#egghead marvel
87ofbite · 1 year
Got some marvel legends for around 10 bucks each, and I gotta say, these things are a blast
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months
Great. Apparently nighthawk's ex-girlfriend was egghead's hippie daughter. The defenders comics didn't tell me this initially. I actually had to look up the character to be sure. But yeah. She's egghead's niece. She was even introduced in ant-man and the wasp's solo stuff in the early 70s. So that's an interesting reference. I doubt anybody was really clamouring for the return of egghead's niece, but i guess it works.
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pbnjsammy · 10 months
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Still practicing but did a quick sketch of my Symbiote SpiderVerse OC Havoc that turned into muscle shading practice. Edit: Dark gray looked much better than blue shading
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marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Defenders #42 (Conway/Giffen, Dec 1976). Okay, they do make an effort to reconcile this with Hulk… Strange complains that the team is tired after fighting him. But the absence of Red Guardian and the reappearance of Valkyrie’s old armor suggest this was a hasty backfill adapted to meet this month’s deadline.
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makeminebronze · 2 years
Another Marvel miscreant celebrating his 60th this year is Ant-Man's nemesis, Egghead! Sure, laugh all you want, but Ol' Eggy has made the leap to multiple animated series, video games and even made a movie appearance! Not too shabby for a guy killed off in the Bronze Age!
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marvelreader · 2 years
Tales to Astonish #45 (Apr 2, 1963)
The return of Egghead but this time... he has a goatee! The highlight here is Don Heck's art. He's no Kirby but everything at this time is drawn by Kirby so it's a nice change of pace. The Hank/Janet dynamic is already feeling tedious.
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Lee / Huntley / Heck
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watch-joey-collect · 3 months
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earth-93 · 10 months
Stars & Stripes Hotline [Version 1.11]
C: \login\Nowhere_Man
Directory of C: \BrigadeFiles\Avengers
04/21/2006 11: 43 AM Total Files Listed: 16 File(s) 538, 687 bytes
Directory of C:\BrigadeFiles\Avengers\PYM_HANK_JR.txt
[file data =
Main Alias/Moniker: Ant-Man
Legal Name: Henry Jonathan Pym, Jr
Other Aliases: Hank, Hanku, Junior, Bug-Man, Party-Killer
Date of Birth: September 5th, 1976 (Age: 27)
Status: Alive
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Gender: Cisgender
Height/Weight: 6' 0" (1.83 m) / 185 lbs (83.91 kg)
Hair/Eye Color: Blond / Blue
Timeline (1976 - 1987): It's wild to think now, what with how so many of us these days are carrying around a piece of tech with his name on it, but when he was first born Hank Pym was living closer to the rest of us. Hank Pym Jr, I should say, though these days I don't know if the distinction is needed anymore. Hank was still in training pants when his folks were first running PymTech out of their garage. That might be why Pym is less of a chav in my book than Stark. Building and programming in their garage. Reminds me of my mom, but she was just trying to make a living. The Pyms had far loftier ambitions, and living snack dab in the Valley they had the means to seize it.
Before Hank had even finished grade school, his family were millionaires, and PymTech had become the hot new thing on the commercial tech market. Those good vibes in the Pym workplace didn't trickle down into the Pym household, though. By all accounts, was the kind of father who would give a sneer and a shrug to anything short of an A+ grade. Hank's mom Maria was the emotional crutch of the whole family, who Hank himself was really fond of. So when he was bluntly informed by his old man that Maria had died in a plane crash when Hank was eleven, he went numb to it all, even when his sister Hope got into a shouting match with Hank Sr. The siblings spent the rest of their childhoods in separate boarding schools, where Hank kept his head down and largely kept to the books or his ant-keeping hobby.
Timeline (1987 - 2002): For Hank, one of those "boarding schools" was the Tomorrow Academy in New York. The three people of note Hank would meet up with during this stretch would be Elihas Starr, Tony Stark and the future big guy himself, Bruce. All four of them had the mutual baggage of growing up with bad dads and quirky hobbies, but Starr wasn't so much a part of the group as he was a tag-along with Hank. They all went in different directions once the Academy was shut down in '91, but Hank and Bruce would keep in touch.
Hank spent the 90's on the academic grind, and in-between racking up a slew of consultancy gigs. He did his best to keep an arm's length from PymTech, eager to carve a name for himself. This caused some beef between Hank and his sis. While Hank kept away from their old man's business like the plague, Hope firmly planted her roots there. All the while, the siblings kept working long-distance to find ways to apply Pym Particles in the new millennium. Hank would only help his sis so far. He knew his way around Pym Particles, sure. But if PymTech blipped into the air the next day, he likely wouldn't have lost a wink of sleep.
So when Starr, who had spent the last decade more on the business end of the tech world, had been climbing the corporate ladder back at PymTech, Hank didn't use his minimal influence as a shareholder to ward Starr off from booting his dad out of the head chairman's seat. As far as Hank saw it, his old man was the big roadblock to what Hope wanted to do with Pym Particles, and he assumed the best of intentions in Starr. Just one of many regrets saddled onto Hank Pym. Before things really hit the fan, he finally set up shop in PymTech, through an offer made by Starr. Hank took up a spot in the company's AI division, all while Hank kept workshopping his own AI projects in the basement of his family's estate.
Timeline (2002 - 2003): After the "lab accident" that kvaporized Vernon Van Dyne and put his daughter (And Hank's beau) in a coma, Hank could no longer deny his old buddy Starr was trouble. He kept up appearances within the company, all while Hope and her group made a plan to ouste Starr and foil his plans for PymTech to get into the arms racket. In the end, they only succeeded in one of those things, thanks it part to Jan's now-infamous 50-Foot Woman incident. But Starr was gone and Jan had sprung back to life, so as far as Hank was concerned it was a win.
Hank was the only one among the group to support Janet's aspirations to get into the superhero game, calling it "unconventional therapy." He even volunteered to go out on patrols with her, and was the one to come up with the whole bug schtick for the two of them in the first place. It was out of the box behavior, something I'm sure Hank himself would admit to. The few times Hank has been pressed on it, he's cited what Dr. Richards and his whole crew had been doing over in New York around the same time. Me, I think that drive to carve something out for himself was what pushed him into something so out-there as dressing up in a red suit and a shiny helmet. The influence of Jan, who was probably the best thing he had going for him at the time, didn't hurt either.
After about six months of "Ant-Man & The Wasp" becoming a big west coast sensation, Bruce was apprehended and detained by SHIELD. That following summer, a plan was brewing to surgically resolve Bruce's condition, and Hank volunteered to help his old Academy alum, and Jan tagged along as well. Being seasoned heroes by them, Hank and Jan held their own once all hell broke loose later that day, and they both were on the ground with Fury while Thor was duking it out with Graviton above them. They got it out of Fury the connections SHIELD had with Graviton, which really got under Hank's skin. So when the smoke cleared and Fury made his offer, Hank shot it down and sided with Stark, even though Hank barely trusted Stark much better than Fury. Enemy of my enemy, I guess.
continue data? y/n]
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smbhax · 1 year
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From “The Terrible Traps of Egghead!” in Tales to Astonish #45, July 1963. Stan Lee plot, Ernie Hart (as H.E. Huntley) script, Don Heck pencils & inks, Artie Simek letters.
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comicchannel · 2 years
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Marvel Legends Series Build a Figure Ultron Comics Hasbro F6577
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/3jW4Dhx
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3lD9o03
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eliah · 2 years
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elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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spreadsheet cleanup EGGHEAD (ELIHAS STARR)
Comicvine: 127 issues Marvel.Fandom: 75 appearances across 18 variants 2-3 video games*
classic Ant-Man (Hank Pym) rogue Ant-Man and the Wasp (flashback) 
borderline medium-high priority for the @MCOCwishlist
- Other Gabe
*Depending whether he was in both LEGO Marvel’s Avengers and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2. It appears that he was. He was definitely in the 2007 Marvel Trading Card Game app.
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wanderingmind867 · 5 months
Clever cross promotion of their comics. Egghead, The Mad Thinker and The Puppet Master were supposed to team up, but only Egghead managed to get to the Avengers. The other two get beaten by Namor and Captain Marvel (Avengers #64):
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kissyboots · 1 month
I did a custom Jervis so my Jonathan figure won't be lonely. Now my lab boys can do science stuff together.
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They so cute 🥰 🥺😭
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Look at his beautiful hair!
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Jervis's body is a Marvels Egghead figure
And Jonathan's is Herbert from re-animator
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marvelousmrm · 2 years
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Giant-Size Defenders #4 (Gerber/Heck, Apr 1975). Disturbing tale! Kyle isn’t ready to commit to his new girlfriend, Trish Starr. When a car bomb injures them both, the Defenders seek out the Squadron Sinister. Meanwhile, Hank Pym seeks out his old nemesis (and Trish’s uncle) Egghead. Turns out, Egghead caused the explosion to punish his niece for not financially supporting his villainy. Trish loses her left arm, and Kyle remains unwilling to commit! No one comes out clean this time — it’s all really bleak.
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danwhobrowses · 2 months
One Piece Chapter 1122 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back
A bit late, scanlations didn't come in my time zone yesterday and I've been unable to graft out time until now. Also My Hero's final chapter happened so I had to read that too.
But finally, back from another break in One Piece. It's 'getting off this island, this time, for real' time in Egghead, the Sunny still soars in the sky, Vegapunk's broadcast is still ongoing and there are some lingering factors still to consider.
Let's see how the chapter unravels them
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Sadly Yamato's cover story has been so boring that for a split second I got excited about seeing a Smoker cover story, but instead it's a redraw of an artwork (edit: a redraw of My Hero's mangaka's artwork, which is sweet), he looks badass though - Oda make Smoker badass more in the story! He and Tashigi need some Ws
Vegapunk's last reveal that the One Piece will decide the fate of the world has led to international worry, many not exactly thrilled with the idea that the fate of the world is likely gonna be in the hands of pirates
Pirates of course are happy, the world's smartest man just told everyone that the One Piece exists, there was more deniability when it came from a dying pirate after all
Impel Down are rambunctious, as Oda reminds us that the broadcast is piggybacking off of all Den Den Mushi whether people like it or not
Many misc Vice Admirals don't like that reveal either
Koby though, remembering his first encounter with Luffy, is forced to put himself at odds with his friend once more
Koby you know Luffy ain't like that can't you just resolve to stop his opposition?
Buggy meanwhile wins the hearts of his masses by refuting that it'll be 'his world' but rather 'our world'
His gesture at least spares him more assault from Crocodile and Mihawk - who it was really directed to
Devon and Augur are still with Caribou, asking Teach if they should kill him
Blackbeard seems willing to hear him out, which means a lot of worry awaiting Fishman Island and Wano
Vegapunk's broadcast is once again cut off after Vegapunk utters Joy Boy, with Warcury having once again damaged Emeth
As the giants call out to it's mecha kin, the Den Den Mushi inside explodes, ending the transmission once and for all
Up with the Sunny, V. Nusjuro makes chase, I guess he can gallop on air?
Zoro does prepare to confront V. Nusjuro but it's time for Emeth to do THAT JUTSU
He apologizes to Joy Boy and charges
He also apologizes to Luffy, realising that he's not the same person
What a spread though, it's like a painting seeing the Sunny flying overhead, the Gorosei's forms one side, Emeth in the middle and the longboat on the other, also with the reveal that Emeth is sorry that he couldn't make Joy Boy King
King of what though? It was implied that he led the Ancient Kingdom, perhaps he like Rocks wanted to be King of the World?
Emeth asks for Luffy's name, and he does his usual declaration
Pulling out a knotted rope, Emeth marvels at him having D. in his name
He unknots the rope, and an immense Conqueror's Haki emits from it!
Emeth thanks Luffy for letting it hear the Drums of Liberation once more, and demands that he doesn't die
The haki is so intense that not only does it revert the Gorosei to their human state, but it sends Warcury, V. Nusjuro and Ju Peter back to Marejois!!!
Mars is there waiting having been given the Manga's second successful space launch
Oh Shit! Imu even felt it, and they are rattled!
I wonder if this confirms that Imu is somehow connected to the Gorosei in some way?
Also we have a new shaded character acting as an attendant to Imu, wonder who that is?
The Sunny lands safely, much to the crew's relief
Only Saturn remains, staring down Emeth as he remembers an encounter with Joy Boy
Sadly it seems Joy Boy wasn't a giant, his silhouette is small and he must look Luffy-like
In the past Joy Boy tells Emeth that 'the time is at hand'
That Haki was Joy Boy's, which he embedded into a knot for Emeth to use, knowing that Emeth will likely outlive him
He permits Emeth to untie the knot when their life or someone's life that they care about is in danger, so they will be there to help
Joy Boy happily notes how it's like saving him with help from the past
Emeth seems to shut down once more, heartbreaking that his last memory is hoping that he won't feel lonely
Welp we pour one out for Emeth this chapter
This was an exciting chapter to come back to, and it once again puts Haki in a new perspective. Shanks has already shown that Conqueror's Haki can be utilised differently than just a shockwave or coating, but this was a lingering imbuement, something that stayed intact long after Joy Boy died, that is very fascinating.
The fact that Joy Boy's Haki could repel the Gorosei shows the ceiling Luffy and co need to get to as well, it feels like we've just breached the surface of how powerful Haki can really be, the will of the spirit, the quality of a King. And we have to mull on that, because being King does mean a lot, the end of the chapter shows Joy Boy - at least his silhouette - to be a caring person, focused on being able to help his friends, but what did Emeth want to make him king of? Was it Joy Boy's will to be king too or was it like a Whitebeard thing where he wanted to make Ace king? I'm not saying there's duplicity but the conflict between Joy Boy and the very shaken Imu could be a conflict of ruling philosophy, two extremes rather than a comfy middle ground. Food for thought at least.
With the threat of the Gorosei gone, minus Saturn we should still keep an eye on him (maybe Saturn didn't get sent back because he did technically sail there? The rest were summoned), the crew are safe to leave. But there's still other matters to deal with; the mother flame is still in Saturn's hands now, York that bitch is still alive, there's also the worldwide reaction and however Morgans wants to spin this (we never did get a reason to have a video feed from Vegapunk? Maybe his explanation of the D or the recent cutoff had the visual aids?) and there's whatever CP0 will do - I doubt Saturn will treat their and Kizaru's failures as unable to be helped, not to mention Sentomaru and Stussy's treachery.
The all out pirate war is on the horizon though, Koby looks like he's gonna step up again even if it means opposing Luffy, but as we leave Egghead the world is for sure about to be shaken more than it's ever been shook.
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