kimikitti · 1 month
Hi! Sorry if there’s a lore doc or something I missed but I saw your new Obi design and the overblot doodles and would love to know the lore! From my understanding, Obi can consume magic? Did he use that to tame overblots? I’m completely enamored by the idea that all these big scary monsters are just hanging out in Ramshackle. Are the house wardens comfortable visiting with them around?
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Co-parenting with the manifestation of your childhood trauma is always better with a smoothie.
(LOL there is no lore doc. It's just me cryptically posting about Obi and the phantoms and then bouncing. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity for me to rant about the lore I have bouncing around my brain. Also, I probably should make a tag to make all this lore stay in one place. Rant below the cut (May contain slight spoilers))
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Obi and the phantoms:
To answer your first question: Yes, Obi can consume magic. In fact, he needs to consume it to survive. When he consumes magic, they taste like words and information. If he eats a spell, Obi gains an understanding of the spell's nature and effects. Repeated consumption of the same spell can lead to greater revelations. Obi is not totally conscious of this ability, as the information he gains seems to have always existed to him.
Did he use that to tame overblots?
No, the phantoms are not really beings that can be tamed. Obi devoured them during the overblot. And wakes up with a book in his clutches. Said books are how he summons the phantoms once again.
Each phantom takes on a personality and ability separate but similar to their original creator. Some phantoms are more willing than others to be cooperative.
Obi doesn't really mind much. Unwanted creations should stick together. It's better than being alone.
Are the house wardens comfortable visiting with them around?
Some of them are, for some it takes more time to warm up to the idea of the phantoms. After all, its hard to be totally ok with a being born of their worse moments. I can run through some general attitudes.
Riddle: Absolutely terrified at first. But seems dedicated to "educating" his phantom. He comes around a lot. (The phantom loves this)
Leona: Comes by frequently but he does not seem to show a strong interest in his own phantom, brings meat. (The phantom also appears uninterested in its creator, but has been seen curling around leona while he's taking a nap)
Azul: Does not come by at all. (The phantom hates this, but understands)
Jamil: The phantom often seeks Jamil out frequently, seems to have a strong desire to bring gifts to its creator. It is unclear how Jamil feels about this. (Jamil is unsure about this, Kalim loves this)
Vil: The phantom hides from Vil. It is ashamed. (Vil dislikes this, but is trying to coax it out)
Idia: Ortho... sleeps most of the time. He wishes to be near his brother but is often not strong enough to be the dominant desire among them. Idia and Ortho visit frequently they love to play video games together. (Ortho loves this)
(I honestly love coming up with the phantoms and their respective lore so if you're interested to learn more please let me know! Thank you for the questions)
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calcifiedunderland · 1 year
Pride & Prejudice: A TWSTed AU
ft. Overblot Gang x GN Reader
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“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single leader in possession of power, fortune, and intellect, must be in want of a partner.”
“Pfft-“ you snorted to yourself, flipping through the pages. “What kind of story is this?”
Earlier that day, you and Grim had decided to clear out one of the rooms at Ramshackle. After a brief jump-scare from Crowley (who showed you how to make furniture out of a magic hammer?), the two of you were now on your way to making a ‘Guest Room.’ Finally, gone were the days of your friends groaning about your dusty couch and cobweb-filled living room!
But that also meant that the boxes in the room had to be moved out. Most of them held thread-bare cloth and other dusty knickknacks, but a few held books that looked as though they hadn’t been held in ages. Out of sheer curiosity and boredom (and the fact that Ramshackle had no internet whatsoever), you cracked open one of them and started reading, with Grim snoozing soundly on your lap.
“What are you reading, Prefect?” One of the Ramshackle ghosts wafted to you, resting on the armchair back behind you. You turned the book to read the cover, frowning, “Prejudice and Pride, by Jean August. It’s kind of ridiculous.” You ran a hand over the dusty cover, “I think we had something like this in my world, too.”
The ghost immediately grinned, “I remember this from when I was alive!” He dove in front of you, taking the book and flipping through it at phantom speed. “This was one of our required readings! Ah, you living folk miss out on the classics,” he sighed wistfully. “Here, this was the best part!”
You took the book and read through it. It seemed to be a love confession, where the main male lead was telling the female lead how much he ‘ardently admired and loved her’ and failed miserably.
“Wow, that’s cringe,” you winced, skimming the page. “And also unrealistic. I mean, who falls in love with someone they hate? And who starts a love confession with ‘you suck, but I love you anyway I guess’? Why the hell would they think that would even work?!” You and the ghost laughed, and continued reading together.
“The Prefect is… interesting, but not enough to tempt me!”
He remembered telling his dorm mates this exact phrase, after bristling at a group of underclassmen gossiping amongst themselves. It was no secret that you and he were close - after several overblots at school, it would’ve been impossible not to be. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself. It wasn’t like he laid awake at night, thinking about you right? How ridiculous would that be!
Meanwhile in his room, several hours later, the young dorm leader frowned, feeling restless. It was already close to sunrise, but he wasn’t able to drift off to sleep despite the exhaustions that came with leading an entire dorm. Instead of sleep and his impending responsibilities, his mind drifted.
Over the school year, he’d been able to push down his feelings (Sevens knew it was easy, and his overblot proved it), but now, it was impossible to deny it. This will not do, he thought, huffing irritably and sitting up in bed, absently rubbing his temple.
In vain, he’d struggled. But it couldn’t be denied, and despite his best and fiercest efforts to negate it, his feelings couldn’t be repressed. You’d proven yourself to be an unrelenting figure at Night Raven College - someone who he thought would be insignificant compared to his talent and renown. And yet. And yet.
Somehow you’d wormed your way into his life, to where it hurt to think of you as insignificant. Because how could an extraordinary person like you ever be insignificant? In his pre-overblot days, he was stubborn and yet still too prideful to even consider another way of thinking. But then you came along, and made him question everything, from previous prejudices to his own bittersweet pride.
You, who fell unceremoniously out of a coffin during the sorting ceremony with a little blue fiery cat, and scurried around the school running errands and odd jobs. You, who was once a passing glance, who became one of the things in the school he looked forward to seeing the most. You, with your heart of gold unshaken by the trials and tribulations thrown at you, day after day.
The feeling dawned on him, settling heavily and uncomfortably in their entire being. As the sun began rising, his mind reeled and he closed his eyes, the light bathing his room in a soft, pleasant glow. A warmth enveloped the room, but then a sudden chill ran down his spine. It was then, that he realized it:
He truly and ardently admired and loved you.
Now, he simply had to tell you so.
Now, dear Prefect, take his hand:
The Rose Red Tyrant: R. Rosehearts
The Usurper from the Wilds: L. Kingscholar
The Merchant from the Depths: A. Ashengrotto
The Schemer of the Scalding Sands: J. Viper
The Beautiful Tyrant: V. Schoenheit
The Keeper of the Underworld: I. Shroud
The Ruler of the Abyss: M. Draconia
notes: i really hope this wasn’t too cringe towards the end with the P&P refs but here we go! Seven chapters to plan AH, I can’t believe I twst-ified jane austen 💀
Chapters are coming soon!! A few are in the works!
Thank you to everyone who was interested in this idea!! What started as some brainrot has become bigger brainrot lmao, I fully appreciate it~
Take care shrimpies!!
Taglist: @eclecticprincecollector
@ars-tral @cerisescherries, @thehollowwriter, @twst-eeps,
(If your user is in bold, I wasn’t able to tag you for some reason 😅)
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crystalrabbit246912 · 2 months
First-Year Camping Trip
Over Spring Break or like, a four-day weekend, the first-years decide to head out on a camping trip!
(I know that all of the first-years other than Ortho were at Camp Vargas 1, but we all know how that went and there were other people and no Ortho. This is just the first-years.)
So they get their permission (Ace and Deuce ask Trey, Jack doesn't need to really, because Leona and Ruggie are in charge there for some reason, Epel asks Rook, Idia would say yes to anything Ortho asked if he was persistent enough, Sebek would ask Lilia, and Yuu's in charge of themselves and Grim at Ramshackle) and head out via the Dark Mirror.
It took them a lot of arguing to pick their location and Yuu asked Jade because they were the only one willing to do so, for some advice, since he's camped out before on weekends for his club activities, and it took them entirely too long (like a whole week of afternoons full of arguments at Ramshackle), but eventually they decided on somewhere similar to Camp Vargas, which meant a forest with a lake nearby, but thankfully no mine with Overblot Phantoms inside.
So they find a nice clearing to set up their tents, which they borrowed off Coach Vargas by saying they were going to train while they were camping, and the arrangements are as follows: Jack with Epel and Sebek with Ortho, because the largest people need to be with the smallest, or else they would take up one tent individually, Ace and Deuce because Ace was lazy and decided that sharing with Deuce would be worth not having to put up his own tent, though he definitely provided commentary while watching him, and Yuu and Grim because they were the only ones left and also Yuu was the only one willing to put up with Grim's snoring.
Now, onto the shennanigans!
They brought food, like sausages to grill over their campfire, which Epel is especially enthused by, and supplies for s'mores, but Jack decided to do some fishing and Epel wanted to join in because fishing is a manly activity, apparently.
So they got some fish and Yuu, because they have to be capable of cooking if they're surviving in Ramshackle with Grim, who absolutely cannot cook, and the ghosts, who don't have physical forms, and Jack, maybe Epel if he was taught to in Harveston, cook it somehow, in a simple way, because none of them are that good that cooking, (also I don't know much about cooking, if you couldn't tell) and they want to relax.
Jack and Sebek somehow get into some kind of physical competition, like a push-up competition or tree/cliff climbing, or a race, and the others have no clue how it happened, so they're watching the two of the only members of the group with actual, functioning braincells doing crazy things. Epel and Deuce's eyes are sparkling at the 'manliness' while Ortho is inputting the data he's acquiring into his database while Yuu and Ace just stare in shock.
Ace and Deuce's tent collapse on them multiple times, but it's always put back up haphazardly. On the final day, it collapsed on them in their sleep, but they stay asleep and the others think that they've already woken up and collapsed their tent, so they're the last to wake up.
Vil and Rook forced Epel to bring his skincare stuff and makeup, but he utterly disregards their instructions for him to use it aside from the bug spray, so he just has a giant extra bag full of the stuff they gave him sitting in his tent that he refuses to touch. (He's in for a large scolding once he gets back)
Ace and Deuce also get into the kind of trouble that you'd normally only see on a comedy show or anime and the others have to bail them out of it, like they somehow anger a bear, fall into the lake and get stuck in the mud, trip and roll down a mountain into a pile of animal dung, etc.
Grim demands food and attention every time he speaks, which happens rather a lot, while Yuu just stands there like a tired parents, sometimes fulfilling his demands while other times smacking him on the nose with a stick that they picked up of the ground and kept on them for behavioral purposes.
Epel and Deuce ask Sebek to teach them how to mock-sword fight with sticks and he agrees while calling them humans and pretending like he doesn't care about them and at some time during the trip, the two clear an arena and duel while the others gather around them and shout tips, encouragement, or make fun of them (namely Ace and Grim for the last one)
Ortho charges via a solar powered charging port that he brought that he leaves out over the day and figured out how to charge while laying down in his sleeping bag so that he can feel like he's sleeping in a sleeping bag like everyone else.
Yuu finally gets a break from being the school's unofficial therapist, although they do have to break up fights between Ace and Deuce every so often and watch over Grim like the overworked parent they are, so that's good.
The freshmen end up a lot closer due to this trip, and whenever they bring up something that happened during it while their upperclassmen are around, they get immensely confused because context is greatly needed for every single incident mentioned. (Like Ace and/or Deuce getting teased for their comedy show incidents when Riddle's approaching them to scold them, Jack and Sebek arguing over who won their fitness contest right as Lilia/Silver/Ruggie drops by to pick one of the two up, everyone as a whole talking about how cool the sword fight was as any of the upperclassmen approach them, etc.)
Yuu also kept the stick that they kept hitting Grim with to discipline him and keep doing that.
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yuri-is-online · 7 months
Hi I love your soulmate au, consider Ace or Deuce as soulmate but not touching each other until much later.
rules for au/prev posts can be found on my masterlist
So I could not quite tell if you meant ace x deuce or aceyuu/deuceyuu but since I am a Yuu focused blog (and you said "or... but not untill later") I am going to focus on x yuu.
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I think the first potential time for them to touch Yuu is after beating the phantom at the end of the dwarf's mine. They're cheering, you're cheering, there's a half second where they scoop up Grim and swing him around and half reach for you but... hesitate. It's like everything stops for a moment before he shakes himself out of it. You're just Yuu, some magicless human he literally met today, why's he feeling so... strange about it???
I could see Ace knowing about soulbonds. His best subject is magic analysis/theory, he's far from unaware of theoretical concepts. But he's also Ace. The bratty kid who hates being seen as vulnerable, who thinks romantic things are uncool, whose way more comfortable being someone's friend than he is their boyfriend. He doesn't want a destined mate, he wants someone he can laugh with and likes being around... and he sort of hates how much you fit that description. So! Only solution he can think of is trying to bait you into making physical contact first, that way if anyone makes a big deal about this all consuming need to be close to each other it's you and not him.
Even though he's the one who proposes sharing a bed. It would have been your fault if you said yes! He's unprepared for what it feels like to get his wish, after Vil curses him to spend the night on the floor with Deuce and Grim he expects you to just abandon him to your room... but you creep back with blankets and pillows for your friends and hesitate when you go to give them to him. Slowly, so gently it makes a mockery of the searing undeniable realization that tears through him as you lay yourself next to him and lay your hand on his shoulder and rest.
While he lies there awake cursing Vil (he refuses to blame himself) for denying him the ability to hold onto you like he should.
Deuce is different, I don't think he would be aware of soulbonds nor does he seem to believe in soulmates. I don't think he's thought much of romance at all really, so he doesn't fully understand what he's experiencing or why he's so nervous to touch you. He wants to though. Badly. It's all he can think about sometimes, he's never had a friendship this close or intimate. He really treasures you and this closeness, he doesn't want to break it. While Deuce might not know what is driving this desire, he knows that if he touches you he will understand. And that scares him, what if he breaks you with touch? What if nothing good can come from this connection, what if he is unable to let you go? He really wants you to be able to see your home again... but the thought of losing you leaves him strangely listless. Like you would be taking a part of him with you...
I don't think he ever finds the correct word for it. Maybe sometime way in the future Malleus or a professor will make him aware, but somewhere in a dream he finds it; the understanding of just what this bond means. Physically, he is unconscious in a hospital bed after failing to dodge the shards of Ramshackle Dorm's ceiling, but mentally he is wrapped in the warm, heavy sensation of his love for you. When he wakes and you aren't there he almost tears himself in half looking, and when you come back he holds you so tightly you can feel the tension shaking through his body. The only thing that soothes him is your gentle touch on his back, rubbing soothing circles into his soul as he breathes the bond between you in.
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A @libraryraccoon prompt
It was now a week since the whole STYKS fiasco and Grim was now back to Ramshackle living his student life to the fullest... however there was something bothering Grim... "Why does this place fill empty?" Grim hadn't seen his henchman since his return to the school grounds.
In his room the prefect was still unconscious recovering from the last overblot fight; the phantom had made him hit his head by throwing him to a wall.
When Yuu finally woke up ramshackle was surrounded by silence; "It's probably school time I shouldn't worry about it too much" after struggling a bit the prefect got up leaning onto the desk that was near his bead. Suddendly the mirror gave him a crude sight of reality: a black and blue scar ran trough his left eye.
"Oh right Grim..." The prefect murmured with sorrow before sighing "It would be better if I cover this up..." After a quick patch up his left eye was bandaged and hidden to everyone's sight with his black hair.
A week had passed again. Things were back to normal, and Yuu couldn't be more glad to see Grim finally happy! However there was something bothering him... why even after all the medication he took the scratch was still there? Didn't that potion cure scars? Why is it still there?
Lost with his train of toughs, Yuu didn't notice his legs took him to one place he dreaded the most: the botanical garden.
Yuu knew if he met the sleeping lion his cover would be blown and make Grim and the others far too preoccupied for his sake.
Panicking, he tried to exit the place, making as little noise as possible, only to be betrayed by a twig on the ground.
And there he was standing in all his majestic stance thr sunset savanna Prince, observing with annoyed eyes the now panicked prefect.
His look then softened before he scrunched up his nose without any word spoken he wrapped his hand around the collar of the prefect's shirt "Herbivore you stink."
The prefect tried to play it dumb
"Thanks, Leona..."
The lion growled. "Do you think I'm stupid Herbivore? Don't play dumb. We both know what I'm talking about the fact that you smell of decaying flesh." After his hand moved Yuu's hair out of the way, revealing a patch of bandages.
"Listen, Yuu, I'm not gonna tell anyone if that's what you want... however, I was not kidding when I said it smells like rotten flesh you should get checked by that dog trainer but for now I'll patch you up." Releasing his grip on the prefect he whipped out his magic pen casting a healing spell."This should keep things at bay for a while." Yuu swallowed before looking down not saying a word Leona hears were now flat on his head "You know I didn't want to say this but... that scar... reminds me of when I overblotted... the tought of me hurting you is now a nightmare to me so please get it checked."
Leaving the prefect stunned by this sudden confession, Leona started to head back to his dorm before turning one last time "Also; don't worry about that furball I'm sure he will understand that you forgive him if you tell him and you know.... having a scar is not something to be ashamed off" the lion said before pointing to his scar."For me, this is a reminder ofa successfull hunt, for you it will be a reminder of how much you endured since you came here..."
The prefect smiled softly thinking of Leona's words before heading back to the school ho owned everyone an explanation afterall.
(This was supposed to be super agsty but I made it fluff- o well. Sorry if it's not what you imagined @libraryraccoon but we'll enjoy? I guess?)
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kunikame · 2 months
[09] - winter becomes spring | prev. | m. list | next
ace trappola x fem!reader smau
! warning(s) : ace trappola fooled you all, cussing, natural imagery, very short filler im sorry
! w/c : 224
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long after the other first years have fallen asleep, ace trappola lay on his bed giggling to himself.
his speech and recent mannerisms have convinced nearly everyone around him that he is 100% in love with the prefect– his plan is working out splendidly so far!
so splendidly, in fact, that he very nearly convinced even himself. which is a little funny, as he is the only one supposed to remain unaffected. no matter, however, as the more real it seems, the easier it will be to convince you, after all.
which also seems to be going well, if he dare say so himself. you seem to be nicer to him nowadays.
much like winter became spring and the snow made way for blooming flowers, so has your deep hatred for him let go of its never ending cold winds for blossoming kindness instead.
it was refreshing, he admits, to be treated like his peers rather than constantly ushered out of ramshackle dorm. there were no more death glares thrown his way during game nights, nor were there any snarky side remarks. you have even stopped calling him “ace bitchass trappola”, he recently noted– his name is just “ace” now.
and as he watches the last of this year's snow melt just outside his window, he, too, feels his chest grow a little lighter.
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## ❝ after the events of the phantom bride wedding, ace started wondering whether he still had the ability to charm girls. he hasn’t thought about anyone romantically in years, hasn’t really flirted with anyone either, what if he’s gone out of it? perhaps it’s time to put his talents to the test; with the person who hates him most, no less. if he can charm her, he can charm anyone. ❞
#TAGLIST ! : @solxima @gabirii @lunavixia @y2unagiz @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @borlining @verity-moon @myunghology @doughnuts-eater @lifeless-bug @babygurlenthusiast @shirishere @xopeach @stormyovent0aster @bontensbabygirl @ars-tral @wrathy-mcwrathface @sinofthesloth @skeet-2 @everettelz @sakuram1nt @shatiyuh @ambigrueity @junebunny06 @norylight @dyedracoonhair @persm1net @meowbuscompany @sugarrush-blush @oopsie-daisy-doo @yuumei-strawberry-shortcake // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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yuus-sentient-teddy · 10 months
"You're staying here."
A/N: Spoilers for Prologue, Books 1-6, and certain events. Sorry! I've had this story in my drafts for so many months. I hope ya'll enjoy it and please let me know what you think.
EDIT: I accidentally posted this while in the middle of editing and decided to still work on it while it was posted XD
". . . What? Hang on--"
"Calm down, we just need you to be our in-between in case the beast gets to us. Having you up here means you can get to the Headmaster faster--"
"Wait, stop. Stop." Yuu squinted at Leona, incredulous. "You could have one of your dormmates do that. Your dorm is based on athletics, I'm pretty sure whoever he is could get to the Headmaster faster than me. Not to mention, I'm a Beast Tamer, I should be going with you guys!"
"You're also magicless." Leona was mercilessly blunt with that fact. The words reminded Yuu of all the jabs of random bullies throughout the schoolyear, and they gritted their teeth. Before they could argue back, Leona said, "I'm not saying that that makes you useless, but let's face it: you're not going to survive that oversized house cat unless you can put up a barrier or counter a spell."
"I probably wasn't meant to survive a lot of things since coming here, but look what happened--" Yuu spread their arms out--"I'm alive anyways."
"It's probably because you had one of us or Grim with you," Ace said. "Dealing with the ghosts at Ramshackle the first night and every other thing after that, Grim. Fighting the Phantom in the mines, the three of us. All of the Overblots, a group of us." He was counting off each instance with his fingers, clearly not sorry for making a case against Yuu. "I know you're not thrilled about being left out of something as big as this, but without Grim, you're not going to be able to do much, let alone protect yourself. We can't keep an eye on you either, so it's basically better if you stay here."
He didn't shrink away from the look of betrayal and anger on Yuu's face and stood still when they marched up to him. "Okay, first of all, when have I ever asked any of you to keep an eye on me? Yeah, never. And second in case you forgot, I've handled myself pretty damn well when it came to random magic crap. I literally can't count how many times I almost got burnt by fireballs, impaled by ice, and struck by lightning by people that can't aim, and there are a lot of them at this school. Yeah, Vargas's 'catch-up' lessons helped with my speed, but my point still stands."
They held up a hand, stopping Ace from rebutting. "And if you're going to bring up Grim probably throwing out spells with weird side effects, don't. I've suffered enough curses getting thrown at me and potions being snuck into my food to get used to weird effects."
"Wait, people have been doing those things?!" Kalim's eyes were wide in disbelief and shock. "Why?"
Yuu half-heartedly tossed their arms, palms turning upward, as a form of a shrug. "Probably because they're assholes and I'm an easy guinea pig. If we're being a little pessimistic, it's probably also because no one would miss me. Magicless nobody from another world and all that."
"That's a horrible thing to think about!" Kalim cried. The Ramshackle Prefect was a helpful person and tried avoiding trouble the best they could. Not to mention, they weren't in line for something major like a merchant business or a throne. How could anyone want to trouble Yuu? (And how could Yuu think no one would miss them?)
"No surprise they'd think that," Idia mumbled.
"Hate to break it to you, but even if you got potioned and cursed a lot, there's still going to be something you won't be able to handle," Ruggie said. "I get what you mean, though. I got cursed and potioned a bunch of times before I started working for Leona and still a little after. At some point, you're more annoyed than bothered by whatever happens to you."
There were times he saw his freshman self in Yuu. Struggling to understand the lessons, having to bear with a handful of cruel upperclassmen or fellow classmates, left to carry out a difficult task on their own... he sometimes may or may not have been at the right place at the right time to offer help--in exchange for a favor, of course.
"That still doesn't mean you should throw yourself into a fight without knowing what could happen to you," he added, almost scolding.
"I know, but I still helped with the Overblots, didn't I? I think that's enough proof that I can handle being in dangerous fights," Yuu said, crossing their arms. Their sleeve got pushed up and a healing scar on the back of their wrist was revealed, which caught multiple eyes.
Savanaclaw and the Leech Twins remembered the cry of fear and pain when the Octopus Phantom's tentacle snatched their arm, right after they had stepped out of the way of a funnel of water. Octavinelle and Kalim remembered Yuu being sent flying after the Genie Phantom shot a spell that created a force upon impact. They would have hit the wall like a rag doll if Azul didn't catch them with wind magic. The VDC group members remembered them on the ground, twitching sporadically as one of the Hag Phantom's regular sized apples innocently rolled away like it didn't poison them through touch. (Deuce panicked so hard he summoned a cauldron to crush it even though just stepping on the apple was all that was needed.) And who could forget Yuu yanking their arm out of a nest of thorny branches that had been summoned by the Dragon Phantom? They had scars from thorns that got particularly stuck.
After realizing they were staring, Yuu followed the gazes and put their hands in their pockets as casually as they could.
"If you're worried about us thinking less of you, I assure you we wouldn't," Azul said. "There's nothing about the offer that you should be worried about. Again, it's not because your magiclessness makes you less valuable. It's simply letting you avoid another troublesome fight."
He didn't turn on the charm; no smiles or overly fawning words. He was dead serious and it made Yuu uneasy. Why did he want them to take the offer? Although--and this uneased them much more--it was starting to feel like most of the boys were conspiring to keep them out of the fight.
"After everything you've gone through, you pretty much deserve this. Don't worry about Grim, either." Deuce pounded his chest. "We'll be sure to bring him back in one piece."
"I. . . appreciate. . ." Yuu gestured vaguely while also feeling that 'appreciate' was a strange thing to say. They didn't appreciate being pushed out of something important without being heard, and they weren't sure how to feel about the unexpected concern for their wellbeing, especially at a time like this. "I appreciate you guys wanting to give me a break, but I really am serious about coming with to save Grim."
They saw shoulders slumping and heard frustrated huffs. "Listen!" they yelled, starting to feel frustrated themself. "I almost lost Grim once! I need to be there to make sure I don't lose him again. I know you guys can do what I can't, I've seen you all fight before, and I know you all will be able to handle what's coming, but I can't stand being on the side again! So, like it or not, I'm coming with. And why do any of you care about me getting a few scratches or hits from magic, anyway? It's not like it hasn't happened before."
No one responded.
". . . Guys?"
Finally, Leona clicked his tongue. "So annoying. I told you all it would've been pointless to do this."
"What's going on?" Yuu scanned the faces around them, noticing how uneasy Jack and Riddle looked, how Ace and Deuce seemed to have something to say, how irritated or hesitant everyone else appeared. Malleus approached them and they immediately noticed his brows furrowed in concern. "Tsunotaro. . . ?"
"Two night ago, we all shared a prophetic vision, likely similar to what you have been experiencing as of late. All of us were gathered together battling the chimera form of Grim in the same area as the current one. He casted spells that were beyond his usual abilities, including one that made it hard to breathe. Somehow, in the blink of a moment, you ended up alone with him trying to get him to come to his senses."
Yuu held their breath as Malleus said, "But then he opened his mouth and lunged towards you, and the vision ended. Forgive us for not telling you sooner. It is difficult speaking of someone's prophesied death and we did not want you to lose your confidence."
Multiple eyes carefully watched Yuu process everything he said. Some wondered how this would affect their character (Malleus admired them for their courage, considering their circumstances, and Ace liked them for their gutsy and surprising moments; hopefully nothing would change).
Others hoped that Yuu would relent and let the group fight Grim without them (Rook was regretful of leaving Yuu behind, but someone as special as them needed to be kept safe; Riddle simply didn't want to lose a dear friend).
And others prepared to rebut Yuu if they were still stubborn about going (Leona was mentally groaning and Vil shared his sentiment; aside from the Freshman Squad's reputation for having hard-heads, the two understood how much Grim meant to Yuu).
The Ramshackle Prefect started to observe them in turn with an unreadable expression.
Then they scowled. "You all realize how fucked up it is to keep that a secret, right? I mean, shouldn't I be told I might be walking to my death? Or is it--I don't know. You all think I can't make my own decisions?"
"That's the thing, Yuu. You care a lot about the people around you, and when it comes to Grim, you'd do anything to keep him safe. Even if we told you about the vision, I'm willing to bet you'd try to convince us to let you come anyway," Ace said. "You're right, it was fucked up to keep the vision from you, but we can't let you be so careless about yourself, especially since it's basically confirmed you might die."
"That cat has no idea how lucky he is to have a patient and caring person like yourself," Sebek said. "It wouldn't do for him to learn it through severely injuring you."
"And actually, none of us would be able to stand it if you got hurt or worse and we had the opportunity to prevent it," Ortho said. "You've done a lot already. Just this once, we want to handle this without troubling you."
Yuu silently stared at their Squad, mouth agape.
"When we found out you had gone with Epel and Hunt to find S.T.Y.X.'s headquarters, we seriously thought wouldn't see you again," Deuce said. "You gave us a heart attack with what happened in Scarabia. What you did then was unbearable."
"I know it's pointless to think about, but I sometimes worry over what would have happened if I didn't get my Unique Magic in time," Epel said. "Seeing that vision of Grim pouncing on you, though. . . it's made it harder to sleep at night."
"Frankly, the headmaster could be more considerate of you," Jack said. "Having to take care of Grim and being a Prefect can't be easy. Not to mention, what was he thinking tasking you with stopping Azul?"
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side. "On top of being a little reckless, it makes it hard to not want to pull you back from any trouble."
"So, whatever you tell us, we're not taking no for an answer," Ace concluded.
The anger they had towards everyone for their audacity to keep the vision a secret was dimmed a little (just a little) by their friends' worry for their well-being. At the same time, the worrying made their heart tremble and throat tighten. They closed their eyes and took a deep breath. "You know, this whole time I was expected to be a stone wall. I forgot what it felt like to be cared about."
"Huh?" multiple voices chorused.
"What do you mean by that?" Deuce asked.
"Well, I was pretty much thrown into a lion's den and expected to survive it. I wasn't given much sympathy either by nearly everyone I met, especially during the first month." (A few of the boys internally cringed, remembering the hurtful words he had said.) "There's also the fact that most of the school consists of pricks who are self-absorbed year-round. It's not very comforting to know that if something happens to me, there's a good chance no one's going to give me a hand, except if it's people I get along with or people who can benefit from my suffering."
"I don't blame you for wanting certain attitudes to change, but you know as well as I do that you'll encounter pricks and predators anyway beyond the school walls," Vil said but not without some sympathy.
"I do," they said bitterly. "Look, I get it. I shouldn't expect the world to hold my hand or offer me everything on a silver platter. But--god damn it, would it have killed anyone or even any of you guys to have some sympathy? To be a little more decent?”
"I was able to bear the atmosphere of NRC for a while, but at some point, it gets so fucking tiring. A student population that can't be a smidge nicer unless they're beaten up or more upfront about their actual intentions." They shook their head, then made a derisive sound. "That's why I'm having a hard time processing this. I'm sorry, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that you guys, who come from Night Raven College, are actually showing that you care."
The corner of their lip twitched upward, forming a broken smile. Concern was visible on everyone's faces.
"Yuu," Ace said, "are you okay?"
". . . No. I haven't been okay since coming here, or maybe I wasn't okay before coming here and it just got worse. I don't really know."
They turned their face to the side, but it was too late: everyone saw a tear slide down their cheek. Except for Grim and the rest of the First Year Squad, no one ever saw the Ramshackle Prefect cry. It strangely made everyone concerned, and some reached out a hand.
They raised a fist to their face, as though it could stop the tears before they could spill. They took a slow, deep breath to calm themself, but they never let that breath go in fear a sob would escape.
"Yuu." A hand gently touched their shoulder. "It's all right."
They shoved the person away. They couldn't see who it was from the torrent of tears that suddenly spilled and blinded their sight. "It's not!"
"I was starting to believe people when they said I wouldn't be anything! They told me I was useless and dumb and a nobody. They told me I should've stayed a janitor because I couldn't do anything right. They'd try to beat me up for some etiquette I didn't know or for some stupid reason."
Insulting Yuu's parents and them. . .
Riddle noticed Trey setting aside a big cookie during preparations for the Unbirthday Party. It was for Yuu. Earlier that day, someone or some people had stolen their bag and stuffed it with crumpled paper and empty food wrappers. Their notebooks--thankfully still in tact--had been tossed haphazardly around the school and led to the field where the bag was left. Trey found all this out when Ace and Deuce returned to Heartslabyul dorm scowling. The Unbirthday Party went on as usual, and Yuu seemed cheered up by the cookie and receiving the honors of petting a hedgehog. Much, much later, Riddle caught a bully red-handed and dished out the consequences for breaking Rule #53: You must replace anything you steal. Sadly, it didn't deter other bullies from stealing Yuu's bag, but Riddle still punished whoever he could for breaking an important rule and troubling someone so undeserving.
Threatening to take a tooth. . .
Leona overheard a conversation while napping in the botanical garden. In between sleep and waking, he initially thought he was dreaming the times he overheard the servants whispering disapprovingly about him. What made him wake up was hearing plots to get Yuu kicked out. He couldn't be bothered to care what ridiculous crap the herbivores in the other dorms or his juniors in Savanaclaw got caught up in, but this was something different. Joke or not, someone had to step in before either party gets kicked out--and that's what he did, telling the students off for planning something ridiculous and highly risky (and glaring harshly when he recognized some of the students as members of the Magift Club). After the students scrammed, he settled back down to sleep and his mind wandered to Yuu. He felt a little deja vu when he thought how they needed a tutor to keep themself from failing (and Grim too even though that fur ball could pay to be less annoying). It would dig into his rest time, but he had an idea for what Yuu could do to make up for that. Say, help a certain hyena finish his given tasks quicker.
"It feels like I'm only here for people to use or take from. I keep wondering why it always happens. Is there something wrong with me? Was there some invisible sign telling people I was a tool that didn't need repairs? Was I cheap labor because I'm on the bottom of some hierarchy?"
Taking Ramshackle Dorm away. . .
Once, Azul came across a group of students playing 'keep away' with Yuu and their lunch box. For a moment, he was reminded of his child self, trying to get back a seashell from a couple of bullies who were tossing it to each other over his head and taunting his slowness. He snapped out of his memories when Ace, Deuce, and Grim entered the scene, magic ablazed and yelling. It wouldn't be the first time he would see this happen: anytime anyone picked on Yuu while using magic, their friends would come to their aid. (If Azul had to be honest, he envied the Ramshackle Prefect for having people like the First Year Squad look out for them.) But then, some time after his Overblot, he came across a couple of students on brooms waving Yuu's homework from their perch. The sight particularly irked him, but before he could step in, one of the bullies lost his grip and a couple of papers got blown away. The rest of the homework got lost when he and his accomplice tried grabbing the sheets. It all drifted onto the wet grass below or sailed over the trees, and the bullies, suddenly remembering they had something more important to do, left Yuu scrambling to salvage what they could. Azul wouldn't forget the Prefect's face when they asked, defeated, what he wanted in exchange for helping them with the missing papers. He neither wouldn't forget their face when they asked how he had been able to deal with being picked on so much. For once, he didn't feel the urge to strike a deal.
Using them for a plan. . .
When the high of partying in the desert died down, all Jamil could think about was how he would tell his family that he Overblotted and why. It churned his stomach picturing their horrified faces, and it was made worse when he wondered what the Al-Asim family would do if they heard that their heir had been caught in a dangerous situation by none other than the loyal best friend. What would happen to him and his family then? Amidst the inner turmoil, the Ramshackle Prefect and Grim were far from his mind until he and Kalim found them practicing for the VDC tryouts. A proper apology was due, but he didn't have one prepared. It didn't seem to matter to the two, though, as they acted like nothing happened. As though he didn't force them to "solve" another dorm problem right after Grim expressed not wanting to. When Vil Overblotted, he saw Grim rearing to fight while voicing how troublesome it was to deal with yet another Overblot. His eyes slid over to Yuu. . . and it was crystal clear they didn't want to deal with anything anymore. They stared at Vil's cackling, levitating figure with despair, eyes telling of exhaustion and mouth tugging into a grimace, a sign of reluctant acceptance. He tried to protect them when he could from poisonous spells--emphasis on tried, since he still had Kalim to keep safe--and afterwards, offered leftover food whenever Scarabia had parties.
"Was an Overblot all it took for people to see me differently? I can't control how other people act, only how I respond. All I can do is take things easy and forgive, but I don't know if I can keep doing it. It's just. . ."
Their voice trembled. "So hard to keep going when it seems like barely anyone wants to consider you."
Word spread fast around Night Raven College and it wasn't long before Vil recognized that Yuu was in a challenging position: they lived in a literal ramshackle dorm, had to live on a small budget, and were entirely new to this world. He had to hand it to them, they possessed quite the will and backbone. After all they experienced, he counted himself lucky that they warmed up to him rather quickly--which was why he noticed how tensely quiet they became the night after their friends snuck a bite of unknowingly cursed dessert. When asked, they told him bluntly that it was painful seeing food used like that. They were struggling to pay off lunch debts and it was made much worse when already broken windows broke a little more or parts of the roof had to be patched up after a short downpour. Vil could see a little hunger in their eyes as they talked of instances where they had to decide between repairs and eating dinner that night, even the next two nights. He didn't know about their struggles in the first place, but he nonetheless felt terrible about what he did and deeply apologized. For the rest of the VDC training camp, he ignored any footsteps that came from the Prefect's bedroom and headed downstairs, even as they made the floorboard creak loudly.
Idia sometimes thought about how the Prefect looked when they thanked him for listening to their rambles of all the anime they watched back on Earth. The two of them were sitting in Ramshackle Dorm's lounge, waiting for the next level of the game to finish loading, when he glanced over. Serene and distant, like they had recounted a fond memory. He thought back to all the isekai manga, anime, and video games he consumed. Some protagonists seemed pretty eager to be in another world, others were immediately wishing to go back home, but those who expressed homesickness did it in a cool way, like staring at a moon while sitting next to a best friend (he did remember reading fanfiction where it was more emotional, though.) None had a protagonist talk about something as mundane as the shows they loved to watch, let alone a protagonist who would talk to someone awkward like him. Didn't Yuu have their squad for these sort of heart to heart things? But they insisted that he was the guy they wanted to talk to; according to them, he was the most similar to the friends they rambled to about anime and would very likely 'get' what they would be talking about. Idia was simultaneously flattered and frightened: flattered because his expertise in the media was recognized and frightened because he was in a position reserved for those with high relationship levels. In fact, he panicked when Yuu suddenly got teary-eyed. The saving grace was the next level finishing loading and the characters getting thrown into chaos. The next time he came to Ramshackle Dorm, he brought with him some anime he thought Yuu would appreciate.
"And that's the thing. I don't understand how people forget there's more to a person than whether they have magic. There were times I wished no one had magic so they'd just shut up and stop acting like they're better than me or anyone else. It's like having magic is an excuse to be an ass."
Yuu sometimes joined Malleus on his nighttime strolls. Most nights they would be sound asleep, which was why he treasured the times they were awake enough to walk with him. The two talked about anything that came to mind: gargoyles, schoolwork, differences between Earth and Twisted Wonderland. Then one night, Yuu casually mentioned that many of the students were rather. . . unwelcoming. "Some of them act like I don't exist, but it's better than getting my homework stolen and thrown to the wind." He was surprised, but not unfamiliar with bullying from Lilia's recollection of cruel humans and various history lessons. He asked why. They shrugged, answering, "Probably because I'm low on the hierarchy. I don't have basic knowledge on magic on top of being magicless." When he said it still didn't warrant such behavior, they smiled sadly and replied, "Well, that's how it goes when you got something another person doesn't, and that other person just so happens to not really fit in a certain place." Later, Malleus was distraught to hear from Lilia that some of the students who were unkind to Yuu were of Diasomnia. The dorm was founded on the elegance of the Thorn Witch, surely the students would act with decor. But Lilia told him not to worry, he had a word with those students on being more open. But Malleus still wondered if there was something he could do. It turns out the answer was simple (even though it took place after his Overblot): hang out with Yuu during the daytime. They were a fellow student, were they not? So why should they be treated any different?
"Sometimes, I wonder if anything would change if I Overblotted. Would anyone wonder then why it happened and be nicer? Or. . ." Yuu let out a bitter scoff. "Would nothing change and people just see me more as an alien freak?"
They scrubbed the tears in their eyes. "Maybe I'm just a dumb ass and my Phantom would just eat me. It's not like I have anything else to offer it. God, what am I doing?"
The weight of what they had spilled for the past couple of minutes started crashing down like a crumbling shelf. They didn't want to see what the others' reactions were and continued to wipe their eyes with their hands and sleeves, even if there wasn't much to wipe. Their mind cycled through anything they could say to escape such an embarrassing situation. So sorry, I didn't know where it came from. Let's go back to arguing why I can't come with you guys to save my cat. He has been nothing but a pain in the ass, I should know, but he's become nicer and been my primary protector. He keeps insisting he'd protect me because he's the boss and I'm his henchman, and it's so endearing sometimes. And he's comforted me when I become so sick and just need someone to hold me--
"How long has this been going on for?" It was a gentle question. Yuu lowered their hand and found Ace and Deuce standing before them, the worry on their faces making their heart clench.
"A long time."
"Why didn't you say anything? We could have done something, you know," Deuce said.
Yuu shook their head. "This school runs on sink or swim. 'Losers don't have the right to complain.' And did you guys forget that we're freshmen? What can you guys do against the whole school? I actually talked about this with the school counselor and all he could do was apologize and tell me he'll put in a note for the headmaster."
Yuu almost laughed at the faces Ace and Deuce made. "I'm pretty sure I'm his first case for something like this."
"Still, you shouldn't just take everything lying down," Deuce said.
"I don't want to anymore, but I'm so tired of fighting. At what point can I stop?"
Yuu was once again seen under a new light. The viewpoint was different for each boy: from magicless outlier to honorary dorm member, notorious problem solver to exhausted errand runner, doe-eyed student to determined but kind mastermind, just to name a few. Yuu had laid bare wounds previously covered up by uniform sleeves, things they couldn't talk about or didn't feel comfortable sharing because otherwise they'd go against the school norm and grab negative attention to themself. Their closest friends knew of these wounds; others caught glimpses of certain parts. With the revelation, they all shared a similar viewpoint: an ordinary person so far from home, dropped into a magical, chaotic world and more vulnerable than what anyone realized. More exhausted and heavily scarred than what anyone realized.
"When Leona told me to stay here, I thought all along you guys didn't think of me as someone who could stand beside you and that everything had just been you all tolerating me." Yuu's voice dropped to a whisper. "That had hurt me more than any of you could know."
". . . Anyone who thinks you're undeserving of your position knows absolutely nothing," Riddle said. "Not counting your grades, you've proven yourself enough to have a place in this school."
Yuu gave Riddle a wobbly smile and he found himself feeling a little bashful. "Thanks, Riddle."
The smile suddenly became strained and they looked away. "I'm sorry. I know I said I took things easy and forgave, but--" they grimaced--"I can't bring myself to let go of some things you and the others did."
A/N: This accidentally became a two parter
EDIT: I forgot to add the link to part 2. Here it is
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yuurei20 · 5 months
Crowley Info Compilation part 20: Crowley and the Prefect
Crowley is often assigning tasks to Grim and the prefect:
・cleaning up after Phantom Bride
・acting as a gopher and looking out for infiltrators during Fairy Gala
・babysitting Grim (with the reasoning of having them act as attendants to the Glorious Masquerade group)
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・record keeping for Port Fest
・record keeping for Vargas Camps 1 and 2
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・helping the Starsending team collect wishes (even allowing them to break the rule of "no using magic in personal disputes")
・Investigating a rash of suspicious incidents in which students are being hurt
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Crowley seems to often forget that Grim and the prefect are there, and how much they do not know.
He does not inform them about Halloween, and might have forgotten about them completely during Spectral Soiree. ("I was JUST debating whom I should ask to check on that dorm!")
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Crowley doesn't seem to have much affection for Ramshackle, calling it dilapidated, old ("ah, I mean, this historic building?") and decrepit.
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In Book 4 he provides Grim and the prefect with a smartphone to share between them, and they also share a single Wishing Star during the Starsending, with Crowley reminding them that the two of them together count as a single student.
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Crowley will claim that he is "diligently searching" for a way to send the prefect home, but Grim seems unconvinced.
The prefect asks him outright if he is actually doing so in Book 4 and Crowley responds, "Why, I'm expending every effort!," claiming that he will be spending his winter break expanding his investigation to a tropical land.
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When Grim asks to go along in his vacation Crowley responds, "But that would spoil my delightful getaway from--ah, ahem!" and then explains that it will be so dangerous that it is best if he handles it alone.
In a voice line Crowley says, "You wish to know how to return to your own world? Trust me, it is on my mind day and night, even as I eat and sleep! Why, I'm aghast that you'd think I'd forgotten!"
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kimikitti · 2 months
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You know sometimes Ramshackle is really just a building with a bunch of ghosts, phantoms, a weird cat and Obi.
(Obi is in his ponytail era. I kinda wanted to make his locs look more like pages with the shape. And I thought a pony tail would be kind of better at showing that. This was kind of a fun experiment to play around with the phantoms and Obi's new design rather than having them bounce around in my brain. I have a strong urge to lore dump so if you have questions I'm happy to answer.)
(important to note: Obi is not getting child support. He's dead broke.)
(also: do not pick up cats like how grim is being picked up not a good idea)
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rayroseu · 1 year
Happy 100 Years Disney!!🏰🌠💐
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"Tsunotarou, follow my lead! And don't shower me with flowers this time!!"
"How audacious to order me around... Did Prefect taught you that manners?"
I STILL CANT GET OVER IT OKAY. THE "Grim, I shall allow you to hold the flowers." FROM MALLEUS TO GRIM. ITS EVERYTHING. 😭😭😭💖💞💗💗It wouldve been silly to add the Mickey wand for the card animation but eh... I guess Grim's paws really doesnt make it work 😂😂
Also referencing my favorite Grim voiceline hehe🤭💕 I want to hear Malleus laughing out loud!!! 🥺🥺✨✨
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©️: @mysteryshoptls
I teared up hearing Grim is so hopeful we'll be there with him even after 100 years... ahaha... 😭😭😭 He also asked Deuce what they'll do after 100 years... 🥲🥲 He really trusts that Ramshackle home will be there for more than a century...😭✨
Also his wish to the Sea Witch was that he wants to be taller than Yuu LMFAO 😂GRIM NUH UH-- YOU'LL STAY CAT SIZE!!😤😤
Also his voicelines towards each Disney Villain points out to his "potential overblot form(the phantom from the Prologue)" like "I'm growing out my mane like the King of the Beast!", "I want to have the Sorcerer of the Sands' staff!", and "I want to be as big as the Thorn Fairy's dragon form!" all of those traits that he wants to be are present in that phantom!!!💥(Grim noooo)
I hope next year we'll be given Grim vignette🙏🙏🙏 its probably not given right now because any lore about Grim might spoil whatever they're cooking🥲🥲
maybe the theory that "Malleus will end up at Ramshackle because he'll lose his dorm's spirit(nobility and elegance) since he overblotted" is true.... you know,,, bcs Diasomnia is the most privileged dorm you can be sorted in (they have special dishes at the nrc cafeteria iirc) and Ramshackle is obviously the most unfortunate one 😂😂 pspsps malleus if u get dethroned by being the king of the abyss Ramshackle will always be your sanctuary!!
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cloudcountry · 1 year
proper compensation
Genre/Tropes: No notable ones!!
Summary: Leona and Jamil went chasing Grim around Styx and got him back to you safely. It's only fair you offer them proper compensation.
Author's Comments: this was inspired by a dialogue part between leona and jamil during the phantom node searching in chapter 67 sector eight. i was so inspired that i wrote a four page oneshot for it for some reason. this might have made me a jamil stan. i dont know how all this ends because i havent finished it yet so this might be canon divergent (it probably is) so dont kill me please OKAY THANK YOU
There’s a knock on Ramshackle’s front door in the late hours of the afternoon. After everything that happened at Styx, you refused to let Grim out of your sight, and that includes leaving him to answer the door. He’s been unusually tired, content to accept your affection and sleep in your arms, happy and safe with the person he trusts. You hold him gently as you stand up, walking towards the door. You manage to stoop over just enough to get it open, and you’re met with the sight of two familiar people.
“Can I help you?” you ask, raising a confused brow. You don’t normally see Jamil and Leona together like this, much less together here.
“We got you back your furball.” Leona grunts, waving dismissively at the cat monster curled up in your arms, “It’s perfectly reasonable to compensate us for the return.”
“Indeed.” Jamil smiles, but there’s something so ingenuine about it that you can’t help but shiver.
“I…don’t have any money.” you fumble, trying to think up something to give them, “I can…do chores? Or something?”
You doubt they would accept your dusty furniture, and if there’s one thing you’ve learned from people at NRC, it's that everything comes with a price, and you best pay it in full if you don’t want to get screwed over.
“Nah. I got Ruggie. I don’t need another errand runner.” Leona shakes his head, looking more and more like a predator as the seconds pass.
“I can handle my chores myself. Make no mistake, I’m used to taking care of Kalim.” Jamil steps closer, reaching out to touch your hand, “Come on now, Prefect. You’re smart. You’ll figure it out.”
You’re pretty sure you have figured it out, even if it seems like you haven’t. Because if they don’t want to exploit you like Azul did, they probably want what Ace usually begs for when he does something right (although he detests the word beg.)
“I…think I have an idea.” you confess, gnawing at your lower lip, “Just…let me put down Grim. He fell asleep in my arms and-”
“Oh, please. Allow me.” Jamil swoops his arms under Grim and plucks him out of your arms as easily as yanking a flower out of the grass. You yelp and gape at the boy as he waltzes into Ramshackle without a care in the world.
Like he owns the place.
“What’s your idea then, herbivore?” Leona snickers, leaning against the doorframe like he also owns the place, “I would love to hear it.”
“Um…would you guys accept kisses as compensation?” you say, wrinkling your nose at just how stupid it sounds when you say it out loud.
Leona lets out a barking laugh, throwing his head back and all. You feel even more embarrassed now, taking his amusement as rejection.
“Oh, you’re smarter than you look.” he huffs, voice thick with amusement, “You nailed it, herbivore. Now are you going to pay up or not?”
You can feel your face growing warm as he leans in, eyes staring straight into your soul as if this doesn’t affect him one bit. Was he so used to teasing and moments like this that they didn’t even phase him anymore? Or were you just a flustered fool, dancing in the palm of his hand?
You ultimately decide that if it means receiving affection from him, you don’t care.
And so you allow him to brush his nose over your cheek, and you allow his breath to fan over your lips as you shut your eyes in anticipation. He laughs at that, too, his hot breath only making you more and more anxious.
“Are you going to kiss me or not?” you grumble, furrowing your brow with your eyes still clamped shut.
“Aww, do you want a kiss?” Leona teases, and you’re about to yell at him when he follows up with a quiet, “Well, fine then.”
And then he��s kissing you.
Your back is pressed against the doorframe as he cradles you against him. His hands are placed securely at your waist as he tilts his head, pushing against you as he searches for more, more. Your head is spinning with it all, and you’re certain if Leona wasn’t holding you up you’d be crumpled over on your doorstep right now. There’s a clear smugness in his movements, especially when he hooks a hand under your thigh and pulls it up. Your face could not be any warmer than it is right now, especially when he squeezes the flesh gently and his claws rake against your skin.
He breaks away and you gasp, the sound soft and bewildered. You brush your fingers along your lower lip, and even though it feels like it's burning it doesn’t burn.
Leona gazes at you, his expression so smug you have half a mind to wipe it off his stupidly handsome face, but then he turns on his heel and starts walking away,
“Well, that’s enough for me.” he yawns as if he didn’t just kiss you breathless (like a satisfied predator), “See ya around, herbivore. Thanks for the compensation.”
You manage to call out a shaky goodbye to him in your shock, mind still reeling and unorganized from the kiss. Why can’t anyone on this campus be predictable?! Never in a million years did you think Leona and-
Wait, Jamil. He didn’t leave.
You were so distracted by Leona that you forgot about Jamil and the fact that he basically shouldered his way into your dorm.
He’s still around here somewhere (unless he’s jumped out of a window, which is too much of a Kalim thing to do so you dispel the thought with a giggle.)
Great Seven, you’re not even close to being recovered from what just happened, but there’s no use delaying the inevitable. You make your way to you and Grim’s bedroom, hoping Jamil didn’t just dump him somewhere. Surely he’s responsible enough to not do that, right?
You discover that he does know where Grim’s bed is. Grim is still fast asleep, tucked away in his bed. You laugh again to yourself as you realize that Jamil probably still has the layout of Ramshackle memorized from when he stayed over during SDC.
“Yes, he’s fine. I made sure he didn’t wake up.” Jamil says from behind you, and you jump at the unexpected noise. Spinning around to glare at him (though the expression holds no malice), you jolt backward when you see just how close he is. He rolls his eyes at your mock annoyance and jerks his head to the left. He’s holding a tray of tea and snacks in his hands, and while the gesture would be nice from almost anyone else, you figure he’s going to use this against you later.
You enter your bedroom anyway. Jamil follows you silently and sets the tray of treats on your nightstand.
“Do you want the same thing as Leona?” you ask, sitting at the edge of the bed.
Jamil makes a quiet huffing sound under his breath but doesn’t answer your question. You let him pour the tea and hand you a teacup, and watch him as he pours a cup of tea for himself. You don’t want to push too hard, but he was the one that came to you in the first place.
“Jamil.” you say softly, reaching out and cupping his cheek, “You said you wanted compensation but all you’ve done is help me out. I need to pay you back, right?”
His eyes flicker toward you, and he sighs.
“I don’t want what Leona wants, Prefect. I was just teasing you earlier.” he mumbles, shutting his eyes as if he’s exhausted (which he probably is), “I would like to rest here with you. That’s all.”
Your mouth forms an o shape as you realize that no, the tea and snacks were not to trap you in yet another favor, but were meant to be part of your favor to him. There’s a stab of guilt in your stomach, and you swallow it uncomfortably.
“I thought the tea and snacks were for another favor you wanted paid back.” you confess, fisting your hands in your lap, “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t be.” his tired expression turns wicked in a split second, his eyes gleaming with mischief, “I plan to take up more of your time than Leona did. This is me paying you back.”
“That’s too many transactions.” you murmur, placing a gentle hand on his upper arm, “Just come here. “
Jamil follows your lead and clambers into bed, the springs squeaking under the extra weight. You’ve done well to keep your voice low for Grim, so much so that Jamil’s heavy sigh is the loudest sound that's been made in the room by either of you this afternoon. He slumps over against your shoulder, the top of his head bumping against your chin as his shoulders sag. You feel your heart twinge in your chest as you wrap a steady arm around him and rest your head on him, too.
You certainly wouldn’t mind if either of them wanted to do this again.
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akira-hanaluvs · 25 days
yep, I’m going back to my old favorite with my current favorite, called me crazy but I actually think it’s a little bit more fun.
With the fact that Danny would in Twisted Wonderland and when it happens is after D-stabilize and before Phantom Planet or after Phantom Planet (I can’t decide which one) so with that in mind I can see when Danny meets Grim, he wouldn’t be fearful to him as that Ghost boy has dealt with worse.
In a way Danny can get away from Grim easily (the poor cat would struggle to find him until he did XD) though Danny would try to reason with Grim but of course he wouldn’t listen and try to attack Danny until Crowley showed up and stopped the devil cat.
Interesting Facts:
• Danny doesn’t fully trust Crowley as the headmaster wouldn’t keep his promise for getting Danny back to his world, in Danny’s case he isn’t really responsible enough. (Oof 😭😅)
whenever he gets annoyed or mad at Grim, Danny usually calls him ‘lil menace’, ‘gremlin’, and ‘Devil cat’ as he refuses to be called Grim’s “minion”
When Danny shows his ghosts powers to Ace and Deuce it was around in the dwarf’s mines when he saved Deuce from the phantom blot (at the time they didn’t know that)
In classes in NRC Danny actually had a good grasp on class lesson to a point where he gets genuine good grades, confused and surprised he goes up to Crewel asking if there is a mistake and when Crewel confirms that all his class work is correct. The poor Halfa was in complete shock that he would say “I- I never had this good grades besides that one test..” he said which would make Crewel genuinely concerned about the Halfa (papa Crewel is best Crewel QwQ)
In each of overblot victims’ memories came when Danny see them he would genuinely feel bad (pacifically Riddle’s, Azul’s, Idia’s, and Malleus’s) he sees those memories seeing them struggling with their trauma similar to his trauma (yes Danny has some trauma but hide it better until he lose his composure.)
The more time Danny constantly facing the phantom blot (since he doesn’t want to hurt the victims) after Grim in the end of book 5 scratches him in his ghost form, his injury would get infected with some of the blot that overtime he would have a high chance to be Overblot himself as well (the rest of the Twst crew would know Danny’s personal struggles and fears mainly of Dan Phantom)
Danny does sense a lot of ghosts in Twisted Wonderland as his own ghost sense would go off so if the Ramshackle ghosts try to scare Danny then he would be aware which actually amuse the Halfa as he is surprised that the ghosts in twisted wonderland is different in his own world and even the ghost zone as well.
When Danny befriended some of the main Twst crew, he is actually close to the first years though when he met Jack Howl it was awkward as his dad’s name is Jack so, to insure of no confusion Danny would call Jack Howl by his last name or ‘Jackie’ which it is understandable to Jack as he does not want Danny to be uncomfortable.
In story Danny would have to use his ghost powers in so many ways as in book 1 when Ace was kicked out and had Riddle’s collar on, out of curiosity and thinking Danny used his intangibility on the collar and taking it off of Ace’s neck which made the Heartslabyul student very happy but Danny told Ace that he had to put it back on his neck so that Riddle wouldn’t know. To the dismay of Ace but begrudgingly he agreed on it as it for safety reasons.
when Danny met Malleus, to the Halfa he thinks that Malleus is really cool and would call Malleus ‘Draco’ because of a constellation and also means Dragon as well, for Malleus was surprised that Danny would nickname him of thing that he was passionate about which made the dragon fae felt happy as they both would talk about their favorite interests (Malleus with gargoyles while Danny is Stars and space)
When any Twst characters asks Danny about his family and friends, he would definitely talk about them mostly he would also talk about his other friends from different dimensions, a boy who is big genius, a buck tooth boy with little creatures could give anything he wants, and finally a friendly sea sponge who is a fry cook. Danny would admit that he haven’t heard anything from them for a while now but understand if they find out that he is in another dimension they would be freaked out. (Aka Danny talking about Jimmy, Timmy, and SpongeBob though tbh I think Timmy would be jealous on Danny to be in a world that magic does exist XD)
The end of Malleus’s OB, Sam and Tucker did find a way to get into Twst with the help from Wulf who used his claws to get into the world and to find Danny, only to find out that he dealing with an overblot and become overblot himself.
in the Masquerade event would be interesting as Danny would have seen the ghost of Rollo’s late little brother Theo Flamme who stayed invisible in front of anyone except Danny could see him due to be a half ghost
Danny would tell about his ghost adventures to the first years group as Deuce would describe that Danny is a superhero which makes Danny happy about it
if Floyd or maybe even Grim would try to call him Dan or Dan-Dan you would bet Danny would get triggered as he would tell them in a coldest voice “Don’t EVER call me Dan again..!” and later he would tell everyone why after seeing his memories after his overblot.
so in short Danny would have to deal a lot issues but also would the moment that he would admit that he also has trauma issues.
I hope you guys like this idea that I come up with! I will also explain another AU that’s involved with Danny Phantom and the Owl House! Be on a lookout for that. Hope you guys have a good day/night!
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tixdixl · 2 months
"...what a waste of time and energy."
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Groovy: [LOCKED]
Set Home: If I have no choice, guess I'll cooperate.
Home Transition 1: There are only two reasons I'm going, and yes, the Ramshackle prefect is one of them.
Home Transition 2: That Flamme brat reeks of hypocrisy and a superiority complex... I'd love to turn his face into target practice.
Home Transition 3: Tell Zigvolt to play nice and I might consider going along side him. Might.
Home, after Login: The next person who says "Phantom" and "Opera" in the same breath needs to watch their back...
Home Transition, Groovification: [LOCKED]
Tap Home 1: Move. You're in the way of my shot, and that huntsman is coming around the corner.
Tap Home 2: Do you think we'll actually get to see the Festival of Fools, or is that Flamme kid bluffing?
Tap Home 3: What? Oh, Viper? I've learned to ignore him. He acts like a glare to the back of the skull is enough to bother me. He should know better; I've been fed darker glares than he's even capable of producing.
Tap Home 4: If Yugo and I slip down the waterways and you see us? No, you didn't.
Tap Home 5: ...I haven't even seen one dog on this entire trip. A travesty, really.
Tap Home, Groovification: [LOCKED]
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I ended up experimenting a lot with this piece and honestly, it feels like it paid off? Arguably the best card illustration I've done since Rene's Glimmering Soiree card. A major shout out to @the-trinket-witch for letting me know there were filigree brushes on CSP. Literally saved my life and saved me so much time. You're a real one!!!
Also I feel like you all should know that Kingsley is really mad at me because I told him he can't break the plot of GloMas by using Rollo as target practice. He's sitting here like "the fire lotuses literally wouldn't be an issue if you just gave me five minutes." Like... sir... that breaks the plot. You can't do that..............and now he's cranky.
Tag list: @ramshacklerumble @elenauaurs @thehollowwriter @rainesol @inmateofthemind
@cyanide-latte @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @boopshoops @starry-night-rose
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bnuuys-writing · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland's Phantom
Hi! I hope you enjoy this! This is the introduction of the crossover of Phantom of The Opera x Twisted Wonderland. Do forgive me if theres any grammar mistakes or repeating themes. I wrote this with a migraine lol but I have been seeing everyone talking about this for months now, and today was the day I have decided to write it now that I have a small break from school + My job rn. 
If you have any questions, or wanna talk headcanons, or just want to shoot me a compliment; feel free to throw it in my inbox!! <3
Chapter One(You are here!), Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Leona's Ending, Malleus' Ending
~Bnuuy out!
Y/N, also known as the prefect of Night Raven College of Magic. AKA The Dorm leader in charge of the lonesome home named The Ramshackle; or in other words, Y/N the Magicless Human. The story has been told many times in rumors or whispers of the magicless human within the prestigious magical all boys school across the crowds of thousands. How they arrived with the other new years and how life started for them within this new world as a cat sitter, as well not being able to use any sort of magic left a mark within the school. Yet, here they stand, with friends from across all the dorms within the school as they have saved them from countless Overblots.
“Guys, I’ve told you many times, I’m just going to the library to go check out a new book. You do not need to follow me!” Y/N exclaimed tirelessly as their compatriots, Ace and Deuce, followed them with smiles on their faces.
“Cmon Y/N! Lighten up! Its the final school year of Night Raven College! Certainly you don't want to be sticking your nose in some boring books! Right Deucy?” Ace chimed out as he nudged his fellow troublemaker who only grunted at the elbow.
“Well… Y/N can do whatever they would like to do-” Another nudge from Ace’s elbow, perhaps a bit more rougher this time caused Deuce to cough a bit. “-But yes! You could be spending time with us at the unbirthday parties! And plus, the alumni are coming today! Riddle, Vil, Leona, all of your friends are coming to visit the school JUST for this week! Don't you want to see them?” Deuce asked, rubbing his side where Ace had nudged a bit too roughly.
True, this was indeed your third year at Night Raven College with no luck in finding your way back home, so this was your only chance to start studying hard to make your footing and to make a stand for once you are officially graduated from the College. Only making it more the wiser to really get your butt in gear of trying to find what you would want to do after this year. Grim would most likely be on his own, having surpassed both Ace and Deuce in study, but you could’ve guessed it was out of pure power instead of intelligence. Deuce would most likely follow his dream of becoming a police officer and making his mother proud, as for Ace…? You shuddered slightly at the thought of Ace becoming more than just a student at Night Raven College, and couldn't bring yourself to think about the possibilities he might have as an adult-prankster.
“I do but guys, you already know what you will or want to be doing outside of Night Raven, and I don't… So, I have to get started on getting my foundation really set up before I am graduated.” Y/N started towards their two friends, Grim just happily purring away on your shoulder as you argued back and forth before shaking your head. “Follow me or not, but I’ll be going into the library to see what I can do for a living as a magicless person within Twisted Wonderland.” Rolling your eyes while opening the large door to the library with a loud creek, the two could only watch as you walked in and the door shut with a loud slam.
Now the library was impressive, many books dating from all around from history to How To’s books. If Crowley knew anything, it was that he was an impressive hoarder of books- although you doubted he knew that- or doubted if he could even read considering all the slacking he's been doing in getting you home. So much for a Gracious Kind Headmage. Humming to yourself as you began to walk down the countless isle of books, memories flashing within your head as you pass down certain isles.
How Floyd Leech chased you down the history isle, begging to squeeze you while you were ushering a poor certain Riddle to run away and hide. Becoming Floyd’s new toy for the next hour until he got bored.
Rook Hunt recommending some certain weird books about how hunting and survival tactics would be important for you if you ever got lost in the wilderness. At least now, you’re able to tie a knot very well as well as start a fire!
Jamil and Kalim studying hard at a table- Well… Let's be honest here, more like Jamil trying to force things into Kalim’s mind who was more busy talking to you and asking about your day than actually studying.
Lastly, Malleus reaching above you to grab a certain book you were wishing to read for fun and for him to hand it to you with such gentleness, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you called to your friend, Tsunatrou so happily and thanked him for reaching the book for you.
Pausing at that isle as you could almost see the figures of your friends whizzing past your eyes like shadows of long forgotten dreams. Shaking your head slightly, you trudged forward only for something hard to hit your head, causing a familiar NYAH! To echo within your ear as your shoulders become lighter. Grim and this large thick book layed on the ground as you rubbed your head in pain, letting a quiet groan in pain as you collected yourself back together.
“Grim, how many times have I said not to drop things on me?” You questioned out accusingly towards your roommate who only let out a small pout, shaking his head furiously at your accusations.
“It wasn't me this time, I assure you Y/N! This book fell off that really top shelf!” Grim pointed his paw up to the very top shelf that you knew you would need a ladder to reach. Sighing, you picked up Grim and held him close to your chest as you looked down at the book accusingly only for your reaction to turn miffed and confused. The words on the book were swirling around in different languages, if you could assume, for only when you reached out to touch it, it changed to your native tongue.
“Phantom of The Opera?” You whispered out, eyebrows raised as you looked at the book with curiosity and disregarding the whines of Grim who suggested that this book was not a book you two should dig into. Grabbing the book and stuffing it into your bag, you quickly left the library with a newfound of urgency to head straight back to the ramshackle and dig into the book with a profound sense of curiosity. 
Crewel did say to you once while you were trying to find a certain book about potionology within his room, of course with no such luck sadly, that books sensed with magic will choose who will read them next. That sentient books were also very dangerous if put into the wrong hands if the book chose who it got transported to next wrong.
“Y/N! MYAH! I don't think we should dig into this book!” Grim shouted out at you as you set him down on the couch within the Ramshackle, having run home quickly to dig your nose into this book. Grim could feel it, but you couldn't. Something was wrong with this book but he couldnt put his paw on it just yet…
“Oh hush Grim! Everything will be okay! I'm magicless, remember? I don't think I can even wield a grimoire!” You stated out as you rushed up the stairs after having placed your keys, phone and wallet down on the counter. Leaving a very concerned Grim behind your tail with ears folded down and a queasy feeling in his stomach that was not akin to premium tuna fish hunger…
“That's what I'm worried about…”  
It wasnt hard to get yourself settled in your room, book in hand, ready to dig into its contents or find out what this Phantom of The Opera is. The Alumni should be here within the next hour so certainly you had a bit of time to at least get started into the book, right?
A small glimmer rippled through the hard cover of the book, as if whispering you to open it, begging you to turn to the first page. As if you were under Jamil’s special magic, you slowly peeled back the cover and turned to the first page only to find it blank, then the next page, following the next page. All of it was blank! Sighing in frustration, you began to flip through the pages until the book forced you to stop on one. On the page, a glimmer rippled through it only for a large red rose to appear, a mask, and a diamond ring. A message soon appeared underneath the items, a prompt;
Choose One.
Huh… This is interesting.
Humming in curiosity, you reached forward to pick up the rose, it was clean of all thorns and had few leafs on it. A delicate specimen that Riddle would’ve shamed you for plucking had it been in his own rose garden. Yet, once your fingers glazed over the stem, your vision began to get heavy and dark, it was getting harder and harder for your eyes to stay open as you fell unconscious in a matter of seconds.
Meanwhile, Grim huffed and puffed downstairs, waiting for you to come out from your room to feed him. An hour had passed and you promised to feed the Alumni and Grim tonight at Heartsabyul! Yet you were still locked away within your room and here he is, waiting on his henchman again! 
“Y/n! Cmon! Im hunnggryyyy!!” Grim shouted out from downstairs, making his way up to your room now. WIth a hard shove into the stubborn old door, he found himself with the book on your bed and with you nowhere in sight. Stunned and alerted at your lack of presence, he let out a loud MYAH! As he booked it downstairs and out the door to the one place he knew he could go to for help.
The party was already booming, the roses had been painted red, everyone seeming to be enjoying tea and the treats that were brought along. At least Riddle seemed to be enjoying himself back in his seat of Queen. Leona wasn't too far down but he seemed uninterested in all the sweets but more of the meats that Savannahclaw had brought in for the party. Of course, Azul had also brought along Floyd and Jade to sell out merchandise of her flourishing outside of NRC business. Jamil and Kalim were off to the corner, Jamil having brought their own food for Kalim to eat. Iida and Ortho were obviously nowhere to be found but some snacks had been going missing here and there. Vil and Rook were pestering Epel who had flourished perfectly, complimenting their Poison Apple. As for Malleus? My, did he receive an invitation? No one can recall.
“GUYS! I NEED HELP!” Grim’s screeching voice ripped through the garden, causing all fun and festivities to stop. Usually when Grim is screaming, a Prefect is certain to follow afterwards. Yet, As Grim bounded over the table to Ace and Deuce with no Prefect in tail, the air got visibly tense.
“Y/N HAS BEEN ABDUCTED AFTER THEY PICKED UP THIS BOOK FROM THE LIBRARY THAT HIT THEM IN THE HEAD! I CANT SMELL OR FIND THEM ANYWHERE!” Grim screeched out as Deuce and Ace were looking at him weirdly. Suddenly, the sunny day within Heartsabyul got cloudier… And Cloudier… To where it looked like it was about to storm.
“Where is the Child of Man?” An all too intimidating presence made itself known. Malleus, with a decorated invitation personally assigned by Y/N stood by the entrance of the garden. Lilia, Silver and Sebek all standing there alongside him. Leona was not impressed by this showcase of purely a tantrum from a now King of Briar Valley. The air was tense, the cake was suddenly no longer sweet and the tea was ice cold.
“Settle down Malleus, I’m sure this is one big prank from Grim to try and scare us all.” Lilia spoke, a small ‘fufu’ following afterwards as he stared out into the large crowd. Leona was the next one to speak, slicing the tense air with a knife.
“I hoped you wouldn't show, yet here you are. And Grim, if you’re pranking us, its a horrible prank and you need to try better next time.” Leona sighed out, rubbing his temples as he stood up. He didn't need to be here anyway, if it weren't for his brother pestering him to go and Cheka kept getting into his business now as being a little older of a cub. If the only one who was taking it seriously was Malleus, Deuce was also included in the worry.
“What do you mean Y/N got abducted, Grim? Where are they?” Deuce asked out urgently as he stared down the grey haired familiar of yours. Grim looked around the room, hoping other than Deuce and Malleus were worried, he could smell the concern rising from Leona but made no rush to comment about it. Vil and Rook were both on edge as they stared down the cat and Riddle’s eyes were boring into the soul of Grim, as if trying to see if he was lying so he could cast his unique magic on him.
“Well! Like I said, there was a book that fell on top of Y/N and I in the library and the words kept moving-” Grim was cut off by Vil who’s eyebrows raised up in alarm.
“A Sentient book? Did they open it?”
“If you would let me finish- yes! They did! Y/N ran up to our room and when I went in there to collect them to come here, the book was open and they were missing!” Grim started out quickly, ears falling to the sides as they thought of their poor henchman, being kidnapped or even worse! Having gone back to their world without saying goodbye to him!
Riddle stood up abruptly out from his hair and sighed. “Let us go then, if Prefect needs our help, we will give it. Just as they have helped us through our overblots.” Though, he could hear some grunts of displeasure around the table.
“Nehhh~... Whats in it for us though?” Floyd’s voice came out, looking bored as ever as he stood near this little popup cart that Azul set up for Jade and him to run. At hearing a price to help Y/N, others began to agree until a flash of lightning hit the tree not too far and trailed after a large boom of thunder. Malleus was not impressed by the company he was in, and quickly proved to change their minds. The answer was clear;
Help Y/N or get Smited Down by the King of Briar Valley.
It's a good thing they of course all loved you very much! 
So here they stand, Grim pointing down to the book accusingly as he sat on Deuce’s shoulders. Leona, Vil, Rook, Riddle, The Tweels, Azul and All of Diasomina stood within your room. All accusingly staring down at your book with mixed faces of confusion, annoyance, and regret. While the book was still open, still had the mask and diamond ring upon its sparkling surface with the sentence below it
Choose One.
“Do you really think Y/N chose one?” Ace would ask out curiously, reaching forward only for his hand to be stopped by Rook who was smiling at him. 
“Mon ami, you wouldn't want to toy with what you don't know, oui?” Rook lightly scolded Ace who only huffed and pulled his hand away from the blonde frenchman. 
“Its sad that I didnt teach more about Sentient books to our little potato. Mayap they would’ve learned that messing with such forms of magic is forbidden- Especially when it hits your head in the library.” Vil would sigh out as he looked over the items. What could a mask and diamond ring have to do with anything? Did Y/N take something? If they did, what was it?
“I do not see the issue with these items. Certainly it must be easy to collect Y/N.” Malleus would state as he would reach forward and grab the mask. Being a man with powerful magic, he didnt instantly get knocked down but it did temper with his magic. Sebek was immediately alerted by this and attempted to grab the mask to protect his master. Silver reached out to do the same and Lilia was there to catch Malleus’ fall before they all were transported in. Their souls became little wisps that were shot straight into the book while the mask stayed floating before crumbing into dust.
“Well, I understand now.” Deuce would state out and shake his head. The last one was the diamond ring. Leona’s hand was first to grab it. 
“There is no way that damn lizard is going to save Y/N. I’ll be the one to do it.” Yet Vil, Rook, Riddle, Azul and the Tweels were grabbing after him. They wanted their share of glory in helps of finding their beloved Prefect. Afterall, the King and the Prince shouldn't have all the glory now, nor all the fun- Could they?
As their souls turned to wisps, they all shot into the book as Ace, Deuce and Grim watched this debacle happen before their very eyes. With a loud bang, they all came to realize that the book had shut itself and a title appeared before the Adeuce gang.
The Phantom of The Opera.
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lamemaster · 16 days
The Magician
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Request: I feel like it's required for phantom of the opera to be maglor lol! A mask and cloak to hide ears, the light of the Trees,(which could also be why s/o thought of him as an angel!) and his scarred palm. Singing his hauntingly beautiful tragedies into the night, that is where our 'Christine' learned to sing. How very fitting. *Low key inspired by silmapens art of him doing theater*
Pairing(s): Maglor x Reader / (Spoiler) x Reader
Genre: Phantom of the Opera au (hehe)
AN: Fall event yayyyyy~ (Also the way I had half of this thing written before the request is not real. We share the same brain cell anon)
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The Shadow, the Wraith—there are many names for the phantom that haunts the halls of Kalis Hala. A sprite whose steps echo at the untimely hours of the night.
Some call him a spirit, others claim he is a man from the East with long, flowing hair, while whispers tell of a doomed elf.
But the theater and its ghost remain inseparable. Entwined in rumors is the Shadow, whose words and music transformed a ramshackle puppet shop into the most esteemed theater in the kingdom.
A legend that holds within it the dreams of hundreds and the tears of thousands. Its backstage hums with the chatter of its artists, its seats brimming with patrons that multiply with each passing day.
Behind the rich, velvety curtains, you stand, clutching a letter. From your confidante, the one whose angelic voice, heard by many, is yet to be linked to a face. The one whose name is engraved on the door of Box Five.
His voice found you in your darkest hour. In the attic of discarded props, you first encountered his mournful notes. And that was how you met him. Ghost to many, the Magician to you.
But tonight, as you prepare to face the crowd for your debut as the lead singer, your heart pounds with uncertainty. In your grasp lies the Magician’s letter—his demands and requirements for tonight’s show.
Your name, written boldly as the lead—a demand that unsettled many. For an unknown nobody from the company to take center stage. Amid the glares and whispers, you murmur his name.
With your eyes closed, you conjure the fleeting image of his flowing black robes of mourning, his nimble fingers wrapped in silken veils, an unchanging presence during your secret meetings. His voice, unlike that of any mortal. His songs that could make you weep, laugh, or slumber at his will.
In the middle of the second act, your eyes find him, and your heart skips a beat.
With renewed fervor, you sing for him, a smile threatening to break across your lips. The rest of the show passes in a blur. As soon as the final note fades, you rush to your changing room, as fast as your feet will carry you.
In the crowded hallway, full of sweaty, euphoric actors, you somehow end up in his arms. You drink in the sight of him as his arms wrap around your waist.
The knight of your dreams.
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Tonight, he has decided, tonight will be the night he reveals himself to you—his angel, away from Valinor. The bearer of his songs.
Maglor had watched you perform from the rafters, from the safety of rooms unknown even to the oldest patrons.
Tonight, when the world craves to hold you, he will be the one to claim your time and affection.
And perhaps, in time, you will come to love him—his mask, and beyond. The scars of the Silmaril may yet be healed by the kiss of your lips. You are his salvation.
He waits for you in your changing room, hidden behind the mirror that leads to his secret tunnels. Tonight, you will see him in your reflection.
Barely resisting the urge to claw at his mask, Maglor waits. Any moment now.
From minutes to hours, to the pale sprinkling of dawn, he waits. But you do not come.
His mind races with scenarios—wild, maddening thoughts. Has someone dared lay claim to his prodigy? Did he not make his intentions clear to the patrons?
It isn’t until later that he sees the reason for your absence. The gleaming knight of Rivendell. Once Lord of the House of the Golden Flower—Glorfindel. Seated in the box closest to you, his gaze fixed on you, your careless, fleeting glances in his direction tinkering with your faltering notes.
Your changing room, once overflowing with roses from Maglor, is now invaded by the cheer of the Golden Flower.
With clenched fists, crescent moons imprinted on his palms, Maglor watches as you effortlessly fall into the arms of the golden lord, who tucks back your wayward hair with aching familiarity.
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"You must meet him," you prattle cheerfully to the blurred figure of your phantom. "Glorfindel is a friend. A savior. I wouldn't be here—"
Your words die in your throat as an unseen force seizes your lips, silencing you. Panic floods your chest as you look to the Magician. The usual warmth in his presence has been replaced by a chilling cold.
"You skipped four notes tonight," he declares, his voice like ice. "Is this the time for such cheer?" His words echo harshly in the attic.
You stare at him, helpless. It had never crossed your mind that your Magician—the source of your music and song—could wield such cruelty. He had always been your muse, never your fear, despite the rumors that clung to his name.
"Do not succumb to distractions. Stay away from the lordling." His sneer cuts deep, giving you no chance to respond. "Do you understand, my Lark?" he asks, finally releasing the grip he held over your words.
Gasping for air, your gaze meets his, laced with the sting of betrayal. The bond you had so carefully built with the shadow of Kalis Hala now feels fragile, fractured. Beyond the veil, you see him pacing, agitated.
"He is a friend, like you are," you plead, your voice soft. "Glorfindel will cause no harm. He is dear to me." Your words carry the weight of memories—of the time when the elven lord had saved you from the plague that ravaged the village of your birth. "I will not falter again. There will be no err in my music. Not because of him."
"I am the owner of this theater. I am the source of your fame, the music in your words. It would do you well to remember that, my Lark. Do not dismiss my words so willfully." His voice hisses like a venomous snake, fury so intense it feels as though centuries couldn’t contain it.
"Now throw away those jarring yellow flowers and rest for the night," he commands. The rage evaporates, replaced by the familiar tenderness you once knew, leaving you bewildered by the ghost of the opera.
You do not reply. Nor do you offer him reassurance. You will not abandon your friend over an unwarranted tantrum.
That night, you ignore his words for the first time. Leaving the pearls untouched on your dresser, you pull on your shawl and slip into the chilly night, finding yourself on the director’s mare, racing toward the manor on the outskirts of town.
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In his arms, you are delightfully human. He can feel the steady rhythm of your heart, and his thumbs trace the warmth of your flushed cheeks. Unbothered by your sweat-slicked brow, Glorfindel presses his forehead gently against yours. "You were marvelous," he whispers, his voice full of elvish delight.
You truly were. Your songs, your voice, the graceful movement of your limbs in perfect sync with the dancers—it was something he would never forget.
Perhaps Lúthien was the fairest elleth to ever walk on Arda, and her dance enchanting enough to lure Beren. But to Glorfindel, you surpassed all legends. He loved you for reasons he couldn’t fully explain.
Why had his reborn heart bound itself to a mere mortal? A woman he had plucked from the very brink of death, whose faint pulse he had nursed back to life.
He loved you because, when everything else in Arda seemed to wither under the corruption of darkness, you lived. You clung to life—and to him.
His thoughts are interrupted by sudden screams. Chaos ripples through the theater, and the sickly sweet smell of death fills the air.
On the stage lies the broken body of a guardsman, crumpled and lifeless. A note is stuffed into his frozen mouth, his face twisted in eternal terror.
Words, elegantly written:
The Elven Lord must return.
The message leaves you pale and trembling in Glorfindel's arms. Your eyes dart around the empty stage, scanning the deserted seats, dread curling at the edges of your mind.
And then as if the familiar sense of dreadful choking returned with the burning gaze of your Magician. His presence- unwavering in the shadows, prowling in on your world.
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yuurei20 · 11 months
Ace Info Compilation part 3: Ace and the Prefect(pt2)
Ace says he has a hard time taking Rook’s compliments and asks for the Prefect’s opinion during the Phantom Bride event.
When the Prefect compliments him he says, “Well, I guess I HAVE to believe it now.”
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In addition to late-night card games, it seems that Ace also uses Ramshackle for movie nights: in a vignette it is referenced that he and the Prefect are watching a horror movie together with Grim.
During Halloween Grim and the prefect thank Ace for realizing that they wouldn’t have costumes and going out of his way to bring it up.
Ace responds, “Don’t read into it TOO much…if you wanna thank anyone, thank the ghosts.”
While both Ace and Deuce go to the ghosts, we never see the prefect thank Deuce for his role; only Ace.
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At the beginning of Spectral Soiree Ace is the only person who is worried about (or remembers) the prefect and Grim, going to Ramshackle Dorm despite the emergency to find them.
When he realizes that they went into the Spectral Realm willingly as Malleus’ guests Ace responds, “Do you guys have ANY idea how worried I was!? Seriously!? Okay, after this, we’re gonna have a nice, long chat where you can explain it all.”
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During the party Ace says he feels “like a total chump” for rushing to rescue the prefect and Grim, when they were never in any danger from the start.
Ace becomes frustrated with the prefect, Grim and Deuce equally after Spectral Soiree, asking Deuce if there “was anything else you wanted to say” after he compliments the Halloween party when speaking with Malleus.
Ace decides to take some time away from the group to come to terms with the situation (“Those guys aren’t taking this seriously at all. And here I was sweatin’ bullets when they disappeared.”) only to come face-to-face with Malleus and Lilia.
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Ace insists that he is not in the mood to be teased and Lilia says that Ace must have been lonely without Deuce, Grim and the prefect.
Ace says that he only, grudgingly, lets the three follow him around, and Lilia mentions seeing the four shopping together at the school store, while Malleus says that he has seen Ace both shopping with them and showing them magic tricks. Ace says, “Again, we’re just in the same class. You don’t have to read anything into it!”
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Ace seems to get along better with Grim than most other students, possibly because they have so much in common. The two are often bickering, and Ace expresses concern that Grim has caught a cold, though this was changed to “Got a fur ball or somethin’?” on EN.
Both Ace and Deuce express frustration with the lighthearted way that Grim and the prefect greet them when they return at the end of Book 6.
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