#edit: yes you can all use it as header if you want
pansyfemme · 7 months
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jude + he/him + nineteen
FTM, fem/femme, faggot, fat boy, colorfreak and general rainbow lover. I’m a visual artist (cartoonist, sculptor, painter, etc,) currently in art school, have a special interest in twee pop, and i make transgender penis jokes on the internet. Stay weird with it always, yknow?
Art: @fagboyfriend
Twee/Indie Pop blog : @upforabit
selfies are under: #Jude pansyfem irl
putting a short faq under cut bc. i get the same questions a lot. check it before you ask about my icon or header or anything
How long have you been on T/How do you have a beard at 19? I came out at 12 years old, started blockers at 14 and HRT later that same year, and had top surgery at 17, making me 5 years on t and 2.5 years post op.
What show/game/comic is your icon from? its a cropped version of the album cover of the 1999 album “shake the pounce” by vancouver based twee pop band Gaze. It’s a favorite album of mine as well as just a cool little guy i like a lot
Where is your header from? a painting i did in gouache a year or two ago and thought would make a nifty header.
Oh come on, you’re not unboyfriendable! “unboyfriendable” has been my title for about three years now on account of it being a lyric from a song that means a lot to me, “all my little words” by the magnetic fields. EDIT: i am. in fact, boyfriendable, it seems. this has been brought to my attention recently. slight adjustments needed to be made but i carry on the legacy <3 (yes he’s cute)
How do I refer to you? Actually, i don't get this question a lot, and I shouldn't, since this info is both in my pinned above and in my bio. But a lot of people still seem awful confused. I am male. FTM. I use He/Him pronouns and masculine terms with the exception of compliments like 'pretty' and all that. I am not nonbinary, and do not like to be referred to gender neutrally. I simply am a trans man who enjoys gender non conformity and cross-dressing.
Are you Bi or Gay? this world is full of beauty. im queer. take that how you will. I like hot people but especially like pretty men. <- guy who will not shut up about his very pretty boyfriend
What style are you wearing/where do you get your clothes? I started by wearing my personal version of the japanese fashion subculture Decora Kei. My decora became a bit messy and grungy, and while i do still identify as a decora boy and wear full coords from time to time, i consider myself now someone who enjoys colorful fashion and takes influence from 90s harajuku fashion, punk subcultures, drag and other campy fashion. I shop a variety of places, but a lot of my stuff is from Kei Collective or Candy Trap.
What is Twee/Do you Make Music? Twee is a music genre I developed a special interest in a few years back. It's a style of indie pop that originated after the UK rise of the famous c86 compilation tape in the late eighties, and was developed with a focus on low-fidelity, diy sound combined with upbeat, bubblegum-y pop sentiments and a naive, childlike outlook. It's both cute and somewhat rough around the edges. I do not make music, and don’t hold any musical skill. I’m just a major fan.
Do you take commissions? Yeah, Info above!
Can you boost/reblog this post for me? This is a tough answer, i know, but if we are not mutuals, or I do not know you, I cannot do that for you. My reasoning being that I have been baited by very similar asks in the past that turned out to be scams, and I do not want to take the risk of spreading misinformation or scams now that I have a much larger following. I do my best to spread stuff that ends up on my dash and/or I can factcheck, but if I do not have that, I will be wary, considering my past interactions.
Can we be friends/Can I DM you? Anyone is welcome to send me a message of any type at any time, unless I have those settings changed, in which case i likely have it off short term, because i experience fairly regular transphobic harassment and i find it the best way to protect myself. However, just understand that I am a stranger on the internet. I don't always want to continue every conversation, and I'm not online all the time. I have all push notifications for tumblr turned off, including asks and dms, because it's much better for my mental health to be able to opt out of tumblr the moment I close the app. So, if i don't respond, i'm probably just doing something else or didn't see your message.
Do you have a DNI? I haven't in a long time, due to it being pretty frequently ignored and my following count growing to the point i can't really control that anymore. I can and will block people, but i feel my opinions are made fairly clear through what I post here.
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mikelogan · 1 month
hey, can i please ask what dimensions you use to make your header gif? (I THINK you used to have that thing where you have a little circle gif inside the header as well. If you don't mind sharing how to do that I would appreciate it! If you didn't, please disregard haha)
hiiii!! sorry this took me so long lmao but yes! this was my header for a while and i basically had the circle gif act as my icon (so i just hid my icon under edit appearance) so i'll walk you through how to make it!
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ultimately, the header contains 3 separate gifs: liv on the left, liv on the right, and hugh and liv in the circle. i find it easiest to make the gifs all separately first and then bring them all together on what will become the header's canvas,.
i crop, sharpen, color, and then convert each of the 3 gifs into a smart object and plop them onto the header canvas. the dimensions of this one are 640x360 but i believe the header dimensions have changed and are now 580x326 (that's what my current one is) but idk i never had an issue using the larger dimensions so you can try both out and see what you like best!
the original dimensions for the 3 gifs themselves were: 640x360 for the two large gifs and 368x184 for the circle. the circle gif doesn't matter quite as much, just make sure it's at least a few pixels larger than the circle you create when you get to that step!
so once all 3 gifs are turned into smart objects (if you don't know how to do this, when you're in timeline, highlight all your layers and right-click -> convert to smart object. this just makes the whole gif into one layer and they're easier to work with and adjust as necessary.
when i'm blending gifs together, i like to set the background/first layer of the gif to black. it helps when you're blending and your layer masks get really close together and instead of going to a transparent background, it goes to black and i think it gives it a cleaner look. this really is just personal preference and completely optional though!!
anyway, i brought over the two main liv gifs first and played around with where i wanted each one. this is what i have once i figure out the positioning and set both layers to screen.
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then you want to add a layer mask to each gif. select each layer separately and press this lil guy at the bottom off your layers panel:
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when i'm blending, i pretty much exclusively use a soft round brush. size depends on what i'm blending and the dimensions, but hardness is always set to 0%. on a layer mask, you're going to use either black or white. black removes parts of the gif, white will bring them back. it's a very low-stakes way of getting rid of areas you don't want while not having to worry about deleting too much.
once i'm happy with the blending, this is what my layers ended up looking like (with the black layer beneath), but this will vary depending on your gifs and positioning!
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the next step is the ripped paper effect at the bottom (if that's the vibe you're going for). you could theoretically do this with any kind of brush. i just like the look of it so it's not such a harsh transition on my mobile theme from the header to the background color.
these are the brushes i use but i'm sure you can google something to the effect of "ripped/torn paper brush photoshop" and find plenty others.
go ahead and group both of your gifs, your base layer, and any other coloring layers if you didn't color them before transferring them to this canvas. to do this, select all applicable layers and press ctrl+g or right-click -> group from layers.
now select the group and add a layer mask the same way we did with the gifs using the little icon at the bottom of your layers panel. your layers should look like this now:
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once your brushes are loaded into photoshop, open up the brush tool by pressing 'b' and select the brush you want to use. i usually try a few different ones out just to see the different edges. you may have to adjust the brush size and make sure the hardness is set to 100% if applicable. before using the brush, make sure the layer mask itself is selected like in the above screenshot and your color is set to black.
when you hover over the canvas with your selected brush, you'll be able to see where the top edge will rest. i keep mine pretty close to the bottom -- i think the highest up this particular one goes is about 50px from the bottom. you should end up with this:
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onto the circle/icon!! i truly just ended up eyeballing this size-wise. go ahead and call up the ellipse shape tool. to do this, right click on the shape tool and select ellipse like so:
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colors are totally up to you, but i like my shit color-coordinated so i believe i color picked the bottom circle (the outline) from liv's purple dress in the right gif. once you have the ellipse shape tool equipped, click anywhere on your canvas. the dimensions i used were 150x150 but of course feel free to experiment. for a perfect circle, both numbers do need to be the same.
using ctrl+t (the transform tool) drag the circle to the vertical center of your gif and right to the very bottom so it's hanging over into the transparent part. this is what will make it look like your actual icon on your mobile theme.
next, create another circle. i'd recommend using black for this one, but it really doesn't matter. the dimensions for this one are 140x140 (10px less than your outline circle), but again, this will vary depending on the outline dimensions. i liked the thickness of a 10px difference, but you can always increase or decrease that depending on your preference. this circle is going to be the base for your icon gif.
again, use ctrl+t to vertically center your circle and bring it all the way to the bottom just like you did with the outline circle. as long as they're placed/snapped to the exact same location, you'll have a perfectly consistent outline.
go ahead and bring over your icon gif, already sharpened, colored, and converted to a smart object. make sure this layer is directly above your black circle. on your gif layer, right-click -> create clipping mask. ctrl+t to move it to the same location as the circles and adjust it to your liking.
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of course, it's completely up to you if you want to add text or overlays or not, but i figured i'd share what i did in case you're curious! (click to enlarge)
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and for the overlay, i just grabbed a video off youtube of different light leaks. i only wanted it to be on the two main gifs and not the icon gif, so i plopped it into that group we made and put it at the top, over everything else, and set it to screen like so:
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and that's pretty much it! if you have any questions about the tutorial (or anything else) just let me know!! i'm more than happy to help 🥰
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
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༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
[ 1. ] just a quick disclaimer : this reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! i don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
[ 2. ] please ignore any grammatical errors on my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
[ 3. ] third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore. however, we have different type of being hot, it's not all about being sexy or having muscles and abs.
[ 4. ] lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
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for tips, donation, masterlist and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : all of the pictures are collected and downloaded from twice instagram account, i don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owner however edits goes and belong to yours truly. i use the editor tool ibispaint for the header, divider and piles pictures.
color code : #BC728D
sizes : piles pictures 768x768 | dividers 4096x50 | header 4096x550
(?) deck used : the light seer's tarot.
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You felt overburdened and muted from your past and now you are trying and learning to stand and speak up for yourself and for others whom you think reticent to themselves. In your past you are a people pleaser and tend to say 'yes' at everything they wanted you to be, you'd finally realized that we only live once so, you think what you can do and what is good for yourself because you think in this lifetime that the only matters is only you and not how do others perceive you, you are doing this in a healthy and good way. You are seeing the light while you walking through your own path now. The pressure that your past given to you makes you who you are today where people find amazingly about you. With the ace of swords, I think you wanted to widened your throat chakra more, where you will able to communicate and speak well to other people.
You may good at least in choosing right words when communicating to other's and if not, in singing! You are aiming to speak up for yourself and loved ones with the truth and holding it as if it's already possession into your inner voice. I see people find incredibly hot about the most is the quality of you being so intellectual individual, you are this type of person who can truthfully says "don't judge a book by it's cover", you wanted to study, read and get to know more about that specific book before giving and leaving your judgement, i mean sometimes you can kept this principle of yours frequently but you tend to tried your best to atleast have that inside your mind. I also think that there's someone here that always saying to you that you are intellectual but yet you don't even believe to them, you are doubting this capability of yours but you know inside yourself, you can do everything and you know you are creative and talented person.
Somehow, you vision all of this. You already have a clue about this, you are continuously completing your healing and improvement. You are making a progress now, expect a reward coming at your way throughout this journey. Overall, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are intelligent, creative, brave and talented.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
People who chose this pile are jolly where if they'll enter a dark room, you are the light and center of attraction there. You liked to show this traits of yours, where you are very childish and happy to others but somehow they're curious to know you, they found you incredibly mysterious and sometimes may act as a cold person perhaps you have this jolly side that you always show to others. This mysterious side of yours where these people often notice about you is the most attractive part of you. They're curious to know you more and maybe you are very private individual, which makes their curiosity to activate and somehow check and stalk your socials and backgrounds. They wanted to know you more but you tend to cut them off of what they can get know about you.
Well, i can't blame you though, you have a high intuition and tend to know what is their intentions and want to you and maybe you have a psychic abilities. I also see here that you are kind, generous and gentle but somehow you may have or might experiencing sadness. It's also hard for you to trust others, it make a lot of time to trust and rely yourself to others so you tend to always make it alone or all by yourself. I also think that you have a long curly hair regardless in what gender you are.
Furthermore about you is that you are fond and big fan of galaxies, stars, planets, forest and night so it makes also sense that you might be an astrologer. This last part may not resonate with everyone but for some, you might have a new buy crystals or new collection of crystal and decks.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Okay, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are very sexy and attractive. You have a lot of admirers pile three, I also think that you like to wear the color of red and black which makes you stand out with your circle. You are very friendly, you have a big social circle; a social butterfly indeed. I also see here that you've the prettiest smile or eyes. You value your family, you are someone who is a family oriented. If you literally have a current they see you as husband or wife material or if you are single, you consider yourself as husband/wife material.
I also here that you have a problem right now where you wanted to tell and discuss with others but fear and insecurity comes in. I think you are perfectionist individual. Some of this people fantasties you being tied on their bed or you might into BDSM kind of things. Are you good at dancing? Maybe this is one of the reason why people find you attractive. You are very confident about your talent. While, if you love kids like hanging out with them, playing with them. They find this cute and lovely about you.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
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© daninixx ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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tgm-all4one · 1 year
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On May 27, 2022, Top Gun: Maverick was released exclusively into theaters. Almost overnight, it became a cultural phenomenon with a fandom of individuals from all over the globe who loved the movie and its characters.
One of the fantastic things about the TG and TGM fandom is the diverse and innovative creators who have used these movies as inspiration for their art. Whether that be in the form of writing, fanart, GIFs, moodboards, edits, etc, we have all taken the same 4 hours and 1 minute of film to create unbelievably varied and original content. And that is what this challenge is about.
What is the "It's not the prompt. It's the creator." challenge?
The idea behind the "It's not the prompt. It's the creator." challenge is to show that even though we might all use similar tropes or AUs, or create GIFs of the same scenes, or use the same moodboard themes, it is our own personal creativity, innovation, and preferences that make our work unique.
So unlike other challenges, everyone will be using the exact same prompt. That's it. One prompt. And an unlimited amount of participants.
And yes, there will probably be art that is similar (either the tropes, themes, characters, etc), however the point is to show that even when two creators have similar independent ideas, their final creation is unique because they put their own original spin on it that only they could do.
What is the prompt?
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Top Gun: Maverick being released, the prompt is:
"Last summer was one no one could ever forget. Now, a year later, character(s) still feel(s) the effects of that time."
Be as creative as you want and feel free to use any characters from Top Gun (1986) and/or Top Gun: Maverick (2022). Also, while the prompt says a year has passed, there is no set time your art has to be set. It can be pre-canon, post-canon, during-canon, and AU setting, etc. Whatever inspires you!
What is allowed?
Whatever you want. It can be SFW, NSFW, slash, reader insert, OC, no relationship, poly, AU, fluff, smut, angst, whump, etc.
You can also use whatever your preferred medium is to fill the prompt. Writing, artworks, GIF sets, edits, moodboards, playlists, Pinterest boards, etc. Or think out of the box and build a scene out of Legos, make a stop-motion video, draw a flipbook. Whatever inspires you and your creativity! If you created it, it counts.
And there are no minimums or maximums limits for words, time, number of GIFs, etc. Just however much or little you want to share, even if it is still a WIP.
There are only three requirements:
TAG YOUR WORK APPROPRIATELY so others can filter out what they might not be comfortable with. Each post will be checked before being reblogged, however, mistakes can be made so please tag them correctly.
You must be 18+ to participate. Due to the freedom of the event and the fact NSFW content is allowed, only those 18 or older may participate. And if your blog does not have any age indicated on it (18+, 20s, over 21, 35, etc.), your post will not be reblogged. I am very sorry to any minors hoping to participate at this time.
No AI resources can be used as part of a submission. While AI can create cool works of art, they aren't your works of art. As that is the point of this challenge, it will not be permitted.
When does the event take place?
The event will start on Saturday, May 27 and run until Saturday, June 4. However, if you can't finish in time and post after that, this blog will try its best to still reblog your work whenever you feel ready to post.
How do we submit our work?
You can do this one of two ways:
Post your work on your blog as usual and tag @tgm-all4one. Also, tag the post with #tgm all4one. It will then be reblogged here throughout the week.
Submit a post to this blog using the "Submit your papers" button in the blog header. As long as it is tagged correctly, the blog will then post it throughout the week.
There is also an AO3 collection if you prefer to share over there. Please check the FAQ page for the link.
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Please check out the FAQ page if you have any questions and please feel free to reach out either through an ask or DM if you have any questions! There is also a condensed version of this post here for quick reference.
I am excited to see what everyone comes up with and happy Top Gun: Maverick anniversary!
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thelien-art · 8 days
I´m taking pride art requests again this year to honor all members of the LGBTQ+ community!
You can send me a character or a ship of your own choice with one or more pride flags and I´ll draw it!
If you don´t send in a flag with the request I´m going to choose myself
You can send in the same character/ship/flag as many times as you want, although if the same already has been requested I might not draw it again, but feel free to try your luck anyway!
I´ll take pride in requests up until June 30th, 2024. Starting today I´ll be taking the requests, and I´ll begin posting them on June 1st
All of them must be Tolkien BOOK related or, BG3 which you can request over on my BG3 blog @thelien-in-bg3
Notes, Answers, and Edits:
1. As always this is also the month of Exams so I can´t promise there will be a lot, but I´ll try to get around as much as possible :)
Thank you for understanding and respecting :)
1. can I use your art as a prp or header?
Yes, you can use my art as profile picture or header as long as you credit me and don´t repost it anywhere without my permission. (you can also find this info in my bio or pinned post)
2. can you draw my OC? (this also includes Tav´s on my BG3 - you CAN ask for default Durge)
Sometimes I do take requests for people's OCs but not this month, but look out for the next time I open requests and see if I´m open to drawing OCs there, and if unsure just ask me!
3. can annon's send requests in too?
Yes! Everyone can send in requests :)
4. ...
Feel free to ask if you have any questions or if anything wasn't explained well enough :)
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disastertrash · 7 months
Ham radio license 101
*Please see safety note added to the end of this post.
The Cost:
Exam is $14. If passed, the license fee is $35. Optional classes and study materials vary in cost.
(How much are Ham Radios? You can get a basic handheld model for $50. Start with one of those before deciding whether to spend big bucks on anything.)
License Levels:
There are 3 licensure levels for amateur radio operators. (There used to be more.) In the order: Technician, General, and Amateur Extra.
Study Time:
Average is 10-14 hours of study time to pass the exam.
The exam itself is 36 multichoice questions, randomly selected from a pool of 411 questions.
Is There Math??
Yes. But only a little at the Technician Class level. (Edit: you can use a calculator too!) I encountered long division with decimal points and multiplication. This was only required by a couple of questions on the test.
If you have a math disability, I hope it reassures you to learn that folks allowed to miss up to 9 questions on the test.
The more licenses, the more priviledges. But you can start using a ham radio with just the Technician Class license.
Morse Code?
No longer required for the exam.
Study Materials:
I didn't attend a class. Instead, I used these two resources:
1. Godon West's book "2022-2026 Technician Class: FCC Element 2 Amateur Radio License Preparation". (Options: paperback or audiobook.)
2. HamStudy (it's a free phone app).
How I Studied:
I started by reading the book. When I reached the questions and answers section, I focused on reading the questions, followed by their correct answers only. I purposefully avoided reading the wrong answer options. This helped heaps during the test. The right answer stood out as the familiar pair with the question.
I studied for Q&A portion for 30 minutes at a time, then took a break. When I returned from break, I would go back through the previous section's questions and try to recall the answers.
Taking a break, then attempting recall, helps develop memory retention.
After finishing the book, I used the free, HamStudy phone app. I adjusted settings to focus on 1 section at a time until I could get 100%. Once I had covered each section like this, I changed the settings to include and randomize the entire, 411 question pool.
Scheduling The Exam:
You will need to sign up to get an FRN number from the FCC, before scheduling your exam. (It's like an FCC social security number.) I got the instruction for how to do it from the Gordon West book. But they are posted various places online as well.
You can find both on and offline testing teams (VEC's) here:
I chose to test online with W5YI-VEC for 3 reasons: Their header pun. ("Promoting ☢️Radio-Activity☢️ Nationwide with Friendly, Untimed Exams!"). Their profile page emphasizes accessibility accomodations. And they let me text their phone number to schedule a more convenient date and time.
Taking The Exam:
I took the exam online. A panel of 6 people from the W5YI-VEC team observed through my webcam. The exam layout was reminiscent of the HamStudy app, which I appreciated. On average, people complete the test in about 20 minutes. I completed it in under 10. Some people take an hour. We dont all get the same 36 questions. So some tests will take longer than others. You've made it this far. Give yourself enough time in your day to not rush, no matter how confident you are.
My advice: this is where you want to carefully read every answer option. Don't just quick scan for key words between the questions and the answers. You'll make unnecessary mistakes that way.
After The Exam:
My VEC team gave me my results right after I submitted the test. Then they emailed me a certificate. (This certificate is not your license.)
That evening, I got an email from the FCC with instructions for how to pay the $35 license fee. (My least favorite part of the entire process. For being the FCC, their instructions and website both suck.)
IMPORTANT: Dont try to pay your fee using your phone! That whole process is not mobile friendly. Trying can cause a bit of a glitch in their system. You could add more than a month to your wait time for a license. Just use a desktop computer for this part.
Your License:
The FCC no longer issues a physical license. Instead, they post a record of your license to their "FCC ULS" database. You do not have a license until it is posted there.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to keep a current email on file with the FCC. If the FCC emails go to an address you're no longer using, or get lost in your spam box, the FCC can yank your license. No fun.
Callsigns & Vanity Callsigns:
You are automatically issued a callsign with your license. If you want to choose your own callsign (aka, getting a "vanity callsign") you must wait until after you have your license and the original call sign that goes with it. Your pool of vanity call signs are limited by your level of license.
I'll exand on the Technician Class vanity callsign options, once I get the Gordon West book back. (It's on loan to a friend until December.)
Your First Radio:
The Gordon West book has things to say about this too. (I'm waiting on my license before I get my first radio.)
What I'm personally looking forward to:
(Aside from gaining a skill for disaster response.) As a backpacker, I want to learn how to make a homebrew Garmin InReach. Amateur radio can do cool things with gps, send text messages, etc. I'm not tech savvy. And I'm not sure if I'll need a higher license class to do whatever that requires. So, I imagine that project could be much further down the road from where I am at present. It's an exciting thing to look forward to though.
Safety Note:
Whichever address you get your radio license under will become public record, forever. My advice? For safety, use a PO Box from the very start. If you have a stalker, look into getting a forwarding PO Box in a different city if it's legal. Ask if you can use initials or shortened versions of your name before submitting any information to the FCC. Be consistent. Name on your exam and the name on your FCC account must match.
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A Great and Gruesome Height by @moku_youbi. 
So this bind was a wild ride, with experimentation galore. It’s my 10th bind (HURRAY) and I started this bind knowing I wanted to play with thread, given I had so much fun with the stab binding. I had some red thread which i had originally purchased for the VTE bind - and just the right shade i was going for so i went for it.  
the original idea i was going for was ‘red thread of fate, but make it MURDER’ and so this tidy little concept was born. half way through the design conceptualization phase i had a little epiphany while watching season 3 of hannibal that blood spatter stringing was ALSO red thread and i just couldn’t resist (yes i know hannibal’s little murder tableaus seldom have blood but the string! MORE STRING!) 
More photos under the cut. 
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115559 words || 426 pages
Body Text: Crimson Text 
Chapter Headers: Cormorant Garamond
I quite like the experimentation with body fonts and trying to divert away from regular Garamond. So far, I’ve only used Baskerville, Garamond, Liberation serif and Cardo, but I do like this one. I lack the typography terminology but it feels fancy and posh and something Hannibal would enjoy. 
I also aggressively rounded this book - boy is it ROUND, perhaps a little too so. i had a difficult time getting the spine piece to be as round as I liked. 
Also, it was my first time putting a quote on the first few pages - i have zero regrets. Also featuring my new imprint page with AN ERROR (IT’S DECEMBER 2022 NOW OOPS). 
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I didn’t have enough heat-reactive foil and this fic has 40+ chapters so I could only foil the last couple of chapters which were actually short mini-sequels to this fic which I also added in. I have to say, using a laminator over an iron for heat-reactive foil is MUCH superior. I didn’t have to work myself into a frenzy trying to get an even layer of foil on it. 
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Endpapers are a little bunchy because of the thread. But i had to put butterflies because THE CHRYSALIS has hatched (i will never tire of hannibal metaphors).
See below for the conceptualization phase on cricut and er paper. I have zero art skills and have aphantasia so I had to print it out to try and figure out where everything needed to go. 
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This bind is also the bind where I won my blood sacrifice badge - don’t use rusty tools guys. The spouse had borrowed my rotary cutter to cut wrapping paper for christmas wrapping and is RIGHT-HANDED. Self is LEFT-HANDED. Tool returned to me as is and I did not check if the blade protector was on the correct side as the tool will get flipped direction wise depending on the handedness of the user. So guess who needs to get a tetanus shot today? :joy:
 All in all, still a successful bind. It is a little busy, and if I had to do it again, I might not put the titling on the spine (always a little crooked, cause I roll that way). The Siser gold and silver metallic HTV for the hands fought me the entire way, and I’d probably not use it for such delicate lines - only part of it adhered and it made me very upset at first but since the bind is for myself it’s fine. 
I’d also use a thinner red thread next time (the thick waxed linen thread for leather work doesn’t fuck around, WILL NOT BUY AGAIN) because as you can see 3-4 rounds around the finger looks like it’s choking it and i had some space limitations at the edges. 
Well, a fun idea, with less than perfect execution but I’ll probably do it again one day if i ever summon up the courage to consider making this again (perhaps for the author if i get over my massive to-bind pile). PROBABLY NOT IN WHITE - gad WHITE IS SO SMUDGEY - nothing to remind you how dirty your hands are than white bookcloth. this is off-white pearl BUT fingerprint smudges!!! 
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Resources: Page dividers made by evil-robot-cat here. 
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hey-color-palettes · 1 year
To new followers--
Hey so like, over the past month or so, I've been hit by about 500 new followers, which is a very sudden, massive spike, and while I'm sure most of them are bots, I really can't be sure which are and which aren't.
To this end, if you see this and you have a mostly empty blog, PLEASE, I'm begging you, please make your blog not empty somehow so I can tell if you're a real person, otherwise you do run the very real risk of me blocking and reporting you for being a bot, because I really really don't want bots taking advantage of this blog.
Anywhere here's a short list of things you can do to make yourself not look like a bot:
Change your icon. It can literally be anything. Modify the default icon somehow, use a screenshot from whatever show you like, take a picture of your carpet and use that, use some art. Anything. (Although I'd advise against anything that might make you look like the other kind of bot blog.)
PLEASE change your title. I have now learned what "Untitled" looks like in many other languages. A change in title and maybe even description will go a very long way !!!!!
Change the color of your in dashboard blog from the basic white background. (In edit appearance.) Set a blog header image. (If you really don't have any images in mind, this blog is full of images. Pick anything.)
Turn on custom theme in the blog settings!! This didn't even used to be an option and was enabled by default and now it isn't.
Hide your likes and follows. Most bot blogs don't hide these. Unfortunately most newcomers don't hide them either.
Reblog or post a few things. It can literally be "im a lurker sorry please dont block me". A good thing to keep in mind is to try to reblog things that aren't related or are specifically fandom related. Bots don't do that, but I have seen bots that will reblog three (3) related posts or like three (3) related posts (from people they don't even follow) and that's that. If you do ONLY this, that's enough.
You don't have to do all of these. Literally even a few is enough. Just show some sign of life. PLEASE.
Since I've seen other people have success with this in the past, here's some free icons and headers you can use:
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These are all my images and my editing so you needn't worry about credit or whatever.
There are a virtually infinite number of icon makers at Picrew and a ton at Meiker.io
Old Windows icon images.
People make free icons on here all the time.
And if you want to be a little silly with it, I spent an entire month of my life making this default icon dress up game. (Yes, really, an entire month.)
I'll give you all like a week or so, and I WILL be re-reblogging this intermittently as a reminder, because after that I WILL start to block and report anyone who hasn't sufficiently proven themselves not to be a bot. This may not be a personal blog, but it IS my baby and these bots exist specifically to exploit the blogs that they follow, so don't help them out be letting them hide amongst you.
Because I don't want this post to be an annoyance, I will post a new palette each time I do reblog it, and I will delete old instances after sufficient time has passed. Please bear with me.
354 notes · View notes
little bean - em x fem!reader
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This is my submission to @oneforthemunny​‘s summertime writing game. I chose to do a wildcard 🃏 submission for cowboy eddie and sweet girl. I hope I did them justice and that everyone enjoys this sweet little story about dad!cowboy!eddie as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
Pairing: Dad!Cowboy!Eddie Munson x Sweet Girl!Reader
@oneforthemunny​ @munsonology
Warnings: talk of pregnancy, reader being called little mama, afab reader, brief mention of car accident. please let me know if I’ve missed anything and I’ll update my list. (This isn’t edited. hopefully it’s all good. Enjoy!)
A/N: this is heavily inspired by personal experience with one of those ride and spring ponies that my sister and i had growing up. all header pictures are from pinterest, credit to the og owners of the photos. graphics by @firefly-graphics​
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“Can you please uncover my eyes now?” you plead with your fiance as he guides you outside to see his latest surprise. You and Eddie had never really talked about having kids, always considering the many farm animals that you’d convinced him to adopt over the years as your pseudo-children. So when you’d found out that you were pregnant after a fender-bender, you and Eddie had the realization that you both wanted this little bean to be a part of your life. 
This brings you to now, 6 months into your pregnancy. The morning sickness had wrecked you for a while and your cravings had been intense and random. Pickles and peanut butter, sardines and fiddleheads, copious amounts of cheese doodles. But Eddie had taken everything in stride, making the 20 plus minute drive into town to hit the only 24 hour mini mart in the area whenever the urge for a midnight milkshake struck you. He’d truly been a saint, he’d always been good to you, treated you like a princess, but seeing you round with his child had unleashed another side of him, one that was incredibly tender. Without hesitation the two of you had decided to be surprised when the baby came, knowing that no matter what you had, it wouldn’t change the fact that you two were going to spoil, cherish and raise your little bean to be a kind person.  
“Just be patient for a second more, little mama. I don’t wanna spoil the surprise just yet,” he murmured, a grin evident in his voice. 
You huffed in fake annoyance, crossing your arms after the screen door, thwapped shut behind the two of you. 
“Alright, ready?” 
“Yes, Eds! The suspense is killing me!” you squeak, bringing your hands up to grab at your man’s calloused hands where they rested over your eyes. 
He chuckles as he lets his hands be pulled from your eyes. You blink a few times to adjust your vision before taking in his latest surprise. In your silence, your feel him lace his fingers with yours as you feel the familiar burn of tears in your eyes. 
“I know little bean won’t be able to use it for a while after they’ve made their grand entrance, but it was the last one in the store and sweet girl, I just couldn’t resist.”
You turn and kiss him softly. “It’s perfect, I love it.”
Sitting on the front porch is a ride and spring horse, almost identical to the one that you’d described to Eddie. You’d been telling him how, despite being a city girl, had spent many of your earliest summers of childhood at your grandparents. They lived in the countryside in a big white farmhouse style house.  Your grandfather was always a fan of black and white westerns, so you’d watched more than your fair share while your granny took her afternoon nap. You’d expressed to Eddie that those were some of your favorite childhood memories, especially when you’d arrived one day to find a beautiful chestnut colored ride and spring pony on your grandparents front lawn. The image of his sweet girl as child with little pigtails and her grandfather’s cowboy hat slipping down over her eyes as she bounced away the afternoon on that horse had made his heart clench. 
“Really? It isn’t too much? I know that I’ve been spoiling little bean and they ain’t even arrived yet but…”
You cut him off with a sweet kiss, cupping the back of his neck with your free hand and pouring your love and appreciation into the kiss. “It’s perfect,” you repeat as your lips part and he breaks into a grin as you bump your nose against his affectionately. “Thank you, for the horse and for taking care of me and bean. Thank you for listening to me and remembering those little details I shared with you.”
He grins wider, eyes crinkling with it. “It’s my pleasure, sweet girl. You two are my whole world.”
You grin at him, “You forgot about Medusa, can’t have her feeling left out now.” 
He chuckles and rolls his eyes at you, “Well, you’re right about that, sweet girl.”
You kiss him again. “Always am, aren’t I?”
He rolls his eyes, “I’ll give you most of the time, little mama.”
You smirk up at him, “I’ll take it. Now come on and show me what else you got.”
He furrows his brow at you, “What are you talking about?”
“I just know you didn’t leave the store with just that toy, lay it on me, what else did you get?” 
He sighs, “You know me far too well, sweet girl.”
“It’s because I love ya handsome, now show me the goods.”
He chuckles as you settle on the porch swing he’d installed for you when you’d first moved in with him. “I’ll get the bag.”
You giggle and kick your feet up resting your hands on your bump, stroking your thumb over it tenderly as Eddie ran to the pick up to grab the rest of his haul. As you watched him go through everything that he picked up for your future child, you knew that there was no way that you would wanna do this with anyone but your Eddie. 
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(Read more sacrifice)
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daegall · 2 years
Tell me everything.
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↳ Best friends are supposed to tell each other everything, but Donghyuck isn't all that sure if he can tell you about his feelings. (He obviously also doesn't know that you have a big fat crush on him too)
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pairing: best friend!hyuck x reader
genre: fluff, crack, slight angst, best friends to lovers!AU
warnings: um parties, mentions of alcohol, reader and hyuck are so fucking oblivious, bro idk i dont rmember writing this fic im so sorry
word count: 8.8k words
a/n: oh my fucking god the rollercoaster this fic has been to me. i swear to god i have never ever been so blocked EVER im sos ososososoooo sorry this is SO overdue man i feel so guilty and at the same time i feel so disappointed in this fic but its ok ^^ i'll just grow out of it in the future and look back and laugh (with tears &lt;/3)
anw BIG HUGE thank you to the godess of editing herself, @jenotapes ! thank you so so sooo much aisha for the beautiful header, i cannot express how much i love it and how thankful i am, it's so gorgeous it's liek theonly good thing about this whole thing HAHA
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The first real friend you've ever had, you have to say, is your mother, but really that's another situation.
Other than her, you'd have to say it would be Hung Renjun, someone you've known since middle school. You were inseparable during middle school, and sure you had a few crushes on him, but it's a lot different now.
You grew apart, but it doesn't seem like any of you minded it that much. 
Your best friend after that, would be Lee Donghyuck. Someone you met through Renjun. 
It was during Renjun's cousin's wedding where you met him. (You were only invited because this certain cousin used to be like a sister to you when you were younger. You like to remember all the tea parties you had together.)
But man, would you like to thank, and scold, both Renjun and his cousin for inviting you. Because of them, you found Donghyuck.
It was quite a unique way to find your best friend.
"You've got some moves!" 
You turn around at the unexpected, and unfamiliar voice, alarmed at a (very cute) stranger with a light smile on his lips. Your lips go from a gape of surprise, to a bright smile that slips a laugh, "Thank you!"
"Do you have a phone number too?"
Yes, he had tried asking you out. Not only did you end up giving up your number, but you did go hang out a while after that. 
You most certainly did (and still do) have the biggest crush on him, finding him so very charming and cute and, well, your type.
But for some apparent reason, he never asked if you wanted to actually date. You're not sure if he forgot, or he thinks you weren't interested or something, but he just didn't. You suspect he didn't have any more interest anymore. Not that you minded, (now. You minded a lot back then.) but it's getting a lot harder to keep in with every day that you get closer to Donghyuck.
It's gotten to the point where you don't even want to think of him, fearing that it would show and your whole friendship would be ruined.
Instead, you bake, as you always did when you had something particular on your mind.
Chocolate chip cookies, you had decided about 20 minutes ago, the soft and chewy ones that Donghyuck like—
"Holy shit," you whisper to yourself, voice hushed with realization. "did I just make Lee Donghyuck's favorite fucking snack without realizing?!" 
Yeah, your crush on him has gotten a lot worse. You suspect this happened when he took you out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner when he noticed your dull state last week. He even paid for all the food! 
You decide to let all your thoughts go as you close the oven with your fist batch of cookies, the rustiness of the screws more than enough to distract you. Gosh, nobody in your dorm building takes care of the poor thing. You remember when Yoo Jimin and Kim Minjeong attempted to roast a whole turkey but it came out way undercooked because the oven broke down within 30 minutes.
Just as you thought your mind was Lee Donghyuck-free, the door to the kitchen opens, and in comes all your thoughts once again, as your best friend enters.
"Hey there," he greets.
"What are you doing?"
You shrug, turning around as you continue mixing the cookie dough. "I don't know, what does it seem like I'm doing?"
A chuckle slips from Donghyuck's lips as he approaches you, choosing to take a seat on the counter, next to the cooling rack. "Cookies?"
You only him in approval, placing the bowl back down on the counter.
To Donghyuck, your baking is one of the best he knows. First, would be his mother, of course, but you’re close to beating her, especially with the cake you baked for Renjun’s birthday a few months ago. He particularly likes your baking when you two are awake at midnight, and instead of using the oven, you choose to use the microwave, to make simple 2 minute microwave cookies or brownies. They’re the best for midnight snacks to have while writing an essay, or having an existential crisis together.
A moment later, Donghyuck finds you rummaging through the many drawers to find something. Once you finally find it, you go straight back to the dough, before you stick the object in, and scoop it back out.
In front of Donghyuck, is a teaspoon, scooped with your cookie dough. He mumbles a few words of gratitude, before taking the spoon from you and shoving it in his mouth. 
While Jaemin and Jeno are your favorite taste testers, (due to their immaculate opinions of how much salt and/or sugar you put into your recipes) Donghyuck always somehow finds his way to become number one. Maybe it’s because you like to hear the compliments from him. (or your big fat crush on him. Both, most likely.)
"Oh, yum! This is really good," Donghyuck smacks his lips, savouring each second of the taste melting on his tongue, and gets a small sense of... nostalgia.
"Hey, did you put some—"
"—cinnamon? Yes I did, I remember you telling me how your mom would do it, so I decided to try it myself too. Good to know you like it,"
It was a simple mention during a debate of if cupcakes or cookies were better, but the very random fact stuck to the back of your mind whenever you thought of baking. You’ve been meaning to make some, but never had the time to until now. (Though, you do have a few assignments begging to be finished as you bake.)
While Donghyuck is so very thankful, and delighted, he's a tiny bit worried. He knows you only bake when you have a mind full of things you don't want it to be filled with. This happened when you flunked that one assignment and you baked a whole birthday cake to get your mind off it.
"Are you okay?"
You're surprised at Donghyuck's words, instantly halting your actions to turn to him with shock written in every part of your face. "Huh?"
"I mean," Donghyuck passes you the spoon back, wiping your hand when he sees its got some flour stuck to it, "you're baking. Cookies. A lot of them. You only bake when you're thinking a lot, what's up? I'm your best friend, tell me everything!"
And that is exactly what you've been thinking about. How attentive he is, how caring and kind he is. Gosh he almost makes you go crazy just by doing things like this to you, you might just tell him what's wrong to have him stop completely.
"Nothing," you breathe out, going back to check on the cookies in the oven, "just bored, I guess."
Donghyuck doesn't buy a single bit of it, and you know he doesn't. So instead, you decide to lie a little, hoping he wouldn't catch it.
"I was so busy yesterday, I guess I just wanted to relax. Decided to make some cookies for you."
At this, Donghyuck can't help but chuckle. Cookies? For him? "Just for me?" 
Oh shit, did you say that? Silently, you panic, unconsciously shifting away from Donghyuck to hide your growing nose scrunch of embarrassment. "Uhh, f-for us...?" You hope he lets it go, you hope with your entire soul that he lets it go and accepts your stupid and poorly made excused for once. 
Alas, he is Lee Donghyuck, your best friend who will never let you live down a single thing if you make a mistake. (You always question why you even like him.) There was a time you accidentally switched the names of two of your upperclassmen. The most embarrassing 2 weeks of your life when he would remind you every other day.
Donghyuck's head throws back with laughter, gripping the edge of the counter for balance. He's always looked so cute while laughing, and you don't miss the way your heart stutters. And neither does Donghyuck. His own heart feels like it's soaring, jumping all around his body, swirling and spinning all because of you. "Oh my god, you're so cute!"
Oh my god, he's driving you crazy.
To shut him up, you grab a cookie from the cooling rack, before shoving it in his mouth, flicking at his forehead. "Shut up or these cookies are going to Chenle." 
Donghyuck nods, though laughing and chewing, winking and blowing a kiss at you. Once again, he feels his heart somersault when you reach over to wipe the few crumbs at the corner of his lips.
Lee Donghyuck never liked business management. Sure, it’s where he realized that the person he hit on at Renjun’s cousin’s party sat 2 rows in front of him, and yeah, Professor Lee is his favorite teacher, and sure, he sometimes likes the lessons–okay, maybe he just hates it today. 
Or maybe today is complete shit to him. Yes, he hates today. None of your nagging during breakfast, or even lunch, due to your sudden cold you got overnight. He’s had to go through classes without you, only get one cup of coffee, and he didn’t even get one text from you. What’s up with that?
He feels completely relieved to be going back to his beloved room, expecting to do nothing but sleep for the rest of the day, and maybe watch some of his favorite reality shows. He just… he really needs to rest. 
You know what he would kill for right now? Your cookies. The ones you made the other day for him, the ones you added cinnamon to and made him feel all warm inside. In his opinion, those are the best cookies he’s ever eaten. But he won’t tell his mom. 
Yeah, one of those would not be bad for this shitty, shitty day. Or maybe you yourself, there to accompany him and cheer him up, but you’ve got a sickness, and need to rest. Him feeling down in the dumps is a lot less important than your health. 
But apparently, that’s not exactly your own priorities. 
Donghyuck doesn’t expect to see you here, when he swings open his dorm door, but there you are, with a mask on and a duster in hand. You seem to be cleaning out the bookshelf by the window, the one Donghyuck installed with you just for the aesthetics. 
Why are you dusting it? Heck, why are you even here?!
“Y/n? What the fuck are you doing here? You need to rest right this second!”
You were just about to say something, to explain why you’re in his room in the first place, but your best friend beats you to it, rushing up to you, before he grabs gently at your arms. You drop the duster in your hand at this, gaping at the way Donghyuck tugs you to his bed.
It’s like every time you’re about to say something, anything, Donghyuck interrupts you with an action, pressing his hand to your forehead. “God, you’re still burning up. Have you taken your meds yet?”
FInally, you’re able to speak, as Donghyuck shuts up to hear you. Instead of words, a light laugh slips through your lips, as you shake your head in disbelief. “No, yeah, I took them right before coming here.” Donghyuck doesn’t say anything, but you can already practically feel the curiosity radiating off him, the frustration he’s about to spew out into words. 
“I came here to clean your room,” You say, brushing Donghyuck’s hands off your arms, only to take them in yours softly. Instantly, his thumbs run over your knuckles carefully. You can’t deny the way your heart swirls with love. “since my dusty ass room is what gave me my morning cold.” Suddenly, you grow a bit conscious of how ridiculous you might seem to him, getting up to clean up your best friend’s room. 
“Didn’t want you to get one, or something.” You can’t look Donghyuck in the eye, afraid that it would be the last thing to set you off into a hot, shy mess. 
But unbeknownst to you, Donghyuck looks at you so gently, so lovingly and softly. He’s so very thankful for you, in so many ways. Just being in your presence has him instantly calming down, and forgetting about every single bad thing he’s had come across him today. Just the thought of you caring so much for him has him forgiving every single thing that’s ever hurt him in his life. 
As if looking Donghyuck in the eye wasn’t enough to make you go crazy, Donghyuck’s hands suddenly slide up your arms, his fingertips brushing against your skin, before he wraps his arms around your shoulders, securing you tightly to him. 
You feel, and practically memorize every time Donghyuck’s skin comes in contact with yours, touching, brushing, leaving trails of goosebumps. The best kind. 
You feel so many things when Donghyuck hugs you. You feel shocked, and surprised, and at the same time so flustered. But those aren’t the strangers feelings in you. Others being worry, and dread. 
This hug isn’t the typical ones that Donghyuck usually gives you. It’s tighter, tenser, he’s not giggling, and neither are you. Another thing that makes you feel awfully concerned about this hug, is the fact that Donghyuck has stuffed his head in your neck, and is breathing awfully heavily. It takes you one moment, then two, before you feel the tears and hear the sobs. 
Instantly, your arms wrap around him instantly, tucking him closer to you, before you feel tears spring to your eyes as well. You don’t say anything, despite having so many questions, and Donghyuck is so very thankful for that. Sometimes asking for a reason and wanting to understand someone fully isn’t the best, in his opinion, but you don’t even have to ask to understand him. You’ve never had to. Just with an expression on his face, you can tell instantly what he’s feeling. 
“One day without me and you’re already struggling, what would you do without me?”
Oh, how Donghyuck feels so safe around you. He pulls away from your shoulder, slightly grimacing at the sight of a damp spt, before a laugh chokes through his sniffling. “Nothing, so you better stick to me for the rest of our lives, alright?”
You do nothing but nod, and chuckle, before you start to wipe away Donghyuck’s tears with the sleeves of your sweater. Not the best choice for wiping someone’s eyes, but that doesn’t really matter right now. Donghyuck needs you, and you’ll be there for him.
“You wanna talk about it?” You mumble softly, brushing his hair from his face. Your best friend finds his heart swelling and thumping erratically with so much love at the look on your face. He’s always liked it when you take care of him. You don’t judge him, not at all. His needs are what you focus on, and it feels good to finally be loved for once. 
“Can I?” He whispers in reply, falling into the warmth of your hands. His own grip at your wrists, holding them up to his face.
You smile, and it tells him everything. You’re not going anywhere until he feels better, no matter how long, or how hard the task will be. “Tell me everything.”
And that’s exactly what Donghyuck does. He tells you of how his morning was thoroughly mundane and how he seemed to have struggled to stay awake during class, and how Professor  Lee even told him off for dozing off. He tells you each detail, every word and action, and you practically feel like you’re in the scene with how he describes it. 
One thing he leaves out, however, is every feeling he’s felt. How could he? He’s sure to blurt out how incredibly safe he feels with you, how worried he was because of your cold, how all he could think about today was just you. Not to mention, how he really believes he cares for you, way more than a best friend should. 
Just your presence, the sight of you, it makes him feel somehow inside. Like having a warm picnic late in the afternoon, the warm rays of the sunshine feeling oh so relaxing. 
Like watching one of your favorite chick flicks or romantic movies with you after his breakdown, but not even paying attention to the movie because of the way you look so immersed and mesmerized with it has him himself in a daze. That one spark in your eye you always have when you’re so interested, the smile on your lips when you sigh with delight, the way your hands curl around Donghyuck’s wrist to bring you closer. 
Donghyuck loves these moments. Donghyuck loves you. 
Alright, Donghyuck does not love you. At least, he doesn’t think he does.
Not in these moments, when you bug him constantly when you very much know he needs to be focusing and finishing his essay. 
But hey, in your defence, he’s got 2 weeks to finish it, and it’s not like he doesn’t have everything planned out for it. He’s been ready, much to your surprise. And as much as you are proud of him, you’re not so proud when he’s chosen to use the time where you two usually go to the grocery store near campus to do some assignment. 
And it’s not like he doesn’t bug you every time you’re doing literally anything other than hanging out with him. There was a time you had to tutor Jung Sungchan (who will always remain your favorite student) but Donghyuck was around the corner, whispering (not so) quietly at you about how you should totally ditch math and accompany him wherever.
“Please, Y/n,” Donghyuck finally says after attempting to ignore you for 20 straight minutes. His hands are holding at yours, shaking them with the most desperate expression you’ve ever seen on Lee Donghyuck. “I’m begging you to just let me work. 30 minutes. Then we can go get frozen yoghurt from the dining hall, how’s that?”
You really can’t help but snort, and he can’t help but feel all his frustration flutter away just at the sight of your smile. Strange, he’s been feeling things. “What happened to the Donghyuck I knew last week? When I was sick? That made me swear not to leave each other because you couldn’t even last a day without me?”
“My god, Y/n!” Donghyuck exclaims, and at that moment, his fingers intertwine with yours. Great, let’s play a round of ‘how many times can your best friend make you feel things a best friend shouldn’t’ shall we?
“Yes, my love,” There goes one. God do you hate (read: love) when Donghyuck calls you that.
Donghyuck breathes out, trying to suppress a laugh. (it fails.) “I know I said that, and I still don’t take it back! I really mean it, I really do,” That’s two!
“But please, just let me finish this, and then we can go grab a snack, yeah?” Okay, that wasn’t that bad.
“My treat.” And that’s three.
This comment has you shutting up with a small smile, a swirling sensation of excitement stirring in you. This is the only indication your best friend needs to know you’ve agreed to his terms.
And finally, some peace and quiet. At least, that’s what Donghyuck thought.
“What’s your favorite color?” Donghyuck sighs when you start up after promising him you wouldn’t. He glances at you only momentarily, across from him with your arms tightly wrapped around the pillow Jeong Jaehyun left accidentally when he moved out. You have a small, almost mischievous smirk on your lips, as you lightly nudge at your best friend’s knee with your foot. 
“I dunno,” he mumbles out, going back to his work, “never thought of it.”
And then he’s back to typing and ignoring you. Oh, how boring this was. It’s not all that fair, in your opinion, how Donghyuck is ignoring you when every time you’ve wanted to work he’s coming over with Chenle’s dog and a bunch of your favorite movies. 
“Okay then, what’s your favorite thing to do?” 
“Right now?” Donghyuck murmurs, and can’t help the jumping of his heart or curl at his lips when you crawl closer to him to bump your head against his side. “It would be working on this essay.” 
“You’re so boring!” 
Donghyuck simply dismisses your words, though you can see the slight smirk at the corner of his lips. He’s amused, and though he claims he wants to finish his essay, you know he very much does not mind your presence with him. 
“Fine,” You huff out, “I guess I’ll just go and bother Jaemin or something.”
At this, Donghyuck perks up, eyes wide as he watches you roll off the couch next to him. His hand instinctively reaches out to grab at your wrist before you could leave, tugging you back to stumble back next to him on the couch. 
Just as you expected.
“Oh? What’s this? The person who has been completely ignoring me is suddenly giving me so much attention?”
“Uh–” Donghyuck stumbles over his words, racking his brain to find a witty enough response to keep you here with him. Alas, as much as he tries, as hard as he searches, his mind becomes completely blank. It’s been happening lately, actually. Whenever he stares into your eyes, he’s struggling to find all the stupid witty comments, his heart feels like it’s being tugged at, it’s so strange. 
“God, okay fine! Yeah, I want you here, but please, just don’t ask me stupid shit, okay?” Donghyuck proceeds to pat the space next to him, his gaze turning shy as he looks away bashfully. “Just–just accompany me, please.”
And surprisingly, you comply, for here you are, next to him, staring at his screen. Your head rests on his shoulder, hands playing with the pillows in your arms. You’re bored, but you can suck it up, just for Donghyuck, you suppose.
A sudden thought pops up in your mind, amd before you can stop yourself, you’re blurting it out.
“What do you want for your birthday?”
You notice how Donghyuck’s fingers completely stop typing, his work put on hold. “What?”
“I mean,” You start, your voice growing quieter, “your birthday’s coming up soon, right?”
All the other years you’ve celebrated it, it was always you throwing a big surprise party for him. It was always your gift for him. But since this year Jeno and Jaemin promised they would do it for him this year, it would mean you’re gonna have to get him a present too. 
Donghyuck’s never heard this question, and strangely, he doesn’t really like it coming from you. He doesn’t want to demand things like he does with his other friends (read: Rich kid Chenle). He knows that whatever it is, he’s gonna love it. 
“Your love?” 
Your breath hitches in your throat at the response you receive, before you fly away from his shoulder to throw him a confused look. 
Donghyuck’s face is… incredibly cute. He has a teasing smile, cheeks pulled up with his eyes bright. His chuckles are soft, though they resonate repetitively in your ears, and you can’t help but start chuckling as well. 
“Oh really?” 
When Donghyuck shrugs with a nod, you can finally come up with an equally witty response. “You better not complain if my gift is a kiss.”
To be honest, Donghyuck doesn’t mind. In fact, he kind of–holy shit Lee Donghyuck wants to kiss you!
Hyuck 🐻: Hey [22:10] Hey [22:10] Hey [22:11]
You: What [22:11]
Hyuck 🐻: Can we call [22:12]
You: Why [22:12]
Hyuck 🐻:  Need help with an assignment [22:12]
You: Okay fine yeah sure [22:13]
Only you did anything but an assignment Donghyuck was struggling on. You went on a video call, he showed you a bit of the equations, and then you don't remember anything about any assignment after that.
The only thing you can recall talking about is literally anything other than it. Like Donghyuck's story of how his pinkie apparently stopped growing. (He's told you about 6 times already, but it's got to be your favorite story to hear.) 
Nonetheless, you can't say you mind it. Donghyuck has been a bit distant lately, you're not sure why, but it's great to hear from him again.
Unbeknownst to you, Donghyuck is avoiding you just a little bit. Ever since the time on the couch where he quite wanted you to kiss him, he's not sure where his heart lies. In your palms, probably.
And he definitely feels like it is, especially when you start laughing at one of his stupid jokes through the screen. It's a tiny bit lagged, with your smile coming only a few seconds after your laughs, but it still shakes Donghyuck's heart. He can't even remember the joke. 
He can't remember anything when he's with you, all he wants to remember is the curl of your lips, the sound of your laughter, the warmth you emit. Well, the warmth his laptop emits. 
"Hey," Donghyuck starts. He picks on the bracelet you gave him last year, after you got it from some kiosk you found when you went on vacation with your family. It was the first real gift from you, and he cherishes it with all his heart.
"Didn't get to ask how your week was, how was it?"
Right, because he's been quite clearly ignoring you all week.
You visibly shift in Donghyuck's screen, going unseen for a moment, before you adjust your laptop on your lap. "It's been okay, got extra free time since Sungchan couldn't come to this week's meeting. Been sleeping a lot more."
"That's good," Donghyuck replies to your summary. It really is, because God knows how little sleep you get. Sometimes it's because of studying, or watching some movie just because you felt like it, or someone (read: Donghyuck) is occupying your time. 
Your smile flashes on the screen, and it causes Donghyuck to smile himself, tugging his blankets closer to him.
"How about your week? What have you been doing to not call me every other hour?"
Let's see, thinking of you, staring at your contact photo for some reason, contemplating whether to call you or not, and, well, sleeping. And babbling about you to Lee Jeno. 
"Not much, really."
His answer is definitely not what you expected, nor was it really what you wanted. You expected a whole rant, story time until the most ungodly hour of the morning, heck, even a witty little comment like how he's been thinking of you would be okay. (He would totally, but just scared if he would sound too serious because it's literally what he's been doing.)
And this clearly shows through your facial expressions, as your nose scrunches in dissatisfaction. "Really? Why didn't you call me then?"
Your words set a zoo that even Donghyuck has no idea of running around his body, sensations of happiness and giddiness ripple through his whole soul, and he has to physically hold back a grin. 
"Why didn't you call me? Why does it always have to be me calling you?"
Donghyuck is lucky enough to come up with a natural and witty comment, a pout playing at his lips. They dangerously threaten to curl when you click your tongue, leaning in closer to your camera. "Fine," you mumble, "I'll call you next time."
Geez, and Donghyuck thought the zoo was enough for him. Now he has his heart shaking, bearing and clenching and buzzing with adoration for you. Holy shit... what was this feeling?
"Oh, by the way," these words once again capture all of your best friend's attention, it has him humming intently, unconsciously bringing his laptop closer to him. 
"had this conversation with Chenle the other day," you explain the context, though you clearly know this was a lie. There was no conversation with Zhong Chenle, it was just a scheme. 
"What's a random thing you have never had?" 
Yes, a scheme to find him a birthday present.
"For example, I never had a gemstone before. Pebbles, rocks, sure. But like rubies and all that jazz? Never."
At first, Donghyuck was a little bit suspicious of your actions and words, but the moment you mention the gemstone and have you've never had it, his mind drifts off from the suspiciousness, instead racking his brain to find a thing.
It takes him a solid minute, one minute of a cute little thoughtful pout, one moment of his low focused humming, one minute of staring at his cute habits. God, perhaps you have it bad for Lee Donghyuck. 
As you stare at him, you can't help but wonder what this certain object might be. Donghyuck's been gifted very random things by lots of people. There was a time he got a whole pack of chopsticks for Christmas. It was the craziest shit ever.
You barely get to process his words, before you burst out laughing, very amused by his words. Though Donghyuck is confused, and shocked, he can't help but laugh along with you. He always found your laughter very contagious and enlightening. 
"What?" He asks softly between chuckles, eyes glued to the screen, where you attempt to stop your laughter, but fail miserably.
"N-nothing," you snort, "that was just the last thing I expected."
And honestly, Donghyuck gets it. He gets it completely. Snowglobe, of all things, but it’s the truth, it really is. 
Donghyuck leans in closer to his screen, if that is even possible, smiling fondly as you quiet down from your laughing fit. You have your face stuffed into a pillow, eyes shut as you try to regain and steady your breath. “It is pretty random, isn’t it?” 
Your best friend can’t help but think you look… so precious. How many people in the world get to make you smile this much, how many people can get you to laugh as hard? For some reason, he can’t help but feel almost so special to get to have you in his life. To have you listen to his god awful jokes and to have you accompany him in a call. God, how did he even manage to get you to bake his favorite cookies?
And suddenly, when he glances at you, closing the window to his (finished and submitted) essay, you look way too good for a best friend. Grinning down at your laptop as your favorite part of your comfort movie plays, when have you ever looked so good before?
Considering the fact that Donghyuck was okay with you kissing you just a few days ago, and how you seem absolutely ethereal to him, he’s pretty concerned. What is going on? Why is he feeling this way towards you, after months of being so close, why has he only noticed now?
When Donghyuck softly smiles at the sight of you already mouthing along to your favorite dialogue of the whole movie, he realized that not only is he okay with you kissing him, he wants you to kiss him.
It’s been weeks since you’ve actually hung out properly with Lee Donghyuck, and after all this time spent without him, you realize how painfully boring life could be without him and how incredibly boring Lee Jeno is. 
You spent a couple of days with him, and you agree with everyone when they say Na Jaemin truly might be his soulmate, because you don’t know how he can deal with such boringness. (Oh my god has Lee Donghyuck been influencing you too much?!)
Strangely, Jeno and Jaemin have been avoiding you too, but you know why. Even if they didn’t tell you, you know it’s because they would accidentally slip up and tell you their plans for Donghyuck’s birthday party and you would go scurrying off and telling him.
False, they are, because Donghyuck doesn’t…. want to talk to you. At least, that’s what you think, and that’s what you fear. What have you done wrong? What went wrong? The last time you spoke was… about 2 and a half weeks ago, when you had gone over to drop off one of his sweaters he left in your dorm.
He was quite awkward, to say the least. Fidgeting, nervous mumbling, he didn’t even hug you once, he was surely fishy. Ever since then, it’s only been texts, no meet ups or calls. Just texts. And you were initiating and continuing them all by yourself.
A pit of fear lies within you at the thought of you doing something to have Donghyuck stray away from you. Anxiety courses through your veins at the thought of him telling you that you should stop talking or something.
Nobody knows how you feel about him. Fear and love, or whatever you feel for him, nobody knows. 
Nobody but Mark Lee. That guy’s great at getting you to spill your beans. Just an ‘Are you sure?’ and you’re going on and on about how confused you feel, how scared and how much you adore Donghyuck. 
Thankfully, unlike Jisung or Chenle (or both together), he doesn’t have certain days where he’s making fun or not, he’s always 100% considerate. You’re surprised he doesn’t have a significant other yet, he really deserves one. 
And here you are, once again, in front of him, but instead of the library, or his dormitory lounge room, you find yourselves in front of a lake Mark had found recently. You might bring Donghyuck here someday.
“Damn, really? I thought this was gonna be our spot, but I guess you always have to show Donghyuck everything.”
“Well sorry, Mark,” You murmur, as you attempt to skip a rock. It bounces 4 times. “I’m sorry I have a big fat huge crush on my own best friend.”
Mark whistles at your 4 skips, nudging your arm with an impressed smirk. “You say he’s ignoring you?”
“Yeah.” You don’t want to be reminded of the fact. Mark can tell, but you do have to face it either way.
“I know these words might be said like, a thousand times to a thousand people, but it’s really what you should do. Give him some time, maybe he’s going through something–”
“–Mark if he’s going through something he would tell me, he always does! He calls me, usually right before he’s going to sleep, and when I hear his sigh I know. I would know instantly. And I’d be over at his in less than 6 minutes, and he would scold me for wasting my breath for him, and I would always counter how he would do the same thing, because he would!”
Mark isn’t exactly surprised to see you’ve finally cracked. Neither did he expect it, but he knew it would be possible. He lets you rant, he wants you to rant. Get all of it out, until it’s all gone.
“And the thing is, I don’t even fucking know if he would at this point.” You groan and grimace at the tears starting to bead at the corner of your eyes, throwing another rock at the lake. “Did I do something?”
“Y/n,” Mark calls out softly. You almost forget you have company, but with Mark’s hand on your shoulder, moving you in front of him, you know you can trust this company. “even if Hyuck did feel that way, he wouldn’t lead you on, you know he wouldn’t.”
He was right, Donghyuck always called out the bad people in his life and didn’t even hesitate to turn them away. It’s a trait you love about him, he warned you about one of your exes, and instead of scolding you, like he usually does, he went to have a full on conversation with him and full on punched him. 
“But if he was leading you on, you’d be okay. He might mean a lot to you now, and in the near future, but there will be people there for you.” Mark has now wrapped you in his arms, patting comfortingly. He mumbles softly, as if he knew the perfect tone to make someone calm down. He does have the perfect tone to calm someone down.
“That’s not gonna happen, though. He loves you way too much to do that.”
Mark Lee is crazy good at comforting, he should probably do it as a job, or something. 
“Yeah,” You laugh (with a quiet sniffle that follows), burying yourself in his embrace. You wipe at the small tears on your cheeks, laughing embarrassingly, but Mark assures there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. “God, you’re a really good listener,”
“I know.”
“And advice giver.”
“I know that too,”
You pick up one more rock, turn to the lake, before you toss it. “I think I’m gonna confess. I don’t want this to fester into something really bad.”
Mark nods, joining you in rock skipping. His rock bounces 5 times. “Alright, but if he says anything bad I’m beating the shit out of him.”
You laugh at his comment. Mark Lee is like the brother you always wanted. 
It’s June sixth, Donghyuck’s birthday. 
You had texted him a quick birthday text this morning, strike at midnight, like you promised. You haven’t texted him since then, only staring at the ‘thanks y/n <3’ he had sent you about 20 minutes after you sent the text. 
At first, you were pretty surprised to see that he was up that late, and then the worry came and started getting you just a little anxious, before you brushed it off, concluding that he was only just playing some more video games with Lee Jeno on his birthday. 
And then after that, nothing. No texts, no calls, no nothing. It makes you a little sad, but you’re way too scared to do anything about it. You plan to confess to Donghyuck. Today, at his birthday party Jaemin and Jeno are hosting.
It’s only about an hour and a half away, but you have no plans on getting ready for it. Not at all. For now, you have his wrapped gift in your hands as you stare at your ceiling and practice your confession in your head. 
You were always good at memorizing things, speeches, formulas, anything. It was a little thing you enjoyed. 
But now, trying to clear your head and recite the confession you plan to tell him, you can’t recall a single word. Just the thought of it going to your best friend, who has been ignoring you for god knows how long, it’s got your heart hammering in your chest and your hands shaking, your nervousness spiking. 
You check the clock. 40 minutes until the party.
You’ve got to get your shit together. 
Before you know it, you’ve found yourself at the party, Jeno and Jaemin both embracing you at the same time. 
“A little late, but nothing too bad! Good to see you again, Y/n!” Jaemin mumbles, before planting a playful kiss on your cheek. You fake a grimace, wiping it off your skin. Jeno only giggles at the situation, before ruffling your hair and nudging his head inside. “You’ll be able to find Hyuck somewhere in there. Can’t be that hard, he’s the birthday boy!”
His words are meant to mean well, nothing with generous intent, but it makes you nervous. Just in a matter of time, you’re about to spill all the beans about all your feelings towards your best friend who probably doesn’t even want to be your best friend anymore. (He wants to be so much more, but you don’t know that.)
The party is busy, busier than you thought, with many people from your classes and some other people they brought, probably for free food and a chance of finding love. Or maybe Jaemin and Jeno are just immensely popular. 
All these people, and yet no sign of Donghyuck yet. 
His gift is tight in your grip, your fingers bouncing and tapping against it quickly. 
The first few people you bump into are your close friends, Huang Renjun and Mark Lee, and you don’t miss the hopeful glint in Mark’s eyes. You shake your head quickly with a slight frown, which tells him everything he needs to know. 
Next, are Chene and Jisung, who seem… strange. They’re giggling, which is normal, but they keep nudging at each other and they had started… poking and screeching at you when you asked where Donghyuck was. You had no choice but to check if they were tipsy, or something, only to find their drinks were just mixtures of a bunch of sodas. Gross.
About 25 minutes have passed, no sign of Donghyuck. How are you supposed to give him your gift? (read: how are you supposed to tell him you’re head over heels in love with him?) Is he seriously ignoring you in his own birthday party too?
You’re getting agitated, almost anxious as the time passes. 
You run up to Jeno, when you spot him near you. “Hey, have you seen Hyuck around?” You yell over the loud music. 
His face twists, and the smile on his face is wiped off and replaced with a slight frown. “You haven’t seen him at all tonight?”
You shake your head. 
“That’s weird, he would have been the most excited to see you,”
You excuse yourself, the moment you feel a stir in your stomach. You had a slice of cake, and some apple juice, and you don’t think your stomach is agreeing to the combination. Or the thought of Donghyuck completely ignoring you. 
It’s not too long of a walk to the bathroom, after all you could make your way through Donghyuck’s place with your eyes closed. Not a good idea right now, you could bump into that guy with 5 plates of birthday cake. 
You finally make your way into the bathroom, quickly shutting the door behind you. Instantly, the music is blurred out, and you close your eyes with a sigh when you feel your nerves calm down just a little bit.
Just a little bit. 
They double in amount, however, when you realize that none other than Donghyuck is in the bathroom himself, sitting at the corner by the corner.
You both stare at each other, wide eyes of surprise, clearly unsuspecting of finding one another in the bathroom. 
“Hyuck? What the fuck are you doing in the bathroom?” 
“Uhhh,” Donghyuck desperately racks his head back and forth for a reason, any kind of reason. “Taking a shit?”
No, he was not taking a shit. Obviously.
You feel a whole whirlwind of emotions hit you suddenly, it strikes at your chest, your heart, before it tingles and moves to your fingers, where you squeeze Donghyucl's birthday present, before it moves onto your feet, as you take one step. 
That's as far as it goes, however, and you stop very awkwardly in the middle of the bathroom. There's no point in stopping now, he's right here, you both have nowhere to go, and really it's now or never. 
You take another step, and another, and before you know it, you're kneeling and plopping down next to Donghyuck. 
It's awkward, at least you think it is. You don't dare look at your best friend, afraid that the moment you do, you'djust blurt out how much you love him. 
Donghyuck, however, feels nothing but longing towards you. He longs for you, after weeks of ignoring you. But he doesn't let himself, it's his fault, he should deal with the consequences himself. 
"Um—happy birthday!" You blurt out, and stick out your hand with the birthday present in it. It alarms Donghyuck, only for a moment, before he reaches out to it with a grin. You missed his smile. 
Instantly, Donghyuck has an urge to unwrap it, to see what it is and treasure it with his whole being, to thank you and hug you and finally just be normal with you once again. 
And so he rips open the wrapping paper, finding a snow globe sitting in his palm now. Donghyuck's heart follows each and every artificial snowflake floating about in the glass, swelling and swirling at the gift. 
You're nervous for Donghyuck's reaction, seeing him gape at the globe with such wide eyes. Did he not like it? Was it too much? Maybe he wanted to get a snow globe himself. 
But, it's nothing short of perfect to him. It's got a polar bear in it, with a santa hat and a christmas tree only half its size, there's nothing in it he could ever point out as a flaw. 
"Thank you," Donghyuck finallu breathes out, "fuck, this is perfect—thank you so much, Y/n, really." 
"I, uh, wanted to put a picture of us, but I didn't know how to do it so I bought a normal one instead" For the second time that night, Donghyuck's heart goes into a frenzy, just at the sight of your smile of pure happiness and eyes of relief. It pains him to think you could doubt yourself over something as silly as a present. You shouldn't ever worry about what you do to him, he's going to love you no matter what. 
The atmosphere lifts a little but after that, as you both shyly smile at the situation. 
However, it's not a clear sky just yet. There are grey clouds in the way, grey clouds you can't simply ignore. 
And at those clouds, you ought to curse at. You haven't brought an umbrella, or a raincoat, even if you knew it was gonna rain. Here you are, sitting in the shade, knowing that if you step out, it'll start pouring. 
But at that, you say fuck it! May it be a drizzle worth of rain, a hailstorm, heck a blizzard couldn't stop you. 
"Hey, Hyuck?" You take a step out of the shade. 
He simply hums back, gaze never leaving the snow globe. 
You take a deep breathe, feeling the first droplet of rain on your skin. "Did… did I do anything?"
And when Donghyuck whips around at you with a shocked expression, you feel the winds of confusion kicking in, growing stronger as he rapidly shakes his head and denies it quickly. "What? No, it's just a snow globe,"
"No, no," You can't help but chuckle at his panicked tone, leaning your hand on your palm. "Not that. Just in general, you know?"
In comes heavier rain, feeling so weighted against your skin. It's cold, harsh, and wet, but you know it's going to be worse. 
"If I'm doi g anything wrong, please don't keep it in, please tell me," Your words do more than just surprise Donghyuck, a stinging guilt pains him. Is this what you've been thinking about the whole time he's been gone? 
"If I'm making you uncomfortable in any way, tell me. If I did something, tell me my mistake." Your voice is laced with more than hurt, or guilt, it has fear, desperation, and Donghyuck wants to punch himself because of all this.
You can't bring yourself to look at Donghyuck, just merely talking to  him about the things you've been worried about is already a whole hurricane for you ti deal with, to fight. "If I'm lacking in any way, tell me what I'm lacking. Just please, tell me, Hyuck. You're one of the most important people in my life and I don't want to hurt you or make you feel bad in any way—" 
“—Shut up and look at me!"
You hadn't even noticed Donghyuck calling out to you, not until he's grasped your hands in his, inteetwinign your fingers together. 
"God, Y/n, I'm sorry. I made you think the exact opposite. I…" Donghyuck's sentence trails off, and before he knows it, he feels himself choking up once again. Just at the sight of you, so desperate, sorry for nothing, feeling bad, he can't get himself to say anything.
Despite that, he tries, shifting on the floor to face you, "Remember when we met? Two years ago, at Renjun's birthday party? Remember what I first said to you?"
It takes you a moment, but you do remember, how could you ever forget?
'You got some moves! Do you have a phone number too?'
Just by the look on your face, Donghyuck knows you remember. "I still stand by my words."
"...I got good dance moves?"
"Wha—No! After that,"
"...I have a phone number?"
"Oh my fucking god, no. I mean what I meant in general. Like—I was hitting on you," Realization rushed in you, and it hits you like a truck once the words roll off Donghyuck's tongue and register in your brain. Lee Donghyuck was hitting on you. 
Donghyuck's heartbeat beats in his ears, terrifyingly loud, and his insides twist in fear and anticipation as he mumbles, "I... I fucking love you, Y/n. I love you so much it hurts, and it terrifies me."
"At first, I just thought friends would be enough. But then we became best friends, which I thought would be better, but god was I wrong. Realizing your feelings for your best friend is crazy, because you're scared of every little thing they do! When you asked me what I wanted for my birthday, you... I just really wanted to kiss you right then and there. When you gave me a hug when I had a bad day, I was so afraid that I would accidentally blurt out the words 'I love you', and when you started looking at me differently, longingly, I realized that I had been ignoring you without realizing. And I feel like an absolute bitch about it. I'm so sorry, for everything. For making you feel terrible just because I was being a fool, for neglecting you, and being an asshole and... and for my feelings. I understand if you feel weirded out, or disgusted, or anything, really. I'm just sorry." 
The storm you once thought you'd try fighting away is now drying away, replaced by nothing but the sun after the storm, absolute gid and relief waving over you at his words. 
Donghyuck looks so fucking ethereal right now, blushing shyly as he stares at the snow globe you gifted him, and as much as he feels embarassed, there's nothing in him telling him to stop holding your hands. He's holding them so dearly, running the pads of his thumb over your skin, his touch warm and comforting. 
"Hyuck," You mumble softly. He doesn't look up. "I think I love you too, Hyuck." 
In an instant, Donghyuck's head whips up to stare at you, blinking repeatedly and mouth gaping continuously at you. 
"Wait—fuck, wait really?!"
You laugh at Donghyuck's shocked expression, leaning forward to bump your forehead against his shoulder. 
"Wait—no—Y/n don't play with me. You love me?!"
"Yes, Donghyuck!"
"Fuck, wait, you said you think you love me. Do you love me or not?"
"Oh my god, I love you! I love you, okay? I don't think your feelings are weird, I think it's dope,"
Donghyuck still continues to gape at you, with what seems like the whole galaxy in his eyes, staring at you as if you were his sun and moon and stars and every beautiful thing out there.  
Donghyuck gently shurgs you off his shoulder, before he automatically finds his hands on your skin, caressing your face ever so dearly. The look in his eyes do not change, nor do they falter, desperately staring into yours. 
"Are you sure you love me?" 
You lean forward to bump your forehead against his, "One hundred percent. You sure you love me?"
Donghyuck shifts to brush your noses together, and you can practically feel his grin against yours. "One hundred percent,"
With that, Donghyuck's lips lock with yours, so softly you feel almost lightheaded. His hands on your face still trace their ways through each inch to your jaw and neck, memorizing each part of you. Donghyuck's lips feel soft, taste of birthday cake you can only assume is from when he blew the candle earlier. 
Each peck, each push and pull of your lips feel almost like a dream, but the small smiles and occasional laughs bring you back to reality. 
When you pull away, Donghyuck instantly brings you into his arms, planting kisses on every free spot he can find on your cheeks 
"When did you realize you love me?"
You hum at the question, "Few months ago."
"All those weeks I've wasted… pining over something I already had?!"
"I quite like it, it adds to the yearning, don't you think?"
Donghyuck only huffs, bringing you closer to him. 
"Oh right, speaking of all those weeks we've wasted, care to fill me in on those weeks?"
"What should I tell you?" Donghyuck mumbles, pulling your fingers between his. He reaches down to press a kiss to each of your knuckles. 
"Tell me everything?"
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ctinalk · 3 months
Season two isn’t (fully) real, it’s a peaceful, fragile existence
The more I rewatch the show and read different theories, the more convinced I get that S2 is some sort of elaborate dream sequence or a distraction or memory alteration attempt (Neil’s chaotic angsty ineffable husbands fanfic?). But not all of it.
(This gets kind of rambly so if you want my true hook, scroll down to the Michael Sheen Staged gif.)
Let me make this perfectly clear on the outset: I don’t think all of it is a dream, and I certainly don’t think the final 15/kiss is or is going to be discounted (and not only because there would be literal riots in the street, because there absolutely would be, but also I’m putting trust in Neil and the team wholeheartedly). I think that could actually be the domino that brings them out of it. I read somewhere recently something along the lines of “something loved can never be truly forgotten” and I think that fits my theory perfectly. I’m also making no claims (yet) as to what I think is real and what I think is “enhanced”.
Also I apparently am either too far deep or cannot work the tumblr search function with any modicum of usefulness, so please link me to the posts I’m alluding to if you think it’s the right one. I will edit them in and sincerely apologize to the brilliant minds that exist outside the confines of the search function.
Now, On with the show:
You can be in charge of the biscuits
Maggie and Nina: Look, I get that recasts happen, they change the actor playing the character because of scheduling conflicts, etc. But to cast the actor/actress that is immediately recognizable from a prior interaction (whether with the characters or the audience) is not something you see. FFS Maggie DIED in S1, and Nina was pivotal (maybe too strong a word, but enough to be memorable surely) to the storyline. It’s like someone said “Hey, they’ll work, bring em in, no I don’t care that they were in S1. It’ll be a test of how well our facade is working. If they (A&C) notice, then the gig is up and we’ll know it.”
Also why in the world is the owner of a coffee shop offering Eccles cakes to calm down, when camomile tea is right there? (Resists the urge to go off on a tangent on how Eccles cakes were used to celebrate the “Eccles wakes” at the feast of St. Mary (yes that Mary) and how that ties into the second coming plot.) Do Eccles cakes count as biscuits? Ugh another thought for another day I suppose.
It has come to my attention during writing that Shax is the same actress as Madame Tracy. I have less of an affront to this knowledge since I’m 2 months deep and countless rewatches in and only just noticed. But I’m going to pop it in this header anyway. Are you really trying to tell me that a show that apparently has demon entrances happening precisely on the 6s really didn’t think these choices out very deliberately? (Edit 3: https://www.tumblr.com/noneorother/735823422626709504/the-secret-timeline-inside-of-good-omens-season-2 JFC why can I never find the blogs when I want to insert them? It was a breakdown about how all of the demon entrances happen at a 00:00 that ends in a 6.)
Yours very faithfully, Maggie
Text to mail disconnect: There’s been a theory pop up (at the time one writing this at least (edit 2: https://www.tumblr.com/azariah-z-fell/743434274903048192/it-is-extra-weird-because-it-is-on-the-record) that Maggie actually texted Aziraphale her request to talk, and it was magically translated into a physical form, and the spelling error (that so many people are shouting DEMON at) was just an autocorrect typo. But, surely Maggie would know he doesn’t text if she knew him for several years at least. We’ve never seen either of our boys text, only call. Seems like someone doesn’t know how phones work, but wanted to get the message received? See also: currency, below.
You ever think, what’s the point?
Numerous people have pointed out the same obvious background people. There are theories about the guy in the Hawaiian shirt being the second coming or something similar. I wonder if it’s some sort of play on a badly executed attempt to make Wickber Street seem “normal” in an alternate reality, an elaborate distraction, but they have to keep using the same character models because their imagination is just slightly better than Shadwells’ (Oh gfdi how did I miss Mrs. sandwich right there). I’m not saying we haven’t done a “oh oops silly me I forgot something” but that isn’t usually done in the middle of a sidewalk. When Aziraphale is initially talking to Jim with the blanket, there’s a guy just chugging his arms outside the window, not walking. Another one in E3 when Shax show up outside the shop, a guy in an orange sweatshirt passes in the background, then passes again, and not close enough in time/area to just be the continuation of the walk. Especially in the early episodes, there are veritable conveyer belts of people, straight lines, no trying to pass, etc. I’m trying to look at the background in S1 and while there are still tons of people, the background is… livelier. People passing, shoving past, actually going places.
“I’m looking at the statue of Gabriel.” “Oh, good job?”
Aziraphale basically learns fuck-all when he makes the trip to Edinburgh. Granted, I do believe most of that was to make the Bentley “our car”, but so many things are out of character. The no drink, the over-the-top “investigation” (as awkward as he is, Aziraphale knows how to act more normally than that with humans), the background on the drive up there…
All the others were taken (random collective thoughts)
Somehow ALL the businesses on the street are different from Season 1?
A normal person would have moved out of the rain instead of just lolling there letting raid splatter their glasses, yeah? (As a person with glasses I can confirm).
“We have all the hosts of hell searching for him” cue Crowley looking around like then why the fuck are there still demons around me?
The cross disappearing from the Gabriel statue between shots.
“I’m a bit out of miracles” and “that’s not how miracles work” from the guy who got written up for too many frivolous miracles.
I have here a sixpence and a farthing There’s always money in the banana stand
The lack of (accurate?) paid transactions seems like whoever is pulling the strings has no concept of earthly money and how it’s supposed to work, just that it exists. Crowley and Aziraphale talk bluntly about poverty and know that money is needed and used in current society (“Give her the money, Angel”, Rome, Globe Theatre, 1941 magic shop, etc.). Could be a “let’s not get lost in the trivialities” thing but it does strike me as odd. Caveat: Aziraphale forgiving the rent doesn’t quite fit, but cost of the record is obscenely low.
But this does give me hope about the 3rd 1941 flashback, because they were using money accurately there, which hopefully means the flashbacks and memories aren’t being altered, just “present day”.
We’re real people
One of the overarching themes in Season 2 (and S1 now I think of it) is “stop interfering in the lives of other people”. Maggie and Nina, Job, Elspeth, the entire dance party, Warlock, the book of prophecy. It would be a shame if someone were to make sure I failed to be messing about in their own lives.
I had brothers, you don’t scare me
Something happened just before Maggie told them to “Come in here and say that to my face.” Another demonic turn potential here, but also kind of like someone’s saying “FFS get on with the plot”.
The book of love has music in it
This post https://www.tumblr.com/noneorother/731977308306636800/all-the-music-you-didnt-hear-the-good-omens (finally, one I can find!) popped up, and there’s another one that purports to have noticed that there’s music lines missing from the opening sequence (edit 1: Found it!: https://www.tumblr.com/dadesu/726651737165938688/anyone-noticed-the-missing-half-bar-in-good-omens ). Possibly Clueing us in that there’s something that’s missing elsewhere (I mean obviously, that’s the whole point of this season, is it not?).
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So where do we go from here?
As much as I’d love to say “Alright so the kiss breaks the spell whoever was put over them because of ✨the power of love✨, the ruse will be revealed, and they’re not talking because they don’t have to”
I don’t know, my thoughts are just the overarching patterns I’ve noticed over many, many rewatches and probably reading a few too many magic trick theories and/or fanfics. I don’t intentionally make my theory posts open-ended, but in the end that’s the fun of it. Nothing has to be mutually exclusive (yes I’m referencing my “Is Crowley already the new Supreme Archangel” post, I think I’m allowed that much). I’m happy to be proven wrong, and probably will be.
Lots of things are wrong right now
But I will leave you with one parting thought: Crowley knows. He knows there’s furniture missing. (That’s why he keeps just tossing things everywhere, because he know it doesn’t matter.)
And he. Does not. Care. For it.
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How many theories that I myself hate can I dig into?
I’m a demon, I lied:
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avocadoraisin · 2 months
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Hey there! My name is Jenna and this is my art blog!
My main, @jennilah is used for personal posts, occasional WIPs, headcanons and other fandom memes, and reblogging things. Check it out if you're into that!
But if you just want the art, you're in the right place! Welcome!
Info for you:
What program & brushes do you use? I use Clip Studio Paint, and most of my art is done with a simple round brush with pen pressure only on the opacity. The rest is done with a variety of random texture or pattern brushes and blending tools.
Can I repost your art on [website]? I'd rather you didn't repost my art at all, but if you still want to, please ask me! If it is a website I use, no. If it is one I don't, then maybe. (With credit.)
Can I use your art for my profile picture/header? Yes! I'd be so flattered! If you can credit me somewhere, that would be appreciated ❤
Can I write fic/draw more fanart based on your art, or edit it into a fanvid? Are u asking if I want to melt into a sappy puddle of happiness?? Absolutely, PLEASE tag me!! (If I reblog, it will be on main tho, just to keep this space curated. Nothing personal!)
Can I make a request? Sure! I can't guarantee I'll draw it, but I love hearing people's ideas and I often keep them in my askbox for when I need inspiration :)
Can I ask you something else? Absolutely!! My askbox is almost always open! And if for whatever reason you're too shy to ask on my art blog, you are welcome to ask on my personal blog
Tags for sorting and blacklisting purposes:
[Fandoms and ships will always simply be tagged as their respective fandom titles and main ship names]
#jenna shut up - my non-art posts
#jenna answers - answering asks
#timelapse - time lapse videos of some of my drawings
#jenna self reblogs - for when I reblog myself and share the same art/post again
#drawing - the definitive tag for all of my art and none of my text posts
#doodle - low effort work, sometimes it does have effort, idk using this tag depends on my mood sometimes
I also try to tag spoilers for at least a few weeks after a new media's release, usually as "#[title] spoilers"
27 notes · View notes
onlymingyus · 2 years
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header edited by me (@chogiwapadada) do not remove the watermark and do not repost
pairing; choi seungcheol (s.coups) x afab reader x xu minghao (the8)
genre; smut (minors dni), slight angst, threesome
warnings; threesome, protected sex, unprotected anal sex, fingering, oral (m & f), rimming, anal fingering for prep, breast play, hand job, dirty talk, deep throat, some impact play, some mutual pining, pet names, cheol called daddy
word count; 4.4k and some change
request; no - not directly but there was talk in tags and then i couldn't let it go
a/n; ok so. alot happened here. it took a turn.
first part
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“You want me to do what?” Minghao stares at Seungcheol for a long moment before laughing and shaking his head as he starts to walk away from his friend throwing a hand up. “You know when something feels like a trap? This feels like a trap.” Seungcheol sucks on his teeth and follows Minghao with an annoyed sigh before leaning against the wall as the man tries to walk past him. 
“Seungcheol, seriously?” Minghao gives the older man a confused look and furrows his brows as he watches Seungcheol smirk. “Yeah seriously. Do I look like I’m joking?” Minghao shakes his head no and sighs looking around before meeting his friend’s eyes again. “And she wants this? She wants me?” 
Seungcheol gestures his hands out and sighs. “You heard her the other night. That happened for a reason, Minghao. I offered her other names. She didn’t want any of the other names. She wanted yours.” Minghao’s cheeks burn as he looks away and scratches at the back of his neck before nodding. “Yeah, okay.” 
Laying on your stomach on Seungcheol’s bed you scroll through your phone with your back to the door when you hear it open. A smile crossing your lips as you feel fingers run along your ankle up your calf making you laugh at how it tickles. “Stop that. I’m ticklish. You know that.” You aren’t prepared when you hear Minghao’s voice with a small chuckle, “I didn’t but I guess I’m going to learn a lot about you.” 
Your eyes widen as you gasp and turn over quickly to meet his eyes and see Seungcheol standing behind him with a shit eating grin on his face. “Cheol, what the fuck?” He laughs and moves around Minghao to you with a shrug. “I felt bad about what we did to Minghao. We left him in a little bit of a rough spot the other day, baby. So I thought…” Your eyes stay on Minghao’s even as his move to watch Seungchoel’s run along your arm as he sits beside of you. 
“Could let him have a little fun with us tonight. Only if you want to. What do you think?” You shiver to Seungcheol’s touch and Minghao’s gaze as he looks over your body before meeting your eyes with a smile. “You can say no Y/N. I won’t be too upset. Though hearing you scream my name like that…” You watch him take a breath letting it out slowly, almost shakily. “It isn’t something I could, or would want to forget any time soon.” 
Seungcheol smiles at you as you glance at him before you swallow and lick your lips as you subconsciously rub your thighs together. “Fuck…you really have some pull on her Hao. I bet she is already wet thinking about it. Watch her thighs…” Minghao’s eyes drop to your lap and you have to stop yourself as you shift, making him smirk slightly. “Is that true? Are you wet thinking about me? Sweetheart, don’t feel pressured to say you are or yes…I–” 
“Yes I am.” When you cut him off Minghao can’t help how his smirk grows. His eyes move from you to Seungcheol as he leans to kiss your shoulder. “Do you want to do this baby?” You nod and Seungcheol reaches up to your head towards him. “Use your words or no one gets to play. Understand me?” You sigh, biting your lip as you nod. “Yes I understand. I want this.” 
Seungcheol smirks and leans in to kiss your lips softly once before pressing his nose against yours. “Perfect. That’s my good girl. Let’s have some fun then. Fuck, all I could think about was how your pussy was clenching around me when I mentioned Minghao’s name. Did I tell you that Hao?” He glances over to his friend who watches from the end of the bed, his chest rising as he takes a deep breath realizing things are moving forward. 
“No, you didn’t.” Your cheeks burn with slight embarrassment as Seungcheol leans to kiss your cheek and coos at how warm they are. His hand moving over your stomach and down to your pajama shorts as he cups your pussy making a sound of appreciation as he practically purrs against your jaw. “So warm and inviting. Should we invite Minghao now?” 
You whimper out a yes and Seungcheol laughs, kissing your jaw before gesturing his head for his friend to get on to the bed. Timidly Minghao kneels on the bed before reaching for your leg running his hand along your skin. He smiles when he feels your skin prickle and goosebumps pop up at his attention. When he is close enough, Minghao bites at his lip and lets out a small laugh as he shakes his head. “Fuck I don’t know what I want first.” 
Seungcheol laughs and presses his fingers against your shorts pushing your panties between your folds making you whine softly before he takes his hand away. “Are you more of an ass man or a tits man?” Minghao smirks a bit and raises a brow as he looks at your chest and lets out a breath. “Tits.” Seungcheol moves to sit in behind you and runs his hands up your sides pulling your shirt up slowly. 
Minghao watches as inch by inch your flesh is exposed to him until finally the shirt is off your body and you are left in your bra. “So pretty.” Reaching out a slender finger, he traces over the cups of lace making you suck in a breath as he pays close attention to the area over your nipples. “Can I see what’s underneath?” You nod and whisper yes prompting Seungcheol to unclasp your bra and help you slide the straps down as Minghao tugs lightly at the section between your breasts pulling it away from your body. 
You watch as Minghao smirks to one side before tilting his head away from you as he tosses your bra away and then looks back at you and Seungcheol. He can’t help but to scoff as he meets his friend’s eyes who smirks at him before Seungcheol nips at your ear making you gasp and arch your body forward. “Oh my sweet baby is so sensitive Hao. Every little touch, kiss, lick…” at the word Seungcheol runs his tongue along your neck and you squirm against him pushing back against his lap making him grunt. 
“You wanted to see what was under that lace.” Seungcheol’s hands cup under your breasts before he lifts them slightly only to let them drop. “Don’t leave my beautiful girl waiting.” Minghao smiles and shakes his head before moving to crawl up the bed towards you. “I’m sorry sweetheart. I won’t make you wait anymore. Can I kiss you first?” 
Uncertain if the question is aimed more for you or Seungcheol you nod but look at your boyfriend who laughs and nuzzles his nose into your hair at your ear. “He’s yours tonight angel. You don’t have to ask for permission for this.” You smile and nod before you reach for Minghao pulling him towards you making him laugh softly as his lips meet yours. It’s so different from kissing Seungcheol. His lips are soft, his tongue brushes against your lips teasing you as he pulls away when you try to taste him. “Soon, don’t rush. Lean back on Seungcheol.” 
As you nod and let Seungcheol pull you back against him, his fingers run along the waistband of your shorts before dipping under them just staying there as Minghao sits comfortably on the bed. His leg comfortably tangles with yours and Seungcheol’s before he runs his fingers along the center of your breasts making you shiver. “I have always thought you were so beautiful but god…I never thought I’d tell you that.” 
You smile at Minghao's words before you lean your head back as his hand cups your breast and he leans down to run his tongue over your skin. He hums in appreciation before his lips wrap around your nipple and a moan falls from your lips. Seungcheol laughs softly against your ear before he kisses your neck right underneath and speaks. “Feels good?” You whine out a yes as you lift a hand to run it though Minghao’s soft hair making him groan against your skin as his teeth gently close around your nipple. 
“Mmm, that's a good baby. Let’s make it even better. Lift your hips for daddy.” You nod and lift your hips letting Seungcheol push your panties and shorts down to your thighs giving him better access to you. Minghao pulls back for a second and glances down with a groan before sliding to pull your shorts the rest of the way off so you can spread your legs. “Fuck…” 
Seungcheol smiles as he runs his fingers along the sides of your pussy before he slides his middle finger over your clit making you jump into a moan just as Minghao’s mouth latches onto your breast. He hums against your skin into a laugh before putting his hand on your side as he cups your breast with his other flicking your nipple with his thumb making you squirm. “Oh my god…please.” 
At your bed Seungcheol coos at you and slides his middle finger towards your dripping entrance letting it circle you teasingly before he slowly pushes into you. “So needy, so greedy. Hao, look how she sucked my finger in.” The man who had been causing your nipples to become almost swollen pulls away and glances down with a low groan before reaching down to run his own finger through some of your leaking wetness before bringing it to his mouth licking it off his finger with a muffled, “holy fuck…” 
You watch him sucking on your lip as Minghao smirks and runs his finger sides of Seungcheol’s once more before bringing it to your lips. “You taste like candy.” Opening your mouth you let him run his finger over your tongue before you suck around the digit letting him pull it from your mouth with a slight pop. Seungcheol laughs and slides his own finger out before leaning to reach over into his drawer taking out a condom and a small bottle of lube laying them on the bed. 
“Well, were ass Hao might be a tit man and as much as I love your tits baby, we both know I am very much an ass man.” With two small pats to your legs he signals for you to move with you sliding to the middle of the bed as Seungcheol moves from behind you. Minghao watches curiously before his friend looks at him and smirks. “Want to help me get her ready?” 
With a raised brow, Minghao nods before he watches Seungcheol remove his shirt. “Eventually I’m gonna take her pretty little ass and since I am a very generous man I’m gonna let you fuck her. Are you okay with that baby?” Seungcheol looks at you for permission and when you smile and tell him yes he smirks at you and winks. 
“So what I need from you Hao…” Seungcheol gestures to the bottle of lube before he starts to undo his jeans and slips out of them. “By the way, you can get naked anytime you want. It’s going to get awkward if you are the only clothed one in the room. Anyway I want you to eat her out and stretch her ass for me. Let me see your hands.” Minghao stares at Seungcheol with how brazen he is as he moves to take his hands looking at his fingers. 
“Slender, she will probably need three at least before my cock isn’t going to hurt her.” Dropping Minghao’s hand Seungcheol moves back towards the bed shedding his briefs as he climbs onto it with you making you laugh as he growls against your lips claiming them. Minghao watches for a moment before shaking his head and slowly stripping his clothes as he had been prompted to do. His eyes follow as Seungcheol moves to lay you down in the bed as he simply sits beside you running his fingers over your skin as your hand lazily runs over his thigh. 
When your hand wraps around his cock Seungcheol groans and leans his head back with a laugh before putting his hand over yours. “Slowly sweet girl. I’m not cummming until I’m inside of you.” You bite your lip and nod glancing at him until you feel hands sliding along your inner thighs drawing your attention back to Minghao as he lays between your legs. “Hey there.” 
You smile letting Seungcheol guide your hand slowly over his length as Minghao kisses each of your thighs working his way higher as you sigh happily reaching to run your free hand through his soft hair. “Minghao…” When you whisper his name, the man between your thighs freezes as he has to stop himself from almost losing it right there. He smiles and glances up at you, “Oh beautiful, that might be better than hearing you scream my name.” 
Minghao winks at you before he dives into your folds, suddenly making you arch your back pushing your hips towards him. Your hand tightens around Seungcheol who laughs and hisses out, “careful” before he starts to move your hand again. Your fingers in Minghao’s hair tugs tightly at his scalp making him groan hungrily as he works his mouth over your folds. His soft lips tug your folds before his tongue presses at your clit until he finally sucks your clit making you cry out his name over and over. 
“You made a good choice, baby. He’s practically eating you like he’s starving.” You whine into a moan before letting go of Minghao’s hair in place of brushing it back from his face so you can watch him as you roll your hips towards him feeling your orgasm approaching quickly from just his mouth. “Minghao, I’m gonna cum.” He smiles against your folds before you feel his tongue slide into you as his nose nudges against your clit.
Minghao’s fingers hold your thighs apart as he fucks you with his tongue only to pull back as you clench tightly and point your toes coming undone. He watches as your cum seeps from your tiny hole with a smirk before leaning down to dive his tongue back into you, getting as much of it as he can with a satisfied sound as he swallows it. 
“Delicious, you look so pretty when you cum Y/N.” You laugh at Minghao’s compliment even as he smiles and massages his thumbs into your thighs before he reaches for the bottle of lube and brings it closer. “You need to turn over baby, get your ass up for me.” You laugh at Minghao’s words before Seungcheol lets go of your hand and helps you move. 
Seungcheol moves a pillow to rest under your hips before he shifts to sit in front of you, making you laugh as his lap is right in front of your face. “Do you want me to suck your cock?” With a laugh he bites his lip and licks his lips. “I thought I might help you distract yourself. We’ve only done this a few times.” You laugh again as he taps your nose with his index finger before he glances at Minghao and studies the man. 
“Don’t go too fast Minghao, she’s only been stretched out like twice. Be good to my innocent girl.” With a scoff Minghao runs his hands over your ass as you move to your elbows to gain better access to Seungcheol making him groan as you wrap your hand around him then your mouth. “Remember, slowly baby. I’m not cumming like this.” You roll your eyes at how picky he is but nod before pulling back to give his slit a small kitten like lick. 
“Yes daddy.” Seungcheol scoffs at you and looks at Minghao, “Spank her, once. Just enough to make it red.” Minghao laughs and as his hand connects with your ass you gasp into a laugh before taking Seungcheol’s cock back into your mouth. “She gets sassier every damn time.” Minghao’s hands run over your now warm and red flesh before he spreads your cheeks and looks at your tight hole with a small groan. 
“Can I try something, before the lube and my fingers?” Seungcheol raises a brow to Minghao’s question but nods and glances at you as you nod, not pulling back from his cock as you hollow your cheeks making him grunt. Minghao smirks and moves to slightly lay back on the bed so he is more level with your ass before he leans in to kiss each of your cheeks. When you wiggle your hips at the slightly ticklish sensation he laughs before biting gently at the plumper flesh. 
“Hold still, you little wiggle worm.” You pull back from Seungcheol to speak but are rendered speechless when you feel Minghao’s tongue circle your ass as his thumbs hold your hold apart slightly. “Oh…oh my god.” Seungcheol smirks at your reaction, running his hand through your hair as he tilts his head watching Minghao’s mouth move over you. “You like it?” 
“Oh…oh fuck!” Seungcheol laughs when you don’t answer him when Minghao’s tongue presses slightly against the ring of muscles making your free hand clench Seungcheol’s thigh. You press back against Minghao’s mouth making him growl against you as his fingers dig into your flesh before he pulls back with a smirk. “I think she likes it.” Glancing between your thighs as he pulls them apart, Minghao’s smirk widens and he nods to see you dripping. “She really likes it.” You moan and take Seungcheol’s head back into your mouth suddenly making him groan loudly and grab your hair tugging hard. “Fuck, oh my god.” 
Minghao laughs as he coats his fingers with lube before running them over your already wet hole before he slowly starts to push one of his fingers into you giving you a moment before adding another. “Tell me if I’m going too fast.” You whine around Seungcheol’s cock sending vibrations through him as Minghao smirks as he scissors his fingers slightly working to stretch the muscles in your ass. 
Seungcheol leans his head back when you suck hard around his tip. He groans, sucking on his bottom lip as his hand tightens in your hair. “God you act like you want me to fuck you little throat. Is that what you want from me? Has bringing Minghao into the bed made you into a needy little whore? To think I called you my innocent baby not 5 minutes ago.” You moan around his length, saliva running to his balls making Seungcheol growl as he takes your hand from his cock and puts it on his other thigh before putting his other hand on your head. 
“You better get her ass ready Hao because…god…she is asking for it.” Minghao watches with a groan as his cock twitches leaking onto the bed as Seungcheol starts to thrust up into your mouth. “Fuck Cheol…”
Seungcheol smirks at his friend’s voice but keeps his attention on you making sure you are okay as his cock almost hits your throat with every thrust. Only when Minghao slides in a third finger and you gag around Seungcheol does he pull back and let you take a breath. His hand running along your face as he makes sure you are okay, but when you smirk at him Seungcheol grips your cheeks and kisses you hard. 
You whine as he puts his free hand on your shoulder and pushes you slowly back against Minghao’s fingers as he smirks on your lips as you gasp and moan. “Oh..I…” Seungcheol nods and pulls back from your lips to look at you and meet your eyes as he looks at you, noses touching. “Yeah baby? Tell me. Tell us.” You moan as you feel Minghao’s fingers shift in you and you start to close your eyes but Seungcheol tsks. “Now, tell me now.” 
“Fuck me. I need you to fuck me.” Minghao groans, his free hand that is on your ass grips your flesh hard as he looks to meet Seungcheol’s eyes as the other man smiles and nods. Minghao’s fingers slide from you slowly making you cry out at how empty you suddenly feel. Seungcheol grabs the condom and tosses it to Minghao who catches it and tears open the foil slipping it on and he watches his friend sit against the headboard before he pulls you towards him. 
“Come here baby. You are gonna take me first. Okay?” You whine a yes and once Seungcheol has added more lube to your ass and coated his cock he slowly helps you sit over him as you cry out to the almost painful stretch. Minghao watches having to grab his cock as he groans when you have finally settled completely over Seungcheol. “Are you okay, Y/N?” 
You lean your head back on your boyfriend’s shoulder and whine out a moan as you have to just adjust for a moment before you say yes as the stretch becomes pleasure. The way Seungcheol’s cock felt was much different than even three of Minghao’s fingers. It’s only when you reach out for Minghao does he move to a knee between yours and Seungcheol’s legs to run the head of his cock through your wet folds. You both shiver making Seungcheol groan before Minghao pushes into you making you gasp. 
He felt much different than Seungcheol. Where your boyfriend was thicker, Minghao’s cock was somewhat thinner but longer. You instantly felt him bump up against your g-spot making you let out a cry as you reached for anything to steady yourself. “Oh my god…so full.” Seuncheol’s hand laces with yours as the other finds Minghao’s forearm when you start a mantra for them to just move move move.
Nodding and groaning a yeah, Minghao holds on to your thigh as he starts to thrust into you. His cock already feeling like you are trying to walls are trying to clench the life from him with how tightly you are clench. Seungcheol tests a thrust upwards only to throw his head back to how tight you are.
“Fuck…Minghao…move her hips.” Minghao nods and moves his hands to your hips helping you move which starts a chain reaction. Seungcheol grips the sheets and your hand as he feels his stomach tighten, unsure how much longer he can hold on. You cry out feeling overwhelmed, the coil in you beginning to snap as you meet Minghao’s eyes. 
Minghao watches you as he sucks on his bottom lip trying not to be the first one that loses control even as he thrusts into you deeply, each time your body pulling him back in as if it were made from him though he knows you aren’t his. Seungcheol grunts he’s gonna cum and you whine that you are too and Minghao just groans. He had no idea how hot it could be to watch two people he cared so much about come undone in front of him. 
When Seungcheol cums into you he groans your name against your ear as his hand moves from the sheets to your breast where he holds you gently. His fingers kneading into your skin as he mutters for you to cum for him, to cum for Minghao. He tells you how good you’ve been and how beautiful you are. You whine and look into Minghao’s eyes as he gasps getting closer to his own climax as he whispers your name. 
“Minghao…” You whisper his name back to him and you watch his eyes close as he spills into the condom thrusting into you hard. Seungcheol’s fingers move down your stomach to your clit where he rubs over it almost at the perfect pace sending you right after Minghao as you cry out when you orgasm. Minghao groans loudly as you clench around him even tighter when you cum. His hands gripping your hips even harder as he pushes you down over Seungcheol who grunts. 
Once silence falls over the room, Minghao carefully slips from you to take care of his condom as Seungcheol helps you to move from him and onto the bed where you lay exhausted. He smiles, leaning to kiss you gently before glancing at Minghao who looks almost a bit lost now that everything is done but when you say his name he looks at you as he pulls on his boxers and smiles. “Minghao, thank you.” He laughs and scratches the back of his neck. “I should be thanking you…and Cheol.” You smile and sit up with Seungcheol’s help before reaching for Minghao, pulling him towards you for a kiss. 
He starts to pull away after a small peck but when you pout into a whine he laughs and lets you deepen the kiss as his heart almost tightens at the gesture. “I should…find a bathroom to get cleaned up in and let you all do the same. Get some rest, beautiful.” Minghao pulls away from you even as you try to hold on to his fingers making Seungcheol raise a brow until the doors are shut. 
“Did you like it that much?” You shrug and lay back down against Seungcheol who runs his fingers over your breasts in thought. “I like him. He’s so sweet and he was so good to me.” Seungcheol laughs, feeling a bit jealous. “I’m sweet, and I’m good to you.” You laugh and pull your boyfriend down to you kissing him fiercely making him groan on your lips. 
“I love you so much Cheol.” He nods and rubs his lips together as he hovers over you. “I love you too. I think I know what you mean. It was nice having him around. We might invite him back again, huh? Would you like that?” You nod but shrug, “Yeah but I don’t want to break his heart.” Seungcheol furrows his brows and watches as you play with his fingers on your stomach. “What do you mean?” 
“Choi Seungcheol…if I have to explain it then you need glasses.” You didn’t have to explain it, Seungcheol just wasn’t ready to admit that his friend was in love with you. “No I don’t need…I don’t want to talk about it right now. What we do need right now, is a shower and to change the sheets.” You whine not wanting to move and Seungcheol mimics you playfully as he slides from bed and you hear the sounds of his shower starting as you lay in thought thinking about what had just rocked your world. 
tag list; @bangchanbabygirlx @just-here-to-read-01 @hoshistar96 @niktwazny303 @strawberri-uyu @yeritheloml @tis-niki @noraehey @hoohoohope @otterpopchan @xuxibelle @foxdaisy @smileysuh @vern0nsworld @synthetickitsune @enhacolor @pandorashbox @yeosayang @httpswonwoosglasses @rubyscoups @onlywonus @gyuhanniescarat@yoonguurt @jwnghyuns @xoxodino
please note that I am doing my best to tag all of you who have filled out the tag list form but tumblr won’t let me tag some of you. I think that is because either you have tags turned off or possibly a blank tumblr page. consider reblogging some of the fics you like from me or other writers. ♥
© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
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Why you should continue pursuing this career path? Are you on the right track right now?
༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose a pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2
3 - 4
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
[ 1. ] just a quick disclaimer : this reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! i don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
[ 2. ] please ignore any grammatical errors on my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
[ 3. ] third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore, this pac can contains harsh, hurtful comments about you or the other person that can trigger you if possible, so kindly read at your own risk and take how it’ll resonates.
[ 4. ] lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
for tips, donation and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , i don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits goes and belong to yours truly. i use the editor tools canva and ibispaint for the header, divider and piles pictures.
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Pile one
- Are you on the right path and why you should continue pursuing this career?
cards : king of wands, eight of pentacles, page of pentacles, the world, five of wands, ten of cups and four of cups.
Yes, you are on the right one. But it seems like you facing some struggles currently with this path, I see an opportunity giving to you but you likely to ignore it or if not, you are thinking of it very deeply before making a decision. I see you'll grow and you probably gonna find your success here that may lead into permanent position of stability that you really desire. Many people may view you as an ideal leader with this job, they probably gonna see you as a hardworking individual and likes to give all the best as you can. Your success is about determination and hardwork, you are not just sitting there and waiting the success to serve you. Also, maybe for many of you, you like to work on with another city or country? With the FoW, I viewed this card with your spread as a positive card - I see teamwork makes this career perfect for you and for them.
Your job may involved many people at once, perhaps you may prefer working alone. This job, may give you an opportunity to travel the globe. I see that you probably gonna break generational cycle(FoW & ToC) because you have a strong ability to change it. Right now, you may feel very tired but this exhausting moments will probably gonna have a positive outcomes. Don't let this negativity to stay you out of focus from this path. You are doing your best, keep moving. But whatever job this is, it will give you freedom and happiness that you really want. You'll be happy whatever job you end up with. You maybe experiencing family problems or fight right now but I do see approaches and finding a solution for this problem so it will take it down.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile two
- Are you on the right path and why you should continue pursuing this career?
cards : nine of pentacles, four of pentacles, five of cups, temperance, death, page of wands and the star.
It seems like you are doubting this path. You are questioning yourself right now, if you were really on the right path and perhaps you may want to change it, if so make a shift then. You feel giving up and you wanted to stop. You think there's no chances anymore for you to achieve your goals and financial stability. And these thoughts of you is the one stopping you to achieve and make yourself free for choosing the right path for you perhaps that you really on the right one, you are just doubting yourself and this path which is totally wrong. It's kinda hurt for me that you tend to hold and focus with this loss rather than to be hopeful for your future.
The best way for you to do right now is to find a balance with your mental, spiritual and physical health for you to start again with a new beginning, like back to zero where you feel everything is good. Please don't lose hope, you got this! We all been through with this rough situation, it will make you strong individual. In addition, you have an ability to change everything, your surroundings and yourself. You were going through a feeling of disappointed and discouraged but this is just a phase you know, because after a FoC card popped up, the Temperance card followed this means you will be able to fill empty glasses with new water again, like i said new beginnings. Hmmm, let me get some more for this pile. With the death card here in this spread this talks to me changes and endings, while with the page of wands followed this means someone who is young and messages like text, calls or mails. This is so random but are you dreaming to be a singer, idol or actor? In short, someone who is the field of the public eye? well honestly that just came out of nowhere.
I see that it's either someone who is younger than you or someone who have a youthful spirit may have an important message for you like a new job offer or opportunities (if you currently applying for a work ) or this can represent you too or if not, you likely to cut off your ties and connection with this person to start a new beginning. I see a hope for a new career path, you will be truly blessed by the Universe this time. You will be bold and be inspired to succeed.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile three
- Are you on the right path and why you should continue pursuing this career?
The fire zodiac signs is very prominent with your natal chart with little bit influences of air signs but it doesn't have to be you if don't actually have, just focus on the reading itself. I suddenly see the 7:17 on the clock, this might be an angel number which telling you that you are absolutely on the right path. Right now, you are carrying all of the responsibilities even though you can't really do all of them at once this bring frustration and stress in your current situation. Please, if you can, let go some of these responsibilities. It's not always you are the best at multi-tasking, yes it is, you are good. But the current one, bring you a lot of frustrations. If you are waiting for job application to called you back, expect a response from them. You also need to analyze and observe the people and what's happening around you lately because I see someone here, they are jealous to you. Be careful and cautious when making decisions. You maybe experiencing self-loathing and self-doubt, you maybe need self-reflection, love and personal growth.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile four
- Are you on the right path and why you should continue pursuing this career?
cards : ace of wands, the tower, queen of pentacles, nine of pentacles, the world, knight of pentacles and the lovers.
Strong passion. This is what you desire, this is what you want to be in the future. You don't want other's opinion with this career to tell you what to do about. You knew that you will find your success here, you believe in that. Maybe in a little by little progress but you will find you success by being free and happy with this career. You have a strong fighting spirit, your success is in front of you now. The Universe is offering and gifting it to you, this is a fulfilling career path. Your hardwork about this career will reap off in the end, patient and determination is needed. Your talent will served you well, people will probably notice this to you and will respect, appreciate and think highly on you. Your current situation is stressing you a lot now. Expect a drastically changes and new beginnings when it comes to career. Good things will come, so mote it be.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
© daninixx ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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brekkersource · 1 year
how to use beta + trim reblogs
so! we all know about beta editor by now. for better or for worse, a lot of us are using tumblr's new beta editor, and it's likely that everyone will have no choice but to use it soon. this unfortunately means a lot of us can't use the new xkit to trim our roleplay posts. there have been a lot of posts explaining this and the benefits of xkit rewritten; this one, this one, and this one especially helped me understand what's going on. however, a lot of people still seem to be floundering around in the dark so i wanted to make a tutorial that sums up everything i've learned from other tutorials as well as my own trial and error.
if you want a step by step guide to trimming reblogs (with screenshots) as well as a brief overview of beta editor's pros and cons, keep reading.
the first step, obviously, is to switch to beta editor and install xkit rewritten. the posts linked above explain how and why so i won't go into detail here. trim reblogs is the new version of edit reblogs, and it looks like this. one of the best features is that you can use it even after posting your reply, so if something glitches or you forget to trim, you still have a chance to fix it.
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once you have them, there are two different ways i've seen people use xkit rewritten to trim their posts.
1. seperate reblogs
this is, in my opinion, the best and easiest way to go about this. mun 1 makes a post, mun 2 reblogs it, and then mun 1 uses xkit rewritten to trim their original post from the thread.
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however, this only works if the original post was made in beta. if you try to trim a post that was made in legacy, you get get a warning, and if you go ahead with it, it's going to glitch somehow. in my testing, my reply duplicated! which is very annoying. and despite what the warning says, repeating the trim usually does not last—even if it seems like it does at first.
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2. (probably) copy and paste
this is more visually reminsicent of editable reblogs from new xkit. there might be an easier way to do this that i don't know about—if so, please let me know. the name kind of explains it all; a mun will copy and paste their partner's reply, indent it, and write their own below. then, obviously, they'll have to trim all the past reblogs of the post. this is especially good for people who like doing pretty headers or editing their partner's url to look pretty, you know what i'm talking about.
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there is a glitch i have run into on my own blog a few times that i was unable to duplicate, so i've just taken a screenshot of my own blog with most of the information blanked out. if only one person if using beta, trim reblogs will still sometimes glitch and duplicate. i trimmed my reblog multiple times but every time i reloaded, my duplicated reply was back. please, please communicate with your partners. i know it's annoying and awkward but it will save everyone so much frustration. especially if you're clinging to legacy, please let your partners know so they can adjust accordingly—or consider switching to beta, even if just for that thread.
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but beta is not all bad i promise
i know how frustrating this all is (i fully refused to do drafts for a few days once beta really started kicking in and new xkit stopped working for me), but i am slowly coming around to it.
tags are editable now! i cannot explain the joy i experienced when i first realized this. no more typing up a long, rambling tag only to notice a typo as soon as you've hit return. you can edit tags at any point—even when going back and editing an old post! does this mean that i have accidentally started editing a tag when i meant to move it? yes but it's worth it.
making the text small is so much easier now. no more going into html or command+option+shift! instead, it's available as an option right in between the italic and link buttons when you highlight text.
you can now edit the size and type of text very easily! this did confuse me at first when i couldn't find the indent button, but it's now in a toggle list; if you click on the regular tab when text is highlighted, there are a ton of options including indent, chat, lucille (whatever that means), bigger/biggest, and more.
however, it's not all great. but it's tumblr, what did we expect.
the most frustrating thing for me personally is that you can no longer copy and past an image link into your reply, or else the image url will be tagged on underneath it. it looks funky and isn't great if you don't want to download a million gifs. while i've just been downloading/dragging the gifs i want to use to desktop and uploading them to my reply, it's annoying to have to clean up my desktop and empty my computer's trash so i'm not wasting storage space. additionally, this does not work if the gifset is in a post rather than a page; the only option there is to copy and paste and simply put up with the image url. clicking "add image" and then pasting the image or dragging the gif from the page/post's tab into the tumblr tab and onto your reply still results in a url. if anyone has figured out a workaround for any of this please let me know; otherwise, i think we should all just agree to ignore the url if it shows up. update: thank you sm to anon for informing me of @rpclefairy's roleplay formatter! if you put the gif in their formatter, copy the source, and paste that into the post when it's in html mode, not rich text mode, the link is gone! and thanks to tumblr realizing this was annoying, if you click the little link icon that appears when you hover over an image, delete the url, and hit done so it saves, the url will be gone!
formatting is......weird now. if you make your paragraph text small and then decide to add another sentence, the new text won't be small. you'll have to edit it again. text that has been formatted (small, italic, bold, etc) will be highlighted in a very strange way when the cursor is in the formatted section. as far as i've been able to figure out, even after poking around a bit in the html, there's no way to change any of this. not to sound like a broken record here, but if you've found a way to change any of this, please let me know. otherwise i think we just have to put up with this bullshit.
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there's always a chance that these things will be fixed; it is still just a beta system after all. for now, i think the best thing the community can do is communicate with partners, ask questions, and just accept that there's gonna be some weird shit going on and we're all doing our best.
if any of this changes i will update this post, but in the meantime, pls share if this helped or you want to share the word. and for the last time, if i've gotten anything wrong, just let me know and i'll update.
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amesliu · 11 months
navigation + faq
note: the FAQ is regularly updated, please double check whether or not your question has been answered here 🖤
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pop-punk percy x popstar annabeth webcomic @strungoutheart (sohae2: safety pins and broken hearts is out!)
ongoing project tags: #sohae2 bts #ogn project #pjo keychains
song/lyric recs @sohaesongrecs
sohae masterlist | art tutorials | sohae feedback | sohae e-books
tiktok: @amyliuvstheworld | instagram: @amesvstheworld | twitter: @amesliu | print shop | personal blog: @xx-ames-xx
18+ mutuals can ask for saucehae account access
General FAQ
⚠️ art use⚠️
for pfps/headers etc: credit when possible for reposts: easily visible and accessible credit must be included, asking first is preferred for edits: easily visible and accessible credit (tag me so I can see it) absolutely no commercial use
What programs do you use?
Procreate and photoshop
What brushes do you use?
Procreate: mainly 6b sketch and Tamar for full colour drawings, 6b sketch + andreaga’s watercolour brushes for comic inks Photoshop: KYLE Ultimate Charcoal Pencil
If you have an ask that contains a song recommendation please submit @sohaesongrecs
wanna talk about a song already in the playlists? come to my inbox! song that aren’t? send them to @sohaesongrecs (direct submission link)
Are they the same ages?
Their relative ages to each other are the same. Percy and Annabeth are 22 at the beginning of the comic.
Can we write fics/make art of SOHAE?
Yes! and tag me/send it to me so I can see it <3
Is ________ canon to SOHAE?
if it’s not in the comic it’s not inherently canon. this includes my own posts that aren’t just explanations of things that are in/relevant to the events of SOHAE. Playlists are canon and fics are canon as indicated.
What is the time span/timeline of SOHAE?
There’s no precise timeline for SOHAE but around/over 2 years from start to finish
*While I understand that SOHAE uses T*ylor Sw*ft's music I do not want to discuss her, the metatext around her, and her personal life on this blog* I appreciate the effort to separate her music within SOHAE from her personal life and from making 1:1 comparisons to her career trajectory. Thank you!
please note: the characters in SOHAE are based on my interpretation of the book descriptions. the initial art for SOHAE was started prior to casting announcements and when Walker was casted the decision was made to ignore the tv cast regardless of who was chosen due to the young age of the actors and the fact that SOHAE skews mature in content. its my personal belief that there can be multiple equally canon versions of the same character especially as adaptions come out and i do not tolerate anyone who dismisses the casting or describes book versions as the “true” version, these comments will be removed immediately and the people will be blocked from all blogs. i will continue to use whichever version of my designs for the character works best for the work.
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