#edward midford fanfic
Phantomhive twins breaking Edward and Elizabeth’s untainted views of the world and inadvertently introducing them to very dark realities in life>>>>>>>>
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edenityy · 2 months
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( chapter seventeen ! )
"You look stunning, darling. Just like a princess."
The day is March eleventh, a Monday and Leah Barrett's seventeenth birthday. Decorations cover the halls and rooms of Barrett Manor to celebrate the special day and the front door consistently opens to allow guests to file inside, the elaborate decorations managing to mesmerize some individuals. But the real star is the birthday girl.
Sitting before a large vanity, Leah cheerfully gets the final touches added to her look, her mother stationed behind her with a smile full of admiration. Her dress is one of the largest she has ever worn. The main ensemble is pink and silky, but overtop are lace coverings in whites and yellows, creating a nice contrast that sits well beside her porcelain skin. Even the jewelry is appealing, a necklace full of pearls and gems while her earrings are flowers and dip into a pearl.
A soft and genuine smile covers the brunette's face, allowing her mother to add a floral headpiece to the side of her hair done up in a low, braided bun. "Thank you, Mama."
"It is about time we head downstairs now, can't be late for your celebration!" Vivienne responds as she steps towards the door.
Following suit, Leah waves for Anna who stands in the corner of the room to follow her before boldly stepping out of her room. Her eyes light up at the sight of the decorations, woven through the halls that radiate a magical feeling for the girl. But it isn't until she reaches the top of the stairs and looks down that she is even more surprised.
"There are more people than I anticipated!" Leah stares at the guests in wonder, ranging from close friends to distant relatives. She has not seen most of these people in years, startled at the fact that they even bothered to attend.
Vivienne lets out a giggle. "Well, surely you weren't expecting we would host a celebration this large for the.. five people you speak to? Someone must attend," she shakes her head lightheartedly and sticks out an arm for Leah to grab.
Giving a small pout, Leah takes ahold of her mother's arm and the pair set off down the stairs. Guests turn their attention to the birthday girl descending the stairs, marveling at the size of her dress and knowing that the celebration will now officially commence. It is not until the women reach the bottom of the stairs does the dress shows its true size, nearly half of Leah's height horizontally.
"Let us say hello to—"
Hardly having a moment to blink, Vivienne watches the blur of pink and yellow fly past her.
"Gwendolyn!" Leah calls out, speeding for her cousin with open arms.
Gwendolyn Vásquez, a first cousin of Leah through her mother's side, is a girl who just barely breaches average height. Her skin is naturally tanned and her hair is pin-straight and dark brown, drawing attention to her Hispanic heritage. Most have always found it hard to believe the pair are related, but they remain inseparable despite their rare chances to see each other.
A bright smile flashes on the face of the younger girl, wrapping her arms around the birthday girl. "Leah! It has been so long," Gwendolyn squeezes her with the little amount of might she has.
"It has been nearly a year! I'm afraid that if I want to see you, we may have to start kidnapping Aunt Florence," Leah's tone is joking, although not entirely unserious.
"I can't wait until I marry!" Gwendolyn huffs. "I'll be able to see you much more often."
Nodding, Leah almost smiles knowing that her cousin is only a year or two away from debuting into society. "Ah—"
Vivienne approaches from behind. "Don't spend too much time on one person, darling," she begins to usher the two girls to the ballroom where the guests have moved.
"But Mama!" whines Leah.
"You can spend as much time with Gwendolyn as you would like after you greet your other guests! Have respect for those that have come," Vivienne leads her daughter over to a corner filled with her aunts and uncles.
Grumbling under her breath, Leah begrudgingly shuffles through the large ballroom. "I don't even like most of these people.."
— ౨ৎ —
After many reluctant greetings to such an extensive guest list. The room is filled with people Leah can hardly remember, second cousins, family friends, and individuals she only speaks with once a month. All of it leaves her feeling quite drained as she is twirled back into the arms of her father, looking up to a proud smile.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" Lucius asks. "I hope everything is to your liking.." he whispers, recounting the amount of time he spent planning.
Looking up into her father's eyes, Leah nearly pouts and shifts closer further from his arms, feeling his hands settle on her forearms. "Why did you invite so many peop—"
"Papa, where did you get the cake? It's delicious."
Stepping over to the scene is none other than Daniel Barrett, a plate in one hand and a fork in the other. His face is stuffed with chocolate cake, threatening to fall out of his mouth and ruin his suit. But that doesn't stop the boy from talking with his mouth full and ducking away from his curious aunties who pester him about a future engagement.
"You are already eating cake?" asks Leah in exasperation. The celebration began not even an hour ago, so she knows that there is no possible way the cake has already been cut.
Shoving another bite of cake into his mouth, Daniel gives a roll of his eyes. "There are two separate cakes besides the main cake, I will have cake if I want to have cake!"
"He has quite a bit of sass."
"I have sass?!"
"Don't start arguing.."
The Barrett siblings huff in annoyance before their father can scold them, though there is a playful undertone to it. This playful exterior seems to be sucked out of the older boy when he looks at a figure behind Leah, earning a shift in both Lucius and Daniel's moods.
Daniel scowls but it is hard to tell if he is serious or not. "Who invited you?" he chews on another bite of cake.
Clearing his throat, Ciel stands behind his fiancé with a smile plastered on his face, unsure of how to feel with the sheer number of people in the room. He wears a simple but classy suit with a tie matching the pink shade of Leah's dress, his hair done up a bit special for the occasion. When she mentioned the celebration would be grand, he hadn't expected this.
Leah turns around to see who her father and brother are looking at, face lighting up at the sight. "Ciel, you came!" she dives in for a hug.
"I wouldn't miss it," Ciel wraps a firm arm around her waist, trying to ignore the large dress pressing against him. "Lau is here with Ran Mao. And I believe I saw Elizabeth and Prince Soma at the food table."
Pulling away, Leah gazes about the room to spot any of the mentioned individuals. "I will have to seek them out if they don't find me first.. There are quite a few people in attendance, hard to see past all the heads," she pouts, view blocked by the many tall men that fill her family.
"Is it alright if I give you one of your gifts now?" Ciel clears his throat, "I'm afraid it can't wait very long."
"I don't mind!" she flashes a smile.
Watching her fiancé walk off, Leah turns to her father and brother in anticipation of her present. Despite the numerous boxes that litter a table filled with gifts just for her, she has spent the last week the most excited about what Ciel would possibly give her.
Reentering the room, the Phantomhive servants gather in a small group and draw attention from the other guests. Ciel stands beside them and prepares to show off the gift, praying they don't mess up.
Stepping forward, Bardoy is missing a cigarette when he smiles, pulling out a party popper to shoot confetti in Leah's direction. After him is Meyrin who pops up from behind him, singing an off-tune song as Sebastian pulls her into his arms to do a classic waltz. Finally, Finnian steps up last with a basket situated between his arms, sweating nervously but keeping an unwavering smile firm on his face.
Finnian is bold, taking steps closer to the Barrett and lowering the basket to stomach level. At first, the room fills with silence and Ciel's agitation at the poor execution from his servants, awaiting to see what it is in the basket. But it's not until the gardener lifts the top do the guests look in awe at a white-furred dog popping its head out, staring straight up at Leah.
Looking at the dog and back up at Finnian, Leah tilts her head when the little bundle of fur starts trying to sniff her. She has never seen a dog like this before, eliciting confusion but still sending a happy signal off in her head.
"Are you giving my sister a deformed rabbit?" asks Daniel incredulously, ready to start yelling at Ciel. However, it is hard to take him seriously with a half-full plate of cake in his hand.
"Daniel.." Lucius pinches between his brows in frustration.
Ciel deadpans. "It's a dog," he shakes his head at how ridiculous the question sounds. "A Pomeranian to be exact. They are a bit rare and are becoming popular with Queen Victoria."
Bending down to get a better look at the animal, Leah gently wraps her hands around its body to pick it up. She doesn't react at first, once again looking back at Finnian who can only smile in response. But when the dog sniffs her face and gives a lick to her cheek, the Barrett nearly squeals in pure excitement.
"It's so cute!" she tries to avoid yelling, not wanting to hurt the dog's ears. "I shall name you.."
The ballroom fills with silence, anticipating the name Leah will give to the dog. Most know her to be quite indecisive and lack creativity, preparing for a name just as ridiculous as Daniel's previous question. This doesn't waver the girl though, staring at the ball of fluff in thought.
"PomPom!" Leah announces. "Your name is PomPom!"
Living up to her lack of creativity, Leah gives the Pomeranian one of the first names to cross her mind. Not that she cares what others would think about the name aspect. Leah is just glad Ciel showed his face at her birthday celebration and came with a present as cute as this one, as well as more she has yet to see.
She hands the dog off to Daniel who hands it to Finnian and runs over to Ciel, enveloping him in a tight hug. "Thank you so much! It is so cute, I love it!" Leah hops in the spot where she stands.
"It is a male," Ciel gives a gentle correction, slowly wrapping his arms around her in return.
Watching the scene, Daniel is unimpressed. "I still don't believe that is a dog."
Gwendolyn walks over with a shake of her head and takes the dog from Finnian, shaking PomPom lightly in front of Leah. As much as she wants to groan at her brother's words, Leah doesn't let them cloud her feelings for the animal.
"I don't care if he is a dog or not, he is absolutely adorable!" Leah gushes and plucks the dog out of Gwendolyn's arms, holding him close to her chest.
"It looks like a deformed rabbit," quips Daniel.
Turning around faster than one can blink, Leah glares sharply at her brother, PomPom still in her arms. "How is it that you are the heir?"
"What do you mean by that?" Daniel raises a brow.
"I mean that you are simple and wouldn't survive a day running a household," retorts Leah.
Flashing an offended look, Daniel hands off his now empty plate to a passing butler. "I am very much capable!"
"Please never reproduce."
"Now you are just talking to talk!"
"I am talking because I am right! If you reproduce your child will end up simple as well."
"Papa, do you hear this?"
"Do not cry to Papa! Go cry to a woman in the hopes she will marry you."
"Excuse me?!"
All of the guests watch in astonishment as the siblings take a previously light moment and turn it into an argument, silence being the only thing to accompany the voices. It's not until Vivienne harshly whispers to Lucius that it comes to an end.
"Enough! Both of you!" Lucius raises his voice, nearly yelling.
Feigning a pout at her father's interruption, Leah shuffles over to a giggling Gwendolyn who holds PomPom after managing to sneak him out of her arms and tries to strike conversation with Ciel. However, Daniel is relieved by the silence, feeling comfort knowing that his sister can not embarrass him before all of his family members.
Miraculously, the guests return to their previous activities after watching the dispute. Anyone who has visited the Barrett household more than once knows that bickering is a common occurrence between the two "children" of the manor, then proceeding to hug and laugh the next moment as if it never happened. But to those within the ballroom, that is their least concern, focusing on enjoying the prestigious night.
— ౨ৎ —
With the situation having cooled off, the fight was practically pushed to the back of people's minds to instead cheerfully celebrate, cutting the main cake. It is triple-decked and covered in intricate designs with the icing, cut open to reveal the vanilla flavor. Leah's favorite as she can't eat anything overly sweet.
Leah marvels at the sight of her cake, though as beautiful as it is, she is conflicted on whether she should eat a peace. Nonetheless, a friend of her's named Henrietta keeps her distracted, pointing out a display of ripe and plump strawberries that the Barrett is sure to adore.
Henrietta Sánchez is a childhood friend of Leah's, the girls have known each other since the age of five. She is of a similar ancestral descent to Gwendolyn, also being Hispanic with tanned skin and hair so dark it nearly appears black. However, unlike the Barrett's cousin, Henrietta is nearly an entire foot shorter than Leah and harbors a more stout build.
"I did not expect you to attend," Leah lifts a strawberry to her lips.
Furrowing her brows, Henrietta cranes her neck to look up at Leah. "Why?"
Leah shrugs. "We haven't had much time to see each other as of late. I thought you might have wanted to do something else instead," she whispers.
"Just because we lack the time to see each other, does not mean I care any less," Henrietta smiles softly. "As long as you attend my birthday celebration as well."
A giggle leaves Leah. "I would not miss it for the world."
Silence falls upon the pair and it is comfortable for them, matching their naturally quiet personalities. This silence is broken though when Elizabeth bounds over at the sight of her friend, dodging anyone who happens to be in her way. She doesn't get noticed until she wraps her arms around Leah a little too tightly.
However, poor Edward seems to not be noticed entirely until he speaks up. "Happy birthday, Leah!" he cheers with a bright smile on his face, shifting nervously.
"Edward.." the corners of Leah's mouth pull up ever so slightly. "Thank you very—" she is cut off when the boy's sister decides to speak up.
"Leah, this is the first time I have gotten to see you up close today!" yells Elizabeth in pure excitement. "You look like Antoinette!"
A noise of discomfort escapes Leah, but she smiles nonetheless. "Thank you.."
Elizabeth begins chatting away before she notices Henrietta stationed beside Leah, getting a piece of cake. "Who is this?"
It takes Leah a moment to realize who Elizabeth is talking about. "Ah.. Elizabeth, this is Henrietta Sánchez," she gestures the best that she can while still encased in Elizabeth's arms. "Henrietta, this is Elizabeth Midford."
Thankfully for Leah, Elizabeth pulls away to instead approach Henrietta and happily talks her ear off, giving the Barrett a chance to scope out the room once more. But when she glances at the few people still surrounding the table for cake, she notices Prince Soma happily taking a plate with Agni a few steps behind him.
"Happy birthday, little sister!" Soma flashes his brightest smile before taking a large bite of cake.
Her brows furrow. "Who invited you?" Leah asks before she pauses, realizing how rude it sounds. "A genuine question. I don't recall my father knowing you. Thank you though— for the birthday wishes."
Elizabeth speaks up. "I did!"
Blinking in surprise, Leah nearly responds until she notices Ran Mao in the near distance. She immediately perks up at the sight and disregards her current conversation in favor of approaching one of her other friends, having not seen her in months.
"Ran Mao!" exclaims Leah, her running coming to a stop once she's positioned in front of Ran Mao and Lau. "I am so happy you are in attendance! I had to sneak your invitation into the pile when my father was not looking.."
Taking a bite of cake that she is sharing with Lau, Ran Mao nods. "You're welcome."
"Happy seventeenth birthday," Lau speaks up with a smirk. Though it is clear he mainly came for the food.
Leah gives a tight-lipped smile, starting to feel a sudden exhaustion but still thankful for all of the birthday wishes. "Thank you!"
To no one's surprise, a blanket of silence falls upon the trio. It would be much more awkward if it weren't for the fact that Leah's social battery feels like it is slowly draining before her eyes, threatening to leave her an empty shell of a person. Or that Leah is naturally comfortable with Ran Mao. 'Why are the lights so bright?'
Before Leah is capable of fixing her lips to break the silence, the sound of numerous displeased voices meets her ears. Upon turning around, she notices that the sounds are emitting from the servant's feet away at the food table. At first, Leah can't exactly realize what the commotion is about.
Excusing herself from her 'conversation' with Ran Mao and Lau, Leah takes small steps over to the batch of Phantomhive and Barrett servants. "What is all this noise about?" she asks. 'I am the one who is supposed to act displeased.'
Both Thomas and Sebastian glance away from their scolding. "We were just informing them that they cannot eat the cake. It is reserved for the guests," says Thomas, devoid of emotion and almost making Leah shiver with his stare.
Noticing the disappointed look on Finnian's face, Leah almost feels a form of guilt. "Let them eat cake.." she mumbles, begrudgingly grabbing a plate for Anna when she notices how she stares as well.
"But, Lady Le—" Sebastian attempts to object.
"There is plenty to go around. You all can help minimize waste," Leah says, a ghost of a smile forming when she sees how much happier Meyrin and Bardroy look. "Except Thomas. Thomas gets nothing!" her tone immediately shifts to one that is much more harsh, reflecting her current want to step away from all the people crowding the room.
Finnian looks up mid-bite, face ever so slightly flushed. "Don't you believe you're being a bit harsh, My Lady?"
"He deserves nothing!" Leah repeats in frustration.
Strangely enough, Thomas says nothing in return. He doesn't need to after all. He enjoys the mean words, knowing that her fear and guard around him slowly chip away. After what most would claim are pointless years of serving a bratty daughter of a wealthy family, this has become the demon's normal. Quite pathetic if you ask Leah.
Leah grabs a grape from a bowl in agitation and stuffs it in her mouth, unknowingly giving Anna a signal that she might be set off soon. Thankfully, Daniel comes to the rescue. But it is far from intentional, as he is grabbing his third slice of cake.
The voices of the guests drone in Leah's ears as her eyes fall upon Daniel, blinking wildly. "You are having another slice of cake?" she asks incredulously.
"Yes," Daniel playfully giggles in her face and brings the cake to her lips, letting her take a small bite. "Papa says in half of an hour all of the guests are going outside to see something in the garden. I believe it is just to show off the flowers in bloom," the boy rolls his eyes.
Leah's eyes glaze over, hardly paying attention to half of her brother's words. "Well, I shall spend some time in the garden before then. I cannot handle all of these people."
"Don't take too long, I need someone to talk to so our aunts stop pestering me about an engagement.." he glances around the ballroom in a paranoid manner. "Oh, and your rabbit peed on Gwendolyn's hand."
Not having it in her to argue or react, Leah sighs through her nose as she begins to walk off. "It is a dog.."
Initially, she worries that it will be hard to escape from the room given that she is the center of attention. And her humongous dress. But to Leah's relief, the number of people makes it hard to easily spot her amongst the heads blocking anyone's view, allowing her to swiftly duck out of the door. Though Thomas is not particularly pleased with her departure.
Outside in the halls, the sounds of the ballroom fade the farther she gets, the noise of her heels clicking against the floor slowly taking over. Most of — if not all — of the people inside the manor are in the ballroom, including the guests, which leaves the building feeling very desolate despite the shining decorations. Something Leah is accustomed to.
Leah eventually speeds up her steps once the double doors to the garden come into view, pushing them open and feeling a wave of relief wash upon her. Making her way over to the gazebo, she shakes her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts. ‘Why can't I handle social interaction like a normal person?'
Gleams of moonlight shine down on the garden and reflect on Leah's skin, making it appear as though she is emitting a glow. The sounds of rustling leaves fail to calm her down, unlike how it normally does. It is such a lovely day but she can't keep her emotions in check.
Her hands grip the railing of the gazebo and she tries to close her eyes, taking deep breaths to steady herself. 'Why is it that everyone suddenly feels so annoying? Or that it is too loud and the lights begin to hurt my eyes? Everything is so exhausting sometimes..' Leah fights the urge to take her hair down, choosing to stare ahead of her at the colorful flowers.
'The quiet is always—'
The sounds of rustling footsteps pull Leah from her thoughts, almost earning a noise of irritation. Those footsteps belong to none other than Ciel Phantomhive, peeking his head over a tall bush and approaching when he notices his fiancé.
"I thought I saw you leave," his voice cuts through the air as he comes to stand beside her.
Throwing Ciel a glance, Leah prefers to keep her gaze trained in the general direction of the moon. "I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.." she mumbles.
Ciel's brows furrow. "Uncomfortable with what?"
"Interaction I suppose. I spoke to too many people for too long— it is overwhelming," there is a waver in Leah's voice.
Silence falls upon them when Ciel takes a moment to think, observing her face from a side angle under the moonlight. "You haven't smiled much as of late," he points out.
"This is the normal amount in which I smile," she retorts.
"Yes, but normally—" Ciel can't finish his sentence.
Leah gulps, fidgeting with her fingers. "Because I thought you would like me more."
The rustling leaves fill the stunned silence as Ciel thinks of what to say. "What do you mean?" he asks.
"I thought if I acted more like a desirable lady— more like Elizabeth, you would like me more. But it has never worked. You look at me no different," Leah's voice shakes when she says these words, unable to bring herself to look at Ciel.
Ciel's eyes soften with a turn of his head, looking down and placing one of his hands on Leah's. "I like you the way that you are. I just struggle to express myself," he whispers, leaving out the part of how he knowingly pushes others away.
Lifting her head, tears prick Leah's eyes when she looks into Ciel's blue ones. "But you have always shown a preference for Elizabeth.. You are always much kinder to her."
"I do not have a preference for Elizabeth," Ciel corrects. "And I am only more kind because Elizabeth can be quite emotional. You don't cry nearly as much as she does."
Leah blinks, a wave of stubbornness overcoming her. "But—"
"No buts," he grabs ahold of both of her shoulders before she can testify, staring into her eyes. "I chose you. I sought you out and harassed your father just for your hand in marriage. If I liked Elizabeth more than you I would not still be in this arrangement."
The Phantomhive's words echo through the wind, causing Leah's ears to ring. She stumbles over her words and cannot find a proper response, an inner battle taking place within the confines of her head. Blinking past the light shining into the side of her eye, she shakes her head with parted lips.
"It is not as if you can leave this arrangement," she whispers. "If you were to break off a second engagement, your reputation would be in shambles. You are stuck with me regardless of how you feel," Leah seems set on finding any possible reason she can find to back up her claims, regardless of how ridiculous she is starting to sound.
The grip on her shoulders getting ever so tighter, Ciel releases a shaky breath. "I want to be with you! What part of that do you not understand you stubborn girl?!" he raises his voice into a near yell and his cheeks have a faint flush.
A sound rivaling that of a gasp escapes Leah, staring up at Ciel as her eyes dance across his face. Her chest heaves with heavy movements as she tries to maintain her breathing, pushing against the corset molding against her waist and bosom.
Chill air encases the pair, adding a dreamlike atmosphere amidst their moment. 'Certainly this is not real?' Leah's hands twitch as she feels the warmth of Ciel's on her shoulders, causing her to take a small step closer. It isn't until she is nearly pressing against him that the blue-haired boy almost comes to his senses.
Settling onto her toes, Leah brings her face closer. It doesn't make much of a difference to the height gap, due to the heels, but it is effective in making Ciel's breath nearly stop. A long pause comes over them before the Barrett brings her lips crashing onto his in a soft, but chaste kiss.
When they pull apart, they stare into each other's eyes, the darkness making it harder to see. Neither Ciel nor Leah are sure of what to say, both closing and opening their mouths in the manner of a fish trying to find even just a word to say. 'This is real..'
"Ciel.." Leah decides to be the first to break the silence, slowly dropping from her position on her toes.
Unlike the Barrett who feels a slight sense of bliss, Ciel is unsure of how to feel. "Leah," he murmurs, feeling conflicted.
Lips parting, Leah's pale cheeks burn up with the way Ciel stares down at her. "I—"
She is quick to cut off her sentence at the sound of approaching footsteps, practically throwing herself away from Ciel in favor of planting herself at the other end of the gazebo. Through the moonlight, Daniel shows his face and stops at the entrance, eyeing both of them up suspiciously.
"What are you two doing?" he asks with a raised brow, looking back and forth between the betrothed pair.
Leah shakes her head frantically. "Nothing! I came out here to think, Ciel merely ended up following me."
"Are you trying to compromise my sister's virtue, Phantomhive? Just because you are betrothed does not mean you can—" Daniel raises his voice into a yell, a protective urge overcoming him.
"No!" Ciel shakes his head and takes a step back. "It is nothing like that! We were just having a conversation," his voice is clear to appear more confident, almost startled by the bulkier figure of the heir to the Barrett name.
Daniel doesn't respond when he hears the faint sound of voices getting louder, squinting his eyes in an attempt to intimidate Ciel. "The guests shall be out here any moment now. I wanted to warn my sister," he adjusts on his feet.
"Well, I suppose we get a head start on the view!" Leah laughs oddly, earning a look from her older brother.
There isn't much left to say about the situation between the three, Daniel simply waves his sister over to follow him. Leah obeys despite her wish to stay and talk with Ciel about what just happened, picking up the skirts of her dress to step forward, slightly haltered by the lowered hems she isn't accustomed to.
Stepping past Ciel, she stops beside him subtly to gently smile up at him. "Thank you.. truly," she whispers.
Ciel doesn't have a chance to respond before a voice cuts through the air, the sounds of the guest's chatter also growing louder.
"Leah!" calls out Daniel, waiting expectantly for her to follow in his trail.
Turning her head around to face her brother, she smiles and lightly jogs after him.
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thislittlekumquat · 10 months
It's Reaping What You Sow monday! In this week's installment, we take a break from the action to see Wolfram being the long-suffering uncle we all deserve to cover our asses when we're up to secret shit. I hope the Phantomhives have money for a ye olde wet vac, because Ciel gets quite rude.
Reaping What You Sow is my ongoing fanfic exploring what would happen if Lizzy figured out just how badly the Undertaker (her grandpappy) has been fucking with her family for at least three generations. And also if she figured out what she wanted for herself, rather than what she was told to want.
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kywaslost · 1 year
Good day! Could you make a Ciel x reader where the Ciel has a crush on the reader who is Lizzy’s sister (for the sake lest say Lizzy and Ciel ended to engagement) the thing is the reader is the only one in the Midford family to have dark hair (from a grandparent) and she gets very insecure about it, feeling like a black sheep in her family. Lizzy and everyone is very kind to her it’s just she constantly feels left out because she has a very different personality compared to her sister and brother. She feels very out of place during photo’s with her family. And especially during parties when people talk about her either being adopted or the cause of her mother being unfaithful. She just is naturally much more moody, and she doesn’t have as many friends unlike Lizzy because she just brings the mood down.
Sorry if it’s a lot, have a good day!
Odd One Out - Ciel Phantomhive
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A/N: I decided to post this one a day early! I only have one class today and have a lot of free time at the moment. So sorry this took so long!
Not gonna lie, I had to do some research for this one. I’m a sucker for genetics, and so I got super excited for this one. Blonde hair is an autosomal recessive trait, meaning both parents have to be blond. Since both Midford parents are blonde, all of their children have to be blonde, that’s how I learned it. But I did some research to see if there’s mutations or something that can cause dark hair in children born from two blondes. I’ll try my best to simplify what I’ve found. 
Melanin is a polymer, and it is most often known as the polymer that gives skin, hair, and eyes its color. By what I can understand, there are two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Lots of eumelanin produces black or brown hair, whereas pheomelanin produces red hair. Blonde hair is produced by very little eumelanin. Melanocortin 1 Receptor (MC1R) is responsible for determining hair color. Mutations in the MC1R gene can cause red or auburn hair. 
For the sake of this fanfic, let’s just say there’s a mutation in the reader’s production of eumelanin cause I can’t find any way for two blonds to produce a dark-haired kiddo. And yes, I know this is a fanfic but listen people my love for science is strong so fiction or not I’m gonna make my details as accurate as possible. Anyway, hope you enjoy, and here are my sources <3
You were the black sheep of the family in every way possible. Literal or not, others found great joy in pointing out every difference between you and your siblings, especially when it comes to your appearance. It’s difficult to explain to others why you bear little resemblance to your family. Sure, you had your mother’s build and your father’s eyes, but that was as far as it went. You didn’t have the same hair color as your parents and siblings.
It’s common knowledge that two blonde parents bear a blonde child, yet you had dark auburn hair. After years and years of torment and rumors of your mother being unfaithful, or that you were adopted, you began researching why you were the way you were. There wasn’t much out there, but you did discover that you had some type of genetic mutation dealing with hair color. That’s why it was so difficult to explain to others why your hair was so different from your family’s, they didn’t have the same extent of knowledge as you did. 
It didn’t help that you were also extremely different personality wise. Your sister Lizzy was very outgoing and extroverted, never hesitating to host parties or to meet new people. Your brother Edward, on the other hand, was very stoic and serious. He didn’t tolerate much of anything, and was very protective over you and your sister. But you weren’t much like your siblings. You often kept to yourself, only spoke when spoken to, and were generally just very independent. Growing up, the only real friends you had were your siblings, and your twin cousins.
Now that you’re older, you are even more independent. You spent less and less time with your family, often opting to stay in your room or going off on your own into the city. Your family constantly tried to get you to go to events with them, such as going to balls, parties, and even things as simple as family outings, but you couldn’t help but feel out of place. People constantly stared at you, and you couldn’t help but notice their hushed whispers as you walked by with your family. 
You were grateful that your family didn’t see you the same way the rest of the world did. Your parents treated you no differently than your sister and brother. If anything, they tried their hardest with you to try and make you feel more comfortable and confident in yourself. Lizzy constantly wanted to be with you, doing your hair and makeup to spend some quality time with you. She took you dress shopping, and tried to cheer you up in that sort of way. 
Because of your discomfort around your family, you often spent a lot of time with your cousin Ciel. His servants never treated you any differently than they did the rest of your family, and the boy’s Estate overall felt like a safe place for you. Ciel was always willing to let you vent to him, whether it be about how people had been treating you or how you were thinking of yourself, he always had advice to offer. 
What he never would confess, however, was his feelings for you. His engagement with Lizzy ended just over a year ago, and it was all because he realized he had feelings for you instead. Watching you change throughout the years broke his heart, how you became more independent and less willing to socialize and go out. 
You were staying a few nights at the manor to spend some time with Ciel. You had been having a particularly hard time, and you thought it best to spend some time with the boy. He greeted you with open arms, and immediately ordered Sebastian to prepare your favorite meal for dinner. You fell into your cousin’s arms, tearing up as he held you tightly. 
“May I ask what brings you here?” CIel asks calmly as he hugs you. He can feel your tears soaking into his shirt and he becomes even more worried. 
You sniffed as you pulled away from Ciel, wiping at your eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s just been a really long week.”
Ciel frowned, gently taking your arm and leading you inside. “Come, tell me about it.” You were led inside the Estate and to the sofa beside the fireplace. Ciel draped a light blanket over your shoulders as he sat beside you. Taking your hand in his, his blue eye met your E/C ones. “What happened?”
You began to cry harder as you recalled the events of the past week. Ciel listened as you told him about the hushed whispers and not-so-hidden stares followed your every move at a ball you attended with your family. Then how you stepped out of your comfort zone to speak to girls your own age at said ball, and how they giggled to each other as they ignored you and walked away.
Ciel wrapped you tightly in a hug, pulling you so your legs are draped over his lap and your face is buried in his shoulder. “Look at this,” you sniffle, reaching for your bag at the end of the couch. Ciel released you from his arms as you dug through your bag, pulling out a photo. You replaced yourself on CIel’s lap, handing him the photo. His warm hands brushed against your own as he took the image.
“This is a lovely photo,” he smiled softly. It was a printed image of the most recent family photo taken three days ago. Your father held your mother’s waist, Edward on his other side and Lizzy standing beside your mom. You were beside your sister. Ciel was right, it was a lovely photo. But the longer he looked at it, he noticed everyone’s bright smiles, and then you. It looked as if you were near tears, barely able to hold your smile long enough to take the photo.
“Honey,” Ciel coos quietly. This was very uncharacteristic of the Earl. He never showed this much empathy and emotion towards someone before.
“I hate this photo,” you cried as you rested your head on his shoulder once again.
“I look so out of place!” You pointed to yourself in the picture. “I hate that I was born this way! Why did I have to have this mutation?”
Ciel set the picture aside, wrapping you in his arms again and running a hand down your back. “I think you’re beautiful,” his voice was soft as he whispered in your ear. “Genetic mutation or not, I love the way you look, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.” CIel continued to hold you until you fell asleep in his arms. As he carried you to your designated room, he whispered to you. 
“I don’t understand why others treat you this way, and I wish they would stop just as much as you do. But I love you, Y/N, and I would give everything to have you in my life. Genetic mutation or not, you are beautiful just the way you are.”
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vibelladonna · 5 months
𝓁𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝓈𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 ✑ ℰ𝒹𝓌𝒶𝓇𝒹 ℳ𝒾𝒹𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒹
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𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: Edward and Violeta, despite their commitment to each other and their shared responsibilities towards their younger sibling, find themselves constantly occupied. Their busy schedules leave little room for intimacy or quality time together. However, during one of the arranged playdates for their siblings, they finally manage to carve out some time for themselves. This unexpected opportunity allows them to indulge in literature sessions, deepening their connection sensually and intimately.
𝒞𝑜𝓊𝓅𝓁𝑒: Edward Midford/(My OC: Violeta Dallas)
𝒞𝒶𝓉𝑒𝑔𝑜𝓇𝓎: Smut (NSFW, 18+), Mentions of Switch OC! Switch! Edward Midford
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒞𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉: 7,104 words 41,714 characters
𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇 𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒: Edward Midford holds a special place in my heart (Other than Ciel and Elizabeth) as my favorite character from Black Butler. My admiration for him inspired me to craft a fanfic that had been brewing in my notes app. Typically, I enjoy keeping my fanfiction to myself, as it's a personal hobby. However, this particular story felt too good not to share, hence why I'm releasing it for everyone's enjoyment. Dive in and enjoy the read!
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Ciel Phantomhive was the central figure to Violeta Dalles, and reciprocally so. She, the elder stepsister, taken into the familial fold by the benevolence of his departed aunt, held steadfast in her care for Ciel. Her devotion knew no bounds, weaving a protective shield around him, shielding him from the sinister specters that shadowed their lineage.
Despite the vast expanse of Ciel's demands upon her daily routine, Violeta harbored a profound affection for her petite younger brother, whether traversing the busy streets or delving into intricate business matters, they invariably found themselves in each other's company.
However, not all hearts find solace in the adage, “Sharing is caring." Violeta's fianće, a man enamored named Edward Midford, harbors a disdain for such notions. His aversion to sharing stems from his devotion to Violeta, cultivated by his upbringing amidst the charm and novelty of Edward Midford's persona.
He resents any division of affection, especially when it concerns Ciel. Unlike Ciel, who possesses a sharp wit and unwavering determination, Edward embodies a different essence. He is the epitome of gentility, refined through years of refinement and endowed with a physique sculpted by rigorous training.
Despite the furrowed brow that graces his countenance and the faint traces of anxiety that linger upon his lips, his allure remains undeniable. Edward possessed a striking handsomeness that captivated all who beheld him. It was not merely Violeta's partiality that esteemed him so, but a universally acknowledged truth. One could not help but be drawn to the magnetic charm emanating from him whenever Violeta graced a room. 
His verdant gaze spoke volumes of affluence, while his smile, adorned in purest white, bespoke naught but graciousness. Yet, despite his godlike aura, Edward found himself overshadowed in the presence of his younger sister. As the eldest from different families, Edward, residing in Midford Manor, embodies the lineage and nobility of their family.
Similarly, Violeta commands respect within Phantomhive Manor, attending to her duties while Edward pursues education at Weston College. He prepares to inherit the Midford title and hone his fencing skills, while Violeta manages her medical clinic and company affairs, studying herbs and cultivating partnerships. Both play distinct roles in their respective spheres, contributing to their family's legacy and prosperity.
Edward and Violeta, weighed down by their duties, cautiously navigated society’s expectations to protect their family's reputation. They rarely have time alone, often surrounded by their younger sibling. Occasionally, they visit Phantomhive Manor where Elizabeth and Ciel, absorbed in their activities, leave little room for interaction. Instead, Edward and Violeta escape to the library for "literature sessions," where Edward assists Violeta with her interests, showcasing his broad knowledge.
If Elizabeth and Ciel were to unexpectedly witness the frequent instances of extended physical exercise, with clothes scattered about and Violeta positioned by the library bookshelf, it would surely stir up a considerable stir. Ciel, especially, would be plagued by images of Violeta backed against the wall, while Elizabeth would likely experience profound embarrassment over Edward’s conduct. 
Just picture their reaction if they were to uncover the true essence of those supposedly innocent "literature sessions" — how many of them were spent in intimate embraces, with hands exploring uncharted territories and passionate kisses exchanged.
Despite Edward's flushed appearance, Violeta always maintained a composed demeanor, seemingly unaffected by their behavior. In the dimly lit room inside the manor, Violeta and Edward found themselves engaged in a most discreet dalliance. "Edward, you’re being eager," Violeta implored, her words interrupted by Edward's insistent kisses. Secluded within the library, the door securely locked, she continued, "My dear—I do believe this is the most improper." 
But Edward, undeterred, merely smiled and traced the contours of her thighs with his fingertips. A blush graced his cheeks as he encountered the warmth of her skin beneath his touch. He couldn't help but feel grateful to the family seamstress, Nina, who had persuaded Violeta to don shorter attire for private gatherings within the household.
"In the morrow's light, I shall make my return to Weston College," he murmurs ere planting a tender kiss upon her nose. "A day in your company is what I crave." Violeta's countenance darkens with concern; she empathizes deeply with his plight. A man amidst companions of his sex for too long must surely long for a feminine touch, just as she yearns for his amidst her toil. "Very well," she concedes with a weary sigh.
Edward's lips brush against Violeta's exposed neck as he utters, “Thank you,” followed by a tender kiss. Leaning closer to her ear, his breath a gentle caress, he whispers, "I desire naught but to spend the ensuing hours tasting and fucking you, love.” In a fleeting moment, Violeta hesitates, her heart fluttering before she answers with a coy smile.
This was precisely what she desired to hear. She relished in the sensation of being wanted and yearned for by him. His words were akin to sweet nectar to her, and she found herself unable to resist his allure. “Mm, sounds delightful," she murmurs, her hand gliding up his shirt to caress his chest, "I crave nothing but you."
The intimacy shared between them was palpable as they exchanged words filled with longing and eager anticipation. Violeta's hand ventures up Edward's shirt, and he reciprocates by placing his hand atop hers, their fingertips brushing gently as they lock gazes, their eyes ablaze with fervent passion. Drawing her closer, he indulges in a deeper kiss, their breaths harmonizing as their hands explore each other's forms.
“So beautiful…” Edward whispers tenderly into her ear, his breath warm and urgent, his longing laid bare for her to see. Violeta almost feels like moaning, especially when his hands slide down her sides to her behind and he squeezes. He presses his body against hers, he's intoxicating in the best way possible. "Edward..." in his gallant manner, extends his hand to assist Violeta, guiding her to rest upon a nearby chair with utmost care. As she gazes somewhat bewildered at Edward, he lowers himself onto his knees, a gesture that prompts a flicker of apprehension within her. 
This isn't their first time, but he's never been so forward before. "W-what's gotten... into you?" Violeta pants as he cups her sex through her clothes. "Hmph." He hums against her leg before biting it gently. Yet, here this thought could fully take form, he proceeds with delicate precision to unfasten her shorts, easing them down with a gentle tug. Cool air tingles her skin as she is exposed in front of him. Ever the gentleman, Edward prioritizes Violeta's pleasure, ensuring her satisfaction is his own.
For her, the flames of desire seldom ignite; yet, she acquiesces to Edward's desires, finding solace in the relaxation it brings her weary limbs. For Edward, this exchange is a private communion, a bond shared solely between him and Violeta, veiled from prying eyes. He endeavors to reciprocate her pleasure with fervent ardor, and though success eludes him on occasion, his efforts remain unwavering. And so, Violeta observes with a softened gaze as he spreads her legs further apart and seats her upon the chair, a silent witness. 
Suddenly, a gentle flutter of kisses caressed the tender skin of her limbs ere a sly stroke befell her, landing upon her sensitive bud. Gradually, the sensation spread, engulfing her entirety. A muted sigh escaped her lips, prompting reflections on the countless dames who might have fancied such an encounter. Violeta observed Edward's moistening of a fold with a lapping tongue, her attempts at restraint manifesting in a muffled gasp, thus halting his motions.
With a puzzled expression, she inquired, "Hm, what’s wrong?” Edward's lips curved into a small pout, his expression conveying his disappointment, his hands resting on her ankles as he replied, “I wanna hear you, quietly though, don’t stop.” Edward murmured, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. Violeta's soft and silky skin had his senses tingling as he explored her body, his tongue circling her most sensitive areas with gentle pressure while his hands gently gripped her ankles to maintain her position.
"Mm," her back arching as he caressed her thighs, her body betraying her with a shudder of ecstasy as she gripped the chair. Her breath hitched as he teased her, his teasing was playful and arousing. Violeta’s head leaned back, feeling him spread her, and she couldn't help but release soft moans of satisfaction as he continued. As her eyes closed, she relished the tender strokes that made her body tremble with pleasure. Violeta's fingers were buried in his hair as he kissed and licked her and she tilted her head back, her lips parted with a low moan.
Edward continued his exploration with a steady pace, allowing his fingers to take charge while his mouth followed his partner's reaction. He could tell she was on the verge of losing control, feeling close to the edge, the subtle change in her breathing and twitching of her limbs indicating just how close she was to climaxing. Her grip on his hair tightened, the sound of ecstasy escaping from her lips as she cried out, letting him know he'd reached the right spot.
Violeta bit her lip, her body a mass of sensations as he continued his thorough attention, causing her thighs to tremble, her fingers digging into his hair, her breathing shallow and erratic. Her hips bucked against his hand, sending waves of pleasure through her and a loud cry of pleasure leaving her lips. “Edward—shit…!” With a moan, her grip forced him roughly against her and threw back her head, her lips parting with a trembling exhale.
The feeling of Violeta's thighs tightening around his hand and her body writhing in pleasure was overwhelming. He was able to tell that she was in the throes of an intense orgasm, the sound of her vocalization filled him with a sense of satisfaction and pride. Green eyes lidded, the thick lashes barely dusting his cheeks, “That’s my girl.” His efforts had paid off in spades, and he continued his exploration with renewed vigor until finally, her hips stilled, and her breathing slowed, a clear sign he had sent her over the edge.
"What have you been learning at that school, Eddy?” Violeta couldn't help the laugh in her shaky exhale, "You're far more talented this time around…." Edward grinned shyly as his partner's laughter filled the room. His expression suggested he was slightly embarrassed as her words sunk in, though he also carried a quiet sense of pride. "Well... I've been practicing... with fruit.” He confessed with a sheepish giggle, his blush deepening.
“And I've been studying from a health book when I have free time," he explained, his voice growing quieter as he trailed off. Yet Violeta’s admission was accompanied by a sheepish grin, a clear sign of her amusement, "But perhaps," She added with a playful glint in her eye, "my absence has left you yearning for my company more than anything else?" Violeta couldn't suppress her laughter, her teasing tone filling the room with mirth.
Edward emitted a gentle chuckle, his lips curving into a playful grin upon hearing her accusation. "Well, my dear," he conceded with a jovial air, his gaze briefly meeting hers with a touch of longing. "It may be so," he added, teasingly. "Yet, you are the very cause of my vexation..." He jested, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "You fail to grasp the depth of my yearning for you..." Edward murmured, his voice growing huskier as he leaned in closer, his hands now resting on the chair's arms, subtly enclosing her.
"I have a feeling you'd like to make me realize" she grinned, running her fingers along his jawline, her touch gentle yet sensuous as her gaze met his. "I can think of a few ways you could help me understand how much you desire me" Violeta chuckled, her hand trailing down his neck before dropping to his chest as her touch became more possessive, her fingers gently squeezing his pecs as she leaned in closer.
Edward was unable to suppress a soft grunt of pleasure as her hand trailed down his body, sending shivers across his skin. He watched as those same fingers grazed his pecs, his body responding to every gentle squeeze with a small shiver of pleasure. Her touch was sensuous enough to make him ache with desire, his lips parting and his breath quickening. His gaze never left hers, his eyes filled with growing lust as he replied, "Show me..." Violeta’s gaze darkened as his lips parted in response to her teasing, his eyes fixed on her lips.
The corners of her mouth turned up into a mischievous grin as she leaned in closer, their breath warm against each other's faces. "Maybe I can convince you with a demonstration," she whispered, her lips gently brushing his in a subtle kiss before pulling away just enough that they were only inches apart. She let her gaze linger on his lips for a few moments before adding, "But I could always show you my other skills too.” Edward felt the blood rushing to his cheeks as her lips brushed his. Her whisper, her breath against his body, all of it was enough to ignite a flame of desire within him. 
“Please…” His voice begged and was hoarse as if the very words were struggling to escape his throat. His hands moved to her waist, sliding around her rear, grasping one of her cheeks in his hand, pulling her towards him. "I'd like to see everything you've learned too,” he breathed as the tip of his tongue grazed against her lower lip. She smiled and tilted her head in amusement, her body yielding to him as he gripped her hip, his hand gently squeezing her rear as he brought her closer to him.
Violeta's lips parted slightly as she watched the tip of his tongue graze her lower lip, and she bit her bottom lip lightly as she released a soft whimper. "Mmm," she muttered before kissing him back, her tongue gently pressing against his lips, her body pressing closely against his. She wanted to drive him wild with all the desires she knew he felt for her, she wanted to make him lose control. 
It wasn’t long before she lifted her leg still covered in black stocking clip to her garter and gently pushed him somewhat away with her foot on his crotch. Edward's jaw clenched as he groaned in response to her playful tease. His gaze fell upon her exposed leg, adorned with the delicate lace of her garter. A shadow of desire flickered across his features, darkening his eyes. With a swift motion, he grasped the back of his chair, seeking steadiness amidst the sudden surge of sensation.
"Aha," he exclaimed, his voice filled with a playful yet unmistakably suggestive undertone. “…you're going to pay for that.” His words carried a promise of retribution veiled in allure as he observed her with intent. Violeta in question, undeterred by his reaction, met his gaze with a mischievous grin. Her eyes traced the contours of his form, a smirk playing upon her lips as she discerned his captivation. 
In a swift maneuver, she slipped away from his grasp, evading his attempt to ensnare her within the confines of the chair. Before he could fully comprehend the turn of events, Edward found himself relegated to the seat she had just vacated, while she claimed her place right between his legs, “I always keep getting the best of you, Eddy.” Edward couldn't suppress the small groan that left his lips, finding himself caught in a game of cat and mouse.
The tables had been turned on him with a swiftness and precision that he couldn't help but admire. His gaze dropped, looking down at his beloved like she was his last supper. Violeta couldn't stifle a gentle laugh as she observed the change in Edward's demeanor, fully aware that her playful banter would only distance him further. She sensed Edward's admiration for her figure, which bolstered her sense of allure. 
With a delicate gesture, she traced her fingers along his leg, teasingly unbuckling his belt, then deftly undoing his pants button and zipper. Her gaze remained fixed on his reaction as his chest rose and fell with anticipation. "Is this your heart's desire, my dear? For me to pleasure you in this manner?" Edward's chest rose and fell with each frantic breath, his eyes fixed on her hands. It was all he could do to keep himself in check, his body shaking with anticipation and desire.
"Yes," he groaned, his voice hoarse with lust. "God... yes..." His eyes shifted towards her lips, his jaw clenched as he struggled to keep control of his lust. "Please. Take me. Take... all of me." He asked. "All of you?" a playful glint in her eyes as she delicately withdrew his member from its confinement, gently wafting a breath upon the moistened tip, adorned with the glisten of anticipation. 
With the grace of a dancer, her tongue ventured forth, tracing a path from base to crown, leaving a tantalizingly dry caress in its wake. A tender kiss followed, her lips bestowing upon his cock a soft embrace, her warm breath teasing its sensitive skin. As her excitement mounted, her breath grew shallow, her voice a mere whisper as she teased, "Are you sure you can handle me?" She asked. "Y-Yes," Edward mumbled before releasing a soft moan of pleasure.
His body trembling with the sensation of her soft caress, his eyes squeezed shut. The tender kiss she planted on his tip sent shivers down his spine, the feeling of her warm lips and breath against his sensitive skin was all he could think of in that moment. "You... want me to beg for it..," he rasped, his voice thick with desire, his eyes opening to find her gaze fixing on his cock with a sly grin.
"Maybe I do," she whispered, her eyes narrowing as she watched his reaction to her words, his breath catching in his throat as she let her fingers drift to the tip. She gently squeezed around him, taking her time to savor the moment, feeling him tremble in her grip. Her hand gripped harder, almost trying to squeeze him out. "Please... my love, let me fill you. he whispered, his cheeks reddened with desire, and his breathing quickened with each passing moment as she eased him to the edge.
The sensation of her hand squeezing around him was overwhelming, his eyes closing as his body quivered with anticipation, his fingers gripping the chair behind him. He leaned back into the chair, the soft cushion allowing him to feel fully immersed in her touch as he groaned, a quiet whimper escaping his lips. His reaction made her body tingle with pleasure, and she could feel herself growing wet more. She loved the way he begged for her, the way he surrendered himself to her touch. 
In his reaction, she discerned a reflection of her ardor. Without hesitation, she took him into her mouth, engulfing him almost to the root, skillfully applying pressure with her lips around his member, all the while meeting his gaze with an intensity that bespoke her passion sucking in the same motion. Edward was in quite a state, his frame trembling as he rested in her grasp, his breath coming fast and shallow.
Violeta found herself taken aback by the scene before her. It's worth noting, that persuading him to allow her such intimate favors was no easy feat; only after a well-delivered presentation would he relent. Yet, despite this, it was evident that once Violeta began to indulge him with her attentions, Edward was entirely enraptured. His reactions betrayed his true feelings; he simply adored the sensation of her lips, tongue, and hands exploring his cock in such an improper manner. 
In those moments, Edward found himself utterly unable to contain his vocal expressions or physical responses. It wasn't merely the feeling of her mouth upon him that stirred him so, but also the delicate caresses of her hands upon his testicles and inner thighs that held a particular allure for him. "Here, dear, it's yours," Edward said, gently clasping her tight curls as he drew her near. Sensing her rhythm, he gazed down at her with a look of utter astonishment. His eyes gleamed with admiration, and he nervously nibbled on his lower lip.
Taking this as a sign of encouragement, Violeta quickened her movements, easing her jaw to accommodate him with each thrust. There was a moment of discomfort as she gagged, prompting her to withdraw momentarily. With a deft motion of her hand, she attended to him briefly before resuming her task. This pattern persisted until tears welled in her eyes and saliva trickled down her chin. Each time she glanced up at him, Edward would sigh deeply, tightening his grasp on her locks.
"Vi," Edward cautioned, "Be careful now, you don’t want them to find out about us, don’t push your luck." Violeta merely rolled her eyes and let out a weary sigh. She was well aware of the stakes, for they had oft-discussed the matter when not engaged in their clandestine rendezvous. Their younger kin remained oblivious to their amorous liaisons, a truth they were keen to preserve. Still, Violeta found herself disinclined to dwell on such matters, especially when she held Edward in her thrall.
It was all too effortless to stir his passions, and an impassioned Edward possessed an intimate knowledge of how to please his beloved Violeta. Over time, they had refined their amorous routine into a playful contest, with the fair-haired Violeta proving herself a most adept player. Indeed, Edward understood well her penchant for games, though Violeta would never openly confess that victory came to him effortlessly.
In a brief interlude of silence, Edward and Violeta engaged in a wordless exchange, their eyes meeting in a playful duel. A chuckle escaped Edward's lips before he resigned, "I suppose it cannot be avoided." Eventually, he halted her advance, gently separating her from him, his breaths labored. "Come here,” he murmured, prompting Violeta to rise from her kneeling position, standing upright and dabbing at the moisture upon her countenance.
The act lacked allure at the moment, yet his gaze bestowed upon her a sense of singular significance, as though she alone possessed the power to kindle his happiness. He tenderly brushed away tears from her cheek before claiming her lips in a fervent kiss, emitting a low groan in the exchange. His arousal still evident, his member pressed against her leg ere he withdrew. A somber intensity returned to his gaze as he issued his command, “Take the rest of your garments off please."
She couldn't help but give him a playfully annoyed look as he halted her advances, but with his command, that look quickly shifted to excitement as she quickly began taking everything off. Her blouse, even her stockings were discarded like garbage as if she had an insatiable hunger for him. Her fingers quickly found their way to the hooks on her corset and quickly undid them, letting her breasts fall free, her nipples hard and inviting him to touch and squeeze them. He was a slave to her charms, her ability to make him feel alive, every inch of her body made him crave her.
His gaze was locked on her, the sight of her bare breasts drove him wild. He felt his breath quicken as she allowed those same fingers to slowly tease and squeeze her nipples, her warm breath against his neck making him moan out loud. He watched her closely, eagerly awaiting her next move.
She knew he was enjoying the view, and she couldn't help but tease him more. Her hands left her breasts and she lifted one leg to wrap it around his waist, her hand gripping his shoulder as he leaned back in his chair and she began grinding herself against him. She enjoyed watching the effect she was having on him, watching his face as his eyes darkened and his breath quickened. "You really want to see me take you for a ride?" she whispered softly into his ear.
Edward couldn't resist the urge to grunt eagerly, her movements sending quivers through his body. A shiver of pleasure traveled up his spine as she sensually whispered into his ear. "More than anything..." He groaned, his hand gently squeezing her hip, his eyes searching hers for confirmation of her desire. This moment made her think, Sometimes it sucked not being able to boast about how intimately he knew Edward, especially when the heated flesh of his cock pressed firmly under her. 
Heat pooled deep within Violeta, and she didn't even need to see the begging eyes of delight to know his cock twitched. For a gentleman so proper, he could be filthy when it came to these stolen moments. There was an emotional value there, daresay a connection between the two that neither could be ashamed of. “That’s what I thought,” she purred, slowly rising his throat and taking his lips in a deep kiss. Her hips still moved against his body, her soft breath drifting against his neck and over his chin.
Violeta pulled back, her lips tracing lightly along the lower edge of his chin before whispering, “You know what to do,” Edward, with a knowing glance, deftly adjusted his position, maintaining his seat in the chair as he gently raised Violeta's hips, pivoting her away from him, and settled her onto his lap. This was a familiar arrangement for them, one they favored for its intimacy and ease. 
Violeta observed as Edward guided himself inside her, a sensation that initially startled her, prompting her to stifle any inadvertent sounds that might draw unwanted attention. She felt Edward's breath tickling her neck as she reclined against his chest, his whispered reassurance prompting her to relax completely in his embrace. "Take deep breaths, my dear," Edward murmured, his words a balm to her nerves.
Violeta yielded to him, melting into his arms, her body responding with a subtle quiver as he entered her warmth. Looking down, she noted the slight stretch he caused, a testament to their closeness. The gentle trickle of her slick, which Edward had elicited earlier, performed marvels as he decided to draw a tad nearer. There was never a twinge of pain, but rather a sensation of complete fulfillment Violeta could never tire of, the graze of his cock against her inner walls as she withdrew, only describable as serene. Fuck. 
Violeta was indeed fortunate to have Edward. He proved to be quite the benefactor to her. Strong enough to accommodate the curvy and thickness of her body, and yes, on occasion, he would plead with her, like earlier, yet he never coerced her; he never became voracious or aggressive. No matter how yielding and compliant, Edward never usurped pleasure from Violeta's form. He worked alongside it, his hips swaying in cautious and modest circles, merely grounding thrusts as he delved deeper into her wet warmth. 
As he tenderly places his hands on her thighs, he shifts his weight to gauge her response. "You're thriving, my love," he murmurs. Edward leans in, trying various angles to optimize comfort. "Just look at you," he exhales softly, trailing his lips along her bare skin. "You smell divine, taste exquisite, and feel so incredibly good..." His words hang in the air, met only by silence. Peering down at her serene face, he watches her breaths. With gentle concern, he urges, "Vi, please, speak to me, my darling."
The pace stilled for a moment, not having even met him as deep as he could, before Edward's hips transfixed every time Violeta clenched, her walls pulsating around him, against him, feeling every curve of the cock inside her more intimately than before. “Mmm,” was her only response, her breath slowly building in her throat as she felt every bit of the impact he was having on her. Her limbs were trembling slightly and her breathing was slightly ragged, as he was pushing all the right buttons.
Her fingers laced together and she dug her nails lightly into the back of his neck, her body was responding to his every move. "You feel…," she hesitated as she tried to choose the right word. "You so feel perfect," she whispered. Edward moved with deliberate care and precision, his every action measured and intentional. He relished each moment spent with her, reveling in her warmth and the way she responded to his touch. 
As he held her thigh, he was overwhelmed by the sensation of her tightening around him. Her words stirred a deep desire within him, making him yearn for her presence. In her company, he felt whole, as if nothing else mattered. This moment felt distinct, different from any before it. Perhaps it was the intensity of their kisses, Violeta eagerly meeting his lips. Their shared moans were masked by the rhythmic sound of their bodies colliding, echoing through the room.
A part of him hoped that Ciel—not his dearest sister, Elizabeth would stumble upon them. Just the mere thought of someone witnessing Violeta's stunning beauty, her legs gracefully parting in a manner that revealed her intimacy, ignited a fiery sensation deep in his core. Seeing someone like Ciel observing as his beloved older sister's form twisted around Edward, embracing his size as if it were custom-made for her, stirred a possessive feeling within him.
"Vi, you're so tight—does it feel good, my love?" Edward said between breaths, sensing Violeta's erotic tension. He could tell she was struggling, tears starting to well up in her eyes, likely reddening them and flushing her cheeks, something she despised. The outline of Edward's erection was becoming visible against the small indents of her stomach.
She must have appeared distressed, yet Edward gazed at her with immense adoration, almost as if it were unreal. "Yes," she whispered softly, her body twitching every time he would thrust a little harder into her warm depths. She squeezed him tightly, her breathing quickening as they both were nearing their limit. Her eyes remained closed as she attempted to concentrate on her pleasure. 
Edward pressed his chest to Violeta’s back, splitting her further apart, sinking deeper in her than before, "You feel so good to me. Every time is better than the last." Edward added. "I want this all the time, just for you,” Violeta whispered, clearly catching Edward off guard, not that it stopped his rhythm. If anything, her confession was met with a few pointedly hard thrusts, the pressure against her walls electrifying her in only the best ways.
Slowly, the sensations began to become too much to bear and she began trembling uncontrollably, squeezing herself around him as her body finally began erupting, her breath hitching as she came. Violeta giggled, her movements sluggish from the intoxicating rush of pleasure coursing through her muscles. With unsteady hands, she clumsily grasped Edward's flushed face, pivoting her entire body to meet his gaze. 
Her thumbs meandered lazily over his lips, tracing the contours of his mouth where the remnants of their passionate kisses lingered. Every touch was an attempt to connect with him on a deeper level, to immerse herself fully in the sensation of his presence. Edward's gaze never failed to evoke feelings of love and admiration whenever it met Violeta's eyes. As she sighed dreamily, she reached out to gently touch the defined line of Edward's jaw, feeling the tension in his muscles, a result of his clenched teeth.
With a softness in her voice, barely louder than a whisper, she murmured, "Eddy…” Despite the gentle tone, her question carried weight. "You haven't come, have you?" As his body suddenly warmed up, he glanced at her with concern and asked, "Are you certain...?" He knew from his readings that he could potentially father a child with her, but he hesitated because they weren't due to be married for several months, making it seem like a less prudent decision.
Violeta laughed softly, her body gently relaxed as she laid her head onto his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “You are too much.” Her lips teased his neck, her fingers lightly grazing down his chest. “Don’t worry, I can prevent such a thing.” she breathed out, her voice slightly breathy to convey her exhaustion. Her thumb rubbed gently against his lips as the other hand traveled around his torso, her fingers lightly tracing the lines of his muscles.
"Mmm..." he growled out, his grip tightening around her waist just a bit more as he pressed his stomach against hers. "I-I'd rather not take that chance," he breathed out, a mix of frustration and pleasure coursing through his veins. Despite his desire to release himself into her, he wouldn't take that risk. 
As she trailed her fingers along his body, his breath hitched, his entire body trembling in response to her actions. Her touch set a spark, one that could only be extinguished by her lips, and he pulled her into a deeper embrace. Violeta chuckled and nuzzled into his chest as she lay on top of him, her body still trembling slightly from the intense ecstasy she had just experienced moments ago.
She sighed softly and closed her eyes, trying to regain her composure after being thoroughly demolished by his prowess. She began softly kissing his chest, her hands drifting down his back, caressing his muscles, and massaging him as she tried to help him relax. "I'm afraid I won't be satisfied until you finish what you started," she teased playfully. "So you better hurry before I take matters into my own hands."
"If you're going to take matters into your own hands..." his breathing became heavier, his hands tightening once more around her waist, and he leaned his head against her chest as he spoke in a husky tone. "Well... I'll certainly finish quickly." Violeta smiled softly as she heard his response, her eyes opening as her lips met his neck once more. “You say this but then you’ll probably last much longer than you think,” she taunted playfully.
“And who knows? You have quite a lot of stamina.” Her breath trailed down lower, landing on his chest and resting there for a few seconds before she began gently nibbling on his earlobe. “I hope you can finish quickly because I don’t know how much longer I can wait.”
"Is that a challenge, my love?" he breathed out, his hands slipping down to the curves of her behind as he pulled her close once more. "Because I believe you underestimate just how quick I can be...if you give me a reason." His words were punctuated by the soft nibbling of her lips on his neck, causing him to squirm in pleasure.
His breath became quickened, his heart pounding relentlessly in his chest as he felt her body pressed tightly against his own, her breath warming his neck. Violeta smirked and let a low moan escape her lips, pressing her body even closer to his as she began softly kissing his neck. She ran her hands along his back and squeezed his butt cheeks gently to drive him crazy. Her fingers traced down his spine, her body trembling slightly in pleasure. 
“Is this enough reason?” she whispered, her lips trailing down his neck. “Let’s see just how quick you can be then.” She added. "Mmmm," he moaned softly, he felt his body tense up. Her lips kissing his neck drove him wild, her warm breath stirring him up, her teasing bringing him to a point of no return.
As his grip tightened around her hips, he felt a surge of urgency coursing through him, his breathing quickening and his heart pounding. With a sense of determination, he pressed his lips against her neck in a series of intense kisses, his teeth lightly grazing her pulse point. With each thrust, he pulled her body closer to his, his desire driving him to penetrate deeper.
At that moment, he was consumed by passion, oblivious to any consequences. The marks left behind or his state of being were of no concern as he continued to indulge in their intimate exchange. As their kisses lingered, eliciting desperate moans from Violeta, he pressed her against the library shelf, causing a few books to tumble to the ground.
With her legs wrapped around his hips, they surrendered to the intensity of their connection, drawing closer together in their shared desire. Violeta threw her head into Edward’s chest, her fingers clawing desperately on Edward’s back, knowing his other classmates would see the scratch marks across his tone back. Her hips frantically convulsed the fluttering in her stomach so dangerously close she couldn't hold anything back. 
The loud whines and erotic moans were nothing like the Violeta everyone else knew. Assertive and hard-working, never allowed any man to even go near her. Yet her tears rolled down her cheeks as her throat ran ragged with how desperately she gasped for air; the moans caught in her throat only escaping in loud, effeminate mewls. No one would have suspected she would use her soft-spoken vocal cords he had been lucky to have for such dirty, unbecoming things. 
A deep growl escaped from Edward’s lips as his pace quickened, his thrusts becoming more urgent and intense, his grip on her thigh tightening before releasing it entirely. His hands found a comfortable grip on her hips, his movements slow and steady as he pushed deeper, a few strokes away from climaxing. When her body began to tighten, clench, and quiver, Edward pulled her into his arms, holding her tenderly as she came.
The momentum didn't end, only sloppy from exhaustion as Edward chased his release. He kept going, the way she was pressed against him, shaking and trembling with pleasure, the feel of her walls squeezing him like a vice was like nothing he had ever experienced before. He was overwhelmed, his breaths becoming quick and shallow. "Ah.. ah god..." He moaned, his body starting to feel like it would tear apart.
He squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing quickening, a slight moan escaping his lips. "Oh god... I'm so close…” As Violeta felt the intensity building within her, she was unfazed by the raw sensation. She couldn't be bothered, not when the person above her continued to show her affection. At that moment, all that mattered to Violeta was Edward. It was as if they were the only two people in existence. She kissed his neck and softly pleaded for release. 
Edward responded by kissing her passionately, his muscles tense, and his breaths becoming more primal. The low, seductive tone of their exchange drowned out everything else around them. "Eddy," Violeta whispered, "Please, Eddy." Edward's hips faltered, the head of his cock pressed sharply against the tight, sensitive walls, and he came with a tremble.
It was cute, Violeta mused, just how shy he could get, knowing how Edward preferred to press himself closer so that their chests aligned as his breath regulated, waiting patiently until he could move comfortably. Violeta had offered Edward an explanation, claiming that she preferred him to stay until his muscles relaxed for comfort, after he slipped up and mentioned it.
But truthfully, she enjoyed feeling her insides soaked with his cum, relishing the aftershocks of his twitching cock inside her. She found solace in the idea that Edward belonged to her in a way no one else could claim.
“You okay…?” Violeta asked with gentle eyes, pressing soft kisses across his face. "Mm..." he breathed out, still gasping for breath, his body pressed against hers as his muscles slowly relaxed. His hands trailed down her back, and he was relieved as the tightness in his chest faded. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he looked up at her, his eyes glinting with affection.
"You took me for a ride." Violeta beamed as she saw the sparkle in his eyes. Her soft and tender touch was replaced by a playful squeeze of his arms, as she beamed at him once more. "It's my specialty." Her voice was teasing, playful as ever. "I can't help it if I make you go wild," she breathed out softly. A moment passed as she watched him, her eyes searching his own, before she leaned in and whispered. "I love seeing you like this," she breathed out softly, her tone serious and sincere, "it makes me feel powerful."
"I know it is," he breathed out softly, her playful squeeze sending shivers up his spine. Her touch was teasing yet tender, almost as if she couldn't help stirring him up. When she leaned in and whispered, he couldn't help but grin at her words. "I love that you love seeing me like this," he breathed, his fingers gently stroking her hips. "It makes me feel... so good inside." When she finished, he brushed his lips over hers, his gaze never leaving her eyes.
"I want you to always feel powerful, even in my arms." Violeta let out a contented sigh, one hand reaching up to gently brush his locks away from his face, as her hand rested on his cheek. She knew her face showed too much of the love she held when she met Edward's eyes and could see a future in them, “You know, there'll come a day when you’re stressed, I’m always here for you." He didn't even need to hear the promise when Edward leaned in and kissed her once more.
"I know you will be," he breathed out softly, a little smile on his lips. It was the one thing he could count on her support, her devotion, and her endless love. He brought her close to him, one hand holding her close to his chest, the other gently playing with her hip. "And there's nowhere I'd rather be than in your arms." As his lips met hers, he gently brushed her hair away from her face, his gaze searching hers as he breathed against her.
"Promise me you'll always choose me," he whispered. Her heart ached with affection when he smiled that warm and tender look at her. There was no one in this world, man or woman, she loved more than him. He was her entire world and she felt safe, warm in his embrace. "I promise," she breathed out softly, feeling his fingertips running lightly along her hips. "I will always—always, choose you," she breathed out. "You're all mine."
─────── ⋆⋅ ✵ ⋅⋆ ───────
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antihero-writings · 4 years
His Butler Cemetery, Chapter 3: The Problem of the Nights
Fandom: Black Butler | Kuroshitsuji (manga)
Fic Summary: Four visits to the cemetery, each growing in emotional intensity, and spanning backwards in time. (Spoilers for the manga!!)
(I'll put the links to chapters 1 & 2 in a reblog!!)
Chapter Summary: “Young Master, Edward. If something you held most dear suddenly shattered one day...What would you do?"
"Dear, God. What a terrible ordeal you've tasked my sister with...."
Character Focus: Edward and Lizzie Midford
Notes: Eyyy remember this fic? The one I planned to finish in October 2018? Hehe...Yeah...
I never forgot about this fic... life just kinda got in the way and I moved on to other things. I have so many fics on my computer that I just can't seem to figure out how to finish, and this chapter was one of them. Lately I've been trying to go through some of them and either just slap an ending on them, or split them into multiple chapters so it's more manageable, haha. So I just picked a way to end it, even if I'm not entirely satisfied XD
I actually really really like Edward as a character, and was kind of inspired by the quote above to write this. I was excited to write for him for this fic, and really really liked this chapter, so I couldn't go without posting it at some point!!I hope people still like it, even though it's been so long...I'd deeply appreciate it if you could leave a comment to let me know!!
By the way, I am NOT caught up on the manga, so please don't spoil anything from the recent chapters for me!!
Chapter 3, the Problem of the Nights:
Edward never could win against her.
Father would laugh and say that the Midford women had always been strong, and it was no cause for shame.
Still, there’s something particularly humiliating about getting your ass kicked by a cute little girl….Especially when she’s your younger sister.
The world would coo over her: her pretty shoes, her curly blonde hair, her frilly dresses, and sigh in awe that someone so cute could be so skilled with the sword.
And, if he was perfectly honest, she was incredible. He would never deny that, never say the praise was undeserved. Often he was her biggest fan, her loudest cheerleader, and if anyone dare lay a finger on her, or say a single syllable of slander, they’d certainly have a sword to answer to.
And, he supposed, her proficiency was good for him too, in a way, because it pushed him to work harder.
But no matter how many days he spent waking up early to wave his sword at empty air, no matter how much mastery he had compared to his classmates, he could never catch up to her. Sometimes it felt like the race was rigged, and he wasn’t moving at all.
He applauded her, admired her.
But sometimes he would throw his sword into the wall and demand that it listen to him. That he, a thirteen-year-old boy could and should be better at swordplay, than a ten-year-old girl who decorated her world in pink plushies and bonnets.
When the other nobles chatted with Lizzie, and about Lizzie, and then turned to him to ask what he’d been doing, sure he had a story to top hers…
Sometimes he would hold his head high and boast of his accomplishments, and Lizzie would have only the loftiest of compliments to add.
But other times that question would ring through his head, and his tongue would fall limp in his mouth.
Because no matter how much he’d done, if he was the top of his class, he could never triumph Lizzie.
What have I done lately? Not much compared to Lizzie.
Mother was not the kind of person who would answer for you; unlike most mothers she wouldn’t boast of her children smallest accomplishments. In fact, in even their greatest endeavors she could find “room for improvement.” He wasn’t complaining: this too was a good thing; he would never be where he was now without that.
But sometimes he just wished she would just wrap her arms around him and say that she was proud of him.
There was Father at least, who was the softie of the family. Who would clap him on the back and tell Francis not to be so hard on him, that he’d done more than well. His eyes would shine as he promised he was a champion in his own right, as well as his eyes. And that helped. Still…
Still, he didn’t feel like much.
It wasn’t that he was bad at things, or dumb. He was quite smart, good at school, but he didn’t…excel.
The thing about Lizzie is that there were only a few things she practiced, but she excelled at them.
Jack of all trades, master of none, so they say.
And no one notices you unless you’re very good at something, or very bad at it.
So he faded into the background. Lizzie’s cheerleader. His parents’ son. And he told himself he was alright with that.
Beneath all those intermingling feelings of pride and jealousy was a question:
How could such a small girl hold so much fight inside her? How could those gentle eyes hold so much fire?
It didn’t make sense. She was supposed to be sweet, and gentle, and soft. So what was it that drove her to get the gold when he could only ever snag second place?
He got his answer when he met Ciel.
The twin boys, one of whom she was destined to marry—some day, after they had learned how to be gentlemen in a world of men who weren’t gentle.
Well he couldn’t approve of that without meeting him first.
The twins were…so small. Smaller even than Lizzie. Big blue eyes like stormy days.
One marched up to him and demanded who he was, and what he was doing there, and that his name was Ciel, and he was to be the Earl some day. The other, hid behind his father’s pant leg, and muttered his greeting from afar. And when Mother scolded Mr. Phantomhive to keep them in line, and comb their hair properly, even the bolder one shirked into the shadows.
He finally understood what Lizzie had that he didn’t:
Something to protect.
When he took up the sword, it was for the sake of the sword itself, and a name.
When she took it up, she did so for something more than the trade, the passed-down-name, the skill. The sword was a means, not an end. There was something—someone—she loved, or was learning to at least, and if that person were ever threatened, she didn’t want to stand on the sidelines and cry. She wanted to stand between him and danger and do everything in her power to keep the hurt at bay.
She didn’t care about being well-versed in the sword: she just cared about protecting him. The sword was simply how she’d do that. And, well, the irony of being something is that you’ll only be good at it when you’re looking beyond it.
And it was that, that passion, that idea that there was something beyond, that this was all in preparation for a war against anything that stood to harm him, that was why she excelled. Because he didn’t have anything calling him to it, besides the fact that the Midford’s had always been good at it. As long as he didn’t have a reason for it within himself, he would never excel.
So, from then on, he never complained, silently or aloud. From then on he was nothing more than her firmest supporter, and when people asked what he had done lately, expecting his story to top hers, he could be okay that he would never be better than her at some things.
And then, one snowy December, when they were putting their finishing touches on their Christmas tree, and competing to make the best cookies, someone arrived at their door to tell them they found Mr. and Mrs. Phantomhive in a pool of their own blood…and the twins…they didn’t find.
She didn’t cry. She didn’t immediately burst into a thousand shards of glass like he would have expected.
He would have liked it better that way. Because he could deal with that. Because he could do something, he could run up to her, hug her, kiss her, comfort her. Be the big brother.
No, the Midford women had always been strong, and she was no exception. She didn’t fall to pieces. She went into her room, put on a black dress and bonnet—(as was proper). And she went to the funeral, as all good little noblegirls should.
And all throughout the service, as they lay Rachel and Vincent to rest, beside two little graves they all knew were empty, as the vicar read from a Bible a passage about sheep, and finding your way home, he kept glancing at her, kept waiting to see the tears to stream down her face, for her to fall to her knees.
Her eyes were big, and blank, and full of almost-to-the-surface tears, yet she was sugar and spice and everything nice; the picture of an English noblewoman.
She went about her day, whole, composed, proper. And no one could have guessed that grief wasn’t another thing she excelled at.
But he’d never quite forget that night. The sound he heard, even through the passing years.
That night, after the funeral, after mother sent her off to bed with a few proud words, and father kissed her one to many times, after Edward grabbed her hand and asked “Are you sure you’re okay?” After she said “Yes, I’ll be fine.”—
He woke up to the sound of screaming.
He shot up in bed, wondering if he’d dreamed it, heart yammering, breath burning. He didn’t bother to light a candle, just stumbled out of bed, and ran down the halls, calling her name.
When he reached her room, she was sitting on the floor beside her bed in her little white nightdress, and tear tracks staining her face; in pieces. A perfect gold stain on the world.
She reached her hands weakly out to him as he knelt down before her, and wrapped her arms so tight around him that he thought she might break him too…and she cried into his nightshirt until she stained it. But he didn’t care.
Many little girls run to their parents in this situation. But he knew, if she had gone to their parents, mother would have told her there was no use crying, they weren’t coming back, and father would have doted on her, and she wanted neither…or rather, something in between. So she came to him.
This wasn’t the last time.
During the day she would go about her life as normal.
But every night she woke up. It was always somewhere between 14:00 and 16:00 he heard her screaming, calling the name of the sky. Either that, or he would hear a faint knock on his door, and see the face of a broken little girl in need of her big brother.
It became muscle memory for Edward to comfort her. To throw off his covers and run to his sister’s room, or he would pat the blankets beside him to say come here, and either way he’d wrap his arms around her tight, as if trying to wring the tears out of her, and she would sob until they burned rivers in his skin. He would brush his hands through her golden hair, whispering things in her ear like shh, and it’ll be okay, and singing old lullabies, all the while knowing knowing the quiet would come. And he would pray. Pray that things would be okay. Pray that the one who created the universe would grant some solace to this sweet little sheep.
He would pray, and the next day, with tears barely barred from his own cheeks, he would kick the wall, and demand why and how a merciful God could do this to someone like her. Why he would take good people from the world.
—(He would pray, and he thought one day he heard Him say They aren’t yours to keep.)—
Sometimes she asked if they could go to the cemetery in the morning. They would dress in their finest blacks, looking like ink blots on the world, onyx with gold filigree in the cracks. She would carry bouquets of flowers, the petals sifting off in the wind, and add them to those there, left by the miscellaneous others who cared for them…And she wouldn’t cry then, no. She wouldn’t cry until it was past the witching hour.
She didn’t give up. Didn’t stop living. For all intents and purposes she was the same as she’d always been…but something was missing when they crossed blades.
She woke up less and less as time went by. Eventually her visits to his room were stray nights in the grand scheme of things, and she didn’t cry so hard. Sometimes she’d just sit with him, or ask to play chess, or chat with him till the morning came.
And then one day, after the grief didn’t burn so badly in her chest—
Her fiancé came back without an eye, and with a pitch black butler.
He didn’t talk about what he’d gone through, or how he’d come back. He didn’t speak of that day his parents died. He didn’t mention how his brother died—he didn’t mention much of his brother at all.
He wasn’t that brazen, bold, grinning child they knew before. He was dark, and serious…and he never smiled.
And Edward was glad to have him back…yet from the start he couldn’t help but feel…uneasy. Like something was wrong. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. There were too many questions, too many gaps in information, and the darkness that seemed to flock to this boy now didn’t help.
And Edward, though Lizzie’s fire was only stronger since he came back, her skill even more unmatchable, was at last able to get a few good hits in sometimes.
He couldn’t believe he never saw it before, his reason beyond the sword, the task of carrying on a name... it was there from the beginning.
He knew who it was he had to protect.
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Edward Midford x reader
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Request by @yumeastreea
Summary: Francis forces Edward into an arranged marriage which he isn’t too thrilled about at first but kinda falls in love at first sight i guess. Kinda only his pov No Francis slander i love her ;-;
Wc: 850 words
Authors note: i had a vision i swear idk what happened.
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Edward always did everything to not anger his mother, the Marchioness Francis Midford, in any way, shape or form. He quickly learned that this would make life easier for him, the rest of the family and the whole staff. He had his duties as the eldest son of the Midfords and he fulfilled them as best as he could, but when a few weeks after his 18th birthday his mother started to make comments about finding him a suitable wife soon, he was stunned to say the least.
It wasn’t unusual that she would push such an issue now. Far from it. Most of the young gentleman his age were already in some sort of promised relationship, but somehow he always managed to avoid this topic. Its not like he didn’t like the idea of marriage, an own home and eventually some children, but he always imagined that he could choose the person to spend the rest of his life with himself. He must admit that his way of thinking is kind of naive for someone of his rank, but the fact that his sister already has a fiancé while he doesn’t always gave him hope. He thought that his parents might have forgotten about that part.
To his surprise his mother was already prepared and in contact with multiple other families that had a daughter his age and by the time he finally gave in to the idea of an arraigned marriage it only took a couple of letters to schedule a first meeting with his soon to be fiancé and her family. As expected he had no say at all in choosing the woman he was supposed to get engaged with. Which was probably better for him because he was a nervous wreck. He knew he could have never made a proper decision regarding this topic himself and even though he felt quite left out he was also very glad for is mothers assistance.
So after dozens of letters that were send between Francis and y/ns mother it was finally time for both family to meet in person. The two women agreed on nothing too fancy at the mansion of the midford family. Edward already heard a lot of good things about his future fiancé, but only from his mother so most of it was related to her status and reputation. Of course she reassured him that y/n was a lovely person, but that didn't calm him down one bit and the longer he waited for the day of the get together to arrive the more anxious he got.
What if he doesn’t make a good impression on y/n?
What if they have nothing in common?
Or even worse. What if Lizzy doesn’t like her?
The more he thought about y/n the more worried he got.
The day of their meeting finally arrived and Edward was even more nervous than expected. He was extremely tired due to the lack of sleep last night what made him look a little sick. His mother had to constantly correct his posture and at this point his father just felt really sorry for him. Luckily his dear sister had the brilliant idea to surprise her fiancé with a visit so there was one less factor he needed to worry about right now.
His family was already waiting for y/ns arrival in the mansion’s library and when they heard their carriage arrive Edward felt like his heart is going to stop. Even though the thought of running away crossed his mind he already saw servant rush to the front door to let the visitors in. Everything was happening so fast and he didn't even realise that his family including him stood up to greet the visitors.
At first an adult couple came through the huge door and quickly introduced themselves as the l/ns. Both seemed very friendly, but Edward couldn’t even look at them as his eyes were practically drawn to the other sound woman that entered the building shortly after them and in a matter of seconds his face turned from white into is very healthy pink. He quickly acknowledged y/n parents with a short greeting and made his way over to her. Normally he had no issue talking to women, especially after his time in the Phantom Five, but this felt different. He was grateful that he learned all of those skill so right now he could at least fake some confidence. With a light smile on his lips he looked directly into her eyes and reached for her hand.
“Its a pleasure meeting you miss l/n. I have been desperately awaiting your arrival. My name is Edwards Midford.“
His tone was very gentle, but a slight shakiness was still audible. The young man slowly takes her hand in his an raises it to give it a little kiss. He knew that this wasn’t the proper way and he knew he would be scolded later by his mother, but he genuinely hoped that he was able to make a remarkable first impression on his soon to be wife.
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queencamellia · 7 years
Daily Life of the Midfords
A/N: This was originally written for @wife-of-queens-watchdog for the @faustianexchange (make sure to join this next year!), but I switched prompts midway for a sweet Cielizzy fic. I stumbled upon this again and decided to finish it lol. :3
Timeline: Sometime after the Public School arc & before the Green Witch arc.
Victorian England particularly stresses the importance of social etiquette. “One must always conduct themselves in such a behavior befitting of one’s class,” one of his mother’s friends once told Edward, patting his cheek with her gaudy pink fan. “You’re a good, proper boy. Nothing like my rascal of a son.”
The Midfords, to the majority of Victorian elite, are always kind, cordial, and charming despite their superior monetary status. Their manners are impeccable, and their comments rarely elicit any sort of resentment or dislike. They are, as many whisper, the shining example of true Victorian nobles.
“How proper she is,” they whisper of Francis Midford, unbeknowning of the calculating nature and mild distaste behind the former Phantomhive’s cordial compliments. “A good wife that has done her duty in raising two marvellous children.”
“How sweet and delicate she is,” they whisper of Elizabeth Midford, unaware of the steel warrior underneath the dimpled smiles, the swords beneath her petticoats, and even the loyal knight underneath her princess-like conduct. “She would make a nice and docile wife for my son.”
“How strong he is,” they whisper of Alexis Midford, ignorant of his father’s true strength (his heart) and fooled by his genial and lighthearted nature. “He is our knight.”
“How kind he is,” they whisper of Edward himself, oblivious of the ruthless measures he can (will) take for the sake of his family. “He will make England proud, someday.”
Edward is aware of all of these whispers, but follows his parents’ precedent and feigns ignorance anyways. Although it’s considered more of an “unrefined” American game, his father once taught him how to play poker. Edward knows better than to reveal his cards before the game’s over.
He is sitting ramrod-straight in front of an ornate rosewood table. Placed in front of him is the possibly the most traditional of English breakfasts: back bacon, eggs, British sausage, and various fried vegetables. To his right is a servant perched over the coffee table, pouring another cup of coffee for his father. Edward’s father always drinks coffee at breakfast, to his mother’s everlasting annoyance.
It’s relaxing to be around his family again. Their presence is comforting; it helps Edward cope with what would forever be known as the “incident” amongst Edward and his fellow Weston College prefects. Ciel had told him that he wouldn’t turn out like the former Weston prefects, pointing out Edward’s guilty conscience as evidence. Unfortunately, his cousin’s words weren’t enough to assuage Edward’s fears.
I could’ve ended up like them. I would have acted just as blindly, just as recklessly, and definitely just as foolish if Ciel hadn’t revealed the truth. Edward’s realization that day had shaken him to his very foundation, but spending time with his family drives away his fears. His family is his anchor: his mother’s stern looks and sister’s bright countenance ground him.
“We forgot to congratulate you,” his father says suddenly, setting down his coffee mug, “...about your promotion to prefect.”
There are many words left unsaid. Edward is certain that his parents know there is more to the story. Ciel’s presence at the boarding school definitely fueled their suspicions.
“Sir?” Edward asks immediately, then flushes a bright red. It’s nearly instinctual to call older men ‘sir’ thanks to Weston’s strict protocols. “Thank you, Father,” he amends, fixtating his gaze on his plate awkwardly. He thought himself past the phase of teenage gangliness, but he supposes he is wrong. It’s somewhat humiliating; Edward Midford is supposed to be strong and bold, not diffident and gauche.
He stabs at a slice of bacon with his fork, a feeble attempt at distracting himself from the awkward atmosphere that has enveloped the dining room. Alexis Midford, for all of his strengths, has never been one to talk about feelings: that role had always been allotted to Lizzy.
Speaking of his sister, Lizzy is beaming at the pair, most likely pleased that they are on slightly better terms. After being defeated by Ciel in the cricket match, Edward’s father hadn’t been angry with him, per say, but Edward’s been unable to look at his father properly in the eye since, despite his father’s multiple talks about how failure makes one stronger.
His sister clears her throat, catching their family’s attention and eliciting a stern look from their mother. “One of the servants brought to my attention that there’s a new comedy showing at St. James’ Theatre.”
“Lady Windermere’s Fan?” Their father asks, his face breaking out into an attractive grin that Edward knows he has inherited. “Why,  I was just talking to Viscount Arbuthnott of the matter.”
“It sounds horribly improper,” Francis sniffs. “A man running off to have a love affair with his wife’s mother, for shame.”
“You mean you wouldn’t attempt to elope with our dear Ciel?” Their father teases, his comment instantly infuriating his wife.
“Alexis!” she rebukes sharply, but when their father lays a hand down gently on hers, her sharp look softens. Edward and Lizzy exchange uncomfortable looks as their parents gaze at each other with sickeningly sweet adoration. Edward briefly wonders how the prudish aristocrats would react if they witnessed such...well, as Lizzy says, “lovey-dovey” exchanges between his parents.
To Edward’s immense relief, Lizzy clears her throat, cutting off their parents’ blatant adoration of each other and drawing their attention to her. “Mother, Father? I was hoping to attend the play with a few...friends.”
Their mother has always been quick-witted, immediately noting Lizzy’s aversion of aforementioned friends’ names. “Of whom are you speaking of, Lizzy?”
“W-well, Ciel will be there,” Lizzy says brightly. She’s oblivious of the way their parents’ eyes sharpen. “And I have kept a healthy correspondence with several of the boys we’ve met at Weston during the cricket tournament.”
“So they’re all boys?” Alexis demands, managing to sound both like a British knight and like an overprotective, clingy father at the same time.
“Well, Earl Grey and Earl Phipps should be attending,” Lizzy responds cheerfully. “Don’t fret so much, Father! They can keep an eye on us.”
The mention of Double Charles definitely does not comfort Alexis Midford in the slightest way. “More boys?”
“...Nina may accompany me,” Lizzy suggests meekly, sensing both Edward’s and his father’s growing consternation. Her offer doesn’t assuage Edward’s suspicions (he’s not going to let a bunch of little punks hang around his precious little sister, dammit), but their father relaxes. Lizzy senses her opening and pounces. “I’ve really been looking forward to this outing, Father,” she insists emphatically, pulling all stops -- pleading eyes, pursed lips, and all. “May I please go?”
Their father visibly wilts as he acquiesces, “Take Paula and invite one of your female companions along.”
“Father!” Edward protests immediately, but his sister is already out of her seat.
Beaming, she hurries over to their father, pressing kisses to both of his cheeks and giving him an affectionate hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she squeals, emerald eyes sparkling with excitement. “Oh, this will be so much fun!” She then turns to Edward, staring at him innocently. “Is something the matter, big brother?”
He can’t bear to extinguish the light in her eyes. “Nothing,” he grinds out. “When do you plan to attend the theatre?”
“Tomorrow evening,” Lizzy admits, giving her brother an affectionate pat on the shoulder and pressing a kiss to her mother’s cheek before bounding off to her room, dismissing herself from their meal. Lizzy has always been an unstoppable whirlwind of surprises, but this time he still needs a few more minutes to process exactly what had occurred.
“...Edward,” Francis says, taking a sip of tea.
His mother’s voice is cold, commanding, and undoubtedly Phantomhive. Edward unconsciously straightens his spine. “Yes, Mother?” His heart pounds with hope that they will grant him permission. Alexis is giving her a similar hopeful expression.
Francis Midford nee Phantomhive gives him a slow, serious look. “...make sure you watch over sister.”
Edward beams. Parental approval granted. “Of course!”
“Is your brother not coming?”
Lizzy blinks, then turns around with a half-upturned smile. “Earl Grey,” she greets, curtsying. The formal gesture irritates the Queen’s butler, judging by the prevalent scowl on his face. “Unfortunately, my brother had prior arrangements,” she says regretfully. Although she loves Edward Midford to the moon and back, she doesn’t want him to use his precious vacation time chaperoning her to a play. Edward never likes such productions, anyways.
Earl Grey gives her a measured look, his silver eyes darting to her left where other nobles are engaging in conversation. “Hm. Is that so?” he mutters mainly to himself, shrugging and shoving his hands in his pockets. “Well, his loss. Wilde’s works are usually decent.”
Lizzy visibly perks up. “You read Wilde’s works?”
“His poems, mostly.”
Lizzy brightens.
(Disguised as Cheslock’s nonexistent cousin, Edward laughs along with some of his companions’ jokes as he glares daggers at Earl Grey for being so close to his little sister. For Heaven’s sake, where was that man’s propriety? Nobody needed to be that close to discuss literature, dammit--)
“Oh, good evening, Earl Phipps,” Lizzy chirps, skipping over to the other silver-haired noble.
“Lady Midford,” Phipps greets, bowing his head in respect.
Lizzy giggles and swats at his arm with a fan. “Lady Midford is my mother. Please, just call me ‘Lizzy.’”
“As you wish, Lady Lizzy. Please, just call me Phipps.”
(Edward glowers. How dare such a man act so casually with his little sister!)
“Lizzy!” Ciel groans, prying her off. She purposefully slackens her grip so he can push her off and frowns at him.
“Aren’t you happy to see your cute fiance?” comes Grey’s voice, amused and almost accusing.
“Cute?” Lizzy repeats, indignant as she places a hand on her hips and flips her hair, the epitome of grace. Obviously. “I’ll have you know, earl, that I am pretty and beautiful. Ciel’s cute.”
Ciel squawks, turning red. “Elizabeth,” Ciel hisses, cheeks burning. “Enough.”
“I mean, look at his smile! Oh, and his ears are so red. Ne, ne, Ciel? I have a new outfit in mind that would suit you well.”
“Are there ruffles?”
“...maybe a little…” Lizzy pouts. “You’re no fun. Come on, Ciel: let’s enjoy the play to its fullest!”
“I didn’t want to come to the play,” grumbles Ciel. His eyes, however, speak differently.
(Cheslock has to physically restrain Edward from approaching the pair to pummel Ciel to the ground for speaking so callously to his precious little sister.)
“Mother! Father!” Lizzy flies into the sitting room, shrieking in a rather unladylike way. Her parents indulge her, regardless, and hold out their arms for a group hug. “The play was amazing,” she babbled. “We must attend it together, sometime. I think you will enjoy it, Mother. The actors were perfect for their roles. Oh, where’s Edward?”
“Here, Lizzy,” Edward says, appearing in the doorway. Her brother smiles gently at her and ruffles her hair as she launches forward to give him a hug. “So you liked the play? Did any of those ruffians try to pull anything on you?”
“Honestly, brother,” Lizzy huffs, giggling. “You worry too much. I almost thought that you’d come to whisk me away during intermission.”
Edward twitches. “And have you miss the second act? I think not,” he laughs. Her brother is much too considerate and kind, but Lizzy doesn’t mind. If anyone tries to cross their family and spit on his kindness, her sabres are ready.
“I would’ve liked to have Ciel come for dinner, but everyone seemed like they were in a hurry to leave,” Lizzy pouts. Unbeknownst to her, Edward gives a nod towards their parents and mouths “mission accomplished” behind her back. “Dinner after a play sounds nice, doesn’t it?”
“How about this, then? We’ll all go see a play of your choice at the week’s end,” their father suggests genially. “Family is important, and we should do something together before Edward leaves for Weston.”
“Yes!” Lizzy cheers, embracing their father wholeheartedly.
Edward laughs, glancing to his side to look at his mother. Although she portrays herself as a cold woman, he can easily discern her telltale signs of contentedness.
“Happy, mother?” Edward asks quietly as they watch the raucous father-daughter duo laugh and chatter.
Francis Midford exhales, a genuine smile curving across her lips. “Of course.”
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reine-du-sourire · 3 years
Je Vois La Vie En Rose
Redmond sings his friends to sleep in the Swan Gazebo. A fanfic by AstraLowelle.
Many thanks to @grelleswife for beta-ing.
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"Curfew was fifteen minutes ago," Clayton informed the general public.
The general public- consisting of the other three fags and all four prefects- mostly ignored him.
"If you think I'm waking Violet," Redmond murmured, "you have another think coming."
Clayton, who hadn't expected anything else, sighed.
It was a pleasant and mild night, with a third-quarter moon glimmering half-heartedly through a bank of clouds. Redmond was sitting on the gazebo couch, Violet curled up beside him with his head on Redmond's lap, eyes closed while Redmond ran his fingers through the other boy’s hair.
Clayton was attempting to read, Cole was swinging his arms mindlessly and watching the clouds through the gazebo poles, Greenhill was trying to pretend he wasn't yawning, Cheslock was demonstrating his lack of knowledge a propos Edward's personal space, and Bluewer was regarding the school buildings with detached interest.
"Are we stuck out here?" he wanted to know.
"Shhh," put in Redmond.
"We may as well be, seeing as we're probably locked out. Whose brilliant idea was this excursion so late?"
"It's not too bad out here, anyway. Stop complaining."
"There's a factual inadequacy stated in this. Plato's philosophy clearly states-"
There was a moment of silence.
A soft breeze played through the gazebo.
"I'm bored," Cheslock complained.
"I'm tired," Cole took up the theme.
Leaves rustled.
"Why don't I sing you all a lullabye?"
Everyone turned to face Redmond, with varying looks ranging from mildly puzzled all the way to downright bewildered on their faces.
"A lullabye?" Clayton asked skeptically.
Greenhill frowned. "We're hardly children."
"Of course not, but music and songs are by no means the private domain of children! They belong to everyone! Now...there's a rather lovely piece that my mother taught me in my youth. Violet knows it, too- it's called ‘La Vie en Rose.’ Cole, are you familiar?"
Cole shook his head slowly. "I don't think so. Is it that French one?"
"Don't have a heart attack," sighed Bluewer as Redmond gave a melodramatic and apoplectic gasp. "We're sure he didn't mean the only French one."
"All of you-" Redmond indicated the four standing- "sit down at once so I can remedy this travesty. You're going to adore this. Clayton, do put your book away."
Reluctantly, Clayton marked his page and stuck the small volume on the handrail. “How long will this take?”
“That is not the way to approach music!”
“Fine. How long is this song?”
Being careful not to elbow Violet in the face, Redmond crossed his arms. “Just listen, for heaven’s sake. And sit. You too, Midford. All of you.”
With a shrug and a smile, Cole took a seat beside his prefect. Edward perched himself awkwardly on a sofa opposite, upon which Cheslock plopped down beside him, and Clayton sat next to Bluewer, looking extremely uncomfortable at this breach of privilege, permitted or no.
Redmond cleared his throat quietly, inhaled, and began.
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche Voila le portrait sans retouches De l'homme auquel j'appartiens...
Quand il me prend dans ses bras...
Cole crept quietly closer on the couch and curled up beside Redmond, who put an arm around him. The younger boy's eyelids drooped.
Il me parle tout bas...
Greenhill let the tiniest yawn escape him. This set Cheslock off, yawning as well.
Je vois la vie en rose...
"Is he asleep?" Clayton mumbled. No one was entirely sure whom he was addressing.
A soft "shhh" from Bluewer.
Il me dit des mots d'amour Des mots de tous les jours...
"Vi," Redmont whispered. He gently lifted a dark lock from the pale face. "Vi?"
Violet didn't stir.
With a soft laugh, Redmond looked up at the others. "Greenhill? Midford?"
Soft snoring.
Beside him, Cole snuggled deeper into his side.
"And Clayton, are you- Bluewer?"
No answer.
Redmond smiled, his own eyelids drooping as he leaned back against the couch cushion.
Je vois la vie en rose...
"I didn't think they'd all fall asleep," Violet murmured as he carefully sat up, taking caution not to jostle Redmond. He peered across the gazebo through the darkness. "Almost all. Midford, not a fan of lullabies?"
"No," Edward whispered back. There was a faint shuffling noise. "It was very nice. But I can't fall asleep if Cheslock's asleep on me. He's squashing me."
"Is he?"
A faint smile played itself over the prefect's lips. "Poke him until he moves, then. I suppose we're all stuck here for the night. Sweet dreams, Midford."
"Good night, Violet."
Violet reached under the couch, found his sketchbook and pencil, and began, by the soft light of the moon, to sketch.
His only deviation from the scene before him was to draw his friends not within the boards and lattices of the gazebo, but a field instead of soft red petals drifting lightly on the breeze of a gentle spring night.
The moon shifted behind the clouds.
Violet smiled softly,
Des nuits d'amour à plus en finir Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place Les ennuis, les chagrins, s'effacent Heureux, heureux à mourir...
and put away his book,
Il est entré dans mon coeur Une part de bonheur...
and lay down again on Redmond’s lap,
Moi pour lui dans la vie Il me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie Et, dès que je l'apercois Alors je sens en moi...
and fell asleep.
La la la la...la la la...
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sondepoch · 3 years
Thoma reminds me of Edward Midford, and after Childe I don't know if I can trust him 😔
okayy listen i only watched like the first two seasons of black butler (or like, the first season and maybe half of the second) so idrk who Edward Midford is i just know that i read one fanfic where he was a love interest and i've liked him ever since so that's a plus in my mind ;)
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tickledpink31 · 4 years
My tablet wasn’t working so behold a hand-drawing of my OCs
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Let me introduce them to you:
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Akane Hayashi from Ouran High School Host Club
Age: 16-17
Height: 157cm (5′2″)
Formerly known as Aisling by her birth parents
The adopted daughter of the Hayashi family
Deaf and speaks JSL
She came to life after I watched Amélie 
Affiliated closely with Kyoya
A talented engineer and botanist
Her parents are generous people and she’s no different
The Hayashi family are also a modest bunch and live in an apartment big enough for three people
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Veronica Midford from Black Butler
Age: 19-20
Height: 156.5cm (5′2″)
I wanted to indulge in my love for reverse harems and time travel stories so Veronica was born
Prepare to be romanced by a demon, three reapers, and maybe I’ll throw in an angel
Descendant of the Phantomhives and Midfords (either from Lizzie or Edward, but not O!Ciel.)
Known as Lady Phantomhive by ominous people that she meets *cough* Undertaker *cough*
I kept changing her style before I settled with the short wavy look
A psychic like her ancestors as a side effect of the demon contract
Dresses in lolita, but her fashion choices look more mature these days
Her older sister, Beatrice, practices exorcism
I just realized I forgot to put the devil’s trap in her eye (Beatrice put it there for protection)
A charitable young woman who wants to help and will do it outside of the law if she has to
Much smarter than people realize
Fluent in 6 languages including ASL
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Kaguya from Avatar the Last Airbender
Age: 16-18
Height: 165cm (5′5″)
Born in the era after Korra
I don’t really follow The Legend of Korra ever since the end of season 1 and I don’t really want to so I’ll decide what’s canon
Youngest of 10 siblings
Has been to the spirit world several times without aid
Travelled to Republic City from the Northern Water Tribe to attend the Bending Arts Academy and become a doctor
Invented a healing form of blood bending
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Minerva “Minnie” Castillo from Obey Me
Age: 18-19
Height: 162.6cm (5′4″)
You probably know her from some of my posts so I’ll give you a brief rundown
She’s me but better
Why did I draw her eyes wonky?
I ship her mostly with Lucifer
Filipino-Canadian like me
A musical theatre kid
An identical twin, practically the Snow White to her sister’s Rose Red
Unwilling and chaotic mom friend
Planning never goes right for her so she’s in literally in hell
Lives in a van during her college life
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Erika Matsumori from Harry Potter
Age: 11-16 (Golden Trio Era) 30s–40s (Post-Wizarding War II)
Height: 175cm (5′9″)
At the risk of getting attacked I am making not one but two Harry Potter OCs one of which will be paired with Draco
I am a recent fan and yes I’m aware how problematic Rowling is so don’t ruin this for me
This girl’s resting bitch face gives Blaise Zabini a run for his money
In the language of Hanakotoba, Erika means “solitude” explaining her solitary disposition
Her surname translates to “pine” and “forest”
Pine for the wood of her wand
Forest because back in Japan, Erika often ventured into the nearby forest to look for yokai
Erika has nerves of steel and an equally steely face
But she has a good heart underneath
Had a hard time making friends but Luna Lovegood was a good start
Ginny became her friend by extension of Luna but not without a few misunderstandings
A year younger than the Golden Trio
Dated Colin Creevey for a month before they decided to just stay friends
She’s a muggle-born Slytherin (I do what I want)
Although she’s a muggle-born, she grew up knowing about the wizarding world because her uncle is a muggle-born
Was once a student at Mahoutokoro (did you know students there start attending at age 7 but are not boarded until they are 11?) until she was expelled for associating with yokai
Moved to the UK with her uncle to attend Hogwarts at 11
Became part fox after helping a kitsune get back to their mother
Has narcolepsy and has plenty of vivid prophetic dreams because of it
Like a true Slytherin, she protects her kind, muggle-borns that is
She defended her fellow Slytherins before the Battle of Hogwarts
It annoys Draco that she just happened to catch his attention
Made love potions illegal as an adult
Like vixens, Erika goes to great lengths for her family especially her three children in the future
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Kikyo Malfoy from Harry Potter
Age: 16–19 (mid to late teens depending on when the story takes place)
Height: 160cm (5′3″)
Erika and Draco’s eldest child and only daughter
She two brothers who are twins, Scorpius and Ryuji, they are both protective of their sister
In the language of Hanakotoba, Kikyo means unchanging love, honesty, and obedience
Not a Slytherin but a Ravenclaw, her parents knew that all along and they are proud of her regardless
Wrote a non-biased version of the Harry Potter series for the purpose of helping muggle-borns and half-bloods who are not aware of their magical heritage
Writes about Newt Scamander, her mother, and herself—a complete series in different points of views of all the houses
Has the ability to split into four different versions of herself (Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor) possibly even more
Wishes she has her mother’s nerves of steel
Has some kitsune abilities like summoning fire and enhanced sense
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Marie Christen/Marjorie Calieus/Mar from The Arcana
Age: 21
Height: 151.8cm (5′0″)
I have mentioned my love for time travel stories and world hopping so prepare for another one
There aren’t a lot of world hopping fanfic for The Arcana so here’s mine…sort of
They are the offspring of two powerful magicians from far outside of Vesuvia
Their father travelled to our world and dropped Mar off at a married couple’s house in Zürich and was renamed Marie Christen
Mar is non-binary but goes by all pronouns and still responds to the names Marie and Marjorie
They have a birthmark on their cheek which The Fool symbol
Happily lives in adoption with her parents Eva and Liam and her kid sister Antoinette
Her familiar is a lamb named Edelweiss
Her biological aunt located Mar when they were 10. From then on, Mar made frequent visits to their aunt’s shop in Vesuvia to hone their magical abilities
At 12, they met Asra who was nearly 15 at the time
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edenityy · 4 months
Do you like Black Butler?
Do you like fanfiction?
Do you like Original Characters?
Do you like rewrites of canon plots with fun add-ins and special storylines from the author?
Then check out my fic!
I’m edenity and I write fanfiction. Currently I have one long fic that (at the moment of writing) is 50k words and ongoing! I always try to update once a week!
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My fanfiction is called “Noblewoman | Black Butler”
and follows the plot of the manga. You see my MC (Leah Barrett) plunge into the world of Black Butler and accompany the Queen’s Watchdog on his missions.
Check me out on AO3 and Quotev!
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Hey! Like Group Chat aus? Like reading bad fanfic? Like the Phantom Five?
Check out my fanfic! Cleverly titled phantom 5 group chat, because I just have a way with words
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thewomaninlilywhite · 4 years
Hi! For the Valentine's day asks: 8, 22, 43? ☺️
8) Favorite fanfic trope?
Most of my ships are rare pairs or for small fandoms, so I’m generally not too picky. I am a sucker for angst-with-a-happy-ending and mostly anything hurt/comfort
22) Fictional crushes?
My OCD and Asexuality combine with this question to form the ultimate pretentious answer (this is also wild because, like, a year ago I would NEVER publicly admit to liking anime as much as this answer implies):
Aesthetic Attraction: Soul Evans, Ronald Knox, Maxim de Winter (specifically Larry Olivier), whomstever the heck Ed Stoppard played on Frankenstein Chronicles because clearly I am a SUCKER for morally grey characters
Platonic Attraction: Lilias Craven, Lucy Westenra, Lenalee Lee, Maka Albarn, Fiona MacLaren, Tonya Zhivago, Natsu Dragneel, Juliet Ashton
Both: Grelle Sutcliffe, Archibald Craven (specifically John Lynch), Georg Nowack (specifically Zach Levi), Edward Midford, Marian Halcombe (specifically Carolyn Maitland)
That was WILD
43) Favorite abba songs?
Gimme Gimme Gimme is the first one that comes to mind idk why but it’s an absolute vibe
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Challenge (Kuroshitsuji)
Day #1 First Encounter With This Series (i.e. how you discovered it, first episode you watched, etc…): It’s funny. I was dreamed about this anime, because I had seen some pictures on internet. I thought that Kuroshitsuji was about Sebastian, who was a noble man, and Ciel dressed as a girl was his maid (I thought he actually was a girl) and I said: I had dream about these anime whose protagonist is a servant xDDDD
Day #2 The Moment That Made You Fall in Love with this Series: I was fan of Gosick, a detective-mystery anime in the victorian era, and when I finished it, I decided to watch Kutoshitsuji, because it was the same genre and in the same period. When I watched the first chapter, I fell in love with the series.
Day #3 Favourite Female Character: Doll. I love her. I love her voice and her tomboy style. I also love Madame Red, Frances and Lizzy (the badass) ;)
Day #4 Favourite Male Character: So many! Sebastian. Ciel. Bravat. Gregory. Herman. Edgar.
Day #5 Favourite Romance/Rivalry: I love Sebaciel. I also like the relation between the P4 and their fags <3
Day #6 Least Favourite Female Character: None, I love all of them
Day #7 Least Favourite Male Character: Derrick Bitch Arden
Day #8 Least Favourite Romance/Rivalry: I don’t like that Sebastian and Ciel are enemies with Bravat :(
Day #9 Funniest Moment: So many, for example, when Gregory makes Herman make strange poses to “draw him” :P
Day #10 Saddest Moment: The circus member’s death... :(
Day #11 Something You Wish Hadn’t Happened: Same, that the circus member don’t die :(
Day #12 Something You Wished Would Happen But Never Did: Some ships, and that the S4 was not in danger... Also, the 2CT, but soon it wil be true. 
Day #13 A Song That Reminds You of this Series: A demon’s fate by Within Temptation
Day #14 Favourite Villain Bravat. He is a villain, isn’t he? :P
Day #15 A Character Everybody Else Loves That You Hate: I don’t hate them, but I think that the servant and the shinigami are overraterd.
Day #16 A Character Everybody Else Hates That You Love: The prefects, Aleister Chamber, Bravat :)
Day #17 The Character You Love To Hate: Derrick Arden because he deserves to be hated xD
Day #18 The Top Three Things on Your To-Do List if You Suddenly Found Yourself in the Series: Marry the weston boys, Bravat, Sebastian and Ciel, go to a safe place and live happy :)
Day #19 A “Ship” in the Fandom You Can’t Stand: I like all ships
Day #20 The Best and worst Fanfic You’ve Ever Read of this Series: All were good. Herman x Lawrence, Edgar x Herman, Ciel x Sebastian, Bravat x Lizzy, Frances x Sebastian, and my favorite one, Herman x Dahlia. I read a Herman x Edward, but I didn’t like their personallities so much. And one very funny, Gregory ordering Herman to get naked to draw him xD
Day #21 On a Scale from Secret Admirer to Panty-Sniffer, How Obsessed Are You with this Series?: 666 xD
Day #22 The Character You’d Want as a Drinking Buddy: Sebastian drinks so much like we can see in a circus ova xD
Day #23 The Character You’d Want as a Fuck: Muahaha, Ciel is so little for me, and Sebas too old...  Bravat? Gregory? Edgar? Herman? =)
Day #24 The Character You Find Most Relatable: I am like Gregory Violet’ appareance + Edward Midford’ personallity + Lawrence’s brain + Lizzy kawaiiness
Day #25 Favourite Object/Prop: Criquet bat xD
Day #26 Favourite Costume: I love Gregory’s, Sieglinde’s, Bravat’s, Doll’s and Lizzy’s
Day #27 Favourite Quote:  “ Neither white flowers nor plain clothes suit you. What suits you is the red of passion, the color of liquorice burning the landscape” - “Tradition is absolute” and the beautiful quote from Dee to Vincent in a volume cover “The days I spent with you are burning in my memory” ToT
Day #28 Favourite Climax : I like the end of the Weston arc, with the flashback of Derrick’s death 
Day #29 A Moment That Made You Question Whether You Would Continue Reading/Watching…The shit chapters without plot movement
Day #30 Will Anything Ever Replace this Series for You?: no xD
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edenityy · 3 months
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( chapter five ! )
"It's wonderful that your mother allowed you to attend the ball!"
Standing close to the refreshments table are Leah and Elizabeth, the pair adorned in extravagant dresses for the occasion. After hours of begging, Leah proved it worth it when her mother finally caved in. Elizabeth herself followed a similar strategy, though Francis seems slightly more lenient at the idea than Vivienne.
The young Barrett is dressed in a powder blue dress made of some of the highest quality fabric, bringing out the color of her eyes. Numerous small details surround the skirt as the top half is accentuated perfectly by her corset, followed by a pearl neckpiece that compliments her skin tone. Many eyes attach to her, capturing her every move through the ballroom. Brown hair also falls across her shoulders, curled at the end, and put up in a half up-half down style.
Despite having previously been upset that her mother wasn't going to be debuting her this season, Leah now appears reluctant due to the attention she gathers, "Yes.. Amazing, isn't it?" she fights back a sigh, opting to pick up a glass and sip at the liquid she's unfamiliar with.
All Leah and Elizabeth are capable of hearing is the immense chatter that fills the room, nearly drowning out their voices if they don't speak loud enough. Not far from the teenage girls stand their mothers and surprisingly, Edward, conversing while chaperoning the pair through the night's endeavors.
"Just look at all the beautiful dresses!" Elizabeth sings, hands tightly clasped together as she observes the other women in the room. Carrying herself away from Leah, she darts around the ballroom to begin interacting.
Watching her friend practically disappear before her eyes, Leah fights back another sigh, "Wait up!" Discarding the drink in her hands, the brunette begins to chase after her friend, unable to hear Edward attempting to call her back.
"I was going to ask to her dance.." Edward says with a look of defeat.
"You'll find the chance." Vivienne smiles, taking a sip from her glass of lemonade as she watches her daughter run off.
Across the room is a different story, Ciel wears a pink and black dress to disguise himself, utterly regretting all of his decisions. Trudging through the ballroom with an eye out for Viscount Druitt, he can't shake his disdain for his current situation.
"I really do not want my fiancé to see me like this.." Ciel's mind flashes to a vision of Leah, already picturing how she would react to seeing him in such a way. The thought of the shock, then gossip surrounds his brain in a thick fog.
"That head-piece is so exquisite!"
Sebastian and Ciel turn their heads at the speed of lightning to the sound of an all too familiar voice, eyes immediately settling upon the blonde and brunette pair. In between the two women, Elizabeth compliments any lady she comes across while Leah attempts to keep her on a leash and drag her away.
Glancing ahead of her, Elizabeth's eyes light up at the sight of Sebastian trying to whisk Ciel away, "That dress that girl is wearing is so cute!" she yells, but her voice dies down when the Phantomhive can break the line of sight within the large crowd of people in the room.
"Hm? Where did she go?" Elizabeth asks while turning her head every which way.
"She must have seen something that caught her eye. Or wanted to get away from you. Most strangers don't appreciate being chased.. even if you have good intent." Leah folds her hands near her abdomen, subtly messing with the fabric of her gloves.
Ducked behind a table, Ciel and Sebastian are mere feet away from Leah and Elizabeth. There's a tall and extravagant cake between them, which unlikely catches the eye of his fiancé, "Why are they here?! Anyway, let's go to where the ladies are.."
"Oh Elizabeth, look at the cake! It's beautiful." Leah muses, admiring the intricate details that surround the dessert.
Shifting her attention from the task of trying to find the mysterious woman, Elizabeth is just as content at the sight of the cake before them, "It is! We must have a slice together when they cut it!" She nods.
"I— I couldn't.." Leah breathes out, placing a hand lightly above her stomach with knitted brows. Even though she's thin, she can never shake the insecurity she developed during childhood, learning she was bigger than other girls.
"How strange.." Sebastian whispers, "For your fiancé and cousin to be here, it is quite unexpected."
"Regardless of the disguise, if we meet.."
"You'll be found out."
Ciel's face fills with panic at their words, "If he discovers me, I won't be able to investigate!"
"Further, everyone here will find out that the young lady is you," Sebastian replies with a monotonous tone.
Sheer dread overcomes the Phantomhive, "If people find out I'm dressed like this, it'll be the ultimate humiliation for the Phantomhive family!" Ciel tries to hold his voice back from a shout, "If it comes to that, I'd rather die! Anyway, we cannot.." he trails off.
"Viscount Druitt is so handsome tonight!"
"His light golden hair is like gold thread!"
Viscount Druitt stands confidently a few meters away, conversing with guests. To no one's surprise, women speak of his looks from any corner of the room.
Reluctantly approaching the man, Ciel tries to keep his composure and act as he would a lady. As in copying how he sees Leah act. Unluckily for Ciel, he's barely able to get a word into the Viscount before the dreadful voice of Elizabeth emerges from behind him.
"Ah! Found you!" Elizabeth calls out, starting to approach excitedly.
Barely an inch behind her, Leah is tugging on the girl's arm and trying to pull her away, "Stop chasing people! Can't we get a snack or something?" she huffs.
Cursing under his breath, Ciel is quick to dart off and away from the pair, "I was so close too!"
"The girl in front! Please wait!" Begs Elizabeth, nearly unaffected by Leah's attempts to drag her back.
It's an annoying game of cat and mouse, with an extra player to intervene. Ahead of the girls, Sebastian leads Ciel through the people. But not far behind them, Leah rolls her eyes at Elizabeth who never seems to know when to give up.
Hand in the air, Sebastian waves over a butler, "Gentleman, please give a glass of lemonade to those ladies." he says while whisking Ciel away, pointing in the direction of the young Earl's fiancé and cousin.
Elizabeth holds initial confusion at the sudden offer of lemonade but Leah appears more than pleased, giving her a chance to catch her breath after the brisk walking to keep up with the blonde. Holding the glass between her gloved fingers, the Barrett girl hides her unstable breathing to take large gulps of the liquid while Elizabeth merrily chats away to more women around them.
Unfortunately for Leah, her break is short-lived when Edward quickly approaches her from behind. Gently grazing a hand past her shoulder, the older boy smiles widely, "May I have this dance?" he asks.
Fighting back a startled gasp when Edward suddenly appears behind her, Leah gives a lopsided, but soft smile, "You may."
Walking towards the dance floor, Leah gives one last look in Elizabeth's direction as they leave her behind, only praying she doesn't cause the unidentified lady any more trouble. But while distracted by her friend, she hardly notices that she brushes past Ciel who stands tightly next to Sebastian.
Guiding Leah to the dance floor, Edward takes her right hand in his left and places his free hand around her waist, leading the two of them in the dance. The dance is a classic waltz, one of the first dances that many learn. Following the music, their steps move in sync and Leah's dress skirt flows with her movements, her unlowered hems freely brushing across her ankles and calves.
"I'm glad I caught you in time. I thought you'd spend your entire evening chasing after Elizabeth," Edward chuckles, twirling the shorter girl in his arms.
Keeping her eyes trained on his, Leah smiles. "I was preparing to. Balls are a lot less fun than I thought they would be.." she complains.
The brunette's words earn a chuckle from Edward, both of whom barely notice Ciel and Sebastian just a few feet away from them. Somehow Elizabeth doesn't either, fixated on her cousin in the pretty dress yet is incapable of recognizing him. That could be explained by Ciel ducking his face out of their view whenever he can.
When the song ends and everyone returns to their original states, Leah lets go of Edward and returns to Elizabeth's side, brushing her shoulder past Ciel's and muttering a quick apology. Approaching her smaller friend, Leah's brows knit together when she realizes she is just staring off into the distance. Or more so, a particular boy in pink.
"Elizabeth?" Leah calls out, lowering her head to come between the blonde and the form her eyes are fixated on.
Blinking in surprise, Elizabeth looks up to meet the blue eyes that bore into her green ones, "Oh, Leah! How was the dance with Edward?" she asks.
"It was alright.." Leah shrugs, "What are you looking at?"
"The girl in that beautiful dress! I still haven't gotten to talk to her.." Elizabeth leans to look past Leah's shoulders, "But here's my chance!" The blonde announces, setting off with a pep to her step.
Leah sighs in irritation as Elizabeth begins to approach Ciel, currently in an uncomfortable conversation with Viscount Druitt. 'That girl never knows when to give up.'
Ciel himself is practically shaking in his shoes, knowing of the two familiar figures who are quickly closing the distance. In a quick matter of luck — aka, Sebastian — Ciel's initial worry of his life being over is somewhat reassured in a matter of seconds. Watching the butler wearing a masquerade mask slam down a cupboard between Ciel, Leah, and Elizabeth, he hides his surprise at the demon's sudden plan.
"The ball is at its peak, so at this time, may all the gentlemen and ladies watch this magic performance I shall do with this cupboard!" Sebastian announces. "That gentleman," he shifts his attention to Lau, "Can you assist me?"
Lau's signature smirk paints his face, "Me? Why of course."
Leah and Elizabeth both watch in amusement and wonder, eyes sparking with sudden interest.
"This is an ordinary cupboard. I will now enter it."
With the rest of the guests enamored by Sebastian's display, no one notices Viscount Druitt and Ciel sneaking off away from the party.
"After I go into the cupboard, tie it up tightly with these chains," Sebastian explains to Lau, handing the chains over to him. "And then these swords will be used to pierce this cupboard."
Drowning out the last of the explanation, Leah finally racks her brain to recognize a familiar face. "Is that Lau?" She questions, furrowing her brows before looking to her left to see Madame Red. 'I suppose Ciel didn't come after all?'
As much as the Barrett enjoys being in her thoughts, the train is quickly interrupted when she is brought back to hear Lau make exaggerated noises while impaling the box with Sebastian inside. The guests all look with utter shock and worry at multiple swords stabbed into the cupboard, a smiling Lau to accompany it.
"He suddenly went from the top?!"
"He really did it without restraint!"
Lau, who seems entirely proud of his work, sparkles, "Alright, let's see if he's alright?" he suggests.
Taking the swords out of the cupboard and undoing the chains, the door to the cupboard ominously begins to swing open. Everyone watches in silent worry before bursting into shouts of surprise when Sebastian steps out completely unscathed.
"A miracle!"
The room is filled with sounds of applause, replacing the previous silence that could be cut by a knife. Stepping away from Elizabeth, Leah slowly walks over to Lau and Sebastian who she can now see.
Clapping cheerily, Madame Red has the smile of a happy child, "That was quite impressive, Sebastian!"
"Sebastian? If everyone else is here, then where is Ciel?" Leah questions, tilting her head.
"You can never be too surprised with that boy! I'm sure you're glad to be here though? How was your first ball?" Angelina gives a smile to the young Barrett.
"Well it's not my first.. but honestly. Never again." Leah sighs. All the attention she received, even without having to interact with anyone, was enough for her. Then following such a hyper Elizabeth around all night? The brunette is more than glad her mother chose to not debut her this season.
— ౨ৎ —
"What's the meaning of this?!" Ciel shouts, slamming down the latest newspaper. "The Viscount didn't go anywhere last night!"
It is another day in Ciel's townhouse, but not a particularly welcome one with the latest news. Around the room, the aristocrats are stationed in different spots of the room, holding the newspapers to observe the headlines displayed in bold words.
"If the suspect could not carry out the murders.. it's an impersonator.. no, it's possible there were others from the beginning." Lau speaks, standing in front of a bookcase.
Madame Red furrows her brows, "Meaning the Viscount isn't involved?" she asks.
"I have to come up with something again.." Ciel sighs. "We have to narrow it down. Sebastian, organize the list." The blue-haired teen demands.
Sebastian places a hand on his chest, "Your humble servant understands."
Later that same night, thunder and lightning crash around the townhouse. Leah and Madame Red sit around a small table, Ciel in his lounge chair a slight distance away. The trio are all wearing their sleep attire, paired with simple robes wrapped around themselves.
"There are four and a half million people in London alone. During the season party period, there's be even more." Ciel groans, smacking the papers on his left with the back of his hand. "If we relax the requirements, the pool of people increases even more."
"You're still working?" Leah questions, tilting her head to which her untied hair follows.
"Leah. Madame Red."
"Sometimes you don't need to work so hard." Madame Red smiles, holding up a box with the design of a chess board on the front. "Want to relax a bit and play this?" she asks.
"International chess, huh? It brings back memories.." Ciel says.
"Is that so? Because Sebastian was coming, I got this out from the attic!" Madame Red muses. "Come! Take a break! Take a break!" Angelina chants, pushing some papers off of the table.
"Grell, please prepare some tea!"
"It's already late so I've prepared herb tea made from wild roses," Grell explains, placing a cup in front of each aristocrat before pouring them a cup.
Hesitantly picking up her porcelain, Leah sniffs at the liquid before bringing the cup to her cherry-tinted lips. Taking a small sip, she recoils in her chair at the salty taste, spitting it back into the cup and placing it back on its plate.
"That's repulsive.." Leah sighs, leaning back in her seat.
"This tastes bad!" Madame Red shouts, "Why is herbal tea salty?! And you call yourself a butler?! Do it again!" she demands.
Grell shakes in her shoes, looking at her master, "Even so, I'm still a butler!" she tries not to raise her voice in response.
The red-haired woman lets out a breath of irritation, not bothering to listen to Grell's continuous apologies. Turning in her seat to observe the butler clad in black, she leans a head on her hand, "That butler of yours, whether he's capable or just a workaholic.. that's not much?" she questions.
"This is nothing," Ciel states in response.
"Since he's so capable, you should just make him do the investigation on the Viscount instead." Madame Red suggests.
"That is my 'power' and 'hands and legs'." Ciel holds up a horse piece, "Sebastian is merely one of my chess pieces. It is not possible to move the chess pieces without me, the person behind it. If I won using a free moving piece, that would not be to my credit." Ciel says.
Placing his horse piece on the board, he snatched up one of Angelina's pieces. Madame Red seems to be slightly surprised that her nephew has managed to snag another, trying to think of a new strategy.
"The one who gives the order will always be the master. Without my command, he will—"
Poor Leah has begun to tune out the conversation, eyes flickering closed out of utter boredom. The sound of the rain doesn't make her feel any better, slowly lulling the teenager to sleep in her seat.
Minutes pass before anyone has noticed Leah fell asleep. The first to notice was Madame Red, checking on the girl in her odd silence after she made her turn on the board.
"She fell asleep?" Angelina questions, which prompts Anna to walk over.
Glancing down at the chair, the maid sighs as she observes the sleeping brunette. Hair slightly sprawled across her face, parted lips, and faint breathing is displayed, all while sitting in an uncomfortable position.
"I will have her moved," Anna bows, "Please enjoy the rest of your night."
Before Anna has to chance to attempt to lift her mistress out of the chair, Sebastian places his papers down to walk over, "Allow me." he leans down to pick up the young Barrett.
"My, she's lighter than I thought she would be.." Sebastian says in surprise, fighting the urge to begin throwing her around from how little effort it would take.
Anna glances up at the butler, "Yes, she has a habit of not eating. It's been more noticeable over the years." she says, now walking with Sebastian toward Leah's designated room in the townhouse.
Most of the walk is silent, a silence that can't seem to decide if it's a comfortable one or not. Anna's dull personality makes it hard for her to entertain conversation, rather than choosing to focus on getting Leah in bed. Thankfully the townhouse isn't as big as a mansion, making it easy to reach the room.
Moving ahead of Sebastian carrying the young lady in his arms, Anna opens the door for him and stands to the side as he shuffles inside. Adjusting the girl in his arms, Sebastian pulls back the blankets and lays her beneath, turning back to Anna.
"Goodnight.." Sebastian smiles, walking out the door.
Approaching the sleeping Leah, Anna hardly pays Sebastian any mind as she prepares her mistress's items for tomorrow. "Goodnight."
— ౨ৎ —
It's only a matter of months before a multitude of people are gathered in a chapel to attend the unexpected funeral of Madame Red, the air filled with sadness and tears. Leah stands close to the coffin, observing Angelina who now lacks color with a blank look.
However, underneath her tough exterior, the girl is fighting back the tears that threaten to spill from her eyes. "I feel like you understood me in a way.. Even if we didn't speak much." her voice wavers, swallowing the lump in her throat.
Just as Leah lays the flower in her hand beside Angelina's head, the doors to the chapel swing open, prompting everyone to look back. Ciel stands front and center, Sebastian behind him to the side holding a hat to his abdomen with a solemn look.
"Ciel..!" Elizabeth exclaims, standing a few feet away from the coffin herself.
Releasing a breath through her nose, his fiancé watches as he walks closer with a crimson dress slung over his shoulder, "I knew you'd show up eventually." she gives a sad smile.
Leah steps back from the coffin, giving Ciel space to say goodbye to his aunt. Watching as the Phantomhive sits atop the podium holding the coffin up, she watches warily when Ciel swings the dress on his aunt and gently touches her face.
"You know white flowers and subdued clothes do not suit you. What suits you is passionate red. The color of licorice burning in the Earth." Ciel leans down to place his face closer to Angelina's, "Aunt Ann."
Just as Ciel finishes speaking, red flower petals begin to flood into the chapel. Everyone looks up and around in surprise, gasps filling the room while Sebastian stands outside with a carriage full of petals. Aiming her head up, a couple fall on Leah's head and face, causing her to release a small giggle.
Pulling away from his aunt's body, Ciel gives her one last look, "Good night, Madame Red."
Leah, Ciel, Sebastian, Lau, and Anna all stand by Angelina's grave. The young Barrett stares down at the touched dirt, solemnly holding her hands together to give silent remorse. Beside her, Anna keeps a hand on Leah's shoulder in comfort but makes no further moves.
"You did not inform the Queen of Jack the Ripper's true identity?" Lau asks.
"I did not think it necessary." Ciel replies, staring at the headstone, "After all, Jack the Ripper is no longer in London."
Looking up in confusion, Leah turns to Ciel with knitted brows, "Who was Jack the Ripper?" she questions.
Meeting his fiancé's eyes, Ciel feels the sorrow pouring from them. Unable to break the truth, he decides to leave her in ignorant bliss. At least for the time being.
"Do not worry about it.."
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