#editing the tags over a month later just to say i can't believe i left out this one-
alrightieaphroditie · 3 months
just checkin' in | j.m.
*:·゚✧ series masterlist
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pairing *:·゚ afab!reader x joel miller wc *:·゚ 2.4k an *:·゚ it's here! the first part in a series i am veeery excited about!! this installment is pretty much straight fluff, but i had a blast writing it and getting back into joel's character. i cannot wait to see where this series takes me, and i really hope everyone enjoys reading it! this is slightly edited, but if there's anything huge that jumps out at you, please let me know! check the series masterlist for the series tags!
synopsis *:·゚ even when joel is miles away, he never fails to check in on his girl.
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after checking for what quite literally had to be the millionth time, the folded-up letter was still sitting right where joel had set it before he left; propped up against your bookstack on the end table in your living room. not that you were expecting it to suddenly grow legs and run away or anything. but today was finally the day that you could open it, as specified by the man who wrote it himself, and by god, you wanted to make sure you knew where it was when you finally sat down to read it. 
in the beginning, when you and joel first started up this little tradition of writing each other letters when he'd go off on the hunting trips, you would eagerly rip open his notes as soon as you were able to. joel always left very clear instructions to not open them until a certain date, and you always obliged, even though it wasn't like joel would really know when you actually opened them. you wouldn't be surprised if his senses started tingling if you even dared to go against his instructions, though. joel had a way of being so omnipresent with you; so attuned to your own being that even when he was gone, you swore you could still feel him with you.  
after a little while, though, you learned to tame that eagerness and make a dedicated time for reading his letters. the excitement never left you fully, and you found that opening the letter was still all you could think about on the day of, all these months later. you spent your morning helping in the greenhouses, thinking of what joel could have written. you cleaned up your house during the afternoon, eyes gazing to the paper with your name on it, written in his surprisingly nice handwriting, far too often. and when you had dinner with ellie that night, all you could do was smile as she mentioned opening her own letter that morning, your foot tapping against the floor as you impatiently anticipated getting to open your own. 
now, you were fresh out of the shower (ellie made one too many jokes about how much you had stunk after working all day, to the point where you couldn't really tell if she was joking or not), your hair done up in two braids, wearing one of joel's t-shirts and stirring some honey in your cup of tea. the window in your living room was cracked open, the crisp early spring winds causing your gauzy curtains to flutter across the hardwood floors. now, you finally tucked yourself into the corner of your couch, an ugly green thing that was shockingly comfortable, and tugged the blanket hanging on the back of it over your legs, getting comfortable. 
balancing your mug on the arm of the couch, you reached over and finally pulled the letter into your lap. just seeing your name on the front had those silly little butterflies float through your stomach; something you felt far too often with joel. you steadied yourself with a deep breath, and, after taking a small sip of your tea, settled back into the couch, unfolding the crisp paper. 
just checkin' in on you, sugar. 
the first line of his letter was always the same, and yet it never failed to make you smile. he'd say those same words in person, too, when he came by to visit while you were out working, or when he'd stop by your place early in the morning before he went out to do his duties. you'd never get sick of hearing - or reading - those words. 
hope you've been doin' alright. i can't believe they're makin' me go out again even though i just got back from another trip. swear these men can't do shit without me, especially tommy. i know he's the only reason why i'm out in the middle of nowhere, sleeping in a damn sack when i could be in your bed instead. 
you couldn't help but snort at joel's irritation with his brother. the sibling rivalry between the miller brothers was never ending, though the majority of it was in good fun. joel was right, though. tommy was, in fact, the sole reason why his brother left for another trip so close to returning home from one; maria had told you that tommy complained that the group he was going with couldn't aim for shit and needed at least one more man who knew how to handle a gun. 
the good thing, though, is that they're lettin' me get out of the next couple trips after this. i'll get at least a few good weeks with you, uninterrupted. as much as i like writin' these letters, and as much as i love reading what you've written me, i'd much rather be able to talk to ya in person. that way i could see your grin every time i say somethin' sweet to you, just like i bet you're doing now, huh?   
once again, joel was right. 
i gotta go pack up now, but i'll be back home to you any day now. take care of yourself for me, baby, just until i can get back to doin' it myself. i love you. 
a wave of emotions hit you at once when you finished reading the letter. happiness, for his approaching homecoming. excitement, for those few weeks he'd be getting off. love, for the way he knew you and how he loved taking care of you. and, however faint, loneliness, for how much your heart ached to see him. he had been gone for a week now, and before that, the two of you had only had one day together after he had been gone for two. only a few days remained in this trip, though it still felt like forever. 
you wouldn't let yourself dwell on that miniscule amount of pain, though. joel wouldn't want you to, so you knew better by now. instead, you reread his letter, hearing that slight drawl of his in your head, and grinning again just like he predicted. you held it to your chest as you sipped your lukewarm tea, as if your skin could absorb his words and cement his love into your bloodstream. 
later, after your tea had gone too cold and you dumped it out in the sink, you carried yourself to your room, the hem of joel's shirt brushing delicately against your thighs. kneeling to the ground, your knees hit the worn wood floor as you dug underneath your bed, pulling out an old shoebox. inside were joel's previous letters, the box almost stuffed to the brim with them. you couldn't even imagine tossing them out, these little symbols of his love for you, so this was where you stored them, safely tucked away. 
after placing the most recent one on top of the box and putting it back under your bed gently, you snagged the flannel joel had left from his side of the bed and put it on. now wrapped in his clothes, his scent, you felt closer to him. that silly thread of loneliness fluttered through your heart again, ever so briefly, but you brushed it off as you pulled back your quilt blanket and climbed into bed.  
outside your window, you could just barely make out the moon high in the pitch-black sky and you wondered if joel was awake still, looking up at that same fixture. it was the comfort you felt at that thought that allowed you to close your eyes and drift off, and joel's lingering scent on the flannel was the last thing you remembered thinking of. 
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somewhere in the woods, miles away from the walls of jackson, joel sat on the damp ground, propped against a fallen tree log. his hand was in his jacket, his calloused thumb and forefinger brushing against the smooth paper folded into bits in the pocket. 
he had requested first watch tonight, hoping to have at least some time to himself so that he could read your words. unlike him, you never gave any instructions for when to read your letter. you said once that he should just read it whenever he missed you, and he didn’t have the heart to tell you that if he did that, he’d be reading the letter the moment he stepped out of the border around town. 
you had mentioned in passing, however, that you made a little ritual out of reading his letters, and so joel started putting off reading your letter, waiting until the date that he specified for you to open his. he knew it was silly, that the probability of you both reading the letters at the same time was slim, especially when he had to wait until the dead of night, when he had a small moment of free time. but it kept him going, so he continued to do it. 
the last man in the group had just walked back to his sleeping bag, and joel was finally out in the campsite alone. he gently pulled your letter from his pocket, the jagged edges along one side showing him that you wrote this in your journal before ripping it out. the paper was smooth under his skin, and for a moment he simply stared at his name plastered on the front in your handwriting; the way the 'l' at the end of his name sloped off into a small heart. 
a deep sigh parted his lips; somewhat from exhaustion, but mostly from the way his heartbeat kicked up just at the thought of you drawing that. 
he had to shift against the wood slightly, sparing a glance around the site to make sure no one was paying him too much attention, just so the moonlight could hit the letter just right. he still had to squint slightly to focus, but that was more because of his age than the lack of lighting (you kept teasing him about trying to find some reading glasses, and now he wondered if he did actually need them). 
with nimble fingers, he unfolded the letter and immediately his mouth quirked up in a small smirk. 
hey there, cowboy. i hope the camping life is treating you well and not wreaking havoc on that back of yours. i'm starting to wonder if you're getting too old to go on those trips. surely having a senior citizen like yourself tagging along slows y'all down, no? 
joel forced his sudden laugh into a cough, shaking his head at your attempt of a joke. it was no secret that joel was older than you, but that had never really brought up any strife in your relationship. everyone thought that you were both lucky to find something like what you had given the way the world was, that kind of storybook love people dreamed about. the kind he never imagined for himself.
you were the only one who continuously brought up the age difference, solely to crack jokes at his expense. ellie adored it, and your comments made him laugh, so he didn't really mind it. 
seriously though, i hope you're taking care of yourself out there. i know you do, but i can't help but worry a little. you're needed here, so i just want you to do whatever you need to do to come back home. i mean it.  
while you guys are gone, i think we're going to be setting up the patio area again in town since the weather is warming up. i heard maria talk about hosting another dance soon, so i'm putting it into writing that i want to dance with you at least once, miller.
 i'll beg if i have to. 
heat flamed his cheeks, his skin turning warm despite the cool breeze of spring floating through. his head tipped back, resting against the tree trunk as he closed his eyes for a moment. the two of you had only had one night together between his trips out of town, and ellie had spent the night at your house with joel that night, too. not that joel regretted that; he loved spending time together with his girls. 
but god, did he miss touching you, feeling your soft skin underneath his rough hands, your weight on top of him, underneath him, your hair between his fingers, your lips against his. all of it. the first thing he did when he got back into town was remedy that, he'd swear on it. 
i hear you coming down the stairs, so i have to wrap this up. geez, your footsteps are so loud. i love them, though. i love you, too, joel. stay safe, baby. i'll see you real soon! 
a small heart followed the last word, and his gaze lingered on it for a moment while he absorbed your letter. reading your words was like a breath of fresh air to him, letting him fill his lungs with your love even if you weren't physically there. these letters gave him the energy, the will, to continue on. to make a point to go back. 
for years, he never had anyone to return to, no one to really miss him if he were missing. he grew to accept that, felt comfortable being alone in this great, big world. he never imagined anything different, always felt he had no right wishing for something more. and now, somehow, he had two people who were eagerly anticipating his return. 
joel brushed his knuckle against the corner of his eye, collecting the small gathering of water that had collected there after finishing your letter. clearing his throat, he sat himself up against the tree, gathering his gun into his lap to be more prepared for the evening watch. he never let go of your letter, though. the feeling of rubbing it between the pads of his fingers brought him a great sense of calm. 
later, when tommy woke up to relieve joel from first watch, after he set up his sleeping bag and folded his jacket underneath him to act as a pillow, he reread your letter again and again, hearing your sweet voice in his head as he did. when he basically had it memorized, he let his hand fall to his chest. as the wind whistled through the trees, your note close to his heart, he finally allowed himself to fall asleep. 
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taglist *:·゚ @hiroikegawa
202 notes · View notes
beanhusk · 3 years
my fave letterboxd reviews of maan (2011)
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transcription under the cut <3
tara, 4 1/2 stars: I'm crying this was so GOOD they were so IDIOTIC catherine in the blue dress changed my LIFE I too want a stupid toy piano to plink on as I contemplate the beauty of women
sashi, 4 1/2 stars: some cupid kills with arrows, some with traps. david tennant and catherine tate killed me with ACTING.
julia, 4 1/2 stars: kill claudio.
ellie🦒, 5 stars: it's almost as if shakespeare wrote this play SPECIFICALLY for david and catherine because hoo boy nobody could have performed this the way they did
Nicole, 4 1/2 stars: the only thing that would have made this production better is if beatrice had had her way and benedick actually killed claudio
peej, 5 stars: josie rourke understands this play better than shakespeare did
Caitlin, 5 stars: The chaotic bisexual energy in this is ASTOUNDING
ffion, 4 stars: the chemistry between david tennant and catherine tate??? a more iconic comedy duo CANNOT be named
Katie🌈🎵, 4 1/2 stars: The queer energy coming off of this.... truly what Shakespeare would have wanted
teagan, 5 stars: i've never loved a performance choice more than i love david tennant as benedick delivering a soliloquy hungover, in jorts, and drinking through a star-shaped crazy straw! (also margaret pls marry me)
Jules, 4 stars: Benedick and Beatrice like lets be dumbe and silley together let's be stoopid in love and win the game of gender
🧚‍♀️, 4 1/2 stars: catherine tate wife
baz, 4 1/2 stars: catherine tate in the suit and the blue dress.......god i love women
galpalkirk, 4 stars: catherine tate... david tennant... i love you
maggie: wheres that tweet about being at a barbecue and saying like this whole thing smacks of gender....me watching this
tessaclare, 4 stars: susan_sontag_notes_on_camp.mp4
milo: far too much gender going on
Alex AL, 5 stars: Two Kinsey 5s making it work
tennant, 5 stars: david tennant and catherine tate being in a shakepseare play together cured my depression.
Emilie🤟🏼, 5 stars: the Only benedick and beatrice
vivi: this 100% takes place in the same universe as the mamma mia movies
Jean, 5 stars: OH the GENDER of it all.
Nikuuuu, 5 stars: U think u know romance??? U don't
bruschetta bitch, 4 1/2 stars: still waiting for david and catherine to adopt me
angelazira, 5 stars: oh, so Catherine tate is hot hot.
mila, 3 1/2 stars: benedick and beatrice bicons <3
felicia, 4 1/2 stars: Oh fuck maybe David Tennant is hot
mary, 4 stars: david tennant with white paint on his face, grinning like an idiot because he's in love
azie, 5 stars: Benedick: the orginal himbo
james, 4 stars: hand me a baseball bat im bashing claudios head in
Grace, 4 stars: this was so crazy it made me want to make out with someone but then i regained my senses
Sophie, 5 stars: Much Ado About Nothing (2011) my beloved
shira / nell, 5 stars: when shakespeare wrote much ado about nothing he did it specifically with david tennant and catherine tate in mind. no one else can give us such chaotic bisexual energies.
lemon, 4 1/2 stars: nothing to say just bi/bi ship
shira / nell, 5 stars: ngl i have no idea what's happening half the time but catherine tate hot and david tennant pretty so does it really matter
elliot, 4 stars: thank you catherine & david for your service to the lgbt community
856 notes · View notes
sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 22
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Tag: @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
The next few weeks went by in utter bliss.
The days after the pitch presentation with the marketing team were spent shooting the models in Sam's building. When Bucky told me you'd had assistants for the shoot, you thought that he was just joking or just wanted to make you feel better but you knew now to believe everything he would tell you. It was the first time you'd had people help you work; the first time you had to order people around. You had people working for the lights, reflectors, fans, backdrops, wardrobe, and make-up. You also had people sitting behind two large desktops connected to your new camera to skim over the photos. You would head over there for every five minutes to look at the photos and if you found something that could work better, you'd have another round with the models.
Considering it was the first time you've handled professional models and athletes in photoshoots, you did excellent and handled everything smoothly. Even Sharon knew it, giving you a small reassuring smile from time to time.
Speaking of Sharon, she actually helped you with the models' wardrobe, and got every new clothing from their inventory, making sure everything and everyone were photographed. She was still walking around with her clipboard close to her chest. She never walked the grounds without it.
Sam would go in and out from time to time. With the other matters he had in his hands, countless partnership meetings on-site and online, it was understandable.
But you knew he trusted me in this. After all, you were partners in this project.
Meanwhile, Bucky had made himself comfortable watching you from the corner of the studio. He made himself too comfortable watching you the whole time you were working that the models thought he was planning something heinous. You laughed them off and told them you were dating.
"Isn't he too old for you?" One model had asked.
"Doesn't really matter to me." You turned your head and glanced at Bucky, his eyes glistening as he stared at you. You bit your lip and faced the model. "Plus, he's hot. I would be crazy not to jump on that."
If only Nat could hear you, you knew she'd be proud.
Even though the two-day shoots were brutal, you felt a sense of satisfaction wash over you. More when you finally had to do post-production the following week which meant editing the photos.
As promised, you spent your break time over at Bucky's penthouse, naked in his living room, his master bedroom, the kitchen, and his home office. Your legs would be trembling during the shoot but you persevered. You didn't want Bucky to see you weak while working, even though it turned him on. It wasn't helping that he was watching you the whole time. You couldn't see him but you always felt his eyes on you.
The Falcons' new release was set to be launched a month and a half later, just weeks after Bucky's birthday (I'll get to Bucky's birthday in a bit, 'cause that was a whole other thing kept at the back of my mind, you thought). There were still a lot of things happening with advertising and marketing such as the new website, and pages on social media platforms and new packaging.
After the project with Sam, your paycheck came one Monday morning in the mail. Peter kept asking you how much you were paid but you never told him because if you did, he'd let you pay the next six month's rent — and that wasn't even just for your half. It would be for the both of you. You would gladly pay of course, seeing that he's helped you enough financially but you wanted to invest this money to earn more. The paycheck wouldn't stop there, of course. Sam would still pay you if your photos ever get on billboards across any city or when he opens up a new branch.
Sam referred you to a couple more guys he knew. One who needed to photograph models for a skincare brand he'd been rebranding for the past couple of weeks and one who needed to photograph paintings to be sold online. They weren't as big as Sam's business but were big enough in the industry. The production of both were still in the talk.
The next day, you and Bucky went studio hunting downtown. Obviously, your little home studio wasn't fit for incoming clients and this was surely an investment you couldn't pass upon. After renting and earning more profit, you figured you could move into another studio and buy it; a permanent place where you could freely work.
While studio hunting, Bucky insisted to buy the place that you wanted — or better yet, buy a much bigger place so you wouldn't have to move to another studio. But you've already made up your mind. You told him you wanted to do this your own way, with the money you've earned. After signing the contract and lease with your name on it, Bucky hugged you from behind. The property agent eyed you.
"At least let me buy you something, doll." He whispered in your hair as soon as you were left alone. You stood at the center of the empty office, overlooking the busy streets of New York City through the glass walls.  "Please."
You met his arms with your hands, pulling him closer. You leaned on his chest, sighing at the comfort his arms gave you. "Even if I tell you no, I know you're still going to do it."
"You're damn right. Do you have anything in mind you might like?"
You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Surprise me."
He chewed his inner cheeks before dipping his head to yours, your lips meeting each other. "Oh, I definitely will."
The next day, a whole studio setup filled the used-to-be-empty studio. Complete with backdrops, lights, light boxes, and reflectors. In your new office was a fully furnished desk, complete with a desktop setup where you could edit photos.
You looked at him with wide eyes, ready to lecture him that this was all too much and that you definitely made it clear that you wanted to do all of this by yourself.
Bucky had caught your expression early on, scared that you might have our first argument.
"Before you say anything, this wasn't all me. I figured out a loophole on how I could buy you the things you need for this studio and at the same time, still make you like me and would still make you want to rip my clothes off."
"What did you do this time, James?"
"All of this," he said, gesturing to all the equipment in the studio, "was both me and Sam. Think of it as an investment. If you can get more work and clients, then you can keep everything but if you can't, we'll pull them all out. When you afford to buy everything here, only then can you pay us. This little string here," he pointed to the both of you, "is just business."
You looked at him in disbelief. "Just business?"
He bit his lip. "Okay, maybe a bit of pleasure too."
"A bit?"
"Maybe a whole lot." He shrugged.
"And the whole idea was... just you?"
"Just me, sweetheart. Plain James Buchanan Barnes. You get me, you get the whole package."
"And besides money what will you get out of this little investment idea of yours?"
"I have little care about the money, honestly." He said. "But I'm doing all this for you and you is all I care about."
"You're damn lucky I like you, James."
"Like me enough to have some hot sex right here, right now?"
You smirked, pressing your crotch against his, teasing him. "I get the whole package, right?"
Bucky took you from behind. Your tight skirt hiked up to your waist. Your tits bouncing against the fabric of the beige curtains, your hands gripping them as hard as you could as Bucky thrusted himself hard and deep behind you, his hands either on your hips, your hair, your neck or your breasts. And as you both finished, the curtain rod broke in half, making you and Bucky topple on the ground, the huge curtains falling down on your bodies. The bright sun radiating across the room, the view of the streets startling you.
Laughter filled the room as you stared at each other. The look of exhaustion still evident in your faces and body.
"You're buying me new curtains." You breathed out.
"Me?" He chuckled. "You're the one who pulled them off!"
"The reason why was you."
"I have a better idea."
"I doubt that."
"We should just get these windows tinted." He smirked under the curtains and rolled over towards you, his arms wrapped around your waist. "That way we could just ravish each other in front of this goddamn city without anyone ever seeing us. How does that sound, doll?"
You hummed, brushing your nose against his. "Tempting."
"Is that a yes?"
You shrugged, pulling away from him. "You have to convince me more, Mr. Barnes."
"Oh babydoll, you're gonna regret saying those words."
The following weeks with Bucky was all you could ever ask for but it was getting harder and harder to hide all of this from Peter. Your time together was spent in the confines of Bucky's expensive penthouse when he wasn't in meetings and when you weren't busy finishing the setup in your new studio.
All day you'd cuddle up, watch movies, read books, and just talk more about the beauty and perils of life.
You couldn't go out that much because you couldn't risk Peter or any of Peter's friends to see you and Bucky around. When you visited the bar one day and told Nat all about it, she told you to go to places Peter and any of his friends will never be at.
"Besides, isn't Peter always working?" She asked as you sat down on the booth.
"We still don't want to risk it."
"So, go with my plan."
"Hey," you said, finally thinking her idea was a good one, "how's it going with Steve?"
She shrugged, chewing on her lower lip. You eyed her suspiciously. "Uh-oh, what's wrong?"
"It's still good but..." she paused, her eyes strained. "He's been acting strange lately."
"Isn't he always?" You chuckled. "You may not notice this 'cause you're sleeping with him but he's a bit peculiar for a man his age. Always cramped up in that little office of his. Seriously, how on earth do you have sex in there?"
"I'm bendy, bitch."
"Never should've asked." You mumbled, getting the picture of Nat, well, bending, out of your head.
"Anyway," she sighed, "it's just... he's acting really weird. I can't even begin to explain it. I think something happened."
"Do you think it's about you two?"
"I doubt that." She frowned. "I just know it's something else."
"You want me to talk to him? I'm like a little sister to him." You replied. "Sorta. It's a weird dynamic, I know."
"Sure, if you ever catch him in the office. He's barely even here."
You nodded, taking the new information in. "Now, that's a whole level of weird for Steve."
"Maybe he's just having problems with the bar or something." You shrugged.
"If he did, he'd be here in the bar. I tried talking to him but he says he's just fine. I don't know, I'm just letting him be. It's not like we're in a relationship."
You and Nat talked a bit more about Steve right before her shift started. Then the next day, you gave Bucky a map and marked all the places you could go to without risking being seen. Brooklyn was the only place Peter would never go to. You thought about Queens but May, Peter's aunt, lives around that area.
Brooklyn was no Upper West or Upper East side but it didn't matter to you or to Bucky. You had each other; just the two of us — in the restaurant & lounge, movie theater (where we always end up making out), Barnes & Noble, local coffee shops (where we read the books we've bought), and in the streets of Brooklyn. Strolling hand in hand, stealing kisses on every empty corner, and you taking photos and videos of the beautiful landscape, and the beautiful man who managed to steal your heart.
All the rendezvous with Bucky felt like you were a married woman having an affair — without the secret handwritten letters.
But everything was in place and your heart was full. It was so full it could almost explode.
Spending all the time in his penthouse, in Brooklyn and your studio made me miss your rooftop. A place you've claimed yours and Bucky's; a place he'd claimed you his, and he, yours. You wished we could just go there freely, without having to worry Peter seeing you together doing unspeakable things to one another.
And yes, telling Peter was getting much harder as the month went by.
Back in the Upper West Side, nothing much was going on in the bar. You barely see Steve (though according to Nat, he comes in the bar every now and then), Nat was still Nat of course (and nothing much had changed in whatever was going on between her and Steve), Nick got better at making drinks (thank the heavens for that), Sam would give you constant updates whenever he came with Bucky in the bar, and Peter had been having problems with his marketing team and Wanda's vision for the clothing line they landed.
Now that was something you couldn't believe and was the reason you and Bucky kept postponing on telling him.
Peter was constantly in a bad mood. It got to one point where he wanted to quit the team.
After that, you went to pay Wanda a visit at her studio. You found her sitting in her office in deep thoughts. She was surprised to see you but managed to put on a smile when she approached you with a hug. You offered if you could get coffee from a coffee shop down the block and there you talked about the conflict happening between her and Peter's team.
Boy, when you and Sharon had had an argument, you thought that was already big. But Wanda's case was much bigger.
"This isn't a collaboration anymore. It feels like my artistic vision has no place in it. It's like they're telling me, 'hey, you have a camera just shoot whatever we want you to shoot the way we want it to be shot.' I keep telling them that's not how it works. They keep throwing in my face that they hired me, that they're paying me." Wanda being Wanda, kept on and on and on. "... and that roommate of yours is no help either. He just stays silent the whole time during those god awful meetings. We're already behind track and apparently it's my fault. Can you believe it? God, I don't know what to do. I've never had a marketing team work alongside me before! Have you at least talked to Peter about it?"
You raised your eyebrows, taking a sip of the coffee. "Oh, I wouldn't wanna talk to Parker. He's been in quite a mood."
"Too bad, I was kind of hoping you could knock some sense into him. Should I just quit?"
You talked for about two hours in the coffee shop catching up. It felt kind of rude to talk to her about The Falcons but she insisted. And she genuinely looked and sounded so happy for you, which made you feel a bit guilty for being so envious of her success.
You parted ways in her studio but before you could even get out of her office and go to Brooklyn to meet with Bucky, Wanda called out your name and handed you a film camera.
And it wasn't just any film camera. It was yours — the one that she borrowed back in college.
"It's long overdue, y/n. I was just finding the right time to give it back to you."
You gave her a reassuring smile, telling her it's okay. Hell, you even forgot you lended it to her until today. "Thanks, Wanda."
"I haven't had the film developed, by the way. I took a couple of photos before realizing I've run out. I didn't want to get them developed since most of the photos are yours."
After that, you convinced Bucky to go to some shops in Brooklyn where you could get them developed but he insisted you should just make the little spare room in the studio into a dark room. You didn't know why you agreed but you did, anyway. Bucky always had a way with words. Or perhaps it was because of his intoxicating voice. Either way, you were addicted to every part of him. He could try to persuade you in gibberish and you'd still say yes.
It was already the week before Bucky's birthday. You've already met with your new clients, began planning pre-production, and almost finished setting up the studio, yet your brain was still racking what on earth to get Bucky for his birthday.
Howard picked you up in your studio an hour after your meetings and thanked him as you got out. Leonard greeted you inside and led you towards the elevator that goes right up to Bucky's penthouse.
Bucky just came out of his study when you greeted him with a kiss, his phone in his hand.
"So, who was on the phone? Parker?" You asked as soon as you sat down on the couch.
"That was Tony."
You pursed your lips and nodded, caressing the top of his head. "Tony's been calling you a lot lately." You commented, recalling the times you've seen Tony's name on Bucky's phone screen. "Is everything fine?"
"It's kind of weirding me out too, doll but this time, I kind of figured why he called."
You frowned and stopped playing with his hair. "What do you mean?"
"It's the first time in five years I'm in New York for my birthday and knowing him, I know he'd throw me this huge party." Bucky chuckled. "And I couldn't say no because well... It's Tony — "
You smiled at him. "That's really sweet of him! He must've been missing you a lot."
"I'm not done yet, doll." He placed his finger on your lips.
You giggled and hid how easily that gesture turned you on.
"The birthday party has a theme." With his finger still on your lips, you waited for him to finish. Something you always anticipated in bed. "It's the Great Gatsby."
Your mouth fell agape, smiling at him. In your head, you were already seeing him in a neat, dazzling vintage suit. "Oh my god, why do you look so glum? It sounds like a great party!"
He shrugged. "Honestly, I just want to spend my birthday with you." He pecked your lips then whispered. "No fancy party. Just you."
You kissed him back, then placed your head on his shoulder. "I'd love that too, boo but I'm nothing compared to a Great Gatsby party."
"You couldn't be more wrong, sweetheart." He sighed, pulling you up to his lap. "I'd choose you over any fancy party. I just want you."
"You still have to go, Bucky."
He groaned, dipping his head on your shoulder as he pulled you closer, his hands tight on the sides of your thighs. "I don't want to."
"You have to." You giggled, lifting his head. You put your hands on his jaws, looking straight at him. "Okay?"
"I'm turning thirty-nine in a week, y/n. I'm too old for a costume party."
"Puh-lease." You scoffed. "You streaked in the streets of Greece when you turned thirty-four and you're telling me you're too old for a costume party?"
He groaned, throwing his head back. "Why do you always bring that up, doll?"
"It's one of my favorite stories I've been told about my boyfriend." You smirked, bringing his head back in between his shoulders. "It would be my favorite if I were with you."
Bucky sent you a glare. "No way am I letting other people see you naked. Never in a million years."
You shrugged. "You almost did when we had sex that one time in my office, Buck. Come on, go to the party. It's your party, anyway."
He chuckled, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. He tucked it behind your ear. You smiled at the gesture. "If anything, it's Tony's party, Not mine. He's sort of a diva."
"He's still throwing it because of you. Come on, boo."
A moment of silence occurred.
"You're coming with me, then." He replied. "I'm not going if you're not going."
You hummed, looking up at the ceiling. "Let's see... A party with my boyfriend, his adoptive father who's one of the richest people ever to exist on this planet, and his stepbrother. Well, it's a party but not that fancy."
He moaned. "Then be my date in secret. Come on, doll, we've been really good at it. We can sneak out for a few minutes and make out. That way, I could still be with you."
You knitted your brows. "That sounds more like Romeo and Juliet. Not the Great Gatsby."
He chuckled, kissing the tip of your nose. "Come on, y/n. It's my birthday. Don't I get special treatment on my special day?"
You looked at him with narrowed eyes, knowing he would never drop this. The worry of a party with the person you had been avoiding the past month was settling inside but Bucky's arms around your waist made that all disappear.
"Fine." You sighed. "Your wish is my command, Mr. Barnes."
Bucky smiled in victory, leaning in closer to your face. His lips brushed against yours. "Wishes, baby. That's not the only wish I want."
"You have two more then."
"Oh wait, I should rub you first after making a wish, right?"
You shook your head. "Don't push it."
He sneered, carefully rubbing your thighs. "My second wish would be me buying you a dress but don't let me see it until my birthday comes."
You hadn't had any chance to argue because well, it would be his birthday. And you couldn't resist Bucky.
I don't think I ever could.
"Deal." You sealed it with a small kiss then stood up from his lap. "Only if you let me go shopping now,"
"Now? Like, right now? It's a bit too early, don't you think?"
You nodded and gave him a playful smile. "It is. I just wanted to tease you with a little secret I'll be bringing home with me tonight."
"Oh no," he reached out his arms, "don't do that to me. Come on, get back here. I have a better idea."
You sighed, getting back on his lap, straddling him. "Of course, you do."
"I'll have someone over here tomorrow. I'll have one of the best dressmakers here to make you something gorgeous. How does that sound?"
"It sounds expensive." You warned. "But wonderful. I'll be here in the morning."
After spending another hour at Bucky's, discussing what could've been his birthday plans with me (a simple rooftop dinner, where we could get drunk and have drunk sex underneath the tent — that was just one of the crazy options he offered), you went straight to the bar and looked for Nat, hoping she could help me what to get for Bucky on his birthday.
As you got there, you barged inside only to find the bar empty. You looked around, wondering why there were no people inside only to realize it was two in the afternoon and it was a Monday. You looked back on the door, wondering why it was open. Then, it hit you: Steve. He must be here.
"Steve?" You called out as you neared his office. "Steve, you here?"
No answer.
You knocked on the door and called out his name one more time but you were only met with silence. Without hesitation, you opened Steve's door. You were greeted with a pile of papers. It was like they were growing from the ground.
"Steve?" You called out once more but there was still no answer. You walked around the room to find more papers. You picked one up, seeing it was a newspaper dated back 2012. It was an article about an explosion that happened in the Upper East Side. But you couldn't see the details since only the headline was in sight. It seemed like the whole article had been cut or shredded.
You wondered if Steve was the one who wrote it.
It was the first time you ever got a good look in his office. Inside were dusty. To think that he spends most of his time here, he'd bother to clean once in a while.
On the back of his table were a bunch of photographs lined up. Some of his family, you assumed, fishing on a lake. Then, something caught your eye: a small framed picture that was facing down.
Curious, you slowly picked it up.
An audible gasp came out of your mouth when you saw the photo.
It was Bucky and Steve.
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theravenclawlover · 3 years
Welcome to the Industry of Porn
Paring: Avengers X Female!Reader
Warnings: +18, heavy smut, drinking, slight angst in later chapters, fluff if you squint, and my English as usual.
Word Count: 3,451.
Summary: AU where the Avengers are Pornstars. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
Chapter: 4.
Chapter Title: A new kind of family
A/N: I finally graduated yall! So long college life! Sorry, this part took so long to post, but I had finals and graduation, and now I have to look for a job lmao. Nothing scandalous on this part, and won't until maybe the next one. which won't be you but two of my favorite characters. If you want to be tagged for this work or others please let me know by either commenting or sending me an ask.
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The month after the glorious evening you and Cassie had in Las Vegas, life became full of surprises. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you hadn't expected to keep in touch with anyone you met at the party, but it seemed you had made a good impression because you were now friends with Bucky and Steve. Well, more like texting buddies as that was the only way the four—Cassie was also in the group chat Bucky had insisted on making as he found it annoying to send the same funny videos three times—could keep contact. It had started with funny videos Bucky would text you, and then Steve would send important news he found on the internet. You, of course, were confused but didn't say anything until Cassie had brought it up as she commented about a topic Steve had sent the both of you. You found it funny, really, almost ironic that you had seen those two fuck for porn and now they were trying to come up with a catchy nickname that they could bug you with. Again, ironic.
But that wasn't the only thing that had been a surprise, you had been seeing more of Tony as well. You knew that Stark was friends with the Russo's but something they had failed to mention during the party was that they were the directors behind most of the high-ranking adult movies the Avengers had. You had found out about it one week and a half after the party when you were shooting three different shorts for the Russo's, and Tony had paid a visit along with Jason. Cassie and you were confused to see both men there and had asked Joe after the day was over why they were there. He had opted to grin and say, 'he has new projects, and has been talking with Jason and us about 'em'. That had been enough for the both of you until he kept coming to every other shoot you had.
One morning, after having shot the first couple of scenes of the day, Jason knocked on the door of the room Cassie was waiting for you to finish taking a quick shower.
"Hey, what's up?" said Cassie as she opened the door to let the man in.
"Morning, I was looking for Y/n? is she still in the shower?" he asked as he looked around the bare room of the rented house where the scenes were being shot.
"Yup, she got some of it on her hair," said Cassie as she scrunched her nose. Jason huffed a laugh.
"I guess I would spend as much time in the shower if I had sperm all over my hair," he added as he took a seat on the bed, "I hope you don't mind if I wait here with ya?"
"Nah, it's fine." Cassie sat next to him as they heard your voice carry as you sang one of your favorite songs.
"So, why do you need to talk to Y/n?"
"I'm sure you and Y/n have seen Stark and I come in a couple of times," she nodded her head, "well, a couple of months ago he had to cut some people from his company and team, and he's been looking for new people and you and Y/n seem to have made an impression on him. And trust me, he rarely comes out to scout people, he has Maria Hill and Nick Fury for that."
"Wait, so you're saying that Stark wants Y/n?"
"Who wants me?" you asked as you opened the door of the bathroom, a bathrobe covering you as you used a towel to dry your hair.
"I was about to tell Cassie how Stark has personally made the time to speak with me, Joe, and Anthony so he can make a contract for you and Cassie," said Jason as he got up from the bed to face both of you and Cassie.
"What?!" you and Cassie shrieked at the same time.
"Stark has been talking to Joe and Anthony because you—" he pointed at you, "—are under contract with them, and he's been talking to me about you Cassie because he wanted to see the pictures you took of Y/n. He wants you to be part of his photography and video department."
It was silent.
Cassie sat still on the bed as she gaped at the man while you had stopped your movements with the towel still drying your wet hair. It seemed like a whole five minutes before you or Cassie moved or said anything.
"Are you pulling our legs?" you asked as you approached Cassie and sat next to her.
"I know, it sounds crazy, the man himself has been at our necks trying to make sure nothing can stop him from hiring you both," he said with a smile.
"Fuck," exclaimed Cassie as she finally looked at you. You looked at her with the same wide eyes.
"Excuse me?" said Jason as he looked at you. You had whispered your answer.
"Tell Stark we're in, we'll sign."
Jason smiled wider as he took his phone out of his pocket to call Tony.
Tony Stark had set up a meeting the next morning as soon as Jason had said the words 'they're in' to him. And so, the next morning, you and Cassie drove to the once 'Stark Enterprises' building which was now called 'Avengers Tower' which was the name Bucky had said the building was called. The building was tall, with numerous amount of floors that you both could only guess what they were for. Down on the first floor was only a front desk with a young woman.
"Good morning, how can I help you?" said the woman with an Irish accent.
"Morning, we're here for a meeting with Tony Stark," said Cassie with a smile. The woman asked for your last name as well as Cassie's before she let you take the elevator indicating to press 93 to arrive at Tony's office floor.
"I still can't believe we're here to sign a deal with Tony Stark so we both can work here. Like, my brain can process it still," you said as you shifted on your spot as your anxiety rose.
"You can't process it? Imagine me! I'm not even graduated and I'm about to have a job that is willing to take me even before I receive my damn diploma. Stark seems to be in a hurry if you ask me," said Cassie as she glanced at the changing numbers on the panel.
"I know, I mean Jason did tell you that he had lost some people, so maybe he's one of those people that can't be at peace if things are not to their liking, kinda like you," you said as you chuckled at the last part. As you conversed with Cassie, your nerves calmed. The doors opened announcing your arrival on the last floor of the building.
The floor was as spacious as the first floor, but this time the floor was part lobby—which was ridiculously fancy—and part Stark's office. The doors to his office were open, so he raised his head when you and Cassie came out of the elevator.
"The ladies of the hour," he said as he stood from his chair and walked around his desk as he approached you both while you two walked into his office. Which was fancy as well, full of weird tech gadgets.
"I'm glad the two of you decided to make a deal with me," he said as he signaled to the chairs in front of his desk.
You both took your seats as Tony walked over a small cabinet that to no one's surprised ended up being a wine cabinet.
"I know it's early, but would you two like a glass of wine? It's not every day I hire people," he said as he took out a wine bottle.
"Sure, why not," you said, and Cassie nodded. Soon, you three were sitting down and with a glass of wine in hand.
"Alright, so I know a lot about you Y/n which is why I know I want you to work for me. But you, Cassie, I don't know much about you aside from your work with photography. Do you know anything else aside from photography?"
Cassie cleared her throat as she felt all eyes on her.
"I know video editing, but my main focus has always been photography. I did take two semesters where I focused on digital design, but that was before I decided to just double major on photography and creative writing," she said.
"Creative writing?" he asked as he sipped his wine.
"Yeah, but that was because of the number of writing courses I had to take as GEN-ED courses and was recommended to just double major so I wouldn't have random credits," she said while she shrugged.
"So, you're good at writing?"
"Not as good as Miss almost-a-journalism-major over here," she said as she pointed at you, which made you groan. She knew how it annoyed you to be reminded of your failed attempts to make it through college.
You expected Tony to laugh along with Cassie who let out a chuckle at your reaction, but Tony looked at you with raised eyebrows but before you could ask anything, he smiled and pulled out two contracts along with two fountain pens.
"Well, I guess that's good to know because the position I want you to have involves a little of everything of what you do," he sat back on his chair, "I want you to be head of the department. The last person was fired because it turned out I was trusting the wrong kind of people, so this time I wanted something fresh to erase the mark they left and teach new things to those who stayed here. Your job, if you take it, will involve taking pictures of my starts when they work. I will have to work on the schedule that way you know who you'll be working with, sometimes you'll have another person with you because there are never too many pictures when they're good. You will also be asked to keep up with the video vlogs some of my starts have, you just gotta make sure they're submitting good things. You will have a team for that, you want a good video done, they'll do it, but you can always do it yourself if you want. And lastly, every year two of my departments come together for the yearly special issue but that is still months away, so no need to worry about it right now. So, Cassie, can I trust that you will be able to do this?"
You and Cassie were speechless at the number of things she would have to do. Your job was easy: act, fuck, and repeat. Hers? There's a reason why you dropped out of college, and she didn't. She could do it.
"I'll admit, it is scary the number of things I would be doing, but Mr. Stark, I can assure you that I will give my one-thousand-percent for this opportunity. I will not break that trust, sir."
She understood that it was serious, therefore you did try to hold a chuckle at how formal she sounded with him contrary to what she had sounded back at the party.
Tony took a minute to analyze Cassie's face before he gave a chuckle and grinned.
"Cassie, you have me convinced that I am making the right choice by adding you to my team," he pushed the contracts toward you both, one for you and one for Cassie, "Now, you Y/n, I already know I want you here and if I'm being honest, I have some people that were quick to tell me that you are one of the few that actually take this job seriously. It's hard to find that professionalism these days. So, here are the contracts. I know this was super last minute, so you can get comfortable outside and read them over. If you have any questions or want to go over any section of the contract, just walk right in."
With that, you both grabbed the contract. Cassie made herself comfortable on the big couch, she held a groan as the comfy couch could make her fall asleep within seconds, you opted for the lone sofa.
Neither of you could believe it was really happening, you were minutes away from signing with the brand that introduced you to this world, and Cassie was also minutes away from signing with the same brand she never thought she would be working for, and she was sure no other job would offer her an important position like the one Tony was trusting her with. It was all too surreal, yet it felt right. It felt like this was the right path and life had finally been kind enough to shed some light toward it.
While you were almost done with the contract, the last couple of pages talked about one of the offers/benefits if you worked for the company: living accommodations. You read over it carefully as it seemed like it was too good to be true. The building was not only the headquarters, but it also housed all the stars and the majority of the staff that work at the company. It was not mandatory, but each of the house-floors offered up to ten rooms, one full kitchen, one spacious common area, and each bedroom offered a personal full bathroom, and a spacious room with a queen-sized bed—which could be changed if you opted to buy a different one—and you could decorate the room however you wanted. Everything was paid for, there was no rent, but you would be in charge of your own groceries, necessities, and room furniture. The pay was good, the deal was great, the decision was made.
You showed Cassie what you had finished reading, and she had to read it from her contract to believe it. It was no surprise when she said that she would have to rent her apartment to the other college students because there was no way in hell she was going to pass out on living here along with you. Besides, the drive to the university was long from here.
Soon after that you both took a deep breath and signed the contract. Now, Tony needed to sign, and it would be a sealed deal.
You both, with grins on your face, walked in and Tony, upon seeing you both, clapped his hands and grabbed the contracts you both had set on the desk for him. He scanned it over and smiled when he saw that you both had signed for the living arrangements as well. He looked up with a bright smile.
"Well, only one thing left to do," he grabbed his pen and signed where he needed it. "Welcome to the family, you two are officially Avengers."
Before Tony could get up and serve some drinks to celebrate, the elevator announced the arrival of a new person. You all turned your heads to see Pepper walk toward where all of you were.
"Did they sign?" said Pepper as soon as she saw both of you, a smile plastered on her face.
Tony stepped around his desk and walked toward her.
"Yes, Pepper, they are officially part of the team," said Tony with a grin as he looked proud about landing a deal with you both.
"Those are great news because I already made a reservation at the new forties-themed restaurant down a couple of streets," she said as she looked happy about her actions, and she typed on her phone, and two dings were heard. You and Cassie pulled out your phones to see that Pepper had sent the address to the place.
"Nothing fancy, it's just going to be a small dinner, I'll have Jarvis pick you up at seven at your place—"she clasped her hands together and smiled, "—this is so exciting!"
By six-forty-five, the man named Jarvis—a man with a British accent and looks that had Cassie practically drooling—knocked on your door to take you both to the restaurant Pepper had made the reservations at.
The drive was quiet and quick, and soon enough you had arrived. Pepper stood outside as she waited for the car to park in front of her. Cassie opened her door before anyone could do it for her because she had an inkling that a minute too long and she would have Jarvis or Pepper open it for you and her.
She greeted both of you and guided you in as you three thanked Jarvis. The ambiance of the restaurant was beautiful and captivating that you couldn't but gape at the place. It wasn't fancy but it definitely gave that presence. Tony was waiting as he conversed with some of the people that had already arrived. You didn't recognize the people at first but soon your mind showed you where you knew them from. Some of them were definitely future co-stars while others were definitely people Cassie was going to work with as you had never seen them before.
He walked toward you when he spotted you, Cassie, and Pepper. He got up from his chair as he walked next to Pepper.
"Glad you're here, ladies," he said as he looked at the people who were now getting up from their chairs, "these are Y/n and Cassie."
A man named Bruce shook both of your hands with a shy smile, he said that he worked for the tech and art department. He was the one who helped create the sets for the movies as well as for the short films. Then another man introduced himself as Nick Fury who was the man in charge of casting—he was director—and then his second in command introduced herself as Maria Hill. Next came a woman who you knew as Captain Marvel, but her name was Carol. You couldn't help but blush at how pretty she was and not to mention the fact that you had a big crush on her. Lastly, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch introduced themselves as Pietro and Wanda. They were nice, and you couldn't help but feel that Pietro was being extra nice to you and Cassie.
The conversations started flowing as soon as Tony had said for everybody to take a seat as he announced that the others were soon to arrive. And within ten minutes everyone that had been invited came, which to you and Cassie was definitely not a small number of people to make Pepper's "small dinner" feel like one.
When everybody was seated, and Pepper had told Tony that no one else was arriving, he had the waiter serve a glass of champagne to everyone. Once the waiters had gone and served everyone, Tony stood from his chair and called for everyone's attention.
"Thank you, all of you, for canceling plans last minute as Pepper decided to do this impromptu dinner, but at the same time, this is a dinner that is important for all of us. As some of you know, a couple of months ago we hit a rough patch, some people got fired, and it left us in a hard spot. We had enemies amongst us, and they had been selling our ideas to those channels. I didn't know what to do, and I didn't want to hire anyone else that would cause more damage to this company, so I went out of my way and scouted people. It turned out, there's not a lot of people that impress me, but some weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting two lovely ladies who managed to get me hooked—" he motioned with his hand to you and Cassie, "—Miss Y/n and Miss Cassie here, just today, signed their contracts and will be working with us pretty soon. Y/n will be joining my precious collection of starts while Cassie will be joining the post-production team as well with the photography department which she will hold the role of head of the department. I'm not big on adding new people to my company but I refuse to pass out on people I know will succeed here, so I want all of you to help them make themselves feel at home as they will be housed with us. So, if you could raise your glasses, I want to welcome you officially and warmly, Y/n Y/l/n and Cassie Ayers, to this one big dysfunctional family!"
Along with laughs and cheers, Cassie and you could hear the quick 'welcome' some people directed at the both of you. You two thanked Tony as he motioned his glass toward the both of you before gulping it down.
You both looked at each other before looking around at the people who tried to introduced themselves and or wanted to congratulate you both on being part of the company.
It all felt great, it felt right, and you were ready to live a life you felt good about.
Welcome to the Industry Taglist:
Permanent Taglist:
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knockknockchicagopd · 3 years
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❚❙ WORDS: about 1.2k
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @destynelseclipsa @jadakiss13 @mcgreads @graniairish @sophie-writes. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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You haven't been able to stop thinking about Hank and his visit the whole day, about what he said, about what he gave you. Natalie's opinion is you should give him a second chance, but Maggie and April don't agree. They said people don't change, but, what if he has done it after being in jail? At least, you need to know if it's true what he told you about his new job. Maybe this is going to help you to make a decision. You're not an officer, but you're aware of the difference between Intelligence and the Gang Unit.
Passing away the private parking of the District, you check his car is still there, which means he's working yet. Taking a deep breath until filling up your lungs completely, you leave your black Mustang in front of the building to step out of it. You're not going to lie saying you aren't nervous, while you're forced to keep your trembling hands inside the pockets of your jacket. The last time you were there was a year ago, to be interrogated by two cops who treated you like shit. You don't know what happened with them, but after Hank told you he made a deal with the Attorney for you, they maybe were relieved to Traffic.
As you shake your head to focus on what you're going to do, you go upstairs walking in, straight to the main desk. Platt is there, and she can't hide a smile as soon as she sees you coming. She has been one of these people who didn't abandon you after what happened, keeping you under her wings only like a mother would do. Boden and she have been like your parents since they passed out when you were just a kid.
“Is it true?” You whisper unzipping your jacket.
By the look on her face, you know that Hank has talked with her already about his visit this morning. She nods in silence, before pressing a button under the desk, causing a buzz in a metallic fence some feet away from you.
“Upstairs, honey”.
Not saying anything else, you continue your path leaving behind you the bustle of the officers to only hear Hank Voight's voice. You are still assimilating it. You can't believe he is free, after what he did. And you sure he has already apologized, even if you also know it doesn't fix everything. His words are interrupted when he lands his eyes on yours, earning other gazes. You can see Erin raising her chin proudly, sitting over her desk, and waving a hand slightly to welcome you.
“Sorry, I can come back later”.
“No. It's okay”. He quickly replies, before pointing at the board with different information written down and some pictures of guys that look like total jerks. “Start to work”.
After that demand, the new sergeant makes you a sign to follow him into his private office, rolling down the shutters to have some intimacy. Closing the door behind your back, you can't help but tour the place with your eyes and the curiosity that resides inside you ever since. Taking off your jacket, he grabs it to hang it on the coat rack before signaling the sofa at your left. You sit in silence, pulling away some bristles of hair behind your ears visibly nervous. You aren't even sure of what you want to tell him. If you want him in your life, or if you want him to disappear again.
At first, you watch sideways Hank resting his body against his desk, but he finally decides to sit by your side. You're not two strangers. You have been through a lot of shit together and he only wants to win you back, to be like in the old times. Doubting, he holds your hands to urge you to look at him.
“I wanna do the right thing this time. You don't have to say yes right now, we can work on this. Step by step”. His voice has always calmed you, no matter which kind of situation you've been in. And now, it's doing it again. “Justin and you were the reason why I continued waking up every day. And I did anything in my hands to protect you while I was outta the game. I want my life back. I will fight every day”.
Licking his teeth, Hank shakes his head briefly while putting his eyes on the window at his left, waiting for a word coming from your lips. But what he hears is a heavy sniff. About to cry, you try to gulp all the pain it has following you for long, long months since he left. If he doesn't want you, if he doesn't really love you, he'd not have gone to find you. He'd have not protected you all this time. And he is still there. Waiting for you.
Hank tosses an arm behind your neck to push you closer, almost lying you on his chest to place sweet kisses on your head. Earning soft but bitter sobs from you, he ends up wrapping your body as tightly as he can, rocking you under his grip. He didn't do the right thing putting you away, practically ghosting you. He has caused you a horrible sorrow all these months. Long days waiting for a call. Long nights sleeping alone and wishing to be by his side. But you have to keep in mind Platt's reaction. She is a good woman. She knows you ever since. She wouldn't let Hank hurt you a second time.
“Step by step”. He repeats in a raspy whisper, cupping your cheek into his hands to clean your tears with his thumbs. “I'm sorry. I swear it, (Y/N)”.
You know it, you can see it.
“Can I kiss you?”
The unexpected question causes you to giggle in tears. “Since when do you have to ask for it?”
“You have punched me before, sweetheart. I ain't gonna take the risk again”. He laughs rubbing the left side of his jaw.
Taking the advantage of having a hand free, you place it on the back of his neck to make your mouths crash in a kiss full of necessity. You have forgotten how good he used to taste, how good he used to make you feel. All your fears turn into ashes after the fire he provokes within your chest, embracing you closer and sitting you on his lap. Neither the two of you want any kind of distance right now between your bodies, having missed the touch from the other. Your lips were made to fit, transmitting so much tenderness, so much love; a bunch of emotions contained for a year, thinking you wouldn't be able to kiss him again, overwhelming your senses and clouding your mind.
Running out of air, caressing both sides of his neck with your fingertips, he pushes himself away just an inch enough to find your eyes again. Shining like never before. Falling a little more in love with you.
“Step by step”. You remark biting your bottom lip, softly sniffing again.
“All the steps you need”.
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jamiebluewind · 4 years
Character/Location Descriptions for Fantasy High 2.10!
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Warning: emprisonment, multiple injuries, canon typical violence, multiple blood mentions, gross descriptions, poison mention, broken bone mention, vomit mention, torture mentions, trauma, abandonment,
"Free dad slap."
"You 'Ally'ed out of the box of doom!"
New Character/s
Fire Elemental #3
Was summoned and bound by the elves of old to protect the elemental pylon that powers the permanent magical effects of Ka'lethriel Tower, which transformed them into a monstrous fire thing along with 2 other fire elementals bound there
Was embrased by Fabian in a deep dip as he cradled their head and his sheet wrapped around them both and roiled above them
The power of Fabian's dance partially stunned them and took them out of active combat
The thing binding them to protect the pylon went when the fire pit helix was put out, causing them to change back to a creature with an elvan face of wreathing flame
They cry fire
They kissed Fabian softly on the lips (for 8 points of damage) and whispered in his ear (softly like flame) "Thank you. For my freedom. For my life." before disappearing
Established Characters
Arthur Aguefort
Slows localized time at Ka'lethriel Tower, opening a rift from his desk at the academy to talk to Adaine
Crawled through the rift after Adaine confirmed that her captors chose the way of pain
The way of pain involved Aguefort using new and experimental magic resulting him growing 450 feet tall (massive thudding steps), reaching up to grab the Sun (causing his veins to light up with golden fire and his mouth to fill with a fire that releases and races across the sky), calling thousands of terracotta Agueforts to burst out of the ground and sprint north, moving the Sun itself (leaving a burning scar across the sky), and shooting lasers the width of highways that have enough power to cap a mountain in one hit with lasers that shot out of his eye (which took on a golden bright glow)
He appeared to Kristen later (via a spell that appeared as a scroll glowing with illusionary magic with his name on it that allowed him video chat with her from back in Elmville) badly injured, wrapped up in bandages, bleeding a lot, and in pain.
The new magic tore up his guts so bad that by the time he got about 50 miles north of the tower, he "shit about an ocean of blood" and almost passed out (we can't get that big, 450 feet tall is too big)
Was also hit with a lot of powerful elven counter magic before he teleported back to Solace
His terracotta army fell apart when he left
Admitted that he had been going ham for a while since after Kristen snuck him into heaven, that being dead for a couple months really messed him up, and that attempting to destroy the government of Fallinel was "just too much"
Got in a lot of trouble with the government of Solace, will probably have to go to court, and he has to move the Sun back ("gotta figure out how to do that")
Dragged the Sun "a little bit north of where it should be" (causing the far south of the Earth to be colder and far north to be hotter), but said the Sun was "going in the right direction" and "still going around the Earth", resulting in clarifying that Spyre normally goes around the Sun, but he's not sure of what he did when he dragged it across the sky and that there was more of a poetic understanding of how things really work, but he still "really fucked up"
Was horrified by Augefort's actions
"I'm getting very confused and upset with everything that these children do."
Was poisoned and vomiting when Kristen banished her with a kiss on her face, came back when Kristen broke her ankle, and was banished again by Ayda who loudly pronounces "mwah!" while kissing her face like Kristen
Oak Warriors
8 foot tall
Look like green men (not automaton) made of magic with elven faces
Vulnerable to fire
Controled by Kear
Was blinded by Kristen
Went invisible and ran
Was knocked unconscious by Fig and left in the vault (with some of his teeth knocked out) when Ka'lethriel Tower collapsed
Kept awake for 5 months
Was rescued from the tower and fell unconscious/comatose immediately
Was carried out by Ayda
Even outside the orb, her body shook with the strain and effort
As she and Adaine tranced, a tiny piece of her abjurative magic (an innate cantrip, abjurer's ward) came back and she started building a shield around Adaine in her "sleep"
Was taken to a hot spring with elven healers by Adaine
Was unsure if they actually escaped or just died before trying to cast a feeble shield around Adaine again
Her mind was damaged and the torture had a profound and corrosive effect on her well being and memory
The inside of her mind looked like a city razed to the ground with crumbled walls, battlements, towers, and arcane defenses. Only a weird, vulnerable labyrinth of images remained
Has a deep self loathing (especially for not saying anything on Adaine's behalf against their parents) and a powerful fear of her parents. Her cowardice fed into her self loathing which fed into her cowardice in an endless loop.
Had an intense magical charm in the center of the labyrinth of her abjurations and a little faint enchantment with "Despite all of the torment and tribulation, let this be proof. I always knew there was only one person clever enough to find this." written on the outside. The charm was a custom modify memory spell (which The Court Of Stars had been searching for) and contained a saved unbroken version of her from before she was capture which overrode her current broken state once it was dispelled
Found a sword in the vault while looking for a weapon to fight with
Later gave the sword Fan-dran-goorh to Fabian (was made by his grandpapa Tel'amine)
Held Aelwyn as they sleep
Detects magic on Aelwyn and find a faint whisper of enchant magic before using detect thoughts on her
Found and dispelled the magical charm within Aelwyn which returns her sister's mind to a version before she was captured by The Court of Stars
Fluid in his feet, especially his right (due to rolling his ankle months ago) which now has a band of purple around it (possibly a bone issue) and causes him an ambiant throbbing pain and heat from all the extra blood (GO TO A DOCTOR!!!)
Tried very hard to say "Gorgug" one last time, but just said "Chedge" and then cried and became really embarrassed when Gorgug responded "It sounds like literally no sound was correct in that."
Dances with Fabian at one point in the night to the sound of Fig's bass.
He and the other adults of Kylo Me'newra give teens grapes because they believe it will make them less horny (doesn't actually work)
Shot a fire elemental over Gorgug's thumbs up
"Stay positive."
Said "It's beautiful" about Fabian dancing with the fire elemental and shed a tear before saying "It's beautiful Gorgug" and lowering his gun, aiming at the last pitcher
Poked his head in when Adaine was about to go to sleep to ask if her sister was still trying to kill them (since she was just kind of there now), listens to her answer (doesn't think so, especially with her trauma), and then slowly (and awkwardly) backs out of the room as the sisters doze off together (after Ayda dropped her off)
Soot on his face and singed hair after being set on fire
Had his thumb knicked slightly when Riz shot over it
Slashed the first fire elemental on his first two turns before hiding behind Gorgug
Had an elven sheet on hand which has the ability to put out fires, so he used to put out his friends
Danced and jumped with his sheet during the battle and did a bit of contact juggling with the fire
(On being kissed) "I take it. I take every point of that damage and I take it slowly. I can feel it. In my whole body."
Was left with red hot lips after kissing the fire elemental and (with a gulp) felt a glowing moat of fire travel down his throat and rest hot and warm in his chest
Had the sheet tied around him like a cape while traveling back to meet with the others
At Kylo Me'newra, danced (badly due to rolling a 1 and a 2) all night outside with his sheet (like nobody is watching) as the ground lit up behind him with a dull glow with each step. It helped him get in touch with his feelings and his body
Enjoys the taste of the flower his grandpapa gives him
Gorgug, Riz, and Fabian
Ran to and from their pylon with their arms back like anime characters
"I believe in you/us."
"Spring break!!!"
All three were burned from their fight
After getting back to Kylo Me'newra, Fabian danced all night while Riz and Gorgug watched (cradled in the boughs of treents that hummed a song as the trees rocked them)
Riz: You know? This place isn't so bad.
Gorgug: How did this part start happening?
Riz: I thought I was just gonna sit in a tree and it started singing to me.
Gorgug: Hey. Really not horrible.
Riz: Yeah.
Tel'amine: Yes. Really not horrible at all. *catches a blossom and shoves it into Gorgug's mouth* Eat it.
Gorgug: *chews*
Tel'amine: Yes.
Riz: Is it good or is it just a flower?
Gorgug: *shakes head*
Riz: It was beautiful.
Tel'amine: *glides off into the night*
Gorgug: *coughs and sticks his tongue out*
Riz: Did that dude just feed you a flower?
Gorgug: Yeah. *hacking sound*
Riz: That was insane.
Gorgug: It's a complex flavor, I don't like it.
Riz: That was insane.
Unmade a oak warrior due to the annoyance of her spirit guardians
*appears behind Kear and puts her hand on her back* "You're on the wrong side, but you could join us if you want. Just something to think about." *casts banishment to give Kear time to think and kisses her on the side of the head before she goes*
Tried to ribbon dance fly down 10 stories in the middle of the tower and ended up just slamming into the floor at the bottom instead, breaking her ankle
Her spirit guardians attacked Anguin while he was invisible and trying to sneak into the vault, ending his invisibility
Used sending to get in contact with Jawbone (Jawbone. Hey. Having some trouble with Tracker. She's pretty upset at me. I keep saying the wrong thing. I kept something from her. Oops? -> Tough break kiddo. Happy to help if I can. Should I find a way to contact you other than this spell? -> Fuck yes. -> Hell yeah.)
Had a long distance talk with Jawbone (using Aguefort's video chat spell) where she got advice on not treating her partner as a means to an end and about transparency.
Gave Wicklaw's sword back to Leviathan
Disguised herself as a Arthur Aguefort (but with a bass guitar) and accidentally really upsets Ayda
Played a really sick guitar riff that would make all the gems dance (to persuade them somehow and find out more about gems) and ends up causing a large gem built into the base of the tower to crack and the tower to collapse (but not before grabbing a book on gems lore)
Tried to set Adaine's dad on fire with a pack of cloves as they left
Had a sleepover with Ayda (text link below)
Brennan stated outside stream that an incarnation of Ayda has been living on Leviathan for a very long time, building the Compass Points. When she dies and is reborn, it is a true rebirth and her new incarnation has none of the memories of her previous forms, only knowing her previous selves from the written instructions they leave behind. Her current incarnation is the same age as Tracker (17).
Can fly with two other medium sized people (and later the two plus an underweight Aelwyn)
Immune to fire
Her dad is very triggering for her
Had a sleepover with Fig
(to Fig) "Have you said something so kind on purpose?"
When Fig attacked her as her dad (due to spell fail), she got very upset and said "Dad. Dad. I'm sorry. I'm done. I'm sorry. Dad. Dad." as Fig tried to calm her
When she counter spelled Angwin and Fig told her thank you, she answered "Whatever. I would help you, Fi-du-du-Dad. You're not my dad. You're Fig! Right? It's an illusion. Yes. You're Fig. I know. Why would I have carried my dad here? He never carried muh... me."
Told Fig that she might need to work through some of her stuff in battle as she "elected to have a disguise that was very upsetting."
After dispelling a spell on Fig that was gonna make her run away "Dad don't leave! I mean Fig! Fig don't leave."
Was very happy to see Adaine.
Said "My friend Kristen did this" before giving Kear a loudly pronounced "Mwah" kiss to the side of her head and banishing her again
Fig: How dare you do that the Arthur Augefort!
Fig: I know, but see, it's intimidating for them-
Ayda: It can't possibly be helping us more than it's hurting us!
Location Descriptions
Ka'lethriel Tower (new details)
The tower itself is 10 stories tall and sits near a wall (with a gate) that surrounds the tower and the garden
Each floor has one room (save the top which has at least two)
The first floor holds a vault (which is normally protected by permanent magical effects) with a big locked door
There's a large gem built into the side of the tower within the vault
The vault is filled with a lot of things, including Adaine and Aelwyn's property (spellbooks, arcane focuses, and The Jacket of Useful Things), Fan-dran-goorh (Fandrangor): Sword of The North Star (long, whip thin elven sword that shines a gleaming green golden light, can talk with the voices of elvan ancestors, and once belonged to elven kings long past), a massive religious tome, a quarenteened series of top secret elven scrolls that is the research of Adaine mom, a series of notes by mom looking for the location of a temple in Sylvar (Kristen knows due to a book at the Compass Points Library), and a book on gem lore
Fire Pit Pylon
Large elvan smithy (only in looks as it's an arcane power station and not an actual forge) and worst of the two pylons
Stone, mossy covered building with a floor covered in traps and an entire infrastructure filled with a high elven adoration for magic
In the center of the building, there is a hexagonal 6 pointed room with a fire pit in the center that's so hot that it's hard to look at. The fire is golden green helix at the start (changes to purple gold with the first pitcher of water spilled into it, ruby red with the second, and out with the third. It also flickers with other energy at ruby red from the other pylon being attacked).
Surrounding the fire pit in altering positions around the 6 sided room are 3 braziers and 3 statures (each statue directly across from a brazier)
The elven statues have ornimental stone weapons on them and are holding huge alabaster pitchers of clear water which bend towards the fire pit and require a cantrip (or enough damage to break them) to dump their water
The large firy silver elven braziers are piled high with burning coal (responsible for the smoke) and are traps that conjure a monsterous fire elemental when the water from its corresponding stature spills into the fire pit or when a floor trap is triggered
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my knight in shinning armor (joe mazzello X black reader)
an: okay doing this request thing so i hope you enjoy it!
summary; you and joe are dating and you are getting hate for dating him
for/by: @nyikondlovu
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You and Joe started dating about six months ago. You kept it private because you wanted to enjoy one another without the attention of public. But once you decided to go public you wanted it be special. Both you and Joe love comedy so you decided to do a video on his instagram. You took Cardboard Ben as well. Well he's a star of Joe's insta so why not include him as well! The idea was that you're gonna be behind cardboard Ben and Joe will say something among lines: ,,Ben it's time to end this." And he'll throw him down on the ground and you will show up and give Joe a kiss on his cheek. You found a free saturday afternoon and you did the video. You were pretty proud of it so Joe posted it. You both watched the video over and over again. None of you could get over the fact that your relationship is now public. The comments and reactions were super positive. The Bohemian Rhapsody cast commented as well, supporting you as always. But then few hours later the thing you were scared of came. Haters. Jealous comments, hate comments, people who ship Ben and Joe so much that are actually commenting you to kill yourself. Joe tagged you in a post, of course, so the hate went over to your account now. Commenting under every picture of you saying that you're not pretty enough, that Joe is out of your league. You both ignored it and moved on with your life. You started going out to public together holding hands, sharing kisses, lunches and of course there were papparazzi's. Some celebrity accounts shared those pictures and talked about how beautiful couple you are. And they were also people talking how beautiful you are. Some Joe's fans dm-ed you nice stuff and you loved answering those. Some even made edits of you being beautiful and they were saying how amazing it is to see Joe dating a girl of a color.
After few months of being public, the award season came around. Joe decided that it is time to take you there. He wants to show you off how much he can. You went out in the most beautiful dress and everybody on red carpet loved you. Except those haters. You wanted to show much you enjoyed it so you posted pictures on your instagram. Comments of Bo Rhap cast and some amazing fans changed again. I don't believe Joe's dating you, you look awful, Ew you're disgusting, Why don't you just kill yourself? This made you cry. You felt the tears in your eyes so you excused yourself from living room where you sat with Joe and went to yout shared bedroom. You started crying and you tried to think of the worst. It would probably all go away if you just break up. You love Joe but this hate makes you sad and anxious.
,,Hey babe what's going on?" Joe came in and looked at your dark silhouette on the edge of the bed.
,,Nothing. Everything is fine." You said trying to hide your crying voice.
,,Oh come on, I know something's going on." He sat next to you and put his hand around your hips.
,,Alright. Um. How do I say this. I think we should break up."
,,What? What are you saying? Y/N is there anything I did that make you upset?" He said worried.
,,It's not you. You didn't do anything. It's just us. When we're out in public there are people who are not happy as we are and those people are coming after me and after you. And more and more we're in this relationship then more and more they hate and I don't feel good when they hate. So maybe if we stop going out as a couple they'll stop." You said, crying again.
,,Hey, look at me. We won't break up because of some morons who are trying to take me away from you. I will take care of everything. Honey I promise you, everything will be alright. I love you and I will not let anyone harm you, okay?" He looked you straight into your eyes and wiped away your tear.
,,I'd love to be alone for a bit, would you mind?" You pointed at the door.
,,Of course, I'll give you as much alone time as you wish. I love you don't forget that." He smiled and left.
,,I love you too." You said as he was in door.
Joe went downstairs to living room. He took his phone and opened instagram. He went over to your page and looked at the comments. He was boiling with anger at the point when he got to the end of the comment section. He knew he has to do something with it. He can't let you suffer and he can't look at you suffering. He went to his gallery and picked the most beautiful picture of you. It was picture from your first vacation in Europe. He smiled when he looked at it. He opened instagran again. He started typing a caption under the picture of you. He posted it and threw phone at the other side of the couch.
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You got a notification on your phone. You looked at it and saw that Joe posted. You opened it and started reading the caption. You started crying again but now not from sadness but from happiness and pride. You were proud that your boyfriend is not afraid to protect you. You went downstairs and saw Joe sitting on couch fidgeting his fingers and tapping his leg. He was obviously supee nervous. You understood. He just did something he never imagined he had to deal with.
,,Hey." You said when you sat next to him.
,,Hi. I saw that you saw that post." He said.
,,Yeah. I am very proud of you. And I really really love you. You stood up against the haters. I'm also sorry you had to go through this, but let's just hope it's over now. I hope everything will be over because of your post. I love you Joey."
,,I love you too. I had to do it. I felt really uncomfortable at first but then I remembered that I have to protect you no matter what so I did it. And now you see that you are better and I feel better."
,,Joey, my knight in shinning armor!" You said and you played with a strand of his hair.
,,Well than I am I could've saved the princess!" He kissed you, stood up and took you into his hands and caried you the room.
,,I love you more than anything!" You kissed him on the tip of his nose.
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trulymadlysydney · 7 years
I can't name things (submission)
* *=memories
Also, I wrote this on my phone without editing it.
Also also, the app doesn’t like me like at all, pls bare with me
With a heavy heart he unlocked his phone, launched his camera roll and began the painful process of deleting his picture memories of all the good times he shared with her. Thousands of pictures flashed before his eyes as he scrolled all the way to the bottom; the very start of their relationship.
His heart twinged at the picture from 3 years ago; he managed to capture the moment after he kissed her for the first time. *Her cheeks were red, her lip between her teeth, grinning at the camera, a look of adoration on her face.
“You look absolutely gorgeous like that love” .
Her cheeks reddened more and she mumbled something with downcast eyes.
“Didn’t catch that, what’d you say?”
Sighing, she inched toward him, wrapped her arm around his neck, got on the tips of her toes, and kissed him.
“I said ‘shut up and kiss me!’ you fool” she whispered against his lips.
“Gladly.” His hands went to her waist and he connected their lips again.*
As quickly as he could, he deleted the pictures from that day; it took every bone in his body to not put all of the pictures he had in a private folder on his phone. With a heavy sigh he moved on to the next picture from their 7 date. It was an artsy picture he managed to take, it was easily one of the best pictures he had taken at the time. *Somehow he managed to convince his girlfriend to wake up extremely early to watch the sunrise. She was hyper on coffee, after all several tall cups of strong coffee was bound to make someone bounce off the walls eventually. After driving to the closest beach, and setting up their towels, she decided to play a game of tag as they waited for the sun’s rays to kiss the skyline. He gave her a head start, letting her dash across the beach as quickly as she could to avoid being caught for as long as possible. He played along with her, trying to prolong the game until the sun rose, he stealthily moved towards her whilst pulling out his phone, wanting to surprise her. The sun, at this point, was just breaking the horizon. He wrapped his arms around her body whispering that she was it before kissing her on the cheek. She placed her hands on his, noticing his phone in his hand. He quickly pulled up the camera and took a bunch of selfies of them being cute. Once his hand faltered, she took her moment to break free of his hold, sprinting across the expanse of land and giggling the entire time. Surprised, he stared at her, when it registered what she did, he bolted after her. Once he was closer again he slowed down and flipped the camera. The sun was reflecting in the water beautifully, the sky a mirage of colours and his girlfriend looked gorgeous even in her sleep deprived state. He needed to take a picture of her giggling with the background of the sky and Lake. So he took multiple pictures of the moment.*
He smiled sadly at the picture; it was of her slightly turned,  laughing at the camera, with the sun bright orange behind her and the horizon of the sky. He recalled having at least 15 photos of that moment. It was difficult picking one, but at her request, he picked the one he was looking at that moment. His heart clenched, he still recalled her giggling at the moment. He remembered how pretty she looked when she crashed from her caffeine induced excitement. Her rosy cheeks framed by her messy hair.
He really didn’t want to delete the picture, but he has several copies saved on his laptop where her face wasn’t a part of it.
It got easier to delete the pictures. Occasionally he’d see something that made made his heart clench but it didn’t happen often. He had deleted so many pictures of her doing mindless things. Like the time she was moving into his apartment. She took a picture of him lifting a box. At the time she thought it was incredibly funny seeing him move her over-packed boxes around.
*“Hey! You said you were going to help me, not look at me!” She giggled, stacked boxes at her feet as they waited in the elevator.
“I am helping you! By holding the door open, and carrying some of the boxes for you. Oh, and I’m also eating and drinking for you, how can you forget that?”  
“Oh how could I forget that my boyfriend is helping me carry some of the lightest boxes and eating food for me!” She gasped sarcastically.
“I’m sorry, if I recall correctly, you said you wanted to hit the gym more”
She sighed.
“That’s true, but I still need your help!”
He nodded, picked up the entire stack and walked out of the elevator when the doors finally opened. She walked beside him, grinning widely. Once they reached his door, she reached into his pocket to gather his keys, opening the door and letting him pass through. He put the stack of boxes down by his feet and pretended to be winded; he squatted slightly, his hands on his knees as he pretended to gasp for air.
She giggled at him, pulling out her phone to take a picture of the moment. When he heard the click he smirked up at her, her face faltering slightly a second before she navigated across the room. He caught her almost immediately, spinning her around to face him and he kissed her. His heart now racing from the thrill and from kissing her.
“I’m going to go get the last box in your car, I’ll be right back.” She watched him leave, laughing to her self. She noticed that he had left his phone in the apartment so she picked it up, launched the camera and waited for him to get back. When she opened the door for him, she quickly took several pictures of him with the box in hand, his cheeks slightly flushed.
When he put the final box down he rolled his eyes at her as she still had his phone in her hands, taking pictures of it all. He quickly snatched his phone from her and quickly snapped some pictures of her as well.*
He recalled having to delete multiple pictures of that day as quite a few were blurry images. He was very tempted to keep the photo of him and the box, he wanted to be able to reflect on how happy he was, but he knew that new memories would be made. Deep down he knew that if he kept the picture he would only be shattering whatever progress he made. So with that in mind he deleted the picture.
When he got to the last image of the happy times with her his breath caught in his throat. That picture was the reminder of the last time they said ‘I love you’ to one another and meant it. At least, that was the last time she said it whilst still meaning it. *~a month previously~ After another screaming match, he found himself surrounded by strangers at a bar. He nursed his pint of beer, anger still pulsing in his body. He could not believe the audacity of her. How dare she accuse him of cheating? He could never pull something like that on anyone. It was very clear that she didn’t trust him anymore and it bothered him that she didn’t. He was a good person, he could never hurt her like that. The moment he finished his beer, he paid the bartender and walked out, the cool air calming him down enough. He decided to walk back to the apartment, knowing that he would be fully calm after the 20 minutes it took to walk back.
His heart raced when he saw her standing at the front of the building, shivering slightly. The look of worry and slight irritation dropping immediately when she noticed him approaching her. Her eyes were watery and she smiled slightly when he wrapped his arms around her.
She murmured something against his chest.
“I didn’t catch that love, what’d you say?”
“I’m sorry for yelling at you…I love you so much”.
In his heart he knew that she did not mean the last part.
“I forgive you. I love you too”.
He felt the shift in the air as she lead him to his apartment. He knew that she did not mean I love you and he felt that he did not mean it either. And it really bothered him that he could not do a damn thing to fix their relationship. He had a strong feeling that she did not want to fix it. So after a few days of putting up with her frivolous I love you’s he sat her down and told her that it was over. Both of them were in tears. He helped her pack her things and she left that very night.*
And now here he is a few weeks later, still recovering. Crying on his bed, the scent of her perfume lingered on her side, he had deleted every photographic memory of her from his phone. He knew he had to block her social media accounts eventually, but he could not do it. He could not, for the life of him, block her incase she decided to message him and tell her that they made a mistake. He hoped that she would call him and tell him that she does trust him and that she did mean her I love you’s. But his phone stayed quiet. No new notifications from her at least. His heart hurt, but oddly, after purging the pictures, he felt free. His shoulders felt lighter and he was very certain it had to do with erasing memories of her. So, to feel better, he unfollowed her on all of her active social media pages, and left her number on his phone in case she forgot something.
The healing process was long, but he was ready to begin.
Oh my god.... this broke my heart.....oh my GOD
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anisebonny · 5 years
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I choose to trust whether it's okay to trust or not and to believe whether it's okay to or not. For me, its one of the miracles of living. While some people may think it's stupidity then i must say it's okay to be stupid if that's what it takes to trust and believe in people (lol.....) but i choose to believe differently.........its a miracle not stupidity. That was the case when I first got to know about "world life experience".
I was seated in the sitting room one morning during the last days in the month of June keeping myself updated with the happenings around me when I decided to check my timeline on face book. Its become a norm that I will always find something new and just as I thought I saw a sponsored post "world life experience". I went through its content and I was drawn in so I checked its website it reads " travel, discover and share experience". 12 lucky people will tour the world (40 countries) within a year with two weeks break four times and getting paid for it. First though of anyone is that its an adventure of a life time (smiles.....) But while on it, they will carry out different social activity. For me that was the deal breaker. It wasn't just going to be an adventure but lives will be touched ( you want to know more about WLE then check their website www.worldlifeexperience.com and also their social media pages).
I told my brother about it and he said "scam alert"( lol.....). He said that because of the 9£ that will be paid before you can complete your application (lol....). Even before telling him I read a few comments on the post I saw and there were a lot of people questioning the reality of the project. I mean it's a big one and looks unrealistic to some people (lol....) But that is when I choose to believe and to trust. I thought whoever would have though of such idea (lending a hand to people while having an adventure) will come off as sincere and it's a bigger risk to not be a part because of 9£(lol....). It's so much courage for everybody who applied because there were thousands of people from all over the world applying and the chances of being among the twelve (ermm.......thinking) I believe the answer will be in binary (lol.....). I went ahead with my application and along the line I had issues with making my payment plus the website was down for weeks (sigh......). Eventually when they came back online and the deadline was pushed forward, yet again there were questions on the reality of the project if they can't handle such issues (WLE greatest challenge during application days). Still I wasn't able to make payment as a result of the payment method not working with my country so I sent an email. Again deadline was moved to the 7th of August (sigh....) and another payment method enabled as a result of people like me left behind who haven't completed their survey. I was able to make payment and complete survey during this time and then all applicants had the long wait (lol...).
Website down again after 7th of August but social media pages buzzing with information of progress and a lot of anticipation from candidates all over the world. People were following through to see what becomes of their fate on the journey and finally in September we all saw what we have been waiting for. 5th of September I saw on my timeline that 84 preselected moving on to the next stage with two more stages before finally getting the twelve. Everybody was to get an email but already there were comments and all comments were not selected, not selected, not selected (sigh......lol). By then I haven't gotten any email yet. But I think I saw two selected from the 84. So where are the rest???. Not everybody has gotten an email yet and we've been told already it may take a little time and to make sure to check all email folders.
A few people started to raise eyebrows and question how the selection process was done, where are the 84, why weren't they good enough. A lot of why, where, when, how.......(sigh....lol). So WLE uploaded the first photo image of the names of the 84 preselected but brought down the post after they came under fire from the public. I didn't see that photo image but saw the newly uploaded one. There were comments about why WLE brought down the post with all the comments ( apparently they were negative comments). I went through the list of the 84 but found it to be greatly unbalanced. 23/84 from spain , 17/84 from Brazil with other countries represented. Some continents were sparsely represented like Africa, Asia, Oceania and we have 41 persons from just two countries. I shook my head and thought they made a really big mistake. I expected more from WLE as someone who had faith in them but was indifferent about the whole list thing(lol...).
WLE posted again how the 84 were selected and so I checked to see how it was done but I stopped in my track when I saw the stake for the selection was raised different from what was advertised and by then I totally lost faith in them. There was no fairness at all. Negative comments on their page and people giving up on WLE. so I decided to send an email. I tagged it "my two cent". I requested for the email to sent to the appropriate team in charge. I wrote about how I had so much faith in WLE and it staying long only if things were done right. I wrote about my reasons for not wanting to be a part of the second season because of the unbalance in the list and WLE raising her stake to select the 84 different from what I was to believe when I applied and hoped things will be looked into. I wasn't expecting any reply as that was just me giving my thoughts. Surprisingly I got a reply from Antonio Dias and he had this to say about how it turned out
       "I really understand your point, as I respect your side  as well your feelings. 
   However all the process have been made by recruitment specialists   they need criteria to select and for this first edition,  it's important that   everything goes well, so they considered the traveling experience relevant on this  event.
  It's a long journey, and it's really important to the upcoming events that everything goes as we planned, so we need to guarantee all the right conditions.
    We want to show to everyone that we are transparent with the selection process, but this is our first event, we can make mistakes, but I promise that I will learn with every mistake to be able to correct all them on the next event. I apologize sincerely if something look not fair, but I m working hard to  transform this on a truly experience. "
We exchanged a few more emails and we became friends (it was that easy.....lol). More importantly than being friends I got know he is as polite as polite can be and a sincere person. He also spoke about his love to meet new people from different cultures, sharing his view, getting others life perspectives and his wish to start a way for everyone to enjoy those rich experiences all over the world (I believe that is where WLE comes in). He is also an open person, can be philosophical (lol.....) and is willing to learn. It was only much later I got to know he is the visionaire behind WLE.
For me I understand that sometimes in life mistakes are inevitable but our willingness to learn and wanting to never stop to make a change makes all the difference. When Antonio asked me if I would love to do an article for WLE, the first thing he said even before i gave him a reply of if i would or not was that it is okay to write about the mistake as that was what truly happened (lol....). He spoke about being courageous to tell the truth and bracing up for whatever comes afterwards.
Today I am happy I walked my path with WLE. After all for me aside the adventure is the lives that will be touched all over the world that counts.
I believe in WLE and its success. How many more are with me?....lol.
Kisses and hugs.
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