#eh i'll worry about that once i get to it lmao
distant-velleity · 1 month
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Just listen to your instincts and do what feels natural!
[SR Music Week] Yuhua joins the battle as a dancer and backup vocalist for Hazard/Riff! Many thanks to @raguiras2 for hosting this Music Weeks event!
Voicelines and concept sketches beneath the cut~
Summon: Don’t think that I’m in this to win, I’m here to have fun and do what I love. That’s fine, right?
Groovification: — LOCKED —
Set to Home Screen: A little rocking never hurt anybody, did it?
Home Transition 1: Actually, confession time, I’ve started to feel a little shy. Everyone in this group is so talented in their own way, y’know? …But I gotta keep up and pull my weight.
Home Transition 2: To think Deuce would be a leader for Hazard/Riff… Well, not what I expected, but where else would he go? It just seems right. …Sorry, just thinking out loud.
Home Transition 3: So this is what Allen looks like when he’s in his natural habitat… Ah, I’m just making some observations. I’m not trying to say anything bad, rather—the opposite of that. Like, he seems… more sincere?
Home, after login: Practice waits for no one~ I’m gonna go start warming up. Wanna join me?
Home Transition (Groovification): — LOCKED —
Tap Home 1: Eh? You didn’t think I’d ask to join this group? …Rude~ We can’t all be soft all the time. 
Tap Home 2: It’s funny to me—all you have to do here is call something a competition and—boom. Even someone like Leona’s motivated. …Oops, did he hear me say that?
Tap Home 3: Working with Floyd is a double-edged sword—when he’s having fun here, I get all excited, too. But if he’s not in the mood, then… haha, we just gotta hope and pray.
Tap Home 4: Don’t worry, I’m used to wearing loose clothing when I dance. Compared to the long pants and dresses I sometimes wore, this fit is like a breath of fresh air~
Tap Home 5: I wouldn’t touch me if I were you—I’m all sweaty and tired from rehearsal. 
Tap Home (Groovification): — LOCKED —
Duo Magic (yes I know SRs don't have them but let us dream):
YUHUA: How about we give them one hell of a show, Vizzie?
VIZZIE ( @twistedwonderlandshenanigans ): We’ll blow them away with the sound we’ve got, Yuhua!
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ALRIIIIGHT let's get into the design of this bad boy
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the idea was ... basically just a bit of techwear, modern street style, all that-- i was sort of winging it haha. i wanted a very loose and free style with the cargo pants, belts, and unzipped jacket, while the hood was added for dramatic effect when i started the lineart~
i felt like experimenting with his hair so once again i slicked back the right-hand side of his part, i would have given him his pre-overblot hair (for more variety w/ the long hair) but to be honest i kind of like the short hair with this look~ it kind of screams kpop idol but whatever HAHAHAHAHA
fishnet under clothing was an absolute must, and i went a little more on the ""bad boy"" look by giving him the chain and cuff earring on one side... plus the dramatic eyeliner/eyeshadow... yeah. RIP yuhua's lip gloss we will always miss you
also shoutout to V for volunteering vizzie for the duo magic-- i love me a good RIOFY friendship
(as for headcanons on how yuhua would act during this whole event, um-- he'll behave i promise 🥰🥰 he'll try not to let his inferiority complex get the best of him I MEAN WHAT WHO SAID THAAAT)
i can't think of anything else that i thought about particularly hard during the process, so uhm-- thank you for reading this far and no promises on when i'll get the groovified version out if ever LMAO
art taglist (ask to be added or removed, i'm very sorry if i forgot someone): @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @elenauaurs @casp1an-sea @nahelenia
@skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @scint1llat3 @nyx-of-night @nemisisnemi
@beneathsakurashade @ramcatshackle @kathxrat-01 @the-banana-0verlord
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solarisfortuneia · 1 year
— 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬.
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diluc is hopeless with grocery shopping. luckily, a kind stranger is more than willing to step in and help.
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✦ info: diluc has no idea what he's doing and neither does the author, modern au, strangers to lovers kinda, possibility of ooc-ness, grammar mistakes may be present, there is absolutely no logic here, 2k+ words.
✦ warnings: none.
✦ notes: well, it's this fic again! thought i'd repost it because i'm in the middle of working on a sequel. though with my time management please don't expect it to be posted anytime soon lmao (and don't worry! i still have the original taglist saved.)
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would it be far fetched to call grocery shopping an art? and to call one able to navigate the labyrinthine aisles efficiently nothing short of a master? 
perhaps it would be. 
though, if it was an art, you'd be but a mediocre artist. not horribly unskilled, but no one would be in awe of your nonexistent prowess at brandishing coupons at cash registers. 
you shake your thoughts away. what are you thinking? who made you so eloquent in the middle of aisle seven? you ask yourself, gaze scanning the various items on the shelves. focus on your groceries, dummy.
okay, let's see, now. you stop in the middle of the condiments aisle, recollecting the items you need.  ah yes, ketchup and mayo. hmm, where would they be? 
aha! you see two familiar bottles on the second shelf, and you carefully place them in your cart. a glass jar with a green label and a red lid catches your eye. chili paste? you consider your potential purchase. eh, i'll get it. it's on sale.   
now, let's get some rice.
you round the corner to get to the grain aisle when you see a man, clad in a brown coat and incredibly polished shoes, with hair so red you'd think his head was on fire, just. glaring. at a bag of rice. you sneak a glance at him, wondering if the rice had wronged him in some manner.
deciding to ignore him, you pick up a five kilogram bag, then heave it into your trolley. and as you prepare to push it with the extra weight, you spy the man picking up the exact same bag, brand, weight and all. huh.
thinking nothing of it, you continue on your merry way, hoping to get your shopping done as quickly as possible, assuming that it'd be the last you'd ever see of the man.
but it appears fate had other plans. you spot him once again in the canned foods aisle, glaring at another innocent, harmless grocery item. the victim this time, you ask? a can of baked beans. 
you throw another sideways look at him, lightly tapping the pads of your fingers against the handles of your trolley. who even is this guy? you silently watch as he picks up the same brand you've put in your cart moments before. ah, he was probably just confused.
however, you’re still a little concerned about the man. does a grown man truly not know what he's doing in a grocery store? you scan the shelves for a random item, and your eyes land on a can of baby food. a light bulb goes off in your head, and you decide to test something. quickly, you grab two of them.
you open your mouth the second after he moves to get the same thing. “can i help you, sir?” he freezes at the sound of your voice, hand halfway between his body and the shelf with the exact thing you just picked up, baby food in hand. you raise an eyebrow, "are you aware of what you're buying?" 
he sheepishly rakes his hand through his hair and shakes his head. "i'm afraid i'm not." he clears his throat, color beginning to creep up his neck. 
you grin at him. “check the label on the can.” you watch as this giant of a man turns the can around, and slowly turns into a human stop sign with the way his face blazes. you know you probably shouldn’t find the sight of the man with such an intimidating expression turning to a flustered mess so adorable. 
“my apologies,” he clears his throat again, then rubs the back of his neck, eyes averted. “i’ve never been shopping before.” he sets the can back, refusing to meet your eyes.
“oh, don't tell me.” you tease, lightheartedly. “is it a case of a rich boy living on his own for the first time, without anyone to do things for him?”
the look on his face answers for him. his eyebrows nearly climb to his hairline, and he blinks. you laugh, incredibly surprised at your assumption being true. “in that case, let me help.” you hold out your hand, taking pity on the man. “do you have a list?”
he fishes out a hastily scribbled list from the depths of one of his coat pockets that simply says bread, milk. 
sigh. “it seems i have my work cut out for me.” you take a gander at the items in his cart and spot the rice, the beans, along with three varieties of bread and a two liter bottle of milk. well, at least he got the items on his list.
you pick up the bottle, skimming over the other details to find the production and expiry dates. “just out of curiosity, did you check the dates on the milk?” 
he slowly shakes his head. “i figured as much.” you gesture to the numbers, and motion for him to take a look. “this expires in two days. i doubt you’ll be able to finish the whole thing by then, so you should probably find a bottle with a more recent production date.”
if there ever was a god of grocery shopping, diluc ragnvindr would be the bane of his existence. 
why were these stupid stores so confusing? why were there so many brands of everything? why in the hell were there so many types of oranges? and these trolleys, good lord. just why were they so difficult to maneuver?
all the aisles blend into each other, and all diluc can do is stare emptily at each product he finds, unable to make a decision. 
he'd have better luck finding his way around if he was randomly dropped in a venetian calle.
diluc has no idea what he's doing— in the store, at home, even in life. 
living on his own for the first time since his dad passed away, in an apartment much tinier than the lavish mansion he was used to, struggling to keep his head above water, the young ragnvindr only knew ingredients once they'd been taken home and properly organized in containers and shelves. 
he'd rather the world not see him fumbling, though. so he decides to do the only logical thing one can do in his situation. he picks a person and does exactly what they do. 
after all, when one is in rome, do they not do as the romans do?
in hindsight, he should've just researched online. he should have decided his purchases earlier. or ordered the damn groceries online. because then he'd be able to avoid the embarrassment of being tricked with a can of baby food. 
baby food, of all things! why couldn't it be something a little more dignified? 
he watches you quickly replace the offending item on the shelves and push your cart in another direction before he could react. “come on, then. off to the dairy section we go.”
not wanting to be left behind in this headache inducing location, he hurriedly pushes his trolley too in an attempt to keep up with you. kaeya would never let me live that down, he thinks as he does. 
with a pang, he shoves down the memory of his brother as far and as deep as he can, choosing to focus on the present, lest he end up in another spiral.
you lead him to milk he was supposed to get, and he watches you carefully as you examine the dates on the bottles for him. moments later, you beckon him close with a curl of your palm. leaning slightly, he peers over your shoulder. 
“always try to get the one most recently produced,” you tell him, and he nods. he follows the movement of your finger tapping your chin, clearly pondering. his gaze travels a bit higher, and as he sees your lips move, he realizes that he completely missed what you were saying.
“pardon?” he stumbles ungracefully on the initial sound. 
“what's your favorite fruit?” you repeat. “that'll be first on our list on what to get for you.”
his favorite fruit? he didn't think he had one. “peaches,” he blurts, finding himself unwilling to disappoint you with his lack of proper response, his eyes falling on a peach milkshake drink. 
his ears note your change in tone, voice turning excited. “oh, they're one of my favorites too!” warmth engulfs his gloved hand and he finds himself being dragged to the produce section. 
“what about the trolleys?” he asks, mind still reeling from the sudden hand grabbing on your part.
you wave off his concerns. “oh, they'll be fine parked to the side.” you all but drag him to the peach display. “now, pay close attention, okay?”
as if he needed you to tell him that. “i'm listening,” he says. 
you pick up a peach with bruising. “when you're sorting through peaches, look for the ones with no blemishes. they don't spoil as fast. same with apples and pears and such.” now this, he knew. but he still nods along, a picture-perfect student. he sees your eyes and wonders how anyone's could be so gorgeous.
later, he dutifully nods a little more as you explain the specifics of choosing potatoes. 
“the potatoes should be firm, and there should be no signs of green,” 
should he be taking notes? he stamps the involuntary urge to hunt for a notepad in one of his pockets down, deciding he did not want to embarrass himself any more in front of you.
you seemed to glow even under the unflattering light around you, hair lit by it as you tell him about how to look for the right cauliflowers and broccoli. 
how could someone look so ethereal while standing next to onions? 
diluc ragnvindr. get. a. grip. they're only talking about vegetables. 
you ask him to tell you the price of the eggs while you sort through carrots for both him and yourself. he walks over a couple of yards, carefully examines the label and returns to report the number. 
“that much?!” you eyes widen. “my goodness, that should be considered robbery!”
...was it? he thought it was a reasonable price for a carton of eggs. still, he blindly agrees. you smile, having caught on to the fact that he had no idea what the price should be, and he can't help the pride that spreads its wings in his heart. (though he probably shouldn't be, considering why you smiled, he was glad that he was the cause of it.) 
the rest of the shopping goes in a similar manner. you tell him things. he nods, he observes another one of your features, then notes down whatever you tell him mentally. 
by the time you reach check out, both of your trolleys are filled with the exact same items in the exact same quantities. except for two items in his cart that he reached for out of instinct when he saw them on the shelf: a chocolate his brother liked, and a snack his father used to eat often. 
he contemplates leaving them behind, but decides against it at the last minute just before the cashier scans them.
he sees you reach into your pockets for a wallet, and sees an opportunity to repay you for your help. 
he's quick to pull out his own and hands his card to the cashier before you can say a word.
“i insist,” he says, when you protest. “it is only fair i do this in return for you helping me,”
you sigh, giving him another one of the smiles he had started to adore. “alright, thank you.”
the two of you walk outside the store together. cool wind ruffles both of your hair. “well, i guess this is where we part ways,” you say with a laugh and a wave. he manages a soft smile in return. 
“farewell, then.” he watches you walk away, still standing at the entrance, shopping bags in hand. "dammit." he curses under his breath.
he'd forgotten to ask for your name.
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valeriianz · 3 months
For the fic writer asks:
4. Obviously you did research for BitB. I'd love you to ramble about it if you like I'm sure you've got STORIES
5. Did you outline it?
7. How'd you decide it would be Hob's pov?
25-27 I'd love to know a/some favorite lines, details, and any lore you might want to share
omg TJ what wonderful questions! thank you!! this is going to get LONG!
4: Rambling about research!
do you wanna see a screen shot of my bookmarks under my "band au" folder?
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man, and that's only what could fit on the screen.
there is... SO MUCH i chose to ignore for this fic. ideas that i had to drop, lines or extra details about the other band members equipment. more logistics, what Lucienne actually does, what Mervyn has to put up with as the new touring stage manager... i realized very early on that i couldn't possibly cram all this (super cool and eye opening) information into the fic and still keep reader's interest and, most importantly, to not stray away from the fact that this is a dreamling fic. whenever i felt myself getting carried away with a side character or job or even social media numbers, gossip, outside POVs, i had to reign myself in and get back on track. there will be time for exploring everything i missed in side stories after BitB is finished. i just hope i still have the energy to write it all.
once, i was so deep into research that after publishing chapter 2, i went into work and when my chef asked what "GA" meant on my prep list, i answered with full confidence, "general admission."
(it means "get ahead.")
the worst part of this entire writing process is im still learning new shit. i havent rewatched or read a lot of what i've saved because, to be very honest, i was feeling a little burnt out. it's why we're kinda full steam dreamling now. it's why ive been glossing over a lot of technical stuff and being vague about conversations amongst the crew/not including it at all. i don't prefer ignoring my research, but at the end of the day i want to still enjoy writing this fic and finish it. even if i can't be as descriptive and detailed and nuanced as i used to be.
5: Did you outline the fic?
(also asked by @hardly-an-escape!)
i wouldn't call what i have a proper "outline," it's more like a 20k word document filled to the brim with notes that i skim at least a dozen times while i'm writing a new chapter (being in my brain is literally hell). i live multichapter life very dangerously. i copy and paste lines or sections (always scattered, never together! augh!) that are meant to go together and plop them in a new document titled "band au ch.#" and then i structure the chapter around what i want to happen.
but to answer this question in the plainest of terms: yeah. i know exactly what's going to happen up until the very end. even if its all in my head and the only concrete shit that's written down are beats/plot points. i'll figure out the rest later!
7: How'd you decide it would be Hob's POV?
i actually never even considered writing it from Dream's POV. this was my first fic in the fandom (which is so nuts to think about lol) and writing in Dream's POV sounded so scary lol. i also just thought Hob's would be easier because i have worked a few backstage shows, back in my college years. i figured eh, i can make this work. and i loved exploring how weird and mysterious musicians can be, from a normie's POV. making Hob a fan first and having him worry about developing a parasocial relationship... it was fun to explore.
25: Share your favorite line
oh god, i have so many haha.
“What are you thinking about?” starting in ch.2 and onward lmao
“It’s–” Dream laughs quietly, bitterly. “I don’t like change.” He says each word with emphasis, eyes trailing down to fixate somewhere past Hob. “And I still hold onto the things I can control, like my instruments–” his eyes swing up to regard Hob apologetically. “Or my clothes or my–” he brings a hand up and wiggles his fingers around his head. “My hair.” ch.4
"His majesty is pleased." ch.5
“You are obsessive,” he states, slow and cool and with a quiet smile cracking through his composure. “Just like me.” ch.7
“You look good.” Hob has to lean in to say so, unwilling to raise his voice amongst the roar of the fans. ch.11
“Del looks like porcelain, but she’s actually made of steel.” Desire swirls the contents of their glass before pushing their shoulders back with a deep breath. “She's tougher than all of us.” ch.11
“Everything. I want…” his fingers tighten in Hob’s hair, pulling him closer, speaking against his lips. “…Everything.” ch.14
26: Share your favorite detail
how intentionally coy Dream behaves. i love keeping him a mystery and deciding when and how much to allow his intentions to peek through has been so fun lol.
Despair is in fact covered in tattoos and piercings! i say this because i feel like sometimes i forget lmao. (but also her and Hob don't interact much so. my bad haha).
Delirium's constant explosion of color in the way she dresses <3
Hob's dedication to his job, Dream, and the people he cares about the most. i don't care if people think i'm making him too soft and good, im gonna project on that man and make him a sweet, sweet simp lmao
and ah, this doesn't matter anymore, and i kinda regret doing it but. i originally had Dream's favorite bass all black but the pickguard was white. so it actually looked like Jessamy. not gonna lie when @designtheendless drew it all black i decided i liked it better that way. and truly i do. that's when i went back to ch.1 and changed it haha. to actually see the guitar with Dream, all done up sparkling black and purple flecks... gosh it's just so him. but then i got up to the reveal that the guitar's name was Jessamy and i was like, "oh, right." lmao. no one seems to care so i'll leave it be.
27: Share a piece of lore you made up for the story
i have a lot lmao. and this post is already so long... im hoping i can get to some if not all of it in side fics in the future. but for now, here's some that's more like headcanons but:
Dream hates flying. he can full on go into panic attacks on the plane if he allows himself to get into his own head.
this was mentioned briefly in ch.4, while Dream was discussing the formation of the band, but Despair was in another band before joining Endless. she is the only character in the fic who gets to keep her English roots (lol sorry) and is the oldest in the band (30).
all of the band members ages: Dream, Desire, and Death are all 28 and Delirium is 22.
Dream can experience subdrop after going too hard during a performance.
Dream paints his own nails, it's very therapeutic.
as an exercise, i explored my own headcanons for Dream in this verse in a word doc, and one thing i will share from it that you might find interesting: If I were to ever give Dream a theological values, I would describe him as a satanist. He is a physical and pragmatic person, nonconforming, and although he is introverted, he enjoys being a part of a community (he loves his band).
also found this in my notes: How Desire and Dream got along was Death making them fight it out. Hob raises an eyebrow “like in a brawl?” He couldn't imagine Desire throwing hands. “No, in a pillow fight that escalated in hair pulling and verbal taunts.”
fic writer asks
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
SONGFIC IDEA inspired on "ilomilo" by Billie Eilish
maybe reader got abducted or kidnapped while in a stablished relationship with Leon, they did so many experiments on him that he doesn't know what's real and what's fake anymore so when Leon rescues him he's so fucked up he believes Leon is part of his mind, that he's not real.
this one could be HEAVY ANGST but i'll leave that up to you since this is just a general idea. Reader could die? Reader could simply stay in a mental facility getting tortured and his only source of happiness is seeing Leon even if he believes is an hallucination? Reader could one day actually know that Leon is real? Get yourself inspired by the song since these are just ideas!
Also this is kinda my first time requesting a songfic so idk if this is good lmao
I love when my own angst makes me cry 🙂
Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Angst]
Resident Evil
"Don't worry, Lee, I'll be back soon, I promise."
Told you not to worry
But maybe that's a lie
Maybe I shouldn't make promises I can't keep, eh? (M/n) could feel his head spinning, all the blood he lost being the cause of it.
He was trying to keep his eyes open, to maybe try and see the person that had done this to him. Perhaps he would be able to identify them once they were captured, but all attempts were useless, his sight was getting more and more blurry as the seconds passed. All he could do was hear the booming sound of a bullet being shot, a few tears brimming in his eyes as (M/n) realized everyone in his unit was dead, or close to dying
"We'll take good care of you, Agent," he heard a woman whispering in his ear, kneeling in front of him, gently brushing his hair out of the way.
(M/n) opened his mouth to say something, but he had used the last bit of his energy, his eyes closing as he passed out. The woman giggled and glanced behind her, the man standing there smirked and signaled to the B.O.Ws standing aside to pick him up and take him to the van waiting for them in the parking lot.
No one would find them, not until he had finished with (M/n) first.
Where did you go?
I should know, but it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
Leon... Leon...
Was all (M/n) could think when everything done to him was over, when his body was left twitching and pulsing against his will, unable to stop the reactions of his body to whatever had been injected into him.
He would close his eyes and think of Leon, seeing his lover was the only thing that could ground him, keep him somehow sane.
(M/n) hated being in that room. It was always cold, it made goosebumps cover his skin, and he knew his breath was foggy, but feeling Leon's touch on his was enough to warm him up for days on end. But then, he would see how Leon would slowly disappear, and (M/n) knew he was about to be put through the same thing again.
And every time it happened it just got longer and longer, or felt like it did.
I don't wanna... be alone, Leon, where... Where did you go...?
Blinking a few times, he would be greeted with the same bright light, surrounded by people wearing surgical masks and sometimes, chemical protection suits.
You're... Probably at home, or... Looking for me... Please, find me soon...
The moment Leon was notified of what had happened to (M/n) during his mission, he froze. Everyone's voices faded out, and he felt like he was being kept underwater, he couldn't breathe.
He was monetarily lost in a trance, when the flashing image of (M/n)'s lifeless body appeared in his mind, as if mocking him. Leon slammed his hands on the table as he stood up, snapping back to reality.
I can't lose another life
"I'm not losing (M/n) too."
Hurry, I'm worried
The world's a little blurry
Or maybe it's my eyes
With every minute, hour, or day that passed, everything got worse. (M/n) could feel his body slowly giving up, quicker with each time he got subjugated to these experiments.
It got to a point where he no longer knew what was fake and what was real, he didn't know if he was even alive anymore, and yet, the only thing that continued to work, the only thing that kept him awake every day, was Leon. Thinking about Leon let him that he was alive, the heat he felt surge through his body, the feeling of his heart speeding up, the homey atmosphere Leon brought with him was more than enough for him.
Leon sits with him, next to his bed and they talk, and Leon loves him the only way he knew Leon would.
(M/n) blinks when everything around him gets blurry, and he realizes that it's his sight the one distorting everything. Are they... Done now?
His thought process is slow, difficult, and rather painful for him, but he's able to understand the things happening around him. (M/n) hears guns being fired, explosions going off, people screaming and then alarms echoing everywhere. He grunts in pain and his eyes stare at the door as it opens.
"Leon...?" He whispers breathlessly, his voice gone from all his screaming, so it's impossible to hear him over the sounds of the sirens, but Leon didn't need to hear him to know that (M/n) was calling out to him.
His legs trembled as he ran further inside the room, tripping and falling to his knees next to his bed, picking himself up and hugging (M/n) tightly, tears running down his face nonstop, choked sobs racking in his chest, his hands desperate gripping onto (M/n) to make sure he was there, alive.
(M/n) had a small smile on his face, his arm slowly lifting to stroke Leon's soft strands, making the man look up at him. Struggling to move his body even an inch, Leon held his hand and nuzzled his cheek on his palm, sobbing as he felt (M/n)'s thumb gracing his warm skin as he wiped his tears away.
"I feel safe... When I'm with you, Leon... I'll always will..."
The friends I've had to bury
They keep me up at night
Leon would never forget how (M/n) died in his arms the moment he got to him. The soft and loving look in his fading eyes, the gentle and understanding smile pulling on his lips, the touch of his burning hand becoming colder by the second.
He had been staying on (M/n)'s grave every day since his burial. He didn't care that he was slowly killing himself, he had lost the only thing- the only person in this fucked up world that had given him some hope in his life. (M/n) was his light at the end of the tunnel, but now he was in complete darkness, because lights eventually run out, and sometimes... You can never replace them, because you could never find a light as bright and lasting as that one.
Said I couldn't love someone
'Cause I might break
Every day he stays there, basking in his memories, unable to stop beating himself up for not finding (M/n) sooner. If he only had been there a day earlier then maybe- maybe he would still be alive.
"I just wanted to protect you," he mumbled weakly, his voice breaking as he let himself be drenched in the pouring rain, at least his tears were unnoticeable now. No one would know how long and how much he has been crying for the past two weeks.
No one needed to know. He would only cause problems for everyone anyway.
Was hoping you'd come home
I don't care if it's a lie
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☆ Thoughts On Part 2 ☆
Time for the unhinged companion to my part 1 post, lol. I love how much these musicals surprise me, I always have such a fun time and oh boy do I have thoughts and feelings about part 2.
Once again I am not going to be able to capture every thought I have about everything because there is... so much. But I can try to express a portion of it, so on with the rambling!
Meanwhile / Sia's Vision
I love part 1 & the new characters we met, but I was definitely missing the rest of the quartet so I was so excited to get to hear them again today. That being said, I was totally unprepared for how I would react to their arrival (heh). I was damn near kicking my feet and I was close to either giggling or crying basically the entire time, but I guess they balanced each other out so I basically just vibrated in my chair instead, lmao.
I'm so happy that Margaret has been to Lincoln Island before? I was a little worried that she didn't even have a chance to see that any of her people had survived before she was sent away and she lost her memories. (However the hell that happened.)
I love how John and Samuel are both like "I can accept this mysterious magical woman saving our lives once, but TWICE? That is a little suspicious. 🤨😑"
SIA'S VISION. It happened years ago, and now we know we're not alone that Sia went straight from 1835 to 1874 just like the quartet, so she must have gotten the vision sometime between 1829 and 1835, proooobably a lot closer to 1829, since she said 'years.' She sees the Antikythera being claimed by the Ellen Austin, and evidence of Margaret's transformation magic as well as her radiance. She also saw John (the scientist) screaming for Rose as she drowns while the Antikythera takes on water, perhaps sinking entirely.
SIA'S PLAN. (MAYBE.) Okay so I very well could be wrong, lol, I'll get that out of the way right now, but I think Margaret had already been sent away when Sia had her vision. Part of this reasoning is simply because it would feel more satisfying to me if the quartet didn't come together entirely because it was forseen, and also because Sia says 'our Margaret returned.' Idk, just the delivery of that makes me feel like she must already be gone at that point. Sia wouldn't have left Margaret somewhere unsafe, so she probably looked around New York to scout it out, and/or maybe she was watching from time to time, to make sure she was okay. So maybe she saw the Stratfords at some point—Samuel says he read about Margaret in The Sun, so maybe she was interviewed in the building and they occupied the same corner of the city at just the right time for Margaret's guardian traveler to see the twins?—and then when Sia has that vision, she recognizes them and that's when she knows they have to keep these people safe. (And maybe she uses a bit of magic to send a certain scientist a certain paper about certain discoveries to ensure he joins the party...?) So in the years before the quartet gathers together, Sia makes plans with her friends. I don't know exactly what these plans are and won't really try to guess, but clearly part of it involved scheming with Addison to make me SO WORRIED about her and the crew leave her ship (and an orrery for Rose) drifting on the Sargasso at the right time and place, AND they must have had enough foresight to be prepared for Sia's 39 years away; we didn't hear her poof back to let her friends know when she was going, and they knew when to expect her return, so it must have been pre-arranged to some extent. So Sia skips ahead, dropping off the quartet in 1874 and returning to Lincoln Island where Rose has already been learning and testing for 9 days, until it's time to meet Margaret again on the Antikythera. And now we're caught up. (Was this whole ramble necessary? Eh, maybe not, but I needed to think about it and it took long enough to type that I'm not deleting all that, are you kidding?)
Arrival, part 2
aw, yay! I'm glad Margaret and the boys all got a similar welcome to Rose! I wasn't sure if there would be any fanfare for Samuel and John, lol.
The twins are reunited! 😭❤ (And Margaret and John get to say hi to Rose too, yes, yes, I was very happy, but this isn't about them right now. TWINS.)
Dakkar and his scanner, lmao. (Going to try and fail to not think about him taking out his trusty tech as a distraction when he witnesses the siblings' reunion. I'm totally fine and normal about this, guys. Trust me.)
Yes, filling everybody in about Kal! I suppose he was the specific threat they were worried about when they were trying to verify Rose's identity in part 1, which would probably make sense if he's Itzal's attack virologist or something. But I have concerns about how the scan went. Addison tells us Kal has a way of tracking people he encounters and the scanner they use to check has a database that doesn't recognize anything on Samuel and the others, but, uh. AFAIK that scanner has been here on Lincoln Island for 45 years, nice and protected. How many updates have they gotten? And what was that Kal said back in TGOA? "Non-lethal fog, my latest brew." ...YEAH. I HAVE CONCERNS.
Not Rose's somber "We must keep looking for the key" after the chorus 😭😭😭 We know Sia's been reassuring her and Ahlaam has been insistent that there's no pressure on her, but uh. There is pressure. And Rose probably feels some degree of guilt for not accomplishing everything these literally magical people hoped she would after they saved her life.
Margaret almost recognizing the people around her, Dakkar echoing/answering the calls we've heard from Margaret since the beginning of the story..... AUGHHHHH 😭
I am very interested in Samuel and Addison's dynamic (to put it lightly) and I want to know what the captain is so curious about bears for.
Magic Ways
I love this song so much. We get to receive lore in an easily digestible way AND the music is amazing???? Move over, Schoolhouse Rock, I only want to learn things from the Travelers and Searchers from now on. (This joke isn't even good but I've wanted to make one about Schoolhouse Rock since the premiere so this is what we get. sorry, lmao.)
SEVEN, SEVEN MAGIC WAYS! Radiance, Perception, Protection, Illusion, Healing, Movement, and Transformation. If I'm understanding correctly, everyone from the Blazing World has the Radiance. (And I assume every descendant born on Lincoln Island does, too? although if they didn't have any magic because they lost their connection to their world that could be interesting... 👀) It seems to be the root/core of it all, if it's the one everyone shares. All the magic connects them, but I think the Radiance is the deepest and strongest connection. I am not going to rattle off about all of the magic ways here because, well, reading my ramblings (delightful as they are) doesn't hold a candle to listening to the actual song, lmao, but I am going to share my ideas for what kinds of magic the different BW characters might have.
SIA — radiance, movement, perception, transformation, possibly more; if she was helping Margaret train her protection magic, then I think it could be reasonable to suspect Sia may also possess it? But that's a maybe for now—Sia could simply know both Margaret & how protection magic functions well enough to be able to coach her.
AHLAAM — radiance, movement, illusion (I believe she was going to cast an illusion spell on Rose during Two Weeks as one of the tests, and she also tells us about illusion magic in the song), possibly more; Ahlaam doesn't specifically say that she only had three magic ways, unlike...
DAKKAR — radiance, healing, protection. He says that "three is more than enough for me" so I think we can safely assume that's it for him, unless he has more magic that he just doesn't use for whatever reason, which could be an interesting idea. No evidence for it tho, I'm just saying words. <3
ADDISON — from what we know so far, she might have only one magic way, the radiance, but I keep thinking about her journal. Margaret had to use transformation magic on it to be able to read it, so does that mean Addison also has that power, or did somebody else (Sia?) transform the journal specifically so Margaret would have to transform it back and use her magic? Or, as some friends have joked, is Addison nerdy enough that she just writes in invisible ink?
MARGARET — in TGMH, we saw her use the radiance for the first time. in TBS, movement. TGOA, transformation. in this episode, she has started using protection magic. Matt has told us that there will be 7 pulps and there are 7 magic ways, so I'm wondering if we'll see her unlock or regain all the magic ways, with one new power returning in each episode. We still have one more part to go for this episode, so we'll see if this theory is disproven real quick or not, lol.
Thank Gravity
hi, what if I exploded?
the only m/f pairings I care about are written by Matt Dahan and this is only a slight exaggeration
what if I just, like, perished. would y'all be cool with that.
I am so not normal about how we've gone from them both yearning for 'a place with no laws of gravity' to them both thanking gravity—
have we considered the option of me just walking into the ocean? I think that might be the best course of action here.
oh my god. I love them.
Masterpiece Containing Masterpieces
Jackie's absolutely gorgeous art shows a bit of bright blue sky visible from the bridge of the Nautilus, so I'm guessing everyone got some much needed rest and continued the tours the next day, lol.
godddddd the callback to Margaret's Apartment. Maps of the Earth and sky lavishly hanging from golden frames—I need to bite something. (/pos)
John, if you're asking questions you should at least give people time to finish answering them, lmao
Someone is going to push one of those damn purple buttons and everyone is going to have a bad day, calling it now. If it doesn't happen this episode, it will happen in one of the later ones. And I am going to be glaring at them all mistrustfully until it finally happens. 😑👉🚫🟣‼️
Samuel and his imagination going crazy over the orrery's potential... and the way Addison talked about the Firestone getting burnt out, I wonder if that means it isn't repairable. Maybe Firestones are extremely rare, idk. curious how this orrery is still able to help them with the Gate somehow. WOULD LOVE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT THESE GATES, BY THE WAY. JUST SAYING. /lh
EDIT: oops, the orrery on the Nautilus is not the same as the Antiythera's, I don't think. but it still seems like this one can't go back in time, going by the conversation!
Before the Island
yessssssss new solo John song for me to lose my mind about. also a casual reminder that Curt Mega is so gender it's unfair. <3
John, I love this for you. so much. go crazy, run wild, be silly and push buttons—NOT THE PURPLE ONES, FFS 🙏—and be happy with Rose.
John thinking his dad would understand what he's feeling instead of feeling smothered by his father's legacy and afraid of disappointing him......... 🥺😭❤
Ipomoea, part 1
the cover art!!!!!
This song is so goddamn pretty. Natalie and Kim's voices are heavenly together.
the imagery Margaret describes is so gorgeous, I want to draw it.
Margaret is closer than she's ever been to getting her answers!!!
and here we learn another time travel rule, which simultaneously makes me go "oh cool, that will probably make the timeline a little less messy" and "oh poor Sia, you lost 39 years with your besties" and "HEY SIA SO YOU BASICALLY LIED ABOUT BEING ABLE TO HELP ANNA GET OFF THE SATELLITE, HUH? CARE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF??" (This isn't really even about Travelovers, this is about Anna being LEFT UP THERE and someone needs to give Sia a talking to for this, on mine and Anna's behalf. 😭 John, you've smooched your girl, now go be mad for your bestie, plz.)
hi Dakkar, ilu, please never die
Ipomoea, part 2
I was a tiny bit worried about where this was going. I expected him to start using magic against Margaret to force her to defend herself, so the way he's like 'yo we should totally have Sia try to attack/kill us both' instead so they could combine their protection power was a really cool and delightful twist
I also love how Sia absolutely knows where this is going
Dakkar and Margaret are both so committed to this, & the way they sing together!!!!!!!
THEY'RE SIBLINGS! I don't currently have the brainpower (or time, tbh) to truly & accurately express how I feel about the reveal. Feel free to read my very smart friend's cool post about Dakkar and Margaret instead, it's very good.
I know I had a little "et cetera" sort of section at the end of my last post with some other thoughts, but honestly I am tapped right now, lol. Matt Dahan packs so much cool stuff in these episodes that there is undoubtedly a bunch of really cool theories and connections I haven't even touched upon in this post, but that's okay, it's long enough as it is. 😂
I love pulp so much and I am VERY AFRAID and VERY EXCITED for part 3.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to rewatch part 2 until Mr. Dahan himself pries the video out of my greedly little hands.
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ilovelosersandshortmen · 10 months
Todd with a reader who's not a mutant, they let him stay at their place, technically their parents but eh same thing, instead of the place Mystique has the brotherhood in?
Have a good day! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Tumblr media
Moving in with Todd Tolansky Headcanons!!
Thank you so much for the request! This is such a cute idea, I love it. The first thing I thought of was Gideon Graves in the rain honestly lmao. Anyways, here are my head canons for Todd living with this non-mutant S/O! As always, I'm sorry if I don't meet your expectations or anything, I'll always try my best!
(Slight TW for mentions of not eating and injuries)
• It took him a while to admit that he needed help, which isn't very surprising. His pride is one of the only things he has to his name.
• You first start noticing problems when he would turn up to school, tired and beaten down from battles with the X-Men.
• He's constantly falling asleep in class and looks like he's on the verge of passing out a lot, which is obviously worrying for his partner.
• Then you notice that he's not eating. He ignores his hygiene, he constantly gets sick. And he brushes it all off so that you don't get worried about him.
• But obviously you're still worried. Once you realize how awful his home situation is (no food, running water, constantly being forced to fight, etc) you immediately decide that he's going to live with you.
• You approach your parents and surprisingly they're pretty chill about it! (If that's unbelievable for anyone, just imagine it's a cool aunt or something)
• At first, Todd denies your offer. As much as he would love to be connected to your hip at all seconds of the day, his worst fear is you getting annoyed by him. Or you seeing him as a burden.
• But eventually, he relents. He just can't say no to you!
• It's rough at first. It's a big transition and he can't help but feel like he's asking too much. Even when he just asks for some water or something.
• Eventually, after showering him with enough affection, he'll start to get more comfortable.
• Also, he eats constantly. Like, there's no way that boy isn't starving. A diet of bugs isn't nutritious enough! He's probably extremely skinny too. Why do you think he wears such baggy clothes all of the time?
• After a while of living with you, he starts to get some of the life back in his face. He smiles more, he's more energetic, it's honestly a really nice change.
• He really doesn't know how to thank you, so he just does random things for you throughout the day. He likes making you food and drinks and he wakes you up gently every morning by rubbing your back (just so you don't get startled by the alarm AAGSHSG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH)
• He's still extremely clingy, but being around your parental figure makes him really nervous. He'll barely even hold your hand if you're around an adult, just because he wants to make a good impression (this boy definitely has parental issues btw)
• Todd also really appreciates your parental figures for allowing him to stay with you, so he'll do things like cleaning the dishes and buying them flowers. He just really wants some validation, you know? (same)
• All in all, he's always extremely appreciative of you. He looks at you like you're his entire world, because you really are!
Wow, that got a bit more angst-y than I actually would. I'm sorry for making it sad, I don't know if that's exactly what you were thinking, but it was the first thing that came to mind. Anyways, thank you so much for the request!! I hope I could at least come close to what you were thinking.
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irritablepoe · 1 month
Idk what your original post was all about but once again reminding you this is your space and you aren't responsible for other ppl if you are complaining in your own space/to the air and everyone else can respectfully suck it 💜🙏
Also ppl take things too personally imo I think it is important for other ppl to remember if someone is complaining about something that upset them it isn't always about you in fact most of the time it isn't about you unless you literally did the exact thing the person is complaining about. And even then arguing against someone's feelings when they are actively upset doesn't yield any sort of positive results or undo the hurt, you are just throwing your own emotions unprompted at someone who is already down.
Anyways sry to get on a soapbox but yeah, ily I'm sorry you are dealing with bullshit and I hope you can be gentle with yourself today even if other ppl aren't. I won't join Meli in the killing since they def can handle that on their own but I do agree that you are absolutely allowed to be selfish and I have a shovel in my trunk for any occasion don't worry about it 💀🙏
(I know I went on a bit of rant but pls don't feel obligated to answer publicly btw if you don't want to have it on your blog or something literally does not bother me at all)
hi hello thank you so much for this ask lue, you're too sweet😭😭🙏🙏
it's literally so exhausting but also, i was mostly upset that they were directly projecting it onto other authors and that they felt discouraged leaving comments now bc of this. i never even said short comments are bad, just that this particular comment was a bit disappointing (i said in my og post that i was not being serious about this). but not commenting on authors works because of me saying that is just. what.
idk i'll try to sleep the day away maybe, i thought today would be better but well..
ILY TOO AND I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! <33 and omg i got knives and shovels on my side lmao, no need for it though dw dw <3 i'm sure even though they hurt me they weren't ill-intentioned. "selfish" just triggers me a lot and it kinda set off my already aggressive mood. i'm sharing my writing for free, i don't know how any of this could be selfish, i don't. fucking. get it. i really don't. like if they'd been a small author like "at least you get comments" i would have been like "eh yeah true" but as a reader idk... to pout and say "well would NO comments be better then?". bruh. i just want a bit of appreciation for the efforts, what a sin apparently
anyways. i'm very overly dramatic about this and now i've lost a mutual i think. welp. ruining my reputation as a sweetie, wtv
thank you again for everything!💜 i hope you're having a good start into your free time :3
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nerdylittleguy · 2 years
How Knockout could be Mr Smelt, continued!
This post is a continuation of my previous post, made prior to the newest episode releases. If you haven't read the prior post, you might want to. This should go without saying, but spoilers for episodes 11-18!
No, sadly no fancy mind maps this time round :((
Time to build on my theory with info from the new episodes! Here are some notes I made while watching them about things I found relevant:
EPISODE 13: Focus on "the teachers" at the beginning. Is teaching much more of a key theme? TARANTULAS WANTS TO DISGUISE HIMSELF WITH A HUMAN AVATAR???!!! JACKPOT!!! THATS WHAT I SAID KO HAS DONE, SO ITS POSSIBLE??? Remote piloting... Like my original theory!! Omg!!!
Episode 14: BREAKDOWN!!!!!!! AHSHAHYSHAISBAUANSOJAIANAJDJSJSJJ EEEEEEEEEEEKK!!!! what happened to him. He's basically only relevant bc KOBD, but that race was quite the STUNT, eh? What if mr smelt heard about it? He'd have even more reason to be paranoid, especially now BB is known about, and smelt has seen the new alt mode... And a lot of that race was on TV...
Alright, notes over. Yes, they are a little inaccurate as Tarantulas does actually get his holo-form thing sorted out, I just didn't bother writing it down lmao. But I must say - the holo-form did not disappoint! It did everything that I saw some people say holo-forms shouldn't be able to do, therefore stopping Smelt from being a holo-form, but as we saw, it's all possible! Tarantulas' holo could interact with non-holographic objects, move independently from his body due to the little floaty thing, speak, just generally seemed convincing once all the issues had been ironed out.
And yes, that quote from episode 11 could have been a reference to Tarantulas, Breakdown and everyone else who shows up out of the blue, but i found it fascinating nonetheless - being one of the first pieces of information from the new episodes, it's important... Probably... And somehow.
What with episode 14, I really was hoping for any small reference to KO, but yknow it was a great episode nonetheless!! The cinematography??! So good! There's a few things I found interesting - mostly that the 'speedster' personality so often associated with tfp knockout is actually one of BD's character traits. This could imply that KO will have a different personality - as might have been hinted at through Smelt and his rule following, for example - or, if KO and BD do run into each other, they'll be a chaotic speedster duo! Both. Both is good :))
Obviously, there is also the worry that actually, BD is... Offline, as his hand was seen hanging in Mandroid's lair. Personally, I doubt such an interesting character, especially such a fan favourite, would be killed off after just one episode, but the hand was there...
Anyway, in terms of theory stuffs: In my original theory (that massive mind map), I had a list of three things I wanted to say "I called it!" if they came up, and while the first two both relied on Smelt being in the episodes, however, the last was vague and said "holograms... If anything, holograms...". While there is no way I could have predicted Tarantulas and his holo-form, as I had no idea he even existed before that (yes I am very new here!), I'll still be proud of myself for all that analysis of how holograms work in Earthspark.
Speaking of Tarantulas and holograms, as holo-forms have been introduced through him, I see Smelt potentially being a holo-form going two ways: 1) he is a holo-form! Congrats to everyone who said so :)) - more of a headcannon: potentially he knew/ knows Tarantulas and they did science together? Or maybe they were rivals? 2) seeing as Tarantulas has a holo-form, maybe whoever's in charge would be worried that having two holo-forms would be... Boring? Making KO something else, or Smelt would be just Smelt.
Now, I thought it would be more likely that Smelt would get "exposed" as being KO - as that's the assumption I'm working with here - I now think that's a little less likely, as I think KO might get frustrated of being in hiding. This is mostly based on the fact that one of people I said would be likely to expose/ recognise him might be dead or MIA (Breakdown), one is wounded and teaching his own students (Bumblebee), leaving only one potential person - Alex Malto. Actually, if KO is going to be exposed/ recognised, I think Alex is my best bet. He's also a teacher and an expert in Cybertronian history - he's perfect! He also cares about his kids very much, so if anything would be amiss in school, he'd probably deal with that because he knows the teaching system, so to speak.
The other idea - KO being tired of being in hiding - is based mostly on episodes 17/18 where, in the background of the Bot Brawls, we can see Principal Dan. You know, the head master of the school Robby and Mo go to? (I have a post about some other familiar faces in the background of those opening scenes, assuming they weren't just model reuses). Now, while KO is associated with cowardice (tfp), I don't think he'd stand idly by for too long if his boss expressed xenophobic views about KO's own people.
Actually, the idea of KO exposing himself and Alex being involved could work together - maybe Alex would be worried about something happening at the school, if Dan starts expressing xenophobic views, and goes talk to Smelt about it? Perhaps that conversation would be the 'nail in the coffin' and KO would get angry and say "hey guys!! I'm actually a transformer!!", or something like that, anyway.
In terms of what I think is likely for the final leg of season 1 (it better be soon or I'm throwing fists!! /j);
- I stick by my idea of Smelt becoming paranoid, nervous etc - I mean, imagine you're a transformer in disguise, there's been many transformers showing up near to where you're hidden (including someone who might be your boyfriend/ husband) and now your boss is being an ass. It would make anyone more nervous, especially because I'm pretty sure KO would be smart enough to make the link between the yellow sports car in the parking lot and the yellow car at the races where Breakdown appeared. - people start to get ruder to/ about transformers around each other. This may be a sort of 'things get bad before they get better' type of thing - people get more prejudiced about cybertronians, only to later be saved by them. I would not be surprised if GHOST is secretly making anti-tf propaganda. This would obviously piss off KO, making Smelt more... unpredictable? Angry (rightfully!)?
Anyway, I'm sure I've missed something I wanted to write, but I hope this was fun to read :))
Again, sorry if this doesn't read coherently, I am still tired, and I've still got multiple languages running wild inside my head (thanks, tfa blitzwing!), and I might have blurred my own line between canon and my ideas, as I've already started thinking of a sort of fanfic (I've got so much to do!! It'll just have to wait). And again, thank you to @transformers-earthspark for having a post of where to watch the new episodes! I would go insane without it /lh
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juniperhillpatient · 6 months
For the ask meme: 4, 7, 11, 30, 47 :)
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
Honestly? Before I started Scream AU, it was an ATLA Scream AU! I held onto that idea for YEARS because I wanted to make sure I could do it right - everyone is a suspect, everyone is in danger, & there's a lot of foreshadowing but also a lot of twists. I waited until I felt prepared to do the idea justice, so I've held onto it for a long time. Like, that idea festered in my brain for at least 3 or 4 years. I guess it doesn't count anymore though, since I'm doing it.
Hm... I have a million ideas at all times but one I've had for a pretty long time is Heathers ATLA AU with Katara as Veronica, Azula as Heather Chandler, & Zuko or Jet as JD. Unfortunately, I'll likely never do this one because it wouldn't have Azula/Katara endgame & Azula would die so I doubt anyone who reads my writing wants it.
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
The first fic I EVER wrote? You guys don't need to know about 13 year old Rose's weird Family Guy fanfics, your minds aren't ready. (Also I don't remember & the parts I do remember are embarrassing as fuck lmao.)
Instead, I'll say the first ATLA fanfic I wrote. It's a mediocre high school AU that has Katara/Toph LOL. I was getting my bearings in the ATLA fandom, okay? Also, it is the fic that made the Katara/Azula dynamic take root in my brain even though it's not a focus & I didn't write my first Azutara fic until a bit later lol
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I learned a lot about fashion through the ages when I was writing the TVD Au & giving Vampire!Azula a fun wardrobe filled with fashion from the last century or so. Do I remember anything I learned? Eh. But I did a lot of research!
I don't typically do a lot of research though for writing. My laziest trait as a writer is that sometimes I just wanna say "go with it." I entirely based the football stuff in my college AU on the TV show Blue Mountain State. That's not to say research isn't important, that's to say I'm lazy.
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
Okay, I really live by the quote "if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do" from Angel the Series which is funny because I'm barely a fan of that show. I've watched it all through once. I'm much more of a Buffy girl. But that particular quote has always stuck with me. I'm a nihilist but I'm also a compassionate person & I think this quote really sums up how I look at the world. I used to be an idealist but my belief that the world can be changed for the better has faded over time. Instead, I just believe in being kind & doing what you can & that's how I take the quote - doing what you can, even when it seems hopeless. That seems depressing but like, it's not to me. You know?
47. what story are you most proud of?
I honestly go back & forth all the time. I feel like it might actually be Happenstance (a modern university ATLA au with a sit com vibe. It takes place over the course of a school year.) I'm honestly just so proud of the character arcs, the balance of comedy & drama, & these versions of the characters & this version of the universe. I put my heart & soul into that project.
Thank you so much for asking! I love playing these games & having an excuse to ramble :)
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chanrizard · 5 months
those of us who are normal (i.e. actually considerate of the time and effort it takes to make ANYTHING, especially the bullshit wrangling gifs to look good requires) are absolutely going to miss your gifs, but i know i understand why you're stepping back. it's so so gross that people think they're entitled to the fruits of other people's labors. just because you CAN hit 'save as' doesn't mean you EVER SHOULD. ugh. i'm sorry, sa.
hey anon! aw thank you really i appreciate this 💕💕
tbf i've also been a bit busy with work and luckily the kids haven't put out tons of content lately either...but it's also true i've kinda been sliiiightly obsessing over 911 in the past 3 weeks so my focus has definitely shifted too lmao
and i still love my 8 sons but i don't feel the drive to gif everything immediately all the time like before you know? for now i'm just enjoying the sets my mutuals put on my dash and i'm perfectly happy to reblog them 😁
tl;dr i lost the plot halfway through the 3rd paragraph sorryfmdndj will probs get back to giffing for the comeback & please don't be stinky assholes who repost stuff or at least credit the OPs where you can thanks <3
i'll probably get back to giffing for the comeback around june because i can never resist the siren call of photoshop for too long tho aldjdjdks and part of what i like so much about it is indeed wrestling with the lights and the adjustment levels til the gif looks exactly how you saw it in your mind, it's so so satisfying seeing the before/after once you're done!
and i know it's pointless getting mad at reposters cause they're gonna repost either way and once something is out on the internet you can't really control what people are gonna do with it [insert here trite argument about how gifs are supposed to be shared and enjoyed etc etc which true and everything but maybe give credits where credits are due my friend] and i'm working on the eh. whatever i have more important stuff to worry about mentality but. BUT IM SOOOOO GOOD AT HOLDING GRUDGES AGAINST ENTITLED PEOPLE AND THIS SHIT STILL PISSES ME OFF SO BAD SOooOoOo BAD LMFAO
hence the stepping back for a while cause i'm tired of getting mad over this
like it probably wouldn't irk me half as bad if people didn't try to pass it off as "it's just a gif" but alas it is what it is :)
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
Oh darling don't worry about rambling. I think readers enjoy knowing more about a writer.
The whole procedure sounds exhausting. Wishing you the best of luck in that. And I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
However, I am curious as to why you decided to do a PhD. degree? I am assuming you really like research, I am curious to know why people apply for it. I have been taught that isn't really necessary to pursue, I am not trying to dissuade you, I just want to know your point of view, and I find that interesting.
I haven't had the chance to visit Germany. It is a great country to settle in, If that what you are planning for. I heard a nightmare about their paperwork. God be with you. Will you be taking classes in german or will it be in English? Do you need an English test certification for it?
Also, it is so lovely of you to think of your mom. She is lucky to have a daughter like you.
I hope that you mind me sending you an abnormal amount of questions 😄
when you answer, your Tumblr asks or writes your posts. Do you do it from a pc or from your phone? I found out that I can't send long paragraphs from my pc unless I do it on my phone. I was wondering if it is the same case for you.
I’m not sure what my readers enjoy to be honest hahaha But if you're my reader and want to know more about my personal life haha I don't mind it.
Thank you! I hope everything turns out smoothly too.
About the PhD, I think it really depends not only on the field you're in but also your prospects. For example, I studied Biotechnology and molecular biology, but in my last years of the degree I dedicated myself to nanobiotechnology for oncological treatments. When I joined the nanotechnology team, nano was something that nobody really cared about and therefore it was a really small side of biotechnology compared to other well known parts of it. Once the pandemic hit, the health science field began to have a boom and Nanotechnology was a field that was only being explored for arms industry and cosmetics. Now nanotechnology is being explored in the health industry a lot and, since I'm kinda part of the "teams who were pioneers on it" I've the chances to work and study a field that doesn't have that much "competition" yet but also its "highly demanded". Plus, someone has to do them, you know haha Someone has to investigate the improvements of new treatments. The PhD is the only option for me if I want to keep going with my studies. Like, yeah I could work in the industry without a master or phd and make way more money than the scholarship I'll get. Sorry, long story short, I want to investigate the probabilities of curing Cancer with nanotechnology. This is way too new so they need people to research about it for it to one day be a treatment available for people.
I have also heard that Germans aren't good with paperwork lmao. It seems to be a thing. I visited Germany when I traveled a few years ago. It's a really calm and lovely place. The master is in English and yes I need an English certificate that I already own. Your girl is a C2 or proficient in English like Excuse me lmao jk I don't feel like I'm proficiency at all but the IELTS exam says otherwise lol.
I'm learning German! I'm actually in the middle of my A2 to B1 classes so, careful I know how to say my name lmao. I feel it's a really "boxy" language but a friend of mine, who speaks German said "but Lucy, you speak Spanish as your first language, it's like you speak in cursive. Obviously it feels less "literature '' '' that actually boosted my self esteem lol I've never thought Spanish as a "lovely" language but I guess it is!
I don't mind the questions if you don't mind that I take a while to reply haha
Eh... I've no idea, because I've not send asks is a long while hahah I basically log in to Tumblr to post and I leave because I've like -10 time in my life at the moment. But I mostly post from my computer because the phone app doesn't let me select more than one paragraph at a time and editing is a mess.
But, for example, the tumblr computer web doesn't alert me when I've overpass the 30 tags limit and the phone does. It's weird, tumblr is a mess.
Have a lovely day!
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It's almost the end of August '24,
gosh how fast time flies. I'm currently 28 years, 7 months and 2 days. Sylvia sent me a Tiktok slideshow today. It was a series of illustrations showing a 5 year old version of me (aka your inner child) talking to me, asking me what I'm up to.
I think 5 year old me would find it very hard to get 28 year old me, so I think I'll talk to 16 year old me instead. -----------
Hey girl,
By 28, you would have tried smoking/e-cigarettes (one puff respectively and nothing more - you don't like the way it stays in your throat for the entire day), been on so many business trips you took the plane 18 times in a single year, joined a huge e-commerce company only to be laid off 1.5 years later, ate wagyu, and then accidentally ate pork (next time a menu says serrano sourdough crumble, believe me when I say it has NOTHING to do with bread), become a kpop stan, gone on dates (yes!! you!!), gone to fucking Europe with friends, tried salsa dancing, tried 3 different industries before delving into HR, graduated with a degree in Economics and Politics), got promoted in your job, learned to watch movies (and generally do fun stuff) alone and end up enjoying it, tried bowling, fallen in love with spin class, tried so many different restaurants you would never have thought you could afford, diversified your closet (thank u uniqlo, mango, h&m), generally wake up most days feeling good (no deperesso), and gone for 384,324 concerts. Well, not in that order of course. By 28, you would also have smashed at your O Levels but flunked your A Levels (not once but twice), discovered that the boy whom you thought was your first major crush (can you consider it a first love if he never liked you back?) turned out to be gay (and that's why he won't ever like you back), still not have a boyfriend (despite going on multiple dates), survived a very wtf friendship breakup, survived Jeap leaving for Manila, Nadja leaving for Amsterdam, and Kah Heng leaving for Perth, still have a tumultuous relationship with the demands of your religion, started going for coaching/therapy (mother issues LMAO), STILL get your attire checked by your mother before you leave for work, built a very bad habit of taking Grab rides to work, still haven't gotten your driving license yet, and have gained even more weight (LOL sorry). I think what I'm trying to say is that life has turned out fairly okay in 2024, and honestly I really am enjoying the ride. And I know you're worried sick about exam results + generally unsure who you are as a person, plus letting parents down, but... eh, you'll be fine. You will have fewer existential crises as you learn more about yourself and become surer of who you are, and what you stand for. I do want to thank you for developing a good level of optimism and generally positive outlook in life. Thanks to you, it brought me through some really shitty parts of my journey and delivered me to the other side. Some insecurities never really go away, but that's OK. Anyways, love you very much.
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merveiilles · 2 years
// Scene diagnosis because I'M TRASH TODAYYY;; and King is my resident favourite todayyyy. The canon names for Hero.boy and Hobo are "Chris" and "King" which has been disclosed through a few information sources... and wiki. Therefore I will be referring to them as such throughout this post. also, long post, so i'll put it under keep reading for anyone who enjoys my christmas.movie ramblings. :D I had a few people last year that really enjoyed my ramblings... so, enjoy!!! "Do you believe in ghosts?" [shakes head no] "Interesting..."
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Already we've seen King test Chris' beliefs through their previous conversation a minute before about not wanting to be caught believing, or not wanting to be punked for it. And again, he's testing him. This time, with another thing to believe in. Ghosts. Which, hands down. Tom's performance here, even though motion capture on both characters is just completely amazing. You can hear and feel the eerieness that King has surrounding him and that he carries with his personality. Now, after King walks forward into the blizzard on top of the train, Chris tries to catch up but instead struggles and falls to the ground, attempting to wake himself up from this dream-- at this point, I'd say nightmare interacting with King and being on top of a snow/ice covered train going how fast???? After the music swells, we really see Chris fight to wake himself up from a dream (we don't know if the movie itself is a dream or reality. It's left to the viewer to determine whether or not it is. Just like believing in Christmas. It's left to each to their own. Clever eh? Yes I'm Canadian. Shut up lmao) The train's whistle is blowing and we hear King yelling for Chris in the distance, coming closer with a headlamp on and a pair of skis. Now, King, is a ghost. It's known throughout his activity and we've already seen him preform one ghostly trick- at least in my opinion- by putting out the fire and picking his belongings up in a bindle. (the pack he carries with the fabric and stick... I personally think... if it was a real person, some time would have had to pass to collect everything they had set out. But nope. King does it in one swoop.) But anyway, King returns and yells "Kid!" at Chris, telling to jump on his shoulders and that they need to move forward to the hog- the engine. Now, I really like that they do a gradual close-up on King's face when he's explaining why they need to get to the engine-- to avoid Flattop Tunnel. "There is but one inch of clearance between the roof of this rattler and the roof of Flat Top Tunnel. Savvy?"
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In the behind the scenes / deleted scenes, it was revealed that King came aboard the express one night in the 1930s, and unfortunately, was on the roof, and died at Flat Top. Now destined to haunt the train forever. So, he doesn't have too much to worry about when it comes to the tunnel... But here, on his shoulders WHICH IS ALREADY RISKY WHILE BEING ON A SNOW/ICE COVERED MOVING TRAIN, ON SKIIS. IN A BLIZZARD/GOING HIGH SPEEDS AND YOU CAN'T SEE FOR SNOW. But THERE A REAL LIFE CHILD WITH HIM. HE'S SO SERIOUS HERE. LIKE "Damn, I can't let this kid go through what I did..." As the train goes up the hill, they slide backward, and the snow breaks off the back car of the train, and AGAIN. KING HAS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. BUT HE HAS TO PROTECT THIS KID THAT'S WITH HIM. CHRIS FALLS OFF HIS SHOULDERS WHEN KING USES HIS POLE TO STOP THEM FROM FALLING. KING COULD EASILY TURN OT SNOW AND JUST FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE TO HANG OUT. BUT HE CAN'T. THIS KID WOULD FALL OFF AND BE GONE. King reaches out to hand Chris a pole once the train gets to the top of the hill and evens out in just enough time, and pulls him forward with a crazy amount of strength so now he's standing in front of him and can better protect him while they ski down the tops of the train. Even getting him to hold onto both poles with him to keep them both balanced with their weight.
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The music gets super intense here, and King is on a mission to get this kid up to the engine so he can be safe, becauseeee apparently they couldn't just climb back down the ladder from which Chris came? Unless they were in the middle of all the cars and had nowhere to go but forward. And with the downhill, it made for a somewhat quick solution. They're jumping the cars, over and over again, which, in some scenes the train has 5 cars, and other it has TONS of cars. It's magic? So-- whatevs? also, side note. This jumping the cars part in the GBA game was PAINNNN IN MY ASS TO COMPLETE. YOU NOT ONLY HAD TO JUMP CARS, BUT THEY HAD RANDOM BRICK WALLS YOU HAD TO DODGE. LIKE- WHY. I just kept dying. It was hell. I digress!
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Flat top approaches and King is quickly informing Chris that when he says jump, Chris needs to jump into the cole pile. They're cutting it super close, but like, they haven't had much luck in terms of getting to the engine, but they are very close! they're seconds away from their part of the train entering, and King tells Chris to jump. King then lets go of Chris, ski poles and all, and turns into snow. Chris is stunned for a few seconds, wondering where King went, before realizing that he has to jump into the cole pile- and makes it in time. Blurry cap, scene goes by quickly.
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But yeah! King had nothing to worry about with his own safety but had EVERYTHING to worry about with Chris. There were a few times-- many times- that Chris could have died/fallen off, etc. King already died due to flat top, and he really didn't want it to happen to someone else, especially someone so young. As strange as the spirit is, I really enjoy King's character. I'm always drawn to weird characters like that. I'm also such a sucker for the frozen lake scene. My second favourite scene tbh.
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pandoa · 2 years
okay so, you have really interesting titles here... I mean, at least what I can imagine the stories are about. For tentative titles, they're really good! I wanted to ask about "The Phantom of Ramshackle" *organ sounds* but I actually got curious about Cater's "Every Piece of Me". Cater is a okay character for me but I love imagining he seeing reader having this moment of "I love all of you, Cater" its just <3333
ahhh cater's fic <33 cater was one of the first twst characters that caught my eye when i started the game so this idea stemmed from me crying over the fact that cater seems to often put up some sort of facade around others, like a mask he uses to hide from the people around him.
my idea for this was to mainly focus on cater's internal conflict with the developing feelings he has for the reader. what if you only liked him for his usual cheery personality? what would he do if he knew you were only there for his little facade? or even worse, what if you had seen through his false exterior and wished to stay? to take apart each and every mask he placed on himself and reveal the true side of the young man, cater diamond? the side he hoped to keep hidden away, especially from you? and what if... he had let you see for yourself, the real, genuine parts of his personality?
this will all be in cater's pov. sprinkle in a little angst but with some fluff or comfort at the end. i honestly have no concrete draft for this yet except for the small brainstorming portion i wrote jotting down all of my ideas for this fic lol. idk when i'll actually write this tho- all i know is that i want to work on it and i will eventually~
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libby-is-a-idoit · 2 years
Nsfw head-canons southpark
Hi it's Libby,yes,yes I know I know,but this is my first nsfw post lmao,I'm currently watching South park,so Uhm why not write some ':D also Uhm,this may be old bc Uhm this was on my Wattpad that was written uhmm..like three years old 0-0 as well as it's like three characters xD bc apparently old me only liked those three,and no,there's no Cartman,kiss my ass I do not care 😚
Dude he's just a straight up perv and y'all know that
This dude..he can not keep his hands off of you,he does in public tho but if he got the chance to bend you over and fuck you in 'public' he sure as hell would
I feel as if he's a boob buy more then a thigh or an ass guy,but like I said he will fuck anything that can cum-
His favorite position is probably like doggy so he can make your legs not work or cow girl to also not make your legs work
Quickies? Yes. Something tells me he would probably do a quickie anywhere ngl-
BJ's? Yeah. Yeah I don't have much to say about that buttttt I would like add he would suck off/eat out you like it was his last meal
Dude he's not an expert in this man.
But he's respectful about it y'know
Ofc he's not innocent,idk why so many people write him as innocent.no dude he's friends with Kenny.
I feel as if he's a bit worried about doing anything,he sure as hell didn't make the first move kissing that was all you man-
The first time y'all made out he didn't really know what to do- ofc he knew but he was more worried about you and what you wanted to do!
Sex the first time was hella awkward buttt anytime after he was sweet about it but if he was having a bad day or something and y'all decide to fuck oh sweet Jesus your legs will not work.
Public sex? No,he has a hard enough time just kissing you in public -
Missionary is probably his favorite,but he also would do doggy when he wanted more rough sex,when he had a shitty day and y'all decide to fuck, plowing you in to the mattress seems like a great fucking idea.
BJ's? Eh not so much,oh but sucking you off/eating you out he doesn't have much practice but Damm he knows what he's doing.
Dude he's probably had a few girlfriends before (ahem Wendy)
He's gonna know alot more then Kyle,but not more then Kenny-
He definitely knows how to make you cum with his fingers but dosent mention it till you relized it 
it takeshim awhille to relize he actaully wants to do anything just bc he has trust issues and dosnt know if you love him or not
once he is ready tho it akward as hell, but then once both of yall get the gist of whats going it its spicy 
public sex? nah hes  not even big in to PDA usally due to his friends making fun of him, so he just kinda hates showing affection is public.
bj’s? its more of a quickie thing for him.
Y'all I hate this,do I care? Nah,I'll post a better smut fix soon,but I also am gonna try and put together a master list for y'all just so you guys can see ALL my works that I've done!!! So thank you guys for Uhm reading!
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 3 years
Observer Mirabel turns into a feral cat for a few days. Chaos ensures.
Idk whats going on inside my head. It's 3am rn😂
Nah, a feral cat is too boring.
Lets make her a jaguar that is the size and best night vision of a tiger and the speed and sight of a cheetah AND the loudest voice of a lion AND can swim like a bengal tiger lmao
I'm making her OP lol
I'm feline great
She just woke up like this.
A jaguar.
She gets up in a panic and immediately left her bed, god if her bed breaks she might as well buy another one.
She looks into a mirror, seeing that she did not wear her clothes at all while in her jaguar form.
The only clothes that stood with her was the poncho, and it was ripped.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" She yelled, she did not know that the Observer Madrigals were still in her casita, and heard her.
She moved her front paws, opening and closing them, wow her claws were actually the only amazing thing here. She stood up straight, she noticed she was much more larger than other jaguars, maybe she's the size of a male tiger?
Her door was quickly opened, "Mira is everything-" Observer!Dolores stared at her, eyes wide and jaw hanging open from surprise.
"I am a fucking jaguar." She stated while looking at Dolores with a serious face.
Observer!Dolores backed away, "I'll be downstairs. You- you can wake up the others because it recently became morning." She sprinted back downstairs.
Observer Mirabel blinked, "Okay she can understand me that's good." She walks up to her nightstand where her cracked glasses are.
She grabs her glasses with one paw, carefully not trying to touch its lenses, she wears it, and removes it from her face.
She notices that she has better eye sight. "Huh. Normally I only see blurry figures, but this is nice." She wears her glasses again, and walks out the door.
She quickly runs and knocks on everyones but Observer!Dolores' door and slides down the stairs.
She runs and bumps into the table, "Ouch, are you okay prima?" Dolores asked her, worried.
"One, I am not your prima-" Dolores' deflated "-and two, I am feline great. I will use this opportunity to say every single cat pun I have been taught of by Chat Noir." She stated.
Dolores looks at her in confusion. "Chat Noir? Who's that?" "Eh, you'll get it once you know the fandom." She just looks at her more with confusion.
Both of them began to prepare the table, with Observer Mirabel fixing the chairs and the plates, while Observer!Dolores puts the utensils on the table and the table cloth.
Dolores squeaked, "They're on the stairs, hm!" She ran off, making Observer Mirabel panic.
The first person to get to the dinning room was Observer!Luisa.
She stretched her arms, "Man that was the most relaxing sleep I have ever-" she cut herself off when she saw the tiger sized poncho wearing jaguar.
The jaguar was looking at her, frozen, it also had Observer Mirabel's poncho.
Luisa stared at it, shocked. "Mira? Is that you?" She asked, Observer nodded.
"OH MY GODDD" Luisa squealed, making the other observers go to her.
"Mija? Is something- ay Dios mio-" Observer!Julieta paused, seeing her youngest daughter as a jaguar.
"Mirabel? Are you still a human inside or do you have the mind of a jaguar now?" "Still a human inside, not sure about my organs though, I want to drink coffee- actually can I drink coffee? Because-" Observer Mirabel was cut off by Observer!Julieta putting a hand on her snout.
The jaguar growls, Julieta pulls her hand back, worried that her daughter has the instincts of a jaguar. Observer Mirabel just glares, "I paw-fur if you do not touch me in my feline form Julieta." She did not notice that her mama was sad that she was still called "Julieta" and not mama or mami.
Observer!Camilo, "Well since you're a jaguar now, wanna go to the Warrior Cats portal? It's still there." "Camilo I do not know the fandom remember?" "Oh."
Observer!Isabela snickers, "This will be an interesting week. Imagine if we went to an AU"
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