#edited because i had the first two pics out of order
poizonedapplez · 1 year
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They tried the Grimace Shake ☠️
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jamiebluewind · 4 months
Eclipse the kitten update
(please don't glitch tumblr it's the tenth time I've tried!!!)
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Previous post
Welp! Winter's boy has a respiratory infection. It was causing him to wheeze so to the vet we went! Luckily it wasn't a diaphram issue (which had us worried because of his umbilical hernia). His hernia also came up normal on his x-rays.
(X-rays left out because might bother people, but I can send them on request)
He's on meds several times a day and taking them like a champ, but had to be put in a pen with limited free playtime (because nothing will stop Mr Indestructible from running around the house with all the grace of a car with no breaks). We DID get a reply after just a week from a really nice person who was going to give us one (shocked us let me tell ya because it was BIG dog sized). Unfortunately, they left it outside for us to pick up and someone else just... took it. Right out of their yard. And since all we had was a small cat carrier to keep him in (which was kinda cruel for more than a day or two tops), we ordered a cat playpen that we got for a decent price. We kept looking until it got here, but no luck. Still! It's a nice playpen and we have it set up so he doesn't have to jump if he doesn't want to (plus more vertical to enjoy later on). Sarah's mom also let us borrow her water fountain!
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We went to a new vet as ours was booked up (and he had already been wheezing a day). Everyone basically fell in love with him instantly. He left with a little toy from the tech, they gave Winter a jar of honey (one of the people in the office has bees and they wanted to give her something for caring about a kitten that most wouldn't have despite him having a treatable condition), and they've been checking in on how he is recovering (very well since I first typed this actually). He's basically got an entire vet office wrapped around his little paw.
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Also, the non-profit we're taking him to for his surgery had a cancelation and his got moved up to the 12th! Counting down the days yall.
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Because I gotta kinda mention it, this hit us where it hurts. Between the vet visit and testing, the pen, and the estimated cost for the surgery and followup, it's gonna cost us more than $2k (as long as nothing ELSE goes wrong). We're lucky that we're all super careful with our money, but there's only so much we can save up with three people below the poverty line. Still worth it though. I mean, look at this doofus
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He is so stubborn that we can't leave scratch posts upright because he keeps doing THIS! XD
I'm linking Winter's paypal, but I 1000% understand if you can't help out. Still, a reblog and a word or three mean a LOT to all of us so if you got a minute, I'd love some new post additions to show Winter.
(Truth be told, the only reason all the updates are posted on my tumblr is because I'm the longest winded out of the three of us and I take like 5 billion pictures. XD )
Speaking of, there WOULD be a bonus pic of him and his sister (Melanite, aka Miel) playing under my chair as my cat (Danny) looks on from a safe place, but tumblr kept glitching when I added it.
Edit: surgery update
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traineecryptid · 23 days
NPSS Weibo Q&A (20240831) Part 1
This is a Q&A session held on Weibo. People will tag their questions with the hashtag #南派三叔藏海花在线答疑# (#NPSS Zang Hai Hua Online Q&A#) and NPSS will look through the tag to pick some to answer. The event started at 1500 hours on 2024 August 31st. For comedic purposes, this translation will include the timestamps for the answers. And for efficiency purposes, I have left out all usernames. The usernames of the question-askers can be found via the screenshots in this folder if anyone is inclined to do that.
1422 Come ask questions at #NPSS Zang Hai Hua Online Q&A#. I will stay online and pick questions to answer without limits from 3pm onward. 1500 Q: Sanshu, what was the thing that Zhang Qiling wanted Pangzi to tell Wu Xie that Pangzi mentioned when he was fixing Wu Xie’s dislocated shoulder? My friends and I would love to know. 
A: Eat well, sleep well, wear socks even in the summer. 1500 Q: Lei, do you like this pic I made? [It’s an edit of NPSS’s face on a pink dressed magical girl body]
A: I feel like this pic is affecting the fengshui in my house.
1502 Q: Shu, it is confirmed that Ten Years is included in the ZHH drama. Then, will the drama show the changes between ZHH Wu Xie and Ten Years Wu Xie? In yesterday’s livestream you said that there are four turning points in the drama. Is it that Wu Xie will become Xie Di after being tricked four times? A: Every character and their fate all have big turning points. Whether he’s a good person or an evil person, whether his answers are real or fake, you must watch till the end [only then you’ll know].
1502 Q: Sanshu, what was Wu Xie thinking in the split second when he saw Menyouping’s portrait in Tibet? A: “What the fuck!” (T/N: swears are not very translatable in meaning. I tried.) 1503
Q: Pumpkin Sect (T/N: this might be an intentional typo punning of nanpai which means southern sect), what would the scene be like if Xiaoge’s mom met Wu Xie? Would Bai Ma be happy that her child had gained some humanity because of Wu Xie? A: Bai Ma would probably teach Wu Xie to sing. Something like The Night of Ulaanbaatar.
1505 Q: Shu, why have you been answering so many questions lately? Has there been some big thing happening?
A: They said that I’m a liuliang celebrity so I should shoulder the publicity mission. (T/N: Liuliang celebrity refers to celebrities who are popular (or controversial) and are able to generate a lot of social media traffic. For example: when a celeb would get on the trending searches whenever they post selfies/ attend events/ do just about anything.)
1513 Q: What would Mo Yungao from Southern Archives do if he had really found Xiaoge? A: He would eat Zhang Qiling.
1523 Q: Is the audience viewing experience taken into deep consideration when making drama and movie adaptations? For example, allowing those who haven't read the novels to understand the plot. I saw some people saying that they couldn’t follow the plot [from the drama].
A: For Reboot, in order to help the audience get into it, we introduced the characters and their occupation in the first episode. But for ZHH,  according to the number of votes, we all chose to do a cold open based on the novel. 
1524 Q: Sanshu, Sanshu, I want to know, based on Zhang Qiling’s arm strength, how many Wu Xies can he carry?
A: If he uses the strength from his waist to assist, he can throw Wu Xie up to the third floor.
1526 Q: What is the ending for Boss Jiao in the Reboot novel?
A: Became Jiao. (T/N: The character for Jiao means burnt).
1527 Q: Will Xu Zhenxuan play Wu Xie in the Heavenly Palace re-shoot?
A: Yes.
Q: Shu, did Zhang Haike recommend Xiaoge’s drink to Wu Xie because he wants to show off that he understands Xiaoge? A: Hahahahaha
1532 Q: ZHH drama and novel will have two separate endings. Now that the drama has an ending, have you decided on the ending of the novel? When will you experience Tianshou? A: I always understood the dramas as the dreams of the characters from the books. That means that the changes in details in the dramas, to me, I would always explain it as the intentional and unintentional amendment to the details as they tell this story to someone else. Or that these are part of their dream and after-the-fact fears. I will explain it again after [you] see the end.
Q: I would like to know the mental state of the company. It seems like it’s taking big steps towards a beautiful direction.
A: It’s rare to be able to legally go crazy. Everyone’s very happy.
Here's the first 15. There are more answers and I will chip at them at a pace that will hopefully be able to keep up with NPSS. The folder also contains a google doc that has all the complied Q&As if anyone prefers to read on that.
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dmercer91 · 11 months
ebug's sister, dm91
ok, first post where blake is blake!! also, excuse the absolute dumpster fire that is my life, and is the reason that this post is one post and not like 47
last season! (2022-23) part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven / part eight / part nine / part ten / part eleven / part twelve
(2023-24)! part one /
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liked by dawson1417, adamfantilli and 6,947 others
blakefriarr_: so many things have happened since i last popped up on all your timelines and made them immeasurably better!
this is episode one of season two of i-am-both-the sister-of-the-devils-home-emergency-backup-goaltender-and-also-happen-to-be dating-dawson-mercer-forward-for-the-devils series!
these pictures are in no particular order, because, i am moving into a new place with afore mentioned dawson mercer and have spent the last several weeks making it look like it's not the most depressing back alley murderous apartment any of you have ever laid your eyes on
and apparently, i have a ball ton of stuff!
regardless, here's what i've caught up on;
the entire nhl draft! though i have not acquired any new adoptees, it did come to my attention that the anaheim ducks as an organization did personally victimize me during the 2023 entry draft (they also took a BALLSY amount of time to re-sign bitch one and bitch two. what the literal fuck, dudes). also- if you are seeing this and you need help to flee, blink twice (not you adam) (you know who you are)
2, the entire preseason was also missed while i was one, curing myself from jetlag and the absolute dread of going back to uni and two, moving my egregious amount of shit with a spiteful level of independence. the devils won every preseason game! dawson scored that clusterfuck of a goal on slide two and we also got to see goalie bonks again! (i told you those pics weren't in order and i meant it)
three, (or four, i forgot what came first) quinneth played his first regular season game as captain of the canucks ad they kicked ass against the edmonton dudes. goncrats captain ;p
four (probably) rookie had both his first reg season nhl game AND his birth on the same day! he cried on camera for thousands of viewers and made me question kidnapping his brother and locking him in an abandoned building in ohio (who am i kidding i don't want to be in ohio). the blue jackets have since been doing blue jacket things (losing)
five (it's all blended together these days) the devs started their regular season and now i get to go to the arena and watch in peace as nico makes dumb faces, jack gets into petty scrums and goes to the box (apparently? that ones new.) and dawson does dawson things (be hot)
sixth and finally, assistant coach and captain quinn (he should probably drop a title for his mental health, me thinks) turned 24! i giggled profusely at an edit of him as tracksuit rob. good job on aging, kid 🎉
that's all, i think. (probably not, what do i know)
view 712 comments..
jj.friar31: remember when we were roomies??? siblings defying the odds?? i've been left out to dry. i'm MARINATING in my loneliness. you've basically shot me and left me out for dead, blakey.
→ blakefriarr_: this is a touch dramatic, that's MY thing
→ jj.friar31: if i agree to never steal your dramatics again will you come back
→ blakefriarr_: have u seen how pretty my boyfriend is?? no dude
→ jj.friar31: blake pls
adamfantilli: of every picture you could've used you just decided to screenshot me crying
→ blakefriarr_: hi im blake have we met??
→ adamfantilli: also, do not kidnap luca.
→ blakefriarr_: oh so you just don't want my love?? is that what this is??
→ luca.fantilli: do not kidnap me
→ blakefriarr_: BOOORRRINNNGGGGG
nicohischier: every day i wonder what it would be like if we didn't let the ebug's come into the room
→ blakefriarr_: do you want dawson to be lonely and bitchless
→ nicohischer: yeah kinda??
→ blakefriarr_: oh
jackhughes: why.
→ blakefriarr_ ehehehe your bucket doing weird things
_quinnhughes: ??????? why am i tracksuit rob????
→ blakefriarr_: who else would be tracksuit rob
→ _quinnhughes: nobody needs to be tracksuit rob, friar.
→ _blakefriarr_: WRONG! you do :)
_connorbedard: am i who i are???
→ blakefriarr_: no apparently you are timbaland
→ _connorbedard: oh. okay?
→ adamfantilli: @/_connorbedard you get used to it
→ _connorbedard: do i want to??
→ adamfantilli: eh. 50/50
dawson1417: oh how i've missed the chaos
→ blakefriarr_: fbejdbsjshdghshsb
→ dawson1417: sometimes it's almost like you say words
→ blakefriarr_: :p i love you
→ dawson1417: i love you too, my girl <3
tannercharlotte: this is my reality tv
→ blakefriarr_: i'll leave him for u say the word
→ dawson1417: HEY??
→ blakefriarr_: shhhh baby go sleep
→ tannercharlotte: don't leave him b he doesn't have to know
ryangraves27: she back
→ blakefriarr_: i back!!
nhlblackhawks: ??
→ njdevils: don't '??' her she's right
→ blakefriarr_: thank you (trade for charlie)
→ nyrangers: i can excuse hawks slander but i draw the line at trying to take our char
→ nhlblackhawks: you can excuse hawks slander?
→ jj.friar31: why do teams keep doing this you have ENOUGH leverage over me
trevorzegras: am i bitch one or bitch two
→ trevorzegras: actually yk what don't answer that i don't wanna know
→ blakefriarr_: too bad you're actually both jamie is an angel
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ships-n-bats · 3 months
Putting under read more 'cause it kind of turned out way longer than intended and has big images attached. ^^'
Warning: I literally am reviewing and judging sketches Kub0 drew of the Ichi//Hime fam post-manga and just being critical of I//H as a whole.
“Kub0 has yet to release any artwork of the Ichi//Hime family together!”
I just recently recalled this statement made years ago by anti I//Hs and became rather curious over whether or not this statement was still true or not. It’s been about 8+ years since the manga ended and I//H became canon with their mini-me child being revealed alongside. So, out of genuine curiosity, I decided to see if Kub0 had since drawn the I//H family in any capacity.
Only to discover that, nope, he indeed had not.
The closest I could find of any drawings made by Kub0 that involved Ichig0's family post-manga were these two sketches he made:
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A sketch of Ichig0 and Kαzui with Kub0's signature.
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And the pic he drew of Ichig0 with Kαzui during quarantine (which I will admit is super adorable omg).
Two pictures featuring a father and his son.
But! You'll notice with both of these sketches, 0rihime is missing. You know, the wife of Ichig0 and mother to said child?? She's not so much as shown in the background or right there alongside her husband and kid! She's just, not present what-so-ever...
And the saddest part? When I tried searching for any sketches Kub0 made of Kαzui with 0rihime, nothing came up. Not a single sketch featuring mother and son. I only found those two pics of Kαzui with his father. That's it.
And there wasn't a single sketch that had all three of them together.
The closest I could find was of an edited version of the quarantine pic an I//H fan drew where they added 0rihime in. That's right, an I//H fan had to add 0rihime into the sketch in order to get a proper Ichi//Hime family pic, because Mr. Tite Kub0 couldn't be bothered to do so himself in the first place. I also found other edited pics that just took separate pics of the three and mashed them together, which is just... sad.
I think the closest there's been to the three being seen together as a family was in the manga and even that is a bit of a stretch.
This then led me to see if Kub0 had since drawn Ichig0 and 0rihime together and came up with two more sketches:
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A sketch of the two standing next to each other, looking at one another.
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Another sketch of the two's portraits.
And just like with the previous two pics, I noticed something about both pics. In the first one, 0rihime and Ichig0 are keeping a distance between themselves, and the sketch overall is rather simplistic and not really readable. I can barely make out either of their expressions, though 0rihime looks shocked? Confused?? idk Meanwhile, Ichig0 looks either blank or irritated? He might be talking to her??
As for the second sketch, Ichig0 looks like he had more time and effort put into his portrait, while 0rihime looks thrown in last second. Given how much bigger Ichig0 is, it gives off the impression that Kub0 drew a pic of Ichig0 first, and then added 0rihime off to the side, in the background, which explains why she's so small and seems tacked on. You can essentially remove her from the sketch entirely as she doesn't look part of it as a whole.
Also, this same sketch had an I//H shipper tack on Kαzui to try and make it a family pic, just like with the other one.
Despite Kub0 canonizing Ichig0 and 0rihime as a married couple with a kid, despite it being nearly a decade now, despite I//H shippers asking Kub0 to give more details about how the two got together and what their relationship is like as a family and couple, he still hasn't bothered to actually give the Ichi//Hime fam any proper spotlight.
I hate bringing up other mangas for comparison, but even Nαruto, despite its own controversial ending and endgame ships, showcased some sweet family moments with their next gen families and even had cute couple-y moments between the endgame pairs. Kishim0t0 at least bothered to put some effort into trying to sell his endgame ships to fans. Meanwhile, Kub0 has left I//H high and dry of any basic domestic fluff.
And honestly?
I just find that to be plain sad. Sad that even though a pairing is made canon, is made to be married with a child, there's still this lack of intimacy between the two. Yes, many I//H antis have pointed out how much Ichig0 and 0rihime lacked development and intimacy prior to the ending, but it's post-ending where I feel the failure of I//H really comes to ahead.
I//H stans tend to use Ichig0 and 0rihime's marriage and product of their consummation as a crutch or a "got'cha" to prove them being canon somehow means they're a perfect pairing. But it really doesn't mean anything if there's no real intimacy outside of a legal piece of paper and offspring. Those two things don't prove anything and shouldn't be used as evidence for a happy, healthy relationship.
Because, despite what is believed by many, a marriage and kids does not automatically translate to a good relationship. People can be married with kids and still be unhappy or lack real closeness or intimacy in their relationship. Just like how the alternative (i.e. not married and no kids), can mean a happy and close relationship. Basically, a marriage and children are not required nor are proof of a happy, healthy relationship.
Kub0 himself has already proven to me that he doesn't even care about Ichi//Hime as a pairing, despite the marriage and kid. He hasn't shown that Ichig0 and 0rihime are close and seems to actively avoid drawing the family together, leading the fans to do so for him out of desperation. He was more than happy to show 0rihime's one-sided devotion towards Ichig0 throughout the manga, but never bothered to show Ichig0 ever returning those feelings, and then just ended with the two married with a son. Only later offhandedly mentioning that the two got together sometime after university when a fan asked him about it. And Ichig0 had to be prompted by his friends to make a move on her, not because he did so on his own accord.
Ichi//Hime may be endgame canon, but it's still hollow and empty.
Update 7/9/24
I had actually forgotten about another pic Kub0 did and was only recently reminded of it by a twt user.
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The pic features Ichig0, Rukiα, Ichikα, and Kαzui altogether.
And I have to agree with the twt user’s assessment on it, it does look like an accidental family pic. I can totally see some people who aren’t familiar with Bleαch taking this out of context and mistaking Rukiα and Ichig0 as the parents. It’s a very cute and silly sketch too, with Rukiα and Kαzui messing around with Ichig0 and Ichikα dealing with their antics. An overall happy, wholesome pic.
Which makes the fact that Kub0 drew Rukiα alongside Kαzui and not his own mother, 0rihime, all the more noticeable and depressing. It really does feel like Kub0 is actively avoiding making any happy I//H fam material. He always falls back on drawing Ichig0 and Rukiα together (which he has admitted to enjoy doing).
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 years
HAL JORDAN | GREEN LANTERN (dcamu | generalized canon)
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“Montra” (Hal Jordan x Fem!Reader)
| Hal’s bored but you're really good at capturing his attention (and you’ve been dancing around one another for a while now so why stop now?)
| SFW, gala, infatuated!hal, planning a first date, mutual attraction, reader has short hair (kinda)
| Montra: Olea europaea 'Montra' or the olive in shrub form. (Pic source: Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis animated movie)
| This May be my New Years post (I’m trying) so if it is ✨Happy 2023!✨if I didn’t make it on time then ignore the new year thing (edit: I didn’t make it) I can say this is for Valentine’s Day tho!💚
| 2k+ words
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Hal is bored out of his mind. Which Bruce had clearly anticipated now that he thought about it. The man had left him alone with a very pointed ‘don’t break anything’ right before they entered the event as guests of honor. Hal had thought Spooky was being ridiculous, he was a grown man, but currently he wasn’t so sure.
Over the course of the night, as even John started to dryly tease him about how much of a brat he was being - and Hal left him alone because he was not going to be bullied - Hal heard Bruce’s words ring truer and truer.
Like a kid he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to mess something up enough that he could be released. As PR supervisor you’d probably get on him about it but he secretly loved when you chewed him out, it was the most attention he got from you and you were very sexy. Even if you did scare him sometimes.
Ultimately you’d put him in a side room until he could leave with the rest of the League and he was more than game for that. The event was for a good cause, don’t get him wrong, but there was only so much gawking one man not at all used to the spotlight while in a rented Armani suit instead of his uniform could handle.
He's tucked himself away by the bar and it’s worked fairly well to keep him out of sight. After all, the only thing that could indicate he wasn’t just some regular smuck was his lantern mask, and all he had to do was keep his head low to hide that. Problem was, that meant he couldn’t talk to anybody without garnering attention. He’s so damn bored he’s started stealing the olives from people’s drinks, snickering as they walk off without noticing.
Okay so he was a bit of a child.
It’s on his sixth go at snatching the olive from some guy's martini that you show up. One second he’s got his hands on a toothpick speared with the motherload of olives and the next his hand is being smacked.
The olives are almost lost to the air as he snatches his right hand away, but his left hand manages to catch it just in time.
“Ow!” he gives you a wide eyed look. “What was that for?”
His small exclamation makes you roll your own eyes, and he resents that a little, he does.
“Lantern, what are you doing?”
You lean against the bar and he can’t help the way his eyes catch on what you’re wearing. It complemented your figure quite nicely.
He clears his throat. “You reserve no right to ask me that question after you just hit me.”
“I reserve every right when you insist on acting like a right fool. What’re you even doing here? You should be on the floor mingling.”
Hal rolls his eyes as you flag down the bartender.
“I mingled for two whole hours, that tires a man out, so I did the responsible adult thing and hid.”
You order before turning back to him and his mind instantly wonders what you’d look like giving him that narrow eyed look in the bedroom. He goes a little pink. Jesus, that’s an image.
“Oh, you're the model of responsibility. Stealing olives is heightened sophistication.”
Hal winks at you, “I hear it’s all the rage with nobility.” and pops the three olives into his mouth.
“And if somebody saw and snapped a picture? There is no nobility here, Lantern.”
He realizes it’s kind of your job to care about how he looks to the public, you were made the PR representative for the Justice League after one too many smear campaigns led by Luther and you were damn good at your job, but he had a thing about being told what to do. He could admit that to himself very readily.
“So what? I get a slap on the wrist and a go get ‘em’ tiger.” He sighs dramatically, “Hardly seems fair.”
Your laugh comes out in a huff as you accept your martini. He points to it.
“Thought you didn’t like martinis?”
You scrunch up your nose; he thinks it’s adorable.
“I don’t, but I hate champagne even more and I need to look the part,” you raise the glass to him slightly. “So I’ll tough it out.”
You pluck the toothpick and olive out of your drink and hand it to him, taking the tiniest sip possible.
He accepts the olive quite happily and eats it. He ends up choking on the damn thing as you gag and he bursts into laughter however.
“Laugh it up, fly boy. You’re still going back on the floor.”
Hal shuts up real quick and you smile at him.
He can’t help but pout when you tug on his sleeve. Flopping off of the bar stool with a huff but allowing you to link your arm with his.
You pull him back into the crowd and Hal kind of wants to whine (just a bit) but you do smell nice, and the heat of your body pressed up against his side makes him flush a little.
Someone beckons you over, she’s a big investor he’s aware of that much, and he goes along with you because he’s got nothing better to do and if he tried to leave he was sure you’d just pull him back anyway. Plus he’s more than happy to bask in your presence.
He leans over, “Do I at least get something for being bossed around?”
You hum at his whisper and the woman finally takes notice of exactly who’s attached to your arm and waves to him excitedly. Hal smiles at her, but it dissipates quickly once her attention’s back on you.
“Like what?”
You hide your response, whispering more to his shoulder than anything, before immediately moving forward to shake the investor’s hand.
As you’re exchanging pleasantries back and forth Hal gladly lets himself fade into the background. Being at these galas always makes him feel moot; out of his element. It’s just that he’d much rather feel like he’s doing something: treaty negotiations, rebuilding efforts, saving people from falling debris and punching bad guys than smiling at people.
Shaking hands so that big decision makers remember to think about the League come elections.
Observing you it’s not hard to see that unlike him you are in your element like this. You’ve been soft spoken since the day he met you but you’ve always been able to capture someone’s attention when you needed to get a job done. It was admirable.
You went up against the League’s opposers almost everyday with nothing but dry wit and the smile you’re giving the investor right now. She asked about something to do with Calendars for Christ (whatever the fuck that was) and going off of your face you were clearly displeased by it so all you did was stonewall her.
Your hair is short so nothing moves at the top of your head except the ornate earrings you're wearing, green jewels bordered by diamonds that catch the light every time you move.
He kind of likes you in green. It dances off of the brown of your skin nicely. He wonders if you’d ever let him use the ring on you. Was the ring designed for shibari? No. But he was willing to make his constructs wrap around like that for you.
Would you be frightened by something so alien or would you jump at the chance to explore it?
Mm. He wants to find out.
The dress you’re wearing is a black gown with big flowing pleats on the bottom, your heels clack every time you shift your feet even though he can’t see them, and all your jewelry is a stark emerald that catches the eye. Simple, elegant, and with the unintended effect of making the two of you look together.
It hadn’t crossed his mind until someone else came over to crash your three person circle and made a comment that he picked up on. You don’t say anything but he’s sure you’ve heard it by the way your jaw clenches before you turn into him.
“Seems we’re garnering quite the buzz,” he says before you can.
You glare up at him. “Seems so. Now answer my earlier question.”
He thinks it over, eyes roving across your face as you stare him down. You weren’t a very physically intimidating woman but the power you held was certainly scary enough.
If he fucked up you could make his life a lot harder.
“How about you let me take you out and I do whatever you want for the rest of the night?” at your dubious look he rushes to keep talking. “Plus, I mean, you did say you needed someone to convince Senator Parker not to go through with Luther’s fake alien communication efforts.”
He raises his eyebrows up at you in invitation and you squint.
“And who better than the space police to delegitimize his cause, hmm? The wealthy love their law enforcement.” You slowly nod your head. “Alright you can take me out, but I don’t skate and I’m putting you to work for it.”
“Deal,” Hal smiles at you and holds his hand out for y’all to shake on it. “I will happily follow your lead.”
True to your word you put him to work right after that. Excusing yourselves from the group that formed around you and then dragging him off to sweet talk Parker right from under Lex’s arm.
He honestly revels in the nasty look Luther shoots your way as you ply the senator with promises of strengthening his image and sly pokes about making correct decisions.
“Do you really want to place the public's trust in you on a man that can’t seem to keep himself out of maximum security prison? What about his latest ploys before he bribed his way back out of confinement says you can trust his claims, Senator?”
You touch the man’s arm and Hal glares at the way it makes him lean into you.
“You were voted into office because of your care for the people, and today I need you to follow through. There are lives in your hands, Senator Parker, all I’m asking is that you think about them before you choose who to listen to.”
You point over to Hal and he can tell that’s his que. When he comes over he isn’t really thinking when he wraps his arm around your waist, effectively causing Parker to back away from you. You don’t move away from him though, and when he glances at you you only nod towards the senator.
He smiles and moves to shake the other’s hand.
“Hello, Senator Parker, I’m one of Earth's resident Green Lanterns and I can assure you that the inhabitants of other planets closest to us don't want some tacky space outreach center being built on their land.”
“Then what do they want Mr. Green Lantern?”
Hal starts to snicker, but you must feel him beginning to shake because there’s an elbow in his side soon after and he rushes to suck it back in.
“I can assure you it’s not humans flaunting our giant superiority complexes.”
He watches how Parker side eyes Luther before getting closer to him, and cheers in his head. His smile widens even more at the honest look that takes over the man’s face.
“Safe, effective and honest communication. That’s all they want. Impeding on their planets isn’t the way to accomplish that,” he chuckles. “And it’ll be waaay less money.”
“Thank you, Ms. L/n for knocking some sense into me. Luther can be very…persuasive but I won’t be making that mistake again,” he turns to nod at Hal. “I also greatly appreciate your input Lantern, I’ll keep your words in mind.”
The two of you stop at a small alcove after Hal exchanges emails with Senator Parker with the stipulation that he remembers Hal’s only earthside every so often and won’t be able to respond immediately.
“You’re really good at that,” Hal divulges.
You raise an eyebrow in question while going through your phone with hurried swipes. From his angle all Hal can make out is a calendar peppered with a sequence of bright colors. He elaborates with a shrug.
“I just didn’t expect the conversation with Captain Cowlick over there to be so…civil.”
The corner of your mouth upticks wryly and you slip your phone into your pocket while turning to him.
“Why, because I’m black? I was supposed to get angry? Start yelling, maybe?”
Hal trips over the shiny unblemished marble floor.
“No! That’s not what I meant at all,” he waves his hands around to accentuate his point. “I only meant I expected Lex to stomp over and get all passive aggressive since, you know, he hates when people mess with his toys. He’s a giant asshole -and I trust your abilities completely…”
He glances at you, eyes wide and another string of apologies on the tip of his tongue, before he notices the twinkle in your eyes. He bites his lip.
“You’re messing with me aren’t you?”
You blink and instantly the mirth in your eyes dissipates, replaced with the stern yet benign look you dawned when confronting politicians and the press alike.
“Of course not Lantern. I was simply pointing out how your words could be misconstrued.”
Oh, you were definitely messing with him. He feels his lips tug up and shoves his thumbs in the loops of his pants. He leans a little in front of you as you both continue moving so you can see the dubious raise of his brows.
“And that’s the only reason?”
You give a derisive nod. “Mhm.”
Hal finds himself bouncing as he walks. If this was how you acted with him on the job he couldn’t wait to find out what you’d be like outside of work. If you were willing to joke around, even if it was at his expense, it pointed to you not just saying yes out of pity or self preservation. Which-
“You know you don’t have to go out with me just cause I’m the one who asked, right?”
“I’m well aware,” you chirp. “And besides, The Bat is my boss. Not you. If you tried to force my hand he’d slap your pasty ass with a suspension and put you on review real quick.”
Hal blinks, a little surprised at what you’d said, before deciding that -yeah- Spooky would totally do all that. Not that Hal would ever force yours or anyone’s hands for anything so paltry, but still.
“Good, I’m glad,” is what he settles on. “Just making sure.”
You make your way around in silence for a while after that. Hal finds himself going over his mental to-do list and squeezing you in. He was rarely earthside for long stretches of time so he always rushed to run errands during whatever “break” he did have.
He puts the date with you between two possible slots. The night after he checks his PO Box and restocks his food supply of nonperishables -he’d neglected the grocery store the last two times he was home and his kitchen now was depressingly barren- y’all could do dinner or he could do lunch with you in between his morning League meeting and scheduled training sessions.
The two of you find a small alcove cut off from everyone else to stop at and you lightly elbow Hal in his side before taking a step so you’re standing across from him.
“You were pretty good back there by the way,” you raise your eyebrows. “In another life you might’ve made a brilliant politician.”
“Oh god no,” Hal shakes his head with a guffaw as you titter at him; his plans could wait, that was disgusting.
“What? Too dishonest?”
“Too soulless. I like being a mediator, saving people is something I love. I wouldn’t give that and the feeling of flying up for anything.”
“That’s great Hal,” you look him in the eyes.
“We appreciate it.”
Hal smiles at you, leaning into your space.
“Yeah? That ‘we’ include you?”
You nod and get closer to him in tandem.
“Uh huh. You think I work for you guys because I don’t?”
Hal shakes his head.
“You don’t seem like the type of woman to waste your time like that.”
“Exactly. When I do something I do it in full.”
The tips of your noses touch as you breath in each other’s air. He can see your eyes dilate like this and the ring buzzes to alert him of his rising heart rate as he looks all over your face for what feels like the twentieth time tonight.
His throat clicks as he swallows. “Does that apply to us too?”
“It could.”
“Alright, that’s fair. How can I make that answer an absolute?”
He holds eye contact with you, smirk lighting up his face as he watches the way you stumble over your response then frown lightly. You school your expression into something more composed.
You get even closer afterward, lips ghosting over his own, as you reply.
“Let’s see how that date goes, first.”
At your whisper Hal starts to give in to your pull before he remembers something and moves back. Your face falls and he shakes his head.
“I just gotta-” he makes a jerking motion indicating both of you. “Are you feeling what I’m feeling?”
You grab him by the tie and pull him down. “Oh I’m feeling what you’re feeling alright.”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed! This is not proofread because it’s fucking long and my attention span can only take so much so…✌🏾
(I am so unsure about my shit once I’m about to post it. Like I hate this now. Why do I do this to myself?)
Edit: Went back to edit some things and realized tumblr cut the end out so I had to add that. Just so y’all know. This app is really starting to piss me off.✌🏾
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koqabear · 1 year
okay i wanted to ask, because i see you writing such long fics but i can barely pull myself together to write this bomb-ass 20k word fic, how do approach a fic you know is going to be a long one in a way that you don't feel intimidated by it, or do you still get intimidated by it and just try and push through it?
okay so first off, thank you so much for sending me this ask 😭 you literally forced me to go through my writing process and caused me to make a huge breakthrough with one of my stories alfkgh
anyways, i'll try to be as thorough and clear as i can be with my process, i hope this helps! (but also im so sorry once i started i couldn't stop)
i think my process can be best described with three fics; Only You, Darling (40k), Killer Instinct (37K), and Memories We Made (unfinished but estimated to be over 30k.). With each story, I knew that they were going to be long, but mostly because I went in with the approach that it has to be long in order for the story to be executed right; characters have to be written thoroughly, and there are certain scenes that need to be written for the plot/character to progress-- like, if it's not written in, the story could lose those small details that make the fic feel more... alive, if that makes sense?
The most important part is making an outline! I know that's probably obvious, but outlines can seriously vary; like with OYD and MWM, I have a whole doc dedicated to the fic. I'm gonna show you what a bit of my OYD planning looks like, please don't point out how genuinely unhinged it is 😭😭😭 (so.. spoilers for OYD + fun fact it was gonna be Sunghoon instead of Jaemin in the story originally hehe)
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This is an example of what my outlines can look like; but, it only gets like this as i write-- the first pic is my outline filled with things i added as i wrote OYD such as characteristics/important notes/things i wanna edit, and the second pic is what i started out with.
the first thing i do is brainstorm the bare basics of the plot; what kind of story is it, and what do i want to happen in it? you can see that i separated the story into the key plot points/arcs; and within each one, i also put how i wanted them to begin and end. (the numbers are the wc for each arc alskhg)
the hard part comes in when you're filling these arcs/key points in. because now the big question is, how do you get there? for example, during the first act of OYD, i wanted to establish beomjun's relationship with the mc, and end it off by having the two work together. but in order to do that, i decided to include scenes that showed yeonjun's relationship with the mc, and then beomgyu's relationship with her. now that i had the foundation, i allowed the two to interact; that let me establish beomjun's relationship with each other, and let them realize they had a common goal.
last, you add a catalyst (a character, a situation, etc.) that can get you to your end goal; the catalyst being jaemin, which brought the two to work together out of jealousy-- and that's how i was able to fill in that key point.
then i just repeated that process for all arcs! add scenes that elaborate on key points, then add a catalyst that can take you to the end!
another thing i do when plotting for my stories is record myself brainstorming! i let myself ramble and talk about the plot out loud, and that's usually how i run into plot holes/issues. i kinda let myself figure it out in real time, and once i've figured the plot out, i listen back to it and write it down. (i have voice recordings for OYD and MWM. MWM is 48 mins, if that gives you a gist of what i mean by like... brainstorming. and half of it is straight up fucking nonsense. just let out ideas, details about the characters, scenes you'd like to write, anything. it lets you become more familiar and comfortable with your story, if that even makes sense.)
also! whenever i'm writing but get tired and decide to take a break, i add a quick want to add note at the bottom; that's what the weird little spiel up there in the second pic is. it's where i wrote down the ending scene because i had a super specific idea of what i wanted and how i wanted it to happen. if you get any scene ideas like that for your fic, write them down!! there's a chance that you might forget about it/write it differently if you don't; plus, it could even help you add things in that could make the transition into the scene super smooth.
OYD was honestly a bit intimidating for me when i wrote it, because i knew that it had to be extremely detailed and long. that's why i made sure to properly plan things out, that way so i didn't forget anything that could skew the execution. but one of the biggest tips is that you should brainstorm scenes you want to add in each key point, that way you don't feel as intimidated when writing-- because now you have a guide, yk? I'd love to show how my MWM outline looks like, but the fic isn't even out yet 😭 but it's literally a scene-by-scene outline of how i want the story to go! now all i have to do is flesh out the said scenes :)
then there's fics like killer instinct. i went into that with pure vibes, no outline, no planning; more of a mental outline, if anything. so if you find the idea of the whole written outline + scene & key points boring/not for you, i'd still suggest to get the bare basics down; but what i did with killer instinct was that i brainstormed as i went, and added small notes to keep track of important things so i wouldn't screw with continuity-- age and time is pretty important in that story, and i kid you not this is the only thing i had for killer instinct outline wise (bc im not counting my doc of mma notes.)
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but for killer instinct, i kinda winged it; i knew what the general plot was, but allowed myself to have fun on how to get there. the only thing i will say though, is that with every scene, you should try to plan out the next one-- like, intro to killer instinct is introducing taegyu, then i'll introduce the mc. then i'll introduce the world and background. and now that i have a foundation, i'll add extra scenes, then a catalyst! this leads into the main conflict, then y'know the rest. but instead of planning it out bit by bit, i kinda let myself go with the flow...? it also let me be a lot less intimidated by the fact that I knew the story would have to be long.
as for the story i had a big breakthrough with, i'm definitely a bit intimidated by it! i know it has to be intricate and emotional and intense, so in order to help with that, i've made playlists to get me in the correct mood, watch shows, read other fics, anything to help me get comfortable with the genre and spark inspiration. I'm currently winging it as well.... but have three key points im sticking to-- it's gonna sound a bit confusing and vague but it's like... add foundation + the male lead is introduced -> background is given to let ppl know motivations and stuff -> final scene. and whenever i run into an issue, i brainstorm and try to get to the root of why im stuck. like, is it plot, the character, or the scene? in this case it was all three so. pray for me.
anyways. i hope this helped and im so sorry if it didn't 😭😭😭 because then that just means u read this painfully messy explanation for nothing. but when writing long fics, pleeeaseee make sure to take your time with it-- if nothing's working, give it time and don't force yourself to write whatever! (mwm has been in my wip for a solid like. year..? but this is a rare case plus im insane)
and if your word count ends up surpassing/being under than what you originally expected, don't panic! (killer instinct was estimated at 20-25k. so.) sometimes certain scenes just aren't necessary, and other times, you find that you may need to elaborate more in order to make things work.
im seriously wishing you luck on your project!! and if you found this somehow did help and have more questions, don't hesitate to ask! oh and if you found something i said confusing (bc i do have the tendency to not make sense) pls lmk and i'll try to clear it up asdglsh 😭
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shopwitchvamp · 2 years
Ok, so who all wants to see some ancient designs?? Thought this might be fun since there's so many new people around lately, and even the not-so-new people may not know about these! Here's the first 3 skaters I ever made, back when I was still Syppah's Cute Creations mainly doing amigurumi crochet:
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Creepy Eyes is a true OG that's been around since about July 2015! It isn't very popular on skaters or joggers since I stopped doing cons, but it's still going strong as midis and maxis. I've also used the pattern on eyeglass cloths, face masks, scrunchies, tights, zipper bags, and more. I don't think I'll ever fully retire it, haha. The other two up there are Rainbow Narwhals and Cute Eyes (original light pink version below, got the hot pink version above as a misprint afterwards).
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The next ones I got that no longer exist were Rainbow Candy, Double Rainbow Candy, and Happy Bees:
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tiny prehistoric pics because i can only find them in my old old etsy's sales history, haha As you can see, besides Creepy Eyes the vibes were incredibly different. I wanted to make clothing that could go alongside my ˜”*°•.★·.·´¯`·.·★𝓀𝒶𝓌𝒶𝒾𝒾 𝒶𝓂𝒾𝑔𝓊𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒾 𝓅𝓁𝓊𝓈𝒽𝒾𝑒𝓈★·.·´¯`·.·★.•°*”˜ even though my personal style and fashion interests were/are much more goth. That leaked through again with the Guro Guts skirt next.
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The first ever Guro Guts skirt was made just in time for Halloween 2015 In 2016, plushies were still my main focus and for a number of health reasons I was essentially dead that whole year. I don't think I added any new skirts at all..
The next big addition to my skirts was in April 2017 with this set:
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Demon Summoning and Vampire Night have survived until this day. Good Medicine on the top left was only made in this colorway for a short time before I switched to a purple & pink version that I also kawaii'd up. Vaporwave and Angel Summoning are both pretty much defunct as of 2021.
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2017 Blue/Red Good Medicine, 2018(2019?) Purple/Pink Good Medicine. Both are discontinued
In late 2017, I separated out my clothing shop from my crochet shop and started going all-in on a more goth leaning aesthetic. Witch Vamp (originally "Witch Vampire") was truly born. A lot of designs from that time are ones you'll still recognize today
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The only other one that's pretty much gone these days is Rainbow Galaxy. I used to have it in skaters and joggers, but it's another one that wasn't as popular online as it was at cons. They're also like A Lot especially for my generally goth-ish shop
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Rainbow Galaxy Skater (designed in 2017), Rainbow Galaxy Joggers (2018 or 2019.. unsure, haha) I last ran preorders with Rainbow Galaxy in 2021, but I don't think I got many orders. I've just let them fizzle out since then. But the skirt semi-lives on in the glorious mistake that is the Bomb Pop Skater
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Originally I had 3 of these because a few Rainbow Galaxy Skaters got printed without any yellow. But like, what a good mistake! Since then I've ordered them this way on purpose. EDIT: Another discontinued skirt was the Black Widow's Web. Idk even when I made it first. 2018? But it died in 2021.
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Next casualties, between 2020-2022 I discontinued a few more joggers due to slow sales:
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Astrology Joggers, Creepy Eyes Joggers, Dark Galaxy Joggers (actually the 2nd version. V1 was a bit too.... phallic with the goo drips lmao) So after that, I think the main casualties have been *item types* rather than designs. I've dropped a lot of things (lanyards, zipper bags, wallets, all-over-print tshirts, tights, pvc charm keychains, and soon enamel pins) because they were great for cons, but don't really sell online. Or because they became obsolete (skirts w/out pockets).
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It's been a long journey! And if you go all the way back to my crocheting days, I've been at this whole "self-employed" thing since the day I turned 18 in 2008 and was able to open up an Etsy shop (had other jobs too back then tho, like I was a pharmacy tech for 2 1/2 years). Hope you all enjoy seeing these designs from the old days and learning more Witch Vamp lore!!!
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nonokoko-draws · 1 year
"Let's see, then it'll be one meat sandwich, large fries to share, two grape sodas and...um... I'm sorry, could you repeat your order please?"
[click for better quality]
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Joining @twst-the-night-away fan event Disorder up! because it sounded fun and I can't say no to 50s cafe themes, also with this I had an excuse to draw my main yuusona on twst style hehe. Edit: Their name is Kooky now❗
Card resources made by @alchemivich. I apologise if there's any mistakes with the Japanese name, I used Google translator so if anyone knows Japanese it could help me to know the correct translation. Noko's voicelines below (The first sentence above would be the summon line btw) ↓↓↓
Groooovy!!: It's seven thaumarks in total...is that right though?...hmm, wait, let me check it out again just in case.
Home: How did I end up in this? Well, let's just say I was in the wrong place at the wrong time...and I can't let the chance of being rewarded somehow pass.
Home Idle 1: The Old Sage has a very colorful retro aesthetic that reminds me of cafes from the 50s-70s of my world. I like it.
Home Idle 2: Malmal would surely enjoy coming to places like this with pals. Unfortunately, I believe the waiters would be intimidated by him, F.
Home Idle 3: Sometimes I have thought about applying for a job at the Mostro Lounge, but working for Azul would mean being in his debt and I'd prefer to avoid that.
Home Idle - Login: Hi! welcome to The Old Sage. What it'll be today?
Home Idle - Groovy: One advantage of serving here is that they let us take away leftovers. Good thing Grim likes to eat anything.
Home Tap 1: Cay-cay usually takes me to cafe "dates", he gets cammable pics and I eat all the sweets he asks for. Win-win for both of us amirite?
Home Tap 2: In my world there's this tale about a waitress who didn't prioritised romance and dreamed of having her own business instead; in the end she had her own restaurant and got married. I wish I was as hardworking as her, or at least have that luck in love too.
Home Tap 3: Making a good balance between employment, studies and free time is difficult. If my grades were already bad enough without working now I think they are going to be lower...
Home Tap 4: My mom worked in hospitality so I already had an idea of what it's like. Anyway, I ain't planning on being a waitress longterm so I think she and I agree on that.
Home Tap 5: Working while wearing a dress can be problematic if you fall or the wind picks it up. That's why I wear shorts underneath whenever I wear skirts and dresses.
Home Tap - Groovy: With my goldfish memory and clumsiness level I sure think I'm not fit for this role, but the uniform and tips are far better than working as a janitor IMO.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Honey, may I share a Rhett Abbott thought I have?? I did a short fic of this idea but I think I'm gonna edit it somewhere along the line.
Rhett x wifey!reader have a pretty sizeable brood but they've always said there's room for one more in the family.
One day it's put to the test when Rhett and wifey head out to the Rez to help Rhett's best friend Wes and his dad, Russell, with some horses that have come in and are in need of some major TLC. In return for the help, the father of Rhett's best friend gives the two of you some homemade herbal medicine to help Cecelia get over a bad bout of bronchitis.
On the way home, the two of you head into town and it's gonna get pretty cold out soon. The two of you are walking towards the Handsome Gambler to grab some food Royal ordered when a noise in the alley grabs your attention. At first you guys think it's a cat, but when Rhett looks closer, he clamps a hand over his mouth to keep from screaming.
In the alley, the two of you found a cardboard box and inside, nestled among the raggy looking bits of cloth, a tiny little baby who appeared to have been born frighteningly early. You and Rhett immediately brought the box to the police precinct about two doors down and lucky for the two of you, one of Rhett's grade school friends was one of the officers on duty.
You two immediately brought the baby to the hospital, only to discover that it was a little boy who was born frighteningly early. The baby boy was immediately put in an incubator but Rhett refused to leave the baby's side for even a minute. Even when the police and Wes's wife Nora, were taking your statements, Rhett refused to leave him.
The two of you visited every day to come and see the tiny little one, asleep in his little incubator, his face, hands and feet still a little bit wrinkly and his delicate little head covered by silky tufts of dark blonde hair. Nora, who's had her fair share of cases like this at work, even comes with Wes and her in-laws to see how the little guy is doing.
It's not long before the full details come out, you and Rhett discovering that the biological parents were arrested and are looking at a pretty lengthy jail sentence for other offenses. You, Rhett and the rest of the wolf pack, soon find yourselves fighting a very draining, very drawn out battle before the Abbotts finally become the legal, adoptive parents of Dallas Russell Abbott.
It's not long either before you and Rhett are finally able to hold Dallas outside of his incubator. When it's Rhett's turn to hold him, he's sitting shirtless in the rocker with Dallas's tiny little form cradled against his chest, under a wooly blanket to keep warm. He's so small that Rhett's big hand almost covers the little one's back completely. Rhett's nearly brought to tears when he hears the little one cry but is a little embarrassed seeing as Royal's the one taking pics on his phone, but Royal tells him it's ok.
You soon are able to bring Dallas home and his brothers and sisters all welcome him into the fold along with family friends who are his aunts and uncles. The Duttons (Yellowstone) have all come down from Montana to see the new little one because John, Royal, Thomas and Mo have been friends since the first grade. Everybody gets a chance to hold the little bean and when it's Cecelia's turn? She's in tears. You and Rhett can't believe that this tiny little baby is so loved already by his new family and you thank God every day for bringing him to the both of you.
Cut to years later when Dallas is twenty one, now a man who looks as though he could be yours and Rhett's child. Dallas is already a bullrider in his own name and is engaged to a young lady from the Rez who is also a member of the Wyoming National Guard. She's in the stands with you, Rhett and the rest of the family, cheering him on as he takes first place. You and Rhett are crying happy tears this time, for your son who really is your lucky one.
I am so sorry that this is so long honey, it was alot that I had to let out (lol).
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kaddyssammlung · 5 months
Telomeres – Analysis
Taken from Dr. Bruce Lipton
“...built into everyone of our cells is the Fountain of youth. It's something called Telomeres. They are special parts of the DNA. So When you open up the nucleus of the cell the chromosomes come out an there are 46 chromosomes. 23 from your mother and 23 from your father. A chromosome is a sleeve of protein wrapped around a double helix of DNA. And the significance about this is the telomeres are at the ends of the chromosome. A telomere is extensions of DNA after the genes. It's a part of the DNA that doesn't program anything it's just extended DNA. Why is this important. When DNA reproduces: first there comes an enzyme when it's time to reproduce the DNA and that enzyme is called the “Helicase”. It's an enzyme that breaks the helix. As the helicase moves down the DNA it splits it into two separate strands. But at the end of the DNA there are different little marks and this is where the telomere is. The telomeres are an extra extension of the DNA.
When the enzyme comes in that copies the DNA called a polymerase it's like a train that lands on the DNA as the tracks and as the polymerase moves down the track it leaves behind it in awake a copy of the DNA that it was riding on. So as the train is moving down the DNA strand it creates a duplicate piece of DNA behind it. This is how the DNA is reproduced. But the serious part is this: when the enzyme gets to the end of the strand guess what it cannot copy the piece of the DNA that it's sitting on because the next move that train will fall of the track. The reproduced DNA is shorter then the one before.
It was believed that the length of the telomeres determined how long we lived.
Then the scientist Elizabeth Blackburn discovered something.
Telomerase is an enzyme that ads extensions to the telomere.
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There is just one problem with that!
Idk how to tie this to the lyrics XD
“You guide me in to safety and silence as you breathe me out I drink you in”
That strange images of eating/swallowing etc. again. It still has me thinking about what he did to meet Sleep or if this had anything to do with it.
I tend to think about alchemy as some sort of aid in order to achieve this because it's something that I'm familiar with but there are other substances, too. I still don't really know what to make of these topics.
(I put the link to the ED related analysis in here because it fits)
“And we go beyond the farthest reaches where the light bends and wraps beneath us”
I really like this. This is how far they go :)
Edit: so....a few days ago I did a course, you can best describe it with energy work, and I feel like I went to that place that he describes in here. It's all so weird. I mean beautiful but it's weird how so many things just fit to the lyrics. But that's just how they work.
“And I know as you collapse into me this is the start of something”
Like stars collapese?!
"When massive stars die, they don't just fade away. Their lives end in the most spectacular and most luminous explosions that we know. For weeks they can become nearly as bright as a whole galaxy."
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That's what you can see after stars collapsed?! That looks cool!
“Rivers and oceans we could beckon, no your eyes and your limbs are instruments to pic apart the distance within”
This just sounds so nice.
But all I ever do lately is pic apart my food in a strange way again.
I don't know how eyes and limbs can be instruments to pic apart the distance within. I also don't know what he could mean. Telemores is a bit of a weird one for me.
“the past, the future through death my arms are open”
What stands out to me here is the phrase: through death. Maybe he means Ego death? Or real death? I have no idea. And also for some reason I have this connected to reincarnation again.
A weird one XD Either deep dive into it and spend days resarching things and maybe come up with something or leave it a peace for now. I go with leaving it at peace for now.
If someone is interested in more stuff...idk...I guess that's a good book?! I watched so many videos from him but I don't remember much. Maybe someone is interested in finding out more...
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markantonys · 2 years
WOT sims shenanigans: polycule wedding edition
mat flirted with faile at his own engagement party 💀 he is OUT of control! list of people sim mat has flirted with so far: rand, elayne, aviendha, faile, egwene, nynaeve. thankfully, it was only the one flirt and not enough to develop a romance bar between them. and also i’d disabled jealousy game-wide in order to minimize issues with the polycule, so mat didn’t get murdered by perrin djfkgj
the engagement party’s dresscode was Party Outfit, and for most sims i make their Party Outfit just a regular-looking outfit but certain fancy sims i will give a fancy Party Outfit. so the result here was that everybody showed up in normal clothes except for elayne who was in a freaking ballgown. canon.
aviendha dipping rand is something that can be so personal:
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gawyn shows up at the polycule’s apartment almost every single day asking if anyone wants to workout with him, so one day i finally had rand and elayne take him to the gym (mat and avi were at work) but then the two of them ended up fucking in the shower at the gym and ignoring gawyn. poor gawyn.
lan was not invited to elayne and aviendha’s bachelorette party but showed up anyway to hang out with nynaeve, bless that wifeguy
nynaeve repaid this devotion by CALLING MAT ON LOVE DAY TO ASK HIM ON A DATE god i am spraying sim mat with a water bottle! he’s out of control!!!! (i had him say no to the date ofc, don’t worry)
elayne tried to flirt with moiraine because i hadn’t bothered setting them as aunt and niece jdkjfg thankfully i caught her in time to prevent it. the problem is that very often when a sim sees their significant other they get in a flirty mood, and since i have 4 sims who are dating each other all living in an apartment together they’re pretty much CONSTANTLY horny because they love each other so much, except then they will just hit on any other sim nearby rather than only the partners who inspired that horniness (and elayne and mat are the worst of the bunch bc they both have the Romantic trait which also often puts them in flirty moods). at their core sims are slutty bisexual messes and i love it.
last year on Love Day, rand gave mat a flower and mat hated it. this year mat gave rand a flower and rand hated it! how the turn tables. rand has been waiting all year for his vengeance.
and finally we come to the wedding! here’s everybody’s outfits. yes i’m still crying over rand in his little flower jacket 🥺
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the wedding went surprisingly smoothly! the guests all showed up and watched at least the first few ceremonies, though by the end of it most had wandered off. the only hitch was that it took the literal entire 8ish-hour wedding event just to get through the 5 different ceremonies, so in the last pics with the cake cutting, the wedding had actually ended by that point and i was holding the guests hostage at the venue djfkjg
first, some pre-ceremony selfies because i foresaw it would be dark out by the time the ceremonies were over (but even so it was kinda cloudy):
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next, everybody being walked down the aisle by their sim of honor! nynaeve for rand, perrin for mat, gawyn for elayne (don’t ask me why i made their hair different colors, elayne was originally blonde but then i found a good cc red-gold hair whose base color is red so now she’s a redhead but gawyn’s still blond) and egwene for aviendha. can you tell that dark red is my go-to sims formalwear color lmao
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and finally the ceremonies! moiraine officiated some of them but then wandered off for others, and alas i didn’t get a screenshot of rand and mat’s kiss because it happened too fast, so instead here they are being dorks while exchanging vows:
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not pictured: gawyn doing pushups and lan situps during avilayne’s ceremony
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you can’t see her here but moiraine had returned to officiate matlayne’s ceremony! and then left again. actually now that i think about it i believe mat was the one i had ask moiraine to officiate, so maybe the game only registered her as the officiant for ceremonies that mat was involved in.
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rand and aviendha’s was last and the only guests who were still sitting and watching by that point were egwene, gawyn, and siuan. absolute troopers, gold stars for them.
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i had rand and elayne do the cake cutting because i figured they’re the saps who would most want to :’)
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in conclusion, you know the part in princess diaries 2 when the choir conductor has to conduct really fast to match the pace mia is setting down the aisle and then collapses against her music stand once it’s over? that was me when i finished this wedding.
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yourssinfullyquiche · 2 years
RANDOM headcanons (PART I)
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*Pictures do not belong to me and are taken from Google & Unsplash
Hello, all you beautiful people🥰 I'm finally free of exams and back to my writings, yayyy! This piece is all random... it has fluff, smut and angst. Literally these are things that hit me like epiphanies during my hibernation period. Also, this is my first time doing a mood board edit? without Gavin's pics. I wanted to try something new and I think the pictures and quotes reflect some of the headcanons~
I've realised that the post was too long so I've divided in half. Content wise everything is the almost similar as the original post, just a few tweaks here and there.
Part II
Gavin x you
WC: 2298
Beta: Quiche
TW: Please be aware that some of the headcanons are suggestive and/or NSFW specifically the last two. MDNI for headcanon 6 & 7🔞
Enjoy reading
When he takes your hand, the warmth of his large calloused hands encasing your smaller ones suffuses throughout your body, from the tips of your hair to your toes, making you feel like you can face any obstacle the world puts forth. He doesn’t say it, but he gets the exact same feeling when you reach out and entwine your fingers with his, because what he feels with you is the long lost warmth of home.
He joins you as you’re bobbing your ass to Law & Order: SVU’s opening, swaying his body side to side, even at times attempting to shake his muscular ass sexily as you stare and stare and try your hardest to hold in your laughter. How can someone who blushed so easily at the mere mention of a kiss go from that to here, shaking his ass like a stripper—albeit not a very good one. That short exhibition may at times leave you breathless with laughter or with need but it always ends with him stealing a kiss or two from you. 
All things bitter has Gavin’s face turning the other way but bitter gourd, now that fruit deserves a special honour for its power because at the mere mention of it, a moue quickly appears. It’s something he absolutely vehemently dislikes. So that is what Gavin found laying on a bed of rice with other condiments. Stir fried bitter gourd, in response to something he hid. “A punishment. Be glad you’re not eating it raw.” Apologies and frustrated groans fell on deaf ears, he had to eat it or risk silent treatment. Face contorting in disgust, he painfully chewed the abominable food, quickly swallowing it with some help of water and a few head pats.
Peaceful. That’s how he looks when he’s asleep. A relaxed pout with his breaths warming your face—one hand in your hair, another wrapped around your hips—fingers lightly brushing your derrière— sometimes bringing your thigh over his hips creating a cocoon of serenity. A mumble or two joins the chirping of crickets and psithurism when you move in his embrace. Grasping his exposed lower back, you burrow deeper into the warmth radiating from him. So peaceful… 
Petrichor. That’s what the unique earthy smell of rain currently flooding your nostrils is called. There you are with Gavin in the middle of the empty street lit only by the lamp posts, swaying your bodies at adagio with the rain pitter-pattering like staccato notes on a piano. He was reluctant at first, afraid that you would come up with a cold but he is a worrywart when it comes to you. “Saying it only makes it come true. You have to positively believe it won’t happen”, you wisely remarked. A light banter ended with you dragging him out and there is where you are now, twirling in the rain and returning to the comfort of his arms, back against his chest. Suddenly you're in his arms as he princess carries you and whirls around—your face like the keys for the the staccato notes to play. The rain washes all worries away with only unrestrained childlike happiness remaining—encasing this sweet reprieve like chocolates. Staring intently at one another, clothes dripping wet, giggling through the kisses as the moonlight refracts from the rain drops, it’s all utterly perfect.
Soft delicious pants and groans fall from his lips when he becomes one with you. An occasional moan or two when your fingers drag along his spine swallowed by kisses frantic, deep and hot. The mingling of breaths, the hard suck of skin, the kisses scattered across one another’s bodies, the saccharine words tumbling from one’s lips, the pleasurable cries of ecstasy at the taut coil snapping within one’s bodies, all burned in your brain, an indelible image.
The sounds leaving his beautiful kissable lips, a rhapsody so melodies it invokes a sense of pride and hunger but most of all, a pure need in you. A need to break all his barriers, a need to send him flying through the clouds of euphoria, a need for him to be utterly spent and sated. Each breathless gasp and moan, tingling your body sending your synapses into overdrive straight to your core. A predatory glance at him—has his fingers curling in your messy hair—before stroking and sucking him deeper and finally his barriers break with a whispered cry of your name as thick streams of cum bathe your tongue. Having flown through the clouds of euphoria utterly spent and sated, he wraps his arms around you bringing you onto his lap with hush promises of sending you to heaven with mind numbing orgasms. And send you he does. 
A/N: Thank you for reading and welcome new followers!❤️
Btw, I recently watched The Lord of The Rings after more than a decade and I fell in love with it. I was never really into it since I watched it when I was very young and Gollum scared the bejesus out of me. It did not help that my father used to imitate Gollum's voice and scare me more. I mean Gollum is still creepy now but I imagine Andy Serkis doing it and it becomes so hilarious. As you can see there's a Tolkien quote there in the pic. When Arwen uttered it, OMG I melted into a puddle of goo. It was so romantic, I mean the whole scene was romantic🥺 Like I had this whole scenario of my future partner doing the same (I'll probably force them) Maybe I should've included it in the headcanon...Aragorn crept up on me! He's such a beautiful character and Viggo portrayed him beautifully. Viggo Mortenson has now joined my list of people that I admire and adore😚 And the opening theme, OMG the theme itself introduces you with an anticipation, wonder, wariness, sadness—it's so mystical like you're going for an adventure with the characters. I watched all 3 movies with my mom (she loves Legolas) and really it was so wonderful. I can't wait to read the books! Oh look, I gave a mini review... Oh well~
If anybody's asking who dances to the Law & Order theme, *slowly raises hand*. The theme's so iconic. I can't help but swaying to it. Although, I headcanon Gavin to be a bad dancer—the man can't be good at everything. The rain scene in the headcanon is also inspired by my love of drenching myself in the rain courtesy of my father who loves doing the same.
Anyway, I'm hoping to be more productive and write more! Again thank you for reading!
Part II
Delve into my world~
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patheticbatman · 1 year
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Anyway because I’m insane I started collecting these little princess dolls (cheap and don’t take up a lot of space) and decided that the honorary princesses needed dolls too, so… I’m painting them. I’m not a great painter but I’m enjoying myself. Here’s a current picture of all the dolls I have at college. Some of the minis I bought and found out were from slightly different lines, but oh well.
At home I have a NYC Barbie in a relationship with a Malibu Barbie (neither have hair ofc they’re old) and a Wonder Woman dating my Captain America. Malibu Barbie and CA had the Kit (mini American girl doll in the Barbie dress way in the back) but then divorced peacefully. But they don’t need painting so they stayed back there.
Kit came because she’s the princesses’ friend. I also acquired a Halle Ariel* and a Raya (Hariel needed an adult friend and Raya was on sale) while here but that’s it!!! No more. Raya is way in the back and Hariel is sitting in front of her because her legs are easier to move.
*Halle Bailey’s Ariel is Hariel, and Jodi Benson’s is Jariel
Mostly rambles and a couple more pics in greater detail under the cut. I did some work on them a while back and I feel like showing off now lol
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So! Some of these are modded heavily, and a couple weren’t super visible in the picture above, and I just now decided to switch the bodies on two of them. Oh well! I just wish I still had the before pictures (phone broke and memory wasn’t saved sadly).
I tried to match up hair textures and lengths when possible (had to fudge it a bit with Mirabel, because the closest other doll that kind of matched was a Merida, and I had to order her separately, while the other dolls were quite cheap), but the bodies, I couldn’t do as much. I just tried to match the form of the dress as much as possible. Off the shoulder dresses with off the shoulder dresses, etc. Some of them, I’m just going to paint ‘empty space’ over the body do the dress to match the silhouette or features more correctly.
Now to describe the princesses!
1. First off we have Eilonwy from The Black Cauldron. She has a young Blue dress Elsa body & head (Belsa). I melted the braid and added some hot glue, and Eilonwy had a headband anyway. Her head is done, I didn’t have to do much anyway because Eilonwy is similar to Elsa in terms of eye and hair and skin shades.
2. Second we have Esmeralda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I tried editing her hair for a different girl but ultimately decided against it. Her head is pretty much done, just need to do body and jewelry now. She has an Ariel head and body. She’s my favorite 90s unofficial princess by far. I added her headband ‘tail’ via hot glue. I may have to paint it more.
3. Third is Isabela from Encanto. I tried giving her nose an arch with hot glue, with playing results. I might change it later, but not today! Otherwise, her head is done. She has a Rapunzel body and a loose-haired white outfit Elsa head (Welsa). Originally, that head was going to be used for Raya, and then I stumbled upon a Raya doll!
4. Fourth is Hariel from the new The Little Mermaid, whose hair I had the most fun painting. I did a bunch of layers of different reds, with a layer or two of pink and orange. I gave her a blue flower, and I think I may need to give her headband another coat, but she’s pretty much ready for body work! She’s Moana head & body.
5. Fifth is Vanellope from Wreck It Ralph. She has a Blue dress Anna head (Banna) whose braids I cut off and replaced with a ponytail created by hot glue (it’s bad but not that bad). She’s not a particular favorite, but she did meet a bunch of the princesses, which I love thinking about, and she’s a princess. So yeah. She’s one of the dolls whose bodies will be switched. Right now her head is done and she’s pictured with a Kristoff body, but I’m going to switch that with Namaari’s current body, that of Anna’s purple overcoat-dress (Panna), because I think having actual pants would be more important on the Namaari doll than the Vanellope doll. And I originally had it like that anyway. I’ll have to wash off some of the paint. I cut off the shoulder and mitten ruffles, and thankfully that’ll fit in with Namaari well.
6. I didn’t plan it this way but the sixth doll is Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon. Her head was…. A ton of work. So because I knew she had short hair and no other princess head was going to match with that, I bought a kristoff doll for her body and head. I tried melting the hair all to one side to give her that fringe, but it didn’t super work. So I recreated it with hot glue! I shaved off some of the eye bulge - all the Kristoff head have an eye bulge that isn’t flattering. I also cut down on the cheeks a little, because Namaari doesn’t really have that face shape: she is currently pictured with a Panna body (see above) but she will have a Kristoff body (now I need to paint the skin lol.) And I need to paint her jewelry.
7. Number 7 is Dolores from Encanto. She also has an old Kristoff head, because the ears were way more pronounced, which fit with her power. I burned her head smooth and also cut down on the cheeks and eyes some. Her hair bun is stolen from the Tiana doll, because Tiana is a one bun girl but they gave her two! So I cut both off, reaffixed one to the middle of her head and gave the other to Dolores. I added her bow via hot glue bulges, and her body is Belle: I just have to paint the dress now!
8. Eighth up is Asha, from Wish! I haven’t seen ANY dolls out for her yet, only costumes, so I think in a way, I kind of have her first doll! She has a Moana head, and her freckles came out a little wonky but ultimately cute. Again, I didn’t feel like cutting off the flower that comes with the Moana head, so I painted it a different color - it’s yellow, so that I have all three primary colors for the flowers and because it should contrast nicely with her dress with I paint it. She has a Welsa body, as the silhouette isn’t too different from what’s been shown so far in trailers.
9. Ninth is Mirabel from Encanto! Considering I don’t know what I’m doing, I think her glasses came out decently! She has a Belle body and head. I’m still considering cutting off the middle of her hair and reattaching the ends close to her head, so that it’s short and more curly looking. We’ll see. After that, it would just be the dress - which has a more scooped neck thing going on, similar to her actual dress.
10. Now Tenth is Luisa from Encanto! She has a Cinderella head and body (for the ponytail and shoulder poofs, respectively) and I gave her muscles by connecting her shoulder puffs to her arms and making biceps via hot glue. She just needs her hair tie and dress done.
11. Eleventh is Sisu from Raya and the Last Dragon. Her hair took forever to turn white, despite starting out blonde, but it was fun when I added the blue and purple streaks. She has a Rapunzel head (bangs and length worked out nice) and a kristoff body - her pants are important. Thank god I’m done with her head. I cut off the mitten ruffles on the arms.
12. Twelfth is Kida from Atlantis. I’m the closest to being done with her! She has an Aurora head (basically a last head left that had the right length hair sort of thing) and a Moana body. I added her middle sash thing via hot glue, and I just have to finish adding color to that and detail to her skirt and her jewelry, and she’ll be done! I had a ton of fun with her - I even gave her a different color mascara, dark blue, because the closeups of her face in the movie have her eyelashes as dark blue. I think she’s turning out super well.
13. Thirteenth (<3) is Sofia from Sofia the First. I’m not super attached to her, but I do think she counts. I forgot her lips whoops. But after that it’s just her dress and I’m good! She has a Belle head (no hair painting thank god) and a Cinderella body (it was the last ball gown left sort of thing).
14. Fourteenth Is Gabriella, the Deaf mermaid based on a fan from the Jariel Little Mermaid series. Idk why, but when I was little, my cousins and I often watched this dvd of a select few episodes from the various 90s tv shows for the Disney princesses, and my favorite was the one with Gabriella and the wishing star. I’ve only seen a few other episodes since, but I think I can confidently say it’s still my favorite. This one I’ve been especially excited to work on. She has a Snow White* head and body (I cut off SW’s high collar) and I’m going to design her (it’s probably going to be simple but still) a dress based on her mermaid tail. I did a lot of color layering for her hair, partly because it started with a black base which is iffy to paint over, and I love it! It’s brown with a lot of crimson. Anyway, I consider her an honorary princess because she’s Ariel’s friend and I love her. And I think she’s turning out great! Head is done, just need to do body now.
*I briefly considered this head for Mirabel, but decided it fit Gabriella better, and I’m satisfied.
15. Fifteenth is Giselle. Her character was supposed to become a Disney princess, but Disney tried to stiff the actress and then backed out of that end of the branding to punish her. That plus me liking the movie means I’m including her. She has a Panna head an Aurora body (because I’m doing her initial Pink dress with the low shoulders, which I love.) I forgot she had flowers and stuff in her hair until just now, so I’ll add those and finish up there dress later.
16. Sixteenth and last of the edited princesses is Melody from the Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea. She’s Jariel’s daughter, and totally counts as a Disney Princess imho, because she’s the only canon child of an official one, she’s from one of the few good Disney sequels, and I love her. She gets a Cinderella head, because of the ponytail, and a Banna body, because I ran out of kristoff bodies and this dress is big enough I could paint her pants onto it. She should just need her body done now.
NOW! To show them off in order from the original picture. (I put oldest movie ones in the back, newest in the front. I also tried to arrange the ones I’m working on like this, so it goes from Eilonwy to Asha in terms of the dolls lying down. If there are multiple characters from the same movie, it goes in order of appearance)(the animals are scattered about and are not put in order). Now please, go left to right.
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In the very very very light pink circle, we have Adult (Big) Raya, Kit, a fallen over Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Jariel, Belle.
In the orange circle: Adult (Big) Hariel, Eilonwy, Gabriella, Esmeralda, Melody, Olaf
In the yellow circle: Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel
In the green circle: Kida and Giselle
In the blue circle: Merida, Amber*, Kristoff , Elsa, Anna, Sven, Elena**, Moana***, Raya
In the purple circle: Vanellope, Sofia, Namaari, Sisu, Mirabel
In the last picture, because they didn’t all fit on that shelf: Dolores, Isabela, Luisa, Hariel (little) & Asha
*she came with a couple others dolls, she’s Sofia’s stepsister from Sofia the First. I figured I might as well keep her, and she has a wide base, which is nice for standing up.
**Elena is kind of from a spin-off of Sofia the first called Elena of Avalor, and the doll doesn’t do her very good justice, but she’s basically a princess and she at least had a doll from the same line as the others.
***I found this Moana with white paint freckles, likely as a misprint situation, at the store. And I love that she’s a rare Moana in because of her unusual appearance so I’m keeping her like that :)
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discotreque · 1 year
Red Yarn & Thumbtacks Into Darkness
We all know I can’t predict plot points to save my life, and my track record w/r/t this season of Picard is quite bad so far… but neither can I stop myself from formulating wild theories about where this whole hot mess is going. And maybe it’s just the meandering narrative, but the show keeps getting opportunities to disprove these, and it just hasn’t, which means now I have to inflict them on y’all so my head doesn’t explode. Buckle up!
Theory #1: Remmick’s Revenge
(Speaking of exploding heads…)
The thing in Picard 1.0’s brain that isn’t Irumodic Syndrome after all? The thing that’s also in his DNA, and has therefore has been passed on to Jack? The thing that isn’t part of Picard 2.0’s positronic body? The thing that seems to be beckoning Jack, with creepy red organic imagery, to join/connect with some kind of hive mind?
It’s one of the parasites from “Conspiracy” in TNG S1. It got into Picard during that episode, but after the other parasites were exposed and killed, it went dormant and waited for a better opportunity to strike, rewriting his DNA to make sure he’d be an ideal host when the time came.
But that time never came, and the DNA modifications and/or the presence of the parasite slowly damaged Picard’s brain (in a way similar to Irumodic Syndrome, I guess), which eventually killed his original body. And when Section 31 retrieved that body to take to Daystrom Station, the parasite was still inside: maybe dead too, maybe still dormant, but nothing that a nice fresh sample of modified, ideal-host DNA from Jack couldn’t fix.
Whoever’s giving Vadic her orders when she talks to the hand isn’t (just) trying to reignite the Dominion War—they’re trying to resurrect the parasite conspiracy.
Theory #2: Lateral Advancement
I loved that Lower Decks S3 presented not being in Starfleet as an equally valid and (at least potentially) equally rewarding path for Mariner. Obviously she chose Starfleet, but they made the alternative appealing enough that the obvious choice still had some weight to it. And every week I’m getting more and more sure that PIC S3 is mounting a similar challenge to the idea that every Starfleet officer, if they survive long enough, will—and wants to—become captain of their own ship.
Because listen, I love Shaw as much as the next damaged bitch who confuses “asshole” for “charm,” but babygirl does not seem like he’s thriving in the big chair. The only times we ever see him remotely comfortable—and neither lashing out nor squirming with the effort not to—is when he’s forced back into his old grease-monkey role.
If Captain Shaw survives the season—and at this point, it feels like he probably will—I think (and also hope) that he’s going to transfer out of Command entirely and become the first four-pip Chief Engineer since Scotty in the TOS movies. He and everyone around him would be so much happier.
Theory #3: Feint Praise
They had to know this season would be released weekly while they were writing it—like the seven preceding seasons of live-action New Trek were—so the fact that it’s obviously been written and edited for a binge-watch can only be deliberate sadism. Those fuckers.
However. Earlier this season, when I first watched 3.03, I thought it sucked pretty bad as a standalone episode: weird pacing, incomplete arcs, multiple anti-climactic lacks of payoff, etc. Then I rewatched it back-to-back with Episode 3.04 a week later, and realized 3.03 is actually a pretty decent first half of a two-part episode, and the absolutely outstanding second half corrected or cancelled out nearly every complaint I’d had anyway.
Well, here we are again, and I have a lot of complaints about 3.07. The pacing is weird, the character arcs feel incomplete at best, the amount of setup vs. payoff is way out of whack, and it seems to break some pretty fundamental rules of modern cinematic storytelling for no better reason than to suddenly start rushing this slow-ass plot along.
And all of those complaints are well within the ability of next week’s episode to retroactively address, if it’s indeed the second half to this week’s first. And especially so soon after my last volte-face, I’m more than comfortable giving them an extra week to dig themselves out of this one—they might actually pull it off.
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idizzle22 · 3 years
Every Friend Group Should Include...
A Himbo,
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A Mean Bisexual,
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An Even Meaner Lesbian,
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A She/They,
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A He/They,
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An Astrology Bitch That Has Everyone's Chart Memorized,
A Token Straight That's On Thin Ice,
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And A Short King 👑
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