still in bed in the morning but I saw a cardiologist with echography and EKG and I'm good so it's likely the hormones. it was much worse before my third shot when we increased the dose.
also I don't know if it's related but before T I would get really nauseous (at the base of the neck rather than the stomach, idk how to explain it) at least once every three weeks or so, most of the time when I woke up in the morning and then it went away once I got up and went about my day. a week or so after I started T it got worse as in it started happening more frequently, at night too, and sometimes lasted throughout the day. then towards the end of the sixth week, before my third shot, it got so bad for like five days I thought I was gonna die hahaha but same as the palpitations improving, we did the third shot at full dose instead of half and the nausea disappeared. I haven't had a single instance of it since. so?¿?¿??? (both these things were already there before but probably made worse by a medication I started taking a little after going on T though. I stopped taking it as well)
I'm a liiittle anxious because "oh my god what if I'm doing a mistake" but I'm really looking forward to the next few months!!!
anyways, I did two shots by myself so far, the first one went perfectly well and the second one I felt like passing out but it was likely because I did it in the morning right out of my hot shower sjdkln I lied down for 20 minutes and then felt fine again.
also I got the results of my check-up blood test yesterday and my T levels have very nicely increased (I'm at like 55) and everything else is normal :3
but also WELP because besides my sister my family doesn't know. my mother hasn't called me in a month so odds that she'll notice something next time she calls me are not nonexistent and it's Not going to go well and I'm wholly unprepared for that conversation
next week I'm having lunch with my godmother whom I last saw on the day I started T, so that should be interesting too....she's always been supportive and nonjudgmental (to my face at least hahaha) but also given that she believes in the woke agenda I have no idea if HRT is going too far for her. wait and see :')
as for my dad, I'm frankly starting to wonder if he's just pretending not to have noticed anything. the voice I can get because he talks to me everyday so without a direct comparison it's not impossible that he hasn't noticed. but the facial hair??? I have way more than before and it's surprising he hasn't commented on it. anyway. either way the moment my mother knows he's probably gonna be made aware too.
anyway. excitement but also Fear
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thecarebuddy · 11 months
Cardiac Checkup Packages in Indore | Carebuddy Advanced Diagnostics Center
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Discover specialized cardiac checkup packages in Indore that offer expert evaluation and care to ensure the well-being of your heart. Our services are provided by experienced professionals dedicated to your cardiovascular health. Choose from a range of comprehensive packages designed to assess and maintain your heart's health.  For more information Call now: +917489902258, +917489902250
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I'm a little early to my appointment so while I'm killing time outside (definitely not because the already beginning panic attack will worsen x10 once I'm inside...... /s) I'll mention that I have no idea whether they'll give me my results right away. For my last MRI I had to wait 48hrs, while for the echography they gave them to me right away. The thing is, I don't know if the wait was due to the issue I had with my appointment being with the wrong doctor, or if it's the usual wait for MRIs. I hope they give them to me right away since the hospital isn't exactly next to my house....... But I have a suspicion the wait is an MRI thing
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damiemontclair · 2 years
So uh. About the last week. And last tuesday specifically. I know I don't owe anyone an explanation or anything but I kinda wanna talk about it so. Imma talk into the void of my blog today.
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tw: vet visit, animal injury, talk of animal death
We saw the vet last tuesday. It was a scheduled visit to check the progress of the stem cells. We were expecting good news, because the original prognosis was hopeful, and it had seemed like he was improving. What we got instead were some very bad echography results that were not what they should have been at 2&1/2 months after the accident (for those who don't know, he broke a tendon).
So, in light of these results, we were offered one last possible therapy, but the chances of success are very low. If this therapy fails, which we will know in 6-8 weeks, the vet has a moral and legal obligation to put our baby to sleep, as a horse with only 3 working legs cannot have a life worth living. The odds of the therapy succeeding are... Not very high.
So yeah. We got those news last Tuesday morning, and its been a rough week since, especially for my father, who will have to say goodbye to his friend of 15 years. We've come to terms with the fact that we probably only have 2 months left with him. We've gone through the first couple steps of grieving and its been... hard.
I know most people understand that losing a dog or a cat is like losing a member of your family, but so is losing a horse you've grown up with. I used to put him to pasture (is that the english phrase?) on sunny summer afternoons when I was a younger, and I'd lay there and read my newly acquired book (the store was on the way to the stable and he's the only one who knew quite how much of my lunch money was spent on books) while he was enjoying being outside & being his usual dumbass self. He is as much a member of our family as a dog would've been so this whole thing is. complicated. And difficult to accept. At least we've been given 2 months to process this, and cuddle him and feed him his favourite pears. But its still gonna be hard saying goodbye if it comes down to it.
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12romy · 1 year
I’m curious about two of you WIP
I already know your name
2. A twist of fate
Oh boy, those are big ones! Put under the cut because mention of Jules Bianchi for one and mpreg for the second so you've been warned!
1- The first one is actually one of my favourite, I am really excited to publish it but I only wrote 1/3 of it (1/3 being already 90k, help), and I'm a bit stuck at the moment... So I'll try to write a bit more before I start publishing it.
To make it easy, imagine 2019 Charles being teammate with Seb at redbull in 2010. Chaotic, right? Now add a bit (lot) of "Jules is alive but might not be for long if Charles can't save him"-related angst, hate sex, Brocedes being disgustingly in love, Micheal causing drama (beloved) and Jenson causing drama (derogatory), and Seb being the paddock whore. Yeah, I know, that's a lot 🤣
Anyway, I struggled to pick one moment but here's the snippet! Don't hesitate to ask more about this fic I'm litteraly dying to talk about it, and I'm struggling a bit rn...
Floppy blond hair, round cheeks, blue eyes, and fat lips wearing an annoying grin. Yeah, that was Sebastian Vettel. Of fucking course.
“Oh, you’re the new guy!” Vettel exclaimed, beaming. “You’re that Leclerc kid, right?”
In his former life, the first time Charles saw Sebastian properly – which meant not on TV or from afar – was at Jules’ funerals. Sebastian was carrying the coffin, and their eyes met for a second. They shared a second, there, of pure sorrow and sadness. They were both crying, yet Charles couldn’t help to find Sebastian beautiful in his grief, as much as he hated that expression on him. It had made him want to never see him this sad, this desperate.
As ridiculous as it sounded, he had felt some sort of connexion with the man ever since, even if they were never truly close. He had hoped they would become friends, once they were teammate at Ferrari. And now, it was all ruined. He’d never be friend with Vettel. He had to steal a championship from him, he didn’t have to time to make friends with him-
Oh, wait.
Actually, if Formula One had taught him anything, it was that it didn’t cost anything to be nice out of the tracks. Usually, people answered with the same kindness. He knew Vettel wasn’t one to play nice, but it didn’t cost anything to try, right? Might be best to get as many allies as he could, and if it meant manipulating Vettel a little… After all, if he didn’t play to the psychological war soon, he was going to lose before it even began. He had studied Vettel’s behaviour, on and off tracks. He knew he was one to ignore team orders, annoy his teammate as much as possible, and be cocky in every situation.
God, he was missing older Sebastian so much. He was more mature and responsible, and less reckless. In his mind, Charles thought him easier to beat because he was softer, but he never had the time to test that theory. This Vettel was not the same. All smiling and harmless in appearance, until he revealed his true nature. Just a technique to lure you into trusting him.
Charles put a smile on his face – pretty convincing, if he had a say in it, and extended a hand. “Charles Leclerc, yes, it’s so nice to meet you,” he said cheerfully.
Vettel shook his hand with an easy smile that had the ability to absolutely piss Charles off. It looked like the man didn’t see him as a threat at all.
“Nice to meet you too, Charles, I’m-”
“Please, I already know your name,” Charles couldn’t help but cut him. “You’re pretty famous already.”
“Wait until I get my first championship,” Vettel teased, winking.
“Not if I get it first,” Charles replied on a light tone, as if he couldn’t feel the tension behind the conversation, the threat. Don’t you dare be a problem to me, was what Vettel meant. Oh, but I will be, was what Charles answered.
2- Now, the second one has some tw because it has mpreg + pregnancy denial... Remember when Pierre needed an echography last season because he had a stomach ache or something? Well boom, he discovers he's 8 months pregnant and about to give birth, which explains the pain. Let's just say he ends up pretty traumatised and abandons the baby. He does give Pyry the name of the other father so he can warn him and it turns out to be.......... Lewissssss (obviously). So you have a fic with double pov alterning from Pierre dealing with his trauma and Lewis dealing with a baby.
I don't know exactly where I'm going with the romantic pairings, I don't know if I want Pierre and Lewis to end up together at the end... With the way it's going I'm afraid it's gonna end up with a polycule Lewis/Nico/Vivian and I don't know what to do with Pierre. If you want to talk about it I'm interested, I got a writer block with this one as well XD
Lewis didn’t sleep a wink that night. He dropped Roscoe to Angela at 5am and was on the plane less than an hour later. He took a taxi straight to the hospital and joined Pyry in the parking lot. They got inside through a back door and a nurse led him to a small nursery room.
“Go on, she’s in there,” Pyry told him gently. He stepped closer to the glass crib where he could only see a small bundle of blankets.
And there she was, in the middle of the bundle, sleeping peacefully.
“Oh my god,” he choked out, overwhelmed. The nurse beside him said something in Italian which Pyry translated. “You can hold her, if you want.”
“What?” Lewis shout-whispered, terrified. “No way, she’s so tiny, I’m gonna hurt her!”
“You won’t, the nurse will show you how to hold her right,” Pyry told him gently.
A first tear fell from his eyes the second she was secured in his arms, then if felt like he couldn’t stop crying. She was there, against his chest, warm and alive.
And when she opened her eyes for the first time, looking at him with bright curiosity, he came to a decision.
“What’s her name?” he asked, sobbing.
“She doesn’t have one...” Pyry said awkwardly.  “Maybe wait for the DNA test before naming her, though...”
“I don’t need to wait,” Lewis shook his head. “Whether or not she’s mine, I’ll raise her.”
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thebusylilbee · 2 years
I got an appointment for an echography for my injured shoulder on thursday and an appointment to discuss extracting my wisdom teeth with a stomatologist on friday -_-
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evergardenwall · 2 years
first trimester of senior year was certainly something. there were the art classes twice a week (which i had to attend until circa november-december), the stress pains that had my doctor giving me a note to get an echography because we weren't sure of the cause, online classes every other week, loneliness, having to do cover letters for parcoursup, stress, philosophy essays i never finished nor returned, the Sadness, stress again. and november 5th 2020 in the middle of all of this. what a time
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