#still likely doing a 24 hours test in a couple of months but yeah the four doctors and nurses who looked at me were not concerned at all
beesinspades · 8 months
very happy to be a little over two months on T but boi despite no changes the hormonal mess it's causing has been taking me on a RIDE and next time is my first shot by myself i totally expect to either chicken out or suck it up and feel sick af afterwards
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avatar-anna · 1 year
I was thinking you could do a “5 times y/n told Harry she was pregnant” for the young!dad series !! That would be so interesting especially since in the last piece you mentioned that Harry already had a feeling she was pregnant before she even told him
The Thing About Having Six Kids
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so i got this ask and a couple others that were kind of about the kids' birth/pregnancy a while ago, and went with five different instances about each kid in the youngdadrry universe. it's all surrounding their birth, finding out about pregnancies, etc. enjoy!
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader
(a text conversation between Harry and Y/n)
Y/n: i'm pregnant
(one day later)
Y/n: Harry?
Harry: Are you sure?
Y/n: i'm sure
Y/n: i have four different pregnancy tests to prove it
Harry: I don't know what to say.
Y/n: the 24 hours it took you to respond kind of told me that
Harry: I'm sorry about that. It's just...a lot
Y/n: it's fine i guess. at least you finally responded.
Harry: Did you think I wouldn't?
Y/n: honestly? yeah. it's not like we're married or in love or anything. you don't even live in the same country as me
Harry: What are you going to do?
Harry: I know but I wouldn't just like disappear on you
Harry: I was just shocked that's all
Y/n: idk. i'm still trying to figure out a way to tell my parents
Harry: Shit my parents!
Y/n: that's kinda where i'm at right now
Y/n: but i think i want to keep it
Y/n: the baby
Y/n: fuck that sounds crazy to say. i have physics homework due tomorrow but let me stop and make a life altering decision really quick about whether i want to have a baby or not
Harry: I'm sorry. You know...
Y/n: for getting me pregnant? knocking me up? putting a bun in the oven?
Harry: It seems too early to joke about this
Y/n: it's keeping me from freaking the fuck out at the moment
(ten minutes later)
Harry: I want to talk about this properly and figure this whole thing out but I have to go
Y/n: please don't feel obligated or anything. this was just a courtesy
Y/n: i don't expect anything from you. i get it if your management wants you to delete my number and never see me again. i just thought you should know.
Harry: What are you talking about?
Harry: Y/n?
3 missed calls from Him <3
"Let's have another baby."
Y/n was close to nodding off, so it was very possible that she was dreaming. She looked behind her. It was dark in the bedroom, but Harry was close enough that she could see him, could see that his head was propped on his elbow so he could look down at her.
"What did you say?" she asked, because she needed to be sure.
"I...I want another baby," he said, voice soft even though they were the only two people in the room. Simone was fast asleep in her own bedroom, tuckered out after a long day of playing at the park and eating ice cream and fingerpainting with Harry. Now that One Direction was officially on hiatus, it was just the three of them—Y/n, Harry, and Simone. Y/n thought it would take some getting used to, living a relatively normal life. But their little family actually fell into it quite easily.
Perhaps a little too easily.
"Say something."
Y/n hadn't realized she failed to respond, but to be fair, that was a pretty big bomb her husband just dropped. Her husband. They'd been married for a few months now, but it still felt surreal, which was probably why the idea of having another baby felt too far from reality to comprehend.
"I just...I don't know what to say," Y/n said honestly. "I—I'm not sure we're ready for that."
"We weren't ready the first time," Harry said when Y/n finally flipped on her other side to face him. This seemed like a conversation he really wanted to have, so she thought facing him would probably be best. "I just think this might be the time, you know? I don't have an insane schedule anymore, there's no more management to say that we can't, and I've always thought about giving Simone a sibling. Don't tell me you've never thought about it."
"I...I have," Y/n said.
She did think about more kids. As young as she and Harry were and as impossible as their relationship seemed at times, Y/n couldn't help but think about wanting more. She loved Harry, and she'd been loving these moments they'd been able to share as a proper family recently. Harry was right, if they wanted to have another baby, now would be the time.
"Tell me what you're thinking," he said as she felt more than saw his hand push some hair away from her face.
"What happens when you start working again?" Y/n asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I know you, H," she said. "And I love you. Everything about you. And one of the parts that make you who you are is the music. This...this little bubble we're in, I love it too, but I know you'll want to go back to it someday. And then you'll go on tour for ten months, and I'll be alone to raise two kids by myself for a majority of the year."
It was harsh, but she trusted him enough to take it. This was the thought that always held her back. Y/n thought about the possibility of expanding their family on more than one occasion, especially in recent weeks when things have been practically perfect. But the reality was that Harry would want to go back to work. She knew, maybe better than anyone, the desire he had to make his own music, to create and write in ways he couldn't while in the band. And perform. Harry loved to perform live. Y/n knew that this time spent with just their family was fleeting, and she cherished every minute of it, the same way she knew Harry did. It was only a matter of time before he went back to work, and she wasn't sure she could raise Simone and a newborn without him.
"That's...That's all over now," Harry said. When Y/n tried to protest, he continued on. "What I meant to say was, the ridiculous schedules, the strict rules about when we can and can't spend time together, the separate hotel rooms. Mama, things can be different now."
"But management—"
"I bought out my contract," he said. "I haven't really given it much thought in a while because I just want to be present with you and Simone, but I've got a few people in mind for new managers. People who will prioritize our family."
This was certainly news to Y/n. It was hard to talk about Harry's management or the harsh thumb they pinned him under, so oftentimes it was a topic they avoided. Hearing him say this now, knowing how much money it would've taken to buy out his contract...that was a huge deal. As far as she knew, the other boys were just sticking with it until the contracts were finished. But Harry went and did what Y/n didn't even think was possible.
"Our family," Y/n repeated, and for a moment, she could see it. The three of them becoming four. It was crazy to think about, to think so far ahead into the future, but Y/n wasn't scared by it.
"Let's have another baby," Harry said again.
Looking at him, Y/n's heart squeezed in her chest. He'd been growing his hair out for a while now, and it was long enough that it reached just passed his shoulders. She loved it, thought it made him look older, more mature. And okay, hot. And Simone loved it too. She loved braiding it and putting bows and flowers in it or just twisting it around her finger. His shoulders were broad and lean, though he'd put on a little muscle in his arms from doing handiwork around the house, something he claimed he loved to do even though Y/n had heard him curse from another room while he worked on his latest project.
She looked at his face, the one that looked so different yet so similar to the one she'd met when she was seventeen. She wondered what those teenagers would think of the people they'd become, of the things they'd seen and experienced.
She thought about it. The baby-to-be. It would have Harry's eyes and smile, her nose and hair color. If it was a girl, she could wear matching outfits with Simone, if it was a boy...Well, they could maybe still match. Y/n thought about all the baby clothes—the adorable little onesies and shoes and mittens to keep the baby from scratching their face while they slept. She didn't let herself think of the late nights and sore boobs and dirty diapers. In this moment, she just thought about all the good feelings, every perfect moment that could be.
"You promise things will be different? I can't—I can't do it alone," she said, needing to hear him say it again.
Harry didn't try to kiss her, he didn't put his hands on her waist or pull her to his chest—all tactics he would normally use to distract her. This conversation was too serious, too important, and she loved him all the more for understanding that.
"I promise, Y/n," he said, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. "I will never make you regret living this life with me."
"That's not what I—"
"I know, but I just...I needed to say it."
He needed to make that promise to her, to himself. Life had not been easy, and Y/n knew Harry blamed himself for a lot of the hardships they faced.
"I don't," she said, kissing their joined hands. "And I won't. Ever. "
Harry grinned, and Y/n could tell even in the dark that his gaze was a little watery. Still, he inched forward and said, "So...?"
Y/n leaned forward and kissed him, her leg slotting between his. "Let's have another baby."
Maeve and Jules
"I'm sorry, did you just say twins?"
"I did. I'm seeing two heartbeats here. See?" The doctor said, pointing at the monitor she'd been observing closely the last five minutes.
Y/n couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. It was one thing to be pregnant (again), but an entirely different one to be pregnant with twins. "That's—"
"Amazing," Harry breathed.
Y/n turned her head away from the monitor to look at her husband, whose eyes were glued to the screen with a look of wonder in them. As she'd begun to process her own feelings about housing not one but two babies in her belly for nine months, she hadn't really considered how he might feel about it.
Looking at him now, she could tell he was ecstatic.
Y/n was still panicking a little, but seeing the elation on Harry's face was comforting. She took his hand in hers and squeezed it hard, needing to feel the warmth of his palm to ground her.
"Hey," he said softly, bending down to kiss the top of her head. "This is a good thing. Unexpected, but good."
"I know," Y/n said, letting out a shaky breath. "I know it's just...a lot. I mean...twins?"
"Nothing we can't handle," Harry said, kissing her cheek.
His confidence was reassuring. Maybe he was freaking out on the inside and not letting it show for her sake, but Y/n felt better about the situation at hand and was ready to continue with the appointment.
To the doctor, she said, "Are they healthy?"
The doctor smiled warmly. "They are. It looks like one of them is about a week behind, but that's nothing to worry about."
"Really? They're twins. That doesn't seem possible," Harry said, his brow furrowing adorably.
"It's rare, but it is possible. Fraternal twins can be conceived as much as twenty-four days apart," the doctor said.
Y/n understood perhaps a split-second before Harry, but when he did, he turned as beet red as she felt. The doctor didn't seem to mind their embarrassment, though she'd probably seen all sorts of couples and situations. Y/n imagined there wasn't much that the doctor hadn't seen before.
The appointment wrapped up pretty quickly after that. Harry snuck out of the hospital through a separate door while Y/n set up her next appointment. She met him in the staff parking lot, where he was standing by the passenger door to help her in. Harry gave her a quick kiss before closing her in and walking around to the driver's side. As he drove, Y/n was thinking about a number of things—twice the amount of clothes, twice the amount of crying, twice the amount of diaper changes. She was excited at the prospect of having a baby. It was a conversation she and Harry had before they started trying, but the idea of twins was a lot to wrap her head around.
She looked at Harry, wanting to ask how he felt now that they were alone, but she stopped herself.
Harry had one hand on the steering wheel, the other covering a wide grin. He was blushing a little too, and Y/n couldn't help but ask what had him smiling like an idiot.
"I'm trying to figure out which times," he said.
"What do you mean which—Are you kidding? Which times we conceived the twins?"
"Aren't you curious?" Harry asked. "Twice, babe. I put a baby in you twice. I mean, one of them had to be when we were on the yacht, right? I always feel good after we have sex, but I feel like we really outdid ourselves there. Clearly."
Y/n just looked at her husband in shock. "You are..."
"What? It's cool!" Harry insisted, but he was laughing too. "And it takes the edge off a little. Come on, you try."
So he was more nervous than he was letting on. That was comforting in its own way too, but Y/n appreciated his attempts to lighten the mood. They could have a serious conversation later, but for now it was fun to just forget all of that. Just for a moment.
Y/n gave him a dry look, trying to appear like she wasn't impressed until she eventually rolled her eyes and smiled. "Mm...I agree with the yacht, and...when you came back from London."
"Really?" Harry asked, more curious than surprised.
"Yeah," Y/n said with a little sigh as she remembered the night in question. "That was a good night."
It was one of those rare occurrences where Simone was in her own bed and Collette managed to sleep for more than a couple hours. They'd spent the whole night catching up and giggling like idiots and kissing and enjoying the pleasure of being truly alone with each other. Y/n loved those moments with Harry, where everything was just so simple and easy and it was just them having a little fun. They definitely should've been catching up on sleep while they could, but neither of them wanted to, so they stayed up with tired smiles and slurred movements until they heard Collette's cries through the baby monitor.
"It was. We should do that again sometime," Harry said. Taking Y/n's hand, he kissed the tops of her knuckles.
"You just want to go for triplets," Y/n teased, even though she knew that wasn't what he meant.
"I'm not that crazy," he said, but his smile told her he was thinking about the possibility. Maybe just a little. "I'm excited for this."
"Yeah? What do you think? Boys? Girls? A boy and a girl?"
Harry shrugged. "Our track record would suggest girls, but..."
"You never know," Y/n finished for him.
"We have some pretty big news to share."
Once a month, the Styles family held a Zoom call with their friends and family who were scattered across the globe. Since lockdown began, there was a lot of adjusting—online school, not being able to go to the park to play, being at home all day. It was a lot for everyone, but Harry and Y/n did their best to make the adjustments smoother. And when they needed a break, they set up the monthly Zoom calls.
They were mostly just to catch up. Once all the children went to sleep, Harry and Y/n stayed up late talking to other adults about everything and nothing, maybe even played a different drinking game or two to round out the night before they went back to being parents. Tonight was a special night, though.
Multiple faces looked at Harry and Y/n expectantly through their computer screen. Both of them were sporting big smiles as Y/n leaned on Harry's side, one of his older sweatshirts covering her body and the almost imperceptible bump that was beginning to show now. Today was the first day she'd begun to show, and Harry nearly lost his mind with excitement. Finding out Y/n was pregnant had been somewhat of a surprise, but when she told him, he was over the moon. He's started to suspect, having recognized some of his wife's symptoms by now, but they'd been waiting for the right time to tell their families and friends, and tonight was the night.
"What's going on, darling?" Anne asked.
Neither Harry nor Y/n could barely contain their excitement, which probably gave away the news before they actually said anything. However, in their own eagerness to share the news, neither of them saw a few people on the call sporting knowing looks.
"We're having a baby!"
Cheers went all around as everyone congratulated the couple. Questions were asked about due dates and how far along they were and what they were going to do about the lockdown situation. Everything was just as Harry had hoped it would be.
And then things took an interesting turn.
"Who won?" Jeff asked.
"Won? What do you mean—"
"If my math is correct, which I'm pretty sure it is, I believe it goes to Gem," Sarah said, looking down at her phone. "She went with three and a half months. Glenne narrowly missed with three. No one had four so it goes to Gemma."
A collective groan went throughout the Zoom, leaving Harry and Y/n very confused.
"Did you place bets on us?" Y/n asked, sounding more astonished than offended.
"When lockdown became permanent, we knew it was a matter of when not if we would be getting the announcement," Jeff explained. "Someone has a physical copy of the pool somewhere."
"And all of you did this? Mum?" Harry said, brows raised higher than Y/n had ever seen them. When Anne nodded sheepishly, Y/n had to stifle a laugh. "So none of you were surprised?"
"I love you, dear, and I'm so so happy for you, but since you were seventeen, anytime you've come to me with big news, it's been about having a baby. For my own sanity, I've just come to expect it."
Harry looked down at Y/n, who was grinning behind her hand. For her husband's sake, her gaze softened as she reached up to kiss his cheek. "I mean, they have a point. Even you guessed it before I told you."
As the shock finally wore off, Harry smiled. He supposed it wasn't the worst thing in the world. So, he and Y/n were predictable, even though they hadn't really been trying this time around. They were in love and had a lot more time together currently. Things were finally back on track for them and their relationship troubles seemed behind them now. They were happy, and as long as his family was happy, some light teasing and bet placing seemed harmless.
He did pin everyone on the screen with a mock glare before moving on, though. "You guys made a whole pool. Really?"
"Yeah. Can you believe Jeff thought it would take eight months for you to get pregnant?"
"It was for the adjustment to lockdown period!"
"Eight months?"
And on and on it went. Harry just smiled and rested his hand over Y/n's belly, thinking about how much it would grow in just a few short weeks.
"I want Mommy!"
Harry sighed and pulled his only son into his lap, pushing the curls away from his face and wiping the tears from his cheeks. "I know you do, JuJu."
Harry and the kids were waiting to hear from Y/n's mother, but he hadn't gotten so much as a text. He was anxious, worried that something was wrong, but Julian's crying served as a good distraction for the time being.
Julian continued to cry, still not understanding why he couldn't see his mother when he'd become so used to seeing her everyday. Harry would've been with Y/n had it not been for the little boy's crying, and he made the split-second decision to stay home while Y/n delivered the baby with her mother as support. He'd never missed any of his children's births, but for this, he could stay behind.
"She'll be back soon, bubba, I promise," Harry said, kissing Julian's cheeks and holding him close. "Should we go play with your Lego set? I know you've been excited to build it. Maybe we can build something to show Mummy when she gets home."
Julian shook his head and continued to cry into Harry's neck. Realizing his son was content to be miserable, Harry didn't ask again. He sat with Jules for a while, holding the boy to his chest and running a hand through his hair until his sobs turned into sniffles, and the sniffles into long, slow breaths. He waited a few extra minutes before taking Julian up to his room and setting him on his bed, making sure to place his favorite stuffed animal in his arms before leaving him to sleep off his troubles. As he walked away, Harry sort of wished he could do the same.
Every birth had been different. When Y/n had Simone, it hadn't been extraordinarily long, but it was extraordinarily stressful due to their young age. Collette was a fairly quick birth, perhaps a little too quick, seeing as Y/n barely made it to a hospital bed before the baby started crowning. The twins came early, which was apparently common for twins, but that didn't make it any less surprising to Harry and Y/n, especially because Harry was at the grocery store and Y/n was at the park with Simone and Collette and a nanny who was also there had to call an ambulance. Even still, Geneva's birth was probably the scariest, only because of all the rules and regulations brought on by Covid. Y/n's mother quarantined for two weeks so she could stay at the house while Harry and Y/n went to the hospital, as Y/n could only have one person in the room with her.
And now a year later, they were doing it all over again. Harry had been confident that this birth would go off without a hitch, that everything would be just fine, but the lack of word from his wife or mother-in-law made him nervous.
Later that day, Harry was still waiting. He'd gotten a text from Y/n's mother, which let him know that Y/n still wasn't ready to push but that they were getting close. That was an hour ago, and Harry had to believe that it was all happening now.
And he was missing it.
He knew being here with the rest of his children was important. That they were worried about their mother and probably found Harry's presence comforting. He just wished they could all be there in the waiting room instead of at home and fifteen minutes from the hospital. The not-knowing was killing him, and he was pretty sure his kids could sense it.
Harry's eyes flicked to where Collette was standing in the doorway of his bedroom. She was in her pajamas, a shirt and matching pair of bottoms with her favorite cartoon on them. Harry had been pacing around his room, his phone gripped tightly in his hand as he waited for someone to call him, but seeing his second daughter standing there, squinting at the light from his bedside table lamp told him he was up a little later than normal.
"Hi, peanut. What are you doing out of bed?" he asked.
Collette shrugged, her hair catching the light. She wiped at her nose and stepped further into the room until she stood in front of him. "Mommy always braids my hair before I go to sleep."
"She does, doesn't she?" Harry agreed. "She's kind of the best, huh?"
Nodding, Collette turned toward his bed and climbed up on it, looking at him expectantly. Even after having four daughters, Harry wasn't an expert at braiding hair. The girls always went to Y/n before school, and she did each of their braids or ponytails or pigtails happily. Harry always made sure to watch with a keen eye, and practiced on Y/n when she let him. He supposed now it was time to put all his practice to work.
The braiding didn't take long, and Harry didn't do half bad, in his humble opinion. Collette was just going to sleep in it anyway, so he wasn't too bummed by the few loose strands that he'd somehow missed.
He'd finished rather quickly, though Collette didn't slide off the bed to go back to her room. In fact, she nestled under the covers on Y/n's side of the bed, mumbling, "Night Daddy," before falling asleep. Harry didn't really mind. It wasn't the first time one of the kids stayed in his and Y/n's bed, and tonight, he figured he could use some company.
What he wasn't expecting was all of his children to stumble into his room. First it was Maeve, then Jules, then Simone, and finally Harry went to get Geneva, just so it was a proper sleepover. No one fought for space—which was a first. All the kids just found their spot and went back to sleep as if they were in their own rooms. Harry resisted the urge to take a picture so as not to wake anyone up with the flash of his phone's camera.
He hadn't planned on falling asleep. One moment he'd been watching a football game with the volume off, and the next he was blinking his eyes open as the sun began to stream in through the curtains. All of his little ones were still fast asleep, though Harry knew that would change soon. Maeve and Simone woke up early to watch morning cartoons, and Geneva would want her bottle within the hour.
Harry began to shuffle around and prepare for the usual morning routine—brush teeth, ok prepare the bottle, make breakfast for the early risers—when his phone rang. Startled, Harry rushed over to where his phone was plugged in, a huge grin splitting his face when he realized it was a video call from Y/n.
"Hi," Harry whispered, careful not to wake anyone up. "How are you? How's the baby? Is everything—"
"I'm fine, H. Everything's fine. Everything's perfect," Y/n said, a sleepy smile on her face.
Hearing that helped his heart stop racing, but only a little, as excitement flooded his veins. Y/n called him, which could only mean that—
"Wanna meet your daughter?" Y/n said, and even through the phone, Harry could see tears line her eyes.
Harry nodded, too overwhelmed with love and anticipation to form words. Quickly, he found an unoccupied spot on his bed and carefully sat down.
Y/n passed the phone to her mother who angled the phone so that Harry could see the baby, whose face was just barely visible through a pink blanket. He immediately felt tears well in his eyes, his throat going dry as he looked down at his daughter. Even through the phone, he felt every emotion he'd ever experienced when meeting his children for the first time. It was the most unique experience, Harry always thought. He'd seen and done so much, yet he still thought there was nothing like looking down at his newborn baby for the first time.
"Is that baby sister?"
Harry looked behind him to find Julian peering over his shoulder. Jules looked at the sleeping baby curiously, taking in his sister's little nose and tiny fingers and pouted lips. Then, he said, "Is Mommy there too?"
The camera panned up to Y/n, who was smiling and blowing kisses to Julian. "Hi JuJu, my love. I've missed you!"
"Mommy's home?"
Now everyone was up and crowding around Harry, taking turns talking to Y/n and baby sister, who had yet to be given a name. No one seemed to mind, though. If anything, they were more concerned about when Y/n and the baby would be coming home so they could have a party.
"Soon, my loves. The doctor wants me and the baby to stay one more night to make sure we're healthy. You think you can be good for Daddy?"
There was a chorus of yeses before everyone said their goodbyes, the novelty of a new baby sister wearing off when there were cartoons to be watched downstairs. Harry kept Y/n on the phone while he got Geneva's bottle ready, wanting to stay on the phone as long as possible.
"I know you must be tired," Harry said an hour later. He was in GiGi's nursery and watching her toddle around and play with her toys while talking to his wife.
"I'll hang up soon. I want you to get as much screen time as possible before I go," she said, turning the camera to where the baby was sleeping in the bassinet beside her hospital bed.
"Have you given her a name yet?" he asked.
Y/n shook her head. "I know we decided on one, but I wanted you to be with me when I said it for the first time."
"I love you," Harry said as his heart melted to mush.
"I love you too," Y/n said. She lifted the baby out of the bassinet, cradling her head with the expertise of someone who'd done it for years. Looking at Harry through the phone she said, "You wanna do the honors?"
Laughing out of pure bliss, he nodded. With all the tenderness and care he would've used if he'd been there in person, he said, "Welcome to this crazy, crazy world, Natalia Styles."
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nickgerlich · 7 months
Crisis Point
Corporate crises have been happening for as long as corporations have existed. It’s just that when they happen today, corporations are far more exposed and vulnerable. It’s not so much that they are intentionally being transparent. No, it’s because they are so visible.
We can thank social media and always-on, 24/7 news coverage from many sources. You can run, but you can’t hide.
Yesterday I recorded a forthcoming episode of BuffSpeak, the official podcast of the Engler College of Business. My guest was Dr. Kris Drumheller, with whom I have done many studies on crisis communication. We have had numerous journal articles and book chapters published on the subject. That episode will drop on 4th March.
We chatted for more than an hour, but could have easily gone on for two or three. This is a subject ripe for discussion, for examination and dissection. And while we may all learn a little bit more each time a company faces a crisis—often of their own doing, mind you—each week it seems there is another entrant into the sweepstakes to see who can fall into the biggest mess.
Of course, sometimes a crisis happens at no fault of the company. I summon what is probably the best text book example of how a company had a crisis served to it, and then responded so perfectly that it has stood the test of time as the model of how to do it right.
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That would be the Tylenol case of 1982. Johnson & Johnson, the manufacturer, was faced with the inconceivable: product tampering. An unknown person or persons in Chicago had laced Tylenol painkillers with cyanide. Seven people died, including a child. The poisonings were seemingly random across Chicagoland, but that was the geographic extent of the problem.
Keep in mind that there were no social media sites in 1982, only daily newspapers, the evening news, and a very young CNN still finding its rhythm. While citizens may have been waiting with bated breath for the latest headline, the emphasis was on “waiting.”
J&J then did the unprecedented: they pulled their own product nationwide, not just Chicago. Sales plummeted to absolute zero. But within months, Tylenol was back, this time in tamper-resistant packaging. You know. The kinds of screw caps that only make your headache worse when you really need to get a couple of painkillers.
But it was the right move, and we can thank J&J not just for packaging innovation (or curse them—your call), but also focusing on the main issue: consumer safety. They weren’t worried about their own well being; no, they were willing to absorb a lot of red ink while they searched for a solution to the problem, one that any other company could have been victimized over.
A killer was never found, although one person was arrested for trying to extort $1 million from J&J. This person spent 12 years in prison, but could not be tied to the killings. He was just an opportunist. And as soon as Tylenol returned to shelves, sales took off, the general public comfortable and assured that they were safe once more.
Yeah. You can’t get better than that.Skip forward 40 years or so, and we have the crisis of the week playing out on social media and the news. But things are different now. Whereas sales after a crisis typically formed a “Crisis U” shape on the graph, in which sales drop but then rebound, they are now increasingly likely to be the “Crisis L,” as detailed in a recent Harvard Business Review article.
That’s another way of saying that sales go off a cliff, and then eventually settle in at a new normal much lower than before. Worse yet, in our highly polarized society, it is now not just possible, but also highly likely, that when companies do anything, they will offend about 50% of their customers. And when that happens, the victimized company can only brace themselves, while their competitors may reap unexpected benefits.
Which is exactly how Molson Coors contends its beer sales shot upward last year. Net sales were up 9.3%, due in large part—or so they contend—from the Bud Light crisis last April. We can certainly debate cause and effect all day long, but those beer sales had to go somewhere. And as we have noted earlier, a lot also went to Modelo, which, oddly enough, is also brewed by AB InBev.
The question is whether this change is sustainable. For that matter, should Molson Coors redirect marketing efforts to appeal to the more conservative Bud Light ex-pats? That would be dangerous, because then they would offend others. But then again, it would be nice to hang on to this sales bump.
These are rough times for companies, and there will be a new victim next week as sure as the sun rises in the east. And the week after. On and on, companies doing things that ruffle feathers and irritate sensibilities.
Oh, that corporate crises could be as straightforward as the one that Tylenol faced 42 years ago. J&J can almost thank their lucky stars that the crisis was not about them, but rather everyone and the safety of a nation. While the crises we see today typically have nothing to do with product safety, there is still much to be gleaned. Focus on the bigger issue. Always be concerned about the well-being of the consumer. Stick to your mission, pray for calmer waters, and hope that your sales chart is a U and not an L.
Be sure to give a listen to BuffSpeak soon. This is a good episode, and on a topic that every corporate employee needs to be cognizant of.
Dr “Hold Your Tongue” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
(VENT) Tw: Illness
Tw: Vomit
So I'll admit I was more than a little irritated last night (mainly due to absolute sh*t attitudes and horrid fan entitlement behavior, up to and including horrid treatment aimed at fans of different parts of the franchise that I've been seeing around Digi-Twit since Mille ep dropped literally every time I try to check for decent things, seriously is basic decency towards other bloggers and fans not even a THING there anymore???) but that ASIDE.
Hi yes I'm still actually hyper-thyroidism and yes it's a genuine condition I have DIAGNOSED for 10+ years that I've mentioned off and on my blog since Tri era. I've had this diagnosed before Tri even dropped; yes I medicated for it as long as possible and overall that's helped (which is why I rb a lot more about Aut!issues) but I still experience symptoms off and on at times even when medicating, especially when my levels fluctuate really suddenly (I've talked about that before TOO...)
Anyway I was trying to take tylenol for physical pain earlier (which may or may not be unrelated, really bad stiffness all over basically etc) and basically threw up almost immediately after (I had taken tylenol abt 4 hrs before) I'm usually great at keeping tylenol down and 4 hrs is usually when it's wearing off for me as of lately (it tends to wear off faster in recent years) but hahaaa either I took it too early this time or I may genuinely have a stomach virus (C.O.V.I.D??? Who knows but I'm NOT running fever, sense of smell is fine, no sinus issues or chest specific pain atm etc it was more all over elsewhere,,, temp's actually low including right after that happened and this is very average for me, I typically have low temp especially early in morning and at night as of recent last 10~ years since thyroid diagnosis and I have NO idea why, since I did get fevers off and on as a tiny kid, but well)
I'll take a test in the morning (fortunately we still have some of the free ones) but so far last couple times I tried one in past months it came back negative each time.
After this thing tonight happened I did start feeling a bit better (still some irritation), but this has been a chronic issue ongoing 12~24 hours now with off-and-on pain cycles so who knows how much longer this is gonna last
Anyway when I say to people who rudely act like that towards other fans BACK OFF AND GIVE ME SOME SPACE this is what I MEAN because my f*cking health is way more important than ANYTHING TO DO WITH DigiAdvs, 02, or anything else fan wise and I'd put every single project I've planned on hold effective immeditely if it meant taking care of myself during an instance like this
Blogs will be on auto-queue until I feel better enough to re blog again but expect a LOT of Disabled P.S.A posts to come since Yes This Topic Is Important To Me And I'm NOT Ever Going To Stop rbng awareness about it OK Thanks
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bigwishes · 2 years
Hey I am in dire need for some help!
I'm a 6'4 handsome jock, big beefy muscles, a deep baritone voice and got every guy on the team begging to suck my 8.5-incher.
I know this al sounds amazing and fuck yeah it is.. but the last few days I felt weak, not like I was sick or anything, but like my strength started leaving me. I heard a lot about your wishes where people drain their bullies or the jocks of their school. I'm an upstanding person, I have helped go up against bullying even from my teammates, I've helped my younger brother in the gym when he didn't know what he needed to do, even coach thinks I have everything he needs to become state champion this year.
So please save me from loosing all my hard worked size, I don't even know who is doing this to me.
Oh no you're losing muscle?!?!?! well we can't have that. The truth is mate I know exactly what is going on and who is doing it to you. A new student at the college gym always wanted to work out but his parent's never let him, worried it might stunt his growth. He desperately wanted to catch up and asked if I could put everyone in the gym's gains on him for the next week. Nobody noticed but you've got a keen eye and seem to notice what's going on so I tell you what I'll stop this guys wish, tell him to wish for something new and as a reward for being so perceptive I'll make you the new focus of the wish. Get you your gains back from the past few days and give you the gains of everyone who goes to the gym for the next week.
Day 1 was dope as fuck, your muscle felt pumped again, you were no longer tired after lifting and you felt incredibly solid after a workout. You were happy to be yourself again, working towards you goals. As much as you had prided yourself on hard work and being natural you were low key excited for a little magical boost, just a couple pounds of muscle from magic surely would still make you natural, after all the gains being sent your way are still gains worked for, just not gains worked for by you.
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Day 2 was even better, whole fuck you were pumped all the time, you probably didn't even need to go to the gym but you wanted to, you loved the gym and didn't want to take the week off because you were getting free gains. After all it was like working double time getting swole, you were excited for the state championships in a few months and to go home and see your brother and show off your gains. The Christmas dinner keeps running in your head of him asking you how you got massive and you just saying diet and exercise. the thought of entering a bodybuilding comp crossed your mind, you were getting huge and its not like you could test positive for roids, and you'd never be tempted by them either.
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Day 3 was different, you woke up at 12:01am on the dot and felt an insane pump, it wasn't slow and every lasting like how day 2 was this was fast, like a flood of blood throughout your whole body, like you were being pumped up like a balloon,
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You struggled on your bed feeling more and more mass being added to your frame. The growth finally subsided and you passed out.
You struggled driving your car to the campas gym, the seat was uncomfortable and your thighs and swollen up so big you gym shorts felt like they were cutting off the circulation to your legs, maybe you should take the rest of the week off....or maybe ask for the growth to stop now....
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Day 4 was a struggle, you had another growth surge in the middle of the night and it really set in just how much mass hundreds of people using the 24 hour gym daily can make. You would be fine to be like this, it'd be awesome and absolute easy win at state championships followed by sponsorships, you could drop out and be paid by supplement companies to simply pose with their products, but you couldn't get bigger than this, anymore size and you wouldn't even be able to get in your car anymore, no, you had to text the genie and ask for it to end early.
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Day 5 was hell, you had a growth spurt in the middle of the gym changing room, bringing a whole new meaning to the words "Changing Room" not a single person in there noticed, like the magic was just making everyone thing you were always this big. Your coach had commented on how genetically gifted you were, apparently you had been made to do a random roid test several times and always come back clean, something you had no memory of. Going through old social media posts you saw you were much bigger in high school then you actually were, like the past was changing to accommodate for all this new found size.
Still after today you knew you didn't want anymore, even your best friend stood next to you as your posed your hulking frame in the mirror.
"bro, there is such a thing as too large, slim down for a few months or you'll be off the team for being too slow"
He was right, the new size was impacting your ability to play, one strong and fast you were now just strong, a brick wall no one could get by sure but what was the point it you couldn't chase a guy down or move your arms properly to catch the ball.
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Day 6 was spent messaging the genie all day different combinations of "I wish to be smaller" or "please stop the growth now" any phrase you could think of to try to get the genie's attention to stop the growth. What your young mind thought would be cool t first turned into your biggest nightmare, you had outgrown your car and you couldn't even sell it for a new one as last time you got out of it you completely caved in the drivers side by simply shutting the door. You spent an hour walking to the gym, the only thing to clear your mind was lifting weights. During a rest your daily does of growth kicked in, your pecs and traps were swelling so close to your neck you could barely turn your head anymore.
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Day 7, the final day of growth. You had become a fucking monster. Lost your place on the team from barely being able to move. You were staving all the time and spent most of your day now shovelling food down your throat as simply waling down the dorm room stairs caused you to burn a whole day's work of calories for any normal guy. You were anxiously awaiting today's growth and spent the whole day locked in your room. Everything around you was destroyed, unable to handle all the strength you had busted most things you touched and your furniture had all collapsed. Cheap college budget furniture could barely hold your weight how you were before all this but now it was just scrap wood and metal on the floor, you couldn't even bend down to pick it up. The whole day passed you buy and you saw the time 11:30pm...any moment now your final growth would happen and then you could figure out how to reverse it, or live with it. You tried to think positively, how awesome it would be to be an absolute monster, how much action you'd get. A deluded lie you told yourself, the truth was after what you did to your care you were terrified to go on a date or out for a hook up, every time you thought about it you could only think about accidently breaking the guys spine, but you'll finally get to figure all this out in just a few minutes, after tonight no more growth, just learning to live with the size. A message appear on your phone, from the genie, maybe he had finally seen your messages, maybe he'll shrink you back to how you were a few days ago, maybe you'd get punished for turning away the gift and turned into a twink....but being a twink would be better than this.
"hey bro, hope you are enjoying all the mass from the guys in the gym, today is gonna be a bit different. I explained what was going on to the original wish maker and he felt shitty and made a new wish, he wanted the nicest guy in the gym to triple in size and well I have decided you're nicest guy! you've been great carrying your team and just being a nice guy in the gym so I dunno how big you are now mate but I hope you always dreamed to be massive. If you've gotten too big from this tell me now and Ill stop the wish but after 11:59pm thats it, it goes through and nothing I can do about it"
You laughed loudly, this was your chance, to get the body from a few days ago, be a massive goliath but not be too big. Thank god. 11:45, still heaps of time. You excitedly went to message back but your phone slipped out you massive hands. Instinctively you went to catch it before it landed on the floor *CRUNCH...you opened your hand to see bits of crushed aluminium and glass slip out your fingers and on to the floor. You stopped, in shock you simply got off your bed and walked to the bathroom mirror. No one had gotten shell shock from breaking their phone before but you just stood in your bathroom, barely big enough for you to fit in and stared at yourself in the mirror. You thought you had become a monster, no, you were a freak, a massive freak of nature but in just a few more minutes, then, then you'd truly become a monster and there was no way for you to stop it now.
Morphs in the story done by the incredibly Max Morphs check out their blog and show them some love.
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Jane’s Pets Chapter 5: Another Q&A
TWs in the tags
When you wake up, there's something cold against your cheek and the top of your head.
“Oh, are you awake? I just put together a couple ice packs. We aren’t allowed pain medication because, and I quote, ‘that defeats the whole point,’ but we have ice. So that should help with the swelling in your face and what’s probably a concussion. I put the ice in plastic bags and wrapped rags around them, I’m pretty sure that’s how you’re supposed to do it? I don’t know. I don’t know how to tell if someone has a concussion either. Do you know any medical stuff? That would be awesome, me and- well, we’ve just been going by trial and error with a lot of this stuff.”
“No, no medical knowledge. Sorry.” Your voice is hoarse. You got pretty into researching human biology as a kid, but it was mostly learning about cancer, not anything that could help now.
“That’s fine. Do you like… want to talk about any of it? Or do you want a distraction? Or I can shut up. Whatever would help. It’s not like I can say the normal comforting things like “it’s okay” and “you’re safe” because it’s not and you’re not.”
You nod, which sends waves of pain through your head. “Could you tell me what to expect next?”
They wince. “Yeah. Yeah, if you want to know. I don’t know if knowing will make it better or worse, but yeah. Um… I’m pretty sure she’ll take your name eventually. Which is, uh… it’s associating your name -your old name- with so much pain that your brain won’t let you remember it.”
“Oh god.” Maybe you shouldn’t have asked.
“And she’ll set up situations where it looks like you can escape, and punish you for taking the bait. That’s more long-term. She might… with both me and- with both of us, she let us have a few months where we thought we’d really been rescued before bringing us back and punishing us for falling for it. Torturing and killing our rescuers. It was… not fun. And she might offer you a deal where she gives you 24 hours to run before she starts trying to find you. She calls it the escape game. She always finds you, and you still get punished for the escape attempt.”
You whimper. This seems to be happening fairly often lately.
“Sorry, do you want me to stop? I can stop.”
You shake your head. It hurts. “No, keep going. What else?”
“I… I mean, she’ll do what she said. She’ll make you kill and torture people, to prove she can. She’ll probably make you eat their bodies, but maybe not. It depends on what she wants to do with the whole ‘bunny’ thing. Maybe she’ll decide prey animals don’t eat meat. She doesn’t let us eat foods that are bad for cats or dogs, at least when she remembers she set up that rule, so maybe… Anyway, that’s all I can think of excluding punishments. I guess there are ‘games,’ where she’ll have us hold stress positions for as long as we can, or give us sadistic choices to make about how each other or some stranger gets tortured. Or she’ll like, replicate psych experiments from before there were ethical guidelines.”
Your chest hurts. “What about punishments? What can I expect from that? She always says next time will be worse. Is it, or is that just something she says?”
“Um... For you, it definitely will keep getting worse for a while. Eventually it levels out, and she still says she could be doing worse a lot because she could.”
“And what can I expect? From punishments?”
“Any torture you can imagine and plenty you can’t yet. Do you really want me to list them out?”
"...I guess not.”
They nod. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”
You take a shaky breath. “She said it was an obedience test. She made me hurt myself, and- she made me- I didn’t want to, I thought I could hold out, I thought I could wait until I passed out- Kit, I was begging to do what she wanted after just a few seconds! I thought I could take it, I thought I was strong-”
You cling to their arm, desperately wanting something but not sure what.
“It’s okay. I mean- it’s not, and I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s not your fault. I can’t believe that things we do under threat of torture are our fault. It’s all her. And it’s okay to be weak in the face of torture. Being strong won’t help you here.”
Chills run down your spine. “Will she… how long is the period between torture sessions, usually?”
“…It depends on a lot of things. She’ll hurt you again the next time she’s bored and thinks hurting you will provide more entertainment than hurting me or… y’know. Unless you do something she doesn’t like, then she’ll hurt you regardless of how bored she is.”
You remember what they said earlier about things getting worse for you for a while. “And I’m more entertaining now because she’s just started hurting me.”
“Yes. It’ll be… it’ll be really bad for a while, for you. And it doesn’t necessarily get better, but you get used to it, and Jane backs off a little. It’ll be… less bad, eventually.”
You nod. It’s sad how much Kit thinks there’s no escape. You know now that you’re going to get out of here. There is no possible world where you stay. You will escape or die trying.
“How does she always find you? With the escape games. Does she have trackers on us or something?”
“Nope. I mean, if there are they couldn’t be detected. We tried several times, always immediately got rid of our clothes, even got full scans of our insides once from a very nice doctor willing to humor us. Jane’s just good at finding people. I mean, she can teleport, and see things from her void, so that helps.” Their eyes narrow. “You aren’t actually thinking of trying to run, are you?”
“Are you seriously thinking of staying!? I’d rather die trying to escape than stay here!”
“What do you mean-“ they stifle a groan “Of course you’d rather die than stay here! We’d all rather die than stay here! Including Jane, actually. It’s not an option. She won’t let us die until she wants it.”
“I have to at least try!”
“No! You don’t! You don’t have to learn the same way we did! She’s giving so much kindness we never got and you’re throwing it away!”
"...What do you mean?” You don't feel like Jane has been kind to you at all.
They suck air between their teeth. “When she first took me, I didn’t see anywhere outside the basement for months. She said she needed to teach me how powerless I was against her first. It wasn’t a punishment, she just spent months torturing me because she wanted me to know my place. She did the same thing to Puppy” they grimace “and the only reason she didn’t do it to you was because she thought it would be funny to change things up. And she still could, if she wanted to, but she hasn’t, and instead of thanking your lucky stars, you’re plotting ways to get her pissed at you! She hasn’t done anything to you yet! You don’t even know what to be afraid of! You don’t know what it’s like to spend days at her mercy! You don’t know what it’s like to be chained to the ceiling and whipped, you don’t know what it’s like for her to break your arm in twelve different places, you don’t know what it’s like to wish she was drowning you because at least then you wouldn’t have to worry about stitching yourself up afterward!”
They are screaming by the end, and Dollie rushes into the room. She places a hand on their shoulder gently, and they turn around and sob, holding her tightly. She runs her fingers along their back in soothing circles and doesn’t look at you, just hums a song softly into Kit’s ear.
You look away, feeling as if you’ve intruded on a private moment. You aren’t going to get any help in your escape from either of them. You’ll save them too, but it’ll have to be after you’ve left. You’ll come back with backup.
Kit’s sobs get quieter, and eventually they sit down on the edge of the bed, letting go of Dollie.
“I’m sorry about that. I just… I’m sorry. I understand where you’re coming from, I felt the same way at first. Thought Puppy was fucking crazy for going along with all this. Hated her for a while. I know nothing I can say will get through to you, and I’m sure you feel the same about me. We’re going to keep a close eye on you again, alright? I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You hate them, you hate them so much
“You can always talk to me, if you want. You can yell at me back if that would make you feel better.”
You don’t say anything, and they nod.
“That’s okay. We’re both going to hang out in here tonight, okay?”
You glare at them. They sigh.
“You can’t be running off anywhere with a concussion anyway. Just rest.”
Despite how annoyed you are, you can acknowledge they have a point. You sulk for a few hours before reluctantly eating dinner, and then play card games with the two of them until you’re ready to go to sleep. Your head hurts.
A/N: Let me know if I should tag anything else!
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sour--disposition · 4 years
Little Limbs
This is inspired by an idea from the lovely @simp4sidemen, I hope I did your idea justice 🥰
Simon Minter x Fem!Reader
please check my masterlist to see if requests are open
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The ring sat heavy on your finger. It had, after all, only been 2 months since Simon had presented you with the promise ring. 
After a beautiful date at a rooftop bar by the Thames, he’d pulled out a black velvet box, opened it and slid it across the table to you. “Is this what I think it is?”, you asked hesitantly.
“No”, Simon chuckled at the nervousness in your voice. “No, it’s not that. It’s a promise ring”, he told you, gently, nervously.
“Oh”, you were speechless, something that didn't usually happen around Simon, people usually couldn't get a word in edgeways around the two of you.
“It’s a promise that one day it will be what you thought it was. Its a promise that I’ll love you for as long as you’ll keep me. It’s a promise of me, to you, for you”, he said, fingers fidgeting over the box lid as his eyes held yours.
Tears sprung to your eyes and you quickly reached up to stop their flow. “Shit, I didn't mean to make you cry”, Simon panicked.
“No, no!”, you rushed out. “It’s not like that, that was just really beautiful and so is the ring and so was tonight. You just caught me really off guard”, you told him through your watery laugh. Simon instantly relaxed into his chair, relieved.
“Can I?”, he asked, nodding towards your hand. You nodded, and he reached over, picking up your right hand and slipping the ring onto your ring finger. “Perfect fit”, he smiled.
“Everything okay?”, Simon’s voice asked, pulling you out of your trance. You looked up to him, smiling softly.
“Of course”, you told him simply. “Can I wear this today?”, you asked, holding up one of his black Sidemen Clothing hoodies.
“Of course”, he repeated, a smirk dancing across his face. You huffed at him, throwing your night shirt, the shirt Simon had taken off when he got into bed the night before, at him as you got dressed. “You can’t throw my own clothes at me as an insult, Y/N. It just doesn't work like that”, Simon laughed.
“It just doesn’t work like that”, you mocked in a high pitched, whiny voice as you pulled your head through the neck of the hoodie, careful not to get any make up on it. Simon laughed at you, picking up one of the countless decorative cushions you'd plagued his room with, hurling it at your thigh. “Truce!”, you called, throwing your hands in the air to surrender, already knowing you wouldn’t win in a play-fight with Mr. Lanky-Long-Limbs in the corner.
You followed Simon out of the bedroom, down to the parking garage of the apartment building and into the car. “Are you sure we’re a team, yeah?”, you asked him.
Simon had roped you in to the Sidemen’s second parenting video. There was no host this time, just 4 teams trying not to kill a plastic, robotic doll in the streets of London. You’d agreed, of course, but only if you’d be paired with Simon. You’d throw the baby at JJ’s head in the first hour, guaranteed, and you weren’t here to lose.
“Yeah, and if not, I’ll just swap with whoever you’ve ended up paired up with”, Simon smiled simply, turning his eyes back to the road. The rest of the car journey was a comfortable silence, filled only by the sounds of your joint Spotify playlist running through the speakers. Simon’s hand rested on your thigh as he drove through the streets of London, occasionally mindlessly drumming along with the music as you waited in traffic.
Once you’d pulled up to Vik’s apartment, Simon parked the car. He squeezed your thigh softly before unbuckling his seatbelt. “Are you sure you’re okay?”, he asked you, voice tinged with worry.
“Yeah, I promise, Si. I just have a lot on my mind at the moment”, you told him honestly. His worry didn't subside, if anything it only got worse.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?”, he took ahold of your hand, his fingers running over the band resting on your finger. “You know I’m always gonna be here for you?”.
“I know, Si. I promise I’m okay. We can talk about it later, yeah?”, you told him, twisting your fingers to wrap them around his and hold his hand properly. “I love you”, you reminded him, leaning over to kiss him. “Now, come on, let’s go get a baby”.
Two hours later, you and Simon were strolling through a baby shop, looking for an outfit for your new child. “Y/N! Look how cute this is!”, Simon yelped, holding onto a tiny grey onesie that had ‘I love my Daddy’ written across it. “I think Petunia needs this”, he told you seriously.
“No, Petunia needs an outfit fit for a little lady. She wouldn’t be caught dead in grey, Simon. Gosh, do you not know your own daughter!”, you laughed, leading him over to the aisle that held clothes better suited to the size of your doll.
“Is it something you ever think about?”, Simon asked you, sifting through the little pink dresses in front of him. “Us, I mean... Having one”.
“I do, yeah”, you smiled up at him, leaning into his side. “Do you?”, you asked him, chewing on your lip. Simon’s brow furrowed.
“I do. I know you’ll make a great mum. I mean, if you can look after me and JJ drunk, you can do anything. I just... I don’t think I’d be a good dad”, he sighed, hand stilling on the flowery dresses.
“Why?”, you asked him, tilting your head up to look at him. “The fact that you worry you wouldn’t be a good father already shows that you care. Nobody knows how to be a parent until they have to, Si”, you told him softly, slipping your arm around his waist to rest your hand on his hip. “I think you’d make a great dad”, you smiled.
“Really?”, he asked you, eyes lighting up as he looked down to your face.
“Yeah, I mean look how much effort you put into youtube and streaming and fan interaction. That alone shows you can commit to looking after something. Yeah, its different than like... a whole baby... but in the last 9 years, you’ve never given up on it”.
Simon didn’t say anything after that, just wrapped his arms around you and held you close to his chest, dropping a kiss to the top of your head, before you moved on to find Petunia some shoes.
“Y/N, she won’t stop crying”, Simon stressed. The two of you were finished in the baby shop, getting ready to make your way over to the tills to pay, when Petunia decided that it was time for all hell to break loose. “What do I do?”, he panicked.
“You go outside with her and feed her and I’ll get this”, you told him, handing the nappy bag containing all of Petunia’s belongings over to Simon.
You were quite sure that the footage of yours, Simon’s and Petunia’s day would be positively, mind-bogglingly boring. It turns out that the one pair that actually function as a couple 24/7 make a really good team, who’d have guessed it?
Back at Vik’s apartment, the student cards were sorted out so you could see how well you’d all performed in parenting. It was no surprise when Harry and JJ’s baby came last, given that it returned to Vik’s missing an arm, a few toes and an eye. Ethan and Vik came next, somehow managing to shut the baby off 20 minutes into their day so there was barely any information to even report back. Josh and Tobi’s baby had survived, albeit a bit hungry and tired. But Petunia... yours and Simon’s little lady had come out on top.
“Oh, I’m so proud of Petunia”, you and Simon had gushed, like real proud parents. You showed the boys the picture of Simon asleep on the sofa, Petunia’s hand grasped tightly in yours.
“You didn’t have to show them that”, he huffed, nudging your side.
As Vik retired the babies to a spare-room, the rest of the guys set to ordering take out. “Who wants a drink?”, Vik asked as he walked back into the living room and kitchen area. A chorus followed, all reeling off several alcoholic beverages.
“I’ll just have lemonade”, you told him with a smile. After managing to convince Vik that, yes, you were sure you only wanted lemonade, you went and sat back down with Simon.
“I got you something today”, you told him once all the guys had got their drinks and found a seat. “Here”, you told him, handing him over a small gift box.
“What’s this for?”, Simon asked, turning the box over gently in his hands.
“Just open it”, you told him.
Simon pulled the lid off of the box. His jaw dropped. “You’re...”, he trailed off.
Inside the box lay two positive pregnancy tests and the tiny onesie he’d shown you earlier on in the day.
“I found out last week, I didn’t want to tell you until I’d been to the doctors and checked properly”, you told him.
“Oi, what is it?”, JJ asked loudly. Simon’s only response was to hold up the little outfit to show the guys. “I’m gonna be an uncle?”, JJ asked, a lot softer this time. His face had split into a grin, as had the rest of the guys.
“Y/N’s pregnant”, Simon said softly, as if he was trying to convince himself. He looked over at you, and then down to the baggy fabric of his hoodie over your stomach. “Can I?”, he asked.
“Of course. It’s your baby, Si”, you chuckled happily. He reached out a hand, laying it gently over your side. “Are you okay?”, you asked him gently.
“Vik, can we borrow the balcony?”, Simon asked, turning his head to face his friend but not letting his hand leave your body. Vik nodded quickly, pointing in the rough direction of the door since he already knew that you and Simon knew the way.
“Should I not have told you in front of everyone?”, you asked quietly. Instead of saying anything, though, Simon dropped down to his knees in front of you, letting his large hands cradle your sides. He dropped a kiss to stomach, just below your bellybutton, and you instantly felt better.
“Hello, little one. Daddy loves you, too”.
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vanderlustwords · 4 years
Under the Sheets
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(not my gif)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Prompt: 9) There’s only one bed, and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling
Requester: Anonymous 
Summary: Bucky spends more time out of his dorm than in it with how much his roommate amorously makes love to his girlfriend. Luckily, his cute across-the-hall neighbor is generous about lending her place to him. Bucky’s unsure if he wants to hug or kiss his roommate for putting him in the situation he is in now. 
Note: Thank you for sending this in! :) This trope is the OG.
Count: 3948
You would say that every meeting you've had with James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes is always a series of unfortunate events. 
The first time was when you were locked outside of your dorm room because you're an idiot without a roommate. Since it wasn't your first incident, you were very reluctant to call the campus security guard to let you in. You're pretty sure he hates you. 
Luckily, across the hall, you had some new neighbors. 
"You must be James-"
"Bucky, please," he offers you an easy, charming smile. 
"Bucky, nice to meet you," you smiled back.
You had been standing outside your door for quite sometime when Bucky came back, explaining how Steve was out with his girlfriend. As it would be, Bucky knew how to pick a locked door open. You only got a laugh when you asked him about such questionable skills he had.
The next time you met Bucky was when you spilled your grocery bags all over the floor before entering into your building. Bucky seemed to just arrive home from his afternoon classes. 
"This is so embarrassing," you muttered with flushed cheeks as Bucky helped you pick everything up.
"Well, no use crying over spilled milk."
"I haven't bought milk," you joked, causing him to laugh. Bucky had helped you carry your groceries in.
"No roommate?" He looked around the place, seeing how the extra room you had turned into a study room.
"Nope! Well, I mean, I had one earlier in the year, but she moved out after 3 months to transfer to another university. They didn't assign me with anyone else." 
"Lucky," Bucky sighed.
"Roommate problems?" You raised your brow. You had come to know that Bucky and Steve have been friends since they were in diapers, now seemingly grown and going to university together too. 
It seemed hard to believe the two friends would not like rooming together.
"Not problems, per se," Bucky licked his lips. "Just Steve likes to bring Peggy over a lot, and she stays the night often. I guess her roommate is kind of a psychopath."
You nodded slowly and understandingly. It was probably difficult to get studying done or sleep with hearing your roommate fuck at night.
"Well," you offer him a nervous smile, "you are always welcome here if you need the space to study."
"Thanks, doll."
It seems after that, Bucky took your offer quite seriously. Over the next few weeks, he would show up to your place in the evening needing some quiet to work on his papers and upcoming tests.
You certainly didn't mind the company, sometimes having the place to yourself could be a little lonely when everyone else had their roommates to hang out with. 
It was almost kind of nice—an easy friendship brewing between the two of you. 
The thought of dating never really crossed your mind because you weren't ignorant of the fact that Bucky was wildly popular across campus. Steve was too, but Peggy Carter was also wildly popular herself, making them a dream couple. 
So, all sorts of people were trying to put themselves on Bucky's radar.
And, well, you were just you. 
You were just flittering through your university life. You had friends, of course, game nights were on Friday, and went out on the occasional weekend to drink. 
Really, the only time you got to spend time with Bucky was within your dorm building. 
"I brought takeout!" Bucky holds up thick bags with food. You can smell the contents right away and smile.
"Thai food?" You smile, hopeful, in case you're somehow wrong.
Bucky grins at you as you let him in. He puts the bags on the counter, and you help him take the things out.
"Yeah, I saw you staring at their building while I was on the way to class the other day," he laughs. "How long did you stand there?"
You felt your cheeks warm at being caught by someone.
"Only ten minutes," you mumble. 
Bucky licks his tongue against his bottom lip, smiling at you as he takes a seat.
You moan, almost a little inappropriately when you take your first bite.
"God, it's been way too long," you sigh happily as you munch away.
Bucky laughs, "For someone who likes Thai food so much, I don't see you eat it too often."
You shrug. "Thai food is one of those things where there's a lot of dishes that are shared. My friends, unfortunately, don't share my love for Thai food."
"Blasphemous!" Bucky gasps dramatically and jokingly, but you follow along with a firm nod.
"That's what I've been saying!"
Bucky grins. "Alright, how about your boyfriend?"
You roll your head over to Bucky with a look. "I think as often as you spend here, you should know by now I don't have one."
"Just checking," Bucky shrugs. "Any particular reason why?"
You quirk your brow at him. "Well, I'll tell you if you tell me why you haven't got a girl. Lord knows you don't have a shortage of options."
Bucky chuckles as he looks at you, scooping more food into your mouth. His eyes soften for just a moment.
"Just waiting on the right girl is all," he says, looking back at his food when you look up at him.
"Ah, then we're two peas in a pod," you smile, "I'm also waiting for the right person, and unfortunately, the only guys on my roster right now are frat boys."
You scrunch your face a little, and Bucky lets out a burst of laughter at your expression.
"Any particular reason for that?" He asks.
"One of my friends is in a sorority," you sigh. "She thinks she can get me to join if she shoves hot guys my way. I'm actually going to get dragged to a party on Saturday."
"Well," Bucky licks his lip, "is it working?"
"Not even in the slightest," you smirk.
Bucky grins. 
"I don't want to study anymore, my brain is melting," Bucky groans as he leans back against your couch with his head facing the ceiling.
His eyes shut as he tries to make all the words disappear from his head, and you laugh at him.
"It's only been two hours," you point out. "Don't you have a huge test on Saturday afternoon?"
"I can't," Bucky moans dramatically. "I can't anymore. I should accept my inevitable doom and fail."
You roll your eyes with a smile as you lean forward and close his books. "Alright, drama queen. I think you just need a break. Why don't we just put on a movie?"
"Annnnd, now my brain is unmelting," Bucky sits up with an excited twinkle in his eye. 
You end up watching three movies, but by the third movie, you fall asleep. 
Bucky sits there, eyes drifting to you with ease as the movie plays on.
You snored a little, causing him to smile involuntarily. 
Alright, Bucky admits, you were just beyond adorable to him. 
But finding the right person also takes time.
Friday night is game night. 
Your friends get much too rowdy as you try to quiet them down, knowing Bucky is probably trying to study across the hall. 
One of your friends drinks way too much and ends up passing out on the couch, dead to the world. 
"Alright, let's call it a night," you yawn as you stand up and stretch. It's well past 1 AM as your friends get up.
"Should we wake him?" One of your friends asks.
"Nah, just leave him. I don't even know if he will wake up," you and your friends share a quick laugh as they leave your building.
"Don't forget we have the party tomorrow," your friend, Mary Jane, pulls you in for a hug.
"Right," you drawl, "Another attempt to find me a gross, frat boyfriend?"
"I mean, show me another guy on your roster, and I won't try to drag you to these parties," Mary Jane laughs.
You made some noise of agreement as you pat her back before she lets go, walking to the door and giving you a little wave before leaving. 
You stretch again before you go to your closet to bring out an extra blanket and set it over your friend. You grab a glass of water and some Advil because you know that poor sucker will feel it tomorrow.
You look in the fridge and groan when you see you've run out of eggs. Typically, you wouldn't mind getting them in the morning, but your friend was someone who needed food immediately when they were hungover. You weren't willing to wake up any earlier to get the eggs in the morning, so you closed the fridge and got ready to head to the 24-hour convenience store down the block. 
You were casually scrolling through your phone as you left your apartment. When you opened the door, you could hear some...sounds from Bucky's apartment, and you felt instant pity for the man. You were ready to leave the building when a figure sitting in the lobby scared the shit out of you.
"Holy fuc--Bucky?"
Bucky looked up with slightly bleary eyes, and it looks like he was still studying as he had his textbook in his lap along with his notebook.
"Oh, what are you doing down here?" He asked, sounding rather tired. 
"What are you doing down here?" You retorted. "It's almost 2 AM. Don't you have a huge test tomorrow?"
"...Steve and Peggy had a fight..." Bucky pressed his lips together, and you don't need to ask further that the noises you heard earlier were them making up.
You wheedle from foot to foot while you look at Bucky. He looks exhausted, and you feel awful he's been sitting out here for God knows how long.
"How long were you out here for?"
"I don't know," Bucky shrugs, "Couple hours?"
You sigh. "Why didn't you just let me know. You could've come over."
"It was game night for you, wasn't it?" Bucky blinks because he was pretty sure he saw your sorority friend leave about 10 minutes ago. 
You let out a pretty deep sigh, holding your hand out in front of him.
He scrunches his brows.
"C'mon," you wiggle your fingers, "come get some eggs with me, and you can crash at my place tonight."
Bucky gives you a light grin as he closes his textbook and grabs your hand as you put very little effort into pulling him up. 
There's a body.
In the place where Bucky thought he was going to sleep. 
You don't seem to pay any mind to it as you put the eggs and orange juice away in the fridge.
Bucky is thinking a mile a minute.
The couch was taken, and the extra room you had was turned into a study room. 
Was he supposed to sleep on the carpet? Were you going to give him a sleeping bag?
"Hey," Bucky grabs your attention, "Where should I crash?"
You shut the fridge door, running your hand through your hair as you make your way to your room.
"We can just bunk in the same bed," you say with a shrug, and Bucky thinks he might have a heart attack.
"You're okay with that?" Bucky asks slowly.
You shrug again, "Yeah, I bunk with people all the time. Don't you? It's like part of the university experience."
Bucky doesn't know how to say that he's probably doing more than just sleeping when he bunks with someone.
You turn around and lean at your doorframe, quirking your brow with a smirk.
"Don't tell me you aren't enough of an adult to share a bed with me."
Getting a rise out of Bucky seems to work as Bucky stalks into your bedroom.
"I'll show you an adult," he mutters childishly, and you roll your eyes with a smile.  
And although Bucky says such big words, he's lying stiff as a board on the bed. He lies as close to the edge as possible without falling with his back turned to you, and you can't help but chuckle a little.
"You can unclench, you know. I hardly doubt you'll get some rest if you lie there like a metal rod," you say, but you're also lying pretty close to the edge with your back turned to him, though not as stiff. 
It's silent for a moment, but eventually, you feel the bed shift a little as Bucky relaxes. 
It's silent again, and you feel yourself starting to fall asleep.
"Who was that on your couch?" Bucky asks, breaking the silence.
"Hm?" You hum, opening your eyes slightly. "Oh, just a friend. He usually doesn't come to game night, but his boyfriend is visiting back home this weekend. He went a little too hard on the drinks."
"He's gay?"
"Yeah, got a problem?" You ask almost daring Bucky to say he does. 
"Definitely not," Bucky smiles. 
It's silent again.
"Go to sleep, dumbass, you have a test in the morning," you say without opening your eyes. You hear Bucky chuckle softly. 
"Goodnight, doll."
"Goodnight," you smile. 
Bucky felt warm. Maybe a little too warm. 
He hasn't opened his eyes yet, but he can feel sunlight hitting his face and hear the birds chirping outside. 
Bucky takes a deep breath in and feels shifting in his arms. He moves a little, pulling the warmth in closer. 
He roughly hums in the back of his throat when he feels lips press against his collarbone.
It hits him like a freight train.
Bucky immediately opens his eyes, his body becoming rigid again as you come into view. 
What started with the two of you sleeping at the furthest edges of the bed with your backs turned to each other ended up being the very opposite. 
Sometime during the middle of the night, the two of you gravitated towards the middle of the bed. You were wrapped up in his arms, head just under his chin. He could feel your breath on the base of this throat, and it was giving him goosebumps.
Your hands were wrapped around his back, gripping his shirt slightly. Bucky couldn't even move too much with your legs intertwined with his. A groan wanted to escape his lips with his thigh wedged between your legs.
Bucky tried to move slowly without waking you. 
He really did.
But then you let out a whine, holding him tighter and clenching your legs to lock his thigh in.
"Stop moving," you whined.
God, Bucky doesn't think he'll make it. He's already got morning wood, and this is too much. 
He calls your name in an attempt to wake you up. 
"Doll, you gotta get up, I have a test soon," he says instead when you hardly react to him calling your name. 
This time, you do blearily open your eyes with a huff. 
You untangle yourself from him as Bucky lets out a quiet sigh of relief. Sitting up, you let out a yawn and let out a big stretch, your shirt riding a little up as you do. 
You look at your clock.
"Alright, there's about an hour before your test. Eat some breakfast before you go."
"It's really fin--"
"Break. fast."
You leave the room, and Bucky is left sitting there by himself. The morning passes quickly as you make breakfast. The sounds nor the smell seem to wake your friend up.
"Good luck on your test!" You smile at him as you make him a breakfast sandwich for him to go. 
Bucky smiles back with a 'thanks' before he leaves your place confused.  
Did this morning not affect you at all? Did you not see him as a man? 
Bucky was distracted during the whole test.
You held your smile until you heard the footsteps fade from your door.
After that, you nearly screamed. You stalked over to your hungover friend and whipped a pillow into his face.
"Ack!" He wakes up, nearly falling off the couch. He groans instantly when he sees your face.
"I'm so hungover, oh my god," your friend moans. 
Your face feels hot as it's flushed in embarrassment. "This is all your fault for drinking too much and crashing on the couch! I should've pushed you onto the floor!"
You let out a groan before you stalked off to the washroom, closing the door. 
Your friend sits up, looking at the plate of eggs and bacon on the table. 
"What'd I do?"
The entire day leading up to the party is spent with you trying to contain your embarrassment. You're trying to repress the memory of being pressed up against Bucky and clingy. 
You didn't hear from Bucky after his test, and you were much too mortified to say anything, so you hadn't texted him either. 
"You look constipated, please take some shots and relax," Mary Jane hands you tequila with a lime slice.
You shoot back the shot without hesitation.
"Alright," Mary Jane whistles, "Do I even want to know what's got your panties in a knot?"
"Nope," you shake your head.
"Alright, fair enough. Get some more drinks and mingle!" Mary Jane turns her attention past you. You look behind and see her current boyfriend, Harry, enter the room with kegs.
You sigh when Mary Jane looks at you with puppy eyes.
"Go," you tell her. She squeals and kisses you on the cheek before rushing off. 
You do flitter through the party, catching up with some friends, and getting some drinks. 
As embarrassed as you are, the last thing you want is to get sloppy, so you don't overdo it. 
But as you already know, luck is never on your side. 
Especially when you see Bucky walking into the party. People are getting excited and rushing up to say hi to him because Bucky rarely goes to frat parties. 
The two of you lock eyes instantly, and the memory of this morning rushes back, and you wished the ground would open up and swallow you.
'Play it cool,' you tell yourself as you turn back to the group of people you're standing with. 
You're not even sure what they've been talking about, and there's no way you could focus on that now. 
Bucky doesn't seem to be rushing up to you either. He's drinking a beer with Harry as a crowd surrounds them. 
You can see girls in the back looking at him and whispering, and you feel the burn in your gut now for some reason. 
God, were you such a cliché that sharing a bed with Bucky actually made you think that way about him?
The night seems to continue on, and even though you keep catching eyes with Bucky, neither of you seems willing to make the first move. 
You head over to the bar to get more drinks when someone approaches you and orders you a drink. 
You internally groan.
Brock Rumlow. 
A real piece of work. 
He made it into Theta Chi, well-known to be a troublemaker. 
He was known to sleep around and make unwanted advances towards girls and was hardly passing his classes.
Brock had turned his attention to you lately, which you flat out rejected him. It helped that you were friends with Mary Jane, who was dating Harry, the president of Theta Chi, and could tell Brock to back off. 
But Brock Rumlow liked to push his boundaries. 
"You look pretty good tonight, did you dress pretty for me?" He smirks at you, and you roll your eyes.
"Fuck off, Rumlow. I already told you I'm not interested," you look away, not bothering to take the drink he ordered for you. 
"Now don't be like that, you haven't even gotten to know me yet," Brock leans against the counter close to you. 
"And as I've explicitly told you, no," you whip your head back and glare at him. 
You're about to walk off and see if you could find Mary Jane and Harry when Brock grabs your arm. 
"What the fuck-" You start to say when another arm comes into view, grabbing Brock's wrist. 
You look over to see Bucky standing there with his lip pressed into a thin line as he grips Brock's wrist hard enough until he lets go.
"Ow--what's your problem, dude?" Brock holds his wrist before shaking the pain off.
"Keep your hands off her," Bucky cocks his brow as he stands in front of you.
"How about you mind your business," Brock glares at him. "What? Are you her boyfriend?"
Bucky is standing so close to you that you can see his muscles tense, and you find yourself wrapping your arms around him from behind.
"Yes," you interrupt as Bucky lifts his arm over you and then around you so that you're tucked by his side. "He is my boyfriend."
You look up with a loving smile, trying to play the part when you find Bucky's steel-blue eyes gazing back at you.
He licks his lips, teeth dragging over his bottom lip, you swear so slowly before he smirks and looks back at Brock.
"So," Bucky keeps smiling, "fuck off."
"You could've just said you had a boyfriend," Brock grumbles at you like it's your fault somehow.
"My girlfriend doesn't have to say anything. Do you need to be taken back to elementary school to understand what 'no' or 'I'm not interested' means?" Bucky cocks his brow, and Brock sneers at him.
He looks like he wants to cause a scene, but Bucky is a well-known guy around campus, even if he's not in a fraternity house. Brock knows nothing good would come from starting a fight with Bucky, and he's already on thin ice with Harry.
And Bucky knows that. 
So, he turns to you with a smile.
"C'mon, doll, let's get out of here."
As you get ready to leave, Bucky turns to Brock once more with a steely look on his face.
"Stay the fuck away from my girl."
Bucky actually leads you out of the party, saying a brief goodbye to Harry and Mary Jane, who wiggles her brows at you, and you're so grateful to have left.
The two of you walk silently but slowly back to the apartment, and you've got your arms wrapped around your midsection. 
You cough, bringing Bucky's attention to you as you come to a stop under the streetlight.
"Thanks," you say a little awkwardly, "for you know, playing along."
Bucky smiles lightly. 
"If those are the kind of guys on your roster, I think you should expand your horizons a little."
"Not all of us can have a guy like you on our list, but I'll take that under advisement."
You laugh, trying to play it off as a joke because even though it was all just pretend for a moment, being pressed up against Bucky as his girlfriend shouldn't have felt as good as it did.
"You can add me to your roster."
The words were said so smoothly you had almost missed it. You turn your head to Bucky, who's standing there with his hands in his pockets. 
"What?" You say unsurely, convinced you might've heard him wrong.
"I told you I was waiting for the right girl," Bucky smiles, "I'm waiting for you, doll."
You feel an explosion of butterflies in your stomach, cheeks heating up as you process Bucky's words. 
Every meeting you've had with Bucky is a series of unfortunate events. 
And perhaps between every moment, while waiting for the right guy to come along, it only took waking up in his arms to realize maybe he was there all along. 
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thiscastielhasflown · 3 years
day three of day two of j&kcreatorfest (with @expectingtofly)— prompts: movie night or baking dean just wants to watch brokeback mountain in peace and cas is there to enjoy the emotional roller coaster ride. (2.1k) [does contain spoilers of the movie's plot, you have been warned]
"Okay choose — Midnight Cowboy or Brokeback Mountain?"
Cas looks directly at Dean who is standing in front of him holding two DVDs and smiling wide with eagerness. To celebrate and commemorate their first Pride Month official out together, both collectively decided to watch a different LGBTQ+ themed movie every night during June (if at all possible).
Rather than the Winchester/Leahy family's normal Tuesday night movie routine, Sam and Eileen were more than willing to change up their usual viewing schedule — even helping to prepare and order movies unavailable to be streamed. But sadly this night coincided with their short weekend getaway trip up to Donna's cabin for a needed change in scenery from the bleak walls of the bunker. No matter how good the movie choice was going to be for those nights, nothing compares to either couple getting some alone time together.
Cas and Dean are left alone to watch a movie in the newly renovated 'Dean Cave' — now including a larger sectional couch (to fit everyone more comfortably), an LED monogrammed neon light of Dean's nickname from Cas, 'Titan', along with new pictures hung up from a recent family photoshoot, and a new stereo sound system all set up by Dean earlier that day.
While Dean was busy with that, Cas was in the kitchen trying out a homemade sourdough pretzel dough recipe — made with his own fermented starter — along with a batch of double-chocolate chunk brownies with lines of caramel crisscrossing across the top as their movie viewing snack for the night.
"I thought we were watching the Trixie Mattel documentary."
"I know we agreed on that, but I'm more into a gay cowboy sort of mood tonight. You feel me?"
Cas blinks, "I haven't felt you yet."
"Cas, it's a figure of speech. Stay on track. Which one do you want to watch?"
"Isn't Trixie a gay Western icon as anyway?"
Dean hesitates, "Well, I would say not exactly. Maybe because of her music style and love for Dolly—"
"Parton, we've listened to her music before," Cas interrupts.
Dean smiles, "Yes we have. We've listened to Trixie too. So I guess it depends on who you ask if they’d categorize her as a modern gay Western icon in the drag business. We're sidetracked, please just pick one."
"Okay, sorry. How about the one with the happier ending."
Dean pauses to think, "I don't think either end up happy."
"Then the one where someone doesn't die."
Dean pauses again, "I...do believe someone dies in both of them."
"Then what are the differences?"
"To be honest, there really aren't that many," Dean laughs it off, "They both take place within the same 1960s setting, even though Brokeback was made in 2004. There are two main male characters in both, who aren't close in the beginning but end up so by the end. Um. The biggest difference is that Brokeback actually takes place in Western-type locations, where Midnight Cowboy setting is in New York. Is any of this helping in your decision process?"
"To be honest, not really," Cas stands up from the couch and adjusts his shirt, "Well, you go ahead and make the final decision, okay? Let me go grab the pretzels and brownies from the kitchen while you get it set up. Want a beer?"
"Yes, please. Can you bring extra cheese sauce too?" Dean answers.
"Of course, nacho or cheddar?"
A sparkle glazes over Dean's eyes as he looks at Cas, a smirk making its way across his lips, "How about both?"
"Sure can," Cas leans in to give Dean a kiss on the cheek, brushing his hand up against the other man's shoulder, "Be right back."
Dean watches Cas walk out of the room with a smug look on his face, admiring his love before bending down in front of the TV console and turning on the DVD player to give it time to boot up. He looks back and forth between either movie case, still unable to pick one over the other. Sighing, he ends up picking Brokeback Mountain, knowing deep down that Cas would most likely end up enjoy watching it more.
As he stands back up holding the DVD player remote in his hand, he hears the sound of Cas walking down in the hallway near the mancave’s door. They've been together so long at this point, but even the slightest presence of Cas will still make a butterfly giddiness erupt inside of Dean.
"Right on time as always," Dean puts down the remote after pushing 'play', grabbing the plate and beer held out to him by Cas.
He holds it up to his nose and breathes in the mingling smells of delicious food, "You really outdid yourself on this one."
Cas blushes from the compliment before pulling his own plate closer to him, breaking off a piece of the brownie and slipping it into his mouth, "Glad to know you approve."
Dean winks and takes a bite of his own, letting out a tiny moan of satisfaction from the taste, "Did you put sea salt in this?"
"I'm surprised you noticed, it was one of my secret ingredients I added in. Thought it would go well with the caramel."
"Your intuition was right, this is delicious," Dean takes another large bite and lets the flavors melt over his tongue.
At this point in the movie, Jack and Ennis sit at the bar drinking together, getting the chance to have the last bit of freedom before heading up to the mountain to work. This reminds Dean of the many times he's shared a drink with Cas before they assumed the worst would happen, losing each other. Yet those moments have now become ones he'll never forget.
The soft touch of a hand against his face pulls Dean's eyeline from the movie, Cas reeling him into a deep kiss, their lips melding into each other creating a familiar yet comfortable feeling.
Before letting anything escalate Dean pulls back and faces his head back towards the TV, reaching up to wipe off his bottom lip softly, "Watch the movie, you're going to miss a good part."
Cas pulls away and pouts, giving him one last peck on the neck before returning fully to the boundaries of his seat.
Dean turns his head back again to Cas and reaches out for his hand, weaving their fingers together, "Hey don't do that, all I wanna do is watch the movie. We can do plenty of that later."
"Fine, fine," Cas mocks, grabbing a piece of the soft pretzel and dips it in the cheese, shoving it in his mouth with a hint of annoyance.
They manage to in silence to watch the movie a little longer before Cas speaks up again, "So...what exactly is going on?"
Dean clears his throat, "Well, Jack and Ennis got their orders to go up to the mountain to go work with the sheep and they're still trying to get used to each other. Testing out the ropes, trying to work together as a team."
"Are you sure they fall in love? They definitely don't very seem into each other at the moment."
Dean takes a sip of his beer, "Love happens in mysterious ways Cas, just like us. It is never as easy as we think, especially when two people don't really get along, to begin with."
"We got along just fine, what are you talking about?"
The only thing Dean does when he hears Cas make that statement is laugh, downing another large gulp of his beer.
Cas tilts his head, "Why are you laughing?"
"Your memory must be skewed now that you're human. Don't you remember threatening my life multiple times? Trust me, you and Uriel were a couple of dicks for the majority of that early time."
"I've changed a lot since then."
Dean smiles and squeezes Cas' hand, "We've both changed a lot. Us, being here like this, is the ending we both deserve. For them, it was much harder of a situation. Their free will isn't as fluid as the ones we take for granted."
"You're not telling me—" Cas sits back with wide eyes, trying to formulate the future plot points in his head.
"I'm not going to spoil anything from the movie, you're going to have to watch it yourself to find out yourself," Dean mimics zipping his lips and turning a key to lock it, "My lips are sealed.”
A sudden vibration erupts from Dean's back, shoving his hand into it and pulling out his phone to see Sam's picture contact picture lit up (from a drunken Halloween night dressed up in a Chewbacca costume, minus the head, with a herbal cigarette dangling between his lips), swiping to answer, "Hey Sammy, what's going on?"
"Hey-uh-hi, are you busy right now?" Sam asks in a mildly frantic tone of voice over the phone.
"Well—" Dean signals to Cas to pause the movie, "It is movie night like you know, but I can talk. Everything going okay?"
"No, yeah, everything is fine. Do you know how to treat a spider bite?"
Dean coughs slightly in surprise, "Are you telling me you already managed to get a spider bite?"
Cas, overhearing the conversation holds a hand up to his mouth to help suppress the giggling he's unable to prevent himself from doing.
"Yeah, um, neither Eileen and I can remember if it's supposed to be a cold or warm compress."
Dean shakes his head and lets out a chuckle, "Did you just drunkenly call me, to ask me, how to treat a spider bite less than 24 hours after leaving here?"
"Yes Dean, do you have the answer or not?"
"Go get some ice and makeshift ice pack. For the swelling. Any other questions?"
Sam pauses not answering right away, Dean hears the sound of rustling and clanking of ice in the background, "No that should be it. Thank you."
"Yep, you're welcome. Bye," Dean hangs up before Sam can say anything else.
"I'm sorry for all of the distractions tonight Dean, I really am. I know how much you wanted to watch this movie," Cas puts a hand on his shoulder, slightly massaging at the tense muscle underneath Dean's favorite Led Zeppelin shirt.
"It's fine Cas, we can stop the movie if you want. Maybe pick it back up tomorrow?"
"Why can't we continue watching it? If we have to pause again, then we pause again. Anyway, you have me interested in learning what will happen.”
“Alright, we’ll continue.”
Thankfully, no one else bothers them for the rest of the movie. Even when Cas was confused in certain sections, he reminded quiet and attentively watched, quickly becoming attached to the characters and the blossoming (and losing) love between them. When the credits begin to roll, Dean looks over to see Cas crying, tears streaming down his face, and biting on his bottom lip to possibly contain his emotions.
"Cas, what's wrong?"
"The jacket...Jack was the one who took the jacket that Ennis thought he forget on the mountain. He took it and kept it for all those years. And now...with Jack gone..." Cas leans in towards Dean, who wraps his arms around his shoulder in comfort, pressing little kisses on the top of his head. He lets Cas cry, holding onto him tight.
When Cas feels ready enough to pull away, Dean reaches up to wipe the tears from his cheeks, "What’s wrong Cas?"
"It just reminds me of us. When you kept my coat, the symbolism of keeping an article of clothing when your loved one is gone. In this case—" Cas sucks in a deep breath, bottom lip quivering, "Ennis lost Jack, his soulmate. But no matter how many times you've lost me, I've always come back. I wish that could have been the same for them."
"Oh, babe..." Dean pulls Cas into a kiss, strong and supportive, "They got to share their love while they could, and even though things could have been different, that was the ending destined for the."
"Why couldn’t they have ended up together?"
"Just how their cards were played, nothing we can change about it.”
Cas sighs, rubbing away his remaining leftover tears, "This really is a goddamn bitch of a unsatisfactory situation."
Dean can't help himself from laugh out of happiness, "That was a pretty good usage of that phrase, glad to know you picked up on it."
"Oh, it's going to be my go-to now, along with 'I wish I knew how to quit you’."
"Sounds to me like you liked the movie. Well, I do have an idea," Dean stands up from the couch and reaches for Cas' hand, pulling him up to a standing position, "How about we go start something? Sound good to you?"
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darkenedreaper · 4 years
You Gave Up
Requested by @ecruzsalaz hope you enjoy
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader, ft Bruce Banner
Warnings: angst, lil fluff
You and Natasha had been together for a long time now. And instead of getting married, which would come after, you both wanted to try for a baby. The two of you had a conversation about having a child and Natasha was excited. You both knew it wasn’t right to get your hopes up however when the morning came you both shot off to Tony’s lab.
Due to Natashas background and her being sterilised it was clear who would be carrying and you didn’t have a problem with that. Tony had suggested IVF first and with the embarrassing help of his robots, within a few days you were ready for the implantation. Tony was standing by your head and Natasha was by your side holding your hand. You felt your cheeks burning bright red from the robot controlling its movements and doing its job. A slight fraction of the embarrassment went away when Natasha stroked your cheek softly and kissed your forehead. Tony made sure his robot double checked everything was in place and he sent you two of wishing you the best of luck for the next couple of days.
After those couple of days you and Natasha were close together nearly 24/7 and the day came. Natasha didn’t want to pressure you so she went to the compounds living room to hand out with the rest. And you were in the bathroom now waiting for the pregnant test results to come through. For the first 30 seconds you saw nothing and then 1 line appeared. You sighed and you couldn’t nearly feel the tear threatening to slip out. You had to work up the courage to go out and speak to Natasha and Tony. She saw you come in and she took in your slumped figure and saddened eyes. She didn’t need you to tell her what the test said as she already knew what the answer was. She frowned sadly and gave you a small hug. One that seemed a little short for a couple who had just failed to get pregnant. She left. Just left. Even Bucky gave you a longer hug.
Some days on and you hadn’t heard from Natasha. You hadn’t seen her around the compound or around the gym. Fury had called you in and he told you that he knew what had happened with you and Natasha. He told you to take 2 weeks off as he tried to understand how much stress your body must be going through. He really did have a sweet side. It really hurt knowing that Natasha was avoiding you and it hurt even more when every time you’d ask someone where she was they’d respond back, ‘with Bruce’. You had tried to reach her but your calls and messages to her phone weren’t working anymore.
It was finally time to check your pregnancy test. Tony had tried to help you and this was his 7th attempt at helping. He was grateful you allowed him to concur to help as he would do anything for you. He understood the joy and want of having a child and the beautiful bond it creates. Tony had suggested that tonight you don’t get your hopes up again as after you had found out Natasha and Bruce had a relationship together you had gone down, really down. And Tony thought that it would affect the eggs. Yes he still had some of her and her DNA and he confused to use it for scientific reasons apparently. And now the test read positive. You were pregnant with Natashas baby. And now she was with Bruce and hadn’t seen or spoke to you in 4 months. It was late at night and so you didn’t wait any longer to leave. You started packing your bags. You decided to send an email on your way to another country saying to fury you’ve just gone. You had the decency to also leave Tony a message. Not saying you were pregnant. But that you left and not to tell anyone.
The next morning, Tony being Tony, he opened his mouth and actually shouted it “Y/N IS GONE! SHE’S GONE!” And it was like Natasha had snapped out of a trance and she panicked. She looked at Bruce who had his hand on her waist and shoved him away. Had you left her because she distanced herself? Had you left because she abandoned? Because she didn’t consider your feelings? Because she had gotten together with Bruce?
She was storming out of the room. To go find you. Until she felt a strong hand pulling her back and increasingly getting stronger. She looked around to see big brown eyes looking angry and sad.
“Leave her alone Natasha. It’s all your fault. Your why she left!” He kept blurting out things to her before Steve pulled him away as even he couldn’t look at Natasha and he was a gentleman.
You had moved at least 3 quarters away from where you were and had found a little flat that needed to be rented out. So you unpacked your things and you were ok within a few days. Not great, not good. But ok.
It was 9 months later and you had gone through what was close to hell on your own. The struggle to tie your own laces, the struggle to sleep at night. Odd cravings that you didn’t have stored in any kitchen cupboards. 12 hours of pain but something beautiful was rewarded to you. Once you were handed your baby girl, you too in her features. Her face nearly mirrored yours, your hair roots and brows. Except for those green eyes and the same nose as Natasha.
You had raised D/N Romanoff Y/N all on your own. She had grown up to be like you and opposite from her other non existent mother as she wasn’t involved and made no effort to find you. You had told her stories about her other mother and showed her photos. But would never reveal her location or why she wasn’t here.
Her 5th birthday had just gone and it was a few days after that you had Nick Fury and Maria sitting in your living room. Maria hadn’t changed. She was obviously happy to see you with her warm embrace as a greeting. Then she went and sat with your daughter. Fury just offered you a smirk which was the closest to a smile. You offered the same back and sat opposite him.
“What’re you doing here Nick?”
You knew there was no point in asking how on earth he found you. Instead he lowered his voice to match yours so you both wouldn’t alert your daughter.
“They, I. Need your help. She needs your help L/N, the mission is too big, we need more skill. Like you.”
You sighed and looked down to the floor. Then Nick just had to go and pull at your heartstrings.
“In a few years, the kid is gonna start asking questions about Daddy or Mommy. What’re you gonna say?”
You knew he was right. But you were fully aware of yourself who was not in the wrong. She abandoned you when you were lowest. But you still had the team. If it was necessary you’d do it for them.
“How long?”
You soon found yourself stepping off of the jet Maria and Fury had brought you back in. Y/D/N had woken up with her head on your shoulder so her arms were around your neck and legs around your side. You were led to the compound sitting room and the Avengers finally could see you after 6 years, you were coming back. Coming back with a 6 year old, they didn’t know. They all stood up when they heard footsteps coming in and once they saw you they all smiled. Tony was the first to walk over to you and before he hugged you he looked at your daughter then back at you, then at Natasha and said,
“I knew it!” And he wrapped his arms around the both of you. Natasha didn’t know what he was on about as she was standing at the back, hiding the guilt, shame and sadness which was all she felt for these years. She only moved to the front to see who the voice came from that squealed,
“Uncle Tony and Uncle Stevie and Uncle Bucky. And, and Uncle Clint! Auntie Wanda!” They were all ecstatic but that soon went away when Natasha called your name. She looked at you and the child in confusion, thinking you were married and had a child with somebody else. Thinking that she had lost you. Then she saw her eyes, her nose, her lips. And she saw her face, her hair. And it was a mixture of Natashas and your looks.
Y/D/N was quiet now and she stared at the figure before wanting to be put down.
“Momma Nat?” The little girl started to walk over but you quickly grabbed her hand and held her to your hip. Natasha visibly winced and before she could speak her eyes were teary.
The team started to empty now until it was you three. You whispered in your little girls ear telling her to go sit on the couch and watch the quiet television. Natasha watched the little one with every movement.
“Y/N.. I..-“
“Yeah Natasha she’s yours. That’s your 6 year old daughter.”
She was speechless and she wanted to go over and hold the girl, ask for her name. Apologise.
“Y/N please. Please. I’m sorry. I.. I know that means nothing to you after all this time. Having to go through that on your own, I.. I hate myself! I’m so so sorry Y/N.”
She had started to cry and you weren’t one to dismiss someone who was once so close to you. Even after all the hurt. You tucked her face in your shoulder so Y/D/N couldn’t see her tears.
“You abandoned me Natasha. You gave up. Left me to deal with so many failed pregnancies. You were happy with Bruce and every night I was praying that one procedure would work. And it did. And she’s yours. But you gave up.”
More sniffles as she just listened.
“I can’t deny you access to seeing your daughter, but I can deny you ever trying to break my heart again.”
“I won’t Y/N. I can’t say anything to make you feel better but I will try. I promise.”
You weren’t sure that you wanted to back to where you where. It would take a lot of healing and time. But you were sure of the happiness on Natashas face as she cradled her daughter in her arms softly calling her by her name.
@natasha-danvers @imnotasuperhero @aaron-despair @confusinggemini612 @thewidowsghost @ecruzsalaz @fcbarcelona-and-marvel-4-life @gaytrashgoblin @capmarvelq @nat-romanoffdanvers @lesbian-x-blackwidow @emilyprentisswife @captain-josslett @fayhar @oblivious-horny-lesbian @trikruismybitch @summergeezburr @username23345 @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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firefly464 · 3 years
The Gilded Cage - Chapter 9
hehe i’m very excited :) also thank you pami for doing write time with me that was super poggers and awesome you’re so cool 
Written in collaboration with @pamiiap​​ :D Thank you @tea-with-veth​ for beta reading, and editing :D
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Three days. That’s how long Eret stayed with the computer. Three days of nothing but staring at the same screen, desperately trying to test out different commands to see what would work. Three days of sitting in a dark, cold room, with nothing to keep him warm. 
Over the past three days, Eret had barely slept. 
He’d lingered there for hours, the clicking of the keyboard and flashing of the screen filling his senses. All he could think about was this could be his way home. A way to end this and leave it all behind. Maybe he could wake up and it would all be a dream. 
A dream.
Dream was his friend. Dream was…
Dream was.
After hours of clawing at the keys for an escape, he hesitated for a moment. He curled his hands into fists and relaxed them, trying to release the tension he had. 
Instead of typing commands, he typed:
If anyone is reading, send me something
A sign, preferably
Tell me I’m not alone
Give me something
The shaking in his hands slowed, the edges of his vision melted away. He watched as his world faded into darkness.
“Hey, chat!” He says, on impulse. “How’s it been? Feels like forever.”
“Sorry for the long hiatus, life’s been throwing curveballs at me.” He continues.
Don’t worry!
You’re fine!
Its okay :D
“I hope you guys have been alright. Don’t know what we’ll be doing with this stream so I’m going to start a little poll in the chat here…”
Time melts away as he talks to his stream, he knows that. That’s how streams usually go. It happens in a blur, the eyes of thousands of people aren’t on him anymore. The stream has ended.
He falls into nothingness.
Journal Entry #1
I found the Console, still can’t get back home yet though. I’m still unsure on how it works, but I know, I know, that I can get home. It’s kind of like a command block, you can input code but it needs some sort of activation key to trigger it. Haven’t found that yet.
I’ll update this as I find more information.
Journal Entry #2
Text commands seem to work, more extreme commands need the trigger. I really should make some sort of command list, that might help. 
Journal Entry #3
I’ve made a list on a separate paper. I’m running out of space.
Journal Entry #6
What could the trigger be? I need to find it.
Journal Entry #8
I haven’t slept in three days. I need to head back.
Journal Entry #9
Nothing new as of the moment. I’m going to start working on a trigger to activate this thing.
Journal Entry #10
I wonder if I could undo whatever Dream did to everyone’s memories? I wonder if I could make it so that they didn’t hate me anymore. 
Journal Entry #13
I can’t sleep. 
Journal Entry #15
Going home back again. Bad’ll still have muffins, I hope. (If George didn’t eat them already)
Journal Entry #16
George ate my muffins. Prick >:(
Journal Entry #17
Packing for another trip to the Console today. Bad made extra muffins to compensate for the atrocity that happened yesterday. (Sidenote: George had his muffin privileges removed for a day)
Journal Entry #20
Bad’s worried. I wouldn’t blame him. I don’t think I can blame myself either. I have to get home.
Journal Entry #24
I’m here. Glad no-one’s tampered with my list. I’ve been gathering some redstone supplies to try and make a prototype trigger.
Journal Entry #27
I’ve tried several combinations of levers and buttons and redstone but nothing seems to activate it. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
Journal Entry #28
Nothing’s working.
Journal Entry #30
Can’t sleep again.
Journal Entry #32
I don’t think I’ve eaten. 
Journal Entry #33
I have to go ho back. I need to be more careful, George and Bad are getting worried. I don’t want them to be worried about me. They don’t even know me.
Journal Entry #34
Do I even know them?
Journal Entry #37
I won’t go to the Console for a couple of days. That might calm them down.
The weather’s getting warmer actually. I think spring might be almost here. Not sure if seasons might not work the same.
Journal Entry #38
George says it’s already mid-spring. I didn’t realize I’d been here for so long
Journal Entry #???
I want to go home. 
Eret closed the small book with a sigh. Ever since he had found the console several months ago, he had tried to do his best to keep a record of what he found. 
However, the journal had quickly turned into a place for him to pour his emotions, rather than document his findings. All of his actual records were with the console itself, where he could better keep track of them. 
He placed the small book in his bag, before swinging it over his shoulders. He needed to go back. Even if everything about the small, dark room made him want to scream, it was his only hope. His only way of potentially returning home. 
Gently, he pushed back the small curtain that separated his room from the rest of the community house. Even after several months of staying here, he still hadn’t bothered to make an actual room. After all, it wasn’t like he had a ton of free time. 
Almost all of his time was spent either at the console, or digging out tunnels underneath L’manberg. God, he hated those tunnels. 
As he gently stepped out into the main room, he quickly glanced around, checking to see if the coast was clear. 
It wasn’t as if he didn’t trust Bad or George, in fact it was quite the opposite. He just… He hated making them worry. He knew how much his frequent visits bothered both of them, and so lately he had begun trying to quietly slip away. 
He was almost at the front door of the community house, when a voice called out to him. 
He froze. 
Maybe, if he kept walking, whoever it was would just… let him go. Maybe he could pretend like he didn’t hear them, and he could just move on with his day. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to figure out the best course of action. 
“Eret? Are you alright?” 
He slowly turned around, trying his best not to grimace when he saw Bad standing at one of the other doors. 
“Hey…” The word sounded forced, even to him. “Uh, I was just… um…” 
Bad’s face fell ever so slightly as he noticed the small bag slung across Eret’s back. 
“Are you going to the forest again?” Eret tried his best to ignore the way that Bad’s voice was tinged with a slight disappointment. It would only make him feel guilty. 
“Uh, yeah…” 
“Were you just going to leave again? Without telling anyone?” Although there was no accusation in his tone, the words still cut deep, acting as a harsh reminder of his own actions. 
He shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying to dispel some of the nervous energy that was swirling around him. “I didn’t want to worry you guys anymore… I left a note upstairs though, I swear!” 
That was a lie. There was no note, there never was a note. But if claiming that there was helped to ease Bad’s worries, then that was what he was going to do. 
He could tell that Bad didn’t believe him. Although his friend would never actually call him out on it, he could still tell from the way his shoulders slumped ever so slightly, or the small frown that crossed his face. 
“Ok… Well, before you head out again, me and George were hoping to give you something,” Bad’s voice was filled with a forced cheerfulness, complete with a matching smile. 
Eret’s head shot up in disbelief. What on earth did they possibly have to give him? They had already done so much to help him, what more could there possibly be? 
Tendrils of guilt began to worm their way through Eret’s mind, reminding him of all the ways his friends had helped him over the past months, and all the ways he had failed to return their kindness. How was he supposed to accept yet another gift? 
“I really don’t need anything, you guys have already done enough for me,” he protested, knowing full well that nothing he could say would actually dissuade Bad. 
“Nonsense, this is something that we wanted to do for you. Hold on, I’ll go get George. Don’t go anywhere!” he cried out, already rushing out of the building. 
Eret let out a long sigh at the final sentence. Of course Bad didn’t trust him to not run off. 
Why would he?
Despite every instinct in his body that was telling him to run, Eret found himself rooted to the spot where he stood. When Bad returned nearly 10 minutes later with George behind him, he had hardly moved. 
“So… What exactly is going on?” Even to his own ears, his voice sounded forced and strained. 
“Well, George and I were talking,” Bad started, already rummaging through one of the many chests that lined the walls, “and we realized that you’re going to be king soon, right?” 
Eret couldn’t help but flinch at the reminder. To him, the title of king was nothing more than a reminder of what he had lost. A reminder of the pain he had caused for his friends. A reminder of the pain that he would continue to cause. 
But still, he couldn’t let his own reluctance show. If he remembered correctly, becoming king had meant a lot to his alter-ego. Hell, he had gone so far as to betray his friends, just so that he could secure the crown. 
And so he forced a smile onto his face, doing his best to swallow the bitter taste in his mouth. “I mean, yeah. I’m pretty sure it’s not going to happen for a while, but… yeah that was the idea. Why?” 
Bad’s grin grew wider, his face alight with barely contained excitement as he continued searching through different chests. Even George, who rarely showed any outward excitement around Eret, had a small smile on his face. 
“You’ll see, it’s a surprise. I just gotta find it first” 
“I uh, I think it's hanging up downstairs,” George interjected, already moving towards the stairs, “I can go grab it, hold on.” 
He was gone only for a few moments before he emerged at the top of the staircase, holding something behind his back, hidden from Eret’s line of sight. “Do you wanna explain what it is?” He asked, his question clearly directed at Bad. 
Bad nodded, then turned back to Eret, pride showing in his eyes. “Well, we wanted to get you something nice for your coronation. I know it probably isn’t going to be for a while, but you’ve seemed really stressed lately, and we wanted to do something nice for you!” 
George grinned, revealing a long, extravagant coat from behind his back. “Sapnap and Punz helped out with collecting dyes as well.” 
The silk coat was a deep shade of crimson, embellished with gold accents. It felt nice to touch but it was also durable. The inside of the coat was lined with an insulating fur that pokes over the collar, making the inside of it warm. 
He glanced up at both George and Bad, his brow furrowed in slight confusion. “Wait… Wait is this… What?” 
“It’s a coat! I know it gets cold at night so we made you this. Not to mention, a king should look the part.”
Tears started to form in his eyes, threatening to spill over as he gently took the coat. “Thank you” He forced out, unsure of what else he was supposed to say. 
“Go on then,” George said. “Put it on!”
Slowly, he took off the tattered L’manburg uniform, bloodied and stained with dirt, and put on the new coat. It felt… different. But, a good different. 
“Thank you.”
Several days had passed since Eret had last left the community house. Several days since George and Bad had gifted him the red coat. 
George could tell that their friend's absence was starting to chip away at Bad, his worry festering underneath his skin. By the third day, George had had enough. 
He quickly packed two bags, complete with everything that they would need for a long journey. He might not have known where exactly their friend had gone, but they knew the general direction. That would have to be enough. 
“Hey Bad!” He called out, his friend quickly coming down the stairs of the community house. 
“Whats up?” 
“Come on, we’re gonna go look for him.” 
Neither of them had any idea what they were looking for, all they knew was that it was somewhere in the eastern dark oak forest. They had spent nearly a week searching every nook and cranny of the woods, never finding any trace of their friend. 
That is, until they stumbled across a pathway. The dirt had been worn down, leaving a trail that they could follow.
The path had led to a small clearing, with a dark building in the center. 
Both George and Bad had recognized the strange material almost instantly. Bedrock. Eret had somehow found a building made of bedrock.
What the hell. 
The area surrounding the building was devoid of any human life, the only exception being a lone horse that was sleeping in the warm sun. 
“Well, I think we found him…” Bad’s voice was filled with concern. 
As they stepped into the strange building, they saw the room completely empty except for a machine in the middle. And unconscious at the desk, was…
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Secret Love Part 25 (Finale) || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: This series has been the most fun thing to write ever and I’m so grateful to everyone that has joined me on this journey. I really really really hope you like how I decided to wrap this chapter of their lives and I hope you’ll join me in the sequel to explore more adventures. I love you all and can’t wait to hear the screams that I’m certain are soon to follow this post. 
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 2,199 [Series total: ~74.8k]
A Look-back at how we started:
“Sara’s pregnant.”
No sentence had ever made you feel anger, fear, disbelief, sadness and a whole bevy of other emotions quite as quickly as that one did. You wanted to scream and you wanted to cry. Instead, you put a mask over your expressions and just took the glass of wine Laura was offering as she filled hers to the brim.
“What?” You whispered, your voice cracking slightly.
“Cale called me today…he was so obviously nervous and before I could even ask what was wrong he was rambling on about how she was pregnant and he didn’t know what to do…” You could see the disappointment on Laura’s face and you attempted to send her a reassuring smile, though you were sure she noticed how forced it seemed. Swirling your wine in your glass, you thought about all of the reasons this news bothered you, making you almost sick to your stomach.
Now onto the finale: 
“Y/N’s pregnant.” 
Leaning against the doorway to your shared bedroom, you felt a smile spread across your face as your boyfriend spilled the news out of frustration, a response to his mother’s unnecessary concern. 
“What?” Laura whispered, her voice cracking. The expression on her face was one of shock and awe as she just stared at Cale. Shivering as a chill ran up your spine, you turned to adjust the thermostat, cranking up the heat to ward off the mid-November chill. 
Cale’s parents had arrived in Denver yesterday afternoon and though you’d had dinner with them, neither you nor Cale were sure whether or how to share everything that had changed since you’d seen them last. You’d mentioned that the two of you were thinking about buying a house here which had been met with some confusion but otherwise you kept things fairly light conversation wise. A part of you had expected Laura to question you not drinking, but when she hadn’t said anything you assumed she hadn’t picked up on it at all. 
When you’d crawled into bed last night, you and Cale had still been undecided on whether to share the news yet but when you woke up this morning, it seemed like hiding probably wasn’t going to be an option. Of course, though you rarely experienced morning sickness, today of all days it had to hit you like a truck. Cale had been the doting father-to-be that he always was, holding your hair back and massaging your lower back gently. When the nausea didn’t begin to ebb like it normally did, he’d called your coworker to move all of your appointments for the day before settling you back into bed with some tea, crackers, and a wastebasket. Only with your insistence that you would be fine did he head off to practice, leaving you to doze off again. 
You’d woken up a couple hours later to Cale perched on the side of the bed, his fingers dragging lightly over your stomach. 
“You feeling any better?” He’d questioned, concern flickering across his face. “Think maybe you could use something to eat?” 
Stretching, you sat up just a little, testing out how your stomach would react to the movement. It didn’t twist or turn like it had earlier and you let out a breath of relief, reaching out to pull Cale into a quick kiss. 
“Heat me up some of the leftover soup from the freezer?” You requested. You knew Laura and Gary were coming over to spend the afternoon with the two of you, but you were fairly certain that your stomach would be unable to handle whatever lunch they brought. 
“Course sweetheart.” Cale agreed, leaving you to slowly make your way up and out of bed. 
The minute she’d walked through the door, you heard Laura question Cale about why he was cooking when he knew that they were bringing lunch. 
“Because Y/N wants soup.” Cale replied, pulling the defrosted soup from the microwave so that he could dump it into a pot to finish warming. 
Laura had expressed her confusion stating that you and Cale had both known that they were bringing one of your favorites. 
“Mom...she wasn’t feeling well this morning okay.” He sighed. “Soup is easy on the stomach, that is not.” 
“Is she sick? Cale why didn’t you tell us? If she’s not feeling well we can go find something else to do.” Laura had pressed. 
“She’s fine now.” Cale replied, his voice gaining a little bit of an edge that signaled his annoyance. 
“Seriously Cale, if Y/N isn’t feeling well she should be resting, not having to worry about entertaining us.” Laura continued. 
“Mom. Relax.” Cale declared. Immediately Laura started speaking again and the next words out of his mouth were the ones you’d been hiding. 
With the silence starting to become uncomfortable in the kitchen, you made your way out from your spot in the doorway, nestling up to Cale’s side as he stared at his mom. Your sudden presence seemed to startle Laura and Gary and they ran their eyes back and forth between you and their son. 
“You’re pregnant?” Laura questioned, tears welling in her eyes. Nodding, you took a step back to pull the ultrasound photos out from the magnet on the side of the fridge. Setting them down in front of her, you pecked Cale’s cheek, before turning to adjust the temperature on your soup so that it didn’t burn. 
“How do you feel about being a grandma?” You questioned after a moment, laughing as she launched herself around the kitchen island, pulling you into a hug. 
“You’re pregnant. You’re really pregnant.” She choked out in disbelief. 
“Yeah mom. I’m pregnant.” You stated. 
“Oh my lord.” Laura breathed and when she pulled away you could see the tears streaming down her cheeks. “This wasn’t planned was it?” She questioned, her slight confusion returning. 
“No, it wasn’t planned.” Cale voiced from behind you. 
“But you’re happy?” She confirmed, looking past you to her son. 
“We’re so happy.” Cale assured her. “Best surprise ever.” 
The way he looked at you sent you back to the night he was referring to a month ago. 
Cale had been away on one of the first roadtrips of the season when you’d found out the news. 
With moving and then trying to get settled in in your new home, you’d forgotten you were due for your birth control shot. Finding a local clinic, you made an appointment to go down and get it taken care of. You’d submitted to the requested urine test not thinking anything of it. It wasn’t until a nurse came into your room informing you that they couldn’t give you the shot that anything at all seemed out of place. 
“Wait...what do you mean? Why can’t you give me the shot?” You remembered asking. 
When she’d explained that she couldn’t give you the shot because you were pregnant, your jaw had dropped, your hand drifting down to your stomach. And though you didn’t think they had lied, you took the paperwork the nurse offered you before rushing to the nearest pharmacy where you’d purchased three different pregnancy tests. 
An hour later you were sitting on the bathroom floor staring at various phrases or symbols all signalling that you were definitely expecting - ‘3+ weeks’ one test in particular read. 
You knew you couldn’t be much further along than that, you’d gotten your period shortly after arriving in Denver. You were certain of that because you’d forgotten to pack anything and Cale had had to run to the store on his way home from camp. 
Though your initial reaction beyond disbelief was joy, you were worried about how Cale would take the news. You’d only been together for 5 months and while he’d expressed that he’d be open to having kids if the situation was right...you just didn’t know. 
It had taken you almost 24 hours to come to the conclusion that you just had to trust that Cale would be as happy as you were. This baby was part of both of you and it wasn’t like things between you were anything but good. Knowing that Cale would be home the following night, you set to work on figuring out how to tell him. Heading out to the store you found a retro looking Avalanche sleeper. You’d stopped into a second hand book store while you were out, looking more for something for you to read than anything else but you’d stumbled upon the children’s book ‘goodnight hockey’ and it seemed like the perfect addition to the little package you were putting together. 
Wrapping up the sleeper and book with one of the pregnancy tests, you sat down trying to think about what you wanted to say to Cale with the card. It had come to you as you were going to bed and after writing it down, you tucked the card back into the envelope writing Cale’s name on the front. 
The next day was the longest wait of your life but you were determined to tell Cale when he got home, the secret you’d been hiding for two days already eating at you. It was late...really late and you’d moved from the couch to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of hot chocolate when you heard Cale’s key in the door. 
As he stumbled into the kitchen he seemed surprised that you were still awake, but he’d leaned in to kiss you quickly. Only then did he notice the package on the counter, his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of it. 
“What’s that?” He questioned, shrugging off his suit jacket and draping it over the back of the barstool. 
“A present. For you.” You murmured softly, sending him a sneaky smile as you poured boiling water into your mug on the counter. 
“My birthday isn’t for two weeks sweetheart...can’t it wait?” He asked, leaning against the counter. 
“No, it can’t.” You insisted. “Open it now.” Cale eyed you for a minute before immediately reaching for the wrapping paper, causing you to glare at him in disbelief. 
“Who taught you how to open presents?” You exclaimed. “Open the card first…” Cale rolled his eyes playfully before grabbing the card off the front of the box, slipping the little note card out of the envelope. 
Daddy hopes I get mommy’s giggles, 
Mommy hopes I get daddy’s rosy cheeks, 
No matter what I’m going to be perfect, 
You’ll see for yourself in about 36 weeks. 
You watched as his eyes glazed over, his brain struggling to process given the late hour. Setting the card aside, he tore into the paper on the box frantically, pulling the lid off to reveal all of the goodies tucked inside. You watched, your bottom lip pulled between your teeth, as Cale bypassed the pregnancy test instead pulling the sleeper from the box. Just as quickly though, he reached back inside, his jaw dropping as the stick with the word ‘pregnant’ stared back at him. 
“We’re having a baby?” The words spilled from his lips as tears rolled down his cheeks. “You’re serious?”
“I’m pregnant Cale.” You confirmed. “You’re gonna be a dad.” Closing the few steps between you, Cale wrapped his arms around you, spinning you once before burying his head into your neck. 
“I can’t…” He mumbled into your skin. “You’re sure?” 
“I’m sure.” You insisted. “3 home pregnancy tests and a clinic test all confirm.” Although Cale seemed happy, his lack of an official reaction was starting to worry you slightly. When he kissed you though, you took that as a good sign, carding your fingers through his hair. 
“Please tell me you’re okay with this…” You whispered, shifting your fingers to wipe the tears from his cheeks. “...because I know this wasn’t planned and it happened sooner than I think we were expecting…” 
“We’re having a baby.” Cale repeated, his tone awestruck. “Fuck sweetheart...of course I’m okay with this.” He breathed, shaking his head as if to pull him out of the daze he was in. “You’re having my baby.” He stated, his grin growing. “I’m shocked but...good shocked.” Kissing you again gently, Cale pulled back and immediately dropped to his knees, his hands sliding across your lower stomach. 
This was the kind of reaction you’d hoped for, better than you’d hoped for even, and you felt your own tears fall as Cale nuzzled against your stomach, kissing gently over the skin there through your shirt. 
“Baby says happy early birthday daddy.” You whispered, staring down at him. 
You’d spent the rest of that night talking about your surprise blessing, Cale’s palm never leaving your stomach. It had been perfect, just perfect. 
“Oh this is so wonderful.” Laura exclaimed. “How far along are you?” She pressed, her eyes drifting down to your where your baby bump would soon be growing. 
“8 weeks.” You replied. “So still very early but the doctor says everything looks good. We’re due mid-june.” You explained, laughing as Laura expressed her happiness by bouncing up and down. 
She hugged you again before moving to wrap Cale in her arms, the two of them whispering to each other, smiles on their faces. With his wife having expressed her excitement, Gary slid around the counter and pulled you into a hug as well. 
“Congratulations. Can’t wait to meet my grandbaby.” He expressed, squeezing you a second time before moving to pat Cale on the back. You knew Cale needed this moment with his parents, so you turned your attention to the pot of soup bubbling away on the stovetop. 
This year has been full of so many secrets: the disaster around Cale’s pregnancy scare with Sara, your exchanged feelings in March, dating for two months without anyone knowing, moving to Denver, and now the fact that your little family is growing. 
And though the baby was going to remain a secret to some people for a little while longer, one thing was absolutely not a secret: you were in love with your best friend and he was in love with you. Your journey together was only just beginning. 
Cale’s early birthday present: 
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Thursday, February 24, 2022
My midwives had me do an early 1 hour glucose test this time around because my mother had GD in both her pregnancies (not sure why we didn’t do this last time but whatever). Results over 139 identify 80% of women with GD, results over 129 identify 90%. Mine came back at 130. With my son it came back at 135, and then I passed the 3 hour test no problem. So...I’m REALLY hoping they’re not gonna make me do the 3 hour test now and then make me do another 1 hour at the normal time and then maybe have to do ANOTHER 3 hour after that, based on my 1 hour history to date. Yesterday I felt like my blood sugar never really fully balanced out the rest of the day.
Yesterday Old Boss informed me that she wants to take me with her to a conference. It’s run by an organization I’ve taken some courses from and actually looks substantially interesting.....but
a) It includes the day of my son’s upshernish
b) It’s RIGHT before Rosh Hashanah (it’s a Tuesday-Friday and RH starts Sunday night)
c) Oh yeah, and I’ll be on maternity leave with my ≈1-month-old KA”H
She wants me to let her know if the dates work for me so she can book it. Obviously, they do not. But I’m debating whether to play it off as JUST the first 2 concerns or to tell her I’m pregnant a bit earlier than planned. I’m afraid that if I try just the first 2, she’ll say, “Oh ok, so if you want to leave early that’s fine, I’ll just sign you up for the first part.” But I hadn’t planned on telling work (or the rest of the general public) about the pregnancy for another couple weeks or so.
I have my ultrasound later today so I guess I’ll at least see how that goes before making a decision. I think I might have felt baby move a bit in the past couple  days, but I’m still not sure about it the way I remember being with my son’s early movements a full 2 weeks earlier than this. So...nervous. I really hope to come out of today’s appointment feeling significantly reassured.
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janicho88 · 4 years
Fire, Fur & Mistletoe Chapter 3
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Pairing- Eventual Dean x Female Reader.
Word Count-2,383
Warning- Mentions of: loss of parents, death, and fires.  Possible swearing. Slight angst. Fluff
Summary- A rewrite of the Nine Lives of Christmas, Hallmark movie. AU, Dean is a firefighter who doesn’t do commitment, the Holiday’s don’t mean much to him.  Coming home after a shift he finds a dog in trouble.  The reader is a veterinary student who works in a coffee shop trying to make it to graduation, until someone causes problems there for her.  She isn’t interested in finding anyone other than her own dog until after she finishes school.  Do their four legged friends have other plans?
A/N- This series is written for @spnchristmasbingo.  The square filled for this chapter is Christmas Tree  The first two chapters will stay closer to the movie than the rest will.  
This chapter also fills my entry for @supernatural-love14​,100 Followers writing challenge.  Prompt - I don’t remember the last time I truly enjoyed Christmas.
This has its own tag list and it is open.  That way I am not tagging anyone who doesn’t want to be tagged in Christmas stories.   This story is unbeta’d.
Header by the amazing @winchest09
Divider from freepngimg.com
Series Masterlist
To say you were surprised to end up at an elementary school would be an understatement.    Dean’s group of fascinating people were the kindergarten classes. He even had plastic fireman hats for them, and of course an extra one for you. 
The kids were so caught up in his speech about fire safety and the important things to remember if there ever is a fire.  He was so good with them and kept them all interested.  He finished his presentation talking about Christmas trees and how they should all make sure their parents keep them watered, so the lights don’t catch them on fire. 
Dean took questions at the end.  Some of the boys wanted to know what it was like to drive the fire truck, someone asked if it was fun to slide down the pole.  They were disappointed when Dean told them there wasn’t one where he worked.  One little girl at the end ran up and gave him a great big hug before you guys left.  He was so adorable with her. 
When you left there Dean asked if you were interested in helping him pick out tiles for the kitchen backsplash.  You didn’t have anything else to do and had been enjoying helping him with the house so you agreed. 
Getting to the store he had three different ones selected and had you help him decide.  After the paint he trusted your opinion on the color selection.   
They had enough in stock of your choice to let you two get started on it when you got home.  The rest would be in soon.  You had a system worked out, you put the mastic on the back and Dean applied the tile to the wall. 
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That afternoon Dean headed into work for another 24 hour shift. The second call of the afternoon was for a house fire.  Thankfully for the residents it was mostly contained to one room, just the living room.  But that room had a bit of damage done.
Hoping out of the truck back at the station he asks, “Okay who seriously is going to BBQ a turkey in the fireplace.  And plan on doing it twice because this was just going to be a test run before Christmas?”
“It’s the Holidays,”  Bobby stated.  “People are going to be doing crazy things.  You’ve been here a few years don’t you know this by now.”
“That is true.  Y/N and I were talking about that earlier after we left the school presentation.”
“Wait, WE, left the presentation?  Did you take her with you?”  Benny wanted to know.
“She’s living with him now, didn’t you know that?” Sam asks him.
“What, really?”  Benny couldn’t believe it.
“She moved in a couple days ago.”
“Wow, you two move fast.”
“It’s not like that you idiots.  She got kicked out of her condo and had nowhere else to go, and she already got fired because of me.  I’m just giving her a place to stay till she figures things out.  The house has the room.  Our dogs get along great.”
“Is that why Miracle isn’t here?”  Cas wants to know.
“Yeah, Y/N’s taking care of him and Dean. He’s falling in love.”
“Who Dean or Miracle?” Cas questions Sam.
“Dean, probably both.  She is very easy to like.”
“You’ve met her, besides that day she was in here?”  Benny wanted to know.
“Yeah, Dean called me to help move her.”
“I would have helped the nice pretty girl move, why didn’t you ask me to help?”
“I’m not sure packing would have been the only thing you tried with her, Benny.  I just found her again, I’m not letting you scare her off.”
“He didn’t deny the love.”  Sam says with a smile. 
“I’m not falling in love with anyone, bitch.”  Dean shakes his head at the whole thing as he removes his gear. 
“I’m sorry, my jerk of a brother, is falling in love, but he doesn’t know it yet.”
“That can’t be true Dean, come on man.  I look up to you, playing the field avoiding commitment, a constant string of beautiful women.”
“It’s not true, we aren’t falling in love, not dating.  I still don’t do commitment, and never getting married.”
“So what are you doing with Miracle if you don’t do commitment?”  Bobby asks as he takes off his coat.”
“Temporary long termish house guest.”
“Uh huh.”
“I told him when the house is sold he’s on his own.”
“Let us know how that works out in a couple of months, you idjit.”
“I’m calling your bluff with the girl.  Can you say no to these three things.”
“Really Cas?”
Cas ignores Dean and continues on, “ You live with her?  That’s a yes.  Two, you spend all your free time with her? Yes.”
“Three, you think about her when you aren’t with her? Yes,”
“No, no, you have it all wrong.  Like I said she is only staying till she gets back on her feet.  We are getting to know each other so we hang out, but only  because she’s already there.”
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“Getting to know each other like you would if you were dating someone?”
“Shut it Sam.”
“Are you saying he is falling in love?  The legend, is human after all?”  Benny questioned.
“No, I’m not falling in love.  Y/N is a temporary roommate.  That’s it.”
“Man, you are like five minutes away from marrying this girl.”  Sam tells him.
“I hate you all.”  Gear off Dean leaves them behind to take a shower.
“Keep telling yourself that!”  Bobby yells after him.
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Wandering around Dean’s house alone while he was at work, you got to thinking.  There was one thing you were really missing this close to Christmas, and it was something you didn’t think you would be able to have this year.  A Christmas tree.
When Dean gets home the next afternoon you bring it up.
“I was wondering if you were going to get a Christmas tree this year?”
“Usually don’t.  I don’t think I’ve had one in a few years.”
“Yeah, I haven’t seen a reason too.  I buy a house, fix it up and sell it.  Usually I don’t stay in one long enough.  I don’t do much for the Holidays.  Why do you ask?”
“I was thinking maybe we could get a tree?  I have a little artificial tabletop tree, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a real one?  To have that Christmas smell when you walk in the door?”
“If you like real ones so much why didn’t you already have one in your place?”
“It was against the bylaws. Apparently too much of a fire liability.”
“That didn’t stop you with Dakota.”
“The tree can’t be hidden quickly like she was.  She was worth risking it for.”
“You really want to get a tree?”
“Please, it helps it feel more like Christmas.  If you don’t want one I understand.”
Dean threw his head back and sighed.  “Fine we can go get a tree.  I think there is a tree lot near the station that hasn’t sold out yet.”
“Let’s go to a tree farm, get the whole experience.”
“You’ll be the death of me Sweetheart.”
Dean didn’t have to work at all the following day, so after breakfast the two of you headed out to the Christmas tree farm.  Dressed in warm clothes and boots you were ready to walk all around the 8 acre tree farm if you needed to, just to find the right tree.   There was a wagon ride that took you around to the different types of trees.  Dean and you got off in the back lot figuring you could walk your way toward the entrance. 
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“There’s a tree,”  Dean points out as you start walking down the first row.
“Yes, and it’s also like four foot tall.  It’s still growing, let the baby be.”
“Okay, miss Christmas tree expert.  How do you pick the perfect Christmas tree?”
“It’s really pretty scientific you know.”
“Oh really? Please do explain it to me.”
You laughed at his expression. He had turned to you with wide eyes and a cheeky little grin.  Like he was going to absorb whatever you said.  “You dork.”  Heading over to a tree you reach for a branch pulling your hand back toward you slowly.  “First you need to check the freshness.  If the needles stay on when you do that it’s good.”
You drop your hand to the side, “Then you need to inhale deeply and see how it smells.”
Dean did just that, “It smells like a tree.”
“Okay, but does it smell Christmassy.”
“Christmassy?  Pretty sure you just made that word up.”  
“Nope it’s totally in the dictionary.”
“Okay, Webster.  Then what does it mean?”
“To be filled with Christmas spirit.”
Dean just stared at you for a moment.  “You think a tree is going to smell like it’s filled with Christmas spirit?  Just wondering if you were drinking before I got up this morning?”
“Oh come on, it’s that fresh cut pine smell that fills the whole place and makes it feel like Christmas.”
“Whatever you say, I’ll leave the nose work to you.  What is step three?”  He wants to know as you two walk down the lane looking at the trees around you.
“The lean test.  You need to look at a tree straight on, then lean to the right and to the left, then stand back up straight.  You don’t want a tree that is leaning too hard one way and is crooked.”  You stop to inspect a tree, but continue on down your way.
The fourth step is checking the trunk and making sure nothing is wrong with it.  Sometimes the tree might be straight but that isn’t.  Or it could have a double one that won’t fit in a tree stand.”
“Height is important too.  Your ceilings are fairly high so we could get a foot tree no problem.”
Dean is just smiling listening to you go on about trees while you walk through the lot. “Yep that is extremely scientific.”
You two stopped and looked at different ones but kept going.  There was one you stuck a stick up in top of to mark if you didn’t find anything else you liked. Around an hour into your search you stopped in your tracks.  Dean was lost in his thoughts and took him a moment to notice.  
“That’s the one.”
“The one?”
“Yep, that’s the tree we should get.”
“There is only one?  How do you know it’s the one? What if you are wrong, but you’ve already committed to it?  What happens then, fighting and hurting the kids?”
“You lost me, Dean.”
“I um,”  He just realized what all came out of his mouth. “I  mean it’s a great tree.  Let’s get that one.”
“You sure you are alright?”
“Yep great.  Hold that steady, till I need you to push a little, will you?”
While you were helping to hold the tree from moving too much Dean got on the ground and started sawing back and forth till he had it lying on the ground.  You couldn’t help but notice the muscles in his arms as he worked. 
The two of you carried the tree toward the path in the hopes the wagon would be around soon and you wouldn’t have to carry it all the way to the front.  Thankfully only about five minutes later you could hear it coming around.  Up at the front they shook and bagged the tree for you.  
They also had Santa, and some petting animals around.
“Did you want to go tell Santa your Christmas wish?”  You asked Dean.
“You know, I already saw him this year.  He and I are pretty tight.”
After seeing the animals you hopped in his truck and headed to the store.  Neither of you had a stand that would fit the newly bought tree.  With that accomplished you were on your way back to the house.  Getting the tree inside it was set up in the living room not to far from the fire place, but not near enough to catch any sparks that may pop out. 
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Dean didn’t have any decorations in the house, but you had some you had been saving.  After the lights were on you went to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate for the two of you and pulled out some of the peanut butter blossom cookies you made the day before.  Coming back Dean still hadn’t turned on the tv so you asked if you could.  Finding the different music channels you finally came across a Christmas one.
The two of you were enjoying the music and each other’s company as you decorated the tree. 
It was late afternoon by the time everything was done and cleaned up.  You offered to start dinner and Dean came in to help you.  The two of you working easily in the newly finished kitchen. 
After dinner you two retired back to the living room turning off the lights in the room and just letting the tree shine.  There was a roaring fire going, The Santa Clause 2 playing on tv.  Chet had to be one of your favorite reindeer in training. It was very relaxing.  
After the movie Dean mutes the television and turns to you.  “Thank you for suggesting the tree.  It’s actually really nice to have it.  I don’t remember the last time I truly enjoyed Christmas.  My parents fought a lot when we were little after the fire, before and after separating.  After we lost them it was just Sam and I.  Both of us just worked double shifts on Christmas at the station so others could have the time off.  Now Sam has Jess so he works part of the day, but doesn’t do a double anymore so he can spend time with her and her family.
He looks around at the decorations on the mantle, “I wouldn’t be opposed if you had some other small decorations you wanted to get out too.”
“Okay, I’ll see what I have that won’t be in the way.”
He turns the volume back up and the two of you settle back to watch another movie.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 4 
Tags- @winchest09  @waywardbeanie @whatareyousearchingfordean  @flamencodiva @deanwanddamons @jensengirl83 @abuavnee @lunarmoon8 @amyzombie1013 @akshi8278 @that-one-gay-girl @mandalou29  @igotmadskills
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elisaphoenix13 · 3 years
Delusional (Ch.2)
He wished that he never went to Afghanistan. His brief trip turned into a three month nightmare, which he only escaped because of Scott. His kid was the sole reason he survived and he had been determined to get home. Thanks to Yinsen, he had been able to achieve his freedom, but it was at the cost of the other man's life. Even if he wanted to die to rejoin his family, it still weighed on Tony and gave his determination to get home to Scott a bigger boost.
By some miracle, Rhodey and a team were flying around looking for him in the middle of the desert and he was home within 24 hours. Of course he cleaned up a bit. He knew Scott would be waiting on the tarmac for him and didn't want his kid to see him beaten, bleeding, and bruised. The electromagnet in his chest would be bad enough.
"How is he?" Tony asks as the plane starts it's landing. "How's my kid?"
"Scott was…inconsolable for the first month." Rhodey answers. "Then suddenly, one day, he hunkered down in the lab and hacked everything he could think of to find you. I had to pull a lot of strings to keep him out of trouble...but he helped find you."
Tony nods. "Scotty's a force to be reckoned with. It's a good thing he doesn't like violence or the rest of the world would be in trouble."
"Speaking of, can you please tell him to stop changing the nuclear codes?"
"Even if I could, I wouldn't. He has the right idea. I should be taking a page out of his book for once."
Once the plane lands, Rhodey helps him to his feet as the ramp lowers, and then down to the tarmac where Happy, Pepper, and Scott are waiting. He saw Scott's disappointed look when Tony refused the gurney they had rolled over, but Tony didn't care. He walked straight over to the younger man and pulled him into a tight hug, sighing with relief. He never took Scott for granted, but he still missed the ridiculous cowlick in his hair and the way he smelled of oranges and...candy? Something told Tony that Scott's diet largely consisted of candy at least in the past few weeks.
"You smell like you could go for a cheeseburger too." Tony finally says and Scott looks at him incredulously.
"You've been missing for three months, assumed dead, and that's the first thing you say to me?" Scott frowns.
"What? You want me to drop to my knees and sob overdramatically about how much I missed you?" Tony asks and Scott makes a face. "Yeah. I didn't think so. So a cheeseburger and a press conference."
"A press conference?" Pepper asks, surprised as she gets in the car with the men. "You should go to the hospital-"
"Cheeseburger. And a press conference." Tony repeats firmly.
He left no room for argument and Pepper eventually relented and called whoever she needed to to get the press conference to happen. In the meantime, Tony wrapped an arm around Scott's shoulders and pulled him close, needing him to stay nearby. He needed the closeness, and for now he needed Scott to stay where he could see him. At least just for now. That was when Scott noticed the faint glow through his shirt and he sat up a little.
"Dad? What's that?" Scott reaches out and unbuttons the first few buttons before Tony can stop him and the younger male stares.
"I'll explain later alright? When we get home."
Fortunately, Scott nodded and let the subject drop and soon enough, Happy was passing a bag of Burger King back to them. Scott barely opened it and handed one to Tony before he was practically inhaling it, so his son decided to hand him his second one before getting his own. Tony was just opening his second one as the car pulled up to the building and Happy gets out and rounds the car to let them out. Everything up to the point of his announcement was a bit of a blur after that. He was tired, he hurt, and honestly he wanted to go home and fall into bed for a couple of days.
Seeing the look on Scott's face though? It made Tony absolutely sure of his decision to shut down the weapons department. They would find a new way for the company to thrive. And Tony was going to take a page from Scott's book like he should have the moment Stark Industries was his.
The Merchant of Death was no more.
One of the first things Tony did after he slept for 18 hours was go down to his lab and make an upgraded version of his mini arc reactor. Something more reliable that wasn't made from parts found in a cave and wouldn't remind him of the pain and torture he endured in those three months. It didn't take long for him to finish, but once he got himself hooked up to an EKG and sat himself in a chair, he realized his newest predicament.
His hands were too big.
"JARVIS? Where's Scott?" Tony asks. "Nevermind." He grabs his phone and video calls Scott. When the younger man answers, he sees him eating a sandwich. "Two things. Bring me a sandwich and come help me real quick."
The video call abruptly ends and in just a few minutes, Scott walks down to the lab with Tony's sandwich and walks over to him. He looks at all of the equipment around his father and then at the new arc reactor as he sets the plate down.
"You're not doing surgery on yourself are you?" Scott asks.
"Nope. You are." Tony says and Scott pales. "I'm kidding. Sort of. Let me see your hands."
Scott holds up his hands and Tony nods. They were definitely smaller than his. Small enough at least.
"Perfect. You're helping me replace this." Tony takes the old piece out of his chest and Scott watches in trepidation.
"What do you want me to do?" Scott asks.
"There's an exposed wire which is why I needed to replace it. Need you to pull it out without touching...just treat it like Operation. You liked that game."
"Yeah, when I was four and not pulling weird things out of my dad." Scott moves closer and reaches in anyway, making a face when his fingers squelch in the plasma. "Oh god. This is so gross and smells-"
"Yeah it does." Tony says with humor in his voice.
He tried warning Scott about the magnet at the end, but it was pulled out before he could finish his sentence and the machine beside him beeps in warning. Scott startles and looks at it, but Tony manages to get his attention again.
"Hey, don't worry about the machines. Put that down and take this." Tony says, giving Scott the new piece once his son puts the old one down. "Connect it to the plate-there you go." Tony praises and helps lock it into place. "All done. You did great. Thanks."
Scott grimaces and wipes his hands on a nearby rag. "Never ask me to do that again. Ask someone else to do it."
"I only have you kiddo." Tony says seriously and Scott looks at him before sighing and picking up the old arc reactor.
"What should I do with this?"
"Get rid of it. Destroy it... whatever." Tony shrugs and grabs his sandwich after pulling his shirt back on.
"You might need it for parts." Scott says and takes it over to an iron shelf to place with other discarded projects. "You'll thank me later."
"I doubt it."
Scott rolls his eyes and follows Tony over to his desk where he sits down and starts scrolling through some files until sending one over to the holotable. Blueprints of the iron suit he had made and escaped in. Ever since he got back, all he could think about was keeping Scott safe. And he figured he could do that with the suit. A properly upgraded one that wasn't clunky...but this would be for him. He was serious when he said he was shutting down the weapons department of the company, but he couldn't just sit back with this idea in his lap.
"What's that?" Scott asks.
"This," Tony starts, trashing parts of the blueprint in the Holo trash can. "Is how I escaped."
"Shall I upload this to the company server Sir?" JARVIS asks.
"No. Keep it in my private server. I don't know who I can trust right now."
"Not Obie." Scott grumbles and Tony looks over at him.
"What? Why?"
Scott shrugs. "I don't know. He was weirdly calm while you were missing...and he tried to give me a cheeseburger." When Tony gives him a confused look, he clarifies. "The bun had sesame seeds on it."
"He probably forgot or didn't realize." Tony says and looks back at the suit. "But noted."
He didn't want Scott to think he was brushing him off.
"Why are you making adjustments to that?" Scott asks, watching his father work.
"I'm making this for myself...and you in a way. It will give me peace of mind to know I have a way to protect you." Tony trashes another part and opens the arms of the suit.
"Please." Tony says, stopping and looking at Scott again. "I'm not making weapons for the rest of the world anymore, but you can be damn well sure that I'm going to make armor to protect what's important to me."
Scott didn't argue further. Maybe because he realized how much Tony needed this. And even more surprising? He actually helped. Over the next week, he helped write the code JARVIS would need when they integrated him into the suit, and helped find screwdrivers that Tony misplaced. Tony liked having a project to do with Scott. It used to be cars since Scott refused to work with weapons, but now they had the suit.
And on some occasions Scott had to console DUM-E. Especially after Tony called him a tragedy. It wasn't his fault DUM-E couldn't follow simple directions.
Okay, maybe it was...a little.
"Okay. Got the camera rolling?" Tony asks Scott as he steps onto the testing area wearing the flight pieces of his suit.
"Yup...and DUM-E has the fire extinguisher as always." Scott answers and looks up from the camera.
"Alright." Tony readies his stance. "We'll start off with 10% thrust capacity and see if it gets us off the ground."
The whirring grows louder and then Tony starts his countdown from three. The moment he hits one, he presses the handheld switches, immediately getting thrown up and backwards. He hits the low ceiling before crumpling to the floor and DUM-E turns to him and sprays him with the fire extinguisher as Scott runs over to him. The second the younger realizes he's generally okay, he bites his lip and starts to turn red.
Probably from trying not to laugh.
"If I hear a snicker from you, I will ground you forever. No oranges or lollipops."
Scott bursts into laughter a moment later and Tony sighs and holds up his arm.
"Help me up you brat."
"I think it's safe to say that 10% gets you off the ground." Scott snickers once he gets himself under control, and reaches down to help him to his feet.
"Ahahaha, so funny." Tony takes off the suit pieces with Scott's help and walks over to the workbench.
"It was. And now we will forever have a record of it." Scott smiles and watches Tony start designing the arms of the suit.
"I'd delete it but I'm sure you'll find a way to restore it and squirrel it away somewhere."
Scott only confirms his theory with a laugh and they both look over to the door when it hisses open. Pepper walks in and approaches them after setting some paperwork down.
"Didn't you hear the intercom? I've been buzzing you. Obadiah's upstairs." She tells them and Scott scrunches his nose.
"What? Oh, right. I'll be right up." He pulls his arm and the bones of the suit's arm from the stand with it.
"I thought you were done making weapons."
"He is." Scott answers. "That's a flight stabilizer."
"Completely harmless." Tony adds.
He powers it up and activates it, sending things - and himself - flying. Unfortunately his landing pad had been Scott, who was standing behind him when he shot the stabilizer and Tony immediately rolled off of him. Scott groans and holds the back of his head as he sits up and Pepper looks down at both of them incredulously.
"Seriously, how is he still alive?" Pepper asks.
"In my defense, I didn't expect that." Tony says and gets up with Scott's help once the younger recovers.
"You say that more than you think." Pepper says. "Brought paperwork for you to look at and sign. Obie is upstairs. Scott? Are you okay sweetie?"
"Still better than an asthma attack." Scott answers.
"I swear one of these days I'm going to come down here and find you both dead." Pepper sighs.
"It's plausible." Tony says and starts for the stairs.
Pepper only scoffs.
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asteriismos · 4 years
as the rush comes - bill denbrough
warning(s) : smut, bill is like 30 something and the reader is like 24 so age gap, inappropriate relationship, bill and his wife are separated, oral sex ( fem receiving ), 
words : 4.7k
imma just request bill cheating on his wife with the reader😳💅🏼
“. . . and can you call to move the meeting on thursday to five o’clock instead of four o’clock?”
“yes, sir.”
“y/n, you’ve been working for me for almost three months now, you can call me bill.”
you looked up from your laptop at him, fingers stalling on the keys as you were typing the changes to bill’s schedule. you gave him a small smile, showing some teeth, then nodding. 
about three months ago when you were asking your english professor if there was anything you could be doing to further your image in the writing world, she offered to talk to a friend of hers about possibly offering you some kind of internship. that way you could get some connections come time for someone to read your writing, and a brief look of what being a writer was like on the daily. eager and ambitious as you were, you were quick to accept her offer, earning you an interview to work for bill denbrough.
the first time that you stepped into his house, you were greeted by his wife audra. she had a big smile on her face and told you that you’d possibly be able to help bill de-stress a little bit by helping with his scheduling. but when you stepped into bill's office, you were a little blown away. 
you had expected for bill to be older, especially with the way that he wrote his books. you’d read a few, deducting that bill must’ve had to be older to create such beautifully crafted stories as he did. the way that his words were stringed so eloquently was enough to make you so eager for him to be a possible mentor for him that you didn’t even believe that he would be as young as he was. or as hot as he was. 
stumbling over your words while sitting in the chair opposite of his across his desk, you somehow got the internship. 
bill was kind enough to give you a little office room just beside his own, saying that the room was empty anyways and it would be nice for you to have your own little space in his house. 
and that’s where you sat now, at your desk trying your best to work on his growing schedule. bill had another book in the works that he was planning to release early december, and since it was august now, his publisher wanted to meet to start the promotions. 
“is there anything else i should know of sir- i mean bill,” you said, shaking your head and feeling your cheeks heat up with your mistake. bill only flashed a smile, shaking his head and running his hand through his hair. that one strand of grey hair that peeked out every once in a while. sometimes when he wasn’t looking, you found yourself scanning over his face, fawning much like a schoolgirl with a crush over him. it was wrong, especially considering he was ten years older than you. and because he had a wife, however absent she’s been for the past month or so. he was still married. 
it didn’t take a detective to see that there was something going awry in their marriage. audra wasn’t there to greet you in the mornings anymore when you came over to work on the weekends or even when you stopped by to hand some legal documents late at night. you felt like it wasn’t really your place to question it, no matter how obvious it was that they were having trouble. 
“no, nothing for now. why are you here so late on a saturday night? college student like yourself I would assume you’d be out with friends,” he asked you. it was getting late, since the time you were supposed to leave to go home was almost two hours ago. you just shrugged, knowing the real reason that you were here was not the one he wanted to hear. a little, foolish part of you thought that if you spent more time with him that something would happen. it was shameful, you knew it was so wrong to think these things, and yet you still did. 
you closed your laptop just a little bit to get a better look at him. he was walking towards you now, leaning over the desk with his hands pushing against it. you saw his knuckles whiten a little bit at the pressure being put on them and you clenched your thighs together, thinking about what those fingers could possibly do to you. “I guess I just like to work for you a lot,” you said, a sheepish smile coming to your face as you gingerly sat back in your seat so you could get a better look at him. “you’re a really good boss.” 
he hummed, “yeah, well you’re a good intern.”
feeling your cheeks heat up, you checked the time on your phone, clearing your throat and starting to gather your things. in a pile on your desk, you saw that there were some forms that audra told you to take care of a few days ago. you finished them and was waiting for her to come back, but you still haven't seen her. taking your chance to finally ask bill about his wife, you looked at him and asked, “where’s audra?” you shook your head, realizing that seemed a little straightforward. “I mean, I have these forms for her and I haven’t seen her in a few days. is everything okay?”
bill looked down at the forms and took them from your hands, your hands brushing against each others for just a moment. he gave you a slight grin and shrugged his shoulders. “she’s been out for a couple days. staying at her moms I think.”
“why’s that?” the minute it left your mouth you wanted to smack yourself on the side of the head. you felt as if you were prying for information about stuff that wasn’t yours to know. 
“we’re separated at the moment. she wanted to leave for two weeks or so to think.”
suddenly you felt that pit in your stomach widen, wondering why the hell anyone would want to leave bill. he was kind, considerate, intelligent, and a damn good writer if you’ve ever seen one. you couldn’t help but think that if you were mrs y/n denbrough, you wouldn’t waste a single second with the man in front of you. that if you got to wake up to him every morning, you’d roll over on top of him and give him the best morning sex he’s ever had in his life. or if he was having a bad day, you would be there to wrap your arms around him and tell him everything would be okay. it wasn’t just a sexual longing between you two, it was a romantic one too. you wanted to give bill the world and more. 
you frowned. “I'm sorry, bill.”
“it’s okay, y/n. I'm sorry for unloading that on you. but I do really appreciate you being here. I think you’ll be my rock for the next couple of weeks, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind at all.”
the next day you arrived at the denbrough house around seven at night, having taken the morning to get some work done around your dorm and go shopping for the week. you just needed to give the revised schedule for bill’s next week and then you could head back home. when you got there, you let yourself in with the key that was given to you, pushing open the dark brown door of the large house. 
the smell of coffee loomed over the whole household, bringing a smile to your face. you weren’t even sure that bill was here, since most lights were off, but the smell of coffee assured you that he was indeed here. if there was one thing you learned about bill over these past couple of months, is that he loved his coffee. every day, in the mornings and at night. he didn’t discriminate. 
you walked up the staircase and towards the end of the hallway where his big office was. when you got to the door, you knocked on it, opening the rest of the already cracked door. bill was sat at his desk looming over his computer screen, keyboards clacking with every hand movement of his. his gaze shifted to you, green eyes peering through his glasses that he only really used for writing. you gave him a smile, saying, “sorry to bother you, I just had the revised  schedule to give you.” you walked and reached in your bag to grab the papers. 
bill nodded. “you know you could’ve just emailed me them, y/n. you didn’t have to come all this way.” you only shrugged your shoulders, biting your bottom lip. your fingers danced along the sheets of paper stuffed in your bag, pulling them out and setting them at the edge of the deck. “thank you,” he said. 
your eyes stayed on the papers, ignoring the chills you felt from his gaze on you. you knew that he was looking at you, what you didn’t know was that he was looking at you with the same longing and lust that you looked at him with when he wasn’t looking. right as you were about to turn on your heel and say goodbye, his hand reached and grabbed your wrist, keeping you from walking away and making you look up at him. 
he was leaning against the desk, mouth agape staring at you. you gave him a knowing look, feeling fireworks erupt in your stomach at the contact. the only time that bill ever touched you was when he would accidentally bump into you or on the rare occasion that your hands would brush up against each other. those left you with sparks, not the full on fireworks show that his whole hand attached to your wrist gave you. this touch wasn't an accident, it had a meaning behind it. what that meaning was, you didn’t know at first. although it didn’t take you that long to figure out what he was trying to do when each of you subconscious leaned towards each other. 
when recalling the moment later, neither of you would know who closed the space between your two faces first. all both of you knew was that you were kissing from across the desk, his hand on your wrist not leaving while you grabbed at his face with your left hand. it was a slow kiss at first, tentatively testing the waters. but that didn’t last very long. because to bill you tasted like that cherry chapstick that you were always putting on and freedom. you tasted like something he never knew he needed in his life. and to you, bill tasted like coffee and relief. relief that you finally were getting what you had secretly longed for.
no, the kiss didn’t stay slow the second it registered in your minds what you were actually doing. bill pulled away from you only a moment, enough time to walk to the end of the desk where you were so he could be closer to you as he pressed his lips onto yours again. your hands reattached themselves to his face, lightly cupping it and relishing in the feeling of his body flush against yours. your back dug lightly into the edge of the desk and you instinctively pushed yourself to sit on top of it, legs wrapping around his waist to pull him as close as he possibly could be. 
one of his hands stayed at the back of your neck while the other ran down your side, thumb pressing against your hipbone sending your mind into overdrive. papers and pencils flew to the ground the farther you moved onto the desk, though neither of you cared what was going on around you, all you cared about was getting what you needed : each other. 
his lips trailed down from your own to your jawline, teeth pressing against the soft skin that connected your jaw to your neck. you sighed out, hands moving down to his torso and surrendering into his touch as if saying do anything to me, anything you’d like.
and he did, because the second he heard that sigh come from your pretty pink lips he was determined to explore every part that he could of your body. he payed extra attention to your neck, sucking just under your chin, earning a soft moan on your part at the feeling. your hips pressed against his and each of you breathed out, liking that feeling more than anything in the world. 
soon enough he was back to kissing you again, hand trailing up your shirt and stopping at your bra. his fingers danced along the band and reached up until he was cupping you through your bra, giving a little squeeze which you keeled into. your own hand pushed up his light sweater he was wearing, so close to pushing it up and off, until a small ounce of guilt found its way into the back of your head.
bill was married, this was wrong, right? no matter how much you wanted him or he wanted you, there was still a band around his left ring finger. 
you pulled away from him, slightly panting from the air being restored back into your lungs. bill gave you a quizzical look and you sighed, hands going back to your sides to fiddle with the ends of your shirt. “we shouldn’t be doing this,” you said to him, nodding forward and jumping off the desk. “you’re married and im just- im just me.”
“that’s why I like you, y/n. because you are you. you read my stories and don’t think that they’re terrifying and you always know the right things to say. I want you. you’re not like any other woman I've met in my life,” bill said to you. 
you only shook your head, grabbing your bag that had fallen to the floor and muttering a small goodbye to him. from there you made your way outside of the house, closing the front door. for just a moment you leaned against the outside of the door and closed your eyes, not knowing what your next move was. 
if there was even a move to make. 
you called in sick the day after your little makeout session with bill, deciding that you needed a little bit longer than just twelve hours to think of what the logical response was. not only was bill an older married man that may or may not be divorcing his wife, he was also your boss. what if something went wrong and he fired you? you didn't know if you would ever get an opportunity like this again. 
the devil on your shoulder, however, was telling you to go as far as you could with him. after all, bill was obviously reciprocating the same feelings that you were for him. you had basically been lusting for him for over a month now, what was the harm in sleeping with him once? maybe you two just needed to let off some steam and let the sexual tension go and just give into your desires. 
because after all, he said that he wanted you. 
you came a little earlier to the house than you were supposed to, deciding that if things were to be awkward, you could clock in early and leave early too. you stepped into your office and turned on the light, keeping the door open as you usually did and getting all your stuff set up. you heard a throat clear from behind you and you turned to see bill standing there, his hair disheveled and staring at you with his usual tired eyes. “I missed you yesterday,” he said in a soft voice, giving you a smile. 
you smiled back. “me too. I'm sorry about leaving so quickly that day.”
“did you think about what I said before you left?” you grinned, taking a leap of faith. “I did.” 
bill walked closer to you, his face inches away from yours. you could feel his breath fan against your face and your legs felt like jelly. he was so close to you that you thought you were going to melt into a puddle of mush just at the mere thought of him touching you again like he had two days ago. or doing more to you. “and what did you think about?”
taking a leap of faith and pushing all coherent thoughts out of your mind, you said, “I want you too.”
and that’s all it took for bill to grab you by the wrist, leading you out of your tiny office and into another room that you haven’t ever been to before. his room. there was a dresser next to the closet and two bookshelves filled with thick books. then there was his bed, which was made rather messily but it added a little charm to the room that made you smile to yourself. 
you dropped down on the bed face up, pulling him down on top of you with a giggle. he kissed you again, already realizing how much missed those lips of yours. you’d never get tired of this. not in a million years if this ever happened again which you thoroughly hoped it did. 
bill kisses like he’s taking his last dying breaths and you feel yourself drowning in the feeling of his body against yours, taking that chance that you didn’t take two days ago by pushing up his shirt over his head. the second it was off and thrown onto the floor of the room, your hands were gripping and appreciating every taut muscle of his sun kissed skin, he was so much bigger than any guy you’ve ever been with. no one had ever made you feel this way, the sense of longing and desperation, the way that bill did by just kissing you. you knew that you were in for something when you felt his growing hard on press against your inner thigh. 
his lips attach to your neck, taking his time to appreciate the soft moans and gasps that left your mouth when he sucked and licked. he pulls away for only a moment to take your shirt off, hands cupping and groping your breasts with such needy force you didn’t know was ever possible. as his left hand gripped your left breast, you didn't feel the cold hard metal of a ring on his finger. he had taken it off. you arched your back up the second his kisses trailed down to the valley of your breasts. 
your eyes were screwed shut, leaving you to just your other four senses. you could sense his eyes on your face, watching your facial expressions with every little thing he did. 
bill pulled his lips away from your skin just a few centimeters, keeping his eyes on you. “have you done this before?”
you nodded your head, thinking back to the few times that you’ve had sex with another person. it was never really all that fulfilling. sometimes you even wondered if there was something wrong with you because guys would cum and you wouldn’t. they just weren't satisfying enough. “only a few times. but it’s never felt this good before.”
“have you even orgasmed from someone else before?” 
heat rose to your cheeks. “no, never,” you replied, suddenly feeling really embarrassed that you were admitting this to him. he probably thought that you were just some stupid girl now. 
but he didn’t. if anything, it posed as a challenge for bill. he wanted to give you what all those stupid younger boys couldn’t. the look in his eyes was sinful as he gave you one last look, then resorted to kissing all the way down to your navel, stopping to take a little extra time with the skin right above your pants line. your hands moved up to his hair, feeling the strands interlace with your fingers. 
his hands pushed your pants down along with your panties, leaving you completely bare in front of him. you felt insecure, instinctually closing your legs away from him. bill tutted, shaking his head and taking both of his hands to spread your legs open in front of him. he sat there looking at the curve of your hips and the apex of your thighs, eyes landing on your wet center. you looked down at him while he did nothing, only staring at you. you were completely vulnerable, insides screaming for him to just touch you. 
in one swift movement, he was kissing the top of your thigh, moving south until his breath was fanning against your center. you thought if you had to wait any longer that you might just die. bill knew this though, winking up at you and burying his face into your heat. the moan that you let out the second he made his first stripe all the way from your entrance to your clit probably could be heard from the neighbors house. no guy had ever gone down on you before, and you couldn’t believe that you were missing this amazing thing in your life. 
his hands gripped your thighs to steady himself and also so you couldn’t squirm away from him too much. your heels dug into the top of his back, keeping him close. 
his tongue had you reeling for more, heart beating practically out of your chest when he moved to suck on your clit. you pulled on his hair, soft sounds spewing from your lips like it was the only thing that you could really do. all the while he kept his eyes on you, knowing that the would be playing this over and over in his mind for days to come. the way that your eyes were sewn shut, chest arching and heaving. it was almost pornographic. 
that pit in your stomach that had been steadily building was growing in size, muscles spasming while you grew towards a peak you’ve never felt with another human before. and you thought about how if he was this good with his tongue, bill must even be better than this with his dick. he knew just the right things to do to you to make you gasping for more, more, more. 
“fuck, bill, im so close,” you moaned out, legs clenching together. his tongue guided you towards that peak, it felt like white hot heat the second you hit your high, hips rolling against his face. he helped you come down, giving you a few more licks and rubbing his hands up and down your thighs. 
your breathing began to steady and he came up from in between your legs, pecking you on the lips. “you were so good, can you give me one more?” he asked you. you nodded, wanting all that you could get of bill denbrough. your hands came to help his own with the belt on his jeans, pushing them down his hips and off of his legs for good. bill moved away from you and off the bed, going to grab a package and standing at the edge of the bed. you watched as he dexterously opened the package with his teeth and slipped the condom on him, getting back on top of you and positioning himself in your hips. 
when you looked down, you tried to keep yourself from your eyes widening at the sight of him. he looked like he could split you in half. you must’ve hadn’t done a good job at concealing your surprise because you heard a chuckle come from him. “I'll be gentle, don’t worry,” he said to you, trying to calm your nerves. 
you looked into his eyes and pulled him by his shoulders so he was fully on top of you. his tip teased your entrance, coming to rub against your slit. “what if I don’t want you to be gentle?” you asked him, a smirk coming to your face. bill laughed, pushing into you and watching your smirk leave your face and pleasure take over. “we’ll see about that princess,” he said. 
he wasn’t even fully in yet and you felt your walls want to clench around him, but you breathed in and out and concentrated on that once he was all the way in. you grabbed him by the back of the neck as he stalled in you and kissed him. “I can handle it, bill,” you muttered into his mouth, your hips rolling against his. 
bill didn’t respond, deciding to give you what you wanted. he pulled all the way out of you and pushed back in, feeling you around him made bill groan. you were so tight and wet and he was in heaven. he was filling you up in a way you never have felt before and you couldn't get enough of him, you couldn’t get enough of the feeling. 
his thrusts were slow and sensual at first, but when he felt your hips moving against his, he knew that you wanted more. bill then upped the pace, grabbing one of your legs and pushing it up to get a better angle. that made you basically putty in his hands. your hands were clenched onto his back and knew that you were making marks that would stay there for days to come. 
the base of his cock pressed against your already sensitive clit and you breathed out, arching your back to try and make him go even deeper than he already was. bill thrusted in with such a force that he hit that one spot in you that had you a moaning mess, hitting it repeatedly and holding your leg up higher. 
“you feel so good,” he muttered out, hand coming to grip your breast and pinch your nipple lightly. 
“bill,” you moaned out, holding him as close as you could.
his name sounded so pornographic coming from you that he tried his best to remember how it sounded. it was unlike anything he had ever felt in his life. you looked so fucking good taking him like this. he felt as if he had everything he ever wanted in the palm of his hands. and he was making you feel good, better than anyone ever had before. 
this drove his pride, thrusting animal like into you to take you to that peak again. he wanted to make you cum again. and you did, after about three thrusts from him, each one pulling out all the way and pushing in with force. his hand slipped down to rub your clit in figure eights and you came with a yell of his name. 
not even two thrusts after he was cumming, a low groan eliciting from his lips while his body stalled on top of you. each of your skins were drenched with sweat that you two almost stuck to each other. he pulled your face to meet his own and gave you a quick peck, and continued this all the way down your neck then stopping to bury his face into the crook of your neck. 
minutes later bill pulled out of you, helping you into your clothes again and throwing the condom away in the trash in the bathroom connected to his room. 
what does this mean?
suddenly you realized what you had done, and you didn’t know what to make of it. 
“what does this mean, bill?” you asked him, sitting at the edge of the bed. 
bill pulled his sweater back over his body and shrugged his shoulders. to be honest, he didn’t really know. he knew that he liked you, you weren’t just some kind of conquest. at the same time he thought about audra, and how there was no way he could go back to her now. not after he had confessed that he had feelings for you. bill walked over to you and pulled you up, wrapping his big arms around you. 
you reciprocated, enjoying the smell of him as it enveloped you. bill didn’t even say words, and yet you felt comforted. “I don’t want to lose you,” you whispered, pulling away so you were looking at his face. “but I don’t want to just be the other woman.” 
“you’re not, y/n. we’ll figure it out. I promise we will.”
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